
W. Edgar YATES
Born 30 April 1938, Hove.
Married (since 1963), with two sons born in 1971 and 1975.
1950–56: Fettes College, Edinburgh (Foundation Scholar).
December 1955: Minor Open Scholarship, Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
1958–63: Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
B.A. 1961: Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos (M.A. 1965).
1961–63: Scholarship for advanced study from the Tiarks German Scholarship fund.
1965: PhD (dissertation The Development of Popular Viennese Comedy from 1823 to 1923).
1963–72: Lecturer in German, University of Durham.
Since 1962: over 150 reviews in scholarly journals, most frequently in the Modern Language
Review (101 reviews by 2013), Nestroyana and Austrian Studies.
Since 1966: over 100 articles in scholarly journals, collective volumes, and reference books.
1972: Publication of Grillparzer: A Critical Introduction and Nestroy: Satire and Parody in Viennese
Popular Comedy (both Cambridge University Press).
September 1972–July 2001: Professor of German, University of Exeter (Head of the Department
of German, 1972–86).
1973: Inaugural Lecture, University of Exeter: Humanity in Weimar and Vienna: The Continuity of
an Ideal (published 1973).
1975: J. G. Robertson Prize, University of London.
Since 1976: Numerous public and invited lectures in Universities, at conferences, and to learned
societies in Austria, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, and Ireland, including 20 at the
Internationale Nestroy-Gesprӓche, Schwechat, 1976–2013, and 12 at symposia in London and
Oxford sponsored by the Austrian Cultural Institute (later Austrian Cultural Forum), 1984–
Since 1980: Member of the Committee of the Modern Humanities Research Association.
1981–88: Germanic Editor, Modern Language Review.
1981–82: First contributions to Nestroy edition (HKA, launched 1978, initially under the general
editorship of Jürgen Hein and Johann Hüttner): volumes Stücke 12–14.
1984–2009: Member of the Council of the English Goethe Society.
April 1986–September 1989: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Exeter.
1986–2011: Governor of Exeter School (HMC); Chairman of Governors 1994–2008.
Since 1986: Member of the Council (Vorstand) of the Internationale Nestroy-Gesellschaft; VicePresident since 1997.
Since 1988: General editor (with Hans Reiss) of the series Britische und Irische Studien zur
deutschen Sprache und Literatur.
Since 1988: Member of the Advisory Board of the yearbook Austrian Studies.
1992: Publication of Schnitzler, Hofmannsthal, and the Austrian Theatre (Yale University Press).
1992: Appointed, together with Walter Obermaier, to augmented board of general editors of
the Nestroy edition (HKA), with role as “coordinating general editor”.
1992–2009: Editor, Nestroyana (2002–2009 jointly with Ulrike Tanzer).
1993–2002: Reviews in MLR of all ten volumes of the edition Arthur Schnitzler – Tagebuch
1994: Lewis Fry Memorial Lecture, University of Bristol.
1994: Publication of Nestroy and the Critics (Camden House).
1995: Elected Korrespondierendes Mitglied, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
(phil.-hist. Klasse).
1996: Publication of Theatre in Vienna: A Critical History, 1776–1995 (Cambridge University Press).
Since 1999: Founding editor (with Jürgen Hein and Walter Obermaier) of the series Quodlibet
(Verlag Johann Lehner).
2000: Edition of Nestroy, ‘Reserve’ und andere Notizen (Lehner, revised edn. 2003)
2001: Collaboration in exhibition “Nestroy in München”, curated by Birgit Pargner (Deutsches
Theatermuseum, Munich), and biographical contribution to the catalogue.
Since August 2001: Emeritus Professor.
2001: Österreichisches Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst 1. Klasse.
2002: Elected: Fellow of the British Academy.
2004: „Kann man also honoriger sein als ich es bin?“ Briefe des Theaterdirektors Carl Carl und
seiner Frau Margaretha Carl an Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer, ed. with Birgit Pargner (Lehner).
2005: Ehrenzeichen der Stadtgemeinde Schwechat in Silber.
2010: Last contribution to the Nestroy edition, “Verzeichnis der Theaterlieder und Refrains” in
volume Register.
2012: Publication of „Bin Dichter nur der Posse“: Johann Nepomuk Nestroy. Versuch einer
Biographie (Lehner).
Currently working on Grillparzer’s diary of his theatre-going in Paris in London in 1836,
planned as a selective English translation with editorial annotation.