Arts: Douglas Barzon (LIT - Divisão de Astrofísica


Arts: Douglas Barzon (LIT - Divisão de Astrofísica
Editor: César Augusto Costa (INPE)
Arts: Douglas Barzon (LIT/INPE)
Photos of São Paulo City: André Stephano (SPCVB)
Photo of Sundial:
We welcome you to the 26th Texas Symposium on Relativistic
Astrophysics and to the amazing city of São Paulo.
This is the second time that such a traditional and important
Symposium is taking place in the southern hemisphere and the
first time in South America. It is an honor for us in Brazil to host
such a Symposium.
We thank very much the International Organizing Committee
of Texas Symposia to give us such an opportunity.
As in its previous editions, Texas 2012 will cover recent
developments in Cosmology, Gravitation, Astroparticle Physics
and related areas of Relativistic Astrophysics with emphasis on
the most recent developments in the field.
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee we thank very
much the excellent work done by the Scientific Organizing
Committee, chaired and co-chaired by Drs. Odylio Aguiar and
Jorge Horvath, respectively.
Twenty six invited plenary speakers review different topics
related to relativistic astrophysics. We take this opportunity to
thank all speakers for accepting talking at Texas 2012.
There is also a number of parallel sessions that cover:
Cosmology, Galactic and Intergalactic Astrophysics, Compact
Objects, High Energy Astrophysics, Astroparticle Physics,
Alternative Models and Theories, New Windows, Gravitational
Waves, New Projects and Missions, Quantum Effects in
Relativistic Astrophysics, and Instrumentation for Relativistic
Astrophysics. We thank very much the chairs of the parallel
sessions for their help in drawing the scientific program.
Texas 2012 has also three public talks. We thank very much
George Matsas, Martin Makler and Jorge Horvath for
accepting talking in these public sessions.
It would be impossible for Brazil to host Texas 2012 without the
financial support given by the Brazilian agencies CAPES,
FAPESP and CNPq. We thank them very much for the
support. We also thank IUPAP for some financial support.
The organization of a Symposium is only possible with the
active participation of the Local Organizing Committee. We
thank all my colleagues for their spirit of collaboration. Among
them, it must be mentioned César Costa for his extremely
valuable help with many issues.
Last but not least, we thank SBF, SAB, São Paulo Convention
& Visitors Bureau, and our secretaries (headed by Valéria
Fernandes) for their invaluable support.
J.C.N. de Araújo
Texas 2012 - São Paulo – Brazil
Symposium Information.....................................5
Victor Heiss..........................................................7
São Paulo.............................................................8
Scientific Program.............................................10
Plenary Sessions.........................................17
Plenary Session I..................................17
Plenary Session II.................................17
Plenary Session III................................18
Plenary Session IV...............................18
Plenary Session V................................19
Plenary Session VI...............................20
Plenary Session VII...............................20
Plenary Session VIII..............................21
Plenary Session IX...............................21
Plenary Session X................................22
Public Talks (in Portuguese).......................22
Parallel Sessions..........................................23
COB-I ....................................................25
Alternative Models and Theories........42
Compact Objects..................................43
High Energy Astrophysics and
Astroparticle Physics...........................48
Instrumentation for Relativistic
New Windows and Gravitational
Alphabetical Index.............................................57
Symposium Information
Scientific Organizing Committee
Symposium Venue
Odylio Denys Aguiar (INPE, Brazil) - chair
Jorge Horvath (USP, Brazil) - co-chair
Felix Aharonian (DIAS/Dublin, Ireland)
Roger Blandford (KIPAC/Stanford, USA)
J. Richard Bond (CITA, Canada)
Catherine J. Cesarsky (CEA Saclay, France)
George Ellis (U. Cape Town, South Africa)
Valeria Ferrari (U. Rome, Italy)
Joshua Frieman (Fermilab and U. Chicago, USA)
Carlos O. Escobar (Unicamp, Brazil)
Jose A. Freitas Pacheco (OCA, Nice, France)
Gabriela Gonzalez (LSU, USA)
Victoria Kaspi (McGill U., Canada)
Edward Kolb (U. Chicago, USA)
Avi Loeb (Harvard, USA)
Richard Manchester (CSIRO, Australia)
Gustavo E. Romero (IAR-CONICET, Argentina)
Mario Novello (CBPF, Brazil)
Angela Olinto (U. Chicago, USA)
Thanu Padmanabhan (IUCAA, India)
Dany Page (UNAM, Mexico)
Tsvi Piran (The Hebrew U., Israel)
Martin Rees (Cambridge, GB)
Ronald Remillard (Harvard, USA)
Joe Silk (Paris, France)
Susan Scott (ANU, Australia)
Alexei Starobinsky (Landau Institute, Russia)
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann (UFRGS, Brazil)
Virginia Trimble (UC Irvine)
Clifford Will (U. Florida, USA)
The 26th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
will occur in São Paulo city, Brazil, from December 1620, 2012, hosted by the National Institute for Space
Research (INPE).
Local Organizing Committee
José C. N. De Araújo(INPE) – chair
Odylio Denys Aguiar (INPE) - co-chair
Marcio Eduardo Da Silva Alves (UNIFEI)
Maria Luiza Bedran (UFJF)
Cecilia Chirenti (UFABC)
César Augusto Costa (INPE)
Carlos Frajuca (IFSP)
Jorge Horvath (USP)
Nadja S. Magalhaes (UNIFESP)
Nelson Pinto Neto (CBPF)
Marcelo Byrro Ribeiro (UFRJ)
Cesar Augusto Z. Vasconcellos (UFRGS)
The Symposium will be held at Hotel Bourbon
Convention Ibirapuera:
Avenida Ibirapuera, 2927, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Tel: + 55 11 21612200
Fax: + 55 11 21612201
Toll Free 0800 770 2201
Room Allocation
The event will count with 4 rooms: Rouxinol 1, Rouxinol
2, Gaivota 2 and Gaivota 3. Plenary and Parallel
sessions will be presented in Gaivota 2-3. While Posters
will be displayed in the Foyer.
Information and Registration desk
The registration desk will be located on Rouxinol 1. For
informations during the event look for a LOC member or
the hotel staff.
Coffee-breaks will be serve in Rouxinol 1-2.
The venue hotel offers WI-fi service. Please ask at the
registration table for details.
Utility phones
Police/Emergency – 190
Mobile Phones
Delegates and Speakers are requested to turn off their
mobile phones during all sessions. Other participants
must put them on silence mode.
Convention Center Map
Area Map
Victor Heiss
The edition of the Texas Symposium on Relativist Astrophysics is in honor of
Victor Hess and in celebration of 100 years of his discovery of Cosmic Rays.
Victor Franz Hess was born on the 24th of June, 1883, in Waldstein Castle, near
Peggau in Steiermark, Austria. His father, Vinzens Hess, was a forester in Prince
Öttingen-Wallerstein's service and his mother was Serafine Edle von GrossbauerWaldstätt. He received his entire education in Graz: Gymnasium (1893-1901), and
afterwards Graz University (1901-1905), where he took his doctor's degree in 1910.
He worked, for a short time, at the Physical Institute in Vienna, where Professor von
Schweidler initiated him in recent discoveries in the field of radioactivity. During 19101920 he was Assistant under Stephan Meyer at the Institute of Radium Research of the
Viennese Academy of Sciences. In 1919 he received the Lieben Prize for his discovery
of the"ultra-radiation" (cosmic radiation), and the year after became Extraordinary
Professor of Experimental Physics at the Graz University.
Victor Franz Hess
From 1921 to 1923, Hess was granted leave of absence, and worked in the United
States, where he took a post as Director of the Research Laboratory (created by him) of
the U.S. Radium Corporation, at Orange (New Jersey), and as Consulting Physicist for the U.S. Department of the
Interior (Bureau of Mines), Washington D.C.
In 1923 he returned to Graz University and in 1925 he was appointed Ordinary Professor of Experimental Physics. In
1931 came his appointment as Professor at Innsbruck University and
Director of the newly established Institute of Radiology. He founded the
station at the Hafelekar mountain (2,300 m) near Innsbruck for observing
and studying cosmic rays.
As well as the Nobel Prize for 1936, which he shared with C.D. Anderson,
Hess has been awarded the Abbe Memorial Prize and the Abbe Medal of
the Carl Zeiss Institute in Jena (1932); he was also Corresponding Member
of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna.
Hess's work which gained him the Nobel Prize, was carried out during the
years 1911-1913, and published in the Proceedings of the Viennese
Academy of Sciences. In addition he has published some sixty papers and
several books, of which the most important were: "Die Wärmeproduktion
des Radiums" (The heat production of radium), 1912;
"Konvektionserscheinungen in ionisierten Gasen-Ionenwind" (Convection
phenomena in ionized gas-ionwinds), 1919-1920; "The measurement of
gamma rays", 1916 (with R.W. Lawson); "The counting of alpha particles
emitted from radium", 1918 (also with R. W. Lawson); Elektrische
Leitfähigkeit der Atmosphäre und ihre Ursachen (book), 1926 (in English:
The Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere and Its Causes, 1928);
Ionenbilanz der Atmosphäre (The ionization balance of the atmosphere book), 1933; Luftelektrizität (Electricity of the air - book, with H. Benndorf),
Victor Hess and his baloon
1928; "Lebensdauer der Ionen in der Atmosphäre" (Average life of the ions
in the atmosphere), 1927-1928; "Schwankungen der Intensität in den kosmischen Strahlen" (Intensity fluctuations in
cosmic rays), 1929-1936.
From Nobel Lectures, Physics 1922-1941, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1965
Victor F. Hess died on December 17, 1964.
São Paulo
What Defines São Paulo
Beautiful, wealthy, intellectual, inclusive, vibrant, sportsloving, cultural, sentimental, romantic, modern,
sophisticated, self-confident and professional, São
Paulo is all of these and more: no single adjective can
accurately describe this world-renowned megacity.
Forged from a melting pot of nationalities, cultures,
beliefs, philosophies and ideals, this huge and
pioneering metropolis is truly cosmopolitan by vocation
and choice. It's Italian, German, Jewish, Portuguese,
Japanese, Chinese, French, African, Arab, Spanish,
Latino, Brazilian and Paulistano. These and so many
other facets are reflected in the architecture of the
buildings, the streets, the refined tastes of the city's
culinary delights and in the styles and mannerisms of a
people who never stop as they boldly create the city's
history, day after day.
The grandeur of São Paulo is demonstrated in many
ways. The city houses Latin America's largest number of
hotel and health care facilities, and is also Brazil's
cultural centre. It is considered one of the world's dining
capitals, is recognized worldwide as a leading
destination for major events, trade fairs and expositions,
and is home to the country's finest academic centres
and research institutes.
Each year about ten million visitors come to do
business, go shopping or simply enjoy the city's world
class culture. Here, they experience an around-the-clock
metropolis and a lifestyle that mixes work and pleasure
like they were two sides of the same coin. Capital city of
a state the size of the United Kingdom, with a population
similar to Spain's, and generating almost half of Brazil's
economic output, São Paulo has become Brazil's
foremost tourism destination. That's why we proudly
invite you to:
Come and visit São Paulo, It's All the Best!
Must see
Museum of Art (MASP)
Paulista Avenue is one of the most vital streets in all of
Brazil, let alone Sao Paulo. The vibrant urban artery is a
good place to start in the city, namely with the excellent
Museum of Art. The facility’s architecture is as much the
attraction as the art inside. Modernist architect Lina Bo
Bardi drew up the plans for what is now a paramount
city landmark.
São Paulo is one of few places where the past and
present are seamlessly interwoven. The city has
witnessed events from Brazilian Independence to
political and cultural revolutions and pro-democracy
protests. It is also home to hundreds of cinemas,
museums, theaters, cultural heritage sites, parks,
performance halls, amusement and theme parks,
restaurants, bars, hotels, event spaces, street fairs,
shopping centers and specialized retail districts.
Sao Paulo Museum of Art (MASP)
Bridge Octavio Frias de Oliveira (cable-stayed bridge)
Sao Paulo Cathedral
Vila Olimpia
A Neo-Gothic masterpiece built in 1967, after decades of
work, Sao Paulo Cathedral is immense and spectacular.
With capacity for 8,000 people, the interior features
incredible marble work and design details.
For nightlife fun in Sao Paulo, head to the Vila Olimpia
‘hood. This is where all the action is between sunset and
sunrise. From dive bars and live music to ultra-swish
dance clubs, Vila Olimpia has it all.
Bom Retiro and Luz
Edifício Itália
A central historic district of Sao Paulo rife with notable
architecture, Bom Retiro has a lot to offer pedestrians.
Start with the terrific Estaçao da Luz and Museum of the
Portuguese Language and make your way to Jardim da
Luz. If you can score a ticket to see a concert at the
Julio Prestes Cultural Center, even better.
Mid-20th century design aesthetics may not be able to
hold a candle to the modern skyscrapers of today but
still, Sao Paulo’s Edifício Itália is tremendous. What
makes the 46 story high-rise worthwhile is the rooftop
observation deck, with superb views of the city.
Luz Train Station (Estação da Luz)
Panoramic view from Edificio Italia rooftop.
Ibirapuera Park
Pátio do Colégio
In what could very well be one of the best urban parks in
the world, let alone South America, Ibirapuera Park is
the place to chill out and take a deep breath in Sao
Paulo. The venerable city oasis offers a lot for visitors to
see, from the Museum of Contemporary Art and Obelisk
of Sao Paulo to Ibirapuera Auditorium, the brainchild of
design wizard Oscar Niemeyer.
A Jesuit church and school that dates back to the mid16th century, the Pátio do Colégio is one of the most
important heritage landmarks in Sao Paulo. The edifice
contains a museum and colonial art exhibit.
Mercado Municipal
Built to handle the produce coming into the city, the
market now sells everything you can think of, and its
restaurants offer lively fare.
Vila Madalena and Pinheiros
Famous for nightlife and a dynamic civic vibe, the Vila
Madalena district and Pinheiros borough of Sao Paulo is
a definite must-see. Some refer to Pinheiros as the new
downtown of the city and with scores of luxury shops,
beautiful homes, clubs, restaurants and museums, the
wealthy area is a great place to hang out in the city.
Credits and photos:
City Tour
Levitur offers special tours for the participants of the
26th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics. Visit
their website at
Public Market (Mercado Municipal)
Scientific Program
Sunday December 16, 2012
Plenary Sessions
09h00 – 10h30 Plenary Session I
Virginia Trimble
What ever became of ... ? Ideas from other TEXAS Symposia
John Carlstrom
New Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background
Keith Olive
LHC Results and Their Impact to Cosmology
Room Gaivota 2/3
10h30 – 11h00 Coffee Break
11h00 – 12h30 Plenary Session II
José Ademir Sales Lima
The Accelerating Universe: Dark Energy and Alternative Models
Jaan Einasto
Dark Matter
Carlos Cunha
Dark Energy Survey (DES)
Room Gaivota 2/3
12h30 – 14h00 Lunch
20h00 – 21h00 Public Talk
Martin Makler
Universo (The Universe)
Sunday December 16, 2012
Parallel Sessions1
14h00 – 15h30
COB-I (Gaivota 2)
COS-I (Gaivota 3)
Nelson Pinto Neto
Cecilia Chirenti
Daisuke Nagai (2011 IUPAP winner of the
YOUNG Scientist Prize in Astrophysics)
A New Era of Cosmology and Astrophysics
with Galaxy Clusters (#1546)
Jorge Rueda
On globally and locally neutral static and
rotating neutron stars (#1548)
Bruno Moraes
The CFTH/MegaCam Stripe-82 Survey
(CS82): Overview and First Results (#1513)
German Lugones
Hybrid Stars In The Light Of The Massive
Pulsar PSR J1614−2230 (#1512)
Victor De Castro Mourão Roque
Unveiling the QCD phase transition through
the eLISA/NGO detector (#1509)
Carlos Frajuca
Estimating pulsars' braking indices (#1471)
Reinaldo Rosa
A new gravitational N-body simulation
algorithm for investigation of chaotic
advection in astrophysical and cosmological
systems (#1544)
Jorge Horvath
"Black Widow" pulsars and related objects
Tomonori Totani
FastSound: Testing Gravity at z>1 by
Redshift Space Distortion with
Subaru/FMOS (#1455)
Riccardo Ciolfi
Poloidal-Field Instability In Magnetized
Relativistic Stars (#1442)
15h30 – 16h10
14h00 – 18h00
Coffee break
COS-II (Room Gaivota 3)
Maria Luiza Bedran
COB-II (Room Gaivota 2)
Jorge Rueda
Nelson Pinto Neto
The quantum-to-classical transition of
primordial cosmological perturbations
Alnadhief Hamed Ahmed Alfedeel
The Null Cone Observations in Lemaître
metric (#1552)
Patricia Arevalo
Accretion disc-corona connection in AGN
Jaderson Schimoia
Short timescale variations of the H alpha
double-peaked profile of the nucleus of NGC
1097 (#1499)
Vladimir Strokov
Phenomenological Approach in the Study of
Singularity Problem (#1452)
Joseph Mitchell
Shell Flashes on H/He Accreting CO White
Dwarfs (#1465)
Osamu Seto
Asymmetric dark matter after a cosmological
phase transition (#1474)
Jorge Cuadra
Stellar Winds and the Infalling Cloud in the
Galactic Centre (#1502)
Reinaldo Rosa
Alternative cosmology from cusp geometries
Mauri Valtonen
Proof of the no-hair theorem for the OJ287
primary black hole (#1422)
Marcelo Byrro Ribeiro
Fractal Analysis Of The Galaxy Distribution
In The Redshift Range 0.45<z<5.0 (#1555)
M. Angelez Perez-Garcia
Multi-messenger emission from Neutron star
internal phase transition (#1432)
1 For organization purposes we grouped some topics for the parallel sessions as:
COS - Cosmology/Alternative Models and Theories
COB - Compact Objects/Quantum Effects in Relativistic Astrophysics
GIA - Galactic and Intergalactic Astrophysics
HEA - High Energy Astrophysics/Astroparticle Physics/Instrumentation for Relativistic Astrophysics
NGW - New Windows/Gravitational Waves/New Projects/Missions
Monday December 17, 2012
Plenary Sessions
09h00 – 10h30
Plenary Session III
Gaivota 2/3
Tiziana Di Matteo
Large-Scale Structure, Galaxy and SMBH Formation and Growth, and the Milky Way Case
Suvi Gezari
Tidal Disruption Events
10h30 – 11h00 Coffee Break
11h00 – 12h30
Plenary Session IV
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann
The feeding of supermassive black holes
Jonathan McKinney
Simulations of Accreting Black Holes on Horizon Scales
Ludovic van Waerbeke
Gravitational Lensing: The beginning of a new era for the study of the dark Universe?
Gaivota 2/3
12h30 – 14h00 Lunch
Public Talk
George Matsas
Buracos Negros: Rompendo os Limites da Ficção (Black Holes - beyond science fiction)
Monday December 17, 2012
Parallel Sessions
14h00 – 15h30
HEA-I (Gaivota 3)
João Braga
Alexander Van Der Horst (2012
IUPAP winner of the YOUNG
Scientist Prize in Astrophysics)
From gamma rays to radio waves: the
extremes of gamma-ray bursts (#1543)
Lixin Dai
Simulating tidal disruptions of stars by
supermassive black holes: extracting
black hole spin (#1497)
GIA (Gaivota 2)
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann
Carlos Raúl Argüelles
Fermionic Dark Matter and galactic
structures at all scales (#1539)
Ronaldo Vieira
A third integral of motion for nearly
equatorial orbits in axisymmetric thin
disks (#1470)
Vanessa Pacheco De Freitas
Self-gravitating disks: aspects of stability
Roland Walter
The tidal disruption of an extrasolar
planet detected at hard X-rays (#1421)
Daniel Alf Drehmer
Dynamical model for the stellar
kinematics and determination of the the
mass of the supermassive black hole in
NGC 4258 (#1507)
Luis Juracy Lemos
Luminosity Function of GRBs (#1556)
Michael Kesden
Tidal disruption by spinning
supermassive black holes (#1490)
15h30 – 16h10 Coffee break
16h10 – 17h40
HEA-II (Gaivota 3)
Odylio Denys Aguiar
COB-III (Gaivota 2)
Jorge Horvath
João Braga
The MIRAX Mission on the Lattes
Satellite (#1431)
Claudia Aguilera Gómez
Failure Conditions of the Elastic Crust of Neutron Stars
Fabrizio Tavecchio
Axion-like particles and emission of
very high energy gamma rays in
blazars (#1441)
Michael Gabler
Modulating the emission of magnetars - neutron star
seismology with QPOs of SGRs (#1447)
Ulisses De Almeida
Cecilia Chirenti
Relativistic astrophysical sources: New F-modes of slowly and differentially rotating stars (#1424)
results from MAGIC (#1476)
Peter Eger
Search for Very-high-energy gammaray emission from Galactic globular
clusters with H.E.S.S. (#1484)
Shinichiro Yoshida
A numerical eigenmode analysis of rotating relativistic
stars (#1425)
Amy Furniss
VERITAS Extragalactic Gamma-ray
Observations (#1489)
Manuel Malheiro
Magnetic moments of SGRs and AXPs as white dwarfs
pulsars (#1553)
Tuesday December 18, 2012
Parallel Sessions
09h00 – 10h30
Plenary Session V
Gaivota 2/3
Francis Halzen
Particle Astrophysics with High Energy Neutrinos
Karl-Heinz Kampert
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Theory, Results, and Prospects
Elisabete De Gouveia Dal Pino
CTA- Cherenkov Telescope Array
10h30 – 11h00
Coffee Break
11h00 – 12h45
Plenary Session VI
Gaivota 2/3
Emanuele Berti
Astrophysical tests of general relativity in the strong-field regime
Marco Tavani
Gamma ray Astronomy from GeV to TeV Energies
Adam Burrows
Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions: The Theoretical Challenge
12h45 – 14h00
Free Afternoon
Public Talk
Jorge Horvath
Astrofisica Relativistica: Supernovas, Estrelas de Neutrons e Buracos negros hoje. (Relativistic Astrophysics:
SuperNovae, Neutron Stars and Black Holes Today.)
Wednesday December 19, 2012
Plenary Sessions
09h00 – 10h30
Plenary Session VII
Gaivota 2/3
Roger Blandford
The Incredible Crab
Ehud Nakar
Electromagnetic Signals that Accompany Neutron Stars Mergers, Supernova Shock Break Out and Low
Luminosity GRB
Sandro Mereghetti
Pulsars and Magnetars
10h30 – 11h00
Coffee Break
11h00 – 12h30
Plenary Session VIII
Gaivota 2/3
Fiona Harrison
The first Focusing High-Energy X-ray Telescopes: Opening a New Window on the High Energy Universe
Carlos Lousto
Binary Black Hole Mergers in Numerical General Relativistic Astrophysics
12h10 – 14h00
Wednesday December 19, 2012
Parallel Sessions
HEA-III (Gaivota 3)
14h00 – 15h30
COB-IV (Gaivota 2)
João Braga
José C. N. De Araújo
Elisabete De Gouveia Dal Pino
William Lima
Particle Acceleration by Magnetic Reconnection: Awaking the vacuum in relativistic stars (#1429)
from solar flares to AGNs and GRBs (#1454)
Zhuo Li
Gamma-ray burst neutrino limit from IceCube
and Fermi observations (#1456)
Raissa Mendes
Vacuum awakening in spheroidal configurations
Arman Esmaili
Indirect Dark Matter Detection in the Light of
Sterile Neutrinos (#1516)
André Landulfo
Particle creation due to tachyonic instability in
relativistic stars (#1428)
Bernardo De Oliveira Fraga
Self-gravitating system of fermions as dark
matter halos and central objects in galaxies
Rodrigo Macedo
Time evolution of non-symmetric RobinsonTrautman spacetimes (#1538)
Andrea Giuliani
SNR W44, the first unambiguous evidence of
gamma-rays emission from neutral-pions decay
Danilo Teixeira
No Evidence For Bardeen-Petterson Alignment
In Conservative GRMHD Simulation Of
Moderately Thin, Tilted Accretion Disk (#1532)
15h30 – 16h10 Coffee break
16h10 – 17h40
HEA-IV (Gaivota 3)
Elisabete De Gouveia Dal Pino
NGW-I (Gaivota 2)
César Augusto Costa
Kumiko Kotera
Pulsars, supernovae, and ultrahigh energy
cosmic rays (#1423)
Odylio Denys Aguiar
Schenberg Gravitational Wave Antenna: Status
Report (#1510)
Sander Walg
Relativistic AGN jets: The effect of radial
stratification on internal shocks and jet integrity
Andrezj Krolak
Searching for gravitational wave signals from
rotating neutron stars with the LIGO and Virgo
detectors (#1434)
Dmitry Chernyshov
Possible link between FERMI bubbles and
cosmic rays (#1480)
José C. N. De Araújo
Searching for Gravitational Waves with a
Geostationary Interferometer (#1550)
Ke Fang
Very High and Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Ray
Nuclei from Pulsars (#1494)
Cristina Valeria Torres
Capitalizing on GW polarization bias for a pair of
interferometric detectors to increase parameter
estimation speed and the potential implications
for cosmological models (#1518)
Curt Cutler
Improved versions of the F-statistic for more
efficient GW pulsar searches (#1519)
Thursday December 20, 2012
Plenary Sessions
09h00 – 10h30
Plenary Session IX
Gaivota 2/3
Alberto Sesana
Gravitational-Wave Detection using Laser Interferometer Systems and Pulsar Timing Arrays
Patrick Brady
Gravitational-wave Observatories: current results and future prospects
10h30 – 11h00 Coffee Break
11h00 – 12h30
Plenary Session X
Gaivota 2/3
Reuven Opher
Challenges of Relativistic Astrophysics
Vincent Fish
New Frontiers in Relativistic Astrophysics: The Event Horizon Telescope and other Future
Closing remarks
12h30 – 14h00 Lunch
Parallel Sessions
14h00 – 15h20
HEA-V (Gaivota 3)
Odylio Denys Aguiar
COB-V/NGW-II (Gaivota 2)
Marcio Eduardo da Silva Alves
Jozef Skakala
No asymptotically highly damped quasi-normal
modes without horizons? (#1445)
Gabriel Perez-Giz
Bigrade Orbits Around Kerr Black Holes (#1540)
Maria Victoria Del Valle
Bowshocks of runaway stars as gamma-ray
sources (#1462)
Motoyuki Saijo
Nonlinear effect of r-mode instability in uniformly
rotating stars (#1468)
Efrain Ferrer
Effect of Diquark-Diquark Repulsion in the EoS
of Strongly Interacting Systems (#1531)
Carlos Frajuca
Network of interferometric gravitational wave
detectors sensitivity for identifying the metric
theory of gravity (#1473)
Ana Virginia Penacchioni
Recent progress on the Induced Gravitational
Collapse Model (#1537)
Daniela Delia Alic
Electromagnetic and Gravitational Wave
emission from merger of supermassive black
holes in force-free plasma (#1439)
distortions they impart on the background, such as
gravitational lensing from the mass in the universe and
the scattering from ionized gas (the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich
effects). These measurements provide further tests of
the cosmological model and unique constraints on the
dark energy equation of state and the reionization of the
universe. This talk will review the status of the field,
including the newest results from the South Pole
Telescope, and expectations for the future.
Plenary Sessions
Plenary Session I
What ever became of ... ? Ideas from other
Texas Symposia
Virginia Trimble
At the Vancouver Texas I reviewed the history of the
Symposia themselves. The printed version appears with
the proceedings from Heidelberg. This time, I would like
to take a look at some of the ideas (hypotheses,
theories, models, scenarios...) once though viable but no
longer in the universe or discourse, and probably not in
the real universe either. Examples include quasars as
spinars or Christmas trees, the Mixmaster Universe,
dominant baryonic dark matter, and pulsar glitches as
starquakes. Members of the SOC and LOC and any
others who see this draft abstract are invited to suggest
their favorite falsified hypotheses, pertaining more or
less to the realm of relativistic astrophysics, for
inclusion. A more complete abstract will be provided
closer to the event.
New Measurements of the Cosmic
Microwave Background
John Carlstrom
Over the last decades measurements of the Cosmic
Microwave Background (CMB) on large angular scales
have revealed a great deal about the fundamental
workings of the universe, leading to a standard
cosmological model. Testing this model, refining its
parameters and, most importantly, investigating the new
physics it requires, such as Inflation, Dark Matter and
Dark Energy is now being pursued with increasingly
sensitive measurements of the CMB polarization and its
characterization of the intrinsic CMB anisotropy through
the damping scale has led to increased precision on
inflationary parameters and new constraints on the
number of relativistic species, as well as improvements
in the standard cosmological parameters. Using large
CMB telescopes, such as the South Pole Telescope
(SPT) and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT),
the fine angular scale CMB measurements are now
probing the emergence and evolution of structure in the
universe through the subtle, small-angular scale
LHC Results and Their Impact to
Keith Olive
The last two years has seen an immense amount of
activity and results from the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC). Most notable, is the discovery of a new particle,
which may very well be the long sought Higgs boson
associated with electroweak symmetry breaking. There
have also been many (up to now) unsuccessful
supersymmetry. One of the most attractive candidates
for dark matter is the lightest super-symmetric particle
(LSP). The recent results from the LHC have had a
dramatic impact on our expectations for the properties of
the LSP.
These results can be used to revise
expectations for both direct and indirect detection of
dark matter.
Plenary Session II
The Accelerating Universe: Dark Energy
and Alternative Models
José Ademir Sales Lima
The discovery of the accelerated expansion of the
Universe was one of the biggest surprises in modern
cosmology. Almost 15 years later, we are still searching
for a satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon. I will
summarize some of the main ideas proposed so far,
ranging from new particles to modifications of General
Relativity. A variety of cosmological observations have
narrowed down the space of viable theories, but there
are many questions left to answer. I will conclude by
discussing the prospects for future experiments to
identify the causes of cosmic acceleration.
Dark Matter
Jaan Einasto
I give a review of the development of the dark matter
concept, its relation to the structure of galaxies and the
cosmic web. I discuss the possible nature of dark matter
and its role in the evolution of the Universe. I discuss
shortly alternative hypotheses to the dark matter
concept. I finish with a short description to contemporary
searches for dark matter particles.
Dark Energy Survey (DES)
Carlos Cunha
The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is designed to probe the
origin of the accelerating universe and help uncover the
nature of dark energy by measuring the history of
cosmic expansion with high precision. The project is
using a 570 megapixel camera, DECam, mounted on
the 4-m Blanco Telescope at Cerro Tololo, Chile, to
observe around 300 million galaxies over 5000 sq.
degrees of the southern sky. The instrument achieved
first light in early September and progress has been
rapid. I will describe the science goals of the survey,
instrument operation, and present the first data
Plenary Session III
Large-Scale Structure, Galaxy and SMBH
Formation and Growth, and the Milky Way
Tiziana Di Matteo
At present, our understanding of galaxy formation
remains sketchy even though a basic paradigm for it
exists - the theory of hierarchical galaxy formation within
the Lambda-CDM cosmology. The fundamental
challenge is that galaxy formation involves a
complicated blend of different physics that is non-linearly
coupled on a wide range of scales, leading to extremely
complex dynamics. For this reason large simulations
have become the primary avenue for theoretical
research in galaxy formation. I will discuss state-of-theart cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy
formation with unprecedented combination of resolution
and physical complexity, including radiative cooling, star
formation and black hole rowth. The prospect that we
are reaching a position to use cosmology, i.e. the
science of the Gpc horizon, in our simulations to make
predictions for the mass distribution in the inner regions
of galaxies is extraordinary.
Tidal Disruption Events
Suvi Gezari
The majority of supermassive black holes in the
Universe lie dormant and starved of fuel. These hidden
beasts can be temporarily illuminated when an unlucky
star passes close enough to be tidally disrupted and
consumed by the black hole. Theorists first proposed in
1975 that tidal disruption events should be an inevitable
consequence of supermassive black holes in galaxy
nuclei, and later argued that the resulting flare of
radiation from the accretion of the stellar debris could be
a unique signpost for the presence of a dormant black
hole in the center of a normal galaxy. It was not until
over two decades later that the first convincing tidal
disruption event candidates emerged in the X-rays by
the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. Since then over a dozen
total candidates have now emerged from searches
across the electromagnetic spectrum, including the Xrays, the ultraviolet, and the optical. In the last couple
years, we have also witnessed a paradigm shift with the
discovery of relativistic, beamed emission associated
with tidal disruption events. I will review the census of
observational candidates to date, and discuss the
exciting prospects for using large samples of tidal
disruption events discovered with the next-generation of
ground-based and space-based synoptic surveys to
probe accretion disk and/or jet formation and black hole
Plenary Session IV
The Feeding of Supermassive Black Holes
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann
Abstract: It is now believed that all galaxies which have
a bulge also harbor a supermassive black hole (SMBH)
at the nucleus. Besides capturing stars which come
closer than its tidal radius, the SMBH can also “be
awaken” by large gas supplies which reach the nucleus
probably as a result of interaction of the host galaxy with
another nearby galaxy or capture of small satellites. This
gas supply then triggers episodes of nuclear activity,
giving origin to Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN),
characterized by phenomena such as large luminosities
of non-stellar origin and relativistic jets. I discuss
observational signatures of this scenario, tracing the
feeding of AGN: (1) at unresolved scales, in the form of
double-peaked emission lines originating in accretion
disks of few thousand of gravitational radia; (2) at scales
of tens to hundred of parsecs (resolved in nearby
galaxies), in the form of inflows along nuclear spiral
arms, which may be the long sought mechanism to bring
gas from kiloparsec scales down to the nucleus to feed
the SMBH.
Simulations of Accreting Black Holes on
Horizon Scales
Jonathan McKinney
General relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations
have exposed the role of magnetic fields in controlling
accretion and jet production from rotating black holes. In
this talk I discuss how a magnetic field can build-up to a
natural saturation point by which the standard magnetoturbulent disk theories (based upon the magnetorotational instability) are no longer applicable. Such
naturally saturated magnetic fields lead to persistent jets
with efficiencies of order 100% and to high-frequency
quasi-periodic oscillations. In the limit of no strong
ambient magnetic field, the field near the hole can
spontaneously organize into a dipolar field and lead to
transient jets.
Gravitational Lensing: The beginning of a
new era for the study of the dark Universe?
Ludovic van Waerbeke
For the past ten years, independent observations have
considerably strengthen the idea that dark matter and
dark energy dominate the energy budget of our
Universe. One of the cosmology probes, which
contributed to this progress, was gravitational lensing. In
the first half of this talk I will review the most recent
advances in this area, and during the second half I will
discuss what is to be expected from the coming surveys
of the next decade. Future surveys will be pushing the
field in new territory where we expect numerous
discoveries to be made, but where the complexity of the
data analysis challenge is also considerable. No doubt
that a new era is opening up!
Plenary Session V
Particle Astrophysics with High Energy
Francis Halzen
Construction and commissioning of the cubic-kilometer
IceCube neutrino detector and its low energy extension
DeepCore have been completed. The instrument
detects neutrinos over a wide energy range: from 10
GeV atmospheric neutrinos to 1e10 GeV cosmogenic
neutrinos. We will discuss initial results based on a
subsample of the more than 300,000 neutrino events
recorded during construction. We will emphasize the
observation of PeV-energy neutrinos, the first
measurement of the high-energy atmospheric neutrino
spectrum, the search for the still enigmatic sources of
the Galactic and extragalactic cosmic rays and for the
particle nature of dark matter.
Astrophysical tests of general relativity in
the strong-field regime
Emanuele Berti
General relativity (GR) is an integral ingredient of
modern astronomy. We have gone a long way since the
first Texas Symposium in 1963, when astronomers
would ask relativists about the meaning of the Riemann
tensor, and relativists would interrupt astronomers to be
instructed about the magnitude of a star.
Einstein's theory is well tested in the weak-field regime,
but there is only circumstantial experimental evidence
that astrophysical black holes are described by the Kerr
solution of the Einstein equations, and there are
theoretical reasons to believe that the theory may
require modifications at high energies.
Astrophysical observations of compact objects (whether
isolated or in binary systems) can constrain proposed
extensions of Einstein's theory, and perhaps provide
hints of high-energy modifications of the theory. I will
review and compare some ideas to test GR and
constrain its extensions by astrophysical observations in
the electromagnetic spectrum and via future
gravitational-wave observations.
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Theory,
Results, and Prospects
Karl-Heinz Kampert
The Pierre Auger and Telescope Array Observatories
have provided a wealth of high quality and high statistics
data on cosmic rays at the highest energies. A cut-off in
the energy spectrum, as predicted by Greisen, Zatsepin
and Kuzmin in 1966, and first hints of anisotropies in the
arrival directions, most notably a directional correlation
of the most energetic events with nearby AGN have
been observed by the Auger Observatory. A key to learn
about the origin of the particles is provided by
measurements of their primary mass. Data from the
Pierre Auger Observatory cannot be described by a
proton dominated composition and indicate an
increasing fraction of heavy primaries at the highest
energies. This could most naturally be interpreted as a
signature of a few nearby sources reaching their limiting
energy according to E_max = Z*B*R. Data from the
Telescope Array, on the other hand, are consistent with
a proton dominated composition at all energies. We
shall report about the current status of the
measurements and their systematics, and their
interpretation in terms of the origin of cosmic rays. We
shall finish with an outlook discussing plans for
upgrades of existing observatories and for constructing
a next generation giant ground based observatory.
CTA - Cherenkov Telescope Array
Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino
Gamma-ray astronomy has a huge potential in
astrophysics, particle physics and cosmology. CTA is an
international initiative to build the next generation
ground-based gamma-ray observatory which will have a
factor of 5-10 improvement in sensitivity in the 100 GeV10 TeV range and an extension to energies well below
100 GeV and above 100 TeV. CTA will consist of two
arrays (one in the North, another in the South) for full
sky coverage and will be operated as open observatory.
It will provide a deep insight into the non-thermal highenergy universe. In this talk we will briefly present the
major design concepts of CTA as well as its vast science
Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions: The
Theoretical Challenge
Adam Burrows
"Core-collapse supernovae have challenged theorists
and computational science for half a century. Such
explosions are the source of many of the heavy
elements in the Universe and the birthplace of neutron
stars and stellar-mass black holes. However,
determining the mechanism of explosion remains the
key goal of theory. Recently, using sophisticated
numerical tools and platforms, theorists have been able
to conduct multi-dimensional simulations with some
physical fidelity that have provided insight into the
phenomena that attend stellar death and explosion. The
core of the emerging theoretical synthesis is the
centrality of hydrodynamic instability and asphericity. In
this talk, I review the state of the field and the
contending explosion models. In the process, I will
highlight the computational astrophysics that has been
applied to date, and that may be necessary in the future
to credibly unravel this mystery.
Plenary Session VII
The Incredible Crab
Plenary Session VI
Roger Blandford
Gamma ray Astronomy from GeV to TeV
Marco Tavani
Gamma-ray astrophysics from space has been recently
boosted by the space missions AGILE and FERMI
(operating in the energy range 100 MeV - 100 GeV) and
by ground-based TeV observatories (HESS, MAGIC,
VERITAS as well as MILAGRO and ARGO-YBJ). The
combination of GeV and TeV data constitute a
formidable combination of information on relativistic
hydrodynamical conditions. We will review the main
results for both Galactic and extragalactic sources, and
focus on the main sources for which a substantial
advance in knowledge (not without surprises) has been
obtained (pulsars, micro-quasars, Galactic transients,
diffuse Galactic emission, and "bubbles", Supernova
Remnants, blazars and other active galaxies, gammaray GRBs, dark matter limits). The surprising discovery
of gamma-ray flares from the Crab Nebula will be
presented together with the relevant new implications for
particle acceleration models. We will also briefly discuss
possible future developments.
The Crab Nebula continues to delight and surprise
astronomers as it has for the past millennium. Recent
developments include the realization that the total
nebula flux is declining on a timescale of roughly thirty
years, that pulses from the pulsar are seen at energies
up to about 400 GeV and that the flux at energies
between 0.1 and 1 GeV can vary in hours without
apparently showing variation in other spectral bands.
These observations suggest new emission paradigms,
specifically that the pulsar acts as a current generator
and radiates though inverse Compton scattering at the
highest energies, that the nebula plasma is
ultrarelativistic and that radiation reaction-limited
synchrotron emission can occur. As has been true in the
past, the Crab Nebula opens new portals to relativistic
Electromagnetic Signals that Accompany
Neutron Stars Mergers, Supernova Shock
Break Out and Low Luminosity GRBs
Ehud Nakar
I will discuss the electromagnetic (EM) signature of two
astrophysical relativistic phenomena – the merger of two
neutron stars and the breakout of a relativistic shock
through the surface of an exploding star. The EM
counterparts of a double neutron star merger are of
special interest due to the merger's strong gravitational
wave (GW) signal, whose detection is one of the main
goals of the next generation ground based GW
detectors. I will focus on the predicted EM emission from
matter that is ejected dynamically during the first stages
of the merger. This sub to mildly relativistic outflow is
expected to shine on time scales of hours to days in IRUV due to the radioactive decay of freshly synthesized rprocess elements and on time scales of weeks to years
in the radio due to the interaction with the circum-merger
medium. Breakout of a relativistic shock takes place in
any energetic explosion of envelope stripped or compact
star, including type Ia and energetic Ib/c supernovae. I
will show that such breakouts produce gamma and Xray emission that holds a wealth of information on the
progenitor and on the explosion itself. I will discuss the
prospects to detect such breakouts and the possibility
that low-luminosity gamma-ray bursts are in fact
relativistic shock breakouts.
Pulsars and Magnetars
Sandro Mereghetti
The great diversity in observational properties of neutron
stars as revealed by X-ray and radio observations in the
past decade has been a significant surprise in the field.
Although astronomy textbooks previously suggested that
young neutron stars are all born like the Crab pulsar,
today we know this is not true: from "Anomalous X-Ray
Pulsars" to "Central Compact Objects," from "Soft
Gamma Repeaters" to "Dim Isolated Neutron Stars," we
now know neutron stars can take on a wide variety of
properties. Today the leading hypothesis for the origin of
this diversity lies in the magnetic field of the star. In this
talk I will review the properties of the different types of
young neutron stars identified today and discuss efforts
and current thinking toward unifying them under a single
physical theory.
Plenary Session VIII
The first Focusing High-Energy X-ray
Telescopes: Opening a New Window on the
High Energy Universe
Fiona Harrison
The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR)
mission, launched on June 13, 2012, is the first spacebased focusing high-energy X-ray telescope. The
ASTRO-H mission, to be launched in 2014, will carry a
hard X-ray focusing capability to complement its high
spectral resolution calorimeter. NuSTAR and Astro-H
HXI operate in the band from 4 – 79 keV, extending the
sensitivity of focusing far beyond the ~10 keV highenergy cutoff achieved by any previous X-ray telescope.
These telescopes can address a range of scientific
topics ranging from probing obscured AGN activity in the
nearby (z<2) universe by surveying selected regions of
the sky, studying the population of hard X-ray emitting
compact objects in the Galaxy by mapping the central
regions of the Milky Way, studying the non-thermal
radiation in young supernova remnants both in hard Xray continuum and emission from the radioactive
element 44Ti, studying accretion phenomena in
Ultraluminous X-ray sources, Active Galactic Nuclei, and
Galactic Binaries. This talk will discuss the scientific
capabilities of these missions, and present first results
from the NuSTAR science program.
Numerical Relativity
Carlos Lousto
The Numerical INJection Analysis (NINJA) project is a
collaborative effort between members of the numerical
communities. The purpose of NINJA is to study the
sensitivity of existing gravitational-wave search
algorithms using numerically generated waveforms and
to foster closer collaboration between the numerical
relativity and data analysis communities. We present the
results of the first NINJA analysis, which focused on
gravitational waveforms from binary black hole
coalescence. Ten numerical relativity groups contributed
numerical data, which were used to generate a set of
gravitational-wave signals. These signals were injected
into a simulated data set, designed to mimic the
response of the initial LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave
detectors. Nine groups analyzed this data-using search
and parameter-estimation pipelines. Matched filter
algorithms, un-modeled-burst searches and Bayesian
parameter estimation and model-selection algorithms
were applied to the data. We present the efficiency of
these search methods in detecting the numerical
waveforms and measuring their parameters.
Plenary Session IX
Gravitational-Wave Detection using Laser
Interferometer Systems and Pulsar Timing
Alberto Sesana
In the coming years the detection of gravitational waves
(GW) will be a reality, opening a completely new window
on the Universe. Ground based detectors like the
Advanced LIGO will observe coalescing compact
binaries out to hundreds of megaparsecs, revealing the
hidden face of the local Universe. At lower frequencies,
future space based interferometers (like LISA) and
precise timing of millisecond pulsars (Pulsar Timing
Arrays) will primary target inspiralling and coalescing
massive black hole binaries throughout the Universe. I
will briefly describe the principles of GW detection via
laser interferometry and pulsar timing, the relevant
astrophysical GW sources, and the multiple scientific
payouts of gravitational wave detection. I will pay
particular attention to the low frequency regime,
discussing how future GW observation will shed light on
the formation and evolution of massive black hole
binaries along the cosmic history.
Gravitational-wave Observatories: current
results and future prospects
Patrick Brady
I will present the results of searches for gravitational
waves in data taken by LIGO and Virgo with an
emphasis on the astrophysical interpretation. Although
no gravitational waves have been identified in the data,
the results provide a glimpse into the possibilities that
await with data from the next generation of detectors. I
will also summarize the first tentative efforts to
undertake joint gravitational and electromagnetic
observing campaigns and the lessons learned from that
exercise. Finally, I will discuss prospects for
observations with advanced detectors.
Plenary Session X
Challenges of Relativistic Astrophysics
Reuven Opher
I discuss some of the most outstanding challenges of
relativistic astrophysics: the environment (e.g.,
gravitational field, magnetic field, plasma properties)
near the horizons of single and merging Black Holes and
the emitted relativistic jets and gravitational waves from
compact binary coalescences; The equation-of state of
Neutron Stars (NSs) and the emission from spinning
magnetized NSs; A Primordial Inflation theory which
predicts the amplitude of primordial density fluctuations,
whose initial lengths are greater than the Planck length;
and Modified Gravity that explains Dark Energy and/or
Dark Matter at small and large scales. I discuss nearfuture possibilities for addressing these challenges.
New Frontiers in Relativistic Astrophysics:
The Event Horizon Telescope and other
Future Projects/Missions
Vincent Fish
Multiple future projects and missions promise to open
new windows on Relativistic Astrophysics. A range of
innovative techniques will target physical processes
from high energies to radio wavelengths, enabling new
probes of environments where relativistic effects either
dominate or can be clearly distinguished. An
environment of particular interest is the Galactic Center,
where it is now almost certain that a 4 million solar mass
black hole exists. Because of its proximity to Earth, this
object, known as Sagittarius A*, presents astronomers
with the best opportunity in the Universe to spatially
resolve and image a black hole Event Horizon. To do
this requires using Very Long Baseline Interferometry
(VLBI), the technique whereby radio telescopes around
the world are linked together in a Global phased array.
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project extends
VLBI to the shortest radio wavelengths, and preliminary
EHT observations have already revealed structure in
Sagittarius A* on ~4 Schwarzschild radius scales. This
talk will discuss the EHT and several other new
experimental directions.
Public Talks (in Portuguese)
Universo (The Universe)
Martin Makler
Durante o século XX foi desenvolvida - pela primeira
vez na história da humanidade - uma descrição
científica do nosso Universo. Isso foi possível, por um
lado, graças a uma quantidade gigantesca de
informação trazida por telescópios no solo e sondas
espaciais especialmente dedicados à cosmologia – a
ciência que estuda a origem, estrutura e evolução do
Universo. Por outro lado, os modelos do Universo são
baseados em uma síntese de quase toda a física
moderna, indo da Teoria da Relatividade Geral de
Einstein até a física das partículas elementares. Apesar
do sucesso do modelo cosmológico atual, ainda há
questões fundamentais em aberto, como por exemplo a
composição de cerca de 95% da matéria no Universo
ou a própria validade da teoria da gravitação. Nesta
apresentação faremos um apanhado das descobertas
em cosmologia, de algumas questões em aberto e da
pesquisa atual motivada por elas, em teoria e
observação, com destaque para a participação
brasileira nesse processo.
Buracos Negros: Rompendo os Limites da
Ficção (Black Holes - beyond science
George Matsas
Buracos negros surgiram como uma predição teórica da
teoria da relatividade geral de Albert Einstein. Ninguém
os levou realmente a sério por décadas e tudo indica
que mesmo Einstein morreu acreditando que buracos
negros não existiam na natureza. Hoje são poucos (se
alguém) os que disputam a existência destes objetos
que transcendem a própria ficção. Nesta palestra
discutiremos de forma simples e ilustrativa o que são
buracos negros e seu papel no Universo que habitamos.
Astrofisica Relativistica: Supernovas,
Estrelas de Neutrons e Buracos negros
hoje. (Relativistic Astrophysics:
SuperNovae, Neutron Stars and Black
Holes Today.)
Jorge Horvath
O século 20 deu origem às duas teorias mais
interessantes da Física, a Relatividade e Mecânica
Quântica, mas também a toda a construção de um
quadro geral do Cosmo que inclui a evolução das
estrelas e assuntos conexos. Discutimos nesta palestra
o fim da evolução estelar e os eventos do nascimento
das estrelas de nêutrons e buracos negros.
Mostraremos como houve uma simbiose entre as idéias
revolucionarias da Física e os sistemas onde estas se
realizam, particularmente nas supernovas e objetos
compactos remanescentes que deram suporte a estas.
Parallel Sessions
A New Era of Cosmology and Astrophysics
with Galaxy Clusters
Daisuke Nagai
Recent years have witnessed the emergence of galaxy
clusters as powerful laboratories for cosmology and
astrophysics. Being the largest and most magnificent
structures in the Universe, clusters of galaxies serve as
excellent tracers of the growth of cosmic structures. The
current generation of multi-wavelength cluster surveys
have provided independent confirmation of the cosmic
acceleration and significantly tighten constraints on the
nature of mysterious dark energy and dark matter as
well as new insights into how massive galaxies and
black holes form and grow in the Universe. A number of
new surveys and large supercomputer simulations are
underway to test our understanding of the structure
formation and fundamental physics of the cosmos.
However, the use of galaxy clusters as sensitive and
robust cosmological probes requires solid understanding
of the cluster astrophysics. In this talk, I will discuss
recent advances and future challenges, with highlights
on new insights provided by modern cosmological
hydrodynamical simulations. (#1546)
The CFTH/MegaCam Stripe-82 Survey
(CS82): Overview and First Results
Bruno Moraes
The CFTH/MegaCam Stripe-82 Survey (CS82) is a joint
Canada-France-Brazil project (PIs: J.-P. Kneib, M.
Makler, L. Van Waerbeke), covering 170 sq. deg. in the
SDSS Stripe-82 area down to magnitude 23.5 in the i
band. Its main focus is the study of both weak and
strong gravitational lensing, with additional applications
in other fields such as galaxy evolution and properties of
galaxy clusters. Furthermore, the multitude of existing
and future projects in Stripe-82 offers the possibility of
exploring synergies with other data sets, thereby
enhancing the scientific value of the survey. In this
presentation, we will give an overview of the current
status of CS82, describe some of the steps in the data
analysis and discuss first results. In particular, we will
present details of the catalog generation procedure,
including the choice of optimal settings for object
detection, accurate determination and extraction of the
Point Spread Function (PSF) and fitting of single and
double-component morphological profiles for galaxies.
Additionally, we will discuss tests performed to ensure
the quality of the products generated, including
comparisons with public SDSS data. First results include
the measurement of galaxy-galaxy and cluster lensing
signals, the creation of the largest contiguous lensing
convergence map to date, the discovery of several new
gravitational arc systems and more. (#1513)
Unveiling the QCD phase transition through
the eLISA/NGO detector
Victor De Castro Mourão Roque
We study the generation of gravitational waves from
hypothetical temperature fluctuations and turbulence
present in the early universe at the QCD epoch.
Following recent experimental results at RHIC and LHC,
we assume that primordial matter behaves as a nonviscous fluid. We solve numerically the relativistic
hydrodynamic equations using an equation of state
based on recent data obtained from lattice QCD
calculations which describes a crossover transition. We
show that the velocity spectrum has a quite different
behavior from usual Kolmogorov power law. We
calculate the spectrum of gravitational waves generated
by the fluid motion and compare the signal with the
sensitivity curve of eLISA/NGO. Our results show that
detectable primordial gravitational waves arise from
temperatures inhomogeneities ∆T/T < 10-2 at the
beginning of the phase transition. (#1509)
A new gravitational N-body simulation
algorithm for investigation of chaotic
advection in astrophysical and
cosmological systems
Reinaldo Rosa
The gravitational N-body simulations have become a
powerful tool for testing the theories of structure
formation in astrophysical and cosmological systems [1].
In particular, it has been shown that the statistical
characterization of dark matter distribution is an
important ingredient in the investigation of large-scale
structure formation in the Hubble volume simulated from
the GADGET-VC algorithm [2]. Recently, an established
statistical method was used to demonstrate the
importance of considering chaotic advection (or
Lagrange Turbulence) [3] in combination with
gravitational instabilities in the Λ - CDM simulations
performed from the Virgo Consortium (VC) [4]. However,
the GADGET-VC algorithm does not allow the
computation of the kinematics of a single particle,
information that is necessary for the investigation of the
chaotic advection. This limitation appears because the
interaction forces are computed by the TreePM scheme
[5]. Hence, the LAC - INPE and the IC-UFF develop the
COsmic LAgrangian TUrbulence Simulator (COLATUS)
to perform gravitational N-body simulations allowing the
computation of the velocity of a single particle at every
time-step and then the evaluation of its energy power
spectrum. To achieve its objective COLATUS compute
the gravitational forces by using a direct summation
scheme. COLATUS is implemented in a Compute
Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) by using the Nvidia
graphics processing units (GPUs) to reduce the
simulation runtime. We use the simulator for testing a
hypothesis of an alternative cosmological scenario
where the dark matter is interpreted as spatio-temporal
deformations due to an alternative coupled expanding
universe [6]. These deformations are included as the
action of relativistic potentials. In the present work we
show the preliminary simulations including up to 106
particles using 1536 cores of NVIDIA GTX680. The
respective energy power spectra are shown for several
deformation potentials which are dicussed in the
alternative cosmological context. For astrophysical
purposes we also discuss the application of this new
algorithm in the study of galactic dynamics, highlighting
a possible alternative investigation of the bullet cluster.
[1] Bertschinger, E. Simulation of Structure formation in
the universe. Annu. Rev Astron.Astrophys 36 (1996)
5999-654. [2] Caretta, C.A., R. R. Rosa, H. F. C. Velho,
F. M. Ramos, M. M. Evidence of turbulence-like
universality in the formation of galaxy-sized dark matter
haloes. Astron. Astrophys 487 (2008) 445-451. [3] Aref,
H., The development of chaotic advection. Physics of
Fluids, 14 (2002) 1315-1325. [4] Rosa, R. R. ; Ramos, F.
M. ; Caretta, C. A. ; Velho, H. F. C. Extreme event
dynamics in the formation of galaxy-sized dark matter
structures. Computer Physics Communications 180 (4)
(2009) 621-624. [5] Springel, V. The cosmological
simulation code GADGET- 2. Computer Physics
Communications, Mon.Not.R.Astron. Soc. 364 (2005)
1105-1134. [6] Rosa, R. An alternative coupled
expanding universe without cosmological singularity. In:
38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. [S.l.: s.n.], 2010. v.
38,p. 3663. arXiv:1208.3444.
FastSound: Testing Gravity at z>1 by
Redshift Space Distortion with
Tomonori Totani
We present a status report of the FastSound project,
which is a cosmology-purpose galaxy redshift survey at
z~1.3 using Subaru/FMOS. The main science goal is to
measure redshift space distortion (RSD) for the first time
at z>1, and then measure the structure growth rate (fσ8)
to constrain modified gravity as an explanation of cosmic
acceleration. FMOS is a 400 multi-fiber near-infrared
spectrograph with a 30 arcmin diameter field of view,
attached on the prime-focus of the 8m Subaru
Telescope. About 10,000 galaxy redshifts will be
measured in total survey area of ~30 square degrees,
using strong H alpha emission line. 40 nights in 2 years
are already approved as a Subaru Strategic Program,
and about 30% of the survey has been completed. We
will complete the survey by 2014 spring. We expect to
measure fσ8 at z~1.3 with an accuracy of 10-15%. We
will report the status and details of this project. (#1455)
On globally and locally neutral static and
rotating neutron stars
Jorge Rueda
The inconsistency of the condition of local charge
neutrality with the equilibrium equations of neutron stars
has been recently demonstrated. Thus, the system of
equilibrium equations has to change from the TOV
equations to the Einstein-Maxwell system of equations,
which has to be solved under the constraint of
constancy of the generalized particle Klein potentials
and global charge neutrality. A remarkable feature of
these configurations is the presence of a core-crust
interface where a strong electric field develops. The
intensity of this field can be as large as thousands times
the critical field for vacuum polarization. The density at
the edge of the crust can be, in these solutions, lower
than the nuclear density leading to a family of neutron
stars with crusts of smaller mass and thickness with
respect to the ones given by the TOV-like solutions. We
show here the consequences of these features on the
mass-radius relation of neutron stars both in the static
and in the uniformly rotating cases. (#1548)
Hybrid Stars In The Light Of The Massive
Pulsar PSR J1614−2230
German Lugones
We perform a systematic study of hybrid star
configurations using several parametrizations of a
relativistic mean-field hadronic EoS and the NJL model
for three-flavor quark matter. For the hadronic phase we
use the stiff GM1 and TM1 parametrizations, as well as
the very stiff NL3 model. In the NJL Lagrangian we
include scalar, vector and 't Hooft interactions. The
vector coupling constant gv is treated as a free
parameter. We also consider that there is a split
between the deconfinement and the chiral phase
transitions which is controlled by changing the
conventional value of the vacuum pressure - Ω0 in the
NJL thermodynamic potential by - (Ω0+∆Ω0), being ∆Ω0
a free parameter. We find that, as we increase the value
of ∆Ω0, hybrid stars have a larger maximum mass but
are less stable, i.e. hybrid configurations are stable
within a smaller range of central densities. For large
enough ∆Ω0, stable hybrid configurations are not
possible at all. The effect of increasing the coupling
constant gv is very similar. We show that stable hybrid
configurations with a maximum mass larger than the
observed mass of the pulsar PSR J1614-2230 are
possible for a large region of the parameter space of g v
and ∆Ω0 provided the hadronic equation of state
contains nucleons only. When the baryon octet is
included in the hadronic phase, only a very small region
of the parameter space allows an explanation of the
mass of PSR J1614-2230. We compare our results with
previous calculations of hybrid stars within the NJL
model. We show that it is possible to obtain stable
hybrid configurations also in the case ∆Ω0=0 that
corresponds to the conventional NJL model for which
the pressure and density vanish at zero temperature and
chemical potential. Reference: C. H. Lenzi & G.
Lugones; Astrophysical Journal 759, 57 (2012). (#1512)
Estimating pulsars' braking indices
Carlos Frajuca
The rotation periods (P) of many pulsars were measured
with high precision in the last decades. They decay
slowly, as their first derivative (P') show. For some
pulsars the period's second derivative (P'') was also
determined and it shows that (P') is increasing. In order
to explain the decay of P a model was proposed long
ago which is still used to estimate several important
characteristic parameters of pulsars, as their ages and
magnetic fields. In that canonical model it is assumed
that the pulsars' rotational energy becomes mainly
magnetic energy which is manifested as a torque;
eventually, energy is transferred to particles that
accelerate along the magnetic field emitting the photons
detected on Earth. The pulsar is considered a magnetic
dipole in such model, yielding a value of exactly three
(3) for the “braking index” (n) of any pulsar. This index is
defined as a combination of P, P' and P'' and informs on
the amount of braking the pulsar has. However, for all
the pulsars with known experimental value of the
braking index it is found n < 3. It is clear that the
canonical model lacks some adjustment in order to
correctly predict this number. However, so far no better
model was found. In this way, estimating the correct
values for the pulsar braking index is a open problem. In
this work we present the results of this index for some
pulsar inspired on the canonical model based on data
from seve different pulsars which theri braking indices
are found on the literature and were measured by
observation. (#1471)
"Black Widow" pulsars and related objects
Jorge Horvath
The existence of millisecond pulsars with planet-mass
companions in close orbits is challenging from the stellar
evolution point of view. We calculate in detail the
evolution of binary systems self-consistently, including
mass transfer, evaporation and irradiation of the donor
by X-rays feedback, demonstrating the existence of a
new evolutionary path leading to short periods and
compact donors as required by the observations of PSR
J1719-1438 and PSR1311-3430 recently discovered in
gamma rays. We show that the high mass of the neutron
stars is naturally predicted, along with the rest of the
observed parameters. A general assessment of the
evolution of black widows and “redback” cousins is
given. (#1467)
Poloidal-Field Instability In Magnetized
Relativistic Stars
Riccardo Ciolfi
We investigate the instability of purely poloidal magnetic
fields in nonrotating neutron stars (NSs) by means of
magnetohydrodynamics simulations, extending the work
presented by Ciolfi et al. in 2011. Our aim is to draw a
clear picture of the dynamics associated with the
instability and to study the final configuration reached by
the system, thus obtaining indications on possible
equilibria in a magnetized NS. Furthermore, since the
internal rearrangement of magnetic fields is a highly
dynamical process and has been suggested to be
behind magnetar giant flares, our simulations can
provide a realistic estimate of the electromagnetic and
accompany the flare event. Our main findings are the
following: (1) the initial development of the instability
meets all the expectations of perturbative studies in
terms of the location of the seed of the instability, the
timescale for its growth, and the generation of a toroidal
component; (2) in the subsequent nonlinear
reorganization of the system, ∼90% of magnetic energy
is lost in few Alfven timescales mainly through
electromagnetic emission, and further decreases on a
much longer timescale; (3) all stellar models tend to
achieve a significant amount of magnetic helicity and the
equipartition of energy between poloidal and toroidal
magnetic fields and evolve to a new configuration that
does not show a subsequent instability on dynamical or
Alfven timescales; (4) the electromagnetic emission
matches the duration of the initial burst in luminosity
observed in giant flares, giving support to the internal
rearrangement scenario; and (5) only a small fraction of
the energy released during the process is converted into
f-mode oscillations and in the consequent GW emission,
thus resulting in very low chances of detecting this
signal with present and near-future ground-based
detectors. (#1442)
The quantum-to-classical transition of
primordial cosmological perturbations
Nelson Pinto Neto
There is a widespread belief that the classical small
inhomogeneities which gave rise to all structures in the
Universe through gravitational instability originated from
primordial quantum cosmological fluctuations. However,
this transition from quantum to classical fluctuations is
plagued with important conceptual issues, most of them
related to the application of standard quantum theory to
the Universe as a whole. In this paper, we show how
these issues can easily be overcome in the framework
of the de Broglie-Bohm quantum theory. This theory is
an alternative to standard quantum theory that provides
an objective description of physical reality, where rather
ambiguous notions of measurement or observer play no
fundamental role, and which can hence be applied to the
Universe as a whole. In addition, it allows for a simple
and unambiguous characterization of the classical limit.
The Null Cone Observations in Lemaître
Alnadhief Hamed Ahmed Alfedeel
We consider the Lemaître metric, which is the
containing a non-static, comoving, perfect fluid with nonzero pressure. We use it to generalise the metric of the
cosmos algorithm, first derived for the zero-pressure
Lemaître Tolman (LT) metric, to the case of non-zero
pressure and non-zero cosmological constant. We
present a method of integration with respect to the null
coordinate w, instead of comoving t, and reduce the
Einstein's Field Equation (EFEs) to a system of
differential equations (DEs). We show that the non-zero
pressure introduces new functions, and makes several
functions depend on time that did not in the case of LT.
We present clearly, step by step an algorithmic solution
for determining the metric of the cosmos from
cosmological data for the Lemaître model, on which a
numerical implementation can be based. In our
numerical execution of the algorithm we have shown
that there are some regions which need special
treatment : the origin and the maximum in the diameter
distance. We have coded a set of MATLAB programs for
the numerical implementation of this algorithm, for the
case of pressure with a barotropic equation of state and
non-zero Λ. Initially, the computer code has been
successfully tested using artificial and ideal
cosmological data on the observer's past null cone, for
homogeneous and non-homogeneous space-times.
Then the program has also been generalized to handle
realistic data, which has statistical fluctuations. A key
step is the data smoothing process, which fits a smooth
curve to discrete data with statistical fluctuations, so that
the integration of the DEs can proceed. Since the
algorithm is very sensitive to the second derivative of
one of the data functions, this has required some
experimentation with methods. Finally, we have
successfully extracted the metric functions for the
Lemaître model, and their evolution from the initial data
on the past null cone. (#1552)
Phenomenological Approach in the Study
of Singularity Problem
Vladimir Strokov
As is long known, singularities are a common place in
general-relativistic solutions including the most physical
ones, the Friedmann–Robertson–Walker universe and
black holes which probably reside in central parts of
many galaxies. However, one expects that the Einstein
equations will somehow change near the singularity. For
example, this change may be due to quantum effects.
Unfortunately, the exact form of the quantum corrections
remains unknown and the variety of suggested
modifications complicates the studies. Under the
circumstances it is natural to parametrize properties of
gravitational field near the singularity in a way similar to
how probable gravity modifications are parametrized by
the notions of dark matter and dark energy in
cosmology. Thus, we phenomenologically model
ultrahigh-curvature processes near the singularity by
introducing a Schwarzschild-like metrics a continuous
effective mass distribution m(r; t) such that m(r; t) tends
to 0 as r goes to 0. Note that we do not discuss physical
nature of the mass function m(r; t) while we do study the
consequences of the equivalent assumption that metrics
potentials become finite near r = 0. We also assume that
the mass function m(r; t) has the property that it appears
to be point-like at large distances. This treatment leads
to the notion of integrable singularity that is, in a sense,
weaker than the conventional singularity and allows the
effective-matter flow to pass to the white-hole region.
The latter fact, in its turn, leads to a possibility of
generating there a new universe. (#1452)
Asymmetric dark matter after a
cosmological phase transition
Osamu Seto
We propose dark matter models where those relic
density are determined by the dark matter asymmetry
but the nature of particle at present is Majorana by a late
time symmetry breaking after the dark matter
annihilation for those symmetric abundance. (#1474)
Alternative cosmology from cusp
Reinaldo Rosa
We study an alternative geometrical approach on the
problem of classical cosmological singularity. It is based
on a generalized function f(x,y)=x 2+y2=(1− z)zn which
consists of a cusped coupled isosurface. Such a
geometry is computed and discussed into the context of
Friedmann singularity-free cosmology where a pre-big
bang scenario is considered. Assuming that the
mechanism of cusp formation is described by non-linear
oscillations of a pre- big bang extended very high energy
density field (>3×1094kg/m3), we show that the action
under the gravitational field follows a tautochrone of
revolution, understood here as the primary projected
geometry that alternatively replaces the Friedmann
singularity in the standard big bang theory. As shown
here this new approach allows us to interpret the nature
of both matter and dark energy from first geometric
principles [1]. [1] Rosa et al. DOI: 10.1063/1.4756991
Fractal Analysis Of The Galaxy Distribution
In The Redshift Range 0.45 < z < 5.0
Marcelo Byrro Ribeiro
This work performed a fractal analysis of the galaxy
distribution and presented evidence that it can be
described as a fractal system within the redshift range of
the FORS Deep Field (FDF) galaxy survey. The fractal
dimension D was obtained using galaxy number
densities derived from the FDF luminosity function (LF)
data recently calculated by Iribarrem et al. (2012, A & A,
539, A112) in the spatially homogeneous standard
cosmological model with Ωm0=0.3, ΩΛ0=0.7 and H0=70
kms-1Mpc-1. Under the supposition that the galaxy
distribution forms a fractal system, the ratio between the
differential and integral number densities γ and γ*
obtained from the red and blue FDF galaxies provided a
direct method to estimate D and implies that γ and γ*
vary as power-laws with the cosmological distances.
This provides another method for calculating D. The
luminosity distance dL, galaxy area distance dG and
redshift distance dz were plotted against their respective
number densities to calculate D by linear fitting. It was
found that the FDF galaxy distribution is better
characterized by two fractal dimensions, implying in a bifractal system. Two straight lines were fitted to the data,
whose slopes change at z ~1.3 or z ~1.9 depending on
the chosen cosmological distance. The average fractal
dimension calculated using γ* changes from
<D>=1.4+0.7-0.6 to <D>=0.5+1.2-0.4 for all galaxies.
Besides, D evolves with z,decreasing as the redshift
increases, tending to zero and possibly reaching
negative values at the tail of the distribution. Small D at
high z means that in the past galaxies were clustered
and distributed much more sparsely. A negative D
means that the galaxy distribution ceases being
governed by a power-law and no longer possesses
fractal features. (#1555)
disc emission is shifted to the soft X-rays, drawing one
supermassive black holes. In this talk I will review the
evidence for intrinsic disc variability and discuss whether
the comparison of AGN and BHXRBs complies with
simple theoretical expectations. (#1503)
The broad (FWHM ~ 10,000 km/s) double-peaked H
alpha profile from the LINER/Seyfert 1 nucleus of NGC
1097 was discovered in 1991, and monitored for the
following 11 years. The profile showed variations
attributed to the rotation of gas in a non-axisymmetric
Keplerian accretion disk, ionized by a varying radiatively
inefficient accretion flow (RIAF) located in the inner parts
of the disk. We present and model 11 new spectroscopic
observations of the double-peaked profile taken
between 2010 March and 2011 March. This series of
observations was motivated by the finding that in 2010
March the flux in the double-peaked line was again
strong, becoming, in 2010 December, even stronger
than in the observations of a decade ago. We also
discovered shorter timescale variations than in the
previous observations: (1) the first, of ~7 days, is
interpreted as due to reverberation of the variation of the
ionizing source luminosity, and the timescale of 7 days
as the light crossing time between the source and the
accretion disk; this new timescale and its interpretation
provides a distance between the emitting gas and the
supermassive black hole and as such introduces a new
constraint on its mass; (2) the second, of ~ 5 months,
was attributed to the rotation of a spiral arm in the disk,
which was found to occur on the dynamical timescale.
We use two accretion disk models to fit theoretical
profiles to the new data, both having non-axisymmetric
emissivities produced by the presence of an one-armed
spiral. Our modeling constrains the rotation period for
the spiral to be ~18 months. This work supports our
previous conclusion that the broad double-peaked
Balmer emission lines in NGC1097, and probably also in
other low-luminosity active nuclei, originate from an
accretion disk ionized by a central RIAF. (#1499)
Shell Flashes on H/He Accreting CO White
Joseph Mitchell
Type Ia Supernovae are important tools for high
precision cosmological measurements. There are
currently two suggested progenitor systems for SNe Ia,
the double degenerate (DD) and single degenerate (SD)
scenarios. An open question with the SD system is
whether it is possible for the white dwarf to approach the
Chandrasekhar mass, without succumbing to shell
flashes that may result in the white dwarf losing some of
the mass it has accreted. We will present 1-D
hydrodynamical models of various white dwarf masses
and accretion rates, and discuss our results. (#1465)
Accretion disc-corona connection in AGN
Patricia Arevalo
The central engine of AGN, comprising the accretion
disc and X-ray corona, is too compact to observe
directly and so progress in the understanding of this
region has been made through spectral and timing
studies. Long term monitoring campaigns of AGN in the
optical and X-ray bands have shown that although rapid
optical fluctuations are probably produced by
reprocessing of the highly variable X-rays, long term
optical fluctuations are inconsistent with this picture. On
long timescales the optical fluctuations are larger than
those of the X-rays and a comparison between power
spectral properties and the time delay measured
between optical and X-ray bands shows that the optical
emitting region must be varying intrinsically. Since the
source of optical/UV emission in AGN is expected to be
the optically thick accretion disc, these long term
fluctuations allow us to probe the variability timescales
of the disc itself. It has recently been shown that
BHXRBs display a very similar behaviour, where the
Short timescale variations of the H alpha
double-peaked profile of the nucleus of
NGC 1097
Jaderson Schimoia
Stellar Winds and the Infalling Cloud in the
Galactic Centre
Jorge Cuadra
We recently discovered a cloud of gas, G2, quickly
approaching the Galactic centre super-massive black
hole, SgrA*. G2 will reach a pericentre distance of only ~
2000 Schwarzschild radii by the end of 2013. By this
time we expect the cloud to be strongly perturbed by
both the tidal field of the black hole and the
hydrodynamical interaction with the hot accretion flow.
This event will likely increase the Galactic Centre
luminosity, and will constrain the properties of the
accretion process. After briefly discussing the
observations and some basic predictions, we will
concentrate on the cloud origin. G2 is in a Keplerian
orbit with apocentre in a region populated by Wolf-Rayet
stars. As such, its origin is likely associated with the
mass lost by these stars. We present numerical
simulations of the gas dynamics in the inner parsec of
the Galaxy, including the stars that produce copious
amounts of stellar winds, and the gravitational potential
of SgrA*. As expected, wind-wind collisions create a
number of cold, dense gas clumps, qualitatively similar
to the observed cloud. From the simulations we present
preliminary results on the mass and orbital distribution of
the clouds that reach the black hole vicinity, and discuss
how often an event such as the G2 infall occurs. (#1502)
Proof of the no-hair theorem for the OJ287
primary black hole
Mauri Valtonen
The quasar OJ287 is powered by the most relativistic
binary system known, with orbital speeds ~ 0.1 c.
Therefore it is the most suitable case for testing the nohair theorem of black holes, i.e. proving that the
compact objects usually referred to as black holes are
really Kerr space-time singularities. In OJ287 the
primary is ~ 130 times more massive than the
secondary; thus the orbit of the secondary tests
effectively the space-time around the primary. OJ287 is
the only system where this test has been carried out
rigorously. In order to prove the no-hair theorem, we
have to show that the quadrupole moment of the primary
is connected to the mass and the spin of the primary in
the exact way calculated for the Kerr singularities e.g. by
Thorne. The three quantities are determined from the
binary orbit solution. The secondary impacts on the
accretion disk of the primary twice during each orbit, and
each impact is detected as a prominent bremsstrahlung
flash in optical/UV region of the spectrum. The optical
light curve of OJ287 has been observed since 1891, and
with the 12 year orbital period we have now data
covering 10 orbital periods of the binary. This is sufficient
to determine uniquely not only the three parameters
above, but also six other key parameters of the system.
As to accuracy, we may mention that the timing of the
2007 Sept 13 outburst was predicted and verified at the
same level of accuracy as the return of Halley's comet in
1986. The binary orbit is not seen directly as yet, but
with future improvements in resolution it may become
possible. At present the most clear signature of the
binary motion is seen in the resolved radio jet which has
followed the binary model exactly since the beginning of
the radio VLBI observations in early1980's. The mass of
the primary is presently determined with 1% accuracy,
while the spin is known with 20% accuracy, using
several different methods. The spin value will become
much more accurate at the end 2015 when the next,
very spin-sensitive, bremsstrahlung flash is due. The
quadrupole moment is currently known at 30%
accuracy; this may be improved by a factor of 2-3 in July
2019 when the next quadrupole-sensitive flash takes
place. At present the no-hair theorem has been proved
at 30% level, in 7 yrs from now we may get the 10%
accuracy. (#1422)
Multi-messenger emission from Neutron
star internal phase transition
M. Angelez Perez-Garcia
Work in collaboration: M. A. Perez-Garcia (1), K. Kotera
(2), J. Silk (2), F. Daigne (2) (1) University of Salamanca
& IUFFyM, Spain (2) IAP, Paris ---- In this contribution
we present a mechanism that is based on the transition
of a Neutron star (NS) to a more compact astrophysical
object, a (hybrid) quark star, driven by an external dark
matter component. In a regular NS, matter attains
densities in the core central regions beyond nuclear
saturation density at about 10 14 g/cm3. It has been
hypothesized that a phase transition deconfining the
quark content of regular nuclear matter could be
possible in the context of quark bubble nucleation due to
temperature and density fluctuations. We propose that
the gravitational accretion of a self-annihilating Majorana
dark matter particle in the GeV-TeV mass range could
lead to such a transition [1]. Additionally, this
macroscopic transition would have an observable
counterpart under a series of multi-messenger channels,
namely, i) the emission of a short gamma ray burst [2]
ii) change in the rotational pattern [3] iii) possible
acceleration mechanism of lumps of strange-quarkmatter [4] iv) gravitational wave emission. Relativistic
ejection of this peculiar type of matter under this
mechanism is possible and it could become a central
engine model as another source of UHECRs. Bounds on
the nuclearite search performed by several current
experiments may lead to constrain the rate and nature of
these events. [1] M. Angeles Perez-Garcia, Joseph Silk
and Jirina R. Stone, PRL 105,(2010) 141101 [2] M.
Angeles Perez-Garcia, Joseph Silk, Physics Letters B
711 (2012) 6–9 [3] M. Angeles Perez-Garcia, F. Daigne,
Joseph Silk, submitted for publication [4] K. Kotera, M.
Angeles Perez-Garcia, Joseph Silk, submitted for
publication. (#1432)
The tidal disruption of an extrasolar planet
detected at hard X-rays
From gamma rays to radio waves: the
extremes of gamma-ray bursts
Alexander Van Der Horst
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are extreme explosions and
emit radiation across the entire electromagnetic
spectrum. Broadband observations and detailed
modeling constrain the GRB physics, and can be used
to determine the energetics of GRB explosions,
properties of their environment, and the microphysics of
the particles which emit the radiation. I will show how the
various spectral regimes probe different elements of
GRB explosions, in particular the high-energy gamma
rays and the low frequency radio waves, and also recent
progress that has been made in broadband GRB
modeling. Furthermore, I will discuss the role of the
radio regime in broadband studies of GRBs, and how
this role will become larger in the coming years with new
radio facilities and the upgrade of current observatories.
Simulating tidal disruptions of stars by
supermassive black holes: extracting black
hole spin
Lixin Dai
A star orbiting a supermassive black hole (SMBH) is
disrupted when its distance from the hole is smaller than
the tidal radius. Many previous studies focused on
studying tidal disruption of stars on parabolic orbits
using Newtonian mechanics. Such disruptions, however,
can also happen near the innermost stable circular orbit
of the hole, where general relativity (GR) plays an
important role. The energy distribution of the stellar
debris is different from the that under a Newtonian
potential. The orbits of debris have apsidal and LenseThirring precessions due to GR effects. The pattern of
debris returning to the hole and the structure of the
accretion disk formed by these materials also highly
depend on the black hole spin. We performed a threedimensional GR particle simulation on tidal disruptions
of stars not only on parabolic orbits but also on elliptic
orbits near Schwarzschild and Kerr SMBHs, and
investigated interesting cases where the simulated
results can be used to test general relativity and
constrain SMBH spin. (#1497)
Roland Walter
The core of NGC 4845 featured a bright hard X-ray flare
discovered in 2011 by INTEGRAL. Its X-ray flux
increased by a factor of almost 1000 in two weeks and
decreased over several months.Together with follow-up
observations with XMM-Newton and Swift, the
monitoring of INTEGRAL indicates that the hard X-ray
flare was triggered by the tidal disruption of a super
Jupiter exoplanet by a 1e5 solar mass black-hole in the
core of an almost quiet nearby galaxy. The hard X-ray
emission is probably not emitted by a jet, but by some
type of coronal emission accompanying thermal
emission of the matter accreted by the massive blackhole. (#1421)
Luminosity Function Of GRBs
Luis Juracy Lemos
The luminosity function (LF) statistics applied to the
BATSE GRBs (sources of GUSBAD catalog, Schmidt,
2004, ApJ, vol 616, pg 1072) is the theme approached in
this work. The LF is a strong statistical tool to extract
useful information from astrophysical samples, where
the key point of this statistical analysis is in the detector
sensitivity, where we have performed careful analysis.
We applied the tool of the LF statistics to three GRB
classes predicted by the Fireshell model (Ruffni et al.,
2009 arXiv:0907.5517v1). One of the main differences
between the Fireshell and Fireball models (Piran 2005,
RvMP, vol 76, pg 1143 and Meszaros 2006, RPPh, vol
69, pg 2259) is the explanation of the GRB prompt
emission, where the first claims that it is divided in two
physical processes: 1 - transparency of a optically thick
fireshell producing the P-GRB emission and 2 interaction of a relativistic shell (composed by baryons
e− e+ γ) against the CBM (circumburst medium),
producing the emission so-called extended afterglow
peak (EAP), Ruffni et al. (2009 arXiv:0907.5517v1).
However, the Fireball model, the most quoted one,
claims that the prompt emission is caused by
interactions among several relativistic shells (composed
by e− e+ γ) with different Lorentz γ-factors, a process
called internal shocks. The transparency produces a
strong short emission in the first few seconds, called PGRB. Thus, to the Fireshell model, the prompt emission
is P-GRB+ EAP. We produced, by LF statistics,
predicted distributions of: peak flux N(Fph pk ), redshift
N(z) and peak luminosity N(Lpk) for the three GRB
classes predicted by Fireshell model; we also used three
GRB rates. We looked for differences among the
distributions, and in fact we found. We performed a
comparison between the distributions predicted and
observed (with and without redshifts), where we had to
build a list with 220 GRBs with known redshifts. We also
estimated the effects of the Malmquist bias in all
samples, and we looked for a correlation between the
isotropic luminosity and the Band peak spectral energy,
Band et al. (1993, ApJ, vol 413, pg 281). (#1556)
Fermionic Dark Matter and galactic
structures at all scales
smooth halos) and compare these results to the
corresponding stability criterion in smooth density
distributions. We also give an analytical expression for
an approximate third integral of motion, valid for nearly
equatorial orbits. This third integral determines the
"envelope" of the orbit (in the meridional plane) in terms
of the mass surface density of the thin disk. The
analytical results are compared to numerical
simulations, showing good agreement in regions near
the equatorial plane. Extensions to general relativistic
thin disks are being analyzed. (#1470)
Self-gravitating disks: aspects of stability
Carlos Raúl Argüelles
Vanessa Pacheco De Freitas
Within the paradigm of particle Dark Matter (DM), the
nature and mass value of the candidate is studied. We
use a model of self-gravitating fermions at finite
temperature in General Relativity to describe dark
matter (DM) in galaxies. We explore the maximum
possible range of the free parameter space of the
model, when compared with observations of central dark
objects and galactic halos. In particular, we show that for
very high values of the degeneracy parameter, central
objects in galaxies with masses up to the OppenheimerVolkoff critical mass can be formed. Nontheless, for
these cases no halo is present. Instead, when
considering low values of this parameter, we can have a
condensed central object serving as an alternative to
Super massive Black Holes, and a halo in agreement
with observations. From this phenomenological analysis
applied to the Milky Way, the mass of the DM candidate
is fixed in some KeV. Once with a value of the particle
mass, we found for a narrow range of the temperature,
that increasing the central degeneracy from values near
zero to much higher ones, the model explain all the main
core and halo characteristics with good accuracy for
dwarf galaxies, to the big elliptical ones with some core
discrepancies, reaching the extreme case of AGN
nucleus mass of ~109 solar masses. Finally, a natural
extension of the Fermi statistics to Fermi fluids is
proposed, to enrich the model in views of saving those
controversies. (#1539)
Disklike configurations are common in gravitational
systems. From the astrophysics view, the study of these
self-gravitating structures holds great significance, since
its results can be applied in the description of galaxies
and accretion of matter by massive objects. In a
situation where the gravitational field is too strong, we
need to use a general relativistic analysis instead of the
Newtonian one. A possible way to generate disks from
given Einstein solutions is the well known "Displace, Cut
and Reflect" method which consists in three basic steps:
(i) cut the space-time containing a source of gravitational
field in two regions, (ii) eliminate the region with the
source and (iii) reflect the field through the hyper-surface
that divided the two regions. Our purpose with this work
is to apply this method to generate a disk from
Gutsunaev-Manko solution of Einstein equations, which
represents a massive object endowed with magnetic
dipole, and study the stability of circular orbits of test
particles using a generalization of Rayleigh Criteria.
A third integral of motion for nearly
equatorial orbits in axisymmetric thin disks
Ronaldo Vieira
Analytical razor-thin disk models for spiral galaxies are
widely present in the literature. Nevertheless, the study
of vertical stability of equatorial circular orbits in razorthin disks is still in its beginnings. We present analytical
results for the vertical stability of circular orbits in
Newtonian axisymmetric thin disks (surrounded by
Dynamical model for the stellar kinematics
and determination of the the mass of the
supermassive black hole in NGC 4258
Daniel Alf Drehmer
We present a dynamical determination of the mass of
the supermassive black hole (SMBH) in the nucleus of
the galaxy NGC 4258. The two- dimensional stellar
kinematics obtained from observations with the Nearinfrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) at the
GEMINI North Telescope shows that the velocity
distribution in the central region of the galaxy is
dominated by a strong increase in the velocity
dispersion at the nucleus. This observation is consistent
with the assumption that a SMBH is present there.
Assuming that the distribution function that describes the
galaxy is a function of three integrals of motion and that
the ellipsoid of velocity dispersion is aligned with a
cylindrical coordinate system, we constructed a Jeans
Anisotropic Model to fit the observed velocity
distribution. Our dynamical model assumes that the
galaxy has axial symmetry and is constructed using the
Multi-Gaussian Expansion method (MGE) of Cappellari
to parametrize the observed surface brightness
distribution. The model has three free parameters: the
mass of the central SMBH, the mass- luminosity ratio
(M/L) of the galaxy and the anisotropy in the velocity
distribution. Modeling the kinematics of the galaxy
without considering the contribution of the SMBH, we
obtain a velocity profile dominated by rotation. By adding
the contribution of a central SMBH, and systematically
increasing the value of its mass, the modeled velocities
increase considerably in the central region, passing from
a velocity field dominated by rotation to one dominated
by velocity dispersion, consistent with the observations.
From the fit of the best model, we obtain the values for
the free parameters which best reproduce the observed
kinematics and determine the mass of the SMBH.
Tidal disruption by spinning supermassive
black holes
Michael Kesden
A supermassive black hole can disrupt a star when its
tidal field exceeds the star’s self-gravity, and can directly
capture stars that cross its event horizon. For black
holes more massive than 107 solar masses, tidal
disruption of main- sequence stars occurs close enough
to the event horizon that a Newtonian treatment of the
tidal field is no longer valid. The fraction of stars that are
directly captured is also no longer negligible. We
calculate generically oriented stellar orbits in the Kerr
metric, and evaluate the relativistic tidal tensor at the
pericenter for those stars not directly captured by the
black hole. We combine this relativistic analysis with
previous calculations of how these orbits are populated
to determine tidal-disruption rates for spinning black
holes. We find, consistent with previous results, that
black-hole spin increases the upper limit on the mass of
a black hole capable of tidally disrupting solarlike stars
to ∼7 x 108 solar masses. More quantitatively, we find
that direct stellar capture reduces tidal-disruption rates
by a factor ∼2/3 (1/10) at masses of 10 7 (108) solar
masses. This strong dependence of tidal-disruption
rates on black-hole spin implies that future surveys by
the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope that discover
thousands of tidal disruption events can constrain
supermassive black-hole spin demographics. We also
investigate the time dependence of the black-hole mass
accretion rate for individual tidal disruption events. We
find that for orbits with pericenters comparable to the
radius of the marginally bound circular orbit, relativistic
effects can double the peak accretion rate and halve the
time it takes to reach this peak accretion rate. The
accretion rate depends on both the magnitude of the
black-hole spin and its orientation with respect to the
stellar orbit; a maximal black-hole spin anti- aligned with
the orbital angular momentum leads to the largest peak
accretion rate. (#1490)
The MIRAX Mission on the Lattes Satellite
João Braga
MIRAX (Monitor e Imageador de RAios X) will the first
Brazilian space mission dedicated to astrophysics. The
experiment basically comprises 4 hard X-ray imagers
operating in the 5-200 keV range with a very wide fieldof- view (60 x 60 degrees) and a 5 arcmin angular
resolution. The instrument will carry out an
unprecedented survey of transient sources associated
with black holes and neutron stars. It will be capable of
studying in detail General Relativity effects in the strong
gravitational field regions in the vicinity of compact
objets. This will be accomplished by observing both the
time and spectral variability of the X rays emitted by
these objects. MIRAX will be placed onboard INPE's
Lattes satellite, which is based on a Multi-Mission
Platform and will be launched in 2017. In this
presentation, I will describe the Lattes satellite and the
MIRAX experiment, with emphasis on the scientific
objectives that this mission should reach in the field of
relativistic astrophysics. (#1431)
Axion-like particles and emission of very
high energy gamma rays in blazars
Fabrizio Tavecchio
The discovery of very high energy (E>100 GeV)
emission from flat spectrum radio quasars went as a
surprise. In fact, the nuclear environment of these
blazars, characterized by prominent broad emission
lines in the optical spectra (produced in the so-called
broad line region), is expected to by highly opaque to
gamma rays of these energies. A possible explanation is
that the emission occurred well outside the inner blazar
region (distances larger than 0.1-1 pc), although the
vary rapid VHE flux variation (~ten minutes) displayed
by the source PKS 1222+216 is very difficult to explain
in this view. We present the alternative model
(Tavecchio et al. 2012, Phys. Rev. D 86, 085036) based
on the assumption that the photon escape is allowed by
photon-ALP conversions before the BLR and
subsequent re-conversion in the host galaxy. An
acceptable shape of the intrinsic spectrum can be
obtained for values of the ALP-photon coupling of the
order of 10^11 GeV, close to values testable with the
upgraded photon regeneration ALPS experiment at
DESY. Possible extensions and improvements of the
model will also be discussed.(#1441)
Relativistic astrophysical sources: New
results from MAGIC
Ulisses De Almeida
During the past year MAGIC has detected six new
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN - e.g., PKS 1222+21, NGC
1275, B3 2247+381) at very-high energies (E > 100
GeV). The observatory has also made significant
contributions to the high-energy astrophysics within the
Galaxy. For example, MAGIC studied in detail the
morphology of the W 51 region, which provides the best
Galactic candidate source to date for a site of hadronic
particle acceleration to ~ 100 TeV. The Collaboration has
also recently measured the phase- resolved energy
spectra of the Crab pulsar from 40 to 500 GeV. All of
these results were obtained with the stereo system,
recently upgraded with new read-out electronics and a
new camera for the MAGIC-I telescope. In this talk we
will present a summary of the most significant results
recently obtained by the MAGIC collaboration and
describe the recent hardware upgrades that have
contributed to the current performance of the instrument.
Search for Very-high-energy gamma-ray
emission from Galactic globular clusters
with H.E.S.S.
Peter Eger
Globular clusters (GCs) are established emitters of highenergy (HE, 100 MeV – 100GeV) gamma- ray regime,
judging from the recent detection of a signal from the
direction of Terzan 5 with the H.E.S.S. telescope array.
To search for VHE gamma-ray sources associated with
other GCs, and to put constraints on leptonic emission
models, we systematically analyzed the observations
towards 15 GCs taken with the H.E.S.S. array of
imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. We
searched for point-like and extended VHE gamma-ray
emission from each GC in our sample and also
performed a stacking analysis combining the data from
all GCs to investigate the hypothesis of a population of
faint emitters. Assuming IC emission as the origin of the
VHE gamma-ray signal from the direction of Terzan 5,
we calculated the expected gamma-ray flux from each of
the 15 GCs, based on their number of millisecond
pulsars, their optical brightness and the energy density
of background photon fields. We did not detect
significant VHE gamma-ray emission from any of the 15
GCs in either of the two analyses . Given the
uncertainties related to the parameter determinations,
the obtained flux upper limits allow to rule out the simple
IC/msPSR scaling model for NGC 6388 and NGC 7078.
The upper limits derived from the stacking analyses are
factors between 2 and 50 below the flux predicted by the
simple leptonic scaling model, depending on the
assumed source extent and the dominant target photon
fields. Therefore, Terzan 5 still remains exceptional
among all GCs, as the VHE gamma-ray emission either
arises from extra- ordinarily efficient leptonic processes,
or from a recent catastrophic event, or is even unrelated
to the GC itself. (#1484)
VERITAS Extragalactic Gamma-ray
Amy Furniss
Remarkable progress has been made in very high
energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray astrophysics in
the last decade. The VHE source catalog has increased
tenfold and now includes a wide variety of source
classes. The Very Energetic Radiation Imaging
Telescope Array System (VERITAS) has observed
numerous targets, both galactic and extragalactic,
including more than 130 galaxies. Recent hardware
upgrades combined with the collaboration's ongoing
efforts in advanced analysis techniques have resulted in
a continued increase in the observatory's sensitivity
since its completion in 2007. VERITAS has detected 21
blazars, the radio galaxy M87 and the starburst galaxy
M82. These results have consequences for the
modeling of relativistic jets and the environment near
supermassive black holes and are directly applicable to
cosmological and fundamental physics studies.
Highlights from the VERITAS extragalactic observation
program, including VHE blazar discoveries, nondetections and broadband coverage of recent rapid VHE
blazar flaring will be presented. (#1489)
Failure Conditions of the Elastic Crust of
Neutron Stars
Claudia Aguilera Gómez
Neutron stars are compact objects and one of the
possible remnants of stellar evolution. Their high density
and huge magnetic fields are some of the many extreme
conditions found in neutron stars that we cannot emulate
on Earth. All this means that studying neutron stars
gives us unique insight into aspects of physics that
would remain unknown to us otherwise. The outer layer
of the neutron star, the crust, forms when the outer part
of the liquid neutron star solidifies, so initially it does not
have any shear deformation. Then as the forces evolve
in the star, they produce stresses that strain the solid,
which accumulates energy until the intrinsic properties of
the material make it impossible for the crust to withstand
an additional deformation, and thus the solid breaks,
releasing the energy it had accumulated. If the magnetic
field is the stressing agent, this process may explain the
emission in form of repetitive outbursts of soft gamma
repeaters. If the stressing agent is rotation instead, it is
possible that crust failure is somehow involved in the
sudden increases in frequency of pulsars known as
glitches, even if by itself this process fails to reproduce
observations. During this work, we express the
equations for the equilibrium of forces in the crust of
neutron stars when it is being stressed by external
forces. Newtonian theory of elasticity was used to
describe the crust and then the axially symmetric case
was analyzed, for which we have established a failure
criterion and estimated that the preferred direction for
the crust to break is the azimuthal. Furthermore, given
the dependence of the components of the force with the
displacement field, we find that poloidal forces like
rotation, will be less likely to make the crust fail than
force fields which do have an azimuthal component, like
the magnetic field. (#1478)
Modulating the emission of magnetars neutron star seismology with QPOs of
Michael Gabler
oscillations of a highly magnetized neutron star
(magnetar). The magnetic field that extends to the
exterior, couples these QPOs to the magnetosphere.
The charge carriers that conduct the currents that
maintain this twisted field can resonantly Compton
scatter (RCS) the photons from the surface. This
process changes the spectrum, and the magneto-elastic
QPOs can modulate the light curve. The magnetoelastic QPOs are computed with a 2D, generalrelativistic MHD code MCoCoA/CoCoNuT that includes
a description for the elastic crust of the neutron star.
Purely shear modes of the crust are damped efficiently
into the core, and coupled magneto-elastic oscillations
reach the surface at magnetic field strengths of B~10^15
G. For very high magnetic fields the frequencies of the
predominantly Alfven QPOs have integer relations and
can explain some of the observed QPOs. We study
different magnetic field configurations that give richer
spectra and thus may explain additional QPOs.
Magnetic fields confined to the crust are not favored,
because it is not possible to explain the lowest
frequency QPOs (f<~30Hz). The magnetic field in the
exterior is computed in the force-free approximation
consistently with the interior evolution. To compute the
spectra in the magnetosphere we developed a new
Monte-Carlo radiation transport code (MCMaMa) for
RCS which includes a consistent calculation of the
momentum distribution of the magnetospheric plasma
that is given by the charge carriers of the twisted
magnetic field. The momenta are calculated by
performing particle-in-a-line calculations of electrons and
positrons which interact with a background photon field.
The photons are scattered by the charges and their
spectrum is changed. This again changes the
momentum distribution of the charges. We apply an
iterative procedure to compute the spectrum and the
momentum distribution of the charge carriers. This
model allows to compute the spectrum at a given instant
of time and can be applied to improve the current
models regarding the quiescent emission of magnetars.
For the dynamic changes related to the QPOs we
calculate quasi-static sequences of equilibira and
integrate over the spectrum to obtain the light curve. In
first simplified simulations we find that the magnetoelastic QPOs can modulate the light curve significantly
for realistic surface amplitudes of less than 1km. (#1447)
F-modes of slowly and differentially
rotating stars
Cecilia Chirenti
Newly born neutron stars can present differential
rotation, even if later it should be suppressed by
viscosity or a sufficiently strong magnetic field. And in
this early stage of its life, a neutron star is expected to
have a strong emission of gravitational waves, which
could be influenced by the differential rotation. We
present here a new formalism for modeling differentially
rotating neutron stars: working on the slow rotation
approximation and assuming a small degree of
differential rotation, we show that it is possible to
separate variables in the Einstein field equations. The
dragging of inertial frames is determined by solving
three decoupled ODEs. After we establish our
equilibrium model, we explore the f-modes of oscillation
of the neutron star in the Cowling approximation.
A numerical eigenmode analysis of rotating
relativistic stars
Shinichiro Yoshida
Oscillations of rotating neutron stars are ones of the
important astrophysical sources of gravitational wave
targeted by the current and future detectors. Despite
their importance, development of their theory has been
hindered by difficulties in computing them, especially in
taking account relativistic gravity as well as fluid motion
under it. To improve this situation, we present a new
eigenmodes of rapidly rotating relativistic stars by
spatially conformally flat approximation (CFA) of general
relativity (GR). Computed frequencies of low-order fand p-modes of slowly rotating stars are shown to be in
good agreement with the quasi-normal frequencies of
the full GR problem. We obtain sequences of the loworder counter-rotating f- modes, which may become
unstable due to a coupling with gravitational radiation
neutral points of the instability are in good agreement
with those obtained by full GR analysis. (#1425)
Magnetic moments of SGRs and AXPs as
white dwarfs pulsars
Manuel Malheiro
Some of the most interesting types of astrophysical
objects that have been intensively studied in the recent
years are the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) and Soft
Gamma-ray Repeaters (SGRs) seen usually as neutron
stars pulsars with super strong magnetic fields.
However, in the last two years two SGRs with low
magnetic fields have been detected. Moreover, three
fast and very magnetic WD pulsars have also been
observed in the last years. Based on these new pulsar
discoveries, white dwarf pulsars have been proposed as
an alternative explanation to the observational features
of SGRs and AXPs [1]. We discuss here the pulsar
magnetic dipole moment when a model based on a
massive fast rotating highly magnetized white dwarf is
considered. We show that the values for m obtained are
in agreement with the observed range of isolated and
magnetic white dwarfs. This supports the understanding
of SGRs and AXPs as belonging to a new class of very
fast and magnetic white dwarfs, in accordance to the
recent astronomical observations of white dwarfs
pulsars. [1] M. Malheiro, J. A. Rueda, and R. Ruffini,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan,
Vol.64, No.3, Article No.56 (2012) (#1553)
Particle Acceleration by Magnetic
Reconnection: from solar flares to AGNs
and GRBs
Elisabete De Gouveia Dal Pino
Cosmic Ray acceleration still challenges the
researchers. Fast particles are accelerated in
astrophysical environments by a variety of processes. In
particular, acceleration in magnetic reconnection sites
has lately attracted the attention of researchers not only
for its potential importance in the solar context and the
Earth magnetotail, but also in other astrophysical
environments, like compact stellar sources, AGNs and
GRBs, and even in more diffusive media like the ISM
and the IGM. In this talk we discuss this mechanism by
means of three-dimensional MHD simulations with the
injection of thousands of test particles and show from
the evolution of their energy spectrum that they can be
efficiently accelerated by magnetic reconnection through
a first-order Fermi process within large scale current
sheets as those present in compact sources (specially
when local turbulence is present making the
acceleration region thicker) and also through a secondorder Fermi process in pure turbulent environments as
in the ISM and IGM. (#1454)
Gamma-ray burst neutrino limit from
IceCube and Fermi observations
Zhuo Li
If gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) produce high energy
cosmic rays, neutrinos are expected to be generated in
GRBs due to photo-pion productions. The detection of
HE neutrinos will help to identify the origins of HE
cosmic rays. The IceCube is believed to reach the
sensitivity of GRB neutrino detection. The continuous
non-detection starts to put interesting constraint.
However our careful calculation, in particular the
normalization of the GRB neutrino flux, shows that the
predicted neutrino flux is smaller than that predicted by
IceCube by a factor of ~5, thus the current non-detection
is still consistent with the GRB model and does not
challenge GRBs as the origin of HE cosmic rays.
(Reference: Li, Z. Physical Review D, vol. 85, Issue 2,
id. 027301) Moreover, we stress that the same process
that produce neutrinos also generates electromagnetic
(EM) emission induced by the production of secondary
electrons and photons, and that the EM emission is
expected to be correlated to the neutrino flux. Using the
Fermi observational results on gamma-ray flux from
GRBs, the GRB neutrino emission is limited to be below
~20 GeV/m2 per GRB event on average, which is
independent of the unknown GRB proton luminosity.
This neutrino limit suggests that the full IceCube needs
stacking more than 370 GRBs in order to detect one
GRB muon neutrino. The Fermi observations of GRBs
also imply that the ratio between energy in the
accelerated protons and electrons is fp<~10. (Reference:
Li, Z. submitted, arXiv:1210.6594) (#1456)
Indirect Dark Matter Detection in the Light
of Sterile Neutrinos
Arman Esmaili
The recent global fit of short baseline neutrino oscillation
data favors the presence of one (or more) sterile
neutrino state which leads to new mass splitting ∆m2 ~1
eV2. We consider the effect of this new states on the
evolution of neutrinos from the dark matter annihilation
inside the Sun. We show that neutrinos with energy E ν >
100 GeV undergo resonant active-sterile oscillation
which depletes the flux of neutrinos arriving at the Earth.
As an example of this effect, we present the oscillation
probabilities for the case of monochromatic neutrinos
from the direct annihilation of dark matter particles to
neutrinos and the depletion due to the presence of
sterile neutrinos. (#1516)
Self-gravitating system of fermions as dark
matter halos and central objects in galaxies
Bernardo De Oliveira Fraga
Dark Matter (DM) is believed to be one of the main
constituents of the universe today. Despite several lines
of evidence, it is not clear yet what DM is and its
properties. We propose a model of self-gravitating
fermions in general relativity to describe the dark matter
halos and the central objects in galaxies. We obtain a
universal density profile composed by a flat core for
small radii and a plateau and a tail that decreases with
the square of the radius for the halo region. We fit the
free parameters of the model using galactic observables
such as the constant rotation velocity, the mass of the
central object and the halo radius, concluding that the
particle mass should be tens of keV. We also show that
our model is in agreement with the universality laws
recently proposed and we compare our model with other
profiles commonly used in the literature. Since the
particle mass is in the keV region the sterile neutrino is a
natural candidate. (#1536)
SNR W44, the first unambiguous evidence
of gamma-rays emission from neutral-pions
Andrea Giuliani
The SNR W44 is an ideal system for studying cosmicray production. It is a middle-aged SNR expanding in a
dense medium whose environment and shocked
material configuration favor a detailed testing of
hadronic versus leptonic emission. We will present the
AGILE observations of W44 in the energy range 50
MeV-10 GeV , extending the gamma-ray spectrum of
this source to energies substantially lower than previous
measurements. The gamma-ray emission matches
remarkably well both the position and shape of the inner
SNR shocked plasma. Combining gamma-rays and
radio observations of this source we can demonstrate
that lepton-dominated models fail to explain
simultaneously the well-constrained multi-wavelength
spectrum. Hadron-dominated models are instead
consistent with all the constraints derived from radio,
optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray observations. This is the
first unambiguous evidence of gamma-rays emission
from neutral-pions decay in a SNR, as recently
confirmed by Fermi observations. The hadron energy
spectrum is well described by a power-law with index
3.0 ± 0.1 and a low-energy cut-off at 6 ± 1 GeV. (#1495)
Vacuum awakening in spheroidal
Raissa Mendes
In [1,2] it has been shown how quantum fluctuations of a
free scalar field properly coupled to the curvature can
drive an instability of the spacetime configuration. This
mechanism might have observable astrophysical
implications, for instance, in the formation of compact
stars. Also, the observation of relativistic stars with
certain mass-radius ratios could in principle be used to
discard an entire range of field-to-scalar-curvature
couplings as physically reasonable. For this latter
purpose, it is relevant to know if the main features
described in Ref. [2] are preserved when assumptions
such as spherical symmetry or staticity are relaxed. In
this presentation we discuss this mechanism in the
context of spheroidal thin shells, exploring the
consequences of deviations from spherical symmetry on
the triggering of the effect. [1] W.C.C. Lima and D.A.T.
Vanzella, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 161102 (2010). [2]
W.C.C. Lima, G.E.A. Matsas, and D.A.T. Vanzella, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 105, 151102 (2010). (#1491)
Awaking the vacuum in relativistic stars
William Lima
Void of any inherent structure in classical physics, the
vacuum has revealed to be incredibly crowded with all
sorts of processes in relativistic quantum physics. Yet,
its direct effects are usually so subtle that its structure
remains almost as evasive as in classical physics. Here,
in contrast, we exhibit a novel effect according to which
the vacuum is compelled to play an unexpected central
role in an astrophysical context. We show that the
formation of relativistic stars may disturb the vacuum of
a quantum field in a way which leads its energy density
to an exponential growth. The vacuum-driven evolution
which would then follow may lead to unexpected
implications for Astrophysics. (#1429)
Particle creation due to tachyonic
instability in relativistic stars
André Landulfo
It was recently shown that relativistic stars may become
unstable due to quantum-field effects. The so called
vacuum awakening effect occurs for a free scalar field
properly coupled to the spacetime curvature. This effect
is characterized by an exponential point-dependent
increase and decrease of the vacuum expectation value
of the stress- energy-momentum tensor. This is caused
by a tachyonic-like instability, which induces an
exponential growth of the vacuum fluctuations. Once the
effect is triggered, the star energy density would be
overwhelmed by the vacuum energy density in a few
milliseconds. This demands that eventually geometry
and field evolve to a new configuration to bring the
vacuum back to a stationary regime. Here, we show that
the vacuum fluctuations built up during the unstable
epoch lead to particle creation in the final stationary
state when the tachyonic instability ceases. The amount
of created particles depends mostly on the duration of
the unstable epoch and final stationary configuration,
which are open issues at this point. We emphasize that
the particle creation coming from the tachyonic instability
will occur even in the adiabatic limit, where the
spacetime geometry changes arbitrarily slowly, and
therefore is quite distinct from the usual particle creation
due to the change in the background geometry. (#1428)
Time evolution of non-symmetric
Robinson-Trautman spacetimes
Rodrigo Macedo
We extend our work published in Phys. Rev. D78
104025, (2008) [arXiv:0809.3039] for non-symmetric
configurations. We employ a Galerkin approximation
and show that regular initial data evolve generically into
a final configuration corresponding to a Schwarzschild
black-hole moving with constant speed. The relation with
the gravitational wave recoil is discussed. (#1538)
No Evidence For Bardeen-Petterson
Alignment In Conservative GRMHD
Simulation Of Moderately Thin, Tilted
Accretion Disk
Danilo Teixeira
In this work we present our latest numerical simulations
of accretion disks that are misaligned (tilted) with
respect to the rotation axis of a Kerr black hole. In this
work we use a new, fully conservative version of our
general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics (GRMHD)
code, coupled with an ad hoc cooling function designed
to control the thickness of the disk. Together these allow
us to simulate the thinnest tilted accretion disks ever
using a GRMHD code. In this way, we are able to probe
the regime where the dimensionless stress α and scale
height H/r of the disk become comparable. We also
introduce the first results that use data extracted from
numerical simulations as inputs to the analytic twisted
disk model of Zhuravlev & Ivanov. The simulated disk
shows no sign of Bardeen-Petterson alignment,
consistent with our earlier work, but contrary to common
expectations for thin disks. Importantly, we also find that
the dimensionless stress resulting from the MRIgenerated turbulence in our simulations is not isotropic,
also contrary to common assumptions. Finally, we find
that the predictions from the Zhuravlev & Ivanov model
for the dynamics and stationary configuration of the disk
agree quite well with the simulations. The implication is
that the parameter space associated with BardeenPetterson alignment may be quite small, only including
very thin disks H/r << α. (#1532)
Pulsars, supernovae, and ultrahigh energy
cosmic rays
Kumiko Kotera
Young isolated millisecond pulsars have been scarcely
discussed as sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays
(UHECR) in the literature. However, the production of
UHECRs in these objects could give a picture that is
surprisingly consistent with the latest data measured
with the Auger Observatory. These pulsars would be
born in supernovae that could present interesting
specific radiative features, due to the interaction of the
pulsar wind with the surrounding ejecta. The resulting
supernova could present a high luminosity plateau over
a few years, and a bright X-ray and gamma-ray peak
around one or two years after the onset of the explosion.
If such signatures were observed, they could have
important implications both for UHECR astrophysics and
for the understanding of core-collapse supernovae.
Relativistic AGN jets: The effect of radial
stratification on internal shocks and jet
Sander Walg
Current observations have shown that jets reveal strong
signs of a radial structure. Evidence suggests an inner
region of a jet, called the spine consisting of a lowdensity and fast moving gas, while the outer region of
the jet consists of a denser and slower moving gas,
called the sheath. Current observations are not able to
fully resolve the radial structure so that little is known
about the actual stratification profile. Strong internal
shocks within AGN jets, as well as the hot spots that
form where the jets impact the intergalactic medium
(IGM), are considered efficient cosmic rays accelerators,
and should be capable of accelerating particles up to
ultrahigh energies (E ~ 1020 eV). Given the importance
of the radial stratification for jet stability, jet integrity and
the formation of internal shocks, a study of jets with
different radial structure is clearly called for. We have
performed “2.5D” hydro-simulations of relativistic AGN
jets on scales up to 400 kpc. We compare the evolution
of two spine-sheath structured jets (one with an
isothermal equation of state and the other with an
adiabatic equation of state), as well as a radially uniform
jet. We study the global morphology and evolution of the
jet head and surrounding cocoon and we quantify the
amount of mixing between spine and sheath material.
We find that the effective surface area of the
intergalactic medium that interacts with the jet near its
head is much larger than was predicted from simple
theory, resulting in a significantly lower jet head
propagation speed. Due to this large impact area,
complex flow patterns form at the jet's heads, causing
vortices and turbulence that drive strong mixing of spineand sheath material and material from the intergalactic
medium. Moreover, we find that in case of the adiabatic
jet, the spine-sheath structure is lost fairly quickly after
jet inlet, whereas the isothermal jet maintains its integrity
up to large distances. The marked differences between
the evolution of the two structured jet models give us
new insights in the influence of jet stratification and
provide us with new signatures in jet morphology that
can be compared with observations. (#1430)
Possible link between FERMI bubbles and
cosmic rays
Dmitry Chernyshov
Fermi bubbles are giant gamma-ray structures extended
north and south of the Galactic center with diameters
and heights of the order of 10 kpc recently discovered
by Fermi Large Area Telescope. Correlation between
gamma-ray emission observed by Fermi and radio
emission observed by Plank implies the presence of
high-energy particles in the area covered by Fermi
bubbles. We suggest that the periodic star capture
processes by the Galactic supermassive black hole Sgr
A* can result in hot plasma injecting into the Galactic
and produce a series of shocks. Acceleration of
electrons may result in observed gamma- ray and radio
emission while reacceleration of protons may contribute
to the spectrum of cosmic rays (CR) observed near the
Earth. We show that for energy larger than E > 10^15
eV, the acceleration process can be better described by
the stochastic second-order Fermi acceleration. We
propose that hadronic CR within the ``knee'' of the
observed CR spectrum are produced by Galactic
supernova remnants distributed in the Galactic disk. Reacceleration of these particles in the Fermi Bubble
produces CRs beyond the knee. The conversion
efficiency from shock energy of the bubble into CR
energy is about 10%. This model provides a natural
explanation of the observed CR flux, spectral indexes,
and matching of spectra at the knee. (#1480)
Very High and Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic
Ray Nuclei from Pulsars
Ke Fang
Fast-rotating neutron stars can accelerate particles in
their pulsar wind to ultrahigh energies. The time-evolving
supernova remnant surrounding the pulsar further
interacts with the newly born cosmic rays that try to
escape from the source. Our simulation of the escape
process finds an ultrahigh energy cosmic ray spectrum
softer than the injected E-1, accompanied by a
composition transition from light to heavy elements due
to the presence of secondaries. Both features help to
explain the air shower studies reported by the Auger
Observatory. In addition, we also study the accumulation
of cosmic rays from all pulsars given a pulsar birth
distribution. The pulsar population is assumed to be lognormally distributed in magnetic field strength, centered
at 1012.65 Gauss, and normally distributed in spin period,
centered at 300 millisecond. With proper injection
composition, the sum of extragalactic pulsars can
reproduce both observed energy spectrum and
atmospheric depth of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays.
Meanwhile, their Galactic counterparts contribute to very
high energy cosmic rays at 1016 -1018 eV, which could
bridge the gap between predictions of cosmic rays from
supernova remnants and the observed spectrum just
below the ankle. We show the results fitting to different
sets of data and their dependence on Galactic diffusion
parameters. In particular, we discuss the tension
between the ankle-like spectrum and light composition
measurement at 1018 eV and its implication to the pulsar
sources. (#1494)
Schenberg Gravitational Wave Antenna:
Status Report
Odylio Denys Aguiar
Here we present a status report of the Schenberg
antenna. In the past four years it has gone to a radical
upgrading operation, in which we have been installing a
1K pot dilution refrigerator, cabling and amplifiers for
nine transducer circuits, designing a new suspension
and vibration isolation system for the microstrip
antennas, and developing a full set of new transducers,
microstrip antennas, and oscillators. We are also
studying an innovative approach, which could transform
Schenberg into a broadband gravitational wave detector.
Searching for gravitational wave signals
from rotating neutron stars with the LIGO
and Virgo detectors
Andrezj Krolak
A brief overview of basic mechanisms of gravitational
radiation from rotating neutron stars will be given with
emphasis on the most recent results. Basic types of
searches for gravitational wave signals - targeted
searches from known pulsars, directed searches from
known locations on the sky, wide parameter searches
for unknown rotating neutron stars will be presented.
Data analysis methods used in all these types of
investigation will be discussed. Finally the most recent
results of quest for gravitational wave signals from
neutron stars in the data collected by LIGO and Virgo
detectors will be summarized. (#1434)
Searching for Gravitational Waves with a
Geostationary Interferometer
José C. N. De Araújo
We analyze the sensitivities of a geostationary
gravitational wave interferometer mission operating in
the sub-Hertz band. Because of its smaller arm-length,
our proposed Earth-orbiting detector will be less
sensitive, by a factor of about seventy, than the Laser
Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission in the
lower part of its accessible frequency band (10 -4 - 2x10-2
Hz), while it will outperform it by the same factor in the
higher-part of it (2x10-2 Hz - 10 Hz). By being able to
probe the higher region of the sub-Hertz band with
higher sensitivity, our proposed interferometer will
observe a larger number of super-massive black holes
(SMBHs) with masses smaller than ~10 6 Msun, thereby
probing more accurately the astrophysical scenarios that
account for their formation. (#1550)
Capitalizing on GW polarization bias for a
pair of interferometric detectors to increase
parameter estimation speed and the
potential implications for cosmological
Cristina Valeria Torres
The first generation of gravitational-wave (GW)
detectors have reached their initial goals for sensitivity
and produced interesting upper limits. While these
detectors did not detect a GW, the next generation of
detectors are poised to make such detections in the nottoo-distant future. Determining source parameters
quickly and accurately is useful for the multi-messenger
astronomy community and these measured parameters
will also likely impact cosmological and population
modeling. We will discuss our preliminary investigation,
a single case study, on the effects on parameter
estimation and source bias when detecting a compact
binary coalescence (CBC) signal using two Advanced
LIGO (aLIGO) detectors. For that suspected gamma-ray
burst source, it appears that the observable source
polarization angles are non-uniform across the sky. This
bias can be used to speed up parameter studies, and
possibly impact source selection of CBC objects in the
observable volume of aLIGO detectors. We present our
case study and offer motivation on how properly
considering these effects on observable source
polarizations across the sky may be beneficial to
analysis and modeling efforts.
Improved versions of the F-statistic for
more efficient GW pulsar searches
Curt Cutler
The F-statistic is the optimal (frequentist) statistic for the
detection of gravitational-wave (GW) pulsars. However,
in "all-sky" searches for previously unknown GW
pulsars, it would be computationally intractable to
calculate the (fully coherent) F-statistic at every point of
a (suitably fine) grid covering the parameter space. Here
we describe improved versions of the F-statistic that
lead to greater sensitivity at fixed computational cost.
Some of the ideas here should also be useful for
improving the efficiency of searches for gamma-ray
pulsars in Fermi data and searches for short-period
binary radio pulsars in radio data. (#1519)
energies. We present a model for the non-thermal
radiation produced by the relativistic particles
accelerated at the bowshock. The presence of rich
infrared photon fields locally generated by the heated
dust provides a suitable target for inverse Compton
interactions, that might yield, in some cases, detectable
gamma-ray fluxes.
Effect of Diquark-Diquark Repulsion in the
EoS of Strongly Interacting Systems
Efrain Ferrer
No asymptotically highly damped quasinormal modes without horizons?
Jozef Skakala
We explore the question what happens with the
asymptotically highly damped quasi-normal modes (ℓ
fixed, |ωI}|→∞) in case spacetime has no horizons. In
particular we work with the characteristic oscillations of a
scalar field in a generic asymptotically flat spherically
symmetric static spacetime without horizons. The
question what in such case happens with the asymptotic
quasi-normal modes might be interesting from the point
of view of the currently popular conjectures, such that
link the behavior of the asymptotic quasi-normal modes
to the quantum properties of spacetime horizons. We
prove for a large class of such spacetimes that the
asymptotically highly damped modes do not exist. This
provides in our view additional evidence that there is a
close general link between the asymptotically highly
damped modes and the existence of spacetime horizons
(and the properties of spacetime horizons). (#1445)
Bowshocks of runaway stars as gamma-ray
Maria Victoria Del Valle
Runaway massive stars can produce bowshocks in the
surrounding ISM. These bowshocks develop as arcshaped structures, with the bows pointing to the same
direction as the supersonic stellar velocity. The piled-up
shocked matter emits thermal radiation and a population
of locally accelerated relativistic particles is expected to
produce non-thermal emission over a wide range of
energies. The recent detections of non-thermal radio
emission from the bowshock of BD +43◦3654 and of
non-thermal X-ray radiation from the bowshock of AE
Aurigae, confirm the capability of some of runaway stars
to accelerate at least electrons up to relativistic
The BCS-BEC crossover at sufficiently strong coupling
will be analyzed in a simple model that mimic a dense
quark matter system. Considering the EoS of this
strongly interacting system, I will show that to avoid the
BEC system to collapse into a pressureless gas at zero
temperature, a diquark-diquark repulsion has to be selfconsistently taken into account. The existence of a
diquark-diquark interaction strength beyond which the
tendency to condense at zero temperature of the
diquark gas is compensated by the repulsion between
diquarks will be discussed. Possible implications of the
diquark-diquark interaction for the astrophysics of
compact stars will be discussed. (#1531)
Recent progress on the Induced
Gravitational Collapse Model
Ana Virginia Penacchioni
We describe the Induced Gravitational Collapse
scenario, recently developed to explain the sub-class of
long GRBs associated with a SN explosion. We propose
as a progenitor a binary system formed by a CO core
and a NS companion. The CO core explodes as a SN
producing a thermal emission in the keV range that
evolves in time following a broken PL. The SN ejecta is
then accreted by the NS, which reaches its critical mass
and collapses to a BH, producing the canonical GRB.
We apply this model to a sample of long GRBs,
describing every episode of emission. We also compute
the relevant parameters of the binary system. In
addition, we apply a phenomenological method to
estimate the redshift of this sub-class of GRBs by
analyzing their X-ray light curves. (#1537)
Bigrade Orbits Around Kerr Black Holes
Gabriel Perez-Giz
There exists a subclass of stable bound Kerr geodesics
whose azimuthal motion switches from prograde to
retrograde and back repeatedly throughout the orbit.
These orbits, which we call "bigrade orbits", always have
negative azimuthal angular momentum and are highly
inclined but constitute a set of nonzero measure in the
orbital phase space. Bigrade orbits, which can be
interpreted as another manifestation of frame-dragging,
exist at arbitrarily large orbital radii and for arbitrary
small black hole spins. Far from the black hole, such
orbits are restricted to a tiny range of orbital inclinations
near 90 degrees (polar) and have a "wrong-way"
prograde phase of vanishingly small amplitude and
duration. For large black hole spins and periapsis of
order a few Schwarzschild radii, however, both the
range of inclinations over which bigrade motion occurs
and the magnitude of the effect are more pronounced.
This talk details the anatomy of bigrade orbits and
discusses whether they could be observationally
important. (#1540)
Nonlinear effect of r-mode instability in
uniformly rotating stars
Motoyuki Saijo
We investigate the r-mode instability of uniformly
rotating stars by means of three dimensional
hydrodynamical simulations in Newtonian gravity with
radiation reaction. We propose a nonlinear anelastic
approximation in the rotating reference frame, which kills
the propagation of sound speed, in order to evolve the
system beyond the acoustic timescale. We succeed in
evolving uniformly rotating stars up to at least around
several hundred rotation period with our new scheme,
which is at least 10 times longer than the previous
standard hydrodynamical simulations. In order to verify
our developed code, we impose the harmonic index of
l=m=2 perturbation of an incompressible unstable rmode eigenfunction to the equilibrium velocity, and find
that the characteristic frequency of the unstable r-mode
is excited throughout the evolution. We discuss the
features of nonlinear r-mode instability with our newly
developed code, such as saturation amplitude and the
breaking wave effect of its instability. (#1468)
Network of interferometric gravitational
wave detectors sensitivity for identifying
the metric theory of gravity
Carlos Frajuca
Although general relativity (GR) has presented
remarkable experimental results as a theory for gravity,
other theories have not been ruled out because they
yield the same results of GR for many phenomena. One
way to exclude candidate theories is by detecting the
gravitational waves emitted by astrophysical sources
since the predictions of the theories on this phenomenon
may vary. In this work we report results of a research on
ways to generate distinctive observations regarding
different metric theories of gravitation. To this end we
propose the combination of the data of a network of
interferometric gravitational wave detectors in such a
way that the identification of the metric theory of
gravitation is possible. The results use current and
planned detectors, the two LIGO, VIRGO, LCGT, AIGO
and GEO600, because six detectors are necessary to
identify all possible metric theories of gravitation. We
present that a network of at least six interferometric
gravitational wave detectors is needed to allow
discrimination among metric theories of gravitation and
how these detectors should be positioned for the
network to reach maximum sky coverage by analyzing
actual and planned detectors. (#1473)
Electromagnetic and Gravitational Wave
emission from merger of supermassive
black holes in force-free plasma
Daniela Delia Alic
I will present a recent study of the electromagnetic and
gravitational wave emission produced during the inspiral
and merger of supermassive black holes immersed in a
force-free plasma threaded by magnetic field. Due to the
recent progress in the field of numerical relativity, this
type of astrophysical scenarios can now be studied
through complex numerical simulations and the resulting
estimates are important for future multi-messenger
astronomy. Our results show that although a dual-jet
structure is present in the electromagnetic emission, its
associated luminosity is smaller than the one associated
with the non- collimated emission, which is
predominantly quadrupolar. The three-dimensional
charge distribution produced as a consequence of the
binary inspiral possesses a complex but ordered
structure, which traces the motion of the two black
holes. I will provide quantitative estimates of the scaling
of the electromagnetic emission with the orbital
frequency of the binary, which show that the diffused
part has a dependence that is the same as the
gravitational- wave one, and discuss the impact of these
results on the potential detectability of dual jets from
supermassive black holes and the steps necessary for
more accurate estimates. (#1439)
Alternative Models and Theories
Cosmology from Kaluza-Klein gravitational
Pedro Ribeiro Da Silva Moraes
In this work we present a cosmological model derived
from Kaluza-Klein theory, identifying the functional form
of the parameter associated to the fifth dimension in
such a way that it produces a solution that mimetizes the
effects of the cosmological constant in the scope of
General Relativity. (#1485)
Reducing the parameter space for
unparticle-inspired models using white
dwarf masses
Rodrigo Alvares De Souza
Many proposals for explaining the apparent
shortcomings of the Standard Model have been
advanced. The Unparticle Model proposed by Howard
Georgi aimed to include in the Standard Model massive
but scale-invariant particles, sharing the same physics of
the scale-dependent counterparts. These objects, called
'unparticles', could play an important role in low-energy
physics, since the model implies that unparticles can be
exchanged between massive particles, leading to a new
force called 'ungravity'. This “fifth”' force would add a
perturbation term to the newtonian gravitational
potential, although the exact potential can not be
obtained because the distance at which the perturbed
potential matches the Newtonian expression needs to
be known. Based on astrophysical constraints derived
from Chandrasekhar's mass limit for white-dwarfs, we
study the effects of the model on the parameters of
unparticle-inspired gravity, on scales of energy beyond 1
TeV and the anomalous dimension parameter dU near
1, in order to constrain the mass of the interaction
(un)particle. (#1482)
Fractal Characteristics in the LemaîtreTolman-Bondi Cosmology
Recent observations indicate that the Universe may not
be homogeneous at high redshifts where density
variations of cosmological sources are observed.
Assuming that those density variations can be described
by inhomogeneous cosmological models, this work
intends to model these variations by using the most
studied of these models, the Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi
(LTB) spacetime. The generality of this model, which
includes the standard cosmology as a particular case,
allows its arbitrary functions to be specified in a way that
the density variations can be modeled as a fractal
distribution. We intend to generalize Ribeiro's (1992)
work by using the technique developed by Mustapha,
Ellis \& Hellaby (1998) which probes the past light cone
using the single null geodesic concept and obtaining
analytic solutions of the radial past null geodesic in this
cosmology, unlike the numerical approach of Ribeiro
(1992). Then we obtain inhomogeneous solutions with a
fractal behavior that can be compatible with
observations from type Ia supernovae without assuming
the existence of a dark energy. This is so because the
LTB model can determine various mass and energy
distributions due to the arbitrariness of undetermined
functions freedom in a spacetime without a cosmological
constant. The particular solutions obtained for these
functions are used to derive observational quantities in
the LTB parabolic model, using the single null geodesic
approach, and an analytic expression for the redshift as
a function of the comoving radial coordinate is obtained.
Finally, a discussion of specific fractal dimension values
in each redshift range is presented. (#1457)
Calculating Vacuum Energy from a
Universal Background
Antônio Carlos Amaro De Faria Júnior
In this paper we discuss a model for calculating the
vacuum energy based on the standard model of infinite
harmonic oscillators with n oscillation modes. As is
known to add up these oscillators on all modes of
oscillation the result is a divergence. This divergence is
based on the residual energy or zero-point energy,
which through a simple technique of renormalization or
ordering circumvents the problem of divergence.
However if we consider an absolute reference and
relative to it a minimum speed consistent with the
uncertainty principle we can show that it is possible to
remove the divergence of the vacuum energy, without
the renormalization technics. References: [1] D W
Sciama, On The Origen of Inertia, Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society 113, 34, (1953). [2]
86,027703,(2012). (#1449)
Felipe Gomes Nogueira
Initial Data for Binary Neutron Stars with
Arbitrary Spin and Orbital Eccentricity
Compact Objects
On The Relativistic Feynman-MetropolisTeller Equation of State at Finite
Temperatures and its Applications to White
Sheyse Martins De Carvalho
considering a classic non-relativistic Thomas-Fermi
model confined in a Wigner-Seitz cell has been recently
generalized to relativistic regimes and applied to the
description of non-rotating white- dwarfs in general
relativity. We are extending the FMT treatment to the
case of finite temperatures for white dwarfs with different
nuclear compositions. Our aim is to understand the
effects of finite temperatures on the structure of white
dwarfs, constructing and analyzing their equation of
state and mass-radius relation. (#1554)
Collapse of a cloud of matter to form a
polytropic star in the characteristic
formulation of general relativity
Carlos Cedeño Montaña
An attractive point of view to study gravitational radiation
provided by compact objects or binary compact
systems, it is the characteristic formulation of general
relativity that is based on radiation coordinates. In that
formulation the space-time can be foliated in null cones
oriented to the future. Currently, there are characteristic
numerical codes capable to solve the Einstein's field
equations coupled, for example, with a massive KleinGordon scalar field without any symmetry. They are
based on finite difference schemes using the eth
formalism, and on the non-conformal mapping
decomposition of the angular manifold using the
gnomonic or stereographic projections. However, there
is another approach to deal with these problems,
namely, the spectral decomposition. In that approach the
metric functions, the density, and the pressure of a
distribution of matter can be decomposed using the
spin-weighted spherical harmonics. We adopt that
approach to write the Einstein's field equations for the
problem of the gravitational collapse of a cloud of matter
to form a fermionic, and polytropic star. To achieve this,
we develop an algebraic and parallelised Mathematica
package that is able to write the system of equations in
the characteristic form using the tensor, the eth
formalism, and the spin-weighted spherical harmonics.
Pedro Marronetti
The starting point of any general relativistic numerical
simulation is a solution of the Hamiltonian and
momentum constraint that (hopefully) represents an
astrophysically realistic system. One characteristic of the
Binary Neutron Star (BNS) initial data problem is that,
unlike the case of binary black holes, there are no
formalisms that permit the construction of initial data
with stars with arbitrary spins. For many years, the only
options available have been systems either with nonspinning stars (irrotational fluid) or with stars that are
tidally locked (corotating). Ten years ago, Marronetti &
Shapiro (2003) introduced an approximation that would
produce such arbitrarily spinning systems. More
recently, Tichy (2012) presented a new formulation to do
the same. However, all these data sets are bound to
have a non-zero eccentricity that results from the fact
the stars' velocity have initial null radial components. We
present here a new approximation for BNS initial data
for systems that possess arbitrary spins (and, of course,
arbitrary masses) and arbitrary radial and tangential
velocity components. The latter allows for the
construction of data sets with arbitrary orbital
eccentricity. Through the fine-tuning of the radial
component, we were able to reduce the eccentricity by a
factor of several compared to that of standard helical
symmetry data sets such as those currently used in the
scientific community. (#1524)
An overview of the generalizations of the
Birkhoff theorem
José Arbañil
The interest of the present work is to generalize the
Birkhoff theorem to include different kind of field
sources, with particular interest in compact objects. A
modern form of stating the original Birkhoff theorem is,
for instance, as follows: let the geometry of a given
region of spacetime (1) be spherically symmetric, and
(2) be a solution to the Einstein field equations in
vacuum; then that geometry is necessarily a piece of the
generalizations of such a theorem in the literature. We
start by briefly reviewing the historical facts related to
theorem in the literature, which, as far as we know,
already include electromagnetic fields, cosmological
term, and some kind of scalar fields. In each case the
associated geometry is a piece of different known
spacetimes, e.g., Reissner-Nordström, ReissnerNordström-de Sitter, an so on. Our first aim is to put
forward a generalized version of the theorem which
includes all the known results in four and higher
dimensional spacetimes. For it is assumed the
spacetime can be split in two regions along a specific
(spherical) direction. One region, called the interior
region, may contain any kind of matter-energy, while the
exterior region contains only the specified matter and
fields. Assuming further that the spacetime admits a
particular Killing vector we show that it is possible to put
together several generalized versions of the theorem. In
particular, we consider an electrically charged perfect
fluid, with cosmological constant, in a spacetime with
arbitrary number of spacelike dimension, and show that
the conditions of validity of the theorem hold
independently of the special geometry and of the
number of extra dimensions. We then analyze particular
cases of compact objects with different energy content
in the exterior region. (#1483)
Compact objects in General Relativity:
testing the Buchdahl limit for charged
Vilson Tonin Zanchin
The aim of the present work is to investigate the bounds
for the degree of compactification of relativistic compact
objects. A classical result by Buchdahl (Phys. Rev. 116,
1027 (1959)) establishes that for static solutions of the
spherically symmetric Einstein-matter system, the total
ADM mass M and the area radius R of the boundary of
the body obey the inequality 2M/R < 8/9.
Generalizations of such a result for Einstein-Maxwellmatter systems, to include the effects of the electric
charge, were worked out by several authors. A sharp
result was found by Andreasson (Commun. Math. Phys.
274, 399 (2007)). Extrapolating such a result we find
that the quasiblack hole limit, for which R=M=Q, Q being
the electric charge of the sphere, is the minimum radius
to mass ratio that can be reached, i.e., R/M=1. With this
result in mind, we study several models of charged static
fluids that admits such an extreme limit of
compactification. In particular, we study a charged
perfect fluid sphere with a polytropic equation of state
under the assumption that the charge density of the fluid
sphere is proportional to the energy density. Using the
equilibrium solutions and by varying the parameters of
the equation of state, and the central density of the
sphere, we look for the minimum radius to mass ratio.
We show that under certain conditions the quasiblack
hole limit, R/M=1, can be attained. (#1469)
MHD equilibria in barotropic stars
Cristóbal Armaza
Barotropic equations of state, where pressure is a
function solely of density, are usually assumed to
describe the matter within magnetic stars in ideal
magnetohydrodynamical equilibrium. Barotropy strongly
restricts the range of possible equilibrium configurations,
and strictly does not represent the realistic stably
stratified matter within these objects. Stable stratification
is likely to be an essential ingredient to suppress the
magnetic instabilities. Thus, it is interesting to verify if
barotropic equilibria are stable or not, so that they can
have a chance to be used in modeling the known longlived magnetic fields present in some stellar objects.
These equilibria, involving both poloidal and toroidal
magnetic field components, are described by the socalled Grad-Shafranov equation, a nonlinear, partial
differential equation with two free functions. Here, we
present a new finite-difference code developed in order
to solve this equation for arbitrary choices of these
functions. Dynamical stability of the new numerical
equilibria found could be analyzed using either a
perturbative analysis or the time-evolution of such
configurations. (#1466)
Time lags in the kilohertz quasi-periodic
oscillations of the low-mass X-ray binaries
4U1608-52 and 4U1636-53
Marcio Bronzato de Avellar
The kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in
neutron stars (NS) low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXB) are
the fastest variability so far observed from any
astrophysical object and are characterized generally by
two relatively narrow peaks in the power density spectra
of these sources. Since (part of) the high-energy
radiation emitted from the surface of the NS in LMXBs is
reprocessed and re-emitted at lower energies in the
accretion disk or in a region not far from the surface of
the neutron star, one can constrain the size of the
(re-)emitting region measuring the (energy-dependent)
time (or phase) lags and the Fourier coherence between
low- and high-energy photons of the kHz QPOs. The
time (phase) lags and Fourier coherence are Fourierfrequency-dependent measures of, respectively, the
time (phase) delay and the degree of linear correlation
between two concurrent and correlated time series, in
this case light curves of the same source, in two
different energy bands. Although most of the
observational and theoretical studies in the past 15
years concentrated on the frequencies and, to a lesser
degree, the amplitude and the coherence of the kHz
QPOs, almost no work has been done on the energydependent time (or phase) lags and the Fourier
coherence of the kHz QPOs. Since the Keplerian
frequency close the innermost stable circular orbit
(ISCO) around a ∼15km and ∼1.4M⊙ NS is ∼1300 Hz,
several models have been proposed in which the kHz
QPOs, especially the one at higher frequency (the upper
kHz QPO), reflect the Keplerian frequency of matter
orbiting at the inner edge of an accretion disc, very close
to the NS surface. We studied the systems 4U1608–52
and 4U1636–53, in which the frequency of the kHz
QPOs ranges from 540 to 1060 Hz in the former and
from 550 to 1240 Hz in the later. We find a significant
dependence of the time lags with energy (−0. 026 msec
at 5 keV to −0.095 msec at 18 keV for 4U 1608-52 and
−0. 0009 msec at 6 keV to −0.051 msec at 19 keV for
4U 1636-53), but a weak (if any) dependence with
frequency and we use these results to constrain the
location at which these QPOs are produced. Based on
our results, we concluded that the size of the emitting
region should be small (~1km) and very near the
neutron star if we use a down-scattering model for the
delays. (#1460)
Models of Pulsars Binary Systems and
Emission of Gravitational Waves
Renan Santos
Neutron stars are the current laboratories of General
Relativity. Even though they have been predicted by the
theory as solutions of the Einstein's Field Equations,
these fascinating objects still challenge the entire
scientific community by having intrinsically many
physical features in high energy level such as strong
magnetic field (1e9 G~1e15 G), central density near to
the nuclear density (1e14 g / cm³), source of neutrinos,
superfluidity, high angular frequency (1000 revolutions
per second) and so on. Currently, in astrophysics, the
study of stellar structure comes primarily from an
equation of state inferred by numerous methods.
Information can be obtained by analysing the redshift
effects within binary systems. Nevertheless, the
luminosity detection of these compact stars is not so
trivial. Thus, this physics doesn't fully work, especially on
modern issues with strong gravitational and magnetic
fields. On the other hand, a pulsar binary system allows
us to observe the emission of gravitational waves
indirectly; the period of the pulsar decreases due to the
emission of gravitational waves which are propagated in
the speed of light as a transversal wave with small
amplitude h (~1e-21) and frequency (1 mHz~1000 Hz).
Firstly, by solving the famous Tolman– Oppenheimer–
Volkoff (TOV) equations using numerical methods
(Runge-Kutta) on MatLab, this project aims to describe
the structure of a neutron star assuming that is
equivalent to a spherically symmetric body of isotropic
material which is in hydrostatic equilibrium; secondly, we
use the quadrupole approximation to model the
gravitational radiation emitted by a binary system. At
last, we conclude that the quadrupole method is an
accurate tool to investigate the gravitational waves from
relativistic stars in a binary system. (#1443)
Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect as probe dark
Fabio Cabral Carvalho
Evidences for late-time acceleration of the Universe are
provided by multiple complementary probes, such as
observations of distant Type Ia supernovae (SNIa),
cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies,
baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), clusters of galaxies,
and the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect. Following
the former, a number of authors investigated the
properties dynamical of the dark energy (DE)
component. In this work we shall focus on the latter,
which consists of small secondary fluctuations in the
CMB which are produced whenever gravitational
potentials are evolving, as happens at late times in the
case of the Universe undergoing a transition to a
curvature or dark energy-dominated phase. Thus, if we
assume a flat universe as supported by the primary
CMB data, then a detection of the ISW represents a
measurement of dark energy and its properties. We
estimated the parameters of a few quintessence models
from ISW effect and investigated if the dynamical
comportment of these models is consistent with SNIa,
CMB and BAO data. (#1547)
Weak Gravitational Lensing and
Cosmological Perturbation Theory
Leonardo Castañeda Colorado
Weak Gravitational Lensing is nowadays a powerful tool
to understand the underlying physics of galaxy formation
and clustering of dark matter in the Universe. In
particular, the shear signal is a priceless source of
richness in different probes in cosmology and
astrophysics. During the last decades, different
approaches to understand non linear effects in
cosmology have been developed and one of the most
widely used is the halo model. Within the model, in order
to compute the two point statistics, several
generalizations of the two halo term are available in the
literature. In this work, I use non standard cosmological
perturbation theory, specifically the Halo-Perturbation
theory approach (R. Smith et al. PRD 75, 063512, 2007)
to study the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal using the
tangential shear to compute the galaxy-halo correlation
function . The results are compared with the standard
Halo-Model and the effects of non linear effects are
disentangled in the shear signal. The main result
expected from this method is to provide a deeper
understanding of the halo-halo correlation function, until
now this function is modeled only with the linear matter
power spectrum. However, is well known that non linear
clustering should affect the lensing shear signal.
Different effects as scale dependent bias of the dark
matter halos and dark matter halo shapes are strong
functions for the shear signal, it makes this probe an
excellent test for different models of structure formation
in the Universe. Future applications of this new
approach are discussed. (#1520)
Notes on the use of curvature scalars in
order to identify singularities in quantum
Gil De Oliveira Neto
In the present work we provide further evidence that the
canonical quantization of cosmological models
eliminates the classical Big Bang singularity. The usual
criterion for absence of the Big Bang singularity in
Friedmann-Robertson-Walker quantum cosmologi-cal
models is the non-vanishing of the expectation value of
the scale factor. Here we make use of the DeBroglieBohm interpretation, compute for all FRW models
considered the 'local expectation value' of the Ricci and
the Kretschmann scalars, and show that they are finite
for all time. According to the classification introduced in
the literature and the fact that these scalars are
elements of general scalar polynomials in the metric and
the Riemann tensor, this result indicates that in these
quantum models the 'local expectation value' of a
general scalar polynomial in the metric and the Riemann
tensor is finite everywhere, including what would
correspond to the classical Big Bang singularity. (#1492)
Cosmic time evolution of the average
galactic mass and luminosity from z=0.5 to
Amanda Reis Lopes
This work aims to estimate the redshift evolution of the
average mass and luminosity of field galaxies from
luminosity function data derived from galaxy redshift
surveys. Ribeiro & Stoeger (2003) presented a
relativistic relation between the mass-to-light ratio and
two other quantities related to the luminosity function in
a relativistic cosmology, namely the selection function
and the luminosity density. Analyzing this relation, we
verify that the average luminosity as function of the
redshift can be obtained using the ratio between the
luminosity density and the selection function. Moreover,
we develop an approach to obtain the average galactic
mass evolution using the stellar mass-to-light ratio and
the previously derived average luminosity. For this
analysis, we use the Schechter parameters of the
luminosity function in the B-band presented by Gabasch
et al. (2004) in the redshift range of 0.5<z<5.0 for the
FORS Deep Field galaxy survey and the stellar mass of
a sample of 5558 galaxies (Drory et al. 2005). We find
that the average luminosity varies as a smooth
exponential against the redshift, approximating to L(z)
(1+z) for small values of z, a result in agreement with an
early suggestion made by Brown & Tinsley (1974). We
also discuss how to obtain an analytical expression for
the redshift evolution of the average galactic mass.
Variation of the speed of light and the
invariance of the Fine Structure Constant
Antônio Carlos Amaro De Faria Júnior
From an extended relativistic dynamics for a particle
moving in a cosmic background field with temperature T,
we aim to obtain the speed of light with an explicit
dependence on the background temperature of the
universe. Although finding the speed of light in the early
universe much larger than its current value, our
approach does not violate the postulate of special
relativity. Moreover, it is shown that the high value of the
speed of light in the early universe was drastically
decreased before the beginning of the inflationary
period. So we are led to conclude that the theory of
varying speed of light should be questioned as a
possible solution of the horizon problem. It will be also
shown that the fine structure constant has remained
invariant since the early universe with Planck
temperature. Although the speed of light was initially
much higher than its current value according to a
previous work [1], and now showing that both the Planck
constant and the electron charge were also very large in
a distant past, it will be found that the fine structure
constant has not been changed with the cosmic time
scale. (brief report accepted for publication in Physical
Review D on Set 2012). References: [1] D W Sciama,
On The Origen of Inertia, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society 113, 34, (1953). [2] C.Nassif,
A.C.Amaro de Faria Jr.,Phys.Rev.D 86,027703,(2012).
Doubly special relativity with an invariant
minimum speed and the accelerated
expansion of the universe
Claudio Nassif Da Cruz
It will be introduced a new symmetry principle in the
space-time geometry through the elimination of the
classical idea of rest, by including a universal minimum
limit of speed in the subatomic world. Such a lowest
limit, unattainable by particles, represents a preferred
reference frame associated with a universal background
field that breaks Lorentz symmetry. Thus the structure of
space-time is extended due to the presence of a
vacuum energy density, which leads to a negative
pressure at cosmological length scales. The tiny values
of the cosmological constant and the vacuum energy
density will be successfully obtained, being in good
agreement with current observational results of the
Nobel prize S. Perlmutter, B. P. Schmidt and A. G.
Riess. (#1450)
Screening Mechanisms in Cosmology
André Delvas Fróes
The Standard Cosmological Model “Lambda CDM” has
been able to adequately explain currently available
experimental data. Still, doubts about it's validity remain
on a fundamental level, and many continue searching
for options, creating dynamic dark energy with scalar
fields or higher spin fields. Many of them are made
viable on Solar System scales by means of screening
mechanisms, like the Chameleon or Symmetron
scenarios, which hide the exotic fields on our
neighborhood, but still allowing them to have interesting
cosmological effects. In this poster I will present a brief
review of screening mechanisms, and also show a
possible novel scenario involving vector fields. (#1446)
Evolution of the scale parameter in a
universe filled with a van der Waals fluid
Maria Luiza Bedran
It is our goal in this work to show the evolution of the
scale parameter of the Robertson-Walker metric in a
universe filled with a van der Waals fluid. Initially, we
write the thermal van der Waals equation of state in its
caloric representation, that is, writing the pressure as a
function of volume and entropy. After this step, we
construct the PV diagram of the fluid and compare its
isothermal evolution with the adiabatic one. We discuss
the thermodynamic stability of the van der Waals fluid as
well as its limit of stability. The unstable states region, as
well as the stable and metastable states regions, are
indicated in the PV diagram. Then we combined the
Friedmann equations for a flat universe with the
appropriate caloric van der Waals equation of state and
determined the evolution of the scale parameter R(t).
Our results show that this universe can be represented
by two different phases, as expected from the classical
representation of the van der Waals fluid. Also similar to
the classical behavior, there is a forbidden region in the
PV diagram defining the unstable states, and another
area defining the metastable states for each phase. We
have observed that the fluid presents negative
pressures and an accelerated expansion only when it is
in a metastable state of the phase of lower entropy than
the critical value. Moreover, if the scale factor of this
universe evolves in a process under these
thermodynamic conditions, the universe will expand until
it faces forbidden states. In this condition, we should
expect the universe to attain a limit of stability and then
fluctuate to a new phase with higher entropy.(#1444)
Super-Massive Black Hole accretion of
Matter in the Dark -Energy Cosmologies
Eduardo Dos Santos Pereira
Nowadays, it is known that almost all galaxies have into
their center a black hole with mass of thousands or
billion of solar mass. However, the origin and evolution
of these objects is not completely understood. The main
focus of this work is to evaluate the range and the
physical mean of the parameters for the accretion model
presented here, and what is the role of the dark energy
for the evolution of the super-massive black holes. We
study the mean accretion rate, by redshift and by mass,
and its dependency of the Cosmological model adopted.
In particular we consider models with cosmological
constant, Λ, and Chaplygin Gas. Here it is used a
parametric Schechter function in order to describe the
evolution of the mean dimensionless luminosity of
quasar, weighted by the Eddington luminosity. Also, it is
assumed that the mean radiative efficiency, η, of quasar
is not constant, but that it is a function of the redshift. As
preliminary results, we have observed that for the same
group of parameters, the accretion rate considering
generalized Chaplygin Gas is higher than Cosmological
Constant. For a future work we would like to calculate
the mass function of super-massive black holes, having
as base the accretion rate of this work, also estimate
parameters of our model from observational data.
Brownian motion of a test particle coupled
to vacuum fluctuations near a reflecting
Malu Maira da Silva
We study the Brownian motion of a test particle coupled
to scalar vacuum fluctuations near a perfectly reflecting
plane boundary. The presence of the boundary modifies
the quantum fluctuations of the scalar field, which in turn
modifies the motion of the test particle. We calculate the
resulting mean squared fluctuations in the velocity and
position of the test particle. From these results of mean
squared fluctuations in the velocity, we obtain the
fluctuation in the kinetic energy and observe that it is
singular for a certain time. This might be a result of our
initial assumption of a rigid perfectly reflecting plane
boundary, and would thus be smeared out in a more
realistic treatment. So, we treat the boundary as a
quantum object with a nonzero position uncertainty to try
to eliminate this singularity in the kinetic energy. Then
we do the same study for a charged test particle coupled
to electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations near a perfectly
reflecting plane boundary. (#1562)
High Energy Astrophysics and
Astroparticle Physics
Electric Susceptibilities of Strongly
Magnetized Fermion Systems
Vivian De La Incera
In this poster, the influence of a strong magnetic field on
the electric susceptibilities of dense quark matter and
QED will be presented and compared. The recently
superconductivity and paraelectricity of QED will be
discussed. Possible implications for compact star
physics will be outlined. (#1542)
Photonuclear reactions in a gamma ray
burst environment
Laura Paulucci Marinho
Photonuclear reactions are usually disregarded in any
analysis of radiation effects in astrophysical
environments due to small number of high energy
photons, low ISM density and low cross section for this
process. Nevertheless, in a gamma ray burst the
amount of photons in the energy range consistent with
the nuclear giant resonance, for which the photonuclear
reaction cross section is substantially enhanced,
specially for high mass nuclei, is quite significant. We
analyze the passage of high energy photons in matter
with characteristics similar to the one thought to exist in
a gamma ray burst environment. We present preliminary
results of the expected change in the relative abundance
of elements as a result of the stripping of neutrons,
protons and alpha particles caused by the photonuclear
interaction and discuss the possibility of secondary
observable effects. We compare simple estimates based
on the photonuclear cross sections and calculations
made using the Geant4 package. (#1506)
The First Fermi-LAT Catalog of Supernova
Francesco De Palma
The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has shed new
light on many types of galactic objects, including
Supernova Remnants (SNRs). With over 15 SNRs
identified to date and over 40 candidates in the 2nd LAT
Catalog (2FGL), we are beginning to have sufficient
numbers of objects to perform GeV SNR population
studies. Moreover, with the wealth of multi-wavelength
(MW) data available, we can now characterize in a
uniform and consistent manner the GeV emission in all
regions containing known SNRs. This permits the first
systematic study of SNRs including GeV data, allowing
us to classify SNRs and to separate effects of evolution
and environment. In combination with MW data, we can
constrain emission models of the underlying particle
populations, allowing us to quantify both SNR
characteristics and SNRs' aggregate contribution to
Galactic cosmic rays in a statistically significant manner.
We have also developed a method to explore some
systematic effects on SNRs' properties caused by the
modeling of the interstellar emission, which contributes
substantially to gamma-ray emission in the regions
where SNRs are located. For this purpose we consider
different model construction methods, different model
input parameters, and independently fitting the model
components to the gamma-ray data. We will present
progress towards the SNR catalog and preliminary
results, including an emerging distinction between young
SNRs and those interacting with denser media and
indications of a radio-gamma correlation for the latter.
The results from this effort are beginning to challenge
some of the simple assumptions used for the multiwavelength modeling so far. (#1504)
Gamma-ray emission from hot accretion
Andrzej Niedzwiecki
We study the gamma-ray emission through neutral pion
production and decay in two-temperature advectiondominated accretion flows (ADAFs). We refine previous
models of such a hadronic gamma-ray emission by
taking into account (1) relativistic effects in the photon
transfer and (2) absorption of gamma-ray photons in the
radiation field of the flow. We use a fully general
relativistic description of both the radiative and
hydrodynamic processes, which allows us to investigate
the dependence on the black hole spin. We point out
that the hadronic gamma-ray emission from ADAFs
around rapidly rotating BHs, for nonthermal distribution
of proton energies, can explain the Fermi-LAT
measurements of Centaurus A as well as the Fermi-LAT
and HESS measurements of M87. We discuss also a
possible increase of the gamma-ray activity of Sgr A*
over the following decade, resulting from the fall of the
gas cloud into its accretion zone. (#1498)
Co-moving coordinates: bringing lowfrequency radio and (V)HE gamma-ray
astronomy together
David Ian Jones
That gamma-ray astrophysics will be building its next
generation of telescopes (e.g., CTA) at the same time as
the low-frequency community will be doing likewise
(e.g., LOFAR, ASKAP, SKA) is wonderful serendipity.
Although these observational windows are separated by
some 20 orders-of-magnitude in the electromagnetic
spectrum, there is much science that can come from
their combination. I will outline how the Magnetism Key
Science Project (MKSP) of the Low Frequency ARray
(LOFAR) can be used not just to assist, but to
complement source detection and characterisation of
sources with gamma-ray telescopes such as Fermi,
HESS, Veritas and CTA to continue. For instance, a
major part of source detection for (particularly MeV to
GeV) gamma-ray telescopes relies on the accurate
subtraction of diffuse Galactic emission which arises
primarily from the interaction of cosmic-ray protons (and,
strictly, nuclei) with ambient molecular material.
However, this method relies upon a number of both
theoretical and observational assumptions. One key
assumption is that the magnetic field of the Galaxy is
well modeled, thus giving an accurate representation of
how cosmic rays are transported around the Galaxy.
Thus improving both the resolution and accuracy of this
model is paramount for reliable back/foreground removal
and robust source detection and characterisation of
gamma-ray sources. The MKSP of LOFAR will probe the
magnetic fields of the Universe in manifold ways (such
as pulsar rotation measures), including that of our
Galaxy. The Milky-Way group in the MKSP - in
collaboration with the survey teams of LOFAR - will use
LOFAR's unparalleled ability to detect low-intensity total
and polarised emission on large scales at low
frequencies to probe the Galactic magnetic field in
unprecedented detail. I will outline how this will be done
and how it will assist the gamma-ray astronomy
community in creating better models of the large-scale
gamma-ray sky and hence more robust source detection
and characterisation. (#1486)
MHD simulations of magnetic reconnection
in accretion disk systems
Luís Henrique Sinki Kadowaki
Magnetic reconnection events like those associated to
solar flares can be also a very powerful mechanism
operating on accretion disk systems (de Gouveia Dal
Pino & Lazarian 2005). We have recently found that the
magnetic power released in fast reconnection events is
more than sufficient to accelerate relativistic plasmons
and produce the observed radio luminosity of the
nuclear jets associated both to microquasars and low
luminous AGNs. The observed correlation between the
radio luminosity and the mass of these sources,
spanning 10^9 orders of magnitude in mass, is naturally
explained in this model as simply due to the magnetic
reconnection activity in the corona of the accretion disks
of these sources (de Gouveia Dal Pino et al. 2010). A
similar process may also explain the observed X-ray
flares in young stars. In this work, we present MHD
simulations of the interaction of the magnetic field of an
accretion disk with the magnetosphere of the rotating
central source. Considering conditions that resemble
those of YSOs, our simulations evidence the
development of reconnection events near the truncation
radius of the disk, as expected (e.g. Romanova &
Lovelace 2010). However, the energy released and the
frequency of the events are very sensitive both to the
initial and boundary conditions, as well as, to the disk
viscosity and accretion rate of disk. (#1477)
Cosmic Ray Veto Of The Mario Schenberg
Gravitational Wave Detector
Luiz Augusto Stuani Pereira
Mario Schenberg is a gravitational wave (GW) detector
which uses a spherical resonant mass. It is located at
IFUSP, Universidade de São Paulo, and it is now under
commissioning. Presently, we are developing a low
latency data analysis, which is able to determine the
direction of high SNR bursts. Triggers are vetoed to
reduce the false alarm rate due to the interaction of
cosmic rays with the detector sphere. In December
2011, a cosmic ray veto composed of three particle
detectors was added to the Mario Schenberg setup.
Each detector contains a scintillator, photomultipliers
and a tension divider. The three detector signals are
digitalised by a Lecroy ADC which is installed in a
CAMAC crate. This cosmic ray veto system was
designed to optimise the linear response to high-energy
cosmic rays events, allowing measurements up to
23000 particles per square meter. Since the veto setup
was installed, it is continuously acquiring We are going
to present the calibration procedure and performance of
the veto setup. We computed the expected energy
deposition in the sphere qudrupolar modes and studied
seasonal flux variations of the cosmic radiation in São
Paulo city. (#1464)
First Order Fermi acceleration rate in
turbulent magnetic reconnection sites
Maria Victoria Del Valle
Fast magnetic reconnection occurs in many
astrophysical sources and currently it is being studied as
an important process to produce particle acceleration via
first-order Fermi process, as originally proposed by de
Gouveia Dal Pino & Lazarian (2005). Also, it has been
demonstrated that fast magnetic reconnection occurs in
the presence of weak turbulence (Lazarian & Vishiniac
1999). Turbulence also increases the acceleration
efficiency by a combination of two effects: the presence
of a large number of converging small scale current
sheets and the broadening of the acceleration region
(Kowal, de Gouveia Dal Pino & Lazarian 2012). In this
work we analyze the dependence of the acceleration
rate and the energy distribution of test particles injected
in three dimensional MHD turbulent reconnection sites
on the reconnection velocity (which is of the order of the
Alfvén speed, VA (~ Vrec) and on the amplitude of the
turbulence injected. (#1463)
Non-thermal Emission from the AccretionDisk/Coronae of AGNs and Particle
Acceleration by Magnetic Reconnection
Behrouz Khiali
High energy particles are ubiquitous in astrophysical
environments and the origin of ultra high energy cosmic
rays (UHECR) is still an open question. Likewise, very
high energy observations of AGNs and GRBs with the
Fermi and Swift satellites and ground based gamma ray
experiments (HESS, VERITAS and MAGIC) are
challenging current theories of particle acceleration,
mostly based on the acceleration in shocks, which try to
explain how particles are accelerated to energies above
TeV in regions relatively small compared to the fiducial
scale of their sources. It is usually assumed that the
emitting high energy particles are accelerated to a
power-law distribution at relativistic shocks, via the socalled Fermi mechanism in shocks. Recent magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) studies have revealed that
particle acceleration in magnetic reconnection sites can
be rather efficient since a 1st order Fermi process can
occur there too. In this poster, we discuss this
acceleration mechanism in the framework of AGNs,
considering that magnetic reconnection events can be
very frequent in the inner regions of the corona of the
accretion disks, or in the jets. We compute the
corresponding acceleration rate and the relevant loss
rates in order to reproduce the observed high energy
spectrum of different classes of AGNs. We consider both
leptonic and hadronic models and compare the
efficiency of such acceleration processes with
alternative acceleration mechanisms. (#1461)
Curvature Origin Of The Sub-Tev Pulsed
Gamma-Ray Emission From The Light
Cylinder Region Of The Crab Pulsar
Wlodek Bednarek
The sub-TeV tail in the pulsed gamma-ray emission from
the Crab pulsar has been recently discovered by the
MAGIC and VERITAS Collaborations. We propose that
such emission can be caused by electrons accelerated
very close to the light cylinder region where the e-p
plasma can not saturate induced huge electric fields.
Electrons reach energies sufficient for production of hard
gamma-ray spectra in the curvature radiation process.
Due to different curvature radii of the leading and trailing
magnetic field lines, the gamma-ray spectra from
separate pulses should extend to different maximum
energies. We argue that pulsars with parameters close
to the Vela pulsar, and also some millisecond pulsars,
should show pulsed emission with the cut-off at clearly
lower energies (~50 GeV) than that observed in the case
of the Crab pulsar. (#1440)
Neutrino emission from Population III
gamma-ray bursts
Florencia Laura Vieyro
Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are associated with the
gravitational collapse of massive stars (collapsars). The
electromagnetic radiation detected from these sources is
produced by highly collimated jets. In models of
magnetized collapsars, the gamma rays are created
when the jet emerges from the star, probably by
particles reaccelerated at the forward and backward
shocks. If the jet is baryon-loaded, neutrinos will be
produced by hadronic interactions. We study the
neutrino emission from Population III gamma-ray bursts.
These neutrinos can be the only source of information of
the first stars formed in the universe. We estimate the
maximum energies of the different kind of particles in the
jet and we solve the coupled transport equations for
each species. Calculations are made for both the
forward and reverse shocked region. Once the particle
distributions are known, we estimate the intensity of
neutrinos of all flavours for each model. Finally, we
include effects of neutrino oscillations that change the
relative weight of different flavours. (#1436)
Instrumentation for Relativistic
The Critical Coupling Likelihood method,
one approach for linking gravitational wave
search software with gravitational wave
detector hardware
César Augusto Costa
Advanced gravitational wave (GW) detectors are
expected to make regular observations soon. Methods
that quickly and confidently can distinguish between
instrumental artifacts and potential GW signals will
increase the confidence of low latency GW candidates.
The Critical Coupling Likelihood (CCL) is one of these
proposed methods designed to quantify the operational
state of GW detector. We will present a case study
showing CCL noise rejection results with multiple
analysis configurations, alongside LIGO's current veto
methods technique. We will also show that CCL can
lead to useful instrumental information, like an
approximate transfer function (TF), which can be used to
understand the detector's output properties in response
to identified input noise sources. (#1493)
Comparison between a Multi-Nested
Pendula and a multi-linear pendula system
Marcio Constancio Junior
Gravitational Waves (G.W) are oscillations in the spacetime metric which propagates at speed of the light. Its
existence is predicted by Einstein’s General Relativity
Theory and indirect evidences of its existence were first
announced in a paper published in 1975 by Russell
Hulse and Joseph Taylor. By using two masses and
monitoring their relative distances it’s possible to build a
G.W detector. However, the weak coupling between
gravitational waves and matter and the low amplitudes
waves requires that the detectors be at ‘state-of- art’ of
the technology concerning noise reduction. This is the
objective of the research been developed by
Gravitational Waves Group of Instituto Nacional de
Pesquisas Espaciais (GWINPE). Trying to minimize
seismic noise, a new vibrational isolation system is been
developed: the Multi- Nested Pendula (MNP). It’s a low
pass mechanical filter composed by five cylinders with
different diameters disposed in a nested way (one inside
the other). Such an assembly allows us to have an
adequate vibrational isolation and save vertical space. In
this work we present measurements of natural
frequencies of the system and compare them to the
theoretical results showing that a nested N-stages
system presents the same characteristics as a linear Nstages one. (#1487)
A New Design for Mechanical Impedance
Matchers for Transducers in Spherical
Gravitational Wave Detectors
Carlos Frajuca
A spherical gravitational wave (GW) detector has a
heavy ball-shaped mass which vibrates when a GW
passes through it. Such motion is monitored by
transducers and the respective electronic signal is
SCHENBERG, will have resonant frequencies around
3.2 kHz with a bandwidth near 200 Hz. “Mário
Schenberg” is a spherical resonant-mass gravitational
wave detector weighting 1.15ton, being built in the
Department of Materials at the University of Sao Paulo.
The sphere with 65cm in diameter will be made of a
copper-aluminum alloy with 6% Al. The frequencies of
running resonant-mass detectors typically lay below 1
kHz, making the transducer development for this higher
frequency detector somewhat more complex. In this wok
a design of a improved mechanical impedance matcher
for the microwave parametric transducer is shown. This
design has many capabilities that the present does not
have, for instance the capability to change the size of
the gap during operation and to operate in lower
temperatures. (#1475)
A phase modulator controller of pulsed ion
Carlos Frajuca
This work presents design, simulation and construction
of an electronic controller of pulsed ion beams. The
project is being conducted in Particle Linear Accelerator
(LINAC) at the Institute of Physics in University of Sao
Paulo in partnership with Federal Institute of Technology
in Sao Paulo. Obtaining the sinusoidal electrical signal
to control phase is a primary step in order to control
pulsed ion beams in LINAC. The mathematical behavior
of a phase modulator was studied and modeled using
computational numerical simulation. Simulations were
conducted in Mathematica (Mathematica, Wolfram
Research, Champaign, Illinois) to determine parameters
of control. The electronic circuit was designed based on
those parameters to control the sinusoidal signal with
phase quadrature modulation (I/Q). The proposed
controller was assembled with splitter/combiner and
mixers (MiniCircuits, Brooklyn, New York). The
simulated adaptation was implemented in order to
change the operating region (phase difference) circuit.
The adaptations made it more suited to the purposes of
the signal controlling carried by the modulator. The
results point to a circuit with consistent response. The
strategy adopted in the simulations and the modulator
was considered satisfactory. As future works, we intend
to improve the control applied in electronic circuit phase
modulator and evaluate its operation "in loco" to control
pulsed ion beams. (#1472)
Design and development of coatings for the
ATHENA mission
Desiree Della Monica Ferreira
The ATHENA (Advanced Telescope for High Energy
Astrophysics) mission is an X-ray observatory under
study by ESA. The mission concept is based on Silicon
Pore Optics (SPO) mirror modules to focus incoming Xray photons at low grazing incidence angles. The
operational energy range of ATHENA is from 0.1 keV to
10 keV. High throughput in this energy range depends
critically on the performance of the mirror coatings. For
this reason, it is necessary that both the SPO substrates
and coatings perform optimally. The coating recipe
adopted as a baseline for ATHENA is a bi-layer of
iridium and boron carbide. In this study, we present an
optimization of the ATHENA coating design and results
of the test campaign performed on SPO substrates. Precoating characterization of the substrates is done using
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-ray Reflectometry
(XRR) and scatter measurements. Through X-ray tests,
the correlation between measured micro-roughness and
pre-coating characterization is investigated. The
performance of several material combinations is tested
using simple bi-layer, simple multilayer and linear
graded multilayer coatings. We find that the use of linear
graded multilayers can increase the effective area of
ATHENA in the energy range between 0.1 keV and 15
keV. (#1541)
New Windows and Gravitational
Resolving polarization modes of
gravitational waves in Pulsar Timing
Marcio Eduardo da Silva Alves
The construction of large arrays capable of tracking
multiple millisecond pulsars will enable us to go deeper
in our knowledge of the universe by first observing
gravitational waves in the nano-Hertz frequency band.
Pulsar Timing Arrays will also allow us to test Einstein's
theory of general relativity by measuring the polarization
components of the detected signals. In the most general
relativistic theory of gravity, gravitational waves are
predicted to have up to six independent polarization
modes (the two usual tensor modes predicted by
General Relativity plus two vector and two scalar
components are taken into account in the evaluation of
the single-antenna sensitivity, we find that pulsar timing
experiments are significantly more sensitive to waves
with longitudinal components (such as scalar and vector
waves) than to regular tensor waves. Since the Pulsar
timing response to the most general gravitational wave
signal is equal to the superposition of the responses of
each polarization component, we develop a Bayesian
method for detecting, inferring, and reconstructing the
polarization components of the signal. Our results imply
that a Bayesian method for gravitational wave detection
via pulsar timing arrays is a powerful tool for testing the
theory of General Relativity. (#1551)
Axisymmetric Core-Collapse Supernova
Simulations from First Principles
Stephen Bruenn
Realistic core-collapse supernova simulations depend
on neutrino-matter interactions, neutrino transport,
hydrodynamics, nuclear equations of state, general
relativity, and nuclear reactions. We have built a code
named CHIMERA for supernova modeling in 1, 2, and
3D, that includes state-of-the-art algorithms to handle all
the micro and macrophysics mentioned above. Here, we
discuss our current series of exploding 2D and 3D
simulations, detailing the gravitational wave signatures
and their detectability by the current and next
generations of gravitational wave observatories. Our
models span a mass range from 12 to 25 solar masses
and the simulations cover 500ms after bounce for all
models and 877ms for the 12 solar mass model. At
these times, all models exhibit indications of neutrino-
driven explosions. (#1525)
Polarization of gravitational waves due
propagation in an anisotropic background
gravitational field
Juliana Celestino
The eminent detection of gravitational waves will open
an unique window for relativistic astrophysics bringing
new information about the universe and enabling a
multimessenger understanding of the astrophysical
phenomena. After an event of emission of gravitational
radiation, the waves travel through space and can be
changed due the presence of a background curvature
generated, for instance, by black holes or neutron stars.
In this case, it is well known that the lens effect occurs
for gravitational waves in the same way as for
electromagnetic waves. But if the wavelength of the
gravitational wave is, at least, of the order of the typical
scale of variation of the background metric, the
geometric optics approximation is no more valid and
gravitational waves can exhibit a non-minimal coupling
with the background curvature. Consequently, the
presence of a spatially anisotropic background metric
affects distinctly the evolution equation of each
polarization mode, i.e., the background gravitational field
behaves like a polarizable medium. We argue that this
effect can be used to infer properties about the
astrophysical regions the gravitational wave propagates
if the upcoming observations are able to resolve the
polarization of the wave. (#1517)
The gravitational wave recoil in the merger
of two colliding black holes: the non-headon case
Eduardo Valentino Tonini
We examine numerically the process of gravitational
wave recoil in the merger of two black holes in nonhead-on collision, in the realm of Robinson-Trautman
spacetimes. Characteristic initial data for the system are
constructed. The data already presents a common
aparent horizon so that the dynamics covers the postmerger phase up to the final configuration of the
remnant black hole. Our analysis is based on the BondiSachs conservation laws for the energy- momentum of
the system. We evaluate the Bondi-Sachs momentum
flux carried out by gravitational waves, the associated
impulses and the net kick velocity Vk due to the total
impulse imparted to the merged system by the
gravitational waves emitted. We introduce a definition of
the center-of-mass velocity of the merged system and
show that it approaches asymptotically Vk which is the
velocity of the remnant black hole in the zero initialBondi-momentum frame. Typically for a non-head-on
collision the net momentum flux carried out by
gravitational waves is nonzero for equal- mass colliding
black holes, a consequence of asymmetries of the initial
data for this case. The distribution of Vk as a function of
the symmetric mass parameter η is well fitted by a
modified Fitchett η-scaling law and we give numerical
evidence that the additional parameter modifying the law
is a measure of the integrated gravitational wave
momentum flux for the equal mass case. For an initial
infalling velocity v/c ≃ 0.462 of the colliding black holes
and angle of collision ρo= 21o, we obtain a maximum Vk
∼ 121 km/s located at η ≃ 0.226. For the equal-mass
case we obtain Vk ∼ 107 km/s. Results for the net kick
velocity in the head-on case are compared with
numerical relativity calculations, and for a wide range of
mass ratios (0.3 ≤ α ≤ 0.95) we have an agreement to
5% − 8% for PN+CLA and to 8% − 18% for full
numerical relativity, suggesting a close relation between
the head-on initial data and its dynamics and the merger
of binary systems. (#1514)
The Bondi-Sachs Four Momentum in NonAxisymmetric Robinson-Trautman
Ivano Damião Soares
We derive the Bondi-Sachs (BS) four momentum
conservation laws that regulate the emission of
gravitational waves in non-axisymmetric RobinsonTrautman (RT) spacetimes. We obtain the basic physical
quantities of the BS formalism, namely, the news
functions and the BS energy-momentum fluxes of the
gravitational waves, that are fundamental to the
description of the radiative transfer processes involved
in the generation and emission of gravitational waves by
the system. We discuss some possible applications of
the conservation laws in numerical simulations to
evaluate the gravitational wave recoil in interacting black
hole systems. (#1505)
N-body Choreographies and Gravitational
Gabriela Iunes Depetri
The existence of Gravitational Waves (GWs) is a
consequence of Einstein's equations for General
Relativity, and since this has proven to be a solid theory
through various tests, many experimental attempts have
been done in order to detect it. In this context, a relevant
question is what patterns of GWs we should expect from
periodic stable orbits of celestial bodies. In this work, we
obtain those patterns for some special periodic solutions
in the quadrupole approximation. (#1500)
Sphere suspension in Schenberg Detector:
Vibrational analyses of the attenuation in
the seismic noise
Fabio Da Silva Bortoli
A spherical gravitational wave (GW) detector has a
heavy ball-shaped mass which vibrates when a GW
passes through it. Such motion is monitored by
transducers and the respective electronic signal is
SCHENBERG, will have resonant frequencies around
3.2 kHz with a bandwidth near 200 Hz. “Mário
Schenberg” is a spherical resonant-mass gravitational
wave detector weighting 1.15ton, being built in the
Department of Materials at the University of São Paulo.
The sphere with 65cm in diameter will be made of a
copper-aluminum alloy with 6% Al. The frequencies of
running resonant-mass detectors typically lay below 1
kHz, making the transducer development for this higher
frequency detector somewhat more complex. This work
simulates the sphere suspension to find the attenuation
in the seismic noise obtained by the new suspension
implemented in Schenberg detector. The attenuation
found of 260 db, what is enough, because the vibration
on the sphere surface due to seismic noise is smaller
than the vibration due to sphere thermal noise at 50 mK.
Schenberg Detector: Vibrational Isolation of
Thermal Conection from the Dilution
Fabio Da Silva Bortoli
The Mario Schenberg detector is a resonant mass
spherical detector of gravitational waves (GW). It's being
built at the Materials and Mechanical Department of the
São Paulo University (FMT - IFUSP). The sphere (heavy
ball) weighs 1.15ton, measures 65cm in diameter and is
made of a copper-aluminum alloy with 6 per cent
Aluminum and 94 per cent Copper. As a resonant mass
detectors a signal appears after the GW to pass through
the detector and to produce vibrations on the resonant
mass. The resonant frequencies this system are around
3.2kHz with a bandwidth near 200Hz. Six transducers
linked on the surface of spherical resonant mass
according a semicosaedric distribution are used to
monitor the amplitude of it displacement. The sphere, in
a commissioning phase the detector was cooled to 4.2
Kelvin. In the next phase will be cooled down to a lower
temperature using a dilution refrigerator, this
temperature could reach as low as 50 mK. This
refrigerator produces noise because of the Helium
evaporation and this noise is transported by the thermal
connection to the sphere. In this work we the study such
vibration noise and how it could be minimized. The
conventional method used in detectors with this kind of
refrigerator is to connect the refrigerator to the sphere
using thin copper wires, but it reduces the cooling
capability by a great factor. In order to improve it, a new
kind of connection is propose. The vibration attenuation
should make the dilution refrigerator noise lower than
the thermal vibration noise on the sphere surface,
keeping the temperature as lower as possible and an
attenuation higher than 1e10 is found. (#1481)
Low latency data analysis for spherical
gravitational wave detectors
Carlos Filipe Da Silva Costa
There are presently two spherical detectors, MiniGRAIL
and Mario Schenberg, located respectively at Leiden in
Nederland and at São Paulo in Brazil. Both detectors
share almost the same features. The Mario Schenberg
detector is under commissioning. Its transducers have
been redesigned to improve its sensibility and a new run
to test its new transducers is planned at the beginning of
2013. Spherical detectors present the possibility of
multichannel analysis and therefore they are able to
determine gravitational wave direction and polarisation.
This was already shown in the offline data analysis
pipeline developed for MiniGRAIL. We have developed
a low latency data analysis pipeline able to determine
the GW direction in less than 13s (for 32s of data).
Triggers are vetoed to reduce the false alarm rate. The
method is tested on simulated data. A simulator for
Mario Schenberg was already developed. We are also
testing the adjunction of a Matched Filter to the low
latency pipeline. This pipeline could be applied with
minor change to MiniGRAIL. We present here the low
latency method and its preliminary results. The status of
the Mario Schenberg detector will be also briefly
commented. (#1458)
Gravitational Waves in Braneworld
Scenarios with AdS Background
Antônio Carlos Amaro De Faria Júnior
Braneworld scenarios wherein the observable universe
is trapped on a brane, embedded in some higherdimensional spacetime, can explain the hierarchy
problem [1]. Braneworld models also provide
alternatives to Kaluza-Klein compactication, where the
topology has a compactication radius of the Planck
order. These
possibilities come from
developments in non-perturbative string theory, wherein
the so-called D-branes are elicited and evinced as (D +
1)-dimensional manifolds in which the standard model of
particles and fields can be consistently conned. A
plausible reason for the weak appearance of the
gravitational force, with respect to other forces, can be
its dilution in a higher-dimensional bulk, where D-branes
[2] are embedded. D-branes are good candidates for
braneworlds because among some outstanding features
they possess gauge symmetries [3]. In this paper, we
investigate gravitational waves as metric perturbations
around a general warped 5-dimensional background.
We find an analytical solution in Randall-Sundrum
braneworld model and analyze the implications of
braneworld models in the gravitational waves
propagation. References: [1] N. Arkani-Hamed,S.
Dimopoulos, and G. Dvali , Phys. Lett. B429 (1998) 263272 [arXiv:hep-ph/9803315v1]. [2] V. A. Rubakov and M.
E. Shaposhnikov, Phys. Lett. B 125 (1983) 136-138. [3]
V. A. Rubakov and M. E. Shaposhnikov, Phys. Lett. B
125 (1983) 139-143. (#1448)
Gravitational Wave Data Analysis
Rubens De Melo Marinho Junior
This work is focused on the detection of continuous
gravitational wave (GW) signals using data of resonant
bar GW antenna. It makes use of a method tailored for
the detection of monochromatic signals in the middle of
strong noise, which basically it monitor, for a given
frequency, the excess power in the power spectrum of
the data. An analysis is performed on the frequency of
47 Tucanae pulsars, searching for frequency drifts that
might present a pattern similar to the one due to the
Doppler modulation. The method is expected to be
useful even in the presence of very noisy data, by
reducing the noise to a level inferior to the one of the
monochromatic signals and performing the Doppler
modulation analysis. We tested the method injecting a
simulated signal in real data and we were able to detect
it. We made a statistical study about the results of this
method. The selection of candidate events will then be
established according to Neyman-Pearson criterion.
Alphabetical Index
Adam Burrows (Princeton University)................................................................................................................. 14, 20
Alberto Sesana (Albert Einstein Institute)........................................................................................................... 16, 21
Alexander Van Der Horst (University of Amsterdam)......................................................................................... 13, 30
Alnadhief Hamed Ahmed Alfedeel (University of Cape Town)...........................................................................11, 26
Amanda Reis Lopes (OV/UFRJ).................................................................................................................................. 46
Amy Furniss (University of California, Santa Cruz)............................................................................................13, 33
Ana Virginia Penacchioni (Sapienza University of Rome).................................................................................16, 40
André Delvas Fróes (IFGW/UNICAMP)....................................................................................................................... 47
André Landulfo (CCNH-UFABC)........................................................................................................................... 15, 37
Andrea Giuliani (INAF / IASF Milano)................................................................................................................... 15, 36
Andrezj Krolak (Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences).........................................................15, 39
Andrzej Niedzwiecki (Department of Astrophysics, University of Lodz)................................................................48
Antônio Carlos Amaro De Faria Júnior (IEAv/UTFPR)..................................................................................42, 46, 54
Arman Esmaili (UNICAMP - IFGW)....................................................................................................................... 15, 36
Behrouz Khiali (USP)................................................................................................................................................... 50
Bernardo De Oliveira Fraga (Sapienza University of Rome)..............................................................................15, 36
Bruno Moraes (CBPF)............................................................................................................................................ 11, 23
Carlos Cedeño Montaña (DAS/INPE)......................................................................................................................... 43
Carlos Cunha (Stanford University/KIPAC)......................................................................................................... 10, 18
Carlos Filipe Da Silva Costa (DAS/INPE)................................................................................................................... 54
Carlos Frajuca (IFSP)....................................................................................................................... 5, 11, 16, 25, 41, 51
Carlos Lousto (CCRG/RIT).................................................................................................................................... 14, 21
Carlos Raúl Argüelles (ICRANet, Sapienza Università di Roma).......................................................................13, 31
Cecilia Chirenti (UFABC)............................................................................................................................. 5, 11, 13, 34
César Augusto Costa (DAS/INPE)................................................................................................................ 3, 5, 15, 51
Claudia Aguilera Gómez (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).................................................................13, 33
Claudio Nassif Da Cruz (UFOP).................................................................................................................................. 47
Cristina Valeria Torres (University of Texas - Brownsville)................................................................................15, 39
Cristóbal Armaza (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)...................................................................................44
Curt Cutler (JPL/CalTech)..................................................................................................................................... 15, 39
Daisuke Nagai (Yale University)............................................................................................................................ 11, 23
Daniel Alf Drehmer (UFRGS)................................................................................................................................. 13, 31
Daniela Delia Alic (Max Planck Institute/AEI)...................................................................................................... 16, 41
Danilo Teixeira (IAG/USP)..................................................................................................................................... 15, 37
David Ian Jones (IMAPP/Radboud University, The Netherlands)............................................................................49
Desiree Della Monica Ferreira (DTU Space - Technical University of Denmark)....................................................52
Dmitry Chernyshov (Lebedev's Insititute of Physics, Moscow)........................................................................15, 38
Eduardo Dos Santos Pereira (INPE)........................................................................................................................... 47
Eduardo Valentino Tonini (IFES)................................................................................................................................ 53
Efrain Ferrer (University of Texas – El Passo).................................................................................................... 16, 40
Ehud Nakar (Tel-Aviv University).......................................................................................................................... 14, 20
Elisabete De Gouveia Dal Pino (IAG/USP).................................................................................................. 14p., 20, 35
Emanuele Berti (University of Mississippi, Oxford)............................................................................................ 14, 19
Fabio Cabral Carvalho (UERN)................................................................................................................................... 45
Fabio Da Silva Bortoli (IFSP)................................................................................................................................... 53p.
Fabrizio Tavecchio (INAF-Observatorio Astronomico di Brera)........................................................................13, 32
Felipe Gomes Nogueira (OV/UFRJ)............................................................................................................................ 42
Fiona Harrison (Caltech)....................................................................................................................................... 14, 21
Florencia Laura Vieyro (IAR-CONICET/IFGW-Unicamp)........................................................................................... 50
Francesco De Palma (INFN Bari)................................................................................................................................ 48
Francis Halzen (University of Wisconsin, Madison/IceCube)............................................................................14, 19
Gabriel Perez-Giz (New York University)............................................................................................................. 16, 41
Gabriela Iunes Depetri (Unicamp).............................................................................................................................. 53
George Matsas (IFT/UNESP)................................................................................................................................. 12, 23
German Lugones (UFABC).................................................................................................................................... 11, 25
Gil De Oliveira Neto (UFJF)......................................................................................................................................... 46
Ivano Damião Soares (CBPF/MCTI)............................................................................................................................ 53
Jaan Einasto (Tartu Observatory, Estonia).......................................................................................................... 10, 17
Jaderson Schimoia (IF-UFRGS)............................................................................................................................ 11, 28
João Braga (DAS/INPE)................................................................................................................................... 13, 15, 32
John Carlstrom (Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago)........................................10, 17
Jonathan McKinney (University of Stanford/KIPAC)..........................................................................................12, 19
Jorge Cuadra (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)...................................................................................11, 28
Jorge Horvath (IAG/USP)................................................................................................................... 5, 11, 13p., 23, 25
Jorge Rueda (ICRANet/Sapienza University of Rome).......................................................................................11, 25
José Ademir Sales Lima (IAG/USP)...................................................................................................................... 10, 17
José Arbañil (UFABC).................................................................................................................................................. 43
José C. N. De Araújo (DAS/INPE)..................................................................................................................... 5, 15, 39
Joseph Mitchell (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile / Universitat Bonn)................................................11, 28
Jozef Skakala (UFABC, Santo André).................................................................................................................. 16, 40
Juliana Celestino (Universidade Federal de Itajubá)................................................................................................52
Karl-Heinz Kampert (University Munster)
............................................................................................................ 14, 19
Ke Fang (University of Chicago).......................................................................................................................... 15, 38
Keith Olive (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)............................................................................................ 10, 17
Kumiko Kotera (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)............................................................................................15, 37
Laura Paulucci Marinho (UFABC)............................................................................................................................... 48
Leonardo Castañeda Colorado (UNAL, Colombia)................................................................................................... 45
Lixin Dai (Universidad de Chile / Yale University)............................................................................................... 13, 30
Ludovic van Waerbeke (University of British Columbia)...................................................................................12, 19
Luís Henrique Sinki Kadowaki (IAG/USP)................................................................................................................. 49
Luis Juracy Lemos (ICRANet).............................................................................................................................. 13, 30
Luiz Augusto Stuani Pereira (DAS/INPE)................................................................................................................... 49
M. Angelez Perez-Garcia (University of Salamanca - IUFFyM, Spain)...............................................................11, 29
Manuel Malheiro (ITA/CTA).................................................................................................................................... 13, 35
Marcelo Byrro Ribeiro (UFRJ)........................................................................................................................... 5, 11, 27
Marcio Bronzato de Avellar (IAG/USP)....................................................................................................................... 44
Marcio Constancio Junior (DAS/INPE)...................................................................................................................... 51
Marcio Eduardo da Silva Alves (UNIFEI).......................................................................................................... 5, 16, 52
Marco Tavani (Università "Tor Vergata" Rome ).................................................................................................. 14, 20
Maria Luiza Bedran (UFJF)................................................................................................................................ 5, 11, 47
Maria Victoria Del Valle (IAG-USP/IAR-CONICET)......................................................................................... 16, 40, 49
Martin Makler (CBPF)............................................................................................................................................ 10, 22
Mauri Valtonen (FINCA, University of Turku, Finland)........................................................................................ 11, 29
Michael Gabler (University of Valencia)............................................................................................................... 13, 34
Michael Kesden (New York University)................................................................................................................ 13, 32
Motoyuki Saijo (Rikkyo University)...................................................................................................................... 16, 41
Nelson Pinto Neto (CBPF)................................................................................................................................. 5, 11, 26
Odylio Denys Aguiar (DAS/INPE)............................................................................................................ 5, 13, 15p., 39
Osamu Seto (Hokkai-Gakuen University)............................................................................................................ 11, 27
Patricia Arevalo (Universidad Andres Bello)....................................................................................................... 11, 28
Patrick Brady (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)..........................................................................................16, 22
Pedro Marronetti (NSF/Florida Atlantic University).................................................................................................. 43
Pedro Ribeiro Da Silva Moraes (DAS/INPE).............................................................................................................. 42
Peter Eger (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)......................................................................................13, 33
Raissa Mendes (IFT-UNESP)................................................................................................................................. 15, 36
Reinaldo Rosa (CAP/INPE).............................................................................................................................. 11, 24, 27
Renan Santos (UFABC)............................................................................................................................................... 45
Reuven Opher (IAG/USP)...................................................................................................................................... 16, 22
Riccardo Ciolfi (Albert Einstein Institute)............................................................................................................ 11, 26
Rodrigo Alvares De Souza (IAG/USP)........................................................................................................................ 42
Rodrigo Macedo (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena).......................................................................................15, 37
Roger Blandford (Stanford University/SLAC)................................................................................................. 5, 14, 20
Roland Walter (University of Geneva, Switzerland)............................................................................................ 13, 30
Ronaldo Vieira (UNICAMP).................................................................................................................................... 13, 31
Rubens De Melo Marinho Junior (ITA/CTA)............................................................................................................... 55
Sander Walg (Department of Astrophysics Nijmegen).......................................................................................15, 38
Sandro Mereghetti (IASF Milano)......................................................................................................................... 14, 21
Sheyse Martins De Carvalho (Sapienza University of Rome)..................................................................................43
Shinichiro Yoshida (University of Tokyo)............................................................................................................ 13, 35
Stephen Bruenn (Florida Atlantic University)........................................................................................................... 52
Suvi Gezari (University of Maryland)................................................................................................................... 12, 18
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann (UFRGS).............................................................................................................. 5, 12p., 18
Tiziana Di Matteo (Carnegie Mellon University).................................................................................................. 12, 18
Tomonori Totani (Kyoto University)..................................................................................................................... 11, 24
Ulisses De Almeida (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik).......................................................................................13, 33
Vanessa Pacheco De Freitas (IFGW - UNICAMP)................................................................................................ 13, 31
Victor De Castro Mourão Roque (UFABC)........................................................................................................... 11, 23
Victor Franz Hess (in memoriam)................................................................................................................................. 7
Vilson Tonin Zanchin (UFABC)................................................................................................................................... 44
Vincent Fish (MIT Haystack Observatory)........................................................................................................... 16, 22
Virginia Trimble (University of California, Irvine)............................................................................................5, 10, 17
Vivian De La Incera (University of Texas - El Paso).................................................................................................. 48
Vladimir Strokov (UFJF/Lebedev Physical Institute).......................................................................................... 11, 27
William Lima (IFT/UNESP)..................................................................................................................................... 15, 37
Wlodek Bednarek (University of Lodz)...................................................................................................................... 50
Zhuo Li (Peking University).................................................................................................................................. 15, 35

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