Whitted, Avery
Whitted, Avery
! AVERY WHITTED FILM: Things I Heard At My Funeral Francis School of Visual Arts, Sam Moynelo (Dir.) RUTGERS UNIVERSITY (Mason Gross School of the Arts): School For Scandal A Woman of No Importance Julius Ceaser Joseph Surface Lord Illingworth Cassius Julius Ceaser The Stand In Between Here and There Cicero, Ensemble Michael Ensemble David Esbjornson (Dir.) Moritz von Stuelpnagel (Dir.) Shakespeare’s Globe Tht. Tim Walker (Dir.) Moritz von Stuelpnagel (Dir.) Knud Adams (Dir.) Kevin Kittle (Dir.) TRAINING: -4 year BFA Acting program at Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University (David Esbjornson, Chair. Barbara Marchant, Assistant Chair. Kevin Kittle, Head of Acting) -1 year of classical training in London at Shakespeare's Globe Theater, included extensive stage combat training with Johnathan Waller and 3 weeks of classes with director Tim Carroll. -Semester of Audition and Career Transition classes with Pat McCorckle. -Semester of Commercial training with Billy Serow. SPECIAL SKILLS: Stage Combat, Dialects (RP, U-RP), Singing, Tap Dance, Driving, Ice Skating, Basketball, Baseball, Swimming, Canoeing, Photography, Electric Bass 275 SEVENTH AVENUE TWENTY SIXTH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10001 NEW YORK T. 646-486-4600 F. 646-486-0100 LOS ANGELES T. 310-859-0625 F. 310-276-6193