Volker H - Abgefrackt
Volker H - Abgefrackt
Volker H.A. Fritz WF, den 08.05.2015 Liste der Blätter zum Themenkomplex „Reliable Partners“ ExxonMobil verlässlicher Partner – Beispiel Pegasus-Pipelineschaden in Mayflower Arkansas am 29.03.13 USA 6.2013 ExxonMobil verlässlicher Partner –Beispiel Anti-Klimaerwärmungskampagne durch Heartland Institute, Chicago USA 7.13 Halliburton Reliable Partner - Beispiel Huge Oil Spill Deepwater Horizon im Golf von Mexico 2010-ausgelöst durch billigen Zement und dann Vertuschung und Beweismittelvernichtung USA 7.13 Oil & Gas Industry –Reliable Fair Partners –Beispiel: ihr Zahlungsverhalten beim Abgelten der Royalties, die an die Grundeigentümer zu zahlen sind. USA 8.13 Horizontal Fracking for Hydro-Carbons – A Reliable Process? EOG-Resources Petersville-Blowout, on August 28, 2013 USA 8.1.13 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Reliable Proven Process? Recent accidents and OGP report of 2010 “Blowout frequencies” USA 9.2013 Oil and Gas Exploration/Production and Waste Water Disposal –Reliable Proven Processes? Many earthquakes are related to Auflistung mit Beben über 3,0 Richter USA 9.1.2013 Texaco, now Chevron, Reliable Partner? Possibly World’s Biggest Health and Environment Desaster in Northern Equadoranian Amazon Rain Forest. Equador 9.2.13 Oil and Gas Industry Reliable Fair Partners on Our Way to get rid of Fossil Fuels ? Shale Gas as “Bridge Fuel” ? D 9.3.13.” Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Reliable Proven Processes? Preliminary Health Problems in the U.S. Aug.27.2013 USA 9.4.13 Oil & Gas Industry –Reliable Partners when it comes to data input about the fracking fluids? USA/D 10.1.13 Oil and Gas Exploration/Production and Waste Water Disposal –Reliable Proven Processes? Alberta pipeline spill near Zama City CA/D 10.2.13 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Reliable Processes? U.S. Incident List 2000 to 2010 USA 10.3.13 Oil and Gas Exploration, Production and Refining Reliable Proven Processes? Fire at Chevron’s Richmond Refinery 2012 USA 11.1.13 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in Germany Reliable Control by German Authorities? D 11.2.13 Kavernenspeicher in Etzel/Ostfriesland Natural Gas “German” Storage and Supply Chain –Reliable Arguments? Wintershall-Kavernenspeicher und Gasverteilernetze an Gazprom verkauft D 12.1.13 Massive Propaganda Activities by Oil and Gas in Europe! Reliable Partners? Let’s have a look at two actual samples: EU 12.2.13 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Companies: Reliable Partners? Let’s have a look at BNK Petroleum Inc. Calgary D 12.3.13 Oil and Gas Producers Reliable Partners? Let’s have a look at the U.S. Climate Change Denial Groups USA 12.4.13 and their funding BASF-Wintershall Reliable Partner for German Gas Consumers ? D 1.1.14 Let’s have a look at the Group’s activities Fracking does not poison Drinking Water – Reliable Partners? USA/D 1.2.14 Let’s have a look at the facts. Minor U.S. Spills in 2013? All under control? Reliable Partners? USA 5.1.14 U.S. North Carolina “Energy Modernization Act” enthält Strafen USA 5.2.14 für die Weitergabe von Infos zu Frack-Fluids U.S. Oil and Gas Industry attacks aggressively the Renewable Energy, to protect their fossil sales USA 5.3.14 Heavy Quicksilver contamination in Germany by Natual Gas Production, people are endangered D 6.1.14rev-2 Reliable Partners: Rolling Fracking Oil Bombshells endanger USA people USA 6.2-1.14 -2- Seite 2 zur Liste Arbeitsblätter “Reliable Partners” VF Oil and Gas producers control U.S. methane study via Reliable Partners USA Reliable Partners Gas and Oil Extraction Companies with Ultimate Safety Standards USA Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Reliable Processes Steam Injection Fracking in Alberta Primrose bitumen out of Control Canada Reliable Partners Wie die U.S. Fracking-Industrie ihre Arbeiter zerstört USA Reliable Partners Das Märchen „natürliches Methan“ in Brunnen ist entkräftet (PNAS-Studie v. Darrah) USA und SPE_berichtNr.64733 aus 2000 Reliable Partners In Deutschland ist alles sicher D Explosion im Ölfeld Bramberge bei Wartungen Reliable Partners American Oil and Gas Workers are cheated of earnings. USA Reliable Partners Californian wastewater injection destroys water wells USA Reliable Partners Illegale Gasförderung mitten in Denton Texas wird von der Gasindustrie jahrelang betrieben USA Reliable Partners Zur Erinnerung:Gewählter australischer Ministerpräsident Gough Whitlan wurde im November 1975 in einem Putsch der Geheimdienste USA/U.K. abgesetzt. AUS Reliable Partners Die zwei Gesichter der BASF D Reliable Partners Ohio drei schwere Unfälle in drei Tagen USA Reliable Partners Chesapeake Energy ist wegen Gaunereien in den USA verurtelt worden USA Reliable Partners Chesapeake Energy verhindert durch massive Einflussnahme seit 2010, dass eine umfassende EPA-Studie zur Umweltgefährdung der Frackingförderung zu brauchbaren Ergebnissen kommt. USA Reliable Partners ExxonMobil entgeht in New Jersey, USA, einer hohen Strafzahlung für 9 Mrd.USD Umweltschäden im Norden von New Jersey USA Reliable Partners An der Spitze der Technik in Deutschland ? D Reliable Partners Chevron verspricht ne Pizza wenns brennt USA Reliable Partners 2 big explosions in Col. a. Texas. all is safe USA Reliable Partners Royal Dutch Shell has Lobbied in Brussels to undermine EU renewable tragets UK/EU Reliable Partners Keystone 1 pipeline corroded after only 2 years CAN 6.3.14 6.4.14 7.1.14 8.1.14 9.2.14 9.3.14 9.4.14 10.1.14 10.2.14 10.3.14 10.4.14 10.5.14 11.1.14 3.1.15 3.2.15 4.1.15 4.2.15 4.3.15 4.4.15 5.1.15 08.05.2015