4.2 Pedestrian Sight Lines 4.3 Bicycle Parking
4.2 Pedestrian Sight Lines 4.3 Bicycle Parking
Traffic and Transport Assessment Lindrum Tower 4.2 Pedestrian Sight Lines The Melboume Planning Scheme, and Figure 3.3 of the Australian Standard, indicate the required minimum sight lines for pedestrian safety at a car park exit point, suggesting sight triangles of 2.0m wide by 2.5m long on each side of the driveway. Furthermore, the Planning Scheme allows for the splay area to be at least 50% clear of obstructions, therefore, the introduction of columns or other obstructions within the splay is considered acceptable, providing the splay is at least 50% clear of these obstructions. Whilst vehicle access to Spark Lane from the subject site does not provide clear sight requirements in accordance with the Planning Scheme, the proposal is considered to be adequate given that vehicle and pedestrian interaction is likely to be minimal and vehicles exiting the subject site will be travelling at low speeds given the function of the roller door and restricted aisle length. 4.3 Bicycle Parking and Access The bicycle parking design has been assessed against the requirements of Clause 52.34 of the Melboume Planning Scheme and the Australian Standard for Bicycle parking facilities (AS 2890.3). A bicycle storage area is proposed to be provided on the basement level. It is recommended that bicycle parking be supplied via a vertical rack, whereby the Ned Kelly" product type is recommended. The product data sheet for the Ned Kdly" bike park is attached within Appendix B. The recommended layout of Ned Kelly' racks would require sufficient access areas for manoeuvring bikes into and out of spaces, including an aisle width of 1.5 metres at a distance of 1.2 metres from the wall containing the 'Ned Kelly' bike racks. 4.4 Motorcycle Parking The motorcycle parking areas have been assessed against the requirements of the Australian Standard for off-street car parking (AS/NZS 2890.1). One (1) motorcycle parking space is provided in accordance with the minimum dimension requirements of the Australian Standard, being 1.2m wide and 2.5m long. 4.5 Garbage Collection The garbage collection vehicle will access Spark Lane from Flinders Street in a forwards direction and then exit Spark Lane onto Flinders Street in aforwardsdirection. Furthermore, bins will be transferred between the bin room and Spark Lane by the waste jockeys during collection. A separate door is provided to facilitate bin transfer between the bin storage area and Spark Lane. Swept paths illustrating access of the garbage collection vehicle are shown in Appendix A. 24 June 2015 Cardno 17 Traffic and Transport Assessment Lindrum Tower Loading Considerations Clause 52.07 of the Melboume Planning Scheme outlines the requirements for the loading and unloading of vehicles. It specifies that: > No building or works may be constructed for the manufacture, semcing, storage or sale of goods or materials unless: - Space is provided on the land for loading and unloading vehicles as specified in Table 5 - 1 ; - The driveway to the loading bay is at least 3.6 metres wide; - The driveway that provides access to the loading bay is at least 3.6 metres wide. - A permit may be granted to reduce or waive these requirements if either - The land area is insufficient; or - Adequate provision is made for loading and unloading vehicles to the satisfaction of the responsible authority. Table 5-1 Planning Scheme Loading Requirements - Clause 52.07 Floor Area of Building Minimum Loading Bay Dimensions 2,600 m or less in single operation Area 27.4 m Length 7.6 m Width 3.6 m 2 Height clearance For every additional 1,800 m or part 2 Additional 18 m 2 4.0 m 2 Considering the above, the restaurant and bar components generate a requirement for a loading area. Whilst the proposed on-site loading bay is less than the minimum dimensional requirements of the Planning Scheme, there is adequate provision for loading and unloading of vehicles to occur within Spark Lane. The loading zone accessed from Spark Lane will be utilised for the loading requirements for the commercial uses of the development in cases where the on-site loading bay is inadequate. 24 June 2015 Cardno 18 ^J*y Cardno Traffic and Transport Assessment Lindrum Tower Motorcycle Parking Considerations Schedule 1 to the Parking Overiay of the Melboume Planning Scheme specifies the parking requirements for developments within the Capital City Zone - Outside the Retail Core, within which the subject site is located. The schedule requires that: "All buildings that provide on-site car parking must provide motor-cycle parking for the use of occupants and visitors, at a minimum rate of one motor-cycle parking space for every 100 car parking spaces, unless the responsible authority is satisfied that a lesser number is sufficient." Based on the above, the proposed development generates a requirement for 1 motor-cycle parking space. The provision of one space satisfies the Planning Scheme requirements, and is therefore considered to be appropriate. 24 June 2015 Cardno 19 ^J"^ Cardno Traffic and Transport Assessment Lindrum Tower Bicycle Parking Considerations Clause 52.34 of the Melbourne Planning Scheme specifies the following bicycle parking provision requirements with regard to the different components of the proposed development. Table 7-1 Planning Scheme Bicycle Parking Requirements - Clause 52.34 Component Area/No Requirement Dwelling 143 1 space per 5 dwellings for residents 1 space per 10 dwellings for visitors Hotel 83 1 to each 40 rooms for employees Total 29 14 31 14 - Employees/Residents - Visitors Clause 52.34 of the Planning Scheme indicates a requirement for the provision of a total 45 bicycle parking spaces comprising 29 resident spaces, 2 employee spaces and 14 residential visitor spaces. The bike storage area within the lower basement level proposes not less than 45 bicycle parking spaces, which satisfies or exceeds the requirements of the Planning Scheme. Furthermore, the provision of visitor bicycle parking within the basement parking area is considered to be acceptable, with visitors able to contact the resident to gain access to the basement parking area. The provision of combined resident and visitor parking areas also provides flexibility in the usage of the parking spaces, increasing the effective supply of bicycle parking, whilst providing more secure bicycle parking fewvisitors. Nevertheless, the Melboume Bike Share offers the opportunity for visitors, particularly those to the proposals hotel, to access a bicycle. 24 June 2015 Cardno 20 Traffic and Transport Assessment Lindrum Tower 8 Car Parking Considerations 8.1 Statutory Car Parking Requirements 8.1.1 Planning Scheme - Schedule 1 to the Parking Overlay Schedule 1 to the Parking Overiay of the Melboume Planning Scheme specifies the car parking rates for various uses within the Capital City Zone, within which the subject site is located. The schedule specifies that where a site is wholly for dwellings, the number of spaces for each dwelling must not exceed one (1). Whilst it is acknowledged that the proposed development includes uses including a small bar and restaurant, these are anticipated to operate as ancillary uses to the hotel and residential apartments. Furthermore, given maximum parking requirements apply, this approach is considered to provide a conservative assessment. 8.1.2 Car Parking Reguirements Schedule 1 to the Parking Overiay specifies a maximum parking requirement for dwellings, which constitute both the residential apartments and hotel rooms of the development. As 143 residential apartments and 83 hotel rooms are proposed, the proposal features a total provision of 226 dwellings. Therefore, a maximum provision of 226 car parking spaces are possible in accordance with the Melboume Planning Scheme. 8.2 Proposed Car Parking Provision A total car parking provision of 60 spaces is proposed which is well within the maximum parking requirements stipulated by the Melboume Planning Scheme. 24 June 2015 Cardno 21 Traffic and Transport Assessment Lindrum Tower Traffic Considerations 9.1 Traffic Generation 9.1.1 Residential Apartments Case study data held by Cardno and other consultants suggests very low traffic generation rates for inner Melboume CAD residential development sites. Traffic generation rates sourced for Eureka Tower and Freshwater Place in September 2008 are provided within Table 9-1 for the A M and PM peak hours. It is noted that both developments had parking allocations in excess of 1 space per apartment. Table 9-1 Traffic Generation Rates for Inner Melbourne CAD Apartment Developments Parking Provision Rate Location Eureka Tower | 1.3 spaces/apartment Freshwater Place 1 4 spaces/apartment Average 1.35 spaces/apartment AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 0.14 movements/dwelling 0.12 movements/dwelling O i l movements/dwelling 0.09 movements/dwelling 0.125 movements/dwelling 0.105 movements/dwelling The above rates are considered to be representative of the expected traffic generation of the residential component of the proposal. 9.1.2 Total Traffic Generation The 60 apartments which are allocated a car parking space are expected to generate 0.12 vehicle movements during the peak hour. Therefore in each of the peak hours a traffic generation of up to 7 vehicle movements is anticipated. This level of traffic generation is low in traffic engineering terms and is expected to have no significant effect on the surrounding road network. 9.1.3 Traffic Distribution For the purposes of this assessment, it is anticipated that traffic generated by the residential development will be split 20% / 80%, to / from the site during the morning peak hour, and 60% / 4 0 % to / from the site during the afternoon peak hour. The anticipated traffic generation volumes are shown in Table 9-2. Table 9-2 Total Traffic Generation Peak Period Inbound AM Peak Hour 1 PM Peak Hour 4 Outbound 9.2 Mechanical Car Parking System Operation 9.2.1 General Fifty-eight (58) parking spaces will be housed within a mechanical lift system which transfers vehicles from the ground level to car spaces within a parking system above ground level automatically. The system is known as Multiparker 720 developed by Wohr and does not require ramps or car parking aisles to access car spaces. Lifts and a combination of platforms move vehicles to and from car spaces automatically. 24 June 2015 Cardno 22 Traffic and Transport Assessment Lindrum Tower 9.2.2 Method Step 1-Entry Upon entering the site via Spark Lane, motorists activate the parking system using a remote control or similar to call the system and open the lift door which provides access to the transfer area. The driver is guided by a text display and a wall minor. The vehicle pallet includes wheel troughs to aid in aligning the vehicle, which is also assisted by a laser guidance system. Sfep 2 - Driver Exits Vehicle Once the vehicle is in place, the driver exits the vehicle and confirms the parking procedure at the operating terminal, the door is closed and laser scanners on the ceiling of the transfer area confirm the car is positioned conectly. Sfep 3 - Parking The car is raised to the level above by the vertical lift where the occupied pallet is transfened to the storage and retrieval unit (SRU) and replaced with an empty pallet. The SRU moves the vehicle to the selected storage rack while the lift moves the empty pallet into the transfer area ready to take another vehicle. Step 4- Departing Upon departure, the motorist calls the car from the control panel adjacent to the lift door. The system retrieves the vehicle by using the SRU and vertical lift to move it back to the transfer area where the driver is able to enter the car and drive out in a forwards direction. Pictures of a similar system in Madrid are provided in Figure 9-1. 24 June 2015 Cardno 23 Cardno' Traffic and Transport Assessment Lindrum Tower Figure 9-1 Car Parking System Vehicle transferred to SRU Retrieval | 24 June 2015 Cardno 24 Traffic and Transport Assessment Undrum Tower 9.2.3 Car Lift (Transfer Area) Queuing It is projected that during the peak hour, a total of 7 vehicles will require use of the system, with a mixture of inbound and outbound movements albeit a bias to departures in the morning and a general bias towards arrivals in the evening. It is noted the system can be programmed to have a bias toward outbound traffic in the AM peak and inbound traffic in the PM peak. It is understood that the system can park approximately 24 vehicles per hour whilst it is operating with one cabin as is proposed. In the afternoon peak hour, four (4) cars are projected to park per hour, which equates to utilising 17% of the available capacity of the lift system leaving the remaining time available for vehicles departing. It is expected that this level of usage is within the capacity of the system and will not result in undue queuing occurring within the site or Spark Lane. A warning lighting system will alert motorists that the lift is in use by a departing motorist, depending on the colour illuminated, facilitating the conect positioning of inbound waiting vehicles. A parking bay is proposed in order for motorists to unload their vehicle prior to entering the car lift. In the event that the lift is in use when a vehicle arrives, the parking bay will allow for a vehicle to wait whilst keeping a passage clear for the departing vehicle. Generally however, it is anticipated that the inbound vehicle would wait in the access aisle, and an outbound vehicle would pass it. Statistical analysis indicates that an inbound and outbound vehicle have a probability of encountering one another on 0.007 and 0.013 of accessing during the AM and PM peaks respectively. This indicates that vehicles will not have to pass on most occasions. 24 June 2015 Cardno 25 <*J^ 10 Cardno Traffic and Transport Assessment Lindrum Tower Conclusions Based on the foregoing analysis it is concluded that; > It is proposed to redevelop the site for the purpose of a mixed use development containing 143 residential apartments and 83 hotel rooms; > It is proposed to provide a total of 60 car parking spaces, well within the maximum requirements of Schedule 1 to the Parking Overlay of the Melbourne Planning Scheme; > The car park and access design has been assessed in accordance with the requirements of Clause 52.06 of the Melboume Planning Scheme and the Australian Standard for Off-street car parking (AS/NZS2890.1); > Loading operations of the sites commercial components are proposed to be undertaken in either the onsite loading bay or within the loading zones at Flinders Street or Spark Lane; > The provision of one motorcycle parking space satisfies the requirements of Schedule 1 to the Parking Overlay of the Melboume Planning Scheme; > The proposed provision of not less than 45 bicycle parking spaces on-site for residents, employees and visitors satisfies the requirements of Clause 52.34 of the Melbourne Planning Scheme; and > The proposed development is expected to generate up to 7 vehicle movements during the AM and PM peak hour periods. This level of traffic is low in traffic engineering terms and is expected to have no significant effect on traffic conditions. 24 June 2015 Cardno 26 Lindrum Tower APPENDIX A SWEPT PATHS ^J"^ Cardno Shaping the Future C r y Cantno / SPARK LANE SPARK LANE MEIWAV REF MAP I f Jt B « CAR SWEPT PATH o.jm B9» CAR SWEPT PATH O.Jp CLEARANCE SHOWN CLEARANCE SHOWN INGRESS MOVEMENTS EGRESS MOVEMENTS DESIGN VEHICLE 5 20 095 3.05 CAR meters ' 34 CG150472SK01 PI • LINDRUM TOWER - 26-30 FLINDERS STREET. MELBOURNE B99 CAR SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS - 0.3m CLEARANCE SHOWN - CAR LIFT SCALE-11300ttA3 D A T E - 2 4 ^ 0 1 8 Trock Lock to Lock Time Steering Angle 6.0 53 ! ^J*) SPARK LANE Cardno SPARK LANE M£LWA» REF MAP 2F Jt B«5 CAR SWEPT PATH 0.3m CLEARANCE SHOWN BBS CAR SWEPT PATH 0.3m CLEARANCE SHOWN EGRESS MOVEMENTS DESIGN VEHICLE 0.92 CG150472SK02 PI - LINDRUM TOWER - 26-30 FLINDERS STREET. MELBOURNE 885 CAR SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS - 0.3m CLEARANCE SHOWN - DISABLED SPACE SCALE -1:2001> A3 DATE - 2441frJP1S 2,80 B85 meters Width Track Lock to Lock Time Steering Angle : : : : 1.87 1.77 6.0 34.0 Cardno Shwln.ll.hM. SPARK LANE HELWAr REF HAP 2F 14 <..6« V£tTB» C»R SW€PT PATH 0.3pn CLEARANCE SHOWN VECIRA CAR SWEPT PATH (1.3m CLEARANCE SHOWN INGRESS MOVEMENTS EGRESS MOVEMENTS DESIGN VEHICLE A.60 Q.90 4,6m CG15O472SK03 PI - LINDRUM TOWER - 26-30 FLINDERS STREET. MELBOURNE 4.6m VECTRA CAR SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS - 0.3m CLEARANCE SHOWN - SMALL CAR SPACE SCALE-1^00 a A3 D A T E - i * J » J 0 1 5 2.70 Vectro Width Track Lock to Lock Time Steering Angle meters ' 80 1 53 (: 0 58 9 ^J^) Cardno I MELWAY REF MAP Xf U 6.35»> WASTEWISE VEHICLE SWEPT PATH0.5m CLEARANCE SHOWN INGRESS MOVEMENTS EGRESS MOVEMENTS DESIGN VEHICLE 6.35 0.98 3.40 WASTEWISE CG150472$KO4 PI • LINDRUM TOWER - 26-30 FLINDERS STREET. MELBOURNE 6.35m WASTEWISE VEHICLE SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS - 0.5m CLEARANCE SHOWN - GARBAGE COLLECTION SCAL£ -1:200 O A3 DATE - 24-Q6-2Q1fl 6.55*^ Width Track Lock to Lock Time Steering Angle : 1.85 . 1 85 : 6,0 40.0 C r y FLINDERS STREET INGRESS MOVEMENTS EGRESS MOVEMENTS DESIGN VEHICLE 6.35 0.98 3.40 WASTEWISE 6.36.1^5 CG150472SK05 PI - LINDRUM TOWER - 26-30 FLINDERS STREET. MELBOURNE 6.35m WASTEWISE VEHICLE SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS - 0.5m CLEARANCE SHOWN - GARBAGE COLLECTION S C A L E - 1 J 0 0 1 » M DATE - 24-06-2015 Width Track Lock to Lock Time Steering Angle ; ; : : 1.85 1.85 6.0 40.0 Cortina Lindrum Tower APPENDIX B BICYCLE PARKING PRODUCT SHEET Shaping Die Future 'Ned Kelly™' bicycle parking rail \ Bike Parking Experts Ned Kelly - Support Prongs Ned Kelly - Specifications Material Options Powder Coat steel Duragal - Zinc Electroplated 304 Grade Stainless 316 Grade Stainless Recommended fasteners Zinc plated dynabolts Stainless Steel dynabolts Fixing Options Sheamut Fasteners Ned Kelly - Suggested Layout P r e f e r r e d Lift M e t h o d Bicycle footprint 1200mm max Egress 1500mm Options and base plate details Bolt On base plate Colours Options Satin Black Custom Steel framework Signage BIKE PARKING Palladium Silver Pearl The Ned Kelly parking rail is a registered design and Trademark name of the Bike Parking Experts. Address Phone-Fax Email-Web Company Details _ * V_ • Level 10 446 Collins Street Melboume VIC 3000 Sales 1300 PARK ME (1300 727 563) Fax (03) 8636 8800 [email protected] MMMMBUBDJU Bicycle Victoria Inc. ABN 41 026 835 903 OCQXID blcyclevictoria O Bike Parking Exnerts Bike Parking Experts Comparison of Ned Kelly Hanging Rail and other hanging rails Other Hanging Rails Ned Kelly™ Hanging Rail Bike is supported by lateral pressure on spokes, which may cause damage Bike is safely supported by rim Straight design means that the forks rest on the rail, which may cause damage to bike and rail Proprietary design allows forks of bike to clear the rail safely • S a m 1300 727 S63 L«v*l 4. 246 Bourk. St Pax .03; 8636 8800 M . l b o u m . VIC 3000 Company Dalallt Pi Bik* Parking E .p«ns parkii ABN 41 026 635 903 U w p a M n g com au Framing System Ned Kelly Bike parking Experts Framing Example Framing Specifications Materials Horizontal 40mm hollow section Vertical 50mm hollow section Recommended fasteners Tek screws 14 mm x 25 mm Coach bolts 10 mm x 65 mm Dyna bolts 10 mm x 50 mm Finishing option Duragal* Hot dip galvanised Power coating Freestanding f r a m i n g 2750 mm external width Double Sided Configuration Framing available in 5, 6 or 7 bikes per span, with variable spacing 1500mm Minimum Egress Corridor Wall / C o l u m n M o u n t Floor Mount Alternative uprights Mailing Address PC Box 426 Collins St West Vic 8007 Phone - Fax Sales 1300 PARK ME 1300 (727 563) Fax (03) 8636 8800 1200mm Bicyde Footprint N e d K e l l y / S t e a d y Rack M o u n t i n g Tekscrews fix bottom plate of rail to framing lo allow accurate perpendicular alignment Dynabolts or similar Street Address 10/446 Collins Street Melboume VIC 3000 Single Sided Configuration Email • Web [email protected] bikeparkinq.com.au Company Details Bicyde Victoria Inc ABN 41 026 835 903 Iv \ Nut and bolt passes through pred rilled hole at top CXDXID O blcyclevictoria Lindrum Tower APPENDIX c MULTIPARKER 720 PRODUCT SHEET Shaping the Future Datenblatt | Data Sheet Multiparker 710/720/730 Bitte beachten Sie die separaten Technischen Hinweise! I Please observe the separate Technical Notes! Der Multiparker nutzt clever die vorhandene Rache und bietet Parkraum in verschiedenen Varianten. The Multiparker utilizes clever and smart the available surface and provides parking space with different variants. AlsTurm- und/oder Schachtversion As tower and/or pit version Automatisches Parksystem zum Parken von 10 bis iiber 100 Autos Automatically operated parking systems for 10 to more than 100 cars Variable Systemlange moglich Variable system length available Mehrreihige Anordnungsmoglichkeiten bis zu 2 Parkrelhen hintereinander Multiple row arrangement with up to 2 parking rows behind each other Sehranpassungstahig an individuelle Projektanfordenjngen Well adaptable to individual project requirements Sicherfurden Nutzerund Fahrzeug (keineengen Rampen, dunkle Treppenhauser, keine Beschadigungen durch Parkkarambolagen Oder Diebstahl) Safe for user and cars ( no narrow ramps, dark stairs, no damage caused by theft or vandalism] Ubergabestationen konnen flexibel angeordnet werden Very fast access time by use of a quick-change pallet system Sehr schnelleZugriffszeiten aufgrund des Palettenschnellwechselsystems Customazible arrangement of transfer area No ramps and driving lanes Keine raumintensiven Rampen und Fahrgassen erforderlich No costly illumination and ventilation necessary Keine aufwendige Beleuchtung. Beluftung notwendig Different car heights possible, e.g. Vans, SUVs Unterschiedliche Fahrzeughdhen moglich, z.B. fur Vans. SUVs For car weight up to 2.5 t, higher loads are possible after consultation with WOHR StandardmaBig fiir Fahrzeuggewicht bis zu 2,5 t, hohere Belastung nach Rucksprache mit WOHR moglich Easy operation with several control options, e.g. transponder chip or remote control Vielseitige Bedienungsmbglichkeiten: vom Transponderchip bis hin zur Funkfernsteuerung Suitable for apartment- and office buildings and for public parking Geeignet tiirWohn- und Geschaftshauserund als bffentliches Parkhaus Following the idea of "Green Parking" Folgt der Idee von "Green Parking" W O H R Otto Wohr GmbH Auto-Parksysteme OlgrabenstraBe 14 7I292Friolzheim Fon ^49 [01 7044 46-0 Fax •49|0|7044 44-149 www.woehr.de InfosSwoehrde Wirverdichten Parkraum We compact parking space 01 Multiparker 710 | Turm-System fiir 2-8 Parkebenen | Tower system for 2-8 parking ievels Parksystem fiir 2-8 Parkebenen Turmvariante Parking system for 2-8 parking levels as tower variant Langenausdehnung varlabel Linear expansion variable (see dimension D on table below) (siehe MaB D auf unten stehenderTabelle) Variable arrangement of transfer area (see page 8) Anordnung des Ubergabebereichs variabel (slehe Seite 8) Fahrzeughohe variabel durch unterschiedlich hohe Parkebenen Vehicles of various height can be parked thanks to parking levels of various height Mehrreihige Anordnung moglich (siehe Seite 8) Multi-row arrangement (see page 8) Pallettenschnellwechselsystem - kurze Zugriffszeiten Quick-change pallet system - short access times Integrierte Drehvorrichtung moglich (Option) Integrated turning device possible (option) Ubergabebereich (Ma8e ohne Drehvorrichtung) Transfer area (dimensions without tuming device) Parkebenen Parking levels 2 3 4 5 6 7 B Pkw-H6he Car height 160 200 Stellplatze pro Ebene* Parking spaces per level" 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 MaB A fiir 160 cm hohe Pkw mit 1 Parkebenefiir 200 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A for 160 cm high cars with 1 parking level for 200cm high cars 476 669 662 •••••• W7S 1268 1441 1654 MaB B Dimension B 193 233 MaBC Dimension C 213 253 Palettenbreite 230 Rasterbreite 255 cm Pallet width 230 grid width 255 cm Lange D | Length D 1790 2045 2300 2555 2810 3065 3320 3555 3830 4085 4340 4595 4850 5105 5360 Palettenbreite 220 Rasterbreite 245 cm Pallet width 220 grid width 245 cm Lange D | Length D 1730 1975 2220 2465 2710 2955 3200 3445 3690 3935 4180 4425 4670 4915 5160 Stellplatzanzahl verringert sich je nach Anzahl und Anordnung des Ubergabebereichs MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 220 Dimensions for pallet width 220 MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 230 Dimensions tor pallet width 230 g 3 () MaBe in Klammem beziehen sich auf ein Regalbediengerat mit Drehvorrichtung. () Dimensions in brackets for storage and retrieval unit with turning device g fur die Steuerung muss in der Nahe des Ubergabebereichs ein Raum (mind. Lange 240 cm x Breite 160 cm x Hohe 220 cm) zurVerfijgung stehen. s For the control unit, space (at least length 240cm x width 160cm x height 220 cm) must be available near the transfer area. The number of parking spaces depends on number and arrangement of transfer areas MaBe in cm Dimensions in cm Multiparker 710 | Schacht-System fiir 2 - 8 Parkebenen | Shaft system for 2 - 8 parking ieveis Parksystem fiir 2-8 Parkebenen Schachtvariante Parking system for 2-8 parking levels as shaft variant Langenausdehnung variabel (siehe MaB D auf unten stehenderTabelle) Variable arrangement of transfer area (see page 8) Linear expansion variable (see dimension D on table below) Anordnung des Ubergabebereichs variabel (siehe Seite 8) Fahrzeughohe variabel durch unterschiedlich hohe Parkebenen Vehicles of various height can be parked thanks to parking levels of various height Mehrreihige Anordnung moglich (siehe Seite 8) Multi-row arrangement (see page 8) Pallettenschnellwechselsystem - kurze Zugriffszeiten Quick-change pallet system - short access times Integrierte Drehvorrichtung moglich (Option) Integrated turning device possible (option) •• Obergabebereich (MaBe ohne Drehvorrichtung) Transfer area (dimensions without turning device) MaB A fiir 160 cm hohe Pkw mit 1 Parkebenefiir 200 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A for 160 cm high cars with 1 parking level for 200 cm high cars MaB B Dimension B 193 233 MaBC Dimension C 213 253 Palettenbreite 230 Rasterbreite 255 cm Pallet width 230 grid width 255 cm Lange D** | Length D " 1880 2180 2435 2690 2990 3245 3500 3800 4055 4310 4610 4865 5120 5420 5675 5930 ' Dimensions for pallet width 220 MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 230 Dimensions for pallet width 230 () MaBe in Klammem beziehen sich auf ein Regalbediengerat mit Drehvorrichtung. () Dimensions in brackets for storage and retrieval unit with turning device Fur die Steuerung muss in der Nahe des Ubergabebereichs ein Raum (mind. Lange 240cm x Breite 160cm x Hohe 220cm) zurVerfiigung stehen. For the control unit, space (at least length 240 cm x width 160 cm x height 220 cm) must be available near the transfer area. Palettenbreite 220 Rasterbreite 245 cm Pallet width 220 grid width 245 cm Lange D** | Length 0 " 1820 2110 2355 2600 2890 3135 3380 3670 3915 4160 4450 4695 4940 5230 5475 5720 Stellplatzanzahl verringert sich je nach Anzahl und Anordnung der Vertikalfdrderer Alle angegebenen MaBe der Lange D sind nur ein Beispiel und sind abhangig von der Breite und Anzahl der benotigten Wandscheiben The number of parking spaces depends on number and arrangement of lifts • All specified dimensions of length D are examples only and depend on width and number of partitions walls MaBe in cm Dimensions in cm 03 • K 1398 1205 1784 1591 992 799 WtttKM •• Multiparker 720 | Turm-System fiir 4-20 Parkebenen | Tower system for 4-20 parking ievels Parksystem tijr 4-20 Parkebenen Turmvariante Langenausdehnung begrenzt auf max. 6 Stellplatze je Reihe Anordnung des Obergabebereichs variabel (siehe Seite 8) Fahrzeughohe variabel durch unterschiedlich hohe Parkebenen Mehrreihige Anordnung moglich (siehe Seite 8) Pallettenschnellwechselsystem - kurze Zugriffszeiten Integrierte Drehvorrichtung moglich (Option) Parking system for 4-20 parking levels as tower variant Linear expansion limited to max. 6 parking bays per row Variable arrangement of transfer area (see page 8) Vehicles of various height can be parked thanks to parking levels of various height Multi-row arrangement (see page 8) Quick-change pallet system - short access times Integrated turning device possible (option) Ubergabebereich (MaBe ohne Drehvorrichtung) Transfer area (dimensions without turning device) Parkebenen Parking levels 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 MaB 200 cm gilt fur 6 bzw. 8 Stellplatze je Ebene MaB 250 cm gilt fur 10 bzw. 12 Stellplatzen je Ebene Dimension 200 cm apply to 6 or 8 parking spaces per level Dimension 250 cm apply to 10 or 12 parking spaces per level () MaBe in Klammern beziehen sich auf ein Regalbediengerat mit Drehvorrichtung. () Dimensions in brackets for storage and rrtrwval unit with turning device 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pkw Hohe Car height 160 200 Stellplatze pro Ebene" Parking spaces per level" 10 max. 12 MaB A fur 160 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A for 160 cm high cars 832 1045 1238 1431 1624 1817 2030 2223 2416 2609 2802 3015 3208 3401 3594 3787 4000 MaB B Dimension B 193 233 MaB A mit 2 Parkebenen fiir 200 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A with 2 parking levels for 200 cm high cars 912 1125 1318 1511 1704 1897 2110 2303 2496 2689 2882 3095 3288 3481 3674 3867 4080 MaB C Dimension C 243 253 Palettenbreite 230 Rasterbreite 255 cm Pallet width 230 grid width 255 cm Lange D | Length D 890 1145 1400 1655 Palettenbreite 220 Rasterbreite 245 cm Pallet width 220 grid width 245 cm Lange D|Length D 860 1105 1350 1595 " Stellplatzanzahl verringert sich je nach Anzahl und Anordnung des Ubergabebereichs " The number of parking spaces depends on number and arrangement of transfer areas I MaBe in cm Dimensions in cm 3 s MaBe fur Palettenbreite 220 Dimensions for pallet width 220 MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 230 Dimensions for pallet width 230 Fiir die Steuerung muss in der Nahe des Ubergabebereichs ein Raum (mind. Lange 240cm x Breite 160cm x Hohe 220cm) zurVerfiigung stehen. For the control unit, space (at least length 240 cm x width 160 cm x height 220 cm) must be available near the transfer area. 04 Multiparker 720 | Schacht-System | Shaft system Langenausdehnung begrenzt auf max. 6 Stellplatze je Reihe Linear expansion limited to max. 6 parking bays per row Anordnung des Obergabebereichs variabel (siehe Seite 8) Variable arrangement of transfer area (see page 8) Fahrzeughohe variabel durch unterschiedlich hohe Parkebenen Vehicles of various height can be parked thanks to parking levels of various height Mehrreihige Anordnung moglich (siehe Seite 8) Pallettenschnellwechselsystem - kurze Zugriffszeiten Integrierte Drehvorrichtung moglich (Option) Multi-row arrangement (see page 8) Quick-change pallet system - short access times Integrated turning device possible (option) Ubergabebereich (Ma8e ohne Drehvorrichtung) Transfer area (dimensions without turning device) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MaB A " fiir 160 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A " for 160 cm high cars 453 646 839 1032 1245 1438 1631 1824 2017 2230 2423 2616 MaB A " mit 2 Parkebenen fiir 200 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A " with 2 parking levels for 200 cm high cars 726 919 1112 1325 1518 1711 1904 2097 2310 2503 2696 Alle MaBe gelten fiir 6 bzw. 8 Stellplatze je Ebene und erhdhen sich urn 50 cm bei 10 bzw. 12 Stellplatzen je Ebene. MaB 200 cm gilt fur 6 bzw. 8 Stellplatze je Ebene MaB 250 cm gilt fiir 10 bzw. 12 Stellplatzen je Ebene Dimension 200 cm apply to 6 or 8 parking spaces per level Dimension 250 cm apply to 10 or 12 parking spaces per level MaBe in Klammern beziehen sich auf ein Regalbediengerat mit Drehvorrichtung. Dimensions in brackets for storage and retrieval unit with turning device All mentioned dimensions apply to 6 or 8 parking spaces per level. If 10 or 12 parking spaces per level are planned, these dimensions are to be increased by 50 cm. Pkw-H6he Car height 160 200 Stellplatze pro Ebene'" Parking spaces per level"" 6 8 10 max. 12 MaB B Dimension B 193 233 MaBC Dimension C 213 253 Palettenbreite 230 Palettenbreite 220 Pallet width 230 Pallet width 220 Lange D* " | Length D " " 935 1235 1490 1745 Lange D ' * " | Length D* 905 1195 1440 1685 Stellplatzanzahl verringert sich je nach Anzahl und Anordnung des Obergabebereichs ' Alle angegebenen MaBe der Lange D sind nur ein Beispiel und sind abhangig von der Breite und Anzahl der benotigten Wandscheiben The number of parking spaces depends on number and arrangement of transfer areas • All specified dimensions of length D are examples only and depend on width and number of partitions walls MaBe in cm Dimensions in cm 1 MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 220 Dimensions for pallet width 220 — MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 230 Dimensions for pallet width 230 Fiir die Steuerung muss in der Nahe des Obergabebereichs ein Raum (mind. Lange 240 cm x Breite 160 cm x Hohe 220 cm) zurVerfiigung stehen. For the control unit, space (at least length 240cm x width 160cm x height 220 cm) must be available near the transfer area. 05 • Multiparker 730 | Shuttle/Lift-System mit Stahibau | Shuttle/Lift system with steei structure Parksystem fiir groBe Stellplatzanzahl bei gleichzeitig hohem Durchsatz Injeder Parkebene separat arbeitenderVerteilwagen Jede Parkebene durch Vertikalfdrderer von der Ein-/Ausfahrtsebene aus erschlossen Langenausdehnung variabel (siehe Mafi D auf untenstehenderTabelle) Fahrzeughohe variabel durch unterschiedlich hohe Parkebenen Mehrreihige Anordnung moglich (siehe Seite 8) Pallettenschnellwechselsystem - kurze Zugriffszeiten Integrierte Drehvorrichtung im Ubergabebereich moglich (Option) Parking system for a high number of parking spaces and a high throughput Separate shuttle in each parking level Each parking level connected with entrance/exit level by lifting unit Linear expansion variable (see dimension D on table below) Vehicles of various height can be parked thanks to parking levels of various height Multi-row arrangement (see page 8) Quick-change pallet system - short access times Integrated turning device in the transfer area possible (option) Ubergabebereich (MaBe ohne Drehvorrichtung) Transfer area (dimensions without turning device) MaBe in cm Dimensions in cm Parkebenen Parking levels 2 3 5 Pkw-H6he Car height 160 200 Stellplatze pro Ebene* Parking spaces per level* MaB A fiir 160 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A for 160 cm high cars 465 690 915 1140 MaB B Dimension I 225 265 MaBC Dimension C 170 210 Palettenbreite 230 Palettenbreite 220 Pallet width 230 Pallet width 220 Lange D** | Length D* 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 220 | Dimensions for pallet width 220 MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 230 | Dimensions for pallet width 230 Fiir die Steuerung muss in der Nahe des Ubergabebereichs ein Raum (mind. Lange 240cm x Breite 160cm x Hohe 220cm) zurVerfiigung stehen. For the control unit, space (at least length 240 cm x width 160 cm x height 220 cm) must be available near the transfer area. 06 44 46 48 50 MaB A mit 1 Parkebene fiir 200 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A with 2 parking levels for 200 cm high cars 505 730 955 1180 8 W 1 3495 3795 4050 4305 4606 4860 5115 5415 5670 5925 6225 6480 6735 7035 7290 Lange D * * | Length D** 3375 3665 4155 4445 4690 4935 5235 5470 5715 6005 6250 6495 6785 7030 Stellplatzanzahl verringert sich je nach Anzahl und Anordnung des Vertikalfdrderers ' Alle angegebenen MaBe der Lange D sind nur ein Beispiel und sind abhangig von der Breite, Anzahl der benotigten Wandscheiben und Anzahl der Vertikalfdrderer The number of parking spaces depends on number and arrangement of the lift • All specified dimensions of length D are examples only and depend on width, number of partitions walls and number of lifts •• M u l t i p a r k e r 7 3 0 | S h u t t l e / L i f t - S y s t e m m i t Betonzwischendecken | S h u t t l e / L i f t s y s t e m w i t h intermediate ceiling Parksystem fiir grofte Stellplatzanzahl bei gleichzeitig hohem Durchsatz In jeder Parkebene separat arbeitenderVerteilwagen Jede Parkebene durch Vertikalfdrderer von der Ein-/Ausfahrtsebene aus erschlossen Langenausdehnung variabel (siehe MaB D auf untenstehenderTabelle) Fahrzeughohe variabel durch unterschiedlich hohe Parkebenen Mehrreihige Anordnung moglich (siehe Seite 8) Pallettenschnellwechselsystem - kurze Zugriffszeiten Integrierte Drehvorrichtung im Obergabebereich moglich (Option) Parking system for a high number of parking spaces and a high throughput Separate shuttle in each parking level Each parking level connected with entrance/exit level by lifting unit Linear expansion variable (see dimension D on table below) Vehicles of various height can be parked thanks to parking levels of various height Multi-row arrangement (see page 8) Quick-change pallet system - short access times Integrated turning device in the transfer area possible (option) Obergabebereich (MaBe ohne Drehvorrichtung) Transfer area (dimensions without tuming device) MaBe in cm Dimensions in cm Parkebenen Parking levels 2 3 4 5 Pkw-Hohe Car height 160 200 Stellplatze pro Ebene* Parking spaces per level* MaB A fiir 160 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A for 160 cm high cars 471 704 937 1170 MaB B Dimension B 168 208 MaB A mit 1 Parkebene fiir 200 cm hohe Pkw Dimension A with 2 parking levels for 200 cm high cars 511 744 977 1210 MaBC Dimension C 208 248 Palettenbreite 230 Palettenbreite 220 Pallet width 230 Pallet width 220 22 24 26 28 MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 220 Dimensions for pallet width 220 • MaBe fiir Palettenbreite 230 Dimensions for pallet width 230 • Fur die Steuerung muss in der Nahe des Obergabebereichs ein Raum (mind. Lange 240cm x Breite 160cm x Hohe 220cm) zurVerfiigung stehen. For the control unit, space (at least length 240 cm x width 160 cm x height 220 cm) must be available near the transfer area. 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Stellplatzanzahl verringert sich je nach Anzahl und Anordnung des Vertikalfdrderers Alle angegebenen MaBe der Lange D sind nur ein Beispiel und sind abhangig von der Breite, Anzahl der benotigten Wandscheiben und Anzahl der Vertikalfdrderer 1 The number of parking spaces depends on number and arrangement of the lift All specified dimensions of length D are examples only and depend on width, number of partitions walls and number of lifts 07 Mehrreihige Anordnung | Multi-row arrangement 550 • 550 • 560 (600) > 2760 (2800) 550 * 550 Durch die Moglichkeit einer mehrreihigen Anordnung beim Multiparker kann vorhandener Raum bzw. Grundstucksflache optimal ausgenutzt und speziell bei der Schachtvariante Tiefbaukosten eingespart werden. () MaBe in Klammern beziehen sich auf ein Regalbediengerat mit Drehvorrichtung. 550 560(600) • 550 > 550 2210(2250) The multi-row arrangement allows an optimum utilisation of the available space and/or land area and saves civil engineering costs, particulary with the shaft variant. Dimensions in brackets for storage and retrieval unit with tuming device Anordnungsmoglichkeiten Ubergabebereich j Possible arrangements of transfer area 4v 4/ A ^ Einfahrt/Ausfahrt Entry/Exit I Einfahrt Entry Einfahrt/Ausfahrt Entry/Exit Die Anordnung des Ubergabebereichs ist sehr flexibel. Die optimale Anordnung ist immer in der Systemmitte, da die Zugriffszeiten dann am kiirzesten sind. Je nach Bedarf und Nutzungsart kann die Anzahl der Ubergabebereiche angepasst werden. The arrangement of the transfer area is flexible. The optimum arrangement is always in the system center which has the shortest access times. Depending on the need and kind of utilisation, the number of the transfer areas can be adapted. Wartungszugang und Schaltschrank j Maintenance access and switch cabinet Ein Wartungszugang zur Anlage und ein Schaltschrankraum (mind. 2x 5 m) sind notwendig (Rucksprache mit WOHR erforderlich). Maintenance access as well a room for the switch cabinet (min. 2 x 5 m) is required (please check with WOHR). Max. Fahrzeugabmessungen | Max. car dimensions Palettenbreite Pallet width MaB A Dimension A 220 230 210 220 Fahrzeuggewicht max. 2500 kg, Radlast max. 625 kg. 08 Hohe iiber alles (Pkw mit Dachgepacktragern, Dachreling, Antennen etc. diirfen die angegebene Hohe nicht iiberschreiten). Overall height (cars with roof racks, roof rails, antennas etc. should not exceed the mentioned overall height). Bodenfreiheit Clearance underneath the gear case Die hier genannten FahrzeugmaBe gelten fiir die angegebenen EinbaumaBe. Andere Fahrzeugabmessungen sind bei entsprechenden Anderungen der BaumaBe moglich. Car weight max. 2500 kg, wheel load max. 625 kg. These car dimensions are valid for the building dimensions as mentioned. If building dimensions are adjusted, other car dimensions are possible. Leigh Design Pty Ltd ABN 37 139 522 437 PO Box 2599 MtWaveriey VIC 3149 P +61 3 9888 3943 M +61 0410 456 510 E [email protected] I www.leiqhdesiqn.com.au LEIGH DESIGN waste management plans for all urban developments WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Proposed Development: 26-30 Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria Prepared for: TMG Developments Pty Ltd Document Control Report Date: 24 June 2015 Prepared By: Carlos Leigh, GradlEAust Leigh Design retain copyright and intellectual property rights on this document. Except for town planning purposes associated with the above-referenced site, it may not be copied or used in whole or part by any person or entity for this or any other site without prior written consent from Leigh Design. 26-30 Flinders St Melbourne WMP.docx ©2015 Leigh Design - Page 1 of 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE No. 2 Waste Management Summary. 1 Space and System for Waste Management 3 2 Access for Users, Collectors, and Collection Vehicles. 7 3 Amenity, Local Environment, and Facility Design 8 4 Management and Sustainability 10 5 Supplementary Information 12 6 Contact Information 13 7 Limitations 13 Enclosure: Ground Level (LOO) plan. WASTE MANAGEMENT SUMMARY • • • • The operator, as defined below, shall be responsible for managing the waste system and for developing and implementing adequate safe operating procedures. Waste shall be stored within the development (hidden from extemal view). Users shall sort their waste and dispose garbage and recyclables via the chute and/or directly into collection bins. Waste shall be collected in Spark Lane. Collection staff shall transfer bins between the Bin Stores and the waste truck. GLOSSARY Operator: refers to the Owners Corporation and Hotel Management, who shall manage site operations (via cleaners and contractors, if required). User: refers to residents and hotel guests/staff, who shall utilise the waste system. 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx »2015 Leigh Design - Page 2 of 13 1 S P A C E AND SYSTEM FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT 1.1 Development Description and Use This 53-storey development shall consist of residential apartments and a hotel. The number of residences and commercial floor-areas are stated in Table 1 (below). 1.2 Estimated Garbage and Recycling Generation The following table summarises the waste estimate (m /week): 3 Table 1: Waste Estimate Waste Source Base Qty (est.) Garbage Recycling Cardboard Apartments (2 bed) Apartments (3-4 bed) No. of units = No. of units = 124 19 12.40 7.44 7.44 2.28 1.14 1.14 No. of rooms = 83 2.91 1.41 1.49 Hotel Restaurant Hotel Caf6 area (m ) = area (m ) = 288 90 13.31 1.61 2.42 1.89 0.50 0.76 Hotel Recept./Lobby TOTAL (m /wk) area (m ) = 202 0.14 0.14 32.92 12.25 0.01 13.26 Hotel Rooms 3 2 2 Note: Waste figures are based on Council guidelines. Im = 1,000 litres. 3 1.3 Collection Services Residential Waste: STCA, Council shall provide waste services for the residential component of the development (noting that lane access appears to be limited to max. 6.4m long trucks). Should Council be unable to collect waste, then a private contractor shall be required to carry-out the waste collection until feasibly possible for Council to collect waste (see Sect. 2.2). Commercial Waste: Municipal services would be insufficient as these are limited to a pair of weekly wheelie bins per tenement. Therefore, a private contractor shall be engaged to collect waste. The operator shall choose a waste collection provider, negotiate a service agreement, and pay for these services. Notes: • Certain waste streams may require for the operator to engage a private contractor. • Every rateable tenement is liable to pay for municipal charges irrespective of the level of collection services provided by Council. 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx ) 2015 Leigh Design - Page 3 of 13 1.4 Location, Equipment, and System Used for Managing Waste The waste management system is summarised as follows: • Apartment receptacles for garbage and recycling. • Hotel receptacles at rooms and work/amenity areas. • Waste receptacles located at residential amenity areas. • One diverter chute for garbage and recycling, with residential level intakes and Residential Bin Store discharge, including intake controls and split discharge for two bins. • Residential Bin Store at Ground Level. • Commercial Bin Store at Ground Level. • Collection bins (kept within the above waste areas - refer to Table 2). The various collection waste-streams are summarised as follows: Garbage: General waste shall be placed in tied plastic bags and stored within bins. Recycling: All recyclables shall be commingled into a single type of collection bin (for loose paper, cardboard, PET, glass, aluminum, steel, and HOPE containers). Also, 1,100 litre bins shall be made available to residents for large cardboard pieces. Green Waste: Garden organics shall be collected and disposed by the future landscape maintenance contractor (alternatively, council offers monthly pmnings/clippings collections). Organics: At this development, composting is considered impractical, as there would be minimal onsite demand for compost. Residential Hard Waste and Charity Bin: An area shall be designated for hard waste. The operator shall book monthly municipal hard waste collections. Also, the operator shall organise charity bins (supplied by a charitable organisation). Charities may also collect unwanted items that are in good condition. Other Waste Streams: The disposal of hard/electronic/liquid and other wastes (polystyrene, batteries, paint, chemicals and detox items, etc) shall be organised with the assistance of the operator. Food and beverage managers shall arrange the storage of used cooking oil and its collection by a recycler. The operator shall organise Grease Interceptor Trap servicing. 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx © 2015 Leigh Design - Page 4 of 13 The following table summarises bin quantity/capacity, collection frequency, and area requirements (based on Table 1): Table 2: Bin Schedule and Collection Frequency Waste Source Apartments (shared bins) Commercial (shared bins) Waste Stream Bin Qty Bin Litres Collections per Week Net Area m 2 Garbage 1,100 4.8 Recycling 1,100 3.2 Cardboard 1,100 1.6 Hard Waste Charity 660 Garbage Recycling 660 660 Hard/Other Waste monthly Z0 at call 1.2 4.8 2.4 TBA Net Waste Storage Area (excludes circulation), m 2.0 22.0 Notes: • The operator shall organise hard waste collections (as required). • Council collects residential waste Monday-Friday, only (if required, the operator shall organise private weekend collections). • Residential 1100-lt garbage bins shall be provided by the applicant (council typically provides 1100-lt cardboard and recycling bins). • The charity bin shall be supplied by a charitable organisation. • Private bins shall be sourced by the operator (either purchased from a supplier or leased from the collection contractor). • Subject to stakeholders' preference/capability (and as built constraints), private bin sizes and quantities can be changed. Also, recyclables can be either commingled or split into bins for separate recycling streams. 1.5 Planning Drawings, Waste Areas, and Management of the Waste System The plans shall illustrate sufficient space for onsite bin storage, as required by the above schedule (refer to the enclosed Ground Level LOO plan). Notwithstanding the above, collection days shall be staged appropriately and the operator shall stipulate procedures for effective management of the available space. 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx © 2015 Leigh Design - Page 5 of 13 1.6 Collection Bin Information The following bins shall be utilised (see Sect. 4.3 for signage requirements): Table 3: Bin Details Capacity (litres) Height (mm) Width (across Depth (side Empty Weight Average* Gross front, mm) on, mm) Weight (kg) (kg) 660 1250 1240 780 43 130 1100 1470 1240 1070 65 210 Notes: • * = Average Gross Weight is based on domestic waste studies (which vary subject to locality and waste-type). Expect greater weight for wet or compacted waste. • Use the above details as a guide only - variations will occur. The above is based on Sulo plastic (HOPE) bins. Also, steel 660/1100-lt bins could be adopted, STCA. • For 1100-lt bins, flat lids are recommended (instead of dome lids). However, the operator shall consult with the waste collection contractor to specify and select the appropriate lid. • Also, bins that receive waste under the chutes shall be reinforced to withstand loads from waste falling at high speed. Table 4: Melbourne Colour Coding Bin Garbage Commingled Recycling Paper / Cardboard Lid Green Yellow Blue Body Green Green Blue Note: For private bins, AS4123.7 bin colours can be adopted, to identify the waste generator and site address. Private bins shall be labeled 26-30 Flinders St Melbourne WMP.docx © 2015 Leigh Design - Page 6 of 13 2 ACCESS FOR USERS. COLLECTORS. AND COLLECTION VEHICLES 2.1 User Access to Waste Facilities Residents shall dispose sorted garbage and recyclables via the chute (available at each apartment level), in accordance with instructions from the chute supplier. For wastes unsuitable for chute disposal, residents shall transfer sorted waste directly to the Residential Bin Store (access via lift/stairs, with operator escort into the Bin Store). Site staff shall maintain the various work/amenity and hotel waste receptacles (transferring waste to their allocated bins using a suitable trolley and the lift). Note: The operator shall have access to the Bin Stores to rotate the bins, ensuring that empty bins are available along the circulation area so that users are able to reach them. Also, the operator shall monitor the filling of the bins under the chute and change them when full. 2.2 • • • • Collection Arrangements and Access to Waste Facilities Waste shall be collected in Spark Lane. Collection staff (driver and assistant) shall have access to the Bin Stores and transfer bins to the truck and back to the stores. The waste collection shall be carried-out by rear-lift vehicles (nom. 6.4m long, 2.1m high, and 6.4 tonnes gross vehicle mass). For improved safety, private collections shall be carried-out during off-peak traffic periods and at different times to Council's. 26-30 Flinders St Melbourne WMP.docx © 2015 Leigh Design - Page 7 of 13 3 AMENITY. LOCAL ENVIRONMENT. AND FACILITY DESIGN 3.1 Noise Minimisation Initiatives • • • • • Collection bins shall feature rubber castors for quiet rolling during transfers. Chutes and waste areas shall meet BCA and AS2107 acoustic requirements. Local laws shall be observed for all operations in public and private areas. Municipal waste collections shall take place as per council's timing/schedule. For private services, the hours of waste collections shall be as specified in council's local laws. Also, Section 5 of the Victorian EPA Noise Control Guideline Publication 1254 (see below) shall be observed to protect the acoustic amenity of the development and surroundings. Victorian EPA Noise Control Guideline Publication 1254 October 2008 (excerpt) [Section] 5. Domestic [and Commercial] Refuse Collection The main annoyance produced by domestic refuse collections occurs in the early morning (i.e. before 7:00am). Therefore, if possible, routes should be selected to provide the least impact on residential areas during that time. Collection of refuse should be restricted to the following criteria: • Collection occurring once a week should be restricted to the hours: 6am to 6pm Monday to Saturday. • Collections occurring more than once a week should be restricted to the hours: 7am to 6pm Monday to Saturday. • Compaction should only be carried out while on the move. • Bottles should not be broken up at the point of collection. • Routes which service entirely residential areas should be altered regularly to reduce early morning disturbance. • Noisy verbal communication between operators should be avoided where possible. 3.2 Litter Reduction and Prevention of Stormwater Pollution The operator shall be responsible for: • Promoting adequate waste disposal into the bins (to avoid waste-dumping). • Securing the waste areas (whilst affording access to users/staff/contractors). • Preventing overfilled bins, keeping lids closed and bungs leak-free. • Abating any site litter and taking action to prevent dumping and/or unauthorised use of waste areas. • Requiring the collection contractor to clean-up any spillage that might occur when clearing bins. The above will minimise the dispersion of site litter and prevent stormwater pollution (thus avoiding impact to the local amenity and environment). 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx © 2015 Leigh Design - Page 8 of 13 3.3 Ventilation, Washing, and Vermin-Prevention Arrangements Waste areas shall feature: • Ventilation in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1668. For chute ventilation, a fan with riser to a rooftop exhaust shall be utilised. • Tight-fitting doors (all other openings shall have vermin-proof mesh or similar). • Impervious flooring (also, smooth, slip-resistant, and appropriately drained). • A graded bin wash area, hosecock, hose, and a suitable floor-waste connected in accordance with relevant authority requirements. The bin and wash areas may overlap, as stored bins can be moved so that a bin can be washed. • A water-flushing nozzle with accessible water cock shall be provided at the head of each chute. Include a floor waste and hosecock near each chute outlet. The operator shall regularly clean waste areas/equipment. Also, access doors and bin-lids shall be kept closed. 3.4 Design and Aesthetics of Waste Storage Areas and Equipment Waste shall be placed within collection bins and stored in designated onsite areas (hidden from external view). Following waste collection activities, bins shall be returned to the storage areas as soon as practicable. Waste facilities shall be constructed of durable materials and finishes, and maintained to ensure that the aesthetics of the development are not compromised. These facilities and associated passages shall be suitably illuminated (this provides comfort, safety, and security to users, staff, and contractors). Access doors shall feature keyless opening from within. The design and construction of waste facilities and equipment shall conform to the Building Code of Australia, Australian Standards, and local laws. Chutes shall be sized and designed as recommended by a reputable chute manufacturer (chutes are proprietary items). The chute supplier shall fix safeoperating instructions to each intake-door and place a warning sign on each chute outlet. For improved safety, each chute outlet shall be shrouded with a suitable rubber skirt and designed to minimise the effect of falling waste into the associated bin (and to stop dispersion of debris). Also, access to each chute outlet shall be restricted to trained personnel only (site staff and contractors shall be trained and alerted about the hazards associated with the chute). The Residential Bin Store shall be kept locked (any access by untrained personnel shall be carried out via operator escort into the Residential Bin Store). 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx ) 2015 Leigh Design - Page 9 of 13 4 MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 4.1 Waste Sorting, Transfer, and Collection Responsibilities Garbage shall be placed within tied plastic bags prior to transferring into the collection bins or chute. Cardboard shall be flattened and recycling containers uncapped, drained, and rinsed prior to disposal into the appropriate bin/chute. Bagged recycling is not permitted. Refer to Section 2 for waste transfer requirements and collection arrangements. 4.2 Facility Management Provisions to Maintain & Improve the Waste System The operator shall manage site operations (refer to the glossary in page 2). It shall be the responsibility of the operator to maintain all waste areas and components, to the satisfaction of users, staff, and the relevant authority (users shall maintain their internal waste receptacles). The operator shall ensure that maintenance and upgrades are carried-out on the facility and components of the waste system. When required, the operator shall engage an appropriate contractor to conduct services, replacements, or upgrades. 4.3 Arrangements for Protecting Waste Equipment from Theft and Vandalism It shall be the responsibility of the operator to protect the equipment from theft and vandalism. This shall include the following initiatives: • Secure the waste areas. • Label the bins according to property address. • Collection staff shall transfer bins between the Bin Stores and the truck (bins shall not be placed on the street). 4.4 • • Arrangements for Bins/Equipment Labelling and Ensuring Users and Staff are Aware of How to Use the Waste System Correctly The operator shall provide appropriate signage for the bins. Signage is available at the following internet address: www.sustainabilitv.vic.gov.au. The operator shall publish/distribute "house rules" and educational material to: - Inform users/staff about the waste management system and the use/location of the associated equipment (provide the summary in page 2 of this report). - Improve facility management results (lessen equipment damage and chute blockages, reduce littering, and achieve cleanliness). - Advise users/staff to sort and recycle waste with care to reduce contamination of recyclables. 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx © 2015 Leigh Design - Page 10 of 13 4.5 Sustainability and Waste Avoidance/Reuse/Reduction Initiatives Victoria's Getting Full Value (2013 waste and resource recovery policy) sets the foundation for Victoria to get the best value it can from waste resources, while protecting the health of its communities and the environment. The principles outlined in the policy complement the principles of environment management of the Environment Protection Act 1970 and provide supplementary guidance in the consideration of options for waste management. From a design perspective, the development shall support the policy by providing an adequate waste system with ability to sort waste. This will enable the operator to implement the policy and consider its various options. The operator shall promote the observance of the policy (where relevant and practicable) and encourage users and staff to participate in minimising the impact of waste on the environment. For improved sustainability, the operator shall consider the following: • Peruse the Sustainability Victoria Website: www.sustainabilitv.vic.qov.au. • Observe the Environment Protection Act 1970 and its waste hierarchy (in order of preference): a) waste avoidance, b) reuse, c) recycle, d) recovery of energy, e) treatment, f) containment, and g) disposal. • Participate in council and in-house programs for waste minimisation. • Establish waste reduction and recycling targets; including periodic waste audits, keeping records, and monitoring of the quantity of recyclables found in landfillbound bins (sharing results with users/staff). 4.6 Waste Management Plan Revisions For any future appropriate council request, changes in legal requirements, changes in the development's needs and/or waste pattems (waste composition, volume, or distribution), or to address unforeseen operational issues, the operator shall be responsible for coordinating the necessary Waste Management Plan revisions, including (if required): • A waste audit and new waste strategy. • Revision of the waste system (bin size/quantity/streams/collection frequency). • Re-education of users/staff. • Revision of the services provided by the waste collector(s). • Any necessary statutory approval(s). 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx © 2015 Leigh Design - Page 11 of 13 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION The operator shall ensure that bins are not overfilled or overloaded. Waste incineration devices are not permitted, and offsite waste treatment and disposal shall be carried-out in accordance with regulatory requirements. For bin traffic areas, either level surfaces (smooth and without steps) or gentle ramps are recommended, including a roll-over kerb or ramp. Should ramp gradients, bin weight, and/or distance affect the ease/safety of bin transfers, the operator shall consider the use of a suitable tug. The operator and waste collector shall observe all relevant OH&S legislation, regulations, and guidelines. The relevant entity shall define their tasks and: - Comply with Worksafe Victoria's Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines for the Collection, Transport and Unloading of Non-hazardous Waste and Recyclable Materials (June 2003). - Assess the Manual Handling Risk and prepare a Manual Handling Control Plan for waste and bin transfers (as per regulatory requirements and Victorian COP for Manual Handling). - Obtain and provide to staff/contractors equipment manuals, training, health and safety procedures, risk assessments, and adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) to control/minimise risks/hazards associated with all waste management activities. As a starting point, these documents and procedures shall address the following: Task (to be confirmed) I Hazard (TBC) Control Measures (TBC) Sorting waste and cleaning bins Biological hazard & bodily puncture Personal protective equipment (PPE). Develop a waste-sorting procedure Bin manual handling Sprain, strain, crush PPE. Maintain bin wheel-hubs. Limit bin weight. Provide mechanical assistance to transfer bins Chute discharge Strike & debris from falling waste | PPE, staff training, and signage, maintain access restrictions. Include a rubber skirt and a fine-mesh locked fence around the discharge zone of the chute. Bin transfers and emptying into truck Vehicular strike, runover PPE. Develop a hazard control plan and collection procedure. Maintain visibility. Use a mechanical bin-tipper Truck access (reversing & manoeuvring) Vehicular incident, strike, run-over PPE. Use a trained spotter. Develop a truck-manoeuvring and traffic-control procedure Note: The above shall be confirmed by a qualified OH&S professional who shall also prepare site-specific assessments, procedures, and controls (refer to Section 6). 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx © 2015 Leigh Design - Page 12 of 13 6 CONTACT INFORMATION City of Melbourne (local council), ph 03 9658 9658 Kartaway (private waste collector), ph 1300 362 362 Waste Wise Environmental (private waste collector), ph 03 9359 1555 Eco-Safe Technologies (odour control equipment supplier), ph 03 9706 4149 Solution for Workplace Health and Safety (OH&S consultant), ph 0425 802 669 Electrodrive Pty Ltd (tug & trailer supplier - for bin transfers), ph 1800 033 002 Sabco Commercial (supplier of cleaner's trolleys), ph 1800 066 522 Sulo MGB Australia (bin supplier), ph 1300 364 388 Wastedrive Equipment (steel bin supplier), ph 02 9630 9333 Elephant's Foot (diverter/twin chute supplier), ph 02 9780 3500 ASI JD MacDonald Pty Ltd (twin chute supplier), ph 03 8558 7200 Wastech Engineering Pty Ltd (twin chute supplier), ph 1800 465 465 Note: The above includes a complimentary listing of contractors and equipment suppliers. The stakeholders shall not be obligated to procure goods/services from these companies. Leigh Design does not warrant (or make representations for) the goods/services provided by these suppliers. 7 LIMITATIONS The purpose of this report is to document a Waste Management Plan, as part of a Planning Permit Application. This report is based on the following conditions: • Operational use of the development (excludes demolition/construction stages). • Drawings and information supplied by the project architect. • The figures presented in this report are estimates only. The actual amount of waste will depend on the development's occupancy rate and waste generation intensity, the user's disposition toward waste and recycling, and the operator's approach to waste management. The operator shall make adjustments, as required, based on actual waste volumes (if the actual waste volume is greater than estimated, then the number of bins and/or the number of collections per week shall be increased, STCA). • This report shall not be used to determine/forecast operational costs, or to prepare feasibility studies, or to document operational/safety procedures. 26-30 Flinders St Melboume WMP.docx © 2015 Leigh Design - Page 13 of 13