Untitled - Sennheiser Communications
Untitled - Sennheiser Communications
All headphones of the PX series are working with the same electrodynamic transducer technology. Variants of the PX series: PX 20 PX 100 UF PX 100-50 –DOCU PX 30 PX 30-ASIANA –DOCU PX 200 UF PX 200-50 –DOCU PX O'NEILL SKIHELMET-DOCU PX 200-ASIANA –DOCU PX 360 PX 40 PX 80 PX 90 Older variants of the PX series: PX 10 PX 100 PX 200 PX 100 RM PX 200 FLIGHT PX 200 CHROME PX 200-D 10pcs PX 200 WHITE PX 200 WHITE_OEM PX 100 FLIGHT PX 100 RETRO PX 100-D 10pcs PX 100 WHITE PX 100 WHITE_OEM PX 200 II Black PX 200 II white PX 100 II Black PX 100 II White Angewandte Richtlinien und harmonisierte Normen: Applied directives and standards: The devices which are listed above comply with the following: Pos.No. Document Short description Issued / Version Id. No. 500 2004-05 RL 2004/108/EG EMC directive 2004/108/EC 532083 Electromagnetic Compatibility Diese elektrodynamischen Wandler erzeugen keine elektromagnetische Störung und lassen sich nicht durch elektromagnetische Beeinflussung im Sinne dieser Richtlinie stören. Eine Prüfung ist nicht erforderlich. This electrodynamic transducers do not emit electromagnetic disturbance and they do not have effects of electrodynamic interference for the purpose of this directive. A test is not required. document: EC_DoC_PX_series, form: QMR_04-61 – issued 2009_07_10 document no.: D00001574, ident no.: 536404 revised: 2010-06-04 page 2 / 2