Performance of red pacu, Piaractus brachypomus, cultured
Performance of red pacu, Piaractus brachypomus, cultured
Performance of Red Pacu, Piaractus brachypomus, cultured alone or co-cultured with Chinese Catfish, Clarius fuscus Clyde Tamaru, RuthEllen Klinger-Bowen, Robert Howerton, Bradley Fox, and Kathleen McGovern-Hopkins Project Details Contract No. 2008-201 Project Period: February 1, 2010 – May 31, 2011 Funding Level: $50,000 Support: CTSA, Maui County, UH Sea Grant, CTAHR, USDA, NOAA Why pacu? Rapid growth Amenable to high densities Hardy to marginal water quality Ability to utilize high carbohydrate/low protein diets Potential polyculture (tilapia, carp, crustaceans) High marketability as a food fish and ornamental fish “good sized, deep-bodied fish….they were delicious eating.” Theodore Roosevelt, Through the Brazilian Wilderness Objective: Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture (e.g., Chinese catfish and red pacu) growout trials. Windward Community College facility. Two shipments (n= 600) of Red Pacu arrive on August 30, 2010 and October 6, 2010. Fish are distributed into quarantine tanks. During month quarantine, mortalities occurred due to Ich parasite. Objective: Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture (Chinese catfish and red pacu) growout trials. On November 11, 2010 the polyculture of pacu and Chinese catfish experiment was initiated. Ten 600 gallon tanks with the following treatments: • • • • • 14 pacu + 0 Chinese catfish 14 pacu + 50 Chinese catfish 14 pacu + 100 Chinese catfish 14 pacu + 200 Chinese catfish 14 pacu + 300 Chinese catfish Pacu Pacu avg body wgt = 88.1 grams Chinese Catfish = 23.3 grams Final volume in all tanks set at 300 gallons with continuous source of freshwater and aeration. Chinese catfish Objective: Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture (Chinese catfish and red pacu) growout trials. Pacu Only Treatment Average body weight and length of Chinese Catfish (n=20) and pacu (n=7) are obtained at monthly intervals Five minute rule for feeding is observed for each tank. Feed input monitored for each tank. Temperature, pH, DO, Conductivity, TAN, Nitrite, and Nitrate monitored weekly. Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture grow-out trials. Trial ends on March 10, 2011 = 113 day ≈ 0.3 year grow-out period. Species Treat Weight (g) Length (mm) CFI (%) 100.0 125.8 a 239.2a 0.88a 6.6 Surviv al (%) Biomass (Kg/m3) Catfish Pacu+ 50 Catfish Pacu+100 86.0 158.7b 252.7b 0.95b 14.4 Catfish Pacu+200 90.6 146.2b 247.3ab 0.96b 28.0 Catfish Pacu+300 86.0 139.7b 240.0ab 0.97b 37.9 Pacu Pacu only 100.0 258.0a 225.9a 2.23a 3.8 Pacu Pacu + 50 88.0 267.4a 242.2b 1.90b 3.5 Pacu Pacu+100 89.3 256.6a 237.7ab 1.89b 3.4 Pacu Pacu+200 96.5 225.8a 226.8a 1.93b 3.2 Pacu Pacu+300 82.2 190.7b 219.5a 1.79b 2.3 Objective 2: Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture (e.g., Chinese catfish and red pacu) growout trials. Treatment Food Conversion Ratio Feed Cost of Production Pacu only 2.45 0.08 $1.59/lb Pacu + 50 Chinese catfish 1.46 0.03 $0.95/lb Pacu +100 Chinese catfish 1.34 0.09 $0.87/lb Pacu +200 Chinese catfish 0.99 0.28 $0.64/lb Pacu +300 Chinese catfish 1.25 0.19 $0.81/lb Nelson’s Silver Cup Trout Feed 3.5 = $0.66/lb Objective 2: Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture (Chinese catfish and red pacu) growout trials. Temporal changes in body weight • Chinese catfish grow best at stocking densities at or above 100 individuals per tank ≈ 3.3 individuals/gallon or 2.0 kg/m3 • Pacu grow best when cultured alone or with a maximum stocking of Chinese catfish at 100 individuals per tank ≈ 3.3 individuals/gallon or 2.0 kg/m3 Objective 2: Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture growout trials. Biomass obtained from different stocking densities of Chinese catfish reveals impacts on pacu Highest biomass obtained when pacu were reared alone. No impacts on stocking density were observed for Chinese catfish that already exceeded 30 kg/m3 Additional Inputs Flow Through System Daily turnover: ≈ 4.4 times/day/tank Ten tanks ≈ 8,360 gals/day (31,768 l/day) Estimated water consumed ≈ 944,680 gallons Using today's Board of Water Supply rate of $2.79/1,000 gallons the cost in just water is estimated at $2,636. Objective 2: Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture growout trials: Aquaponic Format Pak Choi March 23, 2011 fish restocked with the following treatments: • 20 pacu only • 20 pacu + 100 Chinese catfish • 50 Chinese catfish only • 100 Chinese catfish only • 200 Chinese catfish only All treatments run in duplicate All tanks equipped with two 26 gallon ebb and flow cinder beds with airlifts and run as recirculating aquaponic systems. Some of the Plants Grown Sweet Basil June 11, 2011 Green Onion June 11, 2011 Egg Plant Waimanalo Long June 11, 2011 Stavia, June 11, 2011 Objective 2: Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture growout trials: Aquaponic Format, one month duration. Species Treatment Final Weight (g) Final Length (mm) CFI Chinese catfish 50 Individuals 244.5 295.7 0.92a Chinese catfish 100 Individuals 240.6 288.5 0.93a Chinese catfish 200 Individuals 201.8 282.6 1.99b Chinese catfish 100 Catfish + 20 Pacu 222.2 285.6 2.04b Pacu 100 Catfish + 20 Pacu 392.2 269.5 0.88 Pacu 20 Pacu Only 456.4 279.4 0.97 Objective 2: Compare growth and survival in monoculture and polyculture growout trials: Aquaponic Format, one month duration: Water Quality Parameters Species Treat Temp (C) DO (ppm) pH Cond. (msm/cm) TAN (ppm) Nitrite (ppm) Nitrate (ppm) Catfish 50 24.7 5.85 6.0 0.3 2.7 0.4 81.2 Catfish 100 25.0 3.83 5.9 0.4 16.7 1.3 110.0 Catfish 200 24.2 4.87 6.1 0.3 4.4 0.3 73.0 Pacu 100 + Pacu 24.9 4.68 6.0 0.4 11.4 0.6 115.0 Pacu Pacu Only 24.6 4.05 6.0 0.5 25.7 1.6 120.0 • Live fish market • N= 8 • All sold same day • $15.00/lb