Currículo - Galeria Leme
Currículo - Galeria Leme
Henry Krokatsis Currículo Londres, Inglaterra, 1965. Vive e trabalha em Londres, Inglaterra. Formação 1988 - 1990 Mestrado em Artes – Pintura, Royal College of Art, Londres, Inglaterra 1985 - 1988 Bacharelado em Belas Artes, Politécnica de Liverpool, Liverpool, Inglaterra Exposições Individuais 2013 Origin of the Black Rainbow, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil 2011 Part Time Paradise, David Risley Gallery, Copenhague, Dinamarca Still or Sparkling, Gazelli Art House, Londres, Inglaterra Themes & Variations. Script and Space, Gastone Novelli and Venice, Coleção Peggy Guggenheim, Veneza, Itália 2010 Like a Gang of Virtue, Fine Art Society, Londres, Inglaterra Henry Krokatsis, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil Goff and Rosenthal, Nova Iorque, EUA 2008 New Works, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil See Better Daze, David Risley Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra 2006 Scarecrow, Averoff Foundation, Metsovo, Grécia Cure, Goff and Rosenthal, Nova Iorque, EUA New Acquisition, New Art Gallery, Walsall, Inglaterra 2005 Pray for my Beautiful Lost Cause, David Risley Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra 2003 AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM Hard pressed Heaven, Union Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra 2002 Angelcote, Issey Miyake, Londres, Inglaterra 2001 Better Lies, Nils Staerk Gallery, Copenhague, Dinamarca 2000 Good Hiding, Zwemmer Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra 1999 Cabin Fever, VTO Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra Exposições Coletivas 2012 London Twelve, City Gallery Prague, Praga, Republica Tcheca British, Vigo Gallery Londres, Inglaterra Grid, Vigo Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra Let There Be Light, Gazelli Art House, Londres, Inglaterra 2011 Themes & Variations. Script and Space| Gastone Novelli and Venice, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Veneza, Itália House of Beasts, Attingham Shropshire, Inglaterra Still or Sparkling, Gazelli Art House, Londres, Inglaterra Sometimes I wish I could just disappear, David Risley Gallery, Copenhague, Dinamarca House of the Nobleman, Boswall House, Londres, Inglaterra A Fire in the Master’s House is Set, Chapter, Cardiff, País de Gales Practice to Deceive, Show Studio, Londres, Inglaterra 2010 Fine Art Society, Londres, Inglaterra Fast Forward, Cultura Ingles, São Paulo, Brazil The House of the Nobleman, Boswall House, Londres, Inglaterra Swan Song, St. Anne’s House, Londres, Inglaterra Rob Pruitt’s Flea Market, Tate Modern, Londres, Inglaterra 2009 In Two Minds, Eleven Spitalfields, Londres, Inglaterra Encomium, FAS, Londres, Inglaterra Paper Work, David Risley Gallery, Copenhague, Dinamarca New Romance, Ada Street, Londres, Inglaterra Time Is A Sausage, Domo Baal, Londres, Inglaterra AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM Helter Skelter, Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire, Inglaterra Vorspiel, Maud Piquion, Berlim, Alemanha Breakfast of Champions, curadoria de Chloe Vaitsou, Yinka Shonibare Space, Londres, Inglaterra Metro-land, Merriscourt, Oxfordshire, Inglaterra 2008 Grotto, Museum 52, Londres, Inglaterra Smoke, Pump House Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra Heart of Glass, Shoreditch Town Hall, Londres, Inglaterra Give Me Shelter, Attingham Park, Shropshire, Inglaterra Death, Take Courage, Londres, Inglaterra Birds, Bats, Bees, Phillips De Pury, Londres, Inglaterra Artist's Playground, Sudeley Castle, Gloucestershire, Inglaterra King Fisher's Tales, Union Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra Do Outro Lado do Muro, Micasa, São Paulo, Brasil 2007 Interiors, Imoderni, Miami, EUA Neighbourhood Watch, Nettie Horn, Londres, Inglaterra Rummage, Sculptors’ Drawings, Winchester Gallery, Southampton, Inglaterra Distinctive Messengers, House of Campari, curated by Simon Watson and Craig Hensala of Scenic Citadel 1, David Risley Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra 2006 You’ll Never Know, Hayward Gallery, National Touring Show, curated by Henry Krokatsis and Jeni Walwin, Londres, Inglaterra Scarecrow, Averoff Foundation, Metsovo, Grécia 2005 To Be Continued..., Nils Staerk Contemporary Art, Copenhague, Dinamarca Accidental Death, David Risley Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra Showcase, South London Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra 2004 Showcase, City Art Gallery, Edimburgo, Escócia Jerwood Drawing Prize, Jerwood Space London and touring, Londres, Inglaterra 2003 Through a Sequence of Space, Nordenhake Gallery, Berlim, Alemanha Bad Touch, Keith Talent Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra Love, 14 Wharf Road, Londres, Inglaterra Conquistadors, Alpine Club, Londres, Inglaterra 2002 Sculpture in the Park, Mile End Sculpture Park, Londres, Inglaterra AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM 2001 Waddington Style, Zwemmer Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra 2000 Someone, Somewhere, VTO Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra 1998 River Deep, Mountain High, Gallery Westland Place, Londres, Inglaterra 1997 Victoria, Laurent Delaye Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra Jam in the Park, Laurent Delaye Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra 1996 Outliers 1-3, 3 Billboards sites, Londres, Inglaterra 1995 Mad Frankie Fraser Presents, Pierpont Row, Londres, Inglaterra Henry Krokatsis & David Brock, British Council, Barcelona, Espanha 1994 Over There Dexter Dalwood & Henry Krokatsis, Salama-Caro Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra No Man’s Land, Fountain Square, Londres, Inglaterra 1991 Five Young Contemporaries, Crane Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra Trabalhos Comissionados 2013 Helter skelter, Hastings, Inglaterra 2010 Memorial Permanente para Joseph Grimaldi, Grimaldi Park, Islington, Londres, Inglaterra Reconstrução Grimaldi Park, Islington Council, Londres, Inglaterra 2009 Helter Skelter Lighthouse, Eastnor Castle, Inglaterra Coleções Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire, Inglaterra Government Art Collection U.K., Inglaterra AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM New Art Gallery Walsall, Inglaterra AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM
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