La Trobe Sculpture Park DL.indd
La Trobe Sculpture Park DL.indd
Michael NICHOLLS Australia b. 1960 Speak No Evil, See No Evil c. 1989 waxed wood, Australian hardwood 234.0 x 50.0 x 50.0 cm (irregular) Donated by Dr. Jonathon Hartley through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program 2001 La Trobe University Sculpture Park Charles ROBB Australia b. 1971 Landmark 2004 fibreglass, polyester resin, steel, polystyrene, polyurethane, sand, automotive lacquers, acrylic paint 490.0 x 130.0 x 130.0cm Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by the Artist 2006 Bart SANCIOLO Italy b. 1955, arrived Australia 1968 Dante’s Divine Comedy 1980-1983 bronze 1000.0 x 300.0 x 300.0 cm 150th Gift of the Italian Community to the People of Australia. Presented 1987 Heather B. SWANN Australia b. 1961 Horned Night Walker 2003 steel 200.0 x 260.0 x 70.0 cm Purchased 2003 Karen WARD Australia b. 1952 Hermitage, 2001 hardwood, industrial fittings 190.0 x 190.0 x 320.0 cm Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Ward Carter Art and Architecture Pty Ltd 2006 David WILSON England b. 1947, arrived Australia 1965 Gateway 1975 steel, timber 280.0 x 233.0 x 157.0 cm Purchased by La Trobe University Union 1975 UNKNOWN Ceremonial Post Pagwi, Middle Sepik Province, PNG Aquilla wood 290.0 x 100.0 x 650.0 cm Gift of Mrs Ruth McNicholl 1991 Jock CLUTTERBUCK Australia b. 1945 A New House Among the Stars 1993 cast, patinated bronze 176.5 x 110.0 x 50.0 cm (irreg.) Commissioned with funds donated by Friends of La Trobe University 1993 Peter DINGLI Malta b. 1957, arrived. Australia 1974 Anthology of Echoes n.d. forged and welded steel 170.0 x 110.0 x 80.0 cm (irreg.) Lincoln Health Sciences Art Collection held at La Trobe University 1996 Allen DAVID India b. 1926, arr. Australia 1948, resides United States 1983 – untitled [glass screen] 1966 laminated glass, coloured glass, gold leaf, metal 335.0 x 1107.0 x 11.0 cm Commissioned 1966 Leonard FRENCH Australia b. 1928 The Four Seasons 1978 glass 180.0 x 180.0 cm (each panel) Purchased 1978 © VISCOPY Ltd Herman HOHAUS Germany b. 1920, died Australia 1990 Sofia 1970 cast bronze 133.0 x 68.0 x 60.0 cm (irreg.) Purchased with Funds donated by Dr Roy Simpson through Friends of La Trobe University 1986 Inge KING Germany b. 1918, arrived Australia 1951 Encounter 1968 bronzed, oxidised steel 122.0 x 90.0 x 80.0 cm Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Inge King and Grahame King 1996 Inge KING Germany b. 1918, arrived Australia 1951 Dialogue of Circles 1976 520.0 x 450.0 x 350.0 cm (irreg.) welded steel, paint Commissioned 1976 Robert KLIPPEL Australia 1920 -2001 No. 661 Sentinel 1987 bronze 244.0 x 46.0 x 33.0 cm Gift of Dr Joseph Brown AO, OBE 1990 1 Jock CLUTTERBUCK 6 Inge KING 11 Bart SANCIOLO 2 Peter DINGLI 7 Inge KING 12 Heather B. SWANN 3 Allen DAVID 8 Robert KLIPPEL 13 Karen WARD 4 Leonard FRENCH 9 Michael NICHOLLS 5 Herman HOHAUS 10 Charles ROBB Works on loan to the La Trobe University Sculpture Park 16 Annette HALL Australia b. 19 Angel Blue 1989 steel 280.0 x 300.0 x 180.0 cm On loan from the Artist 17 Diego LATELLA China b.1948, arr. Australia Rock Fall 1978 steel 246.0 x 200.0 x 180.0 cm On loan from the Artist 14 David WILSON 15 UNKNOWN Cover image Charles ROBB Australia b. 1971 Landmark 2004 (detail) fibreglass, polyester resin, steel, polystyrene, polyurethane, sand, automotive lacquers, acrylic paint 490.0 x 130.0 x 130.0cm Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by the Artist 2006