CV Knorr - Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und
CV Knorr - Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und
CURRICULUM VITAE NAME Dietrich Knorr ADDRESS Department of Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering Technische Universität Berlin Königin-Luise-Str. 22 D-14195 Berlin Telephone +49 (0)30 314 71 250, Fax +49 (0)30 832 76 63 E-Mail: [email protected] CITIZENSHIP Austria EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Dipl.-Ing. (Certified Engineer), Food and Fermentation Technology, University of Agriculture, Vienna, Austria, 1971. Dr. rer. nat. techn. (Ph. D.), Food and Fermentation Technology, University of Agriculture, Vienna, Austria, 1974 (cum laude). PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Professor (Food Technology and Food Biotechnology) and Head, Department of Food Technology (1987-1999), Department of Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering, Berlin Institute of Technology, Berlin, Germany, 1999 to present. Innovation Center: Technologies for Nutrition and Health, Berlin Institute of Technology, Berlin, Germany, 2009 to present. Director Institute of Food Technology and Food Chemistry, Berlin Institute of Technology, Berlin, Germany, 2003 to present. Adjunct Professor (Food Process Engineering), Department of Food Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 2002 to present. Research Professor (Food Processing and Biotechnology), Department of Food Science 1994-98, Department of Animal Science & Food Science, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, 1989 to present. Acting Chair, Department of Food Science, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, 1987. Full Professor (Food Processing and Biotechnology), Department of Food Science, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, 1984-89. Visiting Professor (Food Biotechnology), Association for Biotechnological Research (GBF) Braunschweig, Germany, 1983 (summer) and 1985-86. Associate Professor (Food Processing), Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, 1980-84. Visiting Scientist, Department of Food Science, University of Reading, Reading, UK, 1979 (summer). Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, 1978-80. Visiting Scientist, Department of Food Science, New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1978. Visiting Scientist, Western Regional Research Center, ARS, USDA, Berkeley, CA, USA, 1976-77. Research Associate, Department of Food Technology, University of Agriculture, Vienna, Austria, 1971-73. HONORS AND AWARDS IAEF Life Achievement Award, 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food 2011; Food Process Engineering in a Changing World, 22-26 May 2011 in Athens, Greece. ISI Highly Cited Researcher, 2007 to present. Scientific Lectureship Award, IFT Engineering Division 2006. EFFoST Outstanding Research Scientist Award, 2004. Marcel Loncin Research Prize, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Cornell University, USA, 2004. Alfred-Mehlitz-Medaille, Award of the German Association of Food Technologists, 2004. Member of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology, 2003. Nicolas Appert Award, Institute of Food Technologists, 2003. Scientific Lectureship Award, IFT Non-thermal Division, 2000. Scientific Lectureship Award, IFT Biotechnology Division, 1992. Visiting Professor Award, Gesellschaft Biotechnologische Forschung, Braunschweig, FRG, 19851986. Research Fellowship, German Academic Exchange Service, summer 1983. Research Fellowship, Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, 1976-1977. SOCIETIES American Association for the Advancement of Science American Chemical Society Association of Austrian Food and Biotechnologists Association of German Engineers (VDI) Dechema (German Assoc. Chem. Engineering & Biotechnology) German Association of Food Technologists (GDL) Institute of Food Technologists (Professional Member) New York Academy of Sciences German National Comittee (DFG) International Union of Food Science & Technology German Federation of Food Science & Technology (GEFoST) European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Editor, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2000 to present. Co-Editor, Food and Bioproducts Processing (FBP), Official journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering: Part C, 2009 to present. Guest Editor, Current opinions in Biotechnology, 2009/2010. Editorial Board, Beneficial Aspect of Microbes, 2008 to present. Editor Food Biotechnology, 1985 to 2000. Editorial Board, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2008 to present. Editorial Board, Annual Review Food Science & Technology, 2007 to present. Editorial Board, Comprehensive Reviews of Food Science and Food Safety (IFT), 2000 to present. Editorial Board, Food Biophysics, 2006 to present. Board Member, Encyclopedia of Biotechnology in Agriculure and Food, 2006 to present. Advisory Editorial Board, Trends Food Science & Technology, 1993 to present. Editorial Board, Food Biophysics, 2005 to present. Editorial Board, International Journal of Food Properties, 1996 to present. Editorial Board, The European Food & Drink review, 2004 to present. Editorial Board, High Pressure research, 2004 to present. Editorial Board, The World of Ingredients, 1994 to present. Advisory and Editorial Board, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1993 to present. Editorial Board, Food Technology (Turkey), 1995 to 2000. International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), Member of the Governing Council, 2010 to present. European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), President 2010-2014. Expert to the European Comission (EC-DGXII), 1992 to present. Expert to International Life Science Institute (ILSI), 1997 to present. European Technology Platform: Food for Life, Board Member and Chair Working Group Food Quality and Manufacturing, 2006 to present. European Federation Chemical Engineering, Chair Section Food, 2007 to present. European Federation Food Science & Technology Science, coordinator, 2004 to present. European Network of Ecxellence (HITECH Europe), chair of the Science Adviory Board, 2009 to present. Novel Q Integrated EU Project (28 MM €), Science Coordinator, 2006 to present. Scientific Advisery Board, Leibnitz Institute “Agrartechnik”, 2004 to present. Foundation Montpellier, Agronomie et Development Durable Science Council Member, 2007 to present. Expert Committee, International G. C. Hahn Prize member, 1997 to present, chair 2005 and 2007. Scientific Advisory Board, German Federal Institute for Health, Consumer Protection and Veterinary Medicine (BGVV), 1998 to 2007. Member German Federation Food Science and Technology (GEFoST), 2006 to present. Expert to German Federal Environmental Foundation, 1996 to present. Member of the Senate Committee on Food Safety of the German Research Foundation (DFG), 1997 to present. Chair of Food Technology and Safety Group, German Research Foundation, 2005 to present. Designated Scientific Reviewer for the German Research Foundation (DFG), 1998 to present. Chair Bioprocessing Group, Association of German Engineers (VDI), 1994 to present. Scientific Committee, German Industrial Research Foundation (AIF), Research Association on Foods (FEI), 1995 to present. Member Scientific Committee German Fruit Juice Association, 1988 to present. Chair of Senate Committee working group on Food Technology and Food Safety, German Research Foundation, 2001 to present. Member, Scientific Technical Commission, International Federation of Fruit Juice Processors, 1995 to present. Member Expert Committee on Food Engineering, Association of German Engineers (VDI), 1988 to present. Institute of Food Technologists, Non-thermal Division, Member of the Excecutive Committee, 1999 to present. Member Scientific Committee Food Science German Agricultural Association, 2006 to present. Member of the Committee on Novel Foods, German Federal Institute for Health, Consumer Protection and Veterinary Medicine (BGVV), 1999 to 2005. Editor, Food Biotechnology, 1986 to 2000. Board of Editors, Journal of Food Science, 1984-1987. Board of Editors, Journal of Food Technology and Food Process Engineering, 1988-1996. Chair Technology Group Functional Foods, International Life Science Institute, Europe, 1998-1999. Coordinator European Comission project Low Temperature – Pressure processing of foods: Safety and Quality aspects, process parameters and consumer acceptance (SAFE ICE), 2002-2005. Coordinator European Community-FAIR project, Nutritional enhancement of probiotics and prebiotics: Technology aspects on microbial viability, stability, functionality and on prebiotic function (PROTECH), 2000-2004. Coordinator European Community-FAIR project, High electric field pulses: food safety; quality; and critical parameters, 1997-2000. Coordinator European Community-AIR project, High hydrostatic pressure treatment: It’s impact on spoilage organisms, biopolymer activity, functionality and nutrient composition of food systems, 1992-1996. Member of the Senate Committee on Novel Foods of the German Research Foundation (DFG),, 1996 to 2001. Scientific Advisory Board, German Association of Food Technologists, 1993-1998. European Federation of Food Science and Technology, Member of Executive Board, 1997 to present, Secretary General, 1998-2001. Member of the Comittee on Worldwide Interests of IFT, 2002-2005. European Community – Copernicus Project, Steering Comittee Member, 1993-1998. Member, Committee on the Inter-American Conference on Food Protection, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board, 1984-1986. Chair, Institute of Food Technologists Biotechnology Division, 1983-85; Member of the Executive Committee, 1983-1986. Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Verband der Lebensmitteltechnologen e.V., 1986-1988. Member, Editorial Board, American Journal Alternative Agriculture, 1985-1990. Member, Small Business Innovative Research Review Panel, U.S. National Science Foundation, 1985. Member, U.S. Department of Agriculture Northeast Regional Cooperative Project, NE-123, Functional Properties of Proteins, 1982-1987. Secretary 1971-1976, Member of the Presidency 1974-76, Association of Austrian Food and BioTechnologists. Volunteer Expert, League for International Food Education. Washington, DC, 1982-87. Member, American Association Cereal Chemists Committee on Bread Firming Measurement, 1982-1986. Member, Committee for Agricultural Research Policy Resource Group, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 1983-1987. Consultant on Food Processing, U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC, 1981-1982. Member, Advisory Committee, Annual Conference on Food Science, University of Delaware and Food Engineering Publications, 1983-1987. Member Newsletter Committee IFT Internat. Division, 1993-1994. Reviewer for the National Science Foundation, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Food Technologists, U.S. National Sea Grant Program, Austrian Foundation for the Promotion of Scientific Research. German Research Foundation, US Department of Agriculture, German Industrial Foundation, German Federal Environmental Foundation, German Ministry of Science & Technology, Finish Academy of Science, German Industrial Research Foundation, Irish Research Foundation, German–Israely Research Foundation, ANR France, Agropolis Foundation France, Wageningen University Graduate Program (VLAG) Netherlands. External Advior for various PhD theses and promotion processes. Reviewer for numerous scientific journals. Reviewer, referee and evaluator for various universities and research institutions. Member of the scientific advisory board of various food and biotechnology companies. Reviewer of research programs of various international companies. Consultant to various international and national food and biotechnology companies. Member of scientific committee for various national and international conferences. Member and chair of numerous research awards committees. Organizer and co-organizer of numerous national and international meetings. Scientific advisory board of numerous national and international meetings. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Thermal Processing, graduate level Food Biotechnology, graduate level Introduction to Food Technology, undergraduate level Food, Nutrition & Health, post graduate level Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Processing, undergraduate and graduate level Food Research Aspects, graduate level Food Processing, undergraduate and graduate level Food Engineering Technology, undergraduate and graduate level Quality Control, undergraduate level Experimental Food Technology, undergraduate level Food Management for the Consumer, undergraduate level Current Food Issues in the U.S., undergraduate level Small Scale Food Processing, undergraduate level Current Issues in Food Production and Food Processing, undergraduate level PhD Examiner for national and international universities SUPERVISION Supervision of approx 250 MS/diploma theses and 65 PhD theses PUBLICATIONS Approx 500 scientific publications available upon request Invited presentations and paper contributed Workshop "Betriebstechnik", "Pressing device for working with vegetable raw materials on a laboratory scale", Vienna, Austria, January 1972. Workshop "Verfahrenstechnik, "The objective evaluation of the corrosion behaviour of lacquered tinplate cans", Vienna, Austria January 1974. International Confructa Symposium, "Results of investigations concerning the multiple influence of pressing time, pressure and layer thick-ness of pulp on juice yield and concentration of suspended solids in the case of preheated apricots", Baden/Vienna, Austria, May 1974. 2nd International Packaging Congress of the International Association of Packaging Research Institutes (IAPRI), "The assessments of methods to test the degree of corrosion on internally lacquered cans", Munich, Germany, June 1976. Western Regional Research Center Seminar, "Protein fortification of bread", Berkeley, USA, May 1977. Western Regional Research Center Seminar, "Potato processing waste as a protein source", Berkeley, USA, June 1977. Dreiländer-Ernährungstagung, "Processes for the production of protein concentrates from plant material", Vienna, Austria, September 1977. Western Regional Research Center Seminar, "Functional properties of plant protein concentrates”, Berkeley, USA, September 1977. Seminar at the Department of Nutritional Sciences, "Influence of processing on composition and functionality of plant protein concentrates", Berkeley, USA, September 1977. Seminar at the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, "Influence of processing on composition and functionality of plant protein concentrates", Newark, USA, May 1978. IFOAM Conference "Agricultural Techniques", "Towards the development of quality criteria more appropriate for ecologically grown food", Montreal, Canada, October 1978. IFOAM-Teach-In on Agricultural Techniques, "Ecologically grown food: Towards the development of more appropriate quality criteria", Montreal, Canada, October 1978. Seminar at the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Delaware, "Quality of ecologically grown food", Newark, USA, February 1979. Institute of Food Technologists, Meeting Philadelphia Section, "Recycling of nutrients from food wastes", Newark, USA, March 1979. Symposium "Food Science and Human Nutrition: The Decade Ahead", "Food from wastes", Newark, USA, April 1979. Symposium, "Food Production, Distribution and Rural Development", "Food technology and food quality", Vienna, Austria, August 1979. Science, Society and Sandwiches Luncheon Seminar, "Ecological approaches in food production", Newark, USA, October 1979. 3rd Int. Congress on Ecological Agriculture, "Die Einflüsse der landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsmethoden auf die Lebensmittelqualität", Alpbach, Austria, June 1980. 3rd Int. Congress on Ecological Agriculture, "Die Beeinflussung der Nahrungsmittelqualität durch die verschiedenen gewerblichen und industriellen Verarbeitungsformen und durch die Nahrungsmittelzubereitung", Alpbach, Austria, June 1980. Annual Meeting Institute of Food Technologists, "Quality of Natural/organic/health foods", New Orleans, USA, June 1980. The McCarrison Society Annual Conference, "Influence of food processing on the nutritional quality of food", Oxford, England, July 1980. University of Agriculture, "Ernährungsseminar", Vienna, Austria, January 1981. 72nd Annual Meeting, American Home Economics Association's, "Quality of natural/organic/health foods",.Atlantic City, USA, June1981. 91st Symposium, Protein Separation, "Effects of recovery methods on the functionality of protein concentrates from food processing wastes", Detroit, USA, August 1981. XII International Congress of Nutrition, "Unit operations for the production of minimally processed foods", San Diego, USA, August 1981. 3rd Annual Symposium of the International Association for the Advancement of Appropriate Technology in Developing Countries, "Feasibility of a circular chromatographic method for protein determination", Greenvale, USA, November 1981. Seminar, Deptartment of Food Science, Cornell University, "Distinguishing 'highly' and 'minimally' processed foods by unit operations", Ithaca, USA, February 1982. Macromolecular Symposium, "Functional properties of biologically functional polymers", Amherst, USA, July 1982. Annual Meeting, Amer. Oil Chem. Society, "Effect of recovery methods on the functionality of vegetable protein", Toronto, Canada, May 1982. Annual Meeting, Symposium, Engineering the utilization of food wastes for food use through reprocessing, "Recovery of functional proteins from process wastestreams", Las Vegas, USA, June 1982. Workshop on Food Security in the United States, "Safety aspects of processed foods", Lexington, USA, September 1982. Annual Meeting, USDA Northeast Cooperative Regional Project NE-123 on Functional properties of protein, "Functional proteins from food process wastes", Ithaca, USA, October 1982. Multidisciplinary Conference, Agriculture, Change and Human Values, "Human values in the production and processing of foods", Gainesville, USA, October 1982. Annual Meeting, American Oil Chemist Society, "Effect of protein recovery methods on emulsifying properties of tomato seed protein concentrate", Chicago, USA, May 1983. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, "Designing of functional protein concentrates through recovery process modification", New Orleans, USA, June 1983. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, "Plant tissue cultures for the reduction of nutritional stress factors”, New Orleans, USA, June 1983. Third International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF3), "Engineering of functional properties during the recovery and processing of plant proteins", Dublin, Ireland, September 1983. Annual Meeting, USDA Northeast Cooperative Regional Project NE-123 on Functional properties of proteins, Eastern Regional Research Center, “Interactions of recovery process variables and protein functionality", Philadelphia, USA, September 1983. Seminar Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University of Karlsruhe, "Recovery and utilization of functional polymers from food processing wastes", Karlsruhe, Germany, February 1984. Sea Grant Seminar, Biotechnology of Marine Polysaccharides, "Utilization of chitinous polymers in food processing and biomass recovery", Cambridge, USA, April 1984. American Association of Cereal Chemists, Chesapeake Section Meeting, “Potential of food processing wastes as bread ingredients", Newark, USA, April 1984. Seminar, Genex Corporation, Science and Technology Center, "Chitin, Chitosan and Chitinase", Gaithersburg, USA, May 1984. Seminar, Miles Laboratories, Biotechnology Research and Development, "A research update on the use of chitosan in foods", Elkhart, USA, July 1984. Seminar, McCormick and Co., Inc., Research and Development Laboratories, "Food Application of Chitin and Chitosan", Hunt Valley, USA, July 1984. Fifth IFOAM Conference, "Effect of nitrogen source on nitrate and oxalate content of amaranth leaves and cultured cells", Witzenhausen, Germany, August 1984. Symposium, Agricultural Sources of Industrial Material, International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, "Determination of proteolytic activity in freely suspended and immobilized plant cell cultures of Asclepias syriaca" Honolulu, USA, December 1984. 3rd International Chitin/Chitosan Conference, "Chitosan gels for entrapment of cultured plant cells", Ancona, Italy, April 1985. Symposium, Biotechnology of Plant Foods. Annual IFT Meeting, permeabilization of cultured plant cells", Atlanta, USA, June 1985. "Immobilization and Seminar, Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung Braunschweig, "Recovery and utilization of biopolymers in the food industry", Braunschweig, Germany, November 1985. Workshop Biomedical aspects of marine biotechnology "Applications of chitinous biopolymers", Hoboken, USA, September 1986. Biotechnica, "Biotechnological processes in basis food production" , Hannover, Gremany, September 1986. Seminar Campbell Research Institute, "Application of plant cell culture in the food processing industry", Camden, USA, October 1986. Seminar, FMC Corporation, "Food and biotechnology applications of chitin and chitosan" Riceland, USA, November 1986. Biotech San Francisco, International Conference and Exhibition, "Biotechnological processes in food production and processing", San Francisco, USA, November 1986. MIT Marine Industry Collegium Workshop, "The use of chitin in food production and processing", Cambridge, USA, March 1987. Second Annual American Society of Microbiology Conference on Biotechnology, "Immobilization and permeabilization of cultured plant cells", San Diego, USA, June 1987. International Symposium Biotechnology and Food Industry, "Production of food ingredients from immobilized plant cells", Budapest, Hungary, October 1987. International Conference Novel Biotechniques & Processes for the Food Industry, "Effects of immobilization and permeabilization procedures on gel bead stability and viability of plant cell", London, Great Britain, October 1987. Scientific Advisory Board Meeting FMC Bioproducts, "Copolymers for the immobilization and permeabilization of cultured plant cells" Rockland, USA, November 1987. 12th Annual Congress Association of German Food Technologists, "Biotechnology and Nutrition", Hamburg, Germany, November 1987. Scientific Colloquium ‘Food Technology between markets and nutrition’, "New aspects for the production of plant foods", Berlin, Germany, December 1987. 10th International Fruit Juice Convention, "Impact of plant biotechnology on fruit juice production", Orlando, USA, Fubruary 1988. Seminar ’American Society for Microbiology’, "Immobilization and permeabilization of cultured plant cells", Newark, USA, February 1988. Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker Seminar, "Application of nonconventional polysaccharides in food technology and biotechnology", Berlin, Germany, March 1988. Workshop Biotechnology, "Immobilization of cultured plant cells", Karlsruhe, Germany, March 1988. Leipzig Exhibition, "Application and potential of plant cell cultures in food biotechnology", Leipzig, Germany, March 1988. VDI-Bioprozesse in der Lebensmitteltechnik Workshop, "Polysaccharidcopolymermembranes as bioreactors for plant cell cultures", Brussles, Belgium, April 1988. Seminar of the Max von Pettenkofer-Institut, "Use of nonconventional biopolymers in food technology biopolymers in food technology and biotechnology", Berlin April 1988. Seminar of the Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie, Universität Hohenheim, "Immobilization and permeabilization of plant cell cultures"Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany, May 1988. Third North American Chemical Congress, "Immobilization of plant cells for secondary metabolite production", Toronto, USA, June 1988. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans "Direct heat transfer for quality preservation in fruit juice processing", New Orleans, USA, June 1988. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, "Chitosan as immobilizing and permeabilizing agent for microbial and cultured plant cells", New Orleans, USA, June 1988. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, "Effects of culture conditions on growth and flavour development of cultured cells of Vanilla planifolia", New Orleans, USA, June 1988. Conference, Sektion Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft und Lebensmitteltechnologie, "Immobilized plant cells in food technology", Berlin, Germany, June 1988. Fourth International Conference on chitin and chitosan, "Application of chitin and chitosan in biotechnology", Trondheim, Norway, August 1988. Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung mbH und Hochschule Bremerhaven, "Research aspects of a future food technology", Braunschweig, Germany, October 1988. Lebensmittel – Mittel zum Leben – Forschungsaspekte einer zukünftigen Lebensmitteltechnologie (Food – means of life), "Application of enzymes in food technology: State of the art in the USA and Europe", Berlin, Germany, February 1989. FMC Bioproducts, "Immobilization of plant cell cultures", Rockland, USA, April 1989. Novel Applications of Marine Biopolymers Colloquium, “Complex marine biopolymer coacervate capsules in plant biotechnology", Cambridge, USA, April 1989. Conference New Business Opportunities from Nature, "Biotechnology and new food opportunities", Vlaardingen, Netherlands, April 1988. ,Academy of Sciences, GDR & Central Institute for Nutrition Seminar "Production of food ingredients by plant cell culture", Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Germany, May 1989. 5th International Congress on Engineering and Food, "Plant cell culture for food processing and the production of food components", Cologne, Germany, May 1989. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Food biotechnology: History, structure, and its role in plant metabolite production", Chicago, USA, June 1989. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Novel antimicrobial systems and processes at ambient temperatures", Chicago, USA, June 1989. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Effect of water-soluble chitosan and high hydrostatic pressure on Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli", Chicago, USA, June 1989. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Induction of plasma membrane bound glucan synthase", Chicago, USA, June 1989. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Effects of water-soluble chitosan as elicitor of plant cells and tissues", Chicago, USA, June 1989. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Diffusion characteristics and properties of chitosan coacervate capsules", Chicago, USA, June 1989. Miles Laboratories Seminar, "Secondary metabolites from plant cell cultures", Elkhart, USA, June 1989. Seminar, Dept. Food Science & Technology, University of California Davis, "Non-thermal preservation processes and biopolymers in food biotechnology", California, USA, March 1990. Arbeitssitzung VDI-GVC-Fachausschuß ‚Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik’, "Hochdruckhomogenisation in Verbindung mit lytischen Enzymen oder kationischen Biopolymeren zur Reduzierung der Keimzahl in Lebensmitteln”, Würzburg, Germanc, March 1990. Schlesinger-Seminar, "Non-thermal food preservation systems", Haifa, Israel, May 1990. 50th Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Effect of chitosan on glucan synthesis in plant cell suspension cultures", Chicago, USA, June 1990. 50th Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Enzymatic activity of Vanilla planifolia plant cell cultures", Chicago, USA, June 1990. 50th Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "A two-stage system for in vitro biomass and flavor production using Vanilla planifolia cluster cultures", Chicago, USA, June 1990. 50th Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Development of non-thermal food preservation processes", Chicago, USA, June 1990. 50th Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Recovery and utilization of seafood processing byproducts", Chicago, USA, June 1990. Seminar Enzytech Inc., "Research on biopolymers in food biotechnology", Cambridge, USA, July 1990. Jahrestreffen ungarischer und österreichischer "Wissensaneignung", Linz, Austria, August 1990. Lebensmitteltechnologen 1990, International Conference on ‘The Industrial, Modified and Artificial Enzymes’, "Enzymes in food biotechnology", Pisa, Italy, September 1990. Biotechnologie mit immobilisierten Biokatalysatoren, "Sekundärmetaboliten mit immobilisierten Pflanzenzellen", Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany, September 1990. Symposium of the Technische Universität München, "Nicht-thermische Sterilisationsprozesse und Einsatz von Biopolymeren für die Lebensmitteltechnologie und -biotechnologie", Munich, Germany, October 1990. Scientific Advisory Board Meeting of the FMC Corporation, "Food preservation at ambient temperatures", Orlando, USA, December 1990. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Influence of light on flavor components synthesis in Vanilla planifolia cluster cultures", Dallas, USA, June 1991. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Mechanisms of antimicrobial activity of chitosan", Dallas, USA, June 1991. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Influence of chitosan on enzymatic and antifungal activity of chitinase extract from soybean seeds", Dallas, UAS, June 1991. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Cold adapted enzymes from germinated wheat for protein modification at low temperatures", Dallas, USA, June 1991. Arbeitssitzung VDI-GVC-Fachausschuß ‚Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik’, "Hochdrucktechnik zur Prozess- und Produktentwicklung in der Lebensmitteltechnik", Lausanne, Switzerland, April 1992. COSEMI 93/1, "High pressure treatment of food materials", Karlsruhe, Germany, April 1992. 8. Internationales Weiterbildungsprogramm der Technischen Universität Berlin, "Neuere Haltbarmachungsverfahrens bei pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln", Berlin, Germany, May 1992. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Present status and future potential for the use of plant tissue culture in the production of food ingredients", New Orleans, USA, June 1992. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, "Development in high pressure research", New Orleans, USA, June 1992. 9th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exposition ‘Harnessing Biotechnology for the 21st Century’, "Plant cells for the production of food ingredients", Crystal City, USA, August 1992. 5th Symposium on high pressure & food Science (Biotec 92), "High pressure effects on microorganisms enzyme activity and food functionality", Montpellier, France, September 1992. Hochschulkurs ‚Hochdruckpasteurisierung; Behandlung von Lebensmitteln, Pharmazeutika und Kosmetika mit Drücken bis 10000 bar’, "Entwicklung von Hochdruckverfahren zur Lebensmittelherstellung", Heidelberg, Germany, September 1992. Seminar ‚Aktuelle Fragen zur Lebensmittelhaltbarmachung’, "Zukunftsperspektiven Lebensmittelhaltbarmachung für das Jahr 2000“, Neumünster, Germany, October 1992. der Institute of Food Technologists, International Union of Food Science and Technology and European Federation of Food Sciences and Technology, "High pressure processes for selected food items, The Hague, Netherlands, November 1992. International Union of Food Science and Technology and European Federation of Food Sciences and Technology, "High pressure used in combined processes for food preservation", The Hague, Netherlands, November 1992. GDL-Kongress Lebensmitteltechnologie, 15. Jahrestagung Deutscher Lebensmitteltechnologen, "Extraktion von Lebensmittelfarbstoffen aus Lebensmittelnebenprodukten", Düsseldorf, Germany, November 1992. 396. DECHEMA-Kolloquium, "Anwendung hydrostatischen Hochdrucks Lebensmittelverarbeitung", Frankfurt am Main, Germany, October 1992. in der American Institute of Chemical Engineers, "Advances in high pressure food preservation methods", Chicago, USA, February 1993. Seminar food and feed for the 21st Century unit, "New & unique methods for food preservation", Missouri, USA, February 1993. Seminar der CPC Europe Consumer Foods Ltd., "Entwicklung Konservierungsverfahren", Heilbronn, Germany, September 1993. nicht-thermischer Arbeitssitzung VDI-GVC-Fachausschuß "Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik", "Extrahieren von Aromakomponenten aus Vanilleschoten mit überkritischem Kohlendioxid: Verfahrenskonzepte zur Ausbeutesteigerung", Düsseldorf, Germany, March 1993. The Second Arab Conference and First Arab Exhibit on Perspectives of Modern Biotechnology, "Impact of biotechnology on food industries and processes”, United Nations Amman, April 1993. Internationales Fruit juice Symposium, "Non-thermal and moderate temperature concepts in fruit and vegetable juice production“, Budapest, Hungary, March 1993. Graduiertenkolleg, "Kinetik und Selektivität chemischer Prozesse in verdichteter fluider Phase", Göttingen, Germany, September 1993. Seminar of High Pressure in Food Science and Technology, “Destruction of microorganisms and inactivation of enzymes through high pressure processing”, Montpellier, France, June 1993. Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, “Biotechnology in the future of food science”; “Improvement of developing countries resources and strategies in food biotechnology”; “Effects of high-electric field pulse treatment on carrot juice yield“; “Control of microbial growth through combinations of lysozyme, glucose oxidase and lactoperoxidase“, Chicago, USA, July 1993. Nato–Workshop ‘Process Optimization and Minimal processed foods’, “Non-thermal processes for food preservation”, Porto, Portugal, September 1993. Conference ‘Food Preservation 2000’ of the Food Research Program US Army Natich Research. Development and Engineering Center, “Concepts for non-thermal processing of food systems”, October 1993. Seminar ‘Progress on New Technology for Food Production’, “High pressure treatment of foods and ingredients”, Aarhus, Denmark, November 1993. Symposium ‘Food Technology’ of the German Association of Food Technologists (GDL), “High pressure for treatment and preservation of foods”, Berlin, Germany, November 1993. Course, “New Methods, New Products, New Quality Standards. Food Processing and Products of the 21st century, ohmic heating, irradiation and high pressure treatment of foods”, Reykjavik, Iceland, November 1993. Workshop GVC-VDI ‘Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik’, “Development of gel in foam-matrix-system for cell immobilization”, Vlaardingen, Netherland, March 1994. Conference ‘High pressure treatment of foods’, “High pressure affects on plant derived foods”, Reading, United Kingdom, March 1993. Japanese and European brainstorming meeting for development of high pressure bioscience, “Prospects of high pressure for food processing development”, Koyoto, Japan, May 1993. 34th International Fruit Juice Week, “New high-tech for preservation”, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1994. Annual meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, “Inactivation of filamentous fungi and yeast by the lactoperoxidase-system in apple juice and salt solution”; “Storage dependent changes in high pressure treated fruits, fruit purees and vegetables”; “Unit operations in food biotechnology”; “Comparison of drying behavior and product quality of ultra high pressure treated or water blanched vegetables”, Atlanta, USA, June 1994. Seminar of the Nestlé Research Centre, „Non-thermal processing of foods“, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1994. IOPP Packaging Technology Conference, „The packaging applications of ultra-high pressure, ambient temperature sterilization“, Chicago, USA, November 1994. International Food Tec-Congress ‘Food Technology Tomorrow’, “Process innovation with nonthermal processing”, Cologne, Germany, November 1994. European Symposium ‘Effects of High Pressure on Foods’, „High pressure assisted food processes“, Montpellier, France, Februray 1995. Flair Flow workshop ‘New Preservation Processes for food’, „High pressure treatment of foods“, Vienna, Austria, March 1995. Nordfood High Pressure Processing, Stearing Group Meeting, “The AIR-high pressure project“, Taastrup, Denmark, March 1995. Arbeitssitzung VDI-GVC Fachausschuß ‘Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik’, „Effect of combination processes in connection with high pressure on the inactivational Bacillus subtilis endospores“, Stuttgart, Germany, March 1995. International Symposium New Shelflife Technologies and Safety Assessments, „Advantages and limitations of non-thermal preservation methods“,Helsinki, Finland, May 1995. Food Update 95 ‘New ways to achieve success in the market place’, „New food processes“, Phoenic, USA, April 1995. Nestlé New Technologies Workshop ‘Future trends in high pressure treatment and combined technologies’, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 1995. Annual meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists Anaheim, „Emerging technologies for food processing and preservation“; „Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis“ endospores by high hydrostatic pressure in combination with other treatments“Anaheim, USA, June 1995. 9th World Congress in Food Science & Technology, „Pressure-supported unit operations for the food industry“,.Budapest, Hungary, July 1995. Seminar Tetra Pak Processing & Packaging Systems, “Current trends and future of new emerging and combination technologies in the food industry”, Lund, Sweden, August 1995. International Fruit Juice Union Workshop, „Challenges and opportunities of food biotechnology“, Weimar, Germany, September 1995. Joint XV AiRAPT & XXXII EHPRG International Conference High Pressure Science & Technology, „High hydrostatic pressure application in food science and technology“, Warsaw, Poland, September 1995. American Inst. Chem. Engineers 4th Conference of Food Engineering, „Pressure supported unit operations for the Food industry“, Chicago, USA, November 1995. Meeting Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods, „Process assessment of high pressure applications“, Porto, Portugal, December 1995. Annual Meeting of the Association Austrian Food & Fermentation Technologists, „Innovations in food processing“, Vienna, Austria, February 1996. ISOPOW VI Meeting, „Food processing aspects on high pressure“, Santa Rosa, USA, March 1996. Seminar of Unilever Research, “High pressure effects on food enzyme systems”, Bedford, Great Britain, May 1996. Food Science/Bioscience Seminar, „High hydrostatic pressure effects on food enzymes“, Bedford, Great Britain, May 1996. Workshop on AIR-Projects in the Food Technologies Area, “High hydrostatic pressure treatment: its impact on spoilage organisms, biopolymer activity; functionality and nutrient composition of food systems”, Brussels, Belgium, June 1996. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, „Challenges and opportunities for metabolite production from plant cell and tissue cultures“; „Description of high pressure inactivation kinetics of Bacillus subtilis by a distribution function“, New Orleans, USA, June 1996. Seminar at Nestlé Research Center, „High hydrostatic processing of foods“, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1996. Workshop ‘High pressure processing of foods’, „Fundamentals of high hydrostatic pressure treatment of foods“, Barcelona, Spain, July 1996. Seminar at Union Deutscher Lebensmittelwerke GmbH, “Novel food processing operations”, Hamburg, Germany, July 1996. EU Workshop on Major Technological Challenges for the Food and Drink Industries in Europe, „Novel technologies with application in food & drink manufacture“, Nutley, USA, October 1996. EFFoST/GDL Symposium on Minimal Processing of Foods, „Non-thermal processes“, Cologne, Germany, November 1996. FLAIR-Flow Europe Symposium High Pressure Processing of Foods, „Processing aspects of high pressure“, Cologne, Germany, November 1996. Seminar of FAO CIAA-GMA at the World Food Summit, „Modern food processing techniques“, Rome, Italy, November 1996. High Pressure Processing of Foods Meeting of the Society of Chemical Industry and Ministery of Agriculture ‘Fisheries and Food’, “Pressure shift freezing and other applications of High Pressure Processing”, London, Great Britain, January 1997. Seminar of the Technische Universtät München, „Einsatz von Hochdruck zur Entwicklung nichtthermischer Prozesse“, February 1997. Annual Meeting of the Geman Industial Research Foundation, “Hochdruckbehandlung von Lebensmitteln”, Detmold, Germany, March 1997. th 7 International Congress on Engineering and Food, “Engineering aspects of novel non-thermal food processes”, Brighton, Great Britain, April 1997. IFT Annual Meeting, “Emerging Technologies in Food Procesing. „Processing aspects of high pressure“, Orlando, USA, June 1997. European High Pressure Research Group Conference, „The potential and impact of high pressure as unit operation for food processing“, Reading, Great Britain, September 1997. Symposium New Technologies in Food Processing, „Development and Application of non-thermal processes in the food industry“, Bonn, Germany, September 1997. Round Table Meeting of the Ecology Commission, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, „Non-thermal technologies for the processing of foods“, Munich, Germany, October 1997. EU Seminar on Collaborative EU research projects, „Overview of the high pressure area of the Copernicus Project on Process Optimation and Minimal Processing of Foods“; „High electrical field pulses: food safety, quality and critical parameters“, Leuven, Belgium, October 1997. rd Copernicus 3 Main Meeting, „High pressure for minimal processing of foods“, Leuven, Belgium, October 1997. Seminar at General Mills Inc., „Recent trends in food processing“, Minneapolis, USA, October 1997. th Scientific Symposium, Food & Science, 25 Anniversary CPC Euro R & D Center, „Food technology – advantages and trends“, Heilbronn, Germany, November 1997. International Symposium on Novel Foods Regulation in the European Union, – Integrity of the Process and Safety Evaluation, „New food processing technologies“, Berlin, Germany, November 1997. International Congress Biotechnology in the Food Chain: New tools and applications for future foods, „Novel food technologies: new product concepts“, Helsinki, Finland, January 1998. Conference Progress Science of Foods, „Challenges and opportunities of novel preservation technology“, Bedford, February 1998. Annual meeting Industrievereinigung für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung, „Pasteurisierung und Sterilisation durch Hochdruck“, Munich, Germany, March 1998. German Organization for Food Law and Food Technology Expert meeting on ‘Food Allergies and Food Intolerances’, “Novel Technologies”, Bonn, Germany, Apri 1998. International Symposium ‘Fresh Novel Foods by High Pressure’, “High pressure processing of Foods: Introduction”, Helsinki, Finland, September 1998. Scientific Colloquium at Emsland Staerke, „Modern Technologies in Food Science“, Emlichheim, Germany, September 1998. rd 3 Karlsruhe Nutrition Symposoum, „Europe Research Towards Safer and Better Foods“; „Electric Field Pulses“, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 1998. rd 3 Plenary Meeting of EC concerted Action on Functional Food Science in Europe, “Consensus for the Future Food Technology”, Madrid, Spain, October 1998. Workshop Neue Techniken – Neue Risiken? Lebensmittelsicherheit und Verbraucherverhalten, „Neue Technologien – Eine Übersicht“, Bonn, Germany, October 1998. Kolloquium über die Probleme der lebensmitteltechnologischen Praxis, „Einsatz nicht-thermischer Prozesse in der Lebensmitteltechnologie“, Hohenheim, Germany, November 1998. European Forum on Functional Foods, „New Food Technologies and Functional Food“, Strasbourg, France, December 1998. Presentation of European Comission FAIR projects „High electric field pulses: Food safety, quality and critical process parameters”, Brussels, Belgium, December 1998. DECHEMA Sitzung, „Verarbeitung von Functional Foods“, Frankfurt, Germany, February 1999. DECHEMA Colloquium, “Sterilization with non-thermal processes”, Frankfurt, Germany, February 1999. Scientific Colloquium, „Hochdruck- und Elektroimpuls-Verfahren zur Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln“, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 1999. th EU Conference Opening of 5 Framework, „Improvement of Quality, Safety and Nutritional Value of Foods“, Essen, Germany, February 1999. Lecture Series ‚Spezielle Kapitel der Lebensmittelchemie und –technologie’, „HochdruckTechnologie“, Graz, Austria, June 1999. Annual Meeting Austrian Assoc. for Biotechnology, Biotechnologie im ‚Food’ und ‚Nonfood’-Bereich, „Einsatz nicht-thermischer Prozesse zur Verarbeitung und Modifizierung von Lebensmitteln“, Seggauberg, Austria, March 1999. Seminar of the Universität Jena, “Nicht-thermische Prozesse in der Lebensmitteltelverarbeitung“, Jena, Germany, Mai 1999. Seminar of the Swiss Federal Technical University, “Non-thermal Processes”, Zurich, Switzerland, June 1999. European Union EC high pressure joint project meeting, “High pressure effects on spores”, Leuven, Belgium, July 1999. Plenary lecture of the European High Pressure Research Group, “Recent advances in high pressure technology for food application”, Montpellier, France, September 1999. Food Summit Conference ‘Food Ingredients Europe ’99’ at Master Class on minimal processing/food preservation, “Pulsed electric fields”, Paris, France, September 1999. Future Technologies for Food Production, LIFT-days, “Food Technologies for the Future”, Lund, Schweden, October 1999. Seminar at the University Thessaloniki, „High pressure technology for food processing“; “Permeabilization of biological membranes by high intensity electric field pulses”, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 1999. Dechema Colloquium, „Sterilization via non-thermal methods“, Luckenwalde, Germany, October 1999. European Conference on Emerging Food Science & Technology, „Overview of high electric field pulses research“, Tampere, Finland, November 1999. Seminar at Beiersdorf AG, „Introduction in application of high pressure on biological systems“, Hamburg, Germany, December 1999. Workshop on Non-thermal Processing of Foods, „Mechanisms and modeling of non-thermal processes”, Portland, USA, January 2000. Seminar at Research Directors Meeting, Universal Foodsm, „Non-thermal processing of foods“, Indianapolis, USA, March 2000. th 8 International Congress Emerging of Foods (ICEF 8) “Membrane permeabilization and inactivation mechanisms of biological systems by emerging technologies”; “Combined effect of high hydrostatic pressure pretreatment and osmotic stress on mass transfer during osmotic dehydration”, Puebla, Mecixo, April 2000. Fresh 2000 Congress, „New technologies for new products“, Bad Homburg, Germany, June 2000. IFT Annual Meeting, Scientific Lectureship Award Lecture, „Emerging non-thermal technologies for food processing“, Dallas, USA, June 2000. General Mills Seminar, „Review of New Food Technologies“, Minneapolis, USA, June 2000. Dr. Oetker-Award Granting Ceremony, “Non-thermal processes for microbial reduction in foods”, Lemgo, Germany, June 2000. VDI-GVC-Assoc. German Engineers, Annual Meeting 2000, „Development of non-thermal Processes for preservation and Modification of Foods“, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2000. Conference Food Safety in Europe, „Novel Processes Addressing Food Safety, Quality and Processes“, London, England, October 2000. International Conference ‚Food Security of urban and peri-urban systems in developing countries‘, „Food Safety and Technology“, Vienna, Austria, November 2000. International Conference ‚Food Security of urban and peri-urban systems in developing countries,‘, „Emerging Technologies for Food Safety and Security“, Vienna, Austria, November 2000. Food Congress 2001, „Producing food of high quality by integrating new food processing technologies“, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 2001. Nutrition Society Winter Meeting, “Nutritional and chemical changes during non-thermal processing”, London, England, February 2001. 19. Dechema Annual Meeting of Biotechnologists, “Affecting biological membranes for metabolite production”, Leipzig, Germany, March 2001. Seminar Cornell University “Non-thermal Processes for preservation and modification of food systems”, Ithaca, USA, March 2001. Non-thermal Food Processing Workshop‚ “Synergy among non-thermal methods in association with conventional methods, Newark, USA, March 2001. XIV Food Technology Colloquium, “Non-thermal processe and modification of foods”, Dresden, Germany, March 2001. 41St Internat. Fruit Juice week, “Non-thermic treatment for preservation and modification of food stuff”, Stuttgart, Germany, May 2001. Nizo Dairy Conference on Food Microbes, “Impact of emerging technologies on food product concepts and process design”, Ede, Netherlands, June 2001. Anual IFT Meeting, “Conbination treatments to improve food safety and quality”, New Orleans, USA, June 2001. EU-US Food Safety Research Workshop, “Nutritional enhancement of probiotics and prebiotics”, Brussel, Belgium, July 2001. 61- tract food design, “Probiotics, Prebiotics and New Food”, Rome, Italy, September 2001. XXXIX European High pressure Research Group meeting, “High pressure processing for preservation, modification and transformation of foods”, Santander, Spain, September 2001. th 6 Karlsruhe Nutrition Symposium, “Impact of non-thermal processing on plant metabolites”, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2001. GDL Food Technology 2001 Congress, “High pressure - basic concepts and industrial applications”, Berlin, Germany, November 2001. EUROCAFT 2001- European Conference on Advanced Technology, “Processing effects on plant cells and tissues”, Berlin, Germany, December 2001. 2nd Veterinarian Congress Leipzig, “New Technologies for the reduction of microbial counts in foods”, Leipzig, Germany, January 2002. EU Workshop, The Food, GI-Tract functionality and Human Health Cluster, “Nutritional enhancement of probiotics and prebiotics”, Saariselkä, Finland, February 2002. Annual IFT meeting, “Processing aspects and product criteria of non-thermal technologies”, Anaheim, Netherlands, June 2002. NPD Non-thermal Processing Technologies Short Course and Workshop, “High pressure processing: products, processes, packaging and The potential of ultrasound”, Columbus (Ohio), USA, September 2002. Forum Nutrigenomics and Functional Foods, „Berliner Wirtschaftsgespräche: Food Technology – what is doable?“, Berlin, Germany, November 2002. VDI/GVC Fachausschusssitzung Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, „Charakterisierung eines metastabilen Zustandsgebietes und seine Bedeutung für die Auslegung von Hochdruckprozessen im Gefrierbereich“, Weimar, Germany, March 2002. Workshop VTT, EU PROEUHEALTH “Nutritional enhancement of probiotics and prebiotics”, Taormina, Italy, March 2003. Fair Flow Innovation Workshop, “The current status of emerging technologies", Udine, Italy, June 2003. 2nd Annual World Food Technology & Innovation Forum, “New and innovative extraction, separation and preservation processes”, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2003. ROADSHOW 1, Guthealth support. “Food Processing and Technology in EU”, Tallinn, Estonia, January 2004. International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF9), Keynote lecture „Non-thermal processing“, Montpellier, France, March 2004. 13. Forschungspolitischer Dialog – Lebensmittel- und Ernährungswissenschaft im Strukturwandel, „Mehr Ausbeute durch High-Tech“, Potsdam, Germany, February 2004. VDI/GVC-Fachausschuss Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, „Very short treatment times for High Pressure Processing: a new concept“, Baden-Baden, Germany, March 2004. nd 2 Central European Congress on Food (CEFOOD), Plenary lecture „Integration of emerging and conventional technologies“, Budapest, Hungary, May 2004. International Food Conference „Thinking beyond tomorrow – a safe and nutritious food chain for the consumer“, „Engineering solutions for the food factory of the future“, Dublin, Ireland, June 2004. European High Pressure Research Group Meeting (EHPRG’42), Plenary lecture „High pressure assisted preservation and modification of foods“, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2004. ROADSHOW 2, Guthealth support, „Food Processing and Technology in EU“, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2004. Food Innovations for an expanding Europe. Congress of The European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), Plenary lecture „Gentle preservation methods for better foods“, Warsaw, Poland, October 2004. 12. Oranienburger Milchforum der Milchwirtschaftlichen Lehr- und Untersuchungsanstalt Oranienburg e.V., „Anwendungsperspektiven der Hochdrucktechnik in der Molkereiwirtschaft“, Oranienburg, Germany, November 2004. Forum Life Science, Food and Nutrition, „Schonende Verfahren zum Erhalt der Aktivität von bioaktiven Inhaltsstoffen“, Garching, Germany, February 2005. International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), General Assembly Meeting, Session 2, „Food chain – Specific issue: New non-thermal processes on the horizon“, Brussels, Belgium, February 2005. VDI/GVC-Fachausschuss Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, „Anwendung gepulster elektrischer Felder als Zellaufschluss- und Konservierungsverfahren am Beispiel der Fruchtsaftproduktion“, Berlin, Germany, March 2005. The Food, GI-Tract and Human Health Cluster, PROEUHEALTH closed meeting, „Technology of Pro- and Prebiotics“, Brussels, Belgium, March 2005. Meeting SAFE ICE project, „Low Temperature – high pressure processing of foods“, Beauvais, France, April 2005. 4. FEI Kooperationsforum Functional Food, „Technologien zur Herstellung von Functional-FoodProdukten am Beispiel Flavonoid-Produkte“, Bonn, Germany, April 2005. Application of Pulsed Electric Fields in Food, „Applications of PEF technology in food industry“,Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2005. Meeting PROTECH project, „Technology aspect of probiotics“, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 2005. Minisymposium Chemische Veränderungen von Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen durch Hochdruckbehandlung, „Temperaturstabilität von Enzymen unter Hochdruck“, Berlin, Germany, June 2005. DFG-Projekttreffen - Lipide und Phytosterole in der Ernährung, „Entwicklung von Produktionskonzepten zur schonenden Gewinnung pflanzlicher, ernährungsphysiologisch wertvoller Öle unter Einsatz elektrischer Hochspannungsimpulse“, Hamburg, Germany, March 2006. Food for Life, European Technology Platform, “Increasing Impact and Innovations of Finnish Research on Nutrition”, Helsinki, Finland, March 2006. Jahrestagung des GVC Lebensmitteltechnologie, Reinbeck, „Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik“, Reinbek, Germany, March 2006. Kick-off Meeting of Research Project on Novel Processing Methods for the Production and Distribution, “Pulsed Electrical Fields”, Wageningen, Netherlands, March 2006. 1st SAFE Consortium International Congress “Nutrition and Food Safety: Evaluation of Benefits and Risks”, “Gentle Processing: benefits and risks”, Budapest, Hungary”, June 2006. Marcel Loncin Research Prize Presentation, “High pressure assisted Processes: opportunities and challenges in food engineering”, Orlando, USA, June 2006. AFE-Tech First Workshop - Applied food emerging technologies, “High pressure processing for the food industry”, Barcelona, Spain, July 2006. 13th world congress of Food Science & Technology, “Processing Concepts for non-thermal modification of foods”, Nantes, France, September 2006. European High Pressure research Group meeting, “High pressure offisted processes oppertunities and challenges”, Prag, Czech Republic, September 2006. Workshop on Application of Novel Technologies in Food and Biotechnology, “Novel technologies for non-food applications”, Cork, Ireland, September 2006. Zukunftsforum DFG-DLG, “Technology and Food quality”, Berlin, Germany, November 2006. Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, “Vorstellung des prozesstechnin“, Bonn, Germany, January 2007. Insitutes Lebensmittelbiotechnologie und – 9. Sitzung der AG "Kontaminatnten, Additive und natürliche Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffe", „Tericht aus der AG Technologie“, Zurich, Switzerland, February 2007. 2007 - IFT Annual Meeting, Vereinigte Staaten, “Dipl.-Ing. Dietrich Knorr The Combination of Nonthermal Technologies with other Preservation approaches”, Chicago, USA, July 2007. Innovative approaches for microbial inactivation in food by HPP, “Pressure assisted thermal sterilization:Current state of the art”, Chicago, USA, July 2007. International Conference "Innovations in Food Technology", “Food sterilisation under high pressureFundamentals, new insights and challenges”, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2007. Karcus Karel Symposium, “Giants in Food Science Symposium Series Marcus KAREL”, Lausane, France, August 2007. Hahn Preis Verleihung, “Würdigung des Emplängers des Hahn-Preises 2008“, Lübeck, Germany, November 2007. Lebensmittelwissenschaften im Fokus, “Schonende Gewinnung von Ölen und funktionellen Inhaltsstoffen“, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, November 2007. Food-new options for the industrie, “General overview of future opportunities for pulsedelextric field processing”, Lisabon, Portugal, December 2007. Food-new options for the industrie, “Improvement of the yield of extractions by application of elextric field pulses”, Lisabon, Portugal, December 2007. International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 10), “High-pressure high-temperature inactivation of bacterial spores and viruses”, Vina des Mar, Chile, April 2008. DLG Lebensmitteltagung / 4. Sitzung des DLG-Fachausschusses Lebensmitteltechnologie, „Ressourceneffiziente Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln“, Bad Soden, Germany, October 2008. EFFoST First European Food Congress, “Food Science - Food Manufacturing Interfaces”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 2008. 3rd International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks,” Emerging trends in Food Science Technologies”, Igls, Austria, February 2009. Forum Life Science, “Process-induced tailor-made foods”, Gerching, Germany, March 2009. 4. Symposium „Funktionelle Lebensmittel“, „Gewinnung und Haltbarmachung funktioneller Inhaltsstoffe pflanzlichen und tierischen Ursprungs durch Einsatz der Hochspannungsimpulstechnik“, Kiel, Germany, April 2009. Second SAFE consortium International Congress on Food Safety: Novel Technologies and Food Quality, Safety and Health, “Pulsed electric fields, cold plasma, infrared technologies, pulsed light and ultra sound applications for food preservation”, Girona, Spain, April 2009. 27th International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition, “Possibilities of Food Technology”, Potsdam, Germany, June 2009. 38. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag, „Prozessinduzierte Modifizierung von Lebensmitteln mit modernen Verarbeitungsverfahren“, Berlin, Germany, August 2009. 5th CIGR International Technical Symposium on Food Processing, Monitoring Technology in Bioprocesses and Food Quality Management, “Emerging Technologies in Food Processing”, Potsdam, Germany, August 2009. EFFoST Conference: New challenges in food preservation, “Combination of emerging and traditional food processes”, Budapest, Hungary, November 2009. Tag der Ernährungswirtschaft Berlin-Brandenburg, “Technologien für Gesundheit und Ernährung – Impulse für die Ernährungswirtschaft”, Schönwalde-Glien, Germany, April 2010. Food Factory 2010 - Innovative food processing and sustainable food production, “Food Factory for the Future - challenges and needs for innovation”, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2010. 15th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, “Novel Processing Methods for the Production and Distribution of High-Quality and Safe Foods”, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2010. DLG-Lebensmitteltage 2010: Nachhaltigkeit - Vom Leitbild zur Erfolgsstrategie, „Nachhaltigkeit in der Lebensmittelverarbeitung: Lippenbekenntnis oder Verpflichtung?“, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2010. European PhD Conference in Food Science and Technology, “The State of Art of Food Science and Technology”, Berlin, Germany, September 2010. International Conference on Food Innovation 2010, “Engineering tailor made foods”, Valencia, Spain, October 2010. Symposium der Gemeinschaft Deutscher Kryobanken Niedrigtemperaturprozesse“, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2010. e.V. 2010, „Hochdruck- 2010 EFFoST Annual Meeting: Food and Health, “Process induced quality improvement”, Dublin, Irland, November 2010. Lebensmittelmonitoring mit Multigassensoren, “Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Sensoren in der Lebensmitteltechnologie“, Berlin, Germany, December 2010. Workshop on technological challenges of probiotics, “Technological challenges for probiotics” Turku, Finland, January 2011. Global Technology Symposium, “Emerging technologies for preservation and modification of food and food constituents”, Doorwerth, The Netherlands, March 2011. Radikale Prozessinnovationen, “Green processing“, Heidelberg, Germany, March 2011. HighTech Europe Workshop, “Innovations in Food Science“, Athens, Greece, May 2011. International Congress on Engineering and Food, “Emerging technologies for targeted food processing”, Athens, Greece, May 2011. Marcus Karel Symposium on Food Materials Science, “Water in the High Pressure Domain”, Athens, Greece, May 2011. 55th EOQ Congress, "World Quality Congress", “Improving the European Innovation Climate in Food Processing Research and Development “, Budapest, Hungary, June 2011. Asien-Pazifik-Wochen 2011, “Technologien für Gesundheit und Ernährung - Impulse für die Ernährungswirtschaft“, Berlin, Germany, September 2011. Food and nutrition in 21st century, “Rapport from session Food quality and safety”, Warsaw, Poland, September 2011. Trilateral workshop on "Innovative health-promoting food", “Emerging technologies for processing of tailor made foods”, Berlin, Germany, September 2011. 100. Jahrestag der Verleihung des Nobelpreises für Chemie an Maria Sklodowska Curie, “Network LEO - Food with energy in the Baltic Sea Region“, Berlin, Germany, October 2011. iFOOD2011, “Latest Research and Commercial Developments from a European Perspective”, Osnabrück, Germany, October 2011. Food & Nutrition: Health Improvement, “Emerging of tailor made foods technologies for processing”, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 2011. Herausforderungen der Zukunft -Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit, “Lebensmittelforschung - neue Ansätze für F&E“, Freising, Germany, December 2011. SYMPOSIA / WORKSHOPS / SESSIONS CHAIRED Symposium "Food Production, Distribution and Rural Development" at the NGO-Forum, United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, Vienna, Austria, 8/23/1979, (Chair), "Food technology and food quality". Workshop of NGO-Forum, United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, Vienna, Austria, 8/24/1979, (Chair), "An ecological approach to food production and food quality". Annual Meeting, Symposium, Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, 6/11/1980, (Co-Chair), "Natural/organic/health foods". Symposium at the XII International Congress of Nutrition, San Diego, CA, 8/17/1981, (Co-chair), "Minimally processed foods: issues and prospects". Annual Meeting, Symposium, Institute of Food Technologists 1983, New Orleans, Louisiana, 6/196/22, 1983, (Co-Chair), "Genetic engineering in food production". 80th Annual Convention, Mid-Atlantic Food Processors Association, Baltimore, MD. 11/20-11/22, 1983, (General Session Chair), "Looking ahead to the 80's". Delaware Seagrant Advisory Council Meeting, Dover, DE. 3/19/1984, (Functional Group Leader), "Seafood science and technology". First Annual Conference on Food Science, University of Delaware Food Engineering Publications, Controlled Atmosphere Preservation in Flexible Packages, Newark, DE 3/27-3/28, 1984, (Session Chair), "International scene". Workshop on Research Needs, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL., 11/10-11/11, 1984, (Co-Chair), Biotechnology. Conference on Fiber Rich Foods, University of Delaware, 3/12-3/13, 1985, Session chair, "Formulating foods with increased fiber content". Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, 6/9-6/12, 1985, (Co-chair), "Biotechnology of plant foods". Symposium, Biotech San Francisco, International Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, 11/18/1986, (Chair), "New food products and processing technology". Symposium, International Conference Novel Biotechniques & Processes for the Food Industry, Online, London 11/20-11/21, 1987, (Session chair), "Biotechnology - its application to food products & processes". 4th International Conference on chitin and chitosan, Trondheim, 8/21-8/24, 1988, (Session chair), "Applications in medicine and biotechnology". Fifth International Congress on Engineering and Food, Cologne 5/28-6/3, 1989, (Session chair), Plenary session and session on "Product properties". Unilever-Seminar - Biotechnology 2000, Colworth House, Bedford 3/28-3/30, 1990, (Syndicate Chair), "Competitiveness of the UK in a world context". 50th Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, 6/17-6/20, 1990, (Co-Chair), "Risk evaluation and consumer perception of food biotechnology". Fifth Symposium on high pressure & food science, Biotec 92, Montpellier, 9/13-9/17, 1992, (Cochair) "Food science". IFTEC, Institute of Food Technologists, International Union of Food Science and Technology and European Federation of Food Sciences and Technology, The Hague, 11/15-11/18, 1992, (Cochairman) Symposium "Advanced techniques in non-thermal food processing" and Forum: "Application of biotechnology in second and third world countries". Co-chair , Symposium “Food Biotechnology, applications in developing countries” Annual IFT meeting, Chicago, July 10-14,1993. Chair, Advances in process modelling and assessment, Nato-Workshop Process optimization and minimal processed foods, Porto, Sept. 20-23, 1993. Co-Chair, New processing and preservation technologies. Conference Food Preservation 2000, Natick Oct. 19-21, 1993. Co-Chair, Japanese and European Brainstorming Meeting. Development of high pressure bioscience, Koyoto Univ., Koyoto, May 25-27, 1993. Co-Chair - Symposium Biotechnology and Food Processing, IFT Annual Meeting, Atlanta, June 25-29, 1994. Scientific Committee & Session-chair, European Symposium „Effects of high pressure on foods“, Montpellier, Feb. 16-17, 1995. Co-Chair, VDI-GVC Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, Annual Meeting, Univ. Stuttgart, Hohenheim, March 29-31, 1995 th Co-Chair, Internationales Symposium ‘High pressure effects on food’, 9 World Congress Food Science & Technology, Budapest, Aug. 1-2, 1995. Session, Non-thermal processing , 4th Conference of Food Engineering, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chicago, Nov. 2-3, 1995. Session, High pressure, Annual Conference Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods, Copernicus Program, Porto, Dec. 6-8, 1995. Session, Water at high pressure, ISOPOW VI Conference, March 2-8, 1996. Symposium Chair, High Pressure Processing of Foods, Flair Flow Europe, Nov. 8-9, 1996. Chair, Dechema-Colloquium. Genetic engineering in foods, Frankfurt, Nov. 7, 1996. FLAIR-Flow Europe Symposium High Pressure Processing of Foods. Processing Aspects of High Pressure. Cologne, Nov 8-9, 1996. High Pressure Processing of Foods Meeting, ‘Pressure shift freezing and other applications of high pressure’, Society of Chemical Industry, London, Feb. 22, 1997. Annual Meeting, Session: Bioprocessing, German Association of Engineers (VDI), Food Engineering Group, Mannheim, Germany, March 10-12, 1997. Copernicus 3rd Main Meeting, Session, High pressure, Kath. Univ. Leuven, Leuven, Oct. 24-25, 1997. International Symposium Novel Foods Regulation in the European Union, Session, State of the art and future developments, Federal Institute for Consumer Protection (BGVV), Berlin Nov. 18-20, 1997. International Conference Biotechnology in the Food Chain, Future foods, Helsinki, Jan. 28-30, 1998. International Symposium Fresh Novel Foods by High Pressure, ‘High pressure processing of foods: Introduction‘, VTT Biotechnology and Food Research, Nordic Network & Minimal Processing, KU Leuven, Helsinki, Sept. 21-22, 1998. International Technology Forum, Quality and Safety of Foods, Bayern Innovativ, Munich, June 2324, 1999. European Conference on Emerging Food Science and Technology (Conference Co-Chair), High electric field pulse processing, Tampere, Fin, Nov. 22-24, 1999. th Biotechnology 2000, 11 Int. Biotechnology Symposium „Agriculture and Food“, Dechema, Berlin, Sept. 3-8, 2000. International Conference Food Security of urban and peri-urban systems in developing countries, „Food Safety and Technology“, International Council for Science, Univ. Agricultue Vienna, Nov. 15-18, 2000. EUROCAFT 2001, European Conference on Advanced Technologys für Safe and High Quality Foods (Conference Co-chair) . EU- DGXII – EFFoST- ELSEVIER, Berlin, Dec 5–7, 2001. EFFoST – IFT – TU Berlin Workshop (workshop organizer and chair), TU Berlin, Berlin, Dec 9-11, 2001. PROEUHEALTH workshop (session chaired), Saariselkä, FN, Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, 2002. VDI/GVC Tagung Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik (session chaired), Weimar, March 6-7, 2002. EFFoST/IFT Non-thermal workshop (session chaired), Columbus University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, Sep. 10-16, 2002. VDI/GVC Tagung Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik (session chaired), Bundesforschungsanstalt Karlsruhe, Dec. 6, 2002. PROEUHEALTH Workshop (session chaired), Taormina, Italy, March 2-5, 2003. Statusseminar (BMBF–DFG–DBU) High Pressure Research (organizer, co-chair), Berlin University of Technology, Oct. 1-2, 2003. Forum Life Science, Dechema Annual, Biotechnology Meeting (session chaired), TU Munich, Garching, April 2-4, 2003. First European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology (workshop organizer and chair), EFCE Section on Food, EFFoST and TU Berlin, Berlin, May 21–22, 2007 Second European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology (workshop organizer and chair), EFCE Section on Food, EFFoST and INRA, Massy, May 26–27, 2008 Third European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology (workshop organizer and chair), EFCE Section on Food, EFFoST Faculty of Agriculture - University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples – Portici Royal Palace, May 21-22, 2009 Symposium Frische Convenience/Fresh cut Produkte (session chaired), DLG, Potsdam, Germany, April 2010 numerous session chaired LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Books Kramer, J., Scheer, G., Bochsbichler, K., Fornleitner, L., Glatz, H. & Knorr, D. (1980). Das Österreichische Agrarsystem (The Austrian Agricultural System). Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna. Knorr, D. (1983). Sustainable Food Systems. AVI Publishing Co., Westport. Knorr, D. & Watkins, T. R. (1984). Alterations in Food Production. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. Knorr, D. (1986). Food Biotechnology. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. Pfister, M. K., Butz, P., Heinz, V., Dehne, L. I., Knorr, D. & Tauscher, B. (2000). Der Einfluss der Hochdruckbehandlung auf chemische Veränderungen in Lebensmitteln. Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, Berlin. Hendrickx, M. & Knorr, D. (2002). Ultra High Pressure Treatment of Foods. Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, New York. Edwards, G., Cockburn, A., Hepburn, P., Kleiner, J., Knorr, D., Kozianowski, G., Müller, D., Pejnenburg, A., Perrin, I., Poulsen, M. & Walker, R. (2003). The Safety Assessment of Novel Foods and Concepts to Determine their Safety in Use. Expert Group Report Reviewed at a Workshop held in November 2002., Brussels. Eisenbrand, G., Engel, K.-H., Grunow, W., Hartwig, A., Knorr, D., I., K., Schlatter, J., Schreier, P., Steinberg, P. & Vieths, S. (2007). Thermal Processing of Food: Potential Health Benefits and Risks. Wiley-Vch Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Book chapters Knorr, D. (1976). Konsum und Umwelt – Zustandsanalyse am Beispiel Lebensmittel (Consumption and environment – analysis of the state of the art on the example of food). In B. f. W. u. F. Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst. Umwelt und Gesellschaft (pp., Vienna. Knorr, D. (1978a). Verfahren zur Gewinnung proteinreicher Produkte pflanzlicher Herkunft (Processes for the recovery of high protein products from plant). In R. Harmer, W. Auerswald, N. Zöllner, B. Blanc & B. Brandstetter. Problems in Nutrition and Food Sciences #5, Problems with new food (pp.). W. Maudrich Verlag, Vienna, Munich, Bern. Knorr, D. (1978b). Lebensmittel als krankmachender Faktor (Food as a health hazard). In F. Naschold, W. Karner & W. Schönbäck. Systemanalyse des Gesundheitswesens in Österreich (pp.). Montan Verlag, Vienna. Knorr, D. (1978c). Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Krankheitsfaktoren in Lebensmitteln (Actions to fight health hazards in foods). In F. Naschold, W. Karner & W. Schönbäck. Systemanalyse des Gesundheitswesens in Österreich (pp.). Montan Verlag, Vienna. Knorr, D. (1979). Lebensmittel und Ernährung als krankmachender Faktor (Food and Nutrition as a health hazard). In W. Schönbäck. Gesundheit im gesellschaftlichen Konflikt (Health and social conflict) (pp.). Urban und Schwarzenberg Verlag, Vienna & Munich. Knorr, D. (1980a). Die Beeinflussung der Nahrungsmittelqualität durch die verschiedenen und industriellen Verarbeitungsformen und durch die Nahrungsmittelzubereitung (Influence of processing and preparation on food quality). In. Proceedings 3rd Int. Congress on ecologically oriented agriculture (pp., Innsbruck. Knorr, D. (1980b). Die Einflüsse der landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsmethoden auf die Lebensmittelqualität (Influence of agricultural production on food quality). In. Proceedings 3rd Int. Congress on ecologically oriented agriculture (pp., Innsbruck. Knorr, D. (1981). Influence of food processing on the nutritional quality of food. In K. Barlow & P. Bunyard. Soil, food and health in a changing world (pp.). AB Academic Publishers, Berkhamsted, England. Knorr, D. (1982). Feasibility of a circular paper chromatographic method for protein determination. In U. o. Michigan. Proceedings 3rd of the Int. Assoc. for the Advancement of Appropriate Technology in Developing Countries (pp.). University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Knorr, D. (1983). Recycling of nutrients from food wastes. In D. Knorr. Sustainable Food Systems (pp.). AVI Publishing Co., Westport. Knorr, D. & Vogtmann, H. (1983). Quality and quality determination of ecologically grown foods. In D. Knorr. Sustainable Food Systems (pp.). AVI Publishing Co., Westport. Knorr, D. & Clancy, K. (1984). Safety aspects of processed foods. In L. Busch & W. B. Lacy. Food Security in the United States (pp.). Westview Press, Boulder. Knorr, D. (1984a). On the ethical behaviour in food production and processing. In R. Haynes & R. Lanier. Agriculture, Changes and Human Values. Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Conference (pp.). University of Florida, Gainesville. Knorr, D. (1984b). Quality of natural/organic/health foods. In D. Knorr & T. R. Watkins. Alterations in Food Production (pp.). Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. Knorr, D. & Latlief, S. J. (1984). Engineering of functional properties during the recovery and processing of plant protein concentrates. In B. M. McKenna. Engineering and Food, Vol. 1 (pp.). Applied Science Publishers, London. Knorr, D. (1985). Utilization of Chitinous polymers in food processing and biomass recovery. In R. R. Colwell, E. R. Pariser & A. J. Sinskey. Biotechnology of Marine Polysaccharides. Proceedings of the Third Annual MIT Sea Grant College Program Lecture and Seminar (pp.). Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington. Knorr, D. (1986a). Technologie unkonventioneller Produkte pflanzlicher Herkunft (Technology of unconventional products of plant origin). In H. J. Gedenk-Symposium & E. e. Krüger. Proceedings of the Bielig (pp.). Berlin University of Technology. Knorr, D. (1986b). Immobilization of microbial and cultured plant cell. In D. Knorr. Food Biotechnology (pp.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. Knorr, D. & Sinskey, A. J. (1986a). Biotechnology in food production and processing. In D. E. Koshland, Jr. Biotechnology and biological frontiers (pp.). Am. Assoc. Advancement of Science, Washington. Knorr, D. & Sinskey, A. J. (1986b). Biotechnology in food production and processing. In D. E. Koshland. Jr. Biotechnology and biological frontiers). (pp.). Am. Assoc. Advancement of Science, Washington. Knorr, D. (1986c). Technologie unkonventioneller Produkte pflanzlicher Herkunft (Technology of unconventional products of plant origin). In E. Krueger. Proceedings of the Bielig, H.J. GedenkSymposium (pp.). Technische Universitaet Berlin, Berlin. Knorr, D. (1986d). Chitosan gels for entrapment of cultured plant cells. In R. Muzzarelli, C. Jeuniaux & G. W. Gooday. Chitin in Nature and Technology (pp.). Plenum Press, New York. Knorr, D. (1987). Biotechnological processes in food production and processing. In. The World Biotech Report 1986. Vol. 2, Part 1 (pp.). Online Publications, London. Knorr, D., Pandya, Y. & Beaumont, M. D. (1987). Effects of immobilization and permeabilization procedures on gel bead stability & viability of plant cells. In. Novel Biotechniques & processes for the food industry (pp.). Online Publications, London. Knorr, D., Imeri, A. G., Beaumont, M. D., Soto Peralta, N. V. & Romagnoli, L. G. (1988). Impact of biopolymers on fruit juice production. In. Report of Congress, Internat. Fruit Juice Union (pp. Knorr, D. (1988a). Statement zum Einsatz von Grundverfahren zur Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln, die auf biologischen Systemen basieren. (Statement regarding the application of unit operations for the processing of "organic" foods). In E. Altner, W. Krauth, I. Luenzer & H. Vogtmann. Gentechnik und Landwirtschaft (pp.). Verlag C.F. Müller, Karlsruhe. Knorr, D. (1988b). Applications of chitinous polymers. In S. I. o. Technology. Proceedings, Biomedical Aspects of Marine Biotechnology (pp., Hoboken. Knorr, D., Beaumont, M. D. & Daly, M. M. (1989). Production of food ingredients from immobilized plant cells. In J. Hollo. Biotechnology and Food Industry (pp.). Hungarian Scientific Society of Food Industry, Budapest. Knorr, D. (1989a). Enzyme in food technology and food biotechnology: Examples from the United States and Western Europe. In K.-H. Kroner, K. Lösche & R. D. Schmid. Proceedings 2nd Symposium 'Enzyme in Food Technology' (pp.). VCH Verlag Weinheim, Weinheim. Knorr, D., Beaumont, M. D. & Pandya, Y. (1989). Potential of acid soluble and water soluble chitosan in biotechnology. In G. Skjak-Braek, T. Anthonson & P. A. Sandford. Chitin and Chitosan (pp.). Elsevier Applied Publisher Ltd, London. Knorr, D. (1989b). Plant cells for secondary metabolite production. In J. R. Whitaker & P. H. Sonnett. Biocatalysts in Agricultural Biotechnology (pp.). Am. Chem. Soc., Washington. Budde, A. & Knorr, D. (1990). Reduction of cholesterol in egg powders and whole eggs by extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide. In W. E. L. Spiess & H. Schubert. Engineering and Food (pp.). Elsevier, London. Knorr, D. (1990). Statement zum Einsatz von Grundverfahren zur Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln, die aus biologischen Systemen basieren. In S. Ö. s. Landbau. Gentechnik und Landwirtschaft (pp.). Verlag C.F. Müller, Karlsruhe. Knorr, D., Pandya, Y., Beaumont, M. D. & Ullrich, S. (1990). Immobilization of plant cell cultures in complex coacervate capsules for secondary metabolite production. In W. E. L. Spiess & H. Schubert. Engineering and Food (pp.). Elsevier, London. Knorr, D., Boettcher, A., Doernenburg, H., et al. (1992). High pressure effects on microorganisms, enzyme activity and food functionality. In C. Balny, K. Hayashi, K. Heremans & P. Masson. High Pressure and Biotechnology (pp.). Colloque INSERM/John Libbey Eurotext Ltd, Montrouge. Knorr, D., Caster, C., Doernenburg, H., et al. (1992). Plant cells for the production of food ingredients. In M. R. Ladisch & A. Bose. Harnessing Biotechnology for the 21st Century (pp.). Am. Chem. Soc., Washington. Knorr, D., Boguslawski, S., Geulen, M. & Popper, L. (1993). Non-thermal and moderate temperature concepts in fruit and vegetable juice production. In. Internationale Fruchtsaft-Union – Wissenschaftlich-Technische Komission XXI Symposium (pp., Budapest Knorr, D. (1993a). Neue Wege zur Verbesserung der Haltbarkeit. In D. Rohwedder & M. Hacks. Chemie und Physik in Küche und Ernährung (pp.). Wissenschaftsverlag Wellingbüttel, Wellingbüttel. Knorr, D. (1993b). Advance in High-Pressure Food Preservation Methods. In R. K. Singh & M. R. Okos. Advances in Food Process Design and Evaluation (pp.). Technomic Publishing Co. Inc. Knorr, D. (1994). Non-thermal processes for food preservation. In P. Singh & F. A. R. Oliveira. Minimal Processing of Foods and Process Optimization (pp.). CRC Press Inc, Boca Raton. Knorr, D. (1995a). Advantages and limitations of non-thermal food preservation methods. In R. Ahvenainen, T. Mattila-Sandholm & T. Ohlsson. New Shelf-Life Technologies and Safety Assessments (pp.). Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo. Knorr, D. (1995b). High pressure effects on plant derived foods. In D. A. Edward, D. E. Johnston, R. G. Earnshaw & A. P. M. Hasting. High Pressure Treatment of Foods (pp.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham Knorr, D. (1995c). Hydrostatic pressure treatment of food: Microbiology. In G. W. Gould. New and Emerging Technologies for Food Preservation (pp.). Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow. Knorr, D. (1995d). Process assessment of high pressure processing of foods: An overview. In F. A. Oliveira & J. C. Oliveira. Processing Foods: Quality Optimization and Process Assessment (pp.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. Knorr, D. (1995e). Advance in High-Pressure Food Preservation Methods. In R. K. Singh. Food Process Design and Evaluation (pp.). Technomic Publishing AG, Basel. Seyderhelm, I. & Knorr, D. (1995). Influence of high hydrostatic pressure on high and low methoxylated pectins. In F. Meuser, D. J. Manners & W. Seibel. Progress in Plant Polymeric Carbohydrate Research (pp.). Behr’s Verlag GmbH & Co, Hamburg. Knorr, D., Boguslawski, S., Eshtiaghi, M., Oxen-Bodenhause, P. & Popper, L. (1996). Concepts for non-thermal processing of food systems. In. Proceedings Food Preservation 2000 Conference (pp.). US Army Natick Research, Natick. Knorr, D. (1996). Advantages, opportunities and challenges of high hydrostatic pressure application to food systems. In R. Hayashi & C. Balny. High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology (pp.). Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. Stute, R., Eshtiagi, M. N., Boguslawski, S. & Knorr, D. (1996). High pressure treatment of vegetables. In v. R. Rohr & C. Trepp. High Pressure Commercial Engineering (pp.). Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. Angersbach, A., Eshtiaghi, M. N. & Knorr, D. (1997). Impact of high intensity electric field pulses on plant cells and tissues. In G. Barbosa-Canovas. COFE’97 (pp. 18-21). American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York. Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1997). Development and optimization of high pressure processing of food. In R. Jowitt. Engineering and Food, ICEF 7 (pp.). Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield. Knorr, D. (1997a). Hochdruckbehandlung von Lebensmitteln. In F. E. e.V. Forschungskreis Ernährungsindustrie e.V., 55. Diskussionstagung 1997 (pp.). Forschungskreis Ernährungsindustrie e.V, Bonn. Knorr, D. (1997b). Engineering aspects of novel non-thermal food processes. In R. Jowitt. Engineering and Food, ICEF 7 (pp.). Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield. Knorr, D. (1997c). Food processing aspects of high hydrostatic pressure. In D. Reid. Properties of Water in Foods (pp.). Chapman and Hall, London. Knorr, D. (1997d). Advantages, possibilities and challenges of high pressure applications in food processing. In D. Reid. Properties of Water in Foods (pp.). Chapman and Hall, London. Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1998). High pressure germination and inactivation kinetics of bacterial spores. In N. Isaacs. High Pressure Food Science, Bioscience and Chemistry (pp.). The Royal Society of Chemistry, London. Knorr, D. (1998a). Nicht-thermische Verfahren zur Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln. In. Lebensmittel im Wandel (pp.). Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München. Knorr, D., Heinz, V., Lee, D.-U., Schlueter, O. & Zenker, M. (1998). High pressure processing of foods: Introduction. In K. Autio. Fresh Novel Foods by High Pressure (pp.). VTT, Espoo. Knorr, D. (1998b). Process assessment of high-pressure processing of foods: An overview. In F. A. R. Oliveira & J. C. Oliveira. Processing Foods (pp.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. Knorr, D. (1998c). New food technologies and functional food. In E. Parliament. Forum of Functional Food, Proceedings (pp., Strasbourg. Knorr, D. (1998d). Innovation from progress in food technology. In R. Stute. Food & Science – Wissenschaft im Dienste der Ernährung (pp.). CPC Deutschland, Heilbronn. Schlueter, O., George, S., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1998a). Phase transitions in model foods, induced by pressure-assisted freezing and pressure-assisted thawing. In. IIR Conference, Conference book (pp., Sofia. Schlueter, O., George, S., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1998b). Phase transition in model foods induces by pressure-assisted freeting and pressure-assisted thawing. In. IIR Proceeding Series „Refrigeration Science and Technology“, International Institute of Refrigeration (pp. 240-248, Paris. Schlueter, O., George, S., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1998c). Pressure assisted thawing of potato cylinders. In K. Autio. Fresh Novel Foods by High Pressure (pp.). VTT, Espoo. Schlueter, O., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1998a). Freezing of potato cylinders during high pressure treatment. In N. Isaacs. High Pressure Food Science (pp.). The Royal Society of Chemistry, London. Schlueter, O., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1998b). Freezing of potato cylinders during high pressure treatment. In N. S. Isaacs. High pressure food science, bioscience and chemistry (pp. 317-324). The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge. Schlueter, O., George, S., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1998d). Pressure assisted thawing of potato cylinders. In H. Ludwig. Advances in High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, International Conference on High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, Proceedings Supplement (pp., Heidelberg. Angersbach, A., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1999). Treatment of food systems with high intensity electric field pulses. In V. Gaukel & W. E. L. Spiess. 3rd Karlsruhe Nutrition Sypmosium European Research Towards Safer and Better Food, Proceedings Supplement, Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung (pp., Karlsruhe. Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1999). Non-thermal food preservation and its potential in meat processing. In K. Khadabandehloo. Consumer Protection, Labour Safety and Hygiene, Technical Report Meat Automation, European Comission (pp., Brussels. Knorr, D., Heinz, V., Schlueter, O. & Zenker, M. (1999). The potential and impact of high pressure as unit operation for food processing. In N. S. Isaacs. High pressure food science, bioscience and chemistry (pp.). University of Reading, UK. Rastogi, N. K., Angersbach, A. & Knorr, D. (1999). Mechanism of mass transfer during osmotic removal of water from plant materials. In F. Toldra, D. Ramon & J. L. Navarro. Improved Traditional Foods for the Next Century, International Congress (pp.). Proceedings Supplement, Valencia. Schlueter, O., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1999). Pressure assisted thawing of potato cylinders. In H. Ludwig. Advances in High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology (pp.). Springer Verlag, BerlinHeidelberg. Zenker, M., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (1999). Hydrostatisches Hochdruckverfahren zur Erhöhung der mikrobiellen Sicherheit streichfähiger Rohwürste. In. HY-PRO ’99 (pp.). VDE Verlag GmbH, BerlinOffenbach. Knorr, D. (2000a). Process Aspects of the High-Pressur Treatment of Food Systems. In. Innovations in Food Processing (pp.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. Knorr, D. (2000b). Process Aspects of High-Pressure Treatment of Food Systems. In G. V. BarbosCanovas & G. W. Gould. Innovations in Food Processing (pp.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. Knorr, D. (2000c). Process aspects of high-presure treatment of food systems. In G. V. BarbosaCanovas. Food Preservation Technology: Innovations in Food Processing (pp.). Technomic Publ., Lancaster. Knorr, D. & Heinz, V. (2000). Development of non-thermal methods for microbial control. In S. R. Block. Disinfection, Sterilization and Preservation, 5th ed., Lippincott (pp.). Williams & Wilkins, New York. Knorr, D. (2000d). Technology aspects related to microorganisms in functional foods. In D. G. f. R. European Commission. Food Science & Technology, Functional Food Science in Europe (pp.). European Commission, Brussels. Pfister, M. K.-H., Butz, P., Heinz, V., Dehne, L. I., Knorr, D. & Tauscher, B. (2000a). Der Einfluss der Hochdruckbehandlung auf chemische Veränderungen in Lebensmitteln – Eine Literaturstudie. In. (pp.). BgVV, Berlin. Pfister, M. K.-H., Butz, P., Heinz, V., Dehne, L. I., Knorr, D. & Tauscher, B. (2000b). Influence of high pressure treatment on chemical alterations in foods – A literature review. In. (pp.). BgVV, Berlin. Denys, S., Hendrickx, M., Schlueter, O. & Knorr, D. (2002). Effect of high pressure on phase transition of water. In M. Hendrickx & D. Knorr. Ultra High Pressure Treatment of Foods (pp.). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (2002a). Effects of High Pressure on Spores, in Ultra High Pressure Treatments of Foods. In. (pp.). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (2002b). Effect of high pressure on bacterial spores. In M. Hendrickx & D. Knorr. Ultra High Pressure Treatment of Foods (pp.). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. Knorr, D. (2002). Effect of Non-Thermal Treatments and Storage on Bioactive Compounds. In. Bioactive Compounds in Foods – Effects of Processing and Storage (pp. Knorr, D., Heinz, V., Angersbach, A. & Lee, D.-U. (2002). Membrane Permeabilization and Inactivation Mechanisms of Biological Systems by Emerging Technologies. In. Engineering and Food for the 21st Century (pp.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. Rastogi, N. K., Angersbach, A. & Knorr, D. (2002). Combined Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure Pretreatment and Osmotic Stress on Mass Transfer during Osmotic Dehydration. In. Transport Phenomena in Food Processing (pp.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. Luscher, C., Schlueter, O., Angersbach, A. & Knorr, D. (2003). Comparison of structural cell membrane changes induced by different high pressure processes at low temperatures. In R. Winter. Advances in High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology II (pp. 351-354). Springer Verlag, Berlin. Knorr, D., Mathys, A. & Jaeger, H. (2004). Engineering solutions for the food factory of tomorrow. In. Proceedings of the International Food Conference „Thinking beyond tomorrow“ (pp.). Teagasc Dublin. Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (2005). High-Pressure-Assisted Heating as a Method for Sterisizing Foods. In G. Barbosa-Canovas, M. S. Tapia & M. Pilar Cano. Novel Food Processing Technologies (pp. 207-310). DRC Press, Boca Raton. Schlüter, O. & Knorr, D. (2005). High Pressure-Supported Thawing of Plant Tissue. In D. R. Heldman. Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Enginnering (pp.). online, DOI: 10.1081/E-EAFE120039197. Toepfl, S., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (2005). Overview of Pulsed Electric Field Processing of Foods. In D.W. Sun. Emerging Technologies for Food Processing (pp. 67-97). Academic Pr Inc, Oxford. Toepfl, S., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (2006). Applications of pulsed electric field technology for the food industry. In J. Raso & V. Heinz. Pulsed Electric Field Technology for the Food Industry: Fundamentals and Applications (pp. 197-221). Elsevier, Oxford. Knorr, D., Heinz, V. & Luscher, C. (2007). Thermal Procesing of Foods: Technological Aspects in Thermal Processing of Foods - Potential Health Benefits and Risks. In S. C. o. F. Safety. Forschungsbereichte DFG (pp. 17-25). Wiley-VCH Verlag, Bonn. Toepfl, S., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (2007). History of pulsed electric field application. In H. Lelieveld, S. Notermans & S. W. D. Haan. Food Preservation by Pulsed Electric Fields: From Research to Application (pp. 9-39). CRC Press Inc Cambridge. Jaeger, H., Balasa, A. & Knorr, D. (2008). Food Industry Applications for Pulsed Electric Fields. In E. Vorobiev & N. Lebovka. Electrotechnologies for Extraction from Food Plants and Biomaterials (pp. 181-216). Springer, New York. Knorr, D., Balasa, A., Boll, D., et al. (2009). Alternative Processing Methods for Functional Foods. In H. Moskowitz, S. Saguy & T. Straus. An integrated Approach to New Food Product Development (pp. 413-427). CRC Press, Boca Raton. Mathys, A. & Knorr, D. (2009). High-Pressure Processing. Process-Induced Food Toxicants. R. H. Stadler & D. R. Lineback. Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: 445-472. Knorr, D., Reineke, K., Mathys, A., Heinz, V. & Buckow, R. (2010). High pressure assisted effects on bacterial spores, vegetative micro-organisms and enzymes. In J. M. Aguilera, R. Simpson, J. WeltiChanes, D. Bermudez-Aguirre & G. Barbosa-Canovas. Food Engineering Interfaces (pp. 325-340). Springer, New York. Volkert, M., Schulz, A., Schoessler, K. & Knorr, D. (2010). Probiotic Bacteria Preservation. Encyclopedia of Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food, 540-544. Jaeger, H., Reineke, K. & Knorr, D. (2011). Effects of emerging processing technologies on food material properties. In. submitted (pp. . Knorr, D., Reineke, K., Mathys, A., Heinz, V. & Buckow, R. (2011). High-Pressure-Induced Effects on Bacterial Spores, Vegetative Microorganisms, and Enzymes. In. Food Engineering Interfaces (pp. 325-340). Springer, New York. Articles Schaller, A., Knorr, D. & Schmid, H. (1971). Pressvorrichtung für das Arbeiten mit pflanzlichen Rohstoffen im Laboratoriumsmaßstab (Pressing device for working with vege-table raw materials on a laboratory scale). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process., 16, 281-288. Knorr, D. & Schaller, A. (1972). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen bezüglich des multiplen Einflusses von Presszeit, pektolytischer Abbauzeit und Pressdruck auf die Saftausbeute von zerkleinerten Zwiebeln (Results of investigations relating to the multiple influence of pressing time, pectolytic degradation time and pressure on the juice yield of comminuted onions). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 17, 274-280. Schaller, A. & Knorr, D. (1972). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen hinsichtlich des Einflusses der pektolytischen Abbauzeit auf die Saftausbeute durch Abtropfen und Pressen von zerkleinerten Zwiebeln (Results of investigations regarding the influence of pectolytic degradation time on juice yield by draining and pressing of comminuted onions). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process., 17, 77-83. Weiss, J., Willisch, E., Knorr, D. & Schaller, A. (1972). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen bezüglich der differenzierenden Wirkung einer sensorischen bewertenden Prüfmethode gegenüber einer sensorischen Rangordnungs-Prüfmethode am Beispiel von Apfelsaft und Birnennektar (Results of methodological investigations relating to the differentiating effect of a sensory rating test method with unstructured scale versus a sensory ranking test method on the example of apple juice and pear nectar). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 17(237-250). Schaller, A. & Knorr, D. (1973). Ergebnisse methodologischer Untersuchungen zur Schätzung der Fließgrenze und plastischen Viskosität am Beispiel von Aprikosenpüree (Results of methodological investigations on the estimation of yield stress and plastic viscosity of apricot puree on the basis of an idealplastic flow behavior). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 18, 169176. Knorr, D. & Schaller, A. (1974a). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen hinsichtlich des multiplen Einflusses von Presszeit und Pressgut-Schichtdicke auf Saftausbeute und Trubstoff-Konzentration des Pressaftes aufbereiteter schwarzer Johannisbeeren (Results of investigations on the multiple influence ofpressing time and layer-thickness of pulp on juice yield and concentration of suspended solids in the juice obtained from pretreated black currants). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 19, 220-226. Knorr, D. & Schaller, A. (1974b). Ergebnisse methodologischer Untersuchungen zur Schätzung der Anzahl und Fläche von Korrosionsstellen bei lackierten Konservendosen (Results of methodological investigations to estimate the number and the area of corrosion spots in lacquered cans). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 19, 299-305. Knorr, D., Schaller, A., Schoen, C. & Herrmann, W. (1974). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen über die Beurteilung des Korrosionsverhaltens von innenschutzlackierten und innenschutzunlackierten Weißblech-Konservendosen für Tomatenpürree-Konzentrat als Füllgut (Results of investigations on the evaluation of corrosion behavior of lacquered and unlacquered tinplate cans with tomato puree concentrate as filling material). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 19, 5-75. Schaller, A. & Knorr, D. (1974). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen hinsichtlich des multiplen Einflusses von Presszeit, Pressdruck und Pressgut-Schichtdicke auf Saftausbeute und Trubstoff-Konzentration des Pressaftes aufbereiteter, teilentsafteter schwarzer Johannisbeeren (Results of investigations concerning the multiple influence of pressing time, pressure and layer-thickness of pulpon juice yield and concentration of suspended solids in the juice obtained from pretreated and partially dejuiced black currants). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 19, 207-215. Knorr, D. (1975). Tinresorption, peroral toxicity and maximum admissable concentration in foods. Food Science and Technology, 8, 51-56. Knorr, D. & Kleemair, F. (1975). Messgeräte zur Erfassung und Beurteilung der Textureigenschaften von Brot (Measuring devices for identifying and evaluating bread texture). Food Science and Technology, 8, 141-146. Knorr, D. & Schaller, A. (1975a). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen bezüglich des Zusammenhanges zwischen Saftausbeute durch Abtropfen und Saftausbeute durch Pressen bei aufbereiteten Küchenzwiebeln, Schwarzen Johannisbeeren und Aprikosen (Results of investigations on correlation between juice yield by draining and juice yield by pressing of prepared onions, black currants and apricots). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 20, 10-16. Knorr, D. & Schaller, A. (1975b). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen hinsichtlich des multiplen Einflusses von Presszeit, Pressdruck und Pressgut-Schichtdicke auf die Saftausbeute und die TrubstoffKonzentration des Pressaftes von aufbereiteten Aprikosen (Results of investigations concerning the multiple influence of pressing time, pressure and layer-thickness of pulp on juice yield and concentration of suspended solids in juice obtained from pretreated apricots). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 20, 112-116. Schaller, A. & Knorr, D. (1975). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen bezüglich allfälliger Unterschiede im Korrosionsverhalten von Deckel, Rumpf, Naht und bodenlackierter Weissblech-Konservendosen (Results of investigations regarding possible differences in the corrosion behavior of lid, seam, body and bottom of lacquered tinplate cans). Confructa Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 20, 178-192. Schaller, A., Knorr, D. & Weiss, J. (1975). Ergebnisse bezüglich des Einflusses einiger Prozessvariablen auf Saftausbeute und Trubstoff-Konzentration beim Entsaften aufbereiteter roter Johannisbeeren durch Taumelsieben (Results concerning the influence of certain process variables on juice yield and concentration of suspended solids with dejuicing of prepared red currants by tumblescreening). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 20, 98-106. Zaussinger, A., Knorr, D. & Weiss, J. (1975). Lagerungszeitabhängige Veränderungen von Kapazität und Leitfähigkeit bei Weißbrotkrume (Storage time development changes of capacity and conductivity of wheat bread crumbs). Starch, 27, 419-423. Knorr, D. (1976). Texturmessungen an Weißbrot 3. Ergebnisse multivariater Analysen für Weichheit, Deformationsarbeit, Elastizitätsmodul, Schalthäufigkeit und relative Elastizität bei maximalem Prüfdruck und variabler Lagerungszeit (Texture measurements of white bread 3. Results of multivariate analyses of softness, deformation work, modulus of elasticity, switch frequency and relative elasticity at various initial thickness of bread pieces, different maximum pressure and different storage time). Food Science and Technology, 3, 333-337. Knorr, D., Klaushofer, H. & Höss, W. (1976). Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen zur Verminderung von Geruch und Geschmack bei handelsüblichem, durch Hitzekoagulation aus Kartoffelfruchtwasser gewonnenem Protein Trockenprodukt (Results of investigations to reduce flavor and taste of commercial protein product recovered from potato fruit juice by heat coagulation). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 21, 166-180. Knorr, D., Klaushofer, H. & Kleemair, F. (1976a). Texturmessungen an Weißbrot 1. Die lagerungszeitabhängige Veränderung von Festigkeit, Weichheit und Elastizität von Weisßbrotkrume (Texture measurements on white bread 1. The time dependent changes of firmness, softness and elasticity of white bread crumb). Food Science and Technology, 9, 59-65. Knorr, D., Klaushofer, H. & Kleemair, F. (1976b). Texturmessungen an Weißbrot 2. Der multiple Einfluss von Lagerungszeit, Prüfdruck, Anfangsschichtdicke des Messgegenstandes sowie Dauer der Druckbelastung bzw. Zeit nach Wegnahme der Druckbelastung auf Weichheit bzw. Elastizität von Weißbrotkrume (Texturemeasurement on white bread 2. The multiple influence of storage time, pressure, initial thickness of crumb and duration of test pressure and time after releasing pressure on softness and elasticity of white bread crumb). Food Science and Technology, 9, 66-71. Knorr, D., Zenz, H. & Zaussinger, A. (1976). Lagerungszeitabhängige Veränderungen von Weißbrot: Zusammenhang zwischen einigen chemischen, elektrischen und texturalen Merkmalen (Storage time dependent changes of white bread: Correlation between some chemical, electrical and textural properties). Getreide, Mehl und Brot, 30, 131-134. Schaller, A. & Knorr, D. (1976). Vergleich einer instrumentellen und einer sensorischen Methode zur Bewertung des Korrosionszustandes von lackierten Konservendosen (Comparison of an instrumental method and a sensory method to evaluate the corrosion status of lacquered tinplate cans). Confructa, Internat. Journal Technol. Fruit and Vegetable Process, 21, 88-92. Knorr, D. (1977a). Protein Recovery from Waste Effluents of Potato Processing Plants. Journal of Food Technology, 12(6), 563-580. Knorr, D. (1977b). Potato Protein as Partial Replacement of Wheat-Flour in Bread. Journal of Food Science, 42(6), 1425-1427. Knorr, D., Kohler, G. O. & Betschart, A. A. (1977). Potato protein concentrates: The influence of various methods of recovery upon yield, composition and functional characteristics. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 1, 235-247. Schaller, A. & Knorr, D. (1977). Methodological investigations regarding the evaluation of the corrosion status of lacquered tinplate cans. Lebensmittel und Ernährung, 30, 1-2. Knorr, D. (1978). Protein Quality of Potato and Potato Protein-Concentrates. LebensmittelWissenschaft and Technologie, 11(3), 109-115. Knorr, D. & Betschart, A. A. (1978). Relative Effect of an Inert Substance and Protein-Concentrates Upon Loaf Volume of Breads. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft and Technologie, 11(4), 198-201. Knorr, D. & Steyrer, W. (1978). Verfahren zur Gewinnung proteinreicher Produkte pflanzlicher Herkunft (Processes for the recovery of high protein products from plants). Ernährung/Nutrition, 2, 389-396. Knorr, D. (1979a). Recycling Food Wastes. Compost Science-Land Utilization, 20(6), 22-23. Knorr, D. (1979b). Quality of Ecologically Grown Food. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft and Technologie, 12(6), 350-356. Knorr, D. (1979c). Fortification of Bread with Potato Products. Starke, 31(7), 242-246. Knorr, D., Shetty, K. J., Hood, L. F. & Kinsella, J. E. (1979). Enzymatic Method for Yeast Autolysis. Journal of Food Science, 44(5), 1362-1365. Knorr, D., Shetty, K. J. & Kinsella, J. E. (1979). Enzymatic Lysis of Yeast-Cell Walls. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 21(11), 2011-2021. Knorr, D. (1980a). Functional-Properties of Potato Protein-Concentrates. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft and Technologie, 13(6), 297-301. Knorr, D. (1980b). Effect of Recovery Methods on Yield, Quality and Functional-Properties of Potato Protein-Concentrates. Journal of Food Science, 45(5), 1183-1186. Carlson, B. L., Knorr, D. & Watkins, T. R. (1981). Influence of Tomato Seed Addition on the Quality of Wheat-Flour Breads. Journal of Food Science, 46(4), 1029. Knorr, D. & Betschart, A. A. (1981). Water-Absorption and Loaf Volume of Protein-Fortified Breads. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft and Technologie, 14(6), 306-308. Knorr, D., Watkins, T. R. & Carlson, B. L. (1981). Enzymatic Reduction of Phytate in Whole Wheat Breads. Journal of Food Science, 46(6), 1866-1869. Bidlingmaier, F., Eisenmenger, W., Kuhnle, U. & Knorr, D. (1982). Testicular and Epididymal Concentrations of Testosterone (T) and Androstenedione (a) During Infancy. Pediatric Research, 16(10), 886-886. Knorr, D. (1982a). Functional-Properties of Chitin and Chitosan. Journal of Food Science, 47(2), 593595. Knorr, D. (1982b). Natural and Organic Foods - Definitions, Quality, and Problems. Cereal Foods World, 27(4), 163-168. Knorr, D. (1982c). Effect of Recovery Methods on the Functionality of Vegetable Proteins. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 59(4), A302-A302. Knorr, D. (1982d). Use of a circular chromatographic method for the distinction of collard plants grown under different fertilizing conditions. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 1, 29-38. Knorr, D. (1982e). Feasibility of a circular chromatographic method for protein determination. Nutrition and Health, 1, 14-19. Knorr, D. (1983a). Recovery of Functional Proteins from Food-Processing Wastes. Food Technology, 37(2), 71-76. Knorr, D. (1983b). Dye Binding-Properties of Chitin and Chitosan. Journal of Food Science, 48(1), 3637. Knorr, D. & Betschart, A. A. (1983). Effect of Dehydration Methods on the Functionality of Plant Protein-Concentrates. Starke, 35(1), 23-28. Knorr, D. & Regenstein, J. M. (1983a). A Simple Method for Evaluating Textural Changes of Frozen Fish Minces. Journal of Food Science, 48(1), 292-293. Knorr, D. & Regenstein, J. M. (1983b). Textural changes during storage of frozen red hake (Urophysis chuss) minces. Food Science and Technology, 48, 292-293. Latlief, S. & Knorr, D. (1983a). Effect of Protein Recovery Methods on Emulsifying Properties of Tomato Seed Protein-Concentrate. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 60(4), 741-741. Latlief, S. J. & Knorr, D. (1983b). Tomato Seed Protein-Concentrates - Effects of Methods of Recovery Upon Yield and Compositional Characteristics. Journal of Food Science, 48(6), 1583-1586. Latlief, S. J. & Knorr, D. (1983c). Effect of Chitin as Coagulating Aid on Protein Yield, Composition and Functionality of Tomato Seed Protein-Concentrates. Journal of Food Science, 48(6), 1587-1590. Watkins, T. R. & Knorr, D. (1983). Invivo Dye Binding of Chitin and Its Effect on Gerbil Growth and Gut Function. Nutrition Reports International, 27(1), 189-197. Knorr, D. (1984a). Use of Chitinous Polymers in Food - a Challenge for Food Research and Development. Food Technology, 38(1), 85-&. Knorr, D. (1984b). Feasibility of analytical procedures and unit operations for the distinction between organic, natural or conventional foods. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 2, 183-194. Teutonico, R. & Knorr, D. (1984). Plant-Tissue Culture - Food Applications and the Potential Reduction of Nutritional Stress Factors. Food Technology, 38(2), 120-127. Knorr, D., Miazga, S. M. & Teutonico, R. A. (1985). Immobilization and Permeabilization of Cultured Plant-Cells. Food Technology, 39(10), 135-142. Knorr, D. & Sinskey, A. J. (1985). Biotechnology in Food-Production and Processing. Science, 229(4719), 1224-1229. Knorr, D. & Tomlins, R. I. (1985). Effect of Carbon-Dioxide Modified Atmosphere on the Compressibility of Stored Baked Goods. Journal of Food Science, 50(4), 1172-1173. Knorr, D., Wampler, T. P. & Teutonico, R. A. (1985). Formation of Pyrazines by Chitin Pyrolysis. Journal of Food Science, 50(6), 1762-1763. Sinskey, A. J., Knorr, D. & Stevens, A. (1985). Report of the Workshop Session on Biotechnology. Food Technology, 39(6), 23R-24R. Teutonico, R. A. & Knorr, D. (1985a). Impact of Biotechnology on Nutritional Quality of Food Plants. Food Technology, 39(10), 127-134. Teutonico, R. A. & Knorr, D. (1985b). Amaranth - Composition, Properties, and Applications of a Rediscovered Food Crop. Food Technology, 39(4), 49. Teutonico, R. A. & Knorr, D. (1985c). Nondestructive Method for Determination of Water-Soluble Oxalate in Cultured Amaranthus-Tricolor Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 33(1), 6062. Knorr, D. (1986a). Nutritional Quality, Food-Processing, and Biotechnology Aspects of Chitin and Chitosan - a Review. Process Biochemistry, 21(3), 90-92. Knorr, D. (1986b). Biotechnology in food production and processing. Biotechnica Journal, 3(2). Knorr, D. (1986c). Biotechnology in food production and processing. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Monitor, 17, 5-9. Knorr, D. & Klein, J. (1986). Bioconversion of chitin to chitosan by Phycomyces blakesleeanus and Mucor rouxii. Bio-technology Letters, 8, 691-694. Knorr, D. & Teutonico, R. A. (1986). Chitosan Immobilization and Permeabilization of AmaranthusTricolor Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 34(1), 96-97. Teutonico, R. A. & Knorr, D. (1986). Plant tissue culture of Amaranthus tricolor: Methodology and growth rates. Amaranth Newsletter, 1, 4-8. Beaumont, M. D. & Knorr, D. (1987). Effects of Immobilizing Agents and Procedures on Viability of Cultured Celery (Apium-Graveolens) Cells. Biotechnology Letters, 9(6), 377-382. Knorr, D. (1987a). Compressibility of Baked Goods after Carbon-Dioxide Atmosphere Processing and Storage. Cereal Chemistry, 64(3), 150-153. Knorr, D. (1987b). Food Biotechnology - Its Organization and Potential. Food Technology, 41(4), 95100. Knorr, D. (1987c). Biotechnological processes in food production. Food Biotechnology, 1, 225-248. Knorr, D. & Berlin, J. (1987a). Effects of Immobilization and Permeabilization Procedures on Growth of Chenopodium-Rubrum Cells and Amaranthin Concentration. Journal of Food Science, 52(5), 13971400. Knorr, D. & Berlin, J. (1987b). Effect of permeabilization and immobilization procedures on the release of pigments from cultured Chenopodium rubrum cells. Journal of Food Science, 52, 1397-1400. Knorr, D. & Miazga, S. M. (1987). Production of Protease from Cell-Cultures of Common Milkweed (Asclepias-Syriaca-L). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 35(4), 621-624. Daly, M. M. & Knorr, D. (1988). Chitosan-Alginate Complex Coacervate Capsules - Effects of CalciumChloride, Plasticizers, and Poly-Electrolytes on Mechanical Stability. Biotechnology Progress, 4(2), 7681. Imeri, A. G. & Knorr, D. (1988). Effects of Chitosan on Yield and Compositional Data of Carrot and Apple Juice. Journal of Food Science, 53(6), 1707-1709. Knorr, D. (1988). Einfluß biotechnologischer Verfahren auf die ernährungsphysiologische Qualität von pflanzlichen Lebensmittel. (Impact of biotechnology on the nutritional quality of plant foods). Lebensmitteltechnik, 20, 92-98. Knorr, D. & Daly, M. (1988). Mechanics and Diffusional Changes Observed in Multi-Layer Chitosan Alginate Coacervate Capsules. Process Biochemistry, 23(2), 48-50. Romagnoli, L. G. & Knorr, D. (1988). Effects of ferulic acid treatment on growth and flavor development of cultured Vanilla planifolia cells. Food Biotechnology, 2, 93-104. Beaumont, M. D., Pandya, Y. & Knorr, D. (1989). Chitosan immobilization and permeabilization of cultured Apium graveolens, Chenopodium rubrum amd Daucus carota cells. Food Biotechnology, 3, 71-87. Hoover, D. G., Metrick, C., Papineau, A. M., Farkas, D. F. & Knorr, D. (1989a). Biological Effects of High Hydrostatic-Pressure on Food Microorganisms. Food Technology, 43(3), 99-107. Hoover, D. G., Metrick, E., Papineau, A. M., Farkas, D. F. & Knorr, D. (1989b). Application of high hydrostatic pressure on foods to inactivate pathogenic and spoilage organisms for extension of shelflife. Food Technology, 43(3), 99-107. Sotoperalta, N. V., Muller, H. & Knorr, D. (1989). Effects of Chitosan Treatments on the Clarity and Color of Apple Juice. Journal of Food Science, 54(2), 495-496. Boguslawski, S., Bunzeit, M. K. & Knorr, D. (1990). Einfluß der Behandlung mit Chitosan auf Klarheit und Keimzahl von Apfelsaft (Effects of chitosan treatment on clarity and microbial counts of apple juice). ZFL Intern. Z. Lebensmittel-Technik, Marketing, Verpackung und Analytik, EFS, 41(7/8), 42-44. Klein, T. & Knorr, D. (1990). Oxygen Absorption Properties of Powdered Iron. Journal of Food Science, 55(3), 869-870. Knorr, D., Beaumont, M. D., Caster, C. S., et al. (1990). Plant-Tissue Culture for the Production of Naturally Derived Food Ingredients. Food Technology, 44(6), 71-79. Knorr, D., Pandya, Y. & Dornenburg, H. (1990). Immobilization of Plant-Cell Cultures in Complex Coacervate Capsules for Secondary Metabolite Production. Food Biotechnology, 4(1), 409-420. Kuehne, K. & Knorr, D. (1990). Der Einfluß von komprimiertem Kohlendioxid auf die KeimzahlReduzierung in frischem Sellerie (Effects of high pressure carbon dioxide on the reduction of microorganisms in fresh celery). ZFL Intern. Z. Lebensmittel-Technik, Marketing, Verpackung und Analytik, EFS, 41(10), 55-57. Popper, L. & Knorr, D. (1990). Applications of High-Pressure Homogenization for Food Preservation. Food Technology, 44(7), 84-&. Raasch, A. & Knorr, D. (1990). Extraktion von Aromakomponenten aus Schalen von Passionsfrüchten (Passiflora eduliys Sims) mit überkritischem Kohlendioxid (Supercritical Fluidextraction of flavour compounds from peels of passion fruits). ZFL Intern. Z. Lebensmittel-Technik, Marketing, Verpackung und Analytik, EFS, 41(3), 8-12. Zache, U., List, D. & Knorr, D. (1990). Vergleich von Analysenbildern von konventionell gepreßtem und durch Verflüssigung gewonnenem Apfelsaft (Comparative analyses of conventionally pressed and of enzymatically liquefied apple juice). Flüssiges Obst, 57(8), 529-533. Davidonis, G. & Knorr, D. (1991). Callus Formation and Shoot Regeneration in Vanilla-Planifolia. Food Biotechnology, 5(1), 59-66. Eshtiaghi, M., Messerschmidt, K. & Knorr, D. (1991). Extraktion von Orangenschalenpigmenten mittels überkritischem Kohlendioxid. ZFL Intern. Z. Lebensmittel-Technik, Marketing, Verpackung und Analytik, EFS, 42(11), 61-64. Knorr, D. (1991). Recovery and Utilization of Chitin and Chitosan in Food-Processing Waste Management. Food Technology, 45(1), 114-122. Pandya, Y. & Knorr, D. (1991). Diffusion Characteristics and Properties of Chitosan Coacervate Capsules. Process Biochemistry, 26(2), 75-81. Papineau, A. M., Hoover, D. G., Knorr, D. & Farkas, D. F. (1991). Antimicrobial Effect of Water-Soluble Chitosans with High Hydrostatic-Pressure. Food Biotechnology, 5(1), 45-57. Prauser, A., Speidel, K. & Knorr, D. (1991). Einfluss der direkten Dampfinjektion auf Keimzahl und Qualität von Karotten- und Rote-Bete-Saft (Effects of direct steam injection on total counts and quality of carrot juice and red beet juice). ZFL Intern. Z. Lebensmittel-Technik, Marketing, Verpackung und Analytik, EFS, 42(9), 48-55. Rober, M., Pydde, E. & Knorr, D. (1991). Storage Time-Dependent Accumulation of Furanocoumarins in Polysaccharide Gel Coated Celery Tubers. Food Science and Technology-LebensmittelWissenschaft and Technologie, 24(5), 466-468. Teichgraeber, P., Popper, L. & Knorr, D. (1991). Chitosan as an elicitor for the production of chitinase, an antifungal enzyme from soybean seeds. Agro-Industry Hi-Tech, 2(3), 11-14. Colantuoni, D., Popper, L. & Knorr, D. (1992). Purification of chitinase from soybean seed by affinity chromatography on chitin. Agro-Industry Hi-Tech, 3(2), 24-25. Dornenburg, H. & Knorr, D. (1992). Release of Intracellularly Stored Anthraquinones by Enzymatic Permeabilization of Viable Plant-Cells. Process Biochemistry, 27(3), 161-166. Haßelbeck, U., Ruholl, T., Popper, L. & Knorr, D. (1992). Pasteurization of fruit juices with reduced thermal impact (Fruchtsaftpasteurisation mit reduzierter thermischer Belastung). Flüssiges Obst, 59(10), 592-593. Knorr, D. & Riebe, K. D., C. (1992). Mikrobieller Nitratabbau mit Paracoccus denitrificans. Lebensmitteltechnik, 24(12), 44-51. Mertens, B. & Knorr, D. (1992). Developments of Nonthermal Processes for Food Preservation. Food Technology, 46(5), 124. Richwin, A., Raasch, A., Teichgraeber, P. & Knorr, D. (1992). Effects of combined temperature and high pressure treatment on the functionality of egg white proteins (Einflüsse kombinierter TemperaturHochdruck-Behandlung auf die Funktionalität von Hühnereiweiß). ZFL Intern. Z. Lebensmittel-Technik, Marketing, Verpackung und Analytik, EFS, 43(7/8), 27-31. Seyderhelm, I. & Knorr, D. (1992). Reduction of Bacillus stearothermophilus spores by combined high pressure and temperature treatments. ZFL Intern. Z. Lebensmittel-Technik, Marketing, Verpackung und Analytik, EFS, 43(4), 17-20. Sudarshan, N. R., Hoover, D. G. & Knorr, D. (1992). Antibacterial Action of Chitosan. Food Biotechnology, 6(3), 257-272. Cho, Y. H. & Knorr, D. (1993). Development of a Gel and Foam Matrix as Immobilization System for Cells for Microbial Denitrification of Water. Food Biotechnology, 7(2), 115-126. Dornenburg, H. & Knorr, D. (1993). Cellular Permeabilization of Cultured Plant-Tissues by High Electric-Field Pulses or Ultra High-Pressure for the Recovery of Secondary Metabolites. Food Biotechnology, 7(1), 35-48. Eshtiaghi, M. N. & Knorr, D. (1993). Potato Cubes Response to Water Blanching and High Hydrostatic-Pressure. Journal of Food Science, 58(6), 1371-1374. Knorr, D. (1993). Effects of High-Hydrostatic-Pressure Processes on Food Safety and Quality. Food Technology, 47(6), 156-161. Knorr, D., Caster, C., Dorneburg, H., et al. (1993). Biosynthesis and Yield Improvement of Food Ingredients from Plant-Cell and Tissue-Cultures. Food Technology, 47(12), 57-63. Messerschmidt, K., Raasch, A. & Knorr, D. (1993). Farben aus Rückständen: Extraktion natürlicher Pflanzenfarbstoffe aus Sanddorn mit überkritischem Kohlendioxid. Lebensmitteltechnik 25(1/2), 37-40. Oxen, P. & Knorr, D. (1993). Baroprotective Effects of High Solute Concentrations against Inactivation of Rhodotorula-Rubra. Food Science and Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft and Technologie, 26(3), 220-223. Popper, L. & Knorr, D. (1993a). Nicht-thermische Inaktivierung von Mikroorganismen durch antimikrobielle Enzymsysteme. BioEngineering, 9(1), 27-34. Popper, L. & Knorr, D. (1993b). Inactivation of yeast and filamentous fungi by lactoperoxidasehydrogen peroxide-thiocyanat system. Nahrung, 41(1), 29-33. 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Luscher, C., Balasa, A., Frohling, A., Ananta, E. & Knorr, D. (2004). Effect of high-pressure-induced ice I-to-Ice III phase transitions on inactivation of Listeria innocua in frozen suspension. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70(7), 4021-4029. Luscher, C. & Knorr, D. (2004). Bakterieninaktivierung in gefrorenen Lebensmitteln durch hochdruckinduzierte Eiskristall – Phasenübergänge. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 76(12), 1869-1872. Schlueter, O., Benet, G. U., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (2004). Metastable states of water and ice during pressure-supported freezing of potato tissue. Biotechnology Progress, 20(3), 799-810. Urrutia Benet, G., Schlüter, O. & Knorr, D. (2004). High pressure-low temperature processing. Suggested definitions and terminology. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 5(4), 413427. Ananta, E., Bauer, B., Volkert, M. & Knorr, D. (2005). Sprühtrocknung von probiotischen Bakterien. Deutsche Molkerei Zeitung – dmz, 2, 52-55. 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Jaeger, H., Meneses, N. & Knorr, D. (2009). Impact of PEF treatment inhomogeneity such as electric field distribution, flow characteristics and temperature effects on the inactivation of E. coli and milk alkaline phosphatase. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 10(4), 470-480 Jaeger, H., Schulz, A., Karapetkov, N. & Knorr, D. (2009). Protective effect of milk constituents and sublethal injuries limiting process effectiveness during PEF inactivation of Lb. rhamnosus. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 134(1-2), 154-161. Mathys, A. & Knorr, D. (2009). The Properties of Water in the Pressure-Temperature Landscape. Food Biophysics, 4(2), 77-82. Mathys, A., Reineke, K., Heinz, V. & Knorr, D. (2009). High pressure thermal sterilization development and application of temperature controlled spore inactivation studies. High Pressure Research, 29(1), 3-7. Raschke, D. & Knorr, D. (2009). Rapid monitoring of cell size, vitality and lipid droplet development in the oleaginous yeast Waltomyces lipofer. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 79(2), 178-183. Schlueter, O., Foerster, J., Geyer, M., Knorr, D. & Herppich, W. B. (2009). Characterization of HighHydrostatic-Pressure Effects on Fresh Produce Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence Image Analysis. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2(3), 291-299. Schreiner, M., Krumbein, A., Smetanska, I. & Knorr, D. (2009). Pflanzen als Bio-Fabriken. Forschungsreport Ernährung – Landwirtschaft – Verbraucherschutz 1/2009, 19-21. Soliva-Fortuny, R., Balasa, A., Knorr, D. & Martín-Belloso, O. (2009). Effects of pulsed electric fields on bioactive compounds in foods: A review Trends in Food Science and Technology, 20(11-12), 544556. Sunny-Roberts, E. O. & Knorr, D. (2009). 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Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 76(1), 192-198. Jaeger, H., Janositz, A. & Knorr, D. (2010). The Maillard reaction and its control during food processing. The potential of emerging technologies. Pathologie Biologie, 58(3), 207-213. Jaeger, H., Meneses, N., Moritz, J. & Knorr, D. (2010). Model for the differentiation of temperature and electric field effects during thermal assisted PEF processing. Journal of Food Engineering, 100(1), 109-118. Janositz, A. & Knorr, D. (2010). Microscopic visualization of Pulsed Electric Field induced changes on plant cellular level. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 11(4), 592-597. Johnson, P. E., Van der Plancken, I., Balasa, A., et al. (2010). High pressure, thermal and pulsed electric-field-induced structural changes in selected food allergens. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 54(12), 1701-1710. Knorr, D. & Wacher, C. (2010). Microbial ecology, in foods and at the intestine. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 21(2), 123-124. Saldana, G., Puertolas, E., Alvarez, I., Meneses, N., Knorr, D. & Raso, J. (2010). Evaluation of a static treatment chamber to investigate kinetics of microbial inactivation by pulsed electric fields at different temperatures at quasi-isothermal conditions. Journal of Food Engineering, 100(2), 349-356. Tintchev, F., Wackerbarth, H., Kuhlmann, U., et al. (2010). Molecular effects of high-pressure processing on food studied by resonance Raman. High-Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, 1189, 34-42. van Boekel, M., Fogliano, V., Pellegrini, N., et al. (2010). A review on the beneficial aspects of food processing. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 54(9), 1215-1247. Baier, D., Reineke, K., Doehner, I., Mathys, A. & Knorr, D. (2011). Fluorescence-based methods for the detection of pressure-induced spore germination and inactivation. High Pressure Research, 31(1), 110-115. Cai, Z. Z., Riedel, H., Saw, N. M. M. T., et al. (2011). 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Pulsed electric fields and their impact on the diffusion characteristics of potato slices. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 44(9), 1939-1945. Janositz, A., Semrau, J. & Knorr, D. (2011). Impact of PEF treatment on quality parameters of white asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.). Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 12(3), 269274. Knorr, D., Froehling, A., Jaeger, H., Reineke, K., Schlueter, O. & Schoessler, K. (2011). Emerging Technologies in Food Processing. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, Vol 2, 2, 203235. Meneses, N., Jaeger, H. & Knorr, D. (2011a). pH-changes during pulsed electric field treatments Numerical simulation and in situ impact on polyphenoloxidase inactivation. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 12(4), 499-504. Meneses, N., Jaeger, H. & Knorr, D. (2011b). Minimization of Thermal Impact by Application of Electrode Cooling in a Co-linear PEF Treatment Chamber. Journal of Food Science, 76(8), E536E543. Meneses, N., Jaeger, H., Moritz, J. & Knorr, D. (2011). Impact of insulator shape, flow rate and electrical parameters on inactivation of E. coli using a continuous co-linear PEF system. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 12(1), 6-12. Moussa-Ayoub, T., Jaeger, H., Knorr, D., El-Samahy, S., Rohn, S. & Kroh, L. (2011). Impact of traditional and innovative technologies on some characteristics and bioactive compounds of Opuntia macrorhiza juice. Procedia Food Science, 1, 1410-1416. Reineke, K., Doehner, I., Baier, D., Mathys, A. & Knorr, D. (2011). The different pahways of sopore germination and inactivatioln of Bacillus subtilis under high pressure and elevated temperatures. Procedia Food Science, 1, 792-799. Reineke, K., Mathys, A. & Knorr, D. (2011a). The Impact of High Pressure and Temperature on Bacterial Spores: Inactivation Mechanisms of Bacillus subtilis above 500 MPa. Journal of Food Science, 76(3), M189-M197. Reineke, K., Mathys, A. & Knorr, D. (2011b). Shift of pH-Value During Thermal Treatments in Buffer Solutions and Selected Foods. International Journal of Food Properties, 14(4), 870-881. Reineke, K., Weich, H. & Knorr, D. (2011). The influence of sugars on pressure induced starch gelatinization. Procedia Food Science, 1, 2040-2046. Schreiner, M., Krumbein, A., Knorr, D. & Smetanska, I. (2011). Enhanced Glucosinolates in Root Exudates of Brassica rapa ssp rapa Mediated by Salicylic Acid and Methyl Jasmonate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(4), 1400-1405. Schulz, M., Lu, P., Jaeger, H. & Knorr, D. (2011a). Abstimmung von Zerkleinerungsgrad, Elektroporation und Entsaftungssystem auf die Saftausbeute von Apfel- und Karottensaft / Teil 1. Flüssiges Obst, 78(6), 222-227. Schulz, M., Lu, P., Jaeger, H. & Knorr, D. (2011b). Abstimmung von Zerkleinerungsgrad, Elektroporation und Entsaftungssystem auf die Saftausbeute von Apfel- und Karottensaft / Teil 2. Flüssiges Obst, 78(7), 268-272. Sunny-Roberts, E. O. & Knorr, D. (2011). Cellular injuries on spray-dried Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and its stability during food storage. Nutrition and Food Science, 41(3), 191-200. Vogel, R. F., Hammes, W. P., Habermeyer, M., Engel, K. H., Knorr, D. & Eisenbrand, G. (2011). Microbial food cultures - opinion of the Senate Commission on Food Safety (SKLM) of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 55(4), 654-662. Barba, F. J., Jäger, H., Meneses, N., Esteve, M. J., Frigola, A. & Knorr, D. (2012). Evaluation of quality changes of blueberry juice during refrigerated storage after high-pressure and pulsed electric fields processing. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 14(0), 18-24. Cai, Z., Knorr, D. & Smetanska, I. (2012). Enhanced anthocyanins and resveratrol production in Vitis vinifera cell suspension culture by indanoyl-isoleucine, N-linolenoyl-L-glutamine and insect saliva. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 50(1), 29-34. Cai, Z. Z., Kastell, A., Knorr, D. & Smetanska, I. (2012). Exudation: an expanding technique for continuous production and release of secondary metabolites from plant cell suspension and hairy root cultures. Plant Cell Reports, 31(3), 461-477. Durek, J., Bolling, J. S., Knorr, D., Schwagele, F. & Schluter, O. (2012). Effects of different storage conditions on quality related porphyrin fluorescence signatures of pork slices. Meat Science, 90(1), 252-258. Fröhling, A., Baier, M., Ehlbeck, J., Knorr, D. & Schlüter, O. (2012). Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli at polysaccharide surfaces: Inactivation kinetics and flow cytometric characterization. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 13(0), 142-150. Jaeger, H., Schulz, M., Lu, P. & Knorr, D. (2012). Adjustment of milling, mash electroporation and pressing for the development of a PEF assisted juice production in industrial scale. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 14(0), 46-60. Monfort, S., Ramos, S., Meneses, N., Knorr, D., Raso, J. & Alvarez, I. (2012). Design and evaluation of a high hydrostatic pressure combined process for pasteurization of liquid whole egg. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 14(0), 1-10. Moritz, J., Balasa, A., Jaeger, H., Meneses, N. & Knorr, D. (2012). Investigating the potential of polyphenol oxidase as a temperature-time-indicator for pulsed electric field treatment. Food Control, 26(1), 1-5. Ravichandran, K., Ahmed, A. R., Knorr, D. & Smetanska, I. (2012). The effect of different processing methods on phenolic acid content and antioxidant activity of red beet. Food Research International, 48(1), 16-20. Reineke, K., Doehner, I., Schlumbach, K., Baier, D., Mathys, A. & Knorr, D. (2012a). The different pathways of spore germination and inactivation in dependence of pressure and temperature. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 13(0), 31-41. Reineke, K., Doehner, I., Schlumbach, K., Baier, D., Mathys, A. & Knorr, D. (2012b). The different pathways of spore germination and inactivation in dependence of pressure and temperature. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 13, 31-41. Schossler, K., Jager, H. & Knorr, D. (2012). Effect of continuous and intermittent ultrasound on drying time and effective diffusivity during convective drying of apple and red bell pepper. Journal of Food Engineering, 108(1), 103-110. Syed, Q. A., Reineke, K., Saldo, J., Buffa, M., Guamis, B. & Knorr, D. (2012). Effect of compression and decompression rates during high hydrostatic pressure processing on inactivation kinetics of bacterial spores at different temperatures. Food Control, 25(1), 361-367. Volkert, M., Puaud, M., Wille, H. J. & Knorr, D. (2012). Effects of High Pressure-Low Temperature treatment on freezing behavior, sensorial properties and air cell distribution in sugar rich dairy based frozen food foam and emulsions. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 13, 75-85. Research reports Knorr, D. 1975. Lebensmittel als krankmachender Faktor (Food as a health hazard). In: Naschold, F., Systemanalyse des Österreichischen Gesundheitswesen (Systemanalysis of the Austrian health system). Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna. Knorr, K. and Knorr, D. 1978. From scenes to scripts: On the relationship between laboratory research and published paper in science. Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna. Knorr, D. 1978. Landwirtschaft und Umwelt (Agriculture and Environment). In: Krammer, J. and Scheer, G., Das Österreichische Agrarsystem (The Austrian Agricultural System), Institute for Advanced Studies and Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, Vienna. Knorr, D. 1980. Technologie und Produktion neuer Lebensmittel (Technology and production of new foods). Univ. Agriculture, Vienna. Knorr, D. 1979. Co-author of section "Food, Agriculture and Development". In: NGO Report on the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development; NGO Forum – Science and Technology for Development, New York. Knorr, D. 1981. Effect of food production and food processing on the carcinogenic potential of foods. National Research Council, Committee on Diet, Nutritionand Cancer, Washington, DC. Co-author, 1986. "Recommendations for food protection in the Americas" Report of a study by the committee on the Inter-American Conference on food protection. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. Theses Knorr, D. 1971. Ergebnisse von Pressversuchen mit zerkleinerten Zwiebeln unter Verwendung einer speziellen Packpresszelle bezüglich des Einflusses eines pektolytischen Abbaues. Thesis, Department of Food Technology, University of Agriculture, Vienna, Austria. Knorr, D. 1973. Ein Beitrag zur objektiven Beurteilung der Eignung von innenschutzlackierten und innenschutzunlackierten Weißblech-Konservendosen für Tomatenpürree-Konzentrat als Füllgut. 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Biocatalyst design for stability and specifity. Himmel, M.E. and Georgion, G. 1993. ACS Symposium Series. Am. Chem. Soc., Washington, DC. In: Food Biotechnology 7 (1993): 187-188. Encapsulation and Controlled Release of Food Ingredients. Rish, S.-J. and Reineccius, G.A. 1994. AM. Chem. Soc., Washington, DC. Bioprocess Production of Flavor, Fragrance and Color Ingredients. A. Gabelman (ed.) 1995. John Willy & Sons, New York, NY. In: Food Biotechnology 9 (1995): 217. Industrielle Enzyme. Ruttloff, H. 1995. Behr’s Verlag, Hamburg. In: Food Biotechnology 9 (1995): 229. Food Antiocidants: Technological, Toxicological and Health Perspectives. Modhavi, D.C., Deshpande, S.S. and Salunkhe, D.K. 1995. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, N.Y. In: Food Biotechnology 10 (1997): 247. Carohydrates and Carbohydrate Polymers: Analysis, Biotechnology Modification, Antiviral, Biochemical and Other Applications. Yalpani, M. 1996., ATL Press Inc., Shrewsbury, MA. In: Food Biotechnology 10 (1997): 245-246. Encapsulation and Controlled Release of Food Ingredients. Rish, S. and Reineccins, G.A. 1995. Am.Chem.Soc., Washington, D.C. In: Food Biotechnology 11 (1997): 191-200. Chemical Markers for Processed and Stored Foods. Lee, T. and Kim, H. 1996. Am. Chem. Soc., Washington, D.C., In: Food Biotechnology 22, 190-191. Patents Daly, M.M., Keown, R.W., Knorr, D., US Patent No. 4,808,707, Feb. 28, 1989, "Chitosan alginate capsules". Davidonis, G, Knorr, D., Romagnoli, L.G., US Patent No. 5,573,941, Nov. 12, 1996, „Callus formation in Vanilla planifolia. Knorr, D.W., Romagnoi, L.G. and Stevens, C.P., US Patent No. 5,656,482, Aug. 12, 1997, „Rapid germination of orchid seeds from immature capsules“. Eshtiaghi, M.N. and Knorr, D., WO99/64634, Dec. 16, 1999, „Method for treating sugar beet“. Stute, R. and Knorr, D., WO2004/066752 A1, Aug. 12, 2004, „Use of granular cold-swelling starches in cosmetic emulsions and method for the production of starches that are adequate for said use“. Smetanska, I., Schreiner, M., Knorr, D., Krumbein, A., WO/2007/088024, Aug. 9, 2007, „Obtaining glucosinolates from capparales exudates”. Puaud, M., Wille, H., Knorr, D. and Volkert, M., WO/2007/12882 6, Nov. 14, 2007, „ High pressure freezing of frozen desserts”. Posters International Conference, Biotechnology and Food, Hohenheim, 2/20-2/24, 1989, "Improvement of secondary metabolite production by precursor and elicitor additon to cell cultures of Anethum graveolens" (with Dörnenburg, H. and Werrmann, U.). International Conference, Biotechnology and Food, Hohenheim, 2/20-2/24, 1989, "Use of Passiflora Spec. plant tissue cultures in food biotechnology" (with Jensen, I. and Werrmann, U.). International Conference, Biotechnology and Food, Hohenheim, 2/20-2/24, 1989, "Chitosan as elicitor of chitinase in plant cell cultures" (with Paulmann, H. and Dörnenburg, H.). International Conference, Biotechnology and Food, Hohenheim, 2/20-2/24, 1989, "Supercritical extraction of flavor compounds from peels and pulp of passion fruit Passiflora edulis Sims" (with Raasch, A.). International Conference, Biotechnology and Food, Hohenheim, 2/20-2/24, 1989, "Development of pectin-chitosan coacervate capsules for immobilizing cultures plant cells" (with Ullrich, S. and Werrmann, U.). Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, 6/25, 1989, "Chemical composition of processed apple and pear juice during a six month storage study" (with Giryluk, K.J. and Keown, R.W.). 11th International Congress of the International Society of Developmental Biologists, Utrecht, 8/208/25, 1989, "Effects of leucine and limonene addition to cell cultures of Mentha Piperita on monoterpene production" (with Werrmann, U.). BDL-Kongress Lebensmitteltechnologie, Düsseldorf, 11/15-11-17, 1990, "Untersuchung des thermisch bedingten Abbaus von Aspartam" (with Djie, Y., Zache, U. and List, D.). BDL-Kongreß Lebensmitteltechnologie, Düsseldorf, 11/15-11-17, 1990, "Warmlufttrocknung gefrorener Produkte" (with Oxen, P. and Popper, L.). BDL-Kongreß Lebensmitteltechnologie, Düsseldorf, 11/15-11-17, 1990, "Antimikrobielle Wirkung von Chitinase aus Sojabohnenkeimlingen" (with Teichgräber, P. and Popper, L.). International Symposium on Plant Polymeric Carbohydrates, Berlin University of Technology, Berlin, 7/1-7/3, 1992, "Influence of ultrahigh hydrostatic pressure on high and low-methoxylated pectins" (with Seyderhelm, I.) Hochschulkurs: Hochdruckpasteurisierung; Behandlung von Lebensmitteln, Pharmazeutika und Kosmetika mit Drücken bis 10.000 bar, Forschungs-Gesellschaft Verfahrens-Technik e.V. Düsseldorf, Heidelberg, 9/24-9/25, 1992, "Wirkung des hydrostatischen Druckes auf das Erscheinungsbild einiger Lebensmittel" (with Boguslawski, S., Seyderhelm, I. and Knorr, D.). Hochschulkurs: Hochdruckpasteurisierung; Behandlung von Lebensmitteln, Pharmazeutika und Kosmetika mit Drücken bis 10000 bar, Forschungs-Gesellschaft Verfahrens-Technik e.V. Düsseldorf, Heidelberg, 9/24-9/25, 1992, "Einfluß hoher hydrostatischer Drücke auf das Verhalten der Polyphenoloxidasen" (with Michaelis, G.). "Flavour Precursors" International Symposium, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, 9/30-10/2, 1992, "Multiple shoot cultures of Mentha canadensis for biotechnological production of flavours (with Gräf,,S.). "Flavour Precursors" International Symposium, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, 9/30-10/2, 1992, "Plant cell cultures as model system for biosynthetic pathways: conversion of monoterpenes in Mentha cell suspension cultures (with Werrmann, U.). Wissenschaftliches Symposium "Aktueller Stand und Trends in der Lebensmitteltechnologie", Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 10/9-10/10, 1992, "Vergleich von Wasserblanchieren und Hochdruckbehandlung auf die Qualität und Funktionalität von Kartoffelwürfeln" (with Eshtiaghi, M.). Wissenschaftliches Symposium "Aktueller Stand und Trends in der Lebensmitteltechnologie", Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 10/9-10/10, 1992, "Elektroimpulsbehandlung von Karottenmaische" (with Geulen, M., Teichgräber, P.). Wissenschaftliches Symposium "Aktueller Stand und Trends in der Lebensmitteltechnologie", Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 10/9-10/10, 1992, "Einfluß von hydrostatischem Druck auf rheologische Eigenschaften von hoch- und niederveresterten Pektinen" (with Seyderhelm, I.). International Symposium, Chitin Enzymology, Senigallia, May 10-12, 1993, “Elicitation of chitinases and chitinases and antraquinones in Morinda citrifolia cell cultures” (with Dörnenburg, H.). International Symposium, Chitin Enzymology, Senigallia, May 10-12, 1993, “Detection and increase of chitin deacetylase activity with chitin 50 in Mucor rouxii and Absidia coerulea with a new nonradioactive substrate” (with Dunkel, C.). GDL-Symposium “Lebensmitteltechnologie/Lebensmittelrecht” Berlin, 12-13. Nov., “Elektroimpulsbehandlung von Karottenmaische” (with Geulen, M., Teichgräber, P.). 1993, GDL-Symposium “Lebensmitteltechnologie/Lebensmittelrecht” Berlin, 12-13. Nov., 1993, “Wirkung des hydrostatischen Druckes auf das Erscheinungsbild ausgewählter Lebensmittel” (with Boguslawski, S., Seyderhelm, I.). GDL-Symposium “Lebensmitteltechnologie/Lebensmittelrecht” Berlin, 12-13. Nov., 1993, “Influence of high hydrostatic pressure on high and low methoxylated pectins” (with Seyderhelm, I.). GDL-Symposium “Lebensmitteltechnologie/Lebensmittelrecht” Berlin, 12-13. Nov., 1993, “Einfluß hydrostatischen Druckes auf das Verhalten der Polyphenol Oxidase” (with Michaelis,G.). 4th Conference of Food Engineering, Americ. Inst. Chem. Eng., Chicago, Nov. 2-3, 1995, „In vivo measurement of pressure induced germination of Bacillus subtilis spores“ (with Heinz, V., Roso,J.). Annual IFT Meeting, New Orleans, June 22-26, 1996, „Effects of phenolic precursors on Vanillin biosynthesis and key enzymes in Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) cell cultures“ (with Dörnenburg, H., Brumm, K., Halfmann, C.). „Anthraguinones production with suspended and immobilized Galium vernum cell cultures in two phase systems“ (with Dörnenburg, H., Hiller, H., Mönch, S.). International Workshop Bioencapsulation, Bioencapsulation Research Group, Potsdam, Sept. 2335, 1996, „Development of highly stable multifunctional pectin/chitosan coocervate capsules for cultured plant cells“ (with Dörnenburg, H.). Flair-Flow Europe Symposium „High Pressure Treatment of Foods“, Cologne, Nov. 8-9, 1996, „Studies on the kinetics of hydrolysis of starch with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens α-amylase under high hydrostatic pressure“ (with Raabe, E.). „Integration of high pressure pretreatment during processing on french fries“ (with Fayard, G., Molnar, S.). „Process development and optimization of high pressure processing of food: microbial inactivation models and process considerations“ (with Heinz, V.). „Evaluation of hydrogen peroxide production in tomato cultures as a stress reaction to high pressure treatment“ (with Dörnenburg, H., Schreck, S.). „Stress response and enzymatic browning reactions in potato cultures after high pressure treatment“ (with Dörnenburg, H., Hemmerich, I., Martens, G., Wiesner, P.). „Effect of high pressure treatment on the activity of pectinase, polyphenol oxidaseand peroxidase of a plant cell culture form Lycopersicon exculentum“ (with Dörnenburg, H., Fenselau, K., Wiesner, P.) Copernicus Project Meeting „Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods“ (Contract CIPA-CT94-0195, Copernicus Programme), Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland, Dec. 13-14, 1996. „Integration of high pressure pretreatment during processing on french fries“ (with Fayard, G., Molnar, S.). „Stress response and enzymatic browning reactions in potato cultures after high pressure treatment“ (with Dörnenburg, H., Hemmerich, I., Martens, G., Wiesner, P.). „Evaluation of hydrogen peroxide production in tomato cultures as a stress reaction to high pressure treatment“ (with Dörnenburg, H., Schreck, S.). „Studies on the kinetics of hydrolysis of starch with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens α-amylase under high hydrostatic pressure“ (with Raabe, E.). „Effect of high pressure treatment on the activity of pectinase, polyphenol oxidaseand peroxidase of a plant cell culture form Lycopersicon exculentum“ (with Dörnenburg, H., Fenselau, K., Wiesner, P.). „Process development and optimization of high pressure processing of food: microbial inactivation models and process considerations“ (with Heinz, V.). Copernicus Project Meeting „Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods“ (Contract CIPA-CT94-0195, Copernicus Programme), Leuven, Oct. 23-25, 1997, „High pressure germination and inactivation kinetics of bacterial spores“ (with Heinz, V.). „Freezing of potato cylinders during high pressure treatment“ (with Schlüter, O., Heinz, V.). European High Pressure Research Group, 35. Meeting, High Pressure Food Science, Bioscience and Chemistry, University of Reading, Sept. 7-11, 1997, „High pressure germination and inactivation kinetics of bacterial spores“ (with Heinz, V.). „Freezing of potato cylinders during high pressure treatment“ (with Schlüter, O., Heinz, V.). Schlüter, O., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Freezing of Potato Cylinders during High Pressure Treatment, International Conference on High Pressure Bioscience & Biotechnology, 7-11 Sept., 1997, Reading. th 4 World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications, Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine, Berlin, June 7-12, 1998, „Modern food technology and prevention of foodborne diseases“ (with Heinz, V.). Schlüter, O., George, S., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Pressure Assisted Thawing of Potato Cylinders, International Conference on High Pressure Bioscience & Biotechnology, 30 Aug.-3 Sept., 1998, Heidelberg. Schlüter, O., George, S., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Pressure Assisted Thawing of Potato Cylinders, Model-it Conference 1998, Wageningen, Niederlande. Forum on Functional Food, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, Dec. 1-2, 1998. „New food technologies and functional food“. Food Micro, Veldhoven, Netherland, Sept. 13-17, 1999, „Acid resistance response of verotoxinproducing Escherichia coli (VETC)“ (with Cheung and Bartelt). th VI International Conference on X-Ray Microscopy-XRM 99, University of California, Berkeley, Aug. 1-6, 1999, „X-Ray Microscopy in food sciences“ (with Heinz, V., Moench, Guttmann, ). „Transmission X-Ray Microscopy“ (with Mönch, S., Heinz, V., Guttmann, P.). Lee, D.-U., Schlüter, O., Heinz, V. and Knorr, D. High pressure treatment of liquid whole egg and th advantages of low temperature application. Poster presentation. 37 European High Pressure Research Group Meeting, September 1999, Montpellier, France. International Congress on Improved Traditional Foods for the Next Century, Insituto de Agroquimica y Tecnologia de Alimentos (CSIC), Burjassot (Valencia), Oct. 28-29, 1999, „Mechanism of mass transfer during osmotic removal of water from plant materials“ (with Rastogi, N.K., Angersbach, A.). European Conference on Emerging Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), Tampere, Nov. 2224, 1999, „Rehydration kinetics of high pressure pretreated and osmotically dehydrated pineapple“ (with Rastogi, N.K., Angersbach, A., Niranjan, K.). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, „Abhängigkeit der Quercetinglucosid-Gehalte in Tomaten (Lycopersicum esculentum) von Sorte, Wachstumsbedingungen und Behandlung mit hydrostatischem Hochdruck“ (with Lüdersdorf, Hemmerich, I.). Amatidou, A., Schlüter, O., Knorr, D. and Smid, E.J. Antimicrobial activity of O2 and CO2 under pressure on food-related pathogens, "Microbial stress symposium" 1999, Quimper, France. Conference on Food Process Engineering and Drying Technology, Wuerzburg, March, 29-31, 2000, “Elektropermeabilisierung der Zellmembrane als Vorbehandlungsschritt bei der Trocknung pflanzlicher Lebensmittel (Electro-permeabilisation of cell membranes as a pre-treatment before drying of plant food material)” (with Angersbach, A., Eshtiaghi, M., Rastogi, N.K., Ade-Omowaye, B.I.G.). World Congress on Biotechnology (Biotechnology 2000), Berlin, Sept. 3-11, 2000, „Activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) after high hydrostatic pressure treatment of cell cultures“ (with Lüdersdorf, Hemmerich, I.). „Monitoring of electrophysical properties of cell systems and its application in food and bioprocessing“ (with Angersbach, A., Heinz, V., Rastogi, N.K.). „Impact of high electric field pulses on juice yield and product quality of plant foods“ (with Eshtiaghi, M.N.). „Phasenübergänge bei hochdruckunterstützten Gefrier- und Auftauprozessen am Beispiel pflanzlicher Gewebe“ (with Schlüter, O., Heinz, V.). 8th International Congress of Food and Engineering (ICEF'8), Mexico. April 9-13, 2000, „Combined effect of high hydrostatic pressure pretreatment and osmotic stress on mass transfer during osmotic dehydration“ (with Rastogi, N.K., Angersbach, A.). Monitoring of electrophysical properties of cell systems and its application in food and bioprocessing. Biotechnology 2000 – The World Congress on Biotechnology, September 3-8, 2000, Berlin. Poster-Presentation, Section VII: Biochemical Engineering, Science and Process (with Angersbach, A., Heinz, V., Rastogi, N.K.and Knorr, D.). Mönch, S., Heinz, V., Angersbach, A., Stute, R. and Knorr, D. Pulsed electric fields- possibilities for intensity the metabolism of plant cells or microorganisms. Section VII: Biochemical Engineering, Science and Process.Biotechnology 2000 – The World Congress on Biotechnology, Sept. 3-8 2000, Berlin. Mönch, S., Heinz, V., Angersbach, A., Stute, R. and Knorr, D. Pulsed electric fields – possibilities for intensify the metabolism of plant cells or microorganisms, Proceedings of the World Congress on Biotechnology, Berlin, Sept., 3-8, 2000. Poster Abstracts. Mönch, S., Heinz, V. und Guttmann, P. Auswertung der Hochdruck-/Temperatur-induzierten Abtötung von bakteriellen Endosporen mittels Röntgenmikroskopie – Konsequenzen für den Sterilisationsprozess. Poster anläßlich der Jahrestagung der VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemie-Ingenieurwesen, 20.-22. September 2000, Karlsruhe. Schlüter, O., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Phasenübergänge bei hochdruckunterstützten Gefrier- und Auftauprozessen am Beispiel pflanzlicher Gewebe. Poster anläßlich der Jahrestagung der VDIGesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen, 20.-22. September 2000, Karlsruhe. Heinz, V., Ananta, E. und Knorr, D. Spore control in food by pressure assisted heating. European Congress on Chemical Engineering, June 25-28, 2001, Nürnberg. Zenker, M., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Combined application of ultrasound and temperature for energy saving and mild preservation of liquid foods. Poster anläßlich der Konferenz European Congress on Chemical Engineering, June 25-28, 2001, Nürnberg. Zenker, M., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. A comparative study of ultrasound combined temperature processing for energy-saving food preservation, Poster anläßlich der: Konferenz: European Conference on Advanced Technology for Safe and High Quality Foods, Dec. 5-7, 2001, Berlin. Buckow, R., Virkajärvi, I., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Ultrasonication of mash from barley malt and its effect on the filtration and on the extraction of soluble solids, Poster anläßlich der: Konferenz: European Conference on Advanced Technology for Safe and High Quality Foods, Dec. 5-7, 2001, Berlin. Ananta, E., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Spore control in food by pressure assisted heating, Poster anläßlich der: Konferenz: European Conference on Advanced Technology for Safe and High Quality Foods, Dec. 5-7, 2001, Berlin. Alvarez, I., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Inactivation of E. coli DH5a by pulsed electric fields at different temperatures, Poster anläßlich der: Konferenz: European Conference on Advanced Technology for Safe and High Quality Foods, Dec. 5-7, 2001, Berlin. Alvarez, I., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Specific energy: a new control parameter for pulsed electric fields processing, European Conference on Advanced Technology for Safe and High Quality Foods, Dec. 5-7, 2001, Berlin. Schlüter, O., Luscher, C. und Knorr, D. Liquid – Solid Phase Boundaries of Potato Tissue at Subzero (°C) Temperatures and Pressures up to 450 M Pa. European Conference on Advanced Technology for Safe and High Quality Foods – EUROCAFT, Dec. 5-7, 2001, Berlin, Germany. Schlüter, O., Heinz, V. und Knorr, D. Optimization of Pressure Supported Freezing/Thawing Processes by making Use of Metastable States of Water. Symposium on Emerging Technologies for the Food Industry – EmerTec, March 11-13, 2002, Madrid, Spain. Luscher, C., Schlüter, O., Angersbach, A. and Knorr, D. Comparison of Structural Cell Membrane Changes Induced by Different High Pressure Processes at Low Temperatures. High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, Sept. 16-19, 2002, Dortmund. Ade-Omowaye, B.I.O., Angersbach, A. and Knorr, D. Enhanced mass transfer rates during air and osmotic dehydration of pulsed electric field pre-treated red bell peppers. Symposium „Drying Processes, Structure and Functionality“, Sept. 25-27, 2002, Valencia, Spain. Ananta, E., Ponanti, M., Knorr, D. Improvement of survival rate of probiotic during spray-using high pressure and heat pre-treatment. Symposium „Drying Processes, Structure and Functionality“, Sept. 25-27, 2002, Valencia, Spain. Luscher, C., Balasa, A. and Knorr, D.. Inactivation of Listeria innocua at high pressures and low temperatures: Observations in the subzero temperature range (centigrade) considering the state of aggregations of water. Joint IFT – EFFoST Workshop on Non-thermal Food Preservation. Sept. 7-10, 2003, Wageningen, NL. Ananta, E., Heinz, V. and Knorr, D. Flow cytometric analysis of high pressure treated microorganism. Poster presentation at SAFE Consortium Seminar – Newly emerging pathogens. April 24-25, 2003, Brussels, Belgium. Töpfl, S., Heinz, V. and Knorr, D. Pulsed Electric Field Processing in Improving Product Safety of Apple Juice. Poster presentation at SAFE Consortium Seminar – Newly Emerging Pathogens, including risk assessment and management. April 24-25, 2003, Brussels, Belgium. Buckow, R., Heinz, V. and Knorr, D. Short Time, High Pressure Treatment of Beverages. Poster presentation at the Safe Consortium – Newly emerging pathogens, including risk assessment and risk management, April 24-25, 2003, Brussels, Belgium. Bauer, B.A., Wiehle, T., Stute, R. and Knorr, D. Impact of high hydrostatic pressure treatment on starches. Workshop of the Nonthermal Processing Division of IFT and EFFoST, Sept. 7-10, 2003, Wageningen, NL. Toepfl, S., Dominkovics, M., Heinz, V., Bartelt, E. and Knorr, D. Pulsed Electric Field Application for th Inactivation of L. monocytogenes in raw milk. Presented at: 5 World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications. June 7–11, 2004, Berlin, Germany. Toepfl, S., Heinz, V. and Knorr, D. Optimization of pulsed electric field treatment efficiency for fruit juice pasteurization. Presented at: International Conference on Engineering and Foods (ICEF9). March 7-11, 2004, Montpellier, France. Luscher, C., Fröhling, A., Balasa, A. and Knorr, D. Inactivation of Listeria innocua and E. coli at high pressure and subzero temperature with consideration of the phase transitions of water. ICEF 9 – International Congress on Engineering and Food. March 7-11, 2004, Montpellier, France.