2015 Program MedTIS Portugal
2015 Program MedTIS Portugal
Projects deployed on the MedTIS program in Portugal Jorge Lopes (APCAP) Vasco Corte-‐Real (ASCENDI) Mafalda Evaristo (AENL) Rui Veiga (AEA) 9/10/15 Portuguese implementation bodies APCAP members (private concessions) Public concessionaire 9/10/15 MedTIS @ Portugal 2 Portuguese MedTIS network 9/10/15 MedTIS @ Portugal 3 Implementation bodies participation level !"!# $%# !"&'# (%# !)*"&+,# -$%# !"!# 9/10/15 !"&'# !)*"&+,# MedTIS @ Portugal 4 Portuguese MedTIS projects list Project Number Responsible Country POR-1 Portugal POR-2 Portugal Responsible Organisations Information integration between Traffic Portal Services and the Weather Institute 731 TIS services and systems Deployment of TIS services and supporting infrastructure 93 Travel Time Information Services Global ITS project supporting services related to Travel Time and Traffic Information Services, based on road equipments for Road Monitoring System, Traffic Control and Information Center. 160 TIS services and systems TIS - VMS Deployment and Website Upgrade 213 Activity IP+BRISA+AEA+ TIS services and ASCENDI+ systems LUSOPONTE IP+EuroScut+ AENL POR-3 Portugal ASCENDI POR-4 Portugal AEA+IP 9/10/15 Project description PLANNED Final KPI (2015) MedTIS @ Portugal 5 Project implementations (short list) # Project Name Responsible organisaQon Specific to 1 Deployment of TIS services and supporQng infrastructure EuroScut POR-‐02 2 Global ITS project supporQng services to “Travel Time and Traffic InformaQon Services” in the Pinhal Interior Subconcession ASCENDI POR-‐03 3 TIS -‐ VMS Deployment and Website Upgrade AEA POR-‐04 9/10/15 MedTIS @ Portugal 6 Deployment of TIS services and supporting infrastructure ImplementaQon of Asset Management System: • Improve operaQon performance; • Increase network security. Advanced services that assign assets to an incident, allowing a beber communicaQon between the road team and control center. Total investment: 240 K€ 9/10/15 MedTIS @ Portugal 7 Global ITS project supporting TIS services in Pinhal Interior Subconcession The project is extracted from a framework program focusing on Travel Time InformaQon and Traffic InformaQon Services. ImplementaQon of features including incident warning, incident management and weather informaQon services. ImplementaQon of DATEX-‐II Node for data exchange with Grantor Infraestruturas de Portugal (occurrences, traffic measures and quality of service). 9/10/15 MedTIS @ Portugal 8 Global ITS project supporting TIS services in Pinhal Interior Subconcession ImplementaQon of a “ITS System” based on road equipment (CCTV, Meteo StaQons, traffic sensors, VMS and Emergency phones) for road monitoring. Deployment of a Traffic Control and InformaQon Center with Road Monitoring System based on a opQcal fiber TelecommunicaQon System with Ethernet Technology. Project concluded in June 2014. Total investment: 2,9 M€ 9/10/15 MedTIS @ Portugal 9 TIS – VMS Deployment and Website Upgrade Enhancement of A8 TIS equipment: Deployment of new VMS. Website upgrade: Web and mobile applicaQons development for traffic informaQon. Total investment: 45 K€ 9/10/15 MedTIS @ Portugal 10 Projects deployed on the MedTIS program in Portugal Jorge Lopes (APCAP) Vasco Corte-‐Real (ASCENDI) Mafalda Evaristo (AENL) Rui Veiga (AEA) 9/10/15
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