Last Name Abbott Abbuehl Abel Abelman Abendroth Abersold Ableman Abley Abraham Ace Ace Acherman Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Adair Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adelman Adelman Adelman Aebly Aebly Aebly Aebly Aebly Aebly Aebly Aebly First Name Emily S John, Mrs Alfred Martha Edward Rosa Reuben P Nellie August Elijah S O.B., Mrs Joseph Arnold Carl F., Mrs Joseph, Mrs Alex Charles A., Dr Jacob Jacob Jay Americus Ada C. E., Gen Minnie Mary Frank David H Hermina Joseph Henry Melchoir Retta Ernest Regula Catherine Other Name Thompson Geiser Staedtler Henn Lockwood Rogers Hoesly Thomas Binder 1921A 1913 A 1922A 1923A 1921A 1904A 1926A 1929A 1916A 1922A 1925A 1906A 1918A 1911A 1912A 1922A 1902A 1905A 1905S 1911A 1921A 1923A 1924A 1924A 1920A 1924A 1929A 1905A 1921A 1922A 1925A 1927A 1928A 1929A 1929A Date Died 9-Nov-1921 26-Dec-1913 8-Apr-1922 23-Sep-1923 7-Jun-1904 11-Apr-1926 4-Sep-1929 27-Apr-1925 2-Jun-1906 16-Jan-1918 30-Jan-1911 19-Apr-1912 26-Jul-1902 20-Oct-1905 20-Oct-1905 1-May-1921 9-Oct-1923 23-Feb-1914 27-Jan-1924 3-Feb-1920 25-Dec-1924 10-Dec-1929 12-Sep-1905 20-Jun-1921 12-Sep-1922 8-Mar-1925 25-Aug-1927 2-Jan-1928 26-Apr-1929 6-Jan-1929 Residence Chippewa Falls WI Monroe twp WI South Dakota Jordan twp WI Minneapolis MN Monroe WI Jordan twp WI Monticello WI McConnell WI Exeter twp WI Exeter twp WI Clarno WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI South Wayne WI Redlands CA Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Rockford IL California County farm Los Angeles CA San Diego CA Monroe WI Freeport IL Davis IL Monticello WI Clarno twp WI Eau Claire WI Monticello WI South Dakota New Glarus WI Monroe WI County home Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Kelly Cemetery Minneapolis Kelly Cemetery Highland Cemetery Basco Belleville M - Greenwood Staver Cemetery Hawthorn Hawthorn Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Spring Grove Union Cemetery West Clarno New Glarus Highland Cemetery Mt Horeb New Glarus Humbird Clarno Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 10-Nov-1921 26-Dec-1913 10-Apr-1922 24-Sep-1923 15-Dec-1921 8-Jun-1904 12-Apr-1926 7-Sep-1929 7-Apr-1916 29-Apr-1925 2-Jun-1906 16-Jan-1918 30-Jan-1911 19-Apr-1912 25-Apr-1922 28-Jul-1902 21-Oct-1905 21-Oct-1905 31-Mar-1911 2-May-1921 9-Oct-1923 25-Feb-1924 31-Jan-1924 3-Feb-1920 26-Dec-1924 11-Dec-1929 15-Sep-1905 20-Jun-1921 13-Sep-1922 9-Mar-1925 25-Aug-1927 3-Jan-1928 26-Apr-1929 7-Jan-1929 Last Name Aegerter Aeschliman Aeschliman Aeschlimann Aeschlimann Aeschlimann Aeschlimann Agen Agnew Ainsworth Ainsworth Ainsworth Ainsworth Ainsworth Ainsworth Albert Albrecht Albrecht Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Alcott Alder Alder Alder First Name Louise Infant of John Marie John Theodore Adolph Lucy Milo George W Bennett Jane Louis William William, Mrs Matie James Fred Donald d/o Ed Michael F Regina, Mrs Sibia Frank George E. Gladys V. William, Pvt William E, Pvt Frank David H Alberta Clara Marie Lettitia Fred Gus Gus Other Name Infant Zingerich Peckert Munger Williams Bobb Sydow Roth Thompson Binder 1913A 1905A 1923A 1911A 1913 A 1922A 1929A 1911A 1928A 1905A 1901A 1908A 1901A Page 7 1928A 1900A 1909A 1927A 1908A 1904A 1908A 1906A 1915A 1918A 1917A 1918A 1921A 1923A 1924A 1929A 1929A 1920A 1904 A 1905A 1906A Date Died 23-Feb-1913 25-Nov-1905 17-Nov-1923 24-Sep-1911 12-Oct-1913 4-Aug-1922 21-Feb-1929 19-Sep-1911 10-Apr-1928 28-Feb-1905 11-Mar-1901 22-Dec-1908 15-Jan-1901 15-Nov-1928 25-Nov-1900 5-Mar-1909 5-Oct-1927 10-Aug-1908 17-Apr-1904 12-Jan-1908 16-Dec-1906 4-Feb-1915 19-Dec-1918 1-Nov-1917 16-Sep-1918 12-May-1923 6-Feb-1924 23-Jan-1929 9-Jun-1929 20-Apr-1920 15-Jan-1904 24-Sep-1905 Residence Clarno twp WI Jefferson twp WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Argyle WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI WI Mt Pleasant twp WI Orangeville IL Jefferson twp WI Jefferson twp WI Juda area WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Cadiz WI France Clarno twp WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Albany WI Monroe twp WI Juda WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Argyle M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Rockford IL Albany Orangeville IL East Clarno Juda Cemetery Clarno M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Janesville M - Greenwood Hillcrest M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 24-Feb-1913 27-Nov-1905 12-Nov-1923 25-Sep-1911 13-Oct-1913 4-Aug-1922 22-Feb-1929 22-Sep-1911 13-Apr-1928 28-Feb-1905 11-Mar-1901 22-Dec-1908 16-Jan-1901 13-Mar-1901 15-Nov-1928 26-Nov-1900 6-Mar-1909 5-Oct-1927 11-Aug-1908 18-Apr-1904 13-Jan-1908 17-Dec-1906 4-Feb-1915 19-Dec-1918 2-Nov-1917 15-Oct-1918 7-Jun-1921 14-May-1923 6-Feb-1924 23-Jan-1929 10-Jun-1929 20-Apr-1920 16-Jan-1904 24-Sep-1905 27-Sep-1906 Last Name Alder Alder Aldt Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alfred Alleman Alleman Allemann Allemann Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Alm Alpplanalp Altman Altman Altman Altman Altman Altman Altman Altman Altmann Amelong Amelong Amerpoll Ames Ames Ames First Name James Edward i/c of Renzow James S. Thomas H John, Mrs John M Knute, Mrs John Margaret Catherine Frederick Sr H. L. Margaret Miles D Philip John Susan P.P., Mrs d/o of Andrew Henry Henry Otillie Casper H Marie John C Jost Henry J Sylvia Bennie Emma Ellen Ethel Daughter Levi F. Other Name Barackman Harper Schmid Hefty Brink Binder 1925A 1926A page10 1902A 1907A 1910A 1917A 1919A 1900A 1913A 1920A 1920A 1911A 1913A 1918A 1915A 1926A 1916A 1920A 1910A 1906A 1910A 1926A 1927A 1927A 1928A 1928A 1929A 1920A 1908A 1920A 1918A 1907A 1912 A 1923A Date Died Residence 23-Dec-1925 North Dakota Belleville WI 30-Apr-1901 Jordan twp WI 26-Jun-1902 Spring Grove WI 6-Jul-1907 Freeport IL 14-Aug-1910 Oakley WI 3-Jul-1917 Spring Grove WI 8-May-1919 Blanchardville WI 27-Jun-1900 Monroe WI 2-Sep-1913 Illinois 27-Oct-1920 Delavan WI 28-Jan-1920 Libertyville IL 4-Jan-1911 San Diego CA 31-Jan-1913 Cadiz twp WI 12-Oct-1918 France 19-Mar-1915 Cadiz twp WI 20-Jan-1926 Beloit WI 15-Dec-1916 Beloit WI 7-Jul-1920 Argyle WI Arena WI 2-Apr-1906 Monroe WI 9-Jun-1910 Monroe WI 6-Nov-1926 Chippewa Falls WI 23-Nov-1927 New Glarus WI 23-Nov-1927 New Glarus WI 24-Mar-1928 New Glarus WI 20-Oct-1928 24-Feb-1929 Clarno twp WI 12-Jul-1920 Monroe WI 30-May-1908 Monroe WI 13-Apr-1920 Monroe WI 2-May-1918 Monroe WI 24-Aug-1907 Beloit WI 31-Aug-1912 16-Jun-1923 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Adams Catholic Kelly Cemetery Oakley Union Brodhead Oakley Union Church Blanchardville WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Saucerman Cadiz Arena WI M - Greenwood Monticello New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Date 26-Dec-1925 2-Nov-1926 30-Apr-1901 1-Jul-1902 9-Jul-1907 15-Aug-1910 3-Jul-1917 9-May-1919 28-Jun-1900 2-Sep-1913 28-Oct-1920 28-Jan-1920 12-Jan-1911 31-Jan-1913 25-Nov-1918 22-Mar-1915 21-Jan-1926 21-Dec-1916 9-Jul-1920 15-Dec-1910 3-Apr-1906 10-Jun-1910 6-Nov-1926 24-Nov-1927 24-Nov-1927 26-Mar-1928 22-Oct-1928 25-Feb-1929 12-Jul-1920 1-Jun-1908 13-Apr-1920 8-May-1918 26-Aug-1907 2-Sep-1912 18-Jun-1923 Last Name Ames Amstutz Amstutz Anderick Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Andrea Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Annes First Name J. W. T., Prof Fred, Sgt Sam John, Rev Carlonia Edward Finger, Mrs Jane Nels Nicholas Peter Elizabeth Joseph Theodore William G. Juanita Anna George W. O. W., Mrs Carrie Emma N.E. George Garland Louis Joseph C Elisa Gunhild Peter O Arthur Joel C Emma Jane Sarah Jane Louisa C.H. Other Name Miss Hanson Drake McDowell Utiger Sulzener Erickson Beach Maddrell Webster Binder 1924A 1918A 1929A 1911A 1901A 1906A 1900A 1905A 1900D 1905A 1907A 1911A 1915A 1916 A 1919A 1920A 1921A 1921A 1922A 1922A 1924A 1924A 1924A 1924A 1926A 1927A 1927A 1929A 1929A 1925A 1912A 1925A 1927A 1927A 1922A Date Died 23-Apr-1924 24-Jun-1918 12-Jul-1929 24-Oct-1911 3-Aug-1901 26-Apr-1906 30-Oct-1900 25-Jan-1905 26-Oct-1905 26-Jul-1907 8-May-1911 16-Jan-1915 25-Mar-1916 26-Apr-1920 24-Aug-1921 21-Aug-1921 30-Oct-1922 2-Apr-1924 9-May-1924 3-Oct-1924 26-May-1926 19-Dec-1927 31-Jan-1927 25-Oct-1929 15-Jun-1929 9-Aug-1925 11-Sep-1912 15-Aug-1925 10-Dec-1927 2-May-1927 16-Mar-1922 Residence Baraboo WI France Monticello WI Juda WI Browntown WI Brooklyn WI Browntown WI Argyle WI estate Jordan twp WI Newell IA Monroe WI NewYork City NY North Dakota Rice Lake WI Monroe WI Missouri Monroe WI Freeport IL Davis IL Freeport IL Waukegan WI Monroe WI Albany WI Brodhead WI County farm Jordan twp WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI South Wayne WI Monroe twp WI South Wayne WI South Wayne WI Milwaukee WI Cemetery or Burial Location Mt Vernon Jordan Lutheran County Courthouse Jordan Church Newell Hawthorne Browntown Bethel Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Freeport IL Montrose Jordan Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Jordan Cemetery M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Greenwood Eastman Cemetery Milwaukee Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 24-Apr-1924 28-Aug-1918 13-Jul-1929 25-Oct-1911 5-Aug-1901 28-Apr-1906 31-Oct-1900 27-Jan-1905 3-Feb-1900 1-Nov-1905 30-Jul-1907 9-May-1911 16-Jan-1915 29-Mar-1916 13-Mar-1919 28-Apr-1920 25-Aug-1921 22-Aug-1921 1-Nov-1922 17-Aug-1922 3-Apr-1924 10-May-1924 3-Mar-1924 3-Oct-1924 27-May-1926 19-Dec-1927 1-Feb-1927 26-Oct-1929 15-Jun-1929 11-Aug-1925 11-Sep-1912 17-Aug-1925 11-Dec-1927 2-May-1927 16-Mar-1922 Last Name Annundson Anstee-Palmer Anthony Anundsen Appenzeller Apple Apple Archibald Archibald Argue Arledge Armfield Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Arn Arn Arnold Arnot Arnot Arnot Arnsmeier Arnsmeier Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur Asehbach Ashworth Askerknicht Askey First Name Arthur, Mrs Harry Jane Esther Fred Joseph John Clara L. Delia Henry Melissa, Mrs Robert M. Etta Letha Elizabeth Wayne John H. Aretus George, Mrs John Clara M. Olga James Jr. Kathryn Eliza Louise David Austin Frank, Mrs Austin Catherine i/s Rudy William August James Other Name Gardner Hooper Phillips Reynolds Berry Zimmerman Heitz Brown Binder 1913 A 1923A 1929A 1919A 1919A 1920A 1925A 1928A 1929A 1912A 1910A 1915A 1906A 1910A 1920A 1921A 1926A 1928A 1929A 1905A 1928A 1921A 1918A 1926A 1929A 1922A 1926A 1904A Page 21 1918A 1910A 1907A 1911A 1922A 1909A Date Died 17-Apr-1913 30-Nov-1923 1-Mar-1929 17-Jan-1919 13-May-1919 2-Feb-1920 3-Mar-1925 23-May-1928 24-Mar-1929 7-Nov-1912 20-Jun-1910 22-Feb-1906 23-Apr-1910 2-Jan-1920 18-Oct-1921 24-Jan-1926 9-Feb-1928 2-Sep-1929 12-Jun-1905 3-Mar-1928 27-Jul-1921 10-Oct-1918 2-Oct-1926 2-Jan-1929 27-Mar-1922 5-Nov-1926 4-Sep-1904 13-Dec-1901 16-Dec-1918 20-Jul-1910 14-Jul-1907 22-Mar-1922 5-Sep-1909 Residence Minnesota Monroe WI Darlington WI Minneapolis MN Orangeville IL Warren WI County farm Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Winslow IL Beloit WI Cadiz twp WI Twin Grove WI Monroe WI Albany WI Chicago IL County home Albany WI Jefferson twp WI Orangeville IL Sylvester WI France South Wayne WI Argyle WI Darlington WI Brodhead WI Jordan twp WI Adams twp WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Albany WI Rock Grove twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Iowa M - Greenwood Darlington Decorah IA Madison M - Greenwood Warren IL Primrose Mt Pleasant IL Albany Bethel Twin Grove M - Greenwood Twin Grove Brodhead Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood Orangeville IL M - Calvary M - Greenwood Argyle M - Greenwood M - Calvary Adams M - Calvary M - Calvary Clarno Cemetery M - Greenwood Paper Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 18-Apr-1913 30-Nov-1923 4-Mar-1929 18-Jan-1919 14-May-1919 3-Feb-1920 3-Mar-1925 23-May-1928 25-Mar-1929 9-Nov-1912 21-Jun-1910 22-May-1915 23-Feb-1906 25-Apr-1910 2-Jan-1920 20-Oct-1921 25-Jan-1926 10-Feb-1928 3-Sep-1929 12-Jun-1905 5-Mar-1928 27-Jul-1921 6-Dec-1918 4-Oct-1926 3-Jan-1929 1-Apr-1922 6-Nov-1926 4-Sep-1904 14-Dec-1901 17-Dec-1918 21-Jul-1910 15-Jul-1907 3-Feb-1911 31-Mar-1922 6-Sep-1909 Last Name Asmus Asmus Asmus Asmus Asmus Asmus Asmus Asmus Asmus Asmus Aspel Asperheim Ast Atherton Atherton Atherton Atherton Atherton Attenhofer Atterli Atwood Augsburger Ault Ault Ault Ault Ault Ault Aultman Aultman Aultman Austin Austin Austin Austin First Name William William, Mrs C. Frederick George Maria William F. J. Edward Fred W. Lydia Mary William Alfred Ben Anna E John W. Charles Oliver H. Floy Emma Robert Pervine Rudy George, Mrs George Infant child Caroline Sylvester Lela Leonard Casper Casper Sr. H. G. James S.E. Willie Other Name Sommer Schwartzlow Putnam Brassl Schar Bucher Binder 1905A 1908A 1912A 1916A 1917A 1924A 1926A 1927A 1928A 1929A 1906A 1912 A 1925A 1906A 1911A 1923A 1927A 1928A 1928A 1918A 1910A 1924A 1900A 1913A 1918A 1924A 1925A 1929A 1915A 1921A 1922A 1905A 1902A 1905A 1915A Date Died 30-Jul-1905 10-Jan-1908 20-Dec-1912 5-Apr-1916 20-Apr-1917 5-Jun-1924 17-Oct-1926 7-Jul-1927 8-Dec-1928 3-Apr-1929 15-May-1906 3-Oct-1912 1-Jan-1925 4-Jan-1906 8-Apr-1927 14-Aug-1928 27-Jun-1928 4-Apr-1918 9-Mar-1910 21-Sep-1924 3-Jun-1900 26-Sep-1913 11-Oct-1918 23-Apr-1924 6-Mar-1925 16-Apr-1929 17-Aug-1915 18-Aug-1921 21-Jul-1922 6-Jul-1905 20-Feb-1902 4-Jun-1915 Residence Juda WI Juda WI Monroe WI Juda WI Monroe WI Albany WI Clarno twp WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Albany WI County farm Stoughton WI Dodgeville WI Albany WI Albany WI California Monroe WI Albany WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Spring Grove twp WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Friendship WI Clarno WI Jordan twp WI Chicago IL Orangeville IL New Glarus WI Jordan twp WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Minnesota Albany WI Leoti KS Cemetery or Burial Location Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Juda M - Greenwood Albany M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Hillcrest Albany Dodgeville Albany Albany M - Greenwood Hillcrest Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Franklin Cemetery West Clarno Kings, Ogle County IL Oelwein IA Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe MonroeT Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Paper Date 3-Aug-1905 10-Jan-1908 20-Dec-1912 5-Apr-1916 20-Apr-1917 6-Jun-1924 18-Oct-1926 7-Jul-1927 10-Dec-1928 4-Apr-1929 16-May-1906 3-Oct-1912 2-Jan-1925 5-Jan-1906 28-Dec-1911 14-Feb-1923 8-Apr-1927 17-Aug-1928 28-Jun-1928 5-Apr-1918 9-Mar-1910 22-Sep-1924 4-Jun-1900 27-Sep-1913 11-Oct-1918 23-Apr-1924 6-Mar-1925 17-Apr-1929 18-Aug-1915 19-Aug-1921 22-Jul-1922 7-Jul-1905 21-Feb-1902 23-Jun-1905 7-Jun-1915 Last Name Austin Ayen Ayres Babb ?? Babbitt Babbitt Babcock Babcock Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler Babler (Baebler) Babley Bach Bacon Bacon Bacon Bacon First Name Frank Ole J. David Jung ?? Clinton Warren Charles A. Florence Ezra Ezra Henry Rella, Mrs Vincent Sr Albert Sr Anna Barbara Fred Hilda John Maria Marie Mary Ida Glen Albert Oswald Alvin Sarah Barbara Conrad Eben Lillian Emma Ralph Walter Don Other Name Nobles Voegeli Entriken Deyo Kundert Zweifel Bennett Binder 1922A 1926A 1912A 1911B 1907B 1908B 1926B 1929B 1903B 1909B 1903B Page 1 Page 6 1912B 1911B 1916B 1917B 1912B 1915B 1912B 1912B 1920B 1922B 1925B 1927B 1927B 1929B 1929B 1916B Page 5 1918B 1913B 1916B 1912B 1922B Date Died 19-May-1922 14-May-1926 26-Nov-1912 11-Mar-1907 6-Jun-1908 2-Dec-1926 11-Jan-1929 13-Apr-1903 25-Apr-1909 7-Jan-1903 9-Oct-1907 17-Jan-1912 10-Apr-1911 17-May-1916 27-Aug-1917 20-Oct-1912 13-May-1915 14-Feb-1912 3-Jun-1912 28-Mar-1920 12-Feb-1922 30-Aug-1925 00 Nov 1927 26-Nov-1927 13-Mar-1929 11-May-1929 12-Dec-1916 13-Feb-1901 22-Dec-1918 11-Sep-1913 14-Dec-1916 19-Sep-1912 Residence California York twp WI Albany WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Albany WI Albany WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Black River Falls WI Mt Pleasant twp WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Dayton WI Orangeville IL Beloit WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monticello WI New Glarus WI Mt Pleasant WI Albany WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe twp WI Stoughton WI Cemetery or Burial Location Albany Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello Zwingli Church M - Greenwood Monticello Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus Highland Shermerville IL Albany M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 26-May-1922 15-May-1926 26-Nov-1912 17-Apr-1911 12-Mar-1907 6-Jun-1908 3-Dec-1926 12-Jan-1929 13-Apr-1903 26-Apr-1909 9-Jan-1903 5-Jan-1901 10-Oct-1907 18-Jan-1912 13-Apr-1911 17-May-1916 28-Aug-1917 21-Oct-1912 15-May-1915 15-Feb-1912 4-Jun-1912 28-Mar-1920 13-Feb-1922 31-Aug-1925 6-Nov-1927 26-Nov-1927 13-Mar-1929 13-May-1929 13-Dec-1916 15-Feb-1901 23-Dec-1918 11-Sep-1913 15-Dec-1916 20-Sep-1912 27-Jun-1922 Last Name Badertscher Badertscher Baehler Baertschi Bagley Bagley Bahler Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey First Name Ulrich Christ Carl (Karl) Lizzie William Susan William Everett W. Ida Elvie Sarah William E. E.C, Mrs George Bailey Bailie Bainbridge Bainbridge Baird Baird Baird John Reason Grace Matthew Matheu George, Mrs James Elizabeth Baird Baird Baird Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Bakken Baldwin Other Name Binder 1927B 1928B 1921B 1900B 1926B 1927B 1929B 1904B 1911B 1916B 1916B 1924B 1925B Date Died Residence 5-Jun-1927 Brodhead WI 1-Jun-1928 Baraboo WI California 23-Dec-1900 Monroe WI 20-Oct-1926 27-Dec-1927 Evansville WI Argyle WI Chamberlain SD 12-Jul-1911 Monroe WI 23-May-1916 Monroe WI 6-Dec-1916 Monroe WI 27-Nov-1924 Janesville WI 6-Nov-1925 River Falls WI 1905 B 1925B 1922B 1992U 1904B 1903B 1915B 29-Mar-1905 Mendota WI 29-Mar-1925 Janesville WI Blanchardville WI 29-Jan-1922 Blanchardville WI Monroe WI Freeport IL 16-May-1915 Monroe WI John Sarah George W. F. W. Allen, Mrs Charles M. Gladys 1910B 1916B 1922B 1908B 1912B 1911B 1916B 21-Oct-1910 20-Feb-1916 9-Jul-1922 12-Feb-1908 11-Feb-1912 J. Clark John Newton Sanford, Mrs Phineas, Hon 1910B 4-Nov-1910 Monroe WI 1912 B 2-Jul-1912 Blanchardville WI 1920B South Dakota 1924B 17-Jun-1924 Brooklyn twp WI Page 9 25-Apr-1901 Brooklyn WI Watson Reese Brown Clark Whitehead Monroe WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Blanchardville WI Evansville IN Pembino ND Blanchardville WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe Juda Cemetery Evansville Postville Cemetery Hawthorne Hawthorne M - Greenwood Oak Hill Cemetery M - Greenwood Fairfield Cemetery Adams M - Greenwood Graceland Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Richland Richland Cemetery Red Oak M - Greenwood Blanchardville WI Milbank SD Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Paper Date 6-Jun-1927 2-Jun-1928 31-May-1921 24-Dec-1900 23-Oct-1926 27-Dec-1927 30-Dec-1929 15-Sep-1904 13-Jul-1911 24-May-1916 6-Dec-1916 29-Nov-1924 6-Nov-1925 Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J&T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T&J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J 30-Mar-1905 30-Mar-1925 10-Feb-1922 2-Feb-1922 3-Nov-1904 16-Dec-1903 17-May-1915 21-Oct-1910 21-Feb-1916 10-Jul-1922 13-Feb-1908 13-Feb-1912 5-Jun-1911 4-Dec-1916 4-Nov-1910 2-Jul-1912 28-May-1920 18-Jun-1924 27-Apr-1901 Last Name Bale Bale Ball Ball Ball First Name LeRoy Earl G.G. Hattie Miss John S. Other Name Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Balmat Balsinger Baltzer Baltzer Baltzer Baltzer Baltzer Baltzer Baltzly Bamert Bancroft Bandi Bangart Bangs Bangs Banks Banks Banks Banks Martha G Sam Farlin Q. J. C., Mrs William, Mrs William H Ellen M. Charles Henry L. Edgar Smith Wayne Fred Henry John Rachel George Kathryn Cecil Ward William Otto Carrie i/c Alexander Andrew Hannah Harry James Fred, Dr George W. Harry W. Glover Judge Haley-Healy Bloom Schoup Binder 1927B 1927B 1904B 1905B 1900B Date Died 20-Jan-1927 20-Jan-1927 16-Jun-1904 21-Oct-1905 11-Feb-1900 1906B 1905B 1917B 1917B 1913B 1913B 1925B 1926B 1926B 1929B 1921B 1911B Page 2 1905B 1903B 1911B 1915B 1926B 1924B 1926B 1903B 1911B 1912B 1900B 1916 B 1903B 1910B 1916 B 1916 B 11-Jan-1906 27-Jul-1905 29-Aug-1917 15-Jul-1917 2-Mar-1913 31-Dec-1912 25-Jan-1925 25-Sep-1926 2-Sep-1926 1-Mar-1929 16-Mar-1921 24-Feb-1911 29-Aug-1907 18-Oct-1905 22-Aug-1903 5-Sep-1915 14-Feb-1926 3-Jan-1924 15-Jan-1926 17-Aug-1903 17-Mar-1911 26-Dec-1900 24-Oct-1903 Residence Scales Mound IL Scales Mound IL Winchester TN Monroe WI Monroe WI Waterloo IA Juda WI Chicago IL Madison WI South Dakota South Dakota Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Missouri Iowa Monroe WI Freeport IL Orangeville IL Monroe WI Missoula MT Orangeville IL Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Monroe twp WI Marshfield WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jefferson WI Escanaba MI Seattle WA Michigan Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 27-Jan-1927 27-Jan-1927 17-Jun-1904 21-Oct-1905 12-Feb-1900 Monroe T Monroe Monroe M - Calvary Monroe Monroe T Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Kansas City Monroe Iowa Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe T Orangeville IL Monroe J Orangeville IL Monroe J Orangeville IL Monroe J Orangeville IL Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J Washington Cemetery Monroe J Monroe J Twin Grove Monroe J Twin Grove Monroe T Jefferson WI Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T 13-Jan-1906 27-Jul-1905 30-Aug-1917 16-Jul-1917 17-Mar-1913 9-Jan-1913 26-Jan-1925 25-Sep-1926 2-Sep-1926 1-Mar-1929 17-Mar-1921 25-Feb-1911 29-Aug-1907 19-Oct-1905 22-Aug-1903 19-Dec-1911 6-Sep-1915 15-Feb-1926 3-Jan-1924 16-Jan-1926 17-Aug-1903 18-Mar-1911 19-Jul-1912 27-Dec-1900 3-Jan-1916 26-Oct-1903 23-Nov-1910 7-Nov-1916 13-Jan-1916 Winchester TN M - Greenwood Elmwood Cemetery Waterloo IA Mt Vernon Last Name Barber First Name Henry S. Barber Barber Barber Bardeen Baremore Barker Barker Barker Barling Barling Barlow Barlow Barlow Barlow Barmore Barmore Barmore Barmore Barmore Barmore Barmore Barmore BarmoreChadwick Barnes Oliver Zona Elizabeth Charles V. Harold Wayne Good Ella Arba, Mrs Joseph A. Louis Richard Richard Wheeler Clarissa Kezia Nancy Beulah A. Cordelia Grace Harvey Harvey Doris H. Barnes Barnett Barney Barnhill Barnum Barr Barr Nancy Alonzo Warren W, Major Maurice, 1st Lt Milo Lucinda Ione Sarah Jane S. P., Mrs Fred L. Other Name Baumgartner Srybarger Requartte Coomder Davis Meyers Binder Date Died Residence 1900B 28-Apr-1900 Freeport area IL Vancouver BC 1916 B 22-May-1916 Canada 1912 B Ashland WI 1924B Manitowoc WI 1903B 20-Mar-1903 Madison WI 1923B 12-Jan-1923 Sylvester twp WI 1909B 11-Jun-1909 Glen Flora WI 1928B 7-Dec-1928 Orangeville IL 1929B 2-Jun-1929 Orangeville IL 1906B 23-Aug-1906 Milwaukee WI 1921B 20-Feb-1921 Milwaukee WI Page10 1-May-1901 Monticello WI 1901B 1-May-1901 Monticello WI 1917B 18-Feb-1917 Woodford WI 1925B 1-May-1925 Woodford WI 1903B 28-Jun-1903 Monroe WI 1916B 1923B 4-Nov-1923 Orangeville IL 1925B 9-Jan-1925 Minnesota 1926B 2-Oct-1926 Orangeville IL 1928B 8-Aug-1928 Minnesota 1928B Minnesota 1929B 14-Jun-1929 Sylvester twp WI 1915B 30-Dec-1915 Monroe WI 1900B 28-Apr-1900 Brodhead WI 1924B 19-Jan-1924 New York City NY 1919B Neenah WI 1916 B Monticello WI 1926B 20-Feb-1926 Monroe WI 1917B 5-Mar-1917 Juda WI 1916 B Des Moines IA 1926B 14-Jan-1926 Chicago IL Cemetery or Burial Location Rock Grove Twp Monticello Edgerton Mt Vernon Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Milwaukee Waukesha Zwingli East Wiota Cemetery Juda Winnebago MN Winnebago MN Winnebago MN M - Greenwood Mt Vernon France Monticello Oakley Union Church Des Moines IA Paper Monroe J Paper Date 1-May-1900 Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 22-May-1916 31-Aug-1912 24-Jul-1924 21-Mar-1903 12-Jan-1923 15-Jun-1909 7-Dec-1928 3-Jun-1929 24-Aug-1906 21-Feb-1921 3-May-1901 3-May-1901 20-Feb-1917 4-May-1925 29-Jun-1903 3-Jan-1916 9-Nov-1923 10-Jan-1925 2-Oct-1926 9-Aug-1928 16-Jun-1928 15-Jun-1929 Monroe J Monroe J 31-Dec-1915 30-Apr-1900 Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe 22-Jan-1924 19-Apr-1919 25-Jan-1916 20-Feb-1926 6-Mar-1917 27-Nov-1916 15-Jan-1926 Last Name Barr Barrett Barrett Barry Barry Bartelt Bartelt Barth Barth Barth Barth Barth Barth Barth Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartling Barton Barton Barton Barton First Name S. P. James C. John George Frank William Golda R. Alma Eliza Philip F. Bertha John, Mrs Arlene Magdalene Edmund Simon Carrie Eugene Joseph Mortimer William G. Kathryn Anna Robert Robert L.E. George W. Edmund, Judge W.P, Mrs Kathleen Henry George Harvey Elaine C. Ileen Oral Other Name Hoffmaister Ruppert infant Bauman Dollson Maynard twin twin Binder 1929B 1924B 1924B 1907B 1922B 1927B 1928B 1915B 1918B 1912 B 1921B 1922B 1923H 1926B 1905B 1900B 1912B 1913B 1916B 1913B 1918B 1920B 1924B 1924B 1924R 1925B 1925B 1928B 1928B 1929B 1922B 1917B 1921B 1922B 1922B Date Died 15-Oct-1924 25-Jan-1924 14-Aug-1907 22-Feb-1922 7-Nov-1927 28-Feb-1928 31-Oct-1915 21-Dec-1912 6-Apr-1921 3-Mar-1922 3-Jan-1923 17-Mar-1926 20-Dec-1905 10-Jan-1900 11-Feb-1912 16-Nov-1913 14-Jan-1916 17-Dec-1913 25-Jan-1918 1-Dec-1920 21-Apr-1924 24-Dec-1924 24-Dec-1924 22-Dec-1925 22-Jun-1925 5-Feb-1928 4-Feb-1929 5-Jun-1922 16-Dec-1917 8-Sep-1921 27-Jul-1922 6-Aug-1922 Residence Chicago IL Oneco twp WI Winslow IL Janesville WI Los Angeles CA Winslow IL Oakley WI Monroe area WI Darlington WI Freeport IL Clarno twp WI Darlington WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Omaha NE Clarno WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Attica WI Brodhead WI Missouri Albany WI Attica WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Nebraska Omak WA Winslow IL Rock twp WI Albany WI Arizona New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Cemetery or Burial Location Des Moines IA M - Calvary Basswood Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Freeport IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Attica M - Greenwood Albany Attica Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Albany Omaha Staver Cemetery Iowa Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Paper Date 23-Sep-1929 16-Oct-1924 25-Jan-1924 15-Aug-1907 27-Feb-1922 7-Nov-1927 29-Feb-1928 1-Nov-1915 31-Dec-1918 24-Dec-1912 7-Apr-1921 7-Mar-1922 4-Jan-1923 18-Mar-1926 21-Dec-1905 11-Jan-1900 13-Feb-1912 17-Nov-1913 14-Jan-1916 17-Dec-1913 10-Feb-1918 3-Dec-1920 22-Apr-1924 26-Dec-1924 26-Dec-1924 23-Dec-1925 24-Jun-1925 18-Oct-1928 6-Feb-1928 5-Feb-1929 8-Jun-1922 18-Dec-1917 10-Sep-1921 16-Aug-1922 16-Aug-1922 Last Name Barwick Bashaw Baskin Baskin Bast Bast Bast Bast Bast Bast Bast Bast Bast Bauer Bauermeister Baughman Bauman Bauman Bauman Bauman Bauman Bauman Bauman Bauman Baumann Baumberger Baumgardner Baumgartner Baumgartner Baumgartner Baumgartner Baumgartner Baumgartner Baumgartner Baumgartner First Name Harry Mina Sylvia Sylvia Augusta Alice Anna Maria M.Frederick John H. George A. Anna Tom J. Justo H., Mrs Child Amelia Mathias Otis Cathrine Mary Rudolph Elsie Margaret Mary Jennie Emil F. Gotfried, Mrs Mr J.J., Mrs Alice John Joseph Gertrude Carl Fred Marcus Adam Max Other Name Phillips Phillips Ziettlowe Titus Zabel Cox Whitehead Meyer Kundert Stauffer Kundert Timm Meloy Hunt Binder 1903B 1912B 1922B 1923B 1905B 1918B 1913B 1915B 1923B 1925B 1925B 1928B 1909B 1912B 1926B 1929B 1905B 1902B 1901B 1918B 1924B 1924B 1927B 1928B 1918B 1917B 1927B 1918B 1915B 1920B 1926B 1927B 1927B 1928B 1929B Date Died 15-Jul-1922 15-Jul-1922 16-Oct-1905 14-Aug-1918 19-Sep-1915 2-Nov-1925 10-Mar-1925 11-Dec-1928 4-Jun-1909 24-May-1926 13-Apr-1929 15-Aug-1905 29-May-1902 15-Mar-1901 3-Apr-1918 6-Aug-1924 6-May-1924 19-Feb-1927 19-Dec-1928 4-Apr-1918 6-Jul-1917 29-Aug-1927 3-Aug-1918 9-Nov-1915 20-Feb-1920 27-Oct-1926 20-Oct-1927 13-Nov-1928 28-Mar-1929 Residence Boston MA Savanna IL Little Rock AR Arkansas Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Ramona SD Ramona SD Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Green Bay WI Cadiz WI Brodhead WI Browntown WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Glendale WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Martintown WI Orangeville IL Palmyra WI Easton MD Monroe WI County home Albany WI Mt.Horeb WI Madison WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Arkansas M - Greenwood Staver M - Greenwood Richland Ramona SD Ramona SD M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Bethel Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood East Clarno M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Cambridge MA M - Greenwood Winslow IL Hillcrest Cemetery Mt Horeb Madison M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 1-Jul-1903 26-Feb-1912 20-Jul-1922 24-Apr-1923 16-Oct-1905 15-Aug-1918 26-Mar-1913 20-Sep-1915 31-Dec-1923 3-Nov-1925 10-Mar-1925 12-Dec-1928 9-Jun-1909 18-Jan-1912 25-May-1926 15-Apr-1929 16-Aug-1905 31-May-1902 15-Mar-1901 4-Apr-1918 7-Aug-1924 7-May-1924 19-Feb-1927 20-Dec-1928 4-Apr-1918 6-Jul-1917 29-Aug-1927 8-Aug-1918 10-Nov-1915 21-Feb-1920 29-Oct-1926 20-Oct-1927 24-Oct-1927 15-Nov-1928 28-Mar-1929 Last Name Baumgartner Baumgartner Baumgartner Baxter Baxter Bayrhoffer Bayrhoffer Bayrhoffer Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beales Bear Bear Bear Bear Bear Bear Beaumont Bechtel Bechtel Bechtoldt Bechtolt Bechtolt Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker First Name Rosina Melchor Anna Frederick A. William Charles Charles T. William Etta John Margaret Marian Susan Eveline Margaret Annie Sarah Jane John, Mrs Gertrude Infant s/o C.D. Sarah Helen Emma Emma Andrew Ernest A.B., Rev Samuel David B. (Daniel) Fred Henry, Mrs. Mrs Henry John S. Other Name Altmann McNutt twin twin Stalcup Worick Scofield Baltzer Richter Wohlford Cox Binder 1929B 1929B 1929B 1915B 1920B 1910B 1924B 1925B 1917B 1918B 1915B 1915B 1910B 1920B 1924B 1929B 1917B 1905B 1903B Page 1 1916 B 1922B 1929B 1920B 1906B 1920B 1917B 1909B Date Died 12-Jul-1929 14-Feb-1929 10-Jun-1929 1912 B 1905B 1902B 1900B 1912B 1917B 31-May-1912 22-May-1905 22-Jan-1902 27-Mar-1900 15-Feb-1912 18-Aug-1917 Residence Monroe WI Brooklyn WI Maryland Brodhead WI Red Oak IA Monroe twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Monroe area WI Armour SD Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Rock Falls IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL 22-Mar-1920 30-Mar-1910 27-Mar-1924 3-Oct-1925 10-Feb-1917 16-Apr-1918 11-Jul-1915 11-Jul-1915 30-Sep-1910 8-Feb-1920 2-Dec-1924 24-Jul-1929 6-May-1917 19-Oct-1905 18-Dec-1903 6-Aug-1907 2-Mar-1916 Orangeville IL Shannon IL 8-Dec-1929 Orangeville IL 12-Oct-1920 Iowa 24-Dec-1906 Cadiz twp WI 25-Oct-1920 Monroe WI 8-Jul-1917 Monroe WI 16-Feb-1909 Jordan twp WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Mt Horeb WI Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Vienna M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Armour SD M - Greenwood Staver Cemetery Elmwood Cemetery Rock Falls IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Eldorado Orangeville IL Sioux City IA Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood Kelly Cemetery Franklin - Kelly New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 12-Jul-1929 16-Feb-1929 11-Jun-1929 22-Jun-1915 24-Mar-1920 30-Mar-1910 29-Mar-1924 5-Oct-1925 12-Feb-1917 16-Apr-1918 12-Jul-1915 12-Jul-1915 1-Oct-1910 9-Feb-1920 2-Dec-1924 25-Jul-1929 7-May-1917 20-Oct-1905 19-Dec-1903 7-Aug-1907 3-Mar-1916 17-Feb-1922 9-Dec-1929 14-Oct-1920 26-Dec-1906 26-Oct-1920 9-Jul-1917 17-Feb-1909 Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe 31-May-1912 22-May-1905 23-Jan-1902 27-Mar-1900 15-Feb-1912 20-Aug-1917 Last Name Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Beckley Beckman Beckman Beckman Beckman First Name Louis W. Milton Regula Jacob Sibilla Mary John M., Judge Dave August Bertha Louise Almira Fred Fred William Sr. Dorothea Bedford Beebe Beede Beedy Beeley Behling Behring Behrndt Behrndt Beitler Beksel Belknap Bell Bell Beller Beller Beller Bellows Thomas Bela W. M.D., Mrs Laura Ella Cora A. Magdalene Christina Regena Paulina L. Mary Thelma Edwin Nancy L John S. Gottlieb Louis Elizabeth Baby Other Name Kundert Haak Schillinger Yager Ohm Divan McCammant Groves Yordi Binder 1918B 1917B 1912B 1925B 1925B 1926B 1926B 1927B 1928B 1928B 1929B 1922M Page 1 1907B 1920B 1925B 1910B 1906B 1922B 1922B 1922B 1929B 1916 B 1904B 1927B 1913 B 1929B 1920B 1905B 1918B 1902B 1917B 1925B Page12 Date Died Residence 5-Apr-1918 Monroe WI Monroe WI 31-Jan-1912 Monroe WI 27-Aug-1925 Redfield SD 6-Aug-1925 Monroe WI 21-Jul-1926 Monroe WI 29-Oct-1926 Monroe WI 14-Jul-1927 Monroe WI Madison WI 1-Feb-1928 Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI 11-Mar-1922 Evansville 25-Aug-1907 Monroe WI 9-Jan-1920 Monroe WI 12-Jun-1925 Monroe WI 19-Oct-1910 26-Jul-1906 24-Apr-1922 7-Mar-1922 22-Feb-1922 12-Mar-1929 21-Apr-1916 22-Jul-1904 10-Oct-1927 12-Jun-1913 4-Aug-1929 8-Nov-1920 24-Jul-1905 Dixon IL Washington DC Orfordville WI South Wayne WI Davis IL Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Oshkosh WI Cadiz twp WI Rockford IL Orangeville IL Fort Scott KS Kansas Monroe Portland OR 4-Aug-1925 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Chicago IL New Glarus Redfield SD M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Chicago IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Oregon WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe Rock Creek Cemetery Orfordville LaDue Cemetery. Davis IL Staver Dutch Hollow Nora Cemetery Michael Cemetery M - Greenwood Eldorado Cemetery M - Greenwood Portland, OR M - Greenwood M - Calvary Paper Paper Date Monroe 8-Apr-1918 Monroe 16-Jan-1917 Monroe J 31-Jan-1912 Monroe 31-Aug-1925 Monroe 7-Aug-1925 Monroe 21-Jul-1926 Monroe 30-Oct-1926 Monroe 14-Jul-1927 Monroe 13-Apr-1928 Monroe 1-Feb-1928 Monroe 1-Nov-1929 Monroe 15-Mar-1922 MonroeT 26-Aug-1907 Monroe J 26-Aug-1907 Monroe 10-Jan-1920 Monroe 12-Jun-1925 MonroeJ& T 21-Oct-1910 Monroe J 27-Jul-1906 Monroe 26-Apr-1922 Monroe 21-Mar-1922 Monroe 4-Mar-1922 Monroe 13-Mar-1929 Monroe J 21-Apr-1916 Monroe J 22-Jul-1904 Monroe 00-Oct 1927 Monroe J 16-Jun-1913 Monroe 6-Aug-1929 Monroe 12-Nov-1920 Monroe J 1-Aug-1905 Monroe 28-Sep-1918 Monroe J 30-Apr-1902 Monroe 1-Dec-1917 Monroe 5-Aug-1925 Monroe J 15-Jun-1901 Last Name Bellows First Name Infant s/o Bert Other Name Binder Date Died Residence 1901B 14-Jun-1901 Monroe WI Belnap Belnap Belton Deborah Corwin Jennie Bissel 1906B 24-May-1906 Monroe WI 1927B 9-Jun-1927 Orangeville IL 1913B 11-Feb-1913 Janesville WI Belveal Belveal Bement Benage Benage Benage Benage Benage Bender Bender Benfer Kate, Mrs Lizzie George B. Amos, Mrs S. D., Mr. Samuel, Mrs George W. Beulah F. Aaron Kathryn Daisy Iva Berry Clark 1909B 1905B 1927B 1912B 1915B 1917B 1929B 1929B 1929B 1929B 1912B 14-Jan-1909 11-Feb-1905 13-Dec-1927 14-Jul-1912 8-Oct-1915 13-Apr-1917 11-Feb-1929 16-Feb-1929 22-Oct-1929 22-Dec-1929 10-Jul-1912 Benguerel Benjamin Benjaminson Benke Benkert Benkert Benkert Benkert Benkert Benkert Benkert Benkert Bennet Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Henrietta Catherine Thelma M. Will, Mrs David Ralph Rudolph Rudolph, Mrs Herbert Gordon Rudolph Frank Franklin Felix J. A., Dr. Merida F, Mrs Michael, Mrs 1929B 1928B 1926B 1920B 1908B 1918B 1918B 1917B 1926B 1927B 1928B 1929B 1905B 1908B 1905B 1909B 1900B Switzerland 6-Jul-1928 Brodhead WI 22-May-1926 Jordan twp WI Dubuque IA 10-Jan-1908 Monticello 26-Oct-1918 Beloit 20-Feb-1918 Monroe WI 26-Feb-1917 Monroe WI 29-Aug-1926 Monroe WI 17-Mar-1927 Freeport IL 3-Dec-1928 Clarno twp 1-Dec-1929 Freeport IL 20-Aug-1905 Albany, WI 12-Feb-1908 Monroe, WI 6-Apr-1905 Monroe WI 14-Apr-1909 Elma WA 30-Mar-1900 Knolton IA Holmes Wohlford Brace Zimmerman Wickersham Chicago IL Rock Grove WI Brodhead WI SD Twin Grove WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Spring Grove twp WI Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Winslow IL Cemetery or Burial Location Eldorado Cemetery Orangeville IL Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Johnson Grove Cemetery M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Twin Grove Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Winslow IL Zurich Switzerland M - Greenwood Jordan Cemetery Dubuque IA Monticello M - Greenwood Benkert Cemetery Benkert Cemetery M - Greenwood Freeport IL M - Greenwood St Marys Cemetery M - Greenwood Monroe Paper Monroe J Paper Date 14-Jun-1901 Monroe T Monroe Monroe T 25-May-1906 10-Jun-1927 19-Feb-1913 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J 15-Jan-1909 13-Feb-1905 15-Dec-1927 16-Jul-1912 8-Oct-1915 13-Apr-1917 11-Feb-1929 18-Feb-1929 22-Oct-1929 23-Dec-1929 13-Jul-1912 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J 23-Feb-1929 7-Jul-1928 22-May-1926 1-May-1920 10-Jan-1908 28-Oct-1918 23-Feb-1918 26-Feb-1917 30-Aug-1926 19-Mar-1927 3-Dec-1928 3-Dec-1929 1-Sep-1905 12-Feb-1908 6-Apr-1905 15-Apr-1909 31-Mar-1900 Last Name Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Benning Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Bentliff Bercey Berg Berg Berg Berg Berg Berget Bergman Berkey Berkey Berkey Bernath Berndt Berndt Berndt Bernet First Name Hannah, Dr Jane Minnie E. G, Dr Abraham Daniel Ida Elizabeth James A. James, Mrs John, Mrs Vera Cora Albert, Mrs Julia George Christ Charles James George Henry Nicoli Annie Ole Sr. Lucille Bertha August Iva Joshua, Rev Mary J. J., Marion Dorothy Ernst C. Emma Other Name Russell Theodore Roderick Ties Humphrey Scott Beach Sutherland Loken Svenstad Kaiser Schmidt Binder 1913B 1918B 1913B 1922B 1922B 1929B 1929B 1922B 1907B 1915B 1917B 1913B 1920B 1922B 1924B 1924B 1928B 1929B Page 7 1911B 1912 B 1921B 1928B 1929B 1929B 1927B 1909B 1911B 1911B 1913 B 1926B 1920B 1925B 1929B 1918B Date Died Residence 22-Jan-1913 Monroe WI Nashville TN 3-Jan-1913 Woodford California Brodhead WI 26-Apr-1929 Monroe WI 25-May-1929 Monroe WI 7-Apr-1922 Washington DC 19-May-1907 Monroe WI 11-Jun-1915 Jefferson twp WI 17-Feb-1917 Clarno twp WI 8-Apr-1913 Twin Grove WI 12-May-1920 Monroe WI Oconto WI 19-Dec-1924 Los Angeles CA 21-Jan-1924 Ladysmith WI 8-Apr-1928 Wiota WI 19-Jun-1929 Wiota twp WI 16-Mar-1901 Chicago IL 1-Feb-1911 Monroe WI 9-Jun-1912 Easter Denver CO 22-Jul-1928 Adams twp WI 3-May-1929 Adams twp WI New Mexico 17-Dec-1927 Wiota WI 18-Dec-1909 Freeport IL 1-Mar-1911 Monroe WI 17-Jun-1911 Monroe WI 17-Jun-1913 Madison WI Milwaukee WI 18-Sep-1920 Albany WI 30-Jan-1925 Brodhead WI 13-Dec-1929 Brodhead WI 12-Sep-1918 Blanchardville WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Chippewa Falls M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Davis IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Adams Cemetery Rice Lake WI West Wiota Cemetery West Wiota Cemetery West Wiota Adams Lutheran Adams Cemetery Ruthven IA East Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Blanchardville WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Horeb Paper Paper Date Monroe T 23-Jan-1913 Monroe 8-Jan-1918 Monroe T 4-Jan-1913 Monroe 27-Apr-1922 Monroe 17-Jun-1922 Monroe 26-Apr-1929 Monroe 25-May-1929 Monroe 27-Apr-1922 Monroe J 20-May-1907 Monroe 12-Jun-1915 Monroe 19-Feb-1917 Monroe T 9-Apr-1913 Monroe 12-May-1920 Monroe 14-Jul-1922 Monroe 20-Dec-1924 Monroe 21-Jan-1924 Monroe 11-Apr-1928 Monroe 20-Jun-1929 Monroe J 16-Mar-1901 Monroe J 2-Feb-1911 Monroe J 11-Jun-1912 Monroe J 30-Mar-1921 Monroe 23-Jul-1928 Monroe 4-May-1929 Monroe 13-Feb-1929 Monroe 24-Dec-1927 Monroe T 20-Dec-1909 Monroe J 2-Mar-2009 Monroe J 19-Jun-1911 Monroe J 18-Jun-1913 Monroe 4-Jun-1926 Monroe 20-Sep-1920 Monroe 31-Jan-1925 Monroe 14-Dec-1929 Monroe 12-Sep-1918 Last Name Bernstein Bernstein Berry Berryman Berryman Bertneff Bertschi Bessier Best Beyeler Beyer Beyer Beyer Bidwell Biedler Bienema Bierd Bieri Bifford Biggs-Wells Biglow First Name August Wilhelmina James, Mrs Sophia Jan Tessie Elmer, Mrs Mary O.J., Mrs Margaret M. Alfred, Mrs Christ, Mrs Ferdinand Augusta Lucenia E. J.A. Rev. Arthur, Mrs Russell Vernie John Mrs. Annie M. Other Name Billings Billings Billings Bilse Binger Binger Binger Binger Binger Binger Binger Binger Binger Infant d/o Frank Janet Thurlow Herman Clara Parmer Harriet Weldon Susan, Mrs Samuel Samuel Solomon Joseph Margaret Parks Ben Siedschlag Mitchell Winzenreid Snow Leopold Hunt Schneider Pierce Brunner Spangler Binder 1925B 1926B 1905B 1918B 1917B 1905B 1918B 1921B 1919B 1926B 1901B 1920B 1925B 1912B 1908B 1927B 1922B 1921B 1920B 1904B 1902B Date Died Residence 9-May-1925 Spring Valley WI Brodhead WI 7-Jun-1905 Twin Grove WI 15-Feb-1918 Evansville 22-Oct-1917 Monroe WI Orfordville WI 29-Nov-1918 Monroe WI 28-May-1921 Beloit WI 10-Mar-1919 Freeport IL 18-Jan-1926 Blanchardville WI 21-May-1901 Monroe area WI 22-Mar-1920 Monroe WI 14-Apr-1925 Orangeville IL Jefferson twp WI 24-Apr-1908 Polo IL 8-Jul-1927 Monroe WI 21-May-1922 5-Sep-1921 Jefferson twp WI Waukesha WI 8-Apr-1904 Juda WI 14-Nov-1902 Litchfield CO 1907B 1918B 1915B 1924B Page10 1904B 1908B 1921B 1922B 1923B 1925B 1926B 1928B 24-Mar-1907 12-Mar-1918 21-Jul-1915 15-May-1924 7-May-1901 22-Apr-1908 28-May-1921 8-Mar-1923 22-Dec-1926 Milwaukee WI Milwaukee WI Mt Horeb WI Browntown WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Browntown WI Browntown WI Beloit WI Denver CO Monroe WI New York Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Twin Grove Mt Vernon - Juda M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Beloit Freeport IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Horeb M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Brodhead Cadiz Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Lake Geneva Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood Cadiz Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 11-May-1925 25-Mar-1926 7-Jun-1905 18-Feb-1918 22-Oct-1917 8-Jul-1905 29-Nov-1918 31-May-1921 12-Mar-1919 19-Jan-1926 21-May-1901 22-Mar-1920 14-Apr-1925 10-Jul-1912 27-Apr-1908 9-Jul-1927 24-May-1922 6-Sep-1921 8-May-1920 9-Apr-1904 15-Nov-1902 Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe 25-Mar-1907 13-Mar-1918 22-Jul-1915 15-May-1924 9-May-1901 19-Sep-1904 22-Apr-1908 31-May-1921 10-Mar-1923 14-Dec-1925 22-Dec-1926 22-May-1928 Last Name Binger Bingham Bingham Bingham Bintliff Bischofberger Bischoff Bishell Bishell Bishopberger Biskuh Bissel Black Black Black Blackbourne Blackford Blackford Blackford Blackford Blackford Blackford Blackford Blackford Bladorn Blain Blain Blain Blain Blaine Blair Blaisdell Blakely Blanc Blanchard First Name Maude E. Ada, Dr Caroline Helen M. Mary John Gottfried Alfred, Pvt Polite Adolph Peter Kenneth Anna E. Benjamin F. Ellen Neeta E. J. Frank Harry L. Samuel William S. Ross Ted Temperance Son John Joseph, Mrs Elizabeth Josephine Joseph Jeremiah Austin Son of Dr. Louise Alvin Other Name Churchill Borden Isely McCammant Kelly Faust Roth Binder 1928B 1906B 1917B 1910B 1920B 1918B 1920B 1918B 1926B 1912B 1925B 1910B 1901B 1913B 1916B 1923B 1902B 1915B 1917B 1918B 1917B 1920B 1921B 1925B 1921C 1909B 1902B 1925B 1929B 1901B 1908B 1929B 1903B 1927B 1910B Date Died 18-Jun-1928 16-May-1906 26-Mar-1917 27-Jan-1910 29-Jul-1920 6-Jul-1918 00-00-1918 Residence Monroe WI MA Monroe WI Monroe WI Edgerton Oshkosh WI France France 22-Oct-1926 Argyle WI 1-Apr-1912 County farm 28-Dec-1910 Browntown WI 6-Dec-1901 San Francisco CA 4-Aug-1913 Winslow IL 28-Aug-1916 Winslow IL 18-Apr-1923 South Wayne WI 18-Feb-1902 Juda WI 16-Aug-1915 Juda WI 4-Feb-1917 Janesville WI 21-Nov-1918 Louisana 3-Feb-1917 Monroe WI 3-Feb-1920 Janesville WI 11-Mar-1921 Monroe WI 20-Jan-1925 Hansell IA 1-Jan-1921 Janesville WI 1-May-1909 Clarno twp WI 17-May-1902 Monroe WI 13-Apr-1925 Hampton IA 30-Aug-1929 Monroe WI 17-Jun-1901 Jordan twp WI 3-Apr-1908 Winslow IL 14-Jan-1929 Wayne twp WI 22-Nov-1903 Albany WI 17-Jan-1927 Monroe WI 20-Aug-1910 Blanchardville WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Edgerton WI New Glarus M - Greenwood Andrews Cemetery M - Greenwood Lodi WI Winslow IL Winslow IL M - Greenwood Juda M - Greenwood Richland Cemetery Juda M - Greenwood Kelly Cemetery Kelly Cemetery Hampton IA M - Greenwood Kelly Cemetery Blaisdell Cemetery M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 19-Jun-1928 16-May-1906 26-Mar-1917 28-Jan-1910 31-Jul-1920 6-Jul-1918 13-Nov-1920 13-Jul-1918 23-Oct-1926 4-Apr-1912 5-Aug-1925 29-Dec-1910 13-Dec-1901 4-Aug-1913 30-Aug-1916 19 Apt 1923 18-Feb-1902 16-Aug-1915 7-Feb-1917 21-Nov-1918 3-Feb-1917 5-Feb-1920 12-Mar-1921 22-Jan-1925 3-Jan-1921 1-May-1909 19-May-1902 14-Apr-1925 31-Aug-1929 18-Jun-1901 3-Apr-1908 14-Jan-1929 25-Nov-1903 17-Jan-1927 20-Aug-1910 Last Name Blanchard Blank Blasing Blasing Blasing Blasing Blasing Blatti Blazer Bleiler Bleiler Bleiler Bleiler Bleiler Bleiler Bleyer Bleyer Bliss Block Block Block Block Block Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Blotz First Name William Alice Carl Carl, Mrs Infant girl Fredricka William C. Carrie Julia George George, Mrs John, Mrs John Sr Olga Clara Joseph Louisa L. C. Infant s/o Otto William d/o Otto Frederick Carl Jakie John F John Jacob John Rudy Mary Fred Martha John S. Jacob Henry Infant s/o Joe Blotz Other Name Horton Alleman McWade Lofgren Trickle Treat Snyder Binder 1923B 1916B Page 1 1901B 1925B 1927B 1928B 1925B 1924B 1906B 1904B 1906B 1907B 1924B 1926B 1927B 1929B 1913B 1905B 1904B 1911B 1918B 1924G 1908B 1906B Page 8 1901B 1906B 1923B 1925B 1928B 1929B 1929B Date Died 3-Jan-1901 15-Apr-1901 29-Sep-1925 11-Nov-1927 16-Jun-1928 9-Mar-1925 7-Oct-1924 22-Dec-1906 19-Oct-1904 12-Mar-1906 29-Mar-1907 27-Sep-1924 24-Feb-1926 15-Dec-1927 13-Dec-1929 4-Feb-1913 4-Nov-1905 23-Feb-1904 17-Jan-1911 15-Dec-1918 8-Apr-1924 26-Jan-1906 Residence Blanchardville WI Kenosha WI Sylvester twp WI Dutch Hollow WI Stavers WI County home Clarno twp WI Iowa New Mexico Postville WI Adams twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Postville WI Whitewater WI County home County home Florida Jefferson twp WI Twin Grove WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Minnesota MN Camp Douglas WI Jordan WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 16-Jan-1923 21-Nov-1916 4-Jan-1901 16-Apr-1901 1-Oct-1925 11-Nov-1927 16-Jun-1928 11-Mar-1925 8-Oct-1924 22-Dec-1906 20-Oct-1904 12-Mar-1906 30-Mar-1907 27-Sep-1924 25-Feb-1926 16-Dec-1927 14-Dec-1929 18-Feb-1913 4-Nov-1905 24-Feb-1904 17-Jan-1911 16-Dec-1918 10-Apr-1924 26-Oct-1908 1-Feb-1906 9-Apr-1901 8-Apr-1901 17-Aug-1906 4-Jun-1923 4-Dec-1925 23-Aug-1928 19-Aug-1929 13-Aug-1929 Waterloo IA Monroe T 27-Dec-1910 M - Greenwood Dutch Hollow Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Hampton Postville Shooks Prairie Adams Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Greenwood East Clarno East Clarno Cemetery Mayer MN M - Greenwood 6-Apr-1901 16-Aug-1906 2-Jun-1923 3-Dec-1925 Monroe WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Monroe WI New York City NY 18-Aug-1929 Monroe WI 12-Aug-1929 Monroe twp WI 1910B 26-Dec-1910 Waterloo IA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Last Name Blotz Blotz Blotz Blotz Blount Blount Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer First Name Martin Emma Sherwin Mary James, Mrs Dora Henry John Sebela, Mrs Werner Fridolin (Fred) Jacob Werner Sr. Caroline Katherine Rose Infant son Infant of John John R. Dorothy Arthur Sadie Ezra, Mrs John John John John Mrs. John Rudolph Katherine Kathryn Marie A. Will, Mrs William Adam Sr. Anna Other Name Miller May Theiler Allenbrandt Theiler Stuessy Walters Tschudy Blumer Blumer Binder 1918B 1920B 1920B 1927B 1919B 1928B 1904B 1908B 1908B 1905B 1912 B 1915B 1918B 1924B 1924B 1928B 1928B 1902B Page14 1925B 1926B 1929B 1907B 1900B 1900B 1903B 1901B 1901B 1906B 1900B Page 3 1900B 1902B 1918B 1910B Date Died 4-Jun-1918 5-Dec-1920 23-May-1920 7-Nov-1927 4-Feb-1928 7-Feb-1904 5-May-1908 12-Jun-1908 22-Oct-1905 27-Apr-1912 25-May-1915 2-Apr-1918 29-Feb-1924 23-Feb-1924 10-Jul-1928 11-Feb-1928 5-Feb-1902 4-Feb-1925 26-Apr-1926 12-Nov-1929 20-Dec-1907 11-Dec-1900 11-Dec-1900 18-Jun-1903 29-Jan-1901 8-Jul-1901 29-Jul-1906 21-May-1900 28-Jan-1901 21-May-1900 18-Feb-1902 30-Mar-1918 28-Jan-1910 Residence Monroe WI Chicago IL Chicago IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Washington twp WI Monticello WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Washington twp WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Washington twp WI Jordan twp WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Washington twp WI Washington twp WI Adams twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Washington Church M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 5-Jun-1918 6-Dec-1920 24-May-1920 7-Nov-1927 12-Mar-1919 7-Feb-1928 10-Feb-1904 5-May-1908 13-Jun-1908 23-Oct-1905 29-Apr-1912 25-May-1915 2-Apr-1918 29-Feb-1924 23-Feb-1924 11-Jul-1928 13-Feb-1928 6-Feb-1902 13-Jul-1901 5-Feb-1925 26-Apr-1926 12-Nov-1929 20-Dec-1907 12-Dec-1900 14-Dec-1900 19-Jun-1903 29-Jan-1901 9-Jul-1901 30-Jul-1906 24-May-1900 30-Jan-1901 21-May-1900 18-Feb-1902 1-Apr-1918 28-Jan-1910 Last Name Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer Blumer-Hefty Blunt Blunt Blunt Bobb Bobb Bobb Bobb Bobb Bobb Bobb Bobb Bodenmann Boeck Boeck Boegeli Boegli Boer First Name Ezra George John Margaret M. Melchoir Margaret Dean Bertha M. Hilarius, Mrs Joseph Fred Margaretha Peter Verena Frances Jacob Elisa Catherine James William O. Hezekiah Isaac John Mary Sarah Mary H.C. Samuel Reuben Albert Sylvia Louisa d/o Ernest Ernest R. August Other Name Hefty Baumgartner Lehmann Jordan Armstrong Binder 1912B 1911B 1913B 1910B 1916B 1920B 1921B 1922B 1922B 1924B 1925B 1925B 1925B 1925B 1926B 1927B 1929B 1915B 1913B 1920B 1920B 1901B 1900B 1900B 1912 B 1922B 1924B 1929B 1929B 1925B 1918B 1922B 1906B 1927B 1916 B Date Died 1-Oct-1912 30-Nov-1911 16-Nov-1913 29-May-1910 19-Feb-1916 12-Oct-1920 26-Jul-1921 6-Feb-1922 15-Apr-1922 4-Jun-1925 1-Sep-1925 28-Jul-1925 20-Jun-1925 1-Mar-1927 11-Feb-1929 14-Feb-1915 25-Dec-1913 21-Dec-1920 1-Jun-1920 18-Mar-1901 24-Aug-1900 24-Aug-1900 12-Dec-1912 8-Apr-1922 Residence Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Albany WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Maple Grove WI Monticello WI Iowa Monroe WI Monroe WI Colorado New Glarus WI Platteville WI Albany WI Albany WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Platteville WI Orangeville IL Buena Vista CA Buena Vista CA Orangeville IL Orangeville IL 5-Nov-1929 Orangeville IL Colorado 14-Apr-1925 Monroe WI 6-Dec-1918 Cadiz twp WI 23-Nov-1922 20-Dec-1906 Monroe WI 26-Dec-1927 Jordan twp WI 25-Jan-1916 Juda WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Clarno Cemetery M - Greenwood Luverne M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Elizabeth CO New Glarus Rockford IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Platteville Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Denver CO Buffalo NY Cadiz Cemetery Staver Cemetery M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 1-Oct-1912 1-Dec-1911 17-Nov-1913 31-May-1910 21-Feb-1916 15-Oct-1920 27-Jul-1921 7-Feb-1922 17-Apr-1922 9-Feb-1924 5-Jun-1925 2-Sep-1925 29-Jul-1925 22-Jun-1925 18-May-1926 2-Mar-1927 12-Feb-1929 15-Feb-1915 26-Dec-1913 22-Dec-1920 2-Jun-1920 19-Mar-1901 29-Aug-1900 29-Aug-1900 14-Dec-1912 20-Oct-1924 6-Nov-1929 15-Jul-1929 14-Apr-1925 6-Dec-1918 24-Nov-1922 20-Dec-1906 26-Dec-1927 25-Jan-1916 Last Name Bohn Boise Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Bolender Boll Bolliger Bolliger Bollman Bolt Bonell Bongey Bongey Bongey Bontley Bontley Bontly Booher Booher Booherker Boone Booth Booth First Name Ferbia Faye Harrison W. John Levi Oscar W. H. George, Mrs Gertrude John Philip Lottie Susan George Sarah Edwin Nicholas, Mrs Frieda Jacob T.L., Mrs Amelia Daisy Bertha Clifton J. Seymour Alma Marie Isa Arthur Lucinda Robert G. Thomas Nellie Charles A. Elizabeth G Booth Rex Other Name Eatheron Barlow Rockey Hosier Wyman ZumBrunnen Gardner Binder 1919B 1926B 1900B 1902B 1908B 1900B 1902B 1919B 1913B 1917B 1912B 1912B 1920B 1921B 1923B 1925B 1918B 1912B 1925B 1921B 1925B 1916B 1916B 1929B 1918B 1911B 1916B 1907B 1916B Page13 1922B 1913B 1921B Date Died 24-Mar-1919 8-Dec-1926 10-Nov-1900 15-Jan-1908 10-Nov-1900 24-Jul-1902 30-Apr-1919 26-Aug-1913 20-Jun-1917 21-Jul-1912 23-Jun-1912 21-Mar-1920 5-Jun-1921 28-Dec-1923 7-Nov-1918 26-Jun-1912 12-May-1925 30-Apr-1921 17-Mar-1925 7-Aug-1916 5-Oct-1916 21-Apr-1918 24-Jun-1911 21-Jul-1907 12-Aug-1916 10-Jul-1913 15-Oct-1921 1923B 28-Dec-1923 Residence Argyle WI Brodhead WI Freeport IL Rock Grove WI Orangeville IL Rock Grove WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI Ackley IA Chicago IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Monroe WI Orangeville IL Antigo WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Idaho New York Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Madison WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Madison WI Kilbourn IL Monroe WI Martintown WI Warren IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Jefferson County Asylum WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe MonroeJ Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 26-Mar-1919 10-Dec-1926 10-Nov-1900 20-Jun-1902 16-Jan-1908 10-Nov-1900 24-Jul-1902 1-May-1919 26-Aug-1913 5-Jul-1917 23-Jul-1912 25-Jun-1912 22-Mar-1920 6-Jun-1921 29-Dec-1923 25-Jul-1925 8-Nov-1918 26-Jun-1912 12-May-1925 2-May-1921 18-Mar-1925 7-Aug-1916 6-Oct-1916 2-Feb-1929 25-Apr-1918 26-Jun-1911 14-Mar-1916 27-Jul-1907 12-Aug-1916 8-Jul-1901 1-Apr-1922 10-Jul-1913 17-Oct-1921 M - Greenwood Monroe J 28-Dec-1923 M - Greenwood Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Rock Grove Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Monticello Eldorado Cemetery Rock Grove IL M - Greenwood Eldorado Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Laurel IA New York M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Greenwood Highland Monticello M - Greenwood Franklin Cemetery Last Name Borg First Name Simon Born Born Boss Boss Boss Boss Boss Bostwick Bostwick Bottomley Bouck Bouer Bouton Bouton Bouton Bowell Bowell Bowell Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowles Bowman Bowman Bowser Boyd Boyle Boynton Brabo Brace Frederick William Fred, Pvt John Fred John Samuel Joseph Juliette C. William, Mrs Gabe, Col Henry H. Adoia Byron Harvey, Mrs Catherine Edna Isaac J. James Edgar William Catherine E. Justus, Mrs Myron P. Daniel D. Lewis M. May Velma Ruth Fay Ida Rosie Charles W. Amispiaco, Mrs Robert Other Name Munger Baird McMarten White Randall Binder Date Died Residence 1908B 9-Oct-1908 1903B 1919B 1919B 1913B 1921B 1923B 1926B 1909B 1929B 1922B 1904B 1918B 1916B 1915B 1925B 1912B 1920B 1928B 1907B 1903B 1912B 1913B 1924B 1926B 1915B 1925B 1926B Page14 1921B 1922B 1903B 1921B 1927B 1-Oct-1903 Stephenson County IL Monroe WI Blanchardville WI 12-May-1913 Monroe WI 28-Jul-1918 France 4-Aug-1923 Monroe WI 4-Jan-1926 Monroe WI 24-Jan-1909 Janesville WI 19-Jun-1929 Janesville WI 14-Jun-1922 Seymour twp WI 21-Feb-1904 Oshkosh WI 14-Apr-1918 Jefferson twp WI 15-Dec-1916 Albany WI 28-Mar-1915 Juda WI 10-Mar-1925 Arizona 16-Jan-1912 Sylvester twp WI 3-Nov-1920 South Dakota 1-Jan-1928 Kansas 9-Apr-1907 Sylvester twp WI. 21-Sep-1903 Richland Center WI 5-Feb-1912 Brodhead WI 29-Jan-1913 Brodhead WI 22-Aug-1924 Albany WI 3-Oct-1926 Monroe WI 17-Mar-1915 Brodhead WI 28-May-1925 Green Bay WI 6-Dec-1926 Adams twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Mt Vernon Juda in service M - Greenwood Washington Twp M - Greenwood Franklin Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Juda Cemetery Brodhead Clarksville IA Mt Vernon - Juda Edgmont SD Richland Center M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Ft Howard Stewart Cemetery Franklin Cemetery Idaho Shullsburg WI 17-Sep-1903 16-Feb-1921 Mexico 8-Nov-1927 Rockford IL Menominee MI Mexico M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Paper Date 9-Oct-1908 Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T 2-Oct-1903 15-May-1919 14-Jan-1919 12-May-1913 10-Mar-1921 6-Aug-1923 5-Jan-1926 25-Jan-1909 21-Jun-1929 20-Jun-1922 22-Feb-1904 15-Apr-1918 15-Dec-1916 29-Mar-1915 12-Mar-1925 17-Jan-1912 4-Nov-1920 10-Jan-1928 10-Apr-1907 22-Sep-1903 5-Feb-1912 30-Jan-1913 23-Aug-1924 4-Oct-1926 18-Mar-1915 3-Jun-1925 6-Dec-1926 2-Aug-1901 5-May-1921 10-Jun-1922 21-Sep-1903 3-Mar-1921 Last Name Bracken Bradford Bradford Bradley Bradley First Name Andrew, Mrs Fred Mrs. David Olive, Mrs Other Name Haren Binder Date Died 1913B 4-Nov-1913 1909B 24-Jun-1909 1920B 4-Apr-1920 1900B 12-Dec-1900 1901B Residence Chicago IL Winslow IL Winslow IL Rock GroveTwp WI Monroe WI Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradshaw Brager Bragg Bragg Bragg Bragg Bragg Bragg Brahm Brandt Brandt Brandt Brandt Brandt Brandt Brandt Brandt Bratley Bratley Bratley Bratley Braun Braun Braun Bray Rachel Seth Aurilla Joseph H.N., Dr Alvilda Emily Thomas J. Mary William P. Harry Charles Birgie William, Mrs Anna Margaret Fred, Mrs Frank, Mrs Rosa Herman A. Fredricka Howard Mary Mary Catherine James Melvin Christine Fred Fred George Lemon 1905B 1918B 1921B 1923B 1901B 1918B 1902B 1908B 1926B 1928B 1929B 1929B 1920B 1906B 1911B 1920B 1922B 1922B 1924B 1927B 1928B 1905B 1905B 1911B 1928B 1912B 1915B 1915B 1900B Twin Grove WI Brodhead WI Spring Grove WI Monroe WI Superior NE Blanchardville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Nebraska Elgin IL Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI Beloit WI Evansville IL Evansville IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Wales sana Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Bingham ME Clark Olson Butterfield Schaffer Gondy Wenger Sommerfeldt Kane Feldt 26-Aug-1905 10-Jun-1918 2-Feb-1921 1-May-1923 21-Feb-1901 18-May-1902 29-Sep-1908 11-Aug-1926 16-Nov-1928 5-Sep-1929 15-Sep-1929 9-Oct-1906 26-Oct-1911 15 June 1822 7-Jun-1924 3-Jan-1927 28-Mar-1928 18-Mar-1905 8-Mar-1911 24-Aug-1928 3-Mar-1912 1-Jan-1915 1-Jan-1915 18-May-1900 Cemetery or Burial Location Chicago IL Beam Chapel Rock Grove Union Cemetery Brodhead Janesville M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Chicago IL Comstock NE Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood City Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Probate Cadiz Cemetery Saucerman Cadiz Cemetery Mt Vernon - J Mt Vernon Paper Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 4-Nov-1913 24-Jun-1909 5-Apr-1920 12-Dec-1900 31-Aug-1901 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J 31-Aug-1905 11-Jun-1918 3-Feb-1921 2-May-1923 25-Feb-1901 8-Nov-1918 19-May-1902 30-Sep-1908 12-Aug-1926 17-Nov-1928 7-Sep-1929 16-Sep-1929 23-Nov-1920 10-Oct-1906 27-Oct-1911 3-May-1920 16-Jun-1922 17-Jun-1922 7-Jun-1924 3-Jan-1927 29-Mar-1928 11-Apr-1905 18-Mar-1905 8-Mar-1911 25-Aug-1928 4-Mar-1912 2-Jan-1915 2-Jan-1915 1-Jun-1900 Last Name Bray Bray Brazel Brazel Brazel Brechlein Breckenwagen Breckenwagen Brecklin Breed Breeze Brennen Brennen Brennen Brennen Brenum Brewer Brewer Breylinger Breylinger Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Brier Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Brink Brink Britt Britten Britton Brobst First Name Myrtie William, Dr Henry M. William John L. Sophia Rosina Rosina Edward Ruben James, Mrs. Timothy, Mrs Michael John Catherine John Fred, Mrs Fred Fred J. Otis Jacob V. Jimmie Sarah Anna Nicholas E.W. G.W. C. A., Rev Augusta, Mrs William Mary Ella M.B. W. B., Col Peter Other Name Clayton Mueller Voss Hosier Lewis Binder Page 9 1920B 1901B 1917B 1926B 1926B Page 7 1901B 1909B 1928B 1915B 1904B 1918B 1920B 1924B 1922B 1927B 1928B 1911K 1921B 1906B 1911B 1913B 1927B 1918B 1903B 1903B 1922B 1926B 1916B 1920B 1923B 1922B 1910B 1926B Date Died 20-Apr-1901 21-Apr-1920 1-Feb-1901 7-Feb-1917 25-Nov-1926 3-Oct-1926 25-Mar-1901 25-Mar-1901 18-Dec-1909 11-May-1928 16-Apr-1914 17-Oct-1904 Residence Farmers Grove New Jersey Adams twp WI Argyle WI Adams twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jordan twp WI Brodhead WI South Iowa Clarno WI Chicago IL 9-Aug-1920 Clarno WI 19-Jun-1924 Freeport IL 27-Jun-1922 24-Nov-1927 Argyle WI 20-Nov-1928 Argyle WI 22-May-1911 19-Mar-1921 Monticello WI 5-Mar-1906 Ludington MI Goldfield NV 9-Jan-1913 Jefferson twp WI 26-Nov-1927 California 14-Apr-1918 Monroe WI Dodgeville WI Juda WI 14-Aug-1922 Elgin IL 8-Feb-1926 Albany WI 16-Aug-1916 Green County WI 9-May-1920 Beloit WI 25-Feb-1923 Freeport IL Platteville WI 19-Dec-1910 Janesville WI 1-Jan-1926 Brodhead WI Cemetery or Burial Location New Jersey Shooks Prairie Argyle M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Avon Cemetery Old Calvary M - Calvary Old Calvary Wiota Cemetery Richland Center. Richland Center Monticello Monticello Fairfield Cemetery M - Greenwood Long Beach M - Greenwood probate M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Freeport IL Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 24-Apr-1901 6-May-1920 5-Feb-1901 8-Feb-1917 26-Nov-1926 4-Oct-1926 27-Mar-1901 26-Mar-1901 20-Dec-1909 12-May-1928 17-Apr-1915 17-Oct-1904 28-Mar-1918 9-Aug-1920 23-Jun-1924 27-Jun-1922 25-Nov-1927 22-Nov-1928 24-May-1911 21-Mar-1921 6-Mar-1906 11-Mar-1911 10-Jan-1913 3-Dec-1927 15-Apr-1918 19-Sep-1903 9-Jan-1903 17-Aug-1922 9-Feb-1926 16-Aug-1916 10-May-1920 26-Feb-1923 14-Feb-1922 20-Dec-1910 7-Jan-1926 Last Name Brobst Brock Brockway Brockway Broderick Broders Broege Broege Broege Broege Broge Broge Bronson Brooks Broughton Broughton First Name Scott Beulah Henry James Georgia Ernest August F. W. August F. Infant son Infant dau Clinton C. Herman Son Albert J. Bierre Frank Jr. Other Name Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Martha Russell, Dr J. H. Frank John S. William Baby Boy Catherine Catherine Henry J. J.D. John Minerva W.E., Mrs Charles John W. Joseph Roy J. Cain Murray Bennett Sery Binder 1929B 1923B 1913B 1912B 1926B 1925B 1918B 1927B 1929B 1929B 1918B 1916B 1927B 1922B 1904B 1906B Date Died 12-Jan-1929 18-Aug-1923 7-Apr-1913 1-Jul-1912 4-Mar-1926 10-Jan-1925 4-Dec-1918 3-Oct-1927 18-Mar-1929 13-Apr-1929 2-Sep-1918 20-Jul-1916 20-Jan-1927 20-Jan-1922 5-Mar-1904 14-May-1906 1905B 1912B 1922B 1929B 1905B 1906B 1916B 1912B 1913B 1912B 1912B 1913B 1916B 1912B 1920B 1920B 1920B 1922B 23-Sep-1905 4-Apr-1912 25-Aug-1922 6-Oct-1929 20-Nov-1905 5-Jul-1906 10-Dec-1916 19-Dec-1912 15-Oct-1913 24-Mar-1912 23-May-1912 26-Apr-1913 28-Jul-1916 23-Aug-1912 1-Sep-1920 10-Jan-1920 Residence Brodhead WI Detroit MI Albany WI Albany WI Dayton Ohio Monroe WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Reedsburg Brodhead WI Evansville IL Sanitarium in Madison WI Rockford IL Brodhead WI Evansville IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Janesville WI County farm Monroe WI Mineral Pointe WI County farm Monroe WI Whitewater WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Elk City KS Rock Grove WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Detroit MI Albany M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood LaDue Cemetery LaDue Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Woodstock Richland Center M - Greenwood Brodhead Maple Hill Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Saucerman M - Greenwood Twin Grove Whitewater M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Paper Date 14-Jan-1929 20-Aug-1923 10-Apr-1913 2-Jul-1912 6-Mar-1926 12-Jan-1925 5-Dec-1918 4-Oct-1927 19-Mar-1929 13-Apr-1929 3-Sep-1918 20-Jul-1916 20-Jan-1927 24-Jan-1922 8-Mar-1904 15-May-1906 Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 26-Sep-1905 5-Apr-1912 26-Apr-1922 9-Oct-1929 24-Nov-1905 6-Jul-1906 11-Dec-1916 21-Dec-1912 16-Oct-1913 25-Mar-1912 25-May-1912 26-Apr-1913 29-Jul-1916 24-Aug-1912 2-Sep-1920 10-Jan-1920 2-Jul-1920 15-May-1922 Last Name Brown Brown Brown Brown Brownfield Bruen Bruen Bruner Brunet Brunet Bruni Bruni Bruni Brunkow Brunkow Brunkow Brunkow Brunkow Brunkow Brunley Brunn Brunner Brunner Brunner Brunner Brunstrum Bryan Bryant Bryant Bryant Bubb Bucher Buchschacher Buchschacher Buckley First Name Maria Louisa Edna M. John B.B. Martha John John, Mrs Rosa Abelardo Jacob Anna Gottfried Fred W. F., Mrs William, Mrs August, Mrs Christian F. Julia Martha S. d/o Rev. R. John Albert Emil, Mrs Christ Peter Nathaniel, Mrs Edward E, Mrs Edwin E, Gen Ellen William Matilda Marie Fred Sr. Andrew Other Name Miss Hart Johnson Benson Fidler Hartwich Strabel Hale Salley Binder 1923B 1924B 1928B 1902B 1902B 1924B 1929B 1910B 1928B 1929B 1907B 1918B 1929B 1908B 1912B 1917B 1926B 1928B 1929B 1924B 1905B 1904B 1921B 1924B 1926B 1905B 1907B 1905B 1903B 1916 B 1923B 1904B 1916 B 1922B Page23 Date Died 3-May-1923 7-Mar-1924 26-May-1928 12-Nov-1902 13-Jan-1902 30-Apr-1924 28-Apr-1929 15-Aug-1910 31 Dce 1928 27-Nov-1907 21-Aug-1918 28-Aug-1929 8-Aug-1908 15-Dec-1912 9-Jul-1917 10-May-1926 14-Jun-1928 8-Aug-1929 23-Dec-1924 17-Sep-1905 3-Aug-1921 4-Sep-1924 13-May-1926 3-Jul-1905 16-Nov-1907 19-Nov-1905 11-Aug-1903 10-Dec-1916 18-May-1923 24-Apr-1904 24-Aug-1916 8-Dec-1922 27-Dec-1901 Residence Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Keithsburg IL Monroe WI South Wayne WI South Wayne WI Jefferson twp WI Chicago IL Milwaukee WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Darlington WI Juda WI South Dakota Browntown WI Jefferson twp WI Green County WI Idaho Waukesha Escanaba MI Monroe WI California Washington DC Albany WI County farm Warren IL Warren IL Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Cadiz Cemetery P-Greenwood Dakota IL West Wiota Cemetery West Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Darlington Oakley Cemetery New York Cadiz M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Gannett, Idaho Waukesha Escanaba MI Evansville Madison WI Warren IL Warren IL Old Catholic Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe MonroeT Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 3-May-1923 8-Mar-1924 26-May-1928 14-Nov-1902 13-Jan-1902 1-May-1924 29-Apr-1929 16-Aug-1910 31-Dec-1928 2-Jan-1929 27-Nov-1907 21-Aug-1918 28-Aug-1929 8-Aug-1908 16-Dec-1912 9-Jul-1917 11-May-1926 16-Jun-1928 8-Aug-1929 24-Dec-1924 18-Sep-1905 19-Jul-1904 3-Aug-1921 5-Sep-1924 14-May-1926 7-Jul-1905 16-Nov-1907 20-Nov-1905 13-Aug-1903 12-Dec-1916 22-May-1923 25-Apr-1904 24-Aug-1916 11-Dec-1922 30-Dec-1901 Last Name Buckley Budge Buehl Buehl Buehl Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buehler Buergesser Buergi Buetow Bulfinch Bulfinch Bumke Bumpke Bumpke Bunger Bunker Burbank Burbeak Burch Burch Burchmore Burd First Name Andrew Orrin George George Frieda Andrew Fred Gottfred, Mrs Gottfred John, Mrs Fred W, Mrs John Ada Christ John Sr. Esther Christ, Mrs Samuel Catherine Walter Martin Edna E.M. Alice Ferdinand Sr Wilma Rose Ernstina Mary Almira Joseph S. R., Dr Charles Charles, Mrs Nellie Henry, Mrs Other Name Thomm Tschudy Gottlieb Babler Keller Bleiler Garwell Fletcher Rosenthal Mossat Baird Wilmet Stewart Binder 1901B 1925B 1910B 1922B 1928B 1901B Page 5 1909B 1917B 1917B 1920B 1924B 1924B 1924B 1925B 1925B 1926B 1928B 1928B 1929B 1915B 1924B 1912B 1921B 1926B 1921B 1926B 1929B 1912B 1918B 1917B 1921B 1921B 1917S 1929B Date Died Residence 27-Dec-1901 Monroe WI Nevada 25-Dec-1910 Washington twp WI Monroe twp WI 12-Dec-1928 Janesville WI 3-Nov-1901 Monroe WI Kansas City KS 28-Oct-1909 Monroe WI 17-Sep-1917 Monroe WI 24-Sep-1917 Monroe WI 22-Jan-1920 Joplin MO 6-Jun-1924 Washington twp WI 10-Jul-1924 Monticello WI 8-Dec-1924 Medford 30-Mar-1925 Orangeville IL 7-Jun-1925 Oshkosh WI 3-Mar-1926 Medford 2-Aug-1928 Monroe WI 29-Sep-1928 Madison WI 19-Aug-1929 Blanchardville WI 25-Mar-1915 Jordan twp WI 23-May-1924 Juda WI 5-Oct-1912 South America 1-Feb-1921 Sylvester WI 7-Feb-1926 Monroe WI 13-Aug-1921 Browntown WI 10-Apr-1926 Cadiz twp WI 3-Nov-1929 Brodhead WI 22-Jan-1912 Lena IL 25-Feb-1918 Rockford IL 3-Jul-1917 Gratiot WI 23-May-1921 Green Bay WI 24-May-1921 Green Bay WI 30-Jun-1917 Evanston IL Michigan Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Medford M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Medford M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Iliff Cemetery M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Rockford IL Green Bay Green Bay Evanston IL Kalamazoo MN Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 27-Dec-1901 1-Jun-1925 27-Dec-1910 12-Dec-1928 4-Nov-1901 5-Oct-1907 29-Oct-1909 17-Sep-1917 24-Sep-1917 23-Jan-1920 7-Jun-1924 11-Jul-1924 9-Dec-1924 31-Mar-1925 8-Jun-1925 4-Mar-1926 2-Aug-1928 29-Sep-1928 22-Aug-1929 26-Mar-1915 24-May-1924 19-Oct-1912 2-Feb-1921 8-Feb-1926 16-Aug-1921 12-Apr-1926 4-Nov-1929 22-Jan-1912 26-Feb-1918 3-Jul-1917 25-May-1921 25-May-1921 2-Jul-1917 15-Oct-1929 Last Name Burdick Burdick Burger Burgess Burgi Burgi Burgi Burgi Burgi Burgunder Burgy Burgy Burgy Burgy Burgy Buri Buri Buri Buri First Name Eliza William Magdalena Charles, Mrs Caroline John John Louisa Samuel Louis Fred George Louis Nonda Herman Barbara Fred Infant s/o W.R. Letha Elizabeth Other Name Burington Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burkhalter Burkhalter Lena Anthony James s/o Fred T. F., Mrs Fred T. Peter F. Kathryn, Mrs Bertha M. John Michael, Mrs James Bertha Gottfred Infant twin Peck Scharer Fritz Luchsinger Burgy Alder Binder 1908B 1923B 1913B 1922B 1917B 1924B 1924B 1926B 1928B 1920B 1913B 1911B 1910B 1920B 1929B 1903B 1906B 1902B 1927B 1923B Page15 1902B 1909B 1911B 1918B 1919B 1920W 1921B 1924B 1924B 1924B 1929B 1907B 1920B Date Died Residence 11-Oct-1908 Racine WI Freeport IL 16-Jan-1913 County farm 8-Apr-1922 Janesville WI 5-Jun-1917 Monroe WI 12-Feb-1924 Monroe WI 11-Feb-1924 Monroe WI 16-Nov-1926 Monroe WI 20-Mar-1928 Monroe WI 8-Feb-1920 Browntown WI 7-Jul-1913 Monroe WI 14-May-1911 19-Dec-1910 Monroe WI 24-Jun-1920 Monroe WI 26-Sep-1929 Monroe WI 31-May-1903 Monroe WI 16-Feb-1906 1-Jun-1902 5-Oct-1927 Monroe WI 11-Oct-1923 28-Aug-1901 5-Aug-1902 3-Aug-1909 19-Jan-1911 26-Aug-1918 24-Jun-1921 6-Jun-1924 31-Oct-1924 25-Jan-1924 17-Feb-1929 8-May-1907 3-Oct-1920 Monroe WI Youngstown OH County farm Monroe WI Blanchardville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Dubuque IA Monroe WI Minneapolis Dubuque IA Waupaca Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Freeport IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Forest Home Chicago IL Nokomis IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dubuque IA M - Greenwood Madison M - Greenwood Dayton Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 12-Oct-1908 23-Nov-1923 17-Jan-1913 10-Apr-1922 6-Jun-1917 12-Feb-1924 12-Feb-1924 17-Nov-1926 21-Mar-1928 9-Feb-1920 8-Jul-1913 15-May-1911 19-Dec-1910 24-Jun-1920 26-Sep-1929 1-Jun-1903 16-Feb-1906 2-Jun-1902 5-Oct-1927 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe 12-Oct-1923 30-Aug-1901 6-Aug-1902 3-Aug-1909 20-Jan-1911 27-Aug-1918 3-Feb-1919 1-May-1920 24-Jun-1921 6-Jun-1924 1-Nov-1924 26-Jan-1924 18-Feb-1929 8-May-1907 4-Oct-1920 Last Name Burley Burlingham Burmeister Burmeister Burndt Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burr Burrington Burrington Burrington Burt Burt Burt Burt Burton Burton Burton Busby Buschman Bushnell Buss Buss Buss Bussey Bussey Bussy Butcher First Name Frederick W. Jannette Mary Lena Frances Bernice Olive Moses E. Margaret O. Phillip Thomas A. Frances James John Dave, Mrs Ruben Daniel Franklin J. William Charles May Robert M. Thelma Ernest Walter Laura Evangeline Charles Henry Daniel Mahlon I. William George Benjamin F. Butler B.P. Other Name Neeseman Neville Long Roderick Mather Binder 1929B 1926B 1915B 1925B 1928B 1908B 1906B 1917B 1913B 1917B 1922B 1927B 1912B 1908B 1905B 1915B 1907B 1900B 1918B 1926B 1917B 1922B 1925B 1927B 1912B 1920B 1905B 1908B 1922B 1915B 1924B 1904B 1927B 1907B Date Died 7-Sep-1926 19-May-1915 12-Sep-1925 14-Dec-1928 29-Dec-1908 Residence Winslow IL Shullsburg WI Gratiot WI Fargo ND Orangeville IL Monroe WI 18-Apr-1917 1-Feb-1913 California 27-Dec-1916 Iowa 12-Apr-1922 Hollandale Chicago IL 23-Apr-1912 Postville 21-Apr-1908 Browntown WI 4-Jan-1905 Browntown WI 29-Oct-1915 Chicago IL 15-Mar-1907 Decatur WI 21-May-1900 Albany WI 17-Apr-1918 Albany WI 3-Mar-1926 Albany WI 9-Jun-1917 Freeport IL 20-Feb-1922 Brodhead WI 26-May-1925 Chicago IL 10-Nov-1927 Arizona 22-Apr-1912 Kenosha 9-Oct-1920 Monroe twp WI Brooklyn twp WI 4-Oct-1908 Darlington 14-Mar-1922 27-Oct-1915 Oakley 10-Nov-1924 Spring Grove twp WI 21-Mar-1904 Juda WI 8-Dec-1927 Brodhead WI 30-Jul-1907 California Cemetery or Burial Location Warren IL Rockford IL Juda Cemetery Brodhead Dayton Catholic Los Angeles CA Spirit Lake IA Waldwick Shullsburg Neillsville WI Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Albany Albany Cemetery Tempe AZ Argus Cemetery Oakley Union Union Cemetery M - Greenwood Live Oak Cemetery Mourovia, CA Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 13-Mar-1929 7-Sep-1926 22-May-1915 17-Sep-1925 14-Dec-1928 30-Dec-1908 23-Jan-1906 18-Apr-1917 3-Feb-1913 10-Jan-1917 14-Apr-1922 18-May-1927 27-Apr-1912 22-Apr-1908 5-Jan-1905 30-Oct-1915 20-Mar-1907 21-May-1900 19-Apr-1918 4-Mar-1926 12-Jun-1917 24-Feb-1922 27-May-1925 17-Nov-1927 25-Apr-1912 9-Oct-1920 11-Apr-1905 5-Oct-1908 18-Mar-1922 28-Oct-1915 10-Nov-1924 21-Mar-1904 8-Dec-1927 7-Aug-1907 Last Name Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butt Butt Butt Buttenhoff Butterfield Butterfield Butterfield Butterfield Butts Butts Butts Butts Butts Butts Butts Butts Byers Byers Byers Byers Byers Byrne Byrne Byron Cackler Cackler Cadwell First Name James Thomas Charles Garnet, Sgt Mary John B. George G. Katie Gottfred Gottfried Gottfried Mrs. Merle Nathaniel Jennie Samuel Charles Louise, Mrs Henry Tena Harold Henry Jr. Will, Mrs Frank Wesley John Fred W, Dr Harry S. Olive Fredericka Mary Thos Wanda Christ Alice Horace Other Name Stauffacher Campbell Pehl DeHaven DeLemp Farnum Evans Binder 1905B 1906B 1913B 1918B 1915B 1922B 1923B 1924B 1905B 1905B 1906B 1923B 1900B 1917B 1918B 1923B 1906B 1920B 1920B 1920B 1920B 1920B 1928B 1928B 1902B 1915B 1915B 1921B 1924B 1903B Page12 1928B 1903C 1917C 1912C Date Died 15-Feb-1905 21-Mar-1906 8-Jan-1913 27-Apr-1928 30-Mar-1928 Residence Madison IL Argyle WI Madison WI New Jersey Madison WI Kansas County farm Monticello WI Jordan twp WI Jordan twp WI Woodford WI Monroe WI Waterloo IA Monroe WI Monroe WI Madison WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Arena Evansville Madison WI 14-Jun-1915 16-Aug-1915 8-Nov-1921 1-Nov-1924 16-Feb-1903 12-Jun-1901 9-May-1928 13-Jan-1903 9-Sep-1917 10-Jan-1912 Monroe WI Fallon NV Monroe WI Dixon IL Freeport IL Rolf IA Fond du Lac WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Orangeville IL 16-Dec-1915 25-Mar-1923 12-Mar-1924 23-Oct-1905 27-May-1906 16-Feb-1923 11-May-1900 4-Jan-1917 25-May-1918 4-Sep-1923 31-Dec-1905 24-Nov-1920 24-Nov-1920 24-Nov-1920 24-Nov-1920 Cemetery or Burial Location Old Argyle Hawthorne M - Greenwood Hawthorne M - Greenwood Albany Lewis Cemetery Probate Lewis Cemetery Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Arena Hillcrest Cemetery Lena IL Lena IL Lena IL M - Greenwood Freeport IL Fond du Lac M - Calvary M - Calvary Orangeville IL Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe MonroeT Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 27-Feb-1905 23-Mar-1906 9-Jan-1913 3-May-1918 18-Dec-1915 6-May-1922 26-Mar-1923 14-Mar-1924 24-Oct-1905 15-Dec-1908 2-Jun-1906 17-Feb-1923 11-May-1900 5-Jan-1917 27-May-1918 5-Sep-1923 2-Jan-1906 1-Dec-1920 1-Dec-1920 1-Dec-1920 1-Dec-1920 1-Dec-1920 28-Apr-1928 31-Mar-1928 10-Mar-1902 15-Jun-1915 20-Aug-1915 9-Nov-1921 3-Nov-1924 18-Feb-1903 20-Jun-1901 10-May-1928 14-Jan-1903 10-Sep-1917 13-Jan-1912 Last Name Cadwell Cadwell Cahill Camenzind Cameron Cameron Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Camron Canfil Cannon Cannon Cannon Cantwell Caradine Caradine Caradine Caradine Caradine Caradine First Name Charles, Mrs George I. William Frank Elizabeth Franklin Clara John, Mrs Louisa S. C. J.R., Mrs James Laura L. Mae Elizabeth Martha S.C., Mrs Samuel C. Floyd M. Millard F. Charles C. R.F., Mrs Charles, Mrs B.C., Dr Sarah Louis O. Patrick Clara Jane Edith Henry Delia Norris John G., Corp John G., Corp W. H., Dr Elva J. Other Name Fahr Cring Butler Miss Green Davis Diffenderfer Paxton Binder 1922C 1929C 1915C 1920C 1904C 1917C 1905C 1904C 1903C 1908C 1912C 1917C 1913 C 1919C 1912 C 1919C 1915C 1921C 1923C 1924C 1924C 1926C 1929C 1926C 1926C 1915C 1922C 1922C 1904C 1904C 1908C 1918C 1921C 1921C 1926C Date Died 23-Jan-1922 24-Dec-1929 1-Feb-1915 7-Jul-1920 6-Oct-1904 12-Feb-1917 27-Feb-1905 10-May-1903 21-Jul-1908 11-Mar-1912 13-Feb-1917 15-Feb-1919 6-Dec-1912 18-Oct-1915 31-May-1921 9-May-1923 22-May-1924 1-Feb-1926 10-Jan-1929 5-Sep-1926 11-Nov-1926 8-Apr-1915 6-Mar-1922 11-Apr-1922 Residence Freeport IL Orangeville IL Orfordville WI Canton OH Monroe WI Monroe WI Cedar Rapids IA Clarno WI Tacoma WA Washington California Monroe WI South Wayne WI California Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Clarno twp WI South Wayne WI South Dakota Platteville WI Madison WI Jefferson twp WI Albany WI County farm Darlington WI Darlington WI Janesville Chanute KS Monroe WI France 26-Oct-1904 12-Aug-1908 12-Aug-1918 12-Aug-1918 9-Aug-1921 Monroe WI 22-Nov-1926 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Westlawn, Canton OH M - Greenwood Brodhead M - Calvary Bethel Tacoma WA Tacoma WA Los Angeles CA Darlington Long Beach CA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Darlington Watertown SD Darlington M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Albany Orangeville IL Andrews Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 27-Jan-1922 24-Dec-1929 1-Feb-1915 9-Jul-1920 20-Oct-1904 12-Feb-1917 28-Feb-1905 14-Oct-1904 11-May-1903 22-Jul-1908 11-Mar-1912 14-Feb-1917 31-May-1913 17-Feb-1919 14-Dec-1912 8-Apr-1919 19-Oct-1915 1-Jun-1921 9-May-1923 23-May-1924 28-Feb-1924 3-Feb-1926 12-Jan-1929 6-Sep-1926 11-Nov-1926 8-Apr-1915 18-Mar-1922 22-Apr-1922 9-Jun-1904 31-Oct-1904 13-Aug-1908 2-Sep-1918 29-Jul-1921 10-Aug-1921 23-Nov-1926 Last Name Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Carlan Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carolfl Carpenter Carpenter Carr Carr Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carter Carter Carter Carter First Name Grace Joe John J., Mrs Leo Thomas, Mrs William Milo Lida Celia Leo G. Karen, Mrs John Austin Cornelius N. Fredericka Glenn George J. Anthony Joseph Kate Mary Philip Alice Helen James Catherine Robert Mary Edward M. Henry Margaret Charles H., Dr Ford William Ruby Other Name McPhillips Leighton Bahr Schuetze Saucerman Dunn Dunn Miner Binder 1918C 1917C 1918B 1918C 1923C 1927C 1929C 1926C 1911C 1911C 1922C 1924C 1916C 1907C 1925C 1926C 1928C 1901C 1905C 1900C 1906C 1901C 1917C 1918C 1918C 1922C 1924C 1928C 1929C 1929C 1929C 1902C 1919C 1918C 1923C Date Died Residence 1-May-1918 Monroe WI 14-Mar-1917 Darlington WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood 2-Jan-1918 18-Apr-1923 7-Jan-1927 17-Jan-1929 26-Sep-1911 26-Sep-1911 3-May-1922 1-Nov-1924 21-May-1907 24-Nov-1925 19-Jan-1926 12-Nov-1928 14-Mar-1901 28-Dec-1905 4-Nov-1900 3-Jan-1906 28-Apr-1901 30-Jun-1917 14-Oct-1918 4-Feb-1918 23-Apr-1922 30-Nov-1924 6-Apr-1928 19-Apr-1929 31-Oct-1929 19-Jun-1929 Shullsburg Argyle WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Blanchardville WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Ohio Monroe WI New York Mt Pleasant twp WI Monroe WI Browntown WI Winslow IL IL Chicago IL St Paul MN St Paul MN Hammond WI Albany WI South Wayne WI St Paul MN Monroe WI Monticello WI South Wayne WI Pasedena CA 24-Jan-1919 Blanchardville WI 18-Apr-1918 Monroe WI 18-Jul-1923 Jefferson twp WI A - Calvary Argyle Cemetery Chicago IL Graceland Cemetery Jordan Cemetery Port Clinton M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dayton M - Calvary Old Catholic Winslow IL Mt. Olivet-Janesville M - Calvary M - Calvary Hammond WI Dayton M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 2-May-1918 16-Mar-1917 4-May-1918 2-Jan-1918 27-Apr-1923 7-Jan-1927 18-Jan-1929 19-Jul-1926 26-Sep-1911 26-Sep-1911 12-Jun-1922 4-Nov-1924 16-Jan-1916 22-May-1907 24-Nov-1925 20-Jan-1926 15-Nov-1928 15-Mar-1901 28-Dec-1905 5-Nov-1900 3-Jan-1906 30-Apr-1901 30-Jun-1917 14-Oct-1918 5-Feb-1918 25-Apr-1922 1-Dec-1924 6-Apr-1928 19-Apr-1929 1-Nov-1929 20-Jun-1929 15-Apr-1902 31-Jan-1919 19-Apr-1918 18-Jul-1923 Last Name Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carver Carver Carver Carver Cary Case Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Cassady Cassoday Cassody Castater Catchpole Caton Caughlin Cave Cecil Chadwick Chadwick Chadwick Chadwick Chadwick Chamberlain Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers First Name Doris Thomas A. Dorothy Leonard Jr. William Dana H., Mrs DeVera J. W. W.F. Emma Alonzo John John, Mrs Martin Phillip John Isabel Eldon J. Chief Justice Sylvester L. L.G., Rev William. Rev Fred Bruce Florence John Mrs. Harriet V. Louise William Wood James J. Mary Baby of Earl John Etta John A. Other Name Hickman Smith Milliken Stout Mitchell Waddle Binder 1924C 1924C 1925C 1926C 1928C 1902C 1907C 1905C 1927C 1928C 1921C 1906C 1913C 1923C 1923C 1926C 1917C 1910C 1907C 1927C 1922C 1909C 1918C 1906C 1921C 1904C 1912C 1910C 1916C 1924C 1928C 1906C 1902C 1913C 1913C Date Died 30-Apr-1924 14-Mar-1924 30-Sep-1925 9-Apr-1926 30-Nov-1928 23-Sep-1902 18-Apr-1907 30-May-1905 3-Sep-1927 9-Jan-1928 8-Mar-1921 25-Jun-1906 24-Oct-1913 24-Dec-1923 8-Oct-1923 31-May-1926 2-Jul-1917 18-Jun-1910 30-Dec-1907 30-Dec-1927 25-Mar-1922 28-Sep-1909 19-Dec-1918 Residence Clarno twp WI Browntown WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Winslow IL Albany WI California Argyle WI Albany WI Monroe WI Monroe twp WI Adams twp WI Monroe twp WI Washington twp WI Missouri Chicago IL Madison WI Spring Valley Los Angeles CA Aurora IL Belleville WI Cemetery or Burial Location Bethel Cemetery Sterling IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Bethel Cemetery Winslow IL Argyle Old Catholic Old Calvary Old Catholic St Mary's Cemetery Carthage MO Forest Hill, Madison Scotch Hill Cemetery Janesville Orangeville IL Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 1-May-1924 14-Mar-1924 1-Oct-1925 10-Apr-1926 30-Nov-1928 23-Sep-1902 18-Apr-1907 31-May-1905 3-Sep-1927 9-Jan-1928 8-Mar-1921 25-Jun-1906 25-Oct-1913 24-Dec-1923 9-Oct-1923 1-Jun-1926 3-Jul-1917 20-Jun-1910 30-Dec-1907 30-Dec-1927 28-Mar-1922 2-Oct-1908 19-Dec-1918 Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T 5-Jul-1921 31-May-1904 3-Jun-1912 8-Aug-1910 2-Oct-1916 26-May-1924 18-Jun-1928 29-Mar-1906 4-Feb-1902 19-Feb-1913 12-Feb-1913 Coleridge Cemetery 3-Jul-1921 Monroe WI Alvin TX 3-Jun-1912 Monroe WI 8-Aug-1910 Juda WI 2-Oct-1916 Monroe WI 25-May-1924 Dakota IL 16-Jun-1928 Albany WI 28-Mar-1906 Jefferson twp WI 4-Feb-1902 Monroe WI 12-Feb-1913 Monroe WI Alvin TX M - Greenwood Juda M - Greenwood Juda M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Last Name Chambers Chambers Chammess Chammess Champion Chandler Chandler Chandler Chapin Chapin Chapin Chapman Chapman First Name Elizabeth William Isaac Mary Peter Mrs. Harry Jennie Susan Mary Frances Marie E. Mary Jane J. W., Mrs J.W. Chapman Chapman Chappel Charlton Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chatelle Cheney Cheney Cheney Chenoweth Chenoweth Chenoweth Chenoweth Chenoweth Chesebro Chesebro Lillian J. Charles H. Albert J. Helen Frances Helen "Hetty" Peter F. Corinna George George, Mrs Genevieve Mary Will James H. Benjamin Benjamin Rosanna Belle Frank, Mrs E.W., Mrs Eldridge W. Other Name Royer Millman Lyons Barber Treat Eaton Mikesell Miksell Holmes Stowell-Stoll North Ludlow Slonaker Binder 1925C 1925C 1908C 1908C 1909C Page 6 1900C 1925C 1906C 1918C 1927C Page 1 1904C Date Died 11-Feb-1925 2-Sep-1925 16-Feb-1908 24-Mar-1908 7-Nov-1909 1-Mar-1901 20-Nov-1900 28-Apr-1925 30-Jun-1906 1-Jul-1918 9-Mar-1927 3-Aug-1907 4-Feb-1904 1926C 1927C 1906C 1906C 1904C 1906C 1913C 1920C 1922C 1924C 1915C 1920C 1927C 1929C 1903C 1903C 1909C 1927C 1929C 1919C 1910C 23-Jul-1926 22-May-1927 19-Mar-1906 12-Dec-1906 26-May-1904 3-Feb-1906 6-Feb-1913 19-Aug-1920 24-Mar-1922 14-May-1924 22-Oct-1915 16-Mar-1920 14-May-1927 16-Oct-1929 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Wauwatosa WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI South Wayne WI South Wayne WI South Wayne WI Montana Delavan WI Brodhead WI Madison WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI County farm Idaho Darlington WI Denver CO Delavan WI Pomona CA Monroe WI 8-Nov-1903 Monroe WI 25-Dec-1909 Monroe WI Denver CO 20-Jul-1929 Chicago IL 19-Oct-1910 Washington twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Hawthorne Hawthorne M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Hawthorne Cemetery Winslow IL West Wiota Cemeteryetery Eastman Cemetery Delavan M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead Portage WI M - Greenwood Janesville M - Greenwood probate M - Greenwood Owatonna MN Chicago IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 11-Feb-1925 3-Sep-1925 17-Feb-1908 25-Mar-1908 9-Nov-1909 2-Mar-1901 20 Nov 1900 29-Apr-1925 30-Jun-1906 1-Jul-1918 9-Mar-1927 9-Aug-1907 5-Feb-1904 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe 24-Jul-1926 26-May-1927 20-Mar-1906 13-Dec-1906 31-May-1904 3-Feb-1906 6-Feb-1913 20-Aug-1920 25-Mar-1922 14-May-1924 23-Oct-1915 17-Mar-1920 14-May-1927 17-Oct-1929 11-Nov-1903 9-Nov-1903 27-Dec-1909 31-Mar-1927 26-Jul-1929 8-May-1919 20-Oct-1910 Last Name Chesebro Chesterfield Childs Christ Christen Christensen Chryst Chryst Churchill Churchill Churchill Churchill Churchill Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark First Name Sim William Lillian Wilma Carl C. S. John Mary Ellen Charles Norman George William W. Maria Margaret Michael Cole Emma Filbey George H. Harvey Infant c/o John James Lee Levi Lyman T. Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark William Alfred S. Elizabeth Ward J. Philo Dean Clinton, Corp Patrick Infant girl Clark Clark Clark Other Name Todd Elliott Binder 1923G 1920C 1905C 1917C 1929C 1903C 1903C 1912 C 1905C Page11 1912C 1910C 1920C 1908C 1908C 1918C 1918C 1916C 1915C 1911C 1911C 1911C 1918C 1918C 1913C Date Died 16-Feb-1923 20-Mar-1920 5-Sep-1905 13-Dec-1917 5-Dec-1929 8-Feb-1903 4-Oct-1903 2-Feb-1912 16-Jan-1905 16-Jul-1912 24-Mar-1910 2-Jan-1920 23-Jan-1908 16-Aug-1918 5-Aug-1918 15-Feb-1916 15-Sep-1915 15-Oct-1911 26-Apr-1911 10-Mar-1918 12-Dec-1918 29-Aug-1913 Residence Artesian SD County home Denver CO Cobb WI Mankato MN Sylvester twp WI Iowa Monroe WI Monroe WI Oshkosh WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Belleville WI Orangeville IL Monticello WI Monroe WI Madison WI Madison WI Washington twp WI Monroe WI St Paul MN Monroe WI Oak Park IL 1911C 9-Feb-1911 Monticello WI 1920C 20-Nov-1920 Monroe WI 1920C 6-Feb-1920 Monroe WI 1921C 21-Mar-1921 Minnesota 1921C Texas 1921C 4-Oct-1918 France 1923C 1-Jun-1923 Monroe WI 1925C 11-Dec-1925 Monticello WI Cemetery or Burial Location Monroe Belmont Juda Cemetery Cobb WI Mt Vernon Oakland M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Milwaukee Old Catholic West Clarno Monticello M - Greenwood Madison Madison M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Zwingli Church Highland M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 16-Feb-1923 21-Mar-1920 5-Sep-1905 20-Dec-1917 6-Dec-1929 9-Feb-1903 5-Oct-1903 13-Feb-1912 17-Jan-1905 11-May-1901 16-Jul-1912 25-Mar-1910 2-Jan-1920 24-Jan-1908 12-Mar-1908 17-Aug-1918 6-Aug-1918 15-Feb-1916 17-Sep-1915 16-Oct-1911 21-Aug-1911 27-Apr-1911 11-Mar-1918 13-Dec-1918 3-Oct-1913 Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 10-Feb-1911 22-Nov-1920 7-Feb-1920 22-Mar-1921 16-Feb-1921 Monroe Monroe J Monroe 21-Oct-1921 2-Jun-1923 11-Dec-1925 Last Name Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clarke Clarno Clarno Clarno Clarno Clarno Clawson Clawson Clawson Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton ClementsClemmens Clemmer Clemmer Clemmer Clemmer Clemming Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Clevenstine Clevidence Cline Cline Cline First Name John Wilbur William S. Alfred T. Francis L. Harry P. Robert W. H. Mary Elizabeth Anna William Jr. B. R. Kate L. Phineas J. George Madelyn William, Mrs Jay W., Sgt S. D. David John A. Talitha M. Hannah Rhoda Dick A. L. A.L. Elsie W.F. Lettice Mrs. Isaac H. s/o Charles D.A., Mrs Other Name Peregoy Tyler Moore Hon. Odell Lewis Baird Whitcomb Dunaway Williams Binder 1926C 1926C 1929C 1907C 1928C 1928C 1904C 1901C 1923C 1924C 1929C 1913C 1927C 1910C 1902C 1907C 1906C 1918C 1910C Date Died 2-May-1926 10-Sep-1926 31-Jul-1929 30-Dec-1907 1909C 1912C 1913C 1921C 1921C 1927C 1905C 1905C 1923B 1925C 1927C 1912C 1903C Page 4 1923C 8-Aug-1909 20-Feb-1912 27-Dec-1913 9-Nov-1921 4-Dec-1921 6-Jun-1927 5-Apr-1905 Residence Clarno twp WI Orangeville IL Spring Grove twp WI Monroe WI Woodford WI Iowa Monroe WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Minnesota Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New York City NY 6-Sep-1928 26-May-1904 2-Sep-1901 1-May-1923 24-Oct-1924 11-Jul-1929 4-May-1913 3-Dec-1927 9-Aug-1910 18-Jun-1902 27-Dec-1907 19-Dec-1906 Jefferson twp WI 6-Oct-1918 Camp Grant IL Center City NE 2-Dec-1923 29-Jul-1925 16-Oct-1927 25-Mar-1903 27-Sep-1907 26-Jun-1923 Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Oklahoma Monroe WI Stoughton WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Menasha WI Madison WI Davenport IA JoDaviess IL Brodhead WI Martintown WI Cadiz twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood Jordan Cemetery M - Greenwood Hawthorne Bethel M - Greenwood St Paul MN M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Long Island NY M - Greenwood Nebraska Hampton IA Mt Vernon - J Texas Oklahoma M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Probate Menasha Madison Rock Grove IL Mt Hope Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 2-May-1926 11-Sep-1926 31-Jul-1929 31-Dec-1907 3-Feb-1928 8-Sep-1928 26-May-1904 3-Sep-1901 2-May-1923 24-Oct-1924 15-Jul-1929 6-May-1913 3-Dec-1927 10-Aug-1910 23-Jun-1902 30-Dec-1907 19-Dec-1906 7-Oct-1918 8-Aug-1910 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Brodhead Monroe T Monroe J 9-Aug-1909 20-Feb-1912 29-Dec-1913 10-Nov-1921 5-Dec-1921 7-Jun-1927 6-Apr-1905 11-Apr-1905 3-Dec-1923 29-Jul-1925 16-Oct-1927 2-Aug-1912 2-Apr-1903 30-Sep-1907 28-Jun-1923 Last Name Cline Cline Cline Clingman Clinton Clinton Clinton Clock Clough Colby Coldren Coldren Coldren Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Coleman Coleman Coleman Collentine Collentine Collentine Collentine Collentine Collentine Collentine Collentine Collentine Collentine Collier Collins Collins Collins First Name David A. Nathaniel Helen E. Maria E. W. G.O. Seraph, Mrs William James E.L. William, Mrs Will William H. J. H. Julia W.G., Dr. Julia Elisa C. James Ada Michael, Mrs Mary Mae Morris, Mrs James Richard J. Mary Ellen Delia John Roy T. Ellen Nathan, Mrs Augustus A. Fred C, Mrs James Other Name Simpson Robert Woodle Taylor Burgy Langstaff Fritz Gavigan Knight Finley Binder 1924C 1928C 1929C 1916C 1903C Page 6 1922C 1920C 1922C 1904C 1905C 1917C 1912C 1907C 1903C 1907C 1915C 1928C 1906C 1912C 1913C 1907C 1919C 1917C 1920C 1921C 1926C 1927C 1927C 1928C 1929C 1922C Page 2 1908C 1906C Date Died 24-May-1924 5-Jul-1928 27-Nov-1929 22-Oct-1916 12-Mar-1903 23-Oct-1907 1-Mar-1922 29-Jan-1920 21-Feb-1904 25-Mar-1905 10-Feb-1917 7-May-1912 4-Apr-1907 17-Jan-1903 14-Jan-1907 13-Nov-1915 24-Feb-1928 16-Jun-1906 10-Sep-1912 21-Mar-1913 14-Jan-1907 4-Dec-1917 7-Sep-1920 3-Oct-1926 6-Nov-1927 15-Jan-1927 25-Sep-1928 2-Dec-1929 Residence Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Cedarville WI Long Beach CA Wilmette IL Brodhead WI Iowa Janesville WI Freeport IL Brodhead WI Spring Grove WI Spring Grove WI Washington DC Monroe WI Santa Rosa CA Forman ND Monroe WI Freeport IL Canada Orangeville IL Argyle WI New York Argyle WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Beloit WI Argyle WI New York 16-Jan-1901 Juda WI Chicago IL 31-Jan-1906 Argyle WI Cemetery or Burial Location Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Cedarville Brodhead Lapime IA Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Adams Catholic M - Calvary Adams Catholic M - Calvary M - Calvary A - Calvary Mt Vernon M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Paper Date 26-May-1924 6-Jul-1928 29-Nov-1929 24-Oct-1916 13-Mar-1903 24-Oct-1907 4-Mar-1922 30-Jan-1920 4-Apr-1922 23-Feb-1904 27-Mar-1905 12-Feb-1917 17-May-1912 5-Apr-1907 17-Jan-1903 15-Jan-1907 15-Nov-1915 24-Feb-1928 18-Jun-1906 13-Sep-1912 24-Mar-1913 18-Jan-1907 28-Jan-1919 7-Dec-1917 7-Sep-1920 18-Jun-1921 4-Oct-1926 6-Nov-1927 17-Jan-1927 28-Sep-1928 2-Dec-1929 12-Jun-1922 24-Jan-1901 12-Mar-1908 2-Feb-1906 Last Name Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Combs Combs Comstock Comstock Comstock Comstock Condon Confer Confer Confer Confer Confer Confer-Jackson Conley Conley Conley Conlin Conn Connell Conner Conners Conners Connery Connery First Name John Prudence Nathan R. Helen John, Mrs Gladys K. Grace E. Elias Louis Mary Miss Harriett Mary Alda Mary J. Francis M., Dr Francis M., Dr Francis M., Dr Jacob Mrs. Benjamin, Mrs Mary John Eva P.H. Michael, Mrs. J. W. Gladys Thomas Thomas James Edward John Connor Connors Connors J. W. Thomas, Mrs Richard R. Other Name Sullivan Northcraft Lewis Flint Eulette Woodring Ziebuch Foster McGrath Binder 1920C 1921C 1926C 1927C 1927C 1928C 1928C 1903C 1915C 1907C 1913C 1913C 1923C 1929C 1900C 1900C 1900C 1900C 1918C 1904J 1905C 1925C 1928C 1911C 1915B 1920C 1906C 1917C 1926C 1903C 1907C Date Died Residence 31-Oct-1920 Brodhead WI 31-Jul-1926 2-Jun-1927 18-Mar-1927 1-Aug-1928 18-May-1928 22-Aug-1915 16-Aug-1907 9-Aug-1913 15-Jan-1913 22-Apr-1923 15-Jan-1929 7-Nov-1900 7-Nov-1900 7-Nov-1900 8-Nov-1900 24-Jan-1918 24-Feb-1904 5-Dec-1905 6-Oct-1925 30-Oct-1928 22-May-1911 1-Jan-1915 15-Dec-1920 4-Dec-1906 26-Dec-1917 4-Apr-1926 26-Apr-1903 9-Jun-1907 St Paul MN Monroe WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Brodhead WI County farm Albany WI Albany WI Albany WI Albany WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Mason City IA McConnell Monroe WI Monroe area WI Los Angeles CA Darlington WI Cuba City WI Juda WI Janesville WI Oconomowoc WI Monroe WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI 1901C 21-Jan-1901 Neodesha KS 1910C 19-Dec-1910 Jordan twp WI 1927C 10-Oct-1927 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Warren IL M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Mt Vernon probate Brodhead Albany M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Los Angeles CA Darlington M - Calvary Kelly Cheatem Cemetery LaFontaine KS M - Calvary M - Calvary Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 1-Nov-1920 27-May-1921 31-Jul-1926 6-Jun-1927 18-Mar-1927 1-Aug-1928 19-May-1928 9-Jan-1903 23-Aug-1915 17-Aug-1907 12-Aug-1913 16-Jan-1913 24-Apr-1923 16-Jan-1929 7-Nov-1900 12-Nov-1900 19-Dec-1900 8-Nov-1900 25-Jan-1918 24-Feb-1904 6-Dec-1905 7-Oct-1925 2-Nov-1928 26-May-1911 2-Jan-1915 17-Dec-1920 5-Dec-1906 31-Dec-1917 5-Apr-1926 27-Apr-1903 9-Jun-1907 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe 29-Jan-1901 19-Dec-1910 10-Oct-1927 Last Name Conrad Conradson Conradson Conroy Conroy Conroy Considine Considine Converse Conway Conway Conway Conway Conway Conway Conway Conway Conway Cook Cook Cook Cook Cookson Cooley Cooley Coomber Cooper Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeland Coplien Coplien First Name William Ida Ida John Will Jennie, Mrs William J. William J. Maurine Martin Michael Eliza A. John Sister Monica Anthony Thomas Mary-Anna Thomas Frank L. Major A. Clara William Ralph C.O., Dr Asberry Charles Joyce Alice B., Mrs Samuel Edwin R. Mary T. Anna Ernst Dr Baby of Ben Christ Other Name Michael Michael Thompson Binder 1925C 1924B 1924C 1900C 1924C 1925C 1900C 1900C 1916C 1906C 1903C 1911C 1920C 1922C 1923C 1923C 1926C 1927C 1913C 1916C 1923C 1924C 1929C 1912C 1929C 1920C 1922C 1904C 1904C 1912C 1913C 1921C 1929C 1906C 1919C Date Died 23-Jun-1925 27-Nov-1924 27-Nov-1924 16-Sep-1900 20-May-1924 21-Mar-1925 8-May-1900 8-May-1900 24-Aug-1916 13-Feb-1906 6-Jan-1903 8-Oct-1911 Residence Janesville WI Beloit WI Beloit WI Janesville WI Iowa County farm Monroe WI Monroe WI Madison WI Adams twp WI Argyle twp WI Janesville WI 27-Jun-1922 26-Sep-1923 18-Feb-1923 20-Jun-1926 2-Oct-1927 23-Sep-1913 27-Sep-1916 22-Dec-1923 1-Jun-1924 Chicago IL Phoenix AZ Argyle WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Freeport IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Minnesota Brodhead WI Lena IL Rockford IL Monroe WI Evansville Monroe WI Monroe WI Wauwatosa WI Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Juda WI 13-Jun-1912 5-Oct-1929 24-May-1920 30-May-1904 9-Aug-1904 7-Jun-1912 30-Mar-1913 10-Sep-1929 8-Aug-1906 Cemetery or Burial Location Janesville Michael Cemetery Michael Cemetery Iowa Falls Calamine Adams Catholic Antigo WI Argyle Chicago IL Argyle A - Calvary A - Calvary Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Milton Junction Madelia M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Albany M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Wauwatosa Milwaukee Dutch Hollow Juda Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Paper Date 10-Jun-1925 29-Nov-1924 29-Nov-1924 18-Sep-1900 21-May-1924 23-Mar-1925 8-May-1900 18-May-1900 25-Aug-1916 14-Feb-1906 8-Jan-1903 10-Oct-1911 13-Apr-1920 1-Jul-1922 28-Sep-1923 19-Feb-1923 23-Jun-1926 2-Oct-1927 26-Sep-1913 29-Sep-1916 22-Dec-1923 5-Jun-1924 3-Aug-1929 15-Jun-1912 7-Oct-1929 28-May-1920 3-May-1922 2-Jun-1904 9-Aug-1904 8-Jun-1912 31-Mar-1913 5-Jan-1921 11-Sep-1929 9-Aug-1906 3-Apr-1919 Last Name Corcoran Corey Corkins Corlett Cormmany Cornelius Cornelius Corson Corson Corson Corson Corson Corson Corson Corson Corson Corson Corson Cortelyou Coryell Coryell Coryell Coryell Costello Coteubental Couch Coughlin Coulthard Courtney Covey Covey Covey Covey Cowles Cox First Name Katherine D.W. Thomas Mathias S., Dr Sarah N. Mr. N. Mrs. Alonzo, Capt Fred George Harriet Charles D. Alice William A. Frances Howe Frank E. Agnes Anna D. J., Mrs D. J. Stanley Stanley Daniel Christian Lillian Carrie Joseph Michael, Mrs David Edna Sarah Jane Fred Elizabeth Edward Other Name Ratschford Summerli Carr Davison Mackey Jones Saucerman Hefty Scott Mason Binder 1917C 1920C 1907C 1928C 1924C 1904C 1909C 1903C 1907C 1904C 1909C 1917C 1921C 1924C 1924C 1924C 1925C 1927C 1928C 1909C 1919C 1918C 1921C 1926C 1907C 1900C 1918C 1920C 1908M 1916C 1923C 1927C 1927C 1925C 1903C Date Died 16-Dec-1917 19-Aug-1920 15-Apr-1907 23-Apr-1924 5-Jan-1924 4-Mar-1904 29-May-1909 9-May-1903 30-Oct-1907 14-Oct-1904 11-Oct-1909 7-Feb-1917 27-Mar-1924 14-Apr-1924 29-Jul-1925 17-Aug-1927 13-Nov-1928 6-Aug-1909 Residence Monroe WI Michigan Monroe WI Madison WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Albany Cemetery Janesville M - Greenwood Lockport NY Janesville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New York Nebraska Monroe WI Arizona Monroe WI Janesville WI Brodhead WI Cadiz WI Cadiz twp WI France France Warren IL 2-Aug-1918 00-___-1918 5-Feb-1926 4-Jan-1907 8-Feb-1900 Kansas 23-Dec-1918 Belleville IL Leadmine 15-Apr-1908 Cadiz twp WI Argyle WI 29-Jul-1923 Argyle WI 15-Feb-1927 Argyle WI Beloit WI 14-Jun-1925 Shueyville 22-Apr-1903 M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Lincoln M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Cadiz Cemetery Saucerman M - Greenwood Old Catholic Argyle Argyle Argyle M - Greenwood Bethel Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 17-Dec-1917 7-Sep-1920 16-Apr-1907 24-Apr-1928 7-Jan-1924 5-Mar-1904 29-May-1909 9-May-1903 31-Oct-1907 15-Oct-1904 12-Oct-1909 8-Feb-1917 6-May-1921 2-Dec-1924 28-Mar-1924 24-Apr-1924 30-Jul-1925 18-Aug-1927 14-Nov-1928 6-Aug-1909 16-May-1923 26-Aug-1918 16-Jul-1918 11-Feb-1926 5-Jan-1907 9-Feb-1900 23-Dec-1918 24-Nov-1920 15-Apr-1908 2-May-1916 1-Aug-1923 15-Feb-1927 1-Jul-1927 15-Jun-1925 23-Apr-1903 Last Name Cox Cragg Crago Craig Craiger Craigo Craigo Crampton Crampton Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crase Crawford Cresor Creuzer Cribben Croak Crofot Cromttom Cromwell Cronk Cronk Crooks Crosby Cross Cross Crossby Crossfield Crotty Crotty Crotty Crotty First Name Nellie Joseph Loretta s/o John Floyd Thurman Perry I. Mabel Ruth George Marion Elizabeth Susanna Leslie, Pvt Bert William Victor Julius Mary John Frank John Sarah Charles F. Marzo George Charlotte Joseph B. Nelson Ada Harry, Mrs Michael Joseph Jennie F. Mary L. Other Name McDaniel Sharratt Fisch McLean Dennis Cannon Pease Fleury Binder 1922C 1926C 1923C 1903C 1915C 1912C 1929C 1910C 1923C 1913C 1918C 1921C 1922C 1928C 1918C 1905C 1913C 1906C 1915C 1922C 1900C Page18 1920C 1906C 1911C 1909C 1924C 1912C 1923C 1928C 1922C 1926C 1927C 1927C 1927C Date Died 23-Oct-1926 31-Mar-1923 18-Nov-1903 23-Apr-1912 20-Jan-1929 22-Sep-1910 26-Dec-1913 4-Aug-1918 27-Apr-1922 2-Dec-1928 6-Jul-1918 16-May-1905 1-Jun-1913 29-Jan-1906 24-Apr-1915 4-Apr-1922 17-Jan-1900 3-Oct-1901 4-Mar-1920 3-Mar-1906 19-Jul-1911 29-Jun-1909 31-May-1924 16-Jun-1923 26-Feb-1928 18-May-1922 5-Apr-1926 1-Dec-1927 8-Apr-1927 20-Feb-1927 Residence Chicago IL Darlington Cadiz twp WI South Wayne WI Florida South Dakota Monroe WI Madison WI Madison WI Racine WI California California Waddams Monroe WI Camp Grant IL Evansville Brooklyn WI Jordan Center WI Monroe WI Albany WI Jordon NY County farm Freeport IL Brodhead WI Madison WI Monroe WI Alabama Nebraska Darlington WI Albany WI Ft Atkinson WI Milwaukee WI Argyle WI Minnesota South Wayne WI Cemetery or Burial Location Winslow IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Lewis Cemetery Old Catholic Croak Cemetery Attica Mt Vernon Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Eastman Cemetery Nebraska Grand Rapids MI M - Greenwood Ft. Atkinson Milwaukee Adams Catholic Adams Catholic C-Gratiot Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 12-Jun-1922 26-Oct-1926 2-Apr-1923 18-Nov-1903 29-Dec-1915 24-Apr-1912 21-Jan-1929 23 Sep 1910 4-May-1923 26-Dec-1913 10-Aug-1918 28-Oct-1921 12-Jun-1922 3-Dec-1928 7-Sep-1918 18-May-1905 3-Jun-1913 29-Jan-1906 26-Apr-1915 5-Apr-1922 18-Jan-1900 3-Oct-1901 4-Mar-1920 6-Mar-1906 20-Jul-1911 29-Jun-1909 2-Jun-1924 13-Jan-1912 19-Jun-1923 27-Feb-1928 20-May-1922 6-Apr-1926 1-Dec-1927 16-Apr-1927 25-Feb-1927 Last Name Crotty Crotty Crotty Crouch Crouch Crouch Crow Crow Crow Crow Crowell Crowell Crowell Crow-Gorham Crowl Cruezer Cruezer Culles Cullis Cullman Cummins Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cuplin Curran Curran Curry Curtis Curtis First Name Kathrine Maurice George A. Samuel T. Christina H. James Thomas Alice B. Thomas Cordelia, Mrs Jane Andrew Spencer W. Orpha Henry, Mrs William Fred L. Catherine Anton Charles Harold, Mrs Michael P. Sarah Katherine Louis Louis William, Rev Adeline Thomas J. John Thomas James May Oscar D. William, Rev Dr Other Name Crotty Harper Cox Courrie Ward Denney Murry Kimberly Binder 1929C 1929C 1929C 1905C 1917C 1928C 1906C 1926C 1927C 1927C 1913C 1921C 1927C 1908C 1913C 1900C 1926C 1921C 1921C 1925C 1926C 1905C 1900C 1918C 1920C 1920M 1926C 1927C 1929C 1922C 1913C 1926C 1917C 1924C 1929C Date Died 14-Dec-1929 20-Jun-1929 31-Mar-1929 21-Nov-1905 13-Sep-1917 3-Jun-1906 9-Sep-1926 8-May-1927 8-Mar-1927 9-Oct-1913 22-Sep-1927 20-Feb-1908 9-Oct-1913 1-Nov-1900 6-Jan-1926 21-Dec-1921 7-Mar-1921 2-Jun-1925 Residence Adams twp WI South Wayne WI Adams twp WI Washington twp WI Monroe WI Minneapolis MN Darlington WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Blanchardville WI Waukesha WI Brodhead WI Algona IA Monroe WI Wauwatosa WI Jordan twp WI Jordan twp WI Juda WI Juda WI Chicago IL Sparta WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Dayton 11-Nov-1905 25-Jan-1900 2-Apr-1918 14-Jun-1920 14-Jun-1920 2-Jan-1926 Iowa 23-May-1927 Monroe WI 17-Jan-1929 Monroe WI Spring Grove WI 14-Oct-1913 Monroe WI 18-Sep-1926 Shullsburg Chicago IL 15-Jul-1924 New Glarus WI Beloit WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary Gratiot Cemetery A - Calvary M - Greenwood Old Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Mt Vernon Chicago IL Mt Olivet Janesville Chicago IL Belleville M - Calvary Dixon IL Seymour M - Greenwood Cadiz Cemetery Mt Vernon - Juda Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 14-Dec-1929 21-Jun-1929 2-Apr-1929 21-Nov-1905 14-Sep-1917 31-Dec-1928 4-Jun-1906 10-Sep-1926 9-May-1927 10-Mar-1927 13-Oct-1913 31-May-1921 00-Sep 1927 20-Feb-1908 10-Oct-1913 2-Nov-1900 6-Jan-1926 22-Dec-1921 10-Nov-1921 4-Jun-1925 6-Aug-1926 14-Nov-1905 25-Jan-1900 3-Apr-1918 15-Jun-1920 15-Jun-1920 2-Jan-1926 23-May-1927 18-Jan-1929 28-Nov-1922 15-Oct-1913 24-Sep-1926 29-Dec-1917 15-Jul-1924 19-Aug-1929 Last Name Czibulka Dahler Dahlin Dahlin Dahms Dain Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Dale Daley Daley Daley Dalrymple Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Darby Darling Darling First Name A.C., Dr Wendolyn E. Oscar E. Karoline K. Fred Mrs. Hannah James Gertrude Isabel John Mary Ellen Mary Abel Phoebe Tobias Edward Jesse T. Drummond Scott James John Margaret Michael, Mrs Sherman Martha Will Bridget John Francis Anna John N., Dr Joseph John Mary Andrew J. Nelson Other Name Stubbe Binger Binger Binger Hastings Scharer Baltzer Odell Binder 1925C 1929D 1918D 1922D 1905D 1916D 1906D 1910D 1912D 1911D 1912D 1911D 1920D 1928D 1906D 1921D 1922D Date Died 1906D 1904D Page 2 1902D 1917D 1925D 1927D 1907D 1916D 1923D 1927D 1928D 1929D 1903D 1928D 1900D 1916D 22-May-1906 Dayton Monroe WI 27-Jan-1901 22-Nov-1902 Monroe WI 25-Mar-1917 Chicago IL 24-Sep-1925 Indiana 30-Dec-1927 Chicago IL 2-Nov-1907 Monroe WI Monroe WI 31-Jan-1923 Monroe WI 21-Sep-1927 Ft Atkinson WI 15-Jan-1928 Freeport IL 31-May-1929 Milwaukee WI 3-Sep-1903 Monroe WI 24-Jul-1928 Brodhead WI estate 25-Sep-1916 Monroe WI 22-Jan-1929 9-Jun-1918 2-Feb-1922 18-Jan-1905 2-Jan-1916 16-Jan-1910 23-Dec-1912 19-Feb-1911 28-Dec-1911 28-Dec-1911 30-Apr-1920 14-Apr-1928 1-Mar-1906 30-Nov-1921 20-Apr-1922 Residence Plymouth Monroe WI Juda WI Winslow IL Monroe WI Darlington WI Waupaca Cadiz twp WI Argyle WI Browntown WI Browntown WI Browntown WI County home Browntown WI County farm Milwaukee WI Darlington WI Cemetery or Burial Location Warren M - Greenwood East Wiota Cemetery East Wiota Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Paper Date 30-Mar-1925 23-Jan-1929 10-Jun-1918 East Dayton Cemetery Monroe J Old Catholic Monroe J M - Calvary Monroe J Monroe J Old Calvary Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Morris IL Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Oakland Cemetery Monroe Calvary-Madison Monroe Monroe J Monroe County Courthouse Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe J 25-May-1906 6-Jun-1904 28-Jan-1901 24-Nov-1902 26-Mar-1917 28-Sep-1925 30-Dec-1927 2-Nov-1907 25-Jan-1916 31-Jan-1923 21-Sep-1927 17-Jan-1928 1-Jun-1929 4-Sep-1903 26-Jul-1928 3-Feb-1900 25-Sep-1916 Waupaca WI Saucerman Adams Lutheran Milwaukee Kelly Cemetery Kelly Spring Grove Milwaukee 18-Jan-1905 3-Jan-1916 3-Jul-1906 17-Jan-1910 27-Dec-1912 22-Feb-1911 4-Jan-1912 28-Dec-1911 1-May-1920 14-Apr-1928 2-Mar-1906 1-Dec-1921 22-Apr-1922 Last Name Darling Darling Darling Davenport Davenport Davenport Davidson Davidson Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Dawson Day Day Day Day Day Deal Deal Deal Deal Deal Deal First Name Rachel Agnes Francis E. Louis William S. Sarah William, Mrs Leslie George D. E. David M. James N. Earl John N, Mrs Infant son Albert George J. Z. Bessie A. Marie Richard Infant dau. Dewey Harriet Russel J. Croline A.L., Dr John A. L., Mrs Margaret Solomon K. Veronica Norman, Mrs Julia Mary Other Name Van Matre Stangler Wells Buker Baird Reed Durn Campbell Seltzer Cook Binder 1920D 1926D 1927D 1907D 1903D 1925D 1925D 1929D 1909D 1916D 1912D 1916D 1920D 1924D 1924D 1925D 1926D 1927D 1928D 1928D 1928D 1929D 1929D 1917D 1905D 1922R 1926D 1926D 1927D 1900D 1907D 1900D 1915D 1923D 1924D Date Died 15-Dec-1926 17-Jan-1927 13-Oct-1907 18-Oct-1903 13-Jan-1925 28-Jul-1925 28-Jan-1909 11-Apr-1916 15-Jan-1912 24-Jun-1916 4-Sep-1920 13-Mar-1924 13-Mar-1925 22-Jun-1926 5-Oct-1927 24-Jun-1928 27-Jan-1928 12-Oct-1928 18-May-1929 15-Sep-1917 17-Apr-1905 18-Mar-1922 11-Jul-1925 8-Oct-1926 5-Dec-1927 23-Jan-1900 12-Oct-1907 22-Sep-1915 11-Sep-1923 24-Apr-1924 Residence Harvard IL Waupaca WI Washington Monroe WI Milford NE Albany WI Janesville WI Verona Monroe WI Spring Grove twp WI Clarno WI Brodhead WI Camp Grant IL Albany WI Albany WI Juda WI Argyle WI Elgin IL Browntown WI Elgin IL Albany WI Sioux City IA Racine WI Beloit WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Waukesha WI Mt. Hope WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI estate Kilbourn WI Rock Rapids IA Orangeville IL Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Tacoma Des Moines IA Hillcrest Cemetery Janesville Verona Cemetery Mt Vernon - J Juda Exeter twp Union Church Old Argyle Cemetery Mt Vernon Cemetery M - Greenwood Rockford IL Hillcrest Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dawson Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood County Court Hawthorne Rock Rapids IA Orangeville IL Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 00-00-1920 15-Dec-1926 31-Jan-1927 18-Oct-1907 19-Oct-1903 13-Jan-1925 30-Jul-1925 22-Aug-1929 28-Jan-1909 12-Apr-1916 15-Jan-1912 24-Jun-1916 6-Sep-1920 21-Nov-1924 14-Mar-1924 14-Mar-1925 25-Jun-1926 5-Oct-1927 25-Jun-1928 28-Jan-1928 15-Oct-1928 16-May-1929 20-May-1929 18-Sep-1917 18-Apr-1905 30-Mar-1922 16-Jan-1926 12-Oct-1926 6-Dec-1925 23-Jan-1900 18-Oct-1907 3-Feb-1900 23-Sep-1915 12-Sep-1923 25-Apr-1924 Last Name Deal Dean Deaner DeBell Dedrick Dee Dee Deemer Deener Deery Deery Deery Deery DeFord DeHaven DeHaven DeHaven DeHaven DeHaven DeHaven DeHaven DeHaven-Maine Dehne Deininger Deininger Deininger Delap Delap Delsrud Delsrud Dempsey Dempsey Dempsey Denny Denny First Name Perry Sr. Harry Harry E. Mamie Peter L. Maurice Maurice Margaret Mary Mrs. Daughter Daughter Mrs Patrick H. Caroline d/o Clayton Mary E. Theopholis G. Arthur, Mrs Oscar O. Addie Wesley W. Sarah Emil J. Michael, Mrs Fred Josephine John F. John F. Martha Tor John, Mrs Mildred William J. Isaac Elmer Other Name Fetterhoff Sollinger Grinnell Carter-Eley Swartz Starr Newman Binder 1929D 1920D 1918D 1926D 1918D 1900D 1900D 1916D 1905D 1916D 1916D 1916D 1916D 1920D 1905D 1907D 1907D 1910D 1921D 1922D 1923D 1906C 1911D 1903D 1911D 1920D 1920B 1920D 1928D 1929D 1913D 1915D 1910D 1912D 1923D Date Died Residence 16-Aug-1929 Spring Grove twp WI Draper 29-Mar-1918 Freeport IL 26-Jan-1926 Winslow IL 2-Jun-1918 Brodhead WI 5-Nov-1900 5-Nov-1900 8-Jan-1916 WI 23-Nov-1905 Orangeville IL Darlington WI Darlington WI Darlington WI Darlington WI 10-Aug-1920 Monroe WI 11-Mar-1905 Monroe area WI 25-Feb-1907 Monroe WI 16-Jul-1907 Monroe WI 15-Jan-1910 Orangeville IL 12-Dec-1921 Monroe WI 22-Mar-1922 Clarno twp WI 6-Jul-1923 Macon GA 19-Jun-1906 Riverside CA 11-Sep-1911 Juneau - Monticello 6-Jul-1903 Monroe WI 15-Sep-1911 Monroe WI 26-Feb-1920 Belleville 3-May-1920 Juda WI 3-May-1920 Juda WI 2-Feb-1928 Brodhead WI 11-Jan-1929 Spring Valley twp WI 25-Jun-1913 Brodhead WI 8-Dec-1915 Argyle WI 23-Aug-1910 Three Forks MT 23-Oct-1912 Illinois 30-Oct-1923 Orangeville IL Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Winslow IL Mt Olivet - Janesville Orangeville IL East Clarno Bethel Clarno Cemetery M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Macon GA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe East Luther Cemetery West Luther Valley Janesville Reedsburg Mt Olivet - Janesville Orangeville IL Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T MonroeT Paper Date 17-Aug-1929 24-Nov-1920 30-Mar-1918 27-Jan-1926 3-Jan-1918 8-Nov-1900 6-Nov-1900 10-Jan-1916 24-Nov-1905 29-Jun-1916 29-Jun-1916 29-Jun-1916 29-Jun-1916 11-Aug-1920 13-Mar-1905 26-Feb-1907 16-Jul-1907 18-Jan-1910 13-Dec-1921 22-Mar-1922 7-Jul-1923 25-Jun-1906 15-Sep-1911 6-Jul-1903 15-Sep-1911 27-Feb-1920 4-May-1920 4-May-1920 3-Feb-1928 12-Jan-1929 26-Jun-1913 10-Dec-1915 28-Sep-1910 23-Oct-1912 30-Oct-1923 Last Name Denure Denzler DePay Derendinger Derrick Derrick Derrick Dessinger Dettweiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Dettwiler Detweiler Detweiler Detweiler Deveny Deveny Deveny DeVoe DeVoe Dexter Dezell Dick Dick Dick First Name Amanda Ernest J.S., Mrs Marie Franklin H. Theo., Mrs Frank R. Albert D. Christina Jacob Paul Emanuel Carl Emanuel, Mrs Alice Sophia Patrick Patrick, Mrs Martin Vance Leslie R. Asaph Hazel Elizabeth Margie Minnie Dick Dick Dick DickersonFurgeson Dickson Dickson Dieckhoff John Sr. William Jacob Lyma Sarah A. Charles H. Augusta Other Name Kerns Schafer Higley Kadderly Shultz Binder 1911D 1929D 1906D 1929D 1905D 1922D 1928D 1905D 1923D 1911D 1912D 1924D 1928D 1909D 1913D 1913D 1908D 1902D 1911D 1918D 1925D Page19 1919D 1908D 1900D 1903D Date Died Residence 11-Mar-1911 Woodford 12-Apr-1929 Darlington WI Janesville WI Monroe WI 7-Sep-1905 Brodhead WI 16-Jun-1922 Texas 14-Aug-1928 Brodhead WI 15-Jun-1905 Monroe WI 15-May-1923 Monroe WI 1-Feb-1911 Monroe WI 4-Sep-1912 Monroe twp 6-Mar-1924 Monroe WI 9-Nov-1928 Monroe WI 25-Oct-1909 Monroe twp WI 29-Aug-1913 Monroe WI 22-Sep-1913 Monroe WI 20-Mar-1908 Madison SD 00-Dec 1902 Monroe WI 3-Jun-1911 Madison SD 26-Dec-1918 Denver 15-Oct-1925 Monroe WI 29-Oct-1901 Monroe WI 19-Feb-1919 Freeport IL Portland OR 16-Mar-1900 Dayton 7-May-1903 Monroe WI 1910D 9-Aug-1910 Washington twp WI 1918D Dayton 1923D 10-Apr-1923 Monroe WI Corning Stubbe 1900D 3-May-1900 Monroe WI 1918L 11-Jan-1918 Argyle WI 1921D 26-Oct-1921 Argyle WI 1917D 21-Dec-1917 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Argyle Darlington Brodhead M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 13-Mar-1911 15-Apr-1929 28-Apr-1906 31-Jul-1929 8-Sep-1905 23-Jun-1922 15-Aug-1928 15-Jun-1905 16-May-1923 2-Feb-1911 5-Sep-1912 6-Mar-1924 9-Nov-1928 26-Oct-1909 30-Aug-1913 23-Sep-1913 20-Mar-1908 00-Dec 1902 7-Jun-1911 27-Dec-1918 16-Oct-1925 30-Oct-1901 21-Feb-1919 21-Oct-1908 19-Mar-1900 7-May-1903 M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe Monroe J 11-Aug-1910 13-May-1918 11-Apr-1923 Argyle Cemetery Argyle M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe 3-May-1900 11-Jan-1918 27-Oct-1921 21-Dec-1917 M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Ohio M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Freeport IL M - Greenwood Washington Church Cemetery Last Name Dieckhoff Dieckoff Diethrick Dietmeier Dietmier Dietrich Dietz Dietz Dietz Dietz Dietz Dietz Dietz Dietz Diffenbaugh Dillon Dillon Dillon Dinsmore Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Disch Discher Discher First Name Rose Charles F. H. C. Sr. Floyd L.V., Mrs Roy Fannie Harriett Jessie Sarah M. Oscar, Mrs Jacob Fannie Stanley, Mrs John D. Cornelius Cornelius i/s Frank Lillie John Jr, Mrs John, Mrs Katherine Mrs. Casper Milbourn Susanna John, Mrs Peter, Mrs Dennis E. Barbara Frank Leona B. Katherine Abraham Elizabeth David Other Name Streiff Boeck Meacham Smith Taylor Qually Guild Mack Hoesly Kneubuhl Stauffacher Rhyner Binder 1918D 1916D 1922D 1926D 1918D 1929D 1918D 1915D 1921D 1923D 1924D 1927D 1928D 1929D 1903D Page 4 1901D 1907D 1924D 1907D 1907B 1909D 1911D 1920D 1922D 1922D 1922D 1922D 1923D 1925D 1927D 1928D 1929D Page20 1919D Date Died Residence 15-Oct-1918 Monroe WI 11-Oct-1916 Freeport IL Chicago IL 5-Feb-1926 Milwaukee WI 12-Apr-1918 Minnesota New Diggings 29-Dec-1918 Waupaca WI Grand Rapids WI 20-Jan-1921 Nebraska 6-Jul-1923 Browntown WI 3-Jul-1924 Janesville WI 26-Sep-1927 Green County WI 2-Mar-1928 South Wayne WI 3-Feb-1929 Beloit WI Freeport IL 13-Feb-1901 13-Feb-1901 Monroe WI 17-Jan-1907 Schultz 15-Oct-1924 Wyoming 10-Apr-1907 Exeter twp WI 27-Mar-1907 Monticello area WI 29-Oct-1909 Monroe WI 4-May-1911 Monroe WI 5-Jun-1920 New Glarus WI 7-Jul-1922 New Glarus WI 23-Jun-1922 Madison WI 25-Jan-1922 York twp WI New Glarus WI 21-Jul-1923 Monroe WI 8-Jun-1925 San Francisco CA 29-Sep-1927 Jefferson WI 14-Jan-1928 New Glarus WI 24-Dec-1929 New Glarus WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Chicago IL Pipestone MN M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Attica M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Eastman Cemetery Harvard IL M - Calvary M - Calvary Brodhead New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Old Catholic Highland Cemetery New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Paper Date 15-Oct-1918 13-Oct-1916 2-Sep-1922 6-Feb-1926 24-Apr-1918 25-Jul-1929 30-Dec-1918 27-Oct-1915 21-Jan-1921 6-Jul-1923 5-Jul-1924 27-Sep-1927 3-Mar-1928 4-Feb-1929 10-Dec-1903 15-Feb-1901 14-Feb-1901 18-Jan-1907 22-Oct-1924 10-Apr-1907 1-Apr-1907 29-Oct-1909 5-May-1911 10-Jun-1920 7-Jul-1922 29-Jun-1922 27-Jan-1922 10-Feb-1922 21-Jul-1923 16-Jun-1925 29-Sep-1927 16-Jan-1928 26-Dec-1929 6-Dec-1901 12-May-1919 Last Name Discher Disher Dissinger Dissinger Dittmar Dittmer Dittmer Divan Divan Divan Divan Divan Divan Divan Divan Divan Divan Divan Divan Dixon Dixon Dixson Dobbs Dobson Dobson Dobson Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge First Name Frederick W. Elizabeth Albert D. Mary Ann Nicholas d/o Robert Henrietta Ada Catherine Isaac James James, Mrs Mary Urias John W. Ed, Mrs Henry Olive Howard M. i/c L. M. Margaret Hattie Annabelle Herbert, Pvt Herbert Herbert Charles, Mrs Joseph Thompson A. Clarke E.J. Edward W. "Ned" Lewis Oren Other Name Gettle Goecks Hoyland Carrothers Beitler Lewis Phillips Binder 1929D 1901D 1906D 1916D 1917D 1909D 1924D 1913D 1911D 1911D 1912D 1910D 1913D 1915D 1920D 1920D 1926D 1927D 1928D 1903D Page 1 1924D 1928D 1918B 1918D 1921D 1900D Date Died 5-Oct-1929 2-Dec-1901 15-Jun-1905 24-Dec-1916 6-Sep-1917 27-Dec-1909 20-Jul-1924 1-Aug-1913 22-Jan-1911 9-Sep-1911 12-Aug-1912 Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Paper Date 7-Oct-1929 3-Dec-1901 5-Jun-1906 30-Dec-1916 10-Sep-1917 27-Dec-1909 24-Jul-1924 1-Aug-1913 23-Jan-1911 9-Sep-1911 13-Aug-1912 1-Dec-1910 12-Jun-1913 18-Jan-1915 3-Jan-1920 9-Sep-1920 22-Feb-1926 8-Nov-1927 10-Feb-1928 23-Sep-1903 15-Jan-1901 3-Mar-1924 16-Jul-1928 Blanchardville WI M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J 1904D 6-Feb-1904 Madison WI 1916D 14-Feb-1916 Monroe WI 1912D 8-Jun-1912 Brodhead WI Forest Hill M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe Monroe T 8-Feb-1904 17-Feb-1916 8-Jun-1912 1911D 1911D 1913D M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T 31-Jul-1911 25-Jul-1911 14-Mar-1913 12-Jun-1913 17-Jan-1915 3-Jan-1920 6-Sep-1920 21-Feb-1926 5-Nov-1927 10-Feb-1928 22-Sep-1903 23-Feb-1924 16-Jul-1928 28-May-1918 28-May-1918 28-May-1918 12-Nov-1900 Residence Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Madison WI Cadiz twp WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Dill Chaseley ND Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Elkhorn WI Mercedes TX Monroe WI Monroe WI County farm Pittsville WI Monroe WI France France France Monroe WI 29-Jul-1911 Monroe WI 8-Mar-1913 Albany WI Winslow IL Rock Lily Cemetery Washington Twp M - Greenwood Michael Cemetery Argyle Michael Cemetery M - Greenwood Michaels Cemetery Elkhorn Cemetery Michael Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Pittsville M - Greenwood 24-Jun-1918 4-Apr-1921 12-Nov-1900 Last Name First Name Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodson Dodson Doe Doerring Doherty Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolbee Domholdt Donaldson Donaldson Donlan Donmeyer Donmeyer Donmeyer Donminie Donner Donner Sarah Elizabeth O.R. Emilie Elizabeth Kate N. John Conrad Patrick Katie Harriet, infant Mary Patrick Peter Richard Thomas, Mrs. Will John A. Edwin Cecelia William John James E. Jane May Belle Izer Randall Elizabeth Carrie Infant son Jay, Mrs John Adeline David Fred, Mrs Other Name Seltzer Moreland Jones Morton Knipschild Mack Messerli Binder Date Died 1911D 1920D 1926D 1916D 1925D 1929D 1929D 1912D 1903D 1912D 1911D 1912D 1916D 1913D 1911D 1910D 1920D 1923D 1924D 1929D 1929D 1929D 1908D 1918M 1921D 1923D 1929D 1907D 1922D 1925D 1926D 1926D Page15 1907D Residence 15-Apr-1911 Monroe WI Sterling IL 7-Jan-1926 Monroe WI 24-Apr-1916 Monroe WI 22-Jul-1925 Monroe WI 21-Jun-1929 County home 6-Jan-1929 Wiota WI 12-Oct-1912 Clarno twp 4-May-1903 Monroe area WI 15-Sep-1912 Michigan 4-Jun-1911 Monroe WI 4-Dec-1912 Browntown WI 17-Jun-1916 Monroe WI 28-Mar-1913 Boise ID 3-Mar-1911 Albany WI 16-Mar-1910 Monroe WI 17-Oct-1920 Monroe WI 23-Feb-1923 Wesley IA Chicago IL 31-Oct-1929 California 6-Oct-1929 Monroe WI Monroe WI 16-Sep-1908 Washington twp WI 10-Dec-1918 Iowa 24-Nov-1921 Rice Lake WI Freeport IL 5-Oct-1929 Freeport IL 20-Dec-1907 Blanchardville WI 24-Sep-1925 22-Mar-1926 3-Mar-1926 10-Aug-1901 3-Sep-1907 Winslow IL Martintown WI County home Clarno WI Clarno WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Sterling IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood West Wiota Cemetery Calvary - Monroe Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Calvary - Monroe Monroe T M - Calvary Monroe J Calvary - Monroe Monroe M - Calvary Monroe T St Francis Monroe J Albany Monroe J M - Calvary Monroe T Old Calvary Monroe Wesley IA Monroe J Argyle Monroe Old Catholic Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Adams Catholic Monroe Council Bluffs Monroe Primrose Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J West Clarno Cemetery Monroe Cadiz Cemetery Monroe Cadiz Cemetery Monroe Brodhead Monroe East Clarno Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 15-Apr-1911 24-Apr-1920 7-Jan-1926 25-Apr-1916 22-Jul-1925 21-Jun-1929 7-Jan-1929 14-Oct-1912 4-May-1903 16-Sep-1912 5-Jun-1911 4-Dec-1912 17-Jun-1916 4-Apr-1913 10-Mar-1911 16-Mar-1910 18-Oct-1920 24-Feb-1923 24-Jul-1924 4-Nov-1929 7-Oct-1929 29-Aug-1929 17-Sep-1908 13-Dec-1918 1-Dec-1921 31-Jul-1923 5-Oct-1929 21-Dec-1907 24-Apr-1922 28-Sep-1925 22-Mar-1926 3-Mar-1926 12-Aug-1901 3-Sep-1907 Last Name Donner Donovan Donovan Donovan Donoway Dooley Dooley Dooley Dooley Dooley Dooley Dooley Dooley Dooley Dorn Dorn Dorr Dorty Dougherty Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Dovre Dowd Dowd Dowling Dowling Dowling Downer Downer Downs First Name Mary Marie Child John F. Child Thomas H. George William, Mrs William J. Mary Richard Eugene Richard Leo Celia Ava Mrs. Elizabeth Bessie John Con A. S. Mary, Mrs. Arthur G. John Arthur G. Malcolm C. Abbie Jul Michael Helen Joe Thomas D. William H. Harriet Mira Joseph Other Name Scheidegger Lewis Kubli O'Donnell Miller Dowling Sharer Philips Binder 1929D 1922D 1924D 1922D 1928D 1907D 1906D 1916D 1921D 1921D 1921D 1924D 1929D 1929D Page16 1928D 1922D 1924D 1904D 1912D 1915D 1920D 1920D 1921D 1923D 1928D 1929D 1922D 1926D 1906D 1920D 1923D 1926D 1928D 1908D Date Died 1-Jan-1929 5-Mar-1922 10-Mar-1924 6-Mar-1922 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Warren IL Monroe WI 15-Jul-1907 Mt Pleasant twp WI 15-Apr-1906 Monticello WI Dayton 14-Nov-1921 Monticello WI 14-Nov-1921 Monticello WI 10-Aug-1921 Monticello WI 1-Nov-1924 18-Apr-1929 Janesville WI 18-Dec-1929 Albany WI 26-Sep-1901 County farm 31-Dec-1927 Orangeville IL 9-Dec-1922 Freeport IL 13-Jun-1924 Monroe WI 16-Oct-1904 Monroe area WI 9-Jun-1912 Monroe WI 23-Mar-1915 Spring Grove WI 28-May-1920 North Dakota 27-May-1920 Darlington 5-Nov-1923 Menomonie WI 23-Dec-1928 Monroe WI 8-Oct-1929 Argyle WI Tilden NE 20-Oct-1926 South Dakota 3-Dec-1906 Milwaukee WI 12-Jun-1920 Janesville WI 30-Sep-1923 Hopkins MO 3-Feb-1926 Washington 21-Dec-1928 Monroe WI 16-Apr-1908 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location East Clarno Warren IL Dayton Monticello Albany Mt Olivet Cemetery St Patrick's Cemetery Oakland Cemetery Freeport IL M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Riverside Cemetery Geddes Hopkins MO Clarkston Franklin Cemetery Hawthorne Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 2-Jan-1929 8-Mar-1922 13-Mar-1924 8-Mar-1922 6-Dec-1928 16-Jul-1907 16-Apr-1906 22-Feb-1916 14-Nov-1921 14-Nov-1921 10-Aug-1921 3-Nov-1924 20-Apr-1929 18-Dec-1929 27-Sep-1901 4-Jan-1928 12-Dec-1922 16-Jun-1924 17-Oct-1904 10-Jun-1912 26-Mar-1915 29-May-1920 28-May-1920 12-Nov-1921 6-Nov-1923 24-Dec-1928 8-Oct-1929 3-Jun-1922 20-Oct-1926 3-Dec-1906 16-Jun-1920 1-Oct-1923 5-Feb-1926 22-Dec-1928 16-Apr-1908 Last Name Doyle Doyle Drach Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drane Dreakey Dreher Dreibelbis Dreibelbis Dreibelbis Dreibelbis Dreilbelbis Drewery Driver Driver Driver Druck Drummey Drummey Drummy Drye Drye Dryer DuBois First Name Michael, Mrs Samuel D. Robert Abner Mahalia Ernest Alonzo Jr., Pvt Kinsy Christina Doris Robert, Mrs Alonzo Charles Anna Robert Hiram Elsie Son s/o Otto Thomas William Martha John Jennie James S.S. Robert H. John John, Mrs Ed Harry George M. Nettie i/s Rose Richard Other Name Campbell Malay Meinert DeHaven Frost Binder 1918D 1929D 1910D 1903D 1903D 1920K 1921D 1922D 1925D 1926D 1927D 1927D 1927D 1928D 1929D 1907D 1913D 1926D 1908D 1902D 1912D 1929D 1920D 1924D 1921D 1922D 1923D 1917D 1905D 1925D 1929D 1913D 1912D Page 3 1906D Date Died Residence 17-Aug-1918 Monroe WI 3-Dec-1929 Monroe WI Chicago IL 17-Oct-1903 Monroe WI 22-Sep-1903 Cadiz twp WI 8-Feb-1920 Albion WI 19-Jul-1918 France Monroe WI 17-Feb-1925 Monroe WI 20-May-1926 Clarno twp WI 19-Jan-1927 Warren IL 25-Apr-1927 Minneapolis MN Clarno twp WI 16-Apr-1928 Monroe WI 7-Dec-1929 Warren IL 19-Apr-1907 Monroe WI 3-Jul-1913 Rock Grove 15-Jul-1926 Cleveland OH 20-Sep-1908 Oneco WI 2-Mar-1902 Clarno WI 30-Apr-1912 Orangeville IL 26-Apr-1929 Freeport IL 27-Dec-1920 Monroe WI 22-Jun-1924 County Home 17-Oct-1921 Darlington WI Madison WI Darlington WI 28-Feb-1917 Stateline 24-Dec-1905 Monroe WI 23-Nov-1925 South Bend IN Indiana 29-Sep-1913 Cadiz twp WI 12-May-1912 South Dakota Freeport IL 12-Apr-1906 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Waterloo IA M - Greenwood Monroe Bethel Cadiz M - Greenwood Hawthorne Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Warren IL Cleveland OH Rock Grove Orangeville IL Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Old Calvary Fairfield Cemetery M - Calvary South Bend IN Saucerman Cadiz M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe MonroeT Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 17-Aug-1918 3-Dec-1929 25-Nov-1910 17-Oct-1903 23-Sep-1903 9-Feb-1920 28-May-1921 19-Jul-1922 17-Feb-1925 20-May-1926 21-Jan-1927 27-Apr-1927 7-Sep-1927 17-Apr-1928 9-Dec-1929 20-Apr-1907 8-Jul-1913 16-Jul-1926 22-Sep-1908 3-Mar-1902 6-May-1912 29-Apr-1929 28-Dec-1920 23-Jun-1924 18-Oct-1921 8-Feb-1922 10-Sep-1923 2-Mar-1917 26-Dec-1905 24-Nov-1925 8-Mar-1929 30-Sep-1913 13-May-1912 18-Sep-1907 12-Apr-1906 Last Name DuBois Duchow Duchow Dudgeon Dudlow Due Duebendorfer Duell Duerst Duerst Duerst Duerst Duerst Duerst Duerst Duertschi Duffers First Name Lucretia A. Helen John Richard Charles John, Mrs Dorothy C. M. Jacob Margaret John Henry Infant Mary William J. Rose Katherine Mrs. Dugan DuMars Dunaway Dunaway Dunaway Dunaway Duncan Duncan Dunlap Dunlap Dunlap Dunlavy Dunn Dunning Dunphy Dunphy Dunphy Edward Henry W. Clayton Howard Lucy (Emily) Mary J. Alexander Alexander J. B. Frank Homer (Omar) Bessie Richard Phillip Mrs. Baby boy Michael, Mrs Mary Other Name Crago Blum Werndli Dunaway Simons Doheny Binder 1917D 1920D 1923S 1922D 1927D 1927D 1924D 1905D 1912D 1916D 1924D 1926D 1927D 1927D 1928D 1912D 1902D 1907D 1918D 1906D 1907D 1912D 1928D Page15 1901D 1907D 1915D 1912 D 1916 D 1920D 1902D 1915D 1926D 1927D Date Died 25-Apr-1917 30-Jun-1920 29-Apr-1923 Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Milwaukee Madison Gratiot Jordan Cemetery M - Greenwood Chicago IL Stockton IL New Glarus M - Greenwood Richland Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 26-Apr-1917 1-Jul-1920 30-Apr-1923 12-Apr-1922 14-Sep-1927 20-Dec-1927 29-Oct-1924 10-Apr-1905 11-Mar-1912 11-Nov-1916 8-Apr-1924 16-Dec-1926 2-Sep-1927 26-Aug-1927 24-Jul-1928 24-Apr-1912 30-Oct-1902 17-Apr-1907 Sinsinawa Mounds WI France 23-Aug-1906 County farm 19-Nov-1907 Monroe WI 28-Mar-1912 County farm Richland Cemetery 8-Dec-1928 Monroe WI Austin Cemetery M - Greenwood 25-Jul-1901 Monroe WI 15-Mar-1907 Kansas Monroe Coffeyville KS Coffeyville KS 12-Oct-1912 Beloit WI M - Greenwood 23-Jul-1916 Adams twp WI Adams 13-Mar-1920 Racine WI Beloit 15-Feb-1902 Madison WI 29-Sep-1915 Albany WI 11-Jul-1926 Albany WI Croake Cemetery 16-Dec-1927 Albany WI Croake Cemetery Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe 18-Apr-1907 28-Mar-1918 23-Aug-1906 26-Nov-1907 29-Mar-1912 10-Dec-1928 26-Aug-1901 25-Jul-1901 16-Mar-1907 11-Aug-1915 14-Oct-1912 24-Jul-1916 17-Mar-1920 15-Feb-1902 1-Oct-1915 14-Jul-1926 16-Dec-1927 12-Sep-1927 20-Dec-1927 26-Oct-1924 9-Apr-1905 10-Mar-1912 7-Apr-1924 14-Dec-1926 2-Sep-1927 23-Aug-1927 24-Jul-1928 24-Apr-1912 Residence Browntown WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Madison WI Gratiot WI Woodford WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Stockton IL New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Adams twp WI New Glarus WI Paoli New Glarus WI Monroe WI Argyle WI New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus Last Name Dunthy Dunwiddie Dunwiddie Dunwiddie Dunwiddie Dunwiddie Dunwiddie Dunwiddie Dunwiddie Dunwiddie Dunwiddie Duretschi Durgan Durgin Durgin Durgin Durgin Durgin Durgin Durgin Durnell Durner Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst First Name Leo Benjamin, Judge Brooks, Judge Brooks Judge Daniel Martha Dan, Mrs Mary John D., Mrs Sarah Daniel T. John Nels Ames, Mrs Eugina Harry Belle George A. George, Mrs Arthur N. Rhoda C. George, Mrs Andrew Henry J.H., Mrs John J. Louisa Louise Mary F. Mary Fred E. Fridolin Peter Ellen Other Name Mitchell Mackey Swenk Yarger Miss McKnight Johnson Strader Mrs. Jackson Isley Binder Date Died Residence 1915D 30-Aug-1915 Albany WI 1909D 1906D 1907D 1909D 1907D 1919D 1915D 1920D 1926D 1928D 1924D 1909D 1907D 1915D 1918D 1925D 1927D 1927D 1928D 1915D 1922D Page16 1903D 1901D 1907D Page 7 1901D Page 8 1901D 1915D 1916 D 1920D 1921D 6-Feb-1909 27-Dec-1906 27-Dec-1906 14-Oct-1909 5-Jan-1907 19-Aug-1915 20-Jan-1920 17-Apr-1926 30-Oct-1928 4-Dec-1924 3-May-1909 8-Apr-1907 7-Oct-1915 9-Nov-1918 26-May-1925 5-Jan-1927 29-Jun-1927 5-Mar-1928 25-Oct-1915 9-Jan-1922 19-Sep-1901 16-Dec-1903 26-Feb-1907 8-Mar-1901 27-Mar-1901 27-Mar-1901 20-Jun-1915 12-Jan-1916 Janesville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Janesville WI Juda WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Juda WI Monroe WI Glen Flora WI Glen Flora WI Monroe WI Chippewa Falls WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Milwaukee WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Troy SD 14-Nov-1921 Oregon WI Cemetery or Burial Location St.Patricks Albany Oak Hill Cemetery M - Greenwood Juda Juda Cemetery Mt Vernon Janesville M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Staver Cemetery Milwaukee M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus Paper Monroe T Paper Date 31-Aug-1915 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe 10-Feb-1909 28-Dec-1906 24-Jun-1907 15-Oct-1909 5-Jan-1907 22-Feb-1919 20-Aug-1915 21-Jan-1920 17-Apr-1926 31-Oct-1928 4-Dec-1924 4-May-1909 11-Apr-1907 8-Oct-1915 11-Nov-1918 27-May-1925 5-Jan-1927 29-Jun-1927 6-Mar-1928 25-Oct-1915 12-Jan-1922 20-Sep-1901 16-Dec-1903 30-Mar-1901 27-Feb-1907 8-Mar-1901 8-Mar-1901 30-Mar-1901 28-Mar-1901 22-Jun-1915 15-Jan-1916 17-Aug-1920 14-Nov-1921 Last Name First Name Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Durst Dutton DuVall DuVall Dwight Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dye Dye Dye Dye Dye Dye Eagen Easson Eastman Eastman Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Ebel Eberhardt Eberhardt Eberhardt Niklaus Conrad Elsbeth Nicholas Sr. Ursula Bessie Peter Sebastian Minnie Barbara John, Mrs Desman William, Mrs E. W., Mrs Ella James Robert Alfred, Mrs Alfred T. Fred Albert Louisa Cyrus Hugh James, Mrs Susan Mary J. H., Mrs Martha Geraldine E. James H. William H. Pauline Traugott Nicholas Other Name Aebly Marty Durst Becker Chamless Shepard Usher Kasten Binder Date Died Residence 1923D 1923D 1923D 1924D 1925D 1925D 1925D 1927D 1928D 1906D 1927D 1927D 1905D 1900D 1920K 1925D 1900D 1907D 1901D 1911D 1911D 1924D 1920E 1922E 1923E 1923E 1907E 1905E 1921E 1924E 1912E 1923E 1926E 1927E New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Mosinee Albany WI Albany WI New Glarus WI Whitewater WI South Wayne WI Palmyra Brooklyn WI Browntown WI Iowa Juda WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Hansell IA Monticello WI Racine WI Monroe WI South Wayne WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI New York Orangeville IL New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Orangeville IL 29-Apr-1923 1-Jul-1923 31-Dec-1922 9-Jun-1924 23-Apr-1925 4-Aug-1925 25-Apr-1925 9-Apr-1927 21-Jun-1928 27-Mar-1906 4-Oct-1927 11-Sep-1905 00-Apr 1900 11-Jul-1925 18-Mar-1900 3-Dec-1907 1-Nov-1911 26-Apr-1924 13-Dec-1920 10-Oct-1922 20-Oct-1923 27-Dec-1923 18-May-1907 20-Nov-1905 1-Jun-1921 24-Jun-1912 11-Sep-1923 14-Jan-1926 9-Feb-1927 Cemetery or Burial Location Swiss Reformed - New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Mosinee New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus Gratiot Cemetery Gratiot Brooklyn Franklin - Kelly Curlew IA M - Greenwood Bethel M - Greenwood Hawthorne M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dayton Catholic Eastman Cemetery Eastman Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus Orangeville IL Paper Paper Date Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe 30-Apr-1923 2-Jul-1923 2-Jan-1923 9-Jun-1924 24-Apr-1925 5-Aug-1925 25-Apr-1925 11-Apr-1927 21-Jun-1928 30-Mar-1906 5-Oct-1927 9-Apr-1927 15-Sep-1905 00-Apr 1900 5-Apr-1920 13-Jul-1925 19-Mar-1900 4-Dec-1907 11-Nov-1901 21-Jul-1911 1-Nov-1911 28-Apr-1924 14-Dec-1920 10-Oct-1922 22-Oct-1923 28-Dec-1923 20-May-1907 20-Nov-1905 1-Jun-1921 18-Mar-1924 25-Jun-1912 13-Sep-1923 15-Jan-1926 11-Feb-1927 Last Name Ebersold Ecker Edelman Edelman Edelman Edelman Edelman Edelman Edelman Edelman Edelman Edgar Edgren Edmunds Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Eells Effert Effert Egan Eggemeier Egges Ehinger Ehlert Eholzer Eichelberger Eichelkraut Eichelkraut First Name Christ Catherine, Mrs Ernest L. Frank Precilla Mary Mary Frank Emma L. Jesse W. Ina F. William Jesse Walter David Mary Polly Zona Ruth Charles, Mrs Ella Barbara A. Pembroke William Edith William Wilhelmina Esther Fred Fridolin Frank Mrs Antone, Mrs Gottlieb Kathrina Charles Other Name Lockwood Wright Strasser Newman McGoon Hills Gore Stern Pengra Wild Binder 1904E 1920M 1913E 1912E 1918E 1920A 1920E 1924E 1926E 1928E 1929E 1904E 1915E 1910E 1916E 1918E 1917E 1912E 1922E 1925E 1927E 1929E 1929E 1929E 1909E 1925E 1911E 1915E 1901E 1925E 1918E 1908E 1925E 1918E 1921E Date Died Residence 1-Mar-1904 Monroe WI Janesville WI 7-Jan-1913 Monroe WI 29-Oct-1912 Freeport IL 28-May-1918 Dubuque 3-Feb-1920 Monroe WI 25-Dec-1924 21-Apr-1926 7-Dec-1928 17-Mar-1929 22-Jul-1904 2-Jun-1915 29-Sep-1910 13-Aug-1916 7-Dec-1918 23-Jan-1917 23-Jun-1912 23-Mar-1922 10-Feb-1925 18-Oct-1927 5-Apr-1929 3-Sep-1929 22-Aug-1929 29-Jul-1909 9-Sep-1925 7-Jun-1911 22-Aug-1915 13-Jan-1925 9-Mar-1918 12-Jul-1908 3-Dec-1925 7-Aug-1918 29-Oct-1921 Freeport IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Brodhead WI Minnesota Spooner WI Sylvester twp WI Madison WI Monticello WI Albany WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Albany WI Oakley IL Winslow IL Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Brodhead area WI Davis IL Lanas MO New Glarus WI Juda WI Winslow IL Janesville WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Freeport IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood State Line M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Attica Spooner M - Greenwood Monticello Hillcrest Cemetery Monticello Gap Cemetery Waverly IA Oakley Union Juda Juda Cemetery New Glarus M - Calvary M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 1-Mar-1904 20-Apr-1920 8-Jan-1913 1-Nov-1912 30-May-1918 3-Feb-1920 4-Feb-1920 26-Dec-1924 22-Apr-1926 8-Dec-1928 18-Mar-1929 26-Jul-1904 9-Jun-1915 30-Sep-1910 15-Aug-1916 9-Dec-1918 25-Jan-1917 24-Jun-1912 24-Mar-1922 10-Feb-1925 19-Oct-1927 6-Apr-1929 6-Sep-1929 22-Aug-1929 29-Jul-1909 9-Sep-1925 7-Jun-1911 25-Aug-1915 2-Dec-1901 14-Jan-1925 11-Mar-1918 13-Jul-1908 3-Dec-1925 9-Aug-1918 31-Oct-1921 Last Name Eichelkraut Eichstadt Eichstadt Eichstadt Eiffmeyer Eilert Einbeck Einbeck Einbeck Einbeck Eldred Eldred Eley Eley Eley Eley Eley Eley Eley First Name William H. Lena Helen Ernest Samuel Mary B. Kathinka Arthur Max Victor Alfred Donald D. Elizabeth Sarah E. Phoebe Sena Phoebe J. Charlotte M. Clay Other Name Eley-Blackford Ellefs Ellefson Ellefson Ellfson Elliker Elliker Elliker Ellingson Elliott Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Jemima Edwin Sarah George Thelma Miriam Miriam G.D., Rev Golick Burt Clifford Emma Richard, Mrs Richard F. Richard, Mrs Dennis Maurer Timm Rev Kafer Zinndorf Hawthorne Bowden Call Binder 1926E 1923E 1924E 1928E 1920E 1923E 1909E 1916E 1923E 1928E 1928E 1929E 1908E 1902E 1918E 1912E 1921E 1927E 1905E Date Died 5-Feb-1926 1-Jul-1923 10-Mar-1924 22-Dec-1928 9-Aug-1920 31-Mar-1923 16-Feb-1909 28-Mar-1916 15-Dec-1923 28-Nov-1928 6-Jan-1928 5-Apr-1929 26-Feb-1908 15-Sep-1902 10-Oct-1918 22-Mar-1912 1905E 1922E 1923E 1926E 1923E 1924D 1924E 1928E 1907E 1929E 1900E 1912E 1919E 1916 E 1915E 20-Oct-1905 8-Nov-1922 21-Jan-1923 2-Oct-1926 10-Jan-1923 14-May-1924 14-May-1924 7-Feb-1928 26-Nov-1907 8-Nov-1929 24-Feb-1900 19-Sep-1912 10-Jun-1927 23-Feb-1905 Residence New Glarus WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Washington state Monroe WI Monroe WI Elmwood Park WI Elmwood Park WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Monroe WI County farm Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI & California Belleville WI County farm Cadiz twp WI Woodford WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Waukon IA Jordan twp WI Beloit WI Brooklyn WI Jordan twp WI 3-Apr-1916 Jordan twp WI 10-May-1915 Monroe area WI Cemetery or Burial Location New Glarus M - Greenwood East Clarno Cemetery M - Greenwood Milwaukee M - Greenwood Washington state M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest M - Greenwood Austin Cemetery Austin Cemetery Jordan Lutheran Jordan Cemetery New Glarus New Glarus Waukon IA Jordan Lutheran Beloit WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 6-Feb-1926 2-Jul-1923 13-Mar-1924 26-Dec-1928 13-Aug-1920 2-Apr-1923 16-Feb-1909 11-Apr-1916 15-Dec-1923 28-Nov-1928 9-Jan-1928 9-Apr-1929 27-Feb-1908 15-Sep-1902 11-Oct-1918 23-Mar-1912 20-Dec-1921 11-Jun-1927 24-Feb-1905 Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe 2-Nov-1905 11-Nov-1922 22-Jan-1923 4-Oct-1926 11-Jan-1923 16-May-1924 15-May-1924 7-Feb-1928 27-Nov-1907 9-Nov-1929 27-Feb-1900 19-Sep-1912 7-Mar-1919 3-Apr-1916 11-May-1915 Last Name Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellithorpe Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer First Name Ella Lewis Kate L. Harry E. Japeth C. Harriet Anna Conrad Conrad Conrad Dora Fred Balvina Barbara Henry Henry J.H. Nichlaus Jacob John C. Marlea Mary Pankratius Peter, Mrs Ralph W. Rudolph, Lt Werner Werner Sophia Adam John William Lizetta Casper John U. Other Name Laubaugh Corey Legler Stauffacher Thomm Prien Elmer Schultz Wenger Binder 1925E 1926E 1927E 1927E 1929E 1902E 1906E Page 4 1901E 1902E 1907R 1901E 1918E 1916 E 1918E 1911E 1917E 1918E 1918E 1918E 1912E 1915E 1917E 1918E 1918E 1916E 1919B 1920E 1920E 1920E 1920E 1921E 1923E 1923E Date Died Residence 21-Feb-1925 County farm Lorenz IA 30-Sep-1927 Monroe WI 26-Feb-1927 Monroe WI 26-Feb-1929 Brooklyn WI 25-Jan-1902 Chicago IL 3-Dec-1906 Monroe WI 2-Feb-1901 Monroe WI 2-Feb-1901 Monroe area WI 15-Jan-1902 Brodhead area WI 8-Dec-1907 Dutch Hollow WI 1-Aug-1901 Monroe area WI 10-Jun-1918 Monroe WI 12-Dec-1916 Monroe WI 24-Apr-1918 Orangeville IL 31-Jul-1911 Monroe WI 24-Jan-1917 Batavia IL 5-Jul-1918 Monroe WI 31-Dec-1918 Monroe WI Monticello WI 5-Dec-1912 Monroe WI 11-Nov-1915 New Glarus WI 10-Jul-1917 Austin MN 13-Apr-1918 Madison WI South Carolina Belleville WI 7-Jan-1919 New Glarus WI 6-Sep-1920 Sylvester twp WI 26-Feb-1920 Monroe WI 25-Jun-1920 Sylvester twp WI 20-May-1920 Albany WI 16-Apr-1921 Monroe WI 17-Jan-1923 New Glarus WI 31-May-1923 Sylvester twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brooklyn Cemetery Chicago IL New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood New Glarus Austin MN M - Greenwood Egg Harbor NJ New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dutch Hollow Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 23-Feb-1925 3-Feb-1926 30-Sep-1927 26-Feb-1927 28-Feb-1929 29-Jan-1902 3-Dec-1906 5-Feb-1901 2-Feb-1901 16-Jan-1902 9-Dec-1907 6-Aug-1901 19-Jun-1918 13-Dec-1916 25-Apr-1918 31-Jul-1911 27-Jan-1917 6-Jul-1918 31-Dec-1918 29-Mar-1918 6-Dec-1912 13-Nov-1915 12-Jul-1917 15-Apr-1918 26-Oct-1918 4-Nov-1916 10-Jan-1919 6-Sep-1920 27-Feb-1920 26-Jun-1920 21-May-1920 16-Apr-1921 18-Jan-1923 31-May-1923 Last Name First Name Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer Emerick Emerick Emerick Nick Maria Henry J. Mathius John, Mrs Clarence J. Ethel Mae John H. Henry John C. Ira Perry William, Mrs Elihu Francis "Frank" Margaret Charles Charles A. Fred Rene Violet Emmeline Infant John M., Dr. Minnie Julia C. Joseph, Mrs. Melvin William Sr. Patrick George, Mrs Mary John Emerson Emerson Emerson Emery Emmenegger Emminger Emminger Emminger Emmons Endress Enfield Enfield Engebretson Englehart Engler Engler Enright Ensop Entriken Enzler Other Name Discher Steinman Fauver Atkinson Zimmerman Wohlwend Frank Cemetery or Burial Location Swiss Reformed - New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Binder Date Died Residence 1923E 1924E 1925E 1927E 1927E 1927E 1928E 1928E 1929E 1919E 1906E Page 6 1905E 12-Nov-1923 8-Mar-1924 9-Nov-1925 9-Dec-1927 31-Oct-1927 23-Jun-1927 14-Jun-1928 23-Feb-1928 2-Jul-1929 New Glarus WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Texas 4-Jan-1906 Spring Grove WI 29-Oct-1907 Orangeville IL 8-Aug-1905 Winslow IL Twin Grove 1910E 1918E 1924E 1929E 1926E 1916E 1928E 1929E 1922E 1920E 1905E 1923E 1929E 1902E 1921E 1927E 1918E 1912 E 1909E 1902E 2-Mar-1910 Ekalaka MT Monroe WI 30-Aug-1924 Montana 11-Apr-1929 California 7-Nov-1926 Monroe WI 14-Mar-1916 Brodhead WI 16-Jun-1928 Brodhead WI 8-Apr-1929 Albany WI Rock Falls 1-May-1920 Stockton IL 13-Apr-1905 Mt. Rose CO Idaho 22-Apr-1929 Spring Grove twp WI 4-Mar-1902 28-May-1921 New Glarus WI 9-May-1927 New Glarus WI Janesville WI 17-Apr-1912 Brodhead WI 25-Jul-1909 Janesville WI 14-Nov-1902 Freeport IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Baker MT Portland ME M - Calvary Monroe WI Monroe WI County home M - Greenwood Mt.Hope Cemetery Clarinda IA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Albany Paper Paper Date Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J 13-Nov-1923 12-Mar-1924 9-Nov-1925 9-Dec-1927 00-Oct 1927 23-Jun-1927 15-Jun-1928 23-Feb-1928 3-Jul-1929 3-Jan-1919 4-Jan-1906 30-Oct-1907 10-Aug-1905 Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J 8-Mar-1910 5-Mar-1918 6-Sep-1924 12-Apr-1929 8-Nov-1926 16-Mar-1916 16-Jun-1928 9-Apr-1929 25-Jun-1922 4-May-1920 17-Apr-1905 15-Jun-1926 23-Apr-1929 26-Mar-1902 28-May-1921 11-May-1927 15-Nov-1918 18-Apr-1912 26-Jul-1909 17-Nov-1902 Last Name Eppenberger Erb Erb Erb Erickson First Name Kathrina Samuel Sefarus, Mrs Christ Cecil Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erwin Erwin Erwin Erwin Esby Eschweiler Esplech Estte Ethridge Etter Etter Etter Etter Eulette Eulette Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Eveland Morgan Ole Rudolph, Mrs Mary Rosella Alexander Henry Mary John John, Mrs John E. Kate Franz C. Charles, Mrs. Andrew Clifford O. J. T., Mrs. John T., Rev Robert A. Maria John Charles H. Lot Thomas Mrs. Abe Thomas W. Ernest J. Edward Sr, Mrs Grace I. Other Name Voelkli Twining Larson Hulbert Justice Wittwer Wagner Binder 1928E 1913 E 1918E 1923E 1913E Date Died 3-Nov-1928 13-Oct-1913 29-Jan-1918 24-Jan-1923 1910E 1911E 1924B 1925E 1927E 1929E 1929E 1902E 1917E 1926E 1928E 1925E 1929E 1908E 1916E 1928E Page 5 1909E 1910E 1928E Page 1 1926E 1905E 1903E 1911E 1910E 1922E 1927E 1924E 18-Dec-1910 9-Jul-1911 6-Aug-1924 22-Feb-1925 8-Feb-1927 21-Oct-1929 15-Jan-1902 10-Jul-1917 25-May-1928 1-Oct-1925 20-Sep-1908 29-Nov-1928 23-Jun-1909 24-Jul-1910 3-Jan-1928 8-Jan-1901 29-Jul-1926 3-Nov-1905 15-May-1903 14-Mar-1911 1-Nov-1910 23-May-1922 27-Sep-1927 5-Aug-1924 Residence Postville WI Clarno twp WI Winslow IL Mt Vernon WI Chippewa Falls WI Browntown WI County farm Oregon Browntown WI Cadiz twp WI Texas South Wayne WI Monroe WI Wyoming Dixon IL Dixon IL Washington Madison WI New Philadelphia OH Sylvester WI Woodlawn WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Mason City IA Chicago IL Orangeville IL Monroe WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI California Brodhead WI Twin Grove WI Cemetery or Burial Location Postville Cemetery M - Greenwood Winslow IL East Wiota Cemetery East Wiota Lutheran Cemetery New Glarus Portland East Wiota Cemetery East Wiota Cemetery Woodlawn Argyle East Wiota Cemetery Michael Cemetery Dixon IL Oysterville WA Milwaukee Gap Woodlawn Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mason City IA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Wiota Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J&T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 5-Nov-1928 13-Oct-1913 2-Feb-1918 25-Jan-1925 7-Oct-1913 19-Dec-1910 10-Jul-1911 7-Aug-1924 23-Feb-1925 9-Feb-1927 22-Oct-1929 21-Feb-1929 15-Jan-1902 14-Jul-1917 26-Apr-1926 26-May-1928 6-Oct-1925 15-Nov-1929 23-Sep-1908 2-Feb-1916 1-Dec-1928 28-Feb-1901 23-Jun-1909 2-Aug-1910 6-Jan-1928 10-Jan-1901 30-Jul-1926 6-Nov-1905 16-May-1903 16-Mar-1911 2-Nov-1910 13-Jul-1922 27-Sep-1927 6-Aug-1924 Last Name Evenson Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everil Everson Everson Everson Everson Faeser Faeser Faeser Faeser Faeser Faeser Faeser Fahey Fahr Fahr Fair Fair Fairbrother Fairman Fairman Falk Fankhouser Faragher Fardy Fardy Fardy Farmer Farmer Farmer First Name Charles Charles B. David Byron Clayton Mary Salina Mary Halvor, Mrs Svenunz John Arleigh Fred John G. Lizzie Walter Helen John A. Bertha Michael Albert Absalom Doite A. D. D., Mrs Mary E., Mrs Alonzo Clara May Frederick Christ Doral Matt Andrew James Daniel, Mrs Larina, Mrs Enoch F. Other Name Belknap Hart Meythaler Bolender Mr. Boise Binder 1922E 1907E Page 2 1911E 1915E 1925E 1913E 1916E 1924E 1927E 1929E 1904F 1908F 1903F 1912F 1924F 1925F 1927F 1911F 1921F 1922F 1915F 1921F 1917F 1922F 1926F 1928F 1904F 1921F 1902F 1917F 1925F 1900F 1912F 1921F Date Died 19-Feb-1907 15-Nov-1911 25-Jan-1915 16-Feb-1925 25-May-1913 31-Dec-1916 21-Jan-1924 11-Dec-1927 12-Apr-1929 4-Apr-1908 19-May-1903 13-Jul-1912 17-Jun-1924 10-Jun-1925 11-Feb-1927 6-Jan-1911 19-Jan-1922 2-Nov-1917 7-Oct-1922 16-May-1926 26-Aug-1928 3-Jun-1904 12-Nov-1921 4-Dec-1902 8-Feb-1917 25-Apr-1925 11-Mar-1912 Residence Racine WI Monroe WI Michigan Friday Harbor WA. Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Mt Vernon WI Argyle WI Brodhead WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Belleville WI Iowa Orangeville IL Chicago IL Chicago IL Madison WI Monroe WI Albany WI Albany WI Monroe area WI Oklahoma Janesville WI Waukesha WI Mukwonago WI Cadiz WI Blanchardville WI Brodhead WI Cemetery or Burial Location Cadiz Cemetery Mt Vernon Adams West Luther Valley Old Argyle Cemetery Apple Grove M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Lena IL Lena IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Friedelin Cemetery M - Greenwood Argyle WI Mukwonago Blanchardville WI Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 22-Aug-1922 19-Feb-1907 27-Aug-1907 16-Dec-1911 25-Jan-1915 16-Feb-1925 31-May-1913 7-Jan-1916 23-Jan-1924 11-Dec-1927 15-Apr-1929 1-Feb-1904 4-Apr-1908 19-May-1903 13-Jul-1912 17-Jun-1924 12-Jun-1925 11-Feb-1927 7-Jan-1911 10-Dec-1921 23-Jan-1922 12-Aug-1915 3-Sep-1921 3-Nov-1917 10-Oct-1922 21-May-1926 28-Aug-1928 4-Jun-1904 16-Nov-1921 4-Dec-1902 9-Feb-1917 27-Apr-1925 10-Nov-1900 15-Mar-1912 20-Dec-1921 Last Name Farnsworth Farnsworth Farnsworth Farnum Farnum Farr Farrel Farrell Farrell Faubel Faubel Faubel Faubel Faust Feinstein Felber Felder Feldman Feldman Feldman Feldman Feldt Feldt Feldt Feldt Feldt Feller Fels Fenne Fenner Fenney Fenton Fenton Ferguson Ferguson First Name F. Nathan Marlys L. George, Mrs William Edwin J. Mary John John Ed, Mrs Ida Lore Potter James W. Monica Joseph Henry Carl Joseph Levi Jacob Melchoir "Milt" Anna August, Mrs Daniel Sofia August Wilhelmina Fred Frederick W. Andrine M.M. Anne Maria Horace John Porter William Henry Other Name Conway Greenwald Lutz Peter Bakkeby Binder 1918F 1924F 1928F 1909F 1907F 1924F 1926F 1910B 1910F 1906F 1913F 1929F 1929F 1917F 1918F 1926F 1925F 1919F 1920F 1921F 1926F 1913F 1916F 1920F 1924F 1926F 1909F 1921F 1916F 1922F 1904F 1904F 1926F 1917F 1923F Date Died 22-Jan-1918 25-Feb-1924 19-May-1928 5-Dec-1909 10-Oct-1907 1-May-1924 24-Aug-1926 17-Nov-1910 17-Nov-1910 15-Feb-1906 1-Apr-1913 12-Aug-1929 9-Aug-1929 10-Sep-1917 23-Apr-1918 5-Aug-1925 17-Nov-1920 14-May-1921 7-Sep-1926 25-Mar-1913 1-Oct-1916 9-Feb-1920 16-Oct-1924 22-Jun-1926 22-Jul-1909 5-Mar-1921 4-Jul-1916 6-Apr-1922 28-Sep-1904 1-Jun-1904 Residence Brooklyn WI Albany WI Albany WI Madison WI Freeport IL County Home Adams twp WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Freeport IL Chicago IL Monroe WI Chicago IL Batavia IL Monroe WI Monroe twp WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Monroe twp WI Monroe WI Juda WI Juda WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Madison WI Oregon 26-Jan-1917 Exeter twp WI 31-Aug-1923 Exeter twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location River Falls WI Freeport IL Prairie du Sac A - Calvary Argyle-Catholic M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Chicago IL New Glarus M - Calvary M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dutch Hollow Juda Juda Cemetery Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood New Glarus Saucerman Woodlawn Mt Pleasant East Troy Attica Exeter Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 23-Jan-1918 26-Feb-1924 19-May-1928 6-Dec-1909 12-Oct-1907 1-May-1924 26-Aug-1926 18-Nov-1910 18-Nov-1910 17-Feb-1906 2-Apr-1913 12-Aug-1929 10-Aug-1929 11-Sep-1917 24-Apr-1918 1-Apr-1926 5-Aug-1925 5-May-1919 19-Nov-1920 14-May-1921 8-Sep-1926 26-Mar-1913 2-Oct-1916 10-Feb-1920 20-Oct-1924 23-Jun-1926 22-Jul-1909 5-Mar-1921 7-Jul-1916 11-Apr-1922 28-Sep-1904 2-Jun-1904 23-Nov-1926 1-Feb-1917 3-Sep-1923 Last Name Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Fernstaedt Fernsteadt Fessenden Fessenden Fessenden Fetterhoff Fetterhoff Fidler Fidler Fiechter Fiechter Field Field Figeley Figi Figi Figi Figi Figi Figi Figi Figi Figi Figi Figi First Name Sarah Hazel O. James F. George Lena Ned Claire Eugene Clarence Henry Catherine Henry Son John Milton Edgar Ernest William F. c/o Jacob George Minna Anna Jacob John Peter Lawrence Mathias Peter Thomas J.J. Figi Figi Figi Figi Figi Figi Johanna Sarah Paulus S. Henry Johannas Roger Wm Other Name Douglas Studer Schrack Lanz Hoesly Binder 1924F 1929F 1929F 1929F 1929F 1909F 1924F 1929F 1918F 1910F 1913F 1912F 1917F 1920F 1922F 1922F 1913F 1908F 1907F 1905F 1912F 1918F 1916F 1918F 1911F 1918F 1911F 1922F Date Died 17-Feb-1924 31-Oct-1929 22-Apr-1929 18-Nov-1929 23-Aug-1929 1923F 1924F 1925F 1927F 1928F 1928F 26-Oct-1923 18-Oct-1924 12-Feb-1925 30-Oct-1927 13-Dec-1928 3-May-1928 8-May-1924 29-Oct-1929 19-Oct-1918 4-Sep-1910 8-Nov-1913 16-Sep-1912 5-Mar-1917 31-Jul-1920 10-May-1922 20-May-1922 28-Nov-1913 1-Jul-1908 30-Aug-1907 6-Jun-1905 25-Oct-1912 12-Dec-1918 7-Nov-1916 8-Apr-1918 1-May-1911 Residence Exeter twp WI Wayne twp WI Albany WI Wayne twp WI Monroe WI Chamberlin SD Beloit WI Kansas Monroe WI Ridott IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Gratiot WI Freeport IL Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Wiota WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Waterloo IA 30-Oct-1911 Monticello WI Dodge WI Madison WI New Glarus WI Renwick IA Monroe WI Ripon WI New Glarus WI Cemetery or Burial Location Exeter Cemetery Blaisdell Cemetery Sheridan IN Graham Cemetery M - Greenwood Monticello Clyde KS Stavers Cemetery Ridott IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood East Wiota Cemetery Freeport IL Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood New Glarus Waterloo IA Swiss Reformed - New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 18-Feb-1924 1-Nov-1929 23-Apr-1929 19-Nov-1929 24-Aug-1929 22-Dec-1909 10-May-1924 5-Nov-1929 19-Oct-1918 6-Sep-1910 8-Nov-1913 17-Sep-1912 5-Mar-1917 2-Aug-1920 Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 1-Nov-1923 23-Oct-1924 14-Feb-1925 30-Oct-1927 14-Dec-1928 4-May-1928 1-Dec-1913 1-Jul-1908 31-Aug-1907 9-Jun-1905 25-Oct-1912 13-Dec-1918 8-Nov-1916 9-Apr-1918 1-May-1911 12-Dec-1918 2-Nov-1911 8-Jun-1922 Last Name Fillebrown Filter Finnerud Fischer Fischer Fischli Fish Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fitch Fitch Fitch Fitch Fitts Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgibbons Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanders Flanery Flannery Flannery Flannery Flannery First Name J.M. Carl James I. Inger John Fred William Dell Sarah Charles F. Margaret Matilda John, Mrs August Albert O. Newlin, Mrs Edwin L. Anna James A. Harriett A. Nellie Thomas James James Johanna Michael Mary Ann Kathryn Nelle Edward Patrick F. Edward Mr. Mrs. James, Mrs Other Name May Bunting Mallette Mrs. Lacey Lacey Binder 1929F 1917H 1920F 1922F 1927F 1920F 1926F 1903F 1907B 1916F 1912F 1910F 1921F 1927F 1929F 1906F 1920W 1923F 1924F 1915F 1910F 1910F 1911F 1900F 1905F 1908F 1916F 1926F 1926F 1924F 1928F 1907F 1906F 1906F 1912F Date Died Residence 11-Feb-1929 Enid OK 5-Feb-1917 Nebraska Blanchardville WI Chicago IL Argyle WI 20-Feb-1920 Milwaukee WI 12-Oct-1926 Madison WI 12-Dec-1903 Chicago IL 17-May-1907 Rock Grove IL 7-Jan-1916 Port Washington WI 19-Sep-1912 Rock Grove WI 11-Dec-1910 Rock Grove WI 24-Sep-1921 Mineral Point WI 31-Oct-1927 Minnesota Chicago IL 25-Apr-1906 Brodhead WI Denver CO 27-Jan-1923 Monroe WI 2-Apr-1924 Brodhead WI 4-Jan-1915 Evansville WI 15-May-1910 Janesville WI 31-Dec-1909 Cadiz twp WI 25-May-1911 Monroe WI 25-Nov-1900 Adams twp WI Adams twp WI 25-Nov-1908 Monroe WI 6-Sep-1916 Adams twp WI 24-Sep-1926 Argyle WI 20-Nov-1926 Monroe WI 12-Mar-1924 Chicago IL 3-Jul-1928 Jordan twp WI 31-Jul-1907 Argyle WI 24-Oct-1906 Brodhead WI 24-Oct-1906 Brodhead WI 30-May-1912 Woodford WI Cemetery or Burial Location Enid OK Paper Paper Date Monroe 21-Feb-1929 Monroe 9-Feb-1917 Yellowstone Monroe 9-Apr-1920 Monroe 26-Aug-1922 Woodlawn Cemetery Monroe 11-Oct-1927 Monroe 20-Feb-1920 Forest Hill Monroe 15-Oct-1926 M - Greenwood Monroe J 14-Dec-1903 Monroe 18-May-1907 Maine Monroe T 10-Jan-1916 Brick Church Monroe J 21-Sep-1912 Monroe T 13-Dec-1910 Mineral Point Monroe 24-Sep-1921 Hillcrest Cemetery Monroe 31-Oct-1927 Chicago IL Monroe 22-Apr-1929 Monroe T 26-Apr-1906 Monroe 2-Sep-1920 M - Greenwood Monroe J 29-Jan-1923 M - Greenwood Monroe 3-Apr-1924 Belleville Cemetery Evansville 7-Jan-1915 M - Greenwood Monroe J 16-May-1910 Old Catholic Cemetery Monroe J 3-Jan-1910 M - Calvary Monroe J 25-May-1911 Adams Catholic Monroe J 26-Nov-1900 Adams Catholic Monroe J 23-Mar-1905 Adams Catholic Monroe J 25-Nov-1908 Adams Monroe T 7-Sep-1916 M - Calvary Monroe 25-Sep-1926 Adams Catholic Monroe 20 Noc 1926 Chicago IL Monroe 15-Mar-1924 Woodlawn Cemetery Monroe 5-Jul-1928 Brodhead Monroe J 31-Jul-1907 Monroe J 26-Oct-1906 Monroe J 26-Oct-1906 Argyle Monroe 31-May-1912 Last Name Flannery Flannery Flannery Flannery Flannery Fleek Fleek Fleek Fleek Fleek Fleek Fleek Fleek Fleek Fleek Fleek Fleek Fletcher Fleury Fleury Flint Flint Flint Flint Flood Flora Flower Flower Fluckiger Fluder Fluder Flynn Flynn Foelker First Name Michael Patrick, Mrs James P Lorenda Amanda Arthur E., Mrs Rinaldo Rueben Sarah A Archie Herbert William W. George Adam Margaret Martha Una Samuel William Will Charles Nettie Abigail Hannah James Sarah Caroline Kate Edward Charles i/s Anton David William Wilhelm Other Name Jacobs Poff Lewis Bowen Hightshoe Erickson Case Hulbert Sturdevant Binder 1910F 1917F 1924F 1927F 1927F 1904F 1904F 1904F 1903F 1918F 1911F 1916F 1920M 1921F 1927F 1928F 1929F 1921F 1903F 1923F 1908F 1906H 1920F 1926F 1900F 1928F 1908F 1925F 1918F 1911F 1910F 1916F 1916F 1916F Date Died 24-Oct-1910 6-Jan-1917 7-Jul-1924 27-Mar-1927 7-Oct-1927 1-Feb-1904 6-Sep-1904 28-Dec-1904 14-Oct-1918 28-Sep-1911 5-Sep-1916 4-Feb-1920 26-Dec-1927 29-Jun-1928 31-Jul-1929 14-Apr-1903 3-Mar-1923 18-Oct-1908 5-Jan-1906 17-Feb-1920 15-Jan-1926 14-May-1900 9-Apr-1928 19-Aug-1925 15-Nov-1918 17-Mar-1911 21-Sep-1910 28-Jul-1916 27-Jan-1916 31-Mar-1916 Residence Argyle WI Adams twp WI Adams twp WI Browntown WI Browntown WI Jordan Prairie WI Jordan Prairie WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Janesville WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI California Boise ID Adams twp WI Omaha NE Spring Grove WI Chicago IL County home Monroe WI Brooklyn WI Albany WI Denver CO Kansas Spring Grove WI Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI County farm Cadiz twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Adams Catholic Adams Catholic Adams Catholic Argyle Argyle Brodhead Brodhead M - Greenwood Janesville M - Greenwood Moore Cemetery M - Greenwood Idaho Old Catholic Beloit Chicago IL Oregon WI Gap Cemetery Dayton Hillcrest Cemetery Denver CO Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Old Calvary M - Calvary Cadiz Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Paper Date 26-Oct-1910 8-Jan-1917 9-Jul-1924 29-Mar-1927 7-Oct-1927 2-Feb-1904 7-Sep-1904 28-Dec-1904 1-Oct-1903 15-Oct-1918 29-Sep-1911 8-Sep-1916 4-Feb-1920 15-Mar-1921 27-Dec-1927 30-Jun-1928 21-Aug-1929 30-Dec-1921 15-Apr-1903 3-Mar-1923 23-Oct-1908 8-Jan-1906 19-Feb-1920 16-Jan-1926 2-Jun-1900 10-Apr-1928 7-Sep-1908 21-Mar-1925 16-Nov-1918 18-Mar-1911 21-Sep-1910 28-Jul-1916 31-Jan-1916 1-Apr-1916 Last Name First Name Foley Foley Foley Foley Folgate Folgate Follett Follett Forbes Ford Forde Fort Fossnight Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foulker Foulker Foulker Foulker Fowler Fowler Fox Fox Frame Frame Francis Francis Frank Frankenburger James Morris William Margaret John Henry Hattie H.W. John Sr. William C. John Mary Ellen Elizabeth M. E.C., Mrs Charles P. Mary C. Helen Mrs. G.N., Mrs G.N., Rev Frank C. Alice Malinda Martha Archie Joana Ida Miss Catherine Elias, Rev Mary George James John C. David B., Prof Other Name Jennings Hummel Pruner Ridelbach Stubbe Zimmerman Doyle Strader Binder Date Died 1918F 1921F 1922F 1926F 1911F 1920F 1918F 1920F 1902F Page17 1915F 1913F 1922F 1904F 1909F 1916F 1910F 1920C 1920F Page 7 1920F 1920F 1929F 1916F 1929F 1908F 1922F Page21 1905F 1925F 1926F 1929F 1906F Residence 17-Mar-1918 South Wayne WI 26-Mar-1921 South Wayne WI Gratiot WI 28-Dec-1926 Monroe WI 30-Oct-1911 Red Oak WI 25-Jun-1920 Afolkey IL 18-Feb-1918 California Oconto WI 18-Jul-1902 Oak Park IL 27-Sep-1901 Highland WI 1-Sep-1915 Monroe WI 9-Mar-1913 Rockford IL 10-Mar-1922 Argyle WI Portage WI 11-Oct-1909 Madison WI 7-Nov-1916 California 18-Oct-1910 Milwaukee WI 25-Jan-1920 Madison WI 31-Jan-1920 8-Mar-1901 Browntown WI 17-Apr-1920 Cadiz twp WI 28-Jan-1920 Cadiz twp WI 28-Sep-1929 Cadiz twp WI 3-May-1916 Beloit WI 23-Oct-1929 Beloit WI 31-Jul-1908 Janesville WI 28-Apr-1922 Darlington WI 7-Dec-1901 Martintown WI 27-Jun-1905 Cadiz twp WI 26-Apr-1925 Albany WI 5-Mar-1926 Albany WI 18-Mar-1929 Rock Grove twp WI Madison WI Cemetery or Burial Location Catholic CemeteryGratiot Gratiot Catholic Cemetery M - Calvary Afolkey IL Libertyville IL M - Greenwood Old Argyle New Hampshire Monroe California Maine Saucerman Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Brodhead Mt Hope - Beloit Kendall Franklin Cemetery Albany Mt.Hope Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 2-Apr-1918 28-Mar-1921 15-Jul-1922 28-Dec-1926 31-Oct-1911 26-Jun-1920 23-Mar-1918 16-Nov-1920 22-Jul-1902 27-Sep-1901 1-Sep-1915 13-Mar-1913 18-Mar-1922 9-Feb-1904 11-Oct-1909 9-Nov-1916 20-Oct-1910 27-Jan-1920 31-Jan-1920 8-Mar-1901 19-Apr-1920 29-Jan-1920 30-Sep-1929 5-May-1916 24-Oct-1929 3-Aug-1908 6-May-1922 11-Dec-1901 27-Jun-1905 27-Apr-1925 5-Mar-1926 19-Mar-1929 8-Feb-1906 Last Name First Name Other Name Binder Date Died Residence Frankenburg Frankhauser Franklin Franzel Frauchiger Frauenfelder Fraunfelder Frauntfelter Frautschy Frautschy Frautschy Frautschy Frautschy Frautschy Frautschy Frederick Fredericks Freese Freese Freese Freese Freeze Freeze Freitag Freitag Freitag Freitag Freitag Freitag Freitag Freitag French French French Melvina Fred, Mrs Anna Carl Walter Fred, Mrs Rachel Fred Fred John, Mrs John, Mrs Anna Jacob Leland John C. Catharine Leonard Emma Jacob Mathilda Frederick i/c Robert Martin Barbara Infant son John Jr. Verena Chester J. Wolfgang Jacob, Mrs Mathilda Sarah Jane Charles Magdalena Whitehead 1901F 1928F 1902F 1912F 1913F 1909F 1905F 1927F 1909F Page18 1901F 1913F 1910F 1919F 1927F 1902F 1920F 1901F 1918F 1924F 1924F 1908F 1921F 1917F 1915F 1918F 1918F 1921F 1925F 1925F 1926F 1921F 1923F 1929F Urbana IL Blanchardville WI Evansville WI Orangeville IL Cadiz twp WI Janesville WI Stauffacher Trumpy Muswick Stuessy Elmer Popanz Figeley Klassy 25-Jul-1901 28-Mar-1928 10-Oct-1902 16-Apr-1912 26-Jan-1913 6-Oct-1909 7-Nov-1905 19-Mar-1927 28-Jul-1909 Mineral Point WI Clarno twp WI 29-Sep-1901 Clarno WI 30-Apr-1913 Clarno WI 6-Jul-1910 Madison SD 18-Sep-1927 6-Apr-1902 28-Apr-1920 27-Apr-1901 21-May-1918 5-Apr-1924 25-Apr-1924 16-Feb-1908 12-Nov-1917 28-Nov-1915 17-Dec-1918 9-May-1918 3-Jan-1921 3-Apr-1925 22-Dec-1926 6-Apr-1921 18-Feb-1923 12-May-1929 East Clarno county home Monroe WI Madison WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Brooklyn twp WI Monticello WI Clarno twp WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Schultz Monticello WI Spring Grove WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Madison WI Cemetery or Burial Location Mayview Cemetery Champaign County IL Woodlawn Cemetery Evansville Cadiz Cemetery M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood Clarno M - Greenwood Madison SD M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Madison M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Janesville Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood Monticello Albany Cemetery Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 6-Aug-1901 2-Apr-1928 11-Oct-1902 18-Apr-1912 27-Jan-1913 7-Oct-1909 9-Nov-1905 21-Mar-1927 29-Jul-1909 1-Oct-1901 30-Sep-1901 1-May-1913 7-Jul-1910 16-Apr-1919 18-Sep-1927 7-Apr-1902 29-Apr-1920 29-Apr-1901 22-May-1918 5-Apr-1924 26-Apr-1924 17-Feb-1908 7-Jan-1921 13-Nov-1917 2-Dec-1915 19-Dec-1918 10-May-1918 5-Jan-1921 28-Aug-1925 4-Apr-1925 23-Dec-1926 7-Apr-1921 19-Feb-1923 13-May-1929 Last Name Frenzel Frey Frey Frey Fricker Friedli Friedli Fries Fries Frisbie Fritsch Fritsch Fritsch Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritz Frommelt Frost Frowe Frueh Frusher Frye Fryer Fuchs Fuchs Fuchs Fuhrman Fulfs FulkemeierTulkemeier ? Fuller First Name Marie Charles Anna Christ, Mrs Barbara Esther C Gertrude M. Israel John Eli John A. Wayne John John d/o Dave Frieda G. C., Mrs Margaret A. Elaine Emma Hannah Mathias William Julia S.S., Capt John E. B. Buelah F. William, Mrs Louisa John Marie Anna Fred Mary Elizabeth Anna Mrs Other Name Dinse Rinehart Wild Schwann Beckman Lynch Stein Binder 1924F 1901F 1917F 1918F 1923F 1911F 1916F 1926F 1928F 1929F 1918F 1920F 1920M 1907F Page17 1901F Page 1 1916F 1915F 1923F 1922F 1909F 1912F 1901F 1916F 1918F 1925F 1904F 1923F 1923F 1922F 1906F Date Died 20-Jun-1924 18-Apr-1901 9-Jan-1917 10-Nov-1918 11-Jan-1923 14-Jan-1911 25-Feb-1916 23-Nov-1926 15-Aug-1928 11-Jan-1929 7-Sep-1918 9-Feb-1920 15-Aug-1907 26-Sep-1901 26-Sep-1901 15-Aug-1907 12-Oct-1916 10-Nov-1915 27-Mar-1923 18-Aug-1909 7-Jul-1901 13-Dec-1918 28-Jul-1925 29-Oct-1904 29-Sep-1923 22-Jul-1923 Residence Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe twp WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Adams twp WI Waupaca WI Juda WI Spring Grove twp WI Oneco twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Old Calvary M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Washington twp Juda Cemetery Juda Cemetery Oakley Union East Clarno Cemetery East Clarno Cemetery Clarno twp WI Janesville WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Dubuque Cadiz twp WI Chicago IL Dayton area Madison WI Clarno WI Winslow IL Chicago IL Clarno twp WI Clarno twp WI 18-Feb-1906 Monroe WI 1906F 28-Aug-1906 Rock City IL 1918S 31-Oct-1918 Shullsburg WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Rockford IL East Clarno Cemetery Mt Pleasant Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Appleton Cadiz Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 20-Jun-1924 18-Apr-1901 9-Jan-1917 11-Nov-1918 12-Jan-1923 16-Jan-1911 29-Feb-1916 24-Nov-1926 16-Aug-1928 12-Jan-1929 7-Sep-1918 10-Feb-1920 9-Feb-1920 16-Aug-1907 27-Sep-1901 28-Sep-1901 16-Aug-1907 13-Oct-1916 11-Nov-1915 29-Mar-1923 27 Jun 19222 18-Aug-1909 29-Feb-1912 9-Jul-1901 14-Aug-1916 13-Dec-1918 29-Jul-1925 31-Oct-1904 29-Sep-1923 23-Jul-1923 10-Aug-1922 19-Feb-1906 29-Aug-1906 31-Oct-1918 Last Name Fuller Fuller Fuller Fulton Funk Funseth Gaarder Gabi Gabriel Gabriel Gadow Gadow Gage Gage Gallagher Galligher Gallup Galusha Galway Galway Galway Galway Gammon Gans Gansel Ganshert Gapen Gapen Gapen Gapen Gapen Garde Garde Gardner Gardner First Name Charles W. Frank M. L.H. Harry Anna John Ole P. John Hiram Amelia Chris, Mrs Wilhelmine Isaac Vale Arabelle H.J. Mary Maria Herbert B. Martin Patrick John Nellie Marietta Frank John Lawrence, Mrs Ruth Roy Marion Marian Mary E. Ella Catharine Walter D. Maria "Professor" Other Name Johnson Sweeley Fillebrown Maddrell Briggs Chadwick Courtney Duffy Binder 1924F 1927F 1929F 1925F 1922F 1928F 1927G 1911G 1918G 1921G 1904G 1922G 1926G 1927G 1922G 1909G 1926G 1927G 1915G 1913G 1925G 1929G 1928G 1929G 1921G 1926G 1902G 1912G 1921G 1926G 1926G 1928G 1928G 1902G Page18 Date Died 15-Apr-1924 10-May-1927 14-Dec-1929 28-Mar-1925 17-Jun-1922 24-Aug-1928 8-Sep-1927 5-Nov-1911 2-Feb-1918 29-May-1921 27-Mar-1904 Residence Brodhead WI Winslow IL Winslow IL Freeport IL Dutch Hollow WI New Glarus WI Orfordville WI Sylvester twp WI Madison WI Madison WI Woodford WI Mt Hope WI 1-Feb-1926 Winslow IL 7-Oct-1927 Winslow IL 14-Jan-1922 28-Apr-1909 Chicago IL 29-Jan-1926 California 18-Nov-1927 Monroe WI 5-Mar-1915 Jordan twp WI 3-Mar-1913 Jordan twp WI 23-Nov-1925 Monroe WI 2-Sep-1929 Winslow IL 9-Apr-1928 Brodhead WI 28-Mar-1929 McHenry IL 2-Oct-1921 Brodhead WI 26-Jun-1926 Gratiot WI 13-May-1902 Montana Milwaukee WI 3-Sep-1926 Monroe WI 4-Aug-1926 Monroe WI 16-Oct-1928 Monroe WI 17-Jul-1928 Brodhead WI 23-Jun-1902 Monroe WI 4-Oct-1901 Platteville WI Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Monroe Winslow IL Monroe Rock Lilly Cemetery Monroe Rock Grove Cemetery Monroe New Glarus Monroe Primrose Cemetery Monroe Luther Valley Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Madison Monroe Madison Monroe Jordan Church Monroe J Monroe Winslow IL Monroe Winslow IL Monroe Monroe Chicago IL Monroe J Stockton CA Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J St.Francis Monroe M - Calvary Monroe South Wayne WI Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Brodhead Monroe Monroe Gratiot Monroe Monroe J Miles City Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Juda Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J Platteville Monroe J Paper Date 16-Apr-1924 11-May-1927 16-Dec-1929 31-Mar-1925 29-Jun-1921 25-Aug-1928 8-Sep-1927 6-Nov-1911 6-Feb-1918 31-May-1921 1-Apr-1904 21-Jul-1922 2-Feb-1926 7-Oct-1927 21-Jan-1922 29-Apr-1909 10-Feb-1926 18-Nov-1927 6-Mar-1915 4-Mar-1913 23-Nov-1925 5-Sep-1929 11-Apr-1928 29-Mar-1929 4-Oct-1921 28-Jun-1926 13-May-1902 20-Feb-1912 1-Feb-1921 4-Sep-1926 4-Aug-1926 18-Jul-1928 23-Jun-1902 8-Oct-1901 Last Name Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner First Name S. E., Capt Walter Scott Armeda Adelia John W. Other Name Gardner Garland Garnard Garner Garvey Gaulrapp Gavey Gavigan Gavigan Geary Gehr Gehrke Geib Geigel Geigel Geigel Geiger Geiger Geiger Geiger Geiger Geiger Geigle Geisberger Geisberger Geisberger Gemberling Gempeler Gempeler Elizabeth Arthur A. W. E. Ingraham G. David E. Katherine Lee F. Jack James Wilma Lee, Pvt Ferdinand Philip Leonard Dorothy Martin Jacob Leonard Nick Theresia Henry John Martin Gottfried Charles Caroline Eliza Fred Pearl Butts Divan Lewis Baumgartner Rudolph Augsberger Raymer Binder 1913G 1917G 1921G 1927G 1927G Date Died 1929G 1922G 1910G 1900G 1925G 1928G 1926G 1928G 1928G 1927G 1919G 1922G 1916G 1902G 1920G 1926G 1905G 1900G 1908G 1905G 1915G 1929G 1916G 1909G 1920G 1921G 1903G 1916G 1916G 15-Jun-1929 3-Jul-1922 12-Sep-1910 27-Jan-1900 5-Jun-1925 16-Jul-1928 21-Feb-1926 3-Feb-1928 14-May-1928 25-Sep-1927 00-Jul 1918 3-Jul-1922 30-Jan-1917 5-Oct-1921 15-Jun-1927 22-Jan-1927 24-Oct-1902 26-May-1920 1-Jul-1926 18-Sep-1905 13-Jun-1900 14-Mar-1908 19-Oct-1905 13-Sep-1915 7-Jan-1929 24-Jan-1916 8-Jul-1909 15-Apr-1920 28-Mar-1921 25-Nov-1903 13-May-1916 Residence Dayton OH Ennis TX Brodhead WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI San Francisco CA Freeport IL Chicago IL Monroe WI Rockford IL Michigan Argyle WI Argyle WI Albany WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Freeport IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Belleville area WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jacksonville IL Monticello WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Dayton OH M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Bethel Cemetery Rock California Lanark IL Faribault MN Freeport IL - Catholic M - Greenwood Yellowstone A - Calvary Hillcrest Cemetery in service M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Oakley Union M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 17-Jul-1913 30-Jan-1917 6-Oct-1921 15-Jun-1927 22-Jan-1927 Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T 17-Jun-1929 12-Jul-1922 12-Sep-1910 30-Jan-1900 6-Jun-1925 19-Jul-1928 22-Feb-1926 4-Feb-1928 14-May-1928 25-Sep-1927 15-May-1919 5-Jul-1922 29-Dec-1916 25-Oct-1902 26-May-1920 1-Jul-1926 20-Sep-1905 14-Jun-1900 14-Mar-1908 19-Oct-1905 13-Sep-1913 7-Jan-1929 26-Jan-1916 9-Jul-1909 15-Apr-1920 29-Mar-1921 27-Nov-1903 31-Mar-1916 15-May-1916 Last Name Gempeler Gempeler Gempler Gempler George Gephart Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerbitz Gerbitz Gerhardt German German Germann Germann Germann Germann Germann Germann Germann Germann Gerth Gertsch Gettings Gettings Gettings First Name Herman Rosa William David Henry, Mrs Amelia Nicholas s/o Simon Edna Elizabeth Theodore John John Fred Robert Fanny John Wilhelmina Leopold Jonas Daniel d/o Dan Fred W. Freddy Gottlieb Gottlieb Edward Sarah John Mary Henry William James J. Kathryn Roger Other Name Marty Pinn Marty Dick Luethy Binder 1926G 1927G 1909C 1923G 1903G 1906G 1903G 1909G 1916G 1916G 1921G 1923G 1924G 1926G 1926G 1929G 1929G 1921G 1927G 1913G 1905G 1915G 1901G Page21 1901G Page 9 1916G 1916G 1924G 1927G 1913G 1918G 1903G 1906G 1901G Date Died 10-May-1926 26-Jan-1927 7-Aug-1909 9-Nov-1923 5-May-1903 15-Dec-1906 6-Aug-1909 23-Feb-1916 10-Sep-1916 27-Jun-1921 25-Jun-1926 8-Oct-1926 5-Oct-1929 16-Jan-1921 1-Dec-1927 Residence Clarno twp WI Monroe WI South Wayne WI Monroe WI Ireland Rock Grove WI Monroe WI Schultz area Monroe WI McConnell New Glarus WI Freeport IL Freeport IL Monticello WI Monroe WI Madison WI Ackley IA Browntown WI Browntown WI Argyle WI Monroe WI 28-Nov-1905 11-Nov-1915 6-Dec-1901 Monroe WI 7-Apr-1901 7-Apr-1901 26-Oct-1916 21-Jan-1916 19-Jul-1924 1-Oct-1927 1-Jun-1913 5-Mar-1918 18-Jun-1903 16-Jan-1906 30-Dec-1901 Monroe WI Monroe WI Madison WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Beloit WI Dodge County WI Buena Vista Monroe WI LeMars IA Monroe area WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood McConnell McConnell Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery Saucerman Cadiz Cemetery Argyle M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Madison M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Eastlawn Cemetery M - Calvary Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 10-May-1926 26-Jan-1927 9-Aug-1909 9-Nov-1923 25-May-1903 17-Dec-1906 11-May-1903 7-Aug-1909 23-Feb-1916 12-Sep-1916 1-Jul-1921 21-Apr-1923 26-Jun-1926 9-Oct-1926 5-Oct-1929 23-Nov-1929 17-Jan-1921 1-Dec-1927 13-Oct-1913 29-Nov-1905 12-Nov-1915 6-Dec-1901 7-Dec-1901 8-Apr-1901 10-Apr-1901 27-Oct-1916 22-Jan-1916 19-Jul-1924 1-Oct-1927 3-Jun-1913 7-Mar-1918 22-Jun-1903 17-Jan-1906 30-Dec-1901 Last Name Gettings Gettings Gettings Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibson Gierhart Giese Giese Giese Giese Giese Gifford Gifford Gifford Gifford First Name Marie Teresa Miles T. John Michael, Mrs Rose Richard Clotilda Ed C. George, Mrs Edith Anna Marie Dora George, Sgt Nellie Frieda L. J. C., Rev Timothy Emma I. Chester A. Other Name Gifford Gilback Gilbertson Gilbertson Gilbertson Gillett Gillette Gillie Gillie Gilligan Gillum Gillum Gillum Gillum Lydia Charles Clarence Ernest Thelma Sarah Nellie Phillip Henry Lola Harry John Katherine Harry J. Sarah Cramer Wescott Wolgast Hall Weaver Pettit Chesebro Binder 1910G 1918G 1923G 1905G 1904G 1901H 1917G 1924G 1925G 1912G 1924F 1912G 1910G 1919G 1921G 1928G 1908G 1901G 1921G 1925G Date Died 1-Feb-1910 2-Dec-1918 24-Jun-1923 16-Jun-1905 1925G 1912G 1922G 1922G 1926G 1916G 1925G 1918G 1922G 1903G Page22 1918G 1925G 1929G 21-May-1925 21-Oct-1912 28-Mar-1922 28-Mar-1922 14-Nov-1926 24-May-1916 9-Jun-1925 24-Jun-1918 14-Apr-1922 14-Nov-1903 16-Jan-1917 15-Aug-1925 9-Apr-1924 1-Jun-1912 8-Jun-1910 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Wescott NE Janesville WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Comstock Maine Argyle WI Spring Grove WI Jefferson twp WI Ft Sheridan Juda WI Juda WI Juda WI 19-Jun-1921 28-Dec-1928 6-Jan-1908 15-Oct-1901 11-May-1921 Monroe WI 27-Oct-1925 Monroe WI Juda WI Orfordville WI Orfordville WI Albany WI Brodhead WI Brooklyn WI Gratiot WI Monroe WI 23-Nov-1918 Monroe WI 21-Sep-1925 Minneapolis MN 21-Jul-1929 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary Albany M - Calvary Sharron WI Mt Vernon - Juda Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Juda Cemetery Orfordville Fassett Cemetery Mt Vernon Juda Cemetery Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Maple Grove Cemetery Monroe Monroe J Luther Valley Monroe Luther Valley Monroe Norwegian Albany Monroe Albany Monroe T Monroe Monroe Gratiot Monroe Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Paper Date 1-Feb-1910 5-Dec-1918 25-Jun-1923 17-Jun-1905 16-Mar-1904 16-Aug-1901 16-Jan-1917 30-Jun-1924 26-Aug-1925 14-Dec-1912 12-Apr-1924 4-Jun-1912 9-Jun-1910 10-Feb-1919 20-Jun-1921 28-Dec-1928 7-Jan-1908 11-May-1921 28-Oct-1925 22-May-1925 25-Oct-1912 29-Mar-1922 29-Mar-1922 15-Nov-1926 24-May-1916 10-Jun-1925 25-Jun-1918 14-Nov-1903 24-Dec-1901 23-Nov-1918 22-Sep-1925 22-Jul-1929 Last Name Gilmore Ginner Ginner Girschweiler Glading Glading Glanzman Glascott Glascott Glaus Glausen Glausen Glauser Glaw Gleason Gleason Glenn Gloege Gloege Gnagi First Name John, Mrs Martin Christina Maria A. M. Laura Ernest David Mary Sebastian Fred Susana Nick Florence S. John A. Ellen Charles E. Herman L. August H. Peter Other Name Gnagi Gnagi Gochstetter Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Godshall Anna Elvira Gladys Michael A. W. Edward Harry, Mrs i/c of Harry Wilbur Fisk Sarah F. Alice Charles i/s A. K. Marsh Godshall A. K. Serfass Cornelius Binder 1922G 1905G 1913G 1922G 1902G 1905G 1925G 1903G 1909G 1928G Page13 1911G 1916G 1925G 1912G 1923G 1922G 1929G 1929G 1907G 1910G 1920G 1927G 1910G 1918G 1912G 1915G 1911G 1920G 1921G 1926G 1909G Date Died 27-Aug-1905 4-Jun-1913 20-Jun-1922 21-Dec-1902 29-Sep-1905 25-Dec-1903 2-Apr-1909 1-Apr-1928 1-Jul-1901 25-Jan-1911 21-Aug-1925 6-Jul-1912 6-Mar-1922 4-Jan-1929 26-Jun-1929 15-Oct-1907 9-Dec-1910 17-Apr-1920 24-Feb-1927 4-Dec-1910 12-Jun-1918 9-Mar-1912 21-Feb-1915 4-Oct-1911 26-Apr-1920 28-Jun-1921 2-Mar-1926 20-Sep-1909 Residence South Dakota Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI County farm County farm Cresco IA Winfield KS Monroe WI Monroe twp WI Chippewa Falls WI Monticello WI Ohio Freeport IL Freeport IL Waterloo WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Minneapolis MN Monroe WI Monroe WI St Louis MO Monroe area WI Portland OR Oregon Oregon Postville IA Freeport IL Oregon Monroe WI Monroe WI 1910G 27-Sep-1910 Milwaukee WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Bethel Bethel Cresco IA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello New Glarus Freeport IL M - Greenwood Mt. Carmel M - Greenwood Mayer MN M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Portland OR Riverview Cemetery Portland OR Monroe Portland OR M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J&T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J&T Paper Date 3-Jun-1922 28-Aug-1905 4-Jun-1913 21-Jun-1922 22-Dec-1902 30-Sep-1905 17-Jul-1925 26-Dec-1903 3-Apr-1909 2-Apr-1928 2-Jul-1901 27-Jan-1911 27-Oct-1916 22-Aug-1922 9-Jul-1912 29-Mar-1923 6-Apr-1922 9-Jan-1929 29-Jun-1929 16-Oct-1907 9-Dec-1910 19-Apr-1920 24-Feb-1927 5-Dec-1910 13-Jun-1918 11-Mar-1912 22-Feb-1915 6-Oct-1911 28-Apr-1920 28-Jun-1921 2-Mar-1926 21-Sep-1909 29-Sep-1910 Last Name Goecks Goecks Goecks Goecks Goecks Goetz Goetz Goetz Goetz Golackson Golackson Golackson Golackson Golackson Golackson Golden Goldey Goldy Gombar Good Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodrich Goodwin Goodwin Gordee Gordee Gordee Gordee First Name Frederick C. Carl F. Ernest S. Elisa Anna Louise Arnold Eva C. Katie Verena Golack, Mrs s/o Clarence i/d William Ole Idah Anna Theodore, Mrs. Donald B. G. David John C. George Albert, Mrs Mahala Clifford Oliver Jerome Jerome Julia Mary Mary Helen i/d Henry Gordee Gordee Iver Ole Other Name Braun Jordan Hefty Seiter Tollifson Gerlitz Miller Thorson Binder 1918G 1925G 1926G 1928G 1929G 1904G 1900G 1906G 1903G 1913G 1911G 1920G 1924G 1927G 1904G 1911G 1929G 1920G 1912G 1928G 1912G 1920G 1921G 1925G 1925G 1903G 1906G 1910G 1908G 1904G 1911G 1911G Date Died 5-Nov-1918 14-Jul-1925 26-Nov-1926 18-Jul-1928 16-Apr-1929 24-Apr-1904 17-Feb-1900 27-Nov-1906 6-Jun-1903 6-Oct-1916 10-Oct-1911 19-Nov-1920 19-Mar-1924 27-Dec-1927 27-Oct-1904 30-Jul-1911 21-Jun-1920 23-Mar-1912 23-Oct-1928 23-May-1912 15-Jul-1920 13-Apr-1921 11-Jun-1925 7-Sep-1925 3-Nov-1903 23-May-1906 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Decatur twp WI Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jordan twp WI Jordan twp WI Jordan twp WI Argyle WI Jordan twp WI Browntown WI Oklahoma City OK Shirland IL Florida Brodhead WI Monroe WI Cadiz WI Cadiz twp WI Winslow IL Cadiz twp WI County farm Orangeville IL Albany WI Jordan twp WI 21-Jan-1904 Jordan twp WI 4-Jul-1911 Austin 4-Jul-1911 Austin 1911G 12-Nov-1911 Browntown area WI 1924G 2-Apr-1924 Jordan twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Cemetery M - Greenwood Jordan Cemetery Jordan Church Argyle Cemetery Jordan Cemetery Jordan Church Janesville Shirland IL M - Greenwood Cadiz Cemetery Saucerman Saucerman Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Albany Probate Jordan Church Jordan Church Cemetery Jordan Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 6-Nov-1918 15-Jul-1925 27-Nov-1926 19-Jul-1928 16-Apr-1929 25-Apr-1904 19-Feb-1900 27-Nov-1906 8-Jun-1903 7-Oct-1913 10-Oct-1911 20-Nov-1920 20-Mar-1924 27-Dec-1927 29-Oct-1904 1-Aug-1911 25-Jan-1929 22-Jun-1920 23-Mar-1912 23-Oct-1928 25-May-1912 15-Jul-1920 13-Apr-1921 12-Jun-1925 8-Sep-1925 5-Nov-1903 25-May-1906 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J 26-Feb-1908 22-Jan-1904 5-Jul-1911 5-Jul-1911 Monroe J Monroe 13-Nov-1911 3-Apr-1924 Last Name Gordee Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorman Goslyn Gotstein Gottry Gottstein Goul Gould Gower Grabow Grabow Grabow Grady Grady Grady Graenicher Graf Graham Graham Graham Graham Grandgarde Grange Grant Grant Grant First Name Anna Flora Paul Chafee William C. Mary Ralph Albert Rice D. Emma Edith R. Anna Susan Edward Edward C. Henry, Mrs Gutrum Frances Forest E. Christ, Mrs Julius Dean Margaret Patrick Anna Anna Franz E.E. Robert Laura May James Ole, Mrs Andrew Horatio, Mrs James, Mrs Nancy, Mrs Other Name Fenne Brackenwegen McDowell Bragg Currie Dalton Robertson Shock Binder 1926G 1909G 1909G 1904G 1916G 1918G 1920G 1923G 1924G 1924G 1906G 1918G 1910G 1921G 1926G 1929G 1906G 1913G 1908G 1908G 1928G 1903G 1917G 1923G 1926G 1908G 1907G 1904G 1928G 1913G 1929G 1926G 1901G 1909G 1906G Date Died 9-Jul-1926 7-Apr-1909 12-Feb-1909 30-Jan-1904 24-Oct-1918 5-May-1920 27-Jan-1923 15-Mar-1924 1-Jun-1924 6-Oct-1906 14-Dec-1918 15-Feb-1910 15-Jul-1921 30-May-1926 6-Jan-1929 21-Feb-1906 25-Dec-1913 21-Feb-1908 22-Apr-1908 17-Dec-1928 15-Jun-1903 24-Feb-1917 28-Jan-1923 15-Apr-1926 8-Jun-1908 14-Oct-1907 3-Feb-1904 27-Jul-1928 8-Aug-1913 23-Sep-1929 28-May-1926 6-Dec-1901 22-Dec-1909 31-May-1906 Residence Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Madison WI Washington Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Browntown WI County farm Monroe WI Oklahoma Madison WI Brodhead WI Orono MA Janesville WI Clarno twp WI Whitewater WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI County home Jefferson twp WI Brodhead WI Minneapolis MN Brodhead WI Blanchardville WI Spring Valley WI Mineral Point WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI County farm Cemetery or Burial Location Jordan Cemetery M - Greenwood Rockford IL M - Greenwood Spokane WA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Calvary Albany M - Greenwood Union Cemetery Mineral Point Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Paper Date 9-Jul-1926 8-Apr-1909 12-Feb-1909 1-Feb-1904 22-May-1916 25-Oct-1918 12-May-1920 27-Jan-1923 15-Mar-1924 2-Jun-1924 6-Oct-1906 14-Dec-1918 15-Feb-1910 16-Jul-1921 1-Jun-1926 7-Jan-1929 21-Feb-1906 27-Dec-1913 22-Feb-1908 23-Apr-1908 17-Dec-1928 15-Jun-1903 26-Feb-1917 29-Jan-1923 15-Apr-1926 9-Jun-1908 14-Oct-1907 3-Feb-1904 31-Jul-1928 15-Aug-1913 23-Sep-1929 28-May-1926 9-Dec-1901 22-Dec-1909 31-May-1906 Last Name Grant Grant Grant Granzine Graves Graves Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Greenhaulgh Greenfield Greenwald Greenwald Greenwald Greenwald Greenwald Gregory Greigg Grenawalt Grenfell Grenzow Grenzow Grenzow Grenzow Grenzow First Name Perry Mary Ellen Edward A. Johanna Charles F. E.P., Mrs Tillberry William, Mrs George M. William Robert Francis A. I. M. Marble Ellen Gray Rollin Arthur Mack George M. Letitia Henry Jr. Mary Mrs. i/c of Fred Jacob John William Mose Andrew Catherine L. Grant William H., Mrs E. O Martha William Sophia Other Name Dehn Grinnell Brown Aregood Schultz Binder 1916G 1921G 1929G 1927G 1916G 1920G 1906G 1909G 1912G 1911G 1927G 1912G 1915G 1920G 1920G 1921G 1922G 1922G 1922H Page 3 1921G 1906G 1915G 1911G 1911G 1918G 1923G 1906G 1928G 1921G 1908G 1913G 1916G 1918G 1920G Date Died Residence 28-Dec-1915 Mississippi Freeport IL 10-Sep-1929 Dubuque 2-Oct-1927 Monroe WI 19-May-1916 McConnell 13-Jan-1920 Brooklyn WI 16-Jun-1906 Johnson TN 24-Oct-1909 Chicago IL 25-Oct-1912 North Dakota 9-Oct-1911 County farm 26-Feb-1927 Monroe twp WI 6-Apr-1912 County farm 28-May-1915 Lancaster 12-Jul-1920 Monroe WI 20-Apr-1920 Monroe WI 23-Mar-1921 Albany WI 8-Sep-1922 Los Angeles CA 13-Feb-1922 Avon 11-Feb-1922 Avon 18-Sep-1907 Zion City Meekin IL 8-Aug-1906 Monroe area WI 28-Dec-1915 Jordan twp WI 27-Sep-1911 Monroe WI 19-Aug-1911 Monroe WI 25-Oct-1918 Monroe WI Wauwatosa WI 17-Apr-1906 Dunkirk 26-Dec-1928 Brodhead WI 2-Jun-1921 Denver CO 30-Dec-1908 Juda WI 26-Mar-1913 Juda WI 21-Feb-1916 Clarno twp WI 12-Oct-1918 Jefferson twp WI 2-Aug-1920 Clarno WI Cemetery or Burial Location Cassville Chicago IL McConnell M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Albany East Clarno M - Greenwood Oshkosh M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Denver CO Mt Vernon East Clarno Juda Cemetery East Clarno Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 3-Jan-1916 18-Jun-1921 14-Sep-1929 2-Oct-1927 20-May-1916 14-Jan-1920 19-Jun-1906 25-Oct-1909 31-Oct-1912 10-Oct-1911 28-Feb-1927 6-Apr-1912 29-May-1915 13-Jul-1920 20-Apr-1920 25-Mar-1921 12-Sep-1922 16-Feb-1922 23-Mar-1922 21-Sep-1907 20-Oct-1921 9-Aug-1906 31-Dec-1915 27-Sep-1911 21-Aug-1911 25-Oct-1918 22-Jan-1923 19-Apr-1906 27-Dec-1928 2-Jun-1921 30-Dec-1908 26-Mar-1913 22-Feb-1916 14-Oct-1918 3-Aug-1920 Last Name Grenzow Grenzow Griessen Griffin Griffith Griffith Griffith Grimes Grimes Grimes Grimm Grinnel Grinnell Grinnell Grinnell Grinnell Grinnell Grinnell Grinnell Grinnell Grinnell Grinshel Griswold Gritzmaker Grivas Grochowsky Gross Grossenbacher Grossman Grout Grout Grove Grove Grove Grube First Name Margaret C. Alice Sam Helen E. Bertha Batman N. Jane Mary Charles H. Charles H. Carl James d/o Lewis John F. Silas Willard E. Freda Jefferson Florence Louisa Lydia L. Loren E. M. Ernest, Mrs Ida Charles F. Amelia Frieda August Orrin Melissa George, Mrs Raymond Frank M. Edwin Other Name Ammon Corson Fairbrother Owrey Steavens Evans Ischi Comstock Binder 1921G 1922G 1911G 1904G 1906G 1916G 1916G 1903G 1925G 1926G 1913G 1900D 1905G 1911G 1912G 1910G 1923G 1924G 1925G 1926G 1928G 1920G 1929G 1927G 1923G 1911G 1923G 1918G 1925G 1909G 1916G Page 2 Page 2 1926G 1919Z Date Died 20-Nov-1921 25-Aug-1922 3-Sep-1911 21-Apr-1904 17-Apr-1906 15-May-1916 30-Dec-1915 25-Aug-1903 28-Mar-1925 11-Oct-1913 19-May-1905 22-Feb-1911 11-Nov-1912 17-Sep-1910 5-Jul-1924 27-Jan-1925 18-Dec-1926 9-Aug-1928 5-Oct-1929 25-Dec-1927 19-Oct-1923 6-Jan-1911 17-Jul-1923 25-Jan-1918 10-May-1925 4-May-1909 23-Dec-1916 3-Feb-1926 Memorial Residence Clarno twp WI Madison WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Cedar Rapids Rockford IL Tempe AZ Arizona Monroe twp WI estate Washington twp WI Monroe WI Washington Monroe WI Madison WI Orangeville IL Lyons IL Monroe WI Monroe WI LaVerne IA Syracuse NY Brodhead WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Sibley IA Browntown WI Juda WI Monroe WI Oregon WI Michigan Michigan Janesville WI Camp Grant IL Cemetery or Burial Location Mt Vernon M - Greenwood South Haven MI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood County Court M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood LaVerne IA M - Greenwood Darlington M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Hill Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 21-Nov-1921 29-Aug-1922 4-Sep-1911 22-Apr-1904 17-Apr-1906 16-May-1916 5-Jan-1916 26-Aug-1903 3-Apr-1925 6-May-1926 11-Oct-1913 3-Feb-1900 20-May-1905 29 Feb 1911 22-Nov-1912 19-Sep-1910 2-Jul-1923 7-Jul-1924 30-Jan-1925 18-Dec-1926 9-Aug-1928 20-Feb-1920 7-Oct-1929 25-Dec-1927 19-Oct-1923 6-Jan-1911 21-Jul-1923 25-Jan-1918 11-May-1925 4-May-1909 23-Dec-1916 28-Aug-1907 28-Aug-1907 4-Feb-1926 26-May-1919 Last Name Gruen Gruenenwald GruenenwaldGreenwald Gruenwald Guess Guess Gugisberg Guidon Guinter Guinter Gullickson Gunderson Gunderson Gunnison Gurske Gurtner Gut Gutherie Guthrie Guto Gutzmer Gutzmer Guul Guul-Goul Haack Haak Haak Haan Haase Haase Haase Haase Haase Haberman First Name Conrad, Rev Oscar H. John Infant dau. Myrtle Infant dau. Edward Jennie C. Rebecca David Edith G.A. Ole Prof. Gustave Adolph R. Alfred Thomas, Mrs Robert, Mrs Phillip Frank August Carrie Andrew Carl, Mrs William, Mrs William Sr. Emil Carl Antone Ruben, Mrs Anna August H. Christina Other Name Steringer Hasse Bloom Babler Binder Date Died Residence 1924G California 1921G 28-Feb-1921 California 1915G 1918G 1925G 1928G 1902G 1918G 1917G 1920G 1928G Page11 1921G 1902G 1923G 1929G 1917G 1907G 1920G 1906G 1920G 1920G 1929G 1926G 1923H 1910H 1912H 1908H 1909H 1920H 1920H 1925H 1929H 1908H 4-Nov-1915 22-Apr-1918 21-Sep-1925 8-Jun-1928 26-Dec-1902 19-Oct-1918 21-Mar-1917 21-Feb-1920 23-Jan-1928 28-May-1901 11-Apr-1921 19-Oct-1902 4-Jul-1929 23-Jun-1917 25-Jul-1907 11-Jun-1920 27-Mar-1906 28-Jan-1920 9-Feb-1920 24-Jul-1910 10-Nov-1912 15-Sep-1908 17-Apr-1920 30-Jul-1925 7-Apr-1929 4-Apr-1908 Darlington WI Monroe WI Avoca WI Monroe WI Elgin IL Monroe WI Twin Grove WI South Dakota Stoughton WI Argyle WI Argyle WI River Falls Chicago IL Albany WI Jordan twp WI Silver Creek NE Sandy UT County farm New Mexico Monroe WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI California Madison WI Madison WI New Glarus WI Martintown WI Cadiz twp WI Sheboygan WI Monroe twp WI Monroe WI Juda WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Twin Grove Cemetery Sioux Falls Stoughton Yellowstone Hillcrest M - Greenwood Madison Warren IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Modesta CA Winslow IL Gratiot Catholic M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 14-Jan-1924 4-Mar-1921 5-Nov-1915 23-Apr-1918 22-Sep-1925 8-Jun-1928 26-Dec-1902 19-Oct-1918 22-Mar-1917 23-Feb-1920 24-Jan-1928 29-May-1901 15-Apr-1921 20-Oct-1902 13-Apr-1923 6-Jul-1929 25-Jun-1917 5-Aug-1907 12-Jun-1920 27-Mar-1906 28-Jan-1920 9-Feb-1920 27-Mar-1929 25-May-1926 20-Oct-1923 25-Jul-1910 11-Nov-1912 18-Sep-1908 9-Jul-1909 19-Apr-1920 2-Dec-1920 30-Jul-1925 8-Apr-1929 4-Apr-1908 Last Name Haberman Hackworth Haddinger Hafen Hafen Hafen Haffele Hageman Hager Hahlen Hahn Hahn Haight Haimson Hain Hakes Haldiman Haldiman Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Haler Haley Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Halsey First Name A. F., Rev Lucy L. Fred Emil, Mrs Wilhelmina Emil Sr. Elmer W. Euphamia Edward G. Carl Ernest Ernest F. Ida Isaac Morris, Mrs c/o Fred Emil Anna Rastus, Mrs Ernest I.N. A. Henry Frank A. Jacob Mary Mary J.C., Mrs Olive Marie Wendell William William R. George, Mrs Clara Charles H. Emma E. Other Name Craig Does Baumgartner Whitehead Wisler Spangler Wolter Binder 1924H 1921H 1911H 1907H 1924H 1929H 1925H 1917H 1923H 1927H 1906H 1917H 1929H 1916H 1906H Page 1 1921H 1929H 1916H 1920H 1924H 1928H 1929H 1911H Page 8 Page 5 1917H 1911H 1916H 1911H 1913H 1922H 1925H 1927H 1918H Date Died 24-Feb-1924 5-Dec-1921 2-Mar-1911 17-Apr-1907 9-Oct-1924 29-Nov-1929 10-Feb-1925 31-Dec-1917 25-Sep-1923 5-May-1927 7-Feb-1906 1-Jan-1917 10-Jun-1929 1-May-1916 22-Mar-1906 15-Jul-1921 11-Feb-1929 20-Oct-1916 11-Mar-1924 20-Dec-1928 6-Feb-1929 30-Oct-1911 Residence Forest Junction Lena IL Monroe WI Brodhead area WI Juda WI Spring Grove twp WI Monticello WI California Sioux City IA Dubuque IA Brodhead WI Jefferson twp WI Cadiz twp WI Madison WI Edgerton Evansville Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Kansas South Wayne WI Beloit WI Orangeville IL Wayne twp Oshkosh WI 6-Oct-1907 Iowa 5-Feb-1917 Washington 19-Feb-1911 Monroe WI Spokane WA 1-Apr-1911 Decatur twp WI 19-Mar-1913 Spring Grove twp WI 14-Sep-1922 Nebraska 25-Jan-1925 Monroe WI 8-Mar-1918 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello Bartlett M - Greenwood Dubuque IA M - Greenwood Bethel Cemetery Forest Hill M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL West Wiota Cemetery Oshkosh M - Greenwood Medical Lake WA M - Greenwood Brodhead M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monoe Paper Date 25-Feb-1924 7-Dec-1921 3-Mar-1911 18-Apr-1907 10-Oct-1924 29-Nov-1929 11-Feb-1925 2-Jan-1917 27-Sep-1923 6-May-1927 7-Feb-1906 2-Jan-1917 11-Jun-1929 3-May-1916 24-Mar-1906 7-Aug-1907 15-Jul-1921 11-Feb-1929 27-Oct-1916 2-Apr-1920 12-Mar-1924 20-Dec-1928 7-Feb-1929 31-Oct-1911 1-Apr-1901 9-Oct-1907 15-Feb-1917 20-Feb-1911 17-Aug-1916 6-Apr-1911 20-Mar-1913 15-Sep-1922 30-Jan-1925 21-Feb-1927 9-Mar-1918 Last Name Halverson Haman Haman Haman Hamer Hamer Hamer Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamman Hamman Hamman Hammer Hammon Hammond Hancock Haney Hangardner Hanley Hanna Hannie Hanny Hanrahan Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson First Name Melvin Sam Jacob F. Lydia Marie William R. John John Will Mary George W. Thomas H. Wayne Amos, Mrs John Christian Eliza J. Jacob George, Mrs John Sr. Albert M.J., Mrs Marcus Kenneth Flora Thomas C. A., Mrs Helen Carl Johanna Agnes Barbara B. Ellen Katrinka s/o John Other Name Sissons Anderson Nelsen Henderson Binder 1916H 1908H 1923H 1929H 1920H 1921H 1926H 1903H 1909H 1910H 1920H 1928H 1919H 1924H 1926H 1929H Page22 1911H 1926H 1924H 1926H 1927H 1904H 1922H Page 9 1922H 1910H 1923H 1929H 1929H 1929H 1900H !900H 1917H 1911M Date Died 6-Mar-1916 30-Jan-1908 15-Jul-1923 4-May-1929 2-Mar-1920 3-Apr-1921 25-May-1903 15-Jun-1909 15-Jan-1910 22-Aug-1920 22-Feb-1928 22-Dec-1924 7-Sep-1926 30-Jun-1929 17-Dec-1901 11-Aug-1911 27-Feb-1926 24-Nov-1924 27-Mar-1927 15-Feb-1904 21-Nov-1910 28-Apr-1923 11-Sep-1929 6-Jan-1929 11-Mar-1929 29-Jun-1900 18-Mar-1900 16-Sep-1917 5-Mar-1911 Residence Phoenix AZ Monroe area WI Sciota Mills IL Monroe WI Racine WI Albany twp WI Missouri Adams twp WI Washington twp WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Durand IL Monroe WI Rockford IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Chicago IL Wales San Freeport IL Washington DC Freeport IL County farm Blanchardville WI Argyle WI Chicago IL Dows IA Argyle WI Brooklyn WI Monroe WI Janesville WI County Home Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Adams Paper Monroe J Monroe J Winslow IL. Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Albany Monroe Hillcrest Cemetery Monroe Adams Catholic Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe Durand IL Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Freeport IL Monroe Cleveland OH Monroe J Monroe Wonewoc Monroe J Calvary Cemetery Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Dows IA Monroe Apple Grove Cemetery Monroe Monroe Necedah WI Monroe J Monroe J Evansville Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 18-Mar-1916 30-Jan-1908 16-Jul-1923 6-May-1929 3-Mar-1920 4-Apr-1921 6-Oct-1916 26-May-1903 18-Jun-1909 17-Jan-1910 24-Aug-1920 22-Feb-1928 15-Apr-1919 22-Dec-1924 8-Sep-1926 1-Jul-1929 17-Dec-1901 11-Aug-1911 1-Mar-1926 26-Nov-1924 20-May-1926 28-Mar-1927 16-Feb-1904 9-Oct-1922 26-Apr-1901 19-Jun-1922 26-Nov-1910 30-Apr-1923 13-Sep-1929 7-Jan-1929 12-Mar-1929 30-Jun-1900 19-Mar-1900 17-Sep-1917 6-Mar-1911 Last Name Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hantschel Harding Harding Harding Harding Harding Hardy Hare Hare Haren Haren Haren Haren Haren Haren Harner Harness Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harrington Harrington Harris Harris First Name Hazel Margaret Russell Janet Hans S. Seaver S. Lillian Bertha Helena Daniel A. Harry Jacob John, Mrs Will Frances Warren, Mrs George Alvah E. Frank J. Bridget Michael Arthur W., Pvt Thomas P. Arthur W. Daniel H. George Alonzo G. Andrew Jr. Doris E. Robert Agnes Hine Thomas Jennie Elmer James Helen, Mrs Charity Other Name Leuzinger Beckon Jackson McDonald Binder 1920H 1920H 1922H 1924H 1928H 1928H 1929H 1929H 1920H 1903H Page23 1920H 1920H 1924H 1916H 1916H 1929H 1904H 1903H 1918H 1918H 1920H 1928H 1905H 1912H 1916H 1918H 1911H 1921H 1922H 1928H 1923H 1925H 1911H 1920H Date Died Residence 6-Apr-1920 Jordan twp WI 9-Apr-1920 Jordan twp WI Stoughton WI 31-Oct-1924 Jordan twp WI 12-Aug-1928 Jordan twp WI 12-Oct-1928 Rockford IL 11-Mar-1929 South Wayne WI 17-Oct-1929 Wiota twp WI Seymour Orangeville IL 22-Mar-1920 22-Mar-1920 21-Nov-1924 28-Apr-1916 6-Jan-1916 22-Feb-1929 25-Sep-1904 5-Apr-1903 6-Oct-1918 13-Aug-1918 6-Oct-1918 11-May-1928 16-Jan-1905 6-Sep-1912 26-May-1916 10-Apr-1918 Chicago IL Kansas Browntown WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI County farm France Monroe WI St Joseph MO Monroe WI Washington twp WI Maryland Rochester NY 21-May-1921 Brodhead WI Footville WI 7-Nov-1928 Monroe WI 25-Feb-1923 13-Dec-1925 Monroe WI 20-Jul-1911 Brodhead WI 26-Sep-1920 Postville IA Cemetery or Burial Location Jordan Church Jordan Church Jordan Cemetery Jordan Cemetery M - Greenwood West Wiota Cemetery Jordan Cemetery Orangeville IL Chicago IL Shullsburg M - Greenwood M - Calvary Catholic Cemetery M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood Belleville Baltimore M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Loveland Cemetery M - Calvary Darlington Postville IA Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 7-Apr-1920 9-Apr-1920 15-Jun-1922 1-Nov-1924 13-Aug-1928 13-Oct-1928 11-Mar-1929 18-Oct-1929 15-Nov-1920 21-Nov-1903 31-Dec-1901 26-Mar-1920 1-Apr-1920 21-Nov-1924 29-Apr-1916 6-Jan-1916 22-Feb-1929 26-Sep-1904 6-Apr-1903 29-Nov-1918 14-Aug-1918 11-Jun-1920 11-May-1928 18-Jan-1905 7-Sep-1912 27-May-1916 11-Apr-1918 3-Oct-1911 23-May-1921 4-May-1922 7-Nov-1928 26-Feb-1923 14-Dec-1925 27-Jul-1911 27-Sep-1920 Last Name Harrison Harrison Harry Hart Hartley Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick (wig) Hartwig Hartwig Hartwig Hartwig Hartwig Hartwig Hartwig Hartwig Hartzell Harvey Harvey Hasley Hass Hasse First Name Daughter Henry Flory, Mrs. John Bennett August Henry William H., Rev Mayo S. Ida Christ, Mrs. George John, Dr Frank, Pvt George George Gottlieb C. Sophia Emma Charles G. Will Catherine Henry Lydia Robert Willis George A. Frieda Will Catherine John Charles, Mrs William Ole, Mrs Fred, Mrs John Other Name Brobst Henn Roby Hartwick Binder 1918H 1913H 1901H 1922H 1921H 1908H 1906H 1917H 1928H 1929H 1905H 1908H 1903H 1918H 1915B 1915H 1913H 1915H 1923H 1923H 1920H 1900H 1917H 1921H 1923H 1923H 1927H 1927H 1929H 1908B 1912H 1916H 1927H 1906H 1903H Date Died 1-Nov-1913 24-Apr-1901 29-Jan-1906 18-Nov-1917 29-Mar-1928 3-Oct-1929 1-Apr-1905 25-Jul-1908 31-Jul-1903 6-Oct-1918 1-Jan-1915 19-Oct-1913 22-Jan-1915 30-Aug-1923 18-Dec-1920 15-Jan-1900 25-Apr-1917 26-May-1921 21-Nov-1923 30-Jan-1923 3-Jan-1927 25-Apr-1927 5-Aug-1929 19-Aug-1908 27-Jun-1912 30-Apr-1916 24-Jun-1927 8-Apr-1906 15-Jan-1903 Residence Footville WI Chicago IL County farm Milton Junction Monroe WI Monroe area WI Freeport area IL Chicago IL Brodhead WI Durand IL Sylvester twp WI Winnebago City MN Jordan twp WI Kansas Monroe WI Monroe WI Juda WI Juda WI Willmar MN Beloit WI Monroe WI Jordan twp WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL Washington Mineral Point WI Warren IL Spring Grove WI Monroe area WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood State Line Cemetery Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Minnesota M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt. Hope Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 5-Aug-1918 3-Nov-1913 25-Apr-1901 6-Jan-1922 15-Apr-1921 30-Jan-1906 20-Nov-1917 29-Mar-1928 4-Oct-1929 3-Apr-1905 27-Jul-1908 31-Jul-1903 16-Oct-1918 2-Jan-1915 2-Jan-1915 20-Oct-1913 23-Jan-1915 14-Dec-1923 31-Aug-1923 20-Dec-1920 16-Jan-1900 25-Apr-1917 27-May-1921 21-Nov-1923 30-Jan-1923 3-Jan-1927 26-Apr-1927 5-Aug-1929 19-Aug-1908 3-Jul-1912 2-May-1916 29-Jun-1927 11-Apr-1906 15-Jan-1903 Last Name Hasse Hassinger Haug Hauk Hauman Hauri Hauser Hauser Hauser Hauser Hauser Haviland Hawhe Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawthorn Hawthorne Hawthorne Hawthorne Hawthorne Hawthorne Hawthorne Hawthorne Hawver Hayes Heacock Healy Healy Healy First Name John Edward P. Henry John Sallie Irene Floy Fannie Jacob Adam John Oswald Frances E. G. Bames H., Dr d/o Herb Martha Lucilla William C Ada Lovisa Elbert E. A. G. Clarence N. Alfred, Mrs Andrew Abigail Clara James William B. Guy Alfred Daniel Mrs. Jane Ellen Mary Mary Other Name Blum Babler Tovenson Newcomer Connett Chamis Corson McCarty Binder 1929H 1902H 1911H 1915H 1913H 1929H 1917H 1921H 1924H 1925H 1927H 1909H 1900H 1911H 1923H 1924H 1926H 1902H 1902H 1912H 1920H 1917H 1909H 1910H 1916H 1910H 1912H 1924H 1929H 1909W 1920H 1903H 1901H Page16 1901H Date Died 4-Feb-1902 24-Jul-1911 10-Jun-1915 7-Jun-1913 15-Apr-1929 12-Dec-1917 3-Oct-1921 22-Nov-1924 27-Sep-1925 26-May-1927 23-Aug-1909 13-Jan-1900 26-May-1911 24-Dec-1923 20-Apr-1924 8-Nov-1926 11-Jun-1902 8-Jul-1902 19-Feb-1912 21-Jul-1920 4-Nov-1917 18-May-1909 26-May-1910 8-Dec-1916 19-Dec-1910 18-Apr-1912 9-Apr-1924 Residence County home Brodhead WI Blanchardville WI Clarno twp WI Orangeville IL Monticello WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Whitewater WI Ladysmith WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Avon twp WI Sylvester twp WI Darlington WI Chicago IL Argyle WI LaCrosse WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Indianapolis IN Clarno twp WI 1-Sep-1920 County home 19-Aug-1903 County farm 29-Mar-1901 Monroe WI Monroe WI 20-Sep-1901 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Hawthorne Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Ft Dodge IA Avon Cemetery Union Cemetery Argyle Argyle M - Greenwood Hawthorne Cemetery Hawthorne Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Sherron WI Neenah WI M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 23-Jul-1929 4-Feb-1902 28-Jul-1911 11-Jun-1915 11-Jun-1913 15-Apr-1929 13-Dec-1917 4-Oct-1921 22-Nov-1924 28-Sep-1925 27-May-1927 26-Aug-1909 16-Jan-1900 31-May-1911 26-Dec-1923 21-Apr-1924 10-Nov-1926 27-Jun-1902 12-Jul-1902 20-Feb-1912 27-Jul-1920 5-Nov-1917 18-May-1909 26-May-1910 9-Dec-1916 19-Dec-1910 18-Apr-1912 11-Apr-1924 25-Nov-1929 26-Apr-1909 2-Sep-1920 20-Aug-1903 29-Mar-1901 27-Sep-1901 20-Sep-1901 Last Name Other Name Healy Healy Heath Heath Heckman Heckman Heer Heer Heeren Hefele Hefferman Heffron Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty First Name Barthelomew "Bat" Martin Joel Rosalind Harriet Sarah Fred Abraham W.E., Ida May Mary Ellen William, Mrs Abraham Abraham Adam Adam Fredolin Lydia Magdalena Maria Clara David, Mrs Elizabeth Fredolin Jacob, Mrs John, Mrs Mel Ray Samuel Jr. Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Catherine Samuel Mary Fred K. Marty Studley Hasings Cronemiller Frost Arthur Blumer Disch Streiff Binder Date Died Residence Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Aurora IL Big Flats WI Freeport IL Monroe WI Monroe WI South Dakota 27-Jul-1911 Monroe WI 13-Jan-1927 Janesville WI 14-Apr-1922 10-Jul-1901 Monroe WI 10-Jul-1901 Monroe WI 1-Jun-1902 Monroe WI 1-Jun-1902 Monroe WI 1-Oct-1903 Monroe WI 10-Feb-1909 Monroe WI 12-Dec-1904 Monroe WI 13-Sep-1905 New Glarus WI 17-May-1911 20-Oct-1916 Monticello WI 21-Jul-1911 Monroe WI 5-May-1918 Monroe WI 23-May-1912 New Glarus WI 17-Dec-1913 Monroe WI 20-Dec-1910 Valley Falls KS 30-May-1913 Monroe WI 16-Dec-1915 Paoli 1916H 1926H 1900H 1918H 1911H 1915H 1923H 1927H 1929H 1911H 1927H 1922H Page13 1901H 1902B 1902H 1903H 1909H 1904H 1905H 1911H 1916H 1911H 1918H 1912H 1913H 1910H 1913H 1915H 20-Apr-1916 18-Feb-1926 25-Nov-1900 2-Dec-1918 18-Apr-1911 27-May-1915 23-Nov-1923 11-Jun-1927 1923H 1923H 1923H 1925H 18-May-1923 26-Jan-1923 27-Apr-1923 30-Oct-1925 Waukesha WI New Glarus WI County farm Washington twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary M - Calvary Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Lennox SD Cadiz Janesville Kouts IN M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Wash Cemetery New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Valley Falls KS M - Greenwood New Glarus Swiss Reformed - New Monroe T Glarus Monroe J New Glarus Monroe T New Glarus Monroe Paper Date 20-Apr-1916 18-Feb-1926 26-Nov-1900 3-Dec-1918 26-Apr-1911 28-May-1915 24-Nov-1923 14-Jun-1927 22-Jan-1929 27-Jul-1911 15-Jan-1927 28-Apr-1922 12-Jul-1901 10-Jul-1901 2-Jun-1902 2-Jun-1902 1-Oct-1903 11-Feb-1909 13-Dec-1904 15-Sep-1905 18-May-1911 21-Oct-1916 24-Jul-1911 9-May-1918 23-May-1912 18-Dec-1913 22-Dec-1910 31-May-1913 18-Dec-1915 21-May-1923 1-Feb-1923 27-Apr-1923 31-Oct-1925 Last Name Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hegge First Name Alvin H. Paul L., Dr Henry, Mrs Rosina Markus Thomas Sr. Dorothy Henry H. Fabian Henry Wilma B. Sophia Other Name Hegna-Grove Hein Heindel Heine Heintzelman HeinzelmanDischer Heitz Heitz Heitz Heitz Heitz Held Held Helland Hellmer Helm Caroline. Louisa Wilfred, Mrs Charles, Mrs William M. Olson Buddie 1911H 1-Sep-1911 Lilly SD 1918H 30-Apr-1918 Albany WI 1925H 7-Nov-1925 South Wayne WI 1918H 16-Dec-1918 Delavan WI 1913H Martin, Mrs. Baltz John William Helen Violet Joseph Sylvia Fred Brynla H.P., Mrs Charles B. Bruni 1923H 1906H 1905H 1906H 1915H 1922H 1920H 1923H 1920H 1925H 1922H Helm Helmeid Henderson Hendrickson Helen Brady B. Birdie H. J. Elmer Hefty Tonda Bassett Binder 1925H 1925H 1926H 1926H 1927H 1927H 1928H 1928H 1929H 1929H 1929H 1928H Date Died Residence 9-Sep-1925 Primrose twp 15-Jun-1925 New Glarus WI Renwick IA 4-May-1926 Monroe WI 6-May-1927 Perry twp 29-Oct-1927 New Glarus WI 27-Sep-1928 Primrose twp WI 8-May-1928 Monroe WI 4-Oct-1929 New Glarus WI 22-Apr-1929 Monroe WI 6-Jan-1929 New Glarus WI 5-Dec-1928 Argyle WI 14-Sep-1923 8-Feb-1906 8-May-1905 8-Feb-1906 17-Mar-1915 6-Apr-1922 8-Aug-1920 20-May-1923 13-Feb-1920 18-Jan-1925 31-Mar-1922 Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Monticello WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Jordan twp WI Platteville WI Darlington WI Cemetery or Burial Location New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus Argyle Jordan Church Cemetery Albany Cemetery Eastman Cemetery Milton Junction Bethel Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary New Glarus Jordan Church Platteville 1924E 18-Nov-1924 LaFayette County WI 1927H 27-Nov-1927 Adams twp WI Adams Cemetery 1927H Oak Park IL 1909H 23-Feb-1909 Argyle WI Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 9-Sep-1925 16-Jun-1925 15-Feb-1926 5-May-1926 6-May-1927 29-Oct-1927 28-Sep-1928 9-May-1928 5-Oct-1929 22-Apr-1929 7-Jan-1929 6-Dec-1928 Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J 5-Sep-1911 30-Apr-1918 11-Nov-1925 17-Dec-1918 16-Aug-1913 Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe 14-Sep-1923 8-Feb-1906 9-May-1905 8-Feb-1906 17-Mar-1915 7-Apr-1922 9-Aug-1920 21-May-1923 14-Feb-1920 18-Jan-1925 8-Apr-1922 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 19-Nov-1924 27-Nov-1927 30-Aug-1927 2-Mar-1909 Last Name Hendrickson Hendrickson Hendrickson Hendrickson Hendrickson Hendrickson Hendrickson Hendrickson Heney Henn Henn Henn Hennessy Henney Henney Henni Henry Herbrand Hermanson Hermanson Herren Hersbrunner Hess Hess Hess Hewitt Hibbard Hibbner Hibner Hibner Hibner Hickcox Hickey Hickman First Name Anna David Emma i/s Albert David, Pvt Infant of Maurice Frank Henry J. E., Mrs Blanche Isabelle Clara Nellie Christ, Mrs Christ E. J., Mrs. Frank Herman Clara Fred Freddie John, Mrs. Rosina Thomas R.H., Capt. J.M. Willie Frank Joseph Elizabeth Rebecca Patrick Christina Other Name Lunda Conkey Swartz Martin Gilbertson Green Blumer Binder Date Died 1916H 1919H 00-Oct 1918 1915H 1-Mar-1915 1915H 6-May-1915 1921H 14-Oct-1918 Residence Adams twp WI in service Orfordville WI Browntown WI France 1924H 1929H 1929H 1906H 1923H 1926H 1929H 1917H 1906H 1912H 1909H 1906H 1916H 1926H 1927H 1912H 1926H 1907H 1908H 1911H 1902H 1925H 1916H 1918H 1918H 1920H 1916H 1900D 1907H York Belleville WI Hollandale Chicago IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Iowa Elgin IL Monroe twp WI Dutch Hollow WI Pittsville WI Chicago IL Waukesha WI Blanchardville WI Blanchardville WI Monroe WI Idaho Monroe WI 18-Mar-1924 5-May-1929 28-Sep-1929 2-Mar-1906 18-Dec-1923 26-Sep-1926 4-Nov-1929 7-Jan-1917 2-Feb-1906 30-Jun-1912 4-Mar-1906 12-May-1916 5-Jul-1926 25-Nov-1927 12-Apr-1912 31-Mar-1926 23-Mar-1907 2-Dec-1911 29-Sep-1902 13-Mar-1925 13-Sep-1916 25-Dec-1918 29-Nov-1918 8-Oct-1920 27-Feb-1916 14-Mar-1907 Juneau Albany WI Stoughton WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Dodgeville WI estate Cemetery or Burial Location Adams Orfordville Michaels Cemetery Blanchardville WI Adams Lutheran Hollandale M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Elgin IL M - Greenwood Monroe Chicago IL Blanchardville WI Blanchardville WI M - Greenwood Staver Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Stavers Cemetery Wyoming Valley County Court M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 6-Oct-1916 14-Mar-1919 2-Mar-1915 10-May-1915 24-Sep-1921 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe 21-Mar-1924 6-May-1929 1-Oct-1929 3-Mar-1906 21-Dec-1923 27-Sep-1926 5-Nov-1929 8-Jan-1917 2-Feb-1906 1-Jul-1912 9-Apr-1909 5-Mar-1906 13-May-1916 7-Jul-1926 25-Nov-1927 12-Apr-1912 2-Apr-1926 25-Mar-1907 18-May-1908 4-Dec-1911 2-Oct-1902 14-Mar-1925 14-Sep-1916 26-Dec-1918 30-Nov-1918 11-Oct-1920 9-Mar-1916 3-Feb-1900 16-Mar-1907 Last Name Hickman Hickman Hickman Hicks Hickson Higgins Higgins Higgins Hildebrandt Hildebrant Hildebrant Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hille Hilliard Hiltbrandt Hilton Hilton Hilton Hilton Hilton Hinchcliff Hinchliff Hinds Hinds Hinds Hinds Hinds Hines First Name James Elias Sarah Edith Nettie Albert, Mrs. George Nellie Rose M. Ralph, Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Juliet L. David Bennett Warren William Margaret Charles Laverne Charles, Mrs Dr. Louise Selina Lorrin Glenn, Mrs Ellen M. Merritt Cora Thomas Will Margaret Elizabeth Frank Catherine James Other Name Stearns Dietz Houghton Disch Hill Phillips Bloom Leu Lamont Peebles Scanlon Walker Binder 1904H 1912H 1918H 1928H 1918H 1920H 1921H 1929H 1918H 1902H 1929H 1903P 1900H 1910B 1916H 1916H 1924H 1911H 1922H 1917H 1920H 1901H 1920H 1921H 1928H 1929H 1924H 1916H 1917H 1921H 1925H 1925H 1927H 1923H Date Died 23-Dec-1904 30-Aug-1912 7-Jan-1918 27-Dec-1928 28-Nov-1918 14-Nov-1920 7-Oct-1921 9-Jun-1929 3-Apr-1918 30-Oct-1902 10-Jan-1903 31-Oct-1900 20-Oct-1910 26-Oct-1916 17-Jul-1924 Residence Monroe WI Orangeville IL Seattle WA Monroe WI Janesville WI Argyle WI Janesville WI Freeport IL Minneapolis MN North Dakota Mt.Pleasant twp WI Monroe WI Wolforts Roost County farm Green Bay WI Erskine MN 7-Oct-1911 Monrovia CA Freeport IL 31-Mar-1917 Florida 27-Oct-1920 Juda WI 17-Dec-1901 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Seattle WA M - Greenwood Janesville Iowa Mt Olivet Cemetery Gap M - Greenwood Monrovia CA Janesville 19-Feb-1921 New Glarus WI Madison WI 6-Feb-1929 South Dakota 9-Dec-1924 Delavan WI 6-Jan-1916 Monroe WI David City NE 21-Oct-1921 Monroe WI 3-May-1925 Monroe WI 19-Jun-1925 Winslow IL 24-Mar-1927 26-Jan-1923 County farm Forest Hill Belleville Belleville David City NE Oneco IL Mt Pleasant Cemetery Winslow IL M - Greenwood Mineral Point Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 24-Dec-1904 31-Aug-1912 10-Jan-1918 31-Dec-1928 29-Nov-1918 15-Nov-1920 8-Oct-1921 12-Jun-1929 3-Apr-1918 22-Nov-1902 21-Sep-1929 15-Jan-1903 31-Oct-1900 20-Oct-1910 26-Oct-1916 21-Dec-1916 19-Jul-1924 Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J 25-Oct-1911 9-Oct-1922 31-Mar-1917 28-Oct-1920 18-Dec-1901 21-Jul-1920 21-Feb-1921 27-Apr-1928 7-Feb-1929 9-Dec-1924 7-Jan-1916 24-Apr-1917 21-Oct-1921 4-May-1925 20-Jun-1925 25-Mar-1927 26-Jan-1923 Last Name Hintz Hinze Hirsbrunner Hirshbrunner Hirshbrunner Hirsig Hirsig Hirsig Hirsig Hoag Hobbs Hocking Hodge Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodges-Green Hoeft Hoeft Hoehn Hoehn Hoehn Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly First Name Marie Albert, Mrs Electa L. Elizabeth Rosena William William Elizabeth W. G. Peter William Frank C. Sarah i/d of James W. J. Mrs. William W. William W. Anna F. Emma Rachel Gilbert T. W. J. Helen August Augusta Henry Molly-Mary Cornelia Eliza Cathryn Henry Magdalene Magdalina Rudolph Andrew Sr. Euphemia Other Name Schneiberger Grimm Banks Everett Kneeland Kaderly Stuessy Binder 1902H 1916H 1921H 1916H 1925H Page 2 1901H 1923H 1925H 1928H 1927H 1929H 1911H 1909H Page 1 1900H 1900H 1912H 1913H 1917H 1913H 1923H 1920H 1923H 1918H Date Died 8-Dec-1902 21-Feb-1916 7-Mar-1921 9-Dec-1916 7-Feb-1925 21-Jan-1901 21-Jan-1901 7-Dec-1923 4-Apr-1925 22-Apr-1928 16-Feb-1927 17-Dec-1929 1915H 1921H 1907H 1901H Page14 1901H 1907H 1912H 1913H 23-Oct-1915 Monroe WI 23-Sep-1921 Monroe WI 21-Oct-1907 22-May-1901 New Glarus WI 17-Nov-1900 17-Nov-1900 22-Sep-1912 4-Feb-1913 23-Oct-1917 17-Nov-1913 19-May-1923 7-Mar-1920 26-Feb-1923 8-Dec-1918 Residence Monroe WI Freeport IL Darlington WI Monroe WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Texas Wiota WI Michigan Huron SD Browntown WI Wilmot SD Oklahoma Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI California South Haven MI Browntown WI Basswood WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Darlington M - Greenwood Darlington M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Nashville TN East Wiota Cemetery Eastman Cemetery Darlington Calvary - Monroe Calvary Cemetery M - Calvary Oklahoma M - Greenwood Rock Lily - Winslow IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood 4-Aug-1901 Monroe WI 26-Nov-1907 31-Dec-1911 New Glarus WI 23-Sep-1913 Dayton WI M - Greenwood New Glarus Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 9-Dec-1902 22-Feb-1916 8-Mar-1921 9-Dec-1916 9-Feb-1925 23-Jan-1901 21-Jan-1901 7-Dec-1923 6-Apr-1925 25-Apr-1928 17-Feb-1927 18-Dec-1929 6-Feb-1911 23-Feb-1909 22-Aug-1907 17-Nov-1900 20-Nov-1900 23-Sep-1912 4-Feb-1913 25-Oct-1917 19-Nov-1913 19-May-1923 8-Mar-1920 26-Feb-1923 9-Dec-1918 Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T 27-Oct-1915 23-Sep-1921 21-Oct-1907 22-May-1901 7-Aug-1901 5-Aug-1901 26-Nov-1907 2-Jan-1912 25-Sep-1913 Last Name Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoesly Hoeverman Hofer Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffmeister Hoffmeister Hoffmeister Hoffmeister Hoffstetter Hofmeister Hofmeister Hofmeister Hofmeister Hogan Hogan Hogan First Name Henry Sr. Jacob L. Joseph Joseph, Mrs Magdalena Samuel, Mrs Famie John Elizabeth Joe Anna Anna Baltz Kathrina Anna Marie Andrew Joseph, Mrs Theo., Mrs Hedwig Henry Joseph H. George Georgina William F. Mathias Arthur Betty Jean Fred Marie Edna Fred Lloyd Brooks J. B., Mrs. Michael William Other Name Babler Hoesly Trumpy Knoble Eberhardt Laubaugh Binder 1911H 1913H 1915H 1915H 1915H 1920H 1920H 1920K 1923H 1923H 1923H 1923K 1924H 1925H 1927H 1929H 1929H 1927H 1928H 1907H 1901H 1922H 1924 I 1903H 1912H 1921H 1928H 1908H 1907H 1918H 1921H 1924H 1900H 1902H 1909H Date Died 5-Apr-1911 19-Oct-1913 2-May-1915 30-Sep-1915 19-Feb-1915 18-Oct-1920 5-Aug-1920 6-Feb-1920 16-Aug-1923 31-May-1923 2-Jun-1923 2-Jun-1923 8-Jul-1924 11-Feb-1925 20-Sep-1927 23-Sep-1929 17-Feb-1927 6-Jul-1928 28-May-1907 12-Oct-1901 20-Jul-1922 5-Apr-1924 2-Nov-1903 19-Jan-1912 25-Jun-1921 4-Dec-1908 10-Nov-1907 30-Nov-1918 12-Jan-1921 12-May-1924 3-Sep-1900 14-Dec-1902 4-Dec-1909 Residence Monroe WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI County farm Albany WI Albany WI Brodhead WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Milwaukee WI Browntown WI Cadiz twp WI Dane County WI Waverly IA Freeport IL Los Angeles CA Monroe twp WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Jordan twp WI Monticello WI Beloit WI Beloit WI Clarno twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus Michael Cemetery M - Greenwood Harlington Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Twin Grove M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Calvary Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 5-Apr-1911 20-Oct-1913 3-May-1915 1-Oct-1915 19-Feb-1915 19-Oct-1920 6-Aug-1920 7-Feb-1920 16-Aug-1923 1-Jun-1923 4-Jun-1923 2-Jun-1923 9-Jul-1924 12-Feb-1925 21-Sep-1927 23-Sep-1929 21-Nov-1929 17-Feb-1927 7-Jul-1928 29-May-1907 21-Oct-1901 22-Jul-1922 12-Apr-1924 3-Nov-1903 19-Jan-1912 25-Jun-1921 17-Apr-1928 4-Dec-1908 11-Nov-1907 30-Nov-1918 12-Jan-1921 14-May-1924 4-Sep-1900 16-Dec-1902 6-Dec-1909 Last Name Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogans Hohl Hohl Hoke Holander Holcomb Holcomb Holcomb Holding Hollister Hollister Holloway Holloway Holloway Holloway Holloway Holloway Holloway Holloway Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holn Holsapple Holt Holt Holtshapple First Name Alice Dan A. Clara Dan Amos Otto Katharine. George W. William, Rev Amber Ralph, Pvt Sarah E. Helen Bert L.H. Daisy Dean Preston, Mrs Thomas Thomas Victor William, Mrs Theo Jacob S. Albert George P. H. W. Mary C. A.W., Mrs Melissa Orval O. E. A., Mrs Michael, Mrs William William Rosena Other Name Altman Fessenden Clark Layton McCord Eley Deininger Binder 1916H 1918H 1922H 1926H 1926H 1928H 1904H 1924H 1901H 1903H 1919H 1910H 1924H 1912H 1925H 1909H 1919H 1915B 1915H 1911H 1924H 1926H 1926H 1902H 1908H 1901H 1907H 1922H 1926H 1929H 1911H 1905H 1915H 1927H 1905D Date Died 24-Sep-1916 9-Dec-1918 26-Apr-1922 19-May-1926 Residence Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Darlington WI Cadiz twp WI Rockford IL 18-Aug-1924 12-Feb-1901 9-Jan-1903 5-Jan-1919 25-Sep-1910 4-Mar-1924 9-Jun-1912 Antigo WI Juda WI Monticello WI on ship Monroe WI Chicago IL Delavan WI 3-Mar-1909 Washington twp WI Monroe WI 1-Jan-1915 Monroe WI 1-Jan-1915 Monroe WI 10-Nov-1911 Pittsburg PA 15-Aug-1926 18-Aug-1926 30-Jun-1902 19-Apr-1908 17-Jun-1901 19-May-1907 26-Aug-1926 29-May-1929 15-Aug-1911 2-Nov-1905 25-Mar-1915 10-May-1927 2-Nov-1905 Orangeville IL Washington twp WI Ft Atkinson WI Minneapolis MN Monroe WI County farm Ft Atkinson WI Milton Junction WI Madison WI Algonia IA Clarno twp WI Wyalusing WI Plainfield WI Monroe area WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Waukesha Monticello Monticello M - Greenwood Mt.Hope Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Danville IL Winslow IL M - Greenwood Jordan MN M - Greenwood Grandview Cemetery Milton Junction M - Greenwood Algonia IA Monroe Wisconsin Rapids Evergreen Cemetery Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 25-Sep-1916 9-Dec-1918 29-Apr-1922 20-May-1926 6-Apr-1926 17-Dec-1928 30-Nov-1904 18-Aug-1924 12-Feb-1901 9-Jan-1903 9-Jan-1919 26-Sep-1910 5-Mar-1924 11-Jun-1912 16-Jul-1925 4-Mar-1909 17-Jan-1919 2-Jan-1915 2-Jan-1915 15-Nov-1911 11-Jan-1924 16-Aug-1926 18-Aug-1926 1-Jul-1902 20-Apr-1908 18-Jun-1901 20-May-1907 5-May-1922 27-Aug-1926 31-May-1929 21-Aug-1911 2-Nov-1905 26-Mar-1915 12-May-1927 8-Nov-1905 Last Name Holtz Holtzapple Holzer Homb Homey Honeywell Honeywell Hood Hook Hooker Hope Hopkins Hoppe Horan Horan Horan Horan Horan Horn Horne Hornke Hornke Hornung Horst Hotchkiss Hotelling Houser Houser Housman Hovde Hoven Howard Howard Howard Howard First Name William Michael, Mrs Paul Hans O Anna Jesse Mary L. Clyde E. Calvin Lewis Mr. O., Mrs Adolph Malachi, Mrs Jim John Lawrence Lawrence, Mrs Francis F. Lillian Emil C., Lt Fred, Mrs Elizabeth Louisa Andy B. Miriam Thomas Jr. Marie Halvor Elizabeth M. J. Charles C. H. L. Henry, Mrs Nancy Sophia Other Name Dinninger D Powell Loomis Marty Lind Dumars Binder 1908H 1905H 1922H 1927H 1929H 1924H 1925H 1924H 1922H 1920H 1927H 1921H 1912H 1906H 1923H 1925H 1927H 1928H 1900H 1929H 1918H 1929H 1911H 1925H 1928H 1918H 1904H 1926H 1922H 1928H 1901H 1907H 1900H 1901H 1906H Date Died Residence 2-Jul-1908 Clarno twp WI 2-Nov-1905 Monroe area WI Los Angeles CA 5-Apr-1927 South Wayne WI 5-Sep-1929 Brooklyn WI 28-Nov-1924 Monroe WI 15-Nov-1925 Chicago IL 21-Nov-1924 Albany WI Sioux City 17-Jun-1920 Brodhead WI 3-Mar-1927 Brooklyn twp WI 11-Oct-1921 Turtle Lake 15-Nov-1906 Albany WI 2-Mar-1923 Footville WI 4-Nov-1925 Monroe WI 6-Feb-1927 Iowa 19-Dec-1928 Footville 21-Jun-1900 Janesville WI 8-Apr-1929 Brodhead WI 9-Oct-1918 France Beloit WI Madison WI Mt Morris IL 2-Jun-1928 Monroe - Beloit WI 17-Sep-1918 Chicago IL 20-Oct-1904 Jefferson twp WI 25-Jan-1926 Marshfield WI Beloit WI 28-Mar-1928 Woodford 1-Oct-1901 Madison WI 28-Jun-1907 Monroe WI 18-Feb-1900 Madison WI 13-Aug-1901 Albany WI 23-Oct-1906 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location McFarland Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Sheridan IN M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Greenwood Algona IA Albany M - Greenwood East Lawn Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Marshfield Luther Valley Woodlawn Cemetery Kelly Cemetery LaCrosse WI Franklin Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 3-Jul-1908 2-Nov-1905 18-Dec-1922 6-Apr-1927 7-Sep-1929 28-Nov-1924 16-Nov-1925 22-Nov-1924 6-Apr-1922 18-Jun-1920 4-Mar-1927 14-Oct-1921 4-Mar-1912 16-Nov-1906 3-Mar-1923 6-Nov-1925 7-Feb-1927 20-Dec-1928 23-Jun-1900 9-Apr-1929 29-Nov-1918 10-Jun-1929 28-Oct-1911 6-Jul-1925 6-Jun-1928 18-Sep-1918 22-Oct-1904 26-Jan-1926 22-Aug-1922 29-Mar-1928 2-Oct-1901 29-Jun-1907 19-Feb-1900 16-Aug-1901 24-Oct-1906 Last Name Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howder Howder Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Hoxie Hoy Hoyland Hoyland Hoyt Huber Huber Huber Huber Hudson Huenkemeir Huett Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffman First Name Irving H. Mahala William Seth L. Etta L. Solomon Elizabeth Daniel, Rev A. C. Abner H. infant daughter Peter Priscilla Charline M. infant son Ida Anna Elizabeth P.J., Mrs Ben L. J. Alva Mary Thomas A. William Anton Lawrence W. H., Mrs Bernhard Jay d/o E. A. Van Adelline Caroline Elinore Elizabeth Other Name Miller Phillips Van Meter Fawver Dalton Binder 1912H 1918H 1917H 1924H 1928H Page 1 1924H 1905H 1910H 1913H 1918H 1916 D 1915H 1920H 1921H 1921H 1912H 1925H 1924H 1911H 1915H 1929H 1900H 1907H 1929H 1929H 1911H 1906H 1920H 1906H 1906H 1911H 1911H 1913H 1917H Date Died 6-May-1912 29-Oct-1918 25-Oct-1917 23-Feb-1924 8-May-1928 10-Jan-1901 28-Mar-1924 18-Nov-1905 25-Aug-1910 12-Feb-1913 19-Sep-1918 23-May-1915 1-Feb-1920 14-Mar-1921 15-Nov-1921 27-Jan-1912 7-Mar-1925 5-Jun-1924 7-Jun-1911 14-May-1915 18-Jul-1929 3-Oct-1900 18-May-1907 9-Sep-1929 18-Aug-1929 10-May-1911 3-Aug-1920 24-Mar-1906 26-May-1906 22-Aug-1911 4-Oct-1911 28-Mar-1913 17-Apr-1917 Residence Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Browntown WI Cadiz twp WI Eureka IL Lena IL Freeport IL Darlington WI Oneco twp Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Winslow IL County farm Rockford IL Winfield KS Monroe WI Illinois Freeport IL Cadiz twp WI Gratiot WI Stockton IL Albany WI Freeport IL Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Franklin Cemetery M - Greenwood Saucerman Old Cadiz Cemetery Washington IL Saucerman M - Greenwood Mt Pleasant Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Winslow IL Austin MN Burden KS M - Greenwood M - Calvary Staver Staver Cemetery M - Calvary Warren IL South Wayne WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI M - Greenwood Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 6-May-1912 29-Oct-1918 26-Oct-1917 23-Feb-1924 9-May-1928 10-Jan-1901 29-Mar-1924 20-Nov-1905 26-Aug-1910 13-Feb-1913 19-Sep-1918 29-Jun-1916 26-May-1915 2-Feb-1920 15-Mar-1921 16-Nov-1921 30-Jan-1912 9-Mar-1925 10-Jun-1924 10-Jun-1911 14-May-1915 20-Jul-1929 5-Oct-1900 18-May-1907 10-Sep-1929 20-Aug-1929 12-May-1911 29-Aug-1906 4-Aug-1920 26-Mar-1906 28-May-1906 23-Aug-1911 4-Oct-1911 29-Mar-1913 19-Apr-1917 Last Name Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffman Huffman Hugelshofer Hughes Hughes Hughes Hulbert Hulburt Hulburt Hulburt Hulburt Humiston Humphrey Humphrey Humphrey Humphrey Humphry Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunter Hunziker Hunziker Hurlburt Hurlburt Hurlburt First Name Jacob James Flora Everett Mary Ellen Addie James Henry Charles W. Hiram James Sr. Jennie C. N, Mrs Chauncey D. Chauncey J.B. F. W. Mahlon J.B, Mrs Lorenzo Mary Joe C.A., Mrs James S., Capt Lucevia Howard West Elma Rose Howard C. James Rose Infant son John A. Mary J. Henry Dr. Other Name Campbell Dawns Dunwiddie Bidwell Clark Binder 1913H 1921H 1925H 1927H 1927H 1928H 1929H 1905H 1918H 1925H 1929H 1927H 1916H 1915H 1926H 1928H 1924H 1905H 1922H 1925H 1928H 1928H 1915H 1915H 1912H 1920H 1922H 1928H 1926H 1926H 1921H 1922H 1903H 1913H 1920H Date Died 3-Oct-1913 1-Aug-1921 3-Sep-1925 24-Apr-1927 18-Jun-1927 3-Jun-1928 Residence Monroe WI Clarno WI Browntown WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Chicago IL 30-Aug-1905 Orangeville IL 6-Jan-1929 25-Aug-1927 20-Oct-1916 9-Aug-1915 18-Jul-1926 4-Apr-1928 14-Jan-1924 3-Sep-1905 23-Aug-1922 9-Feb-1925 2-Aug-1928 16-Dec-1928 7-Jul-1915 22-Jun-1915 7-Jul-1912 22-Feb-1920 22-Jul-1922 8-Jul-1928 28-Jul-1926 15-Mar-1926 12-May-1921 29-Jan-1922 9-May-1903 4-Jan-1913 25-Mar-1920 Mohawk OH Monroe WI Orangeville IL Albany WI Baltimore MD Albany WI Wheeling MO Los Angeles CA Janesville WI Janesville WI Cadiz twp WI Santa Rosa CA Janesville WI Monroe WI Savanna IL Freeport IL Jefferson twp WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Chicago IL South Wayne WI Albany WI Albany WI Elkhorn WI Cemetery or Burial Location Hawthorne Bethel Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Chicago IL Mohawk OH M - Greenwood Gap Cemetery Baltimore MD Gap Cemetery Gap Cemetery Emerald Grove Janesville Hawthorne Cemetery Janesville M - Calvary Savanna IL Mt Vernon - J Juda Cemetery Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Gap Cemetery Gap Cemetery Elkhorn Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 3-Oct-1913 1-Aug-1921 4-Sep-1925 25-Apr-1927 18-Jun-1927 6-Jun-1928 00 Oct 1929 4-Sep-1905 25-Jun-1918 15-Apr-1925 7-Jan-1929 26-Aug-1927 21-Oct-1916 12-Aug-1915 19-Jul-1926 6-Apr-1928 15-Jan-1924 5-Sep-1905 24-Aug-1922 9-Feb-1925 6-Aug-1928 17-Dec-1928 7-Jul-1915 23-Jun-1915 9-Jul-1912 23-Feb-1920 24-Jul-1922 9-Jul-1928 28-Jul-1926 16-Mar-1926 13-May-1921 30-Jan-1922 15-May-1903 7-Jan-1913 26-Mar-1920 Last Name Hurlburt Hurlbut Husinga Hussey Hutchins Hutchinson Hutzel Hutzel Hutzel Hutzel Huver Hyatt Hyde Hyde Hyland Hyland Ihus Indergand Indergand Indergand Ingold Ingold Ingraham Irish Irwin Ischi First Name Henry Bessie Martin Andrew Edward William, Dr Spensley James Samuel Samuel, Mrs Eli William Louis Florence William Agnes Marie Agnes M. Christian Victor C. Albin J. Beverly B. John Jr. Ferdinand George Lena Howard John Isely Verena Isely Isely Isely Isely George John John, Dr Magdalena Isely Christian Other Name Goldy "Slim" Wolcott Blatti Binder 1920H 1921H 1920H 1923H 1925 H 1918H 1908H 1909H 1906H 1915H 1904H 1911H 1915H 1911H 1917H 1927H 1922I 1924I 1927I 1927I 1911I 1926I 1921I 1925I 1901I 1915I Date Died 27-Jun-1920 7-Sep-1921 10-Oct-1920 7-Oct-1923 10-May-1918 28-Apr-1908 29-Aug-1909 11-May-1906 19-Jan-1904 3-Jan-1911 6-Nov-1915 8-Sep-1911 28-Jan-1917 28-Oct-1927 12-Jun-1922 15-Dec-1924 11-Jan-1927 27-Aug-1927 1-Jun-1911 21-Jan-1926 30-Nov-1921 28-Aug-1925 22-Aug-1901 12-Sep-1915 Residence California Monroe WI Freeport IL Monroe WI Orangeville IL County farm Juda WI Juda WI Juda WI Eldora IA Cadiz twp WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Argyle WI Monroe twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Iowa Cadiz WI Argyle WI 1901I 21-Sep-1901 Monroe area WI Luchsinger 1918H 30-Oct-1918 1915I 20-Aug-1915 1916I 25-Oct-1916 Monroe WI 1915I 9-Sep-1915 Montrose twp WI 1920I 20-Oct-1920 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Oakland Shirland IL Freeport IL M - Calvary Orangeville Cemetery Shullsburg Juda Brodhead Brodhead Staver Milwaukee M - Calvary M - Calvary Adams Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Hampton IA Cadiz Woodlawn Washington Church Cemetery Washington Church Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Washington Church Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 29-Jun-1920 7-Sep-1921 11-Oct-1920 8-Oct-1923 23-Sep-1925 10-May-1918 28-Apr-1908 30-Aug-1909 12-May-1906 7-Jul-1915 20-Jan-1904 5-Jan-1911 6-Nov-1915 9-Sep-1911 29-Jan-1917 31-Oct-1927 Monroe J 23-Sep-1901 Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J 30-Oct-1918 21-Aug-1915 26-Oct-1916 10-Sep-1915 Monroe 21-Oct-1920 16-Dec-1924 11-Jan-1927 27-Aug-1927 2-Jun-1911 21-Jan-1926 1-Dec-1921 29-Aug-1925 23-Aug-1901 17-Sep-1915 Last Name Isely Isely Isely Isely Isely Isely Isely Isley-Isely Isley-Isely Itten Itten Itten Iufer Iufer Iverson Ivey Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobson Jacobson Jacobson Jacobson Jacobus Jaggi First Name John Ethel A. Rosena Clarence E. Samuel Karl Emma Jacob Ulrich George, Mrs Lydia Christian Lena Lina Amalia Richard Andrew Charles H., Col James Lester W. Mary Samuel Jefferson Ever Twin girls Robert Jane Mark Frank, Mrs C. Carrie Jules Lillian William Son Other Name Hawthorne Weber Knobel Morrie Fernette Binder 1920I 1920I 1924I 1926I 1927I 1927I 1902I 1908I 1906I 1920I 1920I 1923H 1918 I 1918B 1926I 1905I 1900D 1907J 1904J 1918J 1910J 1920J 1920J 1925J 1928J 1929J 1908J 1909D 1920J 1904J 1912J 1912J 1929J 1929J 1918J Date Died 8-Jan-1920 20-Jul-1920 24-May-1924 17-Apr-1926 18-Jun-1927 24-Dec-1927 19-May-1902 10-Dec-1908 12-Jan-1906 7-Jan-1920 1-May-1920 27-Jul-1923 13-Apr-1918 13-Apr-1918 29-Aug-1926 19-Apr-1904 24-Oct-1918 10-Jul-1910 14-Apr-1920 27-Jul-1920 18-May-1929 12-Dec-1908 26-Jun-1909 7-Mar-1920 11-Apr-1904 28-Feb-1912 1-Oct-1912 2-Jan-1929 15-Jun-1929 13-Nov-1918 Residence County home Monroe WI Mt Pleasant WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Milwaukee WI Jordan twp WI Clarno WI New Glarus WI County home New Glarus WI Beloit WI Beloit WI Jordan twp WI Blanchardville WI estate Bentonville AR Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Waterloo IA Monroe WI Chicago IL Blanchardville WI Monroe WI Rock County WI County farm Argyle WI Beloit WI Brodhead area WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Albany WI Chicago IL New Glarus WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Union Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Washington twp M - Greenwood Jordan Cemetery County Court Jordan Church Beloit Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Argyle Calvary Yellowstone Edgerton Chicago IL Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 8-Jan-1920 20-Jul-1920 26-May-1924 17-Apr-1926 18-Jun-1927 24-Dec-1927 20-May-1902 10-Dec-1908 12-Jan-1906 7-Jan-1920 1-May-1920 27-Jul-1923 15-Apr-1918 15-Apr-1918 31-Aug-1926 14-Dec-1905 3-Feb-1900 7-Nov-1907 2-May-1904 24-Oct-1918 13-Jul-1910 15-Apr-1920 29-Jul-1920 25-Sep-1925 23-Apr-1928 18-May-1929 12-Dec-1908 2-Jul-1909 8-Mar-1920 11-Apr-1904 4-Mar-1912 4-Oct-1912 4-Jan-1929 17-Jun-1929 15-Nov-1918 Last Name James Janjori Jarman Jarvis Jeffery Jehrke Jenkins Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny Jess Jess Jeuck Johns Johnson First Name Wilbur E. John Stacey Marion George William Lena John Jane-Janet Janet Johannah Nettie Harriet R. John Peter Sr. Ursula Amelia Bertha Carrie Stoddard, Mrs William, Mrs Rosa Bertha Other Name Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Edward Infant of George Mary Ann Hair Zilla Albert-Almon Ben, Pvt Edward, Mrs Schnell 1904J Page 4 1909J 1902J 1915J 1917J 1917J Johnson Johnson Johnson Ing J.A., Mrs John O. 1911 J 2-Feb-1911 Jordan twp WI 1918J 13-Oct-1918 North Dakota 1918J 24-Mar-1918 Blanchardville WI Navell Cotter Baumgartner Heitz Chenoweth Chenoweth Karlen Gordee Babler Binder 1900J 1925J 1926J 1926J 1920J 1907R 1916J 1905J 1917J 1918J 1917J 1925J 1928J 1908J 1918J 1920J 1924J 1926J 1920C 1920J 1928J 1905J 1901J Date Died 27-Jul-1900 20-Nov-1925 27-Nov-1926 18-Sep-1926 28-Apr-1920 6-Feb-1907 4-Feb-1916 27-Jan-1905 31-Dec-1917 Residence Monroe WI New Glarus WI Brooklyn twp WI Gratiot WI California Freeport IL County farm Monroe area WI Washington DC 12-May-1917 Wiota twp WI Washington DC Washington DC 27-May-1908 Monroe WI 21-Aug-1918 Monroe WI 20-Dec-1920 Monroe WI 12-Dec-1924 Monroe WI 23-Sep-1926 Jefferson twp WI California 19-Sep-1920 California Mineral Point WI 24-Mar-1905 Oak Park IL 1-Jan-1901 Beloit WI 30-Aug-1904 Fond du Lac WI Beloit WI 22-Nov-1909 Gratioit WI Fremont NE 29-Jun-1915 Monroe WI Brooklyn twp WI 10-Dec-1917 Belvidere IL Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood New Glarus Gratiot Pasadena M - Greenwood Old Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Los Angeles CA Pomona Cemetery Oak Park IL Johnstown Cemetery Janesville WI Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Cooksville Janesville Jordan Church Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 28-Jul-1900 23-Nov-1925 29-Nov-1926 20-Sep-1926 6-May-1920 6-Feb-1907 5-Feb-1916 27-Jan-1905 31-Dec-1917 2-Jan-1918 14-May-1917 5-Dec-1925 14-Apr-1928 28-May-1908 22-Aug-1918 20-Dec-1920 15-Dec-1924 25-Sep-1926 20-Sep-1920 24-Sep-1920 1-Jun-1928 24-Mar-1905 2-Jan-1901 Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe 1-Sep-1904 1-Oct-1907 22-Nov-1909 7-Feb-1902 29-Jun-1915 7-Dec-1917 14-Dec-1917 Monroe J Monroe Monroe 2-Feb-1911 0-Nov 1918 27-Mar-1918 Last Name First Name Johnson Louis Garfield Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Sever William William F. Willie Edward Andrew A. Herbert Mabel John Lewis Mary Armeda Oscar Inger J. G. Thomas Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Henry John Cora Belle Martin Andrew John Elena Andrew C, Mrs. Margaret Anna M. Albert O. John A. John John N. Louisa Abel A. Nels Other Name Fiese Miller Jacobson Hamilton Nygard Binder Date Died missing in 1919J action Residence in service 1910J 1913 J 1916 J 1912 J 1920J 1920J 1920J 1921J 1922J 1922J 1922J 1922J 1922J 1922J 31-Aug-1910 12-Jan-1913 27-Jan-1916 10-Oct-1912 13-Dec-1920 2-Jun-1920 12-Feb-1920 10-Nov-1921 24-Apr-1922 26-Mar-1922 County farm Monroe WI Sylvester WI Jordan twp WI DeForest Monroe WI Monroe WI Jordan twp WI 1923J 1923J 1925J 1925J 1925J 1926J 1927J 1927J 1928J 1928J 1928J 1928J 1929J 1929J 1929J 1929J 1929J 21-Dec-1923 20-Mar-1923 2-Aug-1925 24-Mar-1925 12-Nov-1925 6-May-1926 14-Sep-1927 27-Aug-1927 28-Dec-1928 Jordan twp WI Juda WI Brodhead WI South Wayne WI North Dakota Browntown WI Monroe WI Beloit WI Beloit WI Gratiot WI Wiota WI Monroe WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Argyle WI South Wayne WI Oregon Rock Island IL Chana IL 7-Jul-1922 Blanchardville WI 2-Jan-1922 Dunn County WI Brodhead WI 17-Apr-1928 10-Aug-1928 29-Aug-1929 15-Aug-1929 6-Jan-1929 15-Apr-1929 Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Paper Date Monroe T 22-Jan-1919 Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Jordan Cemetery Monroe Yellowstone Cemetery Monroe Monroe Monroe York Monroe Monroe Orfordville Monroe Jordan Lutheran Monroe J Cemetery East Wiota Cemetery Monroe J Juda Cemetery Monroe East Wiota Cemetery Monroe Jordan Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe East Wiota Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Gratiot Monroe East Wiota Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe East Wiota Cemetery Monroe Woodlawn Argyle Monroe Apple Grove Cemetery Monroe West Wiota Cemetery Monroe Bend OR Monroe 1-Sep-1910 13-Jan-1913 28-Jan-1916 10-Oct-1912 14-Dec-1920 2-Jun-1920 12-Feb-1920 10-Nov-1921 28-Apr-1922 28-Mar-1922 10-Oct-1922 15-Jul-1922 20-Jan-1922 15-Jul-1922 Jordan Lutheran Cemetery Union Cemetery Dawson Jordan Cemetery 21-Dec-1923 20-Mar-1923 3-Aug-1925 25-Mar-1925 14-Nov-1925 7-May-1926 14-Sep-1927 28-Dec-1928 25-Jan-1928 23-Apr-1928 10-Aug-1928 31-Aug-1929 17-Aug-1929 8-Jan-1929 18-Apr-1929 18-Dec-1929 Last Name Johnson-Iverson Jonas Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Mrs. Jordan Mrs. Jordon Jorgenson Joslin Joy First Name Anna M. Fred Flossie Joseph Joseph Joseph, Mrs R. H., Mrs J. Tom James N. Jenkin Lloyd Mary Anna John Herb Mary Alfred Naola E.R. , Mrs Kathryn Lawrence W Arford John Fred Burr Infant of Samuel Alonzo W. Arthur Preston father mother Ed Jennie Edward, Mrs Michael Other Name Helland Trumpy Knight Merritt Henn Rahorn Binder 1923J 1902 J 1905J 1905J 1905J 1908J 1907J 1915J 1916 J 1918J 1912J 1920J 1920J 1922J 1923J 1923J 1924J 1925J 1925J 1927J 1928J 1929J 1929J 1929S Date Died 11-Jul-1923 22-Nov-1902 2-Sep-1905 24-Dec-1905 24-Dec-1905 22-Jul-1908 29-Jan-1907 7-Sep-1915 30-Jul-1916 12-Sep-1918 21-Nov-1912 21-Sep-1920 27-Sep-1920 29-Nov-1918 4-Jun-1923 16-Dec-1923 1-Feb-1924 5-Mar-1925 10-Feb-1925 19-Aug-1927 23-May-1928 9-Oct-1929 13-Jan-1929 19-Aug-1929 Residence Browntown WI Winslow IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Freeport IL Marmaton KS Monroe WI Spring Green Monroe WI Browntown WI Browntown WI France Chicago IL Chicago IL San Francisco CA Racine WI Iowa Beloit WI Evansville Missouri Albany WI Paoli 1906J 1911J 1920J 1926J 1922J 1922J 1912J 1915J 1928J 1906J 15-May-1906 26-Jan-1911 12-Sep-1920 27-Sep-1926 Beloit WI Ipswich SD Wabash IN Albany WI England England Galena IL Browntown WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI 29-May-1912 14-Mar-1915 24-Feb-1928 28-Mar-1906 Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Hawthorn M - Calvary Calvary - Monroe Darlington Albany Belleville Berlin WI Hillcrest Cemetery Maple Hill Cemetery M - Calvary English Settlement Belleville Jordan Church Orangeville IL Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 11-Jul-1923 24-Nov-1902 2-Sep-1905 26-Dec-1905 26-Dec-1905 22-Jul-1908 29-Jan-1907 15-Sep-1915 31-Jul-1916 13-Sep-1918 21-Nov-1912 21-Sep-1920 27-Sep-1920 13-Jan-1922 7-Jun-1923 21-Dec-1923 11-Feb-1924 5-Mar-1925 10-Feb-1925 21-Aug-1927 26-May-1928 9-Oct-1929 14-Jan-1929 20-Aug-1929 Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J 16-May-1906 10-Feb-1911 13-Sep-1920 28-Sep-1926 27-Jun-1922 27-Jun-1922 1-Jun-1912 15-Mar-1915 25-Feb-1928 28-Mar-1906 Last Name Joy Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyce Judd Judd Judge Jueck Kachelhoffer Kaderly Kaderly Kaderly Kaderly Kaderly Kaelin Kafer Kafer Kahaler Kahl Kahl Kaiser Kamm Kammer Kammer Kammerer Kammerud Kane Kane Kant Kant Kant Kappeler Karges First Name Samuel Martin, Mrs Ellen Martin Michael Kathryn Silas Helen Bridget Fred J. W. H., Mrs Anna Barbara Laura-Lola Ida Rudolph Margaret John B. Fred Joseph Peter Aaron Emma August Baltz Herman Martin Isabelle Peter, Mrs Arthur Bessie Rose August, Mrs August Louise Theo., Mrs Other Name Kaderly Kinzer Blum Werndli Brandt Schumacher Binder 1929J 1905J 1910J 1918J 1913J 1925J 1920J 1922J 1900D 1927J 1921K 1900K 1923K 1925K 1926K 1929K 1911K 1909K 1928K 1908K 1929K 1929K 1925K 1911K 1926K 1929K 1918K 1912K 1903K 1903K 1918K 1927K 1929K 1927K 1927K Date Died 7-Aug-1905 25-Dec-1910 31-Aug-1918 6-Nov-1913 15-Dec-1925 2-Mar-1920 2-Jun-1927 9-Jun-1921 30-Sep-1900 11-Sep-1923 1-Jun-1925 6-Apr-1926 9-Jun-1929 12-Oct-1911 24-Aug-1909 4-Jan-1928 21-Oct-1908 16-Aug-1929 22-Dec-1929 23-Sep-1925 23-Aug-1911 17-May-1926 19-Aug-1929 5-Oct-1918 7-Jun-1912 8-Oct-1918 24-Feb-1927 11-Oct-1929 14-Dec-1927 22-Dec-1927 Residence Orangeville IL Washington twp WI Washington twp WI Washington twp WI Washington twp WI Adams twp WI Green Bay WI New York estate Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Mendota Hospital Monroe WI Dixon IL Martintown WI Mt Horeb WI Freeport IL Monroe WI Milwaukee WI New Glarus WI Brodhead WI Argyle WI Topeka KS Topeka KS Chicago IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Burlington WI Cemetery or Burial Location Adams Catholic Adams Catholic Adams Cemetery Adams Cemetery M - Greenwood New York County Court Mineral Point M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Austin Cemetery Madison lab Mt Horeb Freeport IL New Glarus New Glarus Topeka KS M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 13-Apr-1929 7-Aug-1905 27-Dec-1910 2-Sep-1918 6-Nov-1913 15-Dec-1925 3-Mar-1920 24-Mar-1922 3-Feb-1900 2-Jun-1927 9-Jun-1921 1-Oct-1900 11-Sep-1923 3-Jun-1925 7-Apr-1926 10-Jun-1929 13-Oct-1911 25-Aug-1909 5-Jan-1928 22-Oct-1908 17-Aug-1929 24-Dec-1929 24-Sep-1925 24-Aug-1911 19-May-1926 20-Aug-1929 5-Oct-1918 14-Jun-1912 2-Jun-1903 2-Jun-1903 9-Oct-1918 24-Feb-1927 11-Oct-1929 14-Dec-1927 22-Dec-1927 Last Name Kargus Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karlen Karn Karn Karn Karn Karney Karney Karney Karney Karney Karow Katterly Katz Katz Kauffman Kauffman Kauffman Kaufmann Kaufmann Kazabjian Keating Keating First Name Frank Hannah Louis Robert J.D., Mrs Dave Gottfred Gottfried Katherine Magdalena Susanna Jacob Sr. Samuel G. William Elizabeth Anna C. Amelia George Oscar H. Edgran Marion L. Roy F., Dr Infant daughter James Louisa Benedict father Samuel Barbara Will J.C., Mrs Peter, Mrs Adolph Emma Dennis Jeremiah Other Name Karlen Streit Hefty Schmidt Wolf Blotz Mitchell Binder 1909K 1909K 1900K 1900K 1917K 1916K 1917K 1916K 1916K 1912K 1920K 1921K 1924K 1928K 1905K 1918K 1910K 1929K 1904K 1921K 1924K 1924K 1924K 1926K 1905K 1922K 1924K 1920K 1920K 1928K 1926K 1929K 1915K 1909K 1909K Date Died 21-Dec-1909 27-Sep-1909 16-Apr-1900 5-Oct-1917 30-Jul-1916 21-Feb-1917 27 Apr 1916 18-Jan-1916 7-Mar-1912 10-Jan-1920 18-May-1921 9-May-1924 7-Feb-1928 22-Jul-1905 13-Jan-1918 11-Sep-1910 4-Nov-1929 13-Jul-1904 9-Jan-1921 8-Jan-1924 1-Jul-1924 16-Sep-1926 19-May-1905 10-Jul-1924 28-Feb-1920 13-Nov-1920 1-Nov-1928 2-Feb-1926 23-May-1929 7-Feb-1915 26-Aug-1909 21-Dec-1909 Residence Brodhead WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Buffalo NY Monroe WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Madison WI Browntown WI Madison WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Iowa Colorado Brodhead WI Clarno twp WI Clarno twp WI Russia New Glarus WI Michigan Oregon Darlington WI Portland OR Chicago IL Freeport IL Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood Highland M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello Highland Cemetery M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead Staver Cemetery M - Greenwood Madison M - Calvary Lena IL Lena IL Darlington M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Calvary Paper Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 22-Dec-1909 27-Sep-1909 17-Apr-1900 12-Jul-1900 5-Oct-1917 31-Jul-1916 22-Feb-1917 28-Apr-1916 20-Jan-1916 7-Mar-1912 10-Jan-1920 18-May-1921 10-May-1924 11-Feb-1928 24-Jul-1905 16-Jan-1918 12-Sep-1910 6-Nov-1929 13-Jul-1904 10-Jan-1921 17-Jan-1924 9-Jan-1924 2-Jul-1924 16-Sep-1926 20-May-1905 29-Jun-1922 11-Jul-1924 28-Feb-1920 19-Nov-1920 5-Nov-1928 3-Feb-1926 24-May-1929 9-Feb-1915 28-Aug-1909 21-Dec-1909 Last Name Keating Keefe Keefe Keefe Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan Keehner Keehner Keehner Keel Keel Keel Keen Keen Keen Keen Keenan Keenan Keene Kehoe Keister Keister Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Kellesvig Kelley First Name W.W., Dr Helen John Paul W. Agnes Tommy c/o Will John William James S. Anna Carrie Charles H. Anna Dora Minnie Charles John Samuel Joseph Rebecca Bridget John c/o A.J. Thomas P. Katherine Mary John Sarah Conrad Conrad, Mrs Silas, Mrs Otto John Odell Maria, Mrs. Other Name Miller Trickle Bratzke Eley Straedler Binder 1928K 1917K 1917K 1917K 1909K 1906K 1910K 1918K 1920K 1925K 1921K 1922K 1929K 1916K 1918K 1928K 1917K 1911K 1915K 1910K 1918K 1912K Page20 1918K 1908K 1911K 1907K Page 5 1919K 1918K 1920K 1923K 1923K 1923K 1904K Date Died 6-Jun-1928 29-Mar-1917 9-Apr-1917 17-Mar-1917 23-Apr-1909 25-Nov-1906 12-Aug-1910 4-Aug-1918 30-Mar-1920 22-May-1925 13-May-1921 7-Nov-1929 16-Dec-1916 27-Oct-1928 26-Sep-1917 19-Sep-1911 26-Feb-1915 17-Aug-1910 13-Oct-1918 9-May-1912 25-Nov-1901 8-Aug-1918 6-Sep-1908 22-Feb-1911 26-Mar-1907 9-Oct-1907 3-May-1919 10-Feb-1918 4-Oct-1920 5-Sep-1923 14-Nov-1923 18-Nov-1923 3-Feb-1904 Residence Williams IA Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jamestown ND Madison WI Washington twp WI DeForest IL South Dakota Monroe WI Rockton IL Madison WI Freeport IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Juda WI Pasedena CA Monroe WI Janesville WI Janesville WI Chicago IL Jefferson twp WI Jefferson twp WI County farm Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Monticello WI Cadiz twp WI York WI Adams twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood Madison SD M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood Rockton IL M - Greenwood Freeport IL Bethel Cemetery M - Greenwood Dawson Cemetery Monroe Old Calvary Old Calvary Chicago IL West Clarno Polk Church Cadiz M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Hawthorne Monticello Cadiz Cemetery York Charles City IA Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 7-Jun-1928 29-Mar-1917 9-Apr-1917 19-Mar-1917 23-Apr-1909 26-Nov-1906 15-Aug-1910 5-Aug-1918 31-Mar-1920 9-Jun-1925 14-May-1921 7-Aug-1922 11-Nov-1929 19-Dec-1916 29-Mar-1918 30-Oct-1928 26-Sep-1917 19-Sep-1911 9-Mar-1915 18-Aug-1910 16-Oct-1918 10-May-1912 26-Nov-1901 9-Aug-1918 7-Sep-1908 22-Feb-1911 26-Mar-1907 10-Oct-1907 6-May-1919 12-Feb-1918 4-Oct-1920 6-Sep-1923 15-Nov-1923 24-Nov-1923 5-Feb-1904 Last Name Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kellogg Kellogg Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kemp Kempfer Kempter Kempter Kenangenzie Kennedy Kennedy Kennison Kennison Kenzie Keppler Keppler First Name Absolom, Mrs Thomas Otto Martin Russell Katherine Ed, Mrs. Elizabeth Olive Frank Mary Tim Christopher C. Daniel Ed Jr. Hannah i/d Ed James Ephrian Mrs. John Carolina Ed Doctor James Sarah Jacob, Mrs Mary Mrs. Dominick Lizzie Daniel Mary E. James John father Other Name Luther Allen Blaine Kundert Ellis Binder 1918K 1916K 1923K 1924K 1919K 1920K 1907K 1901K 1907K 1905K 1905K 1912K 1918K 1917K 1916K 1915K 1916K 1920K 1922K 1922K 1923K 1925K 1927K 1901K 1916K 1913K 1921K 1903K 1921K 1928K 1912K 1926K 1929K 1918K 1922K Date Died 18-Apr-1916 17-Sep-1923 26-Jul-1924 4-Jan-1919 29-Aug-1920 3-Feb-1907 17-Jan-1901 23-Oct-1907 3-Oct-1905 9-Nov-1905 13-Apr-1912 5-Jul-1918 15-Sep-1917 5-Jun-1915 28-May-1916 3-Mar-1920 5-Jul-1923 28-May-1927 17-May-1901 19-Mar-1916 9-Nov-1913 24-Jun-1921 8-May-1903 28-Feb-1921 17-Jul-1928 13-Mar-1912 6-Feb-1926 6-Dec-1929 Residence Garner IA McConnell South Wayne WI Freeport IL Blanchardville WI Juda WI Washington twp WI Browntown WI County farm Monroe WI Brodhead area WI Adams twp WI Nora IL South Dakota Adams twp WI Browntown WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Dousman County farm Adams twp WI South Dakota Milwaukee WI Argyle area WI Lamont WI Milwaukee WI Monroe WI County farm Monticello WI County home Blanchardville WI Monroe twp WI Avoca WI Lowell IN Greenville Cemetery or Burial Location Argyle Madison Reedsburg M - Greenwood M - Calvary Franklin Cemetery M - Calvary Kelly Cemetery Calvary - Monroe M - Calvary M - Calvary Old Catholic M - Calvary M - Calvary Shullsburg M - Calvary Milwaukee Argyle Catholic M - Greenwood Calvary Cemetery M - Calvary County farm Janesville Darlington M - Greenwood Avoca WI M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 1-Feb-1918 19-Apr-1916 18-Sep-1923 28-Jul-1924 6-Jan-1919 30-Aug-1920 26-Feb-1907 21-Jan-1901 23-Oct-1907 3-Oct-1905 10-Nov-1905 13-Apr-1912 6-Jul-1918 18-Sep-1917 1916-247-Jun-1915 29-May-1916 3-Mar-1920 3-Oct-1922 15-Sep-1922 6-Jul-1923 15-Jun-1925 31-May-1927 18-May-1901 20-Mar-1916 10-Nov-1913 25-Jun-1921 9-May-1903 4-Mar-1921 17-Jul-1928 15-Mar-1912 6-Feb-1926 7-Dec-1929 9-Oct-1918 9-Feb-1922 Last Name Kerber Kerbs Kerlin Kerns Kesler Kessler Kessler Keylock Kidd Kidd Kieler Kiesow Kiester Kildow Kildow Kildow Kiley Kilgore Killian Kilwine Kilwine Kimberly Kincannon King King King King King King King King King King King King First Name John, Mrs Nettie A. Boyd Catherine Jacob/Joe Joseph, Mrs Pete Alma Anna George Alice Fritz Emilia Harvey Keziah Joshua, Mrs Newton Margaret E.N., Mrs Kenneth K. Phillip P.W., Mrs Elizabeth E. C. Richard Rosanna Andrew J. Henry, Mrs Marion Robert Ralph H. Infant son Frank Herbert Anna Wilson Other Name Kaderly Elborough Ehmke Davis Lacey O'Rourke Binder 1921K 1929K 1913K 1917K 1913K 1909K 1925K 1911K 1915K 1929K 1909K 1929K 1918K 1912K 1922K 1924K 1925K 1928K 1927K 1906K 1918K Page23 1916K 1906K 1902K 1918K 1916K 1917K 1912K 1920K 1920K 1922K 1922K 1922K 1926K Date Died 8-Oct-1929 13-Oct-1913 13-Jan-1917 10-Oct-1913 1-Apr-1909 8-Dec-1925 30-Mar-1911 22-Feb-1929 7-Jan-1909 31-Jan-1929 18-Dec-1918 7-Feb-1912 7-May-1925 21-Mar-1928 8-Mar-1927 3-Aug-1906 Residence Freeport IL Holland MI North Dakota Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Attica WI South Wayne WI South Wayne WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Spring Grove WI Dayton Spring Grove twp WI County farm Madison WI Orangeville IL Brodhead WI 23-Dec-1901 27-Jul-1916 Martintown WI 31-Jan-1906 Monroe WI 16-Aug-1902 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Darlington Holland MI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Attica South Wayne WI Eastman Cemetery Jackson WI M - Greenwood Mt Vernon - Juda Shullsburg Mt Pleasant M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Hawthorne Cemetery Beloit 27-Jul-1917 26-Feb-1912 6-Aug-1920 18-Feb-1920 15-Oct-1922 11-Jan-1922 Winslow IL Lena IL Canada Madison WI Clarno twp WI New London Duluth MN Michigan Darlington WI Darlington Darlington Darlington Paper Paper Date Monroe 28-Mar-1921 Monroe 10-Oct-1929 Monroe J 14-Oct-1913 Monroe 13-Jan-1917 Monroe T 10-Oct-1913 Monroe J 1-Apr-1909 Monroe 8-Dec-1925 Evansville 6-Apr-1911 Monroe 16-Apr-1915 Monroe 22-Feb-1929 Monroe J 7-Jan-1909 Monroe 31-Jan-1929 Monroe 19-Dec-1918 Monroe J 7-Feb-1912 Monroe 31-May-1922 Monroe 9-May-1924 Monroe 8-May-1925 Monroe 22-Mar-1928 Monroe 11-Mar-1927 Monroe J 4-Aug-1906 Monroe 1-May-1918 Monroe J 24-Dec-1901 Monroe T 28-Jul-1916 Monroe T 1-Feb-1906 Monroe J 16-Aug-1902 Monroe 16-Oct-1918 Monroe T 3-Nov-1916 Monroe 29-Jul-1917 Monroe 1-Mar-1912 Monroe 7-Aug-1920 Monroe 19-Feb-1920 Monroe 30-Oct-1922 Monroe 26-Oct-1922 Monroe Monroe 11-May-1926 Last Name King King Kingdom Kinglemann Kinney Kinney Kinnison Kinny Kinyon Kipfer Kirk Kirkpatrick Kittlesen Kittleson Kittleson Klaas Klass Klassy Klassy Klassy Klassy Klassy Klassy Klassy Klassy Klassy Klassy Klassy Klassy Klatt Kleb Kleb Kleb Klebb Kleckler First Name Glenn, Mrs Donald Kathryn John Thomas Clyde, Mrs William H. E.C., Mrs Willis J. Fred Michael J. B. Andrew Edward, Mrs Ole E. Henry Ida May David, Mrs Michael Henry Sam B., Mrs Joachim Clara Josephina Caroline Teresa George Henry A. John Peter William Ed Ed, Mrs Ulrich Barbara John, Mrs Other Name Neuenschwander McMahon Miner Husselin Taft Binder 1929K 1922K 1925K 1909W 1919K 1929K 1904K 1924K 1927K 1905K 1900K 1905K 1925K 1922K 1928K 1928K 1923K 1903K 1900K 1915K 1920K 1920K 1920K 1921K 1921K 1924K 1927K 1929K 1916K 1905K 1913K 1918K 1911K 1913K 1922K Date Died Residence 9-Mar-1929 Freeport IL New London 11-Mar-1925 Monroe 6-May-1909 Oneco WI 12-May-1919 Martintown WI 17-Aug-1929 Rockford IL 2-Jul-1904 Monroe area WI Freeport IL 22-Nov-1927 Juda WI Blanchardville WI 27-Dec-1900 Dubuque 1-Nov-1905 Brodhead WI 7-Jul-1925 Albany WI 21-Oct-1922 12-Dec-1928 Albany WI Spring Grove WI Spring Grove WI 20-Jun-1903 Monroe WI 5-Apr-1900 Monroe WI 16-Sep-1915 Monticello WI 6-Feb-1920 Belleville WI Renwick IA 12-Feb-1920 Belleville WI 5-Jul-1921 New Glarus WI Nebraska 13-Aug-1924 Milwaukee WI 9-Jun-1927 South Dakota 13-Jun-1929 Kankakee IL New Glarus WI 1-Apr-1905 Monroe twp WI 29-Jul-1913 Chicago IL 30-Aug-1918 Janesville WI 10-Feb-1911 Monroe WI 26-Jan-1913 New Mexico Winslow IL Cemetery or Burial Location Freeport IL M - Greenwood Winslow IL Durand IL Argus Cemetery Lanark IL Union Cemetery Dubuque Scotch Cemetery Albany Orfordville Settlement Cemetery Oakley Cemetery Mt.Hope Monticello Renwick IA New Glarus Milwaukee WI Madison SD New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Panama IA Mt Pleasant Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 11-Mar-1929 30-Oct-1922 12-Mar-1925 6-May-1909 13-May-1919 19-Aug-1929 5-Jul-1904 6-Aug-1924 22-Nov-1927 21-Apr-1905 27-Dec-1900 2-Nov-1905 9-Jul-1925 25-Oct-1922 13-Dec-1928 20-Dec-1928 21-Dec-1923 20-Jun-1903 5-Apr-1900 17-Sep-1915 9-Feb-1920 10-Jan-1920 13-Feb-1920 8-Jul-1921 22-Dec-1921 16-Aug-1924 10-Jun-1927 13-Jun-1929 8-Jul-1916 1-Apr-1905 30-Jul-1913 30-Aug-1918 10-Feb-1911 27-Jan-1913 5-Jun-1922 Last Name Kleckner Kleckner Kleckner Kleckner Kleckner Kleeb Kleeb Kleeberger Kleeberger Kleeberger Klein Kleinmaier Kleinsmith Kleinsmith Klemm Klemm Klemm Kline Kline Kline Kline First Name John Levi J. John, Mrs Perivelia Charles W. George Lizzie J. H. John, Mrs Anna Sarah Eugene Mabel Wilhelmina Ernestine Chester F. William F. D. Rollin David R. Eli Joseph Kline Kline Kline Kline Kline Kline Samuel Francelia Inez David C. Ruth Katie Kline Kline-Newcomer Klingbeil Klingbeil Klingbeil Klingbeil Rebecca J. Lucinda Infant Julius Infant son Nathan A. Other Name Frisby Latimer Stair Fahr Popanz Rathburn Ullom Moore Zimmerman Evans Binder 1905K 1907K 1925K 1927K 1927K 1907K 1929K 1916K 1918K 1920K 1925K 1921K 1921K 1929K 1917K 1921K 1928K 1909K 1907K 1908K 1900K Date Died 5-Sep-1905 23-Mar-1907 23-Sep-1925 25-Feb-1927 5-May-1927 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI 4-May-1929 Monroe WI 15-Dec-1916 Monroe twp WI 9-Oct-1918 Minneapolis MN Chicago IL 25-Apr-1925 Wabasso MN Illinois Clinton IA 25-Dec-1929 Albany WI 12-Oct-1917 Orangeville IL 11-Oct-1921 Cadiz twp WI 17-Oct-1928 Monroe WI 4-Jul-1909 Rice Lake WI 25-Oct-1907 Orangeville area IL Martintown WI 15-Mar-1900 Clarno WI 1903K 7-Oct-1903 Monroe area WI 1918K 7-Mar-1918 Oneco twp WI 1920K 4-Feb-1920 1926K 6-Feb-1926 Orangeville IL 1926K 11-Apr-1926 Cadiz twp WI 1926K Minnesota 1928K 1905K 1912K 1912K 1921K 1922K 24-May-1928 21-Jun-1905 6-Jul-1912 21-Feb-1912 29-Oct-1921 4-Dec-1922 Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Eldorado Cemetery Marseilles IL Clinton IA Frieden's Cemetery Basswood Saucerman McConnell Oneco Orangeville IL Pleasant Hill Eldorado IL Oneco Orangeville IL Oneco Cemetery Rock Lily Cemetery Pine River MN Beam Chapel Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 5-Sep-1905 23-Mar-1907 25-Sep-1925 25-Feb-1927 5-May-1927 5-Aug-1907 6-May-1929 18-Dec-1916 11-Oct-1918 30-Dec-1920 27-Apr-1925 13-May-1921 15-Jan-1921 28-Dec-1929 13-Oct-1917 12-Oct-1921 18-Oct-1928 6-Jul-1909 28-Oct-1907 10-Jul-1908 16-Mar-1900 Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 8-Oct-1903 8-Mar-1918 7-Feb-1920 8-Feb-1926 12-Apr-1926 8-Dec-1926 Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe 25-May-1928 29-Jun-1905 6-Jul-1912 21-Feb-1912 29-Oct-1921 6-Dec-1922 Last Name Klossner Klug Klugh Kneeland Kneeland Kneeland Knewstubb Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knipschild Knipschild Knipschild Knipschild Knobel Knobel Knobel Knoble Knoble Knoble Knoble Knoble Knoble Knoble Knoble First Name Zorah Albert Christ, Mrs Gerard E. Louisa John Emma Dennis Owen Bridget Margaret Mary Michael Thomas Thomas John James Patrick Nellie Owen, Mrs Anna Catherine Louise K. Adam F. Fred Casper, Mrs Baltz Abraham, Mrs Clara M. Fannie Fred Emma Peter Magdelina Chloie Other Name Newman Krueger Kadderly Derry Conway Rice Conway Schindler Ackerman Babler Binder 1920K 1929K 1924K 1906K 1903K 1924K 1929K 1908K 1904 K 1916K 1910K 1910K 1910K 1910K 1915K 1920K 1921K 1921K 1928K 1913K 1909K 1916K 1913K 1928K 1918K 1923K 1923K 1908K 1906K 1903K 1909K 1913K 1920K 1922K 1924K Date Died 28-Oct-1920 15-Jun-1929 27-Nov-1924 16-May-1906 29-Oct-1903 18-Dec-1924 14-Jul-1929 5-Jul-1908 5-Mar-1904 8-Jan-1916 22-Sep-1910 1-Mar-1910 5-Nov-1910 24-Jan-1910 11-Nov-1915 27-Oct-1920 12-Jun-1921 25-Apr-1921 30-Jan-1928 18-Aug-1913 13-Apr-1909 9-Nov-1916 26-Feb-1913 8-Feb-1928 13-Aug-1918 19-Apr-1923 15-Jun-1923 25-Feb-1908 6-May-1906 15-Apr-1903 20-Aug-1909 1-Dec-1913 9-Aug-1920 11-Dec-1922 5-Dec-1924 Residence Monroe WI Winslow IL Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Minneapolis MN Argyle WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Chicago IL Janesville WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Butte MT Monroe WI Washington twp WI Monroe WI Elm Creek NE North Dakota South Dakota New Glarus WI Monticello WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Richland WI Winslow IL M - Greenwood Darlington Beloit M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary Monticello Calvary Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood Washington Church M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Calvary Cemetery M - Greenwood New Glarus Monticello Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 29-Oct-1920 18-Jun-1929 1-Dec-1924 18-May-1906 30-Oct-1903 19-Dec-1924 15-Jul-1929 6-Jul-1908 5-Mar-1904 8-Jan-1916 23-Sep-1910 1-Mar-1910 7-Nov-1910 24-Jan-1910 12-Nov-1915 29-Oct-1920 13-Jun-1921 25-Apr-1921 30-Jan-1928 18-Aug-1913 14-Apr-1909 9-Nov-1916 26-Feb-1913 8-Feb-1928 13-Aug-1918 30-Apr-1923 15-Jun-1923 26-Feb-1908 7-May-1906 16-Apr-1903 21-Aug-1909 3-Dec-1913 11-Aug-1920 12-Dec-1922 5-Dec-1924 Last Name Knoeri Knoll Knoll Knouse Knowles Knox Knudson Knudson Knudstad Knuzendorf Kober Koehler Koehler Koehler Koehner Koehner Koehner Koeng-Kueng Koepnic Koepnick Koepp Kohli Kohli Kohli Kohli Kohli Kohli Kohli Kohli Kolb Kolb Kolb Kolb Koller Komprood First Name Emanuel Julius, Mrs Julius Jane Ida Perry Ole Ole Bertha George Sophia Ludwig Philippie Mathilda Barbara George John Michael Edward, Mrs William William, Mrs Alfred Robert Robert Edward J. Elizabeth Ann Kathleen Robert Sarah E. Rose John John d/o Henry Marian John A. Ole Other Name Rockwell Trickle Hanson Yunker Stucki Gasser Binder 1904K 1919K 1921K 1928K 1927K 1900K 1908K 1922K 1929K 1926K 1912K 1904K 1905K 1928K 1916K 1917K 1916K 1920K 1917K 1922K 1918K Page17 1901K 1918K 1911K 1919K 1911K 1918K 1929K 1905K 1920K 1923K 1928K 1924K 1925K Date Died 13-Oct-1921 17-Oct-1928 8-Jun-1927 11-Dec-1900 16-Sep-1908 3-Sep-1929 21-Jun-1926 27-Apr-1912 11-Dec-1904 7-Feb-1905 5-Dec-1928 28-Nov-1916 10-Oct-1917 9-Apr-1916 17-Jun-1920 30-Nov-1917 30-Nov-1918 Residence Monroe WI Browntown WI Monroe WI Salt Lake City UT Jordan twp WI Newark WI Argyle WI Barneveld County farm Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Footville Brodhead WI 28-Sep-1901 Monroe WI 30-Dec-1918 Monroe WI 22-Aug-1911 Monroe WI Monroe WI 19-Nov-1911 Monroe WI 28-Apr-1918 Winslow IL 11-Jan-1929 Colorado 11-Dec-1905 Monroe WI 10-Nov-1920 Monroe WI 31-Jan-1923 Monroe area WI 20-Feb-1928 Monroe twp WI 27-Dec-1924 Brodhead WI 20-Oct-1925 County farm Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Franklin Cemetery Jordan Church Orfordville Woodlawn Argyle Delavan M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Waddams M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood West Wiota Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 20-Oct-1904 14-Apr-1919 14-Oct-1921 17-Oct-1928 8-Jun-1927 12-Dec-1900 16-Sep-1908 9-Jun-1922 3-Sep-1929 22-Jun-1926 27-Apr-1912 12-Dec-1904 7-Feb-1905 6-Dec-1928 29-Nov-1916 10-Oct-1917 10-Apr-1916 17-Jun-1920 30-Nov-1917 9-Jan-1922 3-Dec-1918 30-Sep-1901 28-Sep-1901 30-Dec-1918 22-Aug-1911 8-Apr-1919 20-Mar-1911 2-May-1918 14-Jan-1929 11-Dec-1905 11-Nov-1920 31-Jan-1923 21-Feb-1928 30-Dec-1924 20-Oct-1925 Last Name Konjevich Konjevich Koons Korn Kortmann Koten Koten Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kratzer Kratzer Kratzer Kraus Kraus Krause Krause Krause Krause Krause Krause Krautz Kremer Krider Krise Kriston Krostue Krueger Krueger Krueger Krueger Krueger Krueger First Name Michael Eva Rosa Bernard Bessie Augusta Herman, Rev John Frances M. William, Mrs Emma Hulda Dan Mrs. John, Mrs Margaret Clara Helen Leonard Sr. Fred Fred, Mrs Conrad Ivan M. Walter B. August, Mrs Eliza Nellie Louise Philip John C. Gaylord August Louisa William, Mrs Charles W. Henry Edna Other Name Frensel Baltzer Anderson Howe Fessler Halder Clark Paul Tommy Binder 1926B 1926B 1912K 1916K 1919K 1919K 1928K 1904K 1918B 1922K 1926K 1927K 1908K 1908K 1905K 1927K 1929K 1909S 1918K 1921K 1927K 1928K 1929K 1920K 1917K 1916K 1907K 1919K 1923K Page23 1903K 1909K 1916K 1918K 1921K Date Died 28-Dec-1926 28-Dec-1926 20-Aug-1912 31-Jul-1916 16-May-1919 7-Jan-1919 23-Aug-1928 27-Sep-1904 16-Dec-1918 25-Jun-1922 22-Dec-1926 1-Jun-1927 9-Jan-1908 16-Nov-1905 8-Apr-1927 29-Apr-1929 1-Feb-1909 31-Oct-1918 6-Jan-1921 4-Sep-1927 29-Apr-1928 7-Dec-1929 30-Oct-1920 15-Mar-1917 12-Nov-1916 7-Sep-1907 10-Mar-1919 21-Jun-1923 28-Dec-1901 31-Jan-1903 8-Jul-1909 30-Sep-1916 19-Aug-1921 Residence Mayville WI Mayville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Winslow IL Juda WI Berlin WI Rock Grove IL Rock Grove IL Lyndhurst WI Magnolia twp WI Rockford IL Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe twp WI Monroe WI Albany WI Jordan twp WI Monroe twp WI Decatur twp WI Decatur WI Brodhead WI St.Jacobs IL West Allis WI Iowa Monroe WI Monroe WI Albany WI Jordan twp WI Clarno WI Jordan twp WI Rock Island IL Gratiot WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Iowa M - Greenwood Basswood Mt Vernon Berlin WI Oakley Union Chapel Cemetery M - Greenwood Staver Staver M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Albany Cemetery Highland IL M - Greenwood Waterloo IA Rock Grove Chicago IL Jordan Lutheran East Clarno Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Paper Date 29-Dec-1926 29-Dec-1926 20-Aug-1912 1-Aug-1916 17-May-1919 7-Jan-1919 25-Aug-1928 28-Sep-1904 18-Dec-1918 27-Jun-1922 24-Dec-1926 2-Jun-1927 10-Jan-1908 10-Jan-1908 21-Nov-1905 9-Apr-1927 29-Apr-1929 4-Feb-1909 1-Nov-1918 7-Jan-1921 4-Sep-1927 30-Apr-1928 9-Dec-1929 6-Nov-1920 19-Mar-1917 15-Nov-1916 9-Sep-1907 10-Mar-1919 25-Jun-1923 30-Dec-1901 31-Jan-1903 8-Jul-1909 30-Sep-1916 28-Dec-1918 20-Aug-1921 Last Name Krueger Krueger Krueger Kruegger Kruegger Kruegger Krugjohann Kruse Kryder Kryder Kryder Kubli Kubli Kubli Kubli Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly First Name George Alvina Floyd Sim Mrs. William, Mrs Frederick Harold Kathryn A. J., Mrs Jacob John J. Henry Jacob Joderick Rudolph Abraham Barbara Detrick John M. Rudolph Jr. Alvin Other Name Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Catherine Marie Esther Avery Fred Infant dau. Mabel Starkey Maggie Maria Vincent Vincent H. Oswald Anna Schwank John Peter Ernest, Mrs Klassy Elmer Binder 1922K 1922K 1927K 1911K 1922K 1924K 1929K 1928K 1900K 1913K 1917K 1904K 1904K Page12 1911K 1909K 1908K 1908K 1903K 1907K 1917K 1910K 1912K 1919K 1917K 1918K 1916K 1917K 1913K 1919K 1920K 1920K 1920K 1920K Date Died Cemetery or Burial Location Residence Wisconsin Rapids WI 14-Feb-1922 21-Sep-1927 Footville 9-Aug-1911 Monroe WI Monticello WI 17-Jul-1924 Monroe WI 6-Oct-1929 New Glarus WI 28-Mar-1928 Mineral Point WI 30-Jan-1900 Twin Grove WI 28-Oct-1913 Freeport IL 5-Jun-1917 Juda WI 4-Apr-1904 Jefferson twp WI 17-Oct-1904 Jordan twp WI 11-Jun-1901 Jordan twp WI 31-May-1911 Monroe WI 19-Sep-1909 Clarno twp WI 21-Feb-1908 Monroe WI 31-Mar-1908 Monroe WI 25-Jan-1903 Monroe WI 27-Aug-1907 Spring Grove WI 13-May-1917 Jordan Center WI 24-Aug-1910 Monroe WI 11-Apr-1912 Monroe WI Juda WI 16-Sep-1917 Monroe twp WI 25-Feb-1918 Beloit WI Mt Pleasant WI 26-Nov-1917 Jordan twp WI 21-Feb-1913 Clarno twp WI 24-May-1920 25-Mar-1920 28-Nov-1920 16-Feb-1920 Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Hillcrest Cemetery Monticello M - Greenwood New Glarus Mineral Point Twin Grove Freeport IL Union Church M - Greenwood Lewis Cemetery Jordan Lutheran M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Family Cemetery Clarno twp M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Lewis Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 18-Mar-1922 18-Feb-1922 25-Sep-1927 10-Aug-1911 26-Sep-1922 18-Jul-1924 7-Oct-1929 30-Mar-1928 31-Jan-1900 29-Oct-1913 6-Jun-1917 5-Apr-1904 18-Oct-1904 12-Jun-1901 1-Jun-1911 20-Sep-1909 22-Feb-1908 31-Mar-1908 26-Jan-1903 28-Aug-1907 14-May-1917 Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 25-Aug-1910 12-Apr-1912 5-Apr-1919 17-Sep-1917 27-Feb-1918 3-Aug-1916 26-Nov-1917 21-Feb-1913 10-Mar-1919 24-May-1920 25-Mar-1920 29-Nov-1920 17-Feb-1920 Last Name Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kubly Kuebli Kuechli Kueng Kueng Kueng Kuenzie Kuenzie Kuesch Kuhl Kuhl Kuhl Kuhnke Kuhnke Kumm Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert First Name Henry Maria Luella John A. Lillian Vincent S. Ernest Herbert Barbara Conrad Elizabeth Mary Margaret Daughter Robert John Christ, Mrs Eugene F. Mary Samuel Carl, Mrs Ernest Orville Wilhelmina August Sr. Sarah Herman Baltz d/o Jacob Elizabeth Fred Fred i/s Robert John Louise Maria Other Name Elmer Benson Hefty Spring Isely Hein Albright Sickinger Binder 1922K 1923K 1924K 1925K 1925K 1925K 1926K 1926K 1928K 1929K 1929K 1912K 1909K 1920K 1923K 1926K 1928K 1918K 1924K 1911K 1923K 1924K 1926K 1919K 1918K 1916K 1906K 1908K 1906K 1903K 1908K 1909K 1906K 1907K 1902K Date Died 2-Mar-1922 24-Jan-1923 28-Apr-1924 24-Apr-1925 21-Sep-1925 17-Mar-1925 21-Jun-1926 6-Sep-1926 18-Jan-1928 31-Oct-1929 9-Jan-1929 27-Jan-1923 30-Nov-1926 28-Jul-1928 27-Feb-1918 22-Oct-1924 29-Apr-1911 20-May-1923 29-May-1924 29-Jan-1926 Residence New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Clarno twp WI Madison WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Evansville Waterloo IA Oklahoma Monroe WI Wausau WI Jefferson twp WI Jefferson twp WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Wiota WI Martintown WI Cadiz twp WI Browntown WI 3-Dec-1918 6-Nov-1916 7-Dec-1906 8-Dec-1908 3-Jun-1906 4-Oct-1903 6-Aug-1908 5-Nov-1909 11-Sep-1906 13-May-1907 5-Feb-1902 Clarno twp WI Blanchardville WI Monroe area WI Monroe area WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jordan twp WI 6-May-1909 Cemetery or Burial Location New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Madison New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Evansville M - Greenwood Tulsa OK Wausau M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Washington Union M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Jordan M - Calvary Lewis Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 4-Mar-1922 26-Jan-1923 29-Apr-1924 24-Apr-1925 23-Sep-1925 17-Mar-1925 22-Jun-1926 6-Sep-1926 18-Jan-1928 1-Nov-1929 10-Jan-1929 5-Jul-1912 7-May-1909 11-May-1920 27-Jan-1923 30-Nov-1926 30-Jul-1928 28-Feb-1918 22-Oct-1924 29-Apr-1911 21-May-1923 31-May-1924 30-Jan-1926 4-Jun-1919 3-Dec-1918 8-Nov-1916 7-Dec-1906 8-Dec-1908 5-Jun-1906 5-Oct-1903 6-Aug-1908 6-Nov-1909 12-Sep-1906 13-May-1907 6-Feb-1902 Last Name Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kundert Kuntz Kurth Kurth Kurth Kurth Kurth Kurth Kurth Kurth Kurtz First Name Nona Paul Vera M Zelma Alice L Bartley Fridolin V. Louisa Margaret Mary Peter Rosina Afra Ralph Frieda Abraham Katherine Florence M. Paul, Mrs David Sr. John Jacob Abraham Baltz Edward J. David Daughter Harry Minnie Son Warren James Peter Frederic William, Mrs Conrad Other Name Legler Baltz , Schiesser Hofstetter Voegeli Stoll Rhinehart Binder 1905K 1904K 1906K 1906K 1911K 1917K 1910K 1918K 1910K 1916K 1917K 1915K 1920K 1921K 1921K 1923K 1924K 1925K 1925K 1925K 1926K 1926K 1927K 1928K 1929K 1917K 1918K 1919D 1918K 1918K 1916K 1921K 1927K 1928K 1916K Date Died Residence 13-Nov-1905 Monroe WI Ft Dodge IA 19-Oct-1906 Monroe WI 15-Feb-1906 County farm 27-Jul-1911 Madison WI 9-May-1917 New Glarus WI 23-Oct-1910 Monroe WI 16-Feb-1918 Monroe WI 25-May-1910 Monroe WI 31-Aug-1916 New Glarus WI 29-Sep-1917 Monroe WI 22-Dec-1915 Jordan twp WI 24-Jun-1920 Galena IL 25-Sep-1921 Monroe WI 10-Mar-1921 Lake Geneva WI 8-Nov-1923 Monroe WI 3-Jul-1924 Monroe WI 17-May-1925 Monroe WI 17-Oct-1925 Ft Dodge IA 3-Aug-1925 New Glarus WI Minnesota 1-Sep-1926 Denver CO 20-Apr-1927 Madison WI 10-Apr-1928 Monroe WI 17-Nov-1929 Milwaukee WI 5-Oct-1917 County Home 7-Dec-1918 Gratiot WI 21-Jan-1919 Beloit WI 9-Dec-1918 Gratiot WI 9-Dec-1918 Gratiot WI 4-May-1916 Monroe WI 11-May-1921 Iowa Monroe WI 4-Apr-1928 Milwaukee WI 29-Jul-1916 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Jordan Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Milwaukee Dubuque Gratiot M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Waldwick Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 14-Nov-1905 31-May-1904 20-Oct-1906 16-Feb-1906 28-Jul-1911 9-May-1917 24-Oct-1910 16-Feb-1918 25-May-1910 1-Sep-1916 29-Sep-1917 24-Dec-1915 26-Jun-1920 26-Sep-1921 11-Mar-1921 9-Nov-1923 5-Jul-1924 18-May-1925 19-Oct-1925 4-Aug-1925 12-May-1926 2-Sep-1926 20-Apr-1927 13-Apr-1928 18-Nov-1929 5-Oct-1917 10-Dec-1918 22-Jan-1919 10-Dec-1918 10-Dec-1918 5-May-1916 20-May-1921 12-Feb-1927 7-Apr-1928 31-Jul-1916 Last Name Kurtz Kurtz Kuster Kvale Kyan Kyler Laborde LaBorde Lacey Lacey Lacey Ladell Ladwig Lafferty Lager Lageson Lahr Lahr Lahr Lair Laird Lake Lake Lamboley Lamboley Lamont Lamphere Lancaster Land Land Landers Landfelt Landmark Landreth First Name W. H. Peter Eugene O.J. Mary Luke Peter Lydia James J. Jr. Beatrice Mary Frederick Figvart John James R. Fred Engebrit William W. Conrad, Rev Conrad, Mrs Donald Thomas Jeff Amanda L. Joseph F. Albert J. Hiram H. Annie Wesley Mary J.R. Daniel, Mrs Charles E.O. Stella Other Name Kemp McNish Fraunfelder O'Connor Binder 1920K 1928K 1922K 1929K 1902K 1911K 1901L 1923L 1921L 1924L 1925L 1923L 1927L 1921L 1912 L 1922L 1909L 1921L 1924L 1921L 1918L 1907L 1921L 1907L 1927L 1925L 1920L 1902L 1926L 1927L 1900L 1913L 1922L 1921L Date Died 31-Aug-1928 10-Aug-1929 23-Mar-1902 14-Sep-1911 13-Apr-1901 16-Jan-1923 21-Apr-1921 6-May-1924 1-Mar-1925 14-Nov-1923 1-Oct-1927 1-Nov-1921 26-Jan-1912 12-Aug-1909 5-Feb-1921 23-Sep-1924 3-Jul-1921 1-May-1918 2-Aug-1907 2-Sep-1921 27-Dec-1907 6-Dec-1927 29-Jan-1925 12-Apr-1920 24-Jun-1926 Residence Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Janesville WI Minnesota Jefferson twp WI Winslow IL Juda WI Juda WI Green Lake WI South Wayne WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Argyle WI New Glarus WI York twp WI Juda WI Juda WI Juda WI Waukesha WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Belleville WI Madison WI Madison WI Madison WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Vermont WI 21-Aug-1913 Monroe WI York twp WI 17-Feb-1921 Freeport IL Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Old Catholic Winslow IL Mt Vernon Mt Vernon M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood York Cemetery Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Mt Vernon M - Greenwood Minneapolis MN Brodhead M - Greenwood Madison Oregon WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood York Cemetery Louisville IL Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 12-Oct-1920 1-Sep-1928 6-Jun-1922 14-Sep-1929 24-Mar-1902 19-Sep-1911 18-Apr-1901 17-Jan-1923 23-Apr-1921 7-May-1924 2-Mar-1925 Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe 15-Nov-1923 1-Oct-1927 11-Nov-1921 27-Jan-1912 15-Jul-1922 13-Aug-1909 7-Feb-1921 24-Sep-1924 5-Jul-1921 1-May-1918 3-Aug-1907 5-Sep-1921 28-Dec-1907 6-Dec-1927 31-Jan-1925 14-Apr-1920 5-Dec-1902 24-Jun-1926 6-Jan-1927 20-Jan-1900 21-Aug-1913 13-Apr-1922 18-Feb-1921 Last Name Lane Lane First Name Mrs. Sadie Langacher Lange Lanker Lanz Lanz Lanz Lanz Lanz Lanz Lanz Lanz Lanz Lanz Lanz Lanz Larse Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson Larson LaTeur Latin Latin Laubaugh Gottfried Albert, Pvt William Andrew Elizabeth Emiline Frederick Verena Charles Charles, Mrs Rose Elsie L. Edward Anna Eleanor Anna Charley Melvina Nels Marie Lars Ringdale Elizabeth Lars, Mrs Andrew Louis Mr. Christ M. Peter Josephine G. C. G. C., Mrs Ellen Other Name Baker Steiff Wohlwend Tschudy Dahns Buye (Bye) Warner Evenson Murphy Binder Date Died Residence 1908L Brodhead WI 1918L 19-Oct-1918 California 1923L 1918L 1905L 1909L 1906L 1901L Page16 1918L 1922L 1922L 1925L 1927L 1928L 1929L 1929L 1922L 1918L 1918L 1915L 1922L 1922L 1922L 1924L 1924L 1926L 1927L 1928L 1929L 1917L 1923L 1923L 1921L 11-May-1923 New Glarus WI France 26-Feb-1905 Orangeville IL 7-Jul-1909 Monroe WI 20-Mar-1906 Monroe WI 19-Jan-1901 Monroe WI 23-Sep-1901 Jefferson twp WI 7-Dec-1918 Monroe WI Spring Grove WI 22-Jul-1922 Denver CO 25-May-1925 Monroe WI 20-Mar-1927 Monroe WI 26-Dec-1928 Monroe WI 1-Jul-1929 Monroe WI 1-Jun-1929 Monroe WI 20-Mar-1922 South Wayne WI 17-Oct-1918 France 5-Apr-1918 Beloit WI 22-Jul-1915 Blanchardville WI 26-Mar-1922 20-Mar-1922 Darlington WI 14-Apr-1922 Moscow twp WI 26-Aug-1924 South Wayne WI 25-Jul-1924 Brooklyn WI 22-Sep-1926 Argyle WI 18-Jan-1927 Almond WI 18-Dec-1928 Wheaton IL 13-Jun-1929 Argyle WI 28-Jan-1917 County Home 26-Feb-1923 Argyle WI 27-Feb-1923 Argyle WI 9-May-1921 Cadiz twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Monroe J Monroe M - Greenwood Swiss Reformed - New Glarus Monroe T Monroe Orangeville IL Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Charles City IA Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Yellowstone Cemetery Monroe Monroe Monroe East Wiota Cemetery Monroe Monroe Woodlawn Cemetery Monroe Almond WI Monroe Monroe Woodlawn Argyle Monroe Forest City MO Monroe Woodlawn Monroe J Woodlawn Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Paper Date 3-Dec-1908 21-Oct-1918 12-May-1923 13-Nov-1918 2-Mar-1905 7-Jul-1909 20-Mar-1906 22-Jan-1901 26-Sep-1901 9-Dec-1918 22-Nov-1922 3-Aug-1922 25-May-1925 21-Mar-1927 27-Dec-1928 1-Jul-1929 3-Jun-1929 3-Apr-1922 13-Dec-1918 6-Apr-1918 23-Jul-1915 1-Apr-1922 31-Mar-1922 22-Apr-1922 27-Aug-1924 26-Jul-1924 24-Sep-1926 19-Jan-1927 19-Dec-1928 14-Jun-1929 29-Jan-1917 3-Mar-1923 3-Mar-1923 10-May-1921 Last Name Laube Laube Laube Lauener Laughlin Lauper Lauver Law Lawver Layton First Name Ellen W. Maria Charles Hans Sarah Marie Alfred John F George Jane Layton Layton Layton Leahy Leake Leary Leavitt LeBaron LeBreffeur Leck Leck LeClerc LeClerc Lee Lee Leeger Leehey Leehey Leekly Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler George W. Thomas Mrs. Margaret, Mrs Charles W. Daniel J. W. Paul K., Lt Theodore, Mrs Henry George Clarence Clement William Dora May Henry Edward Edward John George Jacob Rose Rosina Susie Other Name Saucerman Roderick Binder 1903L 1920L 1928L 1922L 1906L 1918L 1912L 1916L 1922L 1906L 1911L 1921L 1922L 1906L 1907L 1922L 1908L 1918L 1918L 1905L 1918L 1920L 1920L 1901L 1929L 1919L 1902L 1902S Page14 1900L 1905L 1903L 1901L 1907L Date Died 26-May-1903 14-Feb-1920 19-Feb-1928 6-Nov-1922 16-Apr-1906 31-Jul-1918 7-Mar-1912 8-Jan-1916 28-May-1922 14-Apr-1906 Residence Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Washington Darlington WI Tucson AZ Jordan twp WI Cadiz WI Cedarville Freeport IL County farm 23-Nov-1911 Racine WI Albany WI 3-Mar-1922 5-Jan-1906 Milwaukee WI 12-Jan-1907 Monroe WI Kansas 8-Dec-1908 Blanchardville WI Kentucky 24-Jun-1918 Minnesota 6-Oct-1905 Cadiz twp WI 29-Sep-1918 Monroe WI 8-Feb-1920 Madison WI 11-Feb-1920 Madison WI 29-Jun-1901 Shullsburg 15-Oct-1929 New Glarus WI Spring Grove WI 4-Sep-1902 28-Jul-1901 31-Jul-1900 13-Jun-1905 23-Jul-1903 20-Apr-1901 19-Dec-1907 Monroe WI Warren IL New Glarus WI Washington twp WI Madison WI New Glarus WI Juda WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 28-May-1903 14-Feb-1920 25-Feb-1928 8-Nov-1922 18-Apr-1906 31-Jul-1918 7-Mar-1912 8-Jan-1916 31-May-1922 14-Apr-1906 Monroe J Monroe Monroe Darlington Monroe T Oakley Union Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Winslow IL Monroe J Winslow IL Monroe Belleville Monroe Belleville Monroe Monroe J York Church Cemetery Monroe Monroe T Old Catholic Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J New Glarus Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe J New Glarus Monroe J Monroe 1-Dec-1911 12-Dec-1921 8-Mar-1922 6-Jan-1906 14-Jan-1907 2-Feb-1922 8-Dec-1908 17-Oct-1918 25-Jun-1918 9-Oct-1905 30-Sep-1918 12-Feb-1920 12-Feb-1920 1-Jul-1901 16-Oct-1929 24-Mar-1919 8-Sep-1902 5-Sep-1902 31-Jul-1901 1-Aug-1900 14-Jun-1905 24-Jul-1903 23-Apr-1901 20-Dec-1907 Winslow IL M - Greenwood Saucerman Oakland Cemetery Mound Cemetery Racine WI Last Name Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler First Name Wilma Dorothy Edward F. E. Fred E. George John John Melchoir Henry, Mrs Elizabeth Fredolin Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Legler Lehman Lehnherr Lehnherr Leibly Leid Leighton Leindecker Leiser Leitzinger Lemmel Lemmel Lemon Lemon Henry Glenn David Fridolin Daughter Fredolin Arthur John D. David Infant Son Godfred Louise Hans Mary John William s/o Fred Maria J. B."Baltz" John John, Mrs Elgin, Mrs James Other Name Hefty Hoesly Schildt Morton Binder 1904L 1912L 1912L 1917L 1917L 1917L 1912L 1912L 1922L 1922L 1923L 1923L Date Died 1-Jul-1904 10-Sep-1912 8-Sep-1912 21-Sep-1917 21-Sep-1917 12-Jun-1917 28-Jul-1912 31-Jul-1912 Residence Juda WI New Glarus WI Monticello WI Madison WI Madison WI Argyle WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Kansas Beloit WI 16-Sep-1923 New Glarus WI 20-Nov-1923 Monticello WI 1923L 1923L 1924L 1924L 1924L 1925L 1925L 1926L 1929H 1924L 1923L 1929L 1903L 1922L 1924L 1911L 1909L 1911L 1900F 1922L 1912L 1921L 25-Dec-1923 1-Jun-1923 17-Feb-1924 25-Jan-1924 17-Feb-1924 26-Jun-1925 15-Mar-1925 26-Jun-1926 6-Sep-1929 29-Jul-1924 20-Jul-1923 19-Jul-1929 25-Nov-1903 2-Aug-1922 10-Oct-1924 11-Aug-1911 New Glarus WI Jordan twp WI New Glarus WI Belleville WI New Glarus WI Colorado Monroe WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monticello WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Quincy Monroe WI Potosi 2-Mar-1911 Shullsburg WI estate 28-Dec-1922 Evansville 8-Feb-1912 South Dakota 2-Dec-1921 Yakima WA Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monticello Swiss Reformed - New Monroe J Glarus M - Greenwood Monroe J New Glarus Monroe Monroe New Glarus Monroe Craig CO Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe New Glarus Monroe New Glarus Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J New Glarus Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe T Monroe J Probate Court Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 2-Jul-1904 11-Sep-1912 9-Sep-1912 22-Sep-1917 22-Sep-1917 12-Jun-1917 29-Jul-1912 31-Jul-1912 8-Sep-1922 6-Apr-1922 17-Sep-1923 21-Nov-1923 26-Dec-1923 2-Jun-1923 20-Feb-1924 25-Jan-1924 18-Feb-1924 14-Jul-1925 16-Mar-1925 28-Jun-1926 6-Sep-1929 30-Jul-1924 21-Jul-1923 22-Jul-1929 27-Nov-1903 18-Aug-1922 13-Oct-1924 17-Aug-1911 13-Dec-1909 4-Mar-1911 8-May-1900 30-Dec-1922 15-Feb-1912 23-Dec-1921 Last Name Lemon Lemon Lemont Lempen Lengacher Lenherr Lentz Leo Leonard Leopold Lepold Leppke Lesher Leu Leuenberger Leuenberger Leuenberger Leuenberger Leuenberger Leuenberger Baltzli Leutzinger Leutzinger Leutzinger Leuzinger Leuzinger Levee Leverington Leverton Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis First Name Charles, Dr Rebecca S. W. Magdalina Julia Bertha father Nels Jacob Henry d/o Fred Louise Sophia Adam, Mrs Edward Fred, Mrs Henry, Mrs Susana Otto Gottfried Other Name Willis Principal Kundert Streiff Hasse Rubin Marie Anna Zaugg Deitrich, Mrs Hilarius Dietrich Alfred Lewis Marian Rose Jim Sarah "Granny" William George James Nellie Edna Mary A. Son Binder 1921L 1923L 1910L 1905L 1906L 1911L 1922L 1922L 1912L 1909R 1906L 1916L 1922L 1923L 1918S 1912L 1911L 1920L 1924L 1923L 1918L 1910L 1922L 1928L 1928L 1910L 1910L 1926L 1905L 1908L 1907L 1910L 1918L 1916L Date Died Residence 22-Feb-1921 Milwaukee WI 6-Apr-1923 Orfordville WI Pasadena CA 11-Mar-1905 Jefferson twp WI 29-Dec-1906 Monroe WI 10-Jun-1911 Spring Grove WI 2-Jan-1922 Blanchardville WI 16-Feb-1912 County farm 19-Feb-1909 Monroe area WI 9-Jul-1906 Monroe twp WI 29-Jan-1916 Orangeville IL 24-Jun-1922 Durand IL Darlington WI 31-Jul-1918 Beloit WI 25-Jun-1912 Monroe WI 29-Nov-1911 Adams twp WI 22-Apr-1920 Monroe WI 28-Nov-1924 South Wayne WI 8-Jun-1923 Monroe WI 1-Mar-1918 Ridgeway 18-Dec-1910 County farm Calamine 11-Dec-1928 Monroe twp WI 13-Dec-1928 Monroe twp WI 21-Nov-1910 Olympia WA 29-Nov-1910 Winslow IL Winslow IL 25-Oct-1905 Mt Pleasant twp WI 6-Aug-1908 Jordan twp WI 26-Oct-1907 Mt Pleasant twp WI 21-Sep-1910 Monroe WI 29-Apr-1918 Jordan twp WI 29-Jun-1916 Haugen WI Cemetery or Burial Location Milwaukee Monticello M - Greenwood Monticello Monroe Graceland Cemetery Exeter Jordan M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Rock Lily Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Haugen Paper Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 25-Feb-1921 7-Apr-1923 10-May-1910 13-Mar-1905 31-Dec-1906 10-Jun-1911 16-Nov-1922 Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J 11-Jun-1923 2-Mar-1918 18-Dec-1910 23-Nov-1922 12-Dec-1928 13-Dec-1928 1-Dec-1910 3-Dec-1910 26-Jan-1926 26-Oct-1905 7-Aug-1908 26-Oct-1907 21-Sep-1910 30-Apr-1918 30-Jun-1916 17-Feb-1912 19-Feb-1909 10-Jul-1906 31-Jan-1916 29-Jun-1922 23-Apr-1923 1-Aug-1918 26-Jun-1912 1-Dec-1911 22-Apr-1920 29-Nov-1924 Last Name Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Leyden Lichtenwalner Lichtenwalner Lichtenwalner Lichtenwalner Lichtenwalner Lichtenwalner Lichtenwalner Lichtenwalner Lichten-walner Liechti Liechti Liechti Liederer Liening Likens Lillis Lillis Lincicum Lincicum Lincicum Lincicum Linck Lincks Lincks Linden Linder Linder First Name James Mary John W. John Amaza S. Roy d/o George Henrietta C. Ella Albert F. Mary Valentine Simon Hugh H. Mary O. John P. Frank Fred Martha Oscar John Rebecca Lillie Mrs. Mary Mrs. David Martha Francis T. Francis T. Emmaline J. Johanna Fred, Mrs Anna i/s John John Henry Other Name Stair Cothren McCammant McCraken Smith Sweeney Sweeney Knutson Binder 1920L 1921L 1925L 1926L 1928L 1929L 1902L 1921L 1908L 1910L 1912L 1910L 1920L 1929L 1929L 1929L 1900L 1911L 1918L 1918L 1912L 1915L 1928L 1920C 1920L 1906L 1915L 1924H 1924L 1928L 1918L 1921L 1918K 1915L 1913L Date Died 7-Dec-1920 10-Mar-1921 17-Jul-1925 29-Mar-1926 2-Apr-1928 10-Jun-1929 13-Jun-1921 6-Jun-1908 15-May-1910 31-Jul-1912 9-Oct-1910 4-Apr-1920 30-Dec-1929 13-Nov-1929 4-Jan-1929 6-Nov-1900 14-Oct-1918 24-Jun-1918 4-Jan-1912 17-Nov-1915 19-Mar-1928 Residence Albany WI Fennimore Bethany NE Mt Pleasant twp WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Plainview NE Michigan Bolden CO Monroe WI Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Jordan Center WI Iowa Colusa CA Orangeville IL Janesville WI Monroe WI County farm South Wayne WI South Wayne WI Janesville WI Janesville WI Jefferson WI 10-Nov-1918 Brodhead WI 14-Sep-1915 Beloit WI 26-Nov-1913 Nebraska 4-Feb-1906 27-May-1915 16-Jul-1924 16-Jul-1924 25-Nov-1928 23-Sep-1918 Cemetery or Burial Location Fennimore Coloma IN Attica Exeter Cemetery Exeter Cemetery Bolden CO M - Greenwood West Clarno M - Greenwood West Clarno M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Argyle Cemetery Clinton Colusa Cemetery Orangeville IL Janesville Janesville Franklin Cemetery Kelly Cemetery LaDue Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 10-Dec-1920 11-Mar-1921 18-Jul-1925 2-Apr-1926 5-Apr-1928 22-Jun-1929 2-Dec-1902 14-Jun-1921 8-Jun-1908 16-May-1910 31-Jul-1912 10-Oct-1910 5-Apr-1920 31-Dec-1929 13-Nov-1929 4-Jan-1929 8-Nov-1900 2-Feb-1911 14-Oct-1918 25-Jun-1918 16-Jan-1912 26-Nov-1915 20-Mar-1928 21-Jan-1920 20-Jan-1920 5-Feb-1906 28-May-1915 18-Jul-1924 17-Jul-1924 26-Nov-1928 23-Sep-1918 13-May-1921 12-Nov-1918 16-Sep-1915 28-Nov-1913 Last Name Linder Lindley Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay Link Linn Linton Linzey Lisser Litchenwalner Lizar Lizar Locher Locke Lockman Lockridge Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood or Lockman Loeffel Loehrer Loertscher Loertscher Loertscher Loertscher Loetscher Lofsgard Lofthus Loftus Logan First Name Robert Amos L. Aaron Florence Lilly Frank Frank Phoebe Ann Henry J. Billy Grace J.D, Mrs Albert E. Catherine Aaron J Charles Anna Thomas Ruby Franklin Sophia Fred Other Name Green Gilbert Noble Wells Ellenberger Jacobs Shaver John Daughter Ellen Ott Gottlieb Maria Alvina Goecks Charles Ernest Ole Lovina Margaret Otis, Mrs John, Mrs Binder 1926L Page12 1906L 1918L 1924L 1924L 1926L 1928L 1920L 1992L 1924L 1928L 1913L 1928L 1908L 1929L 1928L 1913L 1923L 1922L 1920L 1927L 1910L 1922L 1929L 1904R 1922L 1924L 1929L 1906L 1922L 1923L 1911L 1916L Date Died 4-Jul-1906 29-Oct-1918 18-May-1924 19-Aug-1924 17-Dec-1926 27-Dec-1928 15-Oct-1924 24-Oct-1928 5-Jan-1913 19-Apr-1928 8-Oct-1908 1-Apr-1929 28-May-1928 25-Jan-1913 23-Jan-1923 12-Jan-1922 14-Mar-1920 23-Nov-1927 Residence Hubbard WI Beloit WI Browntown WI Monroe WI California California Verona WI Cadiz twp WI Janesville WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood Long Beach Kelly Cemetery Burlington Brodhead WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Dousman Blanchardville WI Mt Horeb WI Browntown WI Albany WI Monroe WI Albany WI 16-May-1910 Cadiz twp WI Albany WI 2-Jan-1929 Madison WI Monticello WI Elgin IA 13-May-1924 Washington twp WI 4-Mar-1929 Washington twp WI 30-Dec-1905 Omaha NE Colfax 3-Nov-1923 Brodhead WI 24-May-1911 Decatur twp WI South Wayne WI Saucerman M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Darlington Mt Horeb M - Greenwood Hillcrest Cemetery Saucerman Cemetery Washington Union Washington Union Omaha East Luther Valley Argyle Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 8-May-1926 22-Jun-1901 5-Jul-1906 31-Oct-1918 19-May-1924 20-Aug-1924 18-Dec-1926 28-Dec-1928 5-Jun-1920 17-Feb-1922 18-Oct-1924 25-Oct-1928 7-Jan-1913 19-Apr-1928 9-Oct-1908 2-Apr-1929 29-May-1928 30-Jan-1913 23-Jan-1923 14-Jan-1922 15-Mar-1920 23-Nov-1927 Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J 16-May-1910 31-Mar-1922 3-Jan-1929 22-Mar-1904 4-May-1922 13-May-1924 5-Mar-1929 2-Jan-1906 1-Apr-1922 6-Nov-1923 26-May-1911 9-Mar-1916 Last Name Logerman Lohmeier Lohr Londalen Long Long Long Long Loofbourow Loofbourow Lore Lore Lorenz Lorrie Lory Lory Losberger Losberger Losberger Losberger Losey Losey Losey Losey Losli Loss Loucks Louden First Name Harry Son George Ellen Marie Albert Charles, Mrs Edgar Elmira N.A., Dr William, Mrs Susan Howard Mathilda Elizabeth Lydia Albert Gottlieb Gottlieb C. Gottlieb, Mrs LeRoy Edward Irwin Frank Kathryn Edwin G. Verena Orley, Mrs Franie James Lounsbury-Stanley Lovejoy Lovelace Lovelace Lovelace Lovelace Olive J Allen Hattie Harriet O.J. Elizabeth Other Name Odebakken King Bongey Knoll Bowden Strawser Monroe Cheney Raymond Lovelace Binder 1912L 1917L 1902L 1929L 1905L 1907L 1916 L 1924L 1916L 1927L 1905L 1913L 1927L 1908L 1918L 1926L 1911L 1918L 1917L 1916L 1909L 1918L 1925L 1929L 1907L 1922L 1924L 1916L Date Died 21-Jun-1912 26-Apr-1917 11-Jun-1902 4-Jan-1929 12-Aug-1905 6-Feb-1907 25-May-1916 30-Jul-1924 July 1916 27-Apr-1927 5-Dec-1905 14-Nov-1913 11-Jul-1927 29-Jun-1908 9-Dec-1918 16-Jun-1926 18-Jan-1911 7-Dec-1918 15-Feb-1917 18-Apr-1916 12-Dec-1909 21-Nov-1918 22-Apr-1925 7-Jun-1929 6-Feb-1907 Residence Janesville WI Davis IL Avon Brodhead WI Browntown WI Rock Island IL Browntown WI Monroe WI Waupaca Monroe WI Idaho Monroe WI Chicago IL Palmyra Milwaukee WI Monroe area WI Monroe twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Milwaukee WI Topeka KS Chicago IL Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location West Luther Valley Davis IL Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood State Line 4-Feb-1924 Janesville WI 6-Nov-1916 Janesville WI 1908L Monroe WI 1904L 18-Mar-1904 Janesville WI 1916L 1-Jan-1916 Janesville WI 1920L 2-Mar-1920 Juda WI 1924L 17-Jan-1924 Freeport IL 1927L 11-Sep-1927 Rockford IL Mt Vernon South Wayne WI Juda Cemetery East Wiota Cemetery Wiota Miller Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 24-Jun-1912 28-Apr-1917 30-Jun-1902 5-Jan-1929 14-Aug-1905 6-Feb-1907 1-Jun-1916 30-Jul-1924 8-Jul-1916 29-Apr-1927 5-Dec-1905 15-Sep-1913 11-Jul-1927 1-Jul-1908 11-Dec-1918 17-Jun-1926 19-Jan-1911 7-Dec-1918 16-Feb-1917 18-Apr-1916 13-Dec-1909 22-Nov-1918 23-Apr-1925 8-Jun-1929 6-Feb-1907 4-Nov-1922 6-Feb-1924 8-Nov-1916 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe 22-Feb-1908 19-Mar-1904 4-Jan-1916 3-Mar-1920 14-Jan-1924 11-Sep-1927 Last Name Loveland Loveland Lovesee Lowe Loy Lucas Luce Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Luchsinger Ludden Ludlow Ludlow Ludlow Ludlow Ludlow Lueck Luedtke Lufgren First Name Frank Beverly G. Lizzie Veril C. Thomas Bathsheba Seneka A. Adam Christ John Samuel C, Dr Susanna Anna C. Margaret Henry Henry Mary M.O. Mary Sebastian Thomas Elsbeth Matt Robert Adam Fred Timothy Mrs. Gertrude Caroline Lucinda Henry Flora Walter Bertha Louis Other Name Thompson Springstead Kundert Miss Sanderson Bancroft Wolcott Jeske Binder 1907L 1929L 1929L 1920L 1922L 1928L 1929L 1906L 1907L 1909L 1900L 1903L 1913L 1915L 1920L 1920L 1921L 1922L 1922L 1923L 1926L 1927L 1927L 1928L 1928L 1928L 1910L 1900L 1913L 1916L 1923L 1929L 1912L 1921L 1903L Date Died 27-Aug-1907 4-Jun-1929 30-Mar-1929 9-Aug-1920 25-Jun-1928 8-Apr-1929 29-May-1906 5-Jan-1907 6-Jun-1909 23-Jun-1900 5-Sep-1903 17-Nov-1913 13-Apr-1915 23-Nov-1920 1-Mar-1920 22-Dec-1921 3-Mar-1926 18-Apr-1927 17-Sep-1927 27-Feb-1928 18-Mar-1928 11-Feb-1928 16-Jan-1910 11-Oct-1900 20-Mar-1913 24-Aug-1916 1-Oct-1923 31-May-1929 25-May-1912 31-Oct-1921 2-Oct-1903 Residence Monticello WI Milwaukee WI Monticello WI Jordan twp WI Effingham IL Brodhead WI Albany WI Appleton City MO Naperville IL Vineland NJ Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Dix IL Brodhead WI New Glarus WI Brodhead WI New Glarus WI Ripon WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Minneapolis MN Belleville Evansville Belleville Janesville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Chicago IL Chicago IL Cadiz WI County Farm Argyle area WI Cemetery or Burial Location Roscoe IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Belleville Cemetery Milwaukee M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dix IL New Glarus New Glarus Brodhead Ripon WI New Glarus M - Greenwood Crystal Lake MN Evansville Belleville M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Saucerman Seymour WI Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 27-Aug-1907 5-Jun-1929 1-Apr-1929 10-Aug-1920 10-Jul-1922 26-Jun-1928 10-Apr-1929 2-Jun-1906 6-Jan-1907 7-Jun-1909 23-Jun-1900 7-Sep-1903 18-Nov-1913 13-Apr-1915 23-Nov-1920 3-Mar-1920 22-Dec-1921 30-Dec-1922 8-Sep-1922 3-Aug-1923 3-Mar-1926 19-Apr-1927 00-Sep 1927 27-Feb-1928 20-Mar-1928 13-Feb-1928 17-Jan-1910 12-Oct-1900 20-Mar-1913 25-Aug-1916 3-Oct-1923 3-Jun-1929 25-May-1912 1-Nov-1921 3-Oct-1903 Last Name Lund Lunda Lunda Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lyford Lyman Lyman Lyman Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynn Lynn Lyons Lyons Lyons Lysaght Maaske Maaske Maass Maass Mack Mack Mack Mack Mackay Mackey Mackey Mackey Mackey Mackey Mackey First Name Mrs Anton, Mrs Elmer Ferdinand Anna Ferdinand William Clara Faith James W. Eva Margaret Simon P. Sr. Thomas A. Ole A. Spencer George Doctor E.M. Sr. William Fred Carl F. s/o Emil August F. Ophelia, Mrs Samuel, Mrs Samuel W.B. T.C.L. Harry Sarah Sarah John Catherine Norval B. Other Name Burgh Humphrey Divan White Binder 1913L 1923L 1929L 1904L 1915L 1918L 1925L 1929L 1903L 1903L 1924L 1902L 1900L 1913 L 1915L 1928L 1922L 1927L 1929L 1903L 1903M 1924M 1908L 1918M 1907M 1909M 1919M 1910M 1908M 1906M 1901M Page20 1911M 1926M 1927M Date Died 21-Aug-1913 31-May-1923 19-Sep-1929 11-Apr-1904 8-Sep-1915 8-Jan-1918 2-Oct-1925 22-Aug-1929 21-Dec-1903 2-Sep-1924 11-Jun-1902 2-Apr-1900 3-Apr-1913 20-Sep-1915 14-May-1928 1-Apr-1927 21-Feb-1929 21-Feb-1903 19-Jun-1903 11-Jan-1924 12-Dec-1908 14-May-1918 3-Mar-1907 22-Jan-1909 13-Aug-1910 6-Jul-1906 10-Nov-1901 Residence Stoughton WI Argyle area WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Elgin IL Spear Lake IA County farm Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI York twp WI Monticello WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Darlington WI Beloit WI Monroe WI 8-Mar-1911 Monroe WI 23-Mar-1926 Iowa 15-Jun-1927 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Blanchardville WI Woodlawn Argyle Old Catholic M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Rock Island IL Mt Vernon M - Greenwood Juda Cadiz Cadiz Saucerman Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Cadiz M - Greenwood East Clarno M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Beloit M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 21-Aug-1913 8-Jun-1923 20-Sep-1929 11-Apr-1904 8-Sep-1915 8-Jan-1918 3-Oct-1925 22-Aug-1929 7-Dec-1903 22-Dec-1903 3-Sep-1924 12-Jun-1902 2-Apr-1900 4-Apr-1913 25-Sep-1915 15-May-1928 10-Oct-1922 2-Apr-1927 22-Feb-1929 21-Feb-1903 19-Jun-1903 11-Jan-1924 12-Dec-1908 15-May-1918 5-Mar-1907 22-Jan-1909 12-Mar-1919 15-Aug-1910 20-May-1908 7-Jul-1906 11-Nov-1901 13-Nov-1901 8-Mar-1911 24-Mar-1926 15-Jun-1927 Last Name Macomber Madden Maddrell Maeder Maeder Magnus Magoon Mahar Mahar Mahara Maher Maher Mahle Mahle Mahley Mahlkuch Mahlkuch Mahlkuch Mahlkuck Mahlkuck Mahlkuk Maidmant Malay Malia Malia Malkow Malkow Mallote Manchester First Name Mary E. Daniel C. Hattie Freda Rosena Fritz John Richard Thomas Thomas, Mrs Frank Catherine Bernard John Adam Dorothea Margaretha Gottlieb Friedrich Louisa William Ferdinand Henry or Herman, Mrs August Wilson Mary Patrick Lena Sophia Elmer, Mrs Silas John W. Manchester-Myers Sarah ManchesterWilliams Emma Other Name Crockett Brosa Berndt Wagner Coplien Kline Binder 1928M 1926M 1917M 1911M 1912M 1928M 1904M 1903M 1909M 1924M 1924M 1926M 1909M Date Died 14-Jan-1928 2-Sep-1926 28-Dec-1917 11-Mar-1911 16-Oct-1912 10-Apr-1928 16-Jan-1904 27-Apr-1903 12-Oct-1909 28-Aug-1924 20-Sep-1924 25-Aug-1926 8-May-1909 Residence Brodhead WI Kenosha WI South Wayne WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Woodford WI Monticello WI Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI Chicago IL South Dakota South Dakota Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Milwaukee M - Greenwood M - Greenwood East Wiota Cemetery Charles City IA M - Calvary 1911lM 2-Apr-1911 Jordan twp WI 1918M 3-May-1918 Monroe WI 1921M 1-Sep-1921 Jordan twp WI 1926M 22-Oct-1926 Jordan twp WI 1927M 18-Mar-1927 Brodhead WI 1907M 27-Oct-1907 Sylvester twp WI M - Greenwood 1907M 1901M 1920M 1900M 1904M 1921M 1917M 1929M Page 3 1915M Dutch Hollow Dutch Hollow 1906M 1903M 27-Oct-1907 Sylvester twp WI 27-May-1901 Dutch Hollow WI Waukon IA 6-Jul-1900 Monroe WI 29-Mar-1904 Monroe WI 14-Apr-1921 Dundee IL 14-Oct-1917 Sylvester twp WI Albany WI 30-Jan-1901 Argyle area WI Parkston SD Jordan Cemetery Lewis Cemetery Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood Dundee IL Dutch Hollow Hillcrest Old Argyle Twin Grove WI 1-Aug-1903 South Dakota M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 16-Jan-1928 2-Sep-1926 29-Dec-1917 13-Mar-1911 16-Oct-1912 11-Apr-1928 20-Jan-1904 28-Apr-1903 13-Oct-1909 22-Sep-1924 22-Sep-1924 26-Aug-1926 10-May-1909 Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J 3-Apr-1911 4-May-1918 5-Sep-1921 22-Oct-1926 21-Mar-1927 9-Nov-1907 Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J 28-Oct-1907 28-May-1901 18-Dec-1920 6-Jul-1900 29-Mar-1904 18-Apr-1921 15-Oct-1917 28-Jan-1929 1-Feb-1901 11-Mar-1915 Monroe 29-Aug-1906 Monroe J 3-Aug-1903 Last Name Mani Mani Mani Mani Mani Manley Mannerman Manning Markel Marsh Marsh Marshall Marshall Marshall Marti Marti Marti Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Marty Marty Marty First Name Jacob, Mrs Rudy David Christ Christ, Mrs Gilbert Ben Joseph Bert Lelia Bernard George "Vice-Pres" H.H. Dick Anna Richard D Frank J. C. Nate James James W., Dr Ronald Sadie William Robert Lovina Mary Christ, Mrs Rhoda Ellen Adelia J Marie Anna Jacob Other Name Wyman Studley Brechlien Johnson Watson Fenlon Elmer Binder Page20 1905M 1911M 1921M 1923M 1922M 1920M 1920M 1911M 1907M 1922M 1918M 1925M 1929M 1919K 1917M 1916M 1905M 1906M 1905M 1916M 1919M 1917J 1920M 1920M 1920M 1923M 1925M 1926M 1928M 1928M 1909M 1904M 1916M 1910M Date Died 27-Mar-1905 23-Jun-1911 8-Jul-1921 31-Jul-1923 Residence Farmers Grove Monroe WI Dill Monroe WI Monroe WI Cuba City Dubuque IA California Chicago IL Battle Creek MI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Washington WI Blanchardville WI 1-May-1920 4-Jul-1920 4-Apr-1911 8-Mar-1907 20-May-1922 18-Aug-1918 1-Jun-1925 16-Feb-1929 3-May-1919 29-Jul-1917 Sylvester twp WI 27-Apr-1916 Schultz WI 4-Jun-1905 Madison NE. Darlington WI 13-Jan-1905 Winslow area IL 15-Apr-1916 Monroe WI 15-Apr-1919 New York City NY 26-Mar-1917 Juda WI 16-May-1920 Indiana 6-Dec-1920 Darlington WI Omaha NE 9-Feb-1923 Monroe WI 6-Apr-1925 Monroe WI 18-Feb-1926 Argyle WI 27-Feb-1928 Minnesota 30-Jun-1928 Oregon WI 30-Dec-1909 Darlington WI 19-Apr-1904 Monticello WI 13-Nov-1916 County farm 3-Sep-1910 Monticello WI Cemetery or Burial Location New Glarus M - Greenwood Old Catholic Davis IL Marion IN M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Madison NE M - Calvary Freeport IL Juda Cemetery Madison NE M - Calvary Argyle Mantorville Albany Catholic Monroe Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Paper Date 8-Nov-1901 27-Mar-1905 24-Jun-1911 8-Jul-1921 1-Aug-1923 15-Jul-1922 7-May-1920 6-Jul-1920 7-Apr-1911 8-Mar-1907 22-May-1922 19-Aug-1918 2-Jun-1925 18-Feb-1929 6-May-1919 30-Jul-1917 28-Apr-1916 5-Jun-1905 6-Feb-1906 16-Jan-1905 15-Apr-1916 16-Apr-1919 28-Mar-1917 29-May-1920 10-Dec-1920 28-Jun-1920 9-Feb-1923 8-Apr-1925 22-Feb-1926 21-Mar-1928 2-Jul-1928 31-Dec-1909 20-Apr-1904 14-Nov-1916 3-Sep-1910 Last Name Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marty Marvig Maschler Maske Maske Maso Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Massee Mathems Mathems First Name Paul Samuel Walter Elizabeth Jacob, Mrs Barbara John C. John Jacob P. Jacob Fredolin N. Edward Anna Conrad Christ Margaret Fred A. Barbara Barbara Henry Sr., Mrs Johannes Martin C. Dan, Mrs Anna Wilhelmina William J. C., Mrs Lucy Evaline Murry, Pvt Jefferson Murray Washington H.S., Mrs C. C., Mrs Harry Other Name Legler Stauffacher Stauffacher Hoesly Hoesly John Schadewald Robinson Binder 1912M 1916M 1917M 1921M 1921M 1923M 1924M 1925M 1926M 1926M 1926M 1926M 1926M 1927M 1928M 1928M 1929M 1929M 1929M 1911M 1911M 1929M 1921M 1907M 1929M 1918M 1916M 1916M 1918M 1921M 1922M 1928M Page 3 1911M 1926M Date Died 20-May-1912 8-Jan-1916 17-Jul-1917 19-Mar-1921 30-Jul-1921 4-Sep-1923 28-Mar-1924 8-Dec-1925 19-Mar-1926 15-Apr-1926 13-Mar-1926 9-Aug-1926 5-Feb-1926 29-Jan-1927 16-Mar-1928 29-Jul-1928 7-Mar-1929 28-Mar-1929 5-Jan-1929 4-Nov-1911 6-May-1911 6-Jun-1929 10-Oct-1921 9-Nov-1907 10-Jul-1929 26-Sep-1918 15-Mar-1916 11-Jun-1916 30-Jul-1918 11-Sep-1921 30-Jul-1928 17-Feb-1928 15-Sep-1907 27-Apr-1911 4-Feb-1926 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Orangeville IL Monroe WI Monticello WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery New Glarus WI Monticello WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Washington twp WI Jefferson twp WI Mt. Plesant twp WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Detroit MI Clarno WI Juda WI Illinois Iowa Blanchardville WI France Woodford WI France Blanchardville WI Oregon Albany WI Milwaukee WI Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Greenwood Graceland Wiota Cemetery Graceland Cemetery Blanchardville WI Washington Albany Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 23-May-1912 8-Jan-1916 18-Jul-1917 21-Mar-1921 1-Aug-1921 5-Sep-1923 11-Apr-1924 9-Dec-1925 20-Mar-1926 16-Apr-1926 13-Mar-1926 12-Aug-1926 5-Feb-1926 4-Feb-1927 16-Mar-1928 30-Jul-1928 7-Mar-1929 29-Mar-1929 5-Jan-1929 4-Nov-1911 8-May-1911 7-Jun-1929 14-Oct-1921 13-Nov-1907 11-Jul-1929 30-Sep-1918 16-Mar-1916 16-Jun-1916 26-Aug-1918 22-Sep-1921 13-Jan-1922 20-Feb-1928 23-Sep-1907 28-Apr-1911 8-Feb-1926 Last Name Mather Mather Mathers Mathers Mathews Mathieson Matter Mattern Mattero Matthews Mattison Matzinger Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Matzke Mau Mau Mauerman Mauermann Mauermann Mauermann First Name Chester C. Joseph John Maria M. John William Ursula Henry Valentine Jesse R. Lenora Infant son Christ, Mrs Infant of William Jr. i/s C. F. John F. Matilda Michael F. William William, Mrs Augusta Laura Regina Mary L. Rosa Dorothy M. Frank W. William Fred Fred Mrs. Harry Fredericka Herman F. William A Other Name Bailey Billy Wales Scherin Raymer Binder 1916M 1926M 1907M 1910M 1917M 1922M 1912M 1923M 1915M 1922M 1929M 1926M 1904M Date Died 1902M 1906M 1906M Page15 1908M 1904M 1908M 1912M 1915M 1911M 1921M 1924M 1927M 1929M 1929M 1915M 1923M 1905M 1912M 1910M 1927M 19-May-1902 21-May-1906 23-Apr-1906 9-Aug-1901 29-Oct-1908 25-Sep-1904 23-Apr-1908 4-Nov-1912 2-Sep-1915 23-Aug-1911 27-Mar-1921 14-Jan-1924 28-Apr-1927 28-Oct-1929 3-Jan-1929 22-Dec-1915 12-Jun-1923 4-Jun-1905 28-Feb-1912 29-Apr-1910 13-Feb-1927 28-Aug-1926 11-May-1907 10-Jun-1910 1-Mar-1917 21-Apr-1922 20-Jun-1912 18-Jan-1923 6-Jan-1915 7-Jan-1922 3-Aug-1904 Residence Danville IL Spring Grove WI Spring Grove WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Portage Brodhead WI Green Bay WI Green Bay WI Wyoming South Bend IN New Glarus WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Bethel Cemetery. M - Greenwood M - Greenwood South Bend IN New Glarus Monroe WI Barron county WI Clarno twp WI Juda WI Juda WI Juda WI Oakley WI Juda WI Juda WI Jefferson twp WI Clarno WI Jefferson twp WI Nebraska South Wayne WI Brodhead WI Twin Grove WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Cadiz twp WI M - Greenwood East Clarno Juda Cemetery Mt Vernon - J Oakley Union Mt Vernon Fairfield Cemetery East Clarno Cemetery Mt Vernon Cemetery Milford NE M - Greenwood Brodhead Oakley Union M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 12-Apr-1916 28-Aug-1926 13-May-1907 10-Jun-1910 2-Mar-1917 25-Apr-1922 Jun 21 1912 18-Jan-1923 7-Jan-1915 11-Feb-1922 4-Dec-1929 1-Jun-1926 4-Aug-1904 Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe 20-May-1902 22-May-1906 24-Apr-1906 15-Aug-1901 30-Oct-1908 26-Sep-1904 24-Apr-1908 7-Nov-1912 3-Sep-1915 24-Aug-1911 28-Mar-1921 16-Jan-1924 28-Apr-1927 29-Oct-1929 4-Jan-1929 24-Dec-1915 15-Jun-1923 8-Jun-1905 28-Feb-1912 29-Apr-1910 14-Feb-1927 Last Name Mauermann Mauermann Mauermann Maulcook Maurer Maurer Maurer Maurer Maurer Maurer Maurer Maveus Maveus Maveus Maveus Mayer Mayer Mayer Mayhew Mayhew McAlain McCaffery McCahn First Name Gustave, Mrs Leslie Esther Christ Elizabeth Ernstena Infant son Laura Reinhold E. Donald Augusta William William, Mrs William Hannah Fredrick Carl Grace Mary A. S. Susie Flossie James Keziah McCalla McCammant McCann McCann McCann McCann McCarthy McCarthy McCarty McCarty McClear Aaron C. Adeline Fred George Fred George John Michael, Mrs Henry William Amanda Other Name Jordan Veitsky Boelk Stahl Darling Howard Parks Wells Binder 1927M 1929M 1929M 1922M 1909M 1908M 1920M 1923M 1926M 1927M 1929M 1906M 1906M 1917M 1929M 1905M 1910M 1917M 1911M 1928M 1920M 1923M 1920M Date Died 12-Mar-1927 30-Dec-1929 20-Mar-1929 1903M 1915M 1918M 1918M 1921M 1921M 1904M 1904M 1904M 1905M 1908M 2-Mar-1903 6-Jul-1915 31-Jul-1918 5-Aug-1918 31-Jul-1918 5-Aug-1918 16-Nov-1904 14-Oct-1904 26-Sep-1909 28-Mar-1908 16-Mar-1920 22-Jun-1926 1-Oct-1927 4-Nov-1929 18-Jun-1906 22-Jun-1906 10-Jan-1917 16-Jul-1929 31-Aug-1905 19-Mar-1910 13-Nov-1917 28-Apr-1928 2-Feb-1920 9-Feb-1923 2-Jul-1920 Residence Cadiz twp WI Albany WI Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Rock Grove WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Evansville Jordan twp WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Juda WI Juda WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Geddes SD Monroe WI Monroe WI Shreveport LA Janesville WI Freeport IL Stanley WI Lincoln NE Monroe WI Monroe WI France France France France Monroe WI 27-Sep-1905 Janesville WI 10-Jan-1908 Brooklyn twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Albany Clarno Cemetery Hawthorne M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Eastman Cemetery Belmont Iliff Cemetery Chapel Church, Rock Grove M - Greenwood Shullsburg Shullsburg Shullsburg Shullsburg M - Calvary Catholic Cemetery Dayton Catholic Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 12-Mar-1927 31-Dec-1929 21-Mar-1929 25-Apr-1922 28-Sep-1909 28-Mar-1908 17-Mar-1920 12-Nov-1923 23-Jun-1926 1-Oct-1927 5-Nov-1929 18-Jun-1906 23-Jun-1906 11-Jan-1917 17-Jul-1929 5-Sep-1905 19-Mar-1910 15-Nov-1917 4-Nov-1911 28-Apr-1928 4-Feb-1920 9-Feb-1923 6-Jul-1920 Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Evansville 2-Mar-1903 7-Jul-1915 13-Sep-1918 13-Sep-1918 29-Sep-1921 29-Sep-1921 16-Nov-1904 14-Oct-1904 18-Jul-1904 27-Sep-1905 17-Jan-1908 Last Name McClellan McCloud McClusky McConnell McConnell McCool McCool McCool McCormack McCoy McCracken McCreedy McCreedy McCue McCue McCue McCulley McDaniel McDermott McDermott McDonnell McDowell McDowell McEathron McElligott McElligott McElwee McElwee McGee McGee McGinnis McGinnity McGlinchey McGranahan McGrath First Name Albert Alys Michael James F. J. Walter Emanuel Jane Glenn E. Gladys Aaron Melissa William Patrick Francis Francis Daughter Amos F. Thomas W, Pvt John Mary Catherine Charles Jennie John Julia Walter Charles C. Amanda John Walter Thomas John John Dennis P. Other Name Wilson Grenoble Sento Sheaon Anderson Fuller Binder 1920M 1925M 1916M 1908M 1922M 1902M 1926M 1926M 1929M 1922M 1913M 1923M 1925M 1903M 1920C 1920M 1912M 1904M 1918M 1921M 1915M 1912M 1911M 1922M 1906M 1901M 1923M 1926M 1924M 1927M 1900M 1922M 1916M 1926M 1906M Date Died 26-Mar-1925 14-Jan-1916 7-Jan-1908 31-Dec-1921 27-Jul-1902 29-Apr-1926 1-Jul-1926 29-Oct-1922 21-Nov-1913 8-Nov-1923 30-Apr-1925 Residence California Florida Monroe WI Tomah WI Darlington WI Clarno WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI Zion IL Dubuque Chicago IL Monticello WI Albany WI Adams twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Brodhead Clyde WI M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Zion IL Attica Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery 14-Jun-1920 14-Jun-1920 25-Dec-1912 12-Feb-1921 6-Jul-1915 29-Dec-1912 31-Mar-1911 1-Jul-1922 13-Apr-1906 10-Aug-1901 5-Oct-1923 21-Feb-1927 31-May-1900 17-Apr-1922 12-Dec-1915 27-Sep-1926 12-Jul-1906 Martintown WI France Albany WI Hollandale Monroe WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Clarno WI Monroe area WI Juda WI St. Paul Albany WI New Diggings County farm Hollandale Idaho Argyle WI Monroe WI Winslow IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Sturgeon Bay Mt Vernon Juda Cemetery Old Catholic H - Calvary Woodlawn Cemetery M - Calvary Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 9-Feb-1920 10-Apr-1925 15-Jan-1916 7-Jan-1908 6-Jan-1922 28-Jul-1902 29-Apr-1926 1-Jul-1926 12-Dec-1929 31-Oct-1922 22-Nov-1913 9-Nov-1923 30-Apr-1925 11-Feb-1903 15-Jun-1920 15-Jun-1920 26-Dec-1912 25-Mar-1904 31-May-1918 14-Feb-1921 15-Jul-1915 30-Dec-1912 31-Mar-1911 1-Jul-1922 14-Apr-1906 12-Aug-1901 8-Oct-1923 17-Dec-1926 21-Nov-1924 23-Feb-1927 1-Jun-1900 18-Apr-1922 14-Jan-1916 28-Sep-1926 12-Jul-1906 Last Name McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGraw McGuire McGuire McGuire McHugh McIntyre McKellar McKenzie McKerrow McKey McKillip McKillip McKinley McKnight McKnight McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLean McLean McLean McLean McLeod McLucas McMahon McMann McMann McMannes McManus First Name Anna Mary Patrick Edward John Margaret Miles William Mary Catherine William Will A., Dr Clyde B. W. A. George, Mrs Infant son Thomas J. Olive E.J., Mrs Fay Andrew H. Margaret Mary Charles H. Sarah Ann Sarah Willard C. Marian J. B. Phillip Tim Michael Sylvester N. B. Other Name Carroll Worick Welsh Tomlinson Binder 1912M 1913M 1912M 1921M 1925M 1926M 1916M 1902M 1921M 1929M 1906M 1910M 1924M 1926M 1922M 1909M 1922M 1928M 1915M 1925M 1928M 1911M 1916M 1913M 1903M 1904M 1903M 1926M 1913M 1916M 1904M 1904M 1918M 1916M 1926M Date Died 19-Jan-1912 23-May-1913 15-Feb-1912 5-Aug-1921 4-Jan-1925 26-Aug-1926 17-Jan-1902 27-Mar-1921 5-Jul-1906 4-Apr-1910 14-Jul-1924 2-Dec-1909 31-May-1928 12-Dec-1925 27-Oct-1928 2-Oct-1911 11-Jan-1913 28-Feb-1904 18-Oct-1903 7-Apr-1916 12-Mar-1904 14-Jan-1904 4-May-1918 28-Jul-1916 3-Feb-1926 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jordan twp WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Grant County WI Washington twp WI Cadiz twp WI Darlington WI Gratiot WI Monroe area WI Blanchardville WI Orfordville WI St Paul Janesville WI Willow Springs Argyle WI Florida South Wayne WI South Wayne WI Monroe WI Maryland Monroe WI Minneapolis MN Monroe WI Monroe WI Batavia NY South Dakota Wiota WI Argyle WI Argyle WI South Dakota West Allis WI Cemetery or Burial Location Calvary - Monroe Calvary Cemetery Calvary - Monroe M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary Old Calvary Darlington Blanchardville WI Catholic Cemetery. Yellowstone Catholic Staver Cemetery South Wayne WI Eastman Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood South Dakota Argyle Calvary Albany Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 20-Jan-1912 24-May-1913 16-Feb-1912 6-Aug-1921 5-Jan-1925 27-Aug-1926 7-Jul-1916 20-Jan-1902 28-Mar-1921 22-Feb-1929 13-Jul-1906 4-Apr-1910 17-Jul-1924 29-Dec-1926 13-Jan-1922 3-Dec-1909 8-Apr-1922 6-Jun-1928 25-Oct-1915 14-Dec-1925 30-Oct-1928 3-Oct-1911 18-May-1916 13-Jan-1913 23-Oct-1902 29-Feb-1904 23-Oct-1903 21-Jun-1926 17-Sep-1913 17-May-1916 18-Mar-1904 16-Jan-1904 6-May-1918 24-Aug-1916 4-Feb-1926 Last Name McNaight McNaight McNair McNair McNish McNitt McPhilips McPhillips McPhillips McPhillips McQuillan McVean McVenn McVenn McWade Meacham Meacham Meade Mears Mears Mears Mease Meboe Mechling Meehan Meeker Meeker Meeker Meenahan Meenahan Meier-Meyer Meikle Meinert Melland First Name Martha J. Cal E. D. "Burt Ed J.C. Jennie James R. Martha Martha Thomas Lavonia C. Elizabeth John John, Mrs John E. Mary E. Edward I. M. Jesse E. Jesse E. Ernest Angeline A. Gertrude Harry Arthur Mary Clinton Harriet Warren D. James Mary c/o Frank or Henry John Paton Abigail Henry Other Name Scovill Moreland Humphrey Robb Clinton Conway Dory Binder 1909M 1923M 1916M 1929M 1924M 1929M 1927M 1917M 1915M 1915M 1928M 1906M Page 1 1909M 1907M 1912M 1926M 1922M Page 6 1901M 1922M 1913 1928M 1920M 1912M 1907M 1917M 1916M 1902M 1901M Date Died 26-Jul-1909 19-May-1923 16-Jun-1916 11-Jun-1929 14-Jan-1924 13-Dec-1929 23-Dec-1927 Cemetery or Burial Location Residence Juda WI M - Greenwood Pennsylvania M - Greenwood Spring Grove twp WI Brodhead Brodhead WI Nebraska Omaha NE Brodhead WI M - Greenwood Arkansas Beloit 27-May-1915 15-Oct-1915 14-Nov-1928 9-Mar-1906 21-Aug-1907 4-Aug-1909 Monroe WI Monroe WI Woodford Elk City KS Winslow IL Winslow IL 1906M 1923M 1910M 1912M 17-Mar-1906 21-Feb-1923 0-Dec 1910 19-Feb-1912 25-May-1912 Cadiz WI 13-Jan-1926 Cadiz twp WI Janesville WI 2-Mar-1901 22-Sep-1922 19-Feb-1913 3-Dec-1928 Monroe WI Whitewater Freeport IL Brooklyn WI Maiden Rock 22-Mar-1912 County farm 26-Mar-1907 14-Dec-1917 Monroe WI 3-Dec-1916 Oak Park IL 15-Sep-1902 Monroe WI 11-May-1901 Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Marinette Albany WI Wiota twp WI M - Calvary Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 26-Jul-1909 19-May-1923 17-Jun-1916 12-Jun-1929 16-Jan-1924 14-Dec-1929 23-Dec-1927 10-Dec-1917 28-May-1915 15-Oct-1915 16-Nov-1928 10-Mar-1906 23-Aug-1907 6-Aug-1909 20-Feb-1907 25-May-1912 13-Jan-1926 13-Jan-1922 5-Mar-1901 4-Mar-1901 23-Sep-1922 19-Feb-1913 7-Dec-1928 19-May-1920 22-Mar-1912 27-Mar-1907 14-Dec-1917 4-Dec-1916 15-Sep-1902 11-May-1901 Monroe Monroe J Monroe J 17-Mar-1906 22-Feb-1923 Monroe J 23-Feb-1912 M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Woodlawn Cemetery Juda Saucerman Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Whitewater Freeport IL Darlington M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Last Name Melland Mellen Mellenberger Melvin Melvin Mendall Menehan Menehan Menehan Menor Menor Merlet Merrill Meske Messerli Messerli Messerli Messerschmidt Messmer Messmer Messmer Messmer Messmer Messmer Messmer Metcalf Metcalf Metz Mevius Mevius Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer First Name Anna J. B. Clifford E. Emma Fordyce R. Bert, Mrs Arthur George Adelia John M. Mary George Orville E. Max Fred Christian Mary Louella Alex, Mrs John Lawrence Lorenz Nettie Ella Amiel Lorine Cora Lauretta Jessie Carl Arthur Henry i/c of John Casper John Joseph Other Name Adams Higgins Youssi Gibbons Fossnight Sullivan Binder 1929M 1913M 1926M 1916M 1915M 1913M 1908M 1913M 1926M 1924M 1928M 1920M 1929M 1916M 1906M 1922M 1925M 1918M 1908M 1905M 1904M 1905M 1904M 1911M 1929M 1926M 1929M 1925M 1907M 1924M 1904M 1901M 1910M 1913M 1919M Date Died Residence 5-Nov-1929 Argyle WI 26-Apr-1926 Browntown WI Ohio 4-Jan-1915 Brooklyn WI 25-Feb-1913 Nebraska Adams twp WI 24-Apr-1913 Adams twp WI 21-Jan-1926 Argyle WI 11-Aug-1924 Brodhead WI 21-Nov-1928 Waupaca WI 24-Mar-1929 5-Jul-1916 18-Mar-1906 19-Feb-1922 10-May-1925 7-Mar-1908 19-Jul-1904 28-Feb-1904 24-Aug-1911 20-Apr-1929 7-Oct-1926 18-Apr-1929 29-Oct-1925 29-Jul-1907 23-Jul-1924 12-Dec-1904 13-Jun-1901 17-Oct-1910 25-Jun-1913 25-Mar-1919 Brodhead WI Albany WI Monroe WI Darlington WI Chicago IL Ohio Monroe WI New Mexico Jordan twp WI Jordan twp WI Argyle area WI Monroe WI San Jose CA Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Mineral Point WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe area WI Gratiot WI Monroe twp WI County farm Cemetery or Burial Location E. Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brookyn WI Mt Hope Cemetery M - Calvary Adams twp Argyle Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Beloit Orfordville Albany M - Greenwood Wash twp M - Greenwood Madison M - Calvary Probate Argyle Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Juda Cemetery Hawthorn Cemetery M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Paper Date 6-Nov-1929 19-Feb-1913 26-Apr-1926 12-Feb-1916 15-Jan-1915 26-Feb-1913 25-Apr-1913 22-Jan-1926 11-Aug-1924 23-Nov-1928 12-Aug-1920 25-Mar-1929 14-Jul-1916 19-Mar-1906 23-Feb-1922 12-May-1925 21-Oct-1918 7-Mar-1908 12-Sep-1905 19-Jul-1904 11-Apr-1905 4-Mar-1904 25-Aug-1911 20-Apr-1929 7-Oct-1926 19-Apr-1929 31-Oct-1925 30-Jul-1907 24-Jul-1924 12-Dec-1904 14-Jun-1901 20-Oct-1910 25-Jun-1913 25-Mar-1919 Last Name Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Meythaler Meythaler Meythaler Michael Michael Michael Michael Michaelis Michaelis Michaels Michaels Michaels Michaels Michaels Michel (Mikle) Micka Mickelson Middleton Mienen First Name John L. Gotfried Susan A. Albert LeRoy Rose Alma Rozena Eliza Emma J. Leroy, Mrs Orvil Erne Otto LeRoy Mary Ellen Louise Andrew Sr. Charles T. Louisa Joseph or James Charles H. Gency, Mrs Laura Fred Alvina Eli James George, Mrs Carrie Fidelia John Daughter Olaf, Mrs Arthur, Mrs Jacob, Mrs Other Name Roberts Regez Kelly Long Altoff Meythaler Bridges Hathaway Ewert Divan Loomis Fuglean Burmeister Binder 1925M 1928M 1928M 1928M 1929M 1922M 1925M 1918M 1917M 1910M 1922M 1925M 1925M 1927M 1928M 1916M 1923M 1929M Date Died 4-Jan-1925 29-Feb-1928 21-Apr-1928 5-Apr-1928 1-May-1929 4-May-1922 26-Jan-1925 8-Dec-1918 25-Jun-1917 10-May-1910 1907M 1912M 1918M 1926M 1913M 1924M 1910M 1911lM 1924H 1924M 1929M 1916M 1922M 1928M 1928M 1908M 29-Oct-1907 9-May-1912 13-Jan-1918 17-Aug-1926 25-Oct-1913 27-Feb-1924 28-Jul-1910 23-Jul-1911 21-Jul-1924 22-Jul-1924 1-Jan-1929 29-Jul-1916 8-Aug-1925 21-Jan-1925 23-Nov-1927 5-Jun-1916 19-Oct-1923 12-Jan-1929 Residence San Francisco CA County home Canada Monroe WI New Glarus WI Dodgeville Washington DC Jefferson twp WI Oakley WI Twin Grove WI Whitewater WI New Glarus WI Twin Grove WI Shirland IL Browntown WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Browntown WI Browntown WI Monroe WI Browntown WI Jefferson twp WI Brodhead WI Browntown WI Browntown WI Browntown WI Browntown WI Cadiz twp WI Twin Grove WI Chicago IL 20-May-1928 Adams twp WI 10-Feb-1928 Argyle WI Monroe area WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Madison Canada M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Union Church Durand Union M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Michael Cemetery Michael Cemetery Browntown Michael Cemetery Mt Vernon - J Brodhead Michael Cemetery Michael Cemetery Michael Cemetery Michaels Cemetery Michaels Cemetery M - Greenwood Adams Lutheran Woodlawn Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 2-Mar-1925 29-Feb-1928 24-Apr-1928 5-Apr-1928 3-May-1929 12-May-1922 29-Jan-1925 9-Dec-1918 25-Jun-1917 10-May-1910 4-Oct-1922 11-Aug-1925 22-Jan-1925 23-Nov-1927 14-Jul-1928 6-Jun-1916 20-Oct-1920 14-Jan-1929 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 29-Oct-1907 10-May-1912 14-Jan-1918 18-Aug-1926 25-Oct-1913 29-Feb-1924 28-Jul-1910 24-Jul-1911 25-Jul-1924 22-Jul-1924 2-Jan-1929 31-Jul-1916 5-Nov-1922 23-May-1928 11-Feb-1928 4-Feb-1908 Last Name Miennen Mikkelson Milan-Milem Milbrandt Milbrandt Milbrandt Milem Milem Milem Milks Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller First Name Elsie Marie Bertha Lucille Lillian August F. Martha George William Eliza F.W., Mrs Amanda Carl Dau. Ephraim Franklin Infant child Jacob John John P. Mary Ann Merrick F. Moses Albert Albert, Mrs Cyrena Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Edward Ellen Emanuel J. H., Mrs James Margaret Mina Olive Sarah Other Name Richards Brecklein Sickinger Knudson Disch Muss Campbell Binder 1926M 1922M 1905M 1916M 1924M 1926M 1909M 1921M 1922M 1921M 1906M 1908M 1902M 1906M 1905M 1901M 1905M 1900M 1906M 1907M 1906M 1907M 1910M 1918M 1911M 1910M 1911M 1911M 1911M 1910M 1916M 1910M 1913M 1916M Date Died Residence 18-Nov-1926 Sylvester twp WI Adams twp WI 5-Sep-1905 Monroe WI 10-Jan-1916 Brooklyn WI 16-May-1924 Monroe WI 13-Oct-1926 County home 2-May-1909 Monroe WI 15-Jan-1921 Aurora IL Belleville 21-Jun-1921 Twin Grove WI 12-Mar-1906 Sylvester twp WI 15-Feb-1908 Mt Pleasant twp WI Brodhead WI 23-Dec-1906 Monroe WI 30-Oct-1905 Juda WI 25-Mar-1901 Sylvester twp WI 7-Jul-1905 Browntown WI 31-May-1900 County farm 23-Mar-1906 Aplington IA 26-Jan-1907 Kansas 31-Mar-1906 Indianola IA 16-Mar-1907 Woodford 6-Aug-1910 Monroe WI 17-Nov-1918 Monroe WI 21-Sep-1911 Argyle WI Old Soldiers Home, 17-Aug-1910 Milwaukee WI 25-Sep-1911 Monroe WI 16-Aug-1911 Orangeville IL 30-Mar-1911 Monroe WI 20-Aug-1910 County farm 5-Jan-1916 Stearns Washington DC 20-Oct-1913 Freeport IL 24-Jul-1916 South Dakota Cemetery or Burial Location Winneconne Adams Cemetery Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Twin Grove Juda Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood Old Catholic Rock Grove Indianola IA Lewis Cemetery M - Calvary Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Catholic M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Freeport IL M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 19-Nov-1926 9-Jun-1922 5-Sep-1905 13-Jan-1916 17-May-1924 14-Oct-1926 3-May-1909 17-Jan-1921 11-Jul-1922 22-Jun-1921 13-Mar-1906 18-Feb-1908 10-Jun-1902 28-Dec-1906 1-Nov-1905 27-Mar-1901 8-Jul-1905 1-Jun-1900 24-Aug-1906 30-Jan-1907 11-Apr-1906 20-Mar-1907 8-Aug-1910 18-Nov-1918 29-Sep-1911 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J 19-Aug-1910 25-Sep-1911 19-Aug-1911 1-Apr-1911 22-Aug-1910 6-Jan-1916 1-Oct-1910 20-Oct-1913 25-Jul-1916 Last Name Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller First Name Stephen John F. Florence Josephine Anton Charles Mary Ann Isaac, Mrs Frances J. Augusta Julius H. Fannie Eugene Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Milliken Milliken Milliken Millington Millman Millman Millman Mills Millstaugh Mindel Miner Emmanuel, Mrs Anna Leon Emanuel Clara Laura Isaac, Rev Robert C., Dr John Hannah Matilda Lucy Edna E. Newton Ellen Peter John, Mrs Mr. Josiah Rose E. Samuel Elbert Other Name Coryell Hitchcock Marsh Zilmer Ault Hershey Pressler Lewis Painter Cunningham Hawthorne Grossman Binder 1911M 1920M 1920M 1920M 1921M 1922M 1922M 1923M 1925M 1925M 1925M 1926M 1927M Date Died 1-Mar-1911 7-Feb-1920 6-Sep-1920 5-May-1920 20-Nov-1921 1927M 1928M 1928M 1929M 1929M 1929M 1929M 1929M 1905M 1911M 1909M 1924M 1929M 1917M 1907M 1908M 1911M 1905M 1929M 1921M 1904M 5-Mar-1927 6-May-1928 9-Jan-1928 5-Jan-1929 27-Sep-1929 27-Oct-1929 Mineral Point 11-Mar-1923 13-Feb-1925 17-May-1925 14-Jun-1926 8-Sep-1927 6-Dec-1929 11-Aug-1911 1-Dec-1924 21-Apr-1929 30-May-1917 6-May-1907 12-Apr-1908 14-May-1911 26-Aug-1905 4-Sep-1929 21-Mar-1921 25-Jun-1904 Residence Monroe WI Juda WI Oneco twp WI Eugene OR California Freeport IL County farm Columbus NE Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL South Dakota Monroe WI Juda WI Winslow IL Monroe WI Orangeville IL Brodhead WI Columbus NE Freeport IL Adaza IA Sylvester twp WI Kansas City MO Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Mason City IA Darlington WI Brooklyn WI Jordan twp WI Ridgeway MO Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Juda Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Los Angeles CA Mineral Point Hurley SD M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Winslow IL M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Scotch Hill Cemetery Hurley SD M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe W.Clarno Cemetery M - Greenwood New York Hawthorne Cemetery M - Calvary Monroe Evansville M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 2-Mar-1911 7-Feb-1920 7-Sep-1920 5-May-1920 1-Dec-1921 17-Aug-1922 21-Jun-1922 14-Mar-1923 13-Feb-1925 20-May-1925 7-Jul-1925 15-Jun-1926 8-Sep-1927 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J 7-Mar-1927 7-May-1928 10-Jan-1928 7-Jan-1929 28-Sep-1929 28-Oct-1929 14-Mar-1929 9-Dec-1929 17-Feb-1905 11-Aug-1911 30-Jul-1909 4-Dec-1924 22-Apr-1929 31-May-1917 6-May-1907 13-Apr-1908 15-May-1911 28-Aug-1905 5-Sep-1929 22-Mar-1921 27-Jun-1904 Last Name Miner Miner Miner Minert Minick Misteli Misteli Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchels Moe Moen Moen Moen Moen Moen Mohn Mohns Mohns Mohns Mohns Mohns Mohns First Name William A. Mina Edgar S. Christopher Jerry Elizabeth Katherine Charles Elizabeth Ralph Thomas G. Franklin, Hon James Lois Lucina Washington Jane Cora Belle Frank O. Walter W. J. W. Mary Ann Ulrich Evelyn May Bertha Mrs Bertha Christ Ole William Augustus Frederick Samuel F. Henry Julius August, Mrs Lena Other Name Gardner Hoesly Newman McVean Wasson Dolan (Rudolf A.) Pinnow Strasser Binder 1920M 1924M 1925M 1903M 1923M 1907M 1924M 1906M 1905M 1906M 1909M 1911M 1919M 1913M 1911M 1911M 1920M 1921M 1924M 1927M 1929M 1929M Page 3 1911M 1920M 1921M 1924M 1927M 1908H 1905M 1917M 1913M 1923M 1923M 1924M Date Died 22-Jan-1924 8-Sep-1925 7-Apr-1903 17-Mar-1923 28-Dec-1907 15-Jun-1924 20-Sep-1906 16-Apr-1905 5-Mar-1906 31-Aug-1909 12-May-1911 9-Mar-1913 28-Feb-1911 12-Dec-1911 8-Jun-1920 27-Oct-1921 28-Apr-1924 29-Sep-1927 16-Apr-1929 13-Jan-1924 7-Sep-1927 16-Aug-1908 6-Mar-1905 27-May-1917 15-Oct-1913 21-Dec-1923 13-May-1923 5-Feb-1924 Residence Ridgeway MO Missouri Bethany MO Albany WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Juda WI Janesville WI Albany WI Long Beach CA Pine Bluff WY Delavan WI Avon twp WI Decatur twp WI California Argyle WI Brodhead WI Canada Argyle WI Los Angeles CA Blanchardville WI Durand IL Adams twp WI Adams twp WI Argyle WI Adams twp WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Janesville WI Juda WI Juda WI Juda WI Juda WI Cemetery or Burial Location Ridgeway MO Bethany MO West Clarno M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Long Beach CA Albany Delavan Juda Cemetery Long Beach CA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Los Angeles CA Adams Lutheran Apple Grove Adams Cemetery M - Greenwood Mt Vernon - J Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Juda Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 2-Mar-1920 23-Jan-1924 9-Sep-1925 10-Apr-1903 17-Mar-1923 30-Dec-1907 16-Jun-1924 21-Sep-1906 17-Apr-1905 6-Mar-1906 3-Sep-1909 13-May-1911 19-Apr-1919 10-Mar-1913 2-Mar-1911 14-Dec-1911 14-Jun-1920 27-Oct-1921 29-Apr-1924 00 Sep 1927 25-Mar-1929 17-Apr-1929 24-Sep-1907 6-Jun-1911 7-May-1920 23-May-1921 26-Jan-1924 7-Sep-1927 17-Aug-1908 6-Mar-1905 28-May-1917 15-Oct-1913 21-Dec-1923 14-May-1923 3-Feb-1924 Last Name Mohns Mohns Mohns Mohns Mohr Moldenhauer Moldenhauer Moldenhauer Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monahan Monahan Monahan Monahan Monahan Monahan Monahan Monahan Monahan First Name Vena Elmer Henry William Arthur Ruth W. S. Arthur Emily F. Bessie Edward John Anthony Mary John John, Mrs Mary Mary Michael Ralph James G. Monahan Monahan Monahan Monahan Monegold Monness Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monson Monteith Monteith Hugh Frank James John Jr. DeLoss John Mary J. William, Dr Zera W., Dr Georgia H. W. B. Dr. Ole Gail Mary Other Name Gloege Gibbons Beebe Russell Binder 1924M 1928M 1929M 1929M 1917M 1901M 1912M 1916M 1925M 1927M 1929M 1905M 1909M 1915M 1915M 1918M 1917M 1920M 1920M 1923M 1924M 1927M 1928M 1903M 1907M 1925M 1903M 1908M 1903M 1921M 1929M 1923M 1915M 1913M Date Died 5-Feb-1924 12-Feb-1928 31-Jan-1929 2-Dec-1929 13-Jul-1917 28-Jun-1901 17-Dec-1912 7-May-1916 7-Jan-1925 15-Oct-1927 30-Sep-1929 2-Mar-1905 2-Nov-1915 18-Nov-1915 15-Jan-1918 29-Jan-1917 6-Feb-1920 18-Jun-1920 5-Dec-1923 Residence Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Brodhead WI Florida Hampton Juda WI Juda WI Juda WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Argyle WI Monroe twp WI Amarillo TX Beloit WI Beloit WI Blanchardville WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Hampton IA 19-Dec-1924 Janesville WI 3-May-1927 Monroe WI Gratiot WI 14-Feb-1903 Washington twp WI 27-Nov-1907 Winslow area IL 13-Nov-1925 Ridgeland WI 27-Dec-1903 Monroe WI 3-Jul-1908 Monroe WI 20-Nov-1903 Monroe WI Lexington KY Monroe WI Argyle WI 11-Mar-1915 Monroe WI 8-May-1913 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Juda Cemetery Juda Cemetery Mt Vernon M - Greenwood Mt Vernon - J Juda Janesville M - Calvary A - Calvary M - Calvary Monroe Old Catholic Old Catholic St. Francis Cemetery Old Calvary Hampton IA Adams Catholic Cemetery Old Calvary Old Calvary Ridgeland WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 5-Feb-1924 13-Feb-1928 31-Jan-1929 5-Dec-1929 18-Jul-1917 28-Jun-1901 17-Dec-1916 8-May-1916 9-Jan-1925 16-Oct-1927 1-Oct-1929 2-Mar-1905 19-Apr-1909 3-Nov-1915 19-Nov-1915 16-Jan-1918 30-Jan-1917 6-Feb-1920 19-Jun-1920 7-Dec-1923 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J 21-Dec-1924 4-May-1927 30-Mar-1928 14-Feb-1903 27-Nov-1907 16-Nov-1925 28-Dec-1903 6-Jul-1908 23-Nov-1903 12-Jan-1921 29-Aug-1929 2-Nov-1923 12-Mar-1915 8-May-1913 Last Name Monteith Monteith First Name William Edward Other Name Binder Date Died Residence 1911M 16-Apr-1911 Monroe area WI 1926M 29-Oct-1926 Plymouth Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Mook Moon Mooney Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moran Moran Moreau Moreau Morehouse Moreland Moreland Morgan Morgan Morgan Moritz Moritz Moritz Morris Morris Morris Amanda Jarvis W. J. Earl Levy Delilah Charles, Mrs Charles, Mrs Emmett Eunice John J. Thomas, Mrs Earl John, Mrs Patrick A. F., Mrs Lulu Thomas Frank George Charles Charles John John Daniel H. Charles Charles, Mrs Herman Karl John, Mrs Martha Burton Edna Harvey P. Ball 1910M 1909M 1929M 1922M 1918M 1929M Page 2 1911M 1918M 1916M 1920M 1922M 1922M 1922M 1927M 1929M 1919M 1927M 1925M 1925M 1922M 1903M 1903M 1907M 1917M 1917M 1912M 1913M 1924M 1903M 1902M 1900D Chryst Blake Ritschards 5-Nov-1910 Monroe WI 15-May-1909 Browntown WI 31-Oct-1929 Dill County farm 9-Apr-1918 Los Angeles CA 7-Feb-1929 Brodhead WI South Dakota 27-Feb-1911 DeSmet SD 13-Dec-1918 Brodhead WI Orangeville IL 17-Dec-1920 Oneco WI 16-May-1922 28-May-1922 Kewanee IL 30-Apr-1922 Dubuque 29-Dec-1927 Sterling IL Winterset IA 31-Jan-1919 Adams twp WI 8-May-1927 Darlington WI 28-May-1925 Monroe WI 14-Apr-1925 Wauwatosa WI 21-Nov-1922 Atwood 9-Mar-1903 23-Sep-1907 27-Sep-1917 22-Dec-1917 14-Mar-1912 20-Mar-1913 17-Jan-1924 30-Sep-1903 7-Feb-1902 Monroe WI Albany WI Albany WI Albany WI Washington twp WI Monroe WI Washington twp WI Junction House area Junction House area estate Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Blanchardville WI Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Saucerman Cemetery J&T Monroe J Cadiz Cemetery Monroe County Cemetery Monroe Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe T Brodhead Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Orangeville IL Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Freeport IL Monroe Winterset IA Monroe Monroe T Darlington Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Wauwatosa Monroe Monroe sale of property Monroe J Monroe J Gap Cemetery Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Washington Cemetery Monroe T Washington Cemetery Monroe Monroe J Monroe J County Court Monroe J Paper Date 17-Apr-1911 1-Nov-1926 5-Nov-1910 17-May-1909 31-Oct-1929 2-Jun-1922 3-May-1918 8-Feb-1929 29-Aug-1907 2-Mar-1911 18-Dec-1918 21-Feb-1916 18-Dec-1920 20-May-1922 29-May-1922 6-Jun-1922 29-Dec-1927 16-Sep-1929 1-Feb-1919 10-May-1927 28-May-1925 15-Apr-1925 25-Nov-1922 25-Sep-1903 9-Mar-1903 24-Sep-1907 27-Sep-1917 22-Dec-1917 14-Mar-1912 20-Mar-1913 18-Jan-1924 1-Oct-1903 7-Feb-1902 3-Feb-1900 Last Name Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morrison Morrow Morse Morse Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Mosher Mosure Moulding Moyer First Name Mary Ruth Daryl William Lenora Martha Louisa John S. James Richard Melvin, Mrs Martha A. Alexander Ashford, Mrs Elizabeth Samuel Ashford Infant child Spencer Edgar Amy Amy William F. Robert C. Joseph D. Eugene Daughter George Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Thomas Ellen Jane Fannie Fred S.R., Dr Amanda Other Name Hetherington Orr Jones Kelly Binder 1902M 1902M 1913M 1925M 1925M 1928M 1929M 1916M 1916M 1922M 1909M 1917M 1904M 1907M 1904M 1904M 1915M 1913M 1919M 1920M 1921M 1922M 1923M 1928M 1906M 1916M 1912M 1903M Date Died Residence 3-Jun-1902 Indian Territory Junction House area 2-Dec-1913 Monroe twp WI 29-Mar-1925 Janesville WI 20-Jul-1925 Monroe WI 10-Jul-1928 Monroe WI 21-Oct-1929 Orangeville IL 27-Sep-1916 Monroe WI Kansas Bridgeport 29-Jul-1909 Monroe WI 17-Mar-1917 Florida 5-Mar-1904 Monroe area WI 29-Dec-1907 Monroe WI 7-Mar-1904 Monroe area WI 20-Jun-1904 Big Flats WI 27-Aug-1915 Monroe WI 30-Aug-1913 Monroe WI 7-Feb-1920 Gary IN 7-Nov-1921 Monroe WI Monroe WI 7-Apr-1923 Monroe WI 30-Jun-1928 Argyle WI 15-Dec-1905 Monroe WI 21-Mar-1916 Blanchardville WI 20-Jul-1912 Wilmette IL 3-Nov-1903 Monroe area WI 1901M 25-Jan-1901 Sylvester twp WI 1917M 12-Nov-1917 Monroe WI 1913M 2-Apr-1913 Albany WI 1913M Orangeville IL 1923M 14-Jan-1923 Monroe WI 1924M 9-Jan-1924 Orangeville IL Cemetery or Burial Location Iliff Cemetery Janesville Iliff Cemetery Iliff Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Beloit Belleville WI Franklin Cemetery Franklin Cemetery Big Flats WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Wilmette IL Austin Church Cemetery Afolkey IL Richland Cemetery M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 9-Jun-1902 7-Feb-1902 3-Dec-1913 31-Mar-1925 21-Jul-1925 13-Jul-1928 21-Oct-1929 27-Sep-1916 13-Apr-1916 18-May-1922 30-Jul-1909 23-Mar-1917 7-Mar-1904 30-Dec-1907 8-Mar-1904 23-Jun-1904 27-Aug-1915 30-Aug-1913 13-May-1919 9-Feb-1920 7-Nov-1921 Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe 26-Jan-1901 12-Nov-1917 2-Apr-1913 25-Sep-1913 15-Jan-1923 11-Jan-1924 7-Apr-1923 2-Jul-1928 2-Jan-1906 22-Mar-1916 22-Jul-1912 3-Nov-1903 Last Name Muehlentaler Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Muenich Muhlematter Mulhern Mulhern Mulhern Mulks Mullen Mullen Mullen Muller Multer Mulvihill Munger Munsell Munson Murdock Murdock Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy First Name Fred Bartholomew Child Ernest Fred Jacob, Mrs Ernest Louise Edward J. John Ellen John Gus Hannah J. Mary Nellie Margaret John Sr. Adam P. Ida William R. L.F., Mrs June Leon Daniel John C. Cornelius James Michael, Mrs Charles Dan Daughter Michael Mike Nora, Mrs Mary Other Name Burnes Belknap Berry Cleary Graham Naven Binder 1928M 1911M 1913M 1918M 1915M 1916M 1921M 1926M 1928M 1922M 1916M 1913M 1924M 1925M 1911M 1917M 1927M 1918M 1905M 1925M 1923M 1922M 1928M 1913M 1918M Page11 1903M 1909M 1918M 1918M 1916 M 1910M 1918M 1913M 1921M Date Died 14-Jun-1928 17-Jan-1911 19-Oct-1913 27-Oct-1918 29-Aug-1915 4-Jul-1916 27-Oct-1918 12-Jan-1926 10-Jun-1928 21-May-1922 7-Oct-1916 30-Nov-1913 26-Dec-1924 24-May-1925 5-Mar-1911 24-Dec-1917 21-Aug-1927 30-Nov-1918 1-Nov-1905 8-Aug-1925 4-Aug-1923 11-Mar-1922 30-Jul-1928 6-Jan-1913 2-Oct-1918 20-May-1901 27-Mar-1903 15-Mar-1909 24-May-1918 7-Aug-1918 Residence Monticello WI Monroe WI Arena France Darlington WI Washington twp WI France Calamine Argyle WI County farm Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Whitewater WI Adams twp WI Argyle WI Blanchardville WI Brodhead WI Attica WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Chicago IL Wiota WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI South Dakota 6-Jul-1910 Monroe WI Milwaukee WI 25-Sep-1913 Monroe WI Denver CO Cemetery or Burial Location Monticello M - Greenwood Arena M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood A - Calvary Benkert Cemetery M - Calvary Calvary Cemetery M - Calvary Whitewater Adams Catholic Blanchardville WI Brodhead M - Greenwood Oakwood Beloit Oregon WI East Wiota Cemetery Brodhead Old Catholic M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary Calvary Cemetery M - Calvary Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 15-Jun-1928 17-Jan-1911 20-Oct-1913 19-Nov-1918 30-Aug-1915 5-Jul-1916 4-Jun-1921 15-Jan-1926 11-Jun-1928 22-May-1922 7-Oct-1916 1-Dec-1913 27-Dec-1924 27-May-1925 6-Mar-1911 24-Dec-1917 24-Aug-1927 2-Dec-1918 4-Nov-1905 10-Aug-1925 7-Aug-1923 15-Mar-1922 31-Jul-1928 6-Jan-1913 3-Oct-1918 24-May-1901 27-Mar-1903 15-Mar-1909 28-May-1918 8-Aug-1918 22-Apr-1916 6-Jul-1910 5-Jan-1918 26-Sep-1913 16-May-1921 Last Name Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murrey Murrey Murtaugh Musich Musselman Musselman Musser Musser Musser Musser Musser Musser Musser Musser Musser Musser Musser Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers First Name Sarah Thomas J. Thomas Joseph D. Charlotte Luke C. Eugene, Mrs Susan A Margaret John Fred, Mrs James Maurice M. James Joseph Nettie Chris James W. J., Mrs Lydia Mary Mary Mary William, Mrs Robert F. Kate E. Sarah Lillian Charles John Mary Clayton Edgar W. Emma Eva Other Name Wright Kehoe Sickinger Wolf Condoe Wohlford Hunt Kelly Corson Binder 1921M 1921M 1922M 1922M 1922M 1904M 1902M 1907M 1916M 1920M 1922M 1913M 1927M 1909M 1911P 1908M 1912M 1903M 1909M 1917M 1911M 1920M 1921M 1922M 1923M 1924M 1926M 1928M 1905M 1901M 1907M 1918M 1917M 1918E 1917M Date Died Residence 20-Feb-1921 Brodhead WI 1-Nov-1921 Monroe WI Monroe WI Freeport IL 11-Jan-1922 Warren IL 25-Feb-1904 Monroe WI 17-Aug-1902 Brodhead WI 23-Jul-1907 Brodhead WI 13-Aug-1916 Monroe WI 25-Aug-1920 Monroe WI Calamine 20-Jul-1913 South Dakota 25-Dec-1927 California 19-Jul-1909 Madison WI 26-May-1911 Joliet IL 6-Sep-1908 Denver CO 28-Apr-1912 Warren IL 23-Nov-1903 Madison WI 19-Jan-1909 Ladysmith WI Kansas City KS 1-Apr-1911 Freeport IL 2-Oct-1920 Cedar Falls IA Monroe WI 00-000-1918 Kansas 4-Jul-1923 Freeport IL 28-Jan-1924 Madison WI 16-Apr-1926 Nebraska 26-Oct-1928 Sioux Falls 5Jun-Jul1905 Chicago IL 30-Nov-1901 Jefferson twp WI 20-Jan-1907 Monroe WI 18-Dec-1918 Twin Grove WI 14-Apr-1917 Twin Grove WI 8-Dec-1918 Jefferson twp WI Wheaton IL Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary St Marys Cemetery M - Calvary Albany M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Calvary Union Grove - D Brodhead Monroe Orangeville IL Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Woodland Cemetery M - Greenwood Union Church M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Brodhead Brodhead Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 25-Feb-1921 2-Nov-1921 8-May-1922 18-Apr-1922 13-Jan-1922 26-Feb-1904 21-Aug-1902 1-Aug-1907 14-Aug-1916 26-Aug-1920 10-Jun-1922 24-Jul-1913 26-Dec-1927 20-Jul-1909 27-May-1911 12-Sep-1908 30-Apr-1912 24-Nov-1903 20-Jan-1909 25-May-1917 2-Apr-1911 2-Oct-1920 12-Nov-1921 21-Apr-1922 7-Jul-1923 29-Jan-1924 23-Apr-1926 31-Oct-1928 2-Dec-1901 22-Jan-1907 19-Dec-1918 16-Apr-1917 9-Dec-1918 4-Sep-1917 Last Name Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Naef Nafzgar Nafzger First Name Father of Ben B. Samuel Elmira Austin Louise Alice Son Daniel Rosina Other Name Nafzger Nafzger Nagle Nalley Nalley Nally Nalty Nalty Nalty Nalty Nalty Nance Nance Nankavil Nankivell Neal John-Fred Gottfried Mary George William R. William, Mrs Richard Richard Patrick Patrick Walter D. G. John Mary William Irvin Nee Nee Nee Nee Nee Neeck Neff Infant of William Thomas Blanche Rean James Ralph August Hazel Carter Cramer Bradley Wenger Bridge Way Nevel Binder Date Died Residence 1915M Monroe WI 1921M 2-Oct-1921 Twin Grove WI 1927M 22-May-1927 1927M 4-Sep-1927 Freeport IL 1927M 5-Oct-1927 Milwaukee WI 1928M 8-Jan-1928 Freeport IL 1912N 9-Jun-1912 New Glarus WI 1910N 10-Jun-1910 Monroe area WI 1926N 1-Apr-1926 Decatur twp WI Cook County Hospital 1926N IL 1929N 8-May-1929 Monroe twp WI 1900N 31-Oct-1900 Monroe WI 1909N 3-Feb-1909 Monroe area WI 1927N 18-Apr-1927 Monroe twp WI 1922N 24-Jun-1922 Junction House Page 9 29-Apr-1901 1901N 29-Apr-1901 Cadiz WI 1920N St Louis MO 1923N 19-Jul-1923 St Louis MO 1924N 25-Mar-1924 Omaha 1905N 28-Dec-1905 Monroe WI 1900N 21-Mar-1900 Manitowoc WI 1918N 10-Oct-1918 Brooklyn WI 1900N 8-Apr-1900 Brooklyn WI Page 6 North Dakota 1902N 1905N 1911N 1911N 1929N 1912N 1926N 5-Dec-1902 21-Jun-1905 27-Dec-1911 25-Nov-1911 6-Aug-1929 19-Sep-1912 24-Oct-1926 Richland Center WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Medford WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Union Cemetery Oakley Cemetery Union Cemetery M - Calvary Union Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Iliff Cemetery Iliff Cemetery M - Calvary M - Calvary St Louis MO Calvary - St Louis Omaha M - Greenwood Dayton Dayton Richland Center M - Greenwood Calvary M - Greenwood Medford WI Bethel Paper Paper Date Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe 15-Jun-1915 3-Oct-1921 23-May-1927 4-Sep-1927 5-Oct-1927 9-Jan-1928 13-Jun-1912 10-Jun-1910 2-Apr-1926 Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Brooklyn Brooklyn Monroe T 2-Dec-1926 10-May-1929 31-Oct-1900 3-Feb-1909 18-Apr-1927 24-Jun-1922 29-Apr-1901 30-Apr-1901 13-Sep-1920 23-Jul-1923 26-Mar-1924 29-Dec-1905 22-Mar-1900 17-Oct-1918 11-Apr-1900 30-Oct-1907 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe 5-Dec-1902 22-Jun-1905 27-Dec-1911 25-Nov-1911 9-Aug-1929 21-Sep-1912 25-Oct-1926 Last Name Neffenegger Neffenegger Neffenegger Neffenegger Neiderhauser Neimeyer Nellis Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Ness Ness NeuenNeuenschwander Neuenschwander Neuenschwander Neuenschwander Neuenschwander Neuenschwander Neuenschwander Neuenschwander Neuenschwander Neuenschwander Newcomer Newkirk Newman Newman First Name Andrew, Mrs Daisy Ed Andrew Henry Fred Geraldine Fred Forrest A. John J. William Frederick Otto Ole Thomas S. Martha O.B. Julia Ole E Munsie Halvor M., Mrs Other Name Lathrop Hasley Gunderson Binder 1905N 1913N 1910N 1923N 1907N 1909N 1920N 1904N Page 3 191 N 1920N 1923N 1926N 1926N 1928N 1928N 1929N 1916N 1912N 1928N Date Died 25-Aug-1905 3-Mar-1913 2-May-1910 16-Jun-1923 10-Dec-1907 8-Jul-1909 8-Dec-1920 18-Sep-1904 Residence Monroe WI Monticello WI Clarno twp WI Argyle WI Gratiot WI Winslow IL Monticello WI Chicago IL Janesville WI 26-Oct-1913 Utah 10-Apr-1920 Beloit WI Brodhead WI 25-Aug-1926 Janesville WI 23-May-1928 South Wayne WI 21-Nov-1928 Argyle WI 14-Jul-1929 Argyle WI 7-May-1916 County farm 14-May-1912 New Glarus WI 15-May-1928 New Glarus WI Cemetery or Burial Location Primrose Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 25-Aug-1905 3-Mar-1913 3-May-1910 16-Jun-1923 12-Dec-1907 12-Jul-1909 11-Dec-1920 19-Sep-1904 29-Jan-1901 3-Nov-1913 12-Apr-1920 25-Sep-1923 27-Aug-1926 20-Aug-1926 25-May-1928 22-Nov-1928 15-Jul-1929 8-May-1916 18-May-1912 17-May-1928 Monticello M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Chicago IL M - Greenwood East Wiota Cemetery Albany - Catholic West Wiota Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery Yellowstone Wiota Christ, Mrs Charles Ida 1907N 27-Jan-1907 Monroe area WI 1923N 31-Dec-1922 Monroe WI 1923N Mt.Horeb WI Iliff Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T 28-Jan-1907 2-Jan-1923 27-Sep-1923 Christ 1908N 11-Apr-1908 Jordan twp WI Iliff Cemetery Monroe 11-Apr-1908 Ferdinand Mary E Susanna Jacob James, Mrs c/o Frank Gilbert K. 1925N 1926N 1928N 1907N 1920N 1906N 1907N Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Hope Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Glausen 21-Mar-1925 3-Nov-1926 23-Dec-1928 16-Jan-1907 Columbus WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Stoughton WI 18-Aug-1906 Juda WI 15-Dec-1907 Juda area WI Juda Cemetery 23-Mar-1925 3-Nov-1926 27-Dec-1928 00-00-1907 31-Dec-1920 18-Aug-1906 16-Dec-1907 Last Name Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newmiller Newmiller Newsome Nicholas Nichols Nichols Nicholson Nicklas (Nickals) Nicks Nicollier Nieder Niederhauser Niffenegger Niffenegger Niffenegger Niffenegger Niffenegger Niles Niles First Name J. J. Jefferson J. Mary Nancy V. B. S. William S. Clyde Harold W. J. J., Mrs James M. Julia Miles, Mrs Estha Ann Miles Rebecca J. Emma Elizabeth Pearl Charles Stephen John, Mrs Ella John, Mrs Carrie Arthur, Mrs Infant Son John Albert J. Talmadge Zetta Mae Delia Andrew LaVerne Sarah E. Henry, Mrs Other Name Roderick Chadwick Kilwine Stauffacher Gifford Gans Runkle Warren Chesebro Corey Carpenter Binder 1902N 1905N 1906N 1907N 1904N 1908N 1918N 1915N 1911N 1912N 1917N 1918N 1923N 1924N 1924N 1929N 1916N 1929N 1923N 1901N 1916N 1925N 1907N 1916N 1924G 1912N 1912N 1905N 1918N 1920N 1920N 1923N 1924N 1911N 1920N Date Died 16-Dec-1905 3-Mar-1906 19-Apr-1907 17-May-1904 27-Sep-1908 26-Dec-1918 19-Mar-1915 11-Mar-1911 8-Jul-1912 17-May-1917 6-Jun-1918 9-Aug-1923 21-Aug-1924 8-Feb-1929 14-Mar-1916 17-Apr-1923 20-Nov-1901 12-May-1925 21-Jan-1907 3-Mar-1924 2-Oct-1912 4-Jan-1912 6-Nov-1905 8-May-1918 18-Jun-1920 2-Sep-1920 3-May-1923 21-Feb-1924 1-Feb-1911 2-Jun-1920 Residence Juda WI Juda WI Monroe WI Juda WI Juda WI Madison WI Juda area WI Albany WI Wyoming Monroe WI Iowa Juda WI Iowa Clinton WI Juda WI Orangeville IL Browntown WI Mendota IL Gravesville WI Mississippi Albany WI Monroe Shullsburg Brodhead WI Monroe WI Iowa Lamar MO Monroe WI Argyle WI Sikeston MO Darlington WI Monroe WI Belleville WI Cemetery or Burial Location Mt Vernon Juda Cemetery Mt Vernon Ottawa IL Juda Cemetery Mt Vernon Juda Cemetery Cheyenne M - Greenwood Juda M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Cadiz Cemetery Mendota IL Albany Albany Janesville M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood Mt Pleasant IL M - Greenwood Darlington M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 18-Dec-1902 16-Dec-1905 5-Mar-1906 20-Apr-1907 18-May-1904 28-Sep-1908 27-Dec-1918 20-Mar-1915 13-Mar-1911 10-Jul-1912 17-May-1917 10-Jun-1918 9-Aug-1923 22-Aug-1924 20-Sep-1924 12-Feb-1929 15-Mar-1916 5-Apr-1929 18-Apr-1923 21-Nov-1901 29-Apr-1916 13-May-1925 22-Jan-1907 2-Nov-1916 5-Mar-1924 3-Oct-1912 13-Jan-1912 9-Nov-1905 9-May-1918 19-Jun-1920 9-Sep-1920 3-May-1923 22-Feb-1924 2-Feb-1911 3-Jun-1920 Last Name Niles Niles Niles Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Noble Noble Noble Noble Noble Noble Nobles Noe Noel Noggle Noggle Nolf Noonan Norder Norder Norder Norder Norder Norder Norder Norder Norder Norder Norder Norgard North North First Name Henry F.E. Fred C. August, Mrs Herman F., Mrs George G. Clara August F. Cary Israel J.H., Dr Elmira Wash James George Henry Lydia Anna Charles L, Capt Josiah Gordon Emma Hazel i/s Jacob Edward George, Mrs Richard Glen Emil Donald D. Rachel Jacob Sr. John Michael Minnie June Other Name Moldenhauer Holmes Lewis Morton Aeschlimann Smith Binder 1920N 1923N 1923N 1910N 1919N 1923N 1924N 1927N 1905N 1900N 1912N 1923N 1925N 1927N 1908N 1926N 1900O 1906N 1911N 1906N 1929N 1907N 1906N 1902N 1910N 1916N 1915N 1925N 1927N 1927N 1928N 1929N 1923H 1923N 1928N Date Died Residence 23-Feb-1920 Belleville WI 7-Sep-1923 Menomonie Menomonie 14-Apr-1910 Sylvester twp WI. Juda WI 25-Jul-1923 Brodhead WI 13-Mar-1924 Brodhead WI 1-Nov-1927 Sylvester twp WI 23-Mar-1905 Monroe WI Fayette 10-Mar-1912 Eau Claire WI 4-Apr-1923 Monroe WI 3-Sep-1925 Gratiot WI 7-Jun-1908 29-Nov-1926 16-Feb-1900 4-Feb-1906 27-Jan-1911 24-Nov-1906 10-Jan-1929 29-Jun-1907 11-Jun-1906 4-May-1902 13-Dec-1910 24-Feb-1916 7-Nov-1915 23-Aug-1925 24-Mar-1927 30-Dec-1927 5-May-1928 4-Mar-1929 16-Oct-1923 20-Dec-1923 7-Apr-1928 New Market IA Shullsburg Monroe WI Janesville WI Wayne MI Orangeville IL Orfordville WI Sylvester twp WI Beloit WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Evansville Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Gratiot M - Greenwood Shullsburg Franklin - Kelly Oakhill Cemetery Orfordville Dutch Hollow Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Evansville Paper Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 23-Feb-1920 11-Sep-1923 11-Sep-1923 15-Apr-1910 5-Mar-1919 25-Jul-1923 14-Mar-1924 1-Nov-1927 24-Mar-1905 27-Nov-1900 14-Mar-1912 5-Apr-1923 5-Sep-1925 11-Jun-1927 10-Jun-1908 3-Dec-1926 16-Feb-1900 5-Feb-1906 28-Jan-1911 26-Nov-1906 10-Jan-1929 1-Jul-1907 12-Jun-1906 6-May-1902 10-Jan-1910 25-Feb-1916 8-Nov-1915 24-Aug-1925 25-Mar-1927 30-Dec-1927 7-May-1928 6-Mar-1929 17-Oct-1923 20-Dec-1923 9-Apr-1928 Last Name Northrup Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Nott Noyes Nybroten Nyffenegger Nyman Nyman Oatway O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Cavanaugh Ochsner Ochsner Ocker Ocker O'Connell O'Connor O'Connor Odell Odell Odell First Name Clyde G. Alice Catherine John Katie Maggie Mary Melvin Violetta Margaret Michael K, Rev John James, Mrs John Earl, Mrs Harry Irene Signora Fred Harry Mary Callie Father Ellen Ella Catharine Albert, Dr John Michael Clara Nora James Alaida Arthur A. Charles John W. Other Name Hogan Sarzen Codde Lynn Meier McGuire Crahen Zimmerman Binder 1925N 1901N Page 6 1904N 1901N 1910N 1916N 1912N 1911N 1920N 1921N 1924N 1927N 1907N 1922N 1924N 1923N 1929N 1920N 1925N 1922O 1909O 1922O 1928O 1928O 1925O 1929O 1911O 1921O 1902O 1910O 1929O 1916O 1911O 1913O Date Died Residence 28-Mar-1925 Monroe WI 3-Mar-1901 7-Feb-1904 3-Mar-1901 10-Feb-1910 6-Mar-1916 9-Jun-1912 26-Jun-1911 2-May-1920 28-Mar-1921 22-Sep-1927 23-Mar-1907 12-May-1922 29-Jun-1924 7-Jun-1923 25-Nov-1929 9-Dec-1920 15-Apr-1925 4-Apr-1922 Cemetery or Burial Location Black River Falls Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI M - Calvary Old Catholic M - Calvary M - Calvary Monroe WI Chicago IL Waukon IA Brooklyn WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Davenport IA Albany WI Adams twp WI Darlington WI California Brodhead WI Warren IL Calvary M - Calvary Waukon IA Dayton M - Calvary M - Calvary New York Hillcrest Cemetery Adams Cemetery Darlington Brodhead Union Church Milwaukee 24-Mar-1922 Darlington WI 26-Mar-1928 Brooklyn WI 22-May-1928 Brodhead WI Chicago IL 11-Jun-1929 Woodford 19-May-1911 Orangeville IL 15-Mar-1921 Winslow IL 7-Aug-1902 Monroe WI 23-Jul-1910 Monroe area WI 4-Feb-1929 Chicago IL 16-Jul-1916 Ottawa IL 24-Jul-1911 Monroe WI 24-Jan-1913 Monroe WI M - Greenwood Baraboo Hillcrest Orangeville IL Old Calvary Cemetery M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Paper Date 30-Mar-1925 12-Feb-1901 5-Mar-1901 8-Feb-1904 4-Mar-1901 10-Feb-1910 6-Mar-1916 11-Jun-1912 26-Jun-1911 3-May-1920 29-Mar-1921 2-Dec-1924 22-Sep-1927 25-Mar-1907 12-May-1922 30-Jun-1924 15-Jun-1923 26-Nov-1929 10-Dec-1920 16-Apr-1925 6-Apr-1922 22-Jun-1909 1-Apr-1922 29-Mar-1928 23-May-1928 28-Jul-1925 12-Jun-1929 22-May-1911 18-Mar-1921 7-Aug-1902 25-Jul-1910 6-Feb-1929 17-Jul-1916 24-Jul-1911 24-Jan-1913 Last Name Odell Odermatt O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell Ohle O'Keefe Oksnee Olendorf Oliphant Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Olmstead Olsen First Name John, Mrs August, Corp Bridget Mary Mary Michael W. Robert, Mrs Mayme Margaret Mary James, Father Christ Mae H.N., Dr J. W. Charles T.A. Betsey Martha Jennie Gusta Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Andrew Caroline Christ Ed Elmer Ione Jens Mae Ole C. Sarah Sarah Infant son Esther Karine Other Name Lincks Joyce Flynn Cackler Miller Monahan Gilbertson Blunt Disch Binder 1921O 1918O 1904O 1904O 1918O 1910O 1915O 1921O 1929O 1906O 1909O 1927O 1929O 1924O 1910O 1927O 1927O 1929O 1928O 1912O Date Died 1-Oct-1921 13-Oct-1918 23-Jan-1904 2-Feb-1904 10-Jul-1918 23-Oct-1910 28-Apr-1915 29-Jan-1921 30-May-1929 30-Dec-1906 9-Oct-1909 1905O 1903D 1909O 1911O 1918O 1916O 1918O 1917O 1911O 1913O 1922O 1924O 1924O 1924O 2-Jun-1905 4-Jul-1903 26-Jul-1909 7-Apr-1911 3-May-1918 11-May-1916 15-Oct-1918 15-Oct-1917 2-Jan-1911 8-Nov-1913 18-Apr-1922 10-Mar-1924 16-Sep-1924 6-Dec-1924 29-Sep-1924 16-Dec-1910 4-Sep-1927 5-Dec-1927 31-Mar-1928 7-Jul-1912 Residence Monroe WI France Monroe WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Freeport IL Monroe WI Chicago IL County farm Mineral Point WI Chicago IL Rockford IL Indiana Apple River Woodford Brodhead WI Belleville WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Woodford WI County farm Wiota WI Beloit WI Adams twp WI Woodford WI Cambridge WI County Home Argyle WI County farm Brodhead WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Dayton Albany Cemetery M - Calvary Freeport IL M - Calvary M - Calvary Hawthorn Cemetery Old Argyle Cemetery Wiota Wiota Cemetery Charles City IA Mt Horeb Blanchardville WI East Wiota Luther Church Jordan Church East Wiota Old Argyle York twp East Luther Cemetery Jordan Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 3-Oct-1921 10-Dec-1918 23-Jan-1904 3-Feb-1904 10-Jul-1918 24-Oct-1910 29-Apr-1915 29-Jan-1921 31-May-1929 31-Dec-1906 9-Oct-1909 27-Nov-1927 25-Sep-1929 1-Oct-1924 17-Dec-1910 4-Sep-1927 5-Dec-1927 18-Sep-1929 2-Apr-1928 8-Jul-1912 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 13-Jun-1905 6-Jul-1903 27-Jul-1909 9-Apr-1911 3-May-1918 11-May-1916 16-Oct-1918 15-Oct-1917 6-Jan-1911 8-Nov-1913 22-Apr-1922 11-Mar-1924 16-Sep-1924 10-Dec-1924 Last Name Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson (Rostad) Olson-Rude Olson-Rude O'Meara O'Meara O'Meara O'Meara O'Meara O'Meara O'Neal O'Neal O'Neall O'Neil O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Niel Oppold Orber Orendorf O'Rourke O'Rourke Orr Orr Orr (Owen) Osborn Osborn First Name Peter Martin C. Margaret Son Mary Etta Ben Morgan O. Gunnil, Mrs Peter Evelyn Mabel Olga Edward Mary William Katherine William Mary Patrick T. K. Mary Cornelius, Mrs Jack Terrence Reba Anna Ethel M. George John Henry William John John James P. William Capt S. W. William, Mrs Other Name Paulson Gilmore Dolan O'Connor Woodling Dolan Lane Donnigan Binder 1925O 1926O 1927O 1927O 1928O 1928O 1929O 1929O 1916O 1915O 1915O 1920O 1927O 1928O 1929O 1929O 1929O 1908O 1902O 1925O 1901N 1911O 1916O 1923O 1911O 1900P 1912O 1925O 1926O 1926O 1926O 1928O 1916 O 1903O 1906O Date Died 10-Jul-1925 31-Dec-1926 8-Dec-1927 8-Dec-1927 25-Jan-1928 19-Jan-1928 11-Sep-1929 15-Jan-1929 1-Jan-1916 5-Nov-1915 14-May-1915 Residence Blanchardville WI Monroe WI Iowa Argyle WI Jordan twp WI Spring Valley WI Texas County home Argyle WI Brodhead WI Argyle WI Minnesota 26-Aug-1927 Monroe WI 30-Dec-1928 Round Grove 27-Apr-1929 Monroe WI 6-Sep-1927 Monroe WI 16-Sep-1908 Monroe WI Vinton IA 9-Jun-1925 Brodhead WI Coon Rapids IA 9-Jul-1911 Peoria IL 25-May-1916 Darlington WI 00-Jul-1923 Racine WI 8-Feb-1911 Coon Rapids IA 4-Jan-1900 Monroe WI Dixon IL 21-Aug-1925 Rock Grove IL 19-Jul-1926 Argyle WI 1-Dec-1926 Madison WI 15-Nov-1926 South Wayne WI 28-Mar-1928 Indiana 25-Mar-1916 South Wayne WI 4-Nov-1903 Darlington WI Canton SD Cemetery or Burial Location Blanchardville WI Yellowstone East Wiota Cemetery Apple Grove M - Greenwood West Luther Valley East Wiota Cemetery West Luther Valley Yellowstone M - Greenwood Woodlawn Monroe M - Calvary Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe M - Calvary Monroe M - Calvary Monroe M - Calvary Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Mt Hope Cemetery Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Beloit Monroe T Coon Rapids IA Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Rock Grove Cemetery Monroe Monroe Madison Monroe Wiota Cemetery Monroe Monon IN Monroe South Wayne WI Monroe T Monroe J Canton SD Monroe T Paper Date 11-Jul-1925 31-Dec-1926 8-Dec-1927 8-Dec-1927 25-Jan-1928 23-Jan-1928 13-Sep-1929 16-Jan-1929 7-Jan-1916 5-Nov-1915 21-May-1915 22-Jan-1920 26-Aug-1927 31-Dec-1928 27-Apr-1929 2-Jan-1929 7-Sep-1929 17-Sep-1908 27-Dec-1902 10-Jun-1925 19-Jan-1901 12-Jul-1911 26-May-1916 11? Jul 1923 9-Feb-1911 5-Jan-1900 9-Jan-1912 25-Aug-1925 22-Jul-1926 1-Dec-1926 15-Nov-1926 29-Mar-1928 30-Mar-1916 6-Nov-1903 19-Jan-1906 Last Name Osborn Osgood Osgood Osgood Osgood Osgood Osterbind Osterbind Osterland Ostrander Ostrander Ostrander Ostrander OstranderRichardson Oswald Oswald Ott Ott Ott Ott Ott Ott Ott Ott Ott Ott Ott Ott Otterli Otto Owens Owens Ozburn Ozburn First Name Ruth Frank B. Lewis Purdy Helen Eveland Beth John, Mrs Harry Rudolph H.J., Mrs George, Mrs Douglas H. Sarah E. John R. Matilda Casper Fannie Gottlieb Gottlob, Mrs John, Mrs Paulina Leonard Jr. Frank G. Verena J. Jacob John Jr. Emil James G. Verena Robert C. H. Eliza J. William Etta James H. Other Name Dunwiddie Wilcox Davis Herzog Feldt Ott Elmer Slear Binder 1924O 1900O 1907O 1917O 1992O 1926O Page 5 1917O 1922O 1904O 1916O 1917O 1922R Date Died 8-Oct-1924 16-Jun-1900 21-Oct-1907 4-Oct-1917 00-Jul 1922 6-Oct-1926 9-Oct-1907 10-Mar-1917 21-Jan-1922 11-Aug-1904 26-Oct-1916 11-Apr-1917 15-Sep-1922 1908O 1913O 1924O 1918O 1917O 1915O 1923O 1924O 1924O 1924O 1924O 1926O 1926O 1928O 1929O 1918O 1913O 1913O 1915O 1916O 1916O 2-Apr-1908 29-Jan-1913 1-Jun-1924 7-Aug-1918 23-Jul-1917 7-Sep-1915 13-Apr-1923 10-Jan-1924 22-Oct-1924 4-Apr-1924 15-Jul-1924 31-Mar-1926 5-Jul-1926 5-Aug-1928 21-Apr-1929 4-Apr-1918 20-Oct-1913 9-Aug-1913 28-Jun-1915 12-Jan-1916 20-Jan-1916 Residence Nebraska Florence twp Martin County MN Monroe WI Brodhead WI County home Chicago IL Chicago IL Aurora Albany area WI Monroe WI Oakley Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Postville WI Artesian SD Jefferson twp WI South Dakota New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Milwaukee WI Hooppole IL New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Portage WI Martintown WI Dixon IL Waddams Grove WI Waddams Grove WI Cemetery or Burial Location Edison NE Freeport IL Windsor M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Union Church Oakley Union M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Artesian SD M - Greenwood Artesian New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus Hooppole IL New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood Blue River Belleville Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 9-Oct-1924 19-Jun-1900 28-Oct-1907 4-Oct-1917 00-Jul 1922 6-Oct-1926 10-Oct-1907 12-Mar-1917 6-Feb-1922 12-Aug-1904 27-Oct-1916 12-Apr-1917 22-Sep-1922 Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T 3-Apr-1908 30-Jan-1913 2-Jun-1924 8-Aug-1918 23-Jul-1917 9-Sep-1915 14-Apr-1923 10-Jan-1924 3-Nov-1924 5-Apr-1924 15-Jul-1924 1-Apr-1926 7-Jul-1926 6-Aug-1928 22-Apr-1929 5-Apr-1918 20-Oct-1913 9-Aug-1913 29-Jun-1915 13-Jan-1916 21-Jan-1916 Last Name Pagel First Name Edwin Pagel Frederick, Mrs Christian Frederick William Emanuel Mary E. Benjamin Elizabeth, Mrs Grandmother Edward John Carrie Roy Warren D. Lee N., Pvt Homer Lee John B. Angeline Sidney Catherine F. S., Mrs Franklin T. Mason W.D. Mrs. Raymond F. L.B. Hannah Hannah Clifford Odel George Sarah Amanda L. Amanda L. Pagel Pagle Painter Painter Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Parker Parkinson Parkinson Parkinson Parkinson Parks Parks Parks Parlin Parlin Parmer Parmer Parmer Parris Partridge Partridge Partridge Passett Patchen Patchin Patchin Other Name Bennett Mayhew Wilmet Andrus Binder Date Died Residence 1917P 28-Jan-1917 Mt Pleasant WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Paper Date 29-Jan-1917 1918P 16-Apr-1918 Monroe WI Dutch Hollow Cemetery Monroe 18-Apr-1918 1923P 1903P 1906P 1916P 1916P 1915P 1922P 1923P 1923P 1923P 1920P 1918P 1921P 1921P 1927P 1915P 1924P 1929P 1902P 1909P 1903P Page 8 1926P 1918P 1929J 1929P 1929P 1906F 1929P Page 4 1907P Dutch Hollow Cemetery Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Clarno Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe T Michaels Cemetery Monroe J Dover IL Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Michigan Monroe T Bethel - Hawthorne Monroe J Monroe Monroe Mineral Point Monroe Mineral Point Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Eastman Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Cadiz Cemetery Monroe Mt Auburn Monroe Argyle Cemetery Monroe Argyle Cemetery Monroe Argyle Cemetery Monroe Monroe Delavan WI Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J 20-Aug-1923 30-Jun-1903 1-Mar-1906 29-Nov-1916 2-Jan-1917 8-Apr-1915 27-May-1922 11-Feb-1923 28-May-1923 9-Jun-1923 4-Oct-1918 00-___1918 00-___ 1918 2-Apr-1927 15-Jun-1915 7-May-1929 14-Feb-1903 30-Mar-1901 24-Feb-1926 7-Jan-1918 6-Jan-1929 2-Jan-1929 28-Aug-1906 28-May-1929 26-Sep-1907 Monroe WI Juda WI Clarno WI Jefferson twp WI Jefferson twp WI Browntown WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Cedar Rapids Monroe WI California France France France Madison WI Hampton IA Marshfield WI South Wayne WI Kansas City KS St. Paul MN Browntown WI Browntown WI Browntown WI Chicago IL Argyle WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Rock City IL County home Mudlavia IN Mudlavia IN 20-Aug-1920 30-Jun-1903 1-Mar-1906 1-Dec-1916 2-Jan-1916 8-Apr-1915 9-Jun-1922 12-Feb-1923 2-Jun-1923 9-Jun-1923 24-Apr-1920 28-Dec-1918 13-Aug-1921 13-Aug-1921 5-Apr-1927 26-Jun-1915 13-Aug-1924 8-May-1929 2-Aug-1902 18-Sep-1909 16-Feb-1903 1-Apr-1901 25-Feb-1926 10-Jan-1918 8-Jan-1929 7-Jan-1929 3-Jan-1929 29-Aug-1906 28-May-1929 27-Sep-1907 30-Sep-1907 Last Name Patern Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patton Patton Patton Patton Pauley Pauley Pauli Paxton Paye Paye Payne Payne Payne Payne Peabody Peacock Peacock Pearson Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck First Name Andrew Mary Thomas Louise Ranson Richard Sr. Stephen S. Stephen, Mrs Janet Jesse James A. Daniel J. Garrett J. Martha J. William William, Mrs Ernest Nancy Anna Joseph Frank Marcus Agnes Frank Charles Robert Jennie A.P. , Mr Andros Angeline Charles, Mrs. Arthur C., Rev Helene Lucinda William E. Other Name Burgy Syverson Kinlock McGranahan Kessler Langer "Zillie" Binder 1920P 1904P 1904R 1911P 1910P 1918P 1913 P 1913 P 1920P 1927P 1904P 1910P 1913P 1928P 1922P 1923P 1918P 1928P 1920P 1924P Page19 Page15 1923P 1925P 1901P 1922P 1926P 1922P 1908P 1901P 1900P 1916P 1918P 1910P 1916P Date Died 10-Aug-1920 3-Jul-1904 22-Mar-1904 6-May-1911 30-Dec-1910 30-Dec-1918 24-Jan-1913 27-Apr-1913 5-Feb-1920 17-Jun-1927 4-Aug-1904 14-Mar-1910 12-Nov-1928 9-Apr-1922 13-Dec-1918 11-Oct-1928 2-Feb-1920 1-Oct-1924 Residence Verona WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL rural Argyle WI Monroe WI Minnesota Minnesota Monroe WI Freeport IL County farm Hampton IA California Juda WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI New Glarus WI Winslow IL Monroe WI County Home 19-Apr-1923 Milwaukee WI 14-Jul-1925 Milwaukee WI 21-Oct-1901 Sylvester twp WI New Diggings 20-Jul-1926 Argyle WI 27-Mar-1922 County farm 27-Jul-1908 Monroe WI 22-Aug-1901 Cadiz WI 10-Sep-1900 Monroe WI 10-May-1916 Philadelphia PA 13-Nov-1918 Washington DC 29-Nov-1910 Clear Lake IA 16-Nov-1916 Jefferson twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe J Argyle Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Juda Monroe J Monroe T California Monroe J Mt Vernon Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Wiota Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Gap Church Cemetery Monroe J Monroe Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J Cadiz Monroe J Monroe J Philadelphia Monroe T Monroe Clear Lake, IA Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe T Paper Date 13-Aug-1920 5-Jul-1904 22-Mar-1904 8-May-1911 31-Dec-1910 30-Dec-1918 18-Feb-1913 30-Apr-1913 6-Feb-1920 18-Jun-1927 4-Aug-1904 25-Mar-1910 15-May-1913 14-Nov-1928 13-Apr-1922 20-Jul-1923 19-Dec-1918 12-Oct-1928 3-Feb-1920 2-Oct-1924 31-Oct-1901 19-Aug-1901 20-Apr-1923 15-Jul-1925 21-Oct-1901 5-May-1922 21-Jul-1926 30-Mar-1922 27-Jul-1908 23-Aug-1901 11-Sep-1900 10-May-1916 26-Nov-1918 30-Nov-1910 17-Nov-1916 Last Name Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Pedley Pehl Pehl Pehl Pehl Peluso Pember Pengra Pengra Pengra Pengra Pengra Pengra Pengra Penn Penn Penn Penn Penniston Perine Perkins Perregoy Perrine Perrine Perrine Perrine Perrine Perrine Perry First Name William E. Everett, Mrs Lemuel H. Everett E. Theodore, Mrs E. A. _________ Ed Ed George Albert R. John C., Mrs Elivira Marshal George H. Preston Wallace Nancy Winfield S. Helen, William C. Louisa J.C. George Retta Erastus Selina Calvin Elgin Erastus, Mrs Frank C. Erastus Ruth Henry J. B., Mrs Other Name probate Lyon Baldwin Chadwick Smith Smith Binder 1917P 1925P 1927P 1928P 1929P 1906P 1921P 1920B 1920P 1923P 1929P 1918P 1909P 1901P 1908P 1916P 1910P 1922P 1928P 1928P 1911P 1915P 1926P 1928P 1922P 1910S 1908P 1921P 1909P 1910P 1925P 1925P 1928P 1929P 1917P Date Died Residence 19-Dec-1925 22-May-1927 5-Nov-1928 14-Oct-1929 5-Jul-1906 12-Jun-1921 24-Nov-1920 24-Nov-1920 16-Jul-1923 6-May-1929 7-Nov-1918 20-Mar-1909 26-Jan-1901 13-May-1908 12-Sep-1916 27-Sep-1910 4-Jun-1922 22-Dec-1928 21-Jun-1928 28-May-1911 22-Jun-1915 27-Feb-1926 17-May-1928 10-Jan-1922 Fairfield WI Cadiz twp WI Jefferson twp WI Beloit WI Baraboo WI Warren IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Oakley IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Brodhead WI Stockton IL Brodhead WI Sylvester twp WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Argyle WI Creighton NE Monroe WI Browntown WI Medical Lake WA Creighton NE Los Angeles CA Kansas Janesville WI Burkett NE Green Bay 5-Oct-1908 20-Oct-1921 23-Oct-1909 8-Sep-1910 23-Jan-1925 19-May-1928 Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood Warren IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Creighton NE M - Greenwood Medical Lake WA Creighton NE Los Angeles CA Creighton NE M - Greenwood Wisner NE Mt Vernon Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 10-Dec-1917 19-Dec-1925 23-May-1927 6-Nov-1928 16-Oct-1929 7-Jul-1906 17-Jun-1921 1-Dec-1920 1-Dec-1920 17-Jul-1923 6-May-1929 7-Nov-1918 23-Mar-1909 26-Jan-1901 14-May-1908 16-Sep-1916 30-Sep-1910 11-Jun-1922 22-Dec-1928 23-Jun-1928 29-May-1911 22-Jun-1915 1-Mar-1926 21-May-1928 13-Jan-1922 9-Sep-1910 6-Oct-1908 20-Oct-1921 25-Oct-1909 9-Sep-1910 24-Jan-1925 13-Feb-1925 21-May-1928 21-Jan-1929 2-Aug-1917 Last Name Peter Peter Peterman Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Pettengill Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeister Pfeuti Pfeuti Pfisterer Pfund Pfund Pfund Pfund Pfund First Name Alfred Robert Edwin Sophia Margaret Arasmus Comfort Floyd F, Sr. Clara A. Susan Christ, Mrs C.E. Peter E. Ole Eric Ole John E. Charles C. Christian Christian Christiana Tillie George Sr. Pauline Gotlieb George, Mrs Charles Anna Ed Mrs. i/s Ernest Erhart Fred, Mrs John E. John Roy Robert G. Other Name Harper O.C. Darling Geiger Roth Zepel Kaderly Binder Date Died 1918P 26-Oct-1918 1918P 5-Nov-1918 1906P 18-Apr-1906 1905P 7-Jan-1905 1911P 1911P 1928P 1928P 1910P 1922P 1924P 1926P 1927P 1928P 1916P 1902P Page 6 1907P 1903P 1908P 1919P 1921P 1922P 1924P 1929P 1924P 1911P 1910P 1918P 1915P 1926P 1926P 1926P 1928P Residence Winslow IL Winslow IL Martintown WI Monroe WI 21-Aug-1911 2-Oct-1911 15-Nov-1928 30-Nov-1928 11-Nov-1910 9-May-1922 19-May-1924 13-Jul-1926 26-Dec-1927 13-Oct-1928 Monroe WI Monroe WI Dousman Chippewa Falls WI rural Argyle WI Minnesota Browntown WI Monroe WI Wiota WI Oneco WI Durand IL 23-Nov-1902 Monroe WI 15-Oct-1907 County farm 24-May-1903 Monroe WI 17-Mar-1908 Monroe WI Milwaukee WI 15-Nov-1922 Manchester WI 5-May-1924 Milwaukee WI 18-Mar-1929 Milwaukee WI 29-Sep-1924 27-Sep-1911 Magnolia twp WI 21-Sep-1910 Jefferson twp WI 19-Oct-1918 Brodhead WI 28-Jun-1915 Sylvester twp WI 7-Aug-1926 Monroe WI 4-Aug-1926 Monroe WI 16-Dec-1926 Madison WI 13-Jun-1928 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Madison M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Beloit M - Greenwood Adams Lutheran Jordan Cemetery East Wiota Cemetery East Wiota Cemetery East Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood Milwaukee Milwaukee M - Greenwood Milwaukee M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Forest Hill M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 26-Oct-1918 6-Nov-1918 19-Apr-1906 9-Jan-1905 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 21-Aug-1911 2-Oct-1911 16-Nov-1928 1-Dec-1928 12-Nov-1910 27-May-1922 20-May-1924 13-Jul-1926 26-Dec-1927 18-Oct-1928 20-Jan-1916 24-Nov-1902 17-Oct-1907 16-Oct-1907 25-May-1903 20-Mar-1908 13-Feb-1919 13-May-1921 16-Nov-1922 6-May-1924 19-Mar-1929 30-Sep-1924 28-Sep-1911 21-Sep-1910 21-Oct-1918 29-Jun-1915 9-Aug-1926 5-Aug-1926 17-Dec-1926 14-Jun-1928 Last Name Phelps Phelps Phelps Philbrick Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillipson Pick Pickett Pickett Pickett Pickett Pickett Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce First Name Homer Emmett Edward Byron Charles Ed Ed, Mrs Edwin Edwin, Mrs William, Mrs George William Emma J. Edward Infant child Frank John W. Lars, Mrs Oliver Henry Augustus Carrie Iva Florence Clifford U. Bertha K., Mrs Russell William H. Charles E. Elizabeth Florence Caroline Tressie Irvin Other Name Mellen Way Prien (Bierd)? Becker Luetscher Parmer Binder 1910P 1920P 1922P 1923P 1906P Page 3 Page23 1901P 1901P 1900P 1915P 1917P 1920P 1922P 1922P 1925P 1925P 1928P 1929P 1903P 1905P 1905B 1904P 1919P 1927P 1909P 1904P 1922P 1922P 1922P 1922P 1928P 1928P 1928P 1929P Date Died Residence 7-Nov-1910 Clarno twp WI 1-Jan-1920 Quinlan TX Albany WI 1-Nov-1923 Brodhead WI 30-Jul-1906 Monroe WI Browntown WI 30-Jan-1901 29-Dec-1901 15-Feb-1900 29-Dec-1915 17-Feb-1917 5-Feb-1920 16-Sep-1922 17-Feb-1922 6-Feb-1925 1-May-1925 18-Mar-1928 26-May-1929 21-Jun-1903 19-Jan-1905 12-Feb-1905 1-Sep-1904 17-May-1927 4-Jun-1909 21-May-1922 7-Apr-1922 25-May-1922 26-Mar-1922 7-Mar-1928 29-May-1928 9-Jun-1928 4-Jun-1929 Browntown WI County farm Monroe WI Monroe WI Pasadena CA Monroe WI Chicago IL Jordan Center WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Darlington WI Rudolph WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Chicago IL Belleville Mt Horeb WI Janesville WI Janesville WI Monticello WI Brodhead WI Madison WI Browntown WI Brodhead WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Quinlan TX Hawthorne Cadiz M - Greenwood Pasadena CA M - Greenwood Chicago IL M - Greenwood Orangeville Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Yellowstone Lutheran Yellowstone M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood West Side Cemetery Mt Horeb Oak Hill Cemetery Monticello M - Greenwood Forest Hill Michael Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 7-Nov-1910 9-Jan-1920 12-Jun-1922 1-Nov-1923 30-Jul-1906 31-Jan-1901 30-Dec-1901 5-Feb-1901 30-Dec-1901 16-Feb-1900 30-Dec-1915 27-Feb-1917 6-Feb-1920 21-Sep-1922 17-Feb-1922 7-Feb-1925 2-May-1925 20-Mar-1928 27-May-1929 22-Jun-1903 19-Jan-1905 13-Feb-1905 7-Sep-1904 1-Mar-1919 18-May-1927 9-Jun-1909 5-Apr-1904 22-May-1922 8-Apr-1922 26-May-1922 28-Mar-1922 8-Mar-1928 31-May-1928 11-Jun-1928 4-Jun-1929 Last Name Pietzsch Pietzsch Pike-Way Pind Pinkham Pinney Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow Pirrung Place Place Place Plantikow Plantikow Plantikow Poff Poff Poff Poff Pollock Pollock Pollock Pollock Pondow Pondow Pool First Name Walter O. George O. Fidelia J. George Elizabeth Caroline E. Robert John G. Ranil Mrs August Lib Earl Augusta Augusta Henry Anna Charles Emma Loretta Alice D. John, Mrs Charles Ida Ethel William Jacob Mary Henry Irene Elizabeth Flora Agnes Samuel Daughter Ernest Charles Other Name Highby Benson Nyman Schwartzlow Littke Busch Billings Crane Beach Mullen Adair Noble Binder 1924P 1924P 1911P 1925P 1927P 1910P 1909P 1915P 1920P 1922P 1922P 1924P 1925P 1926P 1926P 1927P 1927P 1929P 1905P 1922P 1929P 1922P 1925P 1929P 1900D 1917P 1927P 1928P 1908P 1918P 1920P 1926P 1918P 1927P 1913 Date Died 22-Apr-1924 25-Sep-1924 20-Dec-1911 21-Jul-1925 26-Nov-1927 20-Jun-1910 10-Mar-1909 30-Oct-1915 3-Feb-1920 27-Jan-1922 8-Oct-1924 16-May-1925 17-Jan-1926 17-Aug-1926 8-Sep-1927 6-Sep-1927 11-May-1905 8-Feb-1922 10-Jan-1925 14-Apr-1929 25-Feb-1917 27-Feb-1927 18-Dec-1928 22-Sep-1908 27-Apr-1920 16-Apr-1926 6-Feb-1918 25-Jan-1913 Residence Baraboo WI Monroe WI Monroe WI County farm Dill Clarno twp WI Twin Grove WI Jefferson twp WI Juda WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Twin Grove WI Orangeville IL Brodhead WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI St. Paul MN Milwaukee WI Milwaukee WI Freeport IL Brodhead WI Clarno twp WI estate Argyle WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL Michigan Rice Lake Rice Lake Monroe WI Gratiot WI Minneapolis MN Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J County farm Cemetery Monroe Blanchardville WI Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe J Oakley Union Monroe Union Cemetery Monroe Monroe Monroe Juda Cemetery Monroe Union Church Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Mt Vernon Monroe Oakley Cemetery Monroe St. Paul MN Monroe Monroe J New Hampshire Monroe Freeport IL Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe County Court Monroe J A - Calvary Monroe Woodlawn Cemetery Monroe Woodlawn Cemetery Monroe Monroe J Orangeville IL Monroe Orangeville IL Monroe Orangeville IL Monroe Orangeville IL Monroe Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe T Paper Date 23-Apr-1924 27-Sep-1924 20-Dec-1911 22-Jul-1925 26-Nov-1927 20-Jun-1910 10-Mar-1909 30-Oct-1915 4-Feb-1920 30-Jan-1922 14-Jun-1922 9-Oct-1924 16-May-1925 18-Jan-1926 19-Aug-1926 8-Sep-1927 6-Sep-1927 19-Apr-1929 11-May-1905 19-May-1922 29-Nov-1929 9-Feb-1922 12-Jan-1925 15-Apr-1929 3-Feb-1900 2-Mar-1917 1-Mar-1927 19-Dec-1928 24-Sep-1908 21-Jun-1918 28-Apr-1920 17-Apr-1926 7-Feb-1918 26-Apr-1927 27-Jan-1913 Last Name Pool Popanz Pope Pophaus Porter Porter Porter Post Potter Potter Potter Potts Potts Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powers Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Prentis Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Previe First Name Mary Dorothy Adam Will Nellie Caroline A. Alice William Susan Margaret Fred L. Eliza William James E. Rebecca Earl John, Mrs Bert A. James, Mrs David W. Harry Frank Bert A. James Ed L. Charles, Mrs Frank Lyman Carrie Theresa Susan F. Benjamin F. Elizabeth Willard B. Hannah s/o Charles Other Name Fisher Patterson South Sutherland Riem Allen Threadgold Snyder South Mackey Binder 1915P 1926P 1903P Page12 1900R 1913P 1921P 1929P Page 1 1911P 1925P 1905P 1919P 1918P 1912P 1921P 1922P 1925P 1920P 1905P 1909P 1918P 1925P 1929P 1904P 1907P 1906P 1905P 1911P 1913P 1926P 1926P 1928P 1928P Page21 Date Died Residence Omaha NE 24-Dec-1926 Albany WI 12-Aug-1903 Monroe WI 30-Nov-1900 30-Nov-1913 6-Feb-1921 24-Nov-1929 Monroe WI Monroe WI Fremont NE Brodhead WI Oak Park 4-Oct-1925 Chippewa Falls WI 19-Oct-1905 Orangeville IL 10-Feb-1919 Oneco WI Washington WI 7-Jun-1912 Iowa 16-Jun-1921 Denver CO 25-Jan-1922 Rockford IL 20-Jul-1925 Portland OR 27-Jan-1920 South Wayne WI 00 Dec 1904 Caldwell KS 10-Jan-1909 Cherokee IA 24-Feb-1918 Ames IA 21-Jan-1925 Miami FL Montana 14-Nov-1904 Brodhead WI 21-Jul-1907 Juda WI 30-Nov-1906 Monroe WI Bemidji MN 23-Aug-1913 16-Jan-1926 12-Sep-1926 8-Dec-1928 23-Dec-1928 6-Dec-1901 Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Oregon Monroe WI Monroe WI Cadiz WI Cemetery or Burial Location Hillcrest Cemetery M - Greenwood Nebraska Fremont NE M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Cherokee Denver CO Woodlawn - Argy Portland OR Monroe M - Greenwood Ames IA M - Greenwood Lewistown MT Juda Cemetery Monroe Albany Cemetery Mt Vernon - J M - Greenwood Lebanon OR M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Paper Date Monroe J 15-Jan-1915 Monroe 27-Dec-1926 Monroe J 13-Aug-1903 Monroe J 11-Jun-1901 Monroe J 1-Dec-1900 Monroe J 1-Dec-1913 Monroe 8-Feb-1921 Monroe 25-Nov-1929 Monroe J 5-Jan-1901 Monroe J 18-Oct-1911 Monroe 5-Oct-1925 Monroe 21-Oct-1905 Monroe T 13-Feb-1919 Monroe 1-Mar-1918 Monroe 8-Jun-1912 Monroe 18-Jun-1921 Monroe 3-Feb-1922 Monroe 24-Jul-1925 Monroe 28-Jan-1920 Monroe J 23-Feb-1905 Monroe J 12-Jan-1909 Monroe 26-Feb-1918 Monroe 23-Jan-1925 Monroe 15-Aug-1929 Monroe J 15-Nov-1904 Monroe J 22-Jul-1907 Monroe J 30-Nov-1906 Monroe J 10-Jul-1905 Monroe J 27-Oct-1911 Monroe J 25-Aug-1913 Monroe 18-Jan-1926 Monroe 13-Sep-1926 Monroe 10-Dec-1928 Monroe 24-Dec-1928 Monroe J 6-Dec-1901 Last Name Prien Prien Prien Priewe Provost Puempel Puffer Purcell Purcell Purcell Purcell First Name Violetta K. Etta Mae Mary Ellen Charles F. A.J., Dr Joseph Helen N. John Johana Patrick James, Mrs Purcell Purcell Purdy Purintun Purrinton Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Qualley Quam Quarberg Quentmeyer Quest James B. William Helen Corson Semour Sylvester F. Harriet Sanderson Senator Sarah Connett George B. William Thomas Andrew John, Major James, Mrs Catherine Margaret Catherine Maria Jimmy Son Daughter Herman, Mrs William Frank Quinn Quinn Quinn Rabe Rabe Rabe Rackow Rader Other Name Keen Noggle Joyce Binder 1926P 1928P 1929P 1925P 1918P 1927P 1916P 1908P 1912P 1912P 1922P Date Died 9-Jun-1926 17-Apr-1928 11-May-1929 17-May-1925 7-Jul-1918 17-Oct-1927 12-Feb-1916 7-Apr-1908 8-Apr-1912 11-Feb-1912 2-Jan-1922 Residence Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Cadiz twp WI Arkansas New Glarus WI Monroe WI Washington twp WI Washington twp WI Washington twp WI Washington twp WI 1924P 1929P 1927P 1926P 1928P 1917P 1913P 1920P 1929P 1905Q 1929Q 1922Q 1905Q 1912Q 19-Oct-1924 13-Jan-1929 4-Jun-1927 12-May-1926 8-Feb-1928 30-Jan-1917 7-Jul-1913 14-Feb-1920 3-Oct-1929 20-Jun-1905 11-Mar-1929 24-Apr-1922 1-Nov-1905 24-Sep-1912 Washington twp WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Evansville Albany WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Albany WI Argyle WI Attica WI Chicago IL 1907Q 1907Q 1903Q 1920R 1922R 1923R 1921R 1904R 3-Mar-1907 Madison WI 3-Mar-1907 Madison WI Darlington WI 14-May-1920 Orangeville IL 10-Jul-1922 Orangeville IL 26-Feb-1923 Basswood WI 19-Jan-1921 Winslow IL 24-Dec-1904 Blanchardville WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Staver Cemetery Oshkosh WI New Glarus M - Greenwood Adams Catholic Adams Catholic Adams Catholic Adams Cemetery Adams Catholic Cemetery M - Calvary M - Greenwood Evansville Mt Hope Cemetery Albany Cemetery Andrews - Lamont Attica Hillcrest Albany Galesville Madison WI Rock Grove Basswood Winslow IL M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 9-Jun-1926 17-Apr-1928 13-May-1929 18-May-1925 25-Jul-1918 17-Oct-1927 12-Feb-1916 8-Apr-1908 8-Apr-1912 12-Feb-1912 3-Jan-1922 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T 20-Oct-1924 14-Jan-1929 4-Jun-1927 14-May-1926 9-Feb-1928 31-Jan-1917 7-Jul-1913 14-Feb-1920 3-Oct-1929 24-Jun-1905 12-Mar-1929 28-Apr-1922 2-Nov-1905 25-Sep-1912 Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J 4-Mar-1907 4-Mar-1907 25-May-1903 15-May-1920 13-Jul-1922 3-Mar-1923 20-Jan-1921 26-Dec-1904 Last Name Rafter Rahberg Rame Rami Ramsey Randal Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Rasmussen Rathburn Rau Rayhorn Raymer Raymer Raymer Raymer Raymer Raymer Raymer Raymer Raymer Raymer Raymer Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Read Reagle First Name John F. Frederick Sr. Elizabeth Ulrich Mary Carlos J. W. F. J. W. F. Lola Miss Archibald N. Catherine A. Samuel (Mrs) Ezra John Cora Jesse, Mrs John John A. Donivan Freeman i/d John Levi, Mrs. Martha J. Rolland Ida Caroline Teresa Bishop T. S. D., Mrs s/o Wid William, Mrs S.D. Elizabeth Caroline Other Name Bunker Drake Divan Binder 1929R 1905R 1919R 1912R 1929R 1924R Page 3 1901R 1902R 1916R 1913R 1917R 1924R 1918R 1913R 1903R 1908R Page14 1901R 1918R 1911R 1911R 1915R 1910R 1918R 1925R 1926R 1909R 1917R 1917R 1911R 1924R 1927R Page22 1926R Date Died 22-Aug-1929 18-Oct-1905 11-Jan-1919 5-Dec-1912 17-Jul-1929 22-Jan-1924 23-Jan-1901 7-Aug-1902 16-Jul-1916 29-Oct-1913 23-Feb-1917 8-Jan-1918 21-Jan-1913 30-Oct-1903 31-Jan-1908 20-Jul-1901 20-Jul-1901 25-Apr-1918 9-Feb-1911 30-Nov-1911 29-Jun-1915 2-Jan-1910 28-Jun-1918 6-Apr-1925 20-Oct-1926 4-Dec-1909 21-Nov-1917 16-May-1917 Residence Missouri Brodhead WI Freeport IL Iowa Iowa Los Angeles CA Cemetery or Burial Location Hillcrest Albany Council Bluff IA Attica Cemetery Los Angeles CA Hiawatha KS Twin Grove WI Brodhead WI Washington Jefferson twp WI M - Greenwood Orangeville IL LaCrosse WI Winslow IL Cadiz twp WI M - Greenwood Monroe WI South Dakota Monroe area WI Rock Grove Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Seattle WA Whitewater Seattle WA Monroe WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Lincoln NE South Dakota 14-Feb-1927 Milwaukee WI 21-Dec-1901 Freeport IL 8-Sep-1926 Brodhead WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Juda Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Cadiz M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Rock Grove M - Greenwood Saucerman Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Lincoln NE Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 27-Aug-1929 19-Oct-1905 14-Jan-1919 13-Dec-1912 19-Jul-1929 30-Jan-1924 25-Jan-1901 26-Jan-1901 7-Aug-1902 17-Jul-1916 31-Oct-1913 23-Feb-1917 6-Feb-1924 8-Jan-1918 22-Jan-1913 31-Oct-1903 1-Feb-1908 22-Jul-1901 20-Jul-1901 29-Apr-1918 11-Feb-1911 1-Dec-1911 29-Jun-1915 3-Jan-1910 29-Jun-1918 8-Apr-1925 21-Oct-1926 4-Dec-1909 22-Nov-1917 18-May-1917 29-Apr-1911 11-Jan-1924 15-Feb-1927 24-Dec-1901 9-Sep-1926 Last Name Reap Reardon Reasa Rechtal Reck Reed Reed Reed Reeder Reedy Reedy Rees Reese Reese Regez Regez Regez Regez Regez Reible-Reidle Reimer Reimer Reiner Reinmann Reinmann Reiter Reitler Remington Remy Reubin Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Rhinehardt Rhoades First Name William Jr. Margaret Sam E. Ernest Carrie P. Lloyd J.L. Elmer R. Arthur Edward Edward James M. Cecile Paul, Mrs i/c August Rudi Son Ernest Emil August, Mrs Paul John F. Paul Jacob Barbara Henry Moses B.T., Capt August i/c Fred John J, Mrs Samuel C. Joseph F. M.S., Mrs Oren Other Name Nugent Duncan probate Bostian Bauman Binder 1927R 1923R 1929R 1920R 1906R 1920R 1921R 1928R 1911R 1916R 1917R 1909R 1906R 1927R Page 4 1904R 1913R 1928R 1929R 1929R 1907K 1928R Page 5 1916R 1923R 1920R 1922R 1915R 1912R 1911R 1916R 1913R 1927R 1927R 1917R Date Died 9-Mar-1927 12-Jun-1923 8-Jan-1929 25-Oct-1920 5-Aug-1920 28-Mar-1928 18-Apr-1911 21-Sep-1916 Residence Stevens Point WI South Wayne WI Albany WI Monroe twp WI Winslow IL Twin Grove WI Jefferson twp WI Twin Grove WI Avon twp WI Monroe WI 3-Jul-1909 Mt. Morris IL 22-May-1906 Albany WI Anna IL Dodgeville WI 25-Sep-1904 Monroe WI 3-Mar-1913 Blanchardville WI 31-Jul-1928 Blanchardville WI Switzerland 27-Feb-1929 Argyle WI 6-Oct-1907 Basco 10-Nov-1928 Darlington WI Mt Vernon WI 22-Aug-1916 Jordan twp WI 17-May-1923 Orangeville IL 8-Apr-1920 Beloit WI 23-Apr-1922 Beloit WI 28-Mar-1915 Juda WI 17-Nov-1912 Belleville WI 21-Sep-1911 16-Sep-1916 Monroe WI 21-Jan-1913 Texas 21-Sep-1927 Monroe WI 23-Oct-1927 California 29-Nov-1917 Merrillan Jct Cemetery or Burial Location Ft. Atkinson Gratiot Cemetery Hillcrest Albany Alfolkey Cemetery Union Cemetery Cedarville Mt Morris IL Anna IL M - Greenwood Blanchardville WI Switzerland Mayville WI Darlington M - Calvary Paoli Cemetery Bethel Bethel Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 10-Mar-1927 13-Jun-1923 9-Jan-1929 30-Oct-1920 9-Oct-1906 7-Aug-1920 21-Mar-1921 28-Mar-1928 20-Apr-1911 22-Sep-1916 19-Nov-1917 6-Jul-1909 25-May-1906 1-Sep-1927 26-Sep-1907 26-Sep-1904 4-Mar-1913 1-Aug-1928 14-Dec-1929 28-Feb-1929 8-Oct-1907 12-Nov-1928 8-Oct-1907 22-Aug-1916 17-May-1923 9-Apr-1920 26-Apr-1922 29-Mar-1915 19-Nov-1912 22-Sep-1911 16-Sep-1916 27-Jan-1913 21-Sep-1927 00 Oct 1927 30-Nov-1917 Last Name Rhoades Rhoades Rhode Rhyner Rhyner Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Richard Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richart Richmond Richmond Riebau Rieder First Name M. Perry Julia A Henry Leonard Jacob Joel Lucinda Mary Nettie Jeanette Ralph Roy Bert, Mrs Julia George W. Alfred James H., Rev Thomas, Mrs Ida Robert Anna Ellen J.S. Lydia Asa, Mrs Frances M. May E. Sidney Helen Fred Rhoda Henry Thomas C. John Herman Robert Other Name Trickel Jechnings Zwickey Gutman Sanderson Miner Hughes Binder 1924R 1926R 1905R 1921R 1927R 1903R 1918R 1913R 1912R 1924R 1926R 1927R 1929R 1916R 1919R 1904R 1903R 1912R 1912R 1925R 1922R 1929R 1908R 1912R 1917R 1917R 1911R 1922R 1922R 1929R 1922R 1920R 1922R 1910K 1905R Date Died 6-Nov-1924 15-Jul-1926 19-Jul-1905 15-Sep-1922 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Overseas Brodhead WI Monroe area WI Madison WI Monroe WI Juda WI Janesville WI Juda WI Milwaukee WI Chicago IL Juda WI Jordan twp WI Richland Center WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Belleville Spring Grove twp WI Janesville WI Spring Valley Brodhead WI Kansas Missouri Kansas Creston IA Evansville Brodhead WI 4-Sep-1920 19-Mar-1922 24-May-1910 24-Dec-1905 Cedarville Madison WI Brodhead WI Milwaukee WI Blanchardville WI 23-Dec-1927 27-Dec-1903 8-Sep-1913 22-Dec-1912 30-Jan-1926 9-Jan-1929 5-Apr-1916 19-Mar-1919 7-Mar-1904 22-Dec-1903 30-Dec-1912 6-Jul-1912 1-Mar-1925 6-Feb-1922 1-Dec-1929 13-Dec-1912 28-Sep-1917 21-Jan-1917 Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Basswood Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon - J Oak Hill Cemetery Juda Cemetery Whitewater Mt Vernon Cemetery Juda M - Greenwood Richland Center Monticello M - Greenwood Janesville Scotch Hill Cemetery Kansas Sydney IA Scotch Hill Cemetery Milwaukee Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 8-Nov-1924 16-Jul-1926 20-Jul-1905 10-Jan-1921 23-Dec-1927 28-Dec-1903 24-May-1918 8-Sep-1913 23-Dec-1912 7-Nov-1924 1-Feb-1926 3-Mar-1927 10-Jan-1929 6-Apr-1916 20-Mar-1919 11-Mar-1904 24-Dec-1903 31-Dec-1912 7-Jul-1912 2-Mar-1925 8-Feb-1922 4-Dec-1929 29-Jan-1908 26-Dec-1912 8-Oct-1917 10-Feb-1917 20-Jan-1911 17-May-1922 16-Sep-1922 31-Dec-1929 24-Feb-1922 6-Sep-1920 30-Mar-1922 25-May-1910 26-Dec-1905 Last Name Rieder Rieger Riem Riemer Riemer Riemer Riemer Riesen Rife Riggle Riley Riley Riley Rindlisbacher Rinehardt Rinehart Rinehart Rinehart Rinehart Rinehart Rinehart Rinehart Ringen Ringhan Ringhand Ringhand Rinkard Rinkard Risley Riter Riton Ritschard Ritter Ritter Ritter First Name Charles T. Charles G. F. Frank Fred Augusta Lotus V. Gottfried, Mrs J.B., Mrs John Oscar Andrew Elizabeth Arthur Anna Andrew Arthur Zelma Amelia Fred William, Mrs Albert, Mrs Martha Mary E. Herman, Mrs Herman F. James, Mrs James, Mrs Mary Ann Bridget Victor Andre Alvin Son Lena Ray Other Name Wendorf Ciliman Divan Norder Share Trickle Brurud Davis Casey Binder 1929R 1929R 1903R 1908R 1911R 1927R 1928R 1920R 1927R 1904R 1909R 1912R 1928R 1929R 1926R 1908R 1907R 1909R 1911R 1918R 1917R 1921R 1928R 1928R 1909R 1921R 1911R 1911R 1923R 1918R 1922R 1912R 1920R 1921R 1926R Date Died 17-Feb-1929 17-Jan-1929 25-Jan-1903 20-Dec-1908 8-Aug-1911 9-Oct-1927 7-May-1928 19-Mar-1920 17-Dec-1904 12-Jan-1909 27-Oct-1912 27-Apr-1928 Residence Freeport IL California Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Clarno twp WI Decatur twp WI Jordan twp WI Stockton IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI County home Rice Lake Cadiz twp WI Browntown WI Carthage MO Cadiz WI Monroe area WI Clarno WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL Brodhead WI Madison WI Dutch Hollow WI Mt Plesant twp WI Monroe WI 24-Feb-1926 24-Aug-1908 8-Dec-1907 21-Aug-1909 20-Nov-1911 29-Oct-1918 2-Dec-1917 19-Nov-1921 1-Apr-1928 29-Nov-1928 22-Jul-1909 27-Jul-1921 21-Mar-1911 21-Mar-1911 6-Jan-1923 Blanchardville WI 17-Jul-1918 Monroe twp WI Virginia 13-Jan-1912 Washington twp WI 30-May-1920 LaFayette Co WI Argyle WI 13-Jul-1926 Houston TX Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Monroe Freeport IL Monroe Orangeville IL Monroe J Monroe J Staver Cemetery Monroe J Staver Cemetery Monroe Dawson Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Stockton IL Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Mt Vernon - J Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Rice Lake Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J Hawthorne Cemetery Monroe Cadiz Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Hawthorn Monroe Orangeville IL Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Woodlawn Cemetery Monroe Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J Oneco Monroe J Monroe J M - Calvary Monroe New York Monroe Washington Cemetery Monroe J Argyle Monroe Argyle Monroe Superior Monroe Paper Date 18-Feb-1929 17-Jan-1929 28-Jan-1903 22-Dec-1908 8-Aug-1911 9-Oct-1927 7-May-1928 19-Mar-1920 9-Sep-1927 19-Dec-1904 13-Jan-1909 28-Oct-1912 27-Apr-1928 27-May-1929 24-Feb-1926 24-Aug-1908 9-Dec-1907 21-Aug-1909 21-Nov-1911 29-Oct-1918 3-Dec-1917 22-Nov-1921 3-Apr-1928 30-Nov-1928 23-Jul-1909 28-Jul-1921 21-Mar-1911 22-Mar-1911 10-Jan-1923 18-Jul-1918 20-Jun-1922 15-Jan-1912 1-Jun-1920 5-Apr-1921 13-Jul-1926 Last Name Ritzman Ritzman Ritzmann Roach Roantree Roantree Robb Robb Robb Robb Robert Roberts Roberts Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson or Robertson Roche Rockefellow Rockey Rockey Rockey Rockey First Name Christiana Martin Carl, Rev Frank William Alice Samuel Samuel Hiram Anna Anna Freeman L. Bessie F., Mrs Frederick A. Charles H. Charles Washington Anjanett Charley J. W. Bernice Fred William M. Charles H. John Wallace Jesse R.J., Rev Mary David A. David J. Kathryn Martha Other Name Smith Blum Sowers Tuller Youngblood Saxby Binder 1913R 1916R 1923R 1927R 1908R 1922R Page2 1915R 1920R 1926R 1929R 1929R 1929R 1901R 1921R 1922R Date Died Residence 20-Mar-1913 Monroe WI South Dakota 14-Mar-1923 Monroe WI 24-Apr-1927 Janesville WI 30-Jun-1908 Buchanan MI Michigan Oregon 24-May-1915 Cadiz twp WI 31-Mar-1920 Monroe WI 30-Apr-1926 Monroe WI 23-Nov-1929 Monticello WI 19-Aug-1929 Albany WI 18-Jul-1929 Madison WI 9-Apr-1901 Oakley 17-Jun-1921 Oakley 20-Mar-1922 Monroe WI 1923R 1927R 1907R 1908R 1918R 1918R 1916R 1922R 1926R 1928R 20-Apr-1923 7-Jan-1927 11-Feb-1907 7-Dec-1908 30-Jun-1918 12-Aug-1918 18-Mar-1916 20-Mar-1922 5-Apr-1926 6-Sep-1928 Spring Grove WI Browntown WI Monroe area WI County Jail Monroe WI Janesville WI California Monroe WI South Wayne WI Los Angeles CA 1910R !922R 1916R 1904R 1905 R 1905R 1915R 8-Feb-1910 Monroe WI Milwaukee WI 21-Sep-1916 Chicago IL 15-Oct-1904 Rock Grove 10-Nov-1905 Sauk Rapids MN 11-Oct-1905 Cedarville IL 17-Mar-1915 Freeport IL Cemetery or Burial Location Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Brodhead Brodhead Cadiz M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery Hillcrest Albany Mt Vernon Cemetery Oakley Union Union Hill M - Greenwood Oakley Union Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood Old Calvary M - Calvary California South Wayne WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 20-Mar-1913 1-Jun-1916 16-Mar-1923 27-Apr-1927 1-Jul-1908 7-Mar-1922 26-Aug-1907 24-May-1915 1-Apr-1920 30-Apr-1926 25-Nov-1929 19-Aug-1929 19-Jul-1929 17-Jun-1921 20-Mar-1922 Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 8-Jan-1927 11-Feb-1907 7-Dec-1908 1-Jul-1918 12-Aug-1918 31-Mar-1916 20-Mar-1922 7-Apr-1926 6-Sep-1928 Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J 8-Feb-1910 26-Jul-1922 22-Sep-1916 19-Oct-1904 14-Nov-1905 12-Oct-1905 18-Mar-1915 Last Name Rockey Rockey Rockey Rockow Rockow Rockow Rocky Roder Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roderick Roe Roe Roemer Roese Roethlisberger Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rohr Rohrer Rolfe Rolfe First Name William John, Mrs John F. Mabel August Estella William Fred Charles Elizabeth Henry Claude George, Mrs Mary E. William G. David Myrtle William J. George W. James W. Henry Clarence Pauline Gilbert E. D.R. Lizzie i/d John s/o Nathan Frank E. Nate Bernice Sebastian Joseph B. L. Mrs. William Mrs. Other Name Wait Newman Mitchell Kaderly Ausmus Garner Binder 1920R 1921R 1927R 1918R 1920R 1922R 1920C 1918R 1907R 1903R 1905R 1918R 1913R 1916R 1915R 1920R 1920R 1923R 1923R 1925R 1926R 1928R 1922R 1929R 1921R 1929R 1906R 1903R 1922R 1928R 1929R 1918R 1918R 1906R Page 3 Date Died Residence Freeport IL 24-Oct-1921 California California 17-Jun-1918 Winslow IL 27-Oct-1920 Winslow IL 12-Jul-1920 29-Jul-1907 7-Sep-1903 26-Jul-1905 16-Oct-1918 8-Mar-1913 16-Oct-1916 1-Aug-1915 31-Jan-1920 31-Jan-1920 6-May-1923 17-Sep-1923 25-May-1925 15-Mar-1926 1-Jul-1928 22-Jan-1922 29-Aug-1929 10-Jan-1906 2-Dec-1903 17-Apr-1922 Albany WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Juda WI Chicago IL Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Juda WI Oneco WI Manitou CO Brodhead WI Juda WI Clarno twp WI Twin Grove WI Oregon New York City NY Spring Grove WI LakeCity MN Clarno WI Ft Scott KS Pittsville Kansas 5-Aug-1929 Monroe WI 6-Sep-1918 Monroe WI 17-Jun-1906 Brodhead WI 3-Sep-1907 Monticello WI Cemetery or Burial Location San Diego CA San Diego CA Winslow IL Richland McConnell IL Freeport IL M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Chicago IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Colorado Springs CO M - Greenwood Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood River Falls WI M - Greenwood Chicago IL Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 13-Jul-1920 28-Oct-1921 7-Nov-1927 20-Jun-1918 30-Oct-1920 13-Jul-1920 30-Jul-1907 8-Sep-1903 27-Jul-1905 17-Oct-1918 10-Mar-1913 16-Oct-1916 2-Aug-1915 31-Jan-1920 31-Jan-1920 7-May-1923 20-Sep-1923 25-May-1925 15-Mar-1926 2-Jul-1928 24-Jan-1922 24-Dec-1929 20-Jun-1921 30-Aug-1929 11-Jan-1906 4-Dec-1903 5-May-1922 2-Jun-1928 7-Aug-1929 7-Feb-1918 6-Sep-1918 21-Jun-1906 5-Sep-1907 Last Name Rolli Roloff Rolph Rolph Rolph Ronspies Ronspies Rood Rood Rood Rood Rood Rood Rood Rood Rood Roper Rorig Rose-Blakely Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenblatt Rosensteil Rosenthal Rosenthal Rosenthal Rosenthal Rosenthal Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross First Name Gottlieb Charles Mary A. Fred William Charles Charles, Mrs Albert Albert, Mrs Chris Henry Judson L. Minerva K. Belle Harriet Arthur E John Edward David, Mrs John Louise Mary Edwin O. Lucile Infant girl Joseph Arnstena William d/o Alex Elmer Grant Duane Alex Wilhelmina Myron W. Other Name Trogner William William Wright Iseminger Leahy Corson Ackerman Krause Binder 1927R 1900D 1917R 1926R 1926R 1917R 1917R 1904R 1916R 1916R 1918R 1913R 1916R 1924R 1926R 1928R 1911R 1920R 1910R 1926R 1926R 1929R 1918R 1912R 1921R 1922R 1924R 1928R 1905R 1908R 1912R 1921R 1926R 1928R 1929R Date Died Residence 24-Dec-1927 Gratiot WI estate 10-Mar-1917 New Glarus WI 19-Oct-1926 Monticello WI 8-Mar-1926 Monticello WI 15-Jan-1917 Monroe WI 15-Jan-1917 Monroe WI 3-May-1904 Chicago IL 13-Dec-1916 California Wiota WI 29-Dec-1918 South Wayne WI 16-Feb-1913 26-Oct-1916 South Wayne WI 28-Jun-1924 Janesville WI 6-Jul-1926 Monroe WI 8-May-1928 Janesville WI 17-Jun-1911 Gratiot area WI 10-Apr-1920 Fayette 23-Sep-1910 Milwaukee WI Afolkey IL 9-Jul-1926 Afolkey IL 8-Sep-1929 New Hampshire 18-Sep-1918 Freeport IL 26-May-1912 Monroe WI 12-Mar-1921 Monroe WI Beloit WI 1-Jan-1924 Monroe WI 22-Jun-1928 Monroe WI 25-Sep-1905 Browntown WI 8-Nov-1908 Winchester IN 14-Oct-1912 Belleville WI Albany WI 11-Sep-1926 Browntown WI 11-Dec-1928 Brooklyn twp WI 13-Mar-1929 Belleville WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood County Court Monticello Monticello Old Monticello M - Greenwood Los Angeles CA East Wiota Cemetery East Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood East Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Calvary Cemetery Afolkey IL Afolkey IL Beloit, WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Albany Cadiz Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 24-Dec-1927 3-Feb-1900 16-Mar-1917 19-Oct-1926 8-Mar-1926 15-Jan-1917 15-Jan-1917 4-May-1904 19-Dec-1916 5-Dec-1916 30-Dec-1918 20-Feb-1913 26-Oct-1916 30-Jun-1924 7-Jul-1926 9-May-1928 23-Jun-1911 16-Apr-1920 24-Sep-1910 17-Aug-1926 12-Jul-1926 13-Sep-1929 19-Sep-1918 27-May-1912 15-Mar-1921 24-Jul-1922 2-Jan-1924 22-Jun-1928 26-Sep-1905 9-Nov-1908 14-Oct-1912 20-May-1921 11-Sep-1926 12-Dec-1928 14-Mar-1929 Last Name First Name Other Name Binder Date Died Residence Ross Rossing Rossiter Rossman Rote Rote Rote Rote Rote Rote Rote Rote Rote Rotenbuehler Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Rothchild Rothenbuehler Rothenbuehler Rottler Roub Roub Rourke Rourke Rouse Rouse Rouse Rowe Rowe Rowe Bessie Lars A. John George John William Anna E. Elizabeth Alvin F. William James, Mrs Mary Nathaniel A. Charles or Carl Barbara Anton, Rev Fred Infant child Donald H. Katherine Paul Rudolph Elizabeth George H, Mrs H.C. Mr Louis F. William P, Sgt Phillip W, Sgt Charles B. Mary H.A., Dr. Willie A. Mrs. William Baumgartner 1929R 1913R 1904R 1905R 1920R 1921R 1921R 1921R 1921R 1922R 1925R 1926R 1928R 1910R 1906P 1913R 1912R 1922R 1926R 1927R 1907R 1904R 1916R 1928R 1917R 1923R 1918R 1921R 1902R 1924R 1927R 1906R 1915R 1911R Monroe WI Argyle WI Brooklyn area WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI Orangeville IL Monroe area WI Janesville WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Junction City Chicago IL Freeport IL Brooklyn WI Junction House area Monroe WI Monroe WI Montana Jefferson twp WI France France New York Monroe WI Browntown WI Cleveland OH Brodhead WI Trenton NE McDowell Woodring Krueger Blumer Burns 25-Apr-1929 14-Feb-1913 18-Jan-1904 8-Dec-1905 9-Dec-1920 5-Aug-1921 24-Aug-1921 13-Feb-1921 26-Jul-1921 25-Mar-1925 21-Feb-1926 16-Dec-1928 26-Mar-1910 27-Jan-1906 20-Feb-1913 13-Sep-1912 11-Oct-1926 18-Jun-1927 9-Jul-1907 5-May-1904 15-Sep-1916 3-Jan-1928 17-Jun-1917 16-Nov-1923 28-May-1918 28-May-1918 3-Mar-1902 5-Mar-1924 22-Jan-1927 10-Mar-1906 9-Oct-1915 13-Jan-1911 Cemetery or Burial Location Washington twp Cemetery Dayton Catholic Polk M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Bethel Cemetery Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Orangeville IL M - Greenwood Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brooklyn M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Elgin IL New York M - Calvary M - Greenwood Cleveland OH Dawson Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 27-Apr-1929 15-Feb-1913 21-Jan-1904 8-Dec-1905 10-Dec-1920 6-Aug-1921 25-Aug-1921 15-Feb-1921 27-Jul-1921 26-Mar-1925 22-Feb-1926 17-Dec-1928 26-Mar-1910 29-Jan-1906 21-Feb-1913 14-Sep-1912 22-Mar-1922 12-Oct-1926 20-Jun-1927 11-Jul-1907 6-May-1904 16-Sep-1916 5-Jan-1928 18-Jun-1917 16-Nov-1923 23-Aug-1918 23-Jul-1921 4-Mar-1902 6-Mar-1924 24-Jan-1927 12-Mar-1906 11-Oct-1915 19-Jan-1911 Last Name Royce Rubendall Ruchardt Rudi (Rudy) Rudy Rueble Ruef Ruef Ruegg Ruegger Ruegger Ruegger Ruehle Ruehle Ruf Ruf Rufenacht Rufenacht Rufenacht Rufenacht Rufenacht Rufer Rufi Rufi Rugg Runkle Runkle Runkle Runkle Rupnow Rupnow Rush Rush Rush First Name Sally Israel Charles Michael Hester George R. d/o Henry Anna Jacob Edward, Capt John Edward Mabel Charles Charles Ulrich, Mrs Carl F. Ernest Martha John W. Clara John Arnold i/s Otto Robert R.H. Hugh L. C, Mrs Luther C. Cyrus William Robert Franklin Arnold Henry John Other Name Keys Michael Lubsegser Geisler Rahorn Binder Page 4 1903R 1920R 1921R 1913R 1900S 1911R 1922R 1909R 1916R 1916R 1923R 1924B 1924R 1915R 1929R 1921R 1924R 1928R 1929R 1929R 1918R 1911R 1913R 1920R 1907R 1922R 1928R 1929R 1908R 1923R 1901R 1913R 1920R Date Died 11-Feb-1901 15-Dec-1903 20-Mar-1920 14-Aug-1921 21-Feb-1913 12-May-1900 4-Sep-1911 11-Mar-1922 18-Feb-1909 12-Apr-1916 13-Mar-1916 9-May-1923 25-Dec-1924 25-Dec-1924 6-Oct-1915 30-Apr-1929 25-Oct-1921 29-Dec-1924 11-Feb-1928 6-May-1929 21-Jun-1929 27-Oct-1918 23-Jun-1911 26-Jun-1913 5-Apr-1920 18-Jan-1907 18-Apr-1922 17-May-1928 21-Jan-1929 5-Feb-1908 28-Nov-1923 7-Jan-1901 22-Jan-1913 21-Jan-1920 Residence Pittsville Orangeville IL County home New Glarus WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Arkansas Beloit WI Albany WI Monroe WI Rock Grove IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Calamine Washington twp WI Monroe area WI Jefferson twp WI Brodhead WI Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Tecumseh OK Martintown WI Orangeville IL Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Monroe J Afolkey IL Monroe J Madison Monroe New Glarus Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Darlington Monroe New Glarus Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Vernon WI Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Saucerman Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Darlington Monroe Washington Cemetery Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Orangeville IL Monroe Monroe Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe J Winslow IL Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 12-Feb-1901 16-Dec-1903 21-Mar-1920 15-Aug-1921 21-Feb-1913 12-May-1900 5-Sep-1911 13-Mar-1922 19-Feb-1909 14-Apr-1916 16-Mar-1916 10-May-1923 26-Dec-1924 26-Dec-1924 6-Oct-1915 1-May-1929 25-Oct-1921 30-Dec-1924 11-Feb-1928 7-May-1929 22-Jun-1929 28-Oct-1918 24-Jun-1911 27-Jun-1913 8-Apr-1920 19-Jan-1907 21-Apr-1922 17-May-1928 23-Jan-1929 6-Feb-1908 30-Nov-1923 29-Jan-1901 22-Jan-1913 26-Jan-1920 Last Name Rush Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Rust Rust Rust Rutsch Rutsch Ruyle Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Rybolt Saalsaa Saalsaa Saalsaa Sachs Sacker Sacker Sadler First Name Benedict Nicholas Calvin Charles H, Gen Harry W. Teresa June Eva Ernest E, Dr Julia Nelson Minnie L. Nellis Mrs Edward Edward, Mrs Anna Frank John D.C. Anna Daniel C. Mary M. C. John Patrick, Mrs Edward Lewis John Elizabeth Carey, Mrs Edward Ole N. J. D. John Bertha W. L., Mrs Other Name Morris Laird Nelson Rufi Weirich Conners Heinzelman Binder Date Died Residence 1904R 1912R 1912R 1918R 1923R 1928R 1907R 1923R 1912R 1917R 1921R 1929R 1906R 1908R 1918R 1915R 1910R 1920K 1920R 1920R 1923R 1924R 1924R 1927R 1912R 1912R 1910R 1906B 1908S 1990D 1910S 1927S 1929S 1922S Monroe WI Albany WI Berlin WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Verona ND Minnesota Jordan twp WI Jefferson twp WI New Glarus WI Clarno WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Blanchardville WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Adams twp WI Monroe WI Blanchardville WI Monroe WI County farm Winslow IL Wiota WI Blanchardville WI estate Winslow IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Clear Lake 17-Mar-1904 2-Jul-1912 22-Jan-1912 7-May-1918 18-Feb-1923 10-Dec-1928 28-May-1907 1-Jan-1923 4-Nov-1912 25-Aug-1917 11-Aug-1921 5-Jun-1929 27-Aug-1906 21-Apr-1908 14-Nov-1918 8-Feb-1915 14-Jun-1910 18-Aug-1920 14-Feb-1920 10-Jun-1923 5-Feb-1924 15-Feb-1924 14-May-1927 30-Dec-1911 8-Jan-1912 31-Oct-1910 20-Mar-1906 28-Aug-1908 2-Sep-1910 21-Feb-1927 12-Aug-1929 Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Old Calvary M - Greenwood East Lawn Cemetery Verona ND Park Rapids MN M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Champaign IL Old Calvary Adams - Catholic M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Calvary Old Catholic M - Calvary Old Calvary Blanchardville WI M - Greenwood Mankato MN Adams Lutheran County Court M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Clear Lake Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 17-Mar-1904 5-Jul-1912 23-Jan-1912 9-May-1918 19-Feb-1923 11-Dec-1928 29-May-1907 4-Jan-1923 8-Nov-1912 27-Aug-1917 12-Aug-1921 8-Jun-1929 28-Aug-1906 21-Apr-1908 14-Nov-1918 10-Feb-1915 15-Jun-1910 17-Feb-1920 19-Aug-1920 16-Feb-1920 11-Jun-1923 6-Feb-1924 16-Feb-1924 16-May-1927 2-Jan-1912 10-Jan-1912 31-Oct-1910 23-Mar-1906 1-Sep-1908 3-Feb-1900 3-Sep-1910 21-Feb-1927 13-Aug-1929 4-Mar-1922 Last Name Sadler Sager Sallee Salley Salley Salley Salzwedel Samson Samuels Samuelson Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanderson Sanderson Sandley Sandrock Santus Sarbacker Sardeson Saucerman Saucerman Saucerman Saucerman Saucerman Saucerman Saucerman First Name George Otto James Cordelia, Mrs. John John C. Ferdinand, Mrs Nicholas Edwin J. Rasmus Maria Vida Agnes Nina A. L., Mrs William, Mrs Edward Jacob Joseph Josephine Joseph L. A. John David W. Bertha Jessie, Mrs Anna Sophia Charles T. i/s Willard Jennie E John Dr. Charles Charles H. Jr. John W., Dr Luella Other Name Mahlkuch Coats Miller Luchsinger Sullivan Bradford Binder 1927S 1926S 1922S 1906S 1901S Page19 1917S 1925S 1922S 1925S 1902S 1905S 1921S 1909S 1901S 1917S 1912S 1912S 1912S 1922S 1915S 1915S 1926S 1922S 1916S 1922S 1927S 1905S 1906S 1906S 1907S 1912S 1910S 1917S 1912S Date Died 15-Dec-1927 5-Dec-1926 12-May-1922 11-Feb-1906 3-Oct-1901 Residence Albany WI Clarno twp WI Kansas Washington DC Monroe WI 8-Apr-1917 Jordan twp WI New York City NY 15-Mar-1925 County farm 16-Dec-1902 Monroe WI 30-May-1905 Peoria IL Jackson MS 1-Oct-1909 Freeport IL 3-Jul-1901 Hampton, IA 12-Dec-1917 Orangeville IL 22-Jan-1912 Iowa 24-Sep-1912 Omaha NE 4-Sep-1912 Orangeville IL 23-Jul-1915 12-Feb-1915 23-Aug-1926 3-May-1922 1-Dec-1922 14-Dec-1927 5-Dec-1905 8-Apr-1906 13-Apr-1906 5 Oct. 1907 3-Feb-1912 10-Aug-1910 2-Jul-1917 6-Dec-1912 Stateline WI Louisiana MO Freeport IL Wiota WI Lena IL New Glarus WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Freeport IL Minneapolis MN Minnesota Winslow IL Winslow IL Cemetery or Burial Location Hillcrest Cemetery M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Lewis Cemetery Durhamville Brooklyn Jackson MS Staver Saucerman Darlington Orangeville IL Elmwood Cemetery Staver Cemetery Monroe East Wiota Cemetery Lena Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Winslow IL Winslow IL Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 00-Dec 1927 6-Dec-1926 12-Feb-1906 7-Oct-1901 10-Oct-1901 9-Apr-1917 1-Jun-1925 8-Apr-1922 20-Mar-1925 17 Dec 190 2-Jun-1905 5-Dec-1921 1-Oct-1909 11-Jul-1901 14-Dec-1917 23-Jan-1912 27-Sep-1912 5-Sep-1912 14-Jul-1922 24-Jul-1915 12-Feb-1915 24-Aug-1926 12-Jun-1922 14-Nov-1916 2-Dec-1922 14-Dec-1927 6-Dec-1905 9-Apr-1906 13-Apr-1906 7-Oct-1907 3-Feb-1912 10-Aug-1910 2-Jul-1917 7-Dec-1912 Last Name Saucerman Saucerman Saucerman Saucerman First Name Martin, Dr Samuel Simon Eliza Belle Saucerman-Noble Belle Sauer Louise Leona Saunders Elizabeth Saur Henry Saur Henry, Mrs Sawin Chester, Mrs Sawyer Mabel Mrs Saxby Charles M. Scannell John Scase Fred Schadel Lucile Schadel Ira Schadel Samuel P, Col Schadewalt Anna M. Schadewalt Wilhelmina Schadt i/s Charles Schadt Alice Schaeffer Boltfison Schaeffer William, Mrs Schafer Charles A. Schaff Thomas Schaller Alex Schaller Carl Schanck Mathilda Schannon Ernest Schar Anna Barbara Schar Ella Miss Schar Frederick F. Scharer James Cemetery or Burial Location Cadiz Des Moines IA M - Greenwood LaDue Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 1-Apr-1915 27-Mar-1911 4-Dec-1916 23-May-1927 1923S 25-Apr-1923 Monroe WI 1908B 18-May-1908 Clinton IA M - Greenwood Clinton IA Monroe J Monroe J 26-Apr-1923 18-May-1908 1923S 1918S 1918S 1918S 1920T 1923S 1907S 1928S 1905S 1927S 1928S 1918S 1929S 1905S 1925S 1900T 1918S 1929S 1906S 1929S 1929S 1922S 1918S 1905S 1902S 1907S 1908S M - Calvary Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J 2-Jan-1923 31-Oct-1918 31-Oct-1918 9-Jul-1918 12-Feb-1920 31-Dec-1923 10-Oct-1907 18-May-1928 31-Oct-1905 10-Feb-1927 18-Feb-1928 16-Dec-1918 23-Jan-1929 6-Mar-1905 26-Feb-1925 1-Oct-1900 2-Sep-1918 6-Feb-1929 6-Jan-1906 19-Sep-1929 20-Aug-1929 28-Jan-1922 12-Oct-1918 3-Feb-1905 25-Jun-1902 27-Jul-1907 25-Jun-1908 Other Name Binder 1915S 1911S 1916S 1927S Bridge Bauman Goff Abe Benage Speich Stanton Isley Date Died 31-Mar-1915 26-Mar-1911 1-Dec-1916 23-May-1927 2-Jan-1923 31-Oct-1918 25-Oct-1918 9-Jul-1918 10-Feb-1920 29-Dec-1923 16-May-1928 31-Oct-1905 10-Feb-1927 18-Feb-1928 14-Dec-1918 22-Jan-1929 5-Mar-1905 25-Feb-1925 30-Sep-1900 6-Feb-1929 19-Sep-1929 19-Aug-1929 25-Jan-1922 2-Feb-1905 23-Jun-1902 26-Jul-1907 24-Jun-1908 Residence Monroe WI Des Moines IA Monroe WI Winslow IL Monroe area WI Clinton IA Clinton IA Monroe WI Chicago IL Freeport IL Helena MT Hawthorne Cemetery Warren Warren IL Orangeville IL Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Cadiz twp WI Jefferson twp WI Twin Grove WI Browntown WI Waukesha WI Lake Geneva WI Zion City Barneveld Paoli Nora IL Idaho Monroe WI Storm Lake IA Monroe WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Twin Grove Twin Grove Cemetery Waukesha M - Greenwood Monroe Barneveld Cemetery Chelsen Cemetery Last Name Scharer Scharer Scharr Scheidegger Schellenger Schempp Schenkel Schenkel Schenkel Schertenlieb Schertenlieb Schesser Schiess Schiesser Schiesser Schild Schild Schillen Schillinger Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler Schindler First Name James, Mrs Minnie Minnie Fred Buelah William F. Walter Fred Rudolph John John, Mrs Mary Bertha Rudolph Gabriel Andrew, Mrs Esther E. Henry William John Henry Mary E. Mary William Andrew Jr. Gabriel, Mrs Henry B Jacob Katherine Alice Jacob J. Gabriel Barbara Mary Henry, Mrs Rose Other Name Blumer Kaempfer Hoesly Burgy Binder 1901S Page 4 1911S 1903S 1902S 1929S 1912S 1924S 1924S 1909S 1909S 1924S 1929S 1918S 1922S 1927S 1927S 1902S 1912S 1902S 1906S 1905S 1900S 1911S 1912S 1912S 1910S 1918S 1921S 1923S 1923S 1925S 1925S 1926S 1927S Date Died Residence 7-Feb-1901 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood 30-Jan-1911 5-Feb-1903 28-Jun-1902 30-Jan-1929 26-Nov-1912 25-May-1924 1-May-1924 3-Sep-1909 22-Apr-1909 11-Mar-1924 3-Mar-1929 8-Apr-1918 17-Jan-1922 21-Oct-1927 21-Oct-1927 4-Sep-1902 10-May-1912 20-Sep-1902 14-Dec-1906 14-Dec-1905 1-Dec-1900 25-Dec-1911 4-Oct-1912 24-Jan-1912 6-Oct-1910 11-Feb-1918 3-May-1921 5-Jan-1923 21-Dec-1923 18-Apr-1925 24-Jul-1925 9-Mar-1926 11-Sep-1927 Winslow IL Monroe WI Wiota WI Brodhead WI Gratiot WI Gratiot WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Washington twp WI Argyle WI Monroe WI Switzerland Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Mineral Point WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Hampton IA Monroe WI Grand Rapids MI Monroe WI New Glarus WI California Monroe WI Chippewa Falls WI Milwaukee WI New Glarus WI California California Waterloo IA Monroe WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Argyle Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mineral Point M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Michigan M - Greenwood New Glarus Oakland CA New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Milwaukee Oakland CA Santa Barbara CA M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 7-Feb-1901 9-Feb-1901 31-Jan-1911 5-Feb-1903 5-Jul-1902 31-Jan-1929 27-Nov-1912 27-May-1924 2-May-1924 4-Sep-1909 22-Apr-1909 11-Mar-1924 4-Mar-1929 9-Apr-1918 23-Feb-1922 22-Oct-1927 22-Oct-1927 5-Sep-1902 11-May-1912 20-Sep-1902 15-Dec-1906 15-Dec-1905 1-Dec-1900 26-Dec-1911 5-Oct-1912 25-Jan-1912 6-Oct-1910 12-Feb-1918 4-May-1921 5-Jan-1923 26-Dec-1923 24-Apr-1925 27-Jul-1925 10-Mar-1926 11-Sep-1927 Last Name Schindler Schindler Schlatter Schleisner Schleisner Schliem Schlittler Schlosser Schmerse Schmerze Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmid Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt First Name Anna Emma J. Albert Mary August William, Mrs Melchor Anton Herman d/o Gustave John P. Albert Britie Elise Regina Sam Matt Edith Arthur L. Alvin, Mrs Anna Frederick C. Math Z. John Henry Adam Anton Gilg d/o A. C. Margaret Gotfried Adam Ernest, Mrs Gottlieb John Katherine Other Name Wohlwend Bloom Baltzly Crotty Pope Chesebro Hauser Alleman Binder 1929S 1916S 1922S 1923S 1924S 1922S Page19 1927S 1925S 1906S 1903S 1911S 1918S 1911S 1911S 1918S 1925S 1925S 1927S 1927S 1927S 1928S 1928S 1929S 1916S 1911S 1912S 1915S 1923S 1907S 1916S 1918S 1910S 1912S 1915S Date Died 13-Sep-1929 6-Feb-1916 9-Jan-1922 24-Nov-1923 16-Jan-1924 Residence New Glarus WI Tennesse Switzerland Milwaukee WI Milwaukee WI Browntown WI Barron WI 8-Feb-1925 Monroe WI 4-May-1906 Juda WI 13-Nov-1903 New Glarus WI 11-Nov-1911 17-Nov-1918 Clarno twp WI 11-Nov-1911 11-Nov-1911 France 18-Nov-1925 South Dakota 20-Aug-1925 Milwaukee WI 10-Oct-1927 Jordan twp WI 3-May-1927 Monroe twp WI 29-Nov-1927 New Glarus WI 17-Jan-1928 Monroe WI 15-May-1928 Belleville WI 15-Jan-1929 New Glarus WI 29-Apr-1916 South Dakota 11-Nov-1911 19-Jul-1912 Monroe WI Monroe WI 27-Mar-1923 Dutch Hollow WI Pierre SD 10-Apr-1916 Monroe Clarno twp WI 20-Apr-1910 Portland OR 23-May-1912 Monroe WI 27-Jul-1915 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location New Glarus Tennesse Milwaukee Milwaukee Monticello Bl-Calvary M - Greenwood New Glarus Highland Highland Highland France Canton SD M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus Canton Highland M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood M - Calvary Portland OR M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 16-Sep-1929 17-Feb-1916 23-Feb-1922 24-Nov-1923 17-Jan-1924 21-Mar-1922 9-Oct-1901 9-Jul-1927 9-Feb-1925 5-May-1906 18-Nov-1903 16-Nov-1911 18-Nov-1918 16-Nov-1911 16-Nov-1911 28-Jun-1918 19-Nov-1925 24-Aug-1925 11-Oct-1927 3-May-1927 30-Nov-1927 18-Jan-1928 17-May-1928 16-Jan-1929 1-May-1916 16-Nov-1911 19-Jul-1912 5-Aug-1915 27-Mar-1923 2-Mar-1907 13-Apr-1916 0-00-1918 20-Apr-1910 24-May-1912 27-Jul-1915 Last Name Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmoker Schmoker Schmoldt Schmoldt Schmoldt Schmoldt Schmoldt Schmucky Schneeberger Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider First Name Magdelina Edith Susan Christ Christ, Mrs August, Mrs d/o Gustav August Florence Raymond Adolph Gottfried, Mrs Casper Frank Martin Mary Anna Arthur Albert s/o Emil Carl R. Edward Elizabeth Frank Louis Sam, Mrs Edward Fred, Mrs Charles Ralph G. John F. Alvin Max Fred Ernestina Ida Elizabeth Other Name Norder Blatter Smith Wenger Meyers Hahn Singler Grochowsky Binder 1911S 1921S 1923S 1915S 1916S 1909S 1919S 1924S 1925S 1925S 1922S 1915S 1903S 1900S 1909S 1907S 1913S 1916S 1911S 1916S 1913 1916 S 1918S 1917S 1911S 1921S 1923S 1923S 1923S 1924S 1925S 1925S 1926S 1927S 1929S Date Died 28-Feb-1911 12-Feb-1921 9-Apr-1923 27-Feb-1915 11-Sep-1916 18-Oct-1909 17-May-1919 19-Jun-1924 20-Aug-1925 18-Aug-1925 Residence WI Brodhead WI Houston TX Monroe WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Monroe twp WI Monroe twp WI Monroe twp WI Monroe twp WI New Glarus WI 27-May-1903 Monroe WI 15-Oct-1900 Monroe WI 11-Dec-1909 Jordan twp WI Stoughton WI 24-Mar-1913 New Glarus WI 11-Jan-1916 Jordan twp WI 19-Jun-1911 Monroe WI 3-Apr-1916 Monroe WI 17-Feb-1913 Monroe WI 22-Aug-1916 Monroe WI 18-Dec-1918 Jordan twp WI 28-Mar-1917 Monroe WI 21-Dec-1911 Monroe WI 18-Feb-1921 Sylvester WI 14-Mar-1923 Clarno twp WI 3-Jan-1923 Monroe WI 14-Sep-1923 Monroe WI 22-Jul-1924 New Glarus WI 4-Jan-1925 Monroe WI 14-Dec-1925 16-Mar-1926 Monroe WI 31-May-1927 Monroe WI 25-Mar-1929 New Glarus WI Cemetery or Burial Location New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Franklin - Kelly Lewis Cemetery Cadiz Kelly Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 28-Feb-1911 14-Feb-1921 13-Apr-1923 1-Mar-1915 12-Sep-1916 18-Oct-1909 19-May-1919 20-Jun-1924 21-Aug-1925 21-Aug-1925 18-May-1922 24-Sep-1915 28-May-1903 16-Oct-1900 12-Dec-1909 16-Nov-1907 29-Mar-1913 11-Jan-1916 20-Jun-1911 6-Apr-1916 18-Feb-1913 22-Aug-1916 19-Dec-1918 29-Mar-1917 21-Dec-1911 19-Feb-1921 14-Mar-1923 3-Jan-1923 15-Sep-1923 24-Jul-1924 5-Jan-1925 17-Dec-1925 17-Mar-1926 2-Jun-1927 26-Mar-1929 Last Name Schneider-Snyder Schnetzler Schnitzler Schober Schober Schober Schober Schoeffel Schoeffel Schoenfield Schreiber Schrepfer Schrien Schroder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schubert Schuett Schuetz Schuetz Schuetz Schuetz Schuetze Schuetze Schuetze Schuh Schular Schuler Schuler First Name Abraham Martin John Sr. Herman R. Rudolph Anna Louise Marie John T. William Marie John William, Mrs Augusta Harry Walter? Harry? Carl A. Freda Marica Henry Elsa Paul Oscar A. Sarah Ella s/o Jacob Alice Helen John Gottfried Caroline Gustav Gustav, Mrs Pauline Sam Albert Christian Jacob Other Name Koppler Jenny Schuetze Naef Miller Binder 1905S 1913S 1929S 1911S 1910S 1923S 1924S 1906S 1920S 1913S 1918S 1918S 1901S 1911S 1905S 1905S 1913S 1910S 1915S 1922S 1927S 1929S 1928S 1926S 1909S 1925S 1925S 1926S 1913S 1912S 1912S 1929S 1908S 1903S 1909S Date Died 28-Nov-1905 12-Aug-1913 3-Jan-1929 13-Mar-1911 2-Jan-1910 8-Jun-1923 21-May-1906 23-Apr-1920 21-Dec-1913 30-Mar-1918 17-Oct-1918 11-Mar-1901 2-Nov-1911 14-Jul-1905 8-Jul-1913 15-Sep-1910 16-Feb-1915 17-Jul-1922 15-Jun-1927 6-Sep-1929 Residence Jordan twp WI Albany WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Beloit WI Beloit WI Boone IA Freeport IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Ladysmith Verona Juda WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Spring Grove WI Washington twp WI Spring Grove WI Madison WI Blanchardville WI Freeport IL Columbus OH New Glarus WI Jordan twp WI Gratiot WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Martintown WI Martintown WI 9-Sep-1926 27-Nov-1909 7-May-1925 10-Dec-1925 16-Jan-1926 10-Apr-1913 25-Nov-1912 25-Aug-1912 18-Mar-1929 25-Dec-1908 Monroe WI 29-Apr-1903 Buffalo NY 17-Jul-1909 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Freeport IL Freeport IL Calvary Cemetery Mt Vernon M - Greenwood Mt Vernon - J M - Greenwood Mt Hope Blanchardville WI M - Greenwood Cleveland OH M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Winslow IL Winslow IL Monticello Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 28-Nov-1905 15-Aug-1913 3-Jan-1929 13-Mar-1911 3-Jan-1910 9-Jun-1923 7-Aug-1924 21-May-1906 23-Apr-1920 22-Dec-1913 6-Apr-1918 24-Oct-1918 11-Mar-1901 2-Nov-1911 14-Jul-1905 18-Jul-1905 8-Jul-1913 16-Sep-1910 18-Feb-1915 17-Jul-1922 16-Jun-1927 6-Sep-1929 16-Jun-1928 10-Sep-1926 29-Nov-1909 9-May-1925 10-Dec-1925 18-Jan-1926 10-Apr-1913 25-Nov-1912 26-Aug-1912 19-Mar-1929 26-Dec-1908 2-May-1903 20-Jul-1909 Last Name Schuler Schuler Schuler Schuler Schuler Schuler Schuler Schuler Schuler Schuler Schuler Schulthess Schulthess Schults Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schulz First Name John Elizabeth Rosena Samuel Jr. Henry Rose Elizabeth Otto William John Mary Robert Mary Charles Michael August Elizabeth Ernie Fred Infant Jacob Anna Jack Louisa William, Mrs Leslie Adolf Charles Carl A.L, Mrs Lemuel Rudolph Carl F. Carl Fred Adolph Other Name Schindler Spahr Moritz Limberts Herman Babler Neise (Schultz) ? Binder 1909S 1918S 1911S 1916S 1920S 1920S 1922S 1923S 1923S 1925S 1925S 1912S 1925S 1928S 1906S 1912S 1917S 1917S 1915S 1918S 1920S 1920S 1920S 1921S 1921S 1922S 1922S 1924S 1924S 1925S 1925S 1926S 1927S 1928S 1921S Date Died 17-Jul-1909 31-Mar-1918 22-Feb-1911 31-Dec-1915 26-Apr-1920 3-Jun-1920 22-Oct-1923 15-Nov-1923 16-Jan-1925 15-Feb-1912 17-Aug-1925 2-Jun-1928 8-Jan-1906 13-Mar-1912 20-Apr-1917 12-Jun-1917 8-Mar-1915 20-Nov-1918 15-Apr-1920 9-May-1920 17-Jul-1920 21-Jul-1921 17-Jul-1922 3-May-1924 19-Jul-1924 8-Feb-1925 13-Mar-1926 20-Oct-1927 16-Dec-1928 17-Jan-1921 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Colorado Monroe WI Monroe WI Watertown Janesville WI Cuba City Monticello WI Monticello WI South Wayne WI Milwaukee WI Clarno WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Jordan Center WI Freeport IL Monticello WI Iowa Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Madison WI Monroe WI South Wayne WI Brodhead WI Rice Lake Brooklyn WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Monroe J Washington Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe J Highland Cemetery Monroe Highland Cemetery Monroe Wiota Cemetery Monroe T Evergreen Cemetery Monroe Monroe Richland Cemetery Monroe J Dutch Hollow Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe Juda Monroe Monroe Jordan Center Monroe Brick Cemetery Monroe Monticello Monroe Warren IL Monroe Mt Vernon Monroe East Clarno Monroe Monroe Monroe LaDue Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Highland Cemetery Monroe Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Mt Vernon Monroe Paper Date 20-Jul-1909 1-Apr-1918 23-Feb-1911 3-Jan-1916 27-Apr-1920 4-Jun-1920 6-Apr-1922 22-Oct-1923 15-Nov-1923 17-Jan-1925 30-Mar-1925 21-Feb-1912 22-Aug-1925 4-Jun-1928 8-Jan-1906 13-Mar-1912 20-Apr-1917 12-Jun-1917 9-Mar-1915 21-Nov-1918 20-Apr-1920 11-May-1920 23-Jul-1920 31-Oct-1921 22-Jul-1921 17-Jul-1922 5-May-1924 21-Jul-1924 10-Feb-1925 13-Jul-1925 15-Mar-1926 20-Oct-1927 17-Dec-1928 18-Jan-1921 Last Name Schumacher Schumacher Schuman Schupp schwander Schwandt Schwandt Schwartz Schwartz Schwartzlow Schwartzlow Schwartzlow Schwartzlow Schwartzlow Schweizer Schweizer Schwitz Schwitz Scoggin Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scoville Scoville Scoville Scueller Seargent Searles Searles Searles First Name Baby Henry, Mrs Samuel Remigius Sam William Louisa Johanna W. Fred, Mrs Mary Anna F. Minnie Charles J. Grace Hans Fred R. J., Mrs Magdalena J. L. Andrew J. John John T. Oscar Will Hattie Leota James Harry, Dr Edith B. Edward James F. Max George H. Robert D. Jennie Other Name Monaghan Feldt Gerhan Draham Zeittlow Maske Edwards Buri Johnson Vanderbilt Williams Binder 1912S 1925S 1900S 1925S 1920N 1916S 1921S 1918S 1918S 1920S 1923S !925S 1926S 1929S 1920S 1927S 1921S 1922S 1912S 1918S 1916S 1918S 1916S 1911S 1920S 1927S 1928S 1904S 1918S 1922S 1916S 1907S 1912 S 1911S 1921S Date Died 12-Dec-1925 25-Jul-1900 30-Mar-1925 5-Jan-1920 26-Mar-1916 24-Mar-1921 9-Dec-1918 9-Dec-1918 9-Nov-1920 4-Jun-1923 27-May-1925 10-May-1926 28-Oct-1929 3-Oct-1920 19-Oct-1927 1-Jun-1921 8-Feb-1922 23-Aug-1918 30-Dec-1918 27-May-1916 31-Oct-1911 13-Jun-1920 29-Mar-1928 10-Oct-1904 21-Jan-1922 23-Nov-1916 12-May-1907 17-Jul-1912 22-Jan-1911 Residence Platteville WI Chicago IL Portland OR Monroe WI Monroe WI Juda WI Juda WI Sylvester twp WI Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI Juda WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Juda WI Verona Hollandale Oneco twp WI Mt.Pleasant WI Iowa Argyle WI Darlington WI Richland Center WI Adams twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Juda WI South Dakota Rockton IL County farm Argyle WI Beloit WI Sylvester twp WI Brodhead WI Cemetery or Burial Location M Carmel Cemetery M - Calvary M - Greenwood Juda Mt Vernon Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Cemetery Hollandale Basswood Richland Center M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Old Argyle Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery Juda M - Greenwood Madison Albany M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 21-May-1912 18-Dec-1925 1-Aug-1900 31-Mar-1925 5-Jan-1920 27-Mar-1916 24-Mar-1921 Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe 10-Dec-1918 10-Nov-1920 5-Jun-1923 29-May-1925 11-May-1926 28-Oct-1929 9-Oct-1920 20-Oct-1927 2-Jun-1921 17-Feb-1922 24-Jul-1912 24-Aug-1918 23-Nov-1916 31-Dec-1918 29-May-1916 31-Oct-1911 14-Jun-1920 29-Oct-1927 30-Mar-1928 12-Oct-1904 9-Oct-1918 26-Jan-1922 24-Nov-1916 13-May-1907 18-Jul-1912 23-Jan-1911 31-May-1921 Last Name Searles Searles Searles Sears Sears Seffrood Segrist Seifert Seigen Seiler Seiler Seiter Seiter Seleck Selnow Seltzer Seltzer Senn Setrum Setvet Severson Severson Severson Severson Shadman Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shaff Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer First Name Arthur R.D., Mrs Charles A. Harry, Mrs John Franklin Maren Helen Eva Rudolph Livia George, Dr Christ Minnie Dorothy August William Leopold Infant dau. Sever Christian Mrs. Clara Ida Sever O. Hazel Marion Ruth John G. John Arnold Mary Louise Anna William B. Mary Mrs. Edward S. Eva Elma Other Name Sullivan Thruman Nichols Knobel Smock Smock Binder 1922S 1922S 1929S 1903S Page12 1922S 1906S 1924S 1902S 1901S 1924S 1907S 1927S 1920S 1927S 1906S 1916S 1920S 1916S 1929S 1918S 1922S 1924S 1926S 1918S 1918S 1921S 1921S 1922S 1922S 1928S 1911S 1913S 1918S 1927S Date Died 9-Jun-1922 21-Feb-1922 24-Mar-1929 Residence Brodhead WI Albany WI Brodhead WI Aurora IL 1-Jun-1901 Monticello WI 6-Jan-1922 Wiota WI 21-May-1906 14 Mar 1924 Monroe WI 21-Jul-1902 Monroe WI 5-Oct-1901 Alma WI 14-Dec-1924 San Francisco CA 16-Apr-1907 Monroe area WI 14-Sep-1927 Rockford IL 15-May-1920 Clarno area WI 19-Sep-1927 Albany WI 9-Feb-1906 Milwaukee WI Iowa 31-Aug-1920 Blanchardville WI 11-Mar-1929 Milwaukee WI Davenport IA 1-Mar-1922 Blanchardville WI 28-Apr-1924 Cadiz twp WI 4-Nov-1926 Argyle WI 24-Aug-1918 Monroe WI 16-Apr-1918 Albany WI 12-Jun-1921 Monroe WI 12-Jun-1921 Monroe WI 10-Mar-1922 Waukesha WI 1-Jan-1922 Lake Geneva WI 6-Feb-1928 Monroe WI Oklahoma City OK 9-Apr-1913 Albion WI 9-Jan-1918 South Dakota 13-Dec-1927 California Cemetery or Burial Location Albany M - Greenwood Monroe Madison Jefferson twp WI Alma WI Alma WI South Wayne WI Willwood Cemetery Footville M - Greenwood York Woodlawn Argyle M - Greenwood Graceland Cemetery Jordan Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Albion,WI San Diego Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe MonroeT Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Paper Date 12-Jun-1922 21-Feb-1922 25-Mar-1929 9-Jan-1903 3-Jun-1901 13-Jan-1922 22-May-1906 15-Mar-1924 22-Jul-1902 5-Oct-1901 23-Dec-1924 16-Apr-1907 00-Sep 1927 15-May-1920 19-Sep-1927 10-Feb-1906 30-Sep-1916 1-Sep-1920 13-Nov-1916 12-Mar-1929 7-Sep-1918 18-Mar-1922 29-Apr-1924 6-Nov-1926 26-Aug-1918 17-Apr-1918 13-Jun-1921 13-Jun-1921 18-Mar-1922 4-Jan-1922 8-Feb-1928 17-Jan-1911 21-Apr-1913 16-Jun-1918 13-Dec-1927 Last Name Shager Shakey Shank Shank Shank Shank Share Share Share Share Share Sharp Shaughnessy Shaw Shay Shay Shay Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Shearer Sheehan Sheehan Shelliam Sheloske Sherbondy Sherbondy Sheridan Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherron First Name Martha Joseph Mary Elizabeth Joseph B. Michael Ferdinand Ferdinand Josephine James E. Kathryn Will, Mrs John Roy Jerry Jerry Ella Michael J. Harry James Irene Mary Gottfried Cornelia Patrick Henry H.V., Mrs Elsie J.L. Major Margaret John John, Mrs Eliza Mary C. Mary Other Name Holman Kryder Ginner Galway Jaberg Burt Fitzgerald McVean Healy Binder 1926S 1928S 1906S 1906S 1915S 1920S 1915S 1918S 1910S 1925S 1926S 1925S 1904S 1904S 1907S 1910S 1924S 1906S 1910S 1915S 1920S 1922S 1917S 1907S 1908S 1900S 1922S 1916S 1917S 1920S 1903S 1905S 1928S 1929S 1907S Date Died 16-Nov-1926 21-Mar-1928 29-Mar-1906 28-Mar-1906 4-Jan-1915 Residence South Wayne WI Durand IL Clarno WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI 30-Oct-1915 12-Jan-1918 25-Apr-1910 5-Sep-1925 29-Mar-1926 10-Apr-1925 27-Jun-1904 Jordan twp WI Monroe WI County farm Monroe WI Monroe WI Ohio Monroe WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Michigan City IN Monroe WI Hanover Beloit WI County Home Chicago IL Chicago IL Platteville WI Janesville WI Sylvester WI Albany WI Janesville WI County farm Minneapolis Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI 19-May-1907 17-Oct-1910 30-Apr-1924 28-Jan-1906 4-Jul-1910 29-May-1915 9-Feb-1920 9-Jun-1922 26-Jul-1917 15-May-1907 7-Jan-1908 23-Jul-1900 12-Feb-1922 21-Jan-1916 31-May-1917 1-Aug-1920 4-Feb-1903 20-Jun-1905 13-Jan-1928 23-Mar-1929 8-May-1907 Cemetery or Burial Location East Wiota Cemetery Staver Cemetery Staver Cemetery Staver Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary New Philadelphia M - Calvary Old Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Calvary Chicago IL Gap Cemetery Janesville Monroe M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 17-Nov-1926 22-Mar-1928 29-Mar-1906 6-Apr-1906 5-Jan-1915 12-Mar-1920 30-Oct-1915 14-Jan-1918 25-Apr-1910 6-Sep-1925 29-Mar-1926 10-Apr-1925 28-Jun-1904 1-Oct-1904 20-May-1907 17-Oct-1910 1-May-1924 29-Jan-1906 6-Jul-1910 29-May-1915 10-Feb-1920 12-Jun-1922 26-Jul-1917 17-May-1907 7-Jan-1908 24-Jul-1900 17-Feb-1922 22-Jan-1916 2-Jun-1917 2-Aug-1920 4-Feb-1903 21-Jun-1905 16-Jan-1928 25-Mar-1929 8-May-1907 Last Name Sherron Shipman Shipman Shippee Shippen Shippy Shives Shives Shock Shook Shook Shook Short Shotts Shrake Shrake Shrake Shrake Shriner Shull Sickinger Sickinger Sickinger Siedschlag Siedschlag Siefert Siegenthaler Siegenthaler Siegrist Siggedsaler Signer Signer Silver Silver Silver First Name Frank Harry D. Infant child Blucher Alberta Peter Elizabeth f/o E. J. Jesse Frank Harry Sam Mrs August Maud Abner Lydia Emma Daniel W. Hannah Louis W. Florence Ella Louis August W. Herman F. John Fred Fred Jr. L.A., Mrs c/o Gottlieb Andrew Cecelia Anna C. Artemas Azariah Other Name Chapline Bartol Ault McManus Ruegsegger Binder 1929S Page16 1907S 1911S 1921S 1922S 1908S 1905S 1902S 1901S 1906S 1920S 1911S Page 5 1916 S 1917S 1920M 1925S 1907S 1918S 1908S 1917S 1917S 1913 S 1917S 1917S 1916 S 1918S 1922S 1904S 1908S 1910S 1906S 1907S 1906S Date Died Residence 28-Apr-1929 Canada Brodhead WI 8-Sep-1907 Monroe WI 14-May-1911 McConnell IL Sheridan WY 11-Jan-1922 McConnell 10-Mar-1908 30-Aug-1905 Wooster OH 22-Aug-1901 Austin MN 26-Jul-1906 Monroe WI Newell IA 19-Sep-1911 Brodhead WI 20-Feb-1901 Brooklyn WI 30-Dec-1916 Wyalusing WI 24-Apr-1917 Bagley Oregon 12-Aug-1925 Iowa 1-Dec-1907 Monroe WI 5-May-1918 Martintown WI 14-Aug-1908 Monroe WI 19-Mar-1917 Monroe WI 15-Dec-1917 Monroe WI 10-Nov-1913 Sylvester twp WI 30-Mar-1917 Sylvester twp WI 18-Aug-1917 Jefferson WI 19-Nov-1916 Monroe WI 11-Oct-1918 Kansas City KS 20-Jun-1922 Ohio 8-Nov-1904 Schultz 4-May-1908 Elgin IL 17-Nov-1910 Richland 5-Mar-1906 Carbondale KS 17-Mar-1907 Albany WI 9-Jul-1906 Holdrege NE Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary Brodhead McConnell M - Calvary Newell IA Portland OR Sioux City IA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon - J Juda Cemetery Jefferson M - Greenwood Darlington Dutch Hollow Monroe M - Calvary Exeter Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 29-Apr-1929 17-Sep-1901 9-Sep-1907 15-May-1911 18-Feb-1921 10-Feb-1922 16-Mar-1908 31-Aug-1905 15-Aug-1902 23-Aug-1901 27-Jul-1906 27-Sep-1920 21-Sep-1911 22-Feb-1901 2-Jan-1917 28-Apr-1917 19-Jan-1920 12-Aug-1925 5-Dec-1907 10-May-1918 15-Aug-1908 20-Mar-1917 15-Dec-1917 10-Nov-1913 31-Mar-1917 20-Aug-1917 20-Nov-1916 12-Oct-1918 23-Jun-1922 8-Nov-1904 5-May-1908 18-Nov-1910 14-Mar-1906 18-Mar-1907 19-Jul-1906 Last Name Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simons Sinnen Sisson Sissons Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skogan Skwierawski Slack Slattery Slinde First Name Dorothy Guy Willis Marvin C. James Willis Nancy A. Albert P. Wesley Dean Milton C. Benjamin F. Charles W. Lucy Emily Harriet Mandana L. Charles Marion Mary W.H., Mrs Katherine Pauline, Mrs John John Olin Other Name Slocum-Umphreys Slophower Slowey Smart Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smith Smith Emily Edward Thomas Grover C. William Charles B. Martha Emily Bert Charles, Mrs Noble McConnell Kelly Rogers Meyer Marty Lassell Binder 1909S 1902S 1922S 1924S 1928S 1928S 1915S 1922S 1925S 1925S 1927S 1907S 1919S 1928S 1916S 1916S 1910S 1917S 1925S 1922S 1922S 1922S 1921S 1929S Date Died Residence 21-Jan-1909 Albany WI 24-Oct-1902 Rockford IL 1-Dec-1924 County Home 11-Nov-1928 Albany WI 23-Jan-1928 Albany WI 1-Jul-1915 Buffalo WY Kansas 3-Sep-1925 South Dakota 7-Aug-1925 Stockton IL 22-Jun-1927 Kansas 1-May-1907 Brodhead WI 30-Dec-1918 Boise ID 14-Jan-1928 Footville WI 30-Jan-1916 Argyle WI 17-Jan-1916 Brodhead WI 1-Jul-1910 Brodhead WI 3-Apr-1917 Brodhead WI 24-Jul-1925 Windsor Ontario Burlington 22-Nov-1922 Chicago IL Beloit WI Belleville WI Cleveland OH 1915S 1926S 1924S 1916S 1918S 1920S 1921S 1928S 1903S 1908S 31-Oct-1915 4-Feb-1926 10-May-1924 3-Jun-1916 8-Mar-1918 17-Feb-1920 Monroe WI Colorado Portage Freeport IL Albany WI Monroe WI California 25-Feb-1928 Albany WI 9-May-1903 Monroe WI 15-Feb-1908 Sylvester twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Albany Berlin WI Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery Rapid City SD Stockton IL Wichita KS Racine Albany Woodlawn Brodhead M - Greenwood M - Greenwood London Ontario Belleville Cleveland OH Mt Pleasant Cemetery, IL Warren IL Briggsville Cemetery Freeport IL Los Angeles CA Gap Cemetery Dutch Hollow Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 30-Jan-1909 24-Oct-1902 15-Mar-1922 2-Dec-1924 12-Nov-1928 23-Jan-1928 6-Aug-1915 1-Sep-1922 9-Sep-1925 10-Aug-1925 22-Jun-1927 9-May-1907 18-Jan-1919 17-Jan-1928 1-Feb-1916 18-Jan-1916 2-Jul-1910 3-Apr-1917 30-Jul-1925 27-Jul-1922 24-Nov-1922 27-Jun-1922 17-Mar-1921 27-Sep-1929 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe 1-Nov-1915 5-Feb-1926 12-May-1924 6-Jun-1916 11-Mar-1918 20-Feb-1920 9-Feb-1921 27-Feb-1928 9-May-1903 17-Feb-1908 Last Name Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith First Name c/o Emmett Edward Hannah Waverly Amarida Anna Charles, Mrs Dale, Pvt E. O. Mr Fred Fred J. James, Mrs. Jonathan, Mrs. Joseph Mike Miles Minerva Minnie Spencer H. Thomas Will William Thomas Owen Margaret Ida William Oscar F. William Ed Charles, Mrs James T. Elizabeth Joe Mary Other Name Ellis Milo Wickersham Cheney Conley Peppers Flawson Hamman Binder Page16 1909S 1909S 1901S 1911S 1917S 1918S 1918S 1917S 1915S 1918S 1910S 1911S 1913S 1915S 1917S 1918S 1915S 1913S 1918S 1910S 1913S 1920S 1920S 1921S 1921S 1921S 1921S 1922S 1922S 1923S 1923S 1924S 1925S 1925S Date Died 1-Apr-1909 20-Apr-1909 21-May-1901 21-Sep-1911 9-Aug-1917 22-Feb-1918 12-Oct-1918 15-Jun-1917 15-Jun-1915 2-Feb-1918 10-Aug-1910 23-Oct-1911 6-Nov-1913 30-Jan-1915 30-Sep-1917 15-Dec-1918 1-Mar-1915 2-Sep-1913 13-Mar-1918 12-Nov-1910 12-Oct-1913 15-Jun-1920 15-Jul-1920 9-Feb-1921 28-Dec-1921 21-Apr-1921 26-Oct-1921 8-Aug-1922 Residence Dayton Monroe WI Wilmette IL Argyle area WI Cadiz twp WI Chicago IL Monroe twp WI in action Menomonie WI Red Oak Brodhead WI Argyle WI Brooklyn WI McHenry IL Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI McKinney TX Texas Monroe WI Chicago IL Red Oak IL Brodhead WI Darlington WI Spooner WI Winslow IL Freeport IL Brodhead WI North Dakota Albany WI Jordan twp WI Argyle WI Brodhead WI 5-Sep-1923 23-Oct-1923 12-Jan-1924 30-May-1925 4-Sep-1925 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Dayton M - Greenwood Menomonie Orangeville IL Adams - Catholic M - Calvary Mt Pleasant M - Greenwood M - Calvary Chicago IL Orangeville IL Spooner WI Oakland Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery M - Greenwood Argyle M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 20-Sep-1901 1-Apr-1909 22-Apr-1909 22-May-1901 21-Sep-1911 10-Aug-1917 22-Feb-1918 29-Nov-1918 21-Jun-1917 18-Jun-1915 2-Feb-1918 11-Aug-1910 27-Oct-1911 7-Nov-1913 1-Feb-1915 1-Oct-1917 16-Dec-1918 2-Mar-1915 8-Sep-1913 13-Mar-1918 15-Nov-1910 00 Oct 1913 18-Jun-1920 23-Jul-1920 11-Feb-1921 29-Dec-1921 22-Apr-1921 27-Oct-1921 24-Aug-1922 10-Jun-1922 6-Sep-1923 25-Oct-1923 14-Jan-1924 2-Jun-1925 4-Sep-1925 Last Name Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith-FisherGodfrey Smitnik Smock Smock Smock Smock Smock Smock Smout Smout First Name Lawrence H Clara Richard Lena Maude Bernard C.W., Mrs Amos S. Chester, Mrs Mildred Rachel Cornelius Nellie Jenny Christian C. Fannie Israel J. Jane Dr Mile Mrs. Ray Ray Catherine Frank Herman Salmon, Mrs Frank Alice J. Charles Elizabeth, Mrs Elizabeth LeRoy LeRoy, Mrs George Sarah Other Name Rogers Hintz VanWoomer Brown Wright Warren Clarke Baker Bell-Bowell Ball Rittenhouse Binder 1925S 1925S 1926S 1926S 1926S 1926S 1926S 1927S 1927S 1927S 1928S 1928S 1929S 1929S 1929S 1907S 1906S 1907S 1906S 1906G 1906S 1912S 1912S 1912S 1904S 1922S 1902S 1909L Page12 1901S 1915S 1913S 1906S 1913S Date Died 30-May-1925 2-Jan-1925 9-Apr-1926 23-Jun-1926 27-Nov-1926 25-Dec-1926 1-Oct-1926 13-Jul-1927 20-Feb-1927 28-May-1927 22-Dec-1928 10-Jul-1929 25-Apr-1929 21-Feb-1929 17-Jan-1907 23-May-1906 26-Dec-1907 1-Apr-1906 17-Apr-1906 17-Apr-1906 17-Jan-1912 10-Mar-1912 27-Dec-1912 Residence Janesville WI Martintown WI Monroe WI Wayne twp WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Portage WI Juda WI Winslow IL New Glarus WI Argyle WI Brooklyn WI South Dakota Galesburg IL Kansas Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Brooklyn WI Janesville WI Sylvester twp WI County farm North Dakota 21-Mar-1904 Monroe WI 31-Mar-1922 County farm 27-Jul-1902 15-Jun-1901 Monroe WI Kilbourn WI Kilbourn WI 3-Dec-1906 Albany WI 17-Feb-1913 Albany WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Winslow IL M - Greenwood Huffman Cemetery Janesville Highland Cemetery Portage M - Greenwood Staver Cemetery Argyle Cemetery Attica Cemetery Madison SD Albany M - Greenwood Sheboygan County M - Greenwood Oneco Cemetery Madison M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Paper Date 2-Jun-1925 3-Jan-1925 10-Apr-1926 24-Jun-1926 27-Nov-1926 26-Dec-1926 1-Oct-1926 14-Jul-1927 21-Feb-1927 28-May-1927 24-Dec-1928 9-Feb-1928 18-Jul-1929 26-Apr-1929 23-Feb-1929 18-Jan-1907 23-May-1906 26-Dec-1907 2-Apr-1906 19-Apr-1906 19 Apr 19906 22-Jan-1912 11-Mar-1912 28-Dec-1912 Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T 21-Mar-1904 3-Apr-1922 28-Jul-1902 13-Dec-1909 17-Jun-1901 15-Jun-1901 10-Dec-1915 25-Nov-1913 6-Dec-1906 19-Feb-1913 Last Name Snook Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Soddy Solbraa Sommerfeldt Sommerfeldt Sommerfeldt Sommerfeldt Sonderegger Sonneman Sonstebo Soper Soper Soper Sors Soseman South South South South South South South South Southwell Southwick Southwick Spaeni Spaeni Spaeni Spahr First Name Mrs. Elizabeth John W.J., Mrs Syrus, Mrs Charles Mary Matt E. Anstena William C.F.William Amelia Albert Jr. William, Mrs Otto E.B., Mrs A.E., Mrs Ed Henry J.D., Dr Guy John, Dr Allen K. Josiah Charles A. Elizabeth Flora Evan Sarah A. Cordelia Stella Esther John Henry Verena Anna Other Name Schwenk Masne Lockwood Chambers Crago Underwood Dunbar Heer Miss Binder 1922S 1901S 1916S 1922S 1923S 1926S 1926S 1919S 1913S 1917S 1925S 1925S 1926S 1925S 1912S 1905S 1918M 1911S 1910S 1915S 1900S 1917S 1920S 1921S 1921S 1925S 1927S 1925S 1906S 1916S 1925S 1918S 1923S 1925S 1903S Date Died 22-Jan-1922 9-Sep-1901 16-Sep-1916 9-Apr-1923 28-Aug-1926 24-May-1926 4-Jun-1913 24-Jun-1917 15-Nov-1925 24-Nov-1925 6-Nov-1926 2-Aug-1925 16-Sep-1912 15-Dec-1905 3-Apr-1918 8-Feb-1911 5-Dec-1910 22-Oct-1915 23-Jul-1900 26-Jan-1917 9-May-1920 13-Dec-1921 1-Dec-1921 4-Jul-1925 16-Sep-1927 11-May-1925 13-May-1906 6-Dec-1916 3-Jan-1918 6-Feb-1923 1-May-1925 17-Mar-1903 Residence Red Oak Clarno WI Monroe WI Indiana Orangeville IL Monticello WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Juda WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe area WI Sheboygan WI Ridgeway Independence KS Birchwood WI Rice Lake Spring Grove twp WI Monroe WI Platteville WI Washington California California California Monroe WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Darlington WI Freeport IL Freeport IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Chicago IL Cemetery or Burial Location Cedarville East Clarno M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Monticello Cadiz Cemetery New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Wildwood Cemetery Monroe Birchwood WI Rice Lake M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Canton SD M - Greenwood Chicago IL M - Greenwood Wenona, IL Oakland Freeport IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 27-Jan-1922 12-Sep-1901 18-Sep-1916 29-Mar-1922 11-Apr-1923 30-Aug-1926 24-May-1926 5-May-1919 5-Jun-1913 25-Jun-1917 16-Nov-1925 24-Nov-1925 6-Nov-1926 4-Aug-1925 18-Sep-1912 16-Dec-1905 4-Apr-1918 16-Feb-1911 8-Dec-1910 25-Oct-1915 24-Jul-1900 27-Jan-1917 10-May-1920 14-Dec-1921 2-Dec-1921 7-Jul-1925 16-Sep-1927 14-May-1925 14-May-1906 7-Dec-1916 4-Sep-1925 3-Jan-1918 6-Feb-1923 4-May-1925 17-Mar-1903 Last Name Spangler Spangler Spangler Spangler First Name George Kate V. Marvin Lloyd Mary Agnes Spangler Sparks Spaulding Speck Speck Speich Speich Speich Speich Speich Speich Speich Speich Spencer Spencer Spencer Sperahik Speth Spiecher Spinhirne Splinter Splinter Spooner Spore Sprague Sprecher Spreng Spreng Spring Springstead B.F. Harry George T. Susan John Fannie Afra Barbara Henry Inez Elaine Louis Jacob Jr. Louisa Harley George J.W. John Walter Elsie Barbara August W. Marie Clara William, Mrs Burr Henry, Mrs John Eva Fred William B. Other Name Zimmerman Bradley Kubli Geiser Moser Haeft Wescott Honorable Bauernfeind Binder 1913S 1915S 1912S 1924S Date Died 5 Apr 1913 30-Nov-1915 4-Jan-1912 22-Aug-1924 1928S 1926S 1904S 1918S 1924S 1905S 1916S 1915S 1916S 1921S 1923S 1926S 1929S 1906S 1922S 1928S 1912S 1900S 1922S 1928S 1923S 1929S 1923S 1911S 1917S 1929S 1918S 1921S 1915S 1928S 12-Jul-1928 4-Feb-1926 28-Nov-1904 23-Dec-1918 11-Mar-1924 29-Jan-1905 23-Jan-1916 10-Dec-1916 22-Dec-1921 16-Sep-1923 12-Aug-1926 20-Jul-1929 23-Nov-1906 17-Aug-1922 14-Jun-1928 30-Nov-1900 9-Mar-1922 4-Nov-1928 3-Oct-1923 5-Sep-1929 4-Apr-1923 18-Mar-1911 18-Apr-1917 1-Dec-1929 23-Jan-1921 29-Dec-1915 29-Jan-1928 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Albany WI Jefferson twp WI Jefferson twp WI Winslow IL Brodhead WI Juda WI Brodhead WI Clarno WI Monroe WI Ladysmith WI Jordan twp WI Sylvester WI Milwaukee WI Sylvester twp WI Monroe twp WI Martintown WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Gratiot WI Monroe WI Clarno WI Evansville Wiota Brodhead WI Brooklyn Blanchardville WI Chicago IL Mt Pleasant twp WI Brodhead WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe T Rock Grove Cemetery Monroe Beam Chapel Monroe Cemetery Monroe Brodhead Monroe Juda Cemetery Monroe Juda Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J Monroe Winslow IL Monroe Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Gratiot Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe T Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Forest Hill - Madison Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Naperville IL Monroe Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe Paper Date 5-Apr-1913 1-Dec-1915 9-Jan-1912 22-Aug-1924 13-Jul-1928 4-Feb-1926 1-Dec-1904 24-Dec-1918 17-Mar-1924 30-Jan-1905 24-Jan-1916 18-Oct-1915 11-Dec-1916 22-Dec-1921 18-Sep-1923 14-Aug-1926 22-Jul-1929 24-Nov-1906 18-Aug-1922 14-Jun-1928 19-Nov-1912 30-Nov-1900 13-Mar-1922 7-Dec-1928 4-Oct-1923 6-Sep-1929 5-Apr-1923 24-Mar-1911 18-Apr-1917 4-Dec-1929 14-Dec-1918 24-Jan-1921 31-Dec-1915 30-Jan-1928 Last Name St. John St. John St. John St. John Stabenow Stackpole Stackpoll Stadelman Stadler Staedtler Stair Stair Stair Stair Stair Staki Stalcup Stalcup Stalcup Stalcup Stalder Staley Stamm Standard Stanley Stanton Stanton Stanz Staples Stapleton Star Star Stark Stark Stark First Name Mary Etta Roy E.L Amos Frances William, Mrs William Infant girl Ernest John Henry Richard Catherine Julia Nellie Hiram Carl Lizzie Frank Frederick William A. Ernest Jonas S. David Elizabeth Major Solon Charles John Ellen A. Amelia Emma David, Mrs Jessie Carl Charles, Mrs Anna Other Name Barnum Kohn Bartlett Kolb Lyman Binder 1913S 1927S 1929S 1907S 1920S 1928S 1926S 1929S 1922S 1923S 1904S 1910S 1920S 1922S 1923S 1911S 1906S 1910S 1911S 1918S 1920S 1906S 1919S 1915S 1927S 1922S 1925S 1929S 1921S 1912S 1920S 1925S 1908S 1901S 1912S Date Died 13-Mar-1913 19-Sep-1927 15-Apr-1929 7-Nov-1907 10-Apr-1920 30-May-1928 19-May-1926 9-Aug-1929 1-Jul-1910 12-Mar-1920 19-Feb-1922 7-Jul-1923 18-Mar-1911 9-Mar-1906 29-Aug-1910 19-Sep-1911 9-Nov-1918 26-Dec-1920 7-May-1906 22-Dec-1915 29-Dec-1927 25-Jan-1922 11-Jan-1925 1-Aug-1929 27-Feb-1921 26-Feb-1912 11-Mar-1908 9-May-1901 4-Oct-1912 Residence County farm Decatur twp WI Monroe WI Albany WI McConnell IL Warren IL Warren IL South Wayne WI Monticello WI Clarno WI Brodhead WI Clarno area WI Brodhead WI Clarno twp WI Browntown WI Sanborn ND Monroe WI Monroe WI Darlington WI Exeter WI McConnell County farm Sylvester twp WI Stockton IL Sciota Mills California Boston MA Monroe WI Nebraska California Browntown WI Cadiz WI County farm Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Forest Hill - Madison Albany McConnell IL Blasing Cemetery M - Calvary M - Greenwood West Clarno Fennimore West Clarno Monroe Monroe Polk Cemetery M - Greenwood Monroe Belmont WI Mt Vernon Chelsea Cemetery Sciota Mills M - Greenwood Sutton NE San Francisco CA Cadiz Cemetery Staver Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T MonroeT Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 13-Mar-1913 19-Sep-1927 15-Apr-1929 14-Nov-1907 12-Apr-1920 31-May-1928 20-May-1926 10-Aug-1929 1-Apr-1922 21-Aug-1923 2-Jul-1910 13-Mar-1920 20-Feb-1922 9-Jul-1923 18-Mar-1911 1-Mar-1906 30-Aug-1910 21-Sep-1911 9-Nov-1918 28-Dec-1920 11-May-1906 16-Apr-1919 24-Dec-1915 29-Dec-1927 28-Jan-1922 12-Jan-1925 2-Aug-1929 5-Mar-1921 26-Feb-1912 29-Oct-1920 28-Apr-1925 12-Mar-1908 9-May-1901 4-Oct-1912 Last Name Stark Stark Starr First Name Minnie Joe John Adam Other Name Starr Starr Start Staubli Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Emma David E. Elizabeth Marie Rose Abraham Annie A. Dietrich, Mrs Edward Ephraim Fred i/d Dave Magdaline Martha Abraham Albert Anna Barney Dorothy E. Eva Henry Hilarius, Mrs Jacob J. Laura Levi Margaret or Mary Peter, Mrs S. J. Susan John A. Evelyn Albright Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Miller Elmer Knipschild Howard Elmer Swiecky Binder Date Died 1924S 20-Mar-1924 1926S 5-Dec-1926 1924S 2-Feb-1924 1928S 1929S 1916S 1924S 1905S 1905S 1903S 1907S 1900S 1903S 1906S 1902S 1905S 1917S 1918S 1918S 1916S 1917S 1910S 1918S 1917S 1911S 1913S 1911S 10-Feb-1928 22-Jun-1929 13-Jan-1916 28-Jan-1924 7-Jul-1905 25-Nov-1905 17-Dec-1903 13-Jul-1907 31-Oct-1900 29-Oct-1903 18-Dec-1906 24-Jul-1902 12-Sep-1905 26-Jun-1917 17-Oct-1918 26-Jun-1918 18-May-1916 10-Feb-1917 23-Aug-1910 11-Aug-1918 20-Oct-1917 23-May-1911 1910S 1911S 1918S 1916 S 1920S 1920S 29-Sep-1910 25-Jul-1911 20-Dec-1918 26-Sep-1916 18-May-1920 6-Feb-1920 Residence County Home Milwaukee WI Green County WI Cemetery or Burial Location Staver Cemetery M - Greenwood Washburn County WI West Clarno Cemetery Monroe WI Sutton NE Nebraska Central City NE Argyle WI M - Greenwood Jordan twp WI M - Greenwood Monroe WI Monticello WI New Glarus Brodhead area WI M - Greenwood Janesville WI Beloit WI Beloit Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI M - Greenwood Monroe twp WI M - Greenwood Monroe WI M - Greenwood Madison WI M - Greenwood South Dakota WI M - Greenwood Monroe WI M - Greenwood Missouri Monroe WI M - Greenwood Monroe WI M - Greenwood South Dakota Dutch Hollow 10-Mar-1911 Cedar Rapids IA Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Pierce County Monroe WI Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 21-Mar-1924 6-Dec-1926 4-Feb-1924 Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J&T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 13-Feb-1928 24-Jun-1929 24-Jan-1916 31-Jan-1924 7-Jul-1905 27 Nov. 1905 21-Oct-1903 15-Jul-1907 31-Oct-1900 30-Oct-1903 18-Dec-1906 25-Jul-1902 13-Sep-1905 26-Jun-1917 19-Oct-1918 27-Jun-1918 19-May-1916 12-Feb-1917 23-Aug-1910 13-Aug-1918 20-Oct-1917 24-May-1911 13-Mar-1913 11-Mar-1911 29-Sep-1910 26-Jul-1911 23-Dec-1918 26-Sep-1916 21-May-1920 6-Feb-1920 Last Name Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffacher Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Staver Staver Staver Staver Staver Staver Staver Staver Steadman Stearns Stearns Stearns Stearns Stearns First Name Florence V. Rudolph Louise Ernest J. Margaret Infant girl John C. John, Mrs Kate John L. Ella Barbara Elsbeth Donald Edwin S. Anna Alice David Jr. Christian Rose Robert, Mrs Henry C. Letta Samuel Thomas Perry B. Frank George, Mrs Daniel Mahlon F. E., Mrs Fannie Marcia Willard Parker Elizabeth Other Name Ebert Ivey DeHaven Elmer Marty Infant Norder Gleason Gempeler Elmer Bowen Sutherland Wettengel Binder 1921S 1921S 1923S 1924S 1925S 1925S 1925S 1925S 1926S 1926S 1926S 1928S 1928S 1928S 1928S 1929S 1929S 1929S 1907S 1928S 1929S 1907S 1902S 1900S 1920S 1923S 1926S 1926S 1929S 1918S 1905S 1905S 1912S 1915S 1926S Date Died 10-Nov-1921 22-Feb-1921 12-Aug-1923 24-Mar-1924 4-Sep-1925 14-Apr-1925 27-Jul-1925 11-Nov-1925 3-Mar-1926 17-Jun-1926 15-Aug-1926 23-Jan-1928 22-May-1928 5-May-1928 23-Nov-1928 29-Nov-1929 21-Aug-1929 10-Oct-1929 23-Sep-1907 18-Jan-1928 29-Aug-1929 11-Nov-1907 14-Feb-1902 2-Oct-1920 23-Jun-1923 6-Jan-1926 16-Dec-1929 9-Dec-1918 21-Oct-1905 21-Oct-1905 20-Jun-1912 30-May-1915 Residence Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Iowa Monroe WI South Dakota Clarno twp WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Chicago IL Winslow IL West Superior WI Chicago IL Freeport IL Winslow IL Wilmette IL Warren IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Colorado Cemetery or Burial Location Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Highland Cemetery Cedar Rapids IA M - Greenwood Harrisburg SD M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Clarno West Superior Stockton IL Winslow IL Wilmette IL M - Greenwood Woodstock VT Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 14-Nov-1921 22-Feb-1921 13-Aug-1923 25-Mar-1924 4-Sep-1925 15-Apr-1925 28-Jul-1925 12-Nov-1925 4-Mar-1926 17-Jun-1926 17-Aug-1926 24-Jan-1928 23-May-1928 7-May-1928 26-Nov-1928 30-Nov-1929 21-Aug-1929 17-Oct-1929 23-Sep-1907 18-Jan-1928 29-Aug-1929 12-Nov-1907 15-Feb-1902 20-Apr-1900 4-Oct-1920 25-Jun-1923 6-Jan-1926 5-Jun-1926 17-Dec-1929 9-Dec-1918 21-Oct-1905 21-Oct-1905 21-Jun-1912 1-Jun-1915 20-Aug-1926 Last Name Stearns Steele Steffen Steffen Steiger Stein Steindorf Steindorf Steiner Steiner Steiner Steiner Steiner Steininger Steininger Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinmann Stephan Stephen Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens ? First Name Germain O. William, Mrs Nicholas Fred Carl, Dr Arthur Wilhelmina Carl Agnes John Charles (Carl) Carl Joseph John Minnie Infant d/o Jacob i/s George John John Louis Jenevieve i/d George C. Jacob Jacob, Mrs Son s/o Gottfried Gottfried Jr. Magdalene Jane Ann Albert N. Fannie L. Chester, Mrs Frank Ralph Ed, Mrs Other Name Noe Payne Binder 1929S 1924S 1911S 1920S 1903S 1918S 1917S 1928S 1916S 1912S 1923S 1925S 1926S 1905S 1927S 1905S 1906S Page 9 1901S 1909S 1915S 1910S 1910S 1917S 1915B 1915S 1921S 1923S 1918S 1928S 1924S 1903S 1927S 1926S 1926S Date Died 3-Feb-1929 17-Jun-1924 24-Dec-1911 3-Dec-1920 30-Apr-1903 31-Oct-1918 18-Jul-1917 12-Jan-1928 2-Apr-1916 10-Apr-1912 29-Aug-1923 12-Sep-1925 10-Aug-1926 4-Oct-1905 5-Nov-1927 9-Nov-1905 17-Apr-1906 Residence Monroe WI Oregon Darlington WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Albany WI Monroe WI County farm Monroe WI New Glarus Monroe WI Monroe WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Hillcrest Cemetery M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Calvary New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood 16-Apr-1901 Monroe WI 26-Jan-1909 Monroe WI 21-Mar-1915 Winslow IL Monticello WI 4-Apr-1910 Monroe WI 13-Jan-1917 Denver CO 1-Jan-1915 Monroe area WI 1-Jan-1915 Monroe area WI 16-Mar-1921 Jefferson twp WI 18-Sep-1923 Winslow IL 6-Dec-1928 Freeport IL Janesville WI 27-May-1903 Jordan twp WI Janesville WI 1-Sep-1926 Monroe WI 6-Oct-1926 Juda WI Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood Postville M - Greenwood M - Calvary Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 4-Feb-1929 18-Jun-1924 28-Dec-1911 3-Dec-1920 1-May-1903 31-Oct-1918 19-Jul-1917 14-Jan-1928 3-Apr-1916 12-Apr-1912 29-Aug-1923 15-Sep-1925 10-Aug-1926 5-Oct-1905 6-Nov-1927 10-Nov-1905 18-Apr-1906 18-Apr-1901 17-Apr-1901 27-Jan-1909 22-Mar-1915 3-Sep-1910 4-Apr-1910 13-Jan-1917 2-Jan-1915 2-Jan-1915 17-Mar-1921 19-Sep-1923 22-Feb-1918 7-Dec-1928 19-Jul-1924 29-May-1903 5-Oct-1927 1-Sep-1926 7-Oct-1926 Last Name Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Sterchi Stetten Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stiff Stiff Stiff Stiff Stilk Stine Stoedler Stolcup Stoldt Stolen Stoll First Name Robert James Charles Donald R. John Ole Ira Sylvester Weighty Wealthy E.E., Mrs John, Mrs Lottie Jay L.N. Ada M. Harry V. Walter Carl R. Florence Mary George, Mrs Carrie Edwin Baby Child Harry Amelia Frederick Edna Caroline Albert Frederick C. Minnie Barbara Other Name Roub Beidler Truiett Baird Lunda Wood Brunner Severson Binder 1909S 1924S 1926S 1929S 1924S 1922S 1905S 1909S 1907S 1911S 1922S 1906S 1906S 1912S 1913S 1920S 1925S 1929S 1922S 1925S 1926S 1927S 1928S 1928S 1913S 1913S 1923S 1923S 1912S 1905S 1918S 1902S 1924S 1928S 1908S Date Died 24-Sep-1909 25-Oct-1924 24-Aug-1926 21-May-1929 9-Apr-1924 21-Jan-1922 3-May-1909 18-Apr-1907 28-May-1911 14-Mar-1906 21-Dec-1906 29-Nov-1912 24-Oct-1913 12-Jul-1920 9-Aug-1925 10-Apr-1929 Residence Albany WI Albany WI Brodhead WI Albany WI Medford County farm Freeport IL Juda WI County farm Juda WI Albany WI Albany WI Winnebago City MN Polo IL South Dakota Polo IL California California France Winslow IL Juda WI Winslow IL Monroe WI Janesville WI Albany WI Albany WI New Glarus WI Evansville County farm Freeport IL Wauwatosa WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI 30-Jul-1925 20-Sep-1926 8-Oct-1927 24-Aug-1928 6-Nov-1928 4-Sep-1913 4-Sep-1913 8-Aug-1923 1-May-1923 14-Mar-1912 18-Jan-1905 16-Jun-1918 19-May-1902 23-Dec-1924 25-Jun-1928 27-Sep-1908 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Gap Cemetery M - Greenwood Hillcrest Albany M - Greenwood Blanchardville WI Mt Vernon Albany Richland Cemetery Polo IL Long Beach CA Rock Lily Cemetery Dawson Cemetery Rock River Cemetery M - Greenwood Milwaukee Kelly Cemetery M - Greenwood York twp Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 25-Sep-1909 25-Oct-1924 25-Aug-1926 22-May-1929 12-Apr-1924 23-Jan-1922 26-Jan-1905 3-May-1909 18-Apr-1907 29-May-1911 28-Feb-1922 15-Mar-1906 21-Dec-1906 30-Nov-1912 25-Oct-1913 13-Jul-1920 17-Aug-1925 11-Apr-1929 13-Jul-1922 31-Jul-1925 21-Sep-1926 8-Oct-1927 27-Aug-1928 12-Nov-1928 4-Sep-1913 4-Sep-1913 Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J 3-May-1923 15-Mar-1912 19-Jan-1905 24-Jun-1918 19-May-1902 26-Dec-1924 27-Jun-1928 28-Sep-1908 Last Name Stoll Stoll Stoll Stone Stone Stone Stonebraker Storer Storms Story Stover Stover Stover Strader Strader Strasser Stratman Strauss Strawser Strawser Strawser Strawser Strawser Streeck Streeck Streiff Streiff Streiff Streiff Streiff Streiff Streiff Streiff Streiff Streiff First Name Barbara Golda Earl Miss William Eleanor W. Orrin George C. Fred, Mrs Charles H. Fannie Leo, Mrs Henry Homer Homer Illiffe Jacob George Gottfried Fred Ray Mary J. Mary J. John Rudolph Augustine Allie Jacob Libbie Thomas Alfred Fredolin Dan Mrs. Nicholas Joshua Jacob Other Name Hoesly Moore Zentzis Sheldon Sheldon Brownfield Sr. Binder 1909S 1915S 1926S 1901S 1905S 1926S 1908S 1913S 1922S 1913S 1916S 1923S 1925S 1902S 1909S 1917S 1918S 1915S 1903S 1903S 1916S 1917S 1926S 1923S 1927S 1903S 1900D 1906S 1905S 1916S 1917S 1920S 1923S 1925S 1926S Date Died Residence 31-Aug-1909 Monroe WI Wichita KS 10-Apr-1926 Durand IL 23-Jun-1905 Freeport IL 27-Aug-1926 Brodhead WI 28-Apr-1908 Milwaukee WI Minneapolis MN 11-Apr-1922 Dodgeville 17-Nov-1913 Belleville 15-Mar-1916 Browntown WI 2-Mar-1923 Cadiz twp WI Merrill WI 10-Sep-1902 Kilbourn WI 13-Apr-1909 Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI 24-Nov-1918 Monroe WI 8-Sep-1915 Lamont 19-Sep-1903 Beloit WI 2-Dec-1903 Brodhead WI 31-Dec-1916 Rockford IL Rockford IL 29-Jun-1926 Denver CO 17-Sep-1923 Cadiz twp WI 25-Dec-1927 Brodhead WI Kilbourn WI estate 11-Apr-1906 Monroe WI Appleton MO 9-Jun-1916 New Glarus WI 6-Dec-1917 New Glarus WI Beaver Dam 11-May-1923 Monticello WI 31-Jul-1925 Monroe WI 26-Dec-1926 Monticello WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Madison Minneapolis Cadiz Cadiz Cemetery Browntown M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Beloit Monroe M - Greenwood Denver CO Albany M - Greenwood Monroe County Court New Glarus Beaver Dam New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 31-Aug-1909 5-May-1915 12-Apr-1926 4-Nov-1901 24-Jun-1905 30-Aug-1926 28-Apr-1908 17-Mar-1913 21-Apr-1922 18-Nov-1913 16-Mar-1916 3-Mar-1923 23-Nov-1925 11-Sep-1902 13-Apr-1909 31-Oct-1917 25-Nov-1918 9-Sep-1915 21-Sep-1903 3-Dec-1903 2-Jan-1916 2-Jan-1917 29-Jun-1926 18-Sep-1923 25-Dec-1927 5-Nov-1903 3-Feb-1900 11-Apr-1906 25-Mar-1905 10-Jun-1916 7-Dec-1917 27-Jul-1920 17-May-1923 3-Aug-1925 27-Dec-1926 Last Name Streiff Streiff Streiff Streit Streit Stretch Strickner Striker Striker Striker Strohm Strong Strong Strong Strunt Stuart Stubbe Stubbe Stubbe Stubbe Stubbe Stubbe Stubbe Stuckey Stucki Stucky Studer Studley Studley Studley Studley Studley Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy First Name Mary Elsbeth Amos John John i/c John Father Andrew, Mrs George Andrew Lydia Abbie Jane Abbie Jane Della Charles W. Esther August, Mrs Charles Fred William Fredrick, Mrs Hannah Charles J. David William Louise, Mrs Carl F. K., Capt Eliza A. George George, Mrs Orrin Arthur Charles, Mrs i/s of M. J. Other Name Freitag Connely Jensen Wolff German Crowell Binder 1928S 1928S 1928S 1915S 1925S 1910S 1901S 1917S 1923S 1925S 1928S 1912S 1912S 1929S 1928S 1918S 1902S 1915S 1913S 1911S 1922S 1926S 1928S 1909S 1917S 1924S 1902S 1905S 1915S 1919S 1912S 1920S 1901T 1905S 1906S Date Died 10-Jan-1928 20-Jan-1928 24-Jun-1928 15-Mar-1915 18-Mar-1925 15-May-1910 20-Sep-1901 29-Jan-1917 17-Jun-1923 31-Jul-1925 3-Apr-1928 11-Feb-1912 11-Feb-1912 12-Feb-1928 29-Dec-1918 21-Oct-1915 14-Nov-1913 8-Nov-1911 30-Dec-1922 29-Mar-1926 17-May-1928 17-Nov-1909 29-Aug-1917 13-May-1924 17-Oct-1902 29-Oct-1905 28-Jan-1915 8-Jun-1912 26-Oct-1920 22-Feb-1901 14-Feb-1905 9-Apr-1906 Residence New Glarus WI Paoli Custer MT Mt Vernon County farm Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL Massachusetts Massachusetts San Diego CA County home Detroit MN Monroe WI Browntown WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Knapp WI Knapp WI Colorado Eau Claire WI Brodhead WI New Glarus twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Janesville M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Beloit WI Beloit WI San Diego CA Gibson City IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Algona IA Monroe New Glarus Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 11-Jan-1928 21-Jan-1928 26-Jun-1928 20-Mar-1915 19-Mar-1925 16-May-1910 23-Sep-1901 29-Jan-1917 18-Jun-1923 1-Aug-1925 3-Apr-1928 13-Feb-1912 13-Feb-1912 27-Nov-1929 15-Feb-1928 30-Dec-1918 21-Jun-1902 21-Oct-1915 15-Nov-1913 9-Nov-1911 30-Dec-1922 29-Mar-1926 18-May-1928 17-Nov-1909 31-Aug-1917 17-May-1924 17-Oct-1902 30-Oct-1905 28-Jan-1915 11-Mar-1919 10-Jun-1912 28-Oct-1920 22-Feb-1901 15-Feb-1905 11-Apr-1906 Last Name Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stuessy Stull Stull Stuntz Stuntz Stuntz Sturdevant Stussy Sughrua Sughrua Sughrua Sughrua Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan First Name Jacob Mathias Mathias Jr. Son of John Nathan Walter Walter Fred, Mrs Anna M. Walter Samuel John F. Ezra Dwaine M. Infant child Elwin Chester Margaret Hilda Harlow Blanche Lydia Ann William, Mrs Amelia Reba Helen John P. John P., Mrs Catherine Catherine Grace J. F. Mrs. John Thomas Henry Henry Other Name Christopher Sturdevant Ruf Binder 1908S 1909S Page20 1904S 1911S 1918S 1921S 1921S 1922S 1923S 1924S 1924S 1925S 1926S 1926S 1928S 1908S 1917S 1917S 1927S 1928S 1916S 1928S 1905S 1915S 1929S 1929S 1907S 1908S 1909S 1908S Page 6 1904S 1917S 1917S Date Died 14-Dec-1908 6-Dec-1909 3-Dec-1901 6-Nov-1904 10-Oct-1911 3-Nov-1918 7-Dec-1921 23-Jan-1922 4-Nov-1918 28-Nov-1924 18-Feb-1925 26-Jul-1926 31-Dec-1927 22-Aug-1908 5-Sep-1917 14-Apr-1917 2-Apr-1927 27-Oct-1928 20-Apr-1928 5-Feb-1905 13-Apr-1915 29-Jul-1929 22-Aug-1929 7-Sep-1907 5-Aug-1908 8-Feb-1909 4-Oct-1908 11-Feb-1904 4-Nov-1917 4-Nov-1917 Residence Verona area New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI France France New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Belgium Iowa California Monticello WI New Glarus WI Brodhead WI New Glarus WI St Paul County Home Ladysmith Cumberland Monroe WI Footville Eau Claire WI Crystal Lake IL Crystal Lake IL Crystal Lake IL Crystal Lake IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Cedar Rapids IA Chicago IL Clarno twp WI Beloit WI Beloit WI Cemetery or Burial Location New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus Luverne IA Beloit New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood Juda Cumberland Cumberland WI M - Greenwood Eau Claire M - Calvary M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Calvary Old Catholic Old Catholic Davenport IA Old Catholic M - Calvary M - Calvary Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Paper Date 16-Dec-1908 8-Dec-1909 4-Dec-1901 7-Nov-1904 11-Oct-1911 5-Dec-1918 11-May-1921 8-Dec-1921 27-Jan-1922 9-Aug-1923 8-Nov-1924 4-Dec-1924 18-Feb-1925 27-Jul-1926 26-Feb-1926 3-Jan-1928 4-Sep-1908 5-Sep-1917 25-Apr-1917 2-Apr-1927 29-Oct-1928 1-Aug-1916 21-Apr-1928 7-Feb-1905 14-Apr-1915 30-Jul-1929 24-Aug-1929 9-Sep-1907 6-Aug-1908 9-Feb-1909 5-Oct-1908 28-Feb-1901 11-Feb-1904 5-Nov-1917 5-Nov-1917 Last Name Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Summerfelt Summeril Summeril Summeril Summeril Summeril Summeril Summeril Summeril Summers Summon Suter Suter Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland First Name Kathryn M.J., Mrs Margarie Patrick O. Patrick, Mrs John, Mrs Kathrin Johanna Fred Gertrude Katherine Sarah Thomas L. Ellen Frank Nellie Earl Elspeth Mrs. Mary John Jacob Lena Erma Ellen G. A. Justus Avery Lorin Ray Will Benjamin G. Burdett Mary Melissa Ozora P, Dr Arick Thomas B. Amelia Frank Juan Other Name Dalton Duffy Dunlavy Sullivan Flynn Stanley Brager Bergemder Billings Howlett Bushnell "Doat" Binder 1918S 1918S 1913S 1916S 1921S 1921S 1925S 1928S 1906S 1900C 1900S 1906S 1913S 1923S 1923S 1925S 1926S 1904S 1928S 1924S 1929S 1906S 1903S 1905S 1906S 1905S 1906S 1912S 1917S 1917S 1918S 1921S 1921S 1924S 1928S Date Died 1-Apr-1918 16-Dec-1918 16-Oct-1913 24-Mar-1916 4-Apr-1921 26-Jul-1921 10-Oct-1925 14-Jun-1928 4-Jan-1906 21-Mar-1900 23-Apr-1900 28-Dec-1906 2-Feb-1913 31-Mar-1923 22-Aug-1923 15-May-1925 19-Jan-1926 14-Jan-1904 4-Nov-1928 16-Feb-1924 13-Jan-1929 4-Feb-1906 13-Aug-1903 21-Dec-1905 3-Feb-1906 3-Apr-1905 13-Jun-1906 7-Jun-1912 15-Dec-1917 3-Dec-1917 27-Jun-1918 11-Nov-1921 6-Nov-1921 10-Oct-1924 29-Apr-1928 Residence Monroe WI Orfordville WI Adams twp WI Adams twp WI Adams twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Juda WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Los Angeles CA Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI York twp WI New Glarus WI Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Albany WI Albany WI Richland Center WI Monroe WI Adams County WI Kilbourn WI Rockton IL Monroe WI South Wayne WI Brodhead WI California Menomonie WI Woodford Cemetery or Burial Location M - Calvary Dixon IL Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Adams Monroe T Adams Cemetery Monroe M - Calvary Monroe M - Calvary Monroe M - Calvary Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe T Monroe J Los Angeles CA Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe New Glarus Monroe J York Church Cemetery Monroe New Glarus Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Monroe J Brodhead Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood MonroeJ Monroe J Gap Cemetery Monroe Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Mt Vernon Monroe Los Angeles CA Monroe Menomonie Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Paper Date 3-Apr-1918 17-Dec-1918 16-Oct-1913 24-Mar-1916 5-Apr-1921 27-Jul-1921 12-Oct-1925 14-Jun-1928 4-Feb-1906 23-Mar-1900 23-Apr-1900 30-Dec-1905 3-Feb-1913 31-Mar-1923 23-Aug-1923 19-May-1925 20-Jan-1926 15-Jan-1904 9-Nov-1928 16-Feb-1924 16-Jan-1929 5-Feb-1906 14-Aug-1903 22-Dec-1905 3-Feb-1906 5-Apr-1905 5-Jul-1906 8-Jun-1912 15-Dec-1917 3-Dec-1917 28-Jun-1918 18-Nov-1921 14-Nov-1921 11-Oct-1924 30-Apr-1928 Last Name Sutherland Sutherland Suttle Swain Swan Swan Swan Swan Swan Swan Swan Swan Swanson Swanton Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Swenk Swenk Swiggum Switzer Sykes Sylvester Sylvester First Name Anna Mary William Martin O. Hattie Leola i/d Ivan Samuel Samuel, Mrs Lee N., pvt Mary Jane Pliny D. Harry Alvin Eva i/s George C.C. Rev. Charles George A. John John David M. Wilma Ellen Homer Ira Homer Samuel Lucinda Frank Frank, Dr. Henry Ruth Catherine Lucena Ann E. W. Eben W., Mrs Other Name Wells Dodge Newman Frybarger Divan Miss Mrs. Churchill Binder 1929S 1929S 1923S 1928S 1905S Page 1 1904S 1906S 1918S 1918S 1925S 1926S 1912S 1929S 1906S 1905S 1902S 1916S 1910S 1922S 1923S 1926S 1928S 1901S Page23 1912S 1920S 1927S 1915S 1913S 1919S 1912S 1926S 1906S 1913S Date Died 28-Mar-1929 11-Oct-1929 13-May-1923 13-Apr-1928 27-Oct-1905 Residence Jordan twp WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Clarno WI Minnesota 29-Feb-1904 Ohio Port Huron MI 24-Apr-1918 Washington Waupaca WI 29-Mar-1925 Brodhead WI 18-Jul-1906 17-Apr-1905 8-Mar-1902 25-Jul-1916 22-Aug-1910 24-Jan-1922 Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Gratiot WI Montana M - Greenwood Monroe WI M - Greenwood Monroe WI Clarno twp WI Darlington WI Orangeville IL Darlington WI 14-Oct-1928 Orangeville IL 27-Dec-1901 Cadiz WI 21-Nov-1912 29-Jun-1920 31-Oct-1927 20-Dec-1915 17-May-1913 23-Feb-1919 17-Feb-1912 4-May-1926 21-May-1906 21-Apr-1913 Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood East Luther Cemetery Argyle WI Argyle WI Argyle WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Blanchardville WI Indiana Monroe WI Mineral Point WI Mineral Point WI W. Clarno Twin Grove Avon Cemetery Darlington Orangeville IL Cadiz Saucerman Woodlawn Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mineral Point Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Paper Date 28-Mar-1929 12-Oct-1929 14-May-1923 17-Apr-1928 28-Oct-1905 23-Aug-1907 3-Mar-1904 27-Aug-1906 1-May-1918 23-May-1918 31-Mar-1925 31-Dec-1926 19-Dec-1912 24-Apr-1929 18-Jul-1906 17-Apr-1905 10-Mar-1902 25-Jul-1916 23-Aug-1910 28-Jan-1922 29-Aug-1923 11-Feb-1926 15-Oct-1928 28-Dec-1901 30-Dec-1901 23-Nov-1912 2-Jul-1920 31-Oct-1927 20-Dec-1915 17-May-1913 28-Feb-1919 29-Feb-1912 5-May-1926 22-May-1906 26-Apr-1913 Last Name Sylvester Sylvester Sylvius Symonds Synstegard Taft Taft Tanberg Tanberg Tank Tankhoff Tannert Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Teehan Teehan Teehan Teehan Teehan Temple Tenckoff TenEyck First Name Moses Emily Joseph Lillian Carl K. William Ogden Christian Miriam H. Wilhelmine William Louise Clarence William Allen, Pvt Henry Henry, Mrs Miranda Mary John Henry, Dr Peter Alice Philena Hazel Eugene R. Mary Alice Laura Bert John Patrick Lorrine Allen J. Anna Bert, Mrs William, Mrs A.A. Other Name Kinney Brandt Dusty Binger Stevens Oviatt Caldwell Fralick Rhyner Binder 1929S 1929S 1929S 1911S 1922S 1912T 1924T 1911T 1913T 1929T 1905T Page 2 1902T 1904T 1918T 1912T 1910T 1918T 1920T 1920T 1922T 1922T 1926T 1928T 1928T 1929T 1929T 1916T 1915T 1920T 1925T 1929T 1922T 1924Z 1913T Date Died 12-Aug-1929 29-Dec-1929 14-Nov-1929 13-Sep-1911 22-Apr-1922 1-Feb-1912 14-May-1924 6-Oct-1911 19-Nov-1913 11-Nov-1929 3-Feb-1905 29-Aug-1907 4-Feb-1902 20-May-1904 3-May-1912 18-Jul-1910 8-May-1918 10-Jul-1920 21-Mar-1920 15-Jan-1922 7-Jan-1922 17-Nov-1926 18-Feb-1928 28-Mar-1928 25-Feb-1929 28-Sep-1929 10-Jun-1915 26-Aug-1920 1-Sep-1925 11-Aug-1929 11-Jan-1922 7-Nov-1924 1-Jul-1913 Residence Albany WI Albany WI Colorado Los Angeles CA Spring Valley Orangeville IL Monticello WI Janesville WI Monroe WI County home Milwaukee WI Stoughton WI Brodhead WI County farm California County farm County farm Browntown WI Nebraska Browntown WI Brodhead WI Argyle, WI Brodhead WI Avon twp WI Brodhead WI Madison WI Brodhead WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Hanover Monroe WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Milwaukee WI Decatur twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Gap Cemetery Gap Cemetery Wray CO Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Janesville Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Milwaukee Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Winslow IL Monroe J Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe T Cadiz Monroe J Cadiz Cemetery Monroe Lewis Cemetery Monroe Cadiz Cemetery Monroe Monroe Woodlawn - Argy Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Mt.Hope Cemetery Monroe Bloomington WI Monroe Maple Grove Cemetery Monroe M - Calvary Monroe J M - Calvary Monroe M - Calvary Monroe M - Calvary Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Milwaukee Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 13-Aug-1929 30-Dec-1929 15-Nov-1929 25-Sep-1911 11-May-1922 3-Feb-1912 14-May-1924 7-Oct-1911 19-Nov-1913 12-Nov-1929 4-Feb-1905 30-Aug-1907 4-Feb-1902 21-May-1904 6-Nov-1918 4-May-1912 18-Jul-1910 9-May-1918 15-Jul-1920 22-Mar-1920 17-Jan-1922 13-Jan-1922 17-Nov-1926 20-Feb-1928 29-Mar-1928 26-Feb-1929 30-Sep-1929 29-Jun-1916 10-Jun-1915 27-Aug-1920 2-Sep-1925 12-Aug-1929 13-Jan-1922 8-Nov-1924 3-Jul-1913 Last Name TenEyck TenEyck TenEyck TenEyck TenEyck Teuscher Teuscher Teuscher Teuscher Teuscher Tew Thayer Theiler Theiler First Name Mary Celia Hattie H.B. Ellen Christian Jacob David Samuel Jacob, Mrs Christian Katherine Christian David Other Name Theiler Christian 1917T 25-Feb-1917 Washington twp WI Theiler Theiler Theiler Theiler Theiler Theiler Thiel Thiel Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomm Thomm Thomm Thomm Thomm Thompson Thompson Jacob John H. Walter Clifford Edna I Sophia Charles Bertha Parry, Rev Theodore John H. Fred Diethland Dietland Matilda Vincent J. Carrie Ed 1910T 1917T 1911T 1922T 1925T 1927T 1929T 1929T 1909T 1905T 1928T 1924T 1926T 1927T 1928T 1928T 1905T 1908T Mani Schindler Keister Richard Whitehead Kafer Binder 1922T 1922T 1924T 1928T 1929T 1906T 1911T 1920T 1928T !929T 1923T 1918S 1900D 1904T Date Died Residence 6-Sep-1922 Hanover 5-Feb-1922 Brodhead WI Brodhead WI 25-Sep-1928 Brodhead WI 9-Oct-1929 California 30-Mar-1906 Monroe WI 17-Feb-1911 Calamine 8-Feb-1920 Jefferson twp WI 29-Apr-1928 Monroe WI 6-Sep-1929 Clarno twp WI 4-Apr-1923 County farm 8-Jul-1918 Denver estate 28-Mar-1904 Monroe area WI 6-May-1910 23-Jan-1917 11-Sep-1911 28-May-1922 26-Mar-1925 27-Feb-1927 26-Aug-1929 2-Jul-1929 30-Jun-1909 4-Jan-1905 3-Nov-1928 17-Jul-1924 31-Dec-1926 31-Dec-1926 25-Mar-1928 28-Apr-1928 Washington twp WI Monroe WI Franklin WI Monroe twp WI Monroe twp WI Monroe twp WI Winslow IL Winslow IL Pueblo CO Chicago IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI County farm 7-Dec-1908 Juda WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood LuVerne IA M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood County Court Washington Church Cemetery Washington Church Cemetery M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Washington Cemetery Monroe Basswood Cemetery Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe M - Calvary Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Calvary Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe York Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 9-Sep-1922 9-Feb-1922 1-Dec-1924 26-Sep-1928 10-Oct-1929 31-Mar-1906 18-Feb-1911 12-Feb-1920 1-May-1928 6-Sep-1929 5-Apr-1923 3-Feb-1900 28-Mar-1904 26-Feb-1917 7-May-1910 24-Jan-1917 12-Sep-1911 29-May-1922 28-Mar-1925 28-Feb-1927 28-Aug-1929 2-Jul-1929 3-Jul-1909 5-Jan-1905 6-Nov-1928 17-Jul-1924 31-Dec-1926 3-Jan-1927 26-Mar-1928 28-Apr-1928 2-Dec-1905 7-Dec-1908 Last Name Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thorne Thornton Thoroughgood Thorp Thorp Thorp Thorp Thorpe Thorpe Thorpe Thorpe Thorpe Thorpe Thorpe Thorson Thorson Thurman Thurman Tibbitts First Name Edward H. T. Milo Washington James Elling Elling Charlotte John Lewis Hassell Mary Queenie Betsy James, Mrs Mary Maurice Jane John K. John, Mrs Frank Henry Remember David Albert Mrs. Mary Jane Thomas George W. Thomas, Mrs Frank Thomas, Mrs Rear Otis George Maria Other Name DeRemer Conley Johnson Pond Binder 1912T 1917T 1918T 1920T 1922T 1922T 1922T 1922T 1923T 1927T 1927T 1928T 1928T 1928T 1929T 1929T 1912T 1923T 1924T 1913T 1915T 1922T 1923T 1919T 1911T 1923T 1924T 1924T 1924T 1929T 1908T 1920T 1922T 1922T 1928T Date Died 9-Jun-1912 24-Jan-1917 8-Oct-1918 27-Jan-1920 31-May-1922 16-Apr-1922 26-Jun-1922 9-Sep-1922 2-May-1927 18-Feb-1927 12-Dec-1928 22-Apr-1928 1-Jan-1928 12-May-1929 28-Sep-1929 24-Nov-1912 13-Jun-1923 14-Jun-1924 11-Sep-1913 12-Dec-1915 26-Jan-1923 7-Jan-1919 1-Oct-1911 11-Feb-1923 6-Mar-1924 15-Dec-1924 19-Feb-1924 29-Jan-1908 14-Apr-1920 1-Sep-1922 10-Oct-1922 7-Aug-1928 Residence Marengo IL Argyle WI Brodhead WI Darlington WI Wiota WI Wiota WI Brodhead WI Eau Claire WI Winslow IL Oshkosh WI Brooklyn twp Winslow twp IL Darlington WI Argyle WI Brooklyn WI Rock Grove WI Albany WI Janesville WI Clarno twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Spring Grove WI Hudson SD Brodhead WI South Wayne WI South Dakota Virginia Hudson IA Warren IL Jordan twp WI County home Evansville Evansville Albany WI Cemetery or Burial Location Chicago IL Brodhead West Wiota Cemetery Jordan Lutheran Winslow IL. Mt Vernon Cemetery Jug Prairie Cemetery Rock Lily Cemetery Darlington Woodlawn Argyle Jug Prairie Cemetery Rock Grove Mt Vernon Janesville M - Greenwood Twin Grove M - Greenwood Williamsburg Hudson IA Warren IL Jordan Church Madison Nichols vault Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 11-Jun-1912 25-Jan-1917 12-Oct-1918 29-Jan-1920 2-Jun-1922 28-Apr-1922 27-Jun-1922 12-Sep-1922 25-Jun-1923 2-May-1927 20-Feb-1927 13-Dec-1928 23-Apr-1928 5-Jan-1928 13-May-1929 1-Oct-1929 25-Nov-1912 25-Jun-1923 16-Jun-1924 11-Sep-1913 13-Dec-1915 27-Jan-1923 7-Jan-1919 3-Oct-1911 12-Feb-1923 7-Mar-1924 15-Dec-1924 28-Feb-1924 19-Nov-1929 29-Jan-1908 15-Apr-1920 2-Sep-1922 11-Oct-1922 9-Aug-1928 Last Name Tiedemandson Tierny Ties Tiffany Tiley Tilley Tilley Tilley Timmons Timms Tisserand Titus Tobin Tobin Tobin Tochterman Tochterman Tochterman Tochterman Tochterman Tolfson Tollackson Tollefson Tollefson Tollefson Tollefson Tollefson Tollefson Tollefson Tolliver Tompkins Tornow Tourson Town Towne First Name Kari Ned Fred J. Olive M. Herbert A. Elizabeth Christopher Christopher Catherine Charles F. Augusta A.S. David Thomas James Madeline Magdalena Christ, Mrs Sabina Gottfried S. Magdalena Ole, Mrs Curtis Elmer Sophia Maria William L. Kathryn Ann William Richard Arthur Gustina Martin Burt L. E., Dr Other Name Stubbs Greenwald Luchsinger Doehring Luchsinger Gutzmer Binder 1922T 1901T 1928T 1925T 1904T 1905T 1911T 1925T 1920T 1904T 1923T 1922T 1908T 1916T 1928T 1901T Page20 1919T 1921T 1925T 1900T 1925T 1912T 1918T 1917T 1920T 1921T 1926T 1929T 1907T 1912T 1925T 1911T 1923B 1903T Date Died 26-Nov-1922 23-Sep-1901 27-Mar-1928 31-Aug-1925 11-Jan-1904 17-Nov-1905 29-Aug-1911 3-Mar-1925 27-Dec-1920 7-Jun-1904 25-Dec-1923 29-Jan-1916 20-Sep-1928 25-Nov-1901 25-Nov-1901 20-Jan-1921 29-May-1925 27-Nov-1900 12-May-1925 20-Dec-1917 22-Feb-1920 7-Apr-1921 12-Dec-1926 24-Oct-1929 11-Sep-1907 Residence Albany area WI Brodhead WI Monticello WI Rockford IL Monroe WI Monroe WI Beaver Dam Monroe WI Freeport IL area Belleville WI Pennsylvania Cadiz twp WI Argyle WI Browntown WI Janesville WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Argyle WI Mt Horeb WI Washington New Glarus WI South Dakota Monroe WI New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Murdo SD Washington WI Martintown WI 3-Sep-1925 29-May-1911 23-Dec-1923 Wauwatosa 6-Jan-1903 Brodhead WI Cemetery or Burial Location York Cemetery State Line Cemetery Beloit Cemetery Albany M - Calvary Probate Adams Old Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Horeb Jordan Church M - Calvary New Glarus New Glarus Blaisdell Cemetery Gratiot Brodhead Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 2-Dec-1922 24-Sep-1901 28-Mar-1928 31-Aug-1925 12-Jan-1904 17-Nov-1905 30-Aug-1911 5-Mar-1925 28-Dec-1920 8-Jun-1904 26-Dec-1923 23-Feb-1922 26-Feb-1908 1-Feb-1916 21-Sep-1928 26-Nov-1901 27-Nov-1901 10-Feb-1919 20-Jan-1921 29-May-1925 27-Nov-1900 15-May-1925 29-Mar-1912 22-May-1918 21-Dec-1917 23-Feb-1920 8-Apr-1921 16-Dec-1926 24-Oct-1929 12-Sep-1907 2-Jan-1912 3-Sep-1925 31-May-1911 24-Dec-1923 8-Jan-1903 Last Name Townsend Townsend Tracy Tracy Tracy Travis Travis Treat Treat Treat Treat Treat Treat Tree Tremaine First Name Daniel Webster Henry W. Ellenor William H. Avery Maude William N. B. Nellie Parker Priscilla Margaret Ann Andress Emma Jane Other Name Trepus Tresner Trestor Trestrail Trevartian Trevitt Trickel Trickel Trickel Trickle Trickle Trickle Trickle Trickle Trickle Trickle Trickle Trickle Trickle Fred, Mrs John Carl, Mrs James, Mrs Benjamin Edwin Rosa Clarence, Mrs Erma Andrew Ashford, Mrs Charlotte d/o Eugene Lloyd Mary Cloyd Edward Norma Mae Edward Thelma A. Malia Bussy Gilman Galusha Gould Cornwall Gilman Zweifel Klemm Morton St.Claire Binder 1919T 1920T 1905T 1924T 1924T 1920T 1925T 1908T 1915T 1911T 1916T 1921T 1929T 1920T 1906T Date Died 8-Mar-1919 30-Mar-1920 18-Jul-1905 3-Mar-1924 20-Mar-1924 4-May-1920 15-Jun-1925 5-Jul-1908 27-May-1915 7-Apr-1911 8-Sep-1916 Residence Stoughton WI Chicago IL Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI County home Janesville WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Philippines Monroe WI 4-Apr-1920 South Wayne WI 14-Aug-1906 County farm 1916T 1917T 1922T 1909T 1920T 1921T 1927T 1927T 1929T 1903T 1901T 1903T 1905T 1903D 1905T 1917T 1915T 1920T 1920T 10 Dec 1916 Freeport IL Darlington WI 29-Mar-1922 Orangeville IL Darlington WI 10-Dec-1920 Belmont 9-Oct-1921 Monroe WI 19-Nov-1927 Monroe WI 30-Nov-1927 El Paso 15-Jun-1929 Clarno twp WI 15-Nov-1903 Monroe WI 22-Sep-1901 Monroe WI 9-Jan-1903 Monroe WI 21-Sep-1905 Browntown WI 6-Jul-1903 Monroe area WI 19-Oct-1905 Browntown WI 25-Jan-1917 Monroe WI 21-Jul-1915 Monroe WI 18-Feb-1920 Browntown WI 5-Feb-1920 Jefferson twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Stoughton M - Greenwood Union Cemetery M - Greenwood Janesville Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Tree Homestead Freeport IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Chicago IL M - Greenwood Franklin - Kelly Franklin Cemetery Kelly Cemetery Kelly Cemetery M - Greenwood Franklin Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery M - Greenwood Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 8-Mar-1919 31-Mar-1920 29-Jul-1905 4-Mar-1924 20-Mar-1924 5-May-1920 15-Jun-1925 6-Jul-1908 28-May-1915 9-Apr-1911 8-Sep-1916 18-Jan-1921 5-Feb-1929 5-Apr-1920 14-Aug-1906 Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe 11-Dec-1916 15-Sep-1917 10-Dec-1909 17-Dec-1920 10-Oct-1921 19-Nov-1927 30-Nov-1927 15-Jun-1929 16-Nov-1903 23-Sep-1901 10-Jan-1903 22-Sep-1905 6-Jul-1903 20-Oct-1905 25-Jan-1917 21-Jul-1915 18-Feb-1920 6-Feb-1920 Last Name Trickle Trickle Trickle Trickle Trickle Trogner Trogner Trogner Trosdahl Trotter Trow Trow Troy Troy Truax Truckenbrod Truckenbrod Truex Trukenbrod Trukenbrod Truman Truman Truman Trumpy Trumpy Trumpy Trumpy Trumpy Trumpy Trumpy Truttman Truttmann Tschabold Tschabold Tschabold First Name Parker Bernadine R. Edward Dora Ida George W. John H. John, Mrs Martha Calista Theopholis John A. James, Mrs James Wesley Jacob Katherine Mary Rose William Fred William T. Charles Oliver Elsbeth Henry Sr. Thomas Emma M. Fred Elsbeth Ida Mary Melchoir Alex, Mrs Dave James Other Name Bloom Row Johnson Sawin Bast Lichtenwalner Schlapfer Zimmerman Binder 1923T 1924T 1924T 1927T 1929T 1924T 1926T 1929T 1929T 1916T 1922T 1928T 1903T 1917T 1921T 1909T 1912T 1929T 1910T 1928T 1918T 1920T 1924W 1912T 1915T 1910T 1926T 1926T 1926T 1928T 1922T 1925T 1909T 1908T 1913T Date Died 9-Feb-1923 10-Jun-1924 6-Mar-1924 8-Jan-1927 26-Mar-1929 23-Oct-1924 2-Apr-1926 3-Feb-1929 19-May-1929 18-Jun-1922 31-Jan-1928 29-Apr-1903 7-Aug-1917 19-Mar-1921 11-Nov-1909 10-Mar-1912 13-Oct-1929 17-Mar-1910 Residence Monroe WI Orangeville IL Orangeville IL County home Iowa Neillsville WI Beloit WI Beloit WI Woodford Argyle WI Albany WI Albany WI Monroe WI County Home Mt Pleasant twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Indiana Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New Orleans Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI California Monroe WI 24-Dec-1918 27-Feb-1920 18-Jan-1924 31-Jul-1912 14-Aug-1915 9-Jan-1910 4-Jan-1926 8-Nov-1926 00-00-1912 26-Dec-1928 Monroe WI 10-Mar-1922 New Glarus WI Switzerland 8-Sep-1909 Monroe twp WI 14-Jul-1908 22-Feb-1913 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Spirit Lake IA Neillsville WI Monticello Monticello Cemetery East Wiota Cemetery Woodlawn Hillcrest Cemetery Union Cemetery M - Calvary Albany M - Greenwood Pierceton IN M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood California M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Monroe M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Paper Date 9-Feb-1923 12-Jun-1924 7-Mar-1924 8-Jan-1927 27-Mar-1929 28-Oct-1924 3-Apr-1926 5-Feb-1929 20-May-1929 17-Jun-1916 24-Jun-1922 1-Feb-1928 30-Apr-1903 7-Aug-1917 21-Mar-1921 12-Nov-1909 11-Mar-1912 14-Oct-1929 18-Mar-1910 26-Dec-1928 24-Dec-1918 28-Feb-1920 26-Jan-1924 1-Aug-1912 16-Aug-1915 10-Jan-1910 6-Jan-1926 8-Nov-1926 20-Sep-1926 27-Dec-1928 11-Mar-1922 7-Jul-1925 9-Sep-1909 15-Jul-1908 24-Feb-1913 Last Name Tschabold Tschabold Tschabold Tschabold Tschabold Tschabold Tschudy Tschudy Tschudy Tschudy Tschudy Tschudy Tschudy Tschudy Tschudy Tucker Tuescher Tuescher Tuescher TulkemeierFulkemeier? Tullar Tuller Tuller Tuller Turner Turner Turner Tusler Twining Twining Twining Tyler Tyler Udelowish First Name Lenora William L. Wilma David Lena Blanche Emeline J. B., Mrs Magdaline Rose Fred Jay J., Mrs Minnie C. J.J. Sr. Albert S. Sarah Gottlieb Rose Kathryn Anna D.S, Judge Henry Charles B. Elizabeth Ella Joseph Giles Harvey Wilma Mazie Robert N.C, Prof D. D. Mary Ann H. Other Name Leiser Elliott Riebau Klassy Monroe West Hart Barber Rodebaugh Binder 1913T 1917T 1916T 1920T 1926T 1928T 1904T 1900U 1904T 1909T 1913 T 1923T 1925T 1929T 1929T 1911T 1915T 1912T 1925T 1906T 1921T 1907T 1918T 1921T 1910T 1920T 1923T 1926T 1905T 1901T 1924T 1917T 1925T 1906U Date Died 21-Feb-1913 1-Jan-1917 1-Jun-1916 27-Oct-1920 24-Oct-1926 22-Jun-1928 Residence Monroe WI Jefferson twp WI Monroe twp WI Marvell AR Monroe twp WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI 24-Dec-1900 Avoca 18-Oct-1904 Monroe area WI 23-Aug-1909 26-Jul-1913 County farm 14-Sep-1923 Kansas City KS 28-Sep-1925 Monroe WI 1-Jul-1929 Monroe WI 18-May-1929 Monroe WI 18-Jul-1911 County farm 10-Mar-1915 Monroe WI 22-Nov-1912 Monroe WI 20-Apr-1925 Oconomowoc 29-Aug-1906 Rock City IL Waukesha WI 23-Aug-1907 Monroe WI Missouri 4-Mar-1921 Nebraska 12-Apr-1910 Oakland CA Durand IL 11-Nov-1923 Albany WI 12-Aug-1926 Stoughton WI 20-Nov-1905 Monroe WI 19-Jul-1901 Kilbourn 11-Mar-1924 Los Angeles CA 10-Dec-1917 Martintown WI 22-Apr-1925 Monroe WI 18-Jul-1906 Chicago IL Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood South Wayne WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Stoughton M - Greenwood Los Angeles CA Winslow IL Winslow IL Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 21-Feb-1913 2-Jan-1917 2-Jun-1916 4-Nov-1920 25-Oct-1926 23-Jun-1928 4-May-1904 28-Dec-1900 19-Oct-1904 24-Aug-1909 28-Jul-1913 24-Sep-1923 29-Sep-1925 2-Jul-1929 18-May-1929 19-Jul-1911 11-Mar-1915 22-Nov-1912 22-Apr-1925 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J 29-Aug-1906 7-Apr-1921 24-Aug-1907 17-Jun-1918 7-Mar-1921 13-Apr-1910 7-Oct-1920 12-Nov-1923 14-Aug-1926 21-Nov-1905 20-Jul-1901 18-Mar-1924 11-Dec-1917 22-Apr-1925 18-Jul-1906 Last Name Uecker Ula Ullum Ulsrud Underhill Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Unger Unger Unger Unker Upham Upham Urben Urben Utiger Utiger Utiger Utiger Utter Valck Van Buecken Van Hise Van Horn Van Horn Van Horn Van Mater Van Matre Van Matre Van Matre Van Matre Van Matre Van Matre First Name Edward Oscar Elias Nels Nancy A. Asa C. J. B. Edward Mary William Emil Ernestina Rudy Joseph Charles Gottfried John Barbara Albert Ralph Sophia E. D. Charles H. Peter Charles R., Dr Charles Rachel E. John W. Joseph W. Joseph Mary Nettie James K. John, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Other Name Kempton Underwood Stoldt Rudolph Ableman Morrell Binder 1926U 1911U 1909U 1922U 1928U 1900U 1905U 1915U 1916U 1921U 1923U 1929U 1915U 1900V 1916U 1904U 1916U 1903U 1911U 1921U 1926U 1916U 1922V 1916V 1918V 1918V 1916V 1925V 1909V 1900W 1908V 1904V 1913V 1913V 1917V Date Died Residence 15-Feb-1926 Freeport IL York twp WI 25-Feb-1909 Cadiz twp WI Mt Horeb WI 27-Apr-1928 South Wayne WI 00-00-1900? Monroe WI 12-Dec-1905 Avoca 25-Dec-1915 Monroe WI 12-Nov-1916 Monroe WI 5-Feb-1921 Monroe WI 7-Mar-1923 Monroe area WI 27-Sep-1929 Monroe WI 20-Apr-1915 New Glarus WI 13-Dec-1900 Blanchardville WI 23-Aug-1916 Beloit WI 16-Oct-1904 New Glarus WI 11-Dec-1916 Monticello WI 11-Oct-1903 Monroe area WI 11-Oct-1911 Monroe WI 22-Mar-1921 Monroe WI 18-Sep-1926 Freeport IL 5-Feb-1916 Milwaukee WI 27-Apr-1922 Cadiz twp WI 21-Jan-1916 County farm 19-Nov-1918 Madison WI 6-Jan-1918 Monroe WI 8-Dec-1916 Monroe WI 20-May-1925 Monroe WI 2-May-1909 Orangeville IL 16-Nov-1900 Monroe WI 25-Sep-1908 Winslow IL 11-Nov-1904 Freeport IL 8-Nov-1913 Darlington WI 13-Apr-1913 Orangeville IL 24-Apr-1917 Winslow IL Cemetery or Burial Location Lena Ula Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Wiota Cemetery M - Greenwood Avoca M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Cassville M - Greenwood New Glarus Warwick - Janesville Beloit New Glarus Monticello Franklin - Kelly M - Greenwood Oakland Cemetery Milwaukee Forest Hill M - Greenwood Winslow IL M - Greenwood Mt Pleasant IL Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 16-Feb-1926 25-Feb-1911 26-Feb-1909 2-Feb-1922 28-Apr-1928 00-00-1900? 13-Dec-1905 27-Dec-1915 13-Nov-1916 7-Feb-1921 9-Mar-1923 28-Sep-1929 21-Apr-1915 14-Dec-1900 26-Aug-1916 19-Oct-1904 12-Dec-1916 12-Oct-1903 11-Oct-1911 22-Mar-1921 20-Sep-1926 7-Feb-1916 27-Apr-1922 21-Jan-1916 22-Nov-1918 7-Jan-1918 9-Dec-1916 21-May-1925 3-May-1909 19-Nov-1900 26-Sep-1908 12-Nov-1904 14-Nov-1913 16-Apr-1913 24-Apr-1917 Last Name Van Matre Van Matre Van Matre Van Matre Van Matre Van Matre Van Norman Van Wagenen Van Wagenen Van Wagenen Van Wart VanAuken Vance Vance Vance Vance Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Vandervalden VanDervort VanHorn Vannatter Van Wagenen Van Wagenen Vetter Vickers Vincent Vincent Vinger Vinger Vinger Vinger Vinger Vinger Vivian First Name Samantha Son William A.P. Norma R.E. Mrs. Grace James H. Sophia Sarah Alfred Dan, Mrs Mary E. Zeke George W. Etta Mabel Savina Frank Frank Minerva James C. Emma Betty Ann Elizabeth George H. Joseph, Mrs Ima Ole E. Olson G. G. Mrs. Victor Edward Lewis, Mrs. Han H. Stansmore, Dr Other Name Lake Darling Deal Young Baughman Bleiler Simmons Binder 1918V 1912V 1916V 1928V 1929V 1929V Page 3 1918V 1910V 1911V Page 4 1920V 1908V 1916V 1913V 1927V Page14 1908V 1920V 1921V 1921V 1908V 1921V 1925V 1906V 1927V 1927V 1928V 1907V 1911V 1923V 1927V 1928V 1928V 1906V Date Died Residence 3-Jun-1918 Oneco twp 17-Mar-1912 Orangeville IL Lena IL 27-Nov-1928 Darlington WI 15-Aug-1929 Milwaukee WI Darlington WI Middleton 21-Dec-1918 Monroe WI 16-Mar-1910 Madison WI 25-Feb-1911 Monroe WI 3-Oct-1907 County farm 18-Jun-1920 Monroe WI 20-Jun-1908 Monroe WI 30-Dec-1915 Roberts WI 25-Dec-1913 Phoenix AZ Kansas 10-Feb-1908 28-Jan-1920 4-Dec-1921 24-Sep-1921 20-Oct-1908 26-Apr-1921 4-Nov-1925 13-Feb-1906 Juda WI Juda WI Warren IL Monroe WI South Wayne WI Monroe WI Beloit WI Blanchardville WI 8-Jun-1927 California Browntown WI 13-Feb-1907 Argyle WI 6-Apr-1911 Argyle WI 26-Mar-1923 Jordan twp WI 12-Oct-1927 Adams twp WI 19-Aug-1928 Argyle WI 31-Dec-1928 Brodhead WI 4-Jan-1906 Mineral Point WI Cemetery or Burial Location Orangeville IL Lena Cemetery Cadiz Cemetery Brodhead M - Greenwood Evansville M - Greenwood Roberts WI Norwich Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe Los Angeles CA Albany KY Adams Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery Paper Paper Date Monroe 4-Jun-1918 Monroe T 19-Mar-1912 Monroe J 8-Jul-1916 Monroe 28-Nov-1928 Monroe 17-Aug-1929 Monroe 31-Dec-1929 Monroe T 26-Sep-1907 Monroe 21-Dec-1918 Monroe T 18-Mar-1910 Monroe J 27-Feb-1911 Monroe T 3-Oct-1907 Monroe 19-Jun-1920 Monroe 22-Jun-1908 Monroe T 5-Jan-1916 Monroe J 26-Dec-1913 Monroe 27-Dec-1927 Monroe J 7-Aug-1901 Monroe J 11-Feb-1908 Monroe 28-Jan-1920 Monroe 9-Dec-1921 Monroe 24-Sep-1921 Monroe J 24-Oct-1908 Monroe 27-Apr-1921 Monroe 5-Nov-1925 Monroe T 14-Jan-1906 Monroe 3-Sep-1927 Monroe 14-Jun-1927 Monroe 10-Aug-1928 Monroe 16-Feb-1907 Monroe J 7-Apr-1911 Monroe J 26-Mar-1923 Monroe 12-Oct-1927 Monroe T 24-Aug-1928 Monroe 31-Dec-1928 Monroe 6-Jan-1906 Last Name Vivian Voegeli Voegeli Voegeli Voegeli Voegeli Voegeli First Name Donald s/o Fred Jacob Jacob, Mrs Jacob Sr. Thomas Barbara Voegeli Voegli Vogel Vogel Vogel Voght Voght Voght Vogler Vogt Vollhardt Voss Wackman Waddington Waddington Wade Wadey Waefler Waelti Waelti Waelti Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Henry Alice Henry Sr. Infant of Emil Gottfred, Mrs Frank Catherine Infant son George George W. William Guss, Mrs Charles Elmer Frank Maud B.J., Dr. Magdalena Anna Barbara Palma William Ira, Mrs John E. S. George W. Henry F. Mona Other Name Freitag Kundert Bohnke Bartlett Sahli Palmer Hassinger Binder 1929V 1905V 1910V 1923V 1926V 1926V 1926V Date Died 20-May-1929 30-Jan-1905 24-Oct-1910 18-Jun-1923 20-Jan-1926 14-Apr-1926 11-Jul-1926 1927V 1905V 1903V Page17 1927V 1906V 1918V 1918V 1916V 1928V 1911V 1926V 1916W 1921W 1929W 1918W 1929W 1923W 1921W 1921W 1925W 1907W 1903W 1913W 1917W 1912W 1912W 7-Nov-1927 14-Apr-1905 16-Apr-1903 27-Sep-1901 15-Nov-1927 Residence Albany WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monticello area WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Spring Grove twp WI 26-Nov-1918 Monroe WI 25-Nov-1918 Monroe WI Primrose 16-Apr-1928 Cincinnati OH 5-Jul-1911 Brodhead WI 27-Mar-1926 Freeport IL 9-Apr-1916 Brooklyn WI 10-Feb-1921 Phoenix AZ 5-Nov-1929 Argyle WI 12-Dec-1918 Blanchardville WI 11-Jan-1929 Belleville 26-Nov-1923 New Glarus WI Monroe WI 21-Jul-1921 Monroe WI 12-May-1925 Evansville 25-Oct-1907 Orangeville IL 27-Sep-1903 Monroe WI 9-Mar-1913 Orangeville IL 15-Aug-1917 Iowa 31-Jan-1912 Rock Grove WI 10-Sep-1912 Prairie du Chien WI Cemetery or Burial Location Hillcrest Albany M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Highland Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Old Cemetery Monticello M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Springdale M - Greenwood Freeport IL Argyle Woodlawn Argyle Blanchardville WI Belleville Cemetery New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Hawthorne Rock Grove M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 22-May-1929 30-Jan-1905 24-Oct-1910 21-Jun-1923 21-Jan-1926 14-Apr-1926 12-Jul-1926 Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe T 8-Nov-1927 15-Apr-1905 17-Apr-1903 30-Sep-1901 15-Nov-1927 13-Jan-1906 29-Nov-1918 29-Nov-1928 5-Aug-1916 16-Apr-1928 7-Jul-1911 27-Mar-1926 11-Apr-1916 14-Feb-1921 6-Nov-1929 14-Dec-1918 12-Jan-1929 26-Nov-1923 21-Mar-1921 22-Jul-1921 13-May-1925 26-Oct-1907 28-Sep-1903 10-Mar-1913 10-Sep-1917 3-Feb-1912 11-Sep-1912 Last Name Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wahl Wahl Waite Wakeman Wald Waldeburger Walder Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallihan Wallihan Walmer Walser First Name S.D. W. A., Mrs Walter William F. William H. August, Mrs Katherine Eleazar Regina Mary John M. Mary Will H. John L., Dr John Thomas Guy Homer Frances E. Walter M. Arlene Gertrude Helen Louise E. L., Mrs John Anna R. Dora Elizabeth, Mrs George, Mrs Aleck, Mrs William J.M. O.F. Curney, Mrs Frank Infant son Other Name Baumberger Zee Norton Everett Wescott Binder 1918Y 1913W 1918W 1915W 1910W 1920W 1920W 1921W 1925W 1925W 1926W 1927W 1928W 1929W 1929W 1922W 1922W 1909W 1910W 1926W 1923W 1928W 1906W 1900W 1917W 1916W 1916W 1922W 1906W 1909S 1922W 1912W 1920W 1922W 1926W Date Died 27-Mar-1918 2-Jan-1913 30-Oct-1918 23-Jun-1915 27-Nov-1910 4-Apr-1920 31-May-1920 12-Apr-1921 5-Feb-1925 16-Jun-1925 17-Aug-1926 21-Feb-1927 11-Oct-1928 11-Jun-1929 10-Mar-1929 26-Oct-1922 11-Jul-1922 9-Mar-1909 21-Jan-1910 26-Nov-1926 5-Feb-1923 11-Jun-1928 9-Feb-1906 7-Jan-1900 28-May-1917 5-Nov-1916 22-May-1916 17-May-1922 13-May-1909 5-Aug-1912 24-Jun-1920 13-Apr-1922 26-Oct-1926 Residence Kansas Orangeville IL Palmyra Freeport IL Freeport IL Dundee IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Monroe WI Jordan twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Chicago IL Orangeville IL Blanchardville WI York twp WI Brooklyn WI Oshkosh WI Monroe twp WI Clarno twp WI South Wayne WI Chicago IL Monroe WI Freeport IL County farm California LeMars IA Pocohontas IA Warren IL Ohio Idaho Albany WI Mt.Pleasnt twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Oakland, Freeport IL Dundee IL Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Chicago IL Orangeville IL Graceland Cemetery Graceland Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Twin Grove Old Catholic Chicago IL Shullsburg Monticello Orangeville IL Dayton WI M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 28-Mar-1918 3-Jan-1913 31-Oct-1918 24-Jun-1915 29-Nov-1910 10-Apr-1920 2-Jun-1920 15-Apr-1921 5-Feb-1925 16-Jun-1925 18-Aug-1926 21-Feb-1927 12-Oct-1928 11-Jun-1929 11-Mar-1929 27-Oct-1922 22-Jul-1922 10-Mar-1909 24-Jan-1910 27-Nov-1926 5-Feb-1923 12-Jun-1928 10-Feb-1906 8-Jan-1900 9-Jun-1917 14-Nov-1916 23-May-1916 17-May-1922 17-Apr-1906 20-May-1909 17-Jun-1922 19-Sep-1912 6-Jul-1920 13-Apr-1922 26-Oct-1926 Last Name Walser Walsh Walsh Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Wand wander wander First Name Maria Margaret John Alma Henry Henry Mildred L. John Maria Albert s/o Pearl Susan Thomas Joseph S.C. Mr. Magdalene W.J., Mrs Lela Eliza Fred Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Warn Warn Warne Warner Warner Jacob, Mrs Margaret Michael, Mrs Michael, Mrs Q. C., Mrs P.H. P. H. Leland John Patrick Leo A. Levina H.B. Minnie Anna Louise Other Name Vickers Flanagan Johnson Heitz Earlywine Mahan Boyd Drury Springer Brecklin Lueck Binder 1929W 1924F 1924W 1918W 1913W 1926W 1927W 1928W 1929W 1929W 1910W 1918W 1916W 1920W 1929W 1929W 1929W 1929W 1917N 1917N 1900W 1905W Page11 1901W 1915W 1920W 1921W 1926W 1909W 1912W 1924W 1923W 1906W 1911W Date Died 4-Sep-1929 2-May-1924 24-Jan-1924 1-Nov-1918 10-Feb-1913 6-Nov-1926 7-May-1927 12-Jun-1928 13-Jul-1929 25-Aug-1929 17-Mar-1910 17-Feb-1918 5-Feb-1916 29-Dec-1920 26-Jan-1929 4-Oct-1929 7-Feb-1929 24-May-1929 16-Apr-1917 8-Sep-1917 Residence Blanchardville WI Michigan Waldwick Monroe WI Monroe WI Juda WI Monroe WI Juda WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL Beloit WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Albany WI Monroe WI Iowa Darlington WI Monroe WI County Home 16-Mar-1900 Washington Twp 10-Jan-1905 Monroe WI 17-Nov-1915 Cadiz twp WI 5-Jan-1920 Monroe WI Monroe WI 13-Jun-1926 Monroe area WI 6-May-1909 Monroe WI 18-Jan-1912 Brodhead WI Brodhead WI 6-Sep-1923 Waukesha 30-Jan-1906 Sciota Mills 7-May-1911 Monroe twp WI Cemetery or Burial Location Blanchardville WI Rockland MI Mineral Point M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Oneco Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary Hillcrest Albany M - Greenwood Mason City IA Gratiot Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Washington Church Cemetery Old Catholic Old Catholic Old Cadiz M - Calvary M - Calvary G-Brodhead M - Greenwood Ft Atkinson Saucerman Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 6-Sep-1929 5-May-1924 26-Jan-1924 0-Nov 1918 13-Feb-1913 8-Nov-1926 9-May-1927 14-Jun-1928 13-Jul-1929 26-Aug-1929 18-Mar-1910 19-Feb-1918 5-Feb-1916 30-Dec-1920 28-Jan-1929 5-Oct-1929 8-Feb-1929 27-May-1929 17-Apr-1917 8-Sep-1917 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J 17-Mar-1900 11-Jan-1905 28-May-1901 29-May-1901 17-Nov-1915 10-Jan-1920 10-Mar-1921 14-Jun-1926 6-May-1909 19-Jan-1912 31-Jan-1924 8-Sep-1923 7-Feb-1906 8-May-1911 Last Name Warner Warner Warner Warner Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Wartenweiler Wartenweiler Wassman Watkins Watkins Watkins Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watt Watt Watts Waulter Way Way Weaffler Wearth First Name Donald Wealtha Winifred Wm Ethel A. Cora Martha Dora L.H. J.H., Mrs Herbert N., Dr John Eugene Fred John Peter Russell Clara Robert L. Thomas Kate James Russell Joseph John M. David Elizabeth Fred Lincoln Charles A. Louise Mrs. Weatherby Weatherby Weathers George Edward George, Mrs Bram Other Name Scott Jones Stockborn "Chizel" Albright Isely Binder 1917W 1917W 1926W 1928W 1900W 1906W 1918W 1910W 1922W 1927W 1928W 1909W 1909W 1905W 1927W 1905W 1929W 1929W 1911W 1922W 1925W 1926W 1929W 1912W 1925W 1928W 1908W 1915W 1926W 1922W 1906W Date Died 15-Mar-1917 27-Jan-1917 5-Jun-1926 24-Jan-1928 23-Feb-1900 7-Jun-1906 23-Jun-1918 6-Nov-1910 6-Mar-1922 28-Dec-1927 24-Apr-1928 31-Oct-1909 21-Feb-1909 9-Nov-1905 14-Jul-1927 25-Jan-1929 19-Jun-1929 28-Sep-1911 9-Jul-1922 31-May-1925 25-Jun-1929 29-May-1912 10-Feb-1925 2-Mar-1928 4-Feb-1908 3-Nov-1915 24-Aug-1926 5-Dec-1922 18-Apr-1906 Residence Manitowoc WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Elgin IL Albany WI South Wayne WI Albany WI Janesville WI Janesville WI South Dakota Albany WI Monroe WI Monroe WI County home Santa Barbara CA Dayton Argyle WI Browntown WI St Louis South Wayne WI New Diggings Cooperdale OH Iowa Albany WI Albany WI Round Grove Verona North Dakota Minnesota Martintown WI 1923W 22-Sep-1923 Shullsburg WI 1926W 19-Nov-1926 Shullsburg WI 1915W 17-May-1915 County farm Cemetery or Burial Location Manitowoc Beloit Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Albany Albany Cemetery Janesville Oak Hill Cemetery Eastman Cemetery Santa Barbara CA Dayton Yellowstone Cadiz St Louis Cooperdale OH Hampton Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery M - Greenwood North Dakota Wheaton MN Shullsburg Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 16-Mar-1917 29-Jan-1917 7-Jun-1926 25-Jan-1928 28-Feb-1900 7-Jun-1906 24-Jun-1918 7-Nov-1910 7-Mar-1922 28-Dec-1927 25-Apr-1928 31-Oct-1909 22-Feb-1909 9-Nov-1905 14-Jul-1927 8-Dec-1905 29-Jan-1929 20-Jun-1929 29-Sep-1911 12-Jul-1922 1-Jun-1925 13-Feb-1926 1-Jul-1929 1-Jun-1912 13-Feb-1925 3-Mar-1928 4-Feb-1908 4-Nov-1915 1-Sep-1926 6-Dec-1922 18-Apr-1906 Monroe T Monroe Monroe J 22-Sep-1923 20-Nov-1926 17-May-1915 Last Name Weaver Webb Webb First Name Henry, Mrs Allen Martha Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Webster Webster Webster Weckerly Wee Wegmiller Wegmiller Weiderkehr Weiler Weir Weirich Weirich Weirich Weirich Weirich Weirich Rueben Frank M., Mrs George William Homer George, Mrs Homer L. Olive Abner George W. Kathryn Louis Grant Jefferson H. August Robert Irvin Cecelius Edgar Grant Christina Albert Wm Albert Henry, Mrs Lizetta Agnes Son of John Thomas Charles Elizabeth Leroy Glenn William B. Other Name Haines Stanton Smith Streiff Blank Binder Date Died 1913W 5-Sep-1913 1906W 4-Mar-1906 1902W 16-Jun-1902 1909W 1919W 1911W 1918W 1921W 1926W 1927W 1928W 1928W 1929W 1913W 1918W 1923W 1923W 1929W 1900W 1926W 1928W 1911W 1922W 1921W 1929W 1905W 1926W 1920W 1905W 1906W 1917W 1913W 1915W 1916W Residence Watertown WI Orangeville IL Exeter twp WI 8-Apr-1909 Wasta SD 6-Feb-1919 4-Feb-1911 Albany WI 25-Oct-1918 Winneconne WI Wauwatosa WI 21-Jul-1926 Albany WI 14-Oct-1927 Albany WI 19-Jun-1928 Brodhead WI 5-Dec-1928 Albany WI 3-Jun-1929 Albany WI 6-Sep-1913 Monroe WI 9-Jan-1918 Monroe WI 21-Mar-1923 Monroe WI 22-Nov-1923 Monroe WI 22-Dec-1929 Minnesota 30-Oct-1900 Iowa Falls 5-Jan-1926 Darlington WI 24-Apr-1928 South Wayne WI 14-Jan-1911 Hurdsfield ND 22-Jul-1922 Orfordville WI 28-Jan-1921 Monroe WI 17-Oct-1929 Ridgeway 27-May-1905 County farm 8-Nov-1926 Argyle WI 27-Apr-1920 Jonesdale 5-Feb-1905 Monroe WI Omaha NE 26-Oct-1917 Omaha NE 12-Jan-1913 Monroe WI 10-May-1915 Monroe WI 30-Nov-1916 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Milwaukee Elm Spring Cemetery, Wasta SD M - Greenwood Albany Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery M - Greenwood Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest Albany M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paynesville MN Lamont WI Hurdsfield Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Kelly Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Paper Date 21-Oct-1913 5-Mar-1906 17-Jun-1902 Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T 26-Apr-1909 17-Feb-1919 10-Feb-1911 26-Oct-1918 19-Jan-1921 22-Jul-1926 14-Oct-1927 20-Jun-1928 6-Dec-1928 3-Jun-1929 6-Sep-1913 11-Jan-1918 23-Mar-1923 23-Nov-1923 31-Dec-1929 30-Oct-1900 7-Jan-1926 26-Apr-1928 23-Jan-1911 25-Jul-1922 28-Jan-1921 18-Oct-1929 29-May-1905 9-Nov-1926 7-May-1920 6-Feb-1905 6-Aug-1906 27-Oct-1917 13-Jan-1913 10-May-1915 1-Dec-1916 Last Name Weirich Weirich Weise Weismiller Weismiller Weismiller Weismiller Weismiller Weismiller Weismiller Weismiller Weismiller Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weissmuller Weissmiller Weiss-Wyss ? Welch Welch Welch Welch Wellman Wellman Wellman Wellman Wellman Wellman Wells Wells First Name Thomas William B, Mrs frank Jacob John Samuel Fred Gotlieb Harmelia Charles Edward Georgia Anna Christ, Mrs Henry, Mrs Mathias Carl Jr. Hilds Ella i/d Alois Detrich Elizabeth Mami Anna Joseph M. F. Alice Oscar s/o Fred John John, Mrs Ferdinand Margaret Albert Charles Other Name Wilson Thomm Doyle Parks Binder 1920W 1924W 1904W 1900D 1901W Page15 1916W 1916W 1922W 1922W 1922W 1926W 1907W Page 2 1903W 1906W 1918W 1915W 1911W 1921W Date Died 11-Sep-1920 13-Jun-1924 30-Dec-1904 Residence Omaha NE Monroe WI Amboy IL estate 22-Jul-1901 Monroe WI 26-Aug-1901 21-Nov-1916 Oshkosh WI Orangeville IL not death 30-Apr-1922 Oshkosh WI Oshkosh WI 30-Dec-1925 Oshkosh WI 27-Aug-1907 Monroe WI 27-Aug-1907 Monroe 25-Aug-1903 County farm 23-May-1906 Jefferson twp WI 8-Oct-1918 Monroe twp WI 18-Nov-1915 Jordan twp WI 20-Apr-1911 Monroe WI 28-Jul-1921 Monroe WI 1918W 1906W 1912W 1913W 1921W 1929W 1906W 1906W 1918W 1918W 1920W 1923W 1903W 1906W 15-Jun-1918 13-Apr-1906 1-Dec-1912 26-Sep-1913 26-Oct-1921 9-Aug-1929 23-May-1906 6-Dec-1906 3-Apr-1918 29-Nov-1920 17-Oct-1923 1-Jul-1903 9-Aug-1906 Milwaukee WI Calamine WI County farm Beloit WI Dayton Delavan WI Browntown WI Ball's Mills Milan WI Milan WI Sylvester twp WI Fargo ND Monroe WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood County Court M - Greenwood Oshkosh Monroe Oshkosh Oshkosh Highland Cemetery Benkert Cemetery Benkert Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Lyndon Station Delavan,WI Juda Cemetery Franklin Cemetery Franklin Cemetery Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 14-Sep-1920 13-Jun-1924 31-Dec-1904 3-Feb-1900 22-Jul-1901 28-Aug-1901 23-Nov-1916 28-Oct-1916 18-Sep-1922 2-May-1922 10-Jun-1922 2-Jan-1926 27-Aug-1907 27-Aug-1907 26-Aug-1903 24-May-1906 9-Oct-1918 19-Nov-1915 20-Apr-1911 28-Jul-1921 Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J 17-Jun-1918 14-Apr-1906 2-Dec-1912 26-Sep-1913 31-Oct-1921 15-Aug-1929 23-May-1906 7-Dec-1906 5-Apr-1918 7-Oct-1918 29-Nov-1920 20-Oct-1923 2-Jul-1903 10-Aug-1906 Last Name Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wellso Welsh Welshouse Welton Welton Welz Welz Welz Welz Wendler Wendler First Name Cordelia Lloyd T. Mary Olive W. Peter Amanda Clifford Eleanor V. Ella E Fred Henry E., Mrs James E. Josie Minnie Susan Thomas B. Joshua Charles Grant U. Harriet W. F. A.D., Mrs John S. William C.W., Rev Catherine John Infant Seth Herman, Mrs Gus William Marcella M. Frank, Mrs Albert, Mrs Other Name Morton Chandler DeHaven Preston Barker Clemens Sharrard Miller Binder 1909M 1906W 1906W 1900W 1904W 1910W 1913W 1913W 1912W 1910W 1919W 1916W 1910W 1916W 1915W 1919W 1921W 1923W 1923W 1925W 1925W 1925W 1925W 1927W 1927W 1923W 1912W 1916W 1912W 1915W 1920W 1924W 1925W 1923W 1927W Date Died 23-Dec-1909 17-Apr-1906 3-Jun-1906 10-Jul-1900 25-Sep-1904 16-Feb-1910 14-Jan-1913 14-Jan-1913 13-Dec-1912 29-Apr-1910 Residence Hazelton IA Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Kingman KS Jordan twp WI Jordan twp WI Beloit WI Monroe WI Dec 31 1916 15-Dec-1910 21-Jan-1916 28-May-1915 Browntown WI Grand Junction CO Monroe WI Bristow IA 25-Sep-1921 27-May-1923 17-Oct-1923 31-Mar-1925 Monroe WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Monroe WI California Minnesota WI Jordan twp WI Browntown WI Milwaukee WI Darlington WI Beloit WI Browntown WI Browntown WI Clarno twp WI Clarno twp WI Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Brodhead WI Juda WI 27-Feb-1925 25-Oct-1925 13-Mar-1927 23-Oct-1927 13-May-1912 17-Oct-1912 10-Sep-1915 2-Jan-1920 20-Mar-1924 7-Feb-1925 20-Apr-1923 17-Feb-1927 Cemetery or Burial Location Hazelton IA Franklin Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Hampton IA M - Greenwood Oak Hill Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Los Angeles CA West Union M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Milwaukee Darlington Scotch Cemetery Jordan Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 31-Dec-1909 23-Apr-1906 4-Jun-1906 10-Jul-1900 26-Sep-1904 17-Feb-1910 14-Jan-1913 14-Jan-1913 14-Dec-1912 29-Apr-1910 21-Feb-1919 2-Jan-1917 16-Dec-1910 22-Jan-1916 5-Jun-1915 27-May-1919 26-Sep-1921 28-May-1923 17-Oct-1923 1-Apr-1925 31-Jan-1925 4-Mar-1925 27-Oct-1925 14-Mar-1927 23-Oct-1927 20-Jun-1923 16-May-1912 3-Jan-1916 17-Oct-1912 11-Sep-1915 2-Jan-1920 21-Mar-1924 11-Feb-1925 23-Apr-1923 17-Feb-1927 Last Name Wendorf Wendorf Wendt Wendt Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Wenger Werder-Werzer Werndli Werndli Werren Werren Wescott Wescott Wescott Wescott Wescott Wescott Wescott Wescott Wescott Wescott Wescott Wesfel First Name A.F., Mrs Wallace Albertina Ewald Anna Christ Edward C. John, Mrs Anna Elizabeth c/o W. M. Katharine Jacob, Mrs Helen Edna Christian Anna Robert John Jacob Theodore John Barbara John P. Dave, Mrs John John Sarah Walter S. Thankful B. Winifred Abbie Helen Abbie Lotta Ezra C. Mary LaVerne William G. Other Name Techner Muster Bruni Kundert Hefty Rogers Cleveland Weirich Collins Bangs Blakely Binder 1919W 1918W 1921W 1926W 1908W 1903W 1906W 1906W 1917W 1911W 1917W 1920W 1921W 1921W 1921W !922W 1924W 1928W 1923W 1924W 1928W 1922W 1928W 1904W 1905W 1908W 1916 W 1915W 1920C 1920W 1923W 1926W 1928W 1929W 1929W Date Died Residence 17-Nov-1918 6-Jul-1921 29-Jul-1926 4-Mar-1908 11-Apr-1903 4-Mar-1906 2-Mar-1906 18-Dec-1917 9-Jan-1911 5-Oct-1917 11-Jun-1920 15-Sep-1921 27-May-1921 13-Apr-1921 26-May-1922 7-Mar-1924 25-Jan-1928 30-Apr-1923 29-Mar-1924 20-Sep-1928 23-Aug-1922 17-Nov-1928 10-Jan-1904 8-Jun-1905 31-Mar-1908 18-Apr-1916 30-Dec-1914 28-Aug-1920 28-Aug-1920 15-Aug-1923 31-Dec-1925 25-Mar-1928 15-Sep-1929 Great Lakes Juda WI Juda WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Lima OH Monroe WI Spring Grove WI Monroe WI Salem OR Jefferson twp WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Salem OR Oregon Wisconsin Rapids Chicago IL New Glarus WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Dill Monroe WI Wescott NE Nebraska Chicago IL Chicago IL Chicago IL Chicago IL Chicago IL Washington DC Argyle WI California Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Salem OR Wisconsin Rapids New Glarus New Glarus M - Greenwood South Wayne WI M - Greenwood Comstock M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Argyle Cemetery SanDiego CA Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 1-Mar-1919 18-Nov-1918 7-Jul-1921 30-Jul-1926 5-Mar-1908 13-Apr-1903 5-Mar-1906 3-May-1906 19-Dec-1917 10-Jan-1911 6-Oct-1917 21-Jun-1920 15-Sep-1921 28-May-1921 18-Apr-1921 2-Jun-1922 14-Mar-1924 27-Jan-1928 1-May-1923 31-Mar-1924 21-Sep-1928 26-Aug-1922 17-Nov-1928 12-Jan-1904 8-Jun-1905 9-Apr-1908 19-Apr-1916 4-Jan-1915 20-Sep-1920 30-Aug-1920 15-Aug-1923 8-Jan-1926 28-Mar-1928 18-Sep-1929 18-Sep-1929 Last Name Wessel Wessel Wessel West West West West West West West West West West West Westbury Westgard Wettengel Wettstein Wetzler Weyerman Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Wheeler Wheeler Whipple Whipple Whipple Whitcomb Whitcomb White White White White First Name Daniel Sophronia Henry George Annie Eliza J. Emma Ezra Fred Matthew, Mrs Rachael Samuel George, Mrs Anna George H. Andrew Augustus Gustavus J. S. Mrs. Ulrich, Mrs Robert T. Bridget Agnes William Herman, Mrs Mr. John Marinette Eder Rufus C. R.C., Mrs Ared s/o Mack Eva L. Jane A. Other Name Taylor Rittenhouse Hodges Nuss Joyce Hazen Fitch Tyler Binder 1903W 1928W 1929W 1903W 1915W 1917W 1915W 1912W 1916W 1915W 1918W 1917W 1922W 1926W 1907W 1920W 1929W 1925W 1910W 1925W 1922W 1927W 1927W 1929W 1922W 1922W 1912W 1913W 1928W 1926W 1928W 1904W 1903W 1900W 1900W Date Died 12-Dec-1903 22-May-1928 21-May-1929 13-Feb-1903 25-Oct-1915 19-Oct-1917 8-Nov-1915 17-Mar-1912 12-Jun-1916 30-Nov-1918 11-Nov-1917 13-Feb-1922 19-Mar-1926 14-Jul-1907 26-May-1920 15-Dec-1929 17-Jan-1925 11-Sep-1910 6-May-1925 19-Jan-1922 12-Feb-1927 17-Feb-1927 24-Jan-1929 3-May-1922 19-Dec-1912 8-Jan-1913 8-Nov-1928 19-Apr-1926 28-Nov-1928 24-Oct-1904 19-Aug-1903 18-Feb-1900 11-Feb-1900 Residence Sylvester twp WI Albany WI San Diego CA Brodhead WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Milwaukee WI Winslow IL County farm Haugen WI Clarno twp WI Juda WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Monroe WI New York Monroe WI Beloit WI Barneveld South Wayne WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Argyle WI Albany WI Albany WI Montana Monroe WI Evansville Los Angeles CA Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Albany WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location Gap Gap Cemetery Mt Vernon M - Greenwood Mt Vernon Milwaukee M - Greenwood Juda M - Greenwood Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Milwaukee M - Greenwood Rochester NY M - Greenwood Beloit Barneveld M - Calvary M - Calvary C - Yellowstone Attica M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 22-Dec-1903 23-May-1928 22-May-1929 14-Feb-1903 27-Oct-1915 23-Oct-1917 10-Nov-1915 19-Mar-1912 12-Jun-1916 28-Apr-1915 2-Dec-1918 12-Nov-1917 18-Feb-1922 20-Mar-1926 17-Jul-1907 26-May-1920 17-Dec-1929 20-Jan-1925 12-Sep-1910 7-May-1925 21-Jan-1922 12-Feb-1927 17-Feb-1927 24-Jan-1929 5-May-1922 10-Jun-1922 27-Dec-1912 9-Jan-1913 10-Nov-1928 20-Apr-1926 30-Nov-1928 25-Oct-1904 20-Aug-1903 19-Feb-1900 12-Feb-1900 Last Name White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead First Name Sarah Susanna Bert David Eugene A. Frederick John C. Rosanna Havilla Helen Mary E. Mac T. John H. K. Mary Ellen Bearnice Clara Ellen Sarah Elmo Glenn Henry i/c Lee Levi A. George E. Rhoda C. Olive Alvin R. Bertha Turner, Mrs Turner Mary Helen Melinda Parker M Earl Other Name Milliken Conklin Schrack Monroe Hymer Marshall Fitts Frame Minor Teehan Truman Citra Bast Binder 1902W 1908W 1910W 1913W 1917W 1913W 1916W 1912W 1925W 1925W 1927W 1927W 1907W 1916W 1929W 1929W 1907W 1905W 1909W 1910W 1916W 1915W 1915W 1918W 1920W 1923W 1925W 1925W 1926W 1926W 1928W 1928W 1929W 1929W 1929W Date Died 13-Nov-1902 22-Sep-1908 6-Feb-1910 2-Dec-1913 9-Nov-1917 18-Mar-1916 19-Jan-1925 26-Jul-1925 1-Mar-1927 19-Sep-1927 6-Aug-1907 2-Apr-1916 20-Jun-1929 22-Sep-1929 8-Sep-1907 7-Jul-1905 26-Nov-1909 4-Sep-1910 4-Jun-1916 23-Apr-1915 27-Mar-1915 29-Sep-1918 21-May-1920 12-Nov-1923 13-Apr-1925 30-Mar-1925 15-Feb-1926 26-Apr-1926 20-Jan-1928 7-Nov-1928 26-May-1929 23-Apr-1929 26-Jan-1929 Residence County farm Valpariso IN Monroe WI Albion WI Monroe WI Cadiz twp WI Browntown WI South Dakota Orangeville IL Nebraska Milwaukee WI Milwaukee WI Monroe WI Texas Shelby MI Twin Grove WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Cadiz twp WI Clarno twp WI Twin Grove WI Twin Grove WI Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI County home Spring Valley Cadiz twp WI Nebraska Cemetery or Burial Location Mt Vernon Ottawa IL M - Greenwood Jordan Cemetery M - Greenwood Avon Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Shelby MI Twin Grove Bethel Bethel Cemetery Cadiz Cadiz Cemetery Bethel Hawthorne Cemetery Hawthorne Cemetery Bethel Juda Cemetery Juda Cemetery M - Calvary Hawthorne Cemetery Hawthorne Cemetery M - Greenwood Bethel Cemetery Juda Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 14-Nov-1902 28-Sep-1908 7-Feb-1910 3-Dec-1913 12-Nov-1917 30-Jan-1913 18-Mar-1916 23-Aug-1912 23-Jan-1925 27-Jul-1925 1-Mar-1927 19-Sep-1927 6-Aug-1907 7-Apr-1916 22-Jun-1929 25-Sep-1929 9-Sep-1907 7-Jul-1905 27-Nov-1909 6-Sep-1910 5-Jun-1916 24-Apr-1915 29-Mar-1915 30-Sep-1918 22-May-1920 13-Nov-1923 14-Apr-1925 30-Mar-1925 16-Feb-1926 26-Apr-1926 21-Jan-1928 9-Nov-1928 27-May-1929 24-Apr-1929 29-Jan-1929 Last Name Whitman Whitman Whitman Whittaker Wichelt Wichert Wichser Wichser Wick Wickersham Wickersham Wickersham Wickersham Wickersham Wickhem Wickler Wicks Wickwire Wideman Widmer Widmer Wiederkehr Wier Wilber Wilbur Wilcox Wilcox Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wilder Wilder Wiley First Name Abraham Catherine Pat Huldah Jesse John D. Emil, Pvt Daniel, Mrs August Charles F. Charles, Mrs Theresa I. Taylor E. Gideon James G. Eva Miss Mary Henry Corrilla John Arnold Richard Jacob Minnie Irene Maria William J Francis E. Francis E. Annie Miss Martha Marie Infant son Samuel, Mrs Katheline Charles H. Perry C. Will Other Name Jones Klassy LeMars Frankerberger Mulhern Binder 1902W 1901W 1905W 1927W 1929W 1912W 1918W 1924W 1909W 1907W Page14 1923W 1924W 1927W 1912W 1915W 1912W 1906W 1927W 1921W 1923W 1904W 1918W Page20 1912 W 1915F 1915W 1905W 1918W 1926W 1928W 1928W 1906W 1909W 1924W Date Died 9-Jan-1902 7-Oct-1901 11-Sep-1905 14-Nov-1927 16-Jun-1929 22-Aug-1912 30-Aug-1918 6-Jul-1924 19-Apr-1909 17-Jun-1907 13-Jul-1901 16-Mar-1923 22-Aug-1927 23-Jan-1912 24-Feb-1912 12-Dec-1927 16-May-1921 10-May-1923 13-Dec-1904 10-Aug-1918 1-Dec-1901 9-Jan-1912 10-Nov-1915 10-Nov-1915 7-Aug-1905 23-Dec-1918 28-Nov-1928 21-Dec-1928 11-Mar-1906 27-Aug-1909 11-Mar-1924 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Dodgeville Oklahoma Beloit WI Sterling IL France Monticello WI Brodhead WI Juda WI Platteville WI Monroe WI Butte MT Monroe WI Beloit WI Lena IL Monroe WI Martinez CA Jefferson twp WI Monticello WI Sylvester twp WI Chicago IL Chicago IL Monroe WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Jefferson twp WI New Glarus WI Winslow IL Mt Pleasant Evansville Evansville Sioux City IA Cemetery or Burial Location Staver Staver Cemetery M - Greenwood Beloit WI Juda Cemetery Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Warren IL Brick Church M - Greenwood Washington twp Kelly Cemetery M - Calvary M - Calvary Calvary - Monroe Lodi WI Lodi WI M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Sioux City IA Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Paper Date 9-Jan-1902 8-Oct-1901 12-Sep-1905 15-Nov-1927 17-Jun-1929 27-Aug-1912 21-Oct-1918 12-Jul-1924 20-Apr-1909 18-Jun-1907 15-Jul-1901 17-Mar-1923 14-Jan-1924 22-Aug-1927 23-Jan-1912 21-Jul-1915 24-Feb-1912 30-Apr-1906 12-Dec-1927 19-May-1921 11-May-1923 14-Dec-1904 12-Aug-1918 2-Dec-1901 10-Jan-1912 11-Nov-1915 11-Nov-1915 11-Aug-1905 24-Dec-1918 7-Oct-1926 30-Nov-1928 22-Dec-1928 13-Mar-1906 28-Aug-1909 14-Mar-1924 Last Name Wilke Wilkinson Wilkinson Willey Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williman Willis Willis Willoughby Willoughby Wilsey Wilson Wilson First Name C.P., Rev Daniel William Harriet Helen M. Isaac Isaac Robert Robert Clara George H. W., Mrs Hugh E. Jacob, Mrs John John Mary Anna Reed William Sylvia H.P E. Jasper H. P., Mrs John H., Mrs John H. Olive Maria Mary E. John H. Dr. Walter Willis, Mrs Ruth Stanley Jr. Ethel George P. Other Name Russell Noggle Reynolds Morton Matthews Corey Blackford Binder 1905W 1922W 1928W 1903W 1907W Page18 1901W 1908B 1908W 1913W 1911W 1918W 1911W 1911W 1910W 1910W 1910P 1916W 1920W 1920W 1922W 1923W 1923W 1927W 1928W 1928W 1929W 1924W 1923W 1927W 1915W 1925W 1928W 1905W 1909W Date Died 13-Aug-1905 24-Apr-1922 10-Apr-1928 17-Dec-1903 26-Oct-1907 30-Sep-1901 4-Oct-1908 4-Oct-1908 18-Oct-1913 30-Sep-1918 9-Apr-1911 18-Sep-1910 14-Nov-1910 27-May-1916 21-Jul-1920 27-Aug-1920 11-Apr-1922 1-Feb-1923 13-Nov-1923 7-Feb-1927 20-Sep-1928 16-Sep-1928 1-Jan-1929 1-Sep-1924 16-Feb-1923 30-Oct-1927 1-Mar-1915 14-Jan-1928 12-Jun-1905 14-Nov-1909 Residence Madison WI Darlington WI Brodhead WI Milwaukee WI Juda WI Cadiz WI Darlington WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Gary IN Argyle WI Waukesha WI Antigo WI Madison WI Monroe area WI Watertown SD Brodhead WI Nebraska Monroe WI Oregon New Mexico LaGrande OR Monroe WI Monroe WI Los Angeles CA Monroe WI Rockford IL Winslow IL Brodhead WI Belleville WI California Brodhead WI Rock Grove WI Canada Cemetery or Burial Location Paper Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Genesee Monroe J Monroe J Belleville Monroe T M - Greenwood Monroe T Oak Hill, Janesville Monroe T Oakley Monroe T Rock Grove Cemetery Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Cadiz Cemetery Monroe J LaGrande OR Monroe J Twin Grove Cemetery Monroe Twin Grove Monroe Glendale CA Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe J Long Beach Monroe Monroe Rock Grove Monroe T Monroe J Paper Date 15-Aug-1905 29-Apr-1922 11-Apr-1928 18-Dec-1903 26-Oct-1907 2-Oct-1901 1-Oct-1901 5-Oct-1908 5-Oct-1908 20-Oct-1913 14-Mar-1911 3-Oct-1918 9-Apr-1911 14-Mar-1911 19-Sep-1910 14-Nov-1910 8-Apr-1910 29-May-1916 22-Jul-1920 27-Aug-1920 18-Apr-1922 2-Feb-1923 23-Nov-1923 8-Feb-1927 21-Sep-1928 24-Sep-1928 2-Jan-1929 2-Sep-1924 17-Feb-1923 30-Oct-1927 3-Mar-1915 15-Jun-1925 16-Jan-1928 14-Jun-1905 19-Nov-1909 Last Name Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilt Wilt Wilt Winden Winehold Winslow Winslow Winslow Winslow Winslow Winslow Winslow Winslow Winter Winter Winter Winzenreid Winzenreid Wirsing Wise Wise First Name Jessie Martha E. Martha Robert A. Elmer Frank M. Caroline Adam Christian Andrew, Mrs Mary Ray William G. Ira A. Son Martha Emery Charles H. Emery Samuel F. B. Abbey Samuel Mattie M.G. Sarah John M. Other Name Roantree Fowler Wisenberg Withers Witmer Witt Witt Witt Wittenmeyer Minnie T. B. Mr H.C. "Clate" Fred Mrs. Minnie Helmer William August John Buchanan Makepeace Calef Binder 1907W 1906F 1906W 1915W 1923W 1928W 1925W 1929W 1900D 1915W 1913W 1908W 1909W 1912W 1912W 1925W 1926W 1926W 1927W 1904W 1910W 1929W 1907W 1910W 1920W 1922W 1922W Date Died 29-Nov-1907 25-Apr-1906 25-Apr-1906 6-Mar-1915 21-Nov-1923 26-Oct-1928 5-Mar-1925 22-Apr-1929 24-Jan-1922 Residence Buchanan MI Monroe WI Monroe WI Manitowoc WI Monticello WI Browntown WI Missouri Missouri estate Dixon IL Ohio Monroe WI Friend NE Colorado Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI Waupaca Monroe WI Round Grove South Dakota Ridott IL Freeport IL 1905W 1915W 1909W 1911W 1923W 1923W 1909W 31-Jul-1905 17-May-1915 4-Mar-1909 25-Nov-1911 11-Nov-1923 20-Nov-1923 2-Feb-1909 Monroe WI Monroe WI Los Angeles CA Sylvester twp WI Brodhead WI Sylvester twp WI Red Oak 16-Mar-1913 1-Jun-1908 21-Mar-1909 11-May-1912 13-Dec-1912 14-Oct-1925 31-Dec-1926 26-Sep-1926 31-Dec-1926 4-Sep-1904 9-Jun-1910 11-Mar-1929 6-Sep-1907 25-Dec-1910 27-Mar-1920 Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Monroe Belvidere IL Pleasant Hill MO Pleasant Hill MO County Court Ohio Denver CO M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Albany M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Wisenberg Cemetery, Washington twp Belleville Dutch Hollow Grove Cemetery Gap Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 29-Nov-1907 30-Apr-1906 25-Apr-1906 15-Mar-1915 23-Nov-1923 29-Oct-1928 6-Mar-1925 22-Apr-1929 3-Feb-1900 13-Jul-1915 17-Mar-1913 2-Jun-1908 29-Mar-1909 18-May-1912 13-Dec-1912 15-Oct-1925 31-Dec-1926 27-Sep-1926 3-Jan-1927 7-Sep-1904 10-Jun-1910 12-Mar-1929 7-Sep-1907 27-Dec-1910 28-Mar-1920 21-Nov-1922 27-Jan-1922 Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J 31-Jul-1905 18-May-1915 11-Mar-1909 25-Nov-1911 13-Nov-1923 21-Nov-1923 2-Feb-1909 Last Name Wittenwyler Witter Witter Wittmer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer Wittwer First Name Jacob Laura Ann William M. David, Mrs Albert Christian Jacob, Mrs Maud Albert (Arnold) Ellen Gottlieb, Mrs Jacob s/o Jacob Jacob Mary Gottlieb Mathilda Herman Sam Other Name Wobick Woelfle Wohlford Wohlford Wohlford Wohlford Wohlford Wohlwend Wohlwend Wolcott Wolcott Wolden Wolf Wolf Wolf Minnie Fred Infant of George Aaron Benjamin George Jared Peter Barbara Fred Louisa Hans Fred, Mrs Laura Hulda Holms Payne Barney Legler Dick Isely Heitz Weirich Drake Earlywine Binder 1922W 1921W 1924W 1910W 1908W Page15 1903W 1908W 1916W 1918W 1917W 1913W 1915W 1920W 1924W 1925W 1925W 1926W 1929W Date Died Residence 30-Nov-1922 Monticello WI Nebraska 12-Mar-1924 Los Angeles CA 13-Aug-1910 Los Angeles CA 13-May-1908 Monticello WI 22-Sep-1903 22-Jan-1908 3-Sep-1916 21-Oct-1918 22-Jun-1917 24-Apr-1913 31-Dec-1915 31-Jul-1920 15-Jun-1924 8-Aug-1925 27-May-1925 1-Mar-1926 18-Mar-1929 Montrose WI Monticello WI Wiota WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Monticello WI New Glarus WI Washington Twp WI Madison WI Monticello WI Brodhead WI Belleville WI Monticello WI 1929W 1928W 1909W 1919W 1912W 1920W 1923W 1915W 1926W 1900W 1926W 1922W 1901W 1901W 1918W 28-Mar-1929 00-00-1928 24-Oct-1909 21-Feb-1919 19-Oct-1912 Monroe WI Dakota IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Freeport IL 9-Aug-1923 Freeport IL Monroe WI 9-Nov-1926 San Pedro CA Chicago IL 9-Jun-1926 Chicago IL 7-May-1922 Brodhead WI 31-Jan-1901 South Wayne WI 13-Mar-1901 Freeport IL 19-Oct-1918 Winslow IL Cemetery or Burial Location Monticello Los Angeles CA Los Angeles CA Monticello Monticello New Glarus Monticello Wiota New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus New Glarus Monticello New Glarus M - Greenwood Monticello Cemetery Dutch Hollow Cemetery M - Greenwood Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL Orangeville IL M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Chicago IL M - Greenwood Hawthorne Brodhead Stavers Cemetery Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 1-Dec-1922 9-Feb-1921 12-Mar-1924 22-Aug-1910 13-May-1908 12-Sep-1901 23-Sep-1903 23-Jan-1908 6-Sep-1916 22-Oct-1918 22-Jun-1917 24-Apr-1913 31-Dec-1915 5-Aug-1920 16-Jun-1924 10-Aug-1925 28-May-1925 2-Mar-1926 19-Mar-1929 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe 28-Mar-1929 1-Nov-1928 25-Oct-1909 24-Feb-1919 22-Oct-1912 8-Dec-1920 11-Aug-1923 14-Jan-1915 11-Nov-1926 1-Mar-1900 10-Jun-1926 10-May-1922 1-Feb-1901 15-Mar-1901 21-Oct-1918 Last Name Wolf Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe Wolff Wolford Wolgast First Name David, Mrs Christina Anna Gottfried John, Mrs George Emma A. Wolter Fred, Mrs Wolter Ernestina Wolters-Walter ? Wonderli Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Woodbury Woodle Woodle Woodle Woodle Woodle Woodle Woodle Woodle Woodling Woodling Woodman Woodman Woodward Will Jacob William Byron L. Grace Joshua Will A. Emily Sophia Judith Charlotte A. H. A. H. Hannah Henry George Mahalie Allen John A. E. R. Oliver Edwin Ellis Ned, Mrs Hershel Other Name Bressler McCoog Brandt Wells Perry Griffin Fincher Binder 1927W 1915W 1927W 1928W 1926W 1920G 1927W Date Died 17-Mar-1927 3-May-1915 23-Feb-1927 Residence Cadiz twp WI Monroe WI Madison WI Lake Geneva 10-Feb-1926 Dundee IL 8-Dec-1920 4-Apr-1927 Juda WI Cemetery or Burial Location Stavers Cemetery Kelly Cemetery. Grand Rapids WI Lake Geneva Orangeville IL Mt Vernon Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Paper Date 18-Mar-1927 3-May-1915 25-Feb-1927 8-May-1928 11-Feb-1926 11-Dec-1920 5-Apr-1927 1913W 30-Aug-1913 Dutch Hollow WI Dutch Hollow Cemetery Monroe J 30-Aug-1913 1923W 14-May-1923 Jefferson twp WI Dutch Hollow Cemetery Monroe J 15-May-1923 1906W 1923W 1904W 1920W 1920W 1921W 1925W 1924W 1926W 1927W Page22 1901W 1903W 1908W 1924W 1924W 1926W 1929W 1917W 1927W 1912W 1916W 1906W Dutch Hollow Cemetery Monroe Madison lab Monroe J Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Albany Monroe Seattle Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe Monroe Monroe J Richland Cemetery Monroe J Richland Cemetery Monroe J Monroe J Juda Cemetery Monroe Richland Cemetery Monroe Buffalo NY Monroe Northboro IA Monroe Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monroe J Michigan Monroe J Monroe T 18-Apr-1906 27-Oct-1923 9-Apr-1904 18-Nov-1920 13-Dec-1920 4-Oct-1921 0-00-1925 28-Feb-1924 11-Jun-1926 5-Mar-1927 20-Dec-1901 18-Dec-1901 21-Jul-1903 22-Jul-1908 3-Nov-1924 27-Oct-1924 3-Mar-1926 30-Apr-1929 28-Dec-1917 27-Aug-1927 31-Aug-1912 25-Oct-1916 27-Jan-1906 17-Apr-1906 26-Oct-1923 9-Apr-1904 17-Nov-1920 12-Dec-1920 3-Oct-1921 Chicago IL Monticello WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Oak Park IL Albany WI Washington 27-Feb-1924 Monroe WI 11-Jun-1926 Monroe WI 4-Mar-1927 California 18-Dec-1901 Monroe WI 20-Jul-1903 Monroe WI Boston MA 31-Oct-1924 Minneapolis MN 26-Oct-1924 County Home 3-Mar-1926 Pittsburgh PA 29-Apr-1929 Iowa 25-Dec-1917 Brodhead WI 27-Aug-1927 Brodhead WI 29-Aug-1912 Shell Lake New Mexico Gas City KS Last Name Woodworth Woodworth Wooster Worick Worley Wraight Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright First Name W. P., Mrs Wilbur P. Ross John Levi D. Richard Colin W. Colin W. E. F. H.G., Mrs Leo Lucy Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Robert, Mrs W. M. Watson W. Samuel W. W. Nettie Edith Samuel Wuetrich Wuetrich Wuetrich Wunchel Wunschel Wunschel Wurster Wyman Wyman Wyman Wyman Wyman Wyman Lena Elizabeth Elizabeth Effie Margaret Susan Marie Andrew, Mrs Franklin G. Franklin G. George H. Lester, Mrs Susan Other Name Bates-Bartlett Sylvester Gould Mrs. Mrs. Krider Newcomer Marty Rhinehardt Binder 1911W 1916W 1918W 1927W 1908W 1928W 1909W 1909W 1903W 1906W 1903W 1907W Date Died 6-Nov-1911 24-Dec-1916 14-Oct-1918 6-Feb-1908 17-Mar-1928 17-Jan-1909 17-Jan-1909 6-Sep-1903 8-Feb-1906 23-Mar-1903 13-Aug-1907 Residence Monroe WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Waupaca WI Juda WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Calamine, WI Janesville WI Monroe WI Clarksville, Indian Territory Allegheny PA Winslow IL Iowa 1902W 1906W 3-Apr-1906 1917W 18-Mar-1917 1922W 18-Jul-1922 1922W 1923W 31-Jul-1923 Madison WI 1925W 1929W 25-Jul-1929 Milwaukee WI 1904W 1915W 1915B 1906W 1909W 1920W 1915W 1906W 1921W 1922W 1923W 1924W 1926W 12-May-1904 15-Aug-1915 14-Aug-1915 25-Nov-1906 6-Jul-1909 3-Nov-1920 27-Dec-1915 6-Nov-1906 18-Dec-1921 Monroe twp WI Clarno twp WI Clarno twp WI Wilmot SD Monroe WI Twin Grove WI Monroe area WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI 27-Aug-1923 Monroe WI 7-Sep-1924 Freeport IL 2-Jan-1926 Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Brodhead Staver Cemetery Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood Monroe Allegheny M - Greenwood Erie PA Mineral Point Wisenburg Cemetery, Washington twp M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Rock Grove Twin Grove M - Greenwood Argyle M - Calvary M - Calvary Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Paper Date 6-Nov-1911 26-Dec-1916 15-Oct-1918 13-Apr-1927 7-Feb-1908 19-Mar-1928 18-Jan-1909 20-Jan-1909 7-Sep-1903 9-Feb-1906 25-Mar-1903 13-Aug-1907 Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe 17-Nov-1902 3-Apr-1906 20-Mar-1917 5-Aug-1922 8-Jul-1922 1-Aug-1923 16-Feb-1925 26-Jul-1929 Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe 13-May-1904 16-Aug-1915 16-Aug-1915 26-Nov-1906 7-Jul-1909 3-Nov-1920 27-Dec-1915 6-Nov-1906 19-Dec-1921 27-Aug-1923 8-Sep-1924 2-Jan-1926 Last Name Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss Wyss-Weiss Wyttenbach Yard Yarger Yarger Yarger Yaun First Name Conrad Henry Madeline Anna, Christopher Lena Pearl Infant daughter Dietrich John Sr. Robert Euphemia Anna Henry, Mrs Roy Lucy John Ray H.L., Rev William A. Other Name Yaun Yaun Yaussi Yazel Yeazel Yeazel-Hall Yocum Yordi Yordi York York Yost Yost Yost John, Mrs Henry Fernanda i/d William John Sarah Frank Andrew Arthur Nathaniel Phebe Ann i/d Albert Peter Sr. Peter Spaeni Shertenlieb Burki Wohlwend Hoesly Greub Norton Ingold Bartell Bartlett Binder 1907W Page10 1905W 1910W 1916W 1916W 1913W 1920W 1922W 1923W 1923W 1925W 1926W 1915W 1921E 1913Y 1917Y 1915Y 1921Y 1918Y Date Died 3-Aug-1907 1-May-1901 23-Mar-1905 25-Nov-1910 22-Nov-1916 4-Apr-1916 26-Sep-1913 Residence Monroe area WI Calamine Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Washington Twp WI Decatur twp WI California 18-Jul-1923 16-Dec-1923 5-Jun-1925 10-Jan-1926 19-Aug-1915 Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Janesville WI Montana Waukegan IL Messina IA Orangeville IL Chicago IL Washington twp WI 1920Y 1928Y 1916Y Page 4 1911Y 1903Y 1927Y Page 2 1908Y 1912Y 1924Y 1906Y 1904Y 1920Y 20-Apr-1920 28-Feb-1928 14-Oct-1916 8-Feb-1901 30-Jul-1911 12-Oct-1903 17-Apr-1927 15-Jan-1901 26-Dec-1908 14-Jul-1912 9-Jun-1924 3-Jan-1906 27-Sep-1904 26-Feb-1920 22-Sep-1913 23-Jun-1915 13-Jan-1921 23-Aug-1918 Washington twp WI Adams twp WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Sylvester twp WI Shullsburg Monroe WI New Glarus WI Oregon WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dawson Cemetery M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Washington Church Cemetery M - Greenwood Darlington Kelly Cemetery Kelly - Franklin M - Greenwood Oregon Wi M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Paper Date Monroe J 5-Aug-1907 Monroe J 2-May-1901 Monroe J 23-Mar-1905 Monroe 25-Nov-1910 Monroe J 23-Nov-1916 Monroe T 6-Apr-1916 Monroe T 30-Sep-1913 Monroe 15-Mar-1920 Monroe 20-Jun-1922 Monroe T 18-Jul-1923 Monroe J 17-Dec-1923 Monroe 5-Jun-1925 Monroe 11-Jan-1926 Monroe 20-Aug-1915 Monroe 7-Oct-1921 Monroe T 30-Sep-1913 Monroe 11-Jun-1917 Monroe 24-Jun-1915 Monroe 24-Jan-1921 Monroe 24-Aug-1918 Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe 21-Apr-1920 28-Feb-1928 16-Oct-1916 8-Feb-1901 1-Aug-1911 12-Oct-1903 22-Apr-1927 15-Jan-1901 28-Dec-1908 15-Jul-1912 10-Jun-1924 3-Jan-1906 28-Sep-1904 27-Feb-1920 Last Name Yost-Roth First Name Frederica Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Youngblood Youngblood Youngblood Youngblood Youngblood Youssi Yttre Yuska Yuska Zabel Zabel Zacke Zahler Zahner Zeckel Zedec Zeittlow Zeller Zentner Zentner Zentner Zentner Zentner Zentner Zentner Jacob R. Louis, Mrs Samuel Daniel S. John A. Effie Milton Henry Sarah J. John John Jr. Fred Sophia Ruthella Maria Emanuel Claus Junitius William Christ, Mrs Christian Fred Edwin W. Emma Emanuel Adam Wilhelmina Jacob Isaiah Anna Henry, Mrs Joseph Rudolph Matthias Hilarius Other Name Schmidt Martin Hahn Schroeder Hintz Binder Date Died Residence 1911Y 22-Mar-1911 Monroe WI Page16 1907S 1908Y 1918Y 1912Y 1922Y 1922Y 1924W 1909Y 1904Y 1918Y 1920Y 1920Y 1923Y 1906Y 1912Y 1912Y 1916Z 1917Z 1920Z 1925Z 1928Z 1924Z 1929D 1927Z 1929Z 1901Z 1919Z 1915Z 1918Z 1913Z 1920Z 1922Z 18-Sep-1901 Stephenson County IL 1-Aug-1907 Europe Topeka KS 24-Sep-1918 Monroe WI 5-Feb-1912 Brodhead WI Beloit WI 16-Feb-1922 Albany WI 12-Jan-1924 Dubuque IA 4-Apr-1909 Monroe WI Monroe WI 29-Nov-1918 Beloit WI 28-Feb-1920 Monroe WI 22-Feb-1920 Monroe WI 26-Mar-1923 Monroe twp WI 10-Sep-1906 Stoughton WI 9-Jan-1912 Shullsburg WI 9-Jan-1912 Shullsburg WI 27-Dec-1916 Monroe WI 8-Feb-1917 Monroe WI Iowa 31-Mar-1925 Mt Vernon WI 18-Nov-1928 Lena IL 15-Sep-1924 County Home New Diggings 3-Jun-1927 Juda WI 5-Jun-1929 Beloit WI 22-Sep-1901 Wood County WI 28-Oct-1918 2-Jun-1913 19-Jun-1920 15-Oct-1922 Webster City IA Monroe WI County farm Monroe WI Monticello WI Cemetery or Burial Location M - Greenwood Juda Cemetery M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Baraboo M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Calvary M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Washington twp M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Mt Vernon IA Mt Vernon M - Calvary Burlington WI Delavan WI Oakwood Cemetery Albany M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello Paper Monroe J Paper Date 22-Mar-1911 Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe Monroe 24-Sep-1901 2-Aug-1907 15-Feb-1908 24-Sep-1918 6-Feb-1912 30-Mar-1922 27-Feb-1922 17-Mar-1924 5-Apr-1909 28-Apr-1904 30-Nov-1918 28-Feb-1920 23-Feb-1920 26-Mar-1923 13-Sep-1906 11-Jan-1912 11-Jan-1912 27-Dec-1916 8-Feb-1917 16-Oct-1920 1-Apr-1925 21-Nov-1928 15-Sep-1924 25-Jul-1929 3-Jun-1927 7-Jun-1929 30-Sep-1901 1-Apr-1919 13-Jul-1915 28-Oct-1918 3-Jun-1913 21-Jun-1920 18-Oct-1922 Last Name Zentner Zettle First Name Euphemia Anna Zettle Zietlow Zilmer Zilmer Zilmer Zilmer Zilmer Zilmer Ziltener Zimmer Zimmer Zimmer Zimmerli Zimmerli Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Myron Frederick Samuel P. Dorathea William, Mrs Glen, Sgt Glenn, Sgt Glenn William Joseph Conrad Conrad Conrad Marie Eliza Otto Bertha Christ, Mrs. Cosmo Frederica George Lisetta i/s Walter R. Jacob John Peter John Peter Josephine Ralph Rosina, Mrs Victor Frana Ella Fred Victor Other Name Stauffacher Zimmerli Wagner Pierce Rhyner Binder Date Died Residence 1926Z 22-Sep-1926 Monticello WI 1916Z 1-Sep-1916 Winslow IL 1911Z 1921Z Page 8 1901Z 1918Z 1919Z 1921Z 1921Z 1928Z Page18 Page17 1901Z 1920Z 1928Z 1909Z 1906Z 1908Z 1903Z 1906W 1906Z 1915Z 1916Z 1915Z 1916Z 1911Z 1917Z 1917Z 1918Z 1920Z 1920Z 1920Z 1921Z 22-May-1911 31-Aug-1921 8-Apr-1901 8-Apr-1901 1-Aug-1918 Memorial 2-Aug-1918 9-Aug-1921 5-Feb-1928 Cadiz twp WI Elkhorn WI Monroe WI Monroe WI France France 00-00-1901 12-May-1920 4-Jul-1928 12-Sep-1909 Monroe WI Monticello WI Brodhead WI Anaheim CA 9-Sep-1908 2-Jul-1903 22-Mar-1906 13-May-1906 3-Sep-1915 29-May-1916 30-Dec-1915 Oakley WI Jordan twp WI Avoca Monroe WI Oakley WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monticello WI Beaver Dam Monroe WI Monroe WI in action New Glarus WI Monticello WI Marshfield WI France Monroe WI Spring Grove WI Cemetery or Burial Location Staver Cemetery Staver Cemetery Mt Vernon M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood 27-Mar-1917 3-Feb-1917 31-Jul-1918 14-Apr-1920 2-Sep-1920 28-Jun-1920 Monticello M - Greenwood Anaheim CA Oakley Union Oakley Union M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood M - Greenwood New Glarus Monticello Montrose Cemetery Oakley Paper Monroe Monroe T Paper Date 23-Sep-1926 2-Sep-1916 Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 23-May-1911 31-Aug-1921 9-Apr-1901 8-Apr-1901 10-Aug-1918 26-May-1919 8-Aug-1921 9-Aug-1921 8-Feb-1928 1-Oct-1901 30-Sep-1901 00-00-1901 14-May-1920 5-Jul-1928 17-Sep-1909 29-Aug-1906 10-Sep-1908 2-Jul-1903 23-Mar-1906 14-May-1906 4-Sep-1915 31-May-1916 31-Dec-1915 3-Jan-1916 2-Mar-1911 28-Mar-1917 5-Feb-1917 17-Apr-1920 3-Sep-1920 9-Jul-1920 4-Aug-1921 Last Name Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zinser Zophia Zualke Zuercher Zuercher Zuercher Zuhlke Zuhlke Zuhlke Zuhlke Zumbach ZumBrunnen ZumBrunnen ZumBrunnen Zumbrunnen ZumBrunnen ZumBrunnen ZumBrunnen ZumBrunnen ZumBrunnen ZumBrunnen Zumkehr Zurflech Zurfluh Zurfluh Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel First Name Fred, Mrs Fred W. August, Mrs Fred John F. Riley William H. Jacob Sebina, Mrs Christ Ernest , Mrs Susan Rosemary Fred, Mrs Fred Esther E. Mathias J. Ulrich Nellie Gottlieb Gottlieb Jacob Martin Fannie Gottlieb Gottlieb Susanna Hilda Peter, Mrs Melchoir Hans Kathryn Anna c/o Adam Fred Other Name Jost Schneider Pagel Durst Marty Frautschy Miller Aeschlimann Prien Hefty Binder 1922Z 1927Z 1927Z 1927Z 1928Z 1928Z 1929Z 1926Z 1909Z 1909Z 1918Z 1925Z 1929Z 1907Z 1912Z 1926Z 1929Z 1921Z 1905Z 1908B 1908B Page 5 1903Z 1917Z 1915B 1913Z 1923Z 1929Z 1911Z 1916Z 1923Z 1929Z 1906W 1902Z 1906Z Date Died 25-Sep-1927 18-Mar-1927 20-Mar-1927 12-Jun-1928 1-Jun-1928 15-Nov-1929 12-Jan-1926 25-Feb-1909 14-Jan-1909 26-Apr-1918 30-Jul-1925 21-May-1929 4-Jan-1907 11-Apr-1912 12-Jul-1926 9-Aug-1929 17-Aug-1921 8-Jun-1905 11-Jan-1908 11-Jan-1908 Residence Black Earth WI Janesville WI Albany WI Darlington WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Dutch Hollow WI Monroe WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Mt Pleasant twp WI Mt Pleasant twp WI Brodhead WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Washington twp WI Washington twp WI 17-Apr-1903 Monroe WI Los Angeles CA 11-Aug-1915 Darlington WI 18-Dec-1913 Monroe WI 22-Jul-1923 Monroe WI 31-Jan-1929 Monroe WI 8-Feb-1911 Gratiot area WI 8-May-1916 Jordan twp WI 14-Nov-1923 Darlington WI 23-Mar-1929 Texas 5-Jul-1906 Monroe WI 14-Jul-1902 Oakley WI Freeport IL Cemetery or Burial Location Mt Horeb M - Greenwood Hillcrest Cemetery Darlington Union Cemetery Mt Hope Cemetery Oakley Union M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Dutch Hollow Dutch Hollow M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Milwaukee Milwaukee M - Greenwood M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Paper Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe T Monroe J Monroe J Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe T Monroe Monroe J Monroe J Monroe J Paper Date 18-Jun-1922 25-Sep-1927 18-Mar-1927 23-Mar-1927 14-Jun-1928 1-Jun-1928 16-Nov-1929 13-Jan-1926 26-Feb-1909 14-Jan-1909 27-Apr-1918 30-Jul-1925 22-May-1929 4-Jan-1907 12-Apr-1912 13-Jul-1926 9-Aug-1929 18-Aug-1921 8-Jun-1905 13-Jan-1908 13-Jan-1908 26-Feb-1901 18-Apr-1903 22-Jun-1917 12-Aug-1915 18-Dec-1913 23-Jul-1923 31-Jan-1929 9-Feb-1911 9-May-1916 14-Nov-1923 23-Mar-1929 5-Jul-1906 15-Jul-1902 25-May-1906 Last Name Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zweifel Zwickey Zwickey Zwygart First Name Henry Regula, Mrs Christ Edward George Joe Verena, Mrs Thomas Bernhard Barbara Regula Jacob, Mrs Emil Fred Fred Henry Bonnie L. Emma Jane Lillie Ann Other Name Oswald "Benjamin" Kundert Hodges Reed wanderer Binder 1908Z 1906Z 1916 Z 1918Z 1913Z 1917Z 1913Z 1922Z 1922Z 1922Z 1922Z 1922Z 1927Z 1929Z 1915Z 1915Z 1926Z 1900N 1918H 1925K Date Died 14-Jan-1908 30-Oct-1906 5-Nov-1916 27-Oct-1918 13-Feb-1913 16-Jan-1913 24-Jul-1922 7-Jun-1922 29-Jun-1922 13-Mar-1922 24-Sep-1927 8-Nov-1929 20-Jan-1915 18-May-1915 7-Jun-1926 2-May-1900 10-Dec-1918 11-Mar-1925 Residence Monroe area WI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monticello WI Monroe WI New Glarus WI Monroe WI Pennsylvania New Glarus WI New Glarus WI New York Mineral Point WI Beloit WI Milwaukee WI Osage IA Paoli Monroe WI Monroe WI Orangeville IL Monroe WI Cemetery or Burial Location New Glarus M - Greenwood M - Greenwood Paper Monroe J Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe T Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe J Monroe T Monroe Monroe J M - Greenwood Monroe M - Greenwood Monticello M - Greenwood New Glarus New Glarus Mineral Point M - Greenwood Milwaukee Paper Date 15-Jan-1908 30-Oct-1906 6-Nov-1916 28-Oct-1918 13-Feb-1913 00-00-1917 16-Jan-1913 25-Jul-1922 9-Jun-1922 30-Jun-1922 25-Mar-1922 7-Mar-1922 24-Sep-1927 9-Nov-1929 21-Jan-1915 19-May-1915 8-Jun-1926 2-May-1900 12-Mar-1925
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