Synopsis -


Synopsis -
Herausgegeben von
Daniel Convissor
Martin Jansen
Alexander Merz
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 von The PEAR Documentation Group
Copyright © 2001 - 2006 by the PEAR Documentation Group. This material may be
distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication
License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at
Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without
the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is
prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
The PEAR Documentation Group consists of all the people that have contributed
documentation to the PEAR manual. Representatives are listed on the front page of this
manual. In case you would like to contact the group, please write to [email protected].
Copyright for the XML_RPC documentation
The documentation of the XML_RPC package has originally been written by Edd Dumbill
as an independent document on his homepage and is published as part of the PEAR Manual
under the following license restrictions:
Copyright © 1999,2000,2001 by Edd Dumbill, Useful Information Company
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of the "XML-RPC for PHP" nor the names of its contributors may
be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
specific prior written permission.
Über dieses Handbuch
Der Aufbau des Handbuchs
Autoren und Beteiligte
I. Über PEAR
1. Einführung
2. Installation
3. Support
4. Coding Standards
5. Contributing
6. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
II. Leitfaden für neue Entwickler
7. Introduction
8. When to contribute (and when not to contribute)
9. Getting started with the community
10. The formal proposal process
11. Taking over an unmaintained package
III. Entwickler-Leitfaden
12. Introduction
13. PEAR's meaning for developers
14. Contributing your own code
15. The package definition file package.xml
16. The package definition file package.xml, version 2.0
17. Releasing A Package
18. Supporting PEAR development
19. Recommendations
20. Writing documentation
IV. Neue Funktionen in PEAR 1.4
21. Introduction
22. Channels
23. Custom File Roles
24. Custom File Tasks
25. Post-installation Scripts
V. Core-Bestandteile
26. PEAR base classes
27. PEAR Installer classes
VI. Packages
28. Authentication
29. Benchmarking
30. Caching
31. Configuration
32. Console
33. Database
34. Date and Time
35. Encryption
36. Event
37. File Formats
38. File System
39. Gtk
40. HTML
41. HTTP
42. Images
43. Internationalization
44. Logging
45. Mail
46. Math
47. Networking
48. Numbers
49. Payment
50. PEAR
51. PHP
52. Science
53. Streams
54. Structures
55. System
56. Text
57. Tools and Utilities
58. XML
59. Web Services
VII. PECL Packages
I. Imagick
III. Radius
IV. Net_Gopher
V. PostScript document creation
VI. Satellite CORBA client extension
VII. PostgreSQL Session Save Handler
VIII. SPPLUS Payment System
IX. Net_Gopher
X. oggvorbis
PEAR ist die Abkürzung für: PHP Extension and Application Repository.
Über dieses Handbuch
Dieses Handbuch wird gepflegt in XML unter Benutzung der DocBook XML DTD und
formatiert mit DSSSL (Document Style and Semantics Specification Language). Um die
HTML-Versionen zu erzeugen, wird benutzt: Jade, von James Clark und die Modular
DocBook Stylesheets von Norman Walsh.
Die Struktur für das Handbuch basiert auf den Arbeiten der PHP Documentation Group.
Lesen Sie dazu für mehr Information About the PHP manual.
Der Aufbau des Handbuchs
Diese Einführung erklärt die allgemeine Struktur, das Layout und die Konventionen im
PEAR-Handbuch. Es ist unterteilt in sechs große Teile, die sind:
Dieser Teil enthält eine Einführung darüber, was PEAR ist und was es bietet. Dazu
kommen allgemeine Informationen über die Installation und die Benutzung von PEAR,
Support-Möglichkeiten und beantwortet häufig gestellte Fragen zu PEAR.
Allgemeine Informationen über die Entwicklung und Herausgabe von PEAR-
Dieser Teil dokumentiert die PEAR-Core-Klassen. Sie sind die Basis für jede Klasse
in PEAR - wenn Sie die Core-Klassen kennen, dürfte das Arbeiten mit den übrigen
keine Schwierigkeit sein. Themen sind u.a.: PEAR, PEAR verwalten, die
Fehlerbehandlung über die PEAR_Error-Klasse, und system-nahe Kommandos. Die
hier beschriebenen Funktionen sind Bestandteil jeder orginalen PHP-Distribution.
Es gibt eine wachsende Anzahl von PEAR-Packages. Viele sind hier dokumentiert aber standardmäßig nicht installiert. Für die Installation von PEAR Packages lesen
Sie bitte das Installation chapter.
Die Dokumentation für jede Klasse enthält zumindest eine Beschreibung aller
öffentlichen Methoden. Häufig sind zusätzlich verfügbar: eine Einführung, eine
Auflistung definierter Konstanten und Anwendungs-Beispiele. Daneben gibt es
natürlich noch Informationen im Quellcode der Klassen selbst.
Die Beschreibung jeder Methode enthält einige oder alle folgenden Teile:
Zeigt den Aufbau der Methode
Beschreibt, was die Methode tut
Beschreibt jeden Parameter der Methode mit ihrem Namen und Datentyp. Es
werden erforderliche und optionalen Parameter aufgeführt
Beschreibt den Rückgabewert, wenn kein Fehler auftritt
Beschreibt das zurückgelieferte PEAR_Error-Objekt wenn ein Fehler
Zusätzliche Hinweise über eine Methode. Z.B. ist hier vermerkt, wenn eine
Methode statisch aufgerufen werden kann.
Siehe auch
Links zu zugehörigen Methoden oder Handbuch-Seiten
Ein Benutzungs-Beispiel für die Methode oder Klasse
PECL Packages
PECL Packages sind normale PHP-Erweiterungen in C. Die Dokumentations-Struktur
sollte denen des Package-Teils gleichen
An PEAR mitarbeiten
Enthält Information zum Schreiben eigener PEAR-Packages
Autoren und Beteiligte
Die folgende Liste enthält die Namen derjenigen, die an diesem Handbuch beteiligt sind.
Wenn Sie einen kontaktieren möchten, schreiben Sie bitte an [email protected].
Lorenzo Alberton
Gregory Beaver
Daniel Convissor
David Costa
Thomas V.V. Cox
Martin Jansen
Alan Knowles
Clay Loveless
Alexander Merz
Stefan Neufeind
Jon Parise
Tobias Schlitt
Stephan Schmidt
Mika Tuupola
Michael Wallner
(In alphabetischer Reihenfolge)
I. Über PEAR
1. Einführung
2. Installation
3. Support
4. Coding Standards
5. Contributing
6. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Kapitel 1. Einführung
Das PEAR-Manifest
PEAR ist Malin Bakken gewidmet, sie wurde geboren am 21.11.1999.
Was ist PEAR?
PEAR ist die Abkürzung für „PHP Extension and Application Repository“ und wird
ausgesprochen wie die englische übersetzung von "Birne". Der Zweck von PEAR ist es
Eine aufgeräumte Bibliothek von offenem Quellcode für PHP-Programmierer
Eine Infrastruktur für den Vertrieb von Quellcode und deßen Betreuung
Einen einheitlichen Stil für Quellcode in PHP, wie er hier beschrieben wird
Die PHP Extension Community Library (PECL), mehr hier
Eine Webseite, Mailing-Listen und ein Netz von Download-Servern um die
PHP/PEAR-Gemeinschaft zu unterstützen
PEAR ist ein Gemeinschafts-Projekt mit der PEAR Group als Normen-gebende Kraft. Das
Projekt wurde begründete 1999 von Stig S. Bakken, seit dem schloßen sich dem Projekt viele weitere an.
Eine aufgräumte Bibliothek für PHP-Code
Der Quellcode in PEAR ist aufgeteilt in „Packages“. Jedes Package ist ein selbständiges
Projekt mit eigenem Entwickler-Team, Versionierung, Herausgabe-Zyklen und festgelgten
Beziehungen zu anderen Packages (einschließlich äbhängigkeiten) Packages werden verteilt
in Form von gepackten Daten (mit Hilfe von Tar und GZip). Jedes enthält eine
beschreibende Datei; die Installation erfolgt auf dem eigenem Computer über den PEARInstaller
Es gibt zwei Arten von Packages:
"source packages" enthalten nur Quellcode. Dabei handelt es sich entweder um
PHP-Quellcode oder C-Quellcode. Zum Einsatz letzterer benötigten Sie die
entsprechenden Werkzeuge zur Erzeugung lauffähiger Dateien.
"binary packages" enthalten ausführbare Dateien und eventuell Quellcode. Sie sind
typischerweise plattform-spezifisch.
Die Packages sind in PEAR in Form eines Baumes organisiert. Die „Knoten“ des Baums
finden sich wieder im Namen des Packages. Die Knoten dienen als Beschreibungen; und die
Knoten im Name sind durch einen Unterstrich abgegrenzt. Beispiele für Package-Namen
sind: „MP3_Id“, „Archive_Tar“ und „HTTP_Post“.
Sind Packages von einander abhängig, so muß das ausdrücklich angegeben werden - es gibt
keine automatische Beziehung zwischen Packages auf Grund des Namens. Z.B. gibt es keine
Abhängigkeit zwischen einen Package und seinem „Vater“ im Package-Baum: das Package
„HTTP_Post“ ist unabhängig von dem Package „HTTP“.
Einige obere Knoten im Package-Baum haben eine spezielle Funktion und werden deshalb
„Sub-Repository“ genannt, aktuell sind das: PECL und Gtk. Für jedes dieser gelten
abweichende Regeln, beachten Sie die Beschreibungen zu diesen Sub-Repositorys weiter
Der Stil-Leitfaden, die PEAR Coding Standards (kurz PCS), wurde geschaffen, um die
Zusammenarbeit zwischen den PEAR-Entwicklern zu vereinfachen, Qualität zu sichern und
portablen Quellcode zu schreiben - und um allen Beteiligten einheitliche Schnittstellen zu
Quellcode-Vertrieb und Package-Betreuung
Alle PEAR-Packages werden in einer zentralen Datenbank verwaltet und sind von dort
verfügbar. Diese Datenbank befindet sich auf Quellcode-offene Packages
können ebenfalls dort registriert und bereitgestellt werden. Nicht-offene Packages
können über den PEAR-Installer installiert werden, die PEAR-Datenbank steht aber allein
offenen Packages zur Verfügung. bietet eine HTML-basierte Benutzeroberfläche für die PEAR-Datenbank,
und eine eine (aktuell) XML-RPC-basierte Schnittstelle für den maschinellen Zugriff. Das
Herunterladen von Packages geschieht über HTTP. Andere Funktionen von
sind bzw. werden sein:
die Verwaltung der Konten der PEAR-Beteiligten (einschließlich des CVS-Zugriffs)
Die Package-Verwaltung
Die Release-Verwaltung von Packages
Packages werden vertrieben als gezippte Tar-Dateien, in dem sich auf jeden Fall eine
XML-basierte Beschreibungs-Datei befindet. Diese Datei enthält Informationen über das
Package, eine Liste der entahlten Dateien und ihrer Funktion, und Package-Abhängigkeiten.
Die PHP Extension Community Library (PECL)
PECL (englisch ausgesprochen „pickle“) ist ein Sub-Repository von PEAR für
Erweiterungen in C, wie sie mit PHP4 vertrieben werden. PECL entstand u.a. deshalb, um
Erweiterungem aus der Entwicklung von PHP heraus zu ziehen. PECL-Packages müßen den
PHP-Coding Standards enstprechen; sie werden aber als normale PEAR-Packages
vertrieben und installiert.
Das Verschieben einer Erweiterung von PHP zu PECL wird auch als „pickling“ bezeichnet.
Oktober 2003 wurde PECL eine eigenständiges Projekt, das nicht mehr Bestandteil von
PEAR ist - mit Ausnahme der Infrastruktur, die sich von PEAR ausgeliehen wurde. Mehr
Informationen und alle PECL-Packages können auf der PECL Homepage gefunden werden.
Während der Ausgliederung wurde PECL umbenannt von „PHP Extension Code Library“ in
„PHP Extension Community Library“.
Gtk-Packages sind Programme, die auf dem PHP-GTK- Projekt basieren. Quellcode in
diesem Sub-Repository folgt den PEAR Coding-Standards.
Kapitel 2. Installation
Diese Kapitel beschreibt, wie man Packages von PEAR installiert
Bevor Sie dieses Kapitel lesen, sollten Sie mit der Idee von PEAR vertraut sein.
Die PHP-Distribution enthält bereits alles, um die PEAR-Werkzeuge für die Installation
zu nutzen. Mit einer einer aktuellen PHP-Installation können Sie sich zurücklegen: Die
PEAR-Basis-Installation ist bereits vorhanden - es sei denn Sie haben PHP installiert mt
der ./configure-Einstellung --without-pear.
Bei einigen Unix/Linux/BSD-Distributionen liefern PHP-Versionen mit, bei denen PEAR
erst noch manuell installiert werden muss. Beachten Sie in diesem Fall die entsprechende
Dokumentation zur Distribution.
Die Packages, die nicht bereits mit zur Distribution gehören, können Sie mit dem PEARPackage-Manager installieren. Er ist vergleichbar mit Debian's „apt-get“. Zur
Wiederholung: Mit einer aktuellen PHP-Installation (> 4.3.0) können Sie den nächsten
Abschnitt überspringen. Nur wenn Sie die PHP-Version 4.2.* oder frühere benutzen,
müsssen Sie den Manager von Hand installieren.
Neben der Package-Installation übernimmt der PEAR-Package-Manager weitere
Aufgaben: Er kann neue Packages erzeugen auf ihrem Computer, verwaltet eine Datenbank
der installierten PAckages, überprüft Abhängigkeiten; und er kann über den XML-RPCService auf einige weitere Aufgaben übernehmen.
Den Manager herunterladen
Mit PHP >= 4.3.0 ist der PEAR-Package-Manager bereits installiert, ausser es wurde bei
./configure die Einstellung --without-pear angegeben.
Für alle Versionen vor 4.3.0 oder für eine erneute Installation des Package-Managers
können Sie folgerdermaßen vorgehen:
$ lynx -source | php
Anmerkung: Einige Linux-Distributionen (z.B. Redhat) benutzen links anstatt
lynx als Namen für den Kommandozeilen-HTML-Browser. ändern Sie in diesem
Fall die obige Anweisung entsprechend um.
Nach dem Herunterladen und der Installation von PHP müssen Sie die Batch-Datei gopear.bat ausführen. Diese befindet sich im Verzeichnis ihrer PHP-Installation, z.B.:
c:\php\go-pear.bat. Es werden ihnen einige Fragen gestellt, danach wird der PEARPackage-Manager installiert in einem Pfad entsprechend ihrer Angaben. Zum Schluß
müssen Sie den Installations-Pfad, der auf ihre PEAR-Installation zeigt, der
Umgebungsvariable PATH zuweisen (Start > Einstellungen > System > Umgebungsvariablen).
Oder Sie führen die Datei PEAR_ENV.reg aus (üblicherweise einfach per Doppelklick).
Danach können Sie den PEAR-Package-Manager über die Kommandozeile unter Windows
benutzen mit dem Aufruf von pear.
Um ihre PEAR-Installation auf den neusten Stand zu bringen, rufen Sie in ihrem Browser
die URL auf und speichern die Ausgabe in der Datei go-pear.php.
Danach rufen Sie auf:
php go-pear.php
auf der Kommandozeile, um das Update durchzuführen.
PEAR und Web-Hoster
Wenn Sie eine Webseite bei eiem Web-Hoster betreiben und keinen direkten Zugriff auf
den Server haben (lokal, Telnet oder SSH), dann können Sie den Manager nicht benutzen,
wenn Sie nicht zumindest Version 1.4.x und FTP-Zugang haben (SFTP wird derzeit noch
nicht unterstützt).
Achtung: Bei FTP werden Passwörter unverschlüsselt übertragen! FTP as a protocol is
inherently insecure, as passwords are sent unencrypted.
Wenn Sie Kunden bei einem guten Web-Hoster sind, haben Sie gute Chancen, das häufig
genutzte PEAR-Packages bereits installiert sind. Ist das nicht der Fall bzw. benötigen Sie
weitere Packages, frageb Sie ihren Hoster, ob er sie installieren will. Sollte er sich
weigern, schauen Sie sich nach einem neuen Anbieter um, oder versuchen Sie die Packages
manuell zu installieren.
Der Kommandozeilen-Installer
Die folgende Beschreibung geht davon aus, dass die neuste Version des PEAR-PackageManagers installiert ist.
Die Installation über die Kommandozeile ist der schnellste Weg PEAR-Packages auf ihrem
System zu installieren: Dazu verbindet sich der Manager mit dem PEAR-Package-Server
über HTTP, lädt das Package herunter und installiert das Package gemäß ihren
Die voll-automatische Installation
Der CLI-Installer ist einfach zu benutzen. Tippen Sie folgendes in ihre Kommandozeile:
$ pear install <package>
<package> müß durch den Namen des Packages ersetzt werden, dass Sie installieren wollen
(z.B. HTTP_Upload). Um eine Liste aller verfügbaren Packages zu bekommen, schauen Sie
entweder auf die PEAR-Package-übersicht oder führen Sie diesen Befehl aus:
$ pear remote-list
Dieses Kommando holt sich die Liste aller Packages, die zur Zeit in PEAR verfügbar sind.
Halb-automatische Installation
Wenn Sie ein Package von heruntergeladen haben als gezipptes TarArchiv, können Sie es ebenfalls lokal installieren, dazu geben Sie auf der Kommandozeile
$ pear install <file>.tgz
Dieses Kommando wird das Package installieren ohne dass eine Online-Verbindung
notwendig ist. <file>.tgz muss durch den Namen der heruntergeladenen Datei ersetzt
Befehle und Konfigurationsvariablen
Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der verfügbaren Befehle für das PEAR KommandozeilenProgramm. Einige Befehle benötigen Root-Zugriff auf dem Server.
Erzeugt eine Erweiterung aus dessen Quellcode.
Lädt und entpackt eine PECL Erweiterung.
Fügt einen Channel der internen Channel-Liste hinzu. (PEAR 1.4+)
Definiert einen Aliasnamen für einen Channel (PEAR 1.4+)
Entfernt einen Channel von der internen Channel-Liste. (PEAR 1.4+)
channel-discover Initialisert einen Channel auf Basis des Server-Namens. (PEAR 1.4+)
Zeigt Informationen über einen Channel an. (PEAR 1.4+)
Erneut die Informationen über eine Channel in der internen ChannelListe. (PEAR 1.4+)
Löscht den XML-RPC-Cache.
Erzeugt eine PEAR-Konfigurationsdatei. (PEAR 1.4+)
Zeigt eine bestimmte Konfigurationseinstellung an.
Zeigt Informationen zur Konfiguration an.
Setzt eine bestimmte Konfigurationseinstellung.
Zeigt alle Konfigurationseinstellungen an.
Konvertiert eine package.xml-Datei der Version 1.0 in das Format für
Version 2.0. (betrifft nur Package-Entwickler) (PEAR 1.4+)
Führt ein "cvs diff -u" über alle Dateien eines Packages aus und
zeigt das Resultat an.
Setzt ein CVS-Release-Tag
Lädt ein Package herunter, installiert es aber nicht.
Lädt alle verfügbaren Packages vom Package-Server.
Zeigt Informationen über ein Package an.
Installiert ein Package und liefert eine entsprechende Erfolgsmeldung
Zeigt alle installierten Packages an.
Zeigt alle verfügbaren Packages an.
Listet die verfügbaren Channels auf. (PEAR 1.4+)
Listet die Dateien eines installierten Packages auf. (PEAR 1.4+)
Zeigt alle installierten Packages an, für die Upgrades verfügbar sind.
Stellt eine Verbindung mit einem PEAR-Packageserver her und
authentifiziert den Nutzer am Server.
Logt einen angemeldeten Nutzer an einem PEAR-Packageserver aus.
Erzeugt eine RPM-Specification-Datei von einem PEAR-Package.
Erzeugt ein Package-Archiv.
Zeigt Abhängigkeiten eines Packages an.
package-validate Prüft, ob eine Package-Archiv konsistent und korrekt ist.
Zeigt Informationen über ein installiertes Package einer entfernten
Installation an.
Zeigt alle installierten Packages auf einer entfernten Installation an.
Startet die Post-Installationsskripte eines Packages. (PEAR 1.4+)
Startet die Testskripte in einem Verzeichnis.
Durchsucht die Package-Datenbank eines Packageservers.
Testet ob ein Package installiert ist.
Signiert ein Package-Archiv.
Deinstalliert ein Package und löscht alle installierten Dateien des
Erneuert die Informationen aller Channels in der internen Channel-Liste.
(PEAR 1.4+)
Installiert die aktuelle Version eines Packages. (Siehe auch:
Installiert die aktuelle Version, wenn verfügbar, für jedes installierte
Packages (Siehe auch: list-upgrades)
Und hier finden Sie die Liste der verfügbaren PEAR-Konfigurationsvariablen. Benutzen
Sie config-get-, config-help-, config-set- und config-show-Befehle um die
entsprechenden Werte zu lesen und zu setzen. Die meisten Werte werden bei der PEARInstallation auf Standardwerte gesetzt, die Sie eventuell anpassen müssen.
Variablenname Beschreibung
Verzeichnis, in dem sich die ausführbaren
Programme befinden.
Verzeichnis für die Dokumentation eines
Verzeichnis, in dem sich die PHPErweiterungen befinden.
Verzeichnis, in dem PHP-Dateien eine
Packages installiert werden.
Verzeichnis für Cache-Daten des PEAR-
Variablenname Beschreibung
Verzeichnis, in dem Daten-Dateien eines
Packages installiert werden.
Der Pfad und Name des PHP-Interpreters (CLI
bzw. CGI-Version) um Skripte auszuführen.
Verzeichnis für die Testskripte eines
Zeitdauer (Anzahl der Sekunden), während
der lokale Cache nicht erneuert wird. („Time
To Kill“)
preferred_stat Bevorzugter Packagestatus: stable, beta,
alpha, devel, oder snapshot.
Zu verwendende umask bei der Installation
von Dateien (betrifft nur UNIX-artige
Gesprächigkeit des PEAR-Installers: 0-3,
wobei 3 die umfangreichste Ausgabe darstellt.
Die optionale Angabe eines HTTP-Proxys
(host:port), der beim Herunterladen eines
Packages benutzt werden soll.
Die Konfigurationsdatei, die benutzt wird um
eine lokale PEAR-Installation auf einem
entfernten Server per FTP zu spiegeln. (PEAR
Automatische Ermittlung unbekannter
Channels, aufgrund von Angaben in Befehlen
oder bei Abhängigkeiten.
0 (bzw.
Standardmäßig benutzter Channel (PEAR 1.4+) bei PECLl
bezogenen Befehlen)
Variablenname Beschreibung
Benvorzugter Channel-Mirror (PEAR 1.4+)
or (bzw. bei PECLbezogenen Befehlen)
Der standardmäßig zu verwendende Packagemaster_server Server. (Sollte ab 1.4.x nicht mehr benutzt
Login-Passwort für den Package-Server
(betrifft nur Package-Entwickler).
Der Pfad und der Programmname zum Umgang
mit Signaturen.
Das Verzeichnis mit den Signatur-Schlüsseln.
Der Name des zu verwendenden SignaturSchlüssels.
Der Type der Signatur (derzeit wird nur gpg
Der Benutzername zur Anmeldung am PackageServer (betrifft nur Package-Entwickler)
Installation eines lokalen PEAR-Verzeichnisses bei fremden WebHostern
Viele Benutzer sind bei Web-Hostern mit einer system-weiten PEAR-Installation. In
einigen Fällen kann es notwendig sein, eine eigene PEAR-Installation zu verwalten, z.B. zur
Installation nicht vorhandener Packages. Das ist möglich entweder über Telnet/SSH oder
allein per FTP.
Ein lokales PEAR-Verzeichnis über SSH
Um ein lokales PEAR über SSH zu installieren, führen Sie folgende Befehle aus:
PEAR 1.3.5 und frühere Versionen
$ pear -s -c ~/.pearrc -d doc_dir=~/pear/docs -d ext_dir=~/pear/ext -d php_dir=~/pear/lib
PEAR 1.4 und Neuere
$ pear config-create /home/user/pear .pearrc
Damit erzeugen Sie eine lokales Konfigurations-Datei in ihrem Home-Verzeichnis sie heißt
Wenn Sie dann in .bashrc im Path-Eintrag das Verzeichnis ~/pear/bin hinzufügen,
müsste nachfolgender Aufruf funktionieren. Die Path-Angabe muß an erster Stelle in der
Datei stehen! (Lautet ihr Startup-Datei anders, müssen Sie den Eintrag natürlich dort
PEAR 1.3.2 und frühere Versionen
$ pear -c ~/.pearrc install Archive_Tar PEAR Console_Getopt XML_RPC
PEAR 1.3.3 und Neuere
$ pear install -o PEAR
Damit wird in ihrem Home-Verzeichnis ein Verzeichnis pear erzeugt, dass die
zukünftigen Packages aufnimmt.
Damit erzeugen Sie eine lokale PEAR-Installation, die oberhalb der systemweiten liegt.
Damit die lokalen Packages auch benutzt werden, müssen Sie die include_path-Einstellung
von PHP anpassen:
ini_set('include_path', '~/pear/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));
Alternativ können Sie dies auch in der .htaccess für Apache vornehmen über die
Einstellung php_value.
Ein lokales PEAR-Verzeichnis über FTP
Es gibt zwei Wege eine lokale PEAR-Installation per FTP auf einen anderen Server zu
spiegeln: den alten, schweren Weg und den neuen, einfachen Weg. Der neue Weg erfordert
unbedingt ein Upgrade von PEAR auf Version 1.4.x.
Die neue, verbesserte Methode mit PEAR 1.4.0 und Net_FTP
Die Installation einer Kopie einer bestehenden PEAR-Installation über FTP würde mit
PEAR 1.4.0 vereinfacht.
Häufig ist es problematisch PEAR auf einem Server zu installieren, zu dem man keinen
Shell-Zugang besitzt. Die einzige Möglichkeit ist auf FTP zurückzugreifen. Das führt aber
bei manchen Packages zu Problemen, wenn diese auf fortgeschrittene Funktionen des
Installers aufsetzen, wie z.B. der Einsatz von systemspezifischen Ersetzungen im
Der grundlegende Ablauf für die FTP-Variante ist folgender:
1. Sie benötigen eine lauffähige CLI-Version von PEAR auf dem lokalen System. Damit
ist das pear-Kommando gemeint, nicht das Web-Interface.
2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der FTP-Zugang zum Server funktioniert und Sie die
erforderlichen Zugriffsrechte zum Schreiben besitzen.
3. Merken Sie sich den vollständigen Pfad zu Ihrem Home-Verzeichnis.
4. Erzeugen Sie eine angepasste Konfigurationsdatei für das lokale System und den
5. Laden Sie die angepasste Konfigurationsdatei für den Server eben dorthin.
6. In der lokalen Konfigurationsdatei setzen Sie den Wert remote_config auf den
Pfad der Konfigurationsdatei auf dem Server.
7. Installieren Sie die Packages, die Sie benötigen.
1. Sie benötigen eine lauffähige CLI-Version von PEAR auf dem lokalen System. Damit
ist das pear-Kommando gemeint, nicht das Web-Interface!
Mehr dazu finden Sie in der Installationsanleitung.
2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der FTP-Zugang zum Server funktioniert und Sie die
erforderlichen Zugriffsrechte zum Schreiben besitzen.
Das ist unbedingt notwendig - wenn Sie sich mit einem FTP-Programm auf ihrem
Webspace einloggen können, dann haben Sie FTP-Zugang. Der Zugang über SecureFTP
(SFTP) wird derzeit nicht unterstützt, das wird aber funktionieren, wenn das Package
Net_FTP SFTP unterstützt.
Merken Sie sich den Benutzernamen und das Passwort, mit dem Sie sich einloggen, Sie
werden es nachher benötigen.
Der Test, ob Sie Schreibrechte besitzen ist einfach: Wenn Sie eine Datei hochladen
können, dann besitzen Sie Schreibrechte.
3. Merken Sie sich den vollständigen Pfad zu Ihrem Home-Verzeichnis.
Wenn Sie den Pfad nicht wissen, dann laden Sie dieses kleine Skript auf Ihren Webspace
und rufen es auf:
echo dirname(__FILE__);
Dann sollten Sie eine Ausgabe erhalten wie z.B. /home/username/htdocs.
4. Erzeugen Sie eine angepasste Konfigurationsdatei für das lokale System und den
Die Dateien erzeugen Sie mit dem PEAR-Installer:
Unter Windows:
Wählen Sie zuerst ein Verzeichnis für die lokale Installationskopie von PEAR, z.B.
C:\remote\pear. Auf der Kommandozeile geben Sie ein (wenn Sie sich direkt im WurzelVerzeichnis befinden):
C:\> mkdir remote
C:\> cd remote
C:\remote\> mkdir pear
C:\remote\> cd pear
C:\remote\pear> pear config-create -w C:\remote\pear remote.ini
C:\remote\pear> pear config-create /home/username/pear .pearrc
Unter Linux/Unix funktioniert es analog:
mkdir remote
cd remote
mkdir pear
cd pear
pear config-create /home/mylocaluser remote.conf
pear config-create /home/username/pear .pearrc
5. Laden Sie die angepasste Konfigurationsdatei für den Server eben dorthin.
Benutzen Sie einfach ein FTP-Programm Ihrer Wahl zum Hochladen der gerade
erzeugten Datei .pearrc in das zu erzeugende Verzeichnis /home/username/pear/
6. In der lokalen Konfigurationsdatei setzen Sie den Wert remote_config auf den
Pfad der Konfigurationsdatei auf dem Server.
Unter Windows:
C:\remote\pear\> pear -c remote.ini config-set remote_config ftp://user:pass@myremotehost.
Unter Linux/Unix:
$ pear -c remote.conf config-set remote_config ftp://user:[email protected]/.pearrc
7. Installieren Sie die Packages, die Sie benötigen.
Sie können den PEAR-Installer von nun an regulär benutzen. Die lokale und die entfernte
PEAR-Installation werden automatisch synchroniziert, wenn neue Packages
installiert/geupdatet werden.
Wie funktioniert dass?
Der Installer installiert ein Package zuerst lokal und benutzt dann Net_FTP, um eine
Kopie jeder installierten Datei auf den Server an die korrekte Position hochzuladen. Alle
Befehle, welche die Installation betreffen (wie z.B. install, upgrade, selbst upgrade-all)
können genutzt werden. Die Option remote_config teilt dem Installer mit, dass die
lokale Installation automatisch auf dem Server gespiegelt werden soll.
Eine Besonderheit ist, dass die Einstellungen der Konfigurationsdatei auf dem Server für
Ersetzungen bei der Installation auf dem Server benutzt werden. Z.B. wenn in einer Datei
der Pfad zum PEAR-Daten-Verzeichnis (data_dir-Eintrag in der Konfiguration) gesetzt
werden soll, dann wird der Pfad auf dem Server eingetragen (z.B.
/home/username/pear/data) anstatt dem lokalem Pfad (hier: C:\remote\pear\data).
Das hat allerdings den Nebeneffekt, dass die lokale Installation u.U. nicht auf dem lokalen
Rechner läuft. Die lokale Installation fungiert hier eher als Back-up-System. Dies hat
allerdings den Vorteil, das bei Problemen auf dem Server, die lokale PEAR-Installation 1:1
auf den Server kopiert werden kann, um wieder einen stabilen Zustand herzustellen.
Einige Packages konfigurieren sich bei der Installation abhängig vom zugrundeliegenden
Betriebssystem (Windows vs. Linux). Prüfen Sie vor der Installation, ob dies der Fall ist,
bzw. stellen Sie sicher, dass das lokale System und der Server mit dem selben
Betriebssystem laufen.
Der traditionelle Weg um PEAR per FTP zu installieren.
Die Vorrausetzung für die Installation über FTP ist ein FTP-Programm, dass die
Zugriffsrechte setzten kann. Erzeugen Sie zuerst ein Verzeichnis, das NICHT in ihrem
öffentlich zugänglichen Web-Verzeichnis liegt; die Benennung ist egal. Es muß für jeden
les- und schreibbar sein (Zugriffsrechte: 0777). Holen Sie sich dann das go-pear.phpSkript von und laden Sie es in ein öffentlich zugängliches UnterVerzeichnis Ihres Web-Verzeichnisses. Sie sollten dieses Verzeichnis unbedingt über die
.htaccess mit einem Passwort schützen.
Rufen Sie als zweites über den Browser das go-pear.php-Skript auf. Ist die URL ihrer
Webseite, und befindet sich das Skript in
public_html/install/go-pear.php; und zeigt die Inhalte
von public_html/, dann rufen Sie auf: Folgen
Sie den Installations-Anweisungen. Wenn Sie gefragt werden, wohin Sie PEAR installieren
wollen, wählen Sie das Verzeichnis, das für jeden les- und schreibbar ist. Ausserdem
werden Sie gefragt, wo sich die Kommandozeilen-Version von PHP befindet. Führen Sie
dazu auf dem Server folgendes PHP-Skript über den Browser aus und übernehmen die
echo `which php`;
// if this does not work, also try echo PHP_BIN;
Nachdem PEAR installiert wurde, können Sie über den Web-Installer Packages
installieren und aktualisieren wie mit jeder anderen PEAR-Installation. Um die installierten
Packages zu benutzen, müssen Sie ebenfalls den Include-Path anpassen.
ini_set('include_path', '~/pear/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));
Manuelle Installation
Packages manuell zu installieren ist nicht empfohlen, aber viele haben immer wieder
Probleme mit der automatischen Installation, besonders wenn es sich um die Installation
bei Web-Hoster handelt.
In den nächsten Absätzen werden wir demonstrieren wie Sie Packages von Hand auf ihrer
Webseite installieren. Wir gehen von diesem Schema aus: Der Document-Root der Seite
ist /var/www/ Auf der gleichen Ebene von htdocs befindet
sich ein Verzeichnis includes. Auf dieses Verzeichnis kann nicht über HTTP zugegriffen,
aber über FTP oder WebDAV.
Die Installation besteht aus den folgenden Schritten.
1. Das Package herunterladen:
Sie können das Package herunterladen von der PEAR-Homepage über den WebBrowser. Wenn Sie die URL der Package-Seite nicht kennen, gehen Sie über den
2. Hochladen des Package-Quellcodes
Nach dem Sie die .tgz-Datei des Packages heruntergeladen haben, müssen Sie den
Inhalt der Datei auf ihrem eigenem Computer entpacken. Laden Sie danach den
entpackten Quellcode über FTP, WebDAV oder eine andere Methode in das
Verzeichnis /var/www/ Der Quellcode für
Mail_Mime z.B. sollte sich dann befinden in
3. Anpassen des include_path
Jetzt müssen Sie den include-path von PHP so anpassen, dass er den Namen des
Verzeichnise enthält, in dem der Quellcode liegt. Wenn Sie Zugriff auf die php.ini
für ihre Webseite haben, müssen Sie das Verzeichnis
/var/www/ in der Einstellung ergänzen. Wenn Sie
keinen Zugriff darauf haben, müssen Sie diese Einstellung in jedem Ihrer Skripte
setzen, um das Package zu benutzen:
ini_set("include_path", '/var/www/' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_
4. Nach dem Sie diese Schritte durchgeführt haben, können Sie das Package ein ihre
Skripte einbinden:
require_once 'Mail/mime.php';
$mime = ...
Wenn Sie weiter Fragen zur manuellen Installation haben, fragen Sie auf der MailingListe für PEAR-User.
CVS installer
Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie Sie ein PEAR-Package aus dem CVS heraus installieren.
Sie sollten keine Packages direkt aus dem CV heraus in Produktions-Umgebungen laufen
lassen! Es sind keine offiziellen Releases, deshalb:
können Sie weder mit Hilfe vom Maintainer rechnen, noch von irgendjemand
können diese den PEAR-Installer _durcheinanderbringen_ bei Updates, da CVSReleases keine eindeutigen Versionsnummer besitzen.
Sie sollten ein Package aus dem CVS heraus nur benutzen, wenn:
Der Maintainer ist ihnen empfohlen hat.
Sie bei der Entwicklung des Packages helfen wollen.
Sie wirklich einen bestimmten Patch oder eine Funktion benötigen, die in einem
Release nicht enthalten ist.
Wenn Sie immer noch ein Package aus dem CVS installieren wollen, müssen die selben
Schritte gehen, die auch ein Package-Maintainer tut, wenn er ein neues Release erzeugt.
Wenn Sie Probleme bei den nächsten Punkten haben, werfen Sie einen Blick in den
Entwickler-Leitfaden des Handbuchs.
1. Holen Sie sich die zum Package gehörenden Dateien wie es auf beschrieben ist.
Der _Name_ des Moduls zum auschecken lautet pear/<packagename>, z.B. cvs
-d :pserver:[email protected]:/repository checkout pear/HTTP_Client.
2. überprüfen Sie die Datei package.xml, inbesondere die fileset benannten
Einträge. Sie müssen die existierenden Dateien und Verzeichnisse wiederspiegeln.
Wenn sie es nicht tun, nehmen Sie Kontakt mit dem Maintainer auf, und bitten ihn
die package.xml anzupassen.
3. Erzeugen Sie ein korrektes PEAR-Package mit dem PEAR-Installer pear package
<path to package.xml>
4. ist das Package bereits installiert: entfernen Sie es, um Versions-Probleme zu
vermeiden. pear uninstall <package>
5. Installieren Sie die erzeugte Package-Datei Install your package archive: pear
install <package-file>
Jetzt ist die CVS-Version installiert!
So früh wie möglich sollten Sie wieder ein offizielles Release installieren. Achten Sie
darauf vor dem Installieren, die CVS-Version zu deinstallieren.
PECL-Packages installieren
Die Installation von PECL-Packages ist im PHP-Handbuch beschrieben:
Kapitel 3. Support
This chapter describes, how you can get support, if you have questions concerning PEAR.
The mailing lists
As in most other open-source projects, the support is done via mailing lists. In our case,
we currently have five PEAR related mailing lists:
General list
Developers list
Documentation list
Webmaster list
CVS commit list
Core list
Quality Assurance list
The first four lists are intended to help you, if you have questions. Please read below to
get to know, what list fits to your needs. The CVS commit list is intended for people that
are contributing to PEAR: All commits to our revision control system (CVS) are send to
this list. The core and QA lists are intended for people that want to take part in the
development of PEAR.
You can subscribe to the PEAR mailing lists via this website.
The General mailing list
The PEAR general mailing list is the mailing list, where you ask, if you have a question
about installing PEAR, using a certain PEAR package etc.
The list is no support forum for question concerning the usage of PHP. Please use [email protected] instead.
The Developers mailing list
As the name already tells you, this list is the place where the developers of PEAR come
together to make decisions, to discuss about code and to handle things that are related to
If you are no developer of PEAR itself, this list is of no real interest for you, unless
you want to get to know what's going on behind PEAR
you want to contribute code to PEAR
you have found a bug in a PEAR package and want to supply a patch for that.
The adress for this list is [email protected].
The documentation mailing list
This list is the place, where all the things concerning the PEAR documentation, the
manual etc. are discussed.
If you want to help out documenting PEAR packages, don't hesitate to drop a mail there.
The QA mailing list
People being interested in improving the overall quality of PEAR come together on the QA
The Quality Insurance team is always seeking people that want to help. If you are
interested, just sign up and announce yourself on the mailing list.
The Webmaster mailing list
If you have found a problem on our website or have a question concerning the site, you
can email the guys on [email protected] .
The core mailing list
This list is the place, where the core infrastructure of PEAR is discussed. Members of
this list also come from other PHP projects such as PECL and PHP QA, since the PEAR
infrastructure is also relevant to these projects (like the PEAR installer, the PEAR
website etc.).
Specifically the list is concerned with the following topics:
New main features for the PEAR website
PEAR installer development
PEAR standards definition
Web resources
There are a number of web sites that deal with PEAR. We have compiled a list of them
here. If a site is missing, you can email the webmaster.
The PEAR project has its own IRC channel #PEAR, which is available on EFnet. Come
along and meet the gurus, which don't have to pay for their internet connection and can
hang around in IRC the whole day.
Kapitel 4. Coding Standards
Anmerkung: The PEAR Coding Standards apply to code that is part of the
official PEAR distribution (that is, either distributed with PHP or available for
download from the PHP PEAR repository).
Indenting and Line Length
Use an indent of 4 spaces, with no tabs. If you use Emacs to edit PEAR code, you should
set indent-tabs-mode to nil. Here is an example mode hook that will set up Emacs
according to these guidelines (you will need to ensure that it is called when you are editing
PHP files):
(defun php-mode-hook ()
(setq tab-width 4
c-basic-offset 4
c-hanging-comment-ender-p nil
(and (string-match "/\\(PEAR\\|pear\\)/" (buffer-file-name))
(string-match "\.php$" (buffer-file-name))))))
Here are vim rules for the same thing:
It is recommended that you break lines at approximately 75-85 characters. There is no
standard rule for the best way to break a line, use your judgment and, when in doubt, ask
on the PEAR Quality Assurance mailing list.
Control Structures
These include if, for, while, switch, etc. Here is an example if statement, since it is the
most complicated of them:
if ((condition1) || (condition2)) {
} elseif ((condition3) && (condition4)) {
} else {
Control statements should have one space between the control keyword and opening
parenthesis, to distinguish them from function calls.
You are strongly encouraged to always use curly braces even in situations where they are
technically optional. Having them increases readability and decreases the likelihood of
logic errors being introduced when new lines are added.
For switch statements:
switch (condition) {
case 1:
case 2:
Function Calls
Functions should be called with no spaces between the function name, the opening
parenthesis, and the first parameter; spaces between commas and each parameter, and no
space between the last parameter, the closing parenthesis, and the semicolon. Here's an
$var = foo($bar, $baz, $quux);
As displayed above, there should be one space on either side of an equals sign used to
assign the return value of a function to a variable. In the case of a block of related
assignments, more space may be inserted to promote readability:
= foo($bar);
$long_variable = foo($baz);
Function Definitions
Function declarations follow the „one true brace“ convention:
function fooFunction($arg1, $arg2 = '')
if (condition) {
return $val;
Arguments with default values go at the end of the argument list. Always attempt to
return a meaningful value from a function if one is appropriate. Here is a slightly longer
function connect(&$dsn, $persistent = false)
if (is_array($dsn)) {
$dsninfo = &$dsn;
} else {
$dsninfo = DB::parseDSN($dsn);
if (!$dsninfo || !$dsninfo['phptype']) {
return $this->raiseError();
return true;
Complete inline documentation comment blocks (docblocks) must be provided. Please read
the Sample File and Header Comment Blocks sections of the Coding Standards to learn the
specifics of writing docblocks for PEAR packages. Further information can be found on the
phpDocumentor website.
Non-documentation comments are strongly encouraged. A general rule of thumb is that if
you look at a section of code and think „Wow, I don't want to try and describe that“, you
need to comment it before you forget how it works.
C style comments (/* */) and standard C++ comments (//) are both fine. Use of Perl/shell
style comments (#) is discouraged.
Including Code
Anywhere you are unconditionally including a class file, use require_once. Anywhere you
are conditionally including a class file (for example, factory methods), use include_once.
Either of these will ensure that class files are included only once. They share the same file
list, so you don't need to worry about mixing them - a file included with require_once will
not be included again by include_once.
Anmerkung: include_once and require_once are statements, not functions.
Parentheses should not surround the subject filename.
PHP Code Tags
Always use <?php ?> to delimit PHP code, not the <? ?> shorthand. This is required for
PEAR compliance and is also the most portable way to include PHP code on differing
operating systems and setups.
Header Comment Blocks
All source code files in the PEAR repository shall contain a „page-level“ docblock at the
top of each file and a „class-level“ docblock immediately above each class. Below are
examples of such docblocks.
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Short description for file
* Long description for file (if any)...
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the
* If you did not
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through
* send a note to [email protected] so we can mail you a
* @category
* @package
* @author
Original Author <[email protected]>
* @author
Another Author <[email protected]>
* @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group
* @license PHP
* @version
CVS: $Id:$
* @link
* @see
NetOther, Net_Sample::Net_Sample()
* @since
File available since Release 1.2.0
* @deprecated File deprecated in Release 2.0.0
of the PHP license
following URI:
receive a copy of
the web, please
copy immediately.
License 3.0
* Place includes, constant defines and $_GLOBAL settings here.
* Make sure they have appropriate docblocks to avoid phpDocumentor
* construing they are documented by the page-level docblock.
* Short description for class
* Long description for class (if any)...
* @category
* @package
* @author
Original Author <[email protected]>
* @author
Another Author <[email protected]>
* @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group
* @license PHP License 3.0
* @version
Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @see
NetOther, Net_Sample::Net_Sample()
* @since
Class available since Release 1.2.0
* @deprecated Class deprecated in Release 2.0.0
class foo
Required Tags That Have Variable Content
Short Descriptions
Short descriptions must be provided for all docblocks. They should be a quick
sentence, not the name of the item. Please read the Coding Standard's Sample File
about how to write good descriptions.
PHP Versions
One of the following must go in the page-level docblock:
* PHP version 4
* PHP version 5
* PHP versions 4 and 5
There are several possible licenses. One of the following must be picked and placed
in the page-level and class-level docblocks:
@license Apache License 2.0 BSD License (2 C BSD License (3 Clause) BSD License (4 Clause) MIT License LGPL License 2.1 PHP License 3.0
For more information, see the PEAR Group's Licensing Announcement.
The following must be used in both the page-level and class-level docblocks. Of
course, change „PackageName“ to the name of your package. This ensures the
generated documentation links back your package.
* @link
There's no hard rule to determine when a new code contributor should be added to
the list of authors for a given source file. In general, their changes should fall into
the "substantial" category (meaning somewhere around 10% to 20% of code changes).
Exceptions could be made for rewriting functions or contributing new logic.
Simple code reorganization or bug fixes would not justify the addition of a new
individual to the list of authors.
This tag is required when a file or class is added after the package's initial release.
Do not use it in an initial release.
This tag is required when a file or class is no longer used but has been left in place
for backwards compatibility.
Optional Tags
Feel free to apply whatever copyrights you desire. When formatting this tag, the
year should be in four digit format and if a span of years is involved, use a hyphen
between the earliest and latest year. The copyright holder can be you, a list of
people, a company, the PHP Group, etc. Examples:
2003 John
Doe and Jennifer Buck
John Doe
The PHP Group
XYZ Corporation
License Summary
If you are using the PHP License, use the summary text provided above. If another
license is being used, please remove the PHP License summary. Feel free to substitute
it with text appropriate to your license, though to keep things easy to locate, please
preface the text with LICENSE: .
Add a @see tag when you want to refer users to other sections of the package's
documentation. If you have multiple items, separate them with commas rather than
adding multiple @see tags.
Order and Spacing
To ease long term readability of PEAR source code, the text and tags must conform to
the order and spacing provided in the example above. This standard is adopted from the
JavaDoc standard.
@package_version@ Usage
There are two ways to implement the @package_version@ replacements. The procedure
depends on whether you write your own package.xml files or if you use the
For those authoring package.xml files directly, add a <replace> element for each file. The
XML for such would look something like this:
<file name="Class.php">
<replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
Maintainers using the PackageFileManager need to call addReplacement() for each file:
$pkg->addReplacement('filename.php', 'package-info',
'@package_version@', 'version');
Transition Policy
Existing Small Packages
Existing packages that have only a few files are required to adopt these docblocks
before the next release.
Existing Large Packages
Existing packages with many files are encouraged to adopt the new headers as soon
as possible. When such packages come out with a new major version upgrade, these
docblocks must be implemented therein.
New and Unreleased Packages
New packages and existing packages which have no releases yet must include these
docblocks before their first release.
Using CVS
This section applies only to packages using CVS at
Include the $Id$ CVS keyword in each file. As each file is edited, add this tag if it's not
yet present (or replace existing forms such as „Last Modified:“, etc.).
The rest of this section assumes that you have basic knowledge about CVS tags and
CVS tags are used to label which revisions of the files in your package belong to a given
release. Below is a list of the required and suggested CVS tags:
(required) Used for tagging a release. If you don't use it, there's no way to go back
and retrieve your package from the CVS server in the state it was in at the time of
the release.
(branch, optional) If you feel you need to roll out a release candidate before
releasing, it's a good idea to make a branch for it so you can isolate the release and
apply only those critical fixes before the actual release. Meanwhile, normal
development may continue on the main trunk.
(branch, optional) If you need to make „micro-releases“ (for example 1.2.1 and so on
after 1.2.0), you can use a branch for that too, if your main trunk is very active and
you want only minor changes between your micro-releases.
Only the RELEASE tag is required, the rest are recommended for your convenience.
Below is an example of how to tag the 1.2.0 release of the Money_Fast package:
cd pear/Money_Fast
cvs tag RELEASE_1_2_0
By doing this you make it possible for the PEAR web site to take you through the rest of
your release process.
Here's an example of how to create a QA branch:
$ cvs tag QA_2_0_0_BP
$ cvs rtag -b -r QA_2_0_0_BP QA_2_0_0
$ cvs update -r QA_2_0_0
$ cvs tag RELEASE_2_0_0RC1
...and then the actual release, from the same branch:
$ cvs tag RELEASE_2_0_0
The QA_2_0_0_BP tag is a „branch point“ tag, which is the start point of the tag. It's
always a good idea to start a CVS branch from such branch points. MAINT branches may
use the RELEASE tag as their branch point.
Example URLs
Use, and for all example URLs and email
addresses, per RFC 2606.
Naming Conventions
Classes should be given descriptive names. Avoid using abbreviations where possible.
Class names should always begin with an uppercase letter. The PEAR class hierarchy is also
reflected in the class name, each level of the hierarchy separated with a single
underscore. Examples of good class names are:
Log Net_Finger HTML_Upload_Error
Functions and Methods
Functions and methods should be named using the „studly caps“ style (also referred to as
„bumpy case“ or „camel caps“). Functions should in addition have the package name as a
prefix, to avoid name collisions between packages. The initial letter of the name (after the
prefix) is lowercase, and each letter that starts a new „word“ is capitalized. Some
connect() getData() buildSomeWidget() XML_RPC_serializeData()
Private class members (meaning class members that are intended to be used only from
within the same class in which they are declared; PHP does not yet support truly-
enforceable private namespaces) are preceded by a single underscore. For example:
_sort() _initTree() $this->_status
Anmerkung: The following applies to PHP5.
Protected class members (meaning class members that are intended to be used only from
within the same class in which they are declared or from subclasses that extend it) are
not preceded by a single underscore. For example:
protected function initTree()
Constants should always be all-uppercase, with underscores to separate words. Prefix
constant names with the uppercased name of the class/package they are used in. For
example, the constants used by the DB:: package all begin with DB_.
Anmerkung: The true, false and null constants are excepted from the alluppercase rule, and must always be lowercase.
Global Variables
If your package needs to define global variables, their name should start with a single
underscore followed by the package name and another underscore. For example, the PEAR
package uses a global variable called $_PEAR_destructor_object_list.
File Formats
All scripts contributed to PEAR must:
Be stored as ASCII text
Use ISO-8859-1 character encoding
Be Unix formatted
„Unix formatted“ means two things:
1) Lines must end only with a line feed (LF). Line feeds are represented as ordinal
10, octal 012 and hex 0A. Do not use carriage returns (CR) like Macintosh computers
do or the carriage return/line feed combination (CRLF) like Windows computers do.
2) There should be one line feed after the closing PHP tag (?>). This means that
when the cursor is at the very end of the file, it should be one line below the closing
PHP tag.
Sample File (including Docblock Comment standards)
The source code of PEAR packages are read by thousands of people. Also, it is likely
other people will become developers on your package at some point in the future.
Therefore, it is important to make life easier for everyone by formatting the code and
docblocks in standardized ways. People can then quickly find the information they are
looking for because it is in the expected location. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Each docblock in the example contains many details about writing Docblock Comments.
Following those instructions is important for two reasons. First, when docblocks are easy
to read, users and developers can quickly ascertain what your code does. Second, the PEAR
website now contains the phpDocumentor generated documentation for each release of
each package, so keeping things straight here means the API docs on the website will be
Please take note of the vertical and horizontal spacing. They are part of the standard.
The „fold markers“ (// {{{ and // }}}) are optional. If you aren't using fold markers,
remove foldmethod=marker from the vim header.
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Short description for file
* Long description for file (if any)...
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the
* If you did not
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through
* send a note to [email protected] so we can mail you a
* @category
* @package
* @author
Original Author <[email protected]>
* @author
Another Author <[email protected]>
* @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group
* @license PHP
* @version
CVS: $Id:$
of the PHP license
following URI:
receive a copy of
the web, please
copy immediately.
License 3.0
* @link
* @see
* @since
* @deprecated
NetOther, Net_Sample::Net_Sample()
File available since Release 1.2.0
File deprecated in Release 2.0.0
* This is a "Docblock Comment," also known as a "docblock." The class'
* docblock, below, contains a complete description of how to write these.
require_once 'PEAR.php';
// {{{ constants
* Methods return this if they succeed
define('NET_SAMPLE_OK', 1);
// }}}
// {{{ GLOBALS
* The number of objects created
* @global int $GLOBALS['NET_SAMPLE_Count']
// }}}
// {{{ Net_Sample
* An example of how to write code to PEAR's standards
* Docblock comments start with "/**" at the top. Notice how the "/"
* lines up with the normal indenting and the asterisks on subsequent rows
* are in line with the first asterisk. The last line of comment text
* should be immediately followed on the next line by the closing asterisk
* and slash and then the item you are commenting on should be on the next
* line below that. Don't add extra lines. Please put a blank line
* between paragraphs as well as between the end of the description and
* the start of the @tags. Wrap comments before 80 columns in order to
* ease readability for a wide variety of users.
* Docblocks can only be used for programming constructs which allow them
* (classes, properties, methods, defines, includes, globals). See the
* phpDocumentor documentation for more information.
* The Javadoc Style Guide is an excellent resource for figuring out
* how to say what needs to be said in docblock comments. Much of what is
* written here is a summary of what is found there, though there are some
* cases where what's said here overrides what is said there.
* The first line of any docblock is the summary. Make them one short
* sentence, without a period at the end. Summaries for classes, properties
* and constants should omit the subject and simply state the object,
* because they are describing things rather than actions or behaviors.
* Below are the tags commonly used for classes. @category through @access
* are required. The remainder should only be used when necessary.
* Please use them in the order they appear here. phpDocumentor has
* several other tags available, feel free to use them.
* @category
* @package
* @author
Original Author <[email protected]>
* @author
Another Author <[email protected]>
* @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group
* @license PHP License 3.0
* @version
Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @see
NetOther, Net_Sample::Net_Sample()
* @since
Class available since Release 1.2.0
* @deprecated Class deprecated in Release 2.0.0
class Net_Sample
// {{{ properties
* The status of foo's universe
* Potential values are 'good', 'fair', 'poor' and 'unknown'.
* @var string
var $foo = 'unknown';
* The status of life
* Note that names of private properties or methods must be
* preceeded by an underscore.
* @var bool
* @access private
var $_good = true;
// }}}
// {{{ setFoo()
* Registers the status of foo's universe
* Summaries for methods should use 3rd person declarative rather
* than 2nd person imperative, begining with a verb phrase.
* Summaries should add description beyond the method's name. The
* best method names are "self-documenting", meaning they tell you
* basically what the method does. If the summary merely repeats
* the method name in sentence form, it is not providing more
* information.
* Summary Examples:
+ Sets the label
+ Set the label
+ This method sets the label (avoid)
* Below are the tags commonly used for methods. A @param tag is
* required for each parameter the method has. The @return and
* @access tags are mandatory. The @throws tag is required if the
* method uses exceptions. @static is required if the method can
* be called statically. The remainder should only be used when
* necessary. Please use them in the order they appear here.
* phpDocumentor has several other tags available, feel free to use
* them.
* The @param tag contains the data type, then the parameter's
* name, followed by a description. By convention, the first noun in
* the description is the data type of the parameter. Articles like
* "a", "an", and "the" can precede the noun. The descriptions
* should start with a phrase. If further description is necessary,
* follow with sentences. Having two spaces between the name and the
* description aids readability.
* When writing a phrase, do not capitalize and do not end with a
* period:
+ the string to be tested
* When writing a phrase followed by a sentence, do not capitalize the
* phrase, but end it with a period to distinguish it from the start
* of the next sentence:
+ the string to be tested. Must use UTF-8 encoding.
* Return tags should contain the data type then a description of
* the data returned. The data type can be any of PHP's data types
* (int, float, bool, string, array, object, resource, mixed)
* and should contain the type primarily returned. For example, if
* a method returns an object when things work correctly but false
* when an error happens, say 'object' rather than 'mixed.' Use
* 'void' if nothing is returned.
* Here's an example of how to format examples:
* <code>
* require_once 'Net/Sample.php';
* $s = new Net_Sample();
* if (PEAR::isError($s)) {
echo $s->getMessage() . "\n";
* }
* </code>
* Here is an example for non-php example or sample:
* <samp>
* pear install net_sample
* </samp>
* @param string $arg1 the string to quote
* @param int
$arg2 an integer of how many problems happened.
Indent to the description's starting point
for long ones.
* @return int the integer of the set mode used. FALSE if foo
foo could not be set.
* @throws exceptionclass [description]
* @access public
* @static
* @see Net_Sample::$foo, Net_Other::someMethod()
* @since Method available since Release 1.2.0
* @deprecated Method deprecated in Release 2.0.0
function setFoo($arg1, $arg2 = 0)
* This is a "Block Comment." The format is the same as
* Docblock Comments except there is only one asterisk at the
* top. phpDocumentor doesn't parse these.
if ($arg1 == 'good' || $arg1 == 'fair') {
$this->foo = $arg1;
return 1;
} elseif ($arg1 == 'poor' && $arg2 > 1) {
$this->foo = 'poor';
return 2;
} else {
return false;
// }}}
// }}}
* Local variables:
* tab-width: 4
* c-basic-offset: 4
* c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil
* End:
Kapitel 5. Contributing
This chapter describes the different ways in which one could contribute to PEAR.
PEAR is an open source project, which means that everyone can help improving it.
Improving doesn't always mean writing code. It can also mean reporting bugs, giving
feedback, submitting feature requests and even financial support.
Writing New Packages
Explanations about submitting new packages can be found in the Developers' Guide.
Submitting Patches
If you have modified a package to expand its functionality or to fix a bug, you should
contribute your changes back to the community (some licenses force you to do so, and it is
generally considered immoral not to).
Before creating the patch, you must first obtain the latest sources of the package you
wish to patch from CVS by running the commands (the package in this example is
cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/repository login
password is phpfi
cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/repository co pear/Foo_Bar
Now that you have the latest sources, you can edit the relevant file(s). Make sure that
your patch is fully compatible with the PEAR-Coding Standards.
After you have finished adding/changing the code, TEST it: We will not accept code that
hasn't been carefully tested. When you are absolutely sure the new code doesn't
introduce bugs, create a unified diff by running:
cd pear/Foo_Bar
cvs diff -u >Foo_Bar.diff
The resulting .diff file contains your patch. This diff makes it easy for us to see what has
been changed.
Next step is to submit the patch. Send a mail to [email protected] and Cc the
maintainer(s) of the package. The subject of the mail should be prefixed with '[Patch]' to
make it clear you are submitting a patch. Also include a verbose explanation of what the
patch does. Don't forget to attach the .diff file to the mail. The maintainers of the
package are usually listed in the header of each source file. Apart from that their email
adresses are available on the package information page on
Anmerkung: If you are using Outlook or Outlook Express, please change the file
extension of the diff file to .txt, because Outlook's MIME-Type detection
depends on the file extension and attachments with a MIME-Type not equal to
text/plain will be rejected by our mailinglist software.
Anmerkung: If your patch does break backwards compatibility, the chances are
fairly good that the maintainers won't be happy about it. Thus you should always
try to fix a bug in a way that does not seriously change the public API. But if
there is absolutely no way to keep backwards compatibility and/or if your patch
contains a groundbraking improvement, even API changes are fine.
Reporting Bugs
If you think that you have found a bug in a PEAR package, please take care that you are
using the latest version of the package and that your system does meet the packages'
If the bug still persists with the latest version of the package, don't hesitate to fill out
a bug report. The easiest way is to click to link „Package Bugs“ on the package information
page for the package on the PEAR Homepage, which you think contains a bug. This will take
you to a list of existing bugs of the package. Please double check if the bug hasn't already
been reported! If you are unable to find it in the list, you can click on „Report a new bug“
to fill out the bug form.
More information and tips on how to report bugs in a proper way can be found at
If you have already fixed a bug that you have found in a package, please read this.
Writing & Translating Documentation
Good documentation is essential for users to fully understand any software. Several
PEAR packages lack documentation or have docs which need improvement. Writing
documentation provides more information about helping out on this front.
Translating documentation is another important task. Not only does new documentation
need to be translated into the existing languages, additional languages are welcome. Also,
existing translations need to be brought up to date because the English versions have been
changed. Help on how to perform the translation process is in the Revision Tracking
section of the manual.
Some of the PEAR developers have wishlists at Amazon or a similar service. If you
appreciate the work of a certain developer, feel free to buy something for her from her
wishlist. To find out if a developer has one of those wishlists, go to the account browser,
look for the details of the developer and there you'll see if she has a wishlist. Buying
something from people's wishlists may even speed up the time in which annoying bugs are
fixed ;-).
Kapitel 6. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What is PEAR?
This is described here.
How do I install a package when I get the error message "No
release with state equal to: 'stable' found for 'Packagename'"?
answer by Greg Beaver
The package in question does have releases, but none that are stable. There are two
1. Set preferred_state to alpha or beta and then install
$ pear config-set preferred_state alpha
$ pear install Packagename
2. Find out the stability or version number of the latest release and install it directly.
$ pear install Packagename-alpha
$ pear install Packagename-1.5.3
How do I become a PEAR contributor and/or how do I get CVS
access to PEAR?
This is described here.
I have written a PHP module in C. What are the rules of including
this in PEAR?
The PECL project (a spin-off from PEAR) is the place where C extensions for PHP are
Why is PEAR separated into pear/ and pear-core/?
The first elements of PEAR were stored in the directory pear-core (once php-src/pear)
and so they were bundled with each new PHP release.
For future releases of PEAR this isn't workable because PEAR will become too big to be
bundled with every release of PHP. So there was a decision to commit all new elements to
an own top level directory pear. The other elements which are currently remaining in phpsrc/pear will be moved to the new top level directory soon. Only the PEAR package
manager code will be bundled with every new release automatically.
Why does the directory structure of pear/ and pear-core/ differ?
The directory structure of pear-core/ matches that of the install tree (by default
/usr/local/lib/php), and are organized as a simple hierarchy. However, the directory
structure of pear/ is based on what package the files belong to. Where files are located
in each package directory is completely independent from where they end up being
installed, this is all determined by the package description file.
Why a flat directory structure instead of a deep?
In CVS, PEAR code is organized by package instead of hierarchical like it would finally be
installed. For example, if you want to use the XML_RPC class, you include "XML/RPC.php".
It's easy to think that in CVS, this file should be in pear/XML/RPC.php, but that's not the
case. XML_RPC is an independent package with its own directory in CVS, in this case the
RPC.php file is actually located at pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php. The package description file
(package.xml) is used to say where the files should finally be installed.
The reason CVS is organized this way is that it makes package administration much
Can I commit experimental/unstable stuff?
Yes. But make sure, that you mark up the experimental/unstable status of the project in
the documentation. The best place to do this is in the package.xml in the <state>-tag.
The values for this tag are
early stages of development, all things could change (API, behavoir) without notice,
expect lots of bugs
API should normally not change, usable software, expect bugs
a release for other developers who want early access to test and give feedback,
code quality may vary from pre-alpha to stable
the software has a fixed API, it has undergone tests, and documentation exists.
This release is a recommended release for use in production environments.
a CVS snapshot from a certain date
Am I expected to add examples and/or test files to my package
and where to store them?
Examples are a good idea, especially when your class has a complex API. But examples are
only a part of a documentation. Don't create examples instead of a documentation. You
should store the documentation and the examples in a sub directory 'docs' of the package
Test scripts are recommended when your class has to be compiled, requires special
extentions/programs or needs correctly installed additional files (i.e. templates, graphics).
Store them in sub directory called 'tests'.
Are different packages or classes with similar features allowed?
There is no problem with competitive packages, but we want to avoid pollution with 10
template classes, 7 different mail classes, and 3 different layers for databases doing the
same only with different function names.
First of all, do a reality check: Why do I want to commit a new package? Really bad
answers are „To see my name in PEAR“ or „I didn't understand the API of the existing
A good reason for a new class is often, that you are missing a function, behaviour or
speed in an existing implementation. In this case, you should take a look at this class, if it
possible to extend this class. If not, then you have a good reason to commit a new class.
„If not“ means, it isn't possible to add the required functionality without changing the
basics of this class.
If you write a new class, try to keep API compatibility with existing classes as far as
possible! If it isn't possible to keep the class compatible himself, try to create a wrapper
class to keep compatibility. Don't care, if this wrapper needs a lot of time or memory, a
wrapper class only has to keep compatibility and make migration easier.
Committing a competitive class has to be announced on the PEAR developers mailinglist!
I have a question about PEAR. Where should I ask?
General questions about the usage of PEAR components should be posted to the
mailing list [email protected].
All technical discussions concerning the development of PEAR components should
be posted to [email protected].
Question concerning the website can be sent to [email protected].
Information on subscribing this mailing lists can be found here.
On all mailing lists mentioned above the language is english and the way you ask questions
should always be polite :-).
A required package includes a package, my package needs it too.
Should I include it again?
Yes. You should include every package, you need with require_once() or include_once (),
also when it is included already by another package.
Does PEAR work on windows?
To make PEAR work on Windows, you simple need to add the PEAR installation dir (e.g.
c:\php\pear) to the include_path directive in your php.ini.
Note: There are some classes (like Schedule/At.php), that do not work on Windows,
because they use *nix specific commands.
What licenses are allowed in PEAR/PECL?
Currently PEAR supports the following list of licenses:
PHP License
Apache License
BSD style
MIT License
Other licenses may be added to this list on a case-by-case basis. Please get in touch with
the PEAR developers mailing list for this.
For PECL extensions that are linked into PHP, the license must be compatible with the
PHP license. That means you can not GPL a PECL extension or you would be violating the
GPL. Note also that if you write an extension that links against a GPL'ed library you will be
violating the GPL. If you need to link against a GPL'ed library, get permission from the
author of the library.
To set the license of you PEAR/PECL package, put it in the head of all source code files
of your package and also the type of it inside the <license> tag of your package description
file (package.xml).
Why does the PEAR coding standard insist on space-only
Using spaces and avoiding tabs is the only way to ensure that a piece of code is rendered
consistently in all editors and viewers. Many editors render tabs as 4 spaces, and a lot of
editors, terminal programs and utilities render tabs as 8 spaces. Example:
Here, there are 7 spaces before "$arg". If this code was written in an editor with 4-space
tabs, it would store it as one tab and three spaces. Now, if another developer edits the
same file in an editor with 8-space tabs, it will look like this:
Likewise, consider this code written with 8-space tabs:
if ($foo &&
$bar) {
If viewed in a 4-space-tab editor, it will look like this:
if ($foo &&
$bar) {
In a community like PEAR where people use lots of different systems and editors, using
tabs simply doesn't work. People will end up doing whitespace commits fixing rendering in
their editor, while breaking it for others. With only spaces it will look the same to
Jamie Zawinski has written a piece on the subject too.
There is also a tool called Astyle which can help you convert your code to the
appropriate style.
go-pear.php or bundled packages in the windows build of PHP
4.3.x is out of date!
Unlike other aspects of PEAR development, the windows build of PHP 4.3.x is not tracked
in CVS. Instead, it is located on the machine that builds windows snapshots. Often, this
will not be updated when the rest of PEAR is updated. Note that PHP 5.x releases use a
different build system and are automatically updated to the latest versions of PEAR.
If you find that PHP 4.3.x has out-of-date versions of packages, or no longer works, then
please report that the windows bundle of PEAR is out of date to [email protected]
Is there a tool to help PEAR manual translators to track files
Working on the translations is not just translating an English file and commiting the
results. Much of the work is needed to update the already translated ones, to get in sync
with the content of the English files. To follow the modifications in the English tree, you
should subscribe to the PEAR documentation mailing list to get CVS commit messages, or
read the archives. If you never update your files, the translations can get useless.
Updating a foreign language file can get difficult, as you may not know when and who
translated that file, so you may not know where you should look for the updates needed.
We have one system for tracking the revisions and modification dates of the files in
The Revision Comments
Instead of storing all responsibilities in a central file, the revision comment system
stores them in the files they provide information about. Information about translator,
revision numbers, and status information is stored in the revision comment. Let's see what
would be in the header of the example file bookinfo.xml file in this case:
<!-- EN-Revision: 1.16 Maintainer: jane Status: ready -->
We can see the revision number for the last english file used to update the translation
(EN-Revision: 1.16), the translator cvs account name. But we can also add some other
status information in the case it is needed (eg. "partial" for incomplete translations). This
revision comment system is basically about storing the information in the XML files, and
not in a central place. This is extremely convenient now, as there are more than 2400 files
in the English tree.
Currently, all three fields (English revision, Maintainer, Status) are needed. Maintainer is
intended to be a CVS user name, or some nickname without a space, status can be anything
without a space. Note, that this header is not updated by CVS (in contrast with
$Revision, which is updated automatically). This is only updated when you edit the
contents of the comment yourself.
You may see this as a good thing, but using these comments, you lose the quick look on
the whole list of your files. No, you do not lose this, but get much more! If you would like
to build a full list of you files, you can go to the /peardoc/ directory and run:
./scripts/revcheck_pear.php xx > revcheck.html
Here xx is the imaginary language code. After running this script you'll get a
revcheck.html in the same directory. You can find revision comparisions and links to
diffs for all the files in this language. You can also add a further restriction parameter,
the maintainer name, so the script will only list the files corresponding to the given
There are some optional extensions introduced for this script, to be available in this
generated HTML page. This is why the translation.xml files are introduced. Here
comes a simple translation.xml file for the imaginary xx language :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE translation SYSTEM "../dtds/translation.dtd">
This is some introductory text for the xx language translators
about who is the manager of the translation, and where to find
more information. This paragraph is printed on the top of the
generated revcheck.html page.
<person name="Joe Doe"
email="[email protected]"
nick="joedoe" cvs="yes" editor="yes"/>
<person name="Jane Smith" email="[email protected]"
<person name="Joe Forever" email="[email protected]"
nick="joefo" cvs="no"/>
<file name="appendices/aliases.xml" person="joedoe"
<file name="functions/dbx.xml"
In this file, you can add users without a CVS account, and can assign ready documents or
work-in-progress files to them. The biggest advantage of using this addon is that all this
information is used to generate dynamic tables of translators and files in the
revcheck.html file. All translators are linked to from the individual files they are
assigned to, and there is a nice table showing the state of files for all the translators.
Assigning ready files may be needed if a time consuming update is in progress on that file.
There are two optional parameters you can add to a <file>, if you would like to record it:
the date and revision. Date is assumed to be the date when the work was started,
revision is the checked out revision of the English file used to start the work (denoted as
CO-Revision in the generated table). There is currently no fixed format for the date
Another addon to this system is just to give credit to all people who worked on one file,
and not just the current maintainer. To achieve this goal, we added the credit comments.
One credit comment in eg. history.xml may look like this (in case Joe Doe translated the
file initially, but Jane followed him to be the maintainer):
<!-- CREDITS: joedoe -->
The credits comment can contain a comma-separated list. These comments only affect the
display of the translators table in revcheck.html.
Why does my browser show strange warnings when logging in to
the website?
You are seeing the warnings because uses a SSL key that is signed by
CAcert, whose root certificate is unfortunately not bundled with most browser.
If you are using a Mozilla browser, you can import the certificate on this site by clicking
on the link „Root Certificate (PEM Format)“. When asked if you want to trust the new
Certificate Authority, you need to check at least the „Trust this CA to identify web
sites.“ box and click "Ok".
People using Internet Explorer may find help here.
Mac OS X users must download the above mentioned PEM file. The certificate can then
be imported with the „Keychain Access“ utility via „Import“ in the „File“ menu.
II. Leitfaden für neue Entwickler
7. Introduction
8. When to contribute (and when not to contribute)
9. Getting started with the community
10. The formal proposal process
11. Taking over an unmaintained package
Kapitel 7. Introduction
If you are planning to contribute a new package to the PEAR project, this guide will
provide you with the necessary information to get you started The Right Way
We will start by describing the cases in which it makes sense to contribute and in which
not. After we have ensured that the package you want to contribute fits into PEAR, we will
describe how to get started with the community. Once you are confident about the inner
workings of the PEAR developer community, we will explain how to start the formal
process of proposing a new package and we will give some tips for making your first
package as successful as possible.
Kapitel 8. When to contribute (and when not to
In this chapter we describe the cases in which it makes sense to contribute code to
PEAR and in which it does not. This description is by no means complete. If you are unsure,
if your contribution could be included into PEAR, contact the developers mailing list.
Cases in which it makes sense to contribute
As you may have already noticed while browsing the list of existing packages, the PEAR
packages provide a (often abstract) solution for a general problem. Thus your code will
most likely fit into PEAR if it solves a problem that will not only occur in one (e.g. your)
specific application, but that occurs in a lot of (web) applications. Examples are:
Support for Network protocols
Object oriented wrappers that provide easy access to otherwise complicated or
less intuitive PHP extensions.
Parsing different XML dialects.
The PEAR packages that provide XML parsing functionalities can be found in the
category browser.
No matter which area is covered by a package, the API should be as abstract as possible
(while not becoming too complex), so that it can be utilized painlessly in as much use cases
as possible.
Cases in which it does not make sense to contribute
A rough rule of thumb is that code which solves a problem that exists in one or only very
few projects is not convenient for inclusion into PEAR because most people will not benefit
from it.
However, this does not mean that „niche software“ cannot be included in PEAR. In the
Math section we have a number of elaborate packages that solve different kinds of
algebraic problems. While those problems do not occur in average applications, the
packages are very abstract and scientific projects benefit a lot.
Apart from code that does not fit into PEAR because of a lack of abstractness, there is
another type of code that currently cannot be contributed to PEAR: Full web applications.
Despite the fact that the "A" in PEAR stands for "Application" there is a simple reason
why applications are not yet supported: Until now nobody has gotten around to make the
infrastructure like the PEAR installer capable of handling packages that provide complete
web applications.
When the situation changes, this site will be updated.
Kapitel 9. Getting started with the community
Upon determining your code fits into PEAR, you should get started with the PEAR
community. In this chapter we will provide several ways, in which you can establish a first
contact with the other PEAR developers, which will hopefully be your future open source
fellows. Additionally we will tell you the different places, where you can find more
information about the inner workings and rules of PEAR.
Communication with other PEAR developers
Mailing lists naturally are the most important way to communicate in projects like PEAR.
We are running a number of public mailing lists, which are listed on the PEAR website. For
starters the PEAR developers mailing list [email protected] is of major importance
for you: This mailing list is the place where the maintainers get together to discuss various
aspects of their packages and this list is also the place where new packages are discussed.
If you would like to get started with maintaining packages in PEAR, you are expected to
be subscribed to this mailing list. (Subscription instructions)
Anmerkung: During your first steps in the PEAR community, you may stumble
across the term „pear-dev“, which is the abbreviation for the developers mailing
list in PEAR's lingo.
Some people enjoy communicating via IRC channels. We are running the channel #pear in
the server network of EFnet. At this channel some of the most active PEAR developers
hang out regularly. However for serious inquiries or discussions, you should mail to the
developers mailing list.
More written information
The PEAR Group occasionally publishes so called Administrative Documents, which
describe the Group's decisions. You are expected to read those documents before
starting serious contributions to PEAR, because they contain important information
about the inner workings of PEAR. The developers mailing list will be informed, when
new documents are added, so you do not need to visit the site frequently.
This manual contains the Developer Guide, which provides valueable information as
The Coding Standards describe the standards which PEAR code must adhere to.
Kapitel 10. The formal proposal process
In the early times of PEAR, all new packages were proposed by an informal email to the
PEAR developers mailing list. Over the time, the number of new proposals increased quite
dramatically, making it hard to keep track of all the proposals.
A web-based proposal handling system was established to solve these problems. The
system is called PEPr. It is pronounced like the spice and stands for „PEAR Proposal
This chapter describes the requirements and the workflow for a PEPr-based proposal.
After that we will provide you with information, on how to actually start a proposal. Finally,
you will learn what to do once the proposal is finished.
After reading this chapter, you will will be able to start a proposal for your code right
Step 1: Requirements for a proposal
The following enumeration lists the most important things that need to be done or be
made available before starting a new proposal.
Finding a name for the package
It is obvious that each package needs to have a unique name. To get a „feeling“ for
proper package names, you should browse the list of existing packages.
Choosing a name for the package is an iterative process and it is likely that you will
change the name at a later stage of the proposal process.
Finding a category for the package
Similar to each package having a unique name, it has to be placed in one of the
categories, which are listed in the package browser as well.
Writing a package description
For starting the proposal you will need to write a description of the package. This
description does not need to mention every detail of the package, but it should at
least outline the basic concept and feature set. When your package has been
accepted, you will have to come up with a single-line summary and a fulltext
Choosing a license for the package
Each package has to be licensed under an accepted OpenSource license. If you are
unsure about the license, you should opt for the PHP License. The PEAR Group has
issued a License Announcement, which provides further details concerning this topic.
Writing examples and documentation
Without proper usage examples and documentation, neither will the PEAR
developers be able to evaluate your package nor will users be able to make use of
your package.
Listing dependencies
Making a list of dependencies basically means that you write down all external
entities such as other PEAR packages, certain operating systems or external
applications, which are required to use your proposed package.
Beispiel 10-1. Example for a dependency list
If your package does only work on Linux, requires the DB package, version 1.8.4 or higher
of the Log package and at least PHP 4.3.0, your dependency list looks like this:
Log >= 1.8.4
PHP >= 4.3.0
Step 2: Initiating a discussion
For every package you should start a proposal in PEPr as a draft to initiate dicussion on
the developers mailing list.
By discussing the package with the PEAR developers you will easily be able to find out if:
there are technical issues with the package/code
a package with similar functionality already exists
there are people working on something similar, so you can join forces
By reading between the lines, you should also be able to find out if you will be able to
gather enough positive votes in the formal proposal process.
Be aware that people will scrutinize your code, so be prepared for criticism (both positive
and negative) and save everybody a bunch of time by making sure your scripts adhere to
the Coding Standards.
Please note that PEAR is an international project. People come from different cultural
backgrounds where english may not be their native tongue. Misunderstandings may happen
because of that, so assume the person is trying to do good. Do not worry if your English is
not perfect but do try to be as clear as possible and do not hesitate to ask for advice.
Step 3: Using PEPr
To be able to use the proposal tool (PEPr), you have to apply for a PEAR website account.
This account will usually be granted within one or two days. After that you can open a new
proposal using the „New Package Proposal“ interface.
The package proposal process is divided into 4 stages: „Draft“, „Proposal“, „Call for
Votes“ and „Finished“. Every proposal has to run through all of these stages. During each
stage (except for the draft stage) an email is send to you (the proposer) and the PEAR
developers mailing list for any action.
Stage 1: Creating a draft
At first your proposal is a draft. This simply means you can edit it, view it and it is shown
up on the PEPr overview page as a draft. This stage is for you to play around with PEPr, to
shape your proposal nicely and to prepare it for the proposal process. You can switch to
the next stage when ever you want to publish your proposal and get feedback from the
PEAR community.
Stage 2: Moving to the Proposal stage
After switching to the stage Proposal you have a real proposal. Either through email or
through PEPr itself the community will give you hints and ask questions about the proposed
package. Generally it is a good idea to follow these suggestions, but sometimes people in
the community will have different visions for your package, which should be sorted out
during this stage. After a week of comments you may switch to the next phase. You should
only switch to the next stage, if you are sure that the PEAR community will accept your
Stage 3: Calling for votes
The next stage is the voting stage, during which you may not change your proposal
anymore. You may not edit nor delete the proposal from now on. During the proposal stage,
„Call for Votes,“ every active PEAR maintainer may give one vote on the proposal. Votes are
given using the numbers -1, 0 and +1, where -1 means „I'm against this package to be added
to PEAR in the current form,“ +1 says „I'm in favour of getting this package into PEAR in
the current form“ and 0 means „I have looked at your package, but I am undecided.“ The
time to vote for a package is 7 calendar days. If after this time less than 5 votes have
been cast, the developers get another 7 days to cast their votes. After this time the
voting is ended, whether there are 5 votes or not.
Votes on proposals can be bound to a condition. These conditional votes indicate that you
have to fulfil a certain condition the voters expect to be fulfilled. If there are conditional
votes you are expected to read and follow them! The conditions on a vote will be provided
in the votes comment. Each vote may have comments. Reading those is always a good idea!
Stage 4: Proposal Finished
Now your proposal is finished. To determine if the proposal was successful or not, the
sum of all votes is computed. If the result is greater or equal to 5 the proposal has been
accepted. Otherwise we are sorry to say, that the community has decided to reject it.
Have a look at their comments during proposal and vote stage to find out why. Maybe you
can rework your package and propose it again, but please do not try to hand in a proposal
the same way twice.
If your proposal has been accepted, you may put your package into PEAR. If this is your
first proposal, please contact the PEAR Group via email to get your current PEAR website
account upgraded to a full featured developer account. After that, you can register your
package and upload releases.
The process of preparing and uploading a release is described in the Developer Guide.
Changing a proposal
In general you may not edit or delete your proposal after it has left the Proposal stage.
In urgent cases you can contact the PEAR community via the developers mailing list to
reach a PEAR website administrator to do a change. This is heavily discouraged however!
You should have made everything clear to the community during the Proposal stage to
ensure a hassle free voting process. Even if the voting has a negative result, this is no
reason to delete it.
Kapitel 11. Taking over an unmaintained
If you want to become the new lead maintainer of a package that is marked as
unmaintained on the PEAR website, the following section will explain to you the necessary
steps for this to happen.
1. The first thing is to inform the PEAR Quality Assurance mailing list about your
intention. If you have not been involved in PEAR prior to that, it is a good idea to
write a few words about you and your motivations.
2. The QA team will then state whether you can take over the package or not,
eventually explaining why. You can then apply for an account for the PEAR website
unless you already have one. The PEAR Group will have to grant this account, and
afterwards the QA team will assign you as the new lead maintainer for the package.
3. If the sources of the package are kept in the PHP CVS repository, you will also
need an account for this. You can sign up for it on the PHP website. Please mention in
the purpose field of the request form that the PEAR QA team has told you to get
an account, so that your request can be processed faster. CVS accounts are
managed by the PHP Group, so PEAR unfortunately has only limited influence on this
Anmerkung: In case you already have a CVS account for, it
is only necessary for you to get additional „karma“ for the module where
the package resides. You can request this karma by sending an email to
the PEAR Group. (Please also mention in this mail that you have already
talked to the QA team.)
4. If everything has worked out well, you should by now be the lead maintainer of the
previously unmaintained package. If not, don't hesitate to ask the people on the QA
mailing list for help.
III. Entwickler-Leitfaden
12. Introduction
13. PEAR's meaning for developers
14. Contributing your own code
15. The package definition file package.xml
16. The package definition file package.xml, version 2.0
17. Releasing A Package
18. Supporting PEAR development
19. Recommendations
20. Writing documentation
Kapitel 12. Introduction
A guide to PEAR written for developers by developers.
Purpose of this text
The intention of this guide is to provide people, who want to contribute to PEAR, with all
necessary information to start working effectively.
The first part of this guide will cover the advantages a developer will have when using
PEAR code in his every-day work. After that we will show you how to contribute your own
code to PEAR. Finally the guide will point out, in which ways a developer can support the
PEAR project.
Kapitel 13. PEAR's meaning for developers
Code of high quality
PEAR only accepts contributed code which is of high quality and which is compliant to the
PEAR Coding Standards. For you this means that you are using code that has a more or less
consistent API, is based on the same standard components and provides the same error
reporting mechanism everywhere.
Note that this does not apply for code that is contributed to PECL: In PECL all code has
to follow the PHP coding standards.
Chance to release your own code
PEAR gives you the chance to contribute your code to an enormous number of PHP
developers: To get more information about how to contribute your code in PEAR, read
Kapitel 14. Contributing your own code
PEAR is driven by an open source oriented developer community. Thus there is a chance
for everybody to contribute code (in form of a new package or as an improvement for an
existing package) to the project. However PEAR aims to keep the quality of the packages
at a very high level. Because of that there are certain requirements for contributions,
which are listed below.
Requirements for contributing code
We are making certain demands on both the code and the maintainers of packages:
1. Code must be conforming to the Coding Standards.
If you want to contribute your code to PEAR in form of a new package or as an
addition to an existing package, it has to be compliant to a set of Coding Standards.
There have been numerous discussions about whether those standards are good or
not and the decision has been made that they are absolutely necessary. There is no
sense in discussing about this.
2. Extensible and „forward-compatible“ code.
Always keep in mind that your code should be extensible and that it has to be easy
to add new features in the future. If it is easily predictable for you that there is no
clean way to add new functionality to the codebase without breaking backwards
compatibility, you should consider to review the code and to adapt it, before
contributing it to PEAR.
In this context it may be helpful to become familiar with the basics of object
oriented programming. Eventhough PHP 4 does not come with full object oriented
support yet, the knowledge will possibly help you in maintaining an extensible state
for your package code. There are numerous resources about object oriented
programming all around the web and you will also find tons of books available for
your reading pleasure. However we can can recommend Object-Oriented
Programming Concepts on Sun's Java Homepage for a quick start.
3. Documentation in an appropriate format (plain text, docbook)
Your code must come with appropriate documentation in one of the following
Docbook XML
Plain Text
If you write the documentation in Docbook XML and if the markup is valid, the
documentation can be easily added to the official PEAR Manual, which you are
reading right now.
Anmerkung: As of August 2003, phpDocumentor is fully capable of
converting in-code API documentation and external tutorials into Docbook
XML. PhpDocumentor version 1.2.2 or greater is required. Install with
pear install phpDocumentor. Use the
XML:DocBook/peardoc2:default converter on your source code to
generate output. The output should be generated directly into the
peardoc/lang/package directory, where lang is en, or fr, etc.
Be aware though that only shipping the API documentation does not
suffice! Additionally your package has to come with usage examples and
(even better) tutorials about its usage. More information can be found in
the section describing how to write documentation
4. Regression tests in .phpt or PHPUnit format
All developers have experienced the frustration of bugs. They are a fact of life in
programming, but fortunately there are a few systems that can be used to catch
them, kill them, and prevent their return. Regression tests should be included with
every stable release, so that users can run them if a bug occurs to help you debug
the package. Examples of .phpt regression tests can be found as part of the PFC DB
package. For examples of PHPUnit tests, see the Auth package.
5. The contributor („you“) must be willing to provide support for the package and
must be willing to release future versions that at the very least fix bugs.
If you are not willing to maintain your code over a long period of time, it makes
little sense to contribute it. PEAR is the standard repository of PHP packages, and
this comes with great responsibility. Maintaining means more than just providing
support via the various mailing lists:
You must be willing to not only fix bugs, but also integrate useful enhancements
contributed by users of your packages, if they fit the design specifications of your
package. You should expect to release new versions of your package regularly with
bug fixes. If you will be unable to maintain your package for an extended period of
time, it is expected that you will announce this to the PEAR developer mailing list,
and assign another temporary lead maintainer or publicly document the fact that
your package is temporarily unmaintained, and the approximate date that users can
expect to receive support and bug fixes, if possible.
Code can be removed from PEAR if the lead maintainers are not willing to maintain the
code anymore and if there is no other person that is willing to take over the
How to contribute code in practice
1. Finding an appropriate package name
One of the most important tasks while contributing a new package to PEAR is
finding an appropriate name for your package.
The general syntax for package names is <Category>_<Name>. The value for
<Category> should be chosen from a predefined list of categories that are
available in PEAR (e.g. „HTTP“, „Net“, „HTML“). The second part is the name of the
package (like „Upload“, „Portscan“, „Table“).
The categories that are currently available in PEAR are represented by the bold
headings at the Package Browser. If you think that your package does not fit in any
of the existing categories, you can ask the on the mailing list to create a new
category. (PEAR is usually reluctant to do that.)
Apart from this general syntax, the package names can also contain more than one
category name. An example for this is HTML_Template_PHPLIB: The multiple
categories indicate that the package PHPLIB is part of the category Template,
that again is part of the HTML category. This naming scheme is necessary here since
it's possible that there are Template systems in PEAR that don't work with HTML
but with another technology. (The cases where more than one „category“ is used are
pretty rare.)
If you need further advice or help for finding a name for your package, you should
ask on the developers mailing list.
2. Announcing to the PEAR developers
The second step while contributing is to announce your package in PEPr. Usually
this announcement will spawn some discussion. After one week you may call for votes
with PEPr and the developers will then start to vote for or against your proposal.
(You are of course urged to join the upcoming discussion.) Announcing a package
does of course not mean that it is already accepted! That will still take some time
and likely some more efforts from your side.
Anmerkung: The following passages are taken from the administrative
document Handling Package Proposals, which describes proposing new
packages in more details. Reading this document should be a mandatory
step for PEAR newbies.
Only the votes of active members of the PEAR community (must have a PEAR web
account, however the proposer himself is not counted) are counted, however anyone
may vote. Votes require that a final choiceof package name is specified.
The votes are added up, which means that one -1 offsets a +1. However -1 vote
should always be considered to be serious and may lead to decisions being made on a
case by case basis by the PEAR Group who reserves a veto (it is intended that in the
future the PEAR QA team will assist the PEAR Group in such situations). Therefore
a -1 vote *must* contain a comment explaining that decision, it is desirable that
votes in favour (+1) should also be accompanied with an explanation when
A vote is accepted if the total of all votes exceeds +5.
In case the proposal is not accepted the package can be further discussed on the
list and the proposer may attempt to make another "call for vote" (it is expected
that this is only done for sensible reasons).
3. Getting the necessary accounts
Right now one can distinguish between two types of accounts related to PEAR:
a. account
This account is always necessary for you, if you want to release your package
through PEAR. With this account you have access to the necessary
infrastructure on in order to propose, upload and roll new
releases. The PEAR Group manages PEAR accounts and pearweb karma levels
(i.e.: karma to use the web site to maintain packages).
b. PHP CVS account
If you want to administrate your code via CVS , you can also apply for a CVS
account to have access to the pear CVS module on This makes it
easier for other users to contribute to your code. The PHP Group
([email protected]) manage the PHP CVS server, which is used for maintaining
PEAR packages. If you already have a PHP CVS account you will ask the PEAR
Group for Karma for a given package or set of packages. Please send an email
to [email protected] specifying what packages you need commit access
along with credentials (e.g.: the package "lead" email giving you his go or a QA
member email announcing you are to be given access).
If you already have a CVS repository somewhere else (e.g. on SourceForge),
or if you don't want to maintain your code via CVS, you don't need the PHP
CVS account. It is highly recommended to use some kind of public repository,
so that users can try out any bug fixes you apply to the code, before a new
release is rolled.
To sign up for your account, go to the PEAR account request page and
fill out the form there. The PEAR Group will then receive your request and someone
will open your account, if the request sounds reasonable. You will be notified about
that via email. Please note that you do NOT need a account to download
packages from there.
To get a PHP CVS account, go here to sign up for it. The PHP CVS account has to
be approved by the PHP Group.
4. Registering the package
Once you successfully went through the contribution procedure and got your account, you finish with registering your package. Registering does not
mean that you are going to release a first version of your package. It just means
that some basic information about the package will be added to the PEAR package
The registration process is quite straightforward: Fill out the form on this site
and submit the information. After you have done that, the PEAR Group has to finally
approve your submission. This usually happens in a few hours and you will be notified
about it via email.
After having registered your package, you can create a first release, which is
described here.
How to document code in practice
Writing documentation is covered in a dedicated section.
Kapitel 15. The package definition file
Introduction to the package definition file package.xml
The package definition file package.xml is, as the name already implies, a well-formed
XML file that contains all information about a PEAR package.
This chapter will describe the allowed elements of the package definition file and it will
discuss how to create such a file for your package.
The PEAR_PackageFileManager package simplifies the creation of package.xml. You can
install PEAR_PackageFileManager via the usual command
$ pear install PEAR_PackageFileManager
Allowed elements
The toplevel element in package.xml is the element <package version="1.0">. The
allowed sub elements are:
<name>: The name of the package.
<summary>: Short summary of the package's description.
<description>: Full length description of the package.
<license>: The license of the package (LGPL, PHP License etc.).
<maintainers>: Information about the maintainers of the package.
maintainer: Information about a single maintainer. (May be used multiple
<user>: The account name of the user.
<role>: The role the user has during package development. (Can be
either lead, developer, helper.)
<name>: The realname of the user.
<email>: The email address of the user.
<release>: Information about the current release.
<version>: The version number of the release.
<state>: The state of the release. (Can be one of stable, beta, alpha, devel,
or snapshot.)
<date>: The date when the release has been rolled.
<license>: The license under which the code is available.
<notes>: Releasenotes
<dir name="xxx" [role="xxx"]>: Name of a subdirectory. This
subdirectory can again contain <file role="xxx"> entries.
<deps>: List of dependencies of the package.
<file name="xxx" role="xxx" />: Filename
<dep type="xxx" rel="yyy" optional="yes">name</dep> :
For more information about dependencies, please see below.
<changelog>: Changelog-like information about the package.
<version>: Version of the specific release.
<state>: State of the specific release.
<date>: Date when the specific release has been rolled.
<notes>: Changelog information
Allowed characters
The letters allowed inside elements are A-Z and a-z. Other characters, such as é must
use entities (in this case: &eacute;).
If you create your package.xml files using the PEAR_PackageFileManager, upgrade your
PEAR installation to version 1.4.0a2 or greater and you won't have to worry about this
because the file manager takes care of this automatically.
If you write your package.xml files manually, you will need to enter the entities yourself.
A list of the most common entities can be found at: If the
characters you need aren't in that list, go to and look at the other entity lists.
In order to validate package.xml files one can use the xmllint tool that comes with
xmllint --dtdvalid --noout
Creating a package definition file
Beispiel 15-1. Basic package.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<package version="1.0">
<summary>Make money fast.</summary>
This package helps you to make money pretty fast.
<license>PHP License</license>
<name>Joe Foo</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>
This is the first release.
<dir name="/" baseinstalldir="Money">
<file role="php">Fast.php</file>
This package.xml can serve as a template for you as it already contains all necessary
elements. In most cases you only need to change the character data between the tags in
order to use the example in your package.
Beispiel 15-2. Example for nested directories
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
This is the first release.
<dir name="/" baseinstalldir="Money">
<file role="php">Fast.php</file>
<dir name="Calculator" role="php">
<dir name="docs" role="doc">
<dir name="examples" role="doc">
<file role="php">NASDAQ.php</file>
<file role="php">DAX.php</file>
In this example you get to know a very handy feature: When you have a directory in your
package that only contains files of the same type, you can add to role attribute even to
the <dir> tag instead of adding it to every single <file> tag.
With the knowledge you aquired during this chapter you should now be able to produce a
package definition file for your own package. If you still have questions concerning the
topic, don't hesitate to ask on the mailinglist.
The file roles
The role-attribute in the <file> tag defines what type the file has and in which location
it should be installed.
Tabelle 15-1. Possible values
Destination dir
PHP source file
the directory is determined by the package
Extension, dynamically loadable
the PHP extension directory or
Documentation file
Package related data files
(graphics, data tables etc)
Package related test files (unittests etc)
Package related shell scripts
the PHP binary directory or
PHP_PEAR_BIN_DIR if defined
src and
C or C++ source code
not copied directly - used to build a
Defining Dependencies
The PEAR Package Manager supports checking for different system capabilities. You
define those dependencies with the <dep> tag:
Beispiel 15-3. package.xml with dependencies
The following example shows how to specificy dependencies for PHP 4.3.0 or better and
XML_Parser 1.0.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.3.0" />
<dep type="pkg" rel="has" version="1.0">XML_Parser</dep>
The type-attribute
The following types are supported:
Tabelle 15-2. type values
depends on a certain Package
depends on a certain PHP extension
depends on a certain PHP version
depends on a certain Program available in the system
path. This is not supported in the PEAR installer.
depends on a certain OS version
Server API
depends on a certain Server API. This is not supported
in the PEAR installer.
zend Zend
depends on a certain version of the Zend API. This is
not supported in the PEAR installer.
The DTD for the package definition file supports further types, but those are not
supported yet.
The rel-attribute
The rel-attribute defines the relationship between the existing capability and the
Tabelle 15-3. rel values
Can be used with
the existing capability must have the
requirement - version-attribute is ignored
pkg, ext, php,
prog, os, sapi,
Can be used with
pkg, ext, php,
prog, os, sapi,
the the existing capability must exactly
match the version value
less than
the existing capability must be less than the pkg, ext, php,
version value
less than or
the existing capability must be less than or
equal to the version value
greater than
the existing capability must be greater than pkg, ext, php,
the version value
greater than or the existing capability must greater than or
equal to the version value
pkg, ext, php,
ext, php
the dependency conflicts with the package,
the two cannot co-exist. version is ignored.
pkg, ext, php,
Has will be used if no other value has been defined. Note that rel is required in PEAR
1.4.0 and newer.
The version-attribute
The attribute version defines the version that is used to compare.
The optional-attribute
The attribute optional can be used when a dependency is not required but having the
package installed can bring enhanced functionalities. The only legal values are "yes" and
"no". If the optional attribute is not present, a dependency is required. When
optional="yes" is used, this attribute will result in installation messages similar to the
following messages:
$ pear install <package>
Optional dependencies:
Package `XML_Tree' is recommended to utilize some features.
Package `MDB' is recommended to utilize some features.
Kapitel 16. The package definition file
package.xml, version 2.0
A quick and dirty guide to version 2.0 of the package definition
file package.xml
The package definition file package.xml is, as the name already implies, a well-formed
XML file that contains all information about a PEAR package. Version 2.0 contains several
important enhancements over version 1.0, including
Channel support
Binary PECL packages support (not fully implemented in PEAR 1.4.0)
More specific dependency resolution
For those of you with an existing package.xml version 1.0, you can create an approximate
equivalent package using the
$ pear convert
command. Note that as of version 1.6.0a1, PEAR_PackageFileManager supports
package.xml 2.0 with the PEAR_PackageFileManager2 class.
PECL developers: for more information on pecl-specific features, read here.
An example file with all elements
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package version="2.0" xmlns=""
<summary>Any one-line summary</summary>
<description>any static long description.
This text should not change very much between releases, use the "notes" tag
for release notes
<name>Greg Beaver</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<time>20:30:13</time> <-- note: <time> is optional -->
<license uri="">PHP License</license>
Put release notes here.
They can be multi-line
<dir name="/">
<dir name="PEAR">
<dir name="ChannelFile">
<file name="Parser.php" role="php" />
</dir> <!-- /PEAR/ChannelFile -->
<file name="Dependency2.php" role="php">
<tasks:replace from="@PEAR-VER@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
</dir> <!-- /PEAR -->
<dir name="scripts" baseinstalldir="/">
<file name="pear.bat" role="script">
<tasks:replace from="@bin_dir@" to="bin_dir" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
<file name="pecl.bat" role="script">
<tasks:replace from="@bin_dir@" to="bin_dir" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
<file name="" role="script">
<tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@php_dir@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@pear_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
<tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
<file name="" role="script">
<tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@php_dir@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@pear_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
<tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
<file name="pearcmd.php" role="php">
<tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@php_dir@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@pear_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
<tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
<file name="peclcmd.php" role="php">
<tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@php_dir@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
<tasks:replace from="@pear_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
<tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
</dir> <!-- /scripts -->
<file name="package.dtd" role="data" />
<file name="postinstall.php" role="php">
<file name="template.spec" role="foo" />
</dir> <!-- / -->
<group name="remoteinstall" hint="adds the ability to install packages to a remote ftp s
<group name="webinstaller" hint="PEAR's web-based installer">
<group name="gtkinstaller" hint="PEAR's PHP-GTK-based installer">
<install as="pear.bat" name="scripts/pear.bat" />
<install as="pecl.bat" name="scripts/pecl.bat" />
<install as="pearcmd.php" name="scripts/pearcmd.php" />
<install as="peclcmd.php" name="scripts/peclcmd.php" />
<ignore name="scripts/" />
<ignore name="scripts/" />
<install as="pear" name="scripts/" />
<install as="pecl" name="scripts/" />
<install as="pearcmd.php" name="scripts/pearcmd.php" />
<install as="peclcmd.php" name="scripts/peclcmd.php" />
<ignore name="scripts/pear.bat" />
<ignore name="scripts/pecl.bat" />
<license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix Bug #3505: pecl can't install PDO
* enhance pear run-tests dramatically
* fix Bug #3506: pear install should export the pear version into the environment
<license uri="">PHP License</license>
This is a major milestone release for PEAR. In addition to several killer features,
every single element of PEAR has a regression test, and so stability is much higher
than any previous PEAR release, even with the alpha label.
New features in a nutshell:
* full support for channels
* pre-download dependency validation
* new package.xml 2.0 format allows tremendous flexibility while maintaining BC
* support for optional dependency groups and limited support for sub-packaging
* robust dependency support
* full dependency validation on uninstall
* support for binary PECL packages
* remote install for hosts with only ftp access - no more problems with
restricted host installation
* full support for mirroring
* support for bundling several packages into a single tarball
* support for static dependencies on a url-based package
Specific changes from 1.3.5:
* Implement request #1789: SSL support for xml-rpc and download
* Everything above here that you just read
Special information for PECL developers
extsrcrelease and extbinrelease changes for PECL developers -- PECL-specific details of
package.xml 2.0
extsrcrelease and extbinrelease changes for
PECL developers
extsrcrelease and extbinrelease changes for PECL developers -- PECL-specific details of
package.xml 2.0
Special extension package tags
Most of the tags for PECL-style PHP extension releases are identical to those for PEARstyle PHP script releases. There are a few extsrc/extbin-specific tags that all PECL
developers must know about.
Tabelle 16-1. PECL extsrc/extbin-specific tags in package.xml 2.0
Description of usage
The <providesextension> tag must be right after <dependencies>.
This tag tells the installer the name of the extension provided by the
package, allowing different package names from the extension. This
could be important for binary packages (such as PDO and
<providesextension> PDO_windows or something along those lines).
<srcpackage> or <srcuri> must follow <providesextension>. Extension
binary packages must define either a <srcpackage> tag (for
package.xml containing <channel>) or a <srcuri> tag (for package.xml
containing <uri>).
<srcpackage> or
<!-- snip -->
<!-- snip -->
Detailed Tag Reference for package.xml version 2.0
<channel> -- What is a channel?
<uri> -- When should I use <uri>?
<lead>, <developer>, <contributor>, and <helper> -- Developer documentation for a release
<version> -- versioning in package.xml 2.0
<stability> -- specifying release and API stability
<license> -- specifying software license and optional reference to license text
<contents> -- specifying the contents of a release
<dir> -- documenting a directory in the <contents> tag
<file> -- documenting a file in the <contents> tag
tasks for <file>s -- specialized file installation and manipulation
<compatible> -- Alleviating strict versioning with <compatible>
<dependencies> -- Dependency Specification in package.xml 2.0
<usesrole> -- documenting custom file roles used in <contents>
<usestask> -- documenting custom tasks used in <contents>
<phprelease>, <extbinrelease>, <extsrcrelease>, <bundle> -- specifying the content type of a
Each tag that needs further explanation is documented here (unfinished)
<channel> -- What is a channel?
Quick introduction to channels
Channels are new in PEAR 1.4.0. Channels are a systemized way of differentiating
between different download sources. One such download source is, another is, and there are several third party channels slowly springing up around the net.
The <channel> tag should contain the full channel name, not any alias (don't use "pear",
use "".
A good rule of thumb to use when determining what channel name to use is "where do I
upload my releases to?" If the answer is, that is your package's channel. If
the answer is, then that is your channel.
If you aren't running a channel server and wish to serve your packages as well as allow
other packages to remotely depend on your package, the new uri-based package
distribution method is the best choice, see the <uri> tag documentation link below.
See also:
<uri> -- When should I use <uri>?
When to use <uri> instead of <channel>
If you do not have a channel server and wish to serve your packages so that others can
depend on them, use <uri>. This should contain a static uri that links to a single package
version's downloadable .tgz
If you do not need to allow external remote dependencies, then simply use the channel as your package's channel.
For instance, if you wish to serve package Foo version 1.1.0 from, use
the uri "". Note that the uri must contain the full path
MINUS THE EXTENSION. Provide both Foo-1.1.0.tgz and Foo-1.1.0.tar for users without
See also:
<lead>, <developer>, <contributor>, and
<lead>, <developer>, <contributor>, and <helper> -- Developer documentation for a release
Documenting who develops a package
In package.xml 1.0, a developer was documented using the <maintainer> tag inside of a
redundant <maintainers> container tag. This has been simplified in package.xml 2.0 both to
slightly speed parsing and to make validation of the xml simpler. Now, the contents of the
<role> tag has been extracted as 4 tags to describe the maintainers of a package.
In addition, a new internal tag <active> has been added, so that you can honor retired
developers' work without having to remove them altogether from package.xml.
WARNING: tag order is important. List leads followed by developers followed by
contributors and finally helpers.
<version> -- versioning in package.xml 2.0
Documenting release version and API version
In package.xml 1.0, the version was simply the version. package.xml 2.0 splits the concept
of versioning into two components, release and api.
The release version is the same familiar versioning concept from package.xml 1.0. This
version is validated very carefully by the packager.
The API version is informational only - the installer does not use it. It can be used for a
package-time replacement by the installer. This can be very useful when implementing a
reflective method such as getApiVersion(). In addition, the API version is very loosely
validated, and only requires a version_compare()-compatible version number.
<stability> -- specifying release and API stability
Documenting release stability and API stability
In package.xml 1.0, stability was known as "state" which is not the most accurate
description. package.xml 2.0 introduces the term stability and like version splits the
concept of stability into two components, release and api.
The release stability is the same familiar state from package.xml 1.0. It can be one of:
1. snapshot - a frozen picture of development at a particular moment
2. devel - a very new non-production release. Devel should be used for extremely new,
practically untested code.
3. alpha - a new non-production release. Alpha should be used for new code that has
an unstable API or untested code.
4. beta - a non-production release. Beta should be used for code that has a stable
API and is nearing a fully stable release. Regresion tests and documentation should
exist or soon follow to qualify as a beta release. Release candidates should use the
beta stability.
5. stable - a production release. Stable releases must have a stable API, and must
have regression tests and documentation.
The API stability is informational only - the installer does not use it.
<license> -- specifying software license and optional reference to license text
Documenting release license
In package.xml 1.0, the license tag only contained the name of the license. In package.xml
2.0, there are two optional attributes, "uri" and "filesource". "uri" contains a uri that
identifies the text of a license, such as "" for the PHP License.
"filesource" can be used to specify a LICENSE file within an actual package that contains
the text of the license.
<contents> -- specifying the contents of a release
Documenting release contents
In package.xml 1.0, the contents tag was <filelist>. The purpose of the tag changed
dramatically in package.xml 2.0, warranting a name change. Now, <filelist> can be found in
the release section of the package.xml.
<contents> is used to describe the contents of a tarball. Nothing further. All files in the
contents tag will be placed into the tarball regardless of whether they eventually get
installed by the PEAR installer. This fact can be used to create a very versatile tarball,
one that can be directly unzipped and work out of the box as well as be installed by the
PEAR installer and work out of the box.
For most release types, contents contains a single <dir> tag that then either contains
nested dir tags and/or <file> tags.
<dir> -- documenting a directory in the <contents> tag
Documenting directories
The <dir> tag is identical to package.xml 1.0. Required attributes are name and optional
attributes are baseinstalldir (the relative location where all files and subdirectories will
be installed)
Note that all files must be contained in a single top-level <dir> tag. For simple packages,
simply use <dir name="/"> as the directory name
<file> -- documenting a file in the <contents> tag
Documenting files
The <file> tag is almost identical to package.xml 1.0. Required attributes are name and
role. Optional attributes are baseinstalldir and md5sum. Optional attributes platform and
install-as have been replaced by the release tags. Specifically, <install> is used to specify
install-as, and the <ignore> tag can be used in conjunction with <installconditions> to
exclude packages from being installed on particular platforms.
For those familiar with the platform attribute, the way to handle this example:
<file name="scripts/foo.bat" role="script" install-as="foo.bat" platform="windows">
is to in fact create two release sections. The file tag would then look like:
<file name="scripts/foo.bat" role="script">
and the release section would look like this:
<phprelease> <installconditions> <os>windows</os> </installconditions> <install
name="scripts/foo.bat" as="foo.bat"/> </phprelease> <phprelease> <ignore
name="scripts/foo.bat"/> </phprelease>
Note that the second <phprelease> tag could just as easily have had an <installconditions>
tag containing <os>unix</os>, but this is unnecessary, as the second release will be
processed on any system that is not a windows system.
tasks for <file>s
tasks for <file>s -- specialized file installation and manipulation
Using tasks to customize file installation
Tasks provide a flexible and customizable way to manipulate file contents or to perform
complex installation tasks (hence the name "tasks"). By default, PEAR comes with 4 tasks,
but customized tasks can be added simply by adding a file into the PEAR/Tasks directory
that follows the conventions of existing tasks. This page does not describe how to create a
custom task, only how to use them in package.xml.
There are 3 basic tasks and 1 complex task distributed with PEAR. The basic tasks are
"tasks:replace", "tasks:windowseol", and "tasks:unixeol". The complex task is
"tasks:postinstallscript". "tasks:replace" is nearly identical to the old <replace> tag from
package.xml 1.0, and does a text search-and-replace of a file's contents.
"tasks:windowseol" and "tasks:unixeol" manipulate the line endings of a file to ensure that
the correct line endings are in place for critical files like DOS .bat batch files and unix
shell scripts. "tasks:postinstallscript" allows users to choose to run a script to perform
further installation functions.
<tasks:replace> - customizing file contents
The replace task has 3 required attributes:
1. type - This must be either package-info or pear-config. package-info replacements
extract information from package.xml itself to use as the replacement text. pearconfig replacements use the value of a configuration variable (as displayed by
pear config-show
) as the text for replacement.
2. from - Text to search for in a file. Traditionally, this text is enclosed in "@" to
differentiate it from normal text, as in from="@version@"
3. to - Abstract item to use as a replacement for all occurences of "from". packageversion replacements can be one of version, release_date, release_state,
release_license, release_notes, apiversion, name, summary, description, notes, time,
date, and for some packages extends, srcpackage, srcuri, and providesextension.
Note that package-info replacements are performed at packaging time, so files contain
package-info replacements inside a .tgz/.tar release. pear-config replacements can only
occur on the installation system, and are performed at install-time.
<tasks:windowseol> - converting line endings to \r\n
This task can be used to enable packaging of windows-specific files (like DOS batch files)
on a non-windows system, such as unix systems that convert line endings to \n. Note that
this task is performed at package-time, as well as at install-time, so files will contain the
correct line endings inside a .tgz/.tar release.
<tasks:unixeol> - converting line endings to \n
This task can be used to enable packaging of unix-specific files (like sh shell scripts) on a
non-unix system, such as windows systems that convert line endings to \r\n. Note that
this task is performed at package-time, as well as at install-time, so files will contain the
correct line endings inside a .tgz/.tar release.
<tasks:postinstallscript> - extreme customization
The postinstallscript task informs the installer that the file it references is a postinstallation script.
For security reasons, post-install scripts must be manually executed by the users, and as
such the installer has special code that is separate from other tasks.
The <postinstallscript> tag may define parameters that are used by the installer to
retrieve user input. In order to support both the web installer and the command-line
installer, all processing of input is performed by PEAR and passed to the post-install script
in a strict format. All you need to do is define the parameters using xml inside the
<postinstallscript> tag.
Here is the xml representing a simple post-install script with parameters:
<tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy</tasks:prompt>
Note that the only type recognized at this stage is "string" but others will follow. A more
complex example follows:
<tasks:instructions>The first group of questions relates
primarily to your favorite color. Answer wisely.
<tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy</tasks:prompt>
<tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy 2</tasks:prompt>
<tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy a</tasks:prompt>
<tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy b</tasks:prompt>
This post-installation script has two parameter groups. The first parameter group has
special instructions that are displayed to the user to assist in answering the required
prompts. After the first group is processed, the second group is processed (naturally).
However, in this case, the second group is a conditional parameter group. A conditional
parameter group examines the user input from previous parameter groups and only displays
its parameter prompts if a single parameter fits a test. The condition is defined by three
tags, <tasks:name>, <tasks:conditiontype>, and <tasks:value>. Note that all three tags are
required or xml validation will fail.
<tasks:name> is the parameter name from a previous parameter group. The format of
name is groupID::parameterName, so as you see above, "first::test" refers to the
<tasks:param> first from the <tasks:paramgroup> test.
<tasks:conditiontype> determines how the parameter input function will process the value
of the parameter specified in <tasks:name>, and can be one of three values, "=" "!=" or
=: This (obviously) tests whether the parameters value is equal to the <tasks:value>
!=: This (obviously) tests whether the parameters value is not equal to the
<tasks:value> tag
preg_match: This uses the content of the <tasks:value> tag as if it were the stuff
between / and / in a preg_match() function call. Do NOT include // brackets in the
regular expression. In the <tasks:paramgroup> second, the value "g+" will become:
preg_match('/g+/', first::test value)
<compatible> -- Alleviating strict versioning with <compatible>
Working with <recommended> dependency versions and
The <compatible> tag is designed to be used with a <package> dependency that contains a
<recommended> version tag from package version 1.3.0 like so:
The above dependency can be translated into English as follows: "Use the package, but only versions 1.0.0 or newer. If is not
installed, install version 1.5.2. If is installed and is not version 1.5.2,
fail unless --force is specified, or is compatible with me."
That last clause "...or is compatible with me." is controlled by the
<compatible> tag. If package Foo version 1.5.3's package.xml has a <compatible> like so:
This will instruct the installer that version 1.5.3 is compatible with versions 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 inclusive, but is not compatible with 1.2.9.
It is very important to note that only existing versions that have been tested with the
package should be mentioned in the <compatible> tag. Future versions of should simply upgrade the <recommended> tag.
<compatible> may contain three versioning tags. The required <min> and <max> are used to
define the range of tested and compatible versions, and <exclude> is used to exclude any
versions within the range. In the example above, 1.3.0 and 1.2.0 are the highest and lowest
versions that may be excluded. There can be an unlimited number of <compatible> tags
inside a package.xml.
See also:
<package> dependencies
<dependencies> -- Dependency Specification in package.xml 2.0
Introduction to dependencies in package.xml 2.0
Dependencies are the most difficult aspect of programming. Using code written by other
people can be a nightmare without simple ways to control bugs and API changes. Arguably,
the handling of dependencies is PEAR's greatest strength, although there are many other
nice features. Regardless of your personal opinion of the importance of dependencies, it is
crucial to understand how to specify a dependency, and the different ways to ensure that
your package is only used on systems that support it.
In package.xml 1.0, dependencies were relatively simple, but at the cost of usefulness.
Specifying a dependency on a package for applications was actually dangerous. If you
wished to limit an installed version of a package to a single version, it would mean
preventing upgrade at any cost. package.xml 2.0 provides a simple way to enforce stricter
dependency versioning without making upgrades onerous.
In package.xml 1.0, dependencies on PHP extensions like PECL extensions was near to a
disaster. Extensions had to be present in the php.ini and loaded in memory in order to
validate as being installed. This is often impossible, as a different php.ini is used for a
production website versus the php.ini used for the pear installer. With package.xml 2.0,
dependencies on a PECL-like extension is simple and straightforward, and only requires
that the package be installed, and not that the extension be present in memory, although
an older style extension dependency is also supported.
package.xml 1.0 supports two kinds of dependencies, required and optional. package.xml
2.0 also supports these two dependency types, but introduces a new kind of dependency
concept: an optional dependency group. Dependency groups define a feature set. Instead
of thinking "This package optionally depends on Net_FTP and optionally depends on Log"
think "To remotely install packages, I need the remoteinstall feature, which needs
Net_FTP and the Log package". This grouping allows defining sets of packages and
extensions that comprise a feature and must be installed all at once for the feature to
function properly.
package.xml 1.0 only supported php, package, and extension dependencies. package.xml
2.0 supports dependencies on php, package, extension, os, architecture, and PEAR installer.
In addition, package.xml 2.0 supports depending on a static package located at a url, and
depending on a package that provides an extension to PHP like PECL packages.
The PEAR installer dependency is not a dependency on the PEAR package, but a
dependency on the currently running PEAR installer, and is more similar to a PHP
dependency in that it requires the specified version to be running in memory. This is very
useful for circumventing difficult bugs in the PEAR installer that render a package install
Structure of <dependencies>
The <dependencies> tag re-organizes dependencies into groups and "extracts" attributes
into tags. It also un-abbreviates words for clarity and human-readability. The following
excerpt of a package.xml version 1.0:
<dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.3.1">Archive_Tar</dep>
<dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.2.0"/>
<dep type="pkg" rel="has" optional="yes">PEAR_Frontend_Web</dep>
Approximately translates into this format in package.xml 2.0:
These changes were made to simplify xml validation and parsing. Note that unlike
package.xml 1.0, the <pearinstaller> and <php> dependencies are required in all package.xml.
In addition the <min> tag is required in <pearinstaller>, and both the <min> and <max> tags
are required for <php> dependencies.
<pearinstaller> dependencies
The <pearinstaller> dependency defines the minimum version of PEAR that can properly
parse and install the package.xml containing it. As with all dependency tags that support
versioning, these 4 tags are supported to define versioning:
<min> - minimum version of PEAR required to install this package.xml. This tag is
required in all package.xml <pearinstaller> dependencies.
<max> - maximum version of PEAR installer supported. Use with caution! This tag
will prevent the package from being installed by anyone with a newer version of
<recommended> - recommended version of PEAR installer. This tag is used for
strict version control. The installer will refuse to install a package without the -force option unless the version exactly matches recommended. This can be used to
provide a level of extra security, as a package can be set to install using a version
that is known to work without limiting future upgrades.
<exclude> - incompatible versions of PEAR installer. Use this to prevent the
package from being installed by any PEAR version that cannot properly install the
package. Multiple <exclude> tags may be used to exclude more than one version.
<php> dependencies
As with all dependency tags that support versioning, these 4 tags are supported to
define versioning:
<min> - minimum version of PHP required to install this package.xml. This tag is
required in all package.xml <php> dependencies.
<max> - maximum version of PHP supported. This tag is required in all package.xml
<php> dependencies.
<recommended> - recommended version of PHP. This tag is used for strict version
control. The installer will refuse to install a package without the --force option
unless the version exactly matches recommended. This can be used to provide a
level of extra security, as a package can be set to install using a version that is
known to work without limiting future upgrades.
<exclude> - incompatible versions of PHP. Use this to prevent the package from
being installed by any PHP version that cannot properly work with the package.
Multiple <exclude> tags may be used to exclude more than one version.
<subpackage> dependencies
Subpackage dependencies share the same xml format as package dependencies. The
subpackage dependency should only be used if a package is split into more than one
package. In other words, if the child package contains the same files as any earlier version
of the parent package, the child package would normally conflict with the parent package
because it would be attempting to overwrite the parent package's files with its own files.
A simple example should make this clear. Package Foo 1.0.0 contains Foo.php and
Foo/Bar.php. Package Foo's developers decide to split Foo into two packages: Foo and
Foo_Bar. Foo 1.1.0 contains foo.php, and Foo_Bar 0.1.0 contains Foo/Bar.php. Foo_Bar 0.1.0
conflicts directly with Foo 1.0.0, as both contain the file Foo/Bar.php.
If Foo has a subpackage dependency on Foo_Bar, then the installer will ignore the
conflict between Foo 1.0.0's Foo/Bar.php and Foo_Bar 0.1.0's Foo/Bar.php just as it
ignores the conflict between Foo 1.0.0's Foo.php and Foo 1.1.0's Foo.php.
<package> dependencies
Understandably, the <package> dependency is PEAR's most complex dependency. PEAR
1.4.0 supports 3 different kinds of package dependencies:
1. Normal, traditional channel server-based package dependencies (same idea as
package.xml 1.0).
2. Dependencies on packages that provide PHP extensions (like PECL packages).
(These can be both server-based and uri-based dependencies)
3. Static, non-traditional uri-based package dependencies.
channel-based <package> depedendencies
The most common kind of package dependency is a channel-based dependency. This
dependency from package.xml version 1.0:
<dep type="pkg" rel="has">PEAR</dep>
translates to this dependency in package.xml version 2.0:
<!-- ... -->
Note that <channel> is a required tag for all typical package dependencies. Use for all packages that were packaged using package.xml 1.0, regardless of
where they are downloaded from.
As with all dependency tags that support versioning, all standard versioning tags are
supported (min, max, recommended, exclude). In addition, the <conflicts> tag is supported
to create a negative dependency.
<min> - minimum version of a dependency. If the dependency package is installed,
and is older than this version, installation will fail.
<max> - maximum version of a dependency. If the dependency package is installed,
and is newer than this version, installation will fail.
<recommended> - recommended version of a dependency. This tag is used for strict
version control. The installer will refuse to install a package without the --force
option unless the version exactly matches recommended. This can be used to provide
a level of extra security, as a package can be set to install using a version that is
known to work without limiting future upgrades.
Note that use of the <compatible> tag in the dependency's package.xml can be used
to circumvent the installer's strictness. In essence, the <compatible> tag tells the
installer that a dependent package is compatible with the current package, even
though it is not the recommended version.
<exclude> - incompatible versions of a package. Multiple <exclude> tags may be used
to exclude more than one version of a dependency.
<conflicts> - Negates the dependency. If the package is installed, it cannot satisfy
the requirements of the dependency or installation will fail.
Here is a rough chart describing how to convert from package.xml 1.0 "rel" attributes to
a package.xml 2.0 equivalent.
Tabelle 16-1. Converting package.xml 1.0 package dependencies to package.xml 2.0
2.0 equivalent
<dep type="pkg" rel="has">Foo</dep>
<dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.0.0">Foo</dep> <package>
2.0 equivalent
<dep type="pkg" rel="gt" version="1.0.0">Foo</dep> <package>
<dep type="pkg" rel="le" version="1.0.0">Foo</dep> <package>
<dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.0.0">Foo</dep> <package>
<dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.0.0">Foo</dep> <package>
<dep type="pkg" rel="le" version="1.9.0">Foo</dep> <name>Foo</name>
<dep type="pkg" rel="not">Foo</dep>
uri-based <package> dependencies
Let's look at uri-based package dependencies. Here is a simple example:
This dependency tells the installer to fetch or (both must be available!) if the package Foo is not
installed. All uri packages must contain a <uri> tag rather than a <channel> tag and will
automatically belong to the pseudo-channel "__uri", but that is not important to the
discussion of how to format the xml to create the uri-based package dependency.
uri-based package dependencies cannot contain any versioning information, as this is
irrelevant: there is only one version possible with a static uri. uri-based dependencies can
contain the <conflicts/> tag to specify an absolute conflict with the package, and the
<providesextension> tag to specify an extension provided by the static package.
PEAR-style <package> dependencies vs. PECL-style <package> dependencies
package.xml 2.0 supports differentiating release types, and as such also supports
dependencies on PECL-style packages that use the extbinrelease or extsrcrelease type.
To specify a dependency on a PHP extension that can be distributed as a PECL package,
but could also be bundled with PHP by default, such as the PDO extension, use this
dependency style:
The magic is in the <providesextension> tag. This tag tells the installer to take this
process when validating the dependency:
1. Is the extension "PDO" present in memory? If so, is it version 0.3.1 or higher?
2. If not, is the user also installing at the same time as this
package? If so, is it version 0.3.1 or higher?
3. If not, is installed, and is the version 0.3.1 or higher?
If any of the three conditions above validate in the order specified, the dependency will
be satisfied and installation will continue. This system allows users to use a different
php.ini to install PHP extensions and also provides a fail-safe system to depend on
<providesextension>, like all other extension-related functions in PHP, is case-sensitive.
Do not use "pdo" for the "PDO" extension, or your dependency will always fail.
<extension> dependencies
As with all dependency tags that support versioning, all standard versioning tags are
supported (min, max, recommended, exclude). In addition, the <conflicts> tag is supported
to create a negative dependency.
<min> - minimum version of PHP extension to install this package.xml.
<max> - maximum version of PHP extension supported.
<recommended> - recommended version of PHP extension. This tag is used for
strict version control. The installer will refuse to install a package without the -force option unless the version exactly matches recommended. This can be used to
provide a level of extra security, as a package can be set to install using a version
that is known to work without limiting future upgrades.
<exclude> - incompatible versions of PHP extension. Multiple <exclude> tags may be
used to exclude more than one version.
<conflicts> - Negates the dependency. If the extension is present, it cannot satisfy
the requirements of the dependency or installation will fail.
<os> dependencies
The OS dependency is used to restrict a package to both a particular class of OSes (like
unix) and to a specific OS (like darwin, or freebsd). Here is an example:
To specify that a package can be installed on every OS except the one specified, use the
<conflicts/> tag:
Possible OS values are:
darwin (use for Mac OS X)
In addition, any esoteric OS that supports the php_uname() function can be used. Note
that the "unix" OS is defined as any of linux, freebsd, darwin, sunos, irix, hpux, or aix.
<arch> dependencies
The arch dependency is used to restrict a package to a specific os and processor
architecture. Here is an example:
To specify that a package can be installed on every architecture except the one
specified, use the <conflicts/> tag:
The arch pattern is defined by the OS_Guess->matchSignature() method, and is as
follows: sysname[-release[-cpu[-extra]]]. All segments within [] are optional, and the
wildcard "*" can be used in all segments instead of a value. In addition, the "?" wildcard
can be used to specify a single character that can match any value. i?86 will match i386,
i686, i586 and so on.
sysname is the same as the os dependency, except unix is not supported.
release is the version of the operating system.
cpu is the specific cpu, and is typically i?86, sparc, powerpc.
extra is any other stuff on the end of php_uname(), including the glibc version
<usesrole> -- documenting custom file roles used in <contents>
Documenting custom file roles
Standard file roles provided by default with PEAR are:
If your package chooses to use a role provided by a third party that implements some
more advanced file installation handling, all you need to do is specify the role in the xml
for the <file> tag that contains it like so:
<file role="foo"/>
However, if a user does not have the package installed that provides the custom role
"foo", then the error message on installation will simply say "unknown role 'foo'", which is
not very helpful.
The <usesrole> tag instead prompts the installer to tell the user "this package uses the
custom role 'foo', install package to use"
Note that static URI packages (channel-less packages) are also supported:
<usestask> -- documenting custom tasks used in <contents>
Documenting custom file tasks
Standard file tasks provided by default with PEAR are documented in this location.
If your package chooses to use a task provided by a third party, all you need to do is
specify the task as part of the xml for the <file> tag that contains it like so:
<file role="php">
However, if a user does not have the package installed that provides the custom task
"foo", then the error message on installation will simply say "unknown task 'foo'", which is
not very helpful.
The <usestask> tag instead prompts the installer to tell the user "this package uses the
custom task 'foo', install package to use"
Note that static URI packages (channel-less packages) are also supported:
<phprelease>, <extbinrelease>, <extsrcrelease>,
<phprelease>, <extbinrelease>, <extsrcrelease>, <bundle> -- specifying the content type of a
Documenting release type
In package.xml 1.0, there was one release type. package.xml 2.0 provides much finer
control over the kind of release in order to provide three new release types: extension
binary release, extension source release, and package bundle release.
All of the normal release tags (phprelease, extsrcrelease, extbinrelease) may contain two
optional sections, <installconditions> and <filelist>. The purpose of these sections is to allow
specification of different file install groups based on the target OS for installation, or
other common install conditions.
To be clear: in package.xml, there was 1 <release> tag. package.xml 2.0 allows several
adjacent release tags, each specifying a different install set. This actually simplifies
complex installation filesets by separating the contents listing of the tarball from how the
installer should manipulate this listing. Debugging installation file sets should be much
simpler with this change.
The <filelist> tag can contain only two possible tags, <install> and <ignore>. install has two
required attributes, "name" and "as". The install tag is used in the same manner as
package.xml's install-as attribute for the <file>, to specify a new installation location for a
file in the contents list. The ignore tag is used to completely ignore a file.
The <installconditions> tag can contain 4 tags whose format can be found in the
<dependencies> section: <php>, <extension>, <os>, and <arch>. Each tag can appear exactly
once except for the extension tag, which can appear limitless times.
The php tag is used to specify a php version or range of versions that an install set
should be valid with.
The extension tag is used to specify extensions that must be present for an install set to
be valid.
The os tag is used to specify an OS that must be present for an install set to be valid.
Note that unix can be used to match all flavors, and linux can be used to match all linuxbased OSes. Darwin should be used for Mac OS X, and * can be used to match all
operating systems.
The arch tag is used to specify a uname string or portion of a uname string that must
match in order for the install set to be valid.
The phprelease release type is designed for PEAR-style PHP script package releases. It
causes a few specific validation changes. First of all, the <contents> tag must contain <file>
and <dir> tags. The only valid roles for files are role="php", role="data", role="doc", and
role="test" plus any custom roles that the user has installed for use in php releases.
The extsrcrelease release type is for PECL-style PHP extension releases that must be
compiled in order to be useable. It causes a few specific validation changes. First of all,
the <contents> tag must contain <file> and <dir> tags. The only valid roles for files are
role="src", role="data", role="doc", and role="test" plus any custom roles that the user has
installed for use in extension source releases.
In addition, the <providesextension> tag must be present in order to document the name
of the extension this package provides must be in the package.xml as well.
The extbinrelease release type is for PECL-style PHP Extension binary releases that are
pre-compiled. It causes a few specific validation changes. First of all, the <contents> tag
must contain <file> and <dir> tags. The only valid roles for files are role="ext", role="data",
role="doc", and role="test" plus any custom roles that the user has installed for use in
extension binary releases.
In addition, the <srcpackage> or <srcuri> and the <providesextension> tags must be
present in order to document the package that provides extension source for this binary
release, and the name of the extension this package provides must be in the package.xml
as well.
The bundle release type is designed to allow packaging several other package releases
into a single bundle of packages that will all be installed at the same time. This can be used
to distribute a complete application as one tarball, or to distribute a library of packages in
a single tarball.
Unlike the other release types, a bundle release's <contents> tag must contain only the
<bundledpackage> tag. The contents of the bundledpackage should be release names like
In addition, the <bundle/> tag must be empty.
Kapitel 17. Releasing A Package
The steps required from package maintainers to release a package.
Rolling a new release requires that the package to which the release belongs has been
approved by the PEAR developers and that you have a valid PEAR website account.
Information about meeting this two requirements can be found in the chapter Contributing
your own code.
Validating The Package Definition File
Next, you should check the package definition file (package.xml) for validity. This is
done by running the command: pear package-validate package.xml. Fix the errors and
warnings, if any, and proceed to the next step.
Anmerkung: For help with writing the package definition file see the package
definition file description.
Packaging The Release Tarball
Now that your package has a valid package definition file, you can package the release
tarball. Cd to the top-level directory of the package and run: pear package This will
create the release tarball that will be used later to upload the new release.
Anmerkung: Please note that the zlib extension needs to be enabled in your PHP
build in order to create the release tarball.
Next, you should install the package locally by running: pear install <file> (file is the
tarball you just created). This is done to ensure that the package definition file is not only
valid but also contains valid information. You should manually check that every file is
installed in the right place. If your package contains test scripts, which is highly
recommended, you should run them.
If anything fails at this stage, correct it and re-package and re-test. When everything
seems OK, proceed.
Releasing The Package Through The Web Interface
First, you should login to the PEAR website using the account you've been given (see the
first step).
Now, finally, you can release your package. This is done again using the convenient web
interface. Use the form at
That's it! Your package has been released, an announcement has been sent to the mailing
Kapitel 18. Supporting PEAR development
How to support the PEAR community
There are numerous ways to support the PEAR project, that are described in this part of
the guide.
Reporting and fixing bugs
There is a chapter devoted to reporting and fixing bugs in the "Reporting Bugs" section
of the manual, found here.
Contributing new features to packages
If you have a feature you would like to see included in a package, don't hesitate to
contact the maintainer of the package. You can find out who the maintainer of a package is
by browsing the package list on the PEAR website and selecting the desired package. The
maintainer(s) is/are listed on the package information page.
Becoming the new maintainer for an unmaintained package
If a developer has given up the maintainership of his package, you can take over this job.
If you feel brave enough to answer support questions, fix bugs and manage release cycles,
you can contact the previous maintainer or the PEAR developers mailing list and announce
your will to maintain the package.
Buying things from wishlists
For all the PEAR developers, PEAR is a project they are working on in their free-time,
which means that they don't earn any money with it. If you or the company you are
working for is using a PEAR package in one of your/their (commercial) products, you/they
can do this for free, of course. But if you think that the author of the package you are
using desires some credits, it would be nice to buy something from his wishlist at Amazon
or another internet store. To see if a PEAR developer has registered his wishlist, surf to
the Account information page and select the developer from the list there. If he has a
wishlist, it's noted somewhere on the detail page.
Kapitel 19. Recommendations
Why recommendations?
The following recommendations describe topics which were discussed and agreed upon by
the PEAR developers on the developers mailinglist. They aren't strict rules, which you
need to follow (like Coding Stardards), but are intended as guidelines for a common API
scheme and easier package interoperability. Please consider following them in your
packages where possible.
Color Representation inside PEAR Packages
In case a package has to deal with colors, it is recommended that developers store and
use an array representation of the color values in their PEAR packages. All values are in
the range of 0..255.
RGB represesentation
The following snippet defines an array that holds the RGB definition of the green
coloring that is used in the official PEAR logo.
$color = array(0x33, 0x99, 0x00);
$color = array(51, 153, 0);
Please note that the internal, numerical representation of both forms of the example are
equal. The values represent the RGB (red, green, blue) values. It was decided not to use
"r", "g" and "b" as indices for the array, because numerical indices allow easier creation of
color arrays in the sourcecode, make handling less complicated and are an already
commonly used array representation for colors.
RGB representation with alpha-values
Since this an extension of the RGB representation above, it is recommended to use a
forth value for alpha-channel-prepresentation. An example of the „PEAR-green“ with
aprox. 80% intensity would be:
$color = array(0x33, 0x99, 0x00, 0xCC);
For consistency the alpha-value is also from the range 0..255. A value of 255 means fully
opaque (full color-intensity, same as in RGB- notation), 0 means fully transparent.
Please note this is in contrast to the alpha-value used by imagecolorallocate(). The alpharepresentation used in PEAR was choosen for consistency with the other RGB values and
because it is commonly accepted practise in many other applications (image-processing
tools, etc.).
Other color representations than RGB(A)
Since RGB/RGBA will used for graphic generation on a computer we decided to leave out
an optional type-identifier classifying colors as RGB/RGBA. However for different colorrepresentations an identifier is needed. The optional identifier "type" can be added to the
color array.
$color = array(0x33, 0x99, 0x00, 0xCC, "type" => "RGB");
Currently the following types are definied, with array-indices from 0..n follwing the
colornames listed behind them:
RGB - red, green, blue
CYMK - cyan, yellow, magenta, black (key)
Please note that also the RGBA representation has the type "RGB" since it's closely
Conversion to/between the color-representations
The PEAR-package Image_Color will (hopefully soon) contain all needed functions to
convert arbitrary color formats to the internal RGBA representation and convert
different color representations.
Status: Currently Image_Color already offers functions to convert color-names (e.g.
"green") and hex-representations-strings (e.g. "#339900") to the PEAR-RGBA-format. We
are working to get alpha- channel support added hopefully soon and will later add funtions
for CYMK-conversion as well.
Kapitel 20. Writing documentation
This chapter provides a detailed description how to write documentation using one of the
supported formats. It is aimed at both PEAR developers that are already maintaining
packages in PEAR and at people who are planning to contribute a new package.
The DocBook XML format
DocBook is an XML dialect that is used by a wide range of projects to maintain their
documentation. Examples for DocBook usage in OpenSource projects are the
documentations of KDE and PHP. PEAR has opted for using DocBook, because we believe
that it provides a solid foundation for the technical documentation for PEAR packages.
The trade-off for using DocBook is that it is relatively hard to use. Testing
documentation requires a number of tools to be installed and one needs to learn a (not very
complicated) XML dialect. Once one is familiar with how DocBook works, they will enjoy
writing documentation with it though.
The book [DocBook: The Definitive Guide], written by Norman Walsh and Leonard
Muellner and published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., is available online and it makes up a
great resource for people interested in learning DocBook.
Definitely check out the book's „DocBook Element Reference“ section. This portion
provides detailed information about each element, including which elements can (and must)
be used as parents and children.
Required software
Even if DocBook XML can (like any other XML file) be written using a normal text editor,
it is optimal for users to install some software on their machine in order to test the
validity of the documenting efforts. A list of the required software and a installation
instruction can be found in the PHP Documentation HOWTO. Apart from providing
information about the software, this HOWTO also provides a ton of other useful
information that goes far beyond this chapter. One is encouraged to completely read it.
(Chapter II can be skipped, because it only contains information that is very PHP specific.)
Unfortunately, installing that software can be difficult under some circumstances. If you
are unable to get it working, don't use that as an excuse for not writing documentation.
There are two test servers that every two hours automatically download peardoc from
CVS and build the manual. Any parsing errors your changes cause will show up in the logs
the next time the build happens: (time zone: EET =
UTC+2, EEST = UTC+3) (time zone: CET = UTC+1, CEST = UTC+2)
These automatic builds also give you an idea of what your changes will look like in the
actual manual. This is helpful because the manual on the PEAR website is only built once
per week (Sundays ~12:00 UTC).
The manual on the PEAR website is built only once per week. Any XML validation errors
will cause the build to fail. If the main build fails, the old version remains in place, meaning
the manual will be out of date. Therefore, always check the test build logs to ensure your
changes are valid. More importantly, do not commit updates shortly before the main build
happens (Sundays ~12:00 UTC).
Once the necessary software is in place, one has to get the latest version of the XML
sources from PEAR's CVS repository:
$ cvs -d :pserver:<user> login
$ cvs co peardoc
If you do not own an account for, please choose cvsread as the username.
When asked for the password, type phpfi.
After that the directory ./peardoc will contain a local copy („sandbox“) of the latest
sources. If you are not yet familiar with CVS, then the online book „Open Source
Development with CVS“ will provide you with all the necessary information.
Directory structure
This chapter will not describe all the details about the directory structure, because one
can find out the essentials about it by browsing the previously created directory peardoc.
As a starting point for package documentors peardoc/en/package/ fits well. If one has
further questions concerning the directory structure, they can ask on the documentation
Writing documentation
Instead of a long and boring description for writing documentation using DocBook, we
would like to point you to a bunch of „reference documents“, from which you should be able
to learn quickly:
The CVS tree has a complete set of DocBook XML templates. These files provide
the standard of how PEAR documentation should look.
The simplest way to utilize them is to copy them to your working directory, rename
them accordingly, edit the contents to match the reality of your program and then
upload them to your package's directory in the repository.
HTTP Request
The documentation for HTTP_Request, which is a relatively small package, only
consists of a bunch of end-user documentation, which describes all of the basic
features of the package. Each feature description includes at least one example. For
small packages with only a handful of methods this documentation type is absolutely
XML Beautifier
XML_Beautifier is a package that is also relatively compact, but which supports
different configuration options. These options are described in the documentation
Additionally the documentation gives usage examples and (unlike HTTP_Request)
also includes API documentation for its methods.
DB is a large PEAR package and has excellent documentation, including usage
examples. The DB docs carefully adhere to the formatting specified in
peardoc/authoring. The link above goes to the DocBook source code in the CVS
repository. It might be helpful to examine the HTML generated therefrom.
In addition to the examples above, you will find much more documentation examples by
browsing the peardoc directory, which contains your local version of the CVS tree.
Especially the directory peardoc/en/packages/ should be of interest for you. You can
also browse the CVS module using the web interface, including the raw XML for the file
you are presently reading.
Allowed characters
The letters allowed inside elements are A-Z and a-z. Other characters, such as é must
use entities (in this case: &eacute;). A list of the most common entities can be found at: If the
characters you need aren't in that list, go to and look at the other entity lists.
Testing documentation
Using GNU make
Generating human-readable versions of the DocBook sources requires the existance of
the above-mentioned software. The PEAR documentation system uses Unix style
peardoc$ autoconf
peardoc$ ./configure --with-lang=en
peardoc$ make html
If you want to build a language other than English, change en, above, to the appropriate
language code.
This will generate a "raw" HTML version of the whole manual. The result will be placed in
the subdirectory html/.
The command make test does not generate any human-readable result, but it can be used
to make sure that the XML is syntactically correct and that the build runs fine. And it is
much faster than make html.
Using xmllint
Alternatively one can use the xmllint program that is part of the libxml2 toolkit. This is
especially useful for systems where the DSSSL/make setup does not work properly.
In addition to testing the well-formedness of the DocBook sources, xmllint can also
check the semantical correctness with the help of RELAX NG schemas. The schema files
for DocBook are available as a ZIP package from After unzipping the package
into the directory relaxng/ inside the peardoc source folder, one can run xmllint from
the root folder of the PEAR documentation as follows:
xmllint --valid --noout --relaxng relaxng/ manual.xml
Partial builds
The build process (not the test builds, which are reasonably quick) actually takes a very
long time which makes debugging and testing a very hard task. In order to increase build
performance, the script make-partial.php in the root directory of the documentation
module may be used. This is an interactive command line script that will enable to you to
selectively include the different parts of the manual. In the following example a version of
the manual is generated which only contains a certain part of the Developer's Guide and
the documentation for the HTTP packages. Using these partial builds reduces the build
time dramatically.
peardoc$ ./make-partial.php
Include about-pear? [NO]
Include guide-newmaint? [NO]
Include guide-developers? [NO] y
Include guide.developers.intro? [NO]
Include guide.developers.meaning? [NO]
Include guide.developers.contributing? [NO]
Include guide.developers.packagedef? [NO]
Include guide.developers.release? [NO]
Include guide.developers.supporting? [NO]
Include guide.developers.recommendations? [NO]
Include guide.developers.documentation? [NO] y
Include core? [NO]
Include packages? [NO] y
Include package.authentication? [NO]
Include package.benchmarking? [NO]
Include package.caching? [NO]
Include package.configuration? [NO]
Include package.console? [NO]
Include package.database? [NO]
Include package.datetime? [NO]
Include package.encryption? [NO]
Include package.fileformats? [NO]
Include package.filesystem? [NO]
Include package.gtk? [NO]
Include package.html? [NO]
Include package.http? [NO] y
Include package.images? [NO]
Include package.internationalization? [NO]
Include package.logging? [NO]
Include package.mail? [NO]
Include package.math? [NO]
Include package.networking? [NO]
Include package.numbers? [NO]
Include package.payment? [NO]
Include package.pear? [NO]
Include package.php? [NO]
Include [NO]
Include package.streams? [NO]
Include package.structures? [NO]
Include package.system? [NO]
Include package.text? [NO]
Include [NO]
Include package.xml? [NO]
Include package.webservices? [NO]
Include pecl? [NO]
CONFIG_FILES=manual.xml CONFIG_HEADERS= ./config.status
creating manual.xml
/usr/bin/jade -wno-idref -d html.dsl -V use-output-dir -t sgml ./phpdocxml.dcl manual.xml
Translating documentation
Translating documentation is another important task. Not only does new documentation
need to be translated into the existing languages, additional languages are welcome. Also,
existing translations need to be brought up to date because the English versions have been
changed. Help on how to perform the translation process is in the Revision Tracking
section of the manual. When writing the translations, please remember that letters other
than A-Z and a-z need to be converted to entities.
We are well aware that we cannot cover all questions about writing DocBook
documentation in this chapter. If you have more questions or problems, do not hesitate to
get in touch with the documentation team at [email protected]. To join the pear-doc
list send an email to [email protected].
Tips for good documentation
This section of the chapter does not deal with the specifics of organizing documentation
in the peardoc standard, but instead with how to organize documentation logically.
1. First, every package solves a problem. What is this problem? Try to figure out
what assumptions your end-users might not have about the problem (they may not
realize that this is a problem that needs solving). For instance, a template package
solves the problem of both separating design from code, and separating business
logic from display logic. If possible, explain the problem in terms that even a novice
programmer can understand.
2. Next, how does the package uniquely solve the problem? This is something that
most documentation lacks. For example, there are many template engines. All of
them solve the same problem, but none of them do it in the same way. A block-based
template engine does not have any logic at all, whereas a template like Smarty
defines a whole new template language. Some template engines compile their
templates, others don't. What is unique about your package? Can someone who has
never seen the code get a good idea of how it solves the problem?
3. Provide examples! Start right away with simple examples that shows the basic
feature set -- they will show users how to quickly start using the package. More
complex examples will help the users in understanding advanced ways of using the
4. If your package exposes complex interfaces or multiple constants that can't be
fully explained in one or two examples (which is very likely), do not miss to explain
them thoroughly in the documentation. Document any interfaces that users must
use, such as a database DSN, command-line arguments for applications,
configuration file contents, or any other non-code element.
5. Last, proofread your documentation. If possible, have someone else who is not as
familiar with your project take a look at the documentation. They will catch
assumptions that you have missed.
IV. Neue Funktionen in PEAR 1.4
21. Introduction
22. Channels
23. Custom File Roles
24. Custom File Tasks
25. Post-installation Scripts
Kapitel 21. Introduction
The debut of PEAR 1.4.0 is very exciting. This chapter documents all of the differences
between PEAR 1.3.x and the new features introduced in PEAR 1.4.
The most significant change in PEAR 1.4 is the addition of channels, a simple and
effective method of distributing application development. This change has driven most of
the other changes to PEAR, and in fact full application support is a major goal of this
In addition to channels, support for customization of the install process has been
seriously enhanced with the addition of three essential features for application
Custom file installation roles in package.xml
Custom file tasks in package.xml
Post-installation scripts
Kapitel 22. Channels
PEAR Channels provide a robust and effective way of distributing development. The
addition of channel support to the PEAR installer as of version 1.4.0 means that it is now
simpler to distribute any PHP code project using the PEAR installer than it ever was. PEAR
Channels allow developers of applications to effectively depend upon packages from and any other source that provides a channel server. For users of these
applications, this eliminates the complexity of installation and configuration. Now, all the
user will need to do is to type a single pear install channel/Packagename command
and go!
Before PEAR 1.4.0, the only solution to depending on code from several sources is to
bundle the code. This has several bad side effects, the most obvious of which is that code
size increases dramatically, and makes upgrading for a minor bug fix a complicated
download for the user.
Channels allow an application developer to depend on packages from, a
package from, and others. The user will only need to install/upgrade
from a single source using the pear installer. With the current state of affairs, the pear
installer is only really useful for installing, well, PEAR packages. Because of this difficulty
(among others), traditionally very few packages are available as PEAR packages that can be
installed with the PEAR installer.
PEAR 1.4.0+ aims to eliminate this and other barriers to application development.
Incomplete documentation
Documentation is not yet complete
channel.xml -- The channel definition file
How to describe a channel
Discovery of a channel's capabilities is extremely flexible. The XSD schema defining
channel.xml can be found at Channel.xml defines:
1. the channel name
2. an optional suggested user alias for the channel
3. a brief summary of the channel's purpose
4. an optional package to perform custom validation of packages on both download and
5. a list of protocols supported by a channel (XML-RPC, SOAP, and REST are
6. a list of mirrors and the protocols they support.
Here is a sample channel.xml with all elements:
<channel version="1.0"
<summary>Example channel.xml</summary>
<validatepackage version="1.3.4">Foo_Validate</validatepackage>
<primary port="8080" ssl="yes">
<xmlrpc> <!-- default path is xmlrpc.php -->
<function version="1.0">logintest</function>
<function version="1.0">package.listLatestReleases</function>
<function version="1.0">package.listAll</function>
<function version="1.0"></function>
<function version="1.0">package.getDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.1">package.getDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.0">package.getDepDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.1">package.getDepDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.0"></function>
<function version="1.0">channel.listAll</function>
<rest> <!-- no default path, all must be defined in baseurl -->
<baseurl type="package"></baseurl>
<baseurl type="category"></baseurl>
<soap path="soapy.php"> <!-- default path is soap.php -->
<function version="1.0">package.listAll</function>
<mirror server="">
<xmlrpc path="mirrorxmlrpc.php"> <!-- default path is xmlrpc.php -->
<function version="1.0">package.listLatestReleases</function>
<function version="1.0">package.listAll</function>
<function version="1.0"></function>
<function version="1.0">package.getDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.1">package.getDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.0">package.getDepDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.1">package.getDepDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.0"></function>
<rest> <!-- no default path, all must be defined in baseurl -->
<baseurl type="package"></baseurl>
A channel's name should be the name of the server that users would browse to in order
to learn more about the packages being offered. For instance, PEAR packages are located
in the channel. PECL packages are located in the channel. Note
that for backwards compatibility, all existing packages based on package.xml version 1.0
are in the channel.
The benefit that comes from using the server name as the channel name is that autodiscovery becomes a real possibility, as well as ease of locating packages increases
A channel need not be located in the document root, a channel can contain a path. This is
a perfectly valid channel name: Note that users would
have to type:
$ pear install
Unless you provide a <suggestedalias>.
The channel's definition file "channel.xml" must be placed in the root channel directory.
If a channel is "", the channel.xml must be located in
"". If the channel is
"", then the channel.xml must be located in
<suggestedalias> defines a shorter, more friendly name to use when installing packages
from a channel. For instance, the channel's suggested alias is "pear". The best
aliases for a channel will be no more than 6 characters long - remember, a user must type
them often when installing or upgrading, and this can be tedious for longer aliases.
Rather than call this tag <alias>, as it was originally named, the tag is named
<suggestedalias> in order to provide the user some latitude. If the user does not like the
alias suggested by the channel owners, he or she can easily re-alias a channel through the
channel-alias command.
This tag provides a short description of what packages the user should expect to find on
this channel. The summary is what users will see when the use the list-channels command.
Most channels will be satisfied with the restrictions placed upon package naming,
versioning, and so on that PEAR provides by default. However, for some channels, the
validation will be too strict, and others, too relaxed. The <validatepackage> tag provides
the next level of customization.
If omitted, the installer assumed that the PEAR_Validate class should be used. Note
that a looser version validation is provided by the PEAR_Validate_PECL class, for channels
like that do not wish to deal with PEAR's warnings on version transgressions.
<validatepackage> requires a version attribute and text content. The text content must
be the name of a package that can be installed via:
$ pear install
as in:
$ pear install
for the sample channel.xml at the beginning of this section. In addition, the package must
provide a single class named after the package in a file using the PEAR naming conventions
(all underscores "_" converted into path separators "/" so that Foo_Validate is located in
Foo/Validate.php), and this class should extend PEAR_Validate. Methods beginning with
"validate" like validateVersion() are intended to be overridden by validation classes for
use in extending existing validation functionality.
<servers>: <primary> and <mirror>
Mirroring is explicitly supported in channel.xml and in the PEAR installer. Users can
choose their favorite mirror via the default_channel configuration option, and
channel.xml can list all the possible mirrors using the (surprise) <mirror> tag.
The <primary> tag is used to define the location of protocols, and to list the protocols
that are supported by the main channel server. Optional attributes can be used to modify
how the PEAR installer will attempt to connect to the server. The "port" attribute can be
used to define how the installer will connect to XML-RPC and SOAP services. REST
services are always controlled by the individual <baseurl> tags.
<xmlrpc>, <soap>, <rest>
channel.xml knows about the XML-RPC, SOAP, and REST protocols for web services.
However, the PEAR installer only supports XML-RPC currently, and may support REST
shortly. No support for SOAP is planned for the near future. However, should it ever be
implemented, channel.xml is ready.
The <xmlrpc> and <soap> tags have identical formats. Both tags can contain an optional
attribute "path" that tells the PEAR installer which URL to query. By default, the path is
protocol.php, as in xmlrpc.php or soap.php. In other words, to access XML-RPC functions
for the channel defined in the sample channel.xml, the installer would
query for XML-RPC functions, but
would query for SOAP functions.
The <rest> tag reflects the design concept behind REST: each resource is defined by a
base URL in tag <baseurl> that is then used by the installer along with hyperlinks to glean
the same information that XML-RPC or SOAP would provide. Required attribute "type"
tells the installer what kind of information is provided by the base URL, and how to parse
that information.
The <function> tag is quite simple. A required version attribute informs the installer what
the API is, and the text content informs the installer what the name of the function is.
Note that multiple functions with different versions can co-exist peacefully, as in:
<function version="1.0">package.getDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.1">package.getDownloadURL</function>
If a newer API is backwards-compatible, always define every possible API version in order
to prevent older installer versions from giving up.
Why not use a standard such as wsdl?
Some of you may be asking "why create another standard for web services discovery?"
The answer is simple: channel.xml does not supplant the role that WSDL has for java, or
XML-RPC introspection occupies. channnel.xml is a layer on top of these technologies. The
point is to quickly list the remote protocols that are supported, not to describe what they
The PEAR installer is specialized enough that a generic listing of parameters and return
values is entirely unnecessary: the installer knows exactly what xml-rpc function version 1.0 requires and what it returns. Any other information simply adds
wasted bandwidth and disk space.
XML-RPC functions
XML-RPC functions -- XML-RPC function API documentation
What XML-RPC functions are available in a standard channel?
A standard PEAR channel should support this list of XML-RPC functions:
logintest - a stub function
package.getDownloadURL - retrieve a URL to download a package
package.getDepDownloadURL - retrieve a URL to download a package dependency
• - retrieve information on a package
package.listAll - list all packages and verbose information on each package
package.listLatestReleases - list all packages and their latest release versions
• - search all packages for a match
Channels can also implement channel.listAll, but we recommend that this only be
implemented by and channels, as the command is utilized by the
update-channels command to retrieve an official list of channels.
The logintest xml-rpc function is called by the login command, and should return a
boolean TRUE
false|struct package.getDownloadURL (struct packageinfo [, string
preferred_state = stable [, (v1.1) string installed_version = false]])
false|struct packageinfo
an array of format:
'channel' => channel name,
'package' => package name,
['version' => specific version to retrieve,]
['state' => specific state to retrieve,]
if both version and state are set, the version index should be ignored.
string preferred_state = stable
The client-side preferred_state. This should be used to exclude releases that are
too unstable.
string installed_version = false
The current installed version of the package on the client-side. This will either be a
version string, or false if the package is not installed. Use this to ensure that older
versions are never returned (as defined by version_compare(possible_version,
installed_version, "<")).
The package.getDownloadURL function should return an array with either two or three
"version" => version of the release returned
"info" => the complete package.xml contents from the release
"url" => a URL from which to download this release. If no releases exist that fit
the constraints defined by preferred_state, installed_version, and the
version/state indices of packageinfo, then do not return this index, and instead
return the version and package.xml of the latest release.
The url entry should NOT append .tgz or .tar, but should be something like
"" instead of ""
Note that version 1.0 of package.getDownloadURL did not have the installed_version
parameter. Version 1.1 of package.getDownloadURL does - that is the only difference
between the two versions.
false|struct package.getDepDownloadURL (string xsdversion, struct
dependency, struct parentpackage [, string preferred_state = stable [,
(v1.1) string installed_version = false]])
string xsdversion
This should be either '1.0' or '2.0', and should match the version attribute from the
top-level <package version="X.0"> tag. This should be used to determine how to
process the second parameter.
struct dependency
if the first parameter xsdversion is '1.0', this should be an array of format:
'name' => package name
'type' => 'pkg' - anything else is an error
'rel' => 'has', 'ge', 'le', 'lt', 'le', 'not', 'ne'
['version' => specific version to retrieve,]
if xsdversion is '2.0', this should be an array of format:
'name' => package name
'channel' => package channel - see notes below
['min' => minimum version (inclusive),]
['max' => maximum version (inclusive),]
['exclude' => single version to exclude (string),
or array of versions to exclude,]
Note that you must always verify that the channel matches your channel. If your
channel server is not at or, you must reject all
xsdversion='1.0' requests, and all xsdversion='2.0' requests where the channel is not
your channel.
struct parentpackage
This is information on the parent package, and is an array of format:
'channel' => channel name,
'package' => package name,
'version' => specific version to retrieve,
string preferred_state = stable
The client-side preferred_state. This should be used to exclude releases that are
too unstable.
string installed_version = false
The current installed version of the dependency on the client-side. This will either
be a version string, or false if the package is not installed. Use this to ensure that
older versions are never returned (as defined by version_compare(possible_version,
installed_version, "<")).
Like package.getDownloadURL, package.getDepDownloadURL should return an array with
either two or three indices.
"version" => version of the release returned
"info" => the complete package.xml contents from the release
"url" => a URL from which to download this release. If no releases exist that fit
the constraints defined by preferred_state, installed_version, and the
version/state indices of packageinfo, then do not return this index, and instead
return the version and package.xml of the latest release.
The url entry should NOT append .tgz or .tar, but should be something like
"" instead of ""
Note that version 1.0 of package.getDepDownloadURL did not have the installed_version
parameter. Version 1.1 of package.getDepDownloadURL does - that is the only difference
between the two versions.
false|struct (string package [, string field = null])
string package
Package name to retrieve information about
string field = null
specific field to retrieve information about. If null, this should return an array with
this indices, although others could be set as well:
'name' => 'package name',
'category' => 'category name',
'license' => 'package license',
'summary' => 'package summary',
'description' => 'package description',
'releases' =>
array( // all releases indexed by version
'0.1' =>
'license' => 'release license',
'summary' => 'release summary',
'description' => 'release description',
'releasedate' => 'date of release',
'releasenotes' => 'release notes',
'state' => 'release stability',
// the next index is optional
'deps' =>
array( // release dependencies of latest release
'type' => 'dep type from package.xml <dep>',
'relation' => 'rel from package.xml <dep>',
'version' => 'version from package.xml <dep>, or empty string',
'name' => 'name from package.xml <dep>',
'optional' => 'yes or no',
// and so on with all deps
// and so on with all releases
// releases should be ordered by releasedate DESC
The second parameter, if set, must be one of these choices:
authors - a current list of package maintainers in format:
'handle1' =>
'name' => 'Maintainer Name',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'role' => 'role from package.xml (lead, developer, contributor, helper)',
'handle2' =>
'name' => 'Maintainer Name 2',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'role' => 'role from package.xml (lead, developer, contributor, helper)',
// etc.
category - the category this package is in
description - the description of the latest release
license - package license of latest release
notes - release notes of the latest release
releases - an array of the format documented above, containing information
on all releases
summary - summary from latest release
struct package.listAll ([bool released_only = true [, bool stable_only
= true]])
bool released_only = TRUE
If TRUE, then packages that have no releases should not be returned in the listing
of available packages
bool stable_only = TRUE
If TRUE, then packages that have no stable releases should not be returned in the
listing of available packages
This function should return an array of this format for all packages that match the
constraints defined above:
'name' => 'packagename',
'category' => 'category name',
'license' => 'release license',
'summary' => 'package summary',
'description' => 'package description',
'stable' => 'latest release version that matches constraints',
'unstable' => 'latest unstable release version or false if stable_only',
'state' => 'release state of latest release that matches constraints',
'deps' =>
array( // same format as for
// etc.
struct package.listLatestReleases ([string state = ''])
string state = ''
If '', then the newest release will be returned for all packages. Otherwise, it must
be one of 'snapshot', 'devel', 'alpha', 'beta', or 'stable', and the function should
return the newest release that is more stable than state.
If state is 'beta', then the function should return the latest release that is beta or
stable. If state is 'devel', the function should return the latest release that is devel,
alpha, beta, or stable, and so on.
This function should return an array of this format for all packages that have a release
within the constraint defined by the "state" parameter:
'package' => 'packagename',
'version' => 'release version',
'state' => 'release stability',
'filesize' => 'size of the .tgz file to download',
// etc.
struct package.listAll (string fragment [, string|bool summary = false
[, bool released_only = true [, bool stable_only = true]]])
string fragment
A text fragment to use when searching for packages by name
string|bool summary = FALSE
If set to false, this should be ignored. Otherwise, this should be used to search
through the summaries of packages that match the first parameter to limit the list
of returned packages.
bool released_only = TRUE
If TRUE, then packages that have no releases should not be returned in the listing
of available packages
bool stable_only = TRUE
If TRUE, then packages that have no stable releases should not be returned in the
listing of available packages
This function should return an array of this format for all packages that match the
constraints defined above:
'name' => 'packagename',
'category' => 'category name',
'license' => 'release license',
'summary' => 'package summary',
'description' => 'package description',
'stable' => 'latest release version that matches constraints',
'unstable' => 'latest unstable release version or false if stable_only',
'state' => 'release state of latest release that matches constraints',
'deps' =>
array( // same format as for
// etc.
Kapitel 23. Custom File Roles
As of PEAR version 1.4.3, the required format for custom file roles has been changed
due to a minor security vulnerability. All custom file roles must now define a Role.xml
file in order to properly declare a custom file role. See the example below for more
One of the programming features that the PEAR installer enforces is the separation of
files into separate categories, and the important idea that files of a similar category are
always installed into the same location, or at least handled the same way, as in the case of
role="src" for PECL packages.
This has been quite successful for smaller library-style packages, but complete
applications cannot function without customized installation locations. For instance, some
files may be intended for use in a public web frontend, others for library location. PEAR
1.4 introduces the possibility of defining custom installation roles to fill this void.
Using a customized role in a package.xml
To use a custom installation role that another programmer has written, there are three
steps that are necessary. First, the <usesrole> tag should be used to define each custom
role that is used in the package.xml. Next, the role should simply be used for the files it
pertains to. Finally, a dependency on the package that provides the custom role should be
added to the package.xml, just for completeness.
Pretty simple!
Defining a customized role for use in a package.xml
To define a custom role, you need to create a package containing a single file. Here is a
sample package.xml that could be a custom role:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package version="2.0" xmlns=""
<summary>Chiarafoo role</summary>
The chiarafoo role installs files into your customized Foo directory
<name>Greg Beaver</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<license uri="">PHP License</license>
Provides the chiarafoo file role
<dir name="/" baseinstalldir="PEAR/Installer/Role">
<file name="Chiarafoo.xml" role="php"/>
<file name="Chiarafoo.php" role="php">
<tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
</dir> <!-- / -->
The XML file Chiarafoo.xml should be similar to this file:
<role version="1.0">
<unusualbaseinstall />
<executable />
<phpextension />
<doc>directory where foo files are installed</doc>
<prompt>PHP foo directory</prompt>
<group>File Locations</group>
The script in Chiarafoo.php is incredibly simple:
* PEAR_Installer_Role_Chiarafoo
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category
* @package
* @author
Greg Beaver <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2005 Greg Beaver
* @license PHP License 3.0
* @version
CVS: $Id: customroles.xml,v 1.4 2005/11/03 05:06:52 cellog Exp $
* @link
* @since
File available since Release 0.1.0
* @category
* @package
* @author
Greg Beaver <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2005 Greg Beaver
* @license PHP License 3.0
* @version
Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since
Class available since Release 0.1.0
class PEAR_Installer_Role_Chiarafoo extends PEAR_Installer_Role_Common
* @param PEAR_Installer
* @param PEAR_PackageFile_v2
* @param array file attributes
* @param string relative path to file in package.xml
function setup(&$installer, $pkg, $atts, $file)
// do something special with the installer
Since PEAR 1.4.3, nothing else is necessary for a successful implementation of a file role.
The contents of the role's XML file must contain these tags:
(optional) <config_vars>
The <releasetypes> tag
This tag can only contain one of the following values:
In order to specify compatibility with multiple release types, use multiple <releasetypes>
tags as in:
releasetypes defines the kind of releases that this role can be used in. For instance, the
"src" role is reserved for extsrc packages, and cannot be used in regular PEAR-style php
releases. The "data" role can be used in any release, and would define <releasetypes> as:
The <installable> tag
This tag must be either <installable>1</installable> or empty (<installable/>) and
determines whether files utilizing this custom role can be installed. Any file that should be
installed must set this to 1. Only roles such as the "src" role that is processed and used to
create the files that are eventually installed should set this to an empty tag.
The <locationconfig> tag
This tag is used for all installable files to determine which configuration variable contains
the directory in which the file should be installed. For instance, the php role uses the
"php_dir" locationconfig, the data role uses "data_dir".
Our example role, chiarafoo, uses the "foo_dir" configuration variable, and then through
the definition of <config_vars> tells the installer what foo_dir means. Note that once a
custom role is installed, the user can config-set/ config-get/config-show the variable just
like any other configuration variable!
<config_vars> can define more than one configuration variable, but note that more than 3
variables will trigger an error, disallowing any of them, as a security precaution.
The <honorsbaseinstall> tag
This tag controls whether a role reacts to the "baseinstalldir" attribute of a <file> or
<dir> tag. Any role that honors baseinstalldir can potentially allow conflicting files from
different packages, and so a check has to be made. A file role that does not honor
baseinstalldir is always installed into:
To specify this value, use <honorsbaseinstall>1</honorsbaseinstall> For all other cases, it
should be an empty tag (<honorsbaseinstall/>)
The <unusualbaseinstall> tag
This tag controls whether a role that would normally ignore the "baseinstalldir" attribute
of a <file> or <dir> tag would honor it, but still use the
Packagename/baseinstalldir/full/path/from/contents/file.ext instead of
baseinstalldir/full/path/from/contents/file.ext. Any role that supports the
unusual baseinstalldir type cannot conflict with other files because the package name is
always the parent directory. To specify this value, use
<unusualbaseinstall>1</unusualbaseinstall> For all other cases, it should be an empty tag
The <phpfile> tag
This tag should be set to 1 (<phpfile>1</phpfile>) for any roles that contain php script
files. These files are analyzed at package time, possibly catching errors before release.
For all other cases, it should be an empty tag (<phpfile/>)
The <executable> tag
This tag should be set to 1 (<executable>1</executable>) for roles like the "script" role
that should have their executable attribute set via chmod() on install. For all other cases,
it should be an empty tag (<executable/>)
The <phpextension> tag
This tag should be used for roles like the "ext" role that provide a binary PHP extension.
To specify this value, use <phpextension>1</phpextension> For all other cases, it should be
an empty tag (<phpextension/>)
The optional <config_vars> tag
This tag is used to define configuration variables that should be added to the installer by
this custom file role. Note that the installer will not allow a custom file role to create
more than 3 configuration variables. To define configuration variables, create tags with
the name of the configuration variable, and then sub-tags defining information about the
configuration variable.
These tags are transformed into the PHP array format expected by the PEAR_Config
class using an adapted version of Stephan Schmidt's excellent XML_Unserializer class
(from the XML_Serializer package). As such, it is easiest to understand the XML format
by examining existing configuration variables.
'password' => array(
'type' => 'password',
'default' => '',
'doc' => '(maintainers) your PEAR account password',
'prompt' => 'PEAR password (for maintainers)',
'group' => 'Maintainers',
// Advanced
'verbose' => array(
'type' => 'integer',
'doc' => 'verbosity level
really quiet
somewhat quiet
'prompt' => 'Debug Log Level',
'group' => 'Advanced',
'preferred_state' => array(
'type' => 'set',
'doc' => 'the installer will prefer releases with this state when installing p
'valid_set' => array(
'stable', 'beta', 'alpha', 'devel', 'snapshot'),
'prompt' => 'Preferred Package State',
'group' => 'Advanced',
These sample configuration values from the actual PEAR_Config class would translate
into this XML:
<default />
<doc>(maintainers) your PEAR account password'</doc>
<prompt>PEAR password (for maintainers)</prompt>
<doc>verbosity level
0: really quiet
1: somewhat quiet
2: verbose
3: debug</doc>
<prompt>Debug Log Level</prompt>
<doc>the installer will prefer releases with this state when installing packages without
<prompt>Preferred Package State</prompt>
Note that the simple array defining the set converts each value into a separate
<valid_set> tag for the preferred_state configuration variable.
The <default> tag's value can accept either a simple string, or three different kinds of
<text> - this will be converted into a PHP string
<constant> - the contents of this sub-tag will be used to retrieve the value of a
pre-defined PHP constant, or a pre-defined PEAR constant (as defined in
PEAR_Config or PEAR_Common) and substitute the value for the <constant> tag.
any default configuration variable. These include default_channel,
preferred_mirror, remote_config, auto_discover, master_server, http_proxy,
php_dir, ext_dir, doc_dir, bin_dir, data_dir, test_dir, cache_dir, php_bin,
username, password, verbose, preferred_state, umask, cache_ttl, sig_type, sig_bin,
sig_keyid, and sig_keydir.
when used, the configuration variable should simply be an empty tag like
<php_dir/>. The tag will be replaced with the default value of the configuration
variable, not the currently assigned value.
For instance, this example default value:
<default><text0>hi there </text0><constant>PHP_OS</constant><text1> user, your default php
might convert into something like "hi there Linux user, your default php_dir is
Our example Chiarafoo role's foo_dir default value:
might convert into something like "/usr/local/lib/php/Foo" or "C:\php5\pear\Foo".
Note that in order to use multiple <constant> or <text> tags, you must append a numbered
suffix as in the <text0> <text1> example above. Only one PEAR configuration variable may
be used per default value.
Note that if you use <type>integer</type>, no matter what default value is specified, it
will be casted into an integer by PEAR_Config.
Kapitel 24. Custom File Tasks
For many small library packages, very little customization is needed. Just install and go.
package.xml 1.0 is very good at this task. As packages grow in size and complexity, it is
often necessary to make slight changes to the contents of files, and occasionally to
external components such as databases.
package.xml 1.0 provides a single undocumented system of customizing file contents
through the <replace> tag, like so:
<file name="blah.php" role="php">
<replace from="@token@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
<replace from="@anothertoken@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config"/>
This example above would scan the blah.php file at installation, and then use
str_replace() to replace all occurences of the string @token@ with the package's version
number. Then, it would replace all occurences of the string @anothertoken@ with the
value of the user's php_dir configuration variable.
Although powerful, the replace tag is the only customization tag available in package.xml
version 1.0. When developing package.xml version 2.0, the replace tag and innovative work
of other projects such as Phing became the inspiration for an expanded kind customization
called a "task".
Tasks are defined by xml children of a <file> tag. Tasks are implemented by extending
the PEAR_Task_Common task.
Using a customized task in a package.xml
Tasks are defined in package.xml through the tasks namespace, which is currently The current tasks namespace is defined by Custom tasks bundled with PEAR include:
The xml for each of these tasks is documented here.
Creating customized tasks in PHP
Creating a custom task involves creating a class that validates xml, and performs the task
when called upon. Tasks can be invoked in two situations: at package-time and at installtime. Each task can control whether it should be called at package-time, install-time, or at
both times.
There are two kinds of tasks: simple and multiple. Most tasks are simple tasks. Simple
tasks are self-contained: all customization is limited to that file. Multiple tasks are
collected during installation and processed fully as a unit after files have been committed
to disk, allowing more complex processing.
All simple tasks must define 3 methods, all multiple task must define 4 methods. These
run() (multiple tasks only)
true|array validateXml (PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $pkg, string|array $xml,
PEAR_Config &$config, array $fileAttributes)
This method is called upon package.xml validation and should be used to validate the
task's xml content. Upon error, a simple array of format array(CODE, message) must
be returned. The code must be one of the following constants, as defined in
PEAR_TASK_ERROR_NOATTRIBS - Attributes were expected, but none were
PEAR_TASK_ERROR_MISSING_ATTRIB - A specific attribute is not present.
PEAR_TASK_ERROR_WRONG_ATTRIB_VALUE - The value of an attribute is
PEAR_TASK_ERROR_INVALID - Any other error in validation.
The error message should include the file name as defined by
$fileAttributes['name'], and include as much useful information about the location of
the validation error as possible.
PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $pkg
This is the package.xml object that contains the task.
string|array $xml
The raw parsed content of the task's xml as parsed from package.xml. Tags like
<tasks:windowseol> that have no attributes or child elements will be passed an empty
string ''. Otherwise, simple text content will be a string, and nested tags/attributes
will be passed in as an array. Here is a list of sample xml and their parsed values:
array('_content' => 'hello', 'tasks:boo' => string(''))
<tasks:blah foo="one">
array('attribs' => array('foo' => 'one'), 'tasks:boo' =>
PEAR_Config $config
This is the current configuration object
array $fileAttributes
The parsed attributes of the <file> tag that encloses this tag. This is guaranteed to
contain indices name, specifying the file name, and role, specifying the file role.
Other attributes like baseinstalldir may be present but are not required, and so
will not be guaranteed to be present for every file.
void init (string|array $xml, array $fileAttributes, string|null
The init() function is called immediately prior to the startSession() method, and should
be used for initialization that is not directly related to file modification. This method may
move to another location in the installation process at any time. The logical separation of
initialization from task action is important and the order of execution can be depended
string|array $xml
The raw parsed content of the task's xml as parsed from package.xml. Tags like
<tasks:windowseol> that have no attributes or child elements will be passed an empty
string ''. Otherwise, simple text content will be a string, and nested tags/attributes
will be passed in as an array. Here is a list of sample xml and their parsed values:
array('_content' => 'hello', 'tasks:boo' => string(''))
<tasks:blah foo="one">
array('attribs' => array('foo' => 'one'), 'tasks:boo' =>
array $fileAttributes
The parsed attributes of the <file> tag that encloses this tag. This is guaranteed to
contain indices name, specifying the file name, and role, specifying the file role.
Other attributes like baseinstalldir may be present but are not required, and so
will not be guaranteed to be present for every file.
string|null $lastVersion
This will be set to the string representing the version of the last installed version
of this package. This is useful for determining whether the package is being upgraded
or is a fresh installation. If the package is being installed for the first time, NULL
will be passed in.
string|false|PEAR_Error startSession (string $contents, string $dest)
For non-script tasks, startSession() is called to actually execute a task. The task should
perform all needed operations on the file contents, and on success return the file contents
regardless of any modification. These contents will be written to disk, so it is imperative
that they be the full, original file contents if no modification is made to them.
For script tasks, startSession() is called to determine whether the script can be safely
executed. For both task types, script and non-script, a return value of FALSE will cause
the task to be silently skipped. A return value of a PEAR_Error will cause processing of all
operations to stop, and an error message to be displayed by the installer prior to exiting.
Any other return value will cause the script to be processed normally by the frontend as a
post-installation script.
string $contents
The original contents of the file whose <file> tag in package.xml contains the task
string $dest
The full path to the final installed file location. This is strictly informational, as the
file does not yet exist, and should only be used for error messages or other
processing that does not attempt to modify the file.
false|string run (array $tasks)
The run() method should return FALSE on success, and an error message if there is a
problem. This method is called only for tasks that define $this->type as multiple. For
each task within package.xml that has this task, the run() method will be called with an
array containing all of the task objects from the package.xml.
array $tasks
An array of task objects.
Kapitel 25. Post-installation Scripts
Incomplete documentation
Documentation is not yet complete
The XML format for defining a post-install script in package.xml is documented here.
This document describes the required elements for the PHP post-install script itself.
Naming requirements for a post-install script PHP file
Post-install script files can be named anything one desires, but the class within the file
must be the same name as the file with all path separators replaced by underscores. In
other words, this postinstall script:
Must contain a class named Path_To_Script. Due to casing differences between
operating systems, it is recommended to always use lowercased file names.
Structure of a post-install script
The post-install script class must contain two methods, one named init(), and the other
named run(). The init() method is called at the same time as all other post-install scripts.
The run() method is called at the conclusion of each parameter group in order to process
the user's responses to queries.
The init() method
void init (PEAR_Config $config, PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $self, string|null
PEAR_Config $xml
The current configuration used for installation.
PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $self
The package.xml contents as abstracted by this object.
string|NULL $lastInstalledVersion
The last version of this package that was installed. This is a very important
parameter, as it is the only way to determine whether a package is being installed
from scratch, or upgraded from a previous version. Using this parameter, it is
possible to determine what incremental changes, if any, need to be performed.
The run() method
bool run (array $infoArray, string $paramGroupId)
array $infoArray
if $paramGroupId is _undoOnError, then $infoArray will contain a list of
successfully completed parameter group sections. This can be used to restore any
system changes made by the installation script.
Otherwise, $infoArray contains the results of the user input from the most
recent <paramgroup> section.
string $paramGroupId
This variable either contains _undoOnError or the contents of the most recent
<paramgroup>'s <id> tag. Note that paramgroup id cannot begin with an underscore (_),
and so _undoOnError can only be triggered by the PEAR installer.
V. Core-Bestandteile
26. PEAR base classes
27. PEAR Installer classes
Kapitel 26. PEAR base classes
The Core section provides information about the base classes in PEAR
Introduction -- How to handle the PEAR base class (destructors, error handling)
Constants -- Predefined Constants
PEAR::PEAR() -- constructor (bezogen auf Package-Entwickler)
PEAR::_PEAR() -- Deconstructor (bezogen auf Package-Entwickler)
PEAR::getStaticProperty() -- handle static properties (bezogen auf Package-Entwickler)
PEAR::registerShutdownFunc() -- set a shutdown function for static classes (bezogen auf
PEAR::isError() -- checks for a PEAR_Error object
PEAR::raiseError() -- Create a new PEAR_Error object and optionally specify errorhandling instructions
PEAR::setErrorHandling() -- sets handling of errors generated through PEAR packages
PEAR::expectError() -- add an error code for non-disabling temporary error handling
PEAR::popExpect() -- removes the last error code for non-disabling temporary error
PEAR::loadExtension() -- OS independant PHP extension load
PEAR provides functions for handling errors and sets the behavoir in case of error. And,
it gives package developers a set of functions to make their lives easier.
Introduction -- How to handle the PEAR base class (destructors, error handling)
require_once "PEAR.php";
class classname extends PEAR { ... }
The PEAR base class provides standard functionality that is used by most PEAR classes.
Normally you never make an instance of the PEAR class directly, you use it by subclassing
Its key features are:
request-shutdown object "destructors"
error handling
PEAR "destructors"
If you inherit PEAR in a class called ClassName, you can define a method in it called
_ClassName (the class name with an underscore prepended) that will be invoked when the
request is over. This is not a destructor in the sense that you can "delete" an object and
have the destructor called, but in the sense that PHP gives you a callback in the object
when PHP is done executing. See the example below.
In order for destructors to work properly, you must instantiate your class with the "=&
new" operator like this:
$obj =& new MyClass();
If you only use "= new", the object registered in PEAR's shutdown list will be a copy of
the object at the time the constructor is called, and it will be this copy's "destructor"
that will be called upon request shutdown.
PEAR Error Handling
PEAR's base class also provides a way of passing around more complex errors than a
true/false value or a numeric code. A PEAR error is an object that is either an instance of
the class PEAR_Error, or some class inheriting PEAR_Error.
One of the design criteria of PEAR's errors is that it should not force a particular type
of output on the user, it should be possible to handle errors without any output at all if
that is desirable. This makes it possible to handle errors gracefully, also when your output
format is different from HTML (for example WML or some other XML format).
The error object can be configured to do a number of things when it is created, such as
printing an error message, printing the message and exiting, raising an error with PHP's
trigger_error() function, invoke a callback, or none of the above. This is typically specified
in PEAR_Error's constructor, but all of the parameters are optional, and you can set up
defaults for errors generated from each object based on the PEAR class. See the PEAR
error examples for how to use it and the PEAR_Error reference for the full details.
The example below shows how to use the PEAR's "poor man's kinda emulated
destructors" to implement a simple class that holds the contents of a file, lets you append
data to the object and flushes the data back to the file at the end of the request:
Beispiel 26-1. PEAR: emulated destructors
require_once "PEAR.php";
class FileContainer extends PEAR
var $file = '';
var $contents = '';
var $modified = 0;
function FileContainer($file)
$this->PEAR(); // this calls the parent class constructor
$fp = fopen($file, "r");
if (!is_resource($fp)) {
$this->file = $file;
while ($data = fread($fp, 2048)) {
$this->contents .= $data;
function append($str)
$this->contents .= $str;
// The "destructor" is named like the constructor
// but with an underscore in front.
function _FileContainer()
if ($this->modified) {
$fp = fopen($this->file, "w");
if (!is_resource($fp)) {
fwrite($fp, $this->contents);
$fileobj =& new FileContainer("testfile");
$fileobj->append("this ends up at the end of the file\n");
// When the request is done and PHP shuts down, $fileobj's
// "destructor" is called and updates the file on disk.
Anmerkung: PEAR "destructors" use PHP's shutdown callbacks
(register_shutdown_function()), and in PHP < 4.1, you can't output anything from
these when PHP is running in a web server. So anything printed in a "destructor"
gets lost except when PHP is used in command-line mode. In PHP 4.1 and higher,
output can be also generated in the destructor.
Also, see the warning about how to instantiate objects if you want to use the
The next examples illustrate different ways of using PEAR's error handling mechanism.
Beispiel 26-2. PEAR error example (1)
function mysockopen($host = "localhost", $port = 8090)
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
if (!is_resource($fp)) {
return new PEAR_Error($errstr, $errno);
return $fp;
$sock = mysockopen();
if (PEAR::isError($sock)) {
print "mysockopen error: ".$sock->getMessage()."\n";
This example shows a wrapper to fsockopen() that delivers the error code and message
(if any) returned by fsockopen in a PEAR error object. Notice that PEAR::isError() is used
to detect whether a value is a PEAR error.
PEAR_Error's mode of operation in this example is simply returning the error object and
leaving the rest to the user (programmer). This is the default error mode.
In the next example we're showing how to use default error modes:
Beispiel 26-3. PEAR error example (2)
class TCP_Socket extends PEAR
var $sock;
function TCP_Socket()
function connect($host, $port)
$sock = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
if (!is_resource($sock)) {
return $this->raiseError($errstr, $errno);
$sock = new TCP_Socket;
$sock->connect('localhost', 8090);
print "still alive\n";
Here, we set the default error mode to PEAR_ERROR_DIE, and since we don't specify any
error mode in the raiseError call (that'd be the third parameter), raiseError uses the
default error mode and exits if fsockopen fails.
Global Variables Used
The PEAR class uses some global variables to register global defaults, and an object list
used by the "destructors". All of the global variables associated with the PEAR class have
a _PEAR_ name prefix.
If no default error mode is set in an object, this mode will be used. Must be one of
Don't set this variable directly, call PEAR::setErrorHandling() as a static method
like this:
If the error mode is PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, this is the error level (one of
Don't set this variable directly, call PEAR::setErrorHandling() as a static method
like this:
If no options parameter is used when an error is raised and the error mode is
PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, the value of this variable is used as the callback. This means
that you can switch the error mode temporarily and return to callback mode without
specifying the callback function again. A string value represents a function, a twoelement array with an object at index 0 and a string at index 1 represents a method.
Again, don't set this variable directly, call PEAR::setErrorHandling() as a static
method like this:
PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, "my_error_handler");
Here is an example of how you can switch back and forth without specifying the
callback function again:
PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, "my_function_handler");
// now we're back to using my_function_handler again
Constants -- Predefined Constants
PEAR error handling related.
See PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()
PEAR error handling related.
See PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()
PEAR error handling related.
See PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()
PEAR error handling related.
See PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()
PEAR error handling related.
See PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()
PEAR::PEAR() -- constructor (bezogen auf Package-Entwickler)
require_once 'PEAR.php';
void PEAR::PEAR (string [$errorClass = PEAR_Error])
If you want to use the deconstructor functionality provide by PEAR, you have to call
$this->PEAR() in the constructor of your class.
string $errorClass - the name of the error class to use.
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR::_PEAR() -- Deconstructor (bezogen auf Package-Entwickler)
require_once 'PEAR.php';
void PEAR::_PEAR ()
Does nothing right now, but is included for forward compatibility, so subclass
destructors should always call it.
PEAR::getStaticProperty() -- handle static properties (bezogen auf Package-Entwickler)
require_once 'PEAR.php';
mixed &PEAR::getStaticProperty (string $class, string $var)
If you have a class that's mostly/entirely static, and you need static properties, you can
use this method to simulate them. Eg. in your method(s) do this:
$myVar = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('myVar');
You must use a reference, or they will not persist!
string $class - the name of your class, where you call getStaticProperty()
string $var the variable to retrieve.
mixed - A reference to the variable. If not set, it will be auto initialised to NULL.
Beispiel 26-1. Using getStaticProperty()
require_once 'PEAR.php';
class myClass {
function setValue( $set)
$foo = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('myClass', "foo");
$foo = $set;
function view()
print PEAR::getStaticProperty('myClass', "foo");
myClass::setValue('value = foo');
This would print
value = foo
PEAR::registerShutdownFunc() -- set a shutdown function for static classes (bezogen auf
require_once 'PEAR.php';
void PEAR::registerShutdownFunc (array $func [, array $var = array()])
The indicated function is called, before the PHP interpreter will be finished.
array $func - the name of the class and of the function to ccore.
array $var - possible required function parameters. The parameters are handed
over to the function in accordance with their succession of the array.
Beispiel 26-1. Using registerShutdownFunc()
require_once 'PEAR.php';
class myClass {
function myClass()
PEAR::registerShutdownFunc(array('myClass', 'shutdown'),
array('param1', 'param2'));
function shutdown( $param1, $param2)
// do something before we will die
PEAR::isError() -- checks for a PEAR_Error object
require_once 'PEAR.php';
boolean PEAR::isError (mixed $data [, mixed $msgcode])
isError() examines whether a variable is a PEAR_Error object and - optional - contains a
specific error message or code.
mixed $data
variable to check
mixed $msgcode
additional error message or error code to check
mixed - returns TRUE, if the variable was a PEAR_Error and, if given, contains $msgcode
PEAR::raiseError() -- Create a new PEAR_Error object and optionally specify errorhandling instructions
require_once 'PEAR.php';
PEAR_Error PEAR::raiseError (mixed $message [, int $code [, int $mode
[, int|array $options [, mixed $userinfo [, string $error_class [,
boolean $skipmsg]]]]]])
string $message
Error message string or PEAR_Error object. The default message is unknown
error if left blank.
integer $code
Error code. It is recommended to use an error code for even the simplest errors, in
order to simplify error handling and processing.
integer $mode
Error mode. This is one of PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, PEAR_ERROR_PRINT,
PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION. See setErrorHandling() for detailed information and
examples of the meaning of these constants.
mixed $options
Error options. This depends on the value of $mode, and is documented in
mixed $userinfo
Optional user information. This can be used to store any error-specific information,
and has an unspecified format.
string $error_class
Error class name to use as the error object. The default error class is PEAR_Error.
Use this parameter to specify another class to use, such as a custom class extending
boolean $skipmsg
Use this parameter if you are using a custom class that does not accept an error
message in its constructor. Never use this parameter without the $error_class
parameter - it will not work.
A PEAR_Error object is returned, unless PEAR_ERROR_DIE terminates execution or a
PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION is never handled.
PEAR::setErrorHandling() -- sets handling of errors generated through PEAR packages
require_once 'PEAR.php';
void PEAR::setErrorHandling ([integer $mode = NULL [, mixed $options =
setErrorHandling() can be invoked as both a standard object method ($obj>setErrorHandling) and as a static method (PEAR::setErrorHandling). If called statically,
PEAR::setErrorHandling() sets the default error handling behaviour for all PEAR objects
(global error handling behaviour). If called as an object method, $obj->setErrorHandling()
sets the default error handling for only that object (local error handling behaviour).
integer $mode - one of the following constants
PEAR_ERROR_RETURN If an error occurs, a PEAR_Error is returned from
the error-generation method (normally raiseError().)
PEAR_ERROR_PRINT Like PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, but an error message will
be printed additionally.
PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER Like PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, but the PHP builtinfunction trigger_error() will be called in PEAR_Error's constructor with the
error message.
PEAR_ERROR_DIE The script will terminate and an error message will be
printed on instantiation of a PEAR_Error.
PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK If a error occurs, the callback passed to $options
is called.
PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION If Zend Engine 2 is present, then an exception will
be thrown using the PEAR_Error object.
mixed $options - the value for $options depends on $mode
PEAR_ERROR_PRINT and PEAR_ERROR_DIE support an optional printf()
format string used when printing the error message. This format string
should contain a single %s, which will be used to insert the error message into
the string. Use the string to enclose the error message with other useful
information not included in the error message prefix or error message.
PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER requires an user error level constant used by
trigger_error() (possible constants: E_USER_NOTICE, E_USER_WARNING or
E_USER_ERROR). Note that if the error constant is not one of these valid
error constants, a PHP warning will be triggered.
PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK The callback must be a function name in the format
described in the Pseudo-Type section of the PHP manual (either a string, or an
array). The callback must accept a single parameter, the PEAR_Error object
generated by an error condition. Note that if the callback is not a valid
callback, a PHP warning will be triggered.
Here's an example of a few ways to use setErrorHandling:
require_once 'PEAR.php';
// dummy error constant for this example
define('MYCLASS_ERROR_CODE', 1);
// demonstration of default global error handling
// in this case, all PEAR Errors will trigger a PHP warning
// Note that the file and line number will be in the constructor of PEAR_Error
// in PEAR.php
PEAR::raiseError('test warning', MYCLASS_ERROR_CODE);
// this error specifies a mode, and overrides the default global error handling
$e = PEAR::raiseError('return only', MYCLASS_ERROR_CODE, PEAR_ERROR_RETURN);
PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_PRINT, "Gronk error: %s<br />\n");
// prints "Gronk error: test warning<br />\n"
PEAR::raiseError('test warning', MYCLASS_ERROR_CODE);
* Fake class to demonstrate error handling
* @package myClass
class myClass extends PEAR {
* Demonstration of default local error handling
function myClass()
// object method callback
$this->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array(&$this, 'handleErr'));
// prints "custom working"
PEAR::raiseError('custom handler', MYCLASS_ERROR_CODE);
// static class method callback
array('myClass', 'handleErrStatic'));
PEAR::raiseError('custom handler', MYCLASS_ERROR_CODE);
// function callback
$this->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, 'standardCallback');
PEAR::raiseError('custom handler', MYCLASS_ERROR_CODE);
* Callback set by the constructor
* @param PEAR_Error The error object
function handleErr($error)
$this->lastError = $error->getMessage();
print $error->getMessage() . " working\n";
* Static callback set by the constructor
* Note that in PHP 5, $this is not set if the method is declared with
* the "static" access modifier. In PHP 4, $this is set, but is not
* set to the myClass object, so don't use it!
* @param PEAR_Error The error object
* @static
function handleErrStatic($error)
print 'static ' . $error->getMessage() . " working\n";
* @param PEAR_Error The error object
function standardCallback($error)
print 'normal function callback: ' . $error->getMessage();
// This causes the printing of three messages through error callbacks:
// "custom working"
// "static custom handler... is working"
// "normal function callback: custom handler"
$mine = new myClass;
// terminates the script with the error message "oops"
PEAR::raiseError('oops', MYCLASS_ERROR_CODE);
PEAR::expectError() -- add an error code for non-disabling temporary error handling
require_once 'PEAR.php';
integer PEAR::expectError ([mixed $errorCode = '*'])
This method is used to tell which errors you expect to get. Expected errors are always
returned with error mode PEAR_ERROR_RETURN. Expected error codes are stored in a
stack, and this method pushes a new element onto it. The list of expected errors are in
effect until they are popped off the stack with the popExpect() method.
mixed $errorCode - the expected PEAR_Error error code or an array of error
codes. If set to '*' every error is expected.
integer - the size of the error code stack.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
PEAR::popExpect() -- removes the last error code for non-disabling temporary error
require_once 'PEAR.php';
mixed PEAR::popExpect ()
This method pops one element off the expected error codes stack.
mixed - the removed error code or array of error codes
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
PEAR::loadExtension() -- OS independant PHP extension load
require_once 'PEAR.php';
boolean PEAR::loadExtension (string $ext)
Loads an extension by name
string $ext
The case-sensitive name of the PHP extension without filename suffix or php_
boolean - returns TRUE, if extension could be loaded
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
Beispiel 26-1. Loading the domxml-extension
if(!PEAR::loadExtension("domxml")) {
echo 'Could not load DomXML-Extension!';
PEAR_Error::addUserInfo() -- add user information
PEAR_Error::getCallback() -- get callback function name
PEAR_Error::getCode() -- get error code
PEAR_Error::getMessage() -- get error message
PEAR_Error::getMode() -- get error mode
PEAR_Error::getDebugInfo() -- get debug information
PEAR_Error::getType() -- get error type
PEAR_Error::getUserInfo() -- get additional user-supplied information
PEAR_Error::PEAR_Error() -- constructor
PEAR_Error::toString() -- make string representation
PEAR_Error is an object created by every function in PEAR in case of a failure. It
provides information on why a function fails.
How you get the object depends on PEAR::SetErrorHandling()
PEAR_Error::addUserInfo() -- add user information
require_once 'PEAR.php';
void PEAR_Error::addUserInfo (string $info)
Adds an user information to the error object.
string - user info
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Error::getCallback() -- get callback function name
require_once 'PEAR.php';
string PEAR_Error::getCallback ()
Returns the name of the function called in case of throwing a PEAR_Error object.
string - function name
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Error::getCode() -- get error code
require_once 'PEAR.php';
integer PEAR_Error::getCode ()
Returns the error code coming with the error object.
integer - error number
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Error::getMessage() -- get error message
require_once 'PEAR.php';
string PEAR_Error::getMessage ()
Returns the error message coming with the error object.
string - error message
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Error::getMode() -- get error mode
require_once 'PEAR.php';
integer PEAR_Error::getMode ()
Returns the error mode used for throwing the error object.
integer - error mode
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Error::getDebugInfo() -- get debug information
require_once 'PEAR.php';
string PEAR_Error::getDebugInfo ()
Returns debug information about an error
string - error debug information
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Error::getType() -- get error type
require_once 'PEAR.php';
integer PEAR_Error::getType ()
Returns the name of the error class of the object.
string - error class name
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Error::getUserInfo() -- get additional user-supplied information
require_once 'PEAR.php';
string PEAR_Error::getUserInfo ()
Returns additional information about an error
string - error information
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Error::PEAR_Error() -- constructor
require_once 'PEAR.php';
void PEAR_Error::PEAR_Error (string [$message = 'unknown error'],
integer [$code = NULL], integer [$mode = NULL], mixed [$options =
NULL], string [$userinfo = NULL])
string $message - the error message. A brief description of the occured failure
or problem.
string $code - the error code. An error specific number.
integer $mode - the error mode
mixed $options - error mode specific options
string $userinfo - a string for additional user or debug info
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Error::toString() -- make string representation
require_once 'PEAR.php';
string PEAR_Error::toString ()
Makes a string representation of the error object.
string - object representation
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Intelligent Error Handling with PEAR_ErrorStack
Introduction to using PEAR_ErrorStack for advanced error handling -- Using
PEAR_ErrorStack to do both simple and advanced error handling
constructor PEAR_ErrorStack::PEAR_ErrorStack() -- Set up a new error stack instance
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessage() -- Standard error message generation callback
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessageTemplate() -- Standard Error Message Template
generator from error code
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors() -- Retrieve all errors since last purge
PEAR_ErrorStack::getFileLine() -- Standard file/line number/function/class context
PEAR_ErrorStack::getMessageCallback() -- Get an error code => error message mapping
PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors() -- Determine whether there are any errors on the stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::pop() -- Pop an error off of the error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::popCallback() -- Remove a callback from the error callback stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::push() -- Add an error to the stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::pushCallback() -- Set an error Callback If set to a valid callback, this
will be called every time an error is pushed onto the stack. The return value will be used to
determine whether to allow an error to be pushed or logged.
PEAR_ErrorStack::raiseError() -- emulate PEAR::raiseError()
PEAR_ErrorStack::setContextCallback() -- Set a callback that generates context
information (location of error) for an error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback() -- Sets a default callback to be used by all error
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultLogger() -- Set up a PEAR::Log object for all error stacks
that don't have one
PEAR_ErrorStack::setErrorMessageTemplate() -- Set the Error Message Template array
PEAR_ErrorStack::setLogger() -- Set up a PEAR::Log object for this error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::setMessageCallback() -- Set an error code => error message mapping
PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton() -- Return a single error stack for this package.
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticGetErrors() -- Get a list of all errors since last purge, organized
by package
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticHasErrors() -- Determine whether there are any errors on any
error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPopCallback() -- Remove a callback from every error callback
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPush() -- Static version of push()
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback() -- Set an error Callback for every package's
error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::_log() -- Log an error using PEAR::Log
Package PEAR_ErrorStack Constants -- Constants defined in and used by
PEAR_ErrorStack is an experimental error raising and handling implementation for PEAR
that is designed to replace PEAR_Error when it has stabilized. PEAR_ErrorStack is both
backwards compatible with PEAR_Error and forward compatible with PHP 5's Exception
class. There are many other features, all described in the Introduction.
// global error stack
$global_stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('MyPackage');
// local error stack
$local_stack = new PEAR_ErrorStack('MyPackage');
Introduction to using PEAR_ErrorStack for
advanced error handling
Introduction to using PEAR_ErrorStack for advanced error handling -- Using
PEAR_ErrorStack to do both simple and advanced error handling
Introduction to the usage of PEAR_ErrorStack
This class is available as part of the PEAR package. Features include:
Fully unit-tested and documented
blazingly fast - blows PEAR_Error out of the water
Package-specific errors
Error levels (notice/warning/error/exception)
Error context data is saved separate from error message
Error cascading - parent errors can be specified
Dynamic error message generation allows generation of multiple and distinct error
messages from the same error object
Sophisticated callbacks are available for error message generation, error context
generation, and error handling functionality, see Error Context Display, Custom
Error Message Generation, and controlling error generation
PEAR_ErrorStack implements error raising and handling using a stack pattern. This has
tremendous advantages over the PEAR_Error Implementation. PEAR_Error centralizes all
error creation and handling in the constructor of the PEAR_Error object. Once an object
has been created, all handling must have been completed, either through checking the
return value of a method, or through a single global callback. In addition, it is nearly
impossible to determine the source of an error, and the baggage of all of the PEAR base
class's bulky, slow methods accompanies every error creation.
// traditional PEAR_Error usage
require_once 'PEAR.php';
class myobj
// there is no way to know where $err comes from
function errorCallback($err)
function log($msg)
error_log($msg, 3, 'somefile.log')
function display($msg)
echo $msg . '<br />';
$myobj = new myobj;
// using a callback
PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array(&$myobj, 'errorCallback'));
$ret = SomePackage::doSomething();
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
// do some handling - this error is also displayed and logged
$ret = SomePackage::doSomething();
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
// do some handling - this error is not displayed or logged
The PEAR_ErrorStack class has built in knowledge of the Log package, can easily
differentiate and even automatically re-package errors with little to no difficulty.
// PEAR_ErrorStack error handling
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
require_once 'Log.php';
class myobj
var $_stack;
function myobj()
$this->_stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('MyPackage');
function errorCallback($err)
case 'MyPackage':
// tell the error stack to log the error only
// it will not be pushed onto the stack
case 'InternalDbPackage':
// re-package these errors as a mypackage error fit
// for enduser consumption
$this->_stack->push(MYPACKAGE_ERROR_DBERROR, 'error',
array('dbmessage' => $err['message'],
'dbcode' => $err['code'],
'We are having Connection problems, please' .
'try again in a few moments'),
'', $err); // include the error as re-packaged
// tell the internal DB error stack to ignore this error,
// as if it never happened
} // switch
$myobj = &new myobj;
// separate error stacks for my package, and the internal DB package
$dbstack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('InternalDbPackage');
$mystack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('MyPackage');
// set up a file log using PEAR::Log
$log = &Log::Factory('file', 'somefile.log', 'MyPackage error log');
// set up a default log to use for all error stacks
// any errors returned by MyPackage are logged
$ret = SomePackage::doSomething();
// Note that $ret need not be checked for any error condition - errors are
// totally separate from code
if ($dbstack->hasErrors()) {
// sets a default callback for all errors
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback(array(&$myobj, 'errorCallback'));
// any db errors are transparently repackaged as
// user-friendly MyPackage errors now
$ret = SomePackage::doSomething();
Why write a new error-handling routine when PEAR_Error already exists? There are
several problems with PEAR_Error. Although an error message is present in an error class,
processing this error message automatically is excessively difficult for computers. In
addition, the error message cannot easily be translated once it has been placed into the
PEAR_Error. There is also no standard facility for storing error-related data in the error
class. On top of error message-related issues, there is no way to automatically determine
which package a PEAR_Error object comes from, or the severity of an error. Fatal errors
look exactly the same as non-fatal errors.
The largest flaw with PEAR_Error object is the single-error type design. Every
PEAR_Error object is just a PEAR_Error object. There is no differentiating between the
severity of an error, or its origin. The only way to determine the severity is to use
constants from php's trigger_error. But using this functionality does not justify 900 lines
of code, simply because trigger_error() is built into PHP itself!
Now, to start using your newly created error objects, change all of your
PEAR::raiseError() or PEAR::throwError() calls from this...
require_once 'PEAR.php';
// old way:
$error_specific_info = 'bad';
$e = PEAR::raiseError("error message - very " . $error_specific_info .
" way to do things", MYPACKAGE_ERROR_FOO);
// another old way:
$e = PEAR::throwError("error message - very " . $error_specific_info .
" way to do things", MYPACKAGE_ERROR_FOO);
?> something like this:
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
// new way
// version 1: stack instance access
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('MyPackage');
$stack->push(MYPACKAGE_ERROR_DBERROR, 'error',
array('query' => $query, 'dsn' => $dsn),
'Critical Database Error: Contact Administrator immediately');
// version 2: static singleton access (slightly slower)
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPush('MyPackage', MYPACKAGE_ERROR_DBERROR, 'error',
array('query' => $query, 'dsn' => $dsn),
'Critical Database Error: Contact Administrator immediately');
For basic use, this is all that is needed to use the PEAR_ErrorStack package in place of
Advanced Features
Error Context Display
In some cases, you may want to customize error generation. For instance, for many
exceptions, it is useful to include file, line number, and class/function context information
in order to trace an error. A default option is available which will be sufficient for most
cases, and that is PEAR_ErrorStack::getFileLine().
Not all package errors occur in the PHP source file. For instance, compiling template
engines errors can occur in the template source files. Database errors can occur in the
text of a query, or internal to the database server. Internet package errors can occur on
another server. All of this information can be included in an error message using a context
grabbing callback.
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
class DatabaseClass
var $_dbError;
var $_dbErrorMsg;
var $_dbQuery;
var $_dbPos;
* Context grabber for the Database package
* @param integer Error Code
* @param array
Error parameters passed into {@link PEAR_ErrorStack::push()}
* @param array
Output of debug_backtrace() (not used in this callback)
function getErrorContext($code, $params, $backtrace)
$context = array(
'errorcode' => $this->_dbError,
'errormsg' => $this->_dbErrorMsg,
'query' => $this->_dbQuery,
'pos' => $this->_dbPos,
return $context;
$db = new DatabaseClass;
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticSetContextCallback('Database', array(&$db, 'getErrorContext'));
The context information is formatted to be easily processed by an external application.
If you wish context information to be in the error message, the error message callback
should be used to add the information in a human-readable format to the error message,
as described in the next section.
Custom Error Message Generation
There are three methods of PEAR_ErrorStack designed for use with generating error
messages efficiently. To use them, you must do one of three things:
Call PEAR_ErrorStack::setErrorMessageTemplate(), and set an array mapping
error codes to error message templates, like so:
define('ERROR_ONE', 1);
define('ERROR_TWO', 2);
define('ERROR_THREE', 3);
define('ERROR_FOUR', 4);
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');
$messages = array(
ERROR_ONE => 'The gronk number %num% dropped a %thing%',
ERROR_TWO => 'The %list% items were missing',
ERROR_THREE => 'I like chocolate, how about %you%?',
ERROR_FOUR => 'and a %partridge% in a pear %tree%',
Substitution is done using str_replace, and is very simple. Basically, if a variable
name is enclosed in percent signs (%), it will be replaced with the value passed in the
associative array. If an array
array('varname' => 'value');
is passed to either method, all occurrences of %varname% will be replaced by value.
In addition, if values are objects, the methods will search for a method named
"__toString()" and if found, will use that to convert the object to a string. If an
array of strings is passed in, they will be joined by commas.
array('varname' => array('first', 'second', 'third'));
// this will become 'first, second, third'
Call PEAR_ErrorStack::setMessageCallback(), and set a custom error message
generating function or method. This is probably the best option for the majority of
complex situations, as it allows users to override or even extend the existing error
message callback using PEAR_ErrorStack::getMessageCallback(). For example:
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
class foo
var $_oldcallback;
function callback(&$stack, $err)
$message = call_user_func_array($this->_oldcallback, array(&$stack, $err));
$message .= "File " . $err['context']['file'];
return $message;
$a = new foo;
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('otherpackage');
$a->_oldcallback = $stack->getMessageCallback('otherpackage');
$stack->setMessageCallback(array(&$a, 'callback'));
Extend PEAR_ErrorStack with your own class, and override
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessageTemplate() or
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessage(). To guarantee that this class will be used by
other packages/applications, use this code right after the class declaration:
PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage', false, null, 'MyPEAR_ErrorStack');
Controlling error generation
There are many scenarios in which fine-grained control over error raising is absolutely
necessary. A generic error handling callback means that every single error raised will be
handled in the same error callback. Although PEAR_ErrorStack is designed to operate
with independent callbacks for each package, generic error handling is possible through
the PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback() method. This is no different from
PEAR_Error's PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK error handling mode.
PEAR_ErrorStack's real strength comes from the callback itself. PEAR_Error's callback
has no actual effect on the error message - all error handling must happen in the callback
method or function itself. PEAR_ErrorStack's callback can influence the error through
the use of three constants:
PEAR_ERRORSTACK_IGNORE informs the stack to ignore the error, as if it never
occurred. The error will be neither logged, nor pushed on the stack. It will, however, be
returned from PEAR_ErrorStack::push()
PEAR_ERRORSTACK_PUSH informs the stack to push the error onto the error stack,
but not to log the error.
PEAR_ERRORSTACK_LOG informs the stack not to push the error onto the error stack,
but only to log the error.
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
require_once 'Log.php';
function somecallback($err)
} // switch
$log = &Log::factory('display');
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');
// simulate PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, with specific callback for mypackage
// every other package will only log errors, only mypackage's errors
// are pushed on the stack, conditionally
class myclass {
function acallback($err)
$stack2 = PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('anotherpackage');
$stack3 = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('thirdpackage');
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback(array('myclass', 'acallback'));
Repackaging errors from one package to another
The most obvious usage for an error callback involves a common scenario in many userlevel applications that use system-level packages. If you write a Content Management
System (CMS) with the PEAR DB package, it is usually a bad idea to display database-level
errors when a user clicks on a link to add a message to a forum. PEAR_ErrorStack can be
used to repackage this error as a MyPackage error.
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
function repackage($err)
if ($err['package'] == 'DB') {
$mystack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');
$mystack->push(MYPACKAGE_ERROR_DBDOWN, 'error', array('olderror' => $err));
// ignore the DB error, but save it in the mypackage error, for logging
Emulating the @ operator
One of the difficult-to-use strengths of PEAR_Error involves the PEAR::expectError()
method. With regular PHP errors, it is possible to silence them using the @ operator like
Emulating this behavior with PEAR_ErrorStack is simple.
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
function silence($err)
// ignore all errors
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');
PEAR_ErrorStack can take this one step further, and only log errors or only put errors
on the error stack, using the other two constants. Finally, particular errors can be singled
out, and all others ignored.
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
function silenceSome($err)
if ($err['package'] != 'somepackage') {
// ignore all errors from other packages
if ($err['code'] != SOMEPACKAGE_ERROR_THING) {
// ignore all other error codes
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');
Backwards compatibility with PEAR_Error, Forward
compatibility with PHP 5 Exception
PEAR_ErrorStack can also be programmed to automatically raise a PEAR_Error using
PEAR::raiseError(), simply pass in true to the PEAR_Error compatibility like so:
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage', false, false, true);
Backward Compatibility break
As of PEAR 1.3.2, PEAR_ErrorStack->push() no longer returns an exception class. Code
that relies on this behavior will not work
PEAR_ErrorStack will return an exception automatically in PHP 5. You can set the
exception class name that will be returned using the following code:
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage', false, null, 'PEAR_ErrorStack', false, '
constructor PEAR_ErrorStack::PEAR_ErrorStack() -- Set up a new error stack instance
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
void constructor PEAR_ErrorStack::PEAR_ErrorStack (string $package [,
callback $msgCallback = FALSE [, callback $contextCallback = FALSE [,
boolean $throwPEAR_Error = FALSE]]])
Backwards Compatibility Warning
As of PEAR 1.3.2, PEAR_ErrorStack no longer instantiates and returns an Exception
object in PHP5, and the last parameter has been removed. Code that relies upon this
behavior will break.
Creates a new private PEAR_ErrorStack. To access a universal stack, use
string $package
name of the package this error stack represents
callback $msgCallback
callback used for error message generation
callback $contextCallback
callback used for context generation, defaults to getFileLine()
boolean $throwPEAR_Error
string $exceptionClass
exception class to instantiate if in PHP 5
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessage() -- Standard error message generation callback
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
string PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessage (PEAR_ErrorStack &$stack,
array $err [, string|false$template = FALSE])
This method may also be called by a custom error message generator to fill in template
values from the params array, simply set the third parameter to the error message
template string to use
The special variable %__msg% is reserved: use it only to specify where a message passed
in by the user should be placed in the template, like so:
Error message: %msg% - internal error
If the message passed like so:
$stack->push(ERROR_CODE, 'error', array(), 'server error 500');
The returned error message will be "Error message: server error 500 - internal error"
PEAR_ErrorStack &$stack
array $err
string|false $template
Pre-generated error message template
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessageTemplate() -- Standard Error Message Template
generator from error code
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
string PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessageTemplate (mixed $code)
Standard Error Message Template generator from error code
mixed $code
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors() -- Retrieve all errors since last purge
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
array PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors ([boolean $purge = FALSE [, string|
false $level = FALSE]])
Retrieve all errors since last purge, or filter all errors and only return errors of a
particular error level, leaving the rest on the stack.
boolean $purge
set in order to empty the error stack
string $level
Level name to check for a particular severity. Use this to determine whether only a
particular class of errors has occurred, such as whether any warnings have occurred
(errors will be ignored)
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::getFileLine() -- Standard file/line number/function/class context
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
array|false PEAR_ErrorStack::getFileLine (array $code, unused $params
[, integer $backtrace = NULL])
This function uses a backtrace generated from debug_backtrace and so will not work at all
in PHP < 4.3.0. The frame should reference the frame that contains the source of the
array $code
Results of debug_backtrace()
unused $params
integer $backtrace
backtrace frame.
returns either array('file' => file, 'line' => line, 'function' => function name, 'class' =>
class name) or if this doesn't work, then false
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::getMessageCallback() -- Get an error code => error message mapping
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
array|string|false PEAR_ErrorStack::getMessageCallback ()
This method returns the current callback that can be used to generate error messages
returns Callback function/method or false if none
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors() -- Determine whether there are any errors on the stack
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
boolean PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors ([string $level = false])
Determine whether there are any errors on the stack
string $level
Level name to check for a particular severity. Use this to determine whether only a
particular class of errors has occurred, such as whether any warnings have occurred
(errors will be ignored)
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::pop() -- Pop an error off of the error stack
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
false|array PEAR_ErrorStack::pop ()
Pop an error off of the error stack
throws no exceptions thrown
since 0.4alpha it is no longer possible to specify a specific error level to return - the last
error pushed will be returned instead.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::popCallback() -- Remove a callback from the error callback stack
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
array|string|false PEAR_ErrorStack::popCallback ()
Remove a callback from the error callback stack
throws no exceptions thrown
Siehe auch
see PEAR_ErrorStack::pushCallback()
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::push() -- Add an error to the stack
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
PEAR_Error|array PEAR_ErrorStack::push (integer $code [, string $level
= 'error' [, array $params = array() [, string $msg = FALSE [, array
$repackage = FALSE [, array $backtrace = FALSE]]]]])
Backwards Compatibility Warning
As of PEAR 1.3.2, PEAR_ErrorStack no longer instantiates and returns an Exception
object in PHP5. Code that relies upon this behavior will break.
If the message generator exists, it is called with 2 parameters.
the current Error Stack object
an array that is in the same format as an error. Available indices are 'code',
'package', 'time', 'params', 'level', and 'context'
Next, if the error should contain context information, this is handled by the context
grabbing method. Finally, the error is pushed onto the proper error stack
integer $code
Package-specific error code
string $level
Error level. This is NOT spell-checked
array $params
associative array of error parameters
string $msg
Error message, or a portion of it if the message is to be generated
array $repackage
If this error re-packages an error pushed by another package, place the array
returned from pop() in this parameter
array $backtrace
Protected parameter: use this to pass in the that should be used to find error context.
returns if compatibility mode is on, a PEAR_Error is also thrown. If the class Exception
exists, then one is returned to allow code like:
throw ($stack->push(MY_ERROR_CODE, 'error', array('username' => 'grob')));
The errorData property of the exception class will be set to the array that would
normally be returned. If a PEAR_Error is returned, the userinfo property is set to the
Otherwise, an array is returned in this format:
'code' => $code,
'params' => $params,
'package' => $this->_package,
'level' => $level,
'time' => time(),
'context' => $context,
'message' => $msg,
//['repackage' => $err] repackaged error array
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::pushCallback() -- Set an error Callback If set to a valid callback, this
will be called every time an error is pushed onto the stack. The return value will be used to
determine whether to allow an error to be pushed or logged.
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
void PEAR_ErrorStack::pushCallback (string|array $cb)
The return value must be one of the PEAR_ERRORSTACK_* constants.
This functionality can be used to emulate PEAR's pushErrorHandling, and the
PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK mode, without affecting the integrity of the error stack or
string|array $cb
throws no exceptions thrown
Siehe auch
see PEAR_ErrorStack::popCallback()
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::raiseError() -- emulate PEAR::raiseError()
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
PEAR_Error PEAR_ErrorStack::raiseError ()
See PEAR::raiseError()
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::setContextCallback() -- Set a callback that generates context
information (location of error) for an error stack
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
void PEAR_ErrorStack::setContextCallback (array|string|null
This method sets the callback that can be used to generate context information for an
error. Passing in NULL will disable context generation and remove the expensive call to debug_backtrace()
mixed $contextCallback
A valid callback as defined by is_callable()
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback() -- Sets a default callback to be used by all
error stacks
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
void PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback ([array|string $callback =
This method sets the callback that can be used to generate error messages for a
array|string $callback
Callback function/method
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultLogger() -- Set up a PEAR::Log object for all error stacks
that don't have one
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
void PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultLogger (Log &$log)
Set up a PEAR::Log object for all error stacks that don't have one
Log &$log
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::setErrorMessageTemplate() -- Set the Error Message Template
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
string PEAR_ErrorStack::setErrorMessageTemplate (mixed $template)
The array format must be: array(error code => 'message template',...)
Error message parameters passed into push() will be used as input for the error
message. If the template is 'message %foo% was %bar%', and the parameters are
array('foo' => 'one', 'bar' => 'six'), the error message returned will be 'message one was
mixed $template
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::setLogger() -- Set up a PEAR::Log object for this error stack
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
void PEAR_ErrorStack::setLogger (Log &$log)
Set a PEAR::Log object to use for a specific error stack instance
Log &$log
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::setMessageCallback() -- Set an error code => error message mapping
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
void PEAR_ErrorStack::setMessageCallback (mixed $msgCallback)
This method sets the callback that can be used to generate error messages for any
PEAR_ErrorStack instance
mixed $msgCallback
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton() -- Return a single error stack for this package.
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
PEAR_ErrorStack & PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton (string $package [,
callback $msgCallback = FALSE [, callback $contextCallback = FALSE [,
boolean $throwPEAR_Error = FALSE, string [$stackClass =
Backwards Compatibility Warning
As of PEAR 1.3.2, PEAR_ErrorStack no longer instantiates and returns an Exception
object in PHP5, and the second-to-last parameter has been removed. Code that relies
upon this behavior will break.
Note that all parameters are ignored if the stack for package $package has already been
string $package
name of the package this error stack represents
callback $msgCallback
callback used for error message generation
callback $contextCallback
callback used for context generation, defaults to getFileLine()
boolean $throwPEAR_Error
If TRUE, then PEAR::raiseError() will be called and a PEAR_Error object will be
returned from calls to PEAR_ErrorStack::push()
string $stackClass
class to instantiate
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticGetErrors() -- Get a list of all errors since last purge, organized
by package
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
array PEAR_ErrorStack::staticGetErrors ([boolean $purge = FALSE [,
string|false $level = FALSE [, boolean $merge = FALSE, array
[$sortfunc = array('PEAR_ErrorStack', '_sortErrors')]]]])
Backwards Compatibility Warning
As of PEAR 1.3.2, the second parameter is a new parameter $level. Any code that
relies on $merge being the second parameter will break.
Static version of PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors() , returns all errors from all singleton
boolean $purge
Set to purge the error stack of existing errors
string $level
Level name to check for a particular severity. Use this to determine whether only a
particular class of errors has occurred, such as whether any warnings have occurred
(errors will be ignored)
boolean $merge
Set to return a flat array, not organized by package
array $sortfunc
Function used to sort a merged array - default sorts by time, and should be good for
most cases
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticHasErrors() -- Determine whether there are any errors on any
error stack
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
boolean PEAR_ErrorStack::staticHasErrors ([string|false $package =
false [, string $level = false]])
Static version of PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors(). Returns TRUE if any singleton stack
has any errors pending. Since PEAR 1.3.2, If $package is specified, it will call
PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors for the singleton error stack of that package. If level is
specified, hasErrors will ignore any errors not conforming to the error level specified. Use
this to simulate error_reporting(E_NOTICE), for example
string|FALSE $package
Package name to retrieve error information from, or false to retrieve error
information from all singleton stacks
string $level
Level name to check for a particular severity. Use this to determine whether only a
particular class of errors has occurred, such as whether any warnings have occurred
(errors will be ignored)
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPopCallback() -- Remove a callback from every error callback
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
array|string|false PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPopCallback ()
Pop a callback from every Error Stack. No check is made to determine whether this is a
good idea, so use with discretion.
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Siehe auch
see PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback()
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPush() -- Static version of push()
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
PEAR_Error|null|Exception PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPush (string
$package, integer $code [, string $level = 'error' [, array $params =
array() [, string $msg = FALSE [, array $repackage = FALSE [, array
$backtrace = FALSE]]]]])
string $package
Package name this error belongs to
integer $code
Package-specific error code
string $level
Error level. This is NOT spell-checked
array $params
associative array of error parameters
string $msg
Error message, or a portion of it if the message is to be generated
array $repackage
If this error re-packages an error pushed by another package, place the array
returned from pop() in this parameter
array $backtrace
Protected parameter: use this to pass in the debug_backtrace that should be used
to find error context
returns if compatibility mode is on, a PEAR_Error is also thrown. If the class Exception
exists, then one is returned to allow code like:
throw ($stack->push(MY_ERROR_CODE, 'error', array('username' => 'grob')));
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback() -- Set an error Callback for every package's
error stack
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
void PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback (string|array $cb)
Set an error callback for every package's singleton error stack.
string|array $cb
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Siehe auch
see PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPopCallback() , PEAR_ErrorStack::pushCallback()
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ErrorStack::_log() -- Log an error using PEAR::Log
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
void PEAR_ErrorStack::_log (array $err [, array $levels = array(
'exception' => PEAR_LOG_CRIT, 'alert' => PEAR_LOG_ALERT, 'critical' =>
PEAR_LOG_CRIT, 'error' => PEAR_LOG_ERR, 'warning' => PEAR_LOG_WARNING,
'notice' => PEAR_LOG_NOTICE, 'info' => PEAR_LOG_INFO, 'debug' =>
This is a protected function, and should only be called by child classes that extend
array $err
Error array
array $levels
Error level => Log constant map
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Package PEAR_ErrorStack Constants
Package PEAR_ErrorStack Constants -- Constants defined in and used by
All Constants
Constants defined in ErrorStack.php
Tabelle 26-1. Constants defined in ErrorStack.php
Value Line Number
Introduction -- General usage informations
System::rm -- remove files
System::mkDir -- create directories
System::&cat -- concatenate files
System::mktemp -- Create temporary files or directories
System::tmpdir -- Get path of temporal directory
System::which -- show full path of a command
Commandline functions
System provides an API for cross platform compatible commandline programs.
Introduction -- General usage informations
Command line style
The System functions are called like there commandline pendants
if (!System::rm('-r file1 dir1')) {
print "Could not delete all the files";
The arguments of the functions can be introduced as string or array:
System::rm(array('-r', 'file1', 'dir1'));
System works like any other PHP function and will return FALSE, when the operation could
no be completed enterely or partially. System won't stop when a error is found, it will try
to continue. For example, if you are trying to delete three files and the first one can't be
deleted, the next two files will be deleted but the function will return FALSE.
Errors will be printed out using the PHP function trigger_error()() so all the System
methods can be silenced prefix a '@' sign before the function call (for example:
@System::mkdir('-p dir1/dir2/dir3');).
System provides file system functions. They are named like the file system commands on
Unix systems and supports the same options independent of your operation system.
At the moment the functions are tested under Linux and Windows. Further reports about
compatibility on other systems are welcome.
In earlier versions of PHP 4, unlink() may fail on Windows. This bug is already fixed in
up-to-date versions.
Man Pages
This manual describes the parameters of the System functions, most only a string. The
arguments and options of the specific command are not documented in the manual. Please
take a look on the man-pages on unix-like systems
man commandname
or when man-pages not avaible on your system, visit the On-line UNIX manual pages
System::rm -- remove files
require_once "System.php";
mixed System::rm (string $args)
The rm command for removing files. Supports multiple files and dirs and also recursive
string $args - the arguments for rm
mixed - TRUE for success
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
rm man page
System::mkDir -- create directories
require_once "System.php";
bool System::mkDir (string $args)
Creates directories.
string $args - the name of the directory/-ies to create
bool - TRUE for success
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
mkdir man page
System::&cat -- concatenate files
require_once "System.php";
boolean System::&cat (string $args)
Concatenate files. The method uses fopen(), URLs should work too.
string $args - the arguments
boolean - TRUE on success
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
cat man page
Beispiel 26-1. Using &cat()
$var = System::cat('sample.txt test.txt');
System::cat('sample.txt test.txt > final.txt');
System::cat('sample.txt test.txt >> final.txt');
System::mktemp -- Create temporary files or directories
require_once "System.php";
mixed System::mktemp ([string $args = NULL])
Creates temporary files or directories. This function will remove the created files when
the scripts finish its execution.
string $args - The arguments
prefix - The string that will be prepended to the temp name (defaults to
-d - A temporary dir will be created instead of a file.
-t - The target dir where the temporary file or directory will be created. If
this parameter is missing, by default the enviroment vars TMP on Windows or
TMPDIR on Unix will be used. If these vars are also missing
c:\windows\temp or /tmp will be used.
mixed - the full path of the created file or dir, or FALSE
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
mktemp man page
Beispiel 26-1. Using mktemp()
$tempfile = System::mktemp("prefix");
$tempdir = System::mktemp("-d prefix");
$tempfile = System::mktemp();
$tempfile = System::mktemp("-t /var/tmp prefix");
System::tmpdir -- Get path of temporal directory
require_once "System.php";
string System::tmpdir ()
Get the path of the temporal directory set in the system by looking in its environments
string - The temporal directory on the system
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
php.ini-recommended removes the E from the variables_order setting, making unavaible
the $_ENV array
Siehe auch
tmpdir man page
System::which -- show full path of a command
require_once "System.php";
mixed System::which (string $program [, boolean $fallback = FALSE])
The command shows the full path of a command.
string $program - the command to search for
boolean $fallback - value to return in case of program not found
mixed - A string with the full path or FALSE if not found
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
which man page
Kapitel 27. PEAR Installer classes
The PEAR Installer classes provides an API for the administration and management of
PEAR Packages.
Documentation is not fully up-to-date with PEAR version 1.4.0.
PEAR_Autoloader::addAggregateObject() -- Add an aggregate object to object.
PEAR_Autoloader::addAutoload() -- Add one or more autoload entries
PEAR_Autoloader::removeAggregateObject() -- Remove an aggregate object
PEAR_Autoloader::removeAutoload() -- Remove an autoload entry
PEAR_Autoloader::__call() -- Overloaded object call handler
This class is for objects where you want to separate the code for some methods into
separate classes. This is useful if you have a class with not-frequently-used methods that
contain lots of code that you would like to avoid always parsing.
Class Trees for PEAR_Autoloader
PEAR_Autoloader::addAggregateObject() -- Add an aggregate object to object.
require_once 'PEAR/autoloader.php';
void PEAR_Autoloader::addAggregateObject (string $classname)
Add an aggregate object to this object. If the specified class is not defined, loading it
will be attempted following PEAR's file naming scheme. All the methods in the class will be
aggregated, except private ones (name starting with an underscore) and constructors.
string $classname
what class to instantiate for the object.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Autoloader::addAutoload() -- Add one or more autoload entries
require_once 'PEAR/autoloader.php';
void PEAR_Autoloader::addAutoload (string $method, string
''[$classname = NULL])
Add one or more autoload entries.
string $method
which method to autoload
string $classname
which class to find the method in. If the $method parameter is an array, this
parameter may be omitted (and will be ignored if not), and the $method parameter
will be treated as an associative array with method names as keys and class names as
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Autoloader::removeAggregateObject() -- Remove an aggregate object
require_once 'PEAR/autoloader.php';
bool PEAR_Autoloader::removeAggregateObject (string $classname)
Remove an aggregate object.
string $classname
the class of the object to remove
bool Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler FALSE.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Autoloader::removeAutoload() -- Remove an autoload entry
require_once 'autoloader.php';
bool PEAR_Autoloader::removeAutoload (string $method)
Remove an autoload entry.
string $method
which method to remove the autoload entry for
bool Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler FALSE.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Autoloader::__call() -- Overloaded object call handler
require_once 'PEAR/autoloader.php';
mixed PEAR_Autoloader::__call (string $method, string $args, mixed
Overloaded object call handler, called each time an undefined/aggregated method is
invoked. This method repeats the call in the right aggregate object and passes on the
return value.
string $method
which method that was called
string $args
An array of the parameters passed in the original call
mixed &$retval
mixed - The return value from the aggregated method, or a PEAR_Error if the called
method was unknown.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Builder::PEAR_Builder() -- constructor
PEAR_Builder::build() -- Build an extension from source
PEAR_Builder::log() -PEAR_Builder::phpizeCallback() -- Message callback function when running phpize
Class to handle building (compiling) extensions.
Class Trees for PEAR_Builder
PEAR_Builder::PEAR_Builder() -- constructor
require_once 'PEAR/builder.php';
void PEAR_Builder::PEAR_Builder (object &$ui)
PEAR_Builder constructor
object &$ui
user interface object (instance of PEAR_Frontend_*)
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Builder::build() -- Build an extension from source
require_once 'PEAR/builder.php';
array PEAR_Builder::build (string $descfile [, mixed $callback =
Build an extension from source. Runs phpize in the source directory, but compiles in a
temporary directory (/var/tmp/pear-build-USER/PACKAGE-VERSION).
string $descfile
path to XML package description file
mixed $callback
callback function used to report output
array - an array of associative arrays with built files, format:
array( array( 'file' => '/path/to/',
'php_api' => YYYYMMDD,
'zend_mod_api' => YYYYMMDD,
'zend_ext_api' =>; YYYYMMDD ),
... )
Siehe auch
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Builder::log() --
require_once 'PEAR/builder.php';
void PEAR_Builder::log (mixed $level, mixed $msg)
Dieses Package ist noch nicht dokumentiert.
mixed $level
mixed $msg
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Builder::phpizeCallback() -- Message callback function when running phpize
require_once 'PEAR/builder.php';
void PEAR_Builder::phpizeCallback (string $what, mixed $data)
Message callback function used when running the phpize program. Extracts the API
numbers used. Ignores other message types than „cmdoutput“.
string $what
the type of message
mixed $data
the message
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Class Summary PEAR_ChannelFile -- The Channel handling class
constructor PEAR_ChannelFile::PEAR_ChannelFile() -- PEAR_ChannelFile
PEAR_ChannelFile::addFunction() -- Add a protocol to the provides section
PEAR_ChannelFile::addMirror() -- addMirror
PEAR_ChannelFile::addMirrorFunction() -- Add a protocol to a mirror's provides section
PEAR_ChannelFile::fromAny() -- Returns channel information from different sources
PEAR_ChannelFile::fromArray() -- fromArray
PEAR_ChannelFile::fromXmlFile() -- Parse a channel.xml file. Expects the name of a
channel xml file as input.
PEAR_ChannelFile::fromXmlString() -- fromXmlString
PEAR_ChannelFile::getAlias() -- Return the suggested alias users can use to refer to this
channel on the command-line.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getBaseURL() -- Get the URL to access a base resource.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getErrors() -- Wrapper to PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors()
PEAR_ChannelFile::getFunction() -- getFunction
PEAR_ChannelFile::getFunctions() -- Retrieve a list of all xmlrpc/soap functions
PEAR_ChannelFile::getMirror() -- Get the unserialized XML representing a mirror
PEAR_ChannelFile::getMirrors() -- Retrieve a list of all mirrors and their contents
PEAR_ChannelFile::getName() -- retrieve the channel name
PEAR_ChannelFile::getPath() -- getPath
PEAR_ChannelFile::getPort() -- retrieve the socket port used to connect to the server
PEAR_ChannelFile::getServer() -- Retrieve the channel server
PEAR_ChannelFile::getSSL() -- get SSL support for a channel or mirror
PEAR_ChannelFile::getSummary() -- Get channel summary
PEAR_ChannelFile::getValidationObject() -- Retrieve the object that can be used for
custom validation
PEAR_ChannelFile::getValidationPackage() -- Retrieve the name of the validation package
for this channel
PEAR_ChannelFile::isIncludeable() -- Determine whether a file exists in the include_path
and is readable
PEAR_ChannelFile::lastModified() -- This function is used by the channel updater and
retrieves a value set by the registry, or the current time if it has not been set
PEAR_ChannelFile::resetFunctions() -- Empty all protocol definitions
PEAR_ChannelFile::resetREST() -- Since REST does not implement RPC, provide this as a
logical wrapper around resetFunctions for REST
PEAR_ChannelFile::setAlias() -- Set the channel alias
PEAR_ChannelFile::setBaseURL() -- set the base URL for a REST resource, or set of
REST resources
PEAR_ChannelFile::setDefaultPEARProtocols() -- Set a channel's protocols to the
protocols supported by pearweb
PEAR_ChannelFile::setName() -- setName
PEAR_ChannelFile::setPath() -- Set the file path for xmlrpc or soap
PEAR_ChannelFile::setPort() -- Set the socket number (port) that is used to connect to
this channel
PEAR_ChannelFile::setServer() -- set the Channel server
PEAR_ChannelFile::setSSL() -- Sets whether SSL is used to connect to this channel
PEAR_ChannelFile::setSummary() -- set the summary of a channel's purpose
PEAR_ChannelFile::setValidationPackage() -- Set the package validation object if it
differs from PEAR's default.
PEAR_ChannelFile::supports() -- determines whether a webservices function is supported
by a channel
PEAR_ChannelFile::supportsREST() -- Determines whether a channel supports any
Representational State Transfer (REST) resources
PEAR_ChannelFile::toArray() -- return the channel representation in array format
PEAR_ChannelFile::toXml() -- Return an XML document based on the internal
representation of this channel
PEAR_ChannelFile::validate() -- Validate channel information.
PEAR_ChannelFile::validChannelServer() -- Test whether a string contains a valid channel
Package PEAR Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR
Class Summary PEAR_ChannelFile
Class Summary PEAR_ChannelFile -- The Channel handling class
The Channel handling class
Represents channel.xml
Class Trees for PEAR_ChannelFile
constructor PEAR_ChannelFile::PEAR_ChannelFile() -- PEAR_ChannelFile
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
void constructor PEAR_ChannelFile::PEAR_ChannelFile ()
Simply creates the local error stack for the PEAR_ChannelFile object.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::addFunction() -- Add a protocol to the provides section
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
bool PEAR_ChannelFile::addFunction (string $type, string $version,
string [$name = ''], string [$mirror = false])
Adds a supported xml-rpc or SOAP function to a channel definition file. The type should
be xmlrpc or soap in lower-cased letters. No validation is performed on insert. For
require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php';
$chan = new PEAR_ChannelFile;
$chan->setSummary('demonstrate addFunction');
$chan->addFunction('xmlrpc', '1.0', 'people.list');
$chan->addFunction('oops', '1.0', 'bad.type');
The oops protocol will be successfully created, but will fail upon validation.
Adding a function to a mirror simply validated to ensure that the mirror already exists.
require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php';
$chan = new PEAR_ChannelFile;
$chan->setSummary('demonstrate addFunction');
// fails: mirror not found
$chan->addFunction('soap', '1.0', 'people.list', '');
// succeeds
$chan->addFunction('soap', '1.0', 'people.list', '');
string $type
protocol type
string $version
protocol version
string $name
protocol name, if any
string $mirror
mirror name, if this is a mirror's protocol
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::addMirror() -- addMirror
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
boolean PEAR_ChannelFile::addMirror (string $server, int [$port =
Add a mirror server. Note that mirrors must be added to a channel.xml in order for
users to use them. Unofficial mirrors are not allowed without user intervention.
string $server
mirror server
integer $port
mirror http port
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::addMirrorFunction() -- Add a protocol to a mirror's provides section
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
bool PEAR_ChannelFile::addMirrorFunction (string $mirror, string
$type, string $version, string [$name = ''])
This is a direct way to add a xmlrpc or soap function to a mirror. See docs for
string $mirror
mirror name (server)
string $type
protocol type
string $version
protocol version
string $name
protocol name, if any
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::fromAny() -- Returns channel information from different sources
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
bool PEAR_ChannelFile::fromAny (string $info)
Parse data from either a string or a channel.xml file.
string $info
Filename of the source, or the source itself
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::fromArray() -- fromArray
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
PEAR_ChannelFile |false PEAR_ChannelFile::fromArray (array $data,
mixed [$compatibility = FALSE], mixed [$stackClass =
Use this method with caution. This is intended to allow easy import of a pre-parsed
channel.xml from another PEAR_ChannelFile class. It also makes possible the registry
storage of channel.xml.
array $data
The pre-parsed channel data
mixed $compatibility
mixed $stackClass
returns false if invalid
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_ChannelFile::fromXmlFile() -- Parse a channel.xml file. Expects the name of a
channel xml file as input.
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
bool PEAR_ChannelFile::fromXmlFile (string $descfile)
Parse the contents of a channel.xml and store in the current PEAR_ChannelFile object.
string $descfile
name of channel xml file
returns success of parsing
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::fromXmlString() -- fromXmlString
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
bool PEAR_ChannelFile::fromXmlString (string $data)
Parse the contents of a channel.xml and store in the current PEAR_ChannelFile object.
string $data
contents of package.xml file
returns success of parsing
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getAlias() -- Return the suggested alias users can use to refer to this
channel on the command-line.
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string PEAR_ChannelFile::getAlias ()
This returns the channel alias. For instance, channel's alias is pear,
channel's alias is pecl.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getBaseURL() -- Get the URL to access a base resource.
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string PEAR_ChannelFile::getBaseURL (string $resourceType, string|
false [$mirror = FALSE])
Hyperlinks in the returned xml will be used to retrieve the proper information needed.
This allows extreme extensibility and flexibility in implementation
string $resourceType
Resource Type to retrieve
mixed $mirror
Mirror name, or false for primary server.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getErrors() -- Wrapper to PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors()
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
array PEAR_ChannelFile::getErrors (boolean [$purge = FALSE])
Retrieve any errors from the last validation attempt.
boolean $purge
determines whether to purge the error stack after retrieving
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getFunction() -- getFunction
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
array PEAR_ChannelFile::getFunction (string $type, string [$name =
NULL], string [$mirror = FALSE])
Retrieve the xml representation of a function. If found, the array is of format:
'_content' => 'functionname',
'attribs' => array('version' => 'version.number')
string $type
Protocol type
string $name
Function name (NULL to return the first protocol of the type requested)
string $mirror
Mirror name, if any
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getFunctions() -- Retrieve a list of all xmlrpc/soap functions
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
array|false PEAR_ChannelFile::getFunctions (string $protocol, string
[$mirror = FALSE])
This retrieves an array of all defined xmlrpc and soap functions. Use getBaseURL() to
access rest base URLs.
The format of each function is the same as is returned by getFunction()
string $protocol
protocol type (xmlrpc, soap)
string $mirror
Mirror name
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getMirror() -- Get the unserialized XML representing a mirror
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
array|false PEAR_ChannelFile::getMirror (mixed $server)
This returns the entire contents of the <mirror> tag as unserialized by the parser.
mixed $server
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getMirrors() -- Retrieve a list of all mirrors and their contents
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
array PEAR_ChannelFile::getMirrors ()
This returns an array of mirror information in the format defined by getMirror()
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getName() -- retrieve the channel name
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string|false PEAR_ChannelFile::getName ()
Note that the channel name is the channel server.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getPath() -- getPath
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string PEAR_ChannelFile::getPath (string $protocol, string|false
[$mirror = FALSE])
Retrieve the relative path to access the protocol desired. If the channel is named and xmlrpc is accessed at then path will
be xml/rpc.
string $protocol
xmlrpc or soap
string|FALSE $mirror
mirror name or FALSE for primary server
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getPort() -- retrieve the socket port used to connect to the server
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
int|80 PEAR_ChannelFile::getPort (mixed [$mirror = FALSE])
web services are served through http servers, and so most servers use port 80. This
function can be used to determine if a non-standard port is in use at a channel.
mixed $mirror
Mirror name or FALSE for primary server
returns port number to connect to
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getServer() -- Retrieve the channel server
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string|false PEAR_ChannelFile::getServer ()
This is an alias for getName().
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getSSL() -- get SSL support for a channel or mirror
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
bool PEAR_ChannelFile::getSSL (mixed [$mirror = FALSE])
This function can be used to determine whether a channel or mirror requires a secure
connection through SSL in order to access the packages.
string|FALSE $mirror
Mirror name or false for primary server
returns Determines whether secure sockets layer (SSL) is used to connect to this
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getSummary() -- Get channel summary
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string|false PEAR_ChannelFile::getSummary ()
Return the brief description of a channel's purpose.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getValidationObject() -- Retrieve the object that can be used for
custom validation
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
PEAR_Validate|false & PEAR_ChannelFile::getValidationObject (string|
false [$package = FALSE])
Retrieve the channel validation object. The package parameter is intended to notify
getValidationObject() of the package to be validated. If the package is in fact the channel
validation package, then PEAR_Validate will be used for validation. This prevents an
endless loop that would otherwise occur.
string|FALSE $package
The name of the package to validate. If the package is the channel validation
package, PEAR_Validate is returned.
returns false is returned if the validation package cannot be located
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::getValidationPackage() -- Retrieve the name of the validation package
for this channel
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string|false PEAR_ChannelFile::getValidationPackage ()
Retrieve the name of the channel's validation package as defined in channel.xml
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::isIncludeable() -- Determine whether a file exists in the include_path
and is readable
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
bool PEAR_ChannelFile::isIncludeable (string $path)
Determine whether a file exists in the include_path and is readable
string $path
Relative path to file.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::lastModified() -- This function is used by the channel updater and
retrieves a value set by the registry, or the current time if it has not been set
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string PEAR_ChannelFile::lastModified ()
\ This method is used by the channel-update command in order to determine whether
the local copy of channel.xml is up-to-date.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::resetFunctions() -- Empty all protocol definitions
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
void PEAR_ChannelFile::resetFunctions (string $type, string|false
[$mirror = FALSE])
Clear all functions defined in the channel.xml, in order to start adding a new list.
string $type
protocol type (xmlrpc, soap)
string|FALSE $mirror
mirror name, if any
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::resetREST() -- Since REST does not implement RPC, provide this as a
logical wrapper around resetFunctions for REST
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
void PEAR_ChannelFile::resetREST (string|false [$mirror = FALSE])
Similar to resetFunctions(), resetREST() removes all REST base URLs in order to start
adding new REST functions to a channel.
string|FALSE $mirror
mirror name, if any
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setAlias() -- Set the channel alias
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
boolean PEAR_ChannelFile::setAlias (string $alias, boolean [$local =
Set the suggested alias that users can use on the command-line as a shortcut access to
this channel. For instance, channel's alias is pear.
string $alias
The alias
boolean $local
determines whether the alias is in channel.xml or local. If local, then this is the
result of a pear channel-alias command.
returns success
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setBaseURL() -- set the base URL for a REST resource, or set of
REST resources
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
void PEAR_ChannelFile::setBaseURL (string $resourceType, string $url,
string|false [$mirror = FALSE])
Set the base URL that users should use to access a REST resource or set of REST
string $resourceType
Resource Type this url links to
string $url
string|FALSE $mirror
mirror name, if this is not a primary server REST base URL
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setDefaultPEARProtocols() -- Set a channel's protocols to the
protocols supported by pearweb
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
void PEAR_ChannelFile::setDefaultPEARProtocols (string [$version =
'1.0'], string|false [$mirror = FALSE])
This method sets up a channel's xmlrpc protocols to match that of pearweb
( Note that it does not configure REST resources, that must be done
manually through setBaseURL().
string $version
version of pearweb protocols to use.
string|FALSE $mirror
Mirror name or false for primary server.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setName() -- setName
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string|false PEAR_ChannelFile::setName (string $name)
Set the primary server (and name) of the channel.
string $name
Channel name.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setPath() -- Set the file path for xmlrpc or soap
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
void PEAR_ChannelFile::setPath (string $protocol, string|false $path,
string|false [$mirror = FALSE])
Set the relative location to the channel that should be used to connect to the selected
protocol. Defaults are xmlrpc.php for xml-rpc and soap.php for SOAP.
string $protocol
xmlrpc or soap
string|FALSE $path
name of the mirror server, or FALSE for the primary
string|FALSE $mirror
Mirror name or false for primary server.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setPort() -- Set the socket number (port) that is used to connect to
this channel
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
void PEAR_ChannelFile::setPort (integer $port, string|false [$mirror
As web services connect to channels through web servers, this can be used to set the
port that should be used to connect. Default is 80 for regular webservers, and 443 for
SSL secure servers.
integer $port
port number
string|FALSE $mirror
name of the mirror server, or FALSE for the primary server
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setServer() -- set the Channel server
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string|false PEAR_ChannelFile::setServer (string $server, string|
false [$mirror = FALSE])
This is an alias to setName().
string $server
Server name
string|FALSE $mirror
Mirror server name or FALSE for primary server.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setSSL() -- Sets whether SSL is used to connect to this channel
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
void PEAR_ChannelFile::setSSL (bool [$ssl = TRUE], string|false
[$mirror = FALSE])
This function is used to inform the PEAR installer to use SSL when connecting to this
channel server.
boolean $ssl
Determines whether to turn on SSL support or turn it off
string|FALSE $mirror
name of the mirror server, or FALSE for the primary server
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setSummary() -- set the summary of a channel's purpose
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
boolean PEAR_ChannelFile::setSummary (string $summary)
This sets a human-readable description of a channel's purpose.
string $summary
The channel summary
returns success
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::setValidationPackage() -- Set the package validation object if it
differs from PEAR's default.
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
boolean PEAR_ChannelFile::setValidationPackage (string|false
$validateclass, string $version)
The class must be either in memory (PEAR_Validate or PEAR_Validate_PECL) or be
available for include_once() via a simple formula: Transform the underscores (_) into
directory separators (/), append .php and include.
A validation class named Foo_Bar_Baz should be available for inclusion via this code:
include_once 'Foo/Bar/Baz.php';
In addition, the validation package must be available for installation from the channel
with the version number to install specified by the $version parameter.
string|FALSE $validateclass
pass in FALSE to reset to the default packagename regex
string $version
The package version that must be installed for this channel to validate properly.
returns success
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::supports() -- determines whether a webservices function is supported
by a channel
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
boolean PEAR_ChannelFile::supports (string $type, string [$name =
NULL], string|false [$mirror = FALSE], string [$version = '1.0'])
This is used in the installer to determine whether a protocol is supported before
attempting to connect to a remote server and invoke the function needed.
string $type
protocol type (xmlrpc or soap)
string $name
function name (like
string|FALSE $mirror
Mirror server name or FALSE for primary server
string $version
function version
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::supportsREST() -- Determines whether a channel supports any
Representational State Transfer (REST) resources
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
bool PEAR_ChannelFile::supportsREST (string [$mirror = FALSE])
This does not check to see which REST resources are supported, use getBaseURL() to
check specific REST resource or resource group support.
string|FALSE $mirror
Mirror server name or FALSE for the primary server.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::toArray() -- return the channel representation in array format
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
array PEAR_ChannelFile::toArray ()
This function should not be used to directly manipulate data, but instead as a means to
serialize and transport the data in a more efficient manner than as the original xml.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::toXml() -- Return an XML document based on the internal
representation of this channel
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
string PEAR_ChannelFile::toXml ()
This should be used to generate a channel.xml based on the data stored in the
PEAR_ChannelFile class.
returns XML data
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::validate() -- Validate channel information.
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
boolean PEAR_ChannelFile::validate ()
Specific errors can be retrieved post-validation with the getErrors() method. Errors are
stored by the PEAR_ErrorStack class, more information on the format of the array can
be found in the documentation for PEAR_ErrorStack.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_ChannelFile::validChannelServer() -- Test whether a string contains a valid channel
require_once '/ChannelFile.php';
bool PEAR_ChannelFile::validChannelServer (string $server)
determines whether a channel server is a valid servername.
string $server
Server name. May contain subpaths as in
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
Package PEAR Constants
Package PEAR Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR
All Constants
Constants defined in ChannelFile.php
Tabelle 27-1. Error Constants defined in ChannelFile.php
Value Line Number
Value Line Number
PEAR_Command::factory() -- get object for executing a command.
PEAR_Command::getCommands() -- get list of currently supported commands
PEAR_Command::getDescription() -- get description for a command
PEAR_Command::getGetoptArgs() -- compiles arguments for getopt
PEAR_Command::getHelp() -- get help for command
PEAR_Command::getShortcuts() -- get list of command shortcuts.
PEAR_Command::registerCommands() -- scan the command directory
PEAR command class, a simple factory class for administrative commands.
PEAR_Command::factory() -- get object for executing a command.
require_once 'PEAR/command.php';
object PEAR_Command::factory (string $command, object &$config)
Get the right object for executing a command.
string $command
The name of the command
object &$config
Instance of PEAR_Config object
object the command object
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Command::getCommands() -- get list of currently supported commands
require_once 'PEAR/command.php';
array PEAR_Command::getCommands (void)
Get the list of currently supported commands, and what classes implement them.
array command => implementing class
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Command::getDescription() -- get description for a command
require_once 'PEAR/command.php';
string PEAR_Command::getDescription (string $command)
Get description for a command.
string $command
Name of the command
string command description
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Command::getGetoptArgs() -- compiles arguments for getopt
require_once 'PEAR/command.php';
void PEAR_Command::getGetoptArgs (string $command, string
&$short_args, array &$long_args)
Compiles arguments for getopt.
string $command
command to get optstring for
string &$short_args
(reference) short getopt format
array &$long_args
(reference) long getopt format
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Command::getHelp() -- get help for command
require_once 'PEAR/command.php';
string PEAR_Command::getHelp (string $command)
Get help for command.
string $command
Name of the command to return help for
string help text
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Command::getShortcuts() -- get list of command shortcuts.
require_once 'PEAR/command.php';
array PEAR_Command::getShortcuts (void)
Get the list of command shortcuts.
array shortcut => command
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Command::registerCommands() -- scan the command directory
require_once 'PEAR/command.php';
bool PEAR_Command::registerCommands ([bool $merge = FALSE [, string
$dir = NULL]])
Scan through the Command directory looking for classes and see what commands they
boolean $merge
if FALSE (default), the new list of commands should replace the current one. If
TRUE, new entries will be merged with old.
string $dir
where (what directory) to look for classes, defaults to the Command subdirectory
of the directory from where this file (__FILE__) is included.
bool TRUE on success
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Common::PEAR_Common() -- PEAR_Common constructor
PEAR_Common::addTempFile() -- register a temporary file or directory
PEAR_Common::analyzeSourceCode() -- analyze the source code of the given PHP file
PEAR_Common::buildProvidesArray() -- Build a array
PEAR_Common::downloadHttp() -- Download a file through HTTP
PEAR_Common::infoFromAny() -- Returns package information from different sources
PEAR_Common::infoFromDescriptionFile() -- Returns information about a package file
PEAR_Common::infoFromString() -- Returns information about a package file
PEAR_Common::infoFromTgzFile() -- Returns information about a package file
PEAR_Common::log() -- Logging method
PEAR_Common::mkDirHier() -- Create a directory and necessary parent directories
PEAR_Common::mkTempDir() -- Create and register a temporary directory.
PEAR_Common::setFrontendObject() -- Set object representing frontend to use.
PEAR_Common::validatePackageInfo() -- Validate XML package definition file
PEAR_Common::validPackageName() -- Test whether a string is a valid package name
PEAR_Common::xmlFromInfo() -- Return an XML document based on the package info
Class providing common functionality for PEAR administration classes.
Class Trees for PEAR_Common()
PEAR_Common::PEAR_Common() -- PEAR_Common constructor
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
void PEAR_Common::PEAR_Common (void)
PEAR_Common constructor
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::addTempFile() -- register a temporary file or directory
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
void PEAR_Common::addTempFile (string $file)
Register a temporary file or directory. When the destructor is executed, all registered
temporary files and directories are removed.
string $file
name of file or directory
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::analyzeSourceCode() -- analyze the source code of the given PHP file
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
array PEAR_Common::analyzeSourceCode (string $file)
Analyze the source code of the given PHP file
string $file
Filename of the PHP file
array - hash list of declared_classes, declared_methods, declared_functions
and used_classes
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::buildProvidesArray() -- Build a array
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
void PEAR_Common::buildProvidesArray (array $srcinfo)
Build a "provides" array from data returned by analyzeSourceCode(). The format of the
built array is like this:
'class;MyClass' =>
'type' => 'class',
'name' => 'MyClass'
array $srcinfo
array with information about a source file as returned by the analyzeSourceCode()
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::downloadHttp() -- Download a file through HTTP
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
string PEAR_Common::downloadHttp (string $url, object &$ui [, string
$save_dir = '.' [, mixed $callback = NULL]])
Download a file through HTTP. Considers suggested file name in Content-disposition:
header and can run a callback function for different events. The callback will be called
with two parameters: the callback type, and parameters. The implemented callback types
'setup' - called at the very beginning, parameter is a UI object that should be
used for all output
'message' - the parameter is a string with an informational message
'saveas' - may be used to save with a different file name, the parameter is the
filename that is about to be used. If a 'saveas' callback returns a non-empty
string, that file name will be used as the filename instead. Note that $save_dir will
not be affected by this, only the basename of the file.
'start' - download is starting, parameter is number of bytes that are expected,
or -1 if unknown
'bytesread' - parameter is the number of bytes read so far
'done' - download is complete, parameter is the total number of bytes read
'connfailed' - if the TCP connection fails, this callback is called with
'writefailed' - if writing to disk fails, this callback is called with
If an HTTP proxy has been configured (http_proxy PEAR_Config setting), the proxy will
be used.
string $url
the URL to download
object &$ui
PEAR_Frontend_* instance
string $save_dir
directory to save file in
mixed $callback
function/method to call for status updates
object $config
PEAR_Config instance
string - Returns the full path of the downloaded file or a PEAR error on failure. If the
error is caused by socket-related errors, the error object will have the fsockopen error
code available through getCode().
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::infoFromAny() -- Returns package information from different sources
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
string PEAR_Common::infoFromAny (string $info)
Returns package information from different sources. This method is able to extract
information about a package from a .tgz archive or from a XML package definition file.
string $info
Filename of the source ('package.xml', '<package>.tgz')
string - Package information
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::infoFromDescriptionFile() -- Returns information about a package file
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
array PEAR_Common::infoFromDescriptionFile (string $descfile)
Returns information about a package file. Expects the name of a package xml file as
string $descfile
name of package xml file
array - array with package information
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::infoFromString() -- Returns information about a package file
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
array PEAR_Common::infoFromString (string $data)
Returns information about a package file. Expects the contents of a package xml file as
string $data
content of package xml file
array - array with package information
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::infoFromTgzFile() -- Returns information about a package file
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
array PEAR_Common::infoFromTgzFile (string $file)
Returns information about a package file. Expects the name of a gzipped tar file as input.
string $file
name of .tgz file
array - array with package information
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::log() -- Logging method
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
void PEAR_Common::log (int $level, string $msg)
Logging method.
integer $level
log level (0 is quiet, higher is noisier)
string $msg
message to write to the log
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::mkDirHier() -- Create a directory and necessary parent directories
require_once 'common.php';
bool PEAR_Common::mkDirHier (string $dir)
Wrapper to System::mkDir(), creates a directory as well as any necessary parent
string $dir
directory name
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler ein Objekt der Klasse PEAR_Error.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::mkTempDir() -- Create and register a temporary directory.
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
string PEAR_Common::mkTempDir (string [$tmpdir = ''])
Create and register a temporary directory.
string $tmpdir
Directory to use as tmpdir. Will use system defaults (for example /tmp or
c:\windows\temp) if not specified.
string name of created directory
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::setFrontendObject() -- Set object representing frontend to use.
require_once 'common.php';
void PEAR_Common::setFrontendObject (object &$ui)
Set object that represents the frontend to be used.
object $ui
Reference of the frontend object
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::validatePackageInfo() -- Validate XML package definition file
require_once 'common.php';
boolean PEAR_Common::validatePackageInfo (string $info, array
&$errors, array &$warnings [, string $dir_prefix = ''])
Validate XML package definition file.
string $info
Filename of the package archive or of the package definition file
array $errors
Array that will contain the errors
array $warnings
Array that will contain the warnings
string $dir_prefix
directory where source files may be found, or empty if they are not available
bool - TRUE if valid
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::validPackageName() -- Test whether a string is a valid package name
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
bool PEAR_Common::validPackageName (string $name)
Test whether a string contains a valid package name.
string $name
the package name to test
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler FALSE.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Common::xmlFromInfo() -- Return an XML document based on the package info
require_once 'PEAR/common.php';
string PEAR_Common::xmlFromInfo (array $pkginfo)
Return an XML document based on the package info (as returned by the
PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods).
array $pkginfo
package info
string - XML data
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::PEAR_Config() -- Constructor
PEAR_Config::apiVersion() -- return API version (1.1 as of PEAR 1.4.0
PEAR_Config::definedBy() -- Tells what config layer that gets to define a key
PEAR_Config::deleteChannel() -- deleteChannel
PEAR_Config::get() -- Returns a configuration value
PEAR_Config::getConfFile() -- Gets the file used for storing the config for a layer
PEAR_Config::getDefaultChannel() -- Retrieve the default channel.
PEAR_Config::getDocs() -- Get the documentation for a config value
PEAR_Config::getFTP() -- The ftp server is set in readFTPConfigFile(). It exists only if a
remote configuration file has been specified
PEAR_Config::getGroup() -- Get the parameter group for a config key
PEAR_Config::getGroupKeys() -- Get the list of the parameters in a group
PEAR_Config::getGroups() -- Get the list of parameter groups
PEAR_Config::getKeys() -- Get all the current config keys
PEAR_Config::getLayers() -- Returns the layers defined
PEAR_Config::getPrompt() -- Get short documentation for a config value
PEAR_Config::getRegistry() -- getRegistry
PEAR_Config::getRemote() -- getRemote
PEAR_Config::getREST() -- getREST
PEAR_Config::getSetValues() -- Get the list of allowed set values for a config value
PEAR_Config::getType() -- Get the type of a config value
PEAR_Config::isDefined() -- Tells whether a key exists as config value
PEAR_Config::isDefinedLayer() -- Tells whether a config layer exists
PEAR_Config::mergeConfigFile() -- Merges data into a config layer from a file
PEAR_Config::noRegistry() -- noRegistry
PEAR_Config::readConfigFile() -- Reads configuration data from a file
PEAR_Config::readFTPConfigFile() -- readFTPConfigFile
PEAR_Config::remove() -- Remove a config key from a config layer
PEAR_Config::removeLayer() -- Temporarily remove an entire config layer
PEAR_Config::set() -- Set config value in specific layer
PEAR_Config::setChannels() -- Set the list of channels.
PEAR_Config::setInstallRoot() -- setInstallRoot
PEAR_Config::setRegistry() -- This is to allow customization like the use of installroot
PEAR_Config::singleton() -- Return a reference of a PEAR_Config object
PEAR_Config::store() -- Stores configuration data in a layer
PEAR_Config::toDefault() -- Revert value of config key to the system-defined one
PEAR_Config::validConfiguration() -- Determine whether any configuration files have been
detected, and whether a registry object can be retrieved from this configuration.
PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile() -- Write data into config layer from file
Class Trees for PEAR_Config()
PEAR_Config::PEAR_Config() -- Constructor
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
void PEAR_Config::PEAR_Config ([string $user_file = '' [, string
$system_file = '']])
string $user_file
file to read user-defined options from
string $system_file
file to read system-wide defaults from
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::apiVersion() -- return API version (1.1 as of PEAR 1.4.0
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
void PEAR_Config::apiVersion ()
Returns the
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::definedBy() -- Tells what config layer that gets to define a key
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
string PEAR_Config::definedBy (string $key)
Tells what config layer that gets to define a key.
string $key
config key
string - the config layer, or an empty string if not found
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::deleteChannel() -- deleteChannel
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
void PEAR_Config::deleteChannel (string $channel)
remove a channel's configuration entirely.
string $channel
Channel name to delete (channel server).
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::get() -- Returns a configuration value
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
mixed PEAR_Config::get (string $key [, mixed $layer = NULL])
Returns a configuration value, prioritizing layers as per the layers property.
string $key
config key
mixed $layer
layer key
mixed the config value, or NULL if not found
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getConfFile() -- Gets the file used for storing the config for a layer
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
void PEAR_Config::getConfFile (string $layer)
Use this to retrieve the name of the configuration file that provides values for a
particular configuration layer.
string $layer
user, system, or ftp
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getDefaultChannel() -- Retrieve the default channel.
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
string|false PEAR_Config::getDefaultChannel ([string $layer = NULL])
On startup, channels are not initialized, so if the default channel is not, then
initialize the config.
string $layer
layer from which to retrieve the registry, or null for the first to match
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getDocs() -- Get the documentation for a config value
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
string PEAR_Config::getDocs (string $key)
Get the documentation for a config value.
string $key
config key
string - documentation string
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getFTP() -- The ftp server is set in readFTPConfigFile(). It exists only if a
remote configuration file has been specified
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
PEAR_FTP|false& PEAR_Config::getFTP ()
returns the object that can be used for accessing the remote FTP server, or false if none
should be used.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getGroup() -- Get the parameter group for a config key
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
string PEAR_Config::getGroup (string $key)
Get the parameter group for a config key.
string $key
config key
string - parameter group
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getGroupKeys() -- Get the list of the parameters in a group
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
array PEAR_Config::getGroupKeys (string $group)
Get the list of the parameters in a group.
string $group
parameter group
array list of parameters in $group
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getGroups() -- Get the list of parameter groups
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
array PEAR_Config::getGroups (void)
Get the list of parameter groups.
array - list of parameter groups
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getKeys() -- Get all the current config keys
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
array PEAR_Config::getKeys (void)
Get all the current config keys
array - simple array of config keys
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getLayers() -- Returns the layers defined
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
array PEAR_Config::getLayers (void)
Returns the layers defined, except the 'default' one
array the defined layers
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getPrompt() -- Get short documentation for a config value
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
string PEAR_Config::getPrompt (string $key)
Get the short documentation for a config value.
string $key
config key
string short documentation string
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getRegistry() -- getRegistry
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
PEAR_Registry|false& PEAR_Config::getRegistry ([string $use = NULL])
Dieses Package ist noch nicht dokumentiert.
string $use
This parameter determines which layer will be used to retrieve a registry based on
the php_dir configuration variable for that layer. The default value of null will use
the first layer that contains a valid php_dir, whereas if specified as user, system or
ftp, it will attempt to return the registry for that layer.
On failure to retrieve a registry, it returns false
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getRemote() -- getRemote
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
PEAR_Remote& PEAR_Config::getRemote ()
This returns a PEAR_Remote based on the current PEAR_Config object.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getREST() -- getREST
require_once '/Config.php';
PEAR_REST& PEAR_Config::getREST (string $version [, array $options =
Dieses Package ist noch nicht dokumentiert.
string $version
This should be 1.0 in PEAR 1.4.0.
array $options
options for the PEAR_REST constructor
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getSetValues() -- Get the list of allowed set values for a config value
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
array PEAR_Config::getSetValues (string $key)
Get the list of allowed set values for a config value. Returns NULL for config values that
are not sets.
string $key
config key
array - enumerated array of set values, or NULL if the config key is unknown or not a
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::getType() -- Get the type of a config value
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
string PEAR_Config::getType (string $key)
Get the type of a config value.
string $key
config key
string - type, one of „string“, „integer“, „file“, „directory“, „set“ or „password“.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::isDefined() -- Tells whether a key exists as config value
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::isDefined (string $key)
Tells whether a given key exists as a config value.
string $key
config key
bool - whether $key exists in this object
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::isDefinedLayer() -- Tells whether a config layer exists
require_once 'config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::isDefinedLayer (string $layer)
Tells whether a given config layer exists.
string $layer
config layer
bool - whether $layer exists in this object
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::mergeConfigFile() -- Merges data into a config layer from a file
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::mergeConfigFile (string $file [, bool $override =
TRUE [, string $layer = 'user']])
Merges data into a config layer from a file. Does the same thing as readConfigFile(),
except it does not replace all existing values in the config layer.
string $file
file to read from
boolean $override
whether to overwrite existing data
string $layer
config layer to insert data into ('user' or 'system')
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler ein Objekt der Klasse PEAR_Error.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::noRegistry() -- noRegistry
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
void PEAR_Config::noRegistry ()
Use this method to disable automatic creation of PEAR_Registry objects when reading
from a configuration file or changing php_dir configuration variable.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::readConfigFile() -- Reads configuration data from a file
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::readConfigFile ([string $file = NULL [, string
$layer = 'user']])
Reads configuration data from a file. All existing values in the config layer are discarded
and replaced with data from the file.
string $file
file to read from, if NULL or not specified, the last-used file for the same layer
(second param) is used
string $layer
config layer to insert data into ('user' or 'system')
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler ein Objekt der Klasse PEAR_Error.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::readFTPConfigFile() -- readFTPConfigFile
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
true|PEAR_Error PEAR_Config::readFTPConfigFile (string $path)
Process a ftp configuration file by connecting to the server, retrieving the configuration
file and parsing it normally. This function uses Net_FTP through the PEAR_FTP class.
string $path
url to the remote config file, like
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::remove() -- Remove a config key from a config layer
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::remove (string $key [, string $layer = 'user'])
Remove a config key from a specific config layer.
string $key
config key
string $layer
config layer
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler ein Objekt der Klasse PEAR_Error.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::removeLayer() -- Temporarily remove an entire config layer
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::removeLayer (string $layer)
Temporarily remove an entire config layer. USE WITH CARE!
string $layer
config key
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler FALSE.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::set() -- Set config value in specific layer
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::set (string $key, string $value [, string $layer =
Set a config value in a specific layer (defaults to 'user'). Enforces the types defined in
the configuration_info array. An integer config variable will be cast to int, and a set config
variable will be validated against its legal values.
string $key
config key
string $value
config value
string $layer
config layer
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler FALSE.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::setChannels() -- Set the list of channels.
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
bool PEAR_Config::setChannels (array $channels [, bool $merge =
This should be set via a call to PEAR_Registry::listChannels(). A call to this function sets
up empty arrays for each channel in configurations.
array $channels
a simple list of channel names.
boolean $merge
if true, then the list of channel is merged with the existing list, otherwise it
replaces the existing list.
returns success of operation
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::setInstallRoot() -- setInstallRoot
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
void PEAR_Config::setInstallRoot (string|false $root)
This is used to implement the --installroot option for installation. In earlier PEAR
versions, this was implemented in PEAR_Installer::install(), but this makes it more
difficult to track with the introduction of channels, and to satisfy better encapsulation, it
has been moved to PEAR_Config.
Pass in a full path. On retrieving any directory configuration variable, the value will be
prepended with the installroot specified in this method. For example, if php_dir is
/usr/lib/php, and setInstallRoot() is used with /hoopla/boo, the value returned from
get() would be /hoopla/boo/usr/lib/php. Use an empty string '' to reset an
string|FALSE $root
installation directory to prepend to all _dir variables, or FALSE to disable
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::setRegistry() -- This is to allow customization like the use of installroot
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
bool PEAR_Config::setRegistry (PEAR_Registry|false &$reg [, string
$layer = 'user'])
Use this to override the automatic registry creation performed whenever the php_dir
configuration variable is modified.
If noRegistry() has been called, this call will be ignored and FALSE returned. In addition,
it is not possible to set the registry for the ftp layer.
PEAR_Registry|false &$reg
The PEAR_Registry that will be used, or false to reset the registry.
string $layer
This must be either user or system
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::singleton() -- Return a reference of a PEAR_Config object
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
object &PEAR_Config::singleton ([string $user_file = '' [, string
$system_file = '']])
If you want to keep only one instance of this class in use, this method will give you a
reference to the last created PEAR_Config object if one exists, or create a new object.
string $user_file
file to read user-defined options from
string $system_file
file to read system-wide defaults from
object - an existing or new PEAR_Config instance
Siehe auch
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Config::store() -- Stores configuration data in a layer
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::store ([string $layer = 'user'])
Stores configuration data in a layer.
string $layer
config layer to store
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler ein Objekt der Klasse PEAR_Error.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::toDefault() -- Revert value of config key to the system-defined one
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::toDefault (string $key)
Unset the user-defined value of a config key, reverting the value to the system-defined
string $key
config key
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler FALSE.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::validConfiguration() -- Determine whether any configuration files have been
detected, and whether a registry object can be retrieved from this configuration.
require_once '/Config.php'; (since PEAR 1.4.0)
bool PEAR_Config::validConfiguration ()
This method can be used to ward off any real problems with the default configuration.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile() -- Write data into config layer from file
require_once 'PEAR/config.php';
bool PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile ([string $file = NULL [, bool $layer
= 'user']])
Writes data into a config layer from a file.
string $file
file to read from
boolean $layer
whether to overwrite existing data
bool - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler ein Objekt der Klasse PEAR_Error.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency::PEAR_Dependency() -- constructor
PEAR_Dependency::callCheckMethod() -- Maps the xml dependency definition
PEAR_Dependency::checkExtension() -- Check Extension dependency
PEAR_Dependency::checkOS() -- Check Operating system dependency
PEAR_Dependency::checkPackage() -- check Package dependency
PEAR_Dependency::checkPHP() -- Check PHP version
PEAR_Dependency::checkProgram() -- Check external program
PEAR_Dependency::checkSAPI() -- Check SAPI backend
PEAR_Dependency::checkZend() -- Check Zend version
This class is deprecated by PEAR_Dependency2 in PEAR 1.4.0
PEAR_Dependency::PEAR_Dependency() -- constructor
require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php';
void PEAR_Dependency::PEAR_Dependency (object &$registry)
object &$registry
a PEAR_Registry instance
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency::callCheckMethod() -- Maps the xml dependency definition
require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php';
void PEAR_Dependency::callCheckMethod (mixed &$errmsg, array $opts)
This method maps the xml dependency definition to the PEAR_Dependency one.
mixed &$errmsg
this variable will contains an error message, if check fail
array $opts
An Array with all Dependency entries from the parsed XML package definition, ie:
$opts => Array
['type'] => 'pkg',
['rel'] => 'ge',
['version'] => '3.4',
['name'] => 'HTML_Common'
mixed - FALSE if all dependencies could be resolved successfully(!); or an
PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependencies.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency::checkExtension() -- Check Extension dependency
require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php';
mixed PEAR_Dependency::checkExtension (mixed &$errmsg, string $name [,
string $req = NULL [, string $relation = 'has']])
Extension dependencies check method
mixed &$errmsg
this variable will contains an error message, if check fail
string $name
Name of the extension to test
string $req
Required extension version to compare with
string $relation
How to compare versions with eachother
mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an
PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of an unresolved dependency.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency::checkOS() -- Check Operating system dependency
require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php';
mixed PEAR_Dependency::checkOS (string &$errmsg, string $os)
Operating system dependencies check method
string &$errmsg
this variable will contains an error message, if check fail
string $os
Name of the operating system
mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an
PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency::checkPackage() -- check Package dependency
require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php';
mixed PEAR_Dependency::checkPackage (mixed &$errmsg, string $name [,
string $req = NULL [, string $relation = 'has']])
Package dependencies check method
string &$errmsg
this variable will contains an error message, if check fail
string $name
Name of the package to test
string $req
Required extension version to compare with
string $relation
How to compare versions with eachother
mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an
PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency::checkPHP() -- Check PHP version
require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php';
mixed PEAR_Dependency::checkPHP (mixed &$errmsg, string $req [, string
$relation = 'ge'])
PHP version check method
mixed &$errmsg
this variable will contains an error message, if check fail
string $req
which version to compare
string $relation
how to compare the version
mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an
PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency::checkProgram() -- Check external program
require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php';
mixed PEAR_Dependency::checkProgram (mixed &$errmsg, string $program)
External program check method. Looks for executable files in directories listed in the
PATH environment variable.
mixed &$errmsg
this variable will contains an error message, if check fail
string $program
which program to look for
mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an
PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency::checkSAPI() -- Check SAPI backend
require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php';
mixed PEAR_Dependency::checkSAPI (mixed &$errmsg, string $name [,
string $req = NULL [, string $relation = 'has']])
SAPI backend check method. Version comparison is not yet available here.
mixed &$errmsg
this variable will contains an error message, if check fail
string $name
name of SAPI backend
string $req
which version to compare (currently unused)
string $relation
how to compare versions (currently hardcoded to 'has')
mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an
PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency::checkZend() -- Check Zend version
require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php';
mixed PEAR_Dependency::checkZend (mixed &$errmsg, string $req, string
''}[$relation = 'ge'])
Zend version check method
mixed &$errmsg
this variable will contains an error message, if check fail
string $req
which version to compare
string $relation
how to compare the version
mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an
PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Class Summary PEAR_Dependency2 -- Dependency check for PEAR packages
constructor PEAR_Dependency2::PEAR_Dependency2() -- PEAR_Dependency2
PEAR_Dependency2::normalizeDep() -- Convert a 1.0 dep into a 2.0 dep
PEAR_Dependency2::validateArchDependency() -- Specify a complex dependency on an
OS/processor/kernel version, Use OS for simple operating system dependency.
PEAR_Dependency2::validateDependency1() -- validate a package.xml 1.0 dependency
PEAR_Dependency2::validateExtensionDependency() -- validate a dependency on a PHP
PEAR_Dependency2::validateOsDependency() -- Specify a dependency on an OS. Use
arch for detailed os/processor information
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePackage() -- validatePackage
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePackageDependency() -- validatePackageDependency
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePackageUninstall() -- validatePackageUninstall
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePearinstallerDependency() -- validatePearinstallerDependenc
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePhpDependency() -- validatePhpDependency
PEAR_Dependency2::validateSubpackageDependency() -- validateSubpackageDependency
Class Summary PEAR_Dependency2
Class Summary PEAR_Dependency2 -- Dependency check for PEAR packages
Dependency check for PEAR packages
This class handles both version 1.0 and 2.0 dependencies and supersedes
PEAR_Dependency since PEAR 1.4.0
Class Trees for PEAR_Dependency2
constructor PEAR_Dependency2::PEAR_Dependency2() -- PEAR_Dependency2
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
void constructor PEAR_Dependency2::PEAR_Dependency2 (PEAR_Config
&$config, array $installoptions, array $package, int [$state =
Dieses Package ist noch nicht dokumentiert.
PEAR_Config &$config
Current configuration object.
array $installoptions
installation options
array $package
The current package. For installation dependencies, this is the package that
contains dependencies. For uninstallation dependencies, this is the package that is
going to be uninstalled.
format of PEAR_Registry::parsedPackageName()
integer $state
installation state (one of PEAR_VALIDATE_*)
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::normalizeDep() -- Convert a 1.0 dep into a 2.0 dep
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
array PEAR_Dependency2::normalizeDep (array $dep)
This converts an old-style package.xml 1.0 <dep> tag into the format used by package.xml
2.0. package.xml 2.0 can represent every kind of <dep> tag in its new syntax.
array $dep
The package.xml 1.0 <dep> as parsed from xml.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::validateArchDependency() -- Specify a complex dependency on an
OS/processor/kernel version, Use OS for simple operating system dependency.
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
true|PEAR_Error|array PEAR_Dependency2::validateArchDependency (array
This is the only dependency that accepts an ereg()able pattern. The pattern will be
matched against the php_uname() output parsed by OS_Guess As with all dependency
validation, true is returned on success, PEAR_Error on failure for required dependencies
(and the arch dependency is required). If the soft, force or ignore-errors options are
specified, an array containing the error message will be returned instead.
array $dep
Contents of the dependency, as parsed from xml.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::validateDependency1() -- validate a package.xml 1.0 dependency
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
true|PEAR_Error|array PEAR_Dependency2::validateDependency1 (array
$dep, array [$params = array()])
Validate a package.xml version 1.0 <dep> dependency.
array $dep
The contents of the <dep> tag as parsed from xml
array $params
The list of PEAR_Downloader_Package objects that will be installed.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::validateExtensionDependency() -- validate a dependency on a PHP
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
true|PEAR_Error|array PEAR_Dependency2::validateExtensionDependency
(array $dep, bool [$required = true])
This validates against actual in-memory extensions, and will not attempt to locate
extensions on disk. To do this, a dependency should be a package dependency with the
<providesextension> tag.
As with all dependency validation, true is returned on success, PEAR_Error on failure for
required dependencies. If the soft, force or ignore-errors options are specified, an
array containing the error message will be returned instead.
array $dep
dependency contents as parsed from xml
boolean $required
Whether this is a required or optional dependency
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::validateOsDependency() -- Specify a dependency on an OS. Use
arch for detailed os/processor information
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
true|PEAR_Error|array PEAR_Dependency2::validateOsDependency (array
There are two generic OS dependencies that will be the most common, unix and windows.
Other options are linux, freebsd, darwin (OS X), sunos, irix, hpux, aix. As with all
dependency validation, true is returned on success, PEAR_Error on failure for required
dependencies (and the OS dependency is required). If the soft, force or ignoreerrors options are specified, an array containing the error message will be returned
array $dep
Dependency contents as parsed from xml
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePackage() -- validatePackage
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
true|PEAR_Error|array PEAR_Dependency2::validatePackage (array|
PEAR_PackageFile_v2|PEAR_Downloader_Package $pkg, PEAR_Common &$dl)
As with all dependency validation, true is returned on success, PEAR_Error on failure for
required dependencies (and the PEAR installer dependency is required). If the soft,
force or ignore-errors options are specified, an array containing the error message
will be returned instead.
array|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|PEAR_Downloader_Package $pkg
Either an array of format array('channel' => channelname, 'package' =>
package) or one of these objects.
PEAR_Common &$dl
Any object with a log() method that matches the signature of PEAR_Common
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePackageDependency() -- validatePackageDependency
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
array|true|PEAR_Error PEAR_Dependency2::validatePackageDependency
(array $dep, boolean $required, array $params, bool [$depv1 = FALSE])
Validate a package-style dependency. Validation is performed in this sequence:
1. If the dependency package provides an extension through the <providesextension>
tag, then see if it passes the extension validation test first and return if so.
2. If the list of packages to be installed contains a match for the dependency, use
that to validate the dependency and return.
3. If the dependency package is already installed, make sure the installed version
passes the conditions.
4. At this point, the dependency has failed. If the dependency is required, return a
PEAR_Error containing the failure error message, otherwise return an array
containing the error message.
array $dep
dependency array as defined by package.xml 2.0
boolean $required
whether this is a required or optional dependency
array $params
array of PEAR_Downloader_Package objects representing packages to be
downloaded that can be used to validate dependencies
boolean $depv1
if TRUE, then deps on that fail will also check against
packages to accomodate extensions that have moved to from
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePackageUninstall() -- validatePackageUninstall
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
true|PEAR_Error|array PEAR_Dependency2::validatePackageUninstall
(PEAR_Installer &$dl)
As with all dependency validation, true is returned on success, PEAR_Error on failure for
required dependencies (and the PEAR installer dependency is required). If the soft,
force or ignore-errors options are specified, an array containing the error message
will be returned instead.
PEAR_Installer &$dl
This method retrieves the list of packages to be uninstalled from the
PEAR_Installer object, and makes sure no dependencies with existing packages would
be broken if the current package were to be uninstalled.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
-- validatePearinstallerDependency
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePearinstallerDependency (array $dep)
Validate the running PEAR version against the dependency. This dependency is designed
to prevent PEAR versions incompatible with the current package.xml from attempting to
install it. As with all dependency validation, true is returned on success, PEAR_Error on
failure for required dependencies (and the PEAR installer dependency is required). If the
soft, force or ignore-errors options are specified, an array containing the error
message will be returned instead.
mixed $dep
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::validatePhpDependency() -- validatePhpDependency
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
true|PEAR_Error|array PEAR_Dependency2::validatePhpDependency (array
Validate the running PHP version against the dependency. The implicit assumption is that
the installer's PHP version is the same as the final script's PHP version. As with all
dependency validation, true is returned on success, PEAR_Error on failure for required
dependencies (and the PHP dependency is required). If the soft, force or ignoreerrors options are specified, an array containing the error message will be returned
array $dep
The dependency xml as represented in parsing
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Dependency2::validateSubpackageDependency() -- validateSubpackageDependency
require_once '/Dependency2.php';
array|true|PEAR_Error PEAR_Dependency2::validateSubpackageDependency
(array $dep, bool $required, array $params)
Validate a subpackage-style dependency. This is identical to a package dependency from a
validation perspective, and so documentation for validatePackageDependency() should be
referenced for details.
array $dep
dependency array as defined by package.xml 2.0
boolean $required
whether this is a required or optional dependency
array $params
array of PEAR_Downloader_Package objects representing packages to be
downloaded that can be used to validate dependencies
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Class Summary PEAR_DependencyDB -- Track dependency relationships between installed
PEAR_DependencyDB::assertDepsDB() -- Create the dependency database, if it doesn't
exist. Error if the database is newer than the code reading it.
PEAR_DependencyDB::dependsOn() -- Determine whether $parent depends on $child,
near or deep
PEAR_DependencyDB::getDependencies() -- Get a list of dependencies of this installed
PEAR_DependencyDB::getDependentPackageDependencies() -- Get a list of the actual
dependencies of installed packages that depend on a package.
PEAR_DependencyDB::getDependentPackages() -- Get a list of installed packages that
depend on this package
PEAR_DependencyDB::hasWriteAccess() -- determines whether a dependency DB can be
PEAR_DependencyDB::installPackage() -- Register dependencies of a package that is
being installed or upgraded
PEAR_DependencyDB::rebuildDB() -- Rebuild the dependency DB by reading registry
PEAR_DependencyDB::setConfig() -- Set up the registry/location of dependency DB
PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton() -- Get a raw dependency database. Calls setConfig() and
PEAR_DependencyDB::uninstallPackage() -- Remove dependencies of a package that is
being uninstalled, or upgraded.
Class Summary PEAR_DependencyDB
Class Summary PEAR_DependencyDB -- Track dependency relationships between installed
Track dependency relationships between installed packages
This provides sophisticated dependency handling relationships between installed
packages and downloaded to-be-installed packages.
Class Trees for PEAR_DependencyDB
PEAR_DependencyDB::assertDepsDB() -- Create the dependency database, if it doesn't
exist. Error if the database is newer than the code reading it.
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
void|PEAR_Error PEAR_DependencyDB::assertDepsDB ()
Assert that the dependency database exists, and attempt to create it if it doesn't.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_DependencyDB::dependsOn() -- Determine whether $parent depends on $child,
near or deep
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
void PEAR_DependencyDB::dependsOn (array|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|
PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $parent, array|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|
PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $child)
This method is the central method of DependencyDB. Through the dependency database,
it is possible to determine whether any two packages share a dependency relationship
independent of how tightly bound the two packages are. In other words, if package A
depends on package B depends on package C, this method can be used to determine that
package A indirectly depends on package C.
array|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $parent
The parent package (as in package A in the example above)
This parameter, if an array, should be in format:
'package' => 'packagename',
'channel' => 'channelname'
array|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $child
The child package (as in package B or package C in the example above)
This parameter, if an array, should be in format:
'package' => 'packagename',
'channel' => 'channelname'
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_DependencyDB::getDependencies() -- Get a list of dependencies of this installed
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
array|false PEAR_DependencyDB::getDependencies (PEAR_PackageFile_v1|
PEAR_PackageFile_v2|array &$pkg)
get an array of all immediate package dependencies of an installed package.
PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|array &$pkg
This parameter, if an array, should be in format:
'package' => 'packagename',
'channel' => 'channelname'
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_DependencyDB::getDependentPackageDependencies() -- Get a list of the actual
dependencies of installed packages that depend on a package.
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
array|false PEAR_DependencyDB::getDependentPackageDependencies
(PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|array &$pkg)
This returns the complete tree of extended dependencies of a single installed package.
For instance, a real-world example. package SOAP depends on Mail_Mime,
HTTP_Request, Net_URL, Net_DIME. package HTTP_Request depends on Net_URL,
Net_Socket. This method will return an array similar to:
'' =>
'mail_mime' =>
array('name' => 'Mail_Mime',
'channel' => ''),
'http_request' =>
array('name' => 'HTTP_Request',
'channel' => ''),
'net_url' =>
array('name' => 'Net_URL',
'channel' => '',
'min' => '1.0.12'),
'net_dime' =>
array('name' => 'Net_DIME',
'channel' => ''),
'net_socket' =>
array('name' => 'Net_Socket',
'channel' => ''),
Note that this should not be relied upon for exact dependencies. In the example above,
the returned dependency will be that of HTTP_Request upon Net_URL, which is stricter
than SOAP's dependency upon Net_URL. In other words, if there are two similar
dependencies, the last one encountered will be returned.
PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|array &$pkg
This parameter, if an array, should be in format:
'package' => 'packagename',
'channel' => 'channelname'
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_DependencyDB::getDependentPackages() -- Get a list of installed packages that
depend on this package
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
array|false PEAR_DependencyDB::getDependentPackages
(PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|array &$pkg)
This is most useful at uninstall-time. A list of installed packages that depend upon the
package can be used to prevent uninstallation, and to emit warnings for optional
PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|array &$pkg
This parameter, if an array, should be in format:
'package' => 'packagename',
'channel' => 'channelname'
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_DependencyDB::hasWriteAccess() -- determines whether a dependency DB can be
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
bool PEAR_DependencyDB::hasWriteAccess ()
This method is used by the installer to prevent attempts to create/modify the
dependency DB if the current user does not have write access to the registry. Without
this method, simple read-only commands like pear info would not work.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_DependencyDB::installPackage() -- Register dependencies of a package that is
being installed or upgraded
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
void PEAR_DependencyDB::installPackage (PEAR_PackageFile_v2|
PEAR_PackageFile_v2 &$package)
This method is used by the registry when a package is installed or upgraded to register
the package's dependencies in the dependency database.
PEAR_PackageFile_v2|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 &$package
This parameter, if an array, should be in format:
'package' => 'packagename',
'channel' => 'channelname'
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_DependencyDB::rebuildDB() -- Rebuild the dependency DB by reading registry
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
true|PEAR_Error PEAR_DependencyDB::rebuildDB ()
This is used to create or re-create the dependency database by reading registry entries
for each installed file to extract dependencies and save them in the dependency database.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_DependencyDB::setConfig() -- Set up the registry/location of dependency DB
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
void PEAR_DependencyDB::setConfig (PEAR_Config|false &$config,
string|false [$depdb = FALSE])
This crucial method is used to set the PEAR_Config object that should be used to
retrieve both configuration information and a PEAR_Registry class for internal
PEAR_Config|FALSE &$config
string|FALSE $depdb
full path to the dependency database, or FALSE to use default
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton() -- Get a raw dependency database. Calls setConfig() and
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
PEAR_DependencyDB |PEAR_Error & PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton
(PEAR_Config &$config, string|false [$depdb = FALSE])
Return a single dependency database based on the location of the database on disk. In
other words, 1 dependency database is created for each registry location.
PEAR_Config &$config
PEAR_Config object
string|$false; $depdb
full path to the dependency database, or FALSE to use default
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_DependencyDB::uninstallPackage() -- Remove dependencies of a package that is
being uninstalled, or upgraded.
require_once '/DependencyDB.php';
void PEAR_DependencyDB::uninstallPackage (PEAR_PackageFile_v1|
PEAR_PackageFile_v2|array &$pkg)
This method is used by the registry when a package is uninstalled or upgraded to remove
the package's dependencies from the dependency database.
Upgraded packages first uninstall, then install
PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|array &$pkg
This parameter, if an array, should be in format:
'package' => 'packagename',
'channel' => 'channelname'
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Class Summary PEAR_Frontend -- Singleton-based frontend for PEAR user input/output
PEAR_Frontend::addTempFile() -- This can be overridden to allow session-based
temporary file management
PEAR_Frontend::isIncludeable() -- isIncludeable
PEAR_Frontend::log() -- log
PEAR_Frontend::setConfig() -- setConfig
PEAR_Frontend::setFrontendClass() -- setFrontendClass
PEAR_Frontend::singleton() -- Retrieve the frontend object
Class Summary PEAR_Frontend
Class Summary PEAR_Frontend -- Singleton-based frontend for PEAR user input/output
Singleton-based frontend for PEAR user input/output (since
PEAR 1.4.0)
This is also the base class for all frontends.
Class Trees for PEAR_Frontend
PEAR_Frontend::addTempFile() -- This can be overridden to allow session-based
temporary file management
require_once '/Frontend.php';
void PEAR_Frontend::addTempFile (mixed $file)
By default, all files are deleted at the end of a session. The web installer needs to be able
to sustain a list over many sessions in order to support user interaction with install scripts
mixed $file
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Frontend::isIncludeable() -- isIncludeable
require_once '/Frontend.php';
bool PEAR_Frontend::isIncludeable (string $path)
Simple utility class used to determine whether a file can be included via include_path
string $path
relative or absolute include path
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Frontend::log() -- log
require_once '/Frontend.php';
void PEAR_Frontend::log (int $level, string $msg, bool [$append_crlf
= TRUE])
Log a message in a frontend-specific way. By default, nothing is done.
integer $level
string $msg
boolean $append_crlf
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Frontend::setConfig() -- setConfig
require_once '/Frontend.php';
void PEAR_Frontend::setConfig (PEAR_Config &$config)
Set the configuration object used by this frontend.
PEAR_Config &$config
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Frontend::setFrontendClass() -- setFrontendClass
require_once '/Frontend.php';
void& PEAR_Frontend::setFrontendClass (string $uiclass)
Set the kind of frontend that should be retrieved from the singleton() method. If the
class does not exist, the method changes all underscores (_) into directory separators
(like PEAR_Frontend_CLI to PEAR/Frontend/CLI) and appends .php and then checks to
see if the file can be included. If the class does exist after all of this, a simple check is
made to see if the userConfirm() method exists, and then a new frontend object is
returned. Any failure causes a PEAR_Error to be returned.
string $uiclass
the full classname (like PEAR_Frontend_Web)
throws PEAR_Error on any problem
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Frontend::singleton() -- Retrieve the frontend object
require_once '/Frontend.php';
PEAR_Frontend::singleton (mixed [$type = null])
Get a single unique copy of the current PEAR frontend object.
string|NULL $type
if being called for the first time, the user can specify the kind of frontend to
return. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored, and the existing single frontend is
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Installer::PEAR_Installer() -- constructor
PEAR_Installer::install() -- Installs package files
Administration class used to install PEAR packages and maintain the installed package
Class Trees for PEAR_Installer()
PEAR_Installer::PEAR_Installer() -- constructor
require_once 'PEAR/Installer.php';
void constructor PEAR_Installer::constructor PEAR_Installer (object
PEAR_Installer constructor.
object &$ui
user interface object (instance of PEAR_Frontend_*)
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Installer::install() -- Installs package files
require_once 'PEAR/Installer.php';
array PEAR_Installer::install (string $pkgfile [, array $options =
Installs the files within the package file specified.
string $pkgfile
path to the package file
array $options
installating options, to enable an option use the option name as array key and TRUE
or 1 as value.
$options['force'] = 1 - force installation
$options['register-only'] = 1 - update registry but don't install files
$options['upgrade'] = 1 - upgrade existing install
$options['soft'] = 1 - fail silently
array package info if successful
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Class Summary PEAR_PackageFile -- Abstraction for the package.xml package description
constructor PEAR_PackageFile::PEAR_PackageFile() -- PEAR_PackageFile
PEAR_PackageFile::factory() -- factory
PEAR_PackageFile::fromAnyFile() -- Returns package information from different sources
PEAR_PackageFile::fromArray() -- Return a packagefile object from its toArray() method
PEAR_PackageFile::fromPackageFile() -- Returns information about a package file.
Expects the name of a package.xml file as input.
PEAR_PackageFile::fromTgzFile() -- fromTgzFile
PEAR_PackageFile::fromXmlString() -- fromXmlString
PEAR_PackageFile::parserFactory() -- parserFactory
PEAR_PackageFile::rawReturn() -- Turn off validation - return a parsed package.xml
without checking it for errors
PEAR_PackageFile::setLogger() -- setLogger
Package PEAR Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR
Class Summary PEAR_PackageFile
Class Summary PEAR_PackageFile -- Abstraction for the package.xml package description
Abstraction for the package.xml package description file
Parse and retrieve a package.xml object from various sources.
Class Trees for PEAR_PackageFile
constructor PEAR_PackageFile::PEAR_PackageFile() -- PEAR_PackageFile
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
void constructor PEAR_PackageFile::PEAR_PackageFile (PEAR_Config
&$config, bool [$debug = FALSE], string [$tmpdir = FALSE])
Prepare for parsing one or more package.xml files.
PEAR_Config &$config
The configuration to use for parsing and channel registry (needed for channelspecific validators).
boolean $debug
The debug logging level (this is usually the value of the verbose configuration
string $tmpdir
The temporary directory to extract files in. By default, a new temporary directory
is created using System::mktemp().
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_PackageFile::factory() -- factory
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2& PEAR_PackageFile::factory
(string $version)
Retrieve a raw PEAR_PackageFile_vX object where X is either 1 or 2.
string $version
The package.xml version represented (1 or 2)
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_PackageFile::fromAnyFile() -- Returns package information from different sources
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
string& PEAR_PackageFile::fromAnyFile (string $info, int $state)
This method is able to extract information about a package from a .tgz archive or from a
XML package definition file.
string $info
path to a file containing a package.xml (package archive or package.xml)
integer $state
package state (one of PEAR_VALIDATE_* constants)
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_PackageFile::fromArray() -- Return a packagefile object from its toArray()
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2& PEAR_PackageFile::fromArray
(array $arr)
WARNING: no validation is performed, the array is assumed to be valid, always parse
from xml if you want validation.
array $arr
Contents of a previously parsed package.xml object.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_PackageFile::fromPackageFile() -- Returns information about a package file.
Expects the name of a package.xml file as input.
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
array& PEAR_PackageFile::fromPackageFile (string $descfile, int
$state, string|false [$archive = FALSE])
parse and return a package.xml object from a package.xml file, or a PEAR_Error object
upon error.
string $descfile
name of package.xml file
integer $state
package state (one of PEAR_VALIDATE_* constants)
string|FALSE $archive
full path to the full package .tgz file containing the package.xml, or false for none.
returns array with package information
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_PackageFile::fromTgzFile() -- fromTgzFile
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
PEAR_PackageFile::fromTgzFile (string $file, int $state)
parse and return a package.xml object from a packaged archive, or a PEAR_Error object
upon error.
string $file
name of packaged .tgz or .tar to extract and parse package.xml from
integer $state
package state (one of PEAR_VALIDATE_* constants)
returns success of parsing
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_PackageFile::fromXmlString() -- fromXmlString
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
PEAR_PackageFile::fromXmlString (string $data, int $state, string
$file, string|false [$archive = FALSE])
parse and return a package.xml object, or a PEAR_Error object upon error.
string $data
contents of package.xml file
integer $state
package state (one of PEAR_VALIDATE_* constants)
string $file
full path to the package.xml file (and the files it references)
string|FALSE $archive
full path to the full package .tgz file containing the package.xml, or false for none.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_PackageFile::parserFactory() -- parserFactory
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
PEAR_PackageFile::parserFactory (string $version)
Return a package.xml parsing object appropriate for the selected package.xml version.
string $version
The package.xml version represented (1 or 2)
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_PackageFile::rawReturn() -- Turn off validation - return a parsed package.xml
without checking it for errors
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
void PEAR_PackageFile::rawReturn ()
This is used by the package-validate command
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_PackageFile::setLogger() -- setLogger
require_once '/PackageFile.php';
void PEAR_PackageFile::setLogger (PEAR_Common &$l)
set a logging class that matches the signature of PEAR_Common's log() method.
PEAR_Common &$l
The PEAR_Common object.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Package PEAR Constants
Package PEAR Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR
All Constants
Constants defined in PackageFile.php
Tabelle 27-1. Constants defined in PackageFile.php
Value Line Number
PEAR_Packager::PEAR_Packager() -- constructor
PEAR_Packager::package() -- Create Package archive
Administration class used to make a PEAR release tarball.
Class Trees for PEAR_Packager
PEAR_Packager::PEAR_Packager() -- constructor
require_once 'PEAR/Packager.php';
void PEAR_Packager:: PEAR_Packager (void)
Diese Methode kann statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Packager::package() -- Create Package archive
require_once 'PEAR/Packager.php';
string PEAR_Packager::package ([string $pkgfile = NULL [, boolean
$compress = TRUE]])
Creates a Package archive from package definition file and package files
string $pkgfile
path to package definition file
boolean $compress
if TRUE package archive will be compessed using gzip
string - name of the created package archive
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::PEAR_Registry() -- constructor
PEAR_Registry::addPackage() -- Registers a package to the registry
PEAR_Registry::checkFileMap() -- Test whether a file belongs to a package
PEAR_Registry::deletePackage() -- Remove Package from registry
PEAR_Registry::listPackages() -- List all registered Packages
PEAR_Registry::packageExists() -- Check for Package
PEAR_Registry::packageInfo() -- Get Package information
PEAR_Registry::rebuildDepsFile() -- Rebuild dependencies file
PEAR_Registry::rebuildFileMap() -- Rebuild file map
PEAR_Registry::removePackageDep() -- Remove dependency information of a Package
PEAR_Registry::setPackageDep() -- Update or insert dependencies of a Package
PEAR_Registry::updatePackage() -- Update Package information
Administration class used to maintain the installed package database.
Class Trees for PEAR_Registry
PEAR_Registry::PEAR_Registry() -- constructor
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
void PEAR_Registry::PEAR_Registry ([string $pear_install_dir =
string $pear_install_dir
PEAR install directory (for .php files)
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::addPackage() -- Registers a package to the registry
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
boolean PEAR_Registry::addPackage (string $package, array $info)
Adds a Package entry to the registry
string $package
Package name
array $info
additional information for the package entry
boolean - FALSE if Package is already registered;
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::checkFileMap() -- Test whether a file belongs to a package
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
string PEAR_Registry::checkFileMap (string $path)
Test whether a file belongs to a package.
string $path
file path, absolute or relative to the pear install dir
string - name of the package the file belongs to, or an empty string if the file does not
belong to an installed package
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::deletePackage() -- Remove Package from registry
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
boolean PEAR_Registry::deletePackage (string $package)
Removes a Package entry from the registry.
string $package
Package name
boolean - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler FALSE.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::listPackages() -- List all registered Packages
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
array PEAR_Registry::listPackages (void)
List all Packages registered in the registry.
array - list of package names
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::packageExists() -- Check for Package
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
boolean PEAR_Registry::packageExists (string $package)
Checks wether a Package is registered in the registry or not.
string $package
Package name
boolean - TRUE if package is registered
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::packageInfo() -- Get Package information
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
mixed PEAR_Registry::packageInfo ([string $package = NULL [, string
$key = NULL]])
Returns (specific) information stored in the registry about a Package.
string $package
Package name
string $key
the name of a specific information to get
mixed - an array with all information, or a key specific information, if $key was used;
NULL if Package or specific information does not exist
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::rebuildDepsFile() -- Rebuild dependencies file
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
void PEAR_Registry::rebuildDepsFile (void)
Rebuilds the dependencies file of the registry. Use this function if had trouble while
installing Packages or a damaged registry.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::rebuildFileMap() -- Rebuild file map
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
void PEAR_Registry::rebuildFileMap (void)
Rebuilds the registry filemap. Use this function if had trouble while installing Packages
or a damaged registry.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::removePackageDep() -- Remove dependency information of a Package
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
mixed PEAR_Registry::removePackageDep (string $package)
Removes the dependency information of a Package from the registry.
string $package
Package name
mixed - TRUE if successful; or an array with a list of Packages depending on this Package
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::setPackageDep() -- Update or insert dependencies of a Package
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
mixed PEAR_Registry::setPackageDep (string $package, string
$new_version [, array $rel_deps = array()])
Update or insert a the dependencies of a package, prechecking that the package won't
break any dependency in the process. (Dependencies of type 'pkg' only.
string $package
Package name
string $new_version
Version of the Package
array $rel_deps
Package dependencies
mixed - TRUE if no dependencies found; or array with names of missing or outdated
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Registry::updatePackage() -- Update Package information
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
boolean PEAR_Registry::updatePackage (string $package, array $info [,
bool $merge = TRUE])
Updates the existing information of a Package in the registry.
string $package
Package name
array $info
information to update
mixed $merge
if FALSE the old informations will be deleted completly an replaced with the new; if
TRUE update only - unchanged values will remain.
boolean - Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, bei einem Fehler FALSE.
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Remote::PEAR_Remote() -- constructor
PEAR_Remote::call() -- Execute a server function
This is a class for doing remote operations against a PEAR Package Server.
Class Trees for PEAR_Remote()
PEAR_Remote::PEAR_Remote() -- constructor
require_once 'PEAR/Remote.php';
void PEAR_Remote::PEAR_Remote (object &$config)
object &$config
an instance of PEAR_Config
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Remote::call() -- Execute a server function
require_once 'PEAR/Remote.php';
mixed PEAR_Remote::call (string $method [, mixed $args,...])
Sends a remote procedure call to a package server and returns the result.
string $method
Name of the server method
mixed $args,...
server method specific parameters
mixed - result of the executed server method
Tabelle 27-1. Mögliche Fehler-Arten
Error code Error value Meaning Solution
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Class Summary PEAR_REST -- Intelligently retrieve data, following hyperlinks if
necessary, and re-directing
PEAR_REST::downloadHttp() -- Efficiently Download a file through HTTP. Returns
downloaded file as a string in-memory This is best used for small files
PEAR_REST::getCache() -- getCache
PEAR_REST::getCacheId() -- getCacheId
PEAR_REST::retrieveCacheFirst() -- Retrieve REST data, but always retrieve the local
cache if it is available.
PEAR_REST::retrieveData() -- Retrieve a remote REST resource
PEAR_REST::saveCache() -- Save the value retrieved from a remote REST resource in
the local cache.
PEAR_REST::useLocalCache() -- useLocalCache
Class Summary PEAR_REST
Class Summary PEAR_REST -- Intelligently retrieve data, following hyperlinks if
necessary, and re-directing
Intelligently retrieve data, following hyperlinks if necessary, and
re-directing (since PEAR 1.4.0)
as well
Class Trees for PEAR_REST
constructor PEAR_REST::PEAR_REST()
require_once '/REST.php';
void constructor PEAR_REST::PEAR_REST (PEAR_Config &$config, array
[$options = array()])
Dieses Package ist noch nicht dokumentiert.
PEAR_Config &$config
Configuration object
array $options
options passed to commands like install/download. The only option that affects
PEAR_REST is offline, which causes all retrievals to look in the local cache without
trying to retrieve a remote resource.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_REST::downloadHttp() -- Efficiently Download a file through HTTP. Returns
downloaded file as a string in-memory This is best used for small files
require_once '/REST.php';
string|array PEAR_REST::downloadHttp (string $url, false|string|array
[$lastmodified = null], false|array [$accept = false], string
If an HTTP proxy has been configured (http_proxy PEAR_Config setting), the proxy will
be used.
string $url
the URL to download
FALSE|string|array $lastmodified
header values to check against for caching use FALSE to return the header values
from this download
FALSE|array $accept
Accept headers to send. This should be a list of MIME types like text/xml,
frog/legs, etc.
string $save_dir
directory to save file in
returns Returns the contents of the downloaded file or a PEAR error on failure. If the
error is caused by socket-related errors, the error object will have the fsockopen error
code available through getCode(). If caching is requested, then return the header values.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_REST::getCache() -- getCache
require_once '/REST.php';
mixed|false PEAR_REST::getCache (string $url)
Retrieve the cache contents for a remote resource, or a PEAR_Error if the resource was
not cached.
string $url
REST resource URL
throws PEAR_Error object returned on error.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_REST::getCacheId() -- getCacheId
require_once '/REST.php';
array|false PEAR_REST::getCacheId (string $url)
Retrieve the HTTP caching information for a REST resource, or FALSE if no cache is
string $url
REST resource URL
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_REST::retrieveCacheFirst() -- Retrieve REST data, but always retrieve the local
cache if it is available.
require_once '/REST.php';
string|array PEAR_REST::retrieveCacheFirst (string $url, array|false
[$accept = false], boolean [$forcestring = false])
This is useful for elements that should never change, such as information on a particular
string $url
full URL to this resource
array|FALSE $accept
contents of the accept-encoding header
boolean $forcestring
if TRUE, xml will be returned as a string, otherwise, xml will be parsed using
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_REST::retrieveData() -- Retrieve a remote REST resource
require_once '/REST.php';
string|array PEAR_REST::retrieveData (string $url, array|false
[$accept = false], bool [$forcestring = false])
retrieve the contents of a remote resource.
string $url
full URL to this resource
array|false $accept
contents of the accept-encoding header
boolean $forcestring
if TRUE, xml will be returned as a string, otherwise, xml will be parsed using
throws PEAR_Error objects are returned on error.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_REST::saveCache() -- Save the value retrieved from a remote REST resource in
the local cache.
require_once '/REST.php';
void PEAR_REST::saveCache (string $url, mixed $contents, array
$lastmodified, bool [$nochange = false])
Use this to save a resource after retrieving. Since the cache_ttl configuration variable
is used in determining when to check the remote server, and HTTP caching is used as well,
it is possible for this scenario to arise:
1. retrieve REST resource
2. cache the resource
3. a few days later, retrieve the REST resource again
4. HTTP caching returns 304 not modified
In this situation, it doesn't make much sense to save the resource contents redundantly.
Instead, the last access time can be saved in the cache id by passing true into the last
string $url
The REST resource's URL
mixed $contents
Contents retrieved from the REST resource (ignored if the last parameter is true)
array $lastmodified
The ETag and LastModified headers retrieved from the remote server, used for
HTTP caching.
mixed $nochange
If false, the cache is saved normally. If true, only the $lastmodified parameter
is saved in the cache id file, registering an HTTP cache hit.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_REST::useLocalCache() -- useLocalCache
require_once '/REST.php';
mixed PEAR_REST::useLocalCache (bool $url)
Retrieve the contents of the local cached copy of a remote URL. FALSE is returned if
there are any problems, under the assumption that REST contents will always be larger
than a simple boolean due to HTTP overhead.
string $url
The URL to retrieve data for.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Class Summary PEAR_RunTest -- Simplified version of PHP's test suite
constructor PEAR_RunTest::PEAR_RunTest() -- Instantiate a PEAR_RunTest object.
PEAR_RunTest::generate_diff() -- generate_diff
PEAR_RunTest::run() -- run
Class Summary PEAR_RunTest
Class Summary PEAR_RunTest -- Simplified version of PHP's test suite
Simplified version of PHP's test suite
Try it with:
$ php -r 'include "../PEAR/RunTest.php"; $t=new PEAR_RunTest; \
Class Trees for PEAR_RunTest
constructor PEAR_RunTest::PEAR_RunTest()
constructor PEAR_RunTest::PEAR_RunTest() -- Instantiate a PEAR_RunTest object.
require_once '/RunTest.php';
void constructor PEAR_RunTest::PEAR_RunTest (PEAR_Common|null
[$logger = NULL], array [$options = array()])
If no logger is specified, a new PEAR_Common object will be instantiated and used to
print output to the screen.
PEAR_Common|NULL $logger
A class that contains a log() method matching the signature of PEAR_Common.
array $options
Currently supported options are simple and quiet. The simple option causes
tests to simply print the title of the test and not the full path to the test file. The
quiet option causes output of only failed tests.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_RunTest::generate_diff() -- generate_diff
require_once '/RunTest.php';
void PEAR_RunTest::generate_diff (string $wanted, string $output,
array|false $return_value)
Returns differences by line between the expected output ($wanted) and the actual
output ($output). In addition, the value returned from the script can also be tested. The
test should be performed outside generate_diff(). If the return value is as expected,
pass in FALSE, otherwise pass in an array where the first element is the expected return
value and the second is the actual return value.
string $wanted
Expected output
string $output
Actual output
array|FALSE $return_value
False if return value was correct, otherwise an array of format:
1, // expected return
2, // actual return value
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_RunTest::run() -- run
require_once '/RunTest.php';
string|PEAR_Error PEAR_RunTest::run (string $file, string
[$ini_settings = ''])
Run a unit test. The return value is one of:
string $file
Full path to the test file to run.
string $ini_settings
Additional customized settings to pass on the command-line to the PHP instance
used for testing. For example, requesting disabling use of php.ini or a testing php.ini
can be specified. For a full list of possible settings, type:
$ php -h
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Class Summary PEAR_Validate -- Validation class for package.xml - channel-level
advanced validation
PEAR_Validate::_addFailure() -- _addFailure
PEAR_Validate::_addWarning() -- _addWarning
PEAR_Validate::getFailures() -- getFailures
PEAR_Validate::getValidStates() -- Get a list of valid stability levels
PEAR_Validate::setPackageFile() -- setPackageFile
PEAR_Validate::validate() -- validate
PEAR_Validate::validateChangelog() -- validateChangelog
PEAR_Validate::validateDate() -- validateDate
PEAR_Validate::validateDependencies() -- for package.xml 2.0 only - channels can't use
package.xml 1.0
PEAR_Validate::validateDeps() -- validateDeps
PEAR_Validate::validateDescription() -- validateDescription
PEAR_Validate::validateFilelist() -- validateFilelist
PEAR_Validate::validateLicense() -- validateLicense
PEAR_Validate::validateMainFilelist() -- for package.xml 2.0 only
PEAR_Validate::validateMaintainers() -- validateMaintainers
PEAR_Validate::validateNotes() -- validateNotes
PEAR_Validate::validatePackageName() -- validatePackageName
PEAR_Validate::validateReleaseFilelist() -- for package.xml 2.0 only
PEAR_Validate::validateStability() -- validateStability
PEAR_Validate::validateState() -- validateState
PEAR_Validate::validateSummary() -- validateSummary
PEAR_Validate::validateTime() -- validateTime
PEAR_Validate::validateVersion() -- protected function to validate a version
PEAR_Validate::validGroupName() -- This validates a dependency group name, and
dependency group names must conform to the PEAR naming convention, so the method is
final and static.
PEAR_Validate::validPackageName() -- utility method to validate a package name string
PEAR_Validate::validState() -- Determine whether $state represents a valid stability
PEAR_Validate::validVersion() -- Determine whether a version is a properly formatted
version number that can be used by version_compare()
PEAR_Validate::_validPackageName() -- Override this method to handle validation of
normal package names
Package PEAR Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR
Class Summary PEAR_Validate
Class Summary PEAR_Validate -- Validation class for package.xml - channel-level
advanced validation
Validation class for package.xml - channel-level advanced
Dieses Package ist noch nicht dokumentiert.
Class Trees for PEAR_Validate
PEAR_Validate::_addFailure() -- _addFailure
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::_addFailure (string $field, string $reason)
add a validation warning from one of the channel validation functions. Use this for a nonfatal warning of a potential problem situation.
string $field
The package.xml section being validated (such as version or dependencies)
string $reason
A human-readable reason that validation failed.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::_addWarning() -- _addWarning
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::_addWarning (string $field, string $reason)
add a validation warning from one of the channel validation functions. Use this for a nonfatal warning of a potential problem situation.
string $field
The package.xml section being validated (such as version or dependencies)
string $reason
A human-readable reason that validation failed.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::getFailures() -- getFailures
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::getFailures ()
Returns a list of failures recorded by the last validation attempt. The list is in format:
'error' =>
array('field' => 'name', 'name must contain only letters, numbers or underscor
'warning' =>
array('field' => 'version', 'version should be less than 2.0'),
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::getValidStates() -- Get a list of valid stability levels
require_once '/Validate.php';
array PEAR_Validate::getValidStates ()
Utility function for future extensibility of the list of valid stability levels.
throws no exceptions thrown
final - this method must not be overridden
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Validate::setPackageFile() -- setPackageFile
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::setPackageFile (PEAR_PackageFile_v1|
PEAR_PackageFile_v2 &$pf)
Sets the packagefile object that will be used to retrieve data for validation.
PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 &$pf
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validate() -- validate
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validate (int [$state = NULL])
Validate the package.xml passed into setPackageFile(). The parameter passed in is the
installer state that should be used, and is one of PEAR_VALIDATE_INSTALLING,
integer $state
one of the PEAR_VALIDATE_* constants
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateChangelog() -- validateChangelog
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateChangelog ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of the <changelog>
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateDate() -- validateDate
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateDate ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of the <date> tag.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateDependencies() -- for package.xml 2.0 only - channels can't use
package.xml 1.0
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateDependencies ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the <dependencies> tag of a
package.xml 2.0-based release.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateDeps() -- validateDeps
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateDeps ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of <deps> in a
package.xml 1.0-based release.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateDescription() -- validateDescription
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateDescription ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of the <description>
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateFilelist() -- validateFilelist
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateFilelist ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of the <filelist> tag
in a package.xml 1.0-based release.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateLicense() -- validateLicense
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateLicense ()
Override this method in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of the
<license> tag.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateMainFilelist() -- for package.xml 2.0 only
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateMainFilelist ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of the <contents>
tag in package.xml 2.0-based releases.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateMaintainers() -- validateMaintainers
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateMaintainers ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of <maintainers> in a
package.xml 1.0-based release.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateNotes() -- validateNotes
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateNotes ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of release notes in a
<notes> tag.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validatePackageName() -- validatePackageName
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validatePackageName ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate a package name.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateReleaseFilelist() -- for package.xml 2.0 only
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateReleaseFilelist ()
Use this to validate the contents of a <filelist> tag in a package.xml 2.0-based package.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateStability() -- validateStability
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateStability ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the <stability> tag of a
package.xml 2.0-based release.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateState() -- validateState
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateState ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the contents of a <state> tag in a
package.xml 1.0-based release.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateSummary() -- validateSummary
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateSummary ()
Override this in a channel-specific validator to validate the <summary> tag.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateTime() -- validateTime
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateTime ()
Override this method to validate the <time> tag in a channel-specific validator.
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validateVersion() -- protected function to validate a version
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validateVersion ()
Override this function in a channel validator in order to apply a different version
validation scheme. An example of this use is in the PEAR_Validate_PECL class, which
overrides validateVersion() to be less strict than the default
Errors should be reported using _addFailure() method, and non-fatal errors (warnings)
should be reported using the _addWarning() method.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validGroupName() -- This validates a dependency group name, and
dependency group names must conform to the PEAR naming convention, so the method is
final and static.
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validGroupName (string $name)
Dependency groups are documented here
string $name
Dependency group name to validate
throws no exceptions thrown
final - this method should not be overridden.
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Validate::validPackageName() -- utility method to validate a package name string
require_once '/Validate.php';
void PEAR_Validate::validPackageName (string $name, string
[$validatepackagename = FALSE])
Validate a package name string. The second parameter should be the name of the channel
validation package, as defined by channel.xml for the current channel. If the package name
being validated is the same as the validation package (case-insensitive), then it will be
validated using the default rules for PEAR packages.
string $name
package name to validate
string $validatepackagename
name of channel-specific validation package
throws no exceptions thrown
final - this method should not be overridden.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_Validate::validState() -- Determine whether $state represents a valid stability
require_once '/Validate.php';
bool PEAR_Validate::validState (string $state)
This utility method can be used to determine whether a string is a valid state. Currently,
states must be one of snapshot, devel, alpha, beta, and stable.
string $state
State string to validate.
throws no exceptions thrown
final - this method should not be overridden.
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Validate::validVersion() -- Determine whether a version is a properly formatted
version number that can be used by version_compare()
require_once '/Validate.php';
bool PEAR_Validate::validVersion (string $ver)
Use this method to test the validity of a version number string. All versions must be
testable with PHP's version_compare().
string $ver
Version string
throws no exceptions thrown
final - this method should not be overridden.
Diese Methode sollte statisch aufgerufen werden..
PEAR_Validate::_validPackageName() -- Override this method to handle validation of
normal package names
require_once '/Validate.php';
bool PEAR_Validate::_validPackageName (string $name)
This protected method can be used to change the normal package validation scheme. By
default, all packages must begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers and
underscores. Using this method, it is possible to change this entirely to enforce another
For instance, enforcing java-style com.blah.package package names can be done simply by
this code:
require_once 'PEAR/Validate.php';
class MyChannel_Validate extends PEAR_Validate
function _validPackageName($name)
return preg_match('/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*/', $name);
Then, by using a customized channel validation package, the installer will enforce javastyle package names for your channel.
string $name
package name string to test for validity.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Package PEAR Constants
Package PEAR Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR
All Constants
Constants defined in Validate.php
Tabelle 27-1. Constants defined in Validate.php
Value Line Number
Class Summary PEAR_XMLParser -- Parser for any xml file
PEAR_XMLParser::getData() -- getData
PEAR_XMLParser::parse() -- parse
PEAR_XMLParser::preProcessStupidSaxon() -- pre-process xml to weed out
characters/entities that would kill parsing
Class Summary PEAR_XMLParser
Class Summary PEAR_XMLParser -- Parser for any xml file
Parser for any xml file
Dieses Package ist noch nicht dokumentiert.
Class Trees for PEAR_XMLParser
PEAR_XMLParser::getData() -- getData
require_once '/XMLParser.php';
array PEAR_XMLParser::getData ()
Return the array representation of XML as parsed by parse().
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_XMLParser::parse() -- parse
require_once '/XMLParser.php';
true|PEAR_Error PEAR_XMLParser::parse (string $data)
Return an array that matches the XML parsed. This code is lifted from Stephan
Schmidt's XML_Unserializer class in the XML_Serializer package. As such, tags are
represented by an associative array. Multiple tags are represented with a 0-based array
of tag contents, and attributes are represented by an array index named attribs. If
attributes are present, the array index _contents is used to hold the contents of the
xml tag.
string $data
xml content
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
PEAR_XMLParser::preProcessStupidSaxon() -- pre-process xml to weed out
characters/entities that would kill parsing
require_once '/XMLParser.php';
string PEAR_XMLParser::preProcessStupidSaxon (string $data)
This method examines xml data prior to parsing and replaces all entities like &agrave;
with their equivalent (&#224; in this case). It also scans the file for any non-ascii
characters like à and replaces them with their entity equivalent (&#224).
This prevents saxon in PHP 4 and PHP 5 from choking on non-ISO-8859-1 characters.
string $data
The xml data.
throws no exceptions thrown
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
VI. Packages
28. Authentication
29. Benchmarking
30. Caching
31. Configuration
32. Console
33. Database
34. Date and Time
35. Encryption
36. Event
37. File Formats
38. File System
39. Gtk
40. HTML
41. HTTP
42. Images
43. Internationalization
44. Logging
45. Mail
46. Math
47. Networking
48. Numbers
49. Payment
50. PEAR
51. PHP
52. Science
53. Streams
54. Structures
55. System
56. Text
57. Tools and Utilities
58. XML
59. Web Services
Kapitel 28. Authentication
Stellt Packages für die Benutzer-Authentifizierung bereit.
Konstanten -- Vordefinierte Konstanten
Einführung -- Eine Beispielanwendung
Speicher-Container -- Einführung
Auth::Auth() -- constructor
Auth::getAuth() -- check for an authenticated user
Auth::getStatus() -- returns informations about the current authentication status
Auth::getUsername() -- get the username of the current authentication session
Auth::sessionValidThru() -- get the time up to the session is valid
Auth::setSessionname() -- set a custom session name
Auth::setShowLogin() -- controls if the login form will be displayed. Turned on by default
Auth::setExpire() -- set expiration time for authentication
Auth::setIdle() -- set maximum idle time for authentication
Auth::start() -- start authentication
Auth::checkAuth() -- check if a session with valid authentication information exists
Stellt ein Framework für die Benutzerauthentifizierung zur Verfügung.
Konstanten -- Vordefinierte Konstanten
Einführung -- Eine Beispielanwendung
Unser Ziel für dieses Mini-Tutorial ist es, ein System aufzusetzen, die Ihre Seite mit
einer einfach zu benutzenden Authentifizierung versieht.
Am Anfang der zu sichernden Seite platzieren Sie folgenden Code:
Beispiel 28-1. Typische Benutzung von PEAR::Auth
require_once "Auth.php";
function loginFunction()
* Change the HTML output so that it fits to your
* application.
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"test.php\">";
echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"username\">";
echo "<input type=\"password\" name=\"password\">";
echo "<input type=\"submit\">";
echo "</form>";
$dsn = "mysql://user:password@localhost/database";
$a = new Auth("DB", $dsn, "loginFunction");
if ($a->checkAuth()) {
* The output of your site goes here.
Die wenigen Zeilen Code initialiseren die Authentifizierung.
Die erste Zeile im obigen Skript inkludiert die Datei aus dem PEAR-Verzeichnis. Es
enthält alle notwendigen Code, um PEAR::Auth auszuführen. Als nächstes wird eine
Funktion definiert, die das Login-Formular darstellt, mit dem sich ein Besucher der Seite
anmelden muss. Sie können die HTML-Formatierungen beliebig ändern.
Da wir eine Datenbank benutzen wollen, um die Login-Daten zu überprüfen, benötigen wir
einen korrekten DSN in der Variable $dsn. Er wird benutzt, um sich mit der Datenbank zu
verbinden über PEAR::DB. Informationen zum Tabellenschema für die Datenbank oder für
die Benutzung anderer Container finden Sie weiter unten.
Danach erzeugen wir das Auth-Objekt. Der erste Parameter gibt den zuverwendenen
Speicher-Container an. Da wir eine Datenbank benutzen, übergeben wir DB. Der zweite
Parameter ist der Verbindungsparameter für den Speicher-Container. Wir setzen hier den
DSN ein. Der dritte Parameter ist der Name der Funktion. die das Login-Formular enthält.
Das Objekt wurde initialisiert und wir müssen prüfen, ob ein Benutzer angemeldet ist.
Dazu rufen wir die Methde checkAuth() auf. Wenn sie TRUE zurückliefert, können wir den
Inhalt der Seite weiter ausführen.
Beispiel 28-2. Optionale Authentifizierung
// In this test, the file is named "test.php".
require_once "Auth.php";
function loginFunction()
* Change the HTML output so that it fits to your
* application.
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"test.php?login=1\">";
echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"username\">";
echo "<input type=\"password\" name=\"password\">";
echo "<input type=\"submit\">";
echo "</form>";
if (isset($_GET['login']) && $_GET['login'] == 1) {
$optional = true;
} else {
$optional = false;
$dsn = "mysql://user:password@localhost/database";
$a = new Auth("DB", $dsn, "loginFunction", $optional);
echo "Everybody can see this text!<br />";
if (!isset($_GET['login'])) {
echo "<a href=\"test.php?login=1\">Click here to log in</a>\n";
if ($a->getAuth()) {
echo "One can only see this if he is logged in!";
Da sist ein kleines Beispiel für einen optionalen Login: Der letzte Parameter $optional
des Auth-Konstrukturs kann auf TRUE oder FALSE gesetzt werden. Setzen Sie ihn auf
FALSE, dann wird das Login-Formular nicht angezeigt und der Benutzer sieht nur den Text
"Everybody can see this text!". Klickt er auf den Link im Text, wird die Seite
erneut geladen, aber mit dem GET-Parameter login=1. Jetzt kann er im Formular seine
Login-Daten eingeben. Wird er erfolgreich eingeloggt, dann kann er den Text "Everybody
can see this text!" sehen und zusätzlich "One can only see this if he is
logged in!".
Beispiel 28-3. Logout-Funktion
Das folgende Beispiel führt einen „Logout“ aus für den aktuellen Benutzer und zeigt
danach das Login-Formular erneut.
if ($_GET['action'] == "logout" && $myauth->checkAuth()) {
In der folgenden Passage betrachten wir die Methoden der Klasse PEAR::Auth genauer.
Diese SQL-Anweisungen (unter MySQL) erzeugen eine Tabelle mit dem Standardschema
für die Authentifizierung:
username VARCHAR(50) default '' NOT NULL,
password VARCHAR(32) default '' NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (username),
KEY (password)
Diese Tabelle und ihre Spaltenname sind erforderlich für eine funktionierende
Authentifizerung über eine Datenbank notwendig. Wenn das Passwort per standardmäßig
per MD5-Hash-Funktion kodiert wird, dann muss die Passwort-Spalte mindestens 32
Zeichen aufnehmen können. Wird eine andere Methode benutzt, wie z.B. DES („UNIX
crypt“), dann muss die Größe entsprechend angepasst werden.
Speicher-Container -- Einführung
PEAR::Auth verwendet eine Anzahl an Speicher-Containern um Login-Daten zu speichern.
Die folgenden Abschnitte bescheiben die Container. Wenn die Container Ihren Ansprüchen
nicht genügen, können Sie auch einfach einen eigenen schreiben.
PEAR::Auth benutzt PEAR::DB für den Datenbankzugriff. Damit haben können Sie alle
DBMS benutzen, die von PEAR::DB unterstützt werden.
Das speicherspezifische Argument für den Auth-Konstruktor() ist ein Array.
Tabelle 28-1. Array Schlüssel und Werte
Ein korrekter DSN .
Der Name der Datenbanktabelle, in der die Login-Daten
gespeichert werden.
Der Name der Spalte, die den Benutzernamen enthält.
Der Name der Spalte, in der das MD5-kodierte Passwort
enthält. Die Spalte muss mindestens 32 Zeichen aufnehmen „password“
Das speicherspezifische Argument für den Auth-Konstruktor() ist der Name einer
Datei gemäß File_Passwd file.
Dieser Container führt eine Authenifizierung gegen eine SAMBA smbpasswd-Datei durch.
Das speicherspezifische Argument für den Auth-Konstruktor() ist der Name einer Datei
gemäß dem SAMBA passwd-style file.
Dieser Container verbindet sich mit einem IMAP-Server und versucht sich mit den
Benutzerdaten daran anzumelden.
Das speicherspezifische Argument für den Auth-Konstruktor() ist ein Array.
Tabelle 28-2. Array Schlüssel und Werte
Schlüssel Beschreibung
Der Hostname oder IP-Adresse des IMAP-Servers. „localhost“
Der Port, auf den der IMAP-Server hört.
Das speicherspezifische Argument für den Auth-Konstruktor() ist ein Array.
Tabelle 28-3. Array Schlüssel und Werte
Schlüssel Beschreibung
Der Hostname oder die IP-Adresse des LDAPServers.
Der Port auf den der LDAP-Servers hört.
Der Base Distinguished Name
„userattr“ Definiert die zu erfragenden Attribute.
Der Container verbindet sich mit einem POP3-Server und versucht sich mit den
Benutzerdaten anzumelden.
Das speicherspezifische Argument für den Auth-Konstruktor() ist eine Zeichenkette
der Form host:port oder nur host.
Sie benötigen Auth_RADIUS und PECL::radius um die Container zu verwenden.
Das speicherspezifische Argument für den Auth-Konstruktor() ist ein Array.
Tabelle 28-4. Array Schlüssel und Werte
Schlüssel Beschreibung
Ein Array mit den RADIUS-Server, die die Werte
angeben: host, port, shared secret, timeout, maxtries.
Die Bedeutung der Parameter finden Sie in der
Dokumentation zur RADIUS-Erweiterung.
0, „testing123“, 3, 3)
Bis zu 10 Server können definiert werden. Diese werden
dann nacheinander abgefragt bis eine gültige Antwort
erfolgt oder die Anzahl der maximalen Versuche erreicht
Die Authentifizierungsmethode für die Prüfung der
Anfrage. Mögliche Werte sind: PAP, CHAP_MD5,
„authtype MSCHAPv1, MSCHAPv2.
Es bestehen zusätzliche Abhängigkeiten für diese
Methoden. Alle ausser POP benötigen das Crypt_CHAPPackage. Für MS-CHAP wird ausserdem die mhashExtension benötigt.
Das speicherspezifische Argument für den Auth-Konstruktor() ist ein Array.
Tabelle 28-5. Array-Schlüssel und -Werte
Die URI unter der der Service erreichbar ist.
Der Namespace des Webservice.
Die aufzurufende SOAP-Methode.
Die zu benutzende Textcodierung (z.B. utf8).
Der Name des Feldes, in dem der Benutzername
übergeben wird.
Der Name des Feldes, in dem das Passwort übergeben
Der Container benutzt einen existierenden vpopmail-Service zur Überprüfung
Er benötigt keine gesonderten Parameter.
Speicher-Container selbst schreiben
Beispiel für das Schreiben eines eigenen Speicher-Containers.
Das ist das Skelett:
Beispiel 28-1. CustomAuthContainer.php
include_once 'Auth/Container.php';
class CustomAuthContainer extends Auth_Container {
* Constructor
function AuthContainerDatabase($params){
// Init Here
function fetchData($username, $password){
// Check If valid etc
// Perform Some Actions
return true;
return false;
Die Anwendung:
Beispiel 28-2. authcustom.php
include_once 'CustomAuthContainer.php';
include_once 'Auth/Auth.php';
$auth_container = new CustomAuthContainer($params);
$myauth = new Auth($auth_container);
Auth::Auth() -- constructor
Auth::Auth (mixed $storageDriver = "DB", mixed $options = "", string
$loginFunction = "" [, boolean $showLogin = TRUE])
Constructor for the authentication system.
string $storageDriver
name of the storage driver that should be used, alternatively you can pass a custom
Auth_Container object.
mixed $options
the options that are passed to the storage container
string $loginFunction
the name of a user-defined function that prints the login screen
boolean $showLogin
defines if the login is optional or not
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
Introduction - The storage drivers
Beispiel 28-1. Using different DB parameters
require_once "Auth/Auth.php";
function myOutput($username, $status)
... /* See example 1 for the full listing */
$params = array(
"dsn" => "mysql://martin:test@localhost/auth",
"table" => "myAuth",
"usernamecol" => "myUserColumn",
"passwordcol" => "myPasswordColumn"
$a = new Auth("DB", $params, "myOutput");
if ($a->getAuth()) {
echo "You have been authenticated successfully.";
This example shows you how you can specifiy alternative names for the database table
and the column names. In our example, we use the table myAuth, select the username from
the field myUserColumn and the password from the field myPasswordColumn. The default
values for this fields are auth, username and password. Note that you can also specify an
existing DB object with the dsn parameter instead of a DSN.
This feature is necessary if you want to use PEAR::Auth with a database layout that is
different from the one PEAR::Auth uses by default.
Beispiel 28-2. Using different DB parameters
require_once "Auth/Auth.php";
function myOutput($username, $status)
... /* See example 1 for the full listing */
$a = new Auth(new CustomAuthContainer($options), null, "myOutput");
if ($a->getAuth()) {
echo "You have been authenticated successfully.";
This example shows you how you can pass your own storage container to Auth.
If the storage containers supplied with Auth are not capable of fulfilling your
requirements, you can easliy create your own storage container. Read the storage
containers section for more info Introduction - The storage drivers
Auth::getAuth() -- check for an authenticated user
boolean Auth_HTTP::getAuth ()
Check if the user has been authenticated.
boolean - If the user has already been authenticated, the function returns TRUE.
Otherwise it returns FALSE.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth::getStatus() -- returns informations about the current authentication status
string Auth::getStatus ()
This function returns the current status of PEAR::Auth. The return values are constants
that are defined by PEAR::Auth.
string - possible values are AUTH_IDLED, AUTH_EXPIRED, AUTH_WRONG_LOGIN
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
PEAR::Auth constants overview
Auth::getUsername() -- get the username of the current authentication session
string Auth::getUsername ()
Using this method, one can retrieve the username (often also referred to as the „user
id“) of the user of the current authentication session.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth::sessionValidThru() -- get the time up to the session is valid
void Auth::sessionValidThru ()
This method returns the time in seconds after which the idle time of the current
authentication session has reached its limit, which will cause the user to be logged out
automatically. If no maximum idle time is set, which is the default configuration of
PEAR::Auth, this method will return 0.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth::setSessionname() -- set a custom session name
void Auth::setSessionname (string name)
This function can set a customized name for the session that is created during the login
process. The default for this session name is "PHPSESSID".
string $name
the session name to use
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
You have to use setSessionname(), if you are running two or more different applications
with Auth on the same domain. If you don't use this function, a user who has once logged
in at one of the applications can also use the other applications without logging in again!
Auth::setShowLogin() -- controls if the login form will be displayed. Turned on by default
void Auth::setShowLogin (bool $showLogin = true)
Controls if the login page will be displayed to the user. Normally you might need to
display the login form only on a certain page of your web application.
string $showLogin
true if you want to display the login form and false if you want to hide it.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
This is equivalent to the 4th paramether of Auth::Auth()() Auth::Auth()
Auth::setExpire() -- set expiration time for authentication
void Auth::setExpire (integer $time [, boolean $add = FALSE])
With this function you can set the maximum expire time that is used by auth to a new
integer $time
expiration time, number of seconds
boolean $add
if TRUE $time is added to the existing expiration time, if FALSE the exitsing time
value will be replaced.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth::setIdle() -- set maximum idle time for authentication
void Auth::setIdle (integer $time [, boolean $add = FALSE])
With this function one can set the maximum idle time to a new value. The term „idle
time“ describes the maximum time interval (in seconds) between two actions by the user.
If the maximum idle time is reached, the user will be automatically logged out. If on the
other hand the user performs any action within the maximum idle time interval, the idle
time is reset.
integer $time
idle time in seconds
boolean $add
if TRUE $time is added to the existing idle time, if FALSE the existing time value
will be replaced.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth::start() -- start authentication
void Auth::start ()
Start the authentication process.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth::checkAuth() -- check if a session with valid authentication information exists
boolean Auth_HTTP::checkAuth ()
Checks if a HTTP session exists that contains valid authentication information.
boolean - If a session with valid authentication information exists, the function return
TRUE. Otherwise it returns FALSE.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Introduction -- to HTTP based authentication
Auth_HTTP::Auth_HTTP() -- constructor
Auth_HTTP Example -- Example: A simple password protected page
Auth_HTTP Example 2 -- Example: A password protected page with multiple rows fetch
and md5 password
Auth_HTTP::getAuth() -- check for an authenticated user
Auth_HTTP::getStatus() -- returns informations about the current authentication status
Auth_HTTP::start() -- start authentication
Provides a framework for user authentication (aka an "User-Login") based on the HTTP
Introduction -- to HTTP based authentication
Instead of generating an HTML driven form like PEAR::Auth does, this class sends
header commands to the clients which cause them to present a login box like they are e.g.
used in Apache's .htaccess mechanism.
Starting with Auth_HTTP 2.1.0, HTTP Digest Authentication (RFC2617) is experimentally
Auth_HTTP::Auth_HTTP() -- constructor
void Auth_HTTP::Auth_HTTP ([string $storageDriver = "DB" [, mixed
$options = ""]])
Constructor for the authentication system
string $storageDriver
name of the storage driver that should be used
mixed $options
a string containing some login information or an array containing a bunch of options
for the storage driver
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Beispiel 28-1. Using different DB parameters
require_once "Auth/HTTP.php";
$a = new Auth_HTTP("DB", "mysql://test:test@localhost/test");
Auth_HTTP Example
Auth_HTTP Example -- Example: A simple password protected page
// example of Auth_HTTP basic implementation
// setting the database connection options
$AuthOptions = array(
your table name
the table username column
the table password column
password encryption type in your db
$a = new Auth_HTTP("DB", $AuthOptions);
$a->setCancelText('<h2>Error 401</h2>');
// realm name
// error message if authentication fails
// starting the authentication process
// checking for autenticated user
echo "Hello $a->username welcome to my secret page";
Auth_HTTP Example 2
Auth_HTTP Example 2 -- Example: A password protected page with multiple rows fetch
and md5 password
// example of Auth_HTTP implementation with encrypted password and multiple columns fetch
// setting the database connection options
$AuthOptions = array(
your table name
the table username column
the table password column
password encryption type in your db
enabling fetch for other db columns
$a = new Auth_HTTP("DB", $AuthOptions);
$a->setCancelText('<h2>Error 401</h2>');
// realm name
// error message if authentication fails
// starting the authentication process
// checking for autenticated user
echo "Hello $a->username welcome to my secret page <BR>";
echo "Your details on file are: <BR>";
echo $a->getAuthData('userid');
// retriving other details from the databa
echo $a->getAuthData('telephone');
// in this example the user id, telephone
echo $a->getAuthData('email');
// and email address
Auth_HTTP::getAuth() -- check for an authenticated user
boolean Auth_HTTP::getAuth ()
Check if the user has been authenticated.
boolean - If the user has already been authenticated, the function returns TRUE.
Otherwise it returns FALSE.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth_HTTP::getStatus() -- returns informations about the current authentication status
string Auth_HTTP::getStatus ()
This function returns the current status of PEAR::Auth. The return values are constants
that are defined by PEAR Auth.
string - possible values are AUTH_IDLED, AUTH_EXPIRED, AUTH_EXPIRED
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Siehe auch
PEAR Auth constants overview
Auth_HTTP::start() -- start authentication
void Auth_HTTP::start ()
Start the authentication process.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Introduction to Auth_PrefManager -- Auth_PrefManager is a simple class to manage user
or application preferences from a DB compatible database.
Tutorial -- A short guide to using Auth_PrefManager
constructor Auth_PrefManager::Auth_PrefManager() -- Constructor
Auth_PrefManager::clearCache() -- Cleans out the cache.
Auth_PrefManager::deleteDefaultPref() -- Deletes a preference for the default user.
Auth_PrefManager::deletePref() -- Deletes a preference for the specified user.
Auth_PrefManager::getDefaultPref() -- Retrieves a default value.
Auth_PrefManager::getPref() -- Get a preference.
Auth_PrefManager::setDefaultPref() -- Set the default value for a preference.
Auth_PrefManager::setPref() -- Set a preference.
Auth_PrefManager::setReturnDefaults() -- Set whether to return default values.
Auth_PrefManager::useCache() -- Sets whether the cache should be used.
Provides a framework for managing preferences in applications.
Introduction to Auth_PrefManager
Introduction to Auth_PrefManager -- Auth_PrefManager is a simple class to manage
user or application preferences from a DB compatible database.
A simple preference manager.
Supported features include:
Setting of default values.
Serialization of values before saving to the database.
Support for any database supported by DB
Tutorial -- A short guide to using Auth_PrefManager
Setting up the database
The first step is to setup a database to store the values in. For this tutorial it's assumed
that you already know the basics of using the PEAR DB class.
To set up the default table layout run the following SQL statement:
Beispiel 28-1. SQL to setup the table
CREATE TABLE `preferences` (
`user_id` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`pref_id` varchar( 32 ) NOT NULL default '',
`pref_value` longtext NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `user_id` , `pref_id` )
Setting up your first PrefManager object
To use Auth_PrefManager we must first create an instance of the base object, as shown
Beispiel 28-2. Setting up the object
$dsn = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/database';
// Change the DSN to fit your databas
$options = array('serialize' => true);
// Enable serialization of data befor
$prefmanager = new Auth_PrefManager($dsn, $options); // Create the object.
Setting and displaying default preferences
Now that we have a PrefManager object, we can make use of it to set some preferences.
For this tutorial we're going to allow users to specify their country, and assume that any
user who hasn't set their country is somewhere on Earth.
First we need to set the default value, using setDefaultPref.
Beispiel 28-3. Setting up the object
// Continued from example 1.
$prefmanager->setDefaultPref("country", "Earth");
Now that the default is set, we can create a (very) basic page, welcoming users with a
customised message.
Currently this message will only ever display "Welcome to the people of Earth!", since no
users have their country set.
Beispiel 28-4. Getting preferences
$username = "guest";
<h1>Welcome to the people of <?=$prefmanager->getPref($username, "country")?>!</h1>
Setting a user's preferences
Finally we need a way for people to choose which country they're in.
This is going to be done with a simple text box, and you should obviously be a little more
careful in a real application about allowing users to set preferences for people!
The Reset Country button will delete the user's preference, and cause the default to be
displayed again.
Beispiel 28-5. Getting preferences
<h1>Set Country</h1>
// Allow users to set their country and username.
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$username = htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']);
$prefmanager->setPref($username, 'country', $_POST['country']);
} else if (isset($_POST['reset'])) {
$username = htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']);
$prefmanager->deletePref($username, 'country');
} else {
$username = 'guest';
<h1>Welcome to the people of <?=$prefmanager->getPref($username, "country")?>!</h1>
<h2>Set Country And Username</h2>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>">
<label for="username">Username</label> <input name="username" value="<?=$username?>" /><
<label for="country">Country</label> <input name="country" value="<?=$prefmanager->getPr
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Set Country" /> <input type="submit" name="res
Now once a user has entered their username, and their country, whenever they login
they'll get a personalized welcome.
Full sourcecode
Beispiel 28-6. Sourcecode for the example page
<h1>Set Country</h1>
// Create the PrefManager object.
// Change the DSN to fit your database.
$dsn = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/database';
// Enable serialization of data before saving, this ensures that the values are retrieved
$options = array('serialize' => true);
// Create the object.
$prefmanager = new Auth_PrefManager($dsn, $options);
// Set the default value (this doesn't need to be done everytime the script is run).
$prefmanager->setDefaultPref("country", "Earth");
// Allow users to set their country and username.
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$username = htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']);
$prefmanager->setPref($username, 'country', $_POST['country']);
} else if (isset($_POST['reset'])) {
$username = htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']);
$prefmanager->deletePref($username, 'country');
} else {
$username = 'guest';
<h1>Welcome to the people of <?=$prefmanager->getPref($username, "country")?>!</h1>
<h2>Set Country And Username</h2>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>">
<label for="username">Username</label> <input name="username" value="<?=$username?>" /><
<label for="country">Country</label> <input name="country" value="<?=$prefmanager->getPr
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Set Country" /> <input type="submit" name="res
constructor Auth_PrefManager::Auth_PrefManager() -- Constructor
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
bool constructor Auth_PrefManager::Auth_PrefManager (string $dsn,
array [$properties = NULL], string $defaultUser)
The $properties property should be an associative array, with the structure below. Any
options not set will be set to the default.
The table to retrieve preferences from. [preferences]
The field to use for matching user IDs. [user_id]
The field to use for matching preference names. [pref_name]
The field to retrieve preference values from. [pref_value]
The user ID to use for retrieving default values. [__default__]
The key to use for the cache in $_SESSION. [prefsCache]
Should values be cached for later use. [true]
Should values be serialized before saving to the database, and unserialized on
retrieval. [false]
Options: table: The table to get prefs from. [preferences] userColumn: The field name to
search for userid's [user_id] nameColumn: The field name to search for preference names
[pref_name] valueColumn: The field name to search for preference values [pref_value]
defaultUser: The userid assigned to default values [__default__] cacheName: The name
of cache in the session variable ($_SESSION[cacheName]) [prefsCache] useCache:
Whether or not values should be cached. serialize: Should preference values be serialzed
before saving?
string $dsn
The DSN of the database connection to make, or a DB object.
array $properties
An array of properties to set.
string $defaultUser
The default user to manage for.
returns Success or failure.
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Users with preferences created using Auth_PrefManager 1.0.4 or earlier shouldn't enable
the serialize option, as it may result in data loss.
Auth_PrefManager::clearCache() -- Cleans out the cache.
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
void Auth_PrefManager::clearCache ()
Clears the cache of preferences stored in the current user's session.
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth_PrefManager::deleteDefaultPref() -- Deletes a preference for the default user.
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
bool Auth_PrefManager::deleteDefaultPref (string $pref_id)
Deletes the default value for the preference passed as $pref_id.
string $pref_id
The preference to delete.
returns Success/Failure
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth_PrefManager::deletePref() -- Deletes a preference for the specified user.
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
bool Auth_PrefManager::deletePref (string $user_id, string $pref_id)
Deletes the preference $pref_id for $user_id if one is set.
string $user_id
The userid of the user to delete from.
string $pref_id
The preference to delete.
returns Success/Failure
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth_PrefManager::getDefaultPref() -- Retrieves a default value.
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
mixed Auth_PrefManager::getDefaultPref (string $pref_id)
Retrieves the default value for $pref_id, even if there is currently a user ID set for
the object being used.
string $pref_id
The name of the preference to get.
returns The value if it's found, or NULL if it isn't.
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth_PrefManager::getPref() -- Get a preference.
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
mixed Auth_PrefManager::getPref (string $user_id, string $pref_id,
bool [$showDefaults = TRUE])
Retrieves the preference specified for a user, or, if returning default values is enabled,
the default.
string $user_id
The user to get the preference for.
string $pref_id
The preference to get.
boolean $showDefaults
Should default values be searched (overrides the global setting).
returns The value if it's found, or NULL if it isn't.
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth_PrefManager::setDefaultPref() -- Set the default value for a preference.
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
bool Auth_PrefManager::setDefaultPref (string $pref_id, mixed $value)
Sets the default value for $pref_id, which will be retrieved if a user doesn't have the
preference set.
string $pref_id
The name of the preference to set.
mixed $value
The value to set it to.
returns Sucess or failure.
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth_PrefManager::setPref() -- Set a preference.
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
bool Auth_PrefManager::setPref (string $user_id, string $pref_id,
mixed $value)
Sets the value for $pref_id.
string $user_id
The user to set for.
string $pref_id
The preference to set.
mixed $value
The value it should be set to.
returns Sucess or failure.
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
Auth_PrefManager::setReturnDefaults() -- Set whether to return default values.
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
void Auth_PrefManager::setReturnDefaults (mixed [$returnDefaults =
Set whether a default value should be returned by getPref() if no value was set for the
specified user.
mixed $returnDefaults
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
getDefaultPref() will always return the default value.
Auth_PrefManager::useCache() -- Sets whether the cache should be used.
require_once '/PrefManager.php';
void Auth_PrefManager::useCache (bool [$use = TRUE])
Sets whether the caching system should be used or not.
If the cache is enabled then any values retrieved will be saved in the user's session to
reduce load on the database.
boolean $use
Should the cache be used.
Es werden keine Exceptions ausgelöst.
Diese Methode kann nicht statisch aufgerufen werden.
LiveUser -- Getting started guide.
LiveUser -- Getting started guide.
LiveUser and LiveUser_Admin
LiveUser is an advanced authentication and permission framework that comes with a large
array of out of the box features which can be used optionally. LiveUser is split in two
packages. The base package is called LiveUser and is often refered to as the "client" and
is what will be commonly be used to authenticate a specific user and then optionally make
permission checks on this user. The other is the LiveUser_Admin package which provides
various ways to manage all relevant data, like users, groups/roles, rights and their
LiveUser provides the following key features: The LiveUser class takes care of the login
process and can be configured to use a certain permission container and one or more
different auth containers. That means, you can have your users' data scattered amongst
many data containers and have the LiveUser class try each defined container until the user
is found. For example, you can have all website users who can apply for a new account
online on the webserver's local database. Also, you want to enable all your company's
employees to login to the site without the need to create new accounts for all of them. To
achieve that, a second container can be defined to be used by the LiveUser class.
You can also define a permission container of your choice that will manage the rights for
each user. Depending on the container, you can implement any kind of permission schemes
for your application while having one consistent API.
Using different permission and auth containers, it's easily possible to integrate newly
written applications with older ones that have their own ways of storing permissions and
user data. Just make a new container type and you're ready to go!
Currently available are containers using: PEAR::DB, PEAR::MDB, PEAR::MDB2,
PEAR::XML_Tree and PEAR::Auth.
LiveUser_Admin provides the following key features You'll be able to
add/edit/delete/get things like:
And all other entities within LiveUser. At the moment we support the following storage
Aside from the normal ressources provided in PEAR you can contact the dedicated
LiveUser mailinglist: [email protected]
There is also an external wiki dedicated to LiveUser:
At this point LiveUser is still in beta stage. Even so LiveUser is already being used on a
wide range of production websites. A non exaustive list can be found here:
The current roadmap for LiveUser can be viewed here:
The current roadmap for LiveUser_Admin can be viewed here:
A detailed introduction to the core concepts of LiveUser can be found in the following
phpmag article:,id,595,nodeid,21.html
This article was published in april 2004 and is therefore not entirely uptodate. However
the core principles remain unchanged and most of the recent changes resolve around
making the API more consistent and flexible. As a result the APi examples are mostly out
of date. The article also fails to mention the fact that the permission containers are now
separated in a logic and a storage layer. This was done to remove logic duplication as well
as to allow the implementation of a stackable storage approach, where users could
configure LiveUser to first call a cache storage layer, which in turn would fetch the
necessary data on demand from the actual storage layer. Furthermore the article also
does not mention the SQL generator used in the LiveUser_Admin package. This feature
has made the API much more flexible since now the entire storage schema is configurable
and extensible. It also means that more or less any sort of filtering can be applied with on
demand joining. On overview of this API can be found here:
Before you can use LiveUser you will need to setup the necessary data structures for the
chosen container. Through the use of the configuration options it is possible to customize
alot of the aspects of the storage layer. Most notably it is possible to alias field and table
names. This should make it possible to integrate any legacy data into LiveUser. Depending
on the container chosen you may have to use the database schema installer. The installer
requires the MDB2_Schema and MDB2 packages and is able to handle most configuration
options properly to be able to install the database schema directly into your database. You
can find the install class in "[PEAR]/data/misc/schema/install.php". There is some sample
code which is partially commented out at the top. Basically its a two step process for both
the auth and perm: (1) generate the schema xml file, (2) install the schema.
During the installation process the installer will create backup files of the installed
schema. These files will enable the installer to attempt to alter the database if run again
with a different configuration. However if these files exist the installer will always
attempt to alter instead of creating the tables from scratch as long as you are using the
sam DSN. If for some reason you need to create the tables from scratch again then
please delete the backup files with the matching DSN. You can find the installer inside the
data directory of your pear install directory. Its called install.php and at the top of the
file you will find a number of sample API calls which are commented out.
An ER diagram of the database structure can be found here:
The diagram details what tables are needed for what permission complexity level. If you
want to prevent the installer from installing tables you dont need you can modify the
"tables" property of the instance of the permission container you pass to the
generateSchema() method in the installer.
In order to get started with LiveUser the following two articles should help in getting
off the ground:
The observer support in LiveUser allows users to automatically have LiveUser call certain
callbacks on a number of internal events. It is documented here:
Both packages also ship with a wide range of examples. These will be installed into the
"docs" directory in your PEAR install directory. They try to illustrate various usage
scenarios. The database examples come with a schema file please see the demodata.php in
the examples root folder of the LiveUser package for details on how to install these
schema files from the command line or from a browser. You will once again need
MDB2_Schema to be able to install the schema files.
LiveUser package:
example1 illustrates using only a single authentication source (in this case XML)
with several aliased fields and a custom field.
example2 illustrates using a single authentication with permissions (in this case
XML) with the optional remember me feature and several aliased fields
example4 illustrates using multiple authentication sources (XML and database)
with permissions (database) in a more real world news administration scenario
example4 illustrates using single authentication sources (database) with
permissions (database) in a more real world news administration scenario
LiveUser_Admin package:
example 1 illustrates various API calls to most methods in the admin API and
custom fields
example3 illustrates using single authentication sources (database) with
permissions (database) and the optional remember me feature in a more real world
restricted page access scenario
Kapitel 29. Benchmarking
Stellt Packages für Benchmarking und Profiling bereit.
Kapitel 30. Caching
Stellt Packages für Caches bereit.
Einführung -- Einführung zu Cache_Lite
constructor Cache_Lite::Cache_Lite() -- Constructor
Cache_Lite::get() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it
Cache_Lite::save() -- Save some data in a cache file
Cache_Lite::remove() -- Remove a cache file
Cache_Lite::clean() -- Clean the cache
Cache_Lite::setToDebug() -- Set to debug mode
Cache_Lite::setLifeTime() -- Set a new life time
Cache_Lite::saveMemoryCachingState() -Cache_Lite::getMemoryCachingState() -Cache_Lite::lastModified() -- Return the cache last modification time