Workshop Info 2013
Workshop Info 2013
SA German Teachers Conference 2013 Workshop Information Participants need to register for individual workshops for this year's conference. Most workshops are limited to 25 participants. On your registration form please tick your first and second preference for a workshop. Registration for workshops will be on a "first come, first served" basis. If the workshop of your first choice is full, we will register you in the workshop of your second preference or, should both workshops be full, make an alternative choice. The list with workshops and participants' names will be prominently displayed in the main conference room. We would like to advise you to bring your own USB-stick to workshops. Freitag, 17. Mai 2013 Workshops Note: D = Workshop in German E = Workshop in English Sabine Wiertz-Anderson, Kelmscott Primary School, WA, Professional Learning Facilitator for the Goethe-Institut: Märchen in the German Class Aschenputtel und Rotkäppchen in der Grundschule. Two complete ‘Unterrichtseinheiten’ with ideas and resources. Could be taken and used in your classroom straight away, if needed or wanted. Please bring your USB stick to download the programmes and materials. E/D 3-6 Margot Kranich, Loxton HS, Professional Learning Facilitator for the Goethe-Institut: Spaß mit Wörtern Simple action rhymes, poems, word games for beginning students in both primary and secondary. Margot teaches Years 8-10 German at Loxton High School and has been a PD Facilitator for several years. Many years ago she also taught in primary schools and in the distance education mode. She is interested in ICT as well as singing and dancing and tries to incorporate these into her teaching of German. E /D 5-8 Kirsty Hickman-Davis, Pulteney Grammar: "Ten ways to jazz up your Unterricht" The workshop will cover many different ideas on how to ‘Jazz Up’ your current curriculum using ICT. Useful video clips, apps, websites, animation sites, power point presentations and songs for various topics will be discussed. E 8-12 Barbara Millar, Modbury HS, Professional Learning Facilitator for the Goethe-Institut: Die Liebe und andere Beziehungen Mit Hilfe von Liedern, einem kurzen Film und einer kurzen Geschichte werden wir Liebe und andere Beziehungen unter die Lupe nehmen. Teilnehmer bekommen Ideen, die gleich im Klassenzimmer benutzt werden können. D 10-12 Joanna Jamroz, Goethe-Institut Australien in Melbourne: Aktuelles vom Goethe-Institut Das Angebot des Goethe-Instituts für Deutschlehrer und –schüler wird stets erweitert. Informieren Sie sich direkt bei der Quelle, wie Sie es wahrnehmen können. Projekte, Materialien und Stipendien werden im Detail erklärt. Joanna hat 1999 das Lehramtsstudium für Deutsch und Germanistik in Polen abgeschlossen. Da und auch nach ihrer Ankunft in Australien in 2003 hat sie im Primar-, Sekundar- und im Erwachsenenbereich gearbeitet. Seit 2006 ist sie mit dem Goethe-Institut in Melbourne verbunden, wo sie zurzeit in der Abteilung Bildungskooperation Deutsch bei der Unterstützung der Deutschlehrer und -schüler auf ihre Erfahrung als Deutschlehrerin zurückgreifen kann. D R-12 2 Tanya Siebert, Endeavour College, SAGTA President: The Power of the Circle: Language Learning using Circle Time Techniques Get up from behind that desk, turn off your computer, put the textbooks back in your bag and engage in a meaningful way with your students! Working in circles is nothing new; however, have we forgotten the benefits and solely rely on using a textbook and workbook? Re-engage those students who don’t want to learn a language and bring more highs than lows to your students’ experiences. Tanya Siebert will show you some ideas that can be used for any topic or year level to motivate your students to learn in an encouraging and safe environment. D/E 6-10 Kerstin Liebchen, St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School, Queensland, Professional Learning for the Goethe-Institut: ICTs and “Jugend” Using numerous student examples from her classroom, Kerstin will demonstrate the successful application of both, I-pad apps and PC software applications to incorporate listening, speaking and reading skills. Images and text excerpts of the 2013 Goethe-Institut youth- themed calendar will be used to exemplify certain uses of this subject matter. Kerstin Liebchen was born in Mannheim, Germany and migrated to Australia in 1989. She is a teacher of P-12 and the Head of the German Department at St. Aidan’s AGS in Brisbane. Kerstin has been a member of MLTAQ since 1995 and is a member of the “Multiplikatorengruppe” of German teachers in QLD. She has developed numerous resources through special funding initiatives and is a member of the Queensland Studies Authority Language Area Reference Committee. Kerstin participated in the national ILTLP project in 2007 and was a trainer for the Professional Standards Project in 2008. She has been presenting on national and international conferences. In 2010 she was one of the Queensland representatives for the initial discussion of the Australian Curriculum Languages Shaping Paper. D 7-12 Georgia Heynemann, Beate De Maria, David Sharp, Immanuel College Der, die oder das? Und warum?? The aim of this workshop is to provide possible reasons for the attribution of gender to some popular nouns introduced to the German language. Focus will be on amusing excerpts from the book “Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod.” Discussion in German and English. D/E 10-12 Barbara Millar, Modbury HS Andrew Ferguson, Präsident, Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria Inc. (MLTAV) Professional Learning Facilitators for the Goethe-Institut: Plenary: Responding to the Australian Curriculum Drafts for Languages This session will provide an opportunity for teachers of German to work together on a response with regard to the proposed underlying principles and structure of the Australian Curriculum: Languages, as available through the drafts of Chinese (Mandarin) and Italian. If you have not already had your say, please get involved in the ACARA consultation process through this workshop. E R-12 Both presenters are Professional Learning Facilitators for the Goethe-Institut Australien, which has provided support for the presenters to work with the Australian Curriculum drafts in preparation for this workshop. Andrew Ferguson is an experienced teacher of German, English and Drama, having taught in a wide range of Victorian schools for over 25 years. He has been Head of Languages at three schools. Currently Andrew is engaged as a sessional lecturer at two Melbourne universities, lecturing in the methodology of teaching Languages (other than English) to pre-service teachers. He is also working as a private consultant in Languages education, including in the areas of Professional Learning for Languages Teachers, the Australian Curriculum: German, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Vocational Education and Training (VET): Applied Languages. Andrew was very active for over 20 years with the Association of German Teachers of Victoria (AGTV), including seven years as president, and has continued working with the Network of Australian Teachers of German (NATG) since its inception in 2002. Andrew is currently in his eighth year as president of the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria (MLTAV). 3 Samstag/Sonnabend, 18. Mai 2013 Keynote Tony Hole: Literacy Consultant, CESA Learning to be critically literate by learning German Critical literacy involves students in asking questions of texts rather than accepting texts as truth. Is there a place for critical literacy in teaching German? This interactive presentation will use YouTube clips as a means of exploring together what might be possible in your German classes. Tony Hole is a literacy consultant with Catholic Education SA with a passion and fascination for language and languages. Jillian Symons, Intext Book Co., Melbourne: New resources for German in the primary and secondary classroom There are several new resources appearing for German and this will be an introduction to those chosen by Intext as the most relevant to Australian schools. E/D R-12 Melissa Lange, Clare HS, Professional Learning Facilitator for the Goethe-Institut (currently on Mat. Leave): Social Media and Web 2.0 Tools in Language Teaching English, to make this as accessible to all (including nervous first timers or those not confident in German) Come and discover a range of ideas on how different social media platforms and web 2.0 tools can work for your classroom. Topics of interest include Pinterest, Moodle and Google+. The workshop will be hands on, so all participants are encouraged to bring a laptop so that they can sign up and start using these resources immediately. E/D R-12 Andrew Ferguson, MLTAV Präsident, Goethe-Institut Professional Learning Facilitator: New Technologies for the German Classroom – Apps and more This hands-on professional learning session will introduce a number of Apps for use across i-devices. In addition, there will be strong emphasis on consideration of underlying effective teaching and learning principles, including the presentation of an evaluation tool for new technologies. Andrew has been privileged to work with the former German Advisor in Melbourne, Torsten Schulz, on the contents of this workshop. D R-12 Olga Yankevich, Goethe-Institut Australien in Melbourne, The University of Adelaide, Goethe-Institut Professional Learning Facilitator: Presentation models and their application in German as an additional language instruction. “Advertising column”, “ball bearing”, “reader avenue”, “spinning group” – during German classes, students come face to face with various presentation models both passive (receptive) and active (productive). D R-12 Kirsten Ohlhaber, Open Access College: Feedback from the 2012 SACE exam and moderation Discussion with teachers about different tasks in the exam in more detail, look at the chief assessor’s report. Look at moderation and the school assessment as a whole. Highlighting good practice, good examples of tasks and topics and discussion about performance standards and “on balance” assessment. E/D 10-12 Sabine Wiertz-Anderson, Kelmscott Primary School, WA, Professional Learning Facilitator for the Goethe-Institut: National Curriculum: Integrating Literacy into German An example of how to integrate literacy strands from the National Curriculum into the German classroom. Plenty of practical examples and ideas. Please bring a USB stick to download items. E/D 3-10 Joanna Jamroz, Goethe-Institut Australien in Melbourne: „Jugend in Deutschland“, Posterausstellung, Wandkalender, Schulfilmfestival In diesem Workshop wird vorgestellt, wie man australischen Schülern die Welt der Jugendlichen in Deutschland nahe bringt und wie man mit Hilfe der vom Goethe-Institut erarbeiteten Materialien das Thema mit viel Potenzial in den Unterricht einbaut. D/E R-12 4 Olga Yankevich, Goethe-Institut Australien in Melbourne, The University of Adelaide, Goethe-Institut Professional Learning Facilitator: First European Languages Festival in South Australia: Outcomes and New Perspectives I am going to present the outcomes of the First European Languages Festival held on the 6th and 7th of May 2013 at the Fairyland Village in Lobethal. E/D R-12 Harald Ohlendorf, Translator D <--> E (NAATI): Kulturelle Unterschiede – Cultural Differences: D-AUS Cultural differences between Germans and Australians can lead to misunderstandings. How can we avoid some of these pitfalls? Some examples. How can we integrate this into our teaching? Interkulturelle Kommunikation ist heutzutage ein selbstverständliches Thema im Sprachunterricht. Auch in der europäischen Geschäftswelt sind diese kulturellen Unterschiede ein wichtiges Thema. Zwischen Deutschen und Australiern gibt es öfters spezielle Missverständnisse. An einigen Beispielen soll gezeigt werden, worin die Unterschiede bestehen und wie man Missverständnisse vermeiden kann. Es ist wichtig, diese Dinge schon früh in den Deutschunterricht zu integrieren. D/E R-12 Ans van Heijster, Adult Education, Tas., Professional Learning Facilitator for the Goethe-Institut: Lernstationen. Die vier Jahreszeiten: mit allen Sinnen In diesem Workshop beschäftigen wir uns mit den Möglichkeiten die Stationenlernen uns bieten. Als Beispiel nehmen wir die vier Jahreszeiten. Gezeigt wird wie man mit den fünf Sinnen: hören, sehen, schmecken, fühlen und riechen die Jahreszeiten kennenlernen kann. Alle Arbeitsblätter werden im Handout verfügbar sein. Bitte Wechseldatenträger mitbringen. D 3-7 Ans ist in den Niederlanden geboren und wohnt seit 1980 in Australien, auf Tasmanien. Sie hat 30 Jahre in allen Unterrichtsbereichen unterrichtet. Heute unterrichtet sie Deutsch und Niederländisch im Erwachsenenunterricht. Ans ist die Netzwerkleiterin und Multiplikatorin für Tasmanien. Sie ist aktives Mitglied der MLTAT (Vize-präsidentin). Sie liebt lesen, singen, Musik hören, wandern im tasman. Busch und Zeit verbringen mit ihrem Partner und ihren vier Söhnen. Susanne Wolf, Deutsche Sprachassistentin: Neues aus Deutschland Unsere diesjährige Fremdsprachenassistentin berichtet über neue kulturelle und politische Entwicklungen in Deutschland. D/E R-12 Jessica Muhlethaler, Faith Lutheran College: Blended learning in the middle school We often place a heavy emphasis on the use of textbooks to teach middle school language, which leaves our students disengaged and unchallenged. This workshop will look at a year 9 German unit that was taught using a blended approach of iPad applications, online websites, a range of textbooks and created texts. The end result? A class of curious and engaged year 9 students! E 6-10 Margot Kranich, Loxton HS, Professional Learning Facilitator for the Goethe-Institut: ActivExpression in the German Classroom Does your school have a set of ActivExpression devices for Interactive Whiteboards (or another brand of student response system)? Have you used them in your German lessons? Come and have a try and be inspired to give them a go back at school. E/D 8-10 Margot teaches Years 8-10 German at Loxton High School and has been a PD Facilitator for several years. Many years ago she also taught in primary schools and in the distance education mode. She is interested in ICT as well as singing and dancing and tries to incorporate these into her teaching of German. Kerstin Liebchen, Professional Development Facilitator, St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School, Qld: A literature project for senior students with a specific focus on intercultural language learning and teaching. As stated in the Australian Curriculum, intercultural understanding focuses on personal and social knowledge, understanding, abilities and skills that students need in learning to live together in a multicultural and multilingual world ( This presentation of a literature project for senior students will provide a specific focus on intercultural language learning and teaching. Emphasising the relationship of literature and poetry on language and culture the workshop will give an overview of unit planning, resources, student responses and examples of student work. D R-12