
October 8, Tuesday
Hotel Lobby "Beijing Continental Grand Hotel"
Icebreaker reception "Lijiang Hall"
October 9, Wednesday
Room 305 CDE
Registration "Outside Room 305"
Opening Ceremony [Zhiliang Ma]
Keynote Speeches (2) [Sang-Ho Lee]
Lunch "Lijiang Hall"
Room 305A
Session 1-1 (6)
[Hojjat Adeli]
Room 305B
Session 1-2 (6)
Best Student Paper Award Session:
[Jakob Beetz]
Coffee Break
Session 2-1 (6)
Session 2-2 (6)
Smart Building/Monitoring
[Guangbin Wang]
[Lucio Soibelman]
Dinner "Lijiang Hall"
October 10, Thursday
Room 305 CDE
Keynote Speeches (3) [John Messner]
Lunch "Lijiang Hall"
Room 305A
Session 3-1 (5)
Simulation and Numerical Analysis
[Joseph Handibry Mbatu Tah]
After 17:30
Room 305B
Session 3-2 (5)
Best Student Paper Award Session:
[Nashwan Dawood]
Coffee Break
Session 4-1 (6)
Session 4-2 (6)
Best Student Paper Award Session:
Smart Building
[Tamer E. El-Diraby]
[Alain Zarli]
Free Time
October 11, Friday
Room 305A
Room 305B
Room 303
Session 5-1 (5)
[Jinyue Zhang]
Session 5-2 (5)
Best Student Paper
Award Session:
[Robin Drogemuller]
Coffee Break
Session 6-2 (6)
Smart Buildings,
Infrastructures and
[Ivan Mutis]
Lunch "Lijiang Hall"
Session 5-3 (5)
[Karsten Menzel]
Session 6-1 (6)
[R. Raymond Issa]
Session 6-3 (5)
[Hanbin Luo]
Room 305A
Room 305B
Room 303
Session 7-1 (4)
[Nora Mohamed]
Session 7-2 (4)
Smart Buildings,
Infrastructures and
[Bee Hua Goh]
Session 7-3 (4)
[Regina Coeli Ruschel]
Visiting Tsinghua University
Banquet "Da Yi Shan Fang"
October 12, Saturday
Site Visit: The 9th China (Beijing) International Garden Expo
To the Expo Park (by bus)
Visiting Main Exhibition Hall
Visiting Museum of Chinese Gardens
Visiting Lingnan Park & Minnan Park
Free Time
Back to hotel (by bus)
 Free dinner on October 10 is not provided;
 ( ) indicates number of papers; [ ] indicates session chairperson; “” indicates places for lunch etc.
 For each paper, there are 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.
Day 1 – October 9, Wednesday
Opening Ceremony
09:00-09:30, Room 305
Chairperson: Zhiliang Ma, Tsinghua University
Keynote Speeches
09:30-11:15, Room 305
Chairperson: Sang-Ho Lee, Yonsei University
Intelligent Infrastructure, Sustainable Design and Signature Structures
Hojjat Adeli, Ohio State University
National BIM Standard – US: The Development, Application and Vision
John Messner, Pennsylvania State University
Session 1-1: Sustainable/Energy
13:30-15:30, Room 305A
Chairperson: Hojjat Adeli
3. ICT for Energy-Efficient Urban Communities: The IREEN Roadmap and the Case of a Developing
Alain Zarli and Yacine Rezgui
103. Virtual Energy Management Platform for Low Energy Building Operations
H. Ufuk Gökçe and K. Umut Gökçe
82. A Sense-think-act Methodology for Intelligent Building Energy Management
Dimitrios V. Rovas, Kyriakos Katsigarakis, Giorgos D. Kontes, Georgios I. Giannakis and
Georgios N. Lilis
39. Decision Support Systems for Domestic Retrofit Provision Using Smart Home Data Streams
Steven K Firth, Farid Fouchal, Tom Kane, Vanda Dimitriou and Tarek Hassan
131. An Approach to Developing and Integrating Intelligent-building Systems - On a Live Project
Steven Hipwell and Jizheng Wan
114. Research on the Impact of BIM Maturity on the Sustainability of Project Organization Based on
Social Network Analysis
Yingyan Jin and Guangbin Wang
Session 1-2: Best Student Paper Award Session – BIM
13:30-15:30, Room 305B
Chairperson: Jakob Beetz
10. Collaborative BIM in the Cloud and the Communication Tools to Support it
George Charalambous, Tony Thorpe, Peter Demian, Steven Yeomans, Nathan Doughty and
Chris Peters
20. Regulatory Knowledge Representation for Automated Compliance Audit of BIM-based Models
Johannes Dimyadi and Robert Amor
27. Diverse Approach of BIM in AEC Industry: A Study on Current Knowledge and Practice
Md. Afjalur Rahman, Sunil Suwal and Päivi Jäväjä
45. Mapping Roles in an Altered Landscape – The Impact of BIM on Designer-constructor
Kathryn Davies, Dermott McMeel and Suzanne Wilkinson
66. BIM-based Acoustic Simulation Framework
Chengde Wu and Mark. J. Clayton
42. Digital Interaction Patterns on Construction Projects: A Study of Dynamic Approval Processes
Geyang Guo, Graeme D. Larsen and Jennifer Whyte
Session 2-1: Smart Building/Monitoring
15:50-17:50, Room 305A
Chairperson: Guangbin Wang
28. Smart Building Information Modelling: The Use of ANN-COBie for HVAC Information Capture
and Exchanged
Llewellyn C. M. Tang, Liang Xia, Deborah A. Adkins and Ali Cheshmehzangi
136. Smart Virtual Building System for Building Performance Visualization
Bin Wang, Haijiang Li, Yacine Rezgui and Hoang N. Ong
78. WSN-based IEQ Monitoring System: Data Acquisition, Processing and Visualization in Built
Szu-cheng CHIEN, Song Jiaying, Dominic Maurath and Tan Yen Kheng
149. National Stadium (Bird's Nest) Digital Construction Technology
Jiulin Li, Zhong Fan, Zhonghua Liu, Rongjin Shi, Jianping Zhang, Yanlin Guo and Zhibin Zeng
99. A Hybrid Energy Generation and Management Platform for Energy Efficient Smart Buildings
H. Ufuk Gökçe and K. Umut Gökçe
101. Interoperable Energy Management System Concept for Energy Efficient Smart Buildings
H. Ufuk Gökçe and K. Umut Gökçe
Session 2-2: BIM
15:50-17:50, Room 305B
Chairperson: Lucio Soibelman
13. Teaching Construction Project Planning with BIM Support: Unraveling the Black-box
Timo Hartmann
26. Unified Geometry Breakdown Structure (GBS) for BIM: Variables for Theory and
Youngsoo Jung, Min Kim and Yunsub Lee
41. Achieving Level 2 BIM by 2016 in the UK: A Critical Perception of the Current Status
Abdulkadir Ganah and Godfaurd A. John
49. Building Knowledge Modeling: Integrating Knowledge in BIM
Fangxiao Liu, Abdou Karim Jallow, Chimay J. Anumba and Dinghao Wu
108. Towards the Long-term Preservation of Building Information Models
Jakob Beetz, Stefan Dietze, RenéBerndt and Martin Tamke
150. How BIM Compatible Estimating Software is Adopted in the Australian Construction Industry
Cynthia Changxin Wang and Ken Yumin Wang
Day 2 – October 10, Thursday
Keynote Speeches
09:00-11:40, Room 305
Chairperson: John Messner, Pennsylvania State University
Integration of Bridge Model Data and Engineering Document Information
Sang-Ho Lee, Yonsei University
BIM Solution for Building Project Management
Robert Yuan, Director of Glodon Software Company Limited
BIM Applications throughout Building Lifecycle
Zhenzhong Hu and Jianping Zhang, Tsinghua University
Session 3-1: Simulation and Numerical Analysis
13:30-15:10, Room 305A
Chairperson: Joseph Handibry Mbatu Tah
11. Simulation-assisted Daylight Performance Analysis in a High-rise Office Building in Singapore
Szu-cheng Chien and King Jet Tseng
135. Study on Emergency and Disaster Prevention System for Urban Safety
Lu Shuxian, Luo Yuan and Liu Gang
35. The Interaction of Contractor’s Cost Flow with Operational Practice: A Simulation Study
Peter Wallström, Weizhuo Lu and Thomas Olofsson
86. Automated Spatial Change Analysis of Building Systems Using 3D Imagery Data
Pingbo Tang, Zhenglai Shen and Ram Ganapathy
34. A Cloud-based Context Aware Information Retrieval Infrastructure for Management of
Distributed Local Authority Data
Lewis McGibbney and Bimal Kumar
Session 3-2: Best Student Paper Award Session – BIM
13:30-15:10, Room 305B
Chairperson: Nashwan Dawood
113. Key Technology Research of Open BIM-based Construction Engineering Management
Integrated-information Cyber-Infrastructure (CEMIC)
Guangbin Wang, Shoukui Liu, Yang Yang, Daniel Castro-Lacouture
112. BIM Oriented Intelligent Data Mining and Representation
Jiarui Lin, Zhenzhong Hu and Jianping Zhang
122. An Approach for Extending Building Information Models (BIM) to Specifications
Erezi Utiome and Robin Drogemuller
71. 3D BIM-based Energy Management for Enhancing Building Energy Efficiency
Kee-Jung Kwon, Dong-Hwan Lee, Ki-Chun Cha and Seung-Hee Park
148. What Information is Necessary to Assess the Environmental Impacts of Deconstruction?
Anna Kühlen, Robin Drogemuller and Frank Schultmann
Session 4-1: Best Student Paper Award Session – Smart Building
15:30-17:30, Room 305A
Chairperson: Alain Zarli
92. Evaluation of an Environment-aware Sequence-based Localization Algorithm for Building Fire
Emergency Scenarios
Nan Li, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Lucio Soibelman and Bhaskar Krishnamachari
15. Interoperability in Semi-intelligent Civil Engineering Agent
Mehdi Bavafa and Arto Kiviniemi
40. Background and Approach to a Definition of Smart Buildings
Susana Millán Anglés, Abdulkadir Ganah, Alfonso Garcí
a Santos, Francisco Javier Jiménez
Leube and Óscar Higuera Rincón
146. Integration of BIM and Live Sensing Information to Monitor Building Energy Performance
Hongxia Wang, Alex Gluhak, Stefan Meissner and Rahim Tafazolli
70. Real-times Control of HVAC Using BEMS at Energy Operating Center
Donghwan Lee, Jooho Shin, Gi-chun Cha and Seunghee Park
12. Test Results for Locating Structural Steel Assemblies and Packages Using RFID
Emre Caner Akcay and Semiha Ergan
Session 4-2: BIM
15:30-17:30, Room 305B
Chairperson: Tamer E. El-Diraby
54. A Proposed Approach to Comparing the BIM Maturity of Countries
Mohamad Kassem, Bilal Succar and Nashwan Dawood
130. A Critical Review of BIM Assessment Practices for a Construction Management Module
Alan Redmond, Mustafa Alshawi, Roger West and Alain Zarli
121. A Platform-independent Product Library for BIM
Keith Duddy, Scott Beazley, Robin Drogemuller and Jörg Kiegeland
22. Social BIM Perspectives
Sunil Suwal, Päivi Jäväjäand Janne Porkka
127. Proposed Health and Safety Enhancement in Steel Construction Projects through BIM and
Image Recognition
RulaSharqi, OzanKoseoglu and Ammar Kaka
76. Research on Building Information Delivery of Structural Engineering for Collaborative Designs
Huahui Lai, Cheng Zhou and Xueyuan Deng
Day 3 – October 11, Friday
Session 5-1: Collaboration
08:00-09:40, Room 305A
Chairperson: Jinyue Zhang
73. Automatic Alert System: Improving Information Management on Construction Projects
Tyler Bushnell, Aman Neelappa, Reid Senescu, Martin Fischer and Martin Steinert
125. Constraint Simulation – Identification of Important Construction Constraints
Sebastian Hollermann, Hans-Joachim Bargstädt and Jürgen Melzner
126. Teaching Construction Project Management within an International and Trans-disciplinary
Learning Platform
Jürgen Melzner, Kathrin Merz, Key Portilla Kawamura, Christoph Holliger and Hans-Joachim
139. Mobile Application Development in a Collaborative AEC Designing System
Zhuohua Huang, Yang Liu and Encheng Ma
56. Study on BIM-based Structural Working Drawing Design System
Yong Wang, Jianping Zhang, Gangwen Yan and Niannian Wang
Session 5-2: Best Student Paper Award Session – CAD/CAE/CAM
08:00-09:40, Room 305B
Chairperson: Robin Drogemuller
16. What does Social Media Say about the Infrastructure Construction Project?
Mazdak Nik Bakht and Tamer E. El-diraby
51. A Simulation-based Approach for Selecting Sustainable Building Designs
Peeraya Inyim and Yimin Zhu
58. Knowledge Management Supporting Decision Making in Holistic Building Renovation Design
Thorel Mathieu, Andrieux Franck and Buhe Catherine
97. Concept Classification for Construction Contractual Semantics: A Case Study on the AIA A201
Jia Niu and Raja R. A. Issa
60. A Framework for Semantic Enrichment of IFC Building Models
Michael Belsky, Rafael Sacks and Ioannis Brilakis
Session 5-3: BIM
08:00-09:40, Room 305C
Chairperson: Karsten Menzel
132. A Cloud Computing Approach to Partial Exchange of BIM Models
Jack C. P. Cheng and Moumita Das
67. Applying Lean Principles, BIM and Quality Control to a Construction Supply Chain
Management System
Ning (Tony) Dong, Atul Khanzode and Hannu Lindberg
144. Business Model for BIM-based Services
Islam Mazen and Tamer El-Diraby
143. Towards Affordable BIM Adoption in Extended Construction Supply Chains
Tah Joseph H.M and Zhou Wei
115. Study on BIM-based Technological Scheme Design System
Guangfeng Wang, Jianping Zhang, Yunfeng Fei and Yuheng Guo
Session 6-1: CAE/CAD/CAM
10:00-12:00, Room 305A
Chairperson: R. Raymond Issa
90. MyInterior: AR Supporting Interior Design
Chloe Lee, Jihye Kang, Burkhard Wuensche and Robert Amor
64. Augmented Reality Supporting Building Assessment in Terms of Retrofit Detection
Márcia Regina de Freitas and Regina Coeli Ruschel
2. Web-based Construction Claims Management System: Operation of the Prototype
Hai Chen Tan and Chimay Anumba
55. A System Model for Lifecycle Monitoring of Bridges
Gergő Dori, Matthias Wild, AndréBorrmann and Oliver Fischer
87. Implementing Digital Performative Design in Design Studio: A Teaching Experience
Max Andrade and Regina Ruschel
68. Re-Recognize BIM from a FM Perspective: Observations about Misunderstandings of BIM-FM
in China
Guang Chen and Lingtong He
Session 6-2: Smart Buildings, Infrastructures and Cities
10:00-12:00, Room 305B
Chairperson: Ivan Mutis
120. Integration of Bridge Model Data and Engineering Document Information
Sang-Ho Lee, Bong-Geun Kim and Sang Il Park
142. Distributed Modeling for Road Authorities
Sander van Nederveen, Esra Bektas, Bart Luiten and Michel Böhms
24. Semantic Wayfinding for Infrastructure Projects
Sherif Kinawy and Tamer El-Diraby
119. Application of a GIS to Determinate Debris Flows Characteristics in a City
Guillermo Cardoso-Landa
129. A Strategic Guide to Implementing IT Business Strategy in the Construction Industry
Bee Hua Goh
91. Towards Energy Savings from a Bimodal Occupancy Driven HVAC Controller in Practice
Nan Li, Zheng Yang, Burcin Becerik-Gerber and Michael Orosz
Session 6-3: BIM
10:00-12:00, Room 305C
Chairperson: Hanbin Luo
151. An Approach of Utilizing Building Information Modeling to Optimize MEP Layout
Jun Wang, Xiangyu Wang, Wenchi Shou and Jun Guo
95. A Performance Study of Project Sustainability: Reducing Construction Waste through BIM
Mounir El Asmar
104. Ontology-based Computerized Representation of Specifications for Construction Cost
Zhiliang Ma, Zhenhua Wei and Zhe Liu
140. Analyzing and Defining Information Requirements of Knowledge Intensive Construction
Management Tasks on BIM
Madhav Prasad Nepal
152. Collaborative Design System for Construction Projects Based on Cloud-BIM
Jie Chen, Diankun Wu, Hongling Guo and Jun Li
Session 7-1: CAE/CAD/CAM
13:30-14:50, Room 305A
Chairperson: Nora Mohamed
107. A Safety Risk Management Database for Metro Construction Project
Hanbin Luo, Zhitao Guo and Ling Ma
133. Investigation of the Current Status of Document and Information Management
Cynthia Changxin Wang and Alex Chew
137. I-CONS: Artificial Symbolic Vocabulary to Enable Effective Semantic Interpretation of Shared
Ivan Mutis
89. Handling Sentence Complexity in Information Extraction for Automated Compliance Checking in
Jiansong Zhang and Nora El-Gohary
Session 7-2: Smart Buildings, Infrastructures and Cities
13:30-14:50, Room 305B
Chairperson: Bee Hua Goh
14. A Product Development Approach to Developing Modularized and Parametric Building Systems
Marcus Sandberg and Thomas Olofsson
65. An Approach to Integrate Change and Knowledge Management in Construction Workflows
Abdou Karim Jallow, Fangxiao Liu, Sanghoon Lee, Chimay J. Anumba and John I. Messner
37. Product Configuration of Roundabouts
Jensen Patrik, Johnsson Tim, Smiding Erik and Olofsson Thomas
84. An Event-driven SOA-based Platform for Energy-efficiency Applications in Buildings
Cesar Valmaseda, Miguel Angel, Jose-Luis Hernandez, Kyriakos Katsigarakis, Giorgos D.
Kontes and Dimitrios V. Rova
Session 7-3: IFC/BIM
13:30-14:50, Room 305C
Chairperson: Regina Coeli Ruschel
100. IFC-Based Model View Definition for Hybrid Energy Systems
Kamil Umut Gökçe and Hasan Ufuk Gökçe
102. IFC View for Bill of Quantities for Software Interoperability
Kamil Umut Gökçe and Hasan Ufuk Gökçe
80. Development of an IFC-compatible Data Warehouse for Building Performance Analysis
Kai Mo, Karsten Menzel and Stephan Hoerster
5. An IFC-based Semantic Framework to Support BIM Content Libraries
Jinyue Zhang and Zhonggui Xing