CURRICULUM VITAE - Schweizerischer Verein für


CURRICULUM VITAE - Schweizerischer Verein für
June 24, 1950, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Keltenweg 22
CH-4148 Pfeffingen
Tel: +41 61 751 49 08
Cell: +41 76 399 49 08
Email: [email protected]
United States of America
University of Pennsylvania, College of Nursing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Master of Science in Nursing, May 1979
University of Washington, College of Nursing, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, June 1973
Professional Experience
March 2006-present
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Inselspital, University Hospital of Bern
Bern, Switzerland
October 2000-March 2005
Academic Assistant for Research, Teaching, Clinical Expertise
Institute of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
January 2004-March 2005
Head of organization committee for European Society of
Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing
5th Annual Spring Meeting, March 11-12, 2005
Congress Center, Basel, Switzerland
January 1999-October 2000
Coordinator of Client Health Management
GetWellness, Ag, Healthcare advisory service for corporate executives
Basel, Switzerland
Visiting Nurse
Verein für Ambulanten Dienst Aesch, Pfeffingen, Duggingen, Grellingen
Aesch, Baselland, Switzerland
Nurse-Counselor for Women's Health
Planned Parenthood Clinic, Morristown, New Jersey U.S.A.
Research Assistant to Jacqueline Fawcett, RN, PhD
“Body Image in Pregnancy”
University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania U.S.A.
Clinical Instructor medical-surgical nursing
Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Psychiatric Staff Nurse
Psychiatric Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Assistant Head Nurse, acute care medical unit
Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Staff Nurse and Charge Nurse, acute care medical unit
Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Swiss Interdisciplinary Management Program for Heart Failure (SWIM-HF)
Swiss National Science Foundation: October 2002: CHF 223,000
Swiss Heart Foundation: October 2002: CHF 100,000
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Special Awards
Nursing Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology
Educational Grant
United States Department of Health and Human Services
Clinical Nurse Specialist Program, 1977-1979
Publications in Peer Review Journals
Brunner-La Rocca HP, Rickenbacher P, Muzzarelli S, Schindler R, Maeder MT, Jeker U, Kiowski W,Leventhal ME,
Pfister O, Osswald S, Pfisterer ME, Rickli H; TIME-CHF Investigators. End-of-life preferences of elderly patients with
chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J. 2012 Mar;33(6):752-9. Epub 2011 Nov 8. PMID: 22067089
Leventhal ME, Denhaernyck K, Brunner-La Rocca HP, Burnand B, Bernasconi AT, Conca A, Mahrer-Imhof R,
Froelicher ES, De Geest S. Swiss Interdisciplinary Management Programme for Heart Failure (SWIM-HF) Swiss Med
Wkly 2011 Mar 8;141:w13171. doi: 10.4414/smw.2011.13171. PMID: 21384285
Berben L, Bogert L,, Leventhal ME, Fridlund B, Jaarsma T, Norekvål TM, Smith K, Strömberg A, Thompson DR,
De Geest S. Which interventions are used by health care professionals to enhance medication adherence in
cardiovascular patients? A survey of current clinical practice. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 10(2011)14-21
Grossmann F, Leventhal ME, Auer-Böer B, Wanner P, Bischoff A. Self-Reported Cardiovascular Risk Factors in
Immigrants and Swiss Nationals. Public Health Nurs. 2011 Mar-Apr;28(2):129-39. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1446.2010.00896.x.
Epub 2010 Oct 25. PMID: 21732967
Jaarsma T, Beattie J, Ryder M, Rutten R, McDonagh T, Mohacsi P, Murray S, Grodzicki T, Bergh I, Metra M, Ekman I,
Angermann C, Leventhal M, Titsis A, Anker S, Gavazzi A, Ponikowski P, Dickstein K, Delacretaz E, Blue L, Strasser F,
McMurray J, on behalf of the study group of Advanced Heart failure of the HFA of the ESC Palliative care in heart failure: a
position statement from the palliative care workshop of the European Society of Cardiology. European Journal of Heart
Failure 11(5):433-43
De Stoutz ND, Leventhal M Adults with Congenital Heart Disease – Quo Vadis. Kardiovaskuläre Medizin 12(2):38–44
Brunner-La Rocca HP, Widmer F, Trigo-Trindade P, Leventhal M, Seydoux C, Schmid JP, Periat P, Conen D, Mohacsi
P, Lerch R, Richenbacher P. Empfehlungen zur Diagnose und Behandlung der herzinsuffizienz- Teil 1: ambulante
Betreuung (offizielle Richtlinien). Schweizerische. Medizinische-forum 7 Supplementum 2007;39:3S-14S.
Buser P, Brummerr-La Rocca HP, Leventhal M, Mahrer R, Mohacsi P, Nuesch K, Périat P, Seydoux C, Stöhr S,
Zürcher HU. Empfehlungen zur vernetzten Betreuung von Herzinsuffizienzpatienten in der Schweiz. Schweizerische
Ärztezeitung 2006;87:45.
Leventhal M, Riegel B, Carlson B, De Geest S. Negotiating Compliance in Heart Failure: Remaining Issues and Questions,
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2005:4;298-307.
De Geest S, Steeman E, Leventhal M, Mahrer-Imhof R, Hengartner-Kopp B, Conca A, Bernasconi AT, Petry H, Brunner-La
Rocca HP. Complexities in caring for an ageing heart failure population: concomitant chronic conditions and age related
impairments, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2004: 263-370
Leventhal M, Mahrer-Imhof R, Conca A, Bernasconi AT, De Geest S. Begleitung von Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz: Ein
Aufgabengebiet für die Pflege, Deutsche Pflegezeitschrift 2004
De Geest S, Scheurweghs L, Reynders I, Pelemans W, Droogne W, Van Cleemput J, Leventhal M, Vanhaecke J, Differences
in psychosocial and behavioral profiles between heart failure patients admitted to cardiology and geriatric wards. European
Journal of Heart Failure 2003; 5(4): 557-567
Jaarsma T & Leventhal M. End of Life Issues in Cardiac Patients and Their Families; European Journal of Cardiovascular
Nursing 2002: 223-225
Fawcett, J., Bliss-Holtz, V.J., Haas, M. B., Leventhal, M.: Spouses' Body Image Changes During and After Pregnancy: A
Replication and Extension. Nursing Research July/August 1986;35 (4)
Fawcett, J., York, R., Leventhal, M., Stas, M., Jacobsen, B. Spouses' Physical and Psychological Symptoms During
Pregnancy and the Postpartum. Nursing Research May/June 1986;35 (3).
International Presentations
2010 Leventhal M Postoperatives Durchgangssyndrom – Delirium Prävention und Management. Fortbildungsseminar des
kardiologischen Assistenz- und Pflegepersonals Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Kardiologischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg
Östereich, 4 Juni 2010 (invited lecture)
2009 Leventhal M Palliative Care: non-pharmacological interventions to improve care. American Heart Association Annual
Congress, Orlando, Florida November 13-18, 2009 (invited lecture)
2008 Leventhal M Roundtable discussion “Herzinsuffizienz-Beratung: Wie, durch wen, wann, auf wessen Kosten?” Herzinsuffizienz
2008 Dreiländertreffen, Basel, Switzerland Sept 2008
2008 Leventhal M Forschung in der kardiovaskulären Pflege - Herausforderung der Zukunft Herz-Kreislauf Tage 18-19 Juli 2008
2008 Leventhal M Determination of Content in Palliative Care Heart Failure Association of the ESC Annual Congress, Milan Italy,
June 16-18, 2008 (invited lecture)
2007 Leventhal M Palliative Care in Heart Failure: the Swiss Way. Heart Failure Association of the ESC, Workshop Copenhagen,
Denmark, 15-16 Nov 2007 (invited lecture)
2006 Leventhal M, Managing the End of Life in Heart Failure: Palliative Care. Heart Failure Association of the ESC, Helsinki,
Finland, June 17-20, 2006 (invited lecture).
2003 Leventhal M Ethics and End of Life Decisions. 3rd Annual Spring Meeting of Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the
ESC. Stockholm, Sweden, 11-12 April 2003 (invited lecture).
2003 De Geest S, Moons P, Leventhal M. Nursing education in cardiology: a global overview - Belgium & Switzerland. 3rd Annual
Spring Meeting of Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the ESC. Stockholm, Sweden, 11-12 April 2003 (invited
2002 Leventhal, M, Eine Institution stellt sich vor, und Welche neuen Möglichkeiten ergeben sich für unsere Berufsgruppe? XIII.
Fortbildungsveranstaltung für invasivkardiologisches Pflege- & Assistenzpersonal. Österreichische Kardiologische
Gesellschaft. Vienna, Austria, 30. November 2002 (invited lecture).
2002 De Geest S & Leventhal M, Unravelling the underlying dynamics of noncompliance as a first step to developing effective
interventions. Failing Heart in Focus. Nederlandse Hartstichting (Dutch Heart Association). RAI, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 18.
October 2002.
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Curriculum Vitae
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Leventhal M. Ethical issues in end of life decisions. European Society of Cardiology, Berlin, Germany, 1. September 2002
(invited lecture).
Leventhal M. & De Geest S, What about compliance? European Society of Cardiology. Berlin, Germany, 2. September 2002
(invited lecture).
International Abstract Presentations
Zimmermann N, Müller E, Wendland T, Lanz E, Habegger J-P, Oosterveld S, Engberg S, Denhaerynck K, Siebenrock
K, Leventhal M. Creation of a risk profile for delirium in orthopedic and trauma patients n a Swiss University Hospital.
Part I: descriptive analysis. European Delirium Association Annual Congress, Omeo, Sweden, Nov 17-18 Nov 2011.
Stoffel G, Leventhal M. What is important for parents? Evaluation of the discharge programme for parents with a newborn with
a complex congenital heart disease. 11th Annual Spring Meeting on Cardiovascular Nursing. April 1-2 2011, Brussels
(Belgium). Poster presentation.**
Berben L, Bogert L, Leventhal ME, Fridlund B, Jaarsma T, Norekvål TM, Smith K, Strömberg A, Thompson DR, De Geest S.
On behalf of the UNITE research group. Which interventions are used by health care professionals to enhance medication
adherence in cardiovascular patients? A survey of current clinical practice. ESC spring conference, Brussels, Belgium, April 12, 2010 (moderated poster session). European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 10 (suppl 1), 33.
Leventhal M & de Stoutz N Incorporation of End-of-Life Care into Heart Failure Treatment. European Association for Palliative
Care 7-10 May 2009, Vienna Austria
Leventhal M Care of the Patient with End-Stage Heart Failure in Switzerland. Annual Spring Meeting of the Council of
Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Health Professions. European Society of Cardiology, Malmö, Sweden, 14-15 March 2008,
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2008, 7, Supp 1. S. 51
Jaggi S, Mahrer-Imhof R, Rossi A, Zigan N, De Geest S, Leventhal M, Brunner HP, Froelicher E, Denhaerynck K:
Effectiveness of a nurse intervention on the congruence of general practitioner to cardiologist’s medication recommendation in
heart failure after haospital discharge. Annual Spring Meeting of the Council of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Health
Professions. European Society of Cardiology, Malmö, Sweden, 14-15 March 2008, European Journal of Cardiovascular
Nursing, 2008, 7, Supp 1. S. 51
Bischoff, S, Denhaerynck K, Froelicher E, Brunner-La Rocca, HP, Leventhal M, Conca A, De Geest S, Mahrer-Imhof R. The
efficacy of the Swiss Interdisciplinary Disease Management for Heart Failure (SWIM-HF) program on patient’s adherence to
lifestyle changes. Annual Spring Meeting of the Council of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Health Professions. European
Society of Cardiology, Malmö, Sweden, 14-15 March 2008, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2008, 7, Supp 1. S.
Mahrer-Imhof R, Froehlicher ES, Leventhal M, Conca A, Bernasconi A, Brunner HP, Lindpainter L, Buser P, McDowell J,
DeGeest S. Quality of life, readmission and mortality in the Swiss Interdisciplinary Management Program for Heart Failure
(SWIM-HF) pilot study. Annual Spring Meeting of the Council of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Health Professions.
European Society of Cardiology Manchester, England 2007. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2007, 6, Supp 1, S.
National Presentations
Zimmermann N, Leventhal M, Müller E, Wendland T, Lanz E, Habegger J-P, Oosterveld S, Engberg S, Denhaerynck K,
Siebenrock Erstellen eines Delir-Risikoprofils bei Orthopädisch traumatologischen Patienten in einem Schweizer
Universitätsspital. Teil 1: Deskriptive Analyse. Abstract presentation Fachtagung DPMTT Inselspital, Bern Switzerland, 3-4
March 2012
Leventhal M. Fortbildung USZ für Pflegepersonal: Patient Education for Lifestyle Changes: living with Heart Failure.
Herzinsuffizienz: von der Diagnose zur Therapie, Zürich July 2007
Leventhal M. Herzinsuffizienz: eine Epidemie? SBK-Kongress, Basel, Schweiz, 16 – 18 June 2004
Leventhal M. Optimierte Pflege der Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz – State of the Art Nursing. IG der Pflegefachpersonen für
Herzinsuffizienz, Bern, Switzerland, 19. March 2004.
Lindpaintner LS & Leventhal M. SWIM-HF und die Primärversorgung. Forum für interdisziplinäre Hausarztmedizin (FIHAM) der
Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 13. January 2004.
Leventhal M. Kardio-vaskuläre Krankheiten – eine Herausforderung, Impulsveranstaltung, Institute of Nursing Science,
University Basel, Basel, Switzerland, December 9, 2003
The SWIM Investigators Basel & Lausanne, Vorstellung der SWIM-HF Studie, DOKO, USB, Basel, Switzerland, 19. März
Leventhal M, Bernasconi AT, De Geest S. Vorstellung der SWIM-HF Studie. Input-Output Pflege der Bettenstationen Bereich
Medizin, USB, Basel, Switzerland, 29. January 2003.
Leventhal M, De Geest S, The Swiss Interdisciplinary Management Program for Patients with Heart Failure Trial (SWIM-HF
Trial). Kolloquium Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Institut für klinische Epidemiologie, USB, Basel, Switzerland, 14.
November 2002
Leventhal M, Ethical issues for nursing in end of life decisions. National Ethics Committee, Lausanne, Switzerland, 16. October
Leventhal M. Führung und Betreuung des Herzinsuffizienzpatienten. Basel Kardiologie-Seminar II/ 2002. USB, Basel,
Switzerland, 26. September 2002.
Leventhal M, Pfefferle A, Entwicklung der ambulanten Sprechstunde von Herzinsuffizienz & Herztransplantation am
Kantonsspital/ Universitätskliniken Basel. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie. Bern, Switzerland, 16. June 2002.
De Geest S, Levethal M. Heart failure: Can nursing contribute to better outcomes? Freitagskolloquien – Medizinische
Universitäre Poliklinik, USB, Basel, Switzerland, 1. March 2002.
Guest Lecturer in Continuing Education Programs for Nurses, Switzerland
2011-2012 Practice development programm: Delirmanagement; University Hospital Zürich
2010 Leventhal M. Herzinsuffizienzkurs für Pflegefachpersonal, Inselspital, Bern June 2010 „Palliative Care in der Betreuung des
Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz”
2009 Leventhal M. „Compliance: a means to Success“ Berner Fachhochschule: March 2009
2008 Leventhal M. „Compliance: a means to Success“ Berner Fachhochschule: February 2008
2007 Leventhal M. Herzinsuffizienzkurs für Pflegefachpersonal, Inselspital, Bern June 2007 „Palliative Care in der Betreuung des
Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz”
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Leventhal M. Betreuung von Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz: Pflege macht den Unterschied. Weiterbildung Kurzzeit Klinik
Universitätsspital, Basel, Switzerland, 01 Dec 2005.
Leventhal M. Optimierte Pflege der Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz: State of the Art Nursing Weiterbildung ICU USB
Basel, Switzerland, 04. March 2005, & 13. October 2004.
Leventhal M & Raschke B Optimierte Pflege der Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz: Post-operative Pflege Weiterbildung Pflegende
in post-operativ Bereich, USB Basel, Switzerland May 12, 2004, June 8, 2004
Leventhal M, Conca A, Jenni B Optimierte Pflege der Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz: State of the Art Nursing
Weiterbildung ICU USB, Basel, Switzerland March 15, 2004
Leventhal M, Heissler Daphne, Conca A. Vorstellung ESC Pflegekongress Stockholm, und die SWIM-HF Studie.
Weiterbildung 6-2 USB, Basel, Switzerland, 27 August 2003
Leventhal M. Vorstellung der SWIM-HF Studie, Continuing education of nursing staff of the MIPS, USB, Basel, Switzerland,
13. March 2003
Special Continuing Education Courses
• Palliative Care Course, EPEC June 2008- January 2009
• “Acute Heart Failure Course”, European Society of Cardiology, Heart House, Sophia Antipolis, France, March 2007.
• “Palliative Care and Heart Failure: Moving Forward Together” National Council for Palliative Care, London England, January
• “How to set up a heart failure clinic” European Society of Cardiology, Heart House,
Sophia Antipolis, France, November 2003.
Member of Scientific/Abstract Review Committees
• European Society of Cardiology Annual Congress 2001-present
• Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions 2001-present
• Royal college of Nursing 2006-present
Membership in Professional Organizations
• Working Group for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals of the Swiss Society of Cardiology
• Interest Group for Heart Failure Nurses
• Working Group on Heart Failure of the Swiss Society of Cardiology
• Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology
• Cardiovascular Nurses Group of the American Heart Association
• American Association of Heart Failure Nurses
• American Heart Failure Society
• Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association of USA
• Verein für Förderung der Pflegewissenschaft (Association to Support Nursing Science), Akademische Fachgesellschaft
• SBK: Swiss Nurses Association
Board Postions Professional Organizations (Past and Present)
• President of the Nucleus of the Working Group for Assistants and Nursing Personnel of the Swiss Society of Cardiology
(March 2011-present, March 2007- June 2009)
• Member of the Nucleus of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions ESC Sept 2002- Sept 2008,
Chairperson of the National Society Committee
• Board Member of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the Swiss Society of Cardiology (2005-2012)
• Board Member Interest Group for Heart Failure Nurses (2005-2012)
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