Motion Detection and Shadow Suppression in Video Streams
Motion Detection and Shadow Suppression in Video Streams
Diplomarbeitspräsentationen der Fakultät für Informatik FAKULTÄT FÜR Motion Detection and Shadow Suppression in Video Streams !NFORMATIK Diplomstudium: Informatik Technische Universität Wien Institut für Rechnergestützte Automation Arbeitsbereich für Mustererkennung und Bildverarbeitung Betreuer: Univ.-Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Kampel Philipp Blauensteiner Motivation The IHLS Background Model Motion detection: Motion Detection is an important task for a vast number of computer vision applications. Goal: segment an image in a video stream into (moving) foreground and (static) background The IHLS colour space Colours represented in terms of hue, luminance and saturation Saturation is not normalised (in contrast to similiar colour spaces like HSV) Assures, that - saturation of achromatic colours is always low - saturation is independant of brightness function Shadows of moving objects: Shadows cast by moving objects are moving as well and are detected as foreground objects But: classifying those shadows as belonging to the foreground introduces problems: object counting / connected component input image shape of objects Saturation weighted hue statistics Hue information instable for weakly saturated colours represent hue as Cartesian coordinates vector weigh vector by corresponding saturation use Euclidean distance to compare chrominance vectors without shadow suppression Background model - Mean luminance: - Saturation weighted hue vector: correct segmentation size / position estimation invalid estimation Foreground check Observed pixel (luminance , saturation - Luminance’s standard deviation: - Mean Euclidean distance: , hue vector Shadow check (conducted on all foreground pixels) - Pixel is darker - Colour is desaturated - Hue is similar , where correct estimation ) is classified as foreground if reclassify as shadow Experiments & Results Methodology Receiver Operating Characteristics Stairway Ground truth: 0.95 0.9 0.85 Detection Rate Competitors State of the art algorithms - RGB background model + shadow check in HSV - RGB background model + shadow check in c1c2c3 - RGB background model + shadow check in NRGB - Background modelling and shadow check in NRGB 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 Performance metrics - Detection rate - False alarm rate 0.5 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 1 In-depth evaluation - All parameters for each algorithm variied within the valid limits - Comparison via receiver operating characteristcs (ROC curves) The proposed approach: RGB+NRGB NRGB+NRGB RGB+HSV RGB+C1C2C3 Our Approach 0.55 Books 0.008 0.01 0.012 False Alarm Rate 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 0.9 RGB+HSV Detection Rate 0.8 0.7 0.6 RGB+NRGB NRGB+NRGB RGB+HSV RGB+C1C2C3 Our Approach 0.5 0.4 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 False Alarm Rate 1 PETS2001 0.05 0.06 0.07 RGB+NRGB 0.95 0.9 Detection Rate Test Sequences 3 Sequences: - Stairway: achromatic scene 31 groundtruth frames - Books: colourful scene 25 groundtruth frames - PETS2001: standard scene for visual surveillance algorithms 30 ground truth frames Segmentation Results 1 0.85 NRGB+NRGB 0.8 RGB+NRGB NRGB+NRGB RGB+HSV RGB+C1C2C3 Our Approach 0.75 0.7 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 False Alarm Rate 3 3.5 4 −3 x 10 Conclusions: - Application of the advantagous IHLS colour space and saturation weighted hue statistics to visual surveillance - In-depth evaluation of the developed algorithm and comparison to state of the art methods - Evaluation has proven that the proposed approach is a meaningful way for motion detection and shadow suppression - Algorithm satisfies real-time constraints (PAL-resolution, >25 frames per second) - Published at IEEE Intl. Conf. on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP06, India) and El. Letters on Comp. Vision and Image Analysis (ELCVIA vol. 6 no. 3) Parts of this thesis have been sponsored by the EU Project AVITRACK (AST-CT-3002-502818) and the CABS Project Contact: [email protected]