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Our Book Trad.Comp.No. 14940
Anderson, Barbara
The Swing Around
Catton, Eleanor
The Rehearsal
Die Anatomie des Erwachens
10,99 €
11,99 €
New Zealand twenty years ago, when
protective tariffs ruled...The Minister of
Cultural Links and Trade, an ex-diary farmer
called Hamish Carew, sets off on a 'Swing
Around' of New Zealands Asian friends and
neighbours. With him are his wife Molly and
two young officials, Freddy Manders and
Violet Redpath...
Der Sexskandal an einer Schule soll von der
örtlichen Hochschule für Theater zum
öffentlichen Spektakel gemacht werden...
Ein vielbeachtetes Romandebüt von einer
jungen neuseeländischen Autorin - originell,
emotional fesselnd und äußerst intelligent.
Cleave, Paul
Cemetery Lake
Cleave, Paul
Collecting Cooper
Die Toten schweigen nicht
Die Totensammler
10,99 €
14,99 €
Paul Cleave, in Neuseeland längst ein
Bestsellerautor, gewinnt auch international
immer mehr Fans. In Cemetery Lake" wird
Privatdetektiv Theo Tate bei der
Exhumierung einer Leiche an Ereignisse aus
seiner Vergangenheit erinnert, die er lieber
für immer vergessen würde..."
From the international bestselling author of
Blood Men comes another gripping thriller
set in New Zealand.
Die angegebenen Euro-Preise sind unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen.
Our Prices are recommended retail prices.
Cleave, Paul
The Laughterhouse
Duff, Alan
Once Were Warriors
Das Haus des Todes
14,99 €
12,99 €
Theodore Tate never forgot his first crime
scene—ten year-old Jessica Cole found
dead in “the Laughterhouse,” an old
abandoned slaughterhouse with the “S”
painted over. The killer was found and
arrested. Justice was served. Or was it?15
years later, a new killer arrives in
Christchurch, and he has a list of people
who were involved in Jessica’s murder case,
one of whom is the unfortunate Dr. Stanton,
a man with three young girls.
Edlin, Nicholas
The Widow's Daughter
This hard hitting story is a frank and
uncompromising portrayal of Maoaris in New
Zealand society. It is a raw and powerful
story in which everyone ia a victim until the
strength and vision of one woman
transcends brutality and leads the way to a
new life.
Frame, Janet
Towards Another Summer
Dem neuen Sommer entgegen
14,99 €
12,95 €
Life in England seems transitory for Grace
Cleave as the pull of her native New Zealand
grows stronger. She begins to feel
increasingly like a migratory bird. Grace
longs to find her own place in the world, if
only she can decide where that is.
A spellbinding story of love, war, and
betrayal set in New Zealand.
Frame, Janet
Angel at My Table
Frame, Janet
Ein Engel an meiner Tafel
Die Lagune
14,99 €
11,90 €
Janet Frames autobiographischer Roman
erzählt die Lebensgeschichte einer der
eigenwilligsten Autorinnen der Weltliteratur.
Die junge Janet Frame wächst unter
ärmlichen und tragischen Umständen an der
Küste Neuseelands auf. Nach einem
Selbstmordversuch in die Psychiatrie
eingeliefert, rettet die junge Autorin nur
wenige Tage vor einer geplanten
Hirnoperation ein Literaturpreis, und sie wird
nach acht Jahren entlassen.
Frame, Janet
Faces in the Water
This collection of stories - Janet Frame's first
published book - appeared in New Zealand
in 1951, while she was confined in a mental
hospital. It won the Hubert Church Award,
and a threatened brain operation was
averted. These stories bring into focus a
crucial turning point in her life.
Ewing, Barbara
Gesichter im Wasser
12,99 €
Eine junge Lehrerin gerät in die Mühlen der
Psychiatrie. Sie erlebt die Klinik als reinste
Folterkammer, in der Elektroschocks,
Demütigung, Isolation und
Gehirnoperationen auf der Tagesordnung
stehen. Wie in ihrem Welterfolg Ein Engel
an meiner Tafel" verarbeitete Janet Frame in
diesem poetischen Roman ihre persönliche
Lebens- und Leidensgeschichte."
15,99 €
Historical drama moving between diseaseridden Victorian London and New Zealand's
brave new world.
Die angegebenen Euro-Preise sind unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen.
Our Prices are recommended retail prices.
Ewing, Barbara
Ewing, Barbara
Dangerous Vine
11,99 €
1765. Filipo di Vecellio of Florence, portrait
painter, is the toast of London: rich,
successful, and married to Angelica, known
as the most beautiful woman in the city.
Their Pall Mall home is the hub of the art
world; their impressive social gatherings run
so smoothly by Filipo's silent sister,
15,99 €
Barbara Ewing introduces us to three girls
growing up in a troubled New Zealand during
the 1950s. Margaret Bennett, the heroine,
works in the Bureau by day and studies
Maori by night, returning home each evening
to her remote and beautiful mother.
Hulme, Keri
Bone People
Jones, Lloyd
Hand Me Down World
Unter dem Tagmond
Die Frau im Blauen Mantel
12,99 €
Winner of the Booker Prize in 1985, The
Bone People" is the story of Kerewin, a
despairing part-Maori artist who is convinced
that her solitary life is the only way to face
the world. Her cocoon is rudely blown away
by the sudden arrival during a rainstorm of
Simon, a mute six-year-old whose past
seems to hold some terrible trauma. In his
wake comes his foster-father Joe, a Maori
factory worker with a nasty temper."
Jones, Lloyd
Mister Pip
10,99 €
In seinem zweiten Roman nach Mr Pip
erzählt Lloyd Jones die Geschichte einer
afrikanischen Frau, deren Kind entführt wird.
Verzweifelt macht sie sich auf die Suche,
und ihre abenteurliche Reise führt sie durch
halb Europa bis nach Berlin. Beeindruckend
und bewegend!
Knox, Elizabeth
The Vintner's Luck
Mister Pip
10,99 €
Bougainville, Papua Neuguinea, 1991: Es
herrscht Bürgerkrieg und die Schule ist
geschlossen. Matilda und ihre Freunde sind
umso überraschter, als plötzlich der einzige
Weiße auf der Insel, ein Einsiedler, die
Schultüren öffnet und ihnen einen gewissen
Mr. Dickens vorstellen will...
Knox, Elizabeth
Angel's Cut
11,99 €
Burgundy, 1808. One night Sobran Jodeau,
a young vintner, meets an angel in his
vineyard: a physically gorgeous creature with
huge wings that smell of snow, a sense of
humour and an inquiring mind. They meet
again every year on the midsummer
anniversary of the date...
Knox, Elizabeth
11,99 €
Hollywood, 1929. While Conrad Cole is
working late on elaborate plans for his
aeroplanes and his films, a mysterious
stranger appears at his door. Xas soon finds
himself caught up in the glamorous and
treacherous world of movie-making and
entangled with both Cole and a young
woman who owes her life to the eccentric
director. Both of them are drawn to Xas
without knowing his secret...
9,99 €
Readers pining for a fantasist to rival Philip
Pullman or Garth Nix may have finally found
what they seek in New Zealander Elizabeth
Knox. Knox sets her first YA novel in a
fictional nation called Southland, where turnof-the-century society is coming to terms
with a geographical marvel called the Place,"
a harvesting ground for dreams that can be
caught and sold to sleeping customers ..."
Die angegebenen Euro-Preise sind unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen.
Our Prices are recommended retail prices.
Knox, Elizabeth
McCarten, Anthony
9,99 €
Weil der Erfinder Thomas Edison knapp bei
Kasse ist, nimmt er ein unmoralisches
Angebot des reichen Bankers J.P. Morgan
an. Als Gegenleistung für eine immense
Geldmenge soll er helfen, den elektrischen
Stuhl zu entwickeln …
The explosive and captivating sequel to
Dreamhunter, in which the meaning of the
Place where dreams come from is finally
McCarten, Anthony
Death of a Superhero
McCarten, Anthony
The English Harem
Englischer Harem
11,90 €
Donald ist eigentlich ein ganz normaler
einsamer, unglücklicher Teenager. Vor allem
möchte er wissen, was Liebe ist. Aber er ist
schwer krank und hat wenig Zeit. Was ihm
bleibt, ist ein Leben im schnellen Vorlauf.
Das schafft aber nur ein Superheld. Darum
hat Donald einen erfunden - MiracleMan.
Aber kann MiracleMan ihm helfen, oder
braucht Donald ganz andere Helden?
McCarten, Anthony
Show of Hands
McCarten, Anthony
Hand auf Herz
Liebe am Ende der Welt
15,95 €
11,90 €
Als Delia erzählt ihr seien Aliens begegnet,
bringt ihr das zunächst nur Kopfschütteln,
doch auch schon eine Erwähnung in der
Presse ein. Als sie dann behauptet, von
einem Außerirdischen schwanger zu sein,
wird sie schlagartig berühmt.
Garden Party and Other Stories
Mansfield, Katherine
10,99 €
Innovative, startlingly perceptive and aglow
with colour, these fifteen stories were written
towards the end of Katherine Mansfield's
tragically short life. Many are set in the
author's native New Zealand, others in
England and the French Riviera.
11,90 €
In this hilarious, provocative and highly
topical story of food, love and Islam, Anthony
McCarten exposes the flaws inherent to our
multicultural society, and explores the nature
of racism from a startlingly original angle.
At once lyrical and suspenseful, and by turns
poignant and hilarious, Show of Hands and
its all-too-human characters are ultimately
19,95 €
4,50 €
This book includes Bliss", "The Daughters of
the Late Colonel" and "The Doll's House"."
Die angegebenen Euro-Preise sind unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen.
Our Prices are recommended retail prices.
Mansfield, Katherine
In a German Pension
Marsh, Ngaio
Man Lay Dead
11,95 €
Written shortly after Mansfield visited
Germany as a young woman, these short
stories form a series of satirical sketches of
German characters. From a young wife's
preoccupation with her husband's stomach,
to a society lady's inability to see beyond the
latest fashion, Mansfield depicts everyday
events and the minute changes of human
behaviour in the most exquisite detail.
Marsh, Ngaio
Vintage Murder
Marsh, Ngaio
Death in a White Tie
17,99 €
Commemorating 75 years since the
Empress of Crime's first book, the second
volume in a set of omnibus editions
presenting the complete run of 32 Inspector
Alleyn mysteries.
17,99 €
Commemorating 75 years since the
Empress of Crime's first book, the first
volume in a set of omnibus editions
presenting the complete run of 32 Inspector
Alleyn mysteries. A MAN LAY DEAD Sir
Hubert Handesley's extravagant weekend
house-parties are deservedly famous for his
exciting Murder Game. But when the lights
go up this time, there is a real corpse with a
real dagger in the back.
17,99 €
Commemorating 75 years since the
Empress of Crime's first book, the third
volume in a set of omnibus editions
presenting the complete run of 32 Inspector
Alleyn mysteries. DEATH IN A WHITE TIE
The season has begun. Debutantes and
chaperones are planning their gala dinners and the blackmailer is planning strategies to
stalk his next victim.
Perkins, Emily
The Forrests
Perkins, Emily
Novel about my Wife
Die Forrests
Roman über meine Frau
16,95 €
Von New York City nach Auckland,
Neuseeland - nach einem Umzug um den
halben Globus tauchen die Forrests in eine
neue Welt ein, eine Welt tiefen, satten
Grüns, wechselnden Lichts und
silberglänzender Gewässer. So anarchisch
das Familienleben mit vier Kindern und
entrückten Eltern, so unbändig ihre Lust, die
fremde Umgebung zu erforschen.
11,90 €
Novel About My Wife is a taut, sensuous
and chilling portrait of a marriage beset by
paranoia and obsession.
Stead, C K
My Name Was Judas
Stead, C K
Secret History of Modernism
Mein Name war Judas
11,99 €
We all know the story of Jesus told by
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but what
about the version according to Judas?
Judas' name became synonymous with
betrayer, but is that how he saw it himself?
In this witty, original and teasingly
controversial account, some forty years after
the death of Jesus, Judas finally tells the
story as he remembers it.
10,99 €
A chance meeting has New Zealand writer
Laszlo Winter thinking back to his time in
London in the late 1950s. The Empire might
be in a state of collapse, but for young
colonials, England remains a mythical place
that draws them from the farthest corners of
the globe. There was Australian Samantha
Conlan, clever, desirable, hopelessly in love
with married Jewish New Zealander Freddy
Goldstein, who carried with him a dark
Die angegebenen Euro-Preise sind unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen.
Our Prices are recommended retail prices.