Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid Menu Esc ° ^` Select / Radio Tab 1 Weapon Strg F3 F4 2 3 4 5 Switch Item Q Switch Weapon W Inventory A Caps Crawl Shift F1 1st Person F2 > <\ 6 F6 7 F7 8 F8 9 0 F9 F10 ?_ ß- `+ ´= F11 F12 Druck Rollen Pause Einfg Pos1 Bild Num / * Entf Ende Bild 7 Up 8 9 Left 4 5 Right 6 1 Down 2 3 * E Invent. Weapon S YZ F5 R D 1st Person X T F C ZY G V U H B I J N O K M P L ;< , Ü[ Ö; :> . Ä‘ +] ‘ # Enter _? -/ Shift _ + Action Alt AltGr Strg 0 , Enter deutsches Tastaturlayout / english keyboard layout CHEATS taken from [] Add ‘-cheatenable’ into command line of the game (mgsi.exe -cheatenable) and use the following keys in game: Move: LMB: RMB: more keyboard layouts: Move / Move Objects Activate / Fire Weapon Crawl Key [F2] Effect God mode. Please be patient about this mode ability to switch off, so if you see life amount decreasing just press [F2] again. [F4] Sometimes (I haven’t idea about this undeterministic work) makes infinite ammo. [F5] Normal view mode. Useful after F6 (see later) effect. [F6] Observe mode. Seems the camera places into the center of the level and you can navigate it. Use [F5] to turn back to normal mode. [F7] Fast level restart (NOT reload!). You will be placed at level start but will have all that you have before key press. [F8/F9/F11/F12] Some sort of texturing modes switching. Just experiment with this key by yourself.