MIL-G-5572 Rev. F
MIL-G-5572 Rev. F
Downloaded from tfIL-G-5572F 2-1978 MIL-G-5572E 24 July 1969 MILITARY SPECIFICATION GASOLINE,AVIATION: GNADES 80/87, 100/130, 115/1L5 This specificationis approved for use by s1l Departmentsand Agencies of the Departmentof Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 ~. This specificationcovers aviation gasoline for aircraft piston engines. 1.2 Classification. Aviation gasoline shall be of tbe followinggrades, as specified (see 6.2): Grade 80/87 100/130 115/145 2. NATO Code Number F-12 F-18 F-22 APPLICABLEDOCUMXNTS 2.1 Issues of documents. The followingdocuments, of the issue in effect on date of invitationfor bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specificationto the extent specifiedherein. SPECIFICATIONS tlILITARY MIL-I-25017 -Inhibitor,Corrosion,Fuel Soluble QUALIFIEDPRODUCTS LISTS QPL-25017 ~ -ProductsQualifiedUnder Military SpecificationMIL-I-25017,Inhibitor, Beneficialcomments (recommendations,additions,deletions and any pertinent data which ❑ay be of use in improvingthis document should be addressed tn: EngineeringSpecificationsand Standards Department (Code 9321) Naval Air EngineeringCenter Lakehurst, New Jersey 08733, by using the self-addressedStandardization Document ImprovementPropnsal (DD Form 1426) appearingat the end of this document or by letter. FSC 9130 Downloaded from PfIL-G-5572F STANDARDS FSDSRAL -Lubricants,Liquid Fuels, and Related Products;Hethods of Testing Fed. Test Method Std No. 791 tfILITARY MIL-STD-105 -San@ing Proceduresand Tables for Inspectionby Attributes iiIL-STD-290 -Packaging,Packing and Harking of Petroleum and Related Products (Copies of specifications,standards,drawings,and publications requiredby suppliersin connectionwith specificprocurement fuoctionsshould be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the centratting officer.) * Other publications. The followingdocuments 2.2 form a part of this specificationto the extent specified herein. Unless otherwiseindicated,the issue in effect on date of invitationior bids or reque%L ffixpr~p=s~l c!.?zII eppl:, except for the specificissue acceptedby the Department of Defense as listed in the current Departmentof Defense Index of Specificationsand Standards (DODISS) AST?fdocuments listed by specific date shall form a part of this specificationbut may not be “listedin the current DODISS. .4ffmIcANSOCIER FOR T55TING ~ ●1 tf.4~IALs (A5TM) ASTU D86 Distillationof PetroleumProducts, Test for ASTM D130 Copper Corrosion from Petroleum Products by the Copper Strip Tarnish Test, Detection of ASTfiD240 Heat of Combustionof Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter,Test for ASTM D270 Petroleum and PetroleumProducts, Sampling ASTIID287 API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products (HydrometerMethod) Test for 2 I Downloaded from tfIL-G-5572F ASTtlD323 Vapor Pressure of PetroleumProducts (Reid Method), Test for ASTffD381 Existent Gum in Fuels by Jet Evaporation,Test for ASTM D526-70 Lead in Gasoline,GravimetricMethod, Test for ASTM D611 Aniline Point and Hixed Aniline Point of PetroleumProducts and Hydrocarbon Solvents,Test for ASTTID873 Oxidation Stabilityof Aviation Fuels (PotentialResidue Method), Test for ASTM D909 Snock Characteristicsof Aviation Fuels by the SuperchargeMethod, Test for ASTM D91O Aviation Gasolines,Specificationfor ASTU D936 Aromatic Hydrocarbonsin Olefin-free Gasolinesby Silica Gel Adsorption, Test for Water Reaction of Aviation Fueis, Test for. Sulfur in PetroleumProducts (Lamp tfethod) , Test for HydrocarbonTypes in Liquid Petroleum Products by FluorescentIndicator Adsorption,Test for ASTM D2267 Aromatics in Light Napbthas and Aviation Gasolinesby Gas Chromatography,Test for ASTM D2382 Heat of Combustionof Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter(High-Precision Method), Test for AST?lD2386 Freezing Point of Aviation Fuels, Test for ASTM D2392 Color of Dyed Aviation Gasolines,Test for 3 Downloaded from MIL-G-5572F ASTM D2551 Vapor Pressureof PetroleumProducts ASTM D2599 Lead in Gasolineby X-ray Spectrometry,Test for ASTM D2622 Sulfur in PetroleumProducts (X-Ray spectrographic Hethod),TesL for ASTM D2700 Knock Characteristicsof Motor and Aviation Fuels by the Motor Method, Test for (Copies of ASTM publicationsmay be obtained from the American Society for testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,19103.) 3 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Materials. The gasoline shall consist completelyof hydrocarboncompounds,except as otherwisespecifi.edherein. 3.2 Chemical and physical requirements. The chemical and physical requirementsof the finishedgasoline shall conform to those listed in table 1. Requirementscontainedherein are not subject to correctionsfor test tolerances. If ❑ultiple determinationsare made, results fallingwithin any specifiedrepeatabilityand reproductabilitytolerancesmay be averaged. Water reaction. In addition to the interface rating 3.2.1 and volume change requirementsspecifiedin Table 1, the fuel shall separate sharply from the water layer and there shall be no evidence of an emulsion or precipitatewithin or upon either 18yer. * Additives. The additives listed herein ❑ay be used 3.3 singly or in combina-mounts not to exceed those specified. ‘The type and amount of each additive used shall be reported (see 6 .3) * Antioxidant. The followinginhibitorsmay be 3.3.1 blended separatelyor in combinationinto the gasoline in total concentration not in excess of 8.4 pounds of inhibitor (active ingredient)Per 1,000 barrels (42 gal.) of fuel (91 reg./gal.)(U.S.), 24 mg.lliter, or 8.4 lb./35,000gal. (U.K.) in order to prevent the formation of gum: I 4 Downloaded from F!IL-G-5572F * :: c. d. e. f. 8. h. i. j. k. ● 1. N ,N’-diisopropyl-pa ra-phenylenediamine N ,N’-disecondarybutyl-para-phenylenediamine N, secondarybutyl,N’-phenyl ortho-phenylenediamine 2 ,6-ditertiarybucyl-4-methylphenol 2,4-dimethyl-6-tertiary butylphenol 72 percent min. 2,4-dimethyl-6-tertiary butylphenol 28 percent max, ❑onomethyl and dimethyl tertiarybutylphenols 55 percent ❑ in. 2,4-dimethyl-6-tertiary butylphenol 15 percent ❑ in. 2,6-ditertiaty butyl-1+-methylphenol 30 percent ❑ax. ❑ ixed monomethyland dimethyl tertiarybutylphenols 2,6-ditertiarybucylphenol 75 percent min. 2,6-ditertiarybutylphenol 25 percent ❑ ax. mixed tertiary and ditertiary butylphenols butylphenol 60 percent ❑ in. 2,fk-ditertiary 40 percent max. ❑ ixed tertiaty butylphenols butyl-435 percent ❑ in. 2,fi-ditertiary ❑ethylpbenol 65 percent ❑ ax. ❑ ixed methyl, ethyl, and dimethyl tertiary butylphenols 55 percent ❑ in. butylatedethyl phenols 45 percent max. butylatedmethyl and dimethylphenols. 3.3.2 Corrosioninhibitor. A corrosion inhibitorshall not be added to aviationgasoline by tbe supplieror the transporting agency unless prior approvalis obtained from the procuring agency. When used, the corrosioninhibitorshall conform to MIL-1-25017and the finished fuel shall ❑ eet all the requirementsspecifiedin section 3. No limit is placed on tbe minimum amount which ❑ ay be added. The maximum allowable concentrationshall not exceed that listed in the latest revision of QPL-25017. If a corrosioninhibitoris used, the contractor or transportingactivity,or botb, shall maintain and upon request,make available to the Government,evidence that the corrosioninhibitorsused are equal in every respect to the product specifiedin MIL-1-25017. 5 Downloaded from MIL-G-5572F * Color. Color for each grade shall be within the 3.3.3 minimum and maximum color standards for the applicablecolor when determined by the test ❑ethod indicatedin Table 1. The colors indicated for each grade of gasoline in Table I shall be obtained by the addition of dyes in amounts listed in Table 11. Dyes may be dissolved in xylene for ease of mixing. When a xylene solutionis used, the maximum dye limits in Table II are to be based on the nonvolatileportion of the dye solution. The quantitiesof dyes indicatedare the total dye content, includingthat normally in the TSL ❑ ix. No dyes other than the following shall be present in the finished fuel: a. Blue - Essentially1, 4-dialkylaminoanthraquinone. b. Red - Essentiallyalkyl derivativeof azobenzene-&-azo -2-naphthol Tetraethylleadcontent.The tetraethyllead(TEL) 3.3.4 shall be-added in the form of an antiknock❑ ixture containingnot less than 61 percent by weight of tetrc,ethyllead and sufficientethylene dibromideto provide two bromine atoms per atom of lead. Tbe balance shall contain no added ingredientsother than a hydrocarbonsolvent, an approved oxidation inhibitor,and dyes as specifiedherein. Workmanshi~. The gasoline shall be visually free 3.4 from undissolvedwater, sediment,and fiuspended matter. 4. QUALITY ABSU8AXCEPROVISIONS . Responsibilityfor inspection. Unless otherwise fi.1 specifiedin the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performanceof all inspectionrequirementsas specifiedherein. Except as otherwisespecified in the contractor order, the suppliermay use his own or any other facilitiessuitable for the performanceof the inspectionrequirementsspecifiedherein, unless disapprovedby the Governiyent.The Governmentreservesthe right to perform any of the inspectionsset forth in the specificationwhere such inspectionsare deemed necessaryto assure suppliesand services conform to prescribed requirements. ●1 4.2 Classificationof inspections. The inspectionand testing of the aviation gasoline shall be classifiedas quality conformance inspection. * 4.3 Quality conformanceinspectionsample. The quality conformanceinspectionsample shall consist of samples for tests (4.3.2) shall and sample for ●xaminationof filled containers (4.3.3). W@es be labeled completelywith informationidentifyingthe purpose of the sample, name of product, specificationnumber, lot number, date of s~lin8 and contractnumber. 6 I Downloaded from !IIL-G-5572F * 4.3.1 Lot. P.lot shall consist of the following: — Bulk lot. AU indefinitequantity of a homogeneous — one type of gasolzne contained in one isolated container;or ❑ anufacturedin a single plant run (not ❑ ore than 24 hours), through the same processing equipmentwith no change in the ingredientmaterials. ❑ ixture of * Packaged lot. An indefinitenumber of 55-gallon drums or smaller unit containersof identicalsize and type offered for acceptanceand filled from one isolated tank containinga homogeneous mixture of material. * 4.3.2 Sample for test. Each bulk lot of materials shall liesampled for verificationof product quality in accordancewith ASTM Method D270 and tested as specified in h.5. * Sample for inspectionof filled containers. Each 4.3.3 lot of filled containersshall be sampled in accordancewith !fILSTD-105, InspectingLevel 1, AcceptableQuality Level (AQL) 2.5 percent defective,and inspectedas specified in * 4.4 Quality cnnfonuanceinspectingtests. The quality conformanceinspectiontests shall include testing of the sample (4.3.2) for conformanceto the requirementsof this specification,and an inspection of samples of containers (h.3.3) for confanrance to the packaging, packing, and ❑arking requirements. * 4.5 Methods of inspectionand test. * 4.5.1 Samples for test (4.3.2) shall be tested in accordance with Table I to determineconformancewith 3.2 and samples fnr inspectionof filled containers (4.3.3)shall be examined in accordance with 4.5.2 to determine conformancewith 5.1. * 4.5.2 Inspection. Inspectionshall be in accordancewith Method 9601 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 791. * Prior to filling,each empty unit containershall be visually inspected for cleanlinessand suitability. * After filling,each unit cnntainershall be visually inspected for marking, fill, closure, sealing, leakage,and conformance to MIL-STD-290 5. PACSAGING 5.1 Packaging,packing, and markins. Packaging,packing, and marking shall be in accordancewith HIL-STD-290. 7 Downloaded from M I L - G - 5572F . 6. NOTSS Intendeduse. The gasoline coveredby this specifi6.1 cation is intended for use in aircraftpiston engines. 6.2 Ordering data. Procurementdocuments should specify the following: Title,number, and date of this specification (b) Gradeand NATO Code Number of gasoline required (see 1.2) (c) Quantity requiredand size containers desired. (d) Levels of packaging and packing required (see 5.1). (a) 6.3 Precautionsfor mixing inhibitors. To prevent any possible reactionbetween the concentratedform of different inhibitors, the fuel supplier is cautionednot to mix inhibitorsprior to addition to the gasoline. 6.4 Internationalstandardizationagreement. Certain provisionsof this specificationare the subject of internationalstandardizationagreementNATO STANAG No. 1135 and ASCC AIR STD 15/1. When amendmtnt,revision, ox cancellationof this specificationis proposed which will affect or violate the internationalagreementsconcerned,the preparingactivity will take appropriatereconciliationaction through international standardizationchannels includingdepartmentalstandardizationoffices, if required. 6.5 Marginal indicia. The ❑argins of this specification are marked to indicatewhere changes,deletions,or additionsto the previous issue have been made. This is done as a convenienceonly and the Governmentassumesno liabilitywhatsoever for any inaccuraciesin these notations. Figures are not so ❑arked. Bidders and contractors are cautionedto evaluate the requirementsof this documentbased on the entire content as written, irrespectiveof the marginal notations and relationshipto the last previous issue. Preparing activity: Navy - AS Custodians: Army -tfB Navy - AS Air Force 11 (ProjectNo. 9130-0088) Reviewer activities: Army - Av, HII,MI Air Force- 68 DLA - PS Internationalinterest (see 6.4) 8 ● Downloaded from M I L - G - 5572F 6 g: . 9 Downloaded from M I L - G - 5572F *& CNUJJ .: ,4..4 c) + ~ . ..-..--,>, >1 . . l-la? Downloaded from tlIL-G-5572F W’ASLS II. Dye concentrations. 100 / 130 80/87 SEQUIRFMSNT BINSDYS =er ❑g/gal.(U.S.) ‘ mgjge.1. (U.K.) lb/1000barrels MD DYE ~ter mg/gd. (U.S.) ❑g/gal. (U.K.) lb/1000 barrels GSADE 115 / 145 tlin tlax Min Max ----—---- 0.131 0.500 0.596 0.046 0.80 3.03 3.64 0.28 0.713 1.51 2.70 5.70 3.24 6.85 0.528 0.250 1.2’4 4.10 5.64 0.435 --- 0.502 0.864 ------- 1.90 2.28 0.176 3.27 3.93 0.303 1.83 2.29 6.93 8.24 0.642 8.66 10.40 0.802 --- 11 —- – ----- Uin Max Downloaded from ● DEPARI?4ENT OF THE NAVY Naval Air EngineeringCenter Lakehurst,NJ 08733 PPICIAL Wswm hti*CU PAID Navy Department * m DoD-316 u @OSTAaC C. c., ”..,, ● .0. P“, VA,, “s, mm EngineeringSpecificationsand Sca”dards Department Naval Air EngineeringCenter Lakehurst,NJ 08733 (Code 93) Downloaded from TANDARD I ZAT I ON INfl’RU,fX’10NS: q mmtIu. DOCUMENT llhbrmisprovided I MPROVEMENT totcdicitb.eficial ● PROPOSAL mnmentswhich ~.y improve this docunmnta.d sc bD-nw.ctim, covemment nctirities, mnufscturen, vendom, otother ptmwrn,ve.wmof thedocument weinvitad tos.bmit comme.U ~thegovernme.1. Fold onlines onmw=side,, nndcend toptepming activity. uIypertinent damwhichnuybcof .Sti. improving thi. lf the= ue~diU.ti Wm,.tmch t. fommdpbm bo&in@n e"velow .ddrdto prepuing.ctiti1y. A msponsetil!bemwldd tothes.bmitter, whe.nameand*dd--kpt.rided, -ithi. aod.ysind,catinq that the1426- mc.ived md whenanyappropnati aclicm o“itwill becompleted. NOTE ~iformtil notk-dti s.btitmquesk forwaiwm, devi*l;om orcl-ifi-tio. ofsFXi~tio. ~.ire~n~Onc.wnt_.*~cu.~mmen~subml~~dOnthlSf.rm dOnOtc..,~tu*. :implY~utho,izati.n towsive anyporli.m oflhereferenced document( s)., toamendcontrmct.d requirements. CUMENT IOENTIGIE. (N..nti.) AND TITLE MIL-G-5572F GASOLINC, AVIATION:GRADES 80/87, 100/130, 115/145 ME OF ORGANIZbTlON I AND ADDIIES3 OF SUBMITTER ❑ USER vENDOR ❑ MANUFACTURER HAS ANYP&. TOFT"EOOCUMENT CREATED PR08LEMS c E7 0tSANYPAn70F A. G, VEVb RAG RA?H B, RECOMMENCE C. REASON FOR tT700n,G10, NUMBER D WORDING RECOMMENDED RESTRlcTl.E, ORBEOU!UED L00SE0RAM6lGu0u37 lNIERPRETATlON 4NOWOFIDING CHANGE CHANGEISI D B“ ,tin,,.ior ,y.,d Mm, md.ddm”-OPtie”sJ, BMITI% TELEPHONENO. DATE 1,:-.1426 tNPROC"REMEN7 pLEASEEXPLS4NBELOW EOITI ON OF * JAN72w1LL BE USED UNTIL EXIIAUSTED. I