somebody put something my drink
somebody put something my drink
Unit 9: Party time Unit 9: Party time Seite 103 directions pl [d41rekSnz] Wegbeschreibung coast [k48st] Küste surf surfboard hut pretty to get back to have a party first things first to DJ loads of [s3.f] [1s3.fb0.d] [hct] [1pr9ti] [get 1bäk] [h4v 4 1p2.ti] [! T9Nz] [!di. 1d7e9] [1l48dz 4v] Brandung Surfbrett Hütte ziemlich, recht zurückkommen eine Party feiern zuallererst (Musik/Platten) auflegen eine Menge mega inf barbecue guest lifeguard just in case soft drink [1meg4] [1b2.b9kju.] [gest] [1la9fg2.d] [d7cst 9n 1ke9s] [1sqft dr9Nk] superklasse, mega Grillparty Gast RettungsschwimmerIn für alle Fälle alkoholfreies Getränk lemonade strong spirits pl …, remember. to take care of sth invitation [lem41ne9d] [strqN] [1sp9r9ts] [r91memb4] [te9k 1ke4 4v] [!9nv91te9Sn] Limonade stark Spirituosen …, denk daran. sich um etw kümmern Einladung creative how come [kri1e9t9v] [!ha8 1kcm] kreativ wieso footpath steep yard mile narrow traffic lights pl roundabout straight on exit to turn left/right towards northern cloudy scattered showers [1f8tp2.T] [sti.p] [j2.d] [ma9l] [1när48] [1träf9k la9ts] [1ra8nd4ba8t] [!stre9t 1qn] [1eks9t] [!t3.n 1left, !t3.n 1ra9t] [] [1n0.D4n] [1kla8di] [!skät4d 1Sa84z] Fußweg steil Yard (Längenmaß, entspricht 0,914 m) Meile (Längenmaß, entspricht 1609 m) eng, schmal (Verkehrs-)Ampel Kreisverkehr geradeaus Ausfahrt, Ausgang links/rechts abbiegen auf … zu, in Richtung auf Nord-, nördlich wolkig, bewölkt vereinzelte/örtliche (Regen-)Schauer inland [19nländ] im Landesinneren, landeinwärts coastal area westerly breeze [1k48stl] [1e4ri4] [1west4li] [bri.z] KüstenGebiet, Bereich, Feld West-, Westwind Brise, leichter Wind spell [spel] Abschnitt, Weile, kurze Zeit temperature to die down course of the day to rise [1tempr4tS4] [!da9 1da8n] [k0.s] [ra9z] Temperatur, Fieber nachlassen, sich legen Lauf des Tages (an)steigen I asked him how to get to the Church. He then gave me directions. © 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Seite 103 Transkript She’s pretty happy. She’s quite happy. I had a party to celebrate my birthday. = a lot of There were loads of people at Josh’s party. He has so many friends! My Dad doesn’t like alcohol. He only has soft drinks. She sent me an invitation to her party. I hope I can go. Seite 104 Seite 1 von 4 1 mile = 1760 yards The traffic lights turned red so all the cars stopped. The supermarket is straight on. It’s on this road. I haven’t seen the sun all day because it’s cloudy. Scattered showers are forecast for tomorrow. We can’t sunbathe at the beach. It will be warmer inland than on the coast. It’s always windy near the sea. Tomorrow it will be sunny but with a breeze. Remember to wear a jumper. Tomorrow there will be sunny spells. Sometimes it will be sunny and sometimes it will be cloudy. Unit 9: Party time to remain outbreak [r91me9n] [1a8tbre9k] risk [r9sk] (übrig) bleiben Ausbruch, (plötzliche Regen-) Schauer Risiko thunder [1Tcnd4] Donner ground likely heavy rain to sunbathe suncream [gra8nd] [1la9kli] [!hevi 1re9n] [1scnbe9D] [1scnkri.m] Gelände wahrscheinlich starker Regen sonnenbaden Sonnencreme to design [d91za9n] entwerfen, gestalten brochure to party consumer particularly at risk after dark to dress up secret [1br48S4] [1p2.ti] [k4n1sju.m4] [p41t9kj4l4li] [4t 1r9sk] [!2.ft4 1d2.k] [!dres 1cp] [1si.kr9t] Broschüre, Prospekt auf Partys gehen, feiern VerbraucherIn, KonsumentIn besonders gefährdet nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit sich ankleiden, sich schick machen geheim, heimlich signal to keep sb informed a pain [1s9gn4l] [ki.p] [4 1pe9n] Signal, Zeichen jdn informieren lästig, nervig to keep off [!ki.p 1qf] meiden, die Finger lassen von alcoholic statistics pl [!älk41hql9k] [st41t9st9ks] alkoholisch Statistiken, statistische Angabe(n) major [1me9d74] bedeutend cause crime rape vandalism to stay away from drunk gut feeling [k0.z] [kra9m] [re9p] [1vänd4l9z4m] [!ste9 41we9 fr4m] [drcNk] [gct 1fi.l9N] scared embarrassed childish drug hallway well-lit Know … (imperative) to behave to take sides no matter to be stranded unwise [ske4d] [9m1bär4st] [1tSa9ld9S] [drcg] [1h0.lwe9] [!wel 1l9t] [n48] [b91he9v] [te9k 1sa9dz] [n48 1mät4] [bi 1stränd9d] [!cn1wa9z] Ursache Verbrechen, Straftat Vergewaltigung Vandalismus sich fern halten Betrunkene/r instinktives Gefühl, Gefühl aus dem Bauch verstört, ängstlich verlegen kindisch Droge, Rauschgift Flur, Korridor, Gang hell erleuchtet Merke, … / Erkenne, … sich benehmen Partei ergreifen gleichgültig, egal festsitzen unklug to break out [!bre9k 1a8t] ausbrechen [1s3.kl] [1ne9b4h8d] [1rel4v4nt] Kreis, Clique (Wohn-)Gegend, Nachbarschaft relevant, wichtig There can be lots of risks for young people at parties. There was an awful storm yesterday. The thunder was so loud. It is going to be very sunny tomorrow. We must remember to wear suncream! She designed a great party invitation. It made everyone really excited about the party. © 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Seite 105 I like to party at the weekend. A consumer is a person who buys goods or services. If you go to a party with a friend, you are less at risk. I wrote him a secret letter. No one else knows about it. My mum is such a pain! She always tells me what to do. “Keep off the alcohol at the party. It can be very dangerous,” said Jackie’s mum. Wine and beer are alcoholic drinks. Statistics say that many young people watch twice as much TV as they should. Crime is a major problem in our town. There are a lot of thefts. My little sister is scared of dogs. They frighten her. He put a drug in her drink. He spiked it. He behaves like a child sometimes. He’s so childish. That was a bit unwise. You shouldn’t have done such a silly thing. Seite 106 circle neighbourhood relevant Seite 2 von 4 That’s not very relevant. We’re not interested in how she did it. Unit 9: Party time to set the scene (for) [!set D4 1si.n] initial advice column to turn to totally to be against to give way to be mad at AE to spark obvious [91n9Sl] [4d1va9s kql4m] [1t3.n t4] [1t48t4li] [bi 41genst] [g9v 1we9] [bi 1mäd 4t] [sp2.k] [1qbvi4s] den Boden bereiten, Voraussetzungen schaffen (für) Anfangs-, erste Ratgeberspalte sich wenden an völlig, total dagegen sein nachgeben auf jdn. böse sein zünden, Feuer fangen offensichtlich, klar to be around to let sb down to get back to sb to ask sb round to invest in wicked to force oneself on sb to spike (a drink) from out of town untrue to lead sb on [bi 41ra8nd] [!let 1da8n] [!get 1bäk t4] [! 1ra8nd] [9n1vest] [1w9k9d] [!f0.s 1qn] [spa9k] [fr4m !a8t 4v 1ta8n] [cn1tru.] [!li.d 1qn] da sein jdn im Stich lassen, jdn enttäuschen jdm zu Ohren kommen jdn einladen investieren bösartig sich jdm aufdrängen etw (in ein Getränk) hineinmischen von außerhalb unwahr jdm (falsche) Hoffnungen machen [1p2.ti g484] [41kju.z] [4d1m9t] [get 9n 1tctS w9D] [1häsl] [1d7el4s] [!n48 1we9] [1w9l9N] PartygängerIn beschuldigen, vorwerfen zugeben (sich) in Verbindung setzen mit Ungelegenheiten, Stress eifersüchtig ausgeschlossen bereit, willig, gewillt task agony aunt romance to convince frankly emotional [] [1äg4ni 2.nt] [r481mäns] [k4n1v9ns] [1fräNkli] [91m48S4nl] Aufgabe, Arbeit Kummertante Romanze, Liebesgeschichte überzeugen offen emotional overcritical consequence [!48v41kr9t9kl] [1kqns9kw4ns] überkritisch Folge, Konsequenz [1kql4m] Spalte excited loud urgent to overlook to keep away from [9k1sa9t9d] [la8d] [13.d74nt] [!48v41l8k] [!ki.p 41we9 fr4m] (freudig) aufgeregt, erregt laut dringend, eilig übersehen sich fernhalten von attractive salad fridge [41träkt9v] [1säl4d] [fr9d7] attraktiv, reizvoll Salat Kühlschrank [wa9 qn 13.T] [1mju.zli] warum um Himmels willen Müsli I totally agree. That’s a great idea! I’m against the idea. I don’t agree with it. It’s obvious he’s tired. He didn’t go to bed very early. That’s not what I said. That’s totally untrue. © 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Seite 107 partygoer to accuse to admit to get in touch with hassle jealous no way willing = someone who goes to a party Get in touch with me if you need any more help. Seite 108 I’m very emotional. I’m often happy and then sad the next minute. If you do something bad, you have to face the consequences. Seite 109 column Seite 110 Seite 111 why on earth muesli Seite 3 von 4 The winners were very excited when they found out. It’s very urgent. I need to know as soon as possible. Keep away from empty streets at night. They can be dangerous. That’s an attractive idea. I’d quite like to do that. Put the milk back in the fridge when you’ve finished. Unit 9: Party time to talk sb into excuse imagination [!t0.k 19nt4] [9k1skju.s] [9!mäd791ne9Sn] jdn (dazu) überreden Entschuldigung Fantasie, Vorstellungskraft unwelcome [cn1welk4m] nicht willkommen pot bar loaf can tuna [pqt] [b2.] [l48f] [kän] [1tju.n4] Kanne, Topf, Becher Riegel Laib Dose Thunfisch tub [tcb] Becher He’s got a very lively imagination. He makes up lots of stories. © 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Seite 112 Seite 4 von 4 I bought two loaves of bread. Is that enough? She bought a tin of tuna at the supermarket to eat for dinner. There are three tubs of ice cream in the freezer.