Healthy without Aluminium


Healthy without Aluminium
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
Bert Ehgartner
Healthy without Aluminium
How to Recognize the Dangers of Aluminium
Preventing serious diseases
approx. 240 pages
paperback; size: 13.5 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-3-85068-924-3
Publication date: spring 2014
With his documentary and his revelatory book "The Aluminium Files - A Dirty Little Secret"
(Ennsthaler 2012) Bert Ehgartner brought the outrageous aluminium scandal to public attention.
In his second book he analyzes more closely the role of this dangerous alloy in the most sensitive
aspects of our lives and shows where and how you can avoid the hazards it poses to our health.
Aluminium is used in our foods, cosmetics, medicines and vaccines, and in laser printers and the
purification of drinking water. The chemical potential of this alloy is enormous: it converts
aqueous compounds into gels and it ensures that sun creams or body lotions can comfortably be
spread on the skin. In deodorants it clogs up the skin and stops us from sweating. More than 50
aluminium compounds are used in cosmetic products. Some are highly toxic.
In recent years scientific studies have associated aluminium with the increasingly frequent
"diseases of civilization" such as asthma, allergies and autoimmune illnesses. Aluminium is also
the prime suspect in the huge increase in Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer. Despite this,
aluminium has taken hold of more and more aspects of daily life.
Now Bert Ehgartner presents a comprehensive guide to the subject providing useful information
and assistance in all aspects of life. Find out which aluminium compounds are hazardous and how
to recognize these everyday aluminum dangers.
The author:
Born in 1962, he studied journalism, political science and computer science in Vienna. In 1987 he
started working as a journalist and went on to write critical analyses of the medical establishment
and all its excesses. In 1997, he began to release documentary films (most recently "Die Akte
Aluminium" = "The aluminium files", shown on ZDF / ARTE, ORF, and SRF). He has written
several non-fiction books ("Das Medizinkartell" = "The Medical Cartel," Piper 2002, "Die
Lebensformel" = "The Formula of Life" Hoffmann & Campe, 2004, "Gesund bis der Arzt
kommt"= "Healthy until the Doctor arrives" Bastei-Luebbe 2010). Bert Ehgartner is married with
five children and lives with his family in the Vienna Woods. For more information, see
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
Bert Ehgartner
Dirty little secret – Die Akte Aluminium
The Aluminium files – A Dirty little secret
ISBN 978-3-85068-894-9
size: 13.5 x 21 cm, 294 pages, hardcover
published in October 2012
2nd edition in January 2013
We live in the Aluminium Age. However, aluminium also has a dark, disturbing side, which will
be studied for the first time in great detail in this book.
One hundred years ago hardly anyone knew the first thing about this metal commonly found in the earth's
crust. Today Aluminium is ubiquitous. It would nowadays be unthinkable to have to make do without it in
our daily lives.
Aluminium is especially popular in the cosmetics industry: it helps to prevent sunscreen from congealing
and facilitates its even distribution on the skin. In deodorants, it reacts with the cells of the skin and
changes them so much that they can’t produce sweat anymore. Medicines for heartburn often contain a
high proportion of aluminium. Aluminium is included in two-thirds of all vaccines as an active amplifier.
On the other hand, water companies use aluminium compounds to eradicate impurities and then supply
our households with drinking water, which inevitably still contains traces of the metal.
However the findings of science bear thorough witness against the heedless use of aluminium in these
most sensitive domains of life. Biologists have known for a long time that
aluminium stunts plants’ growth by destroying their roots.
Doctors working in most areas of health know about the neurotoxic properties of most
aluminium compounds: in fact, it can be fatal to a developing nervous system.
Aluminium is one of the most acute toxins for fish, and even the lowest concentrations in water
are lethal.
The author:
Bert Ehgartner, born in 1962, is a documentary filmmaker and the author of numerous non-fiction books:
most recently: "Lob der Krankheit" (In Praise of Illness) 2008, and "Gesund bis der Arzt kommt" (Healthy
until the Doctor Arrives) 2010.
A film was also released to coincide with the book’s publication, both in a 90 minutes long international
cinema version (shown in March 2013 in German and French on ARTE) and in a TV version (shown in
autumn 2012 on ORF and ZDF). The latest is a 30-minutes-version “Planet e – Aluminium” on ZDF
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
August Thalhamer
The Healing Path of the Shaman
in the Light of Western Psychotherapy and the
Christian Tradition
approx. 304 pages
paperback, size: 13.5 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-3-85068-921-2
Publication date: spring 2014
On the history and significance of shamanism in our time
Shamanic elements in Christianity
The connection between shamanism and psychotherapy
Standard work of a widely recognized theologian and psychologist
Visible and invisible worlds exist, and they are inseparably connected with each other. For
many years, the theologian August Thalhamer has covered the relationship between religion,
psychotherapy and shamanism. In this key text he presents the history of shamanism and
explains the purpose of the shamanic journey and how the concept of healing in shamanism
can best be understood. He builds a bridge between Christianity and the shamanic traditions,
talks about his own personal shamanic path and how he believes Jesus healed, and then studies
the role played by exorcism in the Christian tradition. The third major area of interest he
covers is the relationship between shamanism and psychotherapy. This book stands as a
reference work for all who are interested in shamanism and wonder what the importance is of
shamanic knowledge in our western world and ultimately how it can be integrated spiritually
into our daily lives.
August Thalhamer, born in 1943, is a Doctor of Philosophy, a theologian in the Catholic
tradition, a psychotherapist, a business psychologist and an urban shaman in private practice
in Linz. For years his speciality has been the interrelationship between the Christian,
psychotherapeutic and shamanic healing traditions.
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
Sonja Raab
The Healer
A shamanic journey from Ybbstal to
Canada and back
ISBN 978-3-85068-917-5
approx. 96 pages
size 12 x 19,5 cm
published in September 2013
Exciting insights into the world of shamanism
How “healing” (transforming) works and what it is based on
A spiritual journey back to our own roots
Sometimes we seek our spiritual roots in the wider world. And we only discover them once
we return from that trip. “The Healer” tells of the author’s journey to the Canadian wilderness,
where she was initiated by an Inuit shaman. And then she leads us back to the Ybbs Valley in
the Mostviertel region of Austria. There she finds those shamanic roots contained in the
ancient customs and folk beliefs of the local inhabitants. She tells of the “Fraisenketten” (or
protective amulets) and Druid knives, the removal of warts and of the ancient times, when
people were still bewitched and cursed, hexed and healed.
Sonja Raab was born in 1975 in Opponitz in Lower Austria. After completing her studies at
home economics school and an apprenticeship as a waiter, she began to develop an interest in
indigenous peoples and their spirituality. Following the invitation of a Native American pen
pal, she travelled to the Canadian wilderness, where she visited an Ojibwe-Cree woman whose
husband is an Inuit shaman. In 1998 she herself was ordained as a shaman. But her journey
hasn’t ended yet. Only when she discovered her shamanic roots in Ybbstal, did she feel she
had truly come home. Today Sonia Raab lives with her husband and three children, two cats
and a dog as a shaman and “Wender” (healer) back in Opponitz, her birthplace.
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
- Self Help Dagmar Glüxam
Alles anders, aber viel besser
Mein Umgang mit Krebs
Everything Different but Much Better
My experience with cancer
approx. 368 pages, hardcover, size 13,5 x 21 cm
ISBN: 978-3-85068-897-0
Published in August 2013
A moving account of a successful fight against cancer
A plea for more responsibility in dealing with cancer
Many practical tips and advice on complementary therapies
When the Austrian music historian Dagmar Glüxam became ill in 2008 from breast cancer,
initially her world fell apart.
After some disappointing and painful experiences at the hands of orthodox everyday medical
practice, she instead posed herself the question "What must I do to ensure that the cancer does
not return" and undertook extensive research in the field of complementary and alternative
medicine with her husband, a physician. She also investigated for herself various other healing
The personal discovery that cancer requires a well thought out strategy at every level of human
existence required the author literally to turn her life upside down.
This is a touching and encouraging first-hand report, at whose centre is not a life-threatening
disease but rather the road to recovery.
An inspiring book about how to turn an extremely serious life crisis into a very positive and
rewarding experience.
The author.
She is an internationally renowned Austrian music historian, musician, and children's book
author. She studied at the Conservatory in Ostrava, and at universities in Brno and Vienna. She
has made CD recordings, plus regular appearances on Czech television, and has written numerous
scientific publications and children's books. She works as a university lecturer in historical
musicology at various academies and universities in Vienna and Brno. Mother of two children,
she lives with her family in Vienna.
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
- Self Help -
Phyllida Anam-Áire
Liebe als Weg in ein neues Bewusstsein
A New Consciousness for a New Age
Renaming the sacred in a new Hallelu-JA
ISBN 978-3-85068-882-6
size: 13.5 x 21 cm, 334 pages,
September 2012 - published also in English 
The new book from the renowned and popular Irish healer
Includes practical exercises and suggestions for a positive life style
We are all contributing to the world in which we live and complain about. It is no longer
acceptable to point the finger and blame others for war and conflict, hatred and fear, and
ultimately the collapse of our society. We are all responsible.
We have to choose now to live, either from the old laws of revenge, and retaliation, or be willing
to embrace radical evolutionary thought. Only in this way can we hope to transform and be a part
of a new Halleluja - one that does not dishonour the sacred laws of life itself.
With her radical philosophy and healing words, Phyllida Anam-Aire challenges us to take on
board who we really are: nothing less than the embodiment of divine consciousness. The essence
of her message is as simple as it is profound: The true reality is love.
More books by the author:
Keltisches Totenbuch
Keltische Weisheit im Alltag
CD’s: Let love in
Cauldron of Song
The author: Phyllida Anam-Aire, whose first language is Gaelic, grew up in a small mountain
village in Donegal, Ireland. She has now lived for several years in Bavaria, in southern Germany.
She is a poet, singer and storyteller, and also a Celtic-Druidic priestess. As well as this she has also
worked for many years as a companion to those going through the process of dying. She was for
some years a Catholic nun, before she felt called to revive the ancient wisdom of the Druid world
view and the Celtic image of humanity, which she now makes accessible to all of us.
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
Karoline Postlmayr
Ich steh’ auf unsere Heilkräuter
I’m all for herbs
152 pages, size 13,5 x 21 cm
colour illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-85068-914-4
Published in October 2012
Herbal knowledge for everyone
Clearly arranged according to the seasons
37 years of experience shared at a practical level
The best-selling author Karline Postlmayr has an intimate knowledge of indigenous herbs and
their effects. In this book she leads the reader through the seasons and shows when and how they
can make best use of the rich array of native plants, and of fruit and vegetables as well.
She describes how and where you can find the herbs, which plant parts can be used - whether as
tea or dried, as paste, poultice, infusion, in a bath or as a brew – their constituent elements, and
how we can take advantage of their positive effects.
Her extensive healing knowledge in the fields of women's health, fasting cures or the natural
treatment of coughs and heartburn are also included in this collection. Recipes for herbal syrups,
cold drinks, tomato ketchup and bath supplements are in the book as well as valuable vegetable
and fruit recipes. This varied and richly illustrated book helps anyone with an interest to take a
fresh look at the richness of our native plant species.
Another book published by the author: “Mein Kräuterschatz” (My Herbal Treasure Chest)
The author:
She was born in Upper Austria and has been married since 1985. She lives in Nußbach at an
altitude of more than 700 metres above sea level, surrounded by 3000 square metres of
unfertilized meadow. There are no weeds: almost all the plants are medicinal herbs.
Her years as “full-time housewife" and mother were the finest preparation for her work
combining the effects of health, illness, medicine and medicinal herbs together in harmony.
Her love for the simple life and for the herbs on her doorstep has abundantly expressed itself in
the way she has raised her four children. She is now passing on her invaluable 37 years of
experience in this book.
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
Karoline Postlmayr
Mein Kräuterschatz
Eine leidenschaftliche Kräuterwanderung durch die
My herbal Treasure Chest
A passionate herbal excursion
through the seasons
140 pages, size 14,5 x 21 cm
colour illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-85068-840-6
3rd edition 2012
Come with me on a herbal excursion in spring, summer or autumn, and share my passion for the
herbs on our doorstep!
Find out about:
 The healing power and applications of 20 wild herbs such as lemon thyme, sage, ground ivy,
chickweed etc.
First aid from the herbal treasure chest covering high blood pressure, colds, osteoporosis,
sleep disorders etc.
The harvesting time and effect of medicinal herbs
Wild herb salt
An abundance of wild herb recipes
Through her love of the simple life and her enthusiasm for healing herbs, Karoline Postlmayr
picked up invaluable experience, which as the mother of four children she was often able to use at
home, and now she can pass it on to her readers.
With her regular outdoor herbal walks and her lectures she has been able to inspire thousands of
interested people to learn more about healing herbs.
She is the author of one other book, published in 2012: “Ich steh auf unsere Heilkräuter” (I’m all
for Herbs)
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
- Self Help -
Judith Kirchmayr-Kreczi
Kraft meiner Angst
Ein Mutmachbuch bei Angst und
The Strength in my Anxiety
A morale booster for anxiety and panic attacks
ISBN 978-3-85068-898-7
size: 12 x 19,5 cm, 120 pages
published in September 2012
What really helps against anxiety
Exercises which form part of the first steps in the healing process
Traditional and alternative ways of healing
Anxiety disorders are a widespread and often concealed phenomenon. Many sufferers are ashamed
and try to hide their pain. Across a broad spectrum bounded at one end by conventional and at the
other by esoteric treatment, one can come across countless promises of healing and salvation. But
what really helps?
This book focuses on effective techniques, both traditional and alternative, that can help on the
path to recovery, techniques that the author herself has used. The book only describes methods that
reinforce your own competence and your full authority. From the author’s perspective, healing is an
active process of positive self-direction.
This book accompanies the reader on a fascinating journey through the different stages and
phenomena of an anxiety disorder and clears the way for him or her to experience gentle and wellconsidered ways of easing the problem.
The author: Judith Kirchmayr Kreczi, MSc. was born in 1957 in Linz, Austria. She is a
management trainer, coach, life coach, and Alexander technique and yoga teacher in private
practice. She has been active for more than 35 years in advising, guiding and teaching in various
psychosocial fields. Her work focuses on providing assistance in coping with crises and conflicts,
both for individuals and teams, as well as on resource-and body-oriented care for people in
different processes of change.
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
- Self Help
Maria Neuberger-Schmidt
Gewaltfrei aber nicht machtlos
Nonviolent, But Not Powerless
Education using heart, intelligence and management skills
The book on the ABC parents’ license ®
ISBN 978-3-85068-891-8
size: 14 x 21,5 cm, 330 pages, hardcover
pubished in March 2012, 2nd edition 2013
How they can promote self-confidence, independence and good social skills
How they can resolve conflicts without violence, while respecting the dignity of both parties
How love, trust and respect can flow between both sides
Practical educational advice from an expert!
"Nonviolent but not powerless!" What does this mean? Can non-violent power and authority
be maintained? And to include love and understanding? How can we bring about what seems
to be a magic trick?
This book helps deal with the widespread insecurity of many parents regarding their parental
role and authority, which can lead to feelings of helplessness and stress.
Using the image of three baskets - Freedom, Participation and Obedience - the author Maria
Neuberger-Schmidt, mother of four grown children and two stepchildren, explains to us what
really matters.
With the aid of numerous case examples from children’s lives, parents get to know various
communication tools and learn how to apply them. This serves to deepen their relationship
with their children, to promote their development and to improve their understanding of the
needs and concerns of children, who might be expressing problematic behaviour patterns.
This book will strengthen your natural parenting skills, which will go on to help your child
grow up successful and happy and lead to an authentic, stress-free and joyful family life.
The author: From 1999 onwards the author, because of her many years of intensive work as an
educational consultant and parent coach, and as chairwoman of the association of parent
workshops based in Vienna, was in demand as a frequent columnist in various local
newspapers. Those experiences also motivated her to develop a seminar concept known as
"the ABC parents’ license ®", which has been promoted by the Austrian Ministry for Family
Affairs and protected by copyright since 2003
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
Christa Kössner
Schlüssel zum Glücklich-Sein
Das Spiegelgesetz
Find the Key to be Happy
The Reflection Rule
112 pages, size 13,5 x 21,5 cm
ISBN: 978-3-85068-768-3
7th edition 2008 - 45.000 copies sold!
The book
Gain a new perspective on reality and open the door to happiness!
According to the author “Everything that happens to you tells a story of
yourself”. Christa Kössner decodes the roots of the crisis by reflecting them
against daily events in our lives. Unpleasant experiences are an expression of
one’s own dissatisfaction, but by using the Reflection Rule, anyone can
easily find the way to happiness using the four steps described in this book.
The author Christa Kössner is a teacher and adult consultant but likes the term
“awareness coach”. She is the founder of the Reflection Method, and for
several years has given lectures and workshops concerning „The Reflection
Rule“. Her many books have grown in popularity through giving people
tools for a better living which are easy to understand, simple to use and
which leads to quick results.
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
- Self Help Roswitha Fehrer
Das 5-Elemente Kochen im
Einklang mit den Jahreszeiten
5 Element Cooking in Harmony with the Seasons
Healthy Nutrition in Harmony with the Seasons
250 recipes for the whole family
296 pages, format 16,5 x 24 cm
separate poster of food
ISBN: 978-3-85068-538-2
6th edition 2012
Healthy nutrition following TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Arranged by season
Delicious and easy to cook recipes for the whole family
Roswitha Fehrer first studied dietetics according to the 5 elements of
traditional Chinese medicine, in order to help her seriously ill husband. She
succeeded, and then began to lead cooking workshops based on these 5
This easy, how-to approach to cooking based on the 5 elements shows the
different qualities of food by clearly dividing them into wood, fire, earth, metal
and water. The 250 dishes combine ingredients readily available in the
corresponding season, so they are always fresh and easily digestible
Roswitha Fehrer is a nutrition consultant and gives lectures about nutrition in
the German speaking countries.
- Self Help -
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]
Books for conscious living
Foreign rights
Olof Alexandersson
Viktor Schauberger und das Geheimnis natürlicher
Viktor Schauberger and the Secret of Natural
264 pages, size 16,5 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-3-85068-377-7
13th edition 2013
Viktor Schauberger (1885 – 1958) was an Austrian forester, timber flotation constructor and
natural philosopher. He amazed the entire scientific community of his day with his numerous
inventions and, above all, with his knowledge of the power of water.
By studying fish in streams and by closely observing the natural movement of water, Viktor
Schauberger realized that nature uses previously unknown powers of propulsion. True to his
motto "Understand nature and then copy it" from then on he developed his revolutionary
“Natural Technology”.
Throughout his life and with great persistence he stood up for a deep understanding of how
things relate together in nature and for the preservation of our environment. His warnings about
the impact of the destruction of nature are today more relevant than ever!
In this definitive work Olof Alexandersson gives an overview of Schauberger's pioneering
discoveries, describing in detail the workings of his inventions and records the major episodes in
the life of this fascinating and great thinker.
Olof Alexandersson, an electrical engineer, has been active in the environmental movement since
the 1950s. He founded the first Swedish Research Group for Biological Engineering and
conducted “technical implosion” research in Sweden.
Ennsthaler Verlag
Stadtplatz 26
A - 4400 Steyr / Austria
Barbara Weikerstorfer
Email: [email protected]