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Activity Report 2015 for Switzerland Impetus Contents 01 _ Relevance _ 03 02 _Publications _ 15 03 _Chronology _ 19 04 _ Resonance _ 45 Organisation _ 49 In a year marked by economic challenges, Avenir Suisse devoted its attention to promoting a positive framework for Switzerland. Numerous online and print publications spread over the entire year provided topics of discussion. 05 _ The team works to inform and persuade with presentations, media appearances and its own events. Avenir Suisse cemented its role as a source of ideas and a think tank in the media and in public. The independence from donors enables Avenir Suisse to also broach uncomfortable topics and political taboos. 06 _Team _ 59 07 _Finances _ 63 The highly diverse team unanimously promotes a free and economically liberal Switzerland. Budget discipline and a broad Support Group ensure financing and facilitate the implementation of our ambitious objectives. 08 _ avenir sélection 14 authors – 14 topics. separate brochure Foreword T For more information Page 19 Every day, Avenir Suisse staff have publically expressed their perspective – a chronological summary. he year 2015 was an election year for Switzerland. After the votes were cast, media reports proclaimed a shift to the right in Parliament and then in the Federal Council. In actual fact, the result was, by and large, simply a return to the kind of conditions that had previously prevailed for decades. With regard to the economic issues that Avenir Suisse was originally set up to promote some 15 years ago, however, this outcome offers only a small glimmer of hope. Unfortunately, there have once again been far too many violations – actively supported by civil society – against a liberal order and the quality of Switzerland as a location. The areas in need of improvement that were featured in our studies, articles, events and talks over the past year will probably also remain as such in 2016. It is our job to create the intellectual breeding ground for reforms geared towards personal responsi bility, private ownership and competition. There is scope here for development and growth. Our “think tank for lateral, progressive and reflective thinking” has been able to provide some impetus here and there, which has led to some fierce debates and will soon er or later be echoed in legislation. One area our work has focused on is the relationship between Switzerland and the EU. “Bilateral ism – what else?” was the diagnosis, based on empirical analysis, that we came up with. We also devoted two studies to Switzerland’s political system, presenting far-reaching proposals aimed at safe guarding the future of the militia system and direct democracy, which are part of our country’s DNA . Despite our long-term focus, we have no intention of avoiding discussions on current topics – on the contrary, we want to enrich them by adding our own specific perspective. One publication, for instance, examined how to deal with the strong Swiss franc, while one was dedicated to capital taxation and another explored the increasingly pressing issue of work in old age against the backdrop of immigration and pensions. And, of course, we would not be living up to our intended role if we did not provide the occasional surprise too. In 2015, we did this in a purely formal manner with the English-language publication “Watch the Swiss”, a humorous look at Switzerland from an outside perspective, and the graphic calendar entitled “Where is Switzerland now?”. In terms of content, we have once again stimulated debate with the intercantonal “Free dom Index”, with a declaration of support for passive voting rights for foreigners and with evidence demonstrating that the alleged wage discrimination against women in the labour market is to a large extent a chimera. Gerhard Schwarz Director of Avenir Suisse Points of view, attitudes and opinions Relevance Monetary and fiscal policy The strong franc mainly poses a challenge for companies. For Swiss policy it is a chance to confront the task of taking up long overdue improvements to Switzerland’s attractiveness as a business location. Litho/Bild: Helle Schrift im Hintergrund bitte abdunklen, damit der Titel besser lesbar ist. Challenges Page 18 Business, especially services, has to move actively towards highervalue activities. 4 Avenir Suisse Page 57 In a bid to resolve Page 13 Switzerland does Side effects short-term monetary policy problems, serious longer-term distortions are being too frivolously condoned. Burdens not go easy on capital when it comes to tax: the overall tax burden on capital income is higher than generally assumed. Activity report 20155 Recruit Page 16 Since the existential b asis of the militia system is under threat, a general compulsory civic service could turn things around. 6 Avenir Suisse Direct democracy The referendum and the militia system, two keystones of Swiss direct democracy, have given rise to a lively debate for years now. What can be done to boost the confidence of those involved in the long-term stable and liberal development of Switzerland as a location? Page 11 Our proposals Page 17 There is nothing revolutionary about voting rights for foreigners at local level – it is a cautious way of bringing things closer in line with reality. Reform for modernising referendums will enhance the quality of political debate and decision-making. Integrate Activity report 20157 Switzerland as part of the world Switzerland is no Gallic village – it has closer links with the world on an economic, historical, cultural, linguistic and not least interpersonal level than almost any other country. Path-dependent Page 16 The value of bilateral treaties is often overstated, but the costs of going it alone are underestimated. 8 Avenir Suisse Page 14 The values that Page 24 Switzerland is by Inspiring Switzerland embodies are appreciated in Europe and the world as a whole. Networked no means an island when it comes to energy and depends on developments abroad. Activity report 20159 W hen the Swiss National Bank made the surprise announc ement on January 15, 2015 that it would be scrapping the currency floor on the euro-Swiss franc exchange rate with immediate effect, it came as a shock to many people. Before the day was out, Avenir Suisse had already responded with a blog post. It soon followed this up by launching the “Staying competi tive with the strong franc” series, which shed light on various as pects of the new situation, such as the independence of the central bank, the problem of negative interest rates, or the impact of the strong franc on migration, energy policy, the building industry and the labour market. The articles, summed up in an “avenir spezial” publication, call for further reforms to boost Switzerland’s competitive edge. Avenir Suisse also made monetary policy the central theme at its 2015 Autumn Conference. Three high-profile figures were persuad ed to take part in this event: William R. White, former chief econo mist for the Bank of International Settlements, Leszek Balcerowicz, who played a key role in Poland’s transformation from a planned to a market economy as the country’s Finance Minister and President of the National Bank of Poland, and Thomas Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank. While White and Balcerowicz took a cautious view of the future in light of the ultra-expansive monetary policy being adopted vir tually worldwide, Jordan offered some hope and defended the abolition of the minimum exchange rate with the euro. His main argument was that, while the strength of the Swiss franc was the key factor when the currency floor was set back in September 2011, the situation now is characterised by a weakness in the euro. Un der these circumstances continuing with the policy of a minimum exchange rate would no longer be sustainable. For more information Page 18 The “avenir spezial” publication contains ten propositions for how to deal effectively with the strong Swiss franc. Taking up the cudgels for the militia system Ever since it was founded, Avenir Suisse has seen itself as more than just a think tank for economic issues. It considers matters of state and social policy to be more or less as important. At the start of the year, Avenir Suisse published a study of arguably unprecedent ed scope on the militia system under the title “Bürgerstaat oder Staatsbürger”. In this publication, Andreas Müller states that the involvement of public citizens in the militia system is declining dramatically. While there has been a marked trend towards great er professionalisation at national level, periods spent in public of fices at cantonal level are growing shorter as the rate of fluctuation rises. The limits of the system are most conspicuous in local politics, which is where the lion’s share of the official posts in the militia system are to be found. Many municipalities face difficulties finding candidates at all and selective reforms have so far had scant effect. To meet these challenges, Avenir Suisse suggests a “civic 10 Avenir Suisse service for all”, i.e. one that includes both women and foreigners who have settled in Switzerland. This kind of active commitment to the militia culture could help to ensure that the citizens’ state is preserved further into the 21 st century. Actively involving virtu ally all citizens in the state apparatus, even on a compulsory basis, would be more in line with the liberal, cooperative understanding behind the sense of state in Switzerland than changing over to a system dominated by career politicians and civil servants. The mil itia system creates a sense of identity, reinforces the ability to reach a compromise and keeps bureaucracy within bounds. Given the high proportion of foreigners living in Switzerland – just under a quarter of the permanently resident population are non-Swiss nationals and, as a result, have no political voice – it is downright criminal not to make use of the potential they offer for political participation. Like an adapted and extended French ver sion of the study on the militia system and an excerpt from it, the “avenir debatte” discussion paper “Passives Wahlrecht für aktive Ausländer” shows that positive experiences with “passive” voting rights for foreigners have been recorded here and there at muni cipal level. Avenir Suisse therefore argues that municipalities in favour of allowing such rights should facilitate their resident for eigners’ ability to stand for local political office. That would be a sign that immigrants in Switzerland – a country of immigrants – are being treated as serious members of society, and it would give foreign residents a chance to express their affiliation with the coun try through their engagement in the Swiss militia system. For more information Page 36 Several events spread over the year focused on the future of the political militia system. Optimising direct democracy A feature that makes Switzerland unique is its system of direct democracy and one of its keystones is the concept of the referen dum. However, in the publication entitled “Die Volksinitiative”, Lukas Rühli and Tibère Adler demonstrate that the referendum has become distanced from its function as a tool for expressing popular opposition and now serves primarily as a party political instrument or a marketing gambit for promoting minority inter ests. The chances of referendums being passed have improved con siderably in recent years. Nevertheless, hardly any of the referen dums approved have been implemented in the full spirit of their initiators. To stop the most important instrument in Switzerland’s democracy turning into a farce, Avenir Suisse proposes a package of reforms designed both to improve the effectiveness of referen dums by raising the hurdle for signatures and introducing the right to initiate legislation and to prevent their abuse. All of the measures suggested would help to give direct democracy a greater focus, and are based on the principle that reinforcing the binding nature of the instrument for voters would also encourage them to use it more responsibly. Activity report 201511 Another key issue explored by Avenir Suisse was the labour market, which was becoming increasingly important at the time when the Swiss franc was strong, as this was an area in which reforms could be dealt with largely autonomously. In “Altersarbeit in den Kinder schuhen”, Jérôme Cosandey examines the untapped potential offered by older workers. This “avenir standpunkte” publication demonstrates that seniors approaching, or just past, statutory re tirement age could expand the workforce by 10,000s, avoiding the politically sensitive issue of immigration and quotas. Employers are therefore urged to do more to offer jobs for older workers that give them extra leeway over working hours and enable them to move more gradually into retirement. Workers’ representatives should also be more open to greater flexibility – with trust-based flexitime systems, for example. However, specific job protection schemes for older employees would make hiring older workers more difficult and expensive. This publication generated a huge response, not least because it can also be considered in relation to efforts to curb immigration in Switzerland. Equality, bilateral relations and taxation In the publication “Gleichstellung – Warum der Arbeitsmarkt nicht versagt”, Marco Salvi disproves the widely held theory that com panies have been discriminating against women and paying them lower salaries for no good reason. He shows that salary differentials are largely attributable to individual career and job choices. Wage differences between men and women are also narrower than those between fathers and mothers. Therefore, Avenir Suisse proposes a liberal-minded gender equality policy with four core elements. Firstly, a switch to voluntary individual taxation, since the current tax system disadvantages second income earners (usually women) because it requires couples to submit joint returns. Secondly, the deregulation of supplementary childcare by reducing regulatory requirements for crèches and ensuring equal treatment for the various different forms of childcare (kindergarten, nannies, other forms of day care). Thirdly, the introduction of credits or vouchers for childcare that would enable parents to choose freely between the options available. Finally, flexible holiday rules for parents that could replace or supplement the existing maternity leave system. Since the adoption of the “anti-mass immigration” initiative in February 2014, the debate surrounding Switzerland’s relationship with Europe has grown more intense and emotional than ever. However, there is an unfortunate lack of level-headed assessments that shed light on the advantages and disadvantages of bilateral treaties from a Swiss perspective. Avenir Suisse has filled this gap with “Bilateralismus – was sonst?” by Patrik Schellenbauer and Gerhard Schwarz. This book clearly shows that although the abolition of bilateral treaties would not spell the downfall of 12 For more information Page 17 Four “avenir debatte” discussion papers offered decision-makers important and thought-provoking impulses. Avenir Suisse Switzerland, the benefits they offer are too great to be gambled with recklessly. In political terms, the question of distribution could also be decisive. Switzerland can only build a stable relationship with the EU if a clear majority of the population stands to gain from continuing down the bilateral route. Since a substantial pro portion of Swiss people take a very pragmatic approach to the EU issue and base their concrete views on a personal analysis of the costs and benefits, the dwindling support for bilateral relations could be attributed to the fact that the outcomes of these personal assessments (or the perception thereof) have veered towards the negative side. Avenir Suisse shows that bilateral agreements have brought consumers a wider choice of products and lower prices, given SMEs easier access to the EU internal market and increased job security for employees. The study also notes that income dis tribution has not been thrown off balance as a result of partial in tegration into the EU internal market. In fact, there has been hard ly any change in the Gini index of disposable income since 2002. The issue of distribution also comes up in the “avenir stand punkte” publication with the prosaic title of “Kapital und Kapital steuern”. In this analysis, Marco Salvi explains that wealth in Switzerland is distributed more evenly than statistics suggest, with the pensions system, in particular, producing an equalising effect. The study shows that Switzerland is no “tax haven”: when all levies are factored in, the overall tax burden on capital is only slightly below the EU average. The “avenir debatte” discussion paper “Gefährdete Konsumentenfreiheit” focuses on consumers rather than on shareholders, with Samuel Rutz setting out how their op tions are being curtailed in the name of consumer protection. The traditional assumption about the “ill-informed consumer” who needs protection is turning increasingly into an anachronism. It is inconsistent with technological advances, with the Internet, in particular, contributing to the development of an unprecedented sense of “consumer empowerment”. The author argues that the best form of consumer protection is a functioning, competitive market and that the state’s role should be limited to guaranteeing consumer sovereignty. For more information Page 16 In an emotionally charged debate, Avenir Suisse sheds light on the advantages and disadvantages of bilateral treaties for Switzerland in a matter-of-fact way. Debate at regional, national and international level Since it was founded, Avenir Suisse has endeavoured not only to conduct studies, but also to engage in intellectually stimulating dialogue with both the public and sponsors and to organise corre sponding events. One such example is the “brown-bag lunches”, relatively small-scale gatherings that offer scope for in-depth dis cussions and further training. In 2015, the guest speakers invited to these occasions included sociologist Heinz Bude, medical expert Wolfgang Bertschmann and Simon P. Hoerstrup, Founding Co- Director of the Wyss Translational Center Zurich. Paul Bulcke Activity report 201513 from Nestlé, the Chairman of the Avenir Suisse Board of Trustees, Andreas Schmid from Oettinger Davidoff, Jörg Reinhardt from Novartis and Ulrich Spiesshofer from ABB all offered their servic es for the lunch events held in Berne, which are intended to forge a closer link between the work of Avenir Suisse and the world of politics and administration. Avenir Suisse is active at regional level too. The “Chapter Basel” organised a discussion on Swiss monetary policy with Fritz Zurbrügg, a member of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank, for selected representatives from business, politics and academia. It also arranged an event on Swiss research and education policy involving Andrea Schenker-Wicki, Rector of the University of Basel. Meanwhile, the “Berner Unter nehmergespräch”, which invites a different local sponsor each year to come and discuss Avenir Suisse’s latest work, took place for what is now the fourth time in 2015. A significant number of events were born out of an initiative by our “Antenne genevoise”, which aims to raise the profile of Avenir Suisse in French-speaking Switzerland through more French-language publications and the fortnightly electronic newsletter, which was also launched in French in 2015. One occasion worth highlighting is the “Chapter romand”, which took place at Geneva’s Campus Biotech in the reporting year and was attended by EPFL President Patrick Aebischer and the Rector of the University of Geneva, Jean-Dominique Vassalli. Avenir Suisse also held numerous conferences together with partners such as chambers of commerce, employers’ associations, media firms and universities. Avenir Suisse’s activities in 2015 were rounded off by two special publications. “Watch the Swiss – Insights and outlooks from abroad” is a little, occasionally tongue-in-cheek declaration of love for Switzerland edited by Gerhard Schwarz and Karen Horn. This book, whose publication marked 15 years of work by Avenir Suisse, gathers together the views of well-known personalities from abroad on Switzerland, and includes cartoon illustrations. What makes Switzerland so special? What do they like about it – and what are they not so keen on? What are its unique features? It is written in English and is aimed not only at the international community living in Switzerland, but also at tourists and people visiting the country on business. This collection of short essays has proved so popular that a second print run has already had to be produced. At virtually the opposite end of the spectrum – but intentionally so – is the graphic calendar provided by Lukas Rühli, which was published at the end of the year both online and, for the first time, in printed form. Instead of essays, this presentation uses figures and graphs to answer the question “Where is Switzer land now?” And while “Watch the Swiss” emphasises Switzerland’s strengths, the 24-page calendar tends to highlight areas where action is needed. 14 For more information Page 48 Our graphical state of the nation report at the end of the year also attracted a great deal of interest on “avenir online”. Avenir Suisse Independent but not neutral Publications Bürgerstaat und Staatsbürger Andreas Müller (ed.), with contributions from Sarah Bütikhofer, Hans Geser, Stefan Thomas Güntert, Martin Heller, Hanna Ketterer, Georg Kohler, Andreas Ladner, Patrik Schellen- bauer and Theo Wehner, January 2015 The “militia” system, a pillar of Swiss state-building, is on the decline. This book examines the political militia system across its entire spectrum and proposes the idea of breathing new life into it with a “civic service for all”. It is also available in an extended French version. Watch the Swiss — Insights and outlooks from abroad Gerhard Schwarz and Karen Horn (ed.), October 2015 Bilateralismus — Was sonst? Patrik Schellenbauer and Gerhard Schwarz (ed.), with contributions from Alois Bischofberger, Peter Buomberger, Astrid Epiney,Daniel What’s special about SwitzerGros, Urs Meister, Daniel Müller‑ land? Where are its strengths Jentsch und Rudolf Walser, and where are its weaknesses? December 2015 This English-language publication explores what people from This study looks at the costs and all over the world think about benefits of bilateral treaties, reSwitzerland. The result is a little, vealing that the advantages they occasionally tongue-in-cheek offer can often be found in undeclaration of love for Switzer- expected places and concluding land, illustrated with cartoons that bilateralism with the EU is designed by young Swiss artists. worth pursuing further, in spite of the difficulties involved. avenir point of view “Key facts, arguments and proposals relating to current issues” Altersarbeit in den Kinderschuhen Jérôme Cosandey, January 2015 Kapital und Kapitalsteuern Marco Salvi, May 2015 16 The “avenir standpunkte” publications provide decision-makers with a concise summary of key facts, arguments and proposals relating to current issues. Seniors approaching, or just past, statutory retirement age could expand the workforce by 10,000 s, avoiding the politically sensitive issue of immigration and quotas. Fiftyseven per cent would be prepared to continue beyond official retirement age if the conditions were right. The potential is worth exploiting. The facts and figures on wealth in Switzerland suggest that it is time to give capital a break when it comes to tax. Though it is distributed much more evenly than statistics suggest, the overall tax burden on capital is only just below the EU average. Avenir Suisse avenir debate “Stimulating discussions among experts, in the media and in the public arena” Die Volksinitiative — Durch Fokussierung zu mehr Demokratie Tibère Adler and Lukas Rühli, April 2015 Passives Wahlrecht für aktive Ausländer — Möglichkeiten für politisches Engagement auf Gemeindeebene Tibère Adler, Hugo Moret, Nicole Pomezny and Tobias Schlegel, September 2015 Gefährdete Konsumentenfreiheit — Wie die heutigen und morgigen Konsummöglichkeiten beschränkt werden Samuel Rutz, September 2015 Gleichstellung — Warum der Arbeitsmarkt nicht versagt Marco Salvi, in collaboration with Monika Engler, Verena ParzerEpp, Patrik Schellenbauer and Claudia Wirz, November 2015 “avenir debatte” discussion papers are designed to stimulate discussion by identifying undesirable developments, highlighting areas where reforms are required and introducing new ideas. Hardly any referendums that have been approved are implement ed in the full spirit of their initiators. “The Referendum – More democracy through greater focus” shows what reforms are needed to prevent the most important element of direct democracy from turning into a farce. Foreigners make up just under a quarter of the Swiss population, but they have no political voice. Positive experiences with “Passive voting rights for active foreigners” in French-speaking Switzerland, in particular, could be an inspiration. Swiss consumer policy in general is outdated. Even if the image of the defenceless consumer was always a bit distorted, it is completely divorced from reality in today’s information age. The study on “Gender equality – Why the market hasn’t failed” disproves the widespread belief that women are subject to discrimination in the labour market. It demonstrates that salary differentials can largely be attributed to individual career and job choices. D A CH-Reformbarometer 2015 Robert Koza, Thomas Puls and Marco Salvi, March 2015 Switzerland’s enthusiasm for economic policy reform has ebbed further. In this “Reform Barometer” edition, Avenir Suisse, the Cologne Institute for Economic Research and the Austrian Economic Chambers compare efforts to reform in the three participating countries across five fields of economic policy. Download Read on With the exception of the books, all publications are available for download at www.avenir-suisse.ch Activity report 201517 avenir special “Thought-provoking impulses and r esonant analyses” The “avenir spezial” publications focus on particular topics that are causing a stir in Switzerland. Each issue comes with a poster based on the focal topic, also available to order separately and in larger quantities (e.g. for schools). Big data is regarded by many as the main driver of growth for the coming decades, which is why a comprehensive public debate is needed on how data is handled. Taking a practical approach, “Privacy and the Net” grapples with questions relating to data protection and data security on the Internet – sensitive issues in a liberal society. It is mainly companies that are being challenged by the strong franc. But Swiss policy must now also confront the task of taking up long overdue – and familiar – improvements to Switzerland’s attractiveness as an investment centre. “Staying competitive with the strong franc” presents ten propositions for how politics and business can respond to the appreciation of the Swiss franc by taking prudent measures in terms of economic and corporate policy. avenir online “How free do people feel in your home canton?” Avenir Suisse’s intercantonal “Freedom Index” uses economic and civil indicators to compare the concept of freedom in the Swiss cantons. The canton of Aargau is still the front runner, but its rivals have made up some ground, with the canton of Geneva once again bringing up the rear. In this year’s advent calendar, Avenir Suisse paints a picture of the economic situation in Switzerland through a series of 24 graphics. The calendar is also available in print form as an annual calendar for 2016. 18 Avenir Suisse Events, public appearances and media contributions Chronology January Avenir Suisse events Media conference “Bürgerstaat und Staatsbürger – Milizsystem zwischen Mythos und Moderne” Andreas Müller and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 13.01.15 Book launch “Bürgerstaat und Staatsbürger – Milizsystem zwischen Mythos und Moderne” “La cryptographie quantique au secours de la confidentialité” Le Temps, Tibère Adler 22.01.15 “L’abandon du taux plancher est une occasion à saisir” Le Temps, Gerhard Schwarz 26.01.15 “Die Tücken des Durchschnitts” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 31.01.15 “Weiterbildung: Zuckerbrot statt Peitsche” AWP Soziale Sicherheit, Jérôme Cosandey January 2015 “Das Glas ist halb voll” Schweizer Versicherung, Jérôme Cosandey January 2015 Andreas Müller, Sarah Bütikofer, Hans Geser, Martin Heller, Georg Kohler, Andreas Ladner, Gerhard Schwarz and Theo Wehner Zurich, 13.01.15 Media conference “Altersarbeit in den Kinderschuhen – Senioren als Trumpf gegen den Fachkräftemangel” Jérôme Cosandey and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 27.01.15 “Les seniors sur le marché de l’emploi ” Panel with Jean-Hugues Busslinger, Jean-Daniel Chardonnens, Jérôme Cosandey, David S eppey and Beatrice Vatron-Steiner, moderated by Tibère Adler Paudex, 29.01.15 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Gemeinnütziger Wohnungsbau nützt den Ärmsten wenig” NZZ Domizil, Patrik Schellenbauer 09.01.15 “Vermögen, Freiheit, Verantwortung” Gerhard Schwarz in “Stiftung und Familie”, Dominique Jakob (ed.), p. 3 – 12, Helbing Lichtenhahn, January 2015 “Reform der Medienförderung” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Urs Meister January 2015 “Pfründen und Privilegien müssten nicht sein” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Samuel Rutz January 2015 “Welcher Kanton schätzt die Freiheit am meisten?” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Gerhard Schwarz January 2015 Electronic media “Privatwirtschaft und Staat bauen in der Schweiz mehr neue Arbeitsplätze auf als in anderen Ländern” SRF 1, 10 vor 10, Patrik Schellenbauer 06.01.15 “In der Schweiz soll ein Bürgerdienst eingeführt werden” Radio Argovia, Nachrichten 17.00, Andreas Müller “Mehrwertsteuer sozial gerechter als angenommen” 13.01.15 Handelszeitung, Marco Salvi 15.01.15 “TVA , l’impôt injuste?” Le Temps, Marco Salvi 19.01.15 “Gelebte Unabhängigkeit der SNB” Aargauer Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 22.01.15 20 “Mit einem Bürgerdienst soll das Schweizer Milizsystem gerettet werden” Radio 24, Info 24 Abend, Andreas Müller 13.01.15 “Avenir Suisse schlägt einen obligatorischen Bürgerdienst vor” Radio 32, Abend, Andreas Müller 13.01.15 Avenir Suisse “Avenir Suisse schlägt die Einführung eines obligatorischen Bürgerdienstes vor” Radio Grischa, Nachrichten 18.00, Andreas Müller 13.01.15 “Die Schweiz ist stolz auf ihr Milizsystem” Radio SRF 1, Echo der Zeit, Andreas Müller 13.01.15 “Ein Bürgerdienst für alle” Radio SRF 4 News, Das war der Tag, Andreas Müller 13.01.15 “Retten uns Rentner, wenn Fachkräfte fehlen?” Radio SRF 1, Forum with Jérôme Cosandey, François Höpflinger and Katharina Prelicz-Huber 29.01.15 “Lavorare più a lungo?” RSI Rete 3, Baobab, Marco Salvi 30.01.15 Talks and platform debates “Défis pour la Suisse” PwC, New Year’s reception, Tibère Adler Lausanne, 07.01.15 “Avenir Suisse schlägt einen obligatorischen Bürgerdienst für alle vor” Radio Argovia, Info Mittag, Andreas Müller 14.01.15 “Le franc fort: le monde politique continue à réagir” RTS1, Le journal de 19h30, Marco Salvi 19.01.15 “Herausforderungen der Schweizer Raumentwicklung” ch Stiftung für eidgenössische Zusammenarbeit, Regierungs-Seminar, Daniel Müller-Jentsch Interlaken, 08.01.15 “Privatiser les autoroutes suisses: une bonne idée?” RTS La 1ère, En Ligne Directe, Tibère Adler 23.01.15 “Irrgarten Finanzausgleich – Auswirkungen auf Kanton und Gemeinden” FDP Aargau, public information forum, Lukas Rühli Aarau, 17.01.15 “Den Ostschweizer Parlamenten geht das Personal aus” Radio SRF 1, Regionaljournal Ostschweiz 17.30, Andreas Müller 24.01.15 “Capacity mechanisms” Zürcher Hochschule für A ngewandte Wissenschaften, CREST-Workshop, Urs Meister Winterthur, 21.01.15 “Kurzarbeit, allenfalls Stellenabbau: Nun stehen die Beschäftigten in der Schweiz mal wieder vor unsicheren Zeiten” Radio SRF 1, Echo der Zeit, Jérôme Cosandey 27.01.15 “Seniorenarbeit gegen Fachkräftemangel” “Fachkräftemangel: die Frauen sollen es richten” Business and Professional Women Club, Patrik Schellenbauer Zurich, 21.01.15 “Medienförderung im digitalen Zeitalter” Federal Media Commission (FMEC), Urs Meister Zurich, 22.01.15 “Die Agenda 2030 Graubünden als Instrument der Standortentwicklung” Steuerungsgruppe Agenda 2030 GR , Daniel Müller-Jentsch Chur, 22.01.15 “Immobilien in der Regulierunsspirale” Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich, MAS Real Estate Management, Patrik Schellenbauer Zurich, 22.01.15 Tele Top, News, Jérôme Cosandey 27.01.15 “Senioren im Arbeitsprozess: Generation 65+ soll länger arbeiten” SRF 1, 10 vor 10, Jérôme Cosandey 27.01.15 “Défis pour la Suisse” PLR Vaudois, Tibère Adler Onnens, 24.01.15 “Défis pour la Suisse” Kick-off Meeting Berney Associés, Tibère Adler Geneva, 26.01.15 Activity report 201521 “Ideen für die Energie-Zukunft Schweiz” IUB Engineering, Urs Meister Zurich, 29.01.15 “Positive Effekte einer vollständigen Strommarktöffnung” Die Volkswirtschaft, Urs Meister and Simon Hurst “Le travail des seniors, une opportunité dans une Suisse qui vieillit” Centre Patronal Vaudois, Les rendez-vous de l’économie, Jérôme Cosandey Paudex, 29.01.15 February 2015 “Wachstum: Chancen für alle statt für wenige” SP Switzerland, retreat of the parliamentary group, Jérôme Cosandey Biel, 30.01.15 February Avenir Suisse events “Schweiz – EU ” Workshop with industrial representatives, Alois Bischofberger, Simon Hurst, Urs Meister, Patrik Schellenbauer, Gerhard Schwarz and Rudolf Walser Zurich, 12.02.15 “Schweiz – EU ” Workshop with financial services’ representatives, Alois Bischofberger, Peter Buomberger, Simon Hurst, Patrik Schellenbauer, Gerhard Schwarz and Rudolf Walser Zurich, 17.02.15 “Ouverture totale du marché de l’énergie: les effets positifs” La vie économique, Urs Meister and Simon Hurst February 2015 “Der Verzicht auf Wachstum ist keine Lösung” Die Volkswirtschaft, Samuel Rutz February 2015 “Renoncer à la croissance n’est pas une solution” La vie économique, Samuel Rutz February 2015 “Des idées en réserve” Market, interview with Tibère Adler February 2015 “Verführung zur sanften Lenkung” Schweizer Monat, Gerhard Schwarz February 2015 “Siamo stufi del troppo benessere?” Ticino Business, Gerhard Schwarz and Samuel Rutz February 2015 Electronic media Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Hürden auf dem Weg zur ökologischen Steuerreform” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Urs Meister and Marco Salvi 13.02.15 “Ein Rezept wie vom Lügenbaron Münchhausen” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Rudolf Walser 16.02.15 “Quanto scricchiola in parlamento la maggioranza per la svolta energetica?” RSI Rete uno, Radiogiornale 18.30, Urs Meister 02.02.15 “La commune de Tujetsch (GR) va recourir à un vacancier zougois pour jouer le rôle de maire” RTS1, Le journal de 19h30, Andreas Müller 05.02.15 “Bergregionen am Abgrund” “L’apparence injuste de la TVA est trompeuse” Le Temps, Marco Salvi 19.02.15 “Was heisst schon ‘alt’?” Tages-Anzeiger, Jérôme Cosandey 21.02.15 “Verdichten statt zersiedeln” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 28.02.15 “Keine Diplompflicht für Stiftungsräte” AWP Soziale Sicherheit, Jérôme Cosandey February 2015 22 SRF 1, Arena, Daniel Müller-Jentsch 06.02.15 Avenir Suisse “Il ne faut pas toucher la classe moyenne” RTS La 1ère, Le Journal de 7h, Patrik Schellenbauer 10.02.15 “Le travail des seniors” RTS La 1ère, Tribu, Jérôme Cosandey 12.02.15 “Die Lohnausgaben des Bundes sind in sieben Jahren um rund eine Milliarde Franken gestiegen” Radio SRF 1, Echo der Zeit, Gerhard Schwarz 17.02.15 “Wirtschaftswachstum ohne Grenzen” Stapferhaus, presentation and debate with Daniel Binswanger and Patrik Schellenbauer Lenzburg, 19.02.15 “Die Bedeutung der Think-Tanks in der Schweiz” Konferenz der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Tibère Adler Geneva, 20.02.15 “Les défis de la prévoyance vieillesse en Suisse” Swiss Canadian Innovation Day, Jérôme Cosandey, Montreal (CA), 24.02.15 “La sauvegarde de la prospérité suisse passe-t-elle par plus de libéralisme?” RTS La 1ère, En Ligne Directe, Marco Salvi 19.02.15 “Le ‘Livre blanc’ de David de Pury paraissait il y a 20 ans” RTS La 1ère, Forum with Tibère Adler and Andreas Gross 23.02.15 “Factuel” RTS La 1ère, Le Journal de Matin, Marco Salvi 26.02.15 Talks and platform debates “Storytelling in der Politik” FDP Switzerland, seminar, Andreas Müller Fribourg, 06.02.15 “Migration: The Swiss experience” OECD, presentation and panel with Lant Pritchett and Marco Salvi, moderated by Mithat Rende Paris (FR), 24.02.15 “Zukunft des Milizsystems” Municipial authorities of the canton of Aargau, presentation and panel with Oliver Dlabac, Peter Emmenegger, Daniel Kübler, Andreas Müller and Beat Tinner Möriken, 26.02.15 March Avenir Suisse events “Les seniors: un atout pour les entreprises suisses” “Ideen für das Schweizer Gesundheitswesen” FDP canton Thurgau, Urs Meister Münsterlingen, 07.02.15 “Die erneuerbare Energiezukunft – Eine Standortbestimmung der Holzenergie” 8. Tagung Holzenergie, University of Applied Sciences Bern, Urs Meister Biel, 11.02.15 “Vertikalabreden: Ökonomische Effizienz vs. juristische Regulierung” Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 9th Debating Competition Dinner with Patrick Ducrey and Samuel Rutz Zurich, 12.02.15 “Schweizer Tourismus 2040” Schweiz Tourismus, Daniel Müller-Jentsch, Patrik Schellenbauer and Marco Salvi Zurich, 13.02.15 Panel with Jérôme Cosandey, Olivier Ghibellini, François Jung, Mauro Poggia, Laura Venchiarutti Tocmacov, moderated by Tibère Adler Geneva, 05.03.15 Parlamentarieranlass with Paul Bulcke Information event for members of parliament, Tibère Adler, Lukas Rühli and Gerhard Schwarz Bern, 11.03.15 “Franc fort et compétitivité de la Suisse” Marketing Communication Executives International, Tibère Adler Geneva, 19.02.15 Activity report 201523 “La place philanthropique en Suisse romande: quels enjeux?” Panel with Tibère Adler, Pascal Broulis, Anja Wyden Guelpa, Thierry Lombard, Pierre-Luc Maillefer, Daniel Müller-Jentsch and Sonia Patscheke, moderated by Claudia Genier Lausanne, 17.03.15 Chapter romand with Patrick Aebischer, Benoît Dubuis and Jean-Dominique Vassalli Event for the Avenir Suisse Support Group in French-speaking Switzerland, Tibère Adler, Thomas Hammer, Jean-Pierre Roth and Olivier Steimer Campus Biotech Geneva, 19.03.15 Annual Dinner with Matthias Bichsel, Doris Leuthard and Johannes Teyssen “Kantonale Monopole: Pfründen und Privilegien” SGVW – Die Wissensplattform im öffentlichen Sektor, Samuel Rutz 05.03.15 “Leider wohlstandverwöhnt” Aargauer Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 19.03.15 “Niedrige Zinsen zehren an der Substanz” Finanz und Wirtschaft, Marco Salvi 21.03.15 “Zunehmend wirtschaftskritischer Souverän” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 28.03.15 “Die Klassengrösse spielt keine Rolle” Schaffhauser Nachrichten, interview with Patrik Schellenbauer 30.03.15 “Die zehn Gebote der Standortförderung” Die Volkswirtschaft, Daniel Müller-Jentsch March 2015 “Dix lignes directrices pour la promotion économique” La vie économique, Daniel Müller-Jentsch March 2015 Annual event for the Avenir Suisse Support Group, Urs Meister and Gerhard Schwarz Baden, 24.03.15 “Douglass North – es lebe die Kleinstaaterei” Gerhard Schwarz in “Die Weltverbesserer – 66 grosse Denker, die unser Leben verändern”, Lisa Nienhaus (ed.) p. 82 – 85, Hanser Verlag, March 2015 Media conference “D A CH ‑Reformbarometer” Michael Hüther, Christoph Schneider and Gerhard Schwarz Berlin (DE), 26.03.15 “Milton Friedman – Konsequent liberal” Gerhard Schwarz in “Die Weltverbesserer – 66 grosse Denker, die unser Leben verändern”, Lisa Nienhaus (ed.) p. 209 – 212, Hanser Verlag, March 2015 “D A CH -Reformbarometer” Presentation of the latest “D A CH -Reformbarometer” results, Michael Hüther, Christoph Schneider and Gerhard Schwarz, moderated by Knut Bergmann “Wu Jinglian – Chinas Mister Marktwirtschaft” Gerhard Schwarz in “Die Weltverbesserer – 66 grosse Denker, die unser Leben verändern”, Lisa Nienhaus (ed.) p. 224 – 227, Hanser Verlag, March 2015 Berlin (DE), 26.03.15 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Zweitwohnungsbesitzer als Mitgestalter” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Daniel Müller-Jentsch 02.03.15 “Wo es uns direkt betrifft, werden wir auch künftig selber bestimmen” Höfner Volksblatt, interview with Urs Meister 04.03.15 24 “Érosion des droits individuels?” Immorama, interview with Gerhard Schwarz March 2015 “Strukturwandel im Schweizer Bergtourismus” Daniel Müller-Jentsch in “Nachhaltige Entwicklung im Tourismus: Die Luzerner Perspektive”, Martin Barth and Roger Wehrli (ed.) p. 107 – 111, interact Verlag, March 2015 “Die Parteien: Totengräber des Milizsystems?” Schweizer Monat, Andreas Müller March 2015 Avenir Suisse “An einem Tabu rütteln” Schweizer Personalvorsorge, Jérôme Cosandey March 2015 “Penser l’impensable” Prévoyance Professionelle Suisse, Jérôme Cosandey March 2015 “Milizpolitik zwischen Mythos und Moderne” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Andreas Müller March 2015 “SNB beweist ihre Unabhängigkeit” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Gerhard Schwarz March 2015 Electronic media “Les marques suisses sont-elles suisses?” RTS1, Toutes Taxes Comprises, Tibère Adler 23.03.15 Talks and platform debates “Mehr Markt für den Service public” Seminar Public Corporate Governance, University of Bern (KPM), Urs Meister Bern, 03.03.15 “Berufliche Vorsorge: Warum klaffen Politik und Realität auseinander?” Stiftung Convitus, information event for distribution partners, Jérôme Cosandey Basel, 04.03.15 “Tourismus und nachhaltige Entwicklung im Alpenraum” Workshop on sustainablity in the tourism industry, Daniel Müller-Jentsch Lucerne, 10.03.15 “Die Stadt der Ökonomen I” Guest lecture Real Estate Finance, University of Zurich, Marco Salvi Zurich, 10.03.15 “Wirtschaftlicher Umbruch: Mögliche Konsequenzen für die Schweizer Politik und Wirtschaft” Clausewitz-Gesellschaft e.V., Gesprächskreis Sicherheitspolitik, Gerhard Schwarz Bern, 10.03.15 “The future of Swiss hydropower” Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), workshop, Urs Meister Bern, 12.03.15 “The impact of digitisation on media companies and public policy” Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM), annual convention, Urs Meister Bern, 13.03.15 “Wachstum und Raumentwicklung in der Schweiz” “Le travail des seniors: un atout contre la pénurie de main-d’œuvre” Fédération des entreprises romandes Genève, Jérôme Cosandey Geneva, 05.03.15 “Ist ‘Swiss made’ mehr Segen oder mehr Fluch?” Politforum Thun, presentation and podium with Evi A llemann, Lukas Bühlmann, Thomas Egger, Adrian Haas, Blaise Kropf, Daniel Müller-Jentsch, Raimund Rodewald and Thomas Rufener, moderated by Sonja Hasler Thun, 13.03.15 Esprix-Excellence-Forum 2015, Gerhard Schwarz “Geeignete Rahmenbedingungen für den Ausbau der Photovoltaik” 13th National Photovoltaics Convention, SFOE / VSE / Swissolar, Urs Meister in a debate with Patrick Hofstetter Basel, 16.03.15 Lucerne, 05.03.15 Activity report 201525 “Räumliche Entwicklung in der Schweiz und der Region Zürich” Regional plannung Zurich, Jour de Réflexion, Daniel Müller-Jentsch Zurich, 16.03.15 “Electricity Market Design: Investment incentives, competition and capacity markets” Guest lecture at the EPFL Lausanne, Urs Meister Lausanne, 17.03.15 “Die Stadt der Ökonomen II ” Guest Lecture Real Estate Finance, University of Zurich, Marco Salvi Zurich, 17.03.15 “Die Stadt der Ökonomen III ” Guest lecture Real Estate Finance, University of Zurich, Marco Salvi Zurich, 31.03.15 April Avenir Suisse events Media conference “Die Volksinitiative – Durch Fokussierung zu mehr Demokratie” Tibère Adler, Lukas Rühli and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 07.04.15 St. Gallen, 20.03.15 Media conference “L’initiative populaire – Réformer l’indispensable trublion de la politique suisse” Tibère Adler Lausanne, 07.04.15 “Wie wohnen wir in Zukunft?” Karl der Grosse, panel with Fabienne Hoelzel, Benedikt Loderer, Marco Salvi and Peter Schmid, moderated by Olivia Kühne Zurich, 20.03.15 Brown Bag Lunch with Heinz Bude Author of the book “Gesellschaft der Angst”, exchange of ideas with Avenir Suisse, Andreas Müller and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 09.04.15 “Wachstum – was nun?” “Movies that matter Festival”, panel with Manuel Lehmann, Lukas Rühli and Beni Schwarzenbach Zurich, 21.03.15 “Das Spital von morgen” Health and technology experts visiting Avenir Suisse, Urs Meister and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 23.04.15 “Wieviel Unbundling braucht die Gaswirtschaft?” Erdgastagung 2015, University of St. Gallen, Urs Meister Visiting Avenir Suisse “Democratie directe” Club du Lundi, Tibère Adler Geneva, 23.03.15 “Strommarkt, Preise und Subventionen – Standortbestimmung und Ausblick” Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), Department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, management meeting, Urs Meister Bern, 25.03.15 “Energie, Raumplanung, MINT-Berufe und Tourismus” SRP Ingenieurbüro, anniversary event, Urs Meister in a debate with Monika Rühl Brig, 26.03.15 High-school students of the Kantonsschule Menzingen learning from Urs Meister about the topic of energy “Obligatorisches Pflegekapital: Eine einfachere, gerechte Finanzierung der Pflege” Konferenz der kantonalen Ausgleichskassen, Jérôme Cosandey Horn, 27.03.15 Print and online media “Darf man bei der Bildung sparen?” Kantonsschulverein Schaffhausen, Patrik Schellenbauer Schaffhausen, 30.03.15 26 Zurich, 28.04.15 (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Es ist sehr teuer in der Schweiz Strom zu produzieren” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Wirtschaft im Fokus, Urs Meister 01.04.15 Avenir Suisse “Die Volksinitiative darf etwas mehr kosten” Basler Zeitung, Online-Ausgabe, interview with Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Le droit d’initiative doit s’adapter” L’Agefi, interview with Tibère Adler 07.04.15 “C’est au marché de décider quelle entreprise doit croître ou s’implanter” Le Matin Dimanche, interview with Daniel Müller-Jentsch 26.04.15 “Si la Suisse se replie, elle s’appauvrira” Bilan, interview with Tibère Adler April 2015 “Faut-il changer notre démocratie?” Le Matin, interview with Tibère Adler 07.04.15 “La retraite à 68 voire à 70 ans – Fantasme, cauchemar ou réalité?” “Die Volksinitiative darf künftig etwas mehr kosten” Notre Temps, Jérôme Cosandey April 2015 Tages-Anzeiger, interview with Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Iniziativa sul personale qualificato” Ticino Business, Patrik Schellenbauer April 2015 “Trop d’initiatives? Les recettes d’Avenir Suisse” Tribune de Genève, interview with Tibère Adler 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse sort sa boîte à outils pour réformer le droit d’initiative” Tribune de Genève Online, interview with Tibère Adler Electronic media 07.04.15 “Darf man bei der Bildung sparen?” Schaffhauser Fernsehen, Hüt im Gschpröch, Patrik Schellenbauer 06.04.15 “Wasserkraftsubventionen als Finanzausgleich” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Urs Meister 09.04.15 “Avenir Suisse will Hürden für Initiativen erhöhen” Radio SRF 3, Info 3 Mittag, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Die Babyboomer-Lawine rollt bereits” Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Jérôme Cosandey 14.04.15 “Avenir Suisse macht Reformvorschläge zur Volksinitiative” SRF 1, Tagesschau Mittag, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Rückgang schafft Raum für Umsetzung der SVP-Initiative” Der Bund, interview with Patrik Schellenbauer 17.04.15 “Der Rückgang schafft Raum für die Umsetzung der SVP-Initiative” Tages-Anzeiger, interview with Patrik Schellenbauer 17.04.15 “Warum die Volksinitiative reformiert werden muss” Tages-Anzeiger, interview with Tibère Adler 21.04.15 “Réformer l’initiative populaire, cet indispensable trublion” Tribune de Genève Blog, interview with Tibère Adler 21.04.15 “Initiative populaire: une réforme nécessaire” Tribune de Genève, interview with Tibère Adler 22.04.15 “Die Schweiz – Europameister der Ungleichheit?” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 25.04.15 “Avenir Suisse wünscht Reformen bei den Volksinitiativen” Radio 1, Kompakt 12.05, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Provokative Ideen von Avenir Suisse: 100 000 Unterschriften für eine Volksinitiative, das seien in der heutigen Zeit zu wenig” Radio SRF 1, Rendez-vous (inkl. Mittagsjournal), Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse rilancia il dibattito sulle iniziative popolari” RSI La 1, Telegiornale 12.30, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Selon Avenir Suisse, il faut éviter que les initiatives ne paralysent le système démocratique” RTS Un, Le journal 12.45, Tibère Adler 07.04.15 “Unterschriftenhürde soll dem Bevölkerungswachstum angepasst werden” FM 1, Nachrichten 17.00, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 Activity report 201527 “Die für Volksinitiativen nötige Zahl an Unterschriften soll massiv erhöht werden” Radio Argovia, Nachrichten 17.00, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse möchte höhere Hürden für Volksinitiativen” “Die für Volksinitiativen nötige Zahl an Unterschriften soll massiv erhöht werden” Radio 24, Nachrichten 17.00, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse souhaite une réforme de l’initiative populaire” RTS Couleur 3, Journal de 17h, Tibère Adler 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse will, dass für eine Volksinitiative künftig 200 000 statt nur 100 000 Unterschriften nötig sind” Radio Argovia, Info Abend, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse fordert Aufstockung der Unterschriftenhürde für Initiativen” Radio 32, Fokus, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Die nötige Zahl an Unterschriften für Volksinitiativen soll massiv erhöht werden” SRF Südostschweiz, Nachrichten 18.00, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse macht Reformvorschläge zu den Volksrechten” SRF 1, Tagesschau 18.00, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 SRF 1, Tagesschau Hauptausgabe, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse souhaite réformer l’initiative populaire pour empêcher son utilisation abusive” RTS La 1ère, 19h30, Tibère Adler 07.04.15 “Reform der Volksinitiative” SRF 1, 10 vor 10, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Tournant énergétique: ruine pour les locataires, aubaine pour les propriétaires?” RTS La 1ère, En Ligne Directe, Marco Salvi 10.04.15 “Faut-il réformer l’initiative populaire?” La Télé, Le Club de l’Actu, Tibère Adler 12.04.15 “In Zukunft sollen mehr Unterschriften für eine Volksabstimmung nötig sein” Radio 24, Info 24 Abend, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “La démocratie directe en danger?” RTS La 1ère, Tribu, Tibère Adler 13.04.15 “Iniziative, vizi e virtù” RSI La 1, Telegiornale sera, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Transports publics: les pendulaires doivent-ils payer plus que les autres?” RTS La 1ère, En Ligne Directe, Tibère Adler 14.04.15 “Quel avenir pour la démocratie directe suisse?” RTS La 1ère, Forum, Tibère Adler 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse fordert eine grössere Hürde für Volksinitiativen” Tele Top, News, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Avenir Suisse propone riforme di diritti popolari” RSI Rete Uno, Radiogiornale 18.30, Lukas Rühli 07.04.15 “Die Schweiz ist nicht mehr so attraktiv für ausländische Firmen” Radio SRF 3, Info 3 Mittag, Patrik Schellenbauer 17.04.15 “Die Schweiz ist nicht mehr so attraktiv für ausländische Firmen wie auch schon” Radio SRF 1, Rendez-vous (inkl. Mittagsjournal), Patrik Schellenbauer 17.04.15 “Votons moins, votons mieux?” RTS La 1ère, Infrarouge, Tibère Adler 28.04.15 28 Avenir Suisse Talks and platform debates “Erfolgsmodell Schweiz auch in der Zukunft sichern” Business Träff Schwyz, Gerhard Schwarz Schwyz, 08.04.15 “Erbschaftssteuer und weitere Kapitalsteuern” Operation Libero, Marco Salvi Zurich, 14.04.15 “Reform der Altersvorsorge: zwischen Wunsch und politischer Realität” Regionalverband SVVG Aargau und beider Basel, general assembly, Jérôme Cosandey Oberentfelden, 17.04.15 “Strukturwandel im Schweizer Berggebiet: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze” SP Grisons, party convention, Daniel Müller-Jentsch Maienfeld, 18.04.15 “Reform der Altersvorsorge: zwischen Wunsch und politischer Realität ” Verein Junges Basel, Jérôme Cosandey Basel, 20.04.15 “Die Schweiz nach dem Währungsschock” Clurr, Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 20.04.15 “Denkwerkstatt Nachhaltige Agrarpolitik” Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), expert group on agricultural policy, Daniel Müller-Jentsch Bern, 21.04.15 “Ist die Wasserversorgung ein Service Public?” Stahl- und Haustechnikhandelsverband, convention on the topic of water, Urs Meister Lucerne, 23.04.15 “Le travail des seniors – Un atout contre la pénurie de main-d’oeuvre” Groupement romand de médecine, hygiène, et sécurité au travail, Jérôme Cosandey Geneva, 23.04.15 “Zukunft des Milizsystems” Schweizerischer Gemeindeverband, Andreas Müller “Strommarktdesign und Subventionen” Guest lecture at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, degree programme on Energy and Environmental Engineering, Urs Meister Winterthur, 29.04.15 “Quel avenir pour nos trois piliers?” Salon Prévoyance Professionnelle Suisse, panel with Tibère Adler, Yves Cuendet, Catherine Labouchère and Christian van Singer, moderated by Jean-Paul Guyon Lausanne, 29.04.15 May Avenir Suisse events Berner Unternehmergespräch at CSL Behring AG Information event for entrepreneurs, Tibère Adler, Lukas Rühli, Marco Salvi and Gerhard Schwarz Bern, 05.05.15 Media conference “Kapital und Kapitalsteuern – Zahlen und Fakten zum Vermögen in der Schweiz” Marco Salvi and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 12.05.15 “Zu Gast bei Ökonomen” HSG -Alumni Economists’ Club, Kurt Schiltknecht interviewed by Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 26.05.15 Chapter Basel with Fritz Zurbrügg Event for the Avenir Suisse Support Group, Andreas Burkhardt, Andreas Schmid and Gerhard Schwarz Basel, 28.05.15 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Das Schweizer Stiftungswesen im Aufbruch” Schweizer Stiftungsreport 2015, Daniel Müller-Jentsch 01.05.15 Bern, 23.04.15 “Allgemeine Dienstpflicht für Ausländer?” Federal Commission on Migration (FCM), plenary meeting, Patrik Schellenbauer Hertenstein, 28.04.15 “Strommarktdesign und Subventionen” Swisselectric, seminar, Urs Meister Bern, 29.04.15 Activity report 201529 “Ist die AHV eine Zeitbombe?” “Unser Trinkwasser – Wert und Kosten” Spektrum Gebäudetechnik 3/2015, interview with Urs Meister May 2015 “Antworten aus der Energiebranche” Swiss Engineering, interview with Urs Meister May 2015 “Tassi bassi, imposta sulla sostanza alle stelle” Ticino Business, Marco Salvi May 2015 Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Wirtschaft im Fokus, interview with Jérôme Cosandey 05.05.15 “Nicole Pomezny: pour des idées libérales” L’Hebdo, interview with Nicole Pomezny 07.05.15 “Alarmismus der Stromfirmen” Zürichsee-Zeitung, interview with Urs Meister 07.05.15 “Wir brauchen mehr Prinzipientreue” Aargauer Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 15.05.15 “Unsoziale Grosszügigkeit: Die ausufernde Verbilligung der Krankenkassenprämien” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 30.05.15 “Die Demografie-Falle: Wie fit sind Altersvorsorge und Gesundheitssystem?” Arzt-Spital-Pflege, interview with Jérôme Cosandey May 2015 “Auf zu einer Renten-Ameisen-Gesellschaft” Bern Aktuell, Tibère Adler May 2015 “Fondations: la Suisse doit rester attractive” Bilan, Daniel Müller-Jentsch May 2015 “Gleich lange Spiesse oder Zweiklassengesellschaft?” Doppelpunkt, Marco Salvi May 2015 “Sozialstaat als Gegenspieler der Freiheit” Gerhard Schwarz in “Freiheit: Mythos und Realität im Lichte individueller Betrachtungen”, Edit Seidl (ed.) p. 102 – 103, NZZ Libro, May 2015 30 Electronic media “Der Blick ins Feuilleton mit Gerhard Schwarz” Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Kultur kompakt Mittag, Gerhard Schwarz 12.05.15 “Ausgewogene Berichterstattung von Journalisten” Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Kultur kompakt Mittag, Gerhard Schwarz 13.05.15 “Quel est le rôle du service public dans l’audiovisuel suisse?” RTS La 1ère, Mise au point, Tibère Adler 17.05.15 “7,7 Milliarden Stunden wurde letztes Jahr in der Schweiz gearbeitet, gut 1 % mehr als im Vorjahr” SRF 1, Tagesschau Hauptausgabe, Patrik Schellenbauer 21.05.15 “Débat sur la redevance radio TV ” yes FM , Tibère Adler 28.05.15 “Salari, quale evoluzione?” RSI La 1, Tempi moderni, Marco Salvi and Patrik Schellenbauer 29.05.15 Talks and platform debates “Débat sur la formation des seniors” Salon du livre, Tibère Adler Geneva, 02.05.15 “Zuwanderungssteuerung über Abgaben” Swisscleantech, focus group on Europe, Lukas Rühli Bern, 05.05.15 “Generationenungerechtigkeit überwinden” Swisscanto Freizügigkeitsstiftung, annual council, Jérôme Cosandey Basel, 06.05.15 Avenir Suisse “Zum Nutzen von Flächennutzungszertifikate” Sanu Durabilis, workshop, Marco Salvi Biel, 06.05.15 “Wirtschaftlichkeit und Auswirkungen auf Eigentümer oder Kooperationsstrategien” “Altersarbeit in den Kinderschuhen” Rotary Club Zurich, Jérôme Cosandey Zurich, 08.05.15 “Die Schweiz nach dem Währungsschock” Verband Kunststoff-Rohre und -Rohrleitungsteile, annual convention, Marco Salvi Zurich, 08.05.15 “Les relations entre la Suisse et l’Union européenne” Colloquium at the Graduate Institute, presentation and panel with Tibère Adler, Jean-Daniel Gerber, René Schwok and Christa Tobler Geneva, 11.05.15 “morgen? Die Schweiz” Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC), Daniel Müller-Jentsch Lausanne, 11.05.15 “Altersvorsorge 2020: zwischen Wunsch und Realität” Swisscanto, introductory course for members of pension fund commissions, part 1, Jérôme Cosandey Zurich, 12.05.15 “Medienförderung im digitalen Zeitalter” Kiwanis Club Zurich, Urs Meister Zurich, 12.05.15 “Hat das öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehen eine Zukunft? – Anspruch und Wirklichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter” 14. upc cablecom lecture at the Europe Institute, University of Zurich, panel with Roger de Weck, Mark Eisenegger, Peter Wanner and Urs Meister Zurich, 12.05.15 “Insurance and inflation” Conference of the European Association of Banking History, Jérôme Cosandey Prague (CZ), 15.05.15 “Switzerland and its drivers of prosperity” Harvard AMP Alumni event, Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 16.05.15 EnergyCom, panel with Ronny Kaufmann, Robert Lombardini, Urs Meister and Kurt Rohrbach Zurich, 19.05.15 “Nachhaltige Finanzierung der Altersvorsorge” Industrie- und Handelskammer Thurgau and Swiss Life, Jérôme Cosandey Weinfelden, 19.05.15 “Milizpolitik zwischen Mythos und Moderne” Wirtschaft Uri, economic convention, Andreas Müller Altdorf, 20.05.15 “Wer finanziert unsere Zukunft?” EOY Club, panel with Roland Schmid, Jan Schoch and Gerhard Schwarz, moderated by Thomas Brotzer Zürich, 20.05.15 “Quelques questions actuelles pour la Suisse” Développement économique du canton de Vaud, annual convention, Tibère Adler Montreux, 21.05.15 “Verso un nuovo equilibrio fra le generazioni” Generazioni & Sinergie, Jérôme Cosandey Bellinzona, 21.05.15 “The future of corporate taxation in Switzerland” Special Committee on Tax Rulings of the European Parliament, hearing, Marco Salvi Bern, 22.05.15 “Altersvorsorge 2020: zwischen Wunsch und Realität” Swisscanto, introductory course for members of pension fund commissions, part 2, Jérôme Cosandey Zurich, 28.05.15 Activity report 201531 “Electricity markets with a high share of renewables” Zurich University of Applied Sciences, panel with René Burkhard, Matthias Gysler, Felix Matthes, Urs Meister, Gianni Operto, Bernhard Siegner and Niklaus Zepf Winterthur, 29.05.15 “Alterspflege am Scheideweg” Walder Foundation, workshop, Jérôme Cosandey Zurich, 29.05.15 June Avenir Suisse events “Fundamental tax reform – A conversation with Laurence J. Kotlikoff” Joint event of Avenir Suisse and CEP, Marco Salvi and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 01.06.15 Visiting Avenir Suisse stars-Alumni, exchanging ideas with Avenir Suisse, Urs Meister, Marco Salvi, Patrik Schellenbauer and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 04.06.15 Forum Avenir Suisse with Andreas Schmid Information event for authorities, associations, political parties and ambassadors, Lukas Rühli and Gerhard Schwarz Berne, 18.06.15 Brown Bag Lunch mit Wolfgang Bertschmann Former director of the Klinik Hirslanden Aarau’s heart clinic and delegate of the Bethesda Hospital Basel Board, exchanging ideas with Avenir Suisse on the topic of “Regulations in health care”, J érôme Cosandey and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 29.06.15 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Radio-TV, une mauvaise loi requiert un nouveau débat” 24 Heures, Tibère Adler 04.06.15 “Die Funktion hat wenig mit Lobbying zu tun” Handelszeitung, interview with Urs Meister 04.06.15 “Mythos der steigenden Mietbelastung des Mittelstands” NZZ Domizil, Marco Salvi 05.06.15 32 “Freie Schulwahl erhöht die Qualität der Bildung” Tages-Anzeiger, Patrik Schellenbauer 23.06.15 “Mit Risiko die Renten sichern” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 27.06.15 “Flexibilisierung statt Verkrustung des Seniorenmarkts” HR Today, Jérôme Cosandey June 2015 “Wider die Gesetzesflut” Schweizer Monat Beilage “Die Bank im Aufwind?”, Peter Buomberger June 2015 “Wo bitte diktiert der Markt?” Schweizer Monat, Marco Salvi and Gerhard Schwarz June 2015 “Der aktuelle Reformschub in der Raumplanung sollte auch das Waldgesetz umfassen” Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, Daniel Müller-Jentsch June 2015 “La Svizzera – campionessa europea delle disuguaglianze?” Ticino Business, Gerhard Schwarz June 2015 “Reform der Volksinitiative” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Lukas Rühli June 2015 “Das Kapital wird nicht geschont” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Marco Salvi June 2015 “Janusköpfige Demokratie” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Gerhard Schwarz June 2015 Electronic media “Suspense total autour de la LRTV ” RTS La 1ère, Emission Spéciale, debate between Lionel Baier and Tibère Adler 14.06.15 “Der Service public in den Medien” SRF 1, Arena, Urs Meister 19.06.15 “In 30 Jahren leben in der Schweiz voraussichtlich 10,2 Millionen Menschen” Radio 24, News 17.00, Jérôme Cosandey 22.06.15 Avenir Suisse “In der Schweiz gibt es immer mehr alte Menschen” “Vorsorgereformen im internationalen Vergleich” SRF 1, Tagesschau 18.00, Jérôme Cosandey 22.06.15 Zurich Pensionskassen-Symposium 2015, presentation and podium with Johannes Binswanger, Jérôme Cosandey, Sibylle Reichert and Dieter Stohler, “Die Schweiz wird immer älter und wächst stärker moderated by Stephan Klapproth Zurich, 11.06.15 als bisher angenommen” SRF 1, Tagesschau Hauptausgabe, Jérôme Cosandey “40th Economic Conference: Inequality – 22.06.15 Does it matter?” Progress Foundation, David Henderson, Karl-Heinz “Un canton peut-il se passer de communes?” Paqué and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 11.06.15 RTS La 1ère, En Ligne Directe, Jérôme Cosandey 25.06.15 Talks and platform debates “Democrazia diretta da correggere?” USI , panel with Tibère Adler, Pietro Martinelli and Paolo Pamini, moderated by Andrea Rocci Lugano, 01.06.15 “Generationenvertrag unter Druck?” Schweizerischen Versicherungsverband, parliamentary seminar, Jérôme Cosandey Bern, 01.06.15 “Generationenungerechtigkeit überwinden” Domicil Gruppe, annual convention, Jérôme Cosandey Bern, 15.06.15 “Die Zukunft der Wasserkraft zwischen Markt und Subventionen” Valiant Bank AG , training seminar, Urs Meister Bern, 16.06.15 “Liberalismus” “Genève à la rencontre des Suisses” Fondation pour Genève, Tibère Adler Glarus, 02.06.15 “Liberalismus für die Schweiz – unbequem, unbeliebt aber notwendig!” University of Applied Sciences of North West Switzerland, Gerhard Schwarz Windisch, 02.06.15 “Berufliche Vorsorge: Warum klaffen Politik und Realität auseinander?” UWP Sammelstiftung, Jérôme Cosandey Basel, 03.06.15 “Milizsystem zwischen Mythos und Moderne” Inoversum, Andreas Müller Meilen, 05.06.15 “Vielfalt und freie Schulwahl” Liberal Institute, symposium 2015, Patrik Schellenbauer Zurich, 06.06.15 Civic Circle, Gerhard Schwarz Baden, 18.06.15 “La surréglementation: quels impacts pour la Suisse?” BCGE Club CFO, presentation and podium with Tibère Adler, Eric Bourgeaux, Robert Massey and Marco Taddei, moderated by Emmanuel Garessus Geneva, 19.06.15 “La démocratie directe est-elle réformable?” Cercle démocratique Lausanne, panel with Tibère Adler, François Cherix, Antoine Chollet and Olivier Meuwly, moderated by François Modoux Lausanne, 09.06.15 “Strategische Geschäftsfelder für einen Energieversorger” Strategieworkshop 360-Grad-Energie, Urs Meister “Débat politique sur l’investissement des caisses de pensions dans les placements privés” Journées de la Prévoyance, Tibère Adler Montreux, 11.06.15 “Was ist los mit der Schweiz – Reflexion über die Entwicklung in den letzten 10 Jahre” Institut für betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung Schweiz, Patrik Schellenbauer Zurich, 22.06.15 Lavin, 22.06.15 Activity report 201533 “Telecom-Wettbewerb zwischen Infrastruktur und Content” Federal Communications Commission (ComCom), strategic retreat, Urs Meister Glion/Montreux, 23.06.15 “Der Standort Schweiz und der Schweizer Franken” “Affitti e miti” Ticino Business, Marco Salvi 08.07.15 “Dienstleistung auf Abruf” Aargauer Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 09.07.15 “Ökonomischer Sachverstand” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Rudolf Walser 17.07.15 “Kein Standortdoping nötig” Ostschweiz am Sonntag, interview with Daniel Müller-Jentsch 17.07.15 “Reiche Städte – und reiche Schweiz” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 25.07.15 ASCO, annual convention, Marco Salvi Zurich, 23.06.15 “Quelques questions actuelles pour la Suisse” AZI (Zimeysa), annual convention, Tibère Adler Meyrin, 25.06.15 “Freizügigkeit ohne Grenzen” Hayek-Tage 2015, panel with Alexander Fink, Sven Gerst, Gerhard Schwarz and Erich Weede, moderated by Clemens Schneider Leipzig (DE), 27.06.15 “Service public im Medienbereich” Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC), brainstorming, Urs Meister Bern, 29.06.15 “Religion, Liberalität und Rechtsstaat” Progress Foundation, book launch, Wolfgang Schüssel, Gerhard Schwarz, Beat Sitter-Liver and Felix Unger Zurich, 30.06.15 July “Ich könnte mir auch eine Privatisierung der SRG vorstellen” persoenlich.com, interview with Gerhard Schwarz 31.07.15 “Flexibilisierung statt Verkrustung des Seniorenmarkts” HR-Today, Jérôme Cosandey July 2015 “Liberaler Systemkritiker” Persönlich, Interview mit Gerhard Schwarz July 2015 “L’information, c’est le pouvoir” Prévoyance Professionnelle Suisse, Jérôme Cosandey July 2015 “Information ist Macht” Schweizer Personalvorsorge, Jérôme Cosandey July 2015 “Der aktuelle Reformschub in der Raumplanung soll auch das Waldgesetz umfassen” Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, Daniel Müller-Jentsch July 2015 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Die lernende Schweiz” Basler Zeitung, online edition, Andreas Müller 06.07.15 “Die lernende Schweiz” Tages-Anzeiger, Andreas Müller 06.07.15 34 Avenir Suisse Electronic media Electronic media “Tibère Adler à Rosenlaui” “Le débat: La Suisse doit-elle introduire un congé parental?” RTS La 1ère, Le Journal de 8h, Marco Salvi 12.08.15 “Sollen Rentner ihren Lebensabend geniessen oder müssen sie arbeiten?” RTS Un, Couleurs d’été, Tibère Adler 24.07.15 Talks and platform debates “Switzerland – small, independent and attractive” International Federation of Health Plans, CEO Forum, Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 01.07.15 SRF 1, Der Club with Jérôme Cosandey, Denise Lambossy, Priska Muggli, Roland A. Müller and Monika Stocker, moderated by Karin Frei 18.08.15 “Aufruhr im Paradies” Kantonsschule Schaffhausen, graduation ceremony, Gerhard Schwarz Schaffhausen, 02.07.15 “Le programme du PS : critique du PLR” RTS La 1ère, Le Journal de 7h, Marco Salvi 31.08.15 “Le baromètre des réformes d’Avenir Suisse” Exchange of ideas with French ambassador René Roudaut, Marco Salvi Zurich, 03.07.15 “Bildung ist die beste Investition” Swiss International School, graduation ceremony, Patrik Schellenbauer Wallisellen, 10.07.15 “Big picture: drivers and disruptive developments” 1st Grid Innovations Laboratory, Urs Meister Cologny, 07.07.15 August Talks and platform debates “Ist der Mensch ein Homo Oeconomicus?” Stapferhaus, exhibition “Geld”, presentation and panel with Ariadne von Schirach and Marco Salvi Lenzburg, 06.08.15 “Global imbalances – 3 challenges to be met” Nestlé and Salzburg Festival Young Conductors Award, panel with Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell and Maurice Lévy, moderated by Gerhard Schwarz Salzburg (AT), 08.08.15 “Steuersystem Schweiz: Die Vision von Avenir Suisse” Economiesuisse, Marco Salvi Zurich, 11.08.15 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Die Volksschule muss vielfältiger werden” Tages-Anzeiger, Patrik Schellenbauer 06.08.15 “La Suisse a eu du succès car c’est une nation qui apprend” Le Temps, Andreas Müller 17.08.15 “Musterknabe auf eigene Kosten” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 29.08.15 “Auf dem Weg in die Zukunft der digitalen Schweiz” asut, seminar for members of parliament, panel with Karin Frick, Marc Furrer, Urs Meister and Hanspeter Thür Rüschlikon, 12.08.15 “Globale Trends und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt” IVS Schifffahrt Schaffhausen, presentation and panel with Dominik Born, Claudio Cescato, Hubert Österle and Patrik Schellenbauer Schaffhausen, 26.08.15 Activity report 201535 “Keine Diplompflicht für Stiftungsräte” ZKB Pensionskassentag, presentation and panel with J érôme Cosandey, Ronald Schnurrenberger, Urs S chwaller and Stephan Wyss, moderated by Franz Fischlin Zurich, 26.08.15 September Avenir Suisse events Dreiländertreffen D A CH 2015 Avenir Suisse, Cologne Institute for Economic Research, Federation of Austrian Industries, Hubertus Bardt, Dieter Drexel, Christian Helmenstein, Michael Hüther, Peter Koren, Rolf Kroker, Urs Meister, Andreas Müller, Marco Salvi, Patrik Schellenbauer, Gerhard Schwarz and Clemens Wallner Zurich, 01. - 02.09.15 “Lernende Schweiz” Workshop with Michael Hermann, Georg Kohler, Georg Kreis, Olivier Meuwly, Andreas Müller, Lukas Niederberger, René Scheu, Hansjörg Siegenthaler, Gerhard Schwarz and Tobias Straumann Zurich, 22.09.15 Brown Bag Lunch with Simon Hoerstrup Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Co-Director of the Wyss Translational Center Zurich, exchanging ideas with Avenir Suisse, Gerhard Schwarz and Rudolf Walser Zurich, 23.09.15 “Milizsystem” Workshop in cooperation with the Paulus-Akademie, Andreas Müller and Stephan Wirz Zurich, 29.09.15 “Milizsystem auf Gemeindeebene: Quo vadis?” “Etat citoyen et citoyens dans l’Etat” Seminar on the political militia system, Christophe Büchi, Olivier Meuwly, Andreas Müller, Cécile Rivière, Nicole Pomezny, panel with Josephine Byrne Garelli, Adrien Genecand, Baptiste Hurni and Louise Kasser Genecand, moderated by Tibère Adler Public event in cooperation with the Paulus-Akademie, Jörg Kündig, Andreas Ladner, Andreas Müller, Gerhard Schwarz, Angelica Venzin and Stephan Wirz Zurich, 29.09.15 Prangins, 08.09.15 Parlamentarieranlass with Jörg Reinhardt Information event for members of parliament, Alois Bischofberger, Peter Buomberger and Gerhard Schwarz Bern, 15.09.15 Media conference “Gefährdete Konsumenten freiheit – Wie die heutigen und morgigen Konsummöglichkeiten beschränkt werden” Samuel Rutz and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 22.09.15 36 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Landesgrenzen und Energiemärkte” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, online edition, Urs Meister 01.09.15 “Der Markt ist Menschenwerk” Aargauer Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 03.09.15 “La Suisse, ce bastion de libéraux pratiquants” Blog Le Temps, Tibère Adler 03.09.15 Avenir Suisse Electronic media “Ludzie nie chca glosowac? Zaden problem” Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, interview with Lukas Rühli 07.09.15 “Mieterinitiative: Soll die Unterschriftenzahl erhöht werden” Argovia, Info Abend, Lukas Rühli 04.09.15 “La Longue Marche vers un service citoyen a déjà commencé” Blog Le Temps, Tibère Adler 15.09.15 “Unterschriftensammlung für Mieterinitiative im Internet” FM 1, News Abend, Lukas Rühli 04.09.15 “Keine Insel im Strom” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Urs Meister 17.09.15 “Sollen für die Lancierung einer Volksinitiative künftig mehr Unterschriften nötig sein?” Radio 24, Info 24 Abend, Lukas Rühli 04.09.15 “Fehldiagnose bei den Frauenlöhnen” Tages-Anzeiger, Marco Salvi 19.09.15 “Reden wir von der Lebenserwartung” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 26.09.15 “Il faut plus de réflexion économique dans la politique d’asile” Blog Le Temps, Tibère Adler 29.09.15 “Liberales Gesellschaftsbild” Center for Philanthropy Studies, interview with Gerhard Schwarz September 2015 “Der aktuelle Reformschub in der Raumplanung soll auch das Waldgesetz umfassen” Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwirtschaft, Daniel Müller-Jentsch September 2015 “Die gesunde Wahl” Schweizer Monat Beilage “Was nützt es dem Patienten?”, Gerhard Schwarz September 2015 “La scuola dell’obbligo è sotto pressione” Ticino Business, Patrik Schellenbauer September 2015 “Wettbewerbsfähig mit starkem Franken” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Peter Buomberger September 2015 “Gefährdete Konsumentenfreiheit” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Samuel Rutz September 2015 “Falsche Fürsorglichkeit” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Gerhard Schwarz September 2015 “Unterschriftensammlung für Mieterinitiative im Internet” Südostschweiz, RSO Info Abend, Lukas Rühli 04.09.15 “Service-public-Unternehmen in der digitalen Welt” Radio SRF 1, Echo der Zeit, Urs Meister 08.09.15 “Quel avenir pour le système politique suisse de milice?” RTS La 1ère, Forum, interview with Tibère Adler 08.09.15 “Retten wir die Renten auf dem Buckel der Jungen?” Radio SRF 1, Forum, Jérôme Cosandey 10.09.15 “Livesendung Wahllokal aus dem Generationenhaus in Bern” Radio SRF 4, News aktuell, debate between Jérôme Cosandey and Daniel Lampart 18.09.15 “Aktuelle Bevölkerungszahlen und Zukunft der Schweiz” SRF 1, 10 vor 10, interview with Jérôme Cosandey 29.09.15 “Le système de milice” RTS La 1ère, Tribu, interview with Tibère Adler 30.09.15 Talks and platform debates “Sharing Economy – Fluch oder Segen?” Deloitte, panel with Thomas Allemann, Roman Bach, Rasoul Jalali, Rudolf Näpflin and Marco Salvi Zurich, 01.09.15 Activity report 201537 “Schweiz at the crossroads: Allein gegen alle?” “Zukunft von Arbeit und Bildung – Fokus Fachkräftemangel” Schweizerisches Dienstleistungszentrum für Berufsbildung und Laufbahnberatung, debate between Veronique Polito and Patrik Schellenbauer Zurich, 08.09.15 “Gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen – Chancen und Herausforderungen für ältere Mitarbeitende” Credit Suisse – Netzwerk 50+ / D & I Forum, Jérôme Cosandey Gümligen, 08.09.15 “Nachhaltiges Agrarsystem Schweiz” Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), workshop, Daniel Müller-Jentsch Bern, 08.09.15 5. Zentralschweizer Wirtschaftsforum, Gerhard Schwarz Mount Pilatus, 03.09.15 “Internationale Zentralschweiz: Die Globalisierung vor der eigenen Haustüre” “Brennpunkt Altersvorsorge – Informationen und Lösungsansätze aus liberaler Sicht” ETH Process Alumni, Jérôme Cosandey Zurich, 08.09.15 “Industrielle Produktion der Zukunft am Standort Zürich” Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit of the canton of Zurich, panel with Bernhard Eschermann, Andreas Parpan, Patrik Schellenbauer and Carmen Walker Späh Winterthur, 09.09.15 “Milizpolitik zwischen Mythos und Moderne” FDP Erlinsbach/FDP Aargau, Andreas Müller Erlinsbach, 16.09.15 “Driftet die Gesellschaft auseinander oder übertreiben die Hilfswerke?” Caritas Zürich, charity event, Patrik Schellenbauer Zurich, 17.09.15 5. Zentralschweizer Wirtschaftsforum, panel with lrich Bettermann, Corinne Fischer, Kai Hermes, U Peter Hofstetter and Patrik Schellenbauer Mount Pilatus, 03.09.15 “Ideen für die Schweizer Wasserkraft” Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband, conference on water management, Urs Meister Wettingen, 03.09.15 “Die Auswirkungen der USR III auf den Standort Zürich” Canton of Zurich, working group “Wettbewerbsfähige Steuerpolitik”, Marco Salvi Zurich, 28.09.15 “Altersvorsorge 2020 – Ein System auf dem Prüfstand?” Swiss Life, panel with Jérôme Cosandey, Patrick Frost and Hans Stöckli, moderated by Lucia Döbeli Zurich, 23.09.15 “Le contrat de génération sous pression?” Association Suisse d’Assurances and Chambre Vaudoise du Commerce et de l’Industrie, presentation and podium with Jérôme Cosandey, Marco Taddei and Jacques Marmier, moderated by Valérie Bourdin Lausanne, 24.09.15 38 Avenir Suisse “Strukturwandel im Schweizer Berggebiet” Zukunft der Täler, conference, Daniel Müller-Jentsch “Die Schweiz braucht eine Regulierungsbremse” fricktal24, Online-Ausgabe, Peter Buomberger 14.10.15 Innsbruck (AT), 29.09.15 “Ambulant vor stationär greift zu kurz” 3. Tagung Alter, Canton of Basel-Landschaft, presentation and podium with Jérôme Cosandey, Barbara Fischer, Renate Rotbacher, Matthias von Bergen and Elisabeth Simoes, moderated by Roger Ehret Liestal, 30.09.15 “Die Vor- und Nachteile der Globalisierung” Kantonsschule Zürich Nord, presentation and podium with Oliver Classen and Marco Salvi Zurich, 30.09.15 October Avenir Suisse events Autumn Conference with Leszek Balcerowicz, Thomas Jordan and William R. White Autumn Conference of the Avenir Suisse Support Group, Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 01.10.15 “Le travail des seniors: Un atout pour les entreprises suisses” Event in cooperation with Fédération patronale et économique de Fribourg, panel with Jérôme Cosandey, Jean-Claude Ducry, Nadine Gobet and Caroline Young, moderated by Tibère Adler Bulle, 06.10.15 Chapter Basel with Andrea Schenker-Wicki Event of the Avenir Suisse Support Group, Andreas Burckhardt, Patrik Schellenbauer, Andreas Schmid and Gerhard Schwarz Basel, 22.10.15 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Une nécessité démocratique” L’Agefi, Andreas Müller 16.10.15 “Mich stört Ihr Unterton” Tages-Anzeiger, interview with Gerhard Schwarz 17.10.15 “Qui les Universités doivent-elles former?” Le Temps Online, Tibère Adler 19.10.15 “Malgré la ‘Schadenfreude’, le système économique allemand fonctionne” L’Hebdo, Tibère Adler 22.10.15 “Frühzeitig über die Folgen der Digitalisierung nachdenken” Klein Report, Samuel Rutz 26.10.15 “Sachfragen mässigen Emotionen” Aargauer Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 29.10.15 “Was die FDP nun tun muss” Die Zeit, Andreas Müller 29.10.15 “Zehn Thesen, warum die Schweiz ein Mieterland ist” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Marco Salvi and Patrik Schellenbauer 30.10.15 “Mit weniger Einsatz immer reicher” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 31.10.15 “Die Schweiz braucht eine Regulierungsbremse” Die Volkswirtschaft, Peter Buomberger October 2015 “Notwendig für die Demokratie” Tages-Anzeiger, Andreas Müller 03.10.15 “La Suisse a besoin d’un frein à la réglementation” La vie économique, Peter Buomberger October 2015 “La mobilità fiscale è sopravvalutata” Ticino Business, Marco Salvi 09.10.15 “Liberty and responsibility: Not a one-way street” Gerhard Schwarz in “Europe, Switzerland and the Future of Freedom”, Konrad Hummler and Alberto Mingardi (eds.) p. 429 – 440, IBL Libri, October 2015 “Faut-il réduire les sciences humaines?” Le Temps, Tibère Adler 10.10.15 “Der Konflikt zwischen den Bildungswegen” Tages-Anzeiger, Patrik Schellenbauer 13.10.15 “Falsche Insinuationen” Schweizer Monat, Gerhard Schwarz October 2015 Activity report 201539 “Unsichtbare Flecken” Schweizer Versicherung, Jérôme Cosandey October 2015 Electronic media “K-Punkt: AHV ” Kanal-K, Jérôme Cosandey 15.10.15 “Réforme du 2e pilier: Entre monde idéal et réalité politique” Swisscanto Fondation de placement, charity event, Jérôme Cosandey Lausanne, 30.10.15 November Avenir Suisse events “Die beste Anarchie – oder Wahnsinn: Die Schweiz nach den Wahlen” Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Kontext, Patrik Schellenbauer 23.10.15 “La nuova età delle macchine” Radio RSI Rete Due, Moby Dick, Marco Salvi 24.10.15 “(Neo)Liberalismus im Alltag” Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Reflexe, Marco Salvi 26.10.15 Talks and platform debates “Vers un nouvel équilibre entre les générations” Lions Club Genève, Jérôme Cosandey Geneva, 06.10.15 Media conference “Gleichstellung – Warum der Arbeitsmarkt nicht versagt” Marco Salvi and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 18.11.15 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Un récit libéral pour la Suisse” Le Temps, Andreas Müller 10.11.15 “Überfällige Stärkung der Bundeskompetenzen” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Daniel Müller-Jentsch 17.11.15 “Clemenceau, Jésus, Moïse et la SSR” Le Temps Online, Tibère Adler 24.11.15 “Lust und Last des Liberalismus: unbequem, “Gefährlicher Währungspatriotismus” unbeliebt – aber notwendig” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 28.11.15 Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt, Gerhard Schwarz Frankfurt/M. (DE), 06.10.15 “Wirtschaften in der Schweiz – Hausaufgaben gemacht?” Academia Engelberg, Gerhard Schwarz Engelberg, 14.10.15 “Point de Suisse: Wohin steuert die Schweiz?” Basel Historical Museum, panel with Frank Bodin, Anita Fetz, Marco Salvi and Peter Streckeisen Basel, 15.10.15 “Débat sur le service public de demain” Die Post, management meeting, Tibère Adler L ausanne, 22.10.15 “Wegbereiterinnen der modernen Schweiz” Volkshochschule Glarus, Verena Parzer Epp Glarus, 29.10.15 “Milizpolitik zwischen Mythos und Moderne” SP training seminar, Andreas Müller Zurich, 30.10.15 40 “Eigenständige Lösungen und offene Märkte” Gerhard Schwarz in “Europa: Die Wiederentdeckung eines grossen Erbes”, Pierre Bessard (ed.) p. 191 – 218, Liberales Institut , November 2015 “Das Ideal Laienrepublik” Schweizer Monat, Andreas Müller November 2015 “Mythos Ungleichheit” Schweizer Monat, Marco Salvi November 2015 “Parità salariale: diagnosi errata” Ticino Business, Marco Salvi November 2015 Electronic media “Frauen werden bei den Löhnen nicht diskriminiert” Radio Pilatus, Mittagsinfo, Marco Salvi 18.11.15 “Vor dem Gesetz sind Frauen und Männer gleich” Radio SRF 1, Rendez-vous, Gerhard Schwarz 18.11.15 Avenir Suisse “Christa Binswanger vs. Marco Salvi – Recht auf Lohngleichheit?” Radio SRF 1, Tagesgespräch, Marco Salvi 18.11.15 “Wie viel Staat darf’s denn sein?” SP Zurich, panel with Reiner Eichenberger, Karen Horn, Lukas Rühli and Martin Waser Zurich, 05.11.15 “Avenir Suisse ne veut pas du contrôle des salaires prévu par le Conseil fédéral” RTS La 1ère, Forum, Eléonore Lepinard and Marco Salvi “Agenda 2020 – Lagebeurteilung Schweiz” 18.11.15 “Lohngleichheit zwischen Mann und Frau” Radio TOP, Info Abend, Marco Salvi 18.11.15 “Frauen werden von den Unternehmen in der Schweiz nicht diskriminiert” Argovia, Nachrichten, Marco Salvi 18.11.15 “Die Frauen in der Schweiz werden nicht diskriminiert” Radio 24, Nachrichten, Marco Salvi 18.11.15 NZZ Real Estate Days, Patrik Schellenbauer Bad Ragaz, 05.11.15 “Parità salariale, passo avanti” Radio RSI Rete Uno, Radiogiornale, Marco Salvi 18.11.15 “Colpa tua se ti pagano meno …” Radio RSI Rete Uno, Modem, Marco Salvi 19.11.15 “Lohngleichheit: Bundesrat kündigt Massnahmen an” Radio SRF 1, Trend, Gerhard Schwarz 21.11.15 Talks and platform debates “Die Bedeutung liberaler Politik für das Gewerbe – Eine Bestandsaufnahme” Gewerbegruppe des Kantonsrates, Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 02.11.15 “Was spricht gegen mehr Gemeinwohl?” Schweizer Verein zur Förderung der Gemeinwohl- Ökonomie, panel with Christian Felber, Andreas Brenner and Patrik Schellenbauer, moderated by Gaby Belz Zurich, 05.11.15 “Un capital-soins obligatoire, un luxe ou une nécessité?” Retraites Populaires, Vorsorgeforum, presentation and podium with Jérôme Cosandey, Christophe Courbage, Yves-Marie Hostettler and Pierre-Yves Maillard, moderated by Thierry Meyer Lausanne, 06.11.15 “Ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung” “L’initiative populaire: comment réformer cet indispensable trublion du système politique suisse?” Forum Bonhôte, Tibère Adler Lausanne, 03.11.15 “Milizsystem und Ausblick in die neue Legislatur” FDP Appenzell Outer Rhodes, delegate convention, Andreas Müller Trogen, 04.11.15 “Potenzial älterer Arbeitnehmer nutzen” Öffentliches Personal Schweiz, seminar on “Arbeit nehmende 50 plus”, Jérôme Cosandey Brunnen, 05.11.15 DETEC , Infrastructure Day, Samuel Rutz Zurich, 06.11.15 Activity report 201541 “Bénévolat, volontariat, engagement citoyen: le déclin forcément?” Etablissement cantonal d’assurance contre l’incendie et les éléments naturels (ECA), Tibère Adler “Die Zukunft des Milizsystems – Was kann die Wirtschaft leisten?” Bautagung 2015, Andreas Müller Sursee, 26.11.15 Lausanne, 11.11.15 “Strategien zur Umsetzung von Lohngleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männer” aktivistin.ch, panel with Yvonne Feri, Tiba Ponnuthurai, Marco Salvi and Sven Sobernheim, moderated by Luzia Tschirky Zurich, 28.11.15 “Quels défis économiques et politiques pour la Suisse?” Association Suisse d�Organisation et de Management and Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement, Tibère Adler Lausanne, 17.11.15 “Vers un nouvel équilibre entre les générations” Lions Club Lausanne Galicien, Jérôme Cosandey “Quelles idées étonnantes pour l’économie de la Chaux-de-Fonds?” Up la Chaux-de-Fonds, Tibère Adler La Chaux-de-Fonds, 30.11.15 Lausanne, 17.11.15 “Das neue Parlament: Wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderungen und Chancen für Familien unternehmen” Vereinigung der privaten Aktiengesellschaften, Gerhard Schwarz Basel, 18.11.15 “Neues Wundermittel? Die Verhaltensökonomie auf dem Weg in die Praxis” Ernst Schmidheiny Stiftung, symposium, panel moderated by Gerhard Schwarz Lucerne, 19./20.11.15 “Zwischen Pragmatismus und Prinzipientreue – Gedanken nach den Parlaments- und vor den Bundesratswahlen” 19. Bad Ragazer Verwaltungsrats-Tage, Gerhard Schwarz Bad Ragaz, 28.11.15 “‘Ambulant vor stationär’ greift zu kurz – Entwicklung der Alterspflege in der Schweiz” Verband Berner Pflege- und Betreuungszentren, strategic retreat, Jérôme Cosandey Konolfingen, 30.11.15 “Das neue Parlament: Wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderungen und Chancen für Familienunternehmen” Vereinigung der privaten Aktiengesellschaften, Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 30.11.15 December Avenir Suisse events “L’imposition du capital pour les entrepreneurs” “USR III : Alles muss sich ändern, damit alles gleich bleibt” Basel Economic Forum, presentation and panel with Peter Herrmann, Adrian Hug, Marco Salvi and Rolf Weder Basel, 23.11.15 Seminar in cooperation with the Chambre de commerce, d’industrie et des services de Genève, Gilles Desplanches, Claude Devillard, Jacques Jeannerat, Jan Langlo, Xavier Oberson and Marco Salvi, moderated by Tibère Adler Geneva, 01.12.15 Brown Bag Lunch with Daniel Müller-Jentsch Presentation of a study on Berlin 2030 Zurich, 03.12.15 42 Avenir Suisse Media conference “Bilateralismus – Was sonst?” Patrik Schellenbauer and Gerhard Schwarz Zurich, 07.12.15 Forum Avenir Suisse with Ulrich Spiesshofer Information event for authorities, associations, political parties, ambassadors and members of parliament, Patrik Schellenbauer und Gerhard Schwarz Bern, 14.12.15 Print and online media (articles in newspapers, journals, books and on websites) “Il faut un nouveau pacte fiscal pour les entrepreneurs” Le Temps Online, Tibère Adler 02.12.15 “Bilaterale: Mehrheit muss sich als Gewinner fühlen” Schweiz am Sonntag, Patrik Schellenbauer 06.12.15 “Parité salariale: erreur de diagnostic et mauvaise thérapie” Le Temps, Marco Salvi 22.12.15 “Konsumenten als Gewinner” Aargauer Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 23.12.15 “Der Wohlstand in der Schweiz wächst doch” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerhard Schwarz 31.12.15 “La Suisse souffre de la dictature des bons sentiments” Entreprise romande, Tibère Adler December 2015 “Das Kapital wird nicht geschont” metrobasel report, Marco Salvi December 2015 “Auf der letzten Meile der Gleichstellung” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Marco Salvi December 2015 “Positive Bilanz der Bilateralen” Zürcher Wirtschaft, Patrik Schellenbauer December 2015 Electronic media “Macht und Ohnmacht” Radio SRF 2, Kontext, Gerhard Schwarz 01.12.15 “La charge fiscale atteint des niveaux records et pèse sur les particuliers” RTS La 1ère, Forum, Marco Salvi 06.12.15 “Heute hat sich Avenir Suisse zu den bilateralen Verträgen geäussert” SRF 1, Tagesschau Mittag, Gerhard Schwarz 07.12.15 “Avenir Suisse hat berechnet, was es bedeuten würde, wenn die bilateralen Verträge gekündigt würden” Radio SRF 3, Info Mittag, Patrik Schellenbauer 07.12.15 “Avenir Suisse hat berechnet, was es bedeuten würde, wenn die bilateralen Verträge gekündigt würden” Radio SRF 1, Rendez-vous, Gerhard Schwarz 07.12.15 “Die bilateralen Verträge sind die beste Lösung für die Schweiz” BeO, Info Abend, Gerhard Schwarz 07.12.15 “Berset’s Nebelpetarde” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Wirtschaft im Fokus, Jérôme Cosandey 09.12.15 “Die Fachkräfteinitiative genügt nicht” SRF 1, 10 vor 10, Patrik Schellenbauer 18.12.15 Talks and platform debates “Un point de vue indépendant, mais pas neutre” University of Geneva, graduate ceremony, Jérôme Cosandey Geneva, 01.12.15 “Die Entstaatlichung des Geldes” University of Applied Sciences in North West Switzerland, Ökonomie im Gespräch, Gerhard Schwarz Olten, 03.12.15 “Quel avenir pour la prévoyance professionnelle?” University of Lausanne, graduate seminar, Jérôme Cosandey Lausanne, 03.12.15 “Le travail des seniors – Un atout contre la pénurie de main-d’œuvre” University of Lausanne, presentation and podium with Jérôme Cosandey, Aldo Ferrari, Guy Parmelin and Rebecca Ruiz, moderated by René Knüsel Lausanne, 03.12.15 “Le système de milice: modèle dépassé ou d’avenir?” Central Conference of the Roman Catholic Church in Switzerland, Tibère Adler Zurich, 14.12.15 Activity report 201543 44 Avenir Suisse Figures and statistics Resonance 28 34 29 Avenir Suisse publications 181 159 129 475 Articles and interviews in print media 398 320 Texts on Avenir Online 165 178 198 Talks and platform debates 104 95 107 Appearances and interviews in electronic media 42 48 53 Avenir Suisse events 46 Avenir Suisse 2013 2014 2015 3069 3683 Media attention 3710 543 767 518 080 No. of page views (Avenir Online) 598 216 226 558 208 071 No. of visitors (Avenir Online) 197 703 Activity report 201547 Avenir-Suisse Freedom Index Wo steht die Schweiz? What was read on the website 12,000 Gleichstellung Page views Watch the Swiss Reiche Städte — und reiche Schweiz 14,000 Kapital und Kapitalsteuern 16,000 Die Volksinitiative 18,000 Bürgerstaat und Staatsbürger Avenir Suisse publishes blog posts in English on a biweekly basis. Every Friday, the popular “Avenir Suisse Newsletter” (in German) offers an overview of the blog posts from the week and other topical information. 10,000 8,000 Avenir Online texts Avenir Suisse publications 6,000 4,000 Visitors 2,000 December November October September August July June May April March February January 0 The most popular blog posts in 2015 1 5,825 Gelebte Unabhängigkeit der SNB 6 4,918 Mächtiges Uran 2 5,272 Die Tücken des Durchschnitts 7 4,849 No over-rigid labour market rules 3 5,175 Wie der tiefe Ölpreis und der starke Franken die Energiestrategie belasten 8 4,779 Ausserordentliche Schritte der SNB in aussergewöhnlicher Zeit 4 5,019 Positive Effekte einer vollständigen Strommarktöffnung 9 4,209 Umbau statt Abbau 5 4,997 Sind wir wohlstandsmüde? 48 10 3,845 Tiefer Erdölpreis als Kompensation für den starken Franken Avenir Suisse Drivers and thinkers Organisation Supervision Avenir Suisse aims to address relevant topics at an early stage, provoke public debate by means of innovative approaches to solutions, and help to strengthen Switzerland as a location. Avenir Suisse does not allow itself to be governed by individual interests. Its stance is, however, consistently liberal and market-oriented. Board of Trustees As the highest-ranking body of Avenir Suisse, the Board of Trustees elects the members of all boards and committees, as well as the Director, and approves the budget and annual financial statements. The Board of Trustees meets twice each year. The Board of Trustees convened on 24 March for its first meeting of the reporting year. During this session, the annual f inancial statements for 2014 and the budget for 2015 were adopted unanimously and Boris Collardi was elected to the Finance Committee. As always, the Director’s review and forecast and the committee reports were also key items on the agenda. The second meeting of the Board of Trustees took place on 1 October. The main outcome of this meeting was the unanimous election of the new Director, Peter Grünenfelder, who will be taking charge of Avenir Suisse as of 1 April 2016. Patrik Schellenbauer will assume the supporting role of Deputy Director from the same date. Andreas Burckhardt, Pierin Vincenz and Peter R. Voser were also elected unanimously to the Board of Trustees. Finally, the Director presented the Foundation’s project programme in the second half of the year and the plans for 2016. On the whole, the Board of Trustees was highly satisfied with the work of the team. 50 Composition Andreas Schmid, President Thomas Knecht, Vice President Olivier Steimer, Vice President Lionel Aeschlimann Giorgio Behr Paul Bulcke Andreas Burckhardt (from October) Christian Casal Boris Collardi Rolf Dörig Felix Ehrat Christoph Franz Michael Haefliger Thomas Hammer Thomas Held Andreas Jacobs Walter Kielholz Thomas D. Meyer Carolina Müller-Möhl Markus Neuhaus Urs Rohner Jean-Pierre Roth Fritz Schiesser Martin Senn Rolf Soiron Pierin Vincenz (from October) Peter R. Voser (from October) Jobst Wagner Axel A. Weber Rudolf Wehrli Avenir Suisse Markus Neuhaus, Member of the Management Committee Management Page 53 High-calibre c ommittees serve as an important guarantor of the quality of Avenir Suisse’s work. “Avenir Suisse is Switzerland’s visionary mastermind. Independent – but not neutral. And that’s a good thing. Avenir Suisse has an opinion, expresses it and stands by it. Strength of character is needed now more than ever, which is one of the reasons why Avenir Suisse is so important.” Activity report 201551 “By stimulating thinking on such fundamental issues as freedom, health, foresight, democracy or migration, Avenir Suisse is instrumental in the development of a liberal and responsible Switzerland that is open to the world. It has an extremely important role to play.” Lionel Aeschlimann, Member of the Finance Committee Advice Page 54 The Finance Committee supervises the financial management and manages the endowment capital. 52 Avenir Suisse Management Committee The Management Committee is made up of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Chairmen of the Finance, Programme and Nomination Committees, the Vice Chairman and representative of French-speaking Switzerland and the Chairman of the Support Foundation. It is responsible for overseeing the operational activity of the Foundation, approving the main topical areas of work to focus on, monitoring the finances and arranging the meetings of the Board of Trustees. This committee, which meets four times a year, therefore provides the Director and the Chief of Staff, who is also present at the meetings, with a good opportunity to exchange views on operational and organisational issues and to accept suggestions. In addition to ongoing activities, changes in the team, the boards, the committees and fundraising developments were also discussed during the reporting year. Composition Andreas Schmid, Chair Marius Brülhart Thomas Hammer Thomas Knecht Markus Neuhaus Olivier Steimer Nomination Committee The Nomination Committee is responsible for filling all board, committee and directorate posts and compiles nominations for the attention of the Board of Trustees. The search for a new Director meant that the Nomination Committee had to meet more frequently than usual in 2015. Its efforts have paid off, however, as a worthy successor has been found for Gerhard Schwarz in the form of Peter Grünenfelder. The Chairman is keen to continue pushing the issue of gender diversity. Moreover, although the membership level, at just under 30, is somewhat higher than the preferred benchmark of 20 to 25 members, this reflects growing recognition of the work of Avenir Suisse. In addition, since the mix of representatives from the founding companies, other sponsors and affiliated organisations is in line with targets, as is the distribution based on region, industrial sector and company size, expansion to a certain size is more or less unavoidable. With representatives from the scien tific community and academic practice in both Switzerland and other countries, the Programme Committee also has the target complement of members. Composition Thomas Knecht, Chair Walter Kielholz Olivier Steimer Rudolf Wehrli Programme Committee The Programme Committee advises the Director in establishing which areas of work to focus on, supports the project work and, not least, ensures the methodological quality of the work. The individual projects are discussed in detail at three meetings each year. Members of the committee also engage in frequent discussions with the Project Leaders outside the meetings. As a general rule, two committee members are assigned as “mentors” to each project and are available during the project work for queries, Composition Prof. Marius Brülhart, Chair Prof. Giorgio Behr Prof. Silvio Borner Prof. Reto Föllmi Prof. Harold James Dr. Dr. h.c. Jean-Pierre Roth Activity report 201553 suggestions and proofreading. This role is purely advisory. The committee has no authority whatsoever over the Director and his team in terms of giving instructions. This is of particular importance when the questions raised are rated and assessed differently by the various experts and Project Leaders. The ultimate decision and responsibility then lie with the Director and the Project Leaders. However, in view of the fact that the specialist discussions are always extremely constructive, this safeguard concerning the independence of content tends to be largely a formality. The critical point is that the committee, with its high-calibre members, serves as an important guarantor of the quality of Avenir Suisse’s projects. Finance Committee The Finance Committee is responsible for supervising the financial management and managing the endowment capital. It audits the budget, the quarterly statements and the annual financial statement. The low-risk investment strategy has continued to prove to be the right approach. Although high yields cannot be expected with this strategy, there have been no losses to contend with either. Avenir Suisse’s assets are managed carefully so as to ensure their full availability for the Foundation’s purposes. The new Swiss legal provisions on accounting were enforced for the first time in the reporting year. At over 5.3 million Swiss francs, business expenditure in the year under review once again exceeded the benchmark figure of 5 million Swiss francs set by the Board of Trustees a few years ago. This is primarily due to upgrades in working infrastructure (IT, servers, etc.). The increase in personnel expenditure reflects the shift from external production to internal activities and the enhanced emphasis on communication work. The effects of this reorganisation and development should be evident in the production and resonance figures for the year ahead. Following completion of the final conversion work on the new offices, which were occupied in late 2013, Avenir Suisse managed to keep its administrative costs and the expenses for its premises to a level that was slightly lower than the previous year. Boris Collardi replaced the late Erich Walser on the Finance Committee. 54 Composition Markus Neuhaus, Chair Lionel Aeschlimann Boris Collardi (from March) Avenir Suisse “Avenir Suisse is Switzerland’s liberal conscience.” Suzanne Thoma, CEO BKW Support Page 58 The Foundation receives funding from a wide range of sponsors from all sectors and regions. Activity report 201555 Support Avenir Suisse receives funding from a wide range of about 130 sponsors from all sectors and regions in Switzerland. Thanks to the generous support provided by these companies, private individuals and foundations, the Think Tank is able to operate independently of particular interests and to also broach uncomfortable topics and political taboos. The purpose of the Support Foundation, which was established in 2005, is to secure funding for the Think Tank on a sustainable basis by bringing new sponsors on board and cultivating long-term relationships with existing ones. All income from donations goes into an account belonging to the Support Foundation and is then passed on to the operative Foundation. The Support Foundation is subject to supervision by the Federal Supervisory Board for Foundations. Donations to Avenir Suisse are tax exempt at federal and cantonal level. Both the Support Foundation and the operative Avenir Suisse Foundation are audited by KPMG. The principal responsibility for fundraising lies with the Chairman of the Support Foundation, assisted by the Board of Trustees and the CEO of the Support Foundation, Susanne Stortz. Thomas Hammer has been Chairman of the Support Foundation since November 2014. Thanks to the great dedication of all individuals concerned, 21 new sponsors pledged their support during the reporting year, while 31 existing ones whose commitments were due to expire were willing to renew them. A total of around 7.5 million Swiss francs in funding for the years ahead was collected in 2015. The sponsors, who are generally represented by their Chair person of the Board of Directors and the CEO, become members of the Avenir Suisse “Support Group” by means of their commitment. As such, they receive publications from the Think Tank and are invited to Avenir Suisse events, which range from presentations, book launches and small-group workshops with experts through to the traditional, internationally oriented Autumn Conference. One of the highlights of every year is the Annual Dinner, which takes place each spring at a special venue and is open to members of the Support Group only. The exclusive nature of these events gives participants an excellent opportunity to share thoughts and ideas within the innermost circle of the Swiss business community and with leading figures from the fields of science, politics and administration. 56 Support Foundation Board of Trustees Thomas Hammer, President Andreas Schmid Gerhard Schwarz Olivier Steimer Avenir Suisse Autumn Conference of the Avenir Suisse Support Group with Leszek Balcerowicz, Thomas Jordan and William R. White, exchanging ideas with Gerhard Schwarz. Activity report 201557 Private Sponsors Daniel Aegerter Franz Albers Thomas Angehrn Rolando Benedick Rainer-Marc Frey Michael Haefliger Otto Happel Hans Huber Walter Kielholz Peter Kurer Jorge Lemann Sandro Piffaretti Alicia Soiron Peter Steiner Tito Tettamanti Jobst Wagner Rudolf Wehrli Companies ABB Ltd. Accenture Stiftung Acorma AG Adecco AFU Anlagen und Finanz AG ALID AG Allianz Suisse Allreal Holding Altium Capital Association de Banques Privées Suisses AXA Winterthur Axpo Holding Bain & Company Bâloise-Holding Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild Bär & Karrer Barry Callebaut BCV BDO Behr Bircher Cellpack, BBC Group Behr Deflandre & Snozzi BKW Bonny Stiftung für die Freiheit Bossard The Boston Consulting Group (Switzerland) Bucher Industries Careal Holding Clariant 58 Credit Suisse Group CSL Behring Diethelm Keller Holding Dufry Egon Zehnder Ernst Göhner Stiftung Ernst & Young Falcon Private Bank Farner Consulting F. Hoffmann-La Roche Firmenich International Flughafen Zürich Franke Stiftung Frutiger Fundamenta Group Galenica Gategroup Holding Generali (Schweiz) Holding Girsberger Holding Givaudan Goldbach Group Groupe Mutuel Halter Generalunternehmung Helvetia Gruppe HIAG Immobilien Hirslanden Homburger HRS Real Estate Huber + Suhner Huwa Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG Implenia Johann Jacob Rieter Stiftung Julius Bär Kibag Holding Knecht Holding KPMG Lenz & Staehelin Lindt & Sprüngli Lonza Group Maerki Baumann & Co. McKinsey Switzerland Mercedes-Benz Automobil AG Metall Zug Microsoft Schweiz Die Mobiliar Mobimo Mövenpick Group Müller-Möhl Group Nestlé Notenstein LaRoche Privatbank Novartis International Oettinger Davidoff Orascom Development Holding Philip Morris PricewaterhouseCoopers PSP Swiss Property Reichmuth & Co. Rehau VZ AG René Faigle AG Schellenberg Wittmer Securitas Selecta Sika Six Group SPS Swiss Prime Site Steiner AG Straumann Holding Sulzer Swisscom Swisslog Swiss International Air Lines Swiss Life Swiss Re TAW Holding UBS upc cablecom Vaudoise Assurances Vetropack VZ Holding Wirz Gruppe Ypsomed Zurich Insurance Group Avenir Suisse Thinkers and doers Team 60 Avenir Suisse Activity report 201561 Team The Director, together with a team of 15 to 20 employees (in fulltime equivalents), is responsible for implementing the Foundation’s goals in the form of concrete projects and communication work. A considerable number of the permanent employees on the team work part-time. Avenir Suisse also draws on the support of external freelancers or employees on temporary contracts, particularly in areas such as communication, production and project consultancy. The following overview includes all members of the team, regardless of whether their level of employment is 10 % or 100 % , or whether their position is permanent or temporary. Carmen Sopi joined the team during the reporting period and has been serving as Production Manager for all publications since February. The team received an additional boost in November with the addition of Patrick Dümmler. He was appointed to replace Urs Meister, who left Avenir Suisse in September following many years of service. Project and Team Assistance Nermin Ademi, stud. (from September) Rafaela Catena, stud. (from September) Alexandra Christen, B. A. (until September) Sibylle Egloff, M. A. (until October) Justine Eggenberger, stud. Rahel Hediger, M. A. Simon Hurst, M. A. (until March) Kevin Kienast, M. A. (from April) Julia Lehmann, stud. (from September) Michael Mandl, M. A. (until March) Anna Panzeri, B. A. Cyrille Planner, B. A. (until December) Natanael Rother, M. A. (from February) Tobias Schlegel, M. A. Simona Schmid, B. A. (from June) Stephanie Tauber Gomez, stud. (until July) Salomè Vogt, B. A. (from May) Fabio Wüst, stud. 62 Administration, Communication and Production Clément Bourdin, B. A., Geneva branch (from August) Nadine Jäger, Dipl. Kult. Simone Hofer, lic. rer. pol. Medard Meier, lic. rer. pol. Hugo Moret, B. A., Geneva branch (until July) Jörg Naumann, Dr. oec. publ. (until May) Nicole Pomezny, M. A., Geneva branch Gesine Schuchert, M. A. Carmen Sopi (from February) Urs Steiner, Dr. phil. (from November) Directors and Management Gerhard Schwarz, Dr. oec., Director Tibère Adler, M. A. and MBA, Director Geneva branch Jérôme Cosandey, Dr. sc. techn. Patrick Dümmler, Dr. sc. ETH (from November) Urs Meister, Dr. oec. publ. (until September) Andreas Müller, lic. phil. and MAES, Vice Director Daniel Müller-Jentsch, Dr. phil. Verena Parzer Epp, Dr. oec. Lukas Rühli, lic. oec. publ. Samuel Rutz, Dr. oec. publ. Marco Salvi, Dr. ès sc. Patrik Schellenbauer, Dr. oec. publ. Susanne Stortz, lic. iur. and MAS, Management Support Foundation Dominique Zaugg, lic. phil. I and MAS, Chief of Staff Project Consultancy Alois Bischofberger, lic. oec. publ., Senior Economist Peter Buomberger, Dr. rer. pol., Senior Economist Dominik Hauri, lic. rer. pol. (from July) Rudolf Walser, Dr. oec., Senior Economist Avenir Suisse Income and expenditure Finances Supported by many sponsors Founded by the largest Swiss groups of companies, Avenir Suisse can today rely on the support of many SMEs, private sponsors and foundations. Donations since 2005 by size of donation Donations of more than 250,000 Swiss francs (34 %) Donations of less than 150,000 Swiss francs (43 %) Donations between 150,000 and 250,000 Swiss francs (23 %) Donations pledged or received since the Support Foundation was set up in 2005 amount to a total of 52.5 million Swiss francs. Donations of more than 150,000 Swiss francs account for more than half of the total amount. The economy represented in its entirety The Avenir Suisse Support Group reflects the full diversity of the Swiss economy. Industry, with a good third, is the most strongly represented. In addition, our Think Tank was supported with substantial donations from private individuals, foundations and family offices. Sponsors by sectors Foundations, family offices (12 %) Banks, insurance companies ( 17 %) Private individuals ( 9 %) Financial services, consulting (14 %) Industry, production, trade (23 %) Education, health, communication (6 %) Construction industry, real estate ( 9 %) Public utilities, transport, IT ( 10 %) Avenir Suisse was supported by 129 sponsors in 2015. 64 Avenir Suisse Distribution of costs In the reporting year, total expenditure came to 5.31 million Swiss francs. The increase in overhead expenses is due to upgrades in working infrastructure (IT, servers, etc.). Projects: books, avenir debatte, avenir standpunkte Communication: Avenir Online, events Overhead costs: administration, infrastructure, office spaces, amortisations 2015 59 % 30 % 11% 2014 27 % 11% 62 % Personnel costs The rise in personnel costs (2015: 3.4 million Swiss francs) reflects the fundamental decision to produce more studies in-house and develop our communication work. Directors and project managers Project consultancy Administration, production and communication Project and team assistance 2015 55 % 6% 28 % 11 % 2014 59% 4.5 % 26.5 % 10 % Activity report 201565 List of sources Pages 4/5 Reuters, Arnd Wiegmann Pages 6/7 Keystone, Urs Flüeler Pages 8/9 Keystone, Laurent Dubrule Pages 20/24/26/36 Avenir Suisse Page 21 TeleTop Pages 22/28/35 SRF Page 23 Luly Glez Page 25 ESPRIX Excellence Suisse Page 25 Philipp Zinniker Page 30 Neue Zürcher Zeitung Page 31 uvision AG, CH-Saas Fee/Zurich Page 33 Higher Creation Page 34 ASCO Switzerland Page 35 RTS Page 36 Olivier Evard Page 38 IHZ , Ben Huggler Page 41 RED 2015 Page 41 EPFL/Swiss Post Page 42 Basel Economic Forum 2015 Page 42 Lumière Noire Page 51 PwC Switzerland Page 52 Mirabaud Group Page 55 BKW Page 57 Guenter Bolzern Pages 60/61 Pia Grimbühler