Human Language Technology Research and the Development of


Human Language Technology Research and the Development of


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Towards merging common and technical lexicon wordnets

Towards merging common and technical lexicon wordnets 2.1 Lexical-conceptual relations and network density WordNet.PT and LexTec are lexical-conceptual databases built within the same theoretical framework, using the same set of relations (exceptions ...

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PAPEL: a dictionary-based lexical ontology for Portuguese

PAPEL: a dictionary-based lexical ontology for Portuguese the 1970’s, with the work of Nicoletta Calzolari [6] [7]. Definitions were explored in order to organize the dictionary into a lexical database where morphological and semantic information about th...

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PrepNet.Br: a Semantic Network for Prepositions

PrepNet.Br: a Semantic Network for Prepositions relevance to the linguistic description of the class of prepositions as well as to Natural Language Processing resource-building. The construction of this network also brings a linguistic analysis ...

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on the estimation of survival time of cardio

on the estimation of survival time of cardio phenomenon. Only at the end of seventeenth century, did Portugal feel the need for a methodical learning of foreign languages and for didactic tools with a marked lexical component, in which we inc...

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Porlex - meta

Porlex - meta Vilela (1995). Lexical entries, grammatical and morphological classification, syllabication, phonetic transcription and frequency information ≈5%( of the lexical entries, imported from the Fundamen...

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