Hans Keller
Hans Keller
Hans Keller handlist of letters from internment For an account of Keller’s time in internment, see A. M. Garnham Hans Keller and Internment. London, Plumbago Books, 2011. The book contains translations of the majority of the letters Keller wrote from internment camps – most of them his mother Grete Keller. All letters marked with an asterisk are FROM Keller. 20 Jun 1940. MS, postcard. “We are at Kempton Park Internment Camp and all well.” From Huyton Camp 33 items, the majority letter forms from Keller to his mother Grete, with 10 telegrams/telegram drafts. 5 Jul 1940. MS, letter form. “Roy and Mowgli [Keller’s sister Gertrude], as British subjects, are permitted to visit me and uncle Hans provided that they obtain the permission from the Home Office.” [date illegible]. Telegram. “Am at same address love = Hans AIC Huyton” FROM Grete Keller: [undated]. Draft of telegram. “No news since your telegram wire how you are…” 13 Jul 1940. MS, in German. “Ich hatte mit Paket und Koffer, heute erhalten, grosse Freude.” Asking for supplies of foodstuffs and considering options for applying for release. FROM Grete Keller: [undated]. Draft of telegram. “Please wire whether any change of address…” FROM Grete Keller: [undated]. Draft of telegram on reverse of above item. “Do not want you to go to Australia…” 17 Jul 1940. MS, 2pp. In German. “Ich nehme an, dass dich ein ausführlichen Brief interessiert wird...” Details of the options for voluntary deportation; the conditions in the camp; food parcels needed. [Note: this is the only standard letter in the collection. Likely that Keller was able to persuade a visitor to smuggle it out]. 18 Jul 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “soeben erhielt ich Dein Telegramm.” Advising his mother of points to mention in his application for release. 20 Jul 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “das folgende statement wurde heute hier verlautbart:…” preparing an appeal for release. 24 Jul 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “soeben Deinen Brief erhalten (vom 10 Juli). Geld noch nicht erhalten, wird wahrscheinlich Bald eintreffen.” Requests for violin strings, more food and on a short exercise walk outside the camp. 27 Jul 1940. MS, letter form. “please don’t hesitate to inquire about a visa (immigration) to Shanghai for me and uncle Hans. 29 Jul 1940. Telegram. “Am quite all right received money books music violin food don’t worry”. 3 Aug 1940. MS, letter form. “you will have read in the White Paper that your illness is a ground upon which I can be released.” Asks what his mother thinks of him volunteering to emigrate to Shanghai as an option for release. 1 7 Aug 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “am 5 erheilt ich das Paket mit dem Kocher, am 6 Saiten, Noten (Bach, Rode)…” On various food parcels received and concerts he will play in coming up. 10 Aug 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “also so gut gegessen hab ich noch nie in meinem Leben, diese Torte…” Asking for a medicine kit; playing quartets daily; reassuring his mother that conditions are not that bad. 15 Aug [1940]. MS. Draft of telegram from Grete Keller to Hans Grotte. “Wire your and Hans Bl. House registration no. and whether I shall send canvas campbed or springbed.” 15 Aug 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “habe erhalten: am 12. Deine Briefe vom 3 and 6., am 14 Deine Karte wegen Bett (bitte um canvas camp bed)…” Concerning the various food parcels which he has received. 17 Aug 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “ich erhielt am 15 Deinen Brief vom 10. Bratsche spielen 3 Herren abwechselnd…” On the viola players in the quartet: on the quality of his bed. 17 Aug 1940. Telegram. “Uncle Hans number A5877 my number see my registration book in my documents…” 21 Aug 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “habe gestern Deinen Brief vom 15 und Paket mit Gurkeek erhalten…” Oskar Adler now released along with others. 21 Aug 1940. Telegram. “Wire whether alright…” [in response to the beginning of the Blitz in London]. 24 Aug 1940. MS, telegram draft from Paula Kompfner to Hans Grotte. “No news since 5 August your sister and I very worried…” 24 Aug 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “das Bett ist da! Gestern, während ich Quartettprobe habe…” On the new bed. 27 Aug 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “heute erst habe ich Deinen durch’s Home Office gesandten Brief vom 11 erhalten.” Asking how they manage in the air raids; on quartet recital. 31 Aug 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “hatte eben Rücksprache mit Grieg der mir erzählte, Du seist noch immer aufgeregt…” Reassuring his mother; asking for his dark bow; is his mother practising? 4 Sep 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “von Zoepnek erfahre ich dass du schon gehöstet und nocht mehr so besongt bist…” on ways of using his position in the camp to support a release application. 10 Sep 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “Paket mit herzlichen Hausschulen und noch herrlicher Torte habe ich erhalten.” On the Internmnet Art Exhibition. 13 Sep 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “Kannst Du uns 2Klappsessel und den Klapptisch von dem Du uns schon geschrieben hast, schicken?” asking for an electric stove; instructions to Inge on how to approach 2nd and 4th positions on the violin. 17 Sep 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “Tisch und Sessel habe Ich ernen Tag nachdem ich darum geschrieben, erhalten.” Applying to the Camp Entertainment Committee for payment for playing; on a recent concert; on the effect of the Blitz on his family. 2 20 Sep 1940. MS, letter form. To Roy Franey. “…The close air-raid experience must have been rather exciting. As to our air-raids, we have, of course, much less to suffer than you.” 22 Sep 1940. Telegram. “Wire state of health love Hans.” 27 Sep 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “ mein letzte Brief [?] gang an Eden, der Musical Entertainment Organiser…” on releases still going on; now only two sharing the room. 1 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “habe deine Karte v.24 u. das 4. Sept. paket erhalten.” Preparing for winter in the house. 4 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “habe erhalten: Kalppsessel mit Armlehne, Kocher, sämtliche Cowling System Kurse [hand-strengthening exercises for musians], Pyjama, 2 Jewish Chronicle…” being transported to the Isle of Man the next week. 8 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “Ich schreibe vor unserer morgen erfolgenden Transferierung nach der Isle of Man…” packing for the transfer to the Isle of Man. 8 Oct 1940. Postcard pro-forma indicating Keller’s transfer to the Isle of Man From the Isle of Man Keller and his Uncle Hans Grotte left Huyton on 9th October 1940, transferring to Mooragh Camp in Ramsey on the Isle of Man. 44 letters, 1 telegram 10 Oct 1940. Postcard pro-forma indicating Keller’s transfer to the Isle of Man [see 8 Oct 1940 also]. 10 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “…also glücklich wieder in einem andern Camp. Reise was etwas ungemütlich, da sea “very rough”… describing the sea crossing to the Isle of Man. 13 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “bitte schick all die Dinge, die wir von Huyton aus bestallt haben, hierher…” requesting various items as luggage not yet arrived. 14 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “..bitte um Saccarin, bitte schreib uns, ob wir den neuen Kocher…” reacting to the news that his mother has moved [out of London to escape the Blitz]. 18 Oct 1940. MS. Telegram form. Informing of Keller’s new address at Mooragh Camp in Ramsey. [unclear who sent the telegram] 20 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. To Ena Franey (his niece). “Dear little Ena, I was very pleased with your letter indeed, and I thank you very much for it. Would you please tell Mutti that I received her parcel of October 1st.” 24 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “ich habe Roys Brief, Gertrud Marle’s Brief, und Mowgli’s Briefe….” Advising his mother on what she should do to progress an Artist application for release. 27 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “habe erhalten: 1 Paket durch Inge, Deinen und Mowgli’s Brief vom 19, das Telegramm. Glad that the family had moved away from London [to Bowness-on-Windermere] following an incident with an unexploded bomb near their homes. 3 30 Oct 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “ich habe vergessen, mich für die hervorragend wärmenden, unersetzlichen…Handschuhe…” More on his Artist application and playing opportunities in the camp. 6 Nov 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “ich war über-überglücklich mit Dernen beiden ausfühlichen Briefen von 29…” Relieved that they are now away from London. 9 Nov 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “da wir mus Frühstück und Jause selbst kochen, brauchen wir wieder Kaffee, Kakao und Jam...“ asking for a hat and socks; on eating in the Kosher way. 15 Nov 1940. MS, letter form. “bitte benachnichtge mich gleich, soblad meine application abgelehent ist...” On his application for release, rehearsing string quartets and electing a new camp supervisor. 16 Nov 1940. MS, letter form. “ich habe deinen Brief von 7. Nov. erhalten. Ich jhatte die Ablehnung der application als vollkommen…” Had expected refusal of his application for release; outline of a typical day; has enlisted with the Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps and awaiting medical examination. 19 Nov 1940. MS, letter form. In German. To Inge Kompfner. “bitte richte Mutti aus, ich hätte ohren Brief von 12 erhalten und sei unaussprechlich gerübst über alles war für mich gelau wird.” Possible he will be rejected by the AMPC as his goitre has got worse. 21 Nov 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “also: Du weisst, ich hatte meinen Beitritt zum A.M.P.C. vollgogen. Heute was Musterung, bei welche ich on medical grounds rejected…” Rejected for the AMPC on medical grounds, hoping it will now be easier to get release anyway. 24 Nov 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “Deinen brief vom 17. Habe ich erhalten…” persuing a further application for release. 28 Nov 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “ich habe erhalten: dein Paket mit Gummflasche…” More on possible release and on Herbert Morrison’s statement of 26 November in the House of Commons concerning the addition of a further category of internees who might apply for release into which Keller would fit. 1 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “Du must von nun an wieder Porto bezahlen, das “free of charge” gilt nur für letters from internment…” His mother will need now to pay postage for her letters to him; more on approach to getting an application for release submitted. 5 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “also, Onkel Hans fährt morgen früh ab; Gott sei dank endlich einmal ein freudiges Ereignis…” His Uncle Hans has been released, requesting more food and other supplies, will give a farewell concert with pianist Rauter who is also leaving. Moving to No.14. 9 Dec 1940. MS, letter form, In German. “ich schreibe … aus dem wunderschönen Living-Room des Hauses 14, wo ich ab heute wohne.” Moved to No. 14, describing new routines there. 11 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “also ich bin in ausgesprochenen Geldsorgen…” needs more money, explains how it is being spent, asking after Uncle Hans. 4 13 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “soeben Deinen Brief vom 8. Erhalten; ich bon immer sehr glücklich wen nein Brief kommt und so unendlich dankbar für das…” mostly concerning approach to a further application for release on medical grounds. 17 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “vorestern wurde hier folgender Mitteilung amtlich augeschlagen…” setting out the official notice of an additional category for grounds on which to appeal for release [known as Paragraph 23]. Rudi Kompfner released. 19 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “habe Deinen Brief vom 11. Mit Beilagen und Pfund, ein Paket…” Concerning the need for a letter of recommendation from Roy Franey in support of his application for release under Paragraph 23. 20 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “ich bat in meinen letzten Brief um einem Brief Roys…” continued Paragraph 23 release matters. 23 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “ich habe heute meine Applikation unter der dem White Paper hinzugefägten….” Continued Paragraph 23 release matters. 26 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. “Deinen Brief von 18. Erhalten…” continued Paragraph 23 matters. 31 Dec 1940. MS, letter form. In German. To Hans Grotte. “Ich danke Dir vielmals sowohl für Deinen ausfuhrlichen…Brief…” Telling Uncle Hans about his life at no.14, and release process. 2 Jan 1941. MS. Letter form. In German. “habe erhalten: Roys Telegram, registered Brief mit Roys Einlagen, herrliches Paket mit Torte, Saikn, Deinen Briefe vom 25…” On the progress of his release application; a horoscope which Oskar Adler had prepared for him; his beard. 8 Jan 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “ich verges, Inge sehr, sehr, für ehre Beilage im letzten Paket gedanken.” On Peter Gellhorn; some time to wait before Category 23 internees will be released; requesting a further letter of recommendation. 14 Jan 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “ich werde höchstwahrscheinlich am Kommenden Montg dem obersten engl. Arzt (Colonel)…”. Hoping to see the top English Doctor that Monday; more on the Catergory 23 release process; resigned leadership of the quartet as others no good. 20 Jan 1941. MS, letter form. In German. To Paula Kompfner {his aunt]. “ich muss Dir doch einmal mitteilen dass die weitaus erfenlichsten Camp-Ereignisse für mich die jeweiligen Torten sind.” On the delicious cakes he is sent; visits to the Camp dentist; Gellhorn’s release. 30 Jan 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “Dein Paket mit Krawatte, Hut, herzlichen Eiern, wunderbarem…” 1 Feb 1941. MS, letter form. In German. To Gertrude ‘Mowgli’ Franey [his sister]. “vielen Dank für Deinem Schwesternbriefe v 25, den ich heute erheilt.” Relates the saga of trying to send tins to his mother. 2 Feb 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “ich habe gestern Inges Brief v. 22. – 23 erhalten n. mich ganz besonders damit gefreut.” Advice to his cousin Inge on playing the violin; hoping to see the HQ doctor the next week. 5 8 Feb 194. MS, letter form. In German. “danke vielmals für das Paket vom 5. Mit den vielenguten Sachen.” Now heard that his medical report has been confirmed, hoping paperwork for release will soon be organised. 12 Feb 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “Deinen Brief vom 24. I. habe ich heute erhalten. Confirming his medical report has been sent to the Home Office. 17 Feb 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “ich habe mir gedacht, ob es nicht gut wahr, mir meinen grauen Alltagsanzug zu schicken…” 21 Feb 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “der Honig aus dem letzten Paket ist ausgezeichnet, ist mir viel lieber als Sandwich Spread…” slow progress on medical case releases; advice to his mother on playing in an orchestra; looking forward to being sent sardines. 23 Feb 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “diese Bücklingspaste ist sehr gutes, es will schon was herein, wenn sie mir schmeckt…” 3 Mar 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “es hat schon wieder ein, zwei medical releases gegeben.” His medical release case has been re-examined and put forward as urgent; advice on playing the Haydn G minor quartet [op.74 no.3]. 4 Mar 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “Herrlich sind diese langen Briefe so wie deiner vom 25., den ich gestern erheilt.” On works his mother was playing at the time; a recital he had given; letters from Liane and Muni. 11 Mar 1941. MS, letter form. In German. Keller’s 22nd birthday. “ich liege mit einer leichen ‘Flu zu Bett.” In bed with flu and writing lying down; birthday presents received. 13 Mar 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “also, ich bin schon wieder gesund u. Schreiber deshalb heute schon wieder…” Now recovered; on a forthcoming recital by the folk singer Engel Lund; on watching Chaplin’s film [The Great Dictator]; on practising. 19 Mar 1941. MS, letter form. In German. “also was ich da in der letzten Woche von Euch alles bekommen habe.” On parcels he has received recently; asking for regular supplies of cigarettes; 20th March release authorised. “I shall of course telegraph you as soon as I know when I am sailing…” Also in file: three letters from Rudi Kompfner, all in German and on letter forms, written in pencil, from 1, Central Promenade Camp, Douglas, Isle of Man. 27 Oct 1940; 15 Nov 1940; 8 Dec 1940. 6