JIA 106 (1979) 331-332
JIA 106 (1979) 331-332
JIA 106 (1979) 331-332 NOTES ON OTHER ACTUARIAL JOURNALS BY J. HAMILTON-JONES, M.A., F.I.A., F. W. ESCHRICH, F.I.A. AND GERMANY Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaftfür Versicherung smathematik 14, 1979 TRÖBLIGER, A. Konstruktion einer normierten Schadentafel fürdie Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung fürPkw. (Construction of a normalized claims table forthird partymotor insurance for private cars.) A detailed investigation based on German data for 1974–76. HEILMANN, W.-R. Die Bestimmung des Umfangs einerGrundgesamtheitmit Hilfe desLückenschätzers. (Determination of the size of a population with the ‘gapestimator’.) RÖBBERT, M. Anwendungdes Bernoulli-Prinzipsauf spezielleLebensversicherungsbestände.Examines the usefulness of the extended Bernoulli Principle, developed by Reichel in Blätter 11, 77, for practical applications and concludes that it may be of use in dealing with general life assurance portfolios. PIRROW,E. Trendschwankungen in der zeitlichen Entwicklung der Sterblichkeit. Investigates the connexion between the ‘individual mortalities’ of the members of a group and the overall group mortality and the use that can be made of this in forecasting the development of the group mortality. LAUX,H. Bemerkungenzu den Vertragsfortsetzungenim Bauspargeschäft.Continues the examination of the effect on the waiting period of the savers in Savings Banks for Building Purposes not taking up their allocations. LAUX.H. Untersuchungen zur Sparintensität im deutschen Bausparen. (Investigation of the savings intensity in the German Savings Systemfor Building Purposes.) HELBIG. M. Der Ertragswert als Kriterium für den Nachweisder Finanzierbarkeit der Überschussbeteiligung. Extends the investigation of profit values of individual policies (Blätter 13, 309) to portfolios. STORCK, H. Zur Beurteilung van Gewinnbeteiligungenin der Lebensversicherung.Concerns it selfwith the problem of judging the relative soundness of the assumptions underlying bonus forecasts made by different life assurers. KAKIES,P. Einige Anmerkungen zu der Aufgabe, die Finanzierbarkeit von Überschussanteilen zu berechnen. Defines the ‘financeability’ of a bonus system and shows how this can be tested with the help of actuarial bases approximating to expected experience and analyses of actual experience. GOSE,G. Finanzierung nach Rechnung slegung oder Bilanzen zweiterOrdnung. Compares the pros and cons of two current methods of checking the financial soundness of a proposed bonus system. 331 332 Notes On Other Actuarial Journals ITALY Giornale dell’lstituto Italiano degli Attuari 39, 1976 COPPINI.M. A. Per una 'Appellation contröllée’in materia di fondi pensione: il principio di garanzia. Suggeststhat a suitable measure for control of pension funds is the ‘guarantee level’.This is the ratio whose numerator is the reserve for pensions in payment plus the retrospective reserve for active members on the basis of the mean premium in force. The denominator is the same sum but is based on the individual premiums. DI LAZZARO, M. Realizzazione di un comando in tempo minimo e sua applicazione in problemi di equilibrio finanziario.(Establishment of a control system in minimum time and its application to problems of financing debt.) DI LORENZO, A. Un teoremagenerale sulle frrnziotricaratteristiche di distribuzioni multiple di probabilità. (A general theoremon characteristicfunctions of multiple probability distributions.) PIETROBONO, F. Proposta diuna nuovanotazioneattuariale internazionale. (Proposal for anew actuarial notation.) SPAL.LUCCI, R. Un metododi calcolodegli indici di redistribuzionedel reddito nei processiassicurativi di lunga durata ed in particolare neifondi pensione.(A method of calculating of indices of redistribution of income in long-term assurance and in particular pension .funds.) VANNUCCI, L. L’utilizzo della teoria dei giochi per ottenere limitazioni per il valore ottimale di certe classi di problemi di programmazione lineare parametrica. (The use of games theory to calculate limitsfor the optimum value of certain classesof problems in parametric linear programming.) SWITZERLAND Mitteilungen der VereinigungschweizerisrherVersicherung smathematiker 78, 1978 CHABLE, D. Théorie desjeux et diversificationdesportefeuilles d’investissements.(Games Theoryand the diversificationof investmentportfolios.) CHUARD,P. Modéle pratique et modéle rationnel pour actifs et invalides. Compares traditional actuarial pensionfund methods with an alternative allowing for rehabilitation following disablement. LUTHY,H. Ein einfaches Modellfür das Obligatorium der beruflichen Vorsorge (Modell mit ‘MiniPool’). Calculates ‘solidarity contributions’ for the planned Swiss obligatory occupational pension scheme to reduce the initial contributions for enterprises with a high proportion of persons of advanced age and the level of this reduction for small and medium sized enterprises. BERGER, G. A ComputerAlgorithmfor the Cumul Model. The cumul model is based on Tellenbach’s paper in Mitteilungen 77. STEINER, H. Negatives Deckungskapiral bei autonomen Pensionskassen: Behandlung in der versicherungsmathematischenBilanz und bei der Bemessungvon Abfindungswerten.(Negative reserves in independent pension funds: their treatment in the actuarial balance sheet andthe in determination of surrender values.) AMSLER, M. L’équationgénérale d’équilibredim risque collectif:Proposes an equation connecting the parameters of the risks in the portfolio with the securitiesprotecting it from the ruin situation. If the total amount of the claims per year is a gamma variable, the equation takes a very simple for which allows one of the risk or security parameters to be expressedas a function of the others. DEVYLDER, F. Estimation of IBNR Claims by Least Squares.