Catholic Family Centre St. Franziskus-Xaverius - Düsseldorf


Catholic Family Centre St. Franziskus-Xaverius - Düsseldorf
Group Meetings
Photography: Michael Renk
Catholic Family Centre
St. Franziskus-Xaverius
Kath. Kirchengemeinde St. Franziskus-Xaverius
Mörsenbroicher Weg 4
40470 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 02 11 / 610 193-0
Fax: 02 11 / 610 193-23
Thomas Selg, Priest
Catholic Family Centre
St. Franziskus-Xaverius
Kath. Familienzentrum St. Franziskus-Xaverius
Director: Lucia Harren-Renk
Asst. Director / Coordinator of the Family Centre
Ursula Over
Mörsenbroicher Weg 8
40470 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 02 11 / 610 193-30
Fax: 02 11 / 62 08 73
E-Mail: [email protected]
Kath. Familienzentrum St. Josef
Director: Dorothee Dückers
Rather Markt 2a
40472 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 02 11 / 65 24 44 Fax: 02 11 / 17 141 61
E-Mail: [email protected]
Rather Familienzentrum
Director: Angelika Rustler
Asst. Director: Bianca Themann
Herner-Straße 10
40472 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 02 11 / 65 38 54
Fax: 02 11 / 904 73 94
E-Mail: [email protected]
Cooperation Partners
Caritasverband Düsseldorf – Erziehungs- und Lebensberatung
ASG Bildungsforum
Stadt Düsseldorf (i-punkt Familie)
among others
Serving Life –
Fostering Family Growth
Catholic Family Centre St. Franziskus-Xaverius
Family Education
Each person has a God-given right to a fulfilled life.
He proclaims this in the Gospel and thus it is anchored in
our basic constitution.
Families, with their varying compositions, are exposed to
ever-increasing demands: they must plan, organize and
maintain a fulfilled life for their children.
To this end, they require a social infrastructure which
supports them and give them strength.
At the Catholic Center, we offer a place where all family
members can learn through opportunities of consultation,
education, group meetings and supervision.
Our work is supported by our faith and shapes our behavior towards the children and their families. In addition to
the religious emphasis – the fostering of faith – we stress
the following core aspects for the families of our social
Offers surrounding the birth
Playgroups / Parent-child groups
Family workshops / Arts and handicrafts
Courses for parents / Accompanying parental work
Specific theme-oriented presentations, offers and information for adults
Inter-cultural learning opportunities
Information surrounding the theme of child daycare
Courses for family members involved with child care
Further education opportunities for adolescents
Early Childhood Education
Religious education
Health / Motoric activities
Speech development / Speech therapy
Role plays / Design
Nature / Cultural environment
Social competencies
Marriage, family, life counseling
Social counseling
Acute help for everyday situations
Parent information center
Open consultation hours
Group Meetings
in the Family Center and Community
• Cross-generation offers
• Senior citizen club / Senior citizen café
• Spiritual guidance consultation
• Sacramental catechesis
• Bible groups
• Church music groups
• Religious and spiritual offers
• Parent café
• Leisure time / Holiday opportunities
• Development guidance and partnership
• Educational and leisure time opportunities
• Compatibility of occupation and family
Supervision, Making Occupation
and Family Compatible
Convenient opening hours
Flexible supervision
Mediation of daycare opportunities
Supervision in emergency situations
Accommodations in nearby Catholic facilities during closed hours