A|EJAC - Escolas Dr. João de Araújo Correia
A|EJAC - Escolas Dr. João de Araújo Correia
Escolas|João de Araújo Correia ORGANIZAÇÃO DO ANO LETIVO 15´16 GESTÃO CURRICULAR DISCIPLINA: INGLÊS ANO: 7º DEPARTAMENTO DE LÍNGUAS 1º PERÍODO ------------------------------------ 40 tempos CONTEÚDOS TEMÁTICOS Unit 0 Warm Up - The United Kingdom and Great Britain - The UK cities - The USA: states and capitals - The European Union - Countries and nationalities - Personal information Unit 1 About myself - Identity - Family and pets - People’s appearance and personality Unit 2 Hobbies and Sports CONTEÚDOS GRAMATICAIS Question-words Verbs: to be, have (got) Present Simple Pronouns: 1 personal and possessive reflexive pronouns Connectors: and, also, too, as well, but, however Verbs: Past Simple: to be, there to be - Hobbies/ sports Past simple: regular verbs Past simple: irregular verbs 2º PERÍODO ------------------------------------- 33 tempos CONTEÚDOS TEMÁTICOS Unit 3 School and Friends - School subjects - Time - Bullying CONTEÚDOS GRAMATICAIS Unit 4 My Life, my Home - Types of houses - Furniture - Daily routine Prepositions: adjective + preposition Verbs: Modal verbs Connectors: since, so Adjectives: - the comparative Phrasal verbs: - look after, fill in Word formation: compound nouns Adjectives: the superlative A|EJAC Av. Sacadura Cabral | Godim | 5050-071 Peso da Régua Telefone: 254 320 720 | 254 322 262 E-mail geral: [email protected] E-mail oficial: [email protected] Web: www.escolasjoaodearaujocorreia.com 3º PERÍODO ------------------------------------- 30 tempos CONTEÚDOS TEMÁTICOS Unit 5 Shopping around town - Shops and leisure facilities - Shopping - Restaurant Unit 6 Around town CONTEÚDOS GRAMATICAIS Connectors: when, while Verbs: Past Simple and past Continuous Pronouns: indefinite pronouns Verbs: - future forms - Public facilities - Giving directions - Public signs Prepositions: prepositions of movement Word formation: prefixes and suffixes 2 NOTA: Passível de alteração cronológica A|EJAC Av. Sacadura Cabral | Godim | 5050-071 Peso da Régua Telefone: 254 320 720 | 254 322 262 E-mail geral: [email protected] E-mail oficial: [email protected] Web: www.escolasjoaodearaujocorreia.com
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