Tourism Management and Environment in Brazil
Tourism Management and Environment in Brazil
Tourism Management and Environment in Brazil Language of Instruction: English 3 local credits Overview 1. Discipline TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENT IN BRAZIL Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina 2. LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION – The course is offered in English. 3. CONTACT HOURS – 45 hours 4. AUDIENCE – The course allows students from different groups to join the room. 5. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES – There are no pre-requisites for the course. 6. GENERAL COURSE DESCRIPTION – Concepts of tourism and environment. Brazilian environmental legislation compared to other countries. Brazilian geographical regions. Natural tourist attractions throughout Brazil. Types of natural landscape that permits tourist activities. Mapping of natural patrimony of the Santa Catarina region. Sustainability of the natural patrimony in the tourism activity. Brazilian practical cases. 7. OBJECTIVES – Enable the student to understand the natural and patrimonial Brazilian landscape and its relation to tourism development. 8. REQUIRED READINGS and/or TEXT(S) For every field work it will be handed a specific guide that contains all the information regarding the forthcoming event. In this sense, reading, observing the environment, taking notes and group discussions will be required during these field works or suggested as advisedly to reach the course aim. Articles, thesis, textbooks and different textbooks chapters are provided to students as a rule. 9. CONTENTS - Our grading will consist of several activities concerning to practical works, seminars and an article production, participation and interaction in the classroom and written tests, among others. Tourism and Environment in Brazil To know about the Brazilian Tourism Industry A "journey" through the tourism industry and development in Brazil "Costa da Lagoa" trekking and 06 30/03 Visit to a tourism swimming attraction in Florianópolis Visit to "Peabiru Path" and Praia do Pinheira Visit neighboring county (Palhoça) Brazilian Geographic Regions Political division of the 5 Brazilian regions (States and Capitals) Learning of Natural Partitioning of Santa Catarina Diversity of the natural patrimony found in Santa Catarina State Visit Lagoa do Peri/ Armação/Ribeirão da Ilha & Ostradamus Southern Part of the Island Understanding Brazilian Environmental Policies Selected issues of Brazilian environmental policies Visit to São Francisco do Sul, Baía da Babitonga and Joinville Visit to the most ancient city of Santa Catarina Types of natural landscape that permits tourist activities. Presenting the list of Federal Parks and Reserves in Brazilian territory. Visit to the city of Ibirama for a rafting experience A full rafting experience on the Itajaí River 10. EVALUATION To be approved, the student must have a minimum of 70% of improvement and a minimum of 75% frequency in the classes. The approval is conditioned to the performance expected in the following: a) programmed situation on previous reading and class discussions; b) programmed situation on reading and writing during field work; c) programmed situation on exposition and interpretation of field work experiences and the capacity texts and debates; There will be three evaluations (Written essays always related to the content given during regular lectures and also linked to the field work observations and learning). 11. ATTENDANCE POLICY 11.1 To be approved, the student must have a minimum of 70% of improvement and 75% of class frequency. 11.2 The student cannot be absent on up to 25% of classes. In case of injury or sickness the absence of the student will not count if he presents a medical certificate. In this context, the classroom assignments shall be sent via e-mail to him. .When the student joins back his group, the professor is instructed to pay extra attention to him/her in the process of catching up with the class. 11.3 Possibility of dropping or adding classes Spring& Fall / Extensive -The students have the first week to attend all the classes they are already signed up in, and also the ones they might want to add. Then by the beginning of the second week of classes (Monday) they should have their final decision. 12. REFERENCES ANSARAH, M. G. dos Reis (organizadora). Turismo. Como aprender como ensinar, 2. São Paulo: Ed. Senac, 2001. BARRETTO, M. Manual de iniciação ao estudo do turismo. Campinas: Ed. Papirus,1995. ELY, A. Economia do meio ambiente: uma apreciação introdutória interdisciplinar a poluição, ecologia e qualidade ambiental. Porto Alegre: Fundação da Economia e Estatística, 1986. LEMOS, A. G. de (organizador). Turismo: impactos socioambientais. São Paulo: Ed.Hucitec, 1999. LICKORISH, J.L. e JENKINS, C. L. Introdução ao turismo. Rio de Janeiro: Campus,2000. OURIQUES, H. R. Turismo em Florianópolis: Uma crítica a "indústria pós moderna". Florianópolis: Ed. UFSC, 1998. PIRES, M. J. Raízes do turismo no Brasil. São Paulo: Manole, 2001. PIRES, P dos S. Turismo e Ecologia: apostila de graduação. Balneário Camboriú:UNIVALI, 1999. RUSCHMAN, D. V. de M. Turismo e Planejamento Sustentável: A proteção do meio ambiente. 3a. ed., Campinas: Papirus, 1999. SANTOS, S. C. dos (organizador). Santa Catarina no Século XX: ensaios e memória fotográfica. Florianópolis: Ed. da UFSC, 2000. SEMAN - Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo. Conceitos para se fazer educação ambiental. São Paulo: A Secretaria, 1994. SOUZA, A. M. CORRÊA, M. V. M.. Turismo: Conceitos, Definições e Siglas. 2a. Ed.rev., Manaus: Ed. Valer, 2000. TRIGO, L. G. G. Turismo e Qualidade: tendências contemporâneas. Campinas: Ed.Papirus, 1996. UNESCO, Educação para um futuro sustentável: uma visão transdisciplinar paraações compartilhadas. Brasília: Ed. Ibama, *Course content subject to change