ICLA 2016 - Panels


ICLA 2016 - Panels
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
ICLA 2016 - Panels
Abai, Andia ............................... 29
Abdelmajid, Azouine ............... 97
Abramo, Federica Claudia ...... 89
Absalyamova, Elina ................. 41
Achilli, Alessandro ................... 51
Ackermann-Pojtinger, Kathrin 85
Adam, Jean-Michel .................. 56
Adler, Anthony ......................... 59
Agamennoni, Francesca ......... 47
Agarwal, Supriya ..................... 55
Aistleitner, Judith .................... 31
Albrecht, Monika ..................... 13
Albrecht, Tim ........................... 11
Alfaro, Margarita ..................... 63
Ali Alhadji, Mahamat ............... 49
Allen, Julie ................................ 21
Almond, Ian ............................. 93
Alvarez, Aurora ........................ 40
Amaral, Gloria .......................... 42
Amparo, Flávia......................... 16
Anastasio, Thomas J............... 98
Andringa, Kim .......................... 87
Anetta, Kristof.......................... 24
Angela Fabris ........................... 46
Angelo, Tiziano ........................ 57
Angusheva, Adelina ................ 95
Anjum, Mahjabeen .................. 83
Anokhina, Alexandra ............... 45
ANOKHINA, Olga ..................... 21
ANSARI, AMEENA KAZI .......... 55
Antunes, Maria Alice ............... 15
Araújo, Filipa ............................ 28
Arbex-Enrico, Márcia............... 32
Archambault, Brandon............ 30
Argiro, Thomas ........................ 38
Arha, Abhimanyu Singh .......... 55
Arnau Segarra, Pilar ................ 70
Arnds, Peter ............................. 35
AROUIMI, Michel ..................... 78
Arvas, Abdulhamit ................... 33
Asholt, Wolfgang ....................... 9
Ashraf Uddin, KAZI ................. 55
Ask Nunes, Denise .................. 79
ASLAN, ADILE .......................... 99
Assinger, Thomas.................... 71
Ates, Murat ............................ 101
Atik, Maria Luiza ...................... 43
Aubague, Mathilde .................. 78
Avila, Myriam ........................... 68
Azarova, Natalia ...................... 62
Babel, Reinhard ....................... 23
Bacchini, Lorenzo Filippo ........ 86
Bachleitner, Norbert ................ 34
Bachmann, Christian ... 10, 60, 80
Backe, Hans-Joachim .. 47, 60, 82
Bahrevar, Majid............ 12, 76, 77
Baier, Christian......................... 51
Bakirova, Elena ........................ 18
Baptista do Lago, Izabela ....... 32
Bär, Gerald ............................... 94
Barbaresi, Adrien ....................... 9
Barbosa, Marcio Venicio ......... 57
Barbouchi, Limame.................. 38
Bari, Rachel .............................. 55
BARON, Christine ..................... 18
Barros da Silva, André Luiz .... 16
Barros, Andrea ......................... 81
Barroso Filho, Wilton ............... 16
Barthelemy, Lambert .............. 74
Bärtschi, Sarah ......................... 13
Barykina, Natallia ..................... 68
Baseio, Maria Auxiliadora ....... 29
Bataillé, Mathilde ..................... 74
Batalha, Maria Cristina ............ 15
Batorova, Maria ........... 24, 63, 64
Bauer, Sidonia .......................... 58
Bauer, Verena-Cathrin ............ 67
Baumann, Beate ...................... 88
Baumann, Karoline .................. 81
Baumbach, Sibylle ................... 73
Bazin, Laurent .......................... 20
Beals, Kurt ................................ 74
Beasley, Rebecca ..................... 61
Beate Eder-Jordan, Cécile
Kovacshazy .................... 57, 58
Beck, Ana Lucia ....................... 56
Begum, Safia ............................ 65
Bejarano, Alberto ..................... 97
Bellarsi, Franca ........................ 53
Bellin, Greicy Pinto .................. 42
Benert, Britta ............................ 20
Benjamin, van Well ................. 45
Berezovska Picciocchi, olena .. 87
Bermann, Sandra ............... 80, 94
Bernd, Zila ................................ 18
Bernstein, Lisa ......................... 22
Berrada, Taieb ......................... 82
Bertoni, Clotilde ....................... 47
Berwanger da Silva, Maria Luiza
.............................................. 29
BESSIERE, Jean ....................... 19
Bethke, Kathrin ....................... 81
Bhattacharyya, Dheeman 36, 54
Bhela, Dr. Anita ................. 22, 36
Bhowmik, Ranjamrittika .. 13, 31,
36, 40, 55
Biber, Hanno .............................. 9
Birkle, Carmen ......................... 98
Bischoff, Doerte ...................... 52
Biti, Vladimir ...................... 26, 71
Bitouh, Daniel Romuald ......... 88
Bittencourt, Rita Lenira .......... 68
Blandfort, Julia .................. 57, 58
Blankinship, Kevin ................... 11
Blaszkiewicz, Bartlomiej ......... 15
Blioumi, Aglaia ......................... 88
Bochaver, Svetlana ................. 63
Bodomo, Adams ...................... 88
Boëchat, Melissa ..................... 68
Bogumil-Notz, Sieghild 17, 19, 54
Bohn, Carolin ........................... 58
Bohnengel, Julia ...................... 20
Boidin, Carole .......................... 49
Boletsi, Maria ........................... 48
Bonaldo, Luciane Ferreira ...... 29
Bönisch, Dana.......................... 53
Bonvalot, Anne-Laure ............. 73
Boog, Julia ............................... 59
Borato, Meryl ..................... 30, 75
boruszko, graciela ................... 13
Borutti, Silvana ........................ 57
Bosse, Anke ............................. 46
Bouchentouf-Siagh, Zohra ..... 10
bouderbala, tayeb ................... 32
Boukail, Amina..............10, 49, 77
BOURGUIGNON, Annie........... 39
Bowden, Sarah ........................ 45
Brandes, Peter ......................... 48
Brandini, Laura ........................ 16
Breiteneder, Evelyn .................. 9
Brendon, Wocke ...................... 76
Brinker, Gisela ......................... 52
Brinker-Gabler, Gisela ............ 52
Brinkley, Tony.......................... 38
Brion, Charles .......................... 87
Brock, Julie .............................. 32
Brod, Anna ............................... 41
Brown, Catherine .................... 46
Brückner, Leslie ....................... 21
Bruhn, Jørgen .......................... 28
Bubar, Mallory ......................... 12
Buch, Robert ............................ 97
Buchenberger, Stefan............. 79
Bud, Crina ................................ 17
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Budrewicz, Aleksandra ..... 85, 86
Buehler, Jill .............................. 72
Bühler, Benjamin ..................... 43
Bush, Christopher.................... 23
Busl, Gretchen ......................... 53
Buzarboruah, Pallavi ............... 84
Buzarboruah, Pallavi D ........... 84
Caetano, Paulo Henrique ....... 38
Calle-Gruber, Mireille ................ 9
Calzati, Stefano ....................... 13
Campos, Sheila ........................ 16
Camps, Assumpta ................... 80
Cao, Shunqing ......................... 65
Capeloa Gil, Isabel .................. 94
Car, Milka ................................. 25
Caracciolo, Marco .................... 46
Carbone, Elettra ...................... 86
Cardoso, Marília ....................... 68
Carelli, Fabiana ........................ 29
Carey, Jean Marie ................... 70
Caroline Bem ........................... 46
Carrington, Maria Cristina ...... 29
Carsten, Christoph .................. 81
Carvalho, Fábio........................ 16
Castellari, Marco ...................... 66
Castro Rocha, Joao Cezar ...... 15
Caughie, Pamela ..................... 33
CAVALCANTE, Alex Beigui...... 57
Cecovic, Svetlana .................... 40
Ceuppens, Jan ......................... 60
Chakrabarty, Bandana ............ 55
Chakravarty, Radha ................ 84
Chanda, Ipshita ................. 14, 19
Chaouli, Michel ........................ 26
Chassaing, Sylvia..................... 78
Chatta, Rasha .......................... 82
Chatterjee, Abhinaba ........ 35, 84
Chattopadhyay, Kunal 37, 64, 65
Chattopadhyay, Suchorita 53, 54
chaturvedi, neekee ................. 55
Chaturvedi, Vinita Gupta ........ 83
Chaudet, Chloé ........................ 88
Chaves de Mello, Maria
Elizabeth .............................. 15
Chen, Joan ............................... 28
Chen, Rongnu .......................... 65
Cheng, Guiming ....................... 65
Chestier, Aurore ...................... 97
Chiesa, Laura ........................... 78
Chiurato, Andrea ..................... 47
Chmurski, Mateusz .................. 20
Cho, Kyo ................................... 96
CHO, Sung-Won ...................... 96
Choe, Steve .............................. 38
Choi-Hantke, Aryong ............... 77
Chon, Young-Ae ....................... 52
Choudhuri, indra Nath ............ 35
Chovanec, Johanna ................. 25
Christie, Stuart ......................... 75
Chu, Xiaoquan.......................... 37
Chung, Moonyoung ................. 38
Chvedova, Lioudmila ............... 40
Clare, Jennifer .......................... 51
CLERMONT, Philippe ............... 20
Coch, Charlotte ........................ 96
Codau, Ana-Maria .................... 72
Coffman, Chris ......................... 33
Colucci, Dr. Luciana................. 42
Concilio, Carmen...................... 70
Constantinescu, Catalin .......... 30
Conterno, Chiara...................... 31
CORREARD, Nicolas .......... 14, 50
Cortez, Maria Teresa ......... 21, 60
COSTE, Didier .......................... 24
Coughlan, David ...................... 79
Coutinho, Ana Paula ................ 95
Coutinho, Eduardo................... 18
Couto Pereira, Helena Bonito . 32
Cristea, Carmen ....................... 75
Cruz, Décio ............................... 68
Cunha, Maria Zilda .................. 29
Cvikova, Jana ........................... 89
Daddario, Gina ......................... 37
Dahan-Gaida, Laurence .......... 12
Dai, Congrong .......................... 65
Dal Bo, Federico ...................... 30
Dalvai, Marion .......................... 53
Dammiano, Enza...................... 63
Damrosch, David ............... 23, 49
DANG, Shengyuan ................... 37
DANGELO, BIAGIO .................. 20
Das, Sriparna ........................... 84
Dautel, Katrin ........................... 34
Davis, Christopher ................... 45
Davis, Geoffrey ........................ 35
De Angelis, Valerio Massimo .. 19
de Boissieu, Michel .................. 39
de Dampierre-Noiray, Eve ...... 49
De Felip, Eleonore ................... 81
de Medeiros, Paulo .................. 94
De Michele, Fausto .................. 93
De Toffoli, Ian .......................... 27
Degner, Uta .............................. 28
Dehoux, Amaury ...................... 86
Dela da Silva, Silmara Cristina
.............................................. 16
Delcroix, Stéphanie Anne ....... 87
Dellagi, Chayma ...................... 49
Dembeck, Till ..................... 21, 22
DeTora, Lisa ............................ 79
Dettori, Giovanni Maria .......... 52
Deva, El-Shaddai ..................... 60
Di Leo, Jeffrey R. .................... 13
DIAS, ANGELA ......................... 18
DiBattista, Maria ...................... 95
Dieterle, Bernard ........... 100, 101
Dikovich, Albert ....................... 91
Dilts, Rebekkah ................. 33, 90
Diniz, Thaïs .............................. 40
DiQuattro, Marianne ............... 38
Christian .............................. 32
Djukic, Marjana ....................... 97
Dobrovolskij, Dmitrij ................. 9
Domina, Natalya...................... 92
Domínguez, César ................... 99
Domokos, Johanna ................. 45
Donat, Sebastian ............... 50, 51
Doran, Robert .......................... 91
Doran, Sabine .......................... 82
Doutch, Daniela....................... 41
Dreyzis, Yulia ........................... 62
Drozdovskyi, Dmytro .............. 65
Dubrovina, Svetlana ............... 40
Duprat, Anne ........................... 50
Dürbeck, Gabriele ................... 36
Dutta, Arnab ............................ 84
Ebke, Thomas .......................... 59
Eder-Jordan, Beate ........... 57, 58
Eggers, Michael ....................... 48
Eggert, Marion ....................... 100
Eide, Øyvind ............................ 13
El Maghnougi, Naima ............. 38
El-Desouky, Ayman ................. 82
Elis, Toshiko ............................. 53
Emily Apter .............................. 49
Erlinghagen, Erika ................... 76
Erll, Astrid ................................ 98
Erwig, Andrea .......................... 59
Esplin, Emron .......................... 80
Esplin, Marlene ........................ 80
Exner, Isabel............................ 56
Eymar, Marcos ......................... 61
Falcon, Adan ............................ 12
Färber, Christina ..................... 42
Faßhauer, Vera ........................ 28
Fauner, Eva.............................. 41
Faure, Marie Noëlle................. 89
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Felber, Silke ............................. 51
Fernández, Hans ..................... 67
Feshchenko, Vladimir ............. 62
Festic, Fatima .......................... 25
Figueira, Dorothy .............. 19, 36
Figueiredo, Camila .................. 32
Filion, Louise-Hélène .............. 66
Firdaus, Zakia .......................... 83
Fischer, Caroline ...................... 46
Fischer, Kai............................... 52
Fischer, Michaela ..................... 13
Fisher, Dominique ..................... 9
Fluhrer, Sandra ........................ 59
Fogarasi, György ..................... 72
Folie, Sandra ............................ 93
Fomeshi, Behnam 19, 52, 63, 77,
Foote, Susan ............................ 67
Fortunato, Elisa ....................... 92
Fotache Dubalaru, Oana ........ 95
Franco, Bernard ....................... 99
François, Anne Isabelle .......... 62
François, Cyrille ....................... 49
Frank, Caroline ...................... 100
Franke, William ........................ 88
Franz, Marc .............................. 67
Fredsted, Elin ........................... 44
French, Lorely .......................... 57
Fritz, Martin ........................ 50, 51
Froger, Marion ......................... 46
Fry, Katie .................................. 30
Fuchs, Gerhild .......................... 87
Fuchs, Michael ................... 37, 61
Fuchs, Susanne ....................... 43
Fuchs-Eisner, Laura ................ 92
Führer, Heidrun ....................... 28
Fusillo, MASSIMO ........ 33, 46, 47
Gafrik, Robert .................... 63, 64
Galtsova, Elena ........................ 41
Gamoneda, Amelia .................. 12
Gander, Catherine ................... 28
Ganguly, Aratrika .................... 56
Garric, Henri ............................ 50
Gärtner, Julian ......................... 25
Gaunt, Simon ........................... 45
Gauvin, Lise ............................... 9
Gay, Marie-Christine ............... 39
Geat, Marina ............................ 86
Geerts, Walter ......................... 71
Geisenhanslüke, Achim .......... 48
Geiser, Myriam ........................ 99
Gerigk, Anja ............................. 92
Gerlach, Hannah ..................... 17
Gerling, Vera Elisabeth ........... 17
Geybullayeva, Rahilya ............. 26
Ghaderi, Farah ......................... 42
Ghirardi, Jose ........................... 42
Ghosh-Schellhorn, Martina ..... 36
Giannuzzi, Mariaenrica ............ 74
Gibby, Kristina .......................... 82
GIJAE, SEO ............................... 91
Gil Curiel, German ................... 28
Gilbert, Jane ............................. 45
Gilbertz, Fabienne ................... 27
Gillespie, Gerald ............... 19, 100
Gillhuber, Eva ........................... 42
Glanc, Tomas ........................... 62
Glesener, Jeanne E. .......... 27, 99
Gobbi Alves Araujo, Giovanna29
Godlewicz-Adamiec, Joanna ... 15
Goicoechea, María ................... 82
Goldmann, Luzia ...................... 11
Gölz, Sabine ............................. 59
Gomes, Gínia ............................ 68
Gomes, Renato ........................ 18
Gómez, Isabel .......................... 80
Gomide, Bruno ......................... 41
Gonne, Maud ............................ 61
Gontier, Elodie Marie............... 75
González, Francisco ................. 12
Goutaland, Carine .................... 17
Grall, Catherine ........................ 17
Grammatikopoulos, Damianos
.............................................. 42
Graziadei, Daniel ...................... 35
Greenberg, Yudit ..................... 22
Greenblatt, Jordana Marion ... 33
Griffin, Miranda ........................ 45
Grillmayr, Julia ......................... 42
Grishakova, Marina ............ 46, 47
Grossmann, Stephanie ............ 66
Grubica, Irena .......................... 61
Grudule, Mara .......................... 74
Gruenewald, Jennifer .............. 18
Grünhagen, Sara...................... 17
Grüning, Barbara ..................... 79
GRUTMAN, Rainier .................. 20
Grzesiak, Zofia ......................... 73
Grzondziel, Viktoria ................. 15
Güde, Elisabeth ........................ 31
Guedon, Cecile ......................... 48
Guest, Bertrand ................. 73, 74
Guimarães, Mayara ................. 89
Guiyoba, François .................... 32
GUPTA, SEEMANTINI ........ 33, 77
Gwozdz, Patricia ...................... 52
Haberl, Hildegard..................... 12
Habibzadeh, Hamed ................ 85
Habjan, Jernej ......................... 26
Hable, Nina .............................. 45
Hagemann, Alfred ................... 10
Hagen, Rebecca ...................... 88
Hahn, Sönke ............................ 61
Hajdu, Peter............................. 70
Hajdu, Péter............................. 26
Halak, Miroslav ........................ 97
Haller, Jennifer .................. 29, 61
Halsall, Alison .......................... 80
Hamarneh, Walid .................... 26
Hambuch, Doris....................... 53
Hamel, Hanna .................... 71, 72
Hammami, Nodhar.................. 38
Han, Jihee ................................ 53
Hanenberg, Peter .................... 98
Hanna, Vera ....................... 19, 68
Hansen-Pauly, Marie-Anne ... 27,
Hao, Liu .................................... 53
HAQUETTE, Jean-Louis .... 49, 50
Hardtmann, Markus ................ 59
Harris, Ashley .......................... 38
Harris, Jennifer ........................ 62
Harrison, Rachel ...................... 82
Harst, Joachim......................... 49
Hart, Jonathan................... 71, 96
Hartmann, Britta ..................... 35
Hartmann, Tina ....................... 89
Hashimoto, Yorimitsu ............. 95
Hassan, Wail ............................ 11
Hautcoeur, Guiomar ............... 73
Hawkins, Spencer ................... 80
Hayot, Eric ......................... 23, 24
Head, Gretchen ....................... 76
HEIDMANN, Ute ...................... 57
Heimgartner, Stephanie .. 10, 13,
Heine, Stefanie ........................ 42
Heinrich, Tobias ...................... 11
Helbig, Joerg............................ 46
Held, Christoph........................ 59
Helgeson, James ............... 50, 73
Helgesson, Stefan ................... 13
Heney, Alison........................... 94
Hermann, Christine ................. 66
Hermetet, Anne-Rachel .... 73, 74
Hertrampf, Marina Ortrud ...... 58
Heyden, Linda ......................... 66
Hiddleston, Jane...................... 10
Hillard, Derek ........................... 81
Hillebrandt, Claudia ................ 39
Hiller, Moritz ............................ 75
Hintereder-Emde, Franz ......... 38
Hinzmann, Maria ..................... 14
Hiraishi, Noriko ........................ 79
Hites, Sandor ........................... 73
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Hoefer, Bernadette ................. 75
Hoefle, Arnhilt.......................... 52
Höfer, Hannes ......................... 66
Hoffmann, Sascha ................... 35
Horn, Eva ................................. 43
Horne, Fiona ............................ 44
Hossain, Mashrur .................... 55
Hottner, Wolfgang .................. 71
Howell, Yvonne........................ 26
huang, hui ................................ 91
Hudson Jones, Anne ............... 90
Huffmaster, Michael ................ 22
Huh, Sukyung .......................... 53
Huss, Markus ........................... 45
Ingole, Prashant ...................... 29
Ingram, Susan ......................... 69
Isherwood, Tim ....................... 28
Italiano, Federico .................... 50
Ivanovic, Christine .............. 9, 11
Jäger, Ludwig .......................... 46
Jahan, Rahmat ........................ 27
Jain, Jasbir ......................... 53, 54
Jakli, Timon .............................. 39
James, Jancy ........................... 35
Jamie, Herd .............................. 74
Jang, Juyeon ............................ 77
Jaquinta, Carlotta .................... 57
Jasionowicz, Stanislaw ........... 85
Jenkins, Grant .......................... 53
Jensen Smed, Sine .................. 71
Jicinska, Veronika .................... 12
Jirsa, Tomáš ....................... 81, 82
Joachimsthaler, Jürgen .......... 88
Jobim, José Luís ...................... 15
Jodoin, Jared ........................... 71
Johnson, Christopher .............. 50
Johnson, Dane ......................... 30
Junwei, Zhang ......................... 96
Just, Anna ................................ 15
Just, Rainer .............................. 56
Kadir, Djelal ............................. 94
Kaess, Elisabeth ...................... 20
Kahraman, Nefise .................... 54
Kalavszky, Zsófia ..................... 72
Kálmán, György C. .................. 72
Kalnina, Ieva ............................ 69
Kamali, Mahmoud ................... 77
KAMIGAITO, Kenichi ............... 95
Kaminski, Johannes .......... 17, 39
Kammer, Stephan .................... 65
Kanjo, Judita ............................ 14
Karakassi, Katerina .................. 25
Karnick, Anirudh ...................... 84
Keller, Andreas ......................... 23
Kendall, Judy ............................ 28
Ketterl, Anja ............................. 42
KHLOPINA, Oxana ................... 41
Khojastehpour, Adineh ..... 31, 93
Kim, Choon-Hee....................... 76
Kim, Jooyoung ......................... 90
Kim, Kyunghee ......................... 51
Kim, Youngmin................... 90, 96
Kinane, Ian ............................... 35
Kirsch, Fritz Peter ................ 9, 98
Kledzik, Emilia .......................... 58
Kleinert, Susanne..................... 90
Klenner, Jens............................ 11
Klimek, Sonja ..................... 39, 40
Kling, Vincent ........................... 78
Klomfaß, Vanessa .................... 10
Knaller, Susanne ...................... 41
Knauth, Alfons.......................... 20
Kniesche, Thomas ................... 88
Knoop, Christine A................... 10
Knoop/Sarkhosh, ..................... 10
Knuuttila, Sirkka ...................... 98
Koch, Julian .............................. 12
Koehn, Johanna ....................... 66
Koerte, Mona ............................ 11
Kohns, Oliver ............................ 85
Kókai, Károly ............................ 76
Kola, Adam ............................... 63
Kölling, Angela ......................... 80
Kolodziejczyk, Dorota .............. 64
Kopf, Martina............................ 18
Koroliov, Sonja ......................... 58
Kost, Kiley ................................. 36
Kostova, Raina ................... 37, 38
Kothe, Ana ................................ 22
Kotkiewicz, Aurelia .................. 85
Kovacshazy, Cécile .................. 57
Kõvamees, Anneli .................... 27
Kowalska, Magdalena ............. 21
Kragl, Florian ............................ 45
Kramer, Kirsten ........................ 48
Kranz, Isabel ............................ 43
Krause, Gustavo Bernardo ..... 19
Krauss, Charlotte ..................... 17
Krawczyk, Dariusz ................... 15
Kremer, Arndt .......................... 22
Kreuter, Andrea Sibylle ........... 66
Krihova, Zuzana ....................... 77
Kriza, Elisa ................................ 92
Kronshage, Eike ....................... 58
Krstic, Visnja....................... 19, 69
Kruthiventi, Sreeenivasarao... 84
Krys, Svitlana (Lana) .............. 42
Krzywkowski, Isabelle .77, 78, 87
Kucera, PhD., Petr .................. 63
Kukkonen, Karin ................ 50, 73
Kulessa, Rotraud von ............. 87
Kulishkina, Olga....................... 17
Kumar, Neeraj ......................... 83
Kumar, S Satish ............36, 55, 65
Küpper, Achim ......................... 43
Kütt, Madli ................................ 27
Kutzenberger, Stefan.............. 56
Kuzmikova, Jana ..................... 24
Laak, Marin .............................. 82
Laakso, Johanna ..................... 44
Lackner, Elke ........................... 64
Ladevèze, Charlotte ................ 74
Laferl, Christopher F. .............. 85
Laizans, Martins ...................... 74
Lall, RamaRani......................... 83
Lally, Katie ......................... 20, 30
Lambrecht, Gabriella-Maria ... 61
Lameborshi, Eralda ................. 69
Lampe, Franziska .................... 61
Lampropoulos, Apostolos ....... 75
Lams, Ojars .............................. 74
Landerouin, Yves .................... 47
Landry, Christopher D. ........... 98
Landry, Iraïs ............................ 41
Langer, Stephanie ............. 71, 72
Lanjewar, Aparna .................... 83
Lassiter, Tracy ......................... 79
Lauri-Lucente, Gloria .............. 87
Lavocat, Francoise ............ 50, 73
Lay Brander, Miriam ............... 56
Le Baillif, Anne-Marie.............. 27
Le Juez, Brigitte ...................... 99
Leben, Andreas ....................... 27
Leclerc, Natalia ........................ 40
Lederle, Sebastian .................. 71
Lee, Ji Hye ............................... 77
Lee, Jinhyoung ........................ 91
Lee, Yoo-Hyeok ....................... 52
Légeret, Joëlle ......................... 57
Leggieri, Antonio ..................... 92
Leguerrier, Louis-Thomas ...... 41
Lemke, Cordula ....................... 60
Lemos, Masé ............................ 97
Lenhart, Johanna .................... 78
Leucht, Robert ......................... 44
Li, Chi-she ................................ 84
Li, Chunrong ............................ 62
li, dingqing ............................... 91
Li, Xingbo ................................. 14
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Li, Yinbo ................................... 19
Libert, Alan ............................... 83
Lima, Rachel ...................... 67, 68
Lima, Rogério .......................... 16
Lin, Chien-Chun ....................... 86
Lin, Wan-shuan ....................... 31
Lindberg, Svante ..................... 86
Linden, Ari ................................ 92
Lino, Mirko ............................... 47
Lionnet, Françoise ..................... 9
Lisitsyna, Daria ........................ 17
Litavrina, Marina...................... 86
Liu, Hao .................................... 53
Liu, Qianyue ............................. 76
Liu, Yuan .................................. 90
LLamas, Miriam ....................... 70
Lobnik, Mirja ............................ 37
Lock, Charles ........................... 23
Loh, Lucienne .......................... 71
Lopes, Alexandra ..................... 80
López-Varela, Asun ........... 47, 99
LORENZ, Désirée ..................... 80
Löschnigg, Martin .................... 98
Lourenço, Patrícia ................... 92
Lovato, Martino ....................... 95
Lubkemann Allen, Sharon ...... 94
Lucks, Julian .......................... 100
Lüdeke, Roger ......................... 49
Lukas, Liina .............................. 27
Lukaszyk, Ewa ......................... 14
Luo, Lianggong ........................ 91
Lupi Bello, Maria do Rosário .. 94
Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen.......... 56
Lushenkova, Anna ............. 32, 40
Lynda-Nawel, TEBBANI .......... 97
Macedo, Ana-Gabriela ............ 94
MacKenzie, Robin .............. 53, 54
MacKinnon, Chloé Brault ........ 16
Maeder, Costantino C. M. ...... 86
Mahasupap, Saran .................. 33
Mahmoud, Alaaeldin ............... 96
Mahmutovic, Adnan ................ 79
Majer-O'Sickey, Ingeborg ...... 53
Major, Julia............................... 22
Majumdar, Sharmila................ 92
Majumder, Auritro ............. 64, 66
Malato, Maria-Luisa ................. 94
Malmio, Kristina ....................... 44
Mansky, Matthias .................... 51
Mantcheva, Dina ..................... 57
Manzari, Francesca ................. 75
Mareuge, Agathe ..................... 96
María, Goicoechea ................... 70
Mariani, Bethania .................... 16
Marik, Soma ................. 56, 64, 65
Marinho, Marcelo ..................... 19
Marisescu, Tonia ...................... 10
Marrone-Publia, Gaetana ........ 87
Martina Stemberger ................ 40
Martinelli, Hélène ..................... 97
Martins, Adriana....................... 94
Martins, Anderson ............. 67, 68
Martins, Luiz Paulo Leitão ...... 75
Marzioli, Sara............................ 87
Matajc, Vanesa ........................ 27
Mathieson, Jolene .................... 28
Mathur, Vrinda ......................... 83
Matonoha, Jan ......................... 82
Mattern, Pierre ......................... 34
Mattos, Cristine ........................ 31
Maude Havenne ....................... 86
Maufort, Marc ......................... 100
May-Chu, Karolina ................... 67
Mayer, Michael ......................... 14
McDonald, Edward .................. 23
McGrady, Deborah................... 46
McMurtry, Aine ......................... 89
Mechoulan, Eric ....................... 46
Meidl, Martina .......................... 42
Meirosu, Madalina ................... 77
Mekis, János D. .................. 71, 72
Melo, Alfredo ............................ 68
Mende, Jana-Katharina ........... 21
MENDES-COELHO, Paula ........ 95
Méndez-Oliver, Ana ................. 60
Menon, Nirmala ................. 12, 80
Menon, Tara ............................. 60
Mergenthaler, May .................. 59
Mergler, Agata ......................... 68
Meyer, Sabine .......................... 33
Meylaerts, Reine ...................... 61
Meyzaud, Maud ........................ 92
Mibielli, Roberto ....................... 16
Michael Rössner ....................... 93
Michael, Joachim ..................... 85
Michalski, Przemyslaw............. 85
Michel, Amélie .......................... 75
Middelhoff, Frederike .............. 91
Mikhaylov, Kalin ....................... 41
Mikkonen, Kai ........................... 79
Mikula, Thomas........................ 31
Mild, Matthew .................... 20, 33
Millet, Kitty ................... 20, 29, 30
Millner, Alexandra .................... 90
Milo¿, Zelenka .......................... 64
Mitterbauer, Helga............. 34, 99
Mitterer, Cornelius ................... 91
MOHAN, CHANDRA ................. 55
Moji, Polo .................................. 44
Moll, Nora ................................. 89
Möller, Reinhard M. ................. 72
Monteiro, Flávia ....................... 31
Monteiro, Rosario .................... 43
Moore, Megan ......................... 45
Moraes, Paulo .......................... 19
Moraldo, Sandro M. ................ 88
Morrell-Yntema, Sarah ........... 11
Moser, Christian ...................... 48
Moura, Jean-Marc ............. 63, 87
Mueller, Juergen E. ................. 46
Mukherjee, Soma .............. 65, 84
Mukherjee, Tutun ............. 36, 54
Müller, Richard ........................ 81
Müller-Funk, Wolfgang ........... 25
Münch, Marc-Mathieu ............. 32
Murvai, Peter ........................... 78
Mussgnug, Florian ................... 93
Nadège, Langbour .................. 17
Nagelschmidt, Ilse .................. 13
Nagy, Fruzsina ......................... 28
Nakkouch, Touria .................... 96
Nalbantian, Suzanne ............... 98
Nantke, Julia ............................ 52
NARULA, DEVIKA .................... 55
Nath, Holger ............................ 31
Nath, Sanjeev .......................... 12
Nebrig, Alexander ................... 51
Neelsen, Sarah ........................ 52
Nenadovic, Ana ....................... 33
Nesselhauf, Jonas ........36, 60, 61
Nethanel, Lilach....................... 31
Neubauer-Petzoldt, Ruth........ 14
NEUMANN, GERSON ............... 68
Ng, Julia ................................... 59
nie, zhenzhao .......................... 90
Niebisch, Arndt ........................ 74
Niimoto, Fuminari ................... 39
Nina, Fernando ........................ 67
Nissler, Paul ....................... 14, 21
Nitzke, Solvejg Elisabeth ........ 43
Noël, Martine ........................... 74
Noghrehchi, Hessam .............. 75
Norimatsu, Kyohei................... 26
Norman, Rachel....................... 76
Núñez, Loreto .......................... 57
Ohnesorg, Stefanie ................. 36
Oikonomou, Maria................... 23
Olah, Myriam ........................... 57
Oliveira, Leopoldo ................... 38
Oliveira, Solange ............... 32, 40
Onyeji, Chibo ........................... 88
Opalinska, Monika ................... 15
Orehovs, Ivars ......................... 86
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Orsini, Francesca ............... 54, 84
Orsini, Fransecsa ..................... 26
ORTEGA MÁÑEZ, María J. ...... 75
Oseki, Inês ............................... 87
Osmanovic, Erkan ............. 78, 79
Österle, David .................... 91, 92
Packard, Stephan .................... 51
ABDUL HAMEED ................. 84
Pagliardini, Angelo .................. 89
Pailer, Gaby .............................. 39
Pala, Mauro .............................. 47
Paladin, Nicola ......................... 79
Palermo, Silvia ......................... 89
Panteli, Georgia ....................... 92
Pao, Lea.............................. 75, 79
Papaioannou, Chrysi ............... 54
Paret Passos, Marie-Hélène ... 21
Parizhsky, Simon ..................... 62
Park, Saein ............................... 30
Park, Sowon ....................... 22, 26
Park, Sungchang ..................... 23
Parr, Rolf .................................. 22
Paskevica, Beata ..................... 69
Paszmár, Lívia .......................... 24
Pateridou, Georgia .................. 94
Paul, Claude ............................. 46
Pavlou, Kostis .......................... 21
Peñalver Vicea, Maribel .......... 49
Pereira, Deise .......................... 16
PEREIRA, HELENA................... 32
Pereira, Margarida................... 99
Peres, Marcos .......................... 16
Perica, Ivana ............................ 85
Perkone, Inga .......................... 69
Perrot-Corpet, Danielle ........... 73
Pesti, Brigitta ........................... 25
Pethes, Nicolas ........................ 48
Petra Schweitzer ..................... 37
Petricola, Mattia ...................... 47
Picard, Sophie .......................... 66
Pichler, Doris ............................ 41
Piepoli, Angelo ......................... 79
Pierini, Francesca .................... 95
Pillet, Stephane ....................... 22
Pinot, Anne .............................. 41
Piszczatowski, Pawel ............... 15
Placial, Claire ........................... 49
Plate, Liedeke .......................... 33
Pluta, Nina................................ 85
Pokrivcak, Anton ..................... 30
Polubojarinova, Larissa .......... 17
Polyan, Alexandra ................... 62
Ponzi, Mauro ............................ 76
Poole, Ralph ............................. 85
Porebski, Czeslaw .................... 85
Pospisil, Ivo .................. 24, 63, 70
Prade, Juliane........................... 11
Prager, Julia ............................. 51
Prando, Fabiana ....................... 29
Preljevic, Vahidin ..................... 25
Price, Joshua ............................ 61
Pucherova, Dobrota .......... 52, 64
Puppo, María ............................ 29
Puskas, Istvan .......................... 86
Putz, Kerstin ............................. 76
Qiao, Guoqiang ........................ 70
Qiao, Guo-Qiang ...................... 70
Qiu, Bei ..................................... 70
Quaglia, Elena .......................... 40
Quendler, Christian ................. 60
Radisoglou, Alexis.................... 36
Radlwimmer, Romana ............. 18
Raduta, Magdalena ................. 95
Raic, Monika ....................... 50, 51
Rainsborough, Marita .............. 67
Ramazzina Ghirardi, Ana Luiza
.............................................. 43
Rao, Mythili......................... 55, 82
Rath, Akshaya .......................... 12
Rath, Brigitte ................ 24, 59, 60
Ratiani, Irma ............................ 96
Ravetti, Graciela ...................... 68
Raynor, Cecily .......................... 16
Redding, Arthur ....................... 69
Reichart, Dagmar .................... 49
Reichel, A. Elisabeth................ 28
Reichert, Carmen ..................... 31
Reiling, Laura Marie ................ 59
Reitböck, Petra......................... 67
Resende, Beatriz ...................... 18
Resende, Maria Ângela ........... 68
Reynolds, David S. .................. 99
Reynolds, Matthew ............ 26, 61
Reyns-Chikuma, Chris ............. 80
Ribeiro Neves, Rodrigo Jorge. 68
Rieger, Rita ............................... 41
Ringgenberg, Patrick ............... 29
Rio Doce, Cláudia .................... 16
Riquet, Johannes ..................... 35
Robertson, Randy .................... 92
RODRIGUES-ALVES, MariaCláudia ........................... 32, 43
Roetz, Heiner ......................... 100
Rohde, Carsten ........................ 66
Roig Sanz, Diana ..................... 61
Rollo, David.............................. 45
Román, Felipe.......................... 57
Romanova, Olha...................... 63
Romm, Stuart .......................... 37
Rösch, Gertrud Maria.............. 88
Rose, E.M. ................................ 98
Rose, Kira ................................. 84
Rosenau, Maggie..................... 42
Rösser, Angelika...................... 87
Rossetti, Chip .......................... 80
Rossi, Riikka ............................. 81
Rossi, Umberto ........................ 79
Rossini, Gianluigi ..................... 47
Rössner, Michael ..................... 93
Rotaru, Arina ........................... 53
Ruhe, Doris ................................ 9
Ruthner, Clemens ................... 25
Ryvolova, Karolina .................. 58
sabharwal, jyoti ....................... 14
Sabiron, Céline ........................ 62
Sager, Alexander ..................... 45
Salih, Hamza ............................ 11
Samson, Barney ...................... 35
Sánchez, Laura ........................ 70
Sandru, Cristina ................. 13, 52
SANSON, Hervé ....................... 10
Santos, Emanuelle .................. 15
Sanz, Amelia ...................... 70, 82
Sapino, Roberta....................... 75
Sarkar, Judhajit ................. 64, 84
Sarkhosh, Keyvan ............. 10, 11
Saro, Anneli ............................. 48
Sasaki, Leonardo ..................... 77
Sauer-Kretschmer, Simone .... 10
Saussy, Haun ..................... 23, 24
Sauter, Caroline....................... 23
Saxena, Akshya ....................... 24
Schällibaum, Oriana ................ 34
Scheffel-Dunand, Dominique. 78
Scheibner, Tamás ................... 72
Scheurer, Maren ................ 41, 59
Schirrmacher, Beate ............... 78
Schleich, Markus ..................... 60
Schmeling, Manfred ................ 88
Schmidt, Henrike ..................... 60
Schmidt, Matthias ................... 76
Schmidt, Ricarda ................... 100
Schmidt, Rita Terezinha ......... 33
Schmitt, Claudia ...................... 91
Schmitz-Emans, Monika .. 10, 20,
22, 24, 26, 39, 51
Schneider, Marlen ................. 100
Schneider, Ulrike ..................... 50
Schödel, Kathrin ................ 34, 48
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Schoof, Kerstin ........................ 11
Schröder, Stephan Michael .... 44
Schudson, Michael .................. 99
Schuelke, Anne ........................ 92
Schumm, Johanna .................. 48
Schuster, Jana ......................... 36
Schwabel, Friederike............... 39
Schwarz, Thomas .................... 35
Schwebel, Shoshana ............... 34
Schweitzer, Petra .............. 37, 38
Schweitzer, Zoé ....................... 50
Schwerter, Stephanie ............. 47
Sciarrino, Emile........................ 21
Scoville, Spencer ..................... 80
Sebek, Josef ............................. 82
Seewald-Juhasz, Christina ..... 42
Segal, Naomi............................ 93
Segelcke, Elke.......................... 53
Seidler, Andrea ........................ 76
Seligardi, Beatrice ................... 46
Seligmann-Silva, Marcio ......... 47
Semujanga, Josias .................. 56
SENGUPTA, PRAGYA ............... 12
Seokmin, Yoon ........................ 90
Serra, Valentina ....................... 34
Sethi Chadha, Monika ............. 84
Sethi, Roshi .............................. 83
Sexl, Martin ........................ 50, 51
Sgambati, Gabriella ................. 90
Shaffer, Elinor .......................... 93
Shah, Mira ................................ 37
Shahbazimoghadam, Nahid ... 42
Shahida, Shahida .................... 84
Shahnaaz, Tasneem ............... 83
Shahsavar, Zahra .................... 11
Shang, Biwu ............................. 90
Shango Lokoho, Tumba Alfred
............................................ 100
Sharandin, Artem ...................... 9
Sharma, Krishna Gopal ........... 55
Sharma, Priyanka .................... 38
Sharma, Sangeeta................... 55
sharma, vasant ........................ 85
Shaw, Martin ............................ 58
Shin, Inseop ............................. 90
SHIN, Jeonghwan ................... 95
SHIN, Keunhye ........................ 95
Shukla, Anita ............................ 83
shukla, surya prakash............. 84
Sicard-Cowan, Helene ............ 18
Siemens, Elena ........................ 69
Sievers, Wiebke ....................... 89
Silva, Adriana ........................... 43
Silva-McNeill, Patricia.............. 94
Simões, Maria João ................. 18
Simonis, Annette ..................... 49
Simonis, Linda ......................... 48
Simonsen, Karen-Margrethe
Lindskov ............................... 71
Singer, Andrew ........................ 58
Singh, Jayshree............ 36, 80, 83
Sinkwan, Cheng ....................... 23
Soares, Luisa ............................ 89
Sohns, Hanna ........................... 59
Sokolowicz, Malgorzata........... 15
Solovieva, Olga ........................ 24
Solte-Gresser, Christiane ...... 100
Sommer, Gerald ....................... 78
Sommerfeld, Beate .................. 28
Sondrup, Steven ...................... 20
SONG, Xuhong ......................... 29
Sorrentino, Alessandra ............ 93
Spinelli, Daniela ....................... 86
Spiridon, Olivia ......................... 89
Spitzmüller, Jürgen.................. 44
Spurlin, William J. .................... 33
Sreenan, Niall ........................... 34
STAN, Corina ............................ 65
Steinsiek, Annette ................... 18
Stemberger, Martina ... 40, 41, 66
Stepien, Aneta ......................... 31
Stockhammer, Robert ............. 26
Stoffel, Patrick .......................... 43
Strasser, Melanie ..................... 67
Strätling, Regine ...................... 48
Streip, Katharine ...................... 80
Strohmaier, Paul ...................... 86
Su, Hui ...................................... 91
Sundaram, Asha ...................... 54
Suter, Fermin ........................... 81
Syrovy, Daniel .................... 39, 60
Szávai, Dorottya ...................... 73
T. Szabó, Levente .............. 58, 72
Tabarasi-Hoffmann, Ana-Stanca
.............................................. 21
Tahoun, Riham ........................ 81
Takeda, Arata........................... 38
Talvet, Jüri ................................ 19
Talviste, Katre .......................... 27
Talwar, Urmil ............................ 54
Tamble, Donato ....................... 87
TANE, Benoît ................ 46, 47, 77
Tang, Ke ................................... 76
Tao, Chen ................................. 37
Tashkenov, Sergey .................. 18
Taurens, Janis .......................... 69
Tavares, Pedro Heliodoro ....... 89
Taylor-Batty, Juliette ............... 61
Tchougounnikov, Serge .......... 97
Tekin, Kugu .............................. 77
Telge, Claus .............................. 52
Teller, Katalin ........................... 90
Terenas, Gabriela .................... 94
Terian, Andrei .......................... 63
Terpitz, Olaf ............................. 30
TERRASSON, Claudie.............. 97
Thiltges, Sébastian ................. 73
THOMA, FOTEINI .................... 97
Thoss, Jeff ............................... 28
Tihanov, Galin ................... 63, 95
Timofte, Alina .......................... 71
Tirloni, Larissa ......................... 63
Tischmann, Hannah ................ 44
Tokumori, Makoto ................... 23
Tolksdorf, Nina ........................ 81
Tomiche, Anne .................. 87, 96
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven.. 13
Tran-Gervat, Yen-Mai ............. 62
Trauvitch, Rhona..................... 83
TREVISAN, ANA....................... 43
Trevitt, Jessica......................... 62
Trikha, Manorama ............. 35, 54
TRIM, Richard.......................... 81
TROIN-GUIS, ANYSIA............. 78
TRUSEN, Sylvia ....................... 42
Trüstedt, Katrin ....................... 59
Tsu, Jing ................................... 23
Turcat, Eric .............................. 75
Tutschek, Elisabeth................. 33
Ulrich, Silvia ............................. 70
Umbach, Rosani ...................... 91
Ungelenk, Johannes ............... 43
Ungureanu, Delia .................... 69
Untiks, Inga ............................. 69
Urban, Urs ................................ 17
Ursini, Francesco ..................... 79
Vajdova, Libusa ....................... 63
Valenzuela, Sandra Trabucco 29
Van den Bossche, Bart ........... 93
van der Steeg, Christian ........ 92
van Vuuren, Helize.................. 18
Vanacker, Beatrijs ............. 59, 60
Vanassche, Tom ...................... 51
Vangi, Michele ......................... 72
Varga, Zsuzsanna.................... 72
Vassilatos, Alexia..................... 44
Vatter, Christoph ..................... 46
Vaupotic, Ales .......................... 99
Velancherry, Ramakrishnan ... 54
Veneroso, Maria do Carmo de
Freitas .................................. 40
Ventura, Simone ..................... 46
Vestli, Elin Nesje ..................... 89
Veverka, Tanja Maria ............. 56
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Vianna, Arnaldo ....................... 89
Vice, Sue .................................. 30
Vidulic, Svjetlan Lacko ............ 25
Vieira, Miriam ........................... 32
Vieira, Patricia .......................... 15
Viires, Piret ............................... 82
Vinci, Elisabetta ....................... 89
Viselli, Antonio ......................... 32
Vlasta, Sandra ............. 21, 88, 99
Vojvoda, Gabriela .................... 13
von Hagen, Kirsten ........... 47, 58
von Roth, Dominik .................. 66
Vranceanu, Alexandra ...... 69, 99
Vuillemin, Nathalie .................. 14
Waelti, Slaven .......................... 78
Wagner, Philipp ....................... 44
Wagner, Walter ....................... 73
Wakabayashi, Megumi ........... 39
Wang, Hongzhang .................. 37
WANG, Jiaxing ......................... 37
Wang, Miaomiao ..................... 13
Wang, Songlin ......................... 90
Wanjala, Alex ........................... 78
Wasihun, Betiel........................ 11
Waszynski, Alexander ............. 59
Watier, Louis ............................ 60
Weber, Anne-Gaëlle ................ 14
Weber, Gregor ....................... 100
Wegmann, Thomas ................. 50
Wegner, Sascha ...................... 66
Wehrs, Donald ......................... 98
Wei, Yuqing.............................. 37
Weiher, Frank .......................... 67
Weinelt, Nora ........................... 92
Weiss, Vered ............................ 30
Weissmann, Dirk ...................... 21
Weitzman, Erica ....................... 11
Wennerscheid, Sophie ............ 44
Werner, Juliane ........................ 34
Werth , Eva .............................. 96
Wierzejska, Jagoda ................. 64
Wilker, Jessica.......................... 34
Willer, Stefan............................ 27
Williams, Mark .......................... 96
Williams, Seán.......................... 34
Windsperger, Marianne..... 30, 31
Winkler, Markus ....................... 48
Wischmann, Antje ................... 44
Wojcik, Paula............................ 66
Wojda, Aleksandra .................. 78
Wolf, Norbert Christian ........... 28
Wolkenstein, Julie .................... 73
Worms, Katharina .................... 51
XIA, Zhongxian ........................ 37
Xue, Chunxia ............................ 70
Yamanaka, Yuriko.................... 49
YANG, GEXIN ........................... 91
Yoeurp, Mélanie ....................... 24
Young, Robert .......................... 26
Yu Qin, Jiang ............................ 70
Yu, Jie ....................................... 70
Yu, Jingyuan ............................. 65
Z. Varga, Zoltán ....................... 73
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar ... 97,
Zahova, Sofiya ......................... 58
Zanin, Enrica ............................ 50
Zapf, Hubert ............................ 74
Zarei, Rouhollah ...................... 77
Zechelova, Katarina ................ 24
Zelenka, Milos .......................... 63
Zemanek, Evi ........................... 43
Zenkin, Sergey ........................ 75
Zerovnik, Martina .................... 39
Zettelmann, Eva ...................... 39
Zhang, Chunjie ........................ 65
ZHANG, Hua ...................... 62, 65
Zhang, Huiwen Helen ............. 62
Zhang, Lihua ............................ 65
zhang, shengzhen ................... 91
Zhao, Guangxu ........................ 23
Zhao, Yongjian ........................ 70
Zhou, Gang .............................. 96
Zhou, Min ................................. 53
ZHOU, Qichao .......................... 37
Zhou, Xiaoyi ............................. 95
Zhu, Wenjun ............................ 61
Zieger, Karl .............................. 34
Zilberman, Regina ................... 19
Zimmerman, Tegan ................ 33
Zipfel, Frank ............................. 88
Zivkovic, Yvonne ..................... 30
Zocco, Gianna .......................... 56
Zou, Huiling ....................... 71, 90
Zou, Zan ................................... 94
Zsadányi, Edit .......................... 86
Zubarik, Sabine ....................... 34
Zupancic, Metka ...................... 62
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Monday, July 25th
Computational Comparative Literature. Corpus-based Methodologies
Room: Hs 48
Chair: Christine Ivanovic
Computational Comparative Literature. Corpus-based Methodologies
Ivanovic, Christine (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Austria)
9:00 AM - “THIS IS NOT WHAT I INTENDED.” The Last Days of Mankind by Karl Kraus in English as
compared to its German Original “Ich habe es nicht gewollt.”
Biber, Hanno (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
9:30 AM - Thomas Bernhard - Lost in Translation
Breiteneder, Evelyn (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
10:00 AM - Surface Reading. Digital Approaches to Yoko Tawada's multi-lingual corpus
Ivanovic, Christine (University of Vienna)
11:00 AM - The Corpus of Parallel Texts in Contrastive Studies
Dobrovolskij, Dmitrij (Russian Academy of Sciences)
11:30 AM - Cultural Transfer from a Malaysian Perspective
Sharandin, Artem (Russian Academy of Sciences)
12:00 PM - Corpus-based Analysis of Literary Blog in Comparative Perspective
Barbaresi, Adrien (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
16082 - Assia Djebar et la transgression des limites linguistiques, littéraires et culturelles
Room: IoeG
Chair: Asholt, Wolfgang; Gauvin, Lise
2:00 PM - Écrire, dit-elle : le métadiscours sur l'écriture dans l'oeuvre de Djebar
Gauvin, Lise (Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada)
2:30 PM - Écrire dans les plis du/de la/du soi(e) ou pour une éthique du nulle part
Fisher, Dominique (UNC, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, USA)
3:00 PM - Silences d'Assia Djebar
Kirsch, Fritz Peter (Institut für Romanistik, Austria)
4:00 PM - Assia Djebar, devant la douleur des autres
Lionnet, Françoise (Harvard Univ, Cambridge, MA, USA)
4:30 PM - Amour en fuite. Une connaissance d'un autre genre.
Calle-Gruber, Mireille (Université de Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, France)
5:00 PM - Une esthétique "en marge": l'entre-les-langues d'Assia Djebar
Asholt, Wolfgang (HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Pour une personnalité maghrébine complexe. Le Livre des Pères inachevé d'Assia Djebar
Ruhe, Doris (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Würzburg, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:30 AM - La Représentation des langues dans Nuits de Strasbourg Vers un espace interculturelle
Boukail, Amina (University of Jijel- General and compare literature -Annaba University, Constantine, Algeria)
10:00 AM - Les citations d'auteurs français comme mode de positionnement identitaire
SANSON, Hervé (RWTH-Aachen (Allemagne), Aachen, Germany)
11:00 AM - L'Intarissable conteuse: Assia, Schéhérazade, et le récit périlleux de la résistance
Hiddleston, Jane (University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom)
11:30 AM - Relire Loin de Médine; l'écriture "ghobar " d'Assia Djebar, un message féminin,
contemporain, audacieux et "signé" d'une femme de lettres du Maghreb.
Bouchentouf-Siagh, Zohra (Institut für Romanistik, Wien, Austria)
12:00 PM - Enjeu narratif et identité double: l'émancipation par la plume dans Ombre Sultane
d'Assia Djebar
MALVAL, Wessal (Université François Rabelais de Tours, Tour, France)
Saturday, July 23rd
16284 - Pictures for Everybody! Postcards and Literature/ Bilder für alle! Postkarten und Literatur
Room: Seminarraum Geschichte 2
Chair: Sauer-Kretschmer, Simone
9:00 AM - Rilke und die Postkarte, Abstract
Hagemann, Alfred (-, Stuttgart, Germany)
9:30 AM - Post und Poesie: Gedichte auf Postkarten und Postkarten in Gedichten
Heimgartner, Stephanie (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
11:00 AM - Lückenfüller. Comic-Postkarten um 1900 und die Ästhetik des Comic
Bachmann, Christian (Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag, Berlin, Germany)
11:30 AM - Nick Bantocks Postkarten-Trilogie "Griffin&Sabine" - zur Inszenierung eines literarischen
Texts mittels Intertextualität und Intermedialität
Klomfaß, Vanessa (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
12:00 PM - Sebalds Postkarten - Sebald's postcards
Schmitz-Emans, Monika (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
2:00 PM - Postkarten in Herta Müllers "Reisende auf einem Bein"
Marisescu, Tonia (Universität Duisburg Essen, Essen, Germany)
2:30 PM - Medien der Täuschung. Postkarten bei Vladimir Nabokov und Alice Munro
Sauer-Kretschmer, Simone (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Austria)
Tuesday, July 26th
16309 - Talking About Literature, Scientifically
Room: Hs 29
Chair: Sarkhosh, Keyvan; Knoop, Christine A.
2:00 PM - Einleitung
2:15 PM - Competing Knowledge or Parallel Worlds? A Meta-Analysis
Knoop, Christine A. (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:30 PM - Logocentrism, Vision and the Supremacy of the Sciences?
Sarkhosh, Keyvan (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt a.M., Germany)
2:45 PM - Talking (non)-metaphorical
Goldmann, Luzia (Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany)
3:00 PM - Writing - and publishing - about literature, scientifically
Schoof, Kerstin (Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
16377 - Sprache & Rache
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 3
Chair: Prade-Weiss, Juliane
2:00 PM - Introduction
Prade, Juliane (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Institut für AVL)
2:20 PM - Kantische Imaginationen: Verrat, Rache und Rechtfertigung in Kleists "Michael Kohlhaas"
Wasihun, Betiel (University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom)
2:40 PM - Die Rache roher Texte. Dingaufstand in Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Koerte, Mona (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
3:00 PM - Herders Rache
Albrecht, Tim (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin, Bonn, Germany)
11:00 AM - Despite Language: Adalbert Stifter's Revenge Fantasies
Weitzman, Erica (Northwestern University, Evanston, USA)
11:30 AM - Language Comes Back to Roost - Werner Schwab's Constructive Revenge
Klenner, Jens (Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, USA)
12:00 PM - Inscriptio der Gewalt: Rache als Logik des Terrors
Heinrich, Tobias (University of Oxford, London, United Kingdom)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
16416 - Translational Literature - Theory, History, Perspectives
Room: Hs 48
Chair: Ivanovic, Christine; Hassan, Wail
9:00 AM - Translation and Ideology
Salih, Hamza (Mohammed 5 University, Rabat, Marocco)
9:30 AM - The Impact of Ideology on Translation Based on Fairclough's Approach
Shahsavar, Zahra (Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran)
10:00 AM - Textual Self-Translation of Dialect in the Bukhala' of Jahiz
Blankinship, Kevin (The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA)
11:00 AM - The Possibility/Impossibility of Translating Alice in Wonderland into Arabic
el kholy, nadia (cairo university, cairo, Egypt)
11:30 AM - Translating Traditions: Eristic Imitations of Petrarch and Hafez
Morrell-Yntema, Sarah (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
12:00 PM - In(constant) Translation: Metafiction, Translatability, Trespasses in Slow Man and Jacobo
el Mutante
Falcon, Adan (San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USA)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Issues of Nationalism, Identity and Translation: The Theory and Practice of Krishna Kanta
Handiqui (1898-1982) as a Comparatist and Translator
Nath, Sanjeev (Gauhati University, Guwahati, India)
9:30 AM - Historiography of Translation Practices in India with Specific References to Rajbansis
SENGUPTA, PRAGYA (University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India)
10:00 AM - Translating Legal Petitions in Colonial India: The Andaman Connection
Rath, Akshaya (National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India)
11:00 AM - Archetypos and Typos in Celan's Conception of the Image
Koch, Julian (Queen Mary, University of London, Luedenscheid, Austria)
11:30 AM - The image of the child across the works of Wolfgang Borchert and William Faulkner
Bubar, Mallory (Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA)
12:00 PM - Language and Political Crisis at the Fin-de-Siècle: Hugo von Hofmannsthal's Ein Brief
Jicinska, Veronika (Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic)
Monday, July 25th
16445 - Langage scientifique, langage littéraire : quelles médiations ?
Room: Hs 26
Chair: Dahan-Gaida, Laurence
2:00 PM - Le diagramme entre écriture littéraire et écriture savante
Dahan-Gaida, Laurence (université de franche-comté, Besançon, France)
2:20 PM - La corruption poétique du langage scientifique. Sur Livre des poisons d'Antonio
Gamoneda, Amelia (Universidad de Salamanca - Spain, Salamanca, Spain)
2:40 PM - Le pont de Poincaré : de la topologie comme traduction.
González, Francisco (Universidad de Oviedo Spain, Oviedo, Spain)
3:00 PM - Gebrochene Gestalten und gebrochene Gestaltung : Wissen vom Wahnsinn in der
Literatur des späten Goethe und bei Büchner
Haberl, Hildegard (Université de Caen Normandie, Caen, France)
Friday, July 22nd
16447 - PANEL Digital Humanities in Comparative Literature, World Literature(s), and Comparative
Cultural Studies
Room: Hs 45
Chair: Totosy de Zepetnek, Steven; Graciela Boruszko
9:00 AM - Multilingual Digital Humanities and Translation
Menon, Nirmala (Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore, India)
9:30 AM - Applying Taxonomical Order to a Digitally Translational Database
Bahrevar, Majid (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
10:00 AM - Transformative digital intermedia studies. Using computer based conceptual modelling
to study media differences
Eide, Øyvind (Universität Passau, Passau, Germany)
11:00 AM - Eighteenth Century Literature Digitized: Digital Editions of the « Spectators »
Fischer, Michaela (Universität Graz, Graz, Austria)
11:30 AM - The Literary Encyclopedia as a model of digital scholarly publishing for the new posthumanist age
Sandru, Cristina (The Literary Encyclopedia, Bristol, United Kingdom)
12:00 PM - Mobility, transparency, and permanence of the object "word" in scholarship in digital
boruszko, graciela (Pepperdine University, Simi valley, USA)
2:00 PM - Combining quantitative and qualitative methods to visualize, measure and analyze the
corpus of Alexander von Humboldt.
Bärtschi, Sarah (Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland)
2:30 PM - A Study on Ba Jin in Chinese Electronic Media
Wang, Miaomiao (North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China)
3:00 PM - Remediating Travel Writing: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Western and Chinese Travel
Books and Blogs
Calzati, Stefano (University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom)
4:00 PM - Comparative Literature and Digital Humanities- The Possibilities of Interrelationships
Bhowmik, Ranjamrittika (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
4:30 PM - Neoliberalism, World Literature, and the Promise of Digital Publishing
Di Leo, Jeffrey R. (University of Houston-Victoria, Houston, USA)
5:00 PM - Digital Humanities, Data Science, and the Study of Literature
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven , Other / Andere
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
16460 - Kolonialismus, Globalisierung(en) und (Neue) Weltliteratur
Room: Hs 26
Chair: Sturm-Trigonakis, Elke
9:00 AM - Herausforderungen postkolonialer Studien im einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert
Albrecht, Monika (Universität Vechta, Vechta, Germany)
9:30 AM - (Literary) Theory from the South
Helgesson, Stefan (Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden)
10:00 AM - Hybride, Nomaden, Verpflanzte: problematische Narrative des Selbst in der
"afropoliten" Literatur
Heimgartner, Stephanie (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
11:00 AM - Zwischen Ver- und Entortung. Der dritte Raum in der Post-DDR-Literatur
Nagelschmidt, Ilse (University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany)
11:30 AM - Bosnien als Dritter Raum in den Texten Dzevad Karahasans
Vojvoda, Gabriela (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
12:00 PM - Postkoloniale Ökokritik in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur am Beispiel von Hermann
Schulz' Tanganjika-Romanen
Kanjo, Judita (University of Education Ludwigsburg, Karlsruhe, Germany)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Literary Mappings of Colonial and Postcolonial Cities: A study of Genre Crossings in
contemporary fictions from Germany and India.
sabharwal, jyoti (Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, Delhi, India)
9:30 AM - Istanbul und Mexiko Stadt
Nissler, Paul (Stanford University, Stanford - Kalifornien, USA)
Chanda, Ipshita (Dept. of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
11:00 AM - Regionales Agieren - globales Reagieren. Aktuelle Kriminalromane und die "Neue
Neubauer-Petzoldt, Ruth (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institut für Neuere deutsche Literaturgeschichte, Eckental,
11:30 AM - Kolonialgeschichte(n) und Transkulturalität im Spannungsfeld von Globalem und
Lokalem am Beispiel angloindischer und deutschsprachiger historischer Romane des 21. Jahrhunderts
Hinzmann, Maria (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany)
12:00 PM - Postkoloniales Er-Schreiben des Kolonialen: Ilija Trojanows "Der Weltensammler" (2006)
Alex Campus Roman "Eine Frage der Zeit" (2007)
Mayer, Michael (Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany)
2:00 PM - The Other Europe: The Revolution of the Other
Li, Xingbo (Norwich University, Northfield, VT, USA)
2:30 PM - Ondjaki's classmates read Honwana: towards a trans-colonial theory
Lukaszyk, Ewa (University of Warsaw, Kraków, Poland)
3:00 PM - Title: The protesting action for overcomig the absurd times through the reception of
German literature in Korea
Chin, Sang BUm (Kolonialismus, Globalisierung und Weltliteratur, Jeonju, South Korea)
Monday, July 25th
16499 - Science et littérature : une question de langage?
Room: Hs 26
Chair: Weber, Anne-Gaëlle
4:00 PM - L'utopie entre expérience de la polyglossie et projet de langue philosophique au XVIIe
siècle : modèle scientifique et dérives fantastiques
CORREARD, Nicolas (Université de Nantes, Nantes, France)
4:30 PM - Vues d'esprit et dérèglements de l'imagination : le style comme critère de validation du
Vuillemin, Nathalie (Université de Neuchâtel, Baulmes, Switzerland)
5:00 PM - "Parodies et satires des langages savants au XIXe siècle"
Weber, Anne-Gaëlle (Université d'Artois, Arras, France)
Friday, July 22nd
16603 - Rhizomorphe Identität? Motivgeschichte und kulturelles Gedächtnis im europäischen
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Room: Hs 29
Chair: Piszczatowski, Pawel; Godlewicz-Adamiec, Joanna
11:00 AM - Klassische Musik in der Literatur: Träger von europäischer Identität und kulturellem
Grzondziel, Viktoria (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany)
11:30 AM - Handschrift als Grundlage einer vertieften philologischen Lektüre
Just, Anna (Universität Warschau, Warszawa, Poland); Opalinska, Monika (University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Austria)
12:00 PM - Zwischen Sacrum und Profanum - Erotik in der Literatur des europäischen Mittelalters
Godlewicz-Adamiec, Joanna (Universität Warschau, Warszawa, Poland); Piszczatowski, Pawel (Universität Warschau,
Warszawa, Poland)
2:00 PM - High Fantasy's Dialogue with the Past
Blaszkiewicz, Bartlomiej (University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland)
2:30 PM - « L'héritage qui m'encombre» Le rôle de la mémoire et de l'histoire dans la formation de
l'identité postcoloniale (L'Amour, la fantasia d'Assia Djebar)
Sokolowicz, Malgorzata (University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland)
3:00 PM - Renaissance rhisomorphe? Renaissance et ses modèles dans la perspective deleuzienne
Krawczyk, Dariusz (University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th
Room: Erika-Weinzierl-Saal
Chair: Jobim, José Luís
4:00 PM - The King may arrive: The ghosts of cultural history
Castro Rocha, Joao Cezar (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
4:30 PM - La littérature brésilienne en France
Chaves de Mello, Maria Elizabeth (Maria Elizabeth Chaves de Mello, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Jobim, José Luís (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Portuguese as source-language in literary translation: the case of João Ubaldo Ribeiro
9:30 AM - La contribution de Manuel Rui Monteiro à lŽunivers pluriel de la langue portugaise
Batalha, Maria Cristina (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil)
10:00 AM - Between Lusophony and World Literature: Challenging Comparative Approaches to the
Literatures of Portuguese-Speaking Africa
Santos, Emanuelle (University of Warwick, Coventry, Austria)
11:00 AM - Amazonian Writings: From Jungle Sublime to Environmentalism
Vieira, Patricia (Georgetown University, Washington, USA)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Mibielli, Roberto (Universidade Federal de Roraima, Boa Vista, Brazil)
11:40 AM - Theodor Köch-Grünberg: between the scientific language and literary creation
Carvalho, Fábio (Universidade Federal de Roraima, Boa Vista, Brazil)
Campos, Sheila (Universidade Federal de, Boa Vista, Brazil)
2:00 PM - Os sertões Beyond Brazil
MacKinnon, Chloé Brault (University of Toronto, Gatineau, Canada)
2:30 PM - New Criticism and Nouvelle Critique in brazilian criticism
Brandini, Laura (University of Londrina, Londrina, Brazil)
3:00 PM - Walter Scott relu par le Romantisme brésilien
Peres, Marcos (University of São Paulo, Sao Paulo (SP), Brazil)Monday, July 25th
9:00 AM - La réception de l'esthétique de la légèreté de Milan Kundera au Brésil et Budapest de
Chico Buarque
Barroso Filho, Wilton (University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil)
9:30 AM - Internationalizing Brazilian Literature: Companhia das Letras' Amores Expressos Project
Raynor, Cecily (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
10:00 AM - Crossing translations - Lispector and Hilst: Brazilian authors suggesting new ways to
think the limits of literature
Barros da Silva, André Luiz (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
11:00 AM - Refuser la vérité interne et rejeter les « méthodes » : retrouver l'affectivité à l'intérieur
du texte littéraire
Lima, Rogério (Universidade de Brasília, BRASíLIA-DF, Brazil)
11:30 AM - Métaphorologie: Une étude à mi-chemin entre création et signification
Pereira, Deise (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
12:00 PM - Surrealism and Anthropophagy
Rio Doce, Cláudia (Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, Brazil)
2:00 PM - Le projet d'Encyclopédie Brésilienne, la politique des langues et la circulation des idées de
démocratisation de la culture, durant la période du gouvernement Juscelino Kubistchek
Mariani, Bethania (Universidade Federal fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2:30 PM - From Europe to Brazil: media and circulation of discourses on the language (and subjects)
in Brazil
Dela da Silva, Silmara Cristina (Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói-RJ, Brazil)
3:00 PM - Guimarães Rosa: du Sertão au monde
Amparo, Flávia (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
16657 - Workshop: Productivity of plagiarism
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Room: Hs 50
Chair: Polubojarinova, Larissa; Baron, Christine; Krauss, Charlotte
9:30 AM - Diderot et le savoureux plagiat de la matière rabelaisienne
Nadège, Langbour (Université de Rouen / CEREdI, Rouen, France)
10:00 AM - Falschgeld und Alchemie. Zur literarischen Produktivität der Fälschung in Charles Sorels
Histoire comique de Francion und Tristan L'Hermites Le page disgracié
Urban, Urs (Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina)
11:00 AM - The Fascination with Falsification. Russian Tsars in 19th Century Literature
Krauss, Charlotte (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany)
11:30 AM - "Aber was soll uns Turgenjew?": Zum Habitus-Plagiat am Beispiel der Strategie Leopold
von Sacher-Masochs im literarischen Feld der 1860-er Jahre
Polubojarinova, Larissa (Staatliche Universität Sankt Petersburg, Sankt Petersburg, Russian Federation)
12:00 PM - Plagier ou être plagié : Camille Lemonnier ou le "Zola belge" (titre provisoire)
Goutaland, Carine (INSA de Lyon / UMR LIRE, Lyon, France)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Paul Celan und Ossip Mandelstam
Bogumil-Notz, Sieghild (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Bochum,
9:30 AM - Fiktive Übersetzung oder inszeniertes Plagiat? Valery Larbauds Poésies de A.O.
Gerling, Vera Elisabeth (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany)
10:00 AM - Dialogues and appropriations in 'The year of the death of Ricardo Reis', by José
Grünhagen, Sara (Rio de Janeiro State University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
11:00 AM - Walter Scotts "St Ronan Well" und die Konstruktion des Kurort-Diskurses in der
russischen Literatur
Kulishkina, Olga (St Petersburg University for Technology and Design, Sankt Petersburg, Russian Federation)
11:30 AM - The Imitation of Werther: Chinese Translations and Adaptation
Kaminski, Johannes (Academica Sinica, Taipei)
12:00 PM - Weltoffene Zeichenverschiebung: "Tausendundeine Nacht" als Rahmenstruktur des
koreanischen Comics
Lisitsyna, Daria (St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)Monday, July 25th
9:00 AM - Les paradoxes du plagiat dans la Roumanie communiste
Bud, Crina (York University Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
9:30 AM - Geschichtsumschreibung. Plagiate Paul Zechs
Gerlach, Hannah (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany)
10:00 AM - Exposition des sources et « reconstitutions » dans quelques œuvres de fiction et
nonfiction contemporaines
Grall, Catherine (Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, Paris, France)
11:00 AM - "- wenn Schönherr und Handel-Mazzetti dasselbe tun, ist es nicht dasselbe" (Karl Kraus,
1911) Literarische und moralische Argumentationen im Rahmen der Plagiatsvorwürfe gegen Karl
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Steinsiek, Annette (Forschungsinstitut Brenner-Archiv, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
11:30 AM - Das literarische Verfahren des Plagiats als Mittel der Differenz: Franz Kafkas "Das
Schloß" und Libu'e Moníkovás "Pavane für eine verstorbene Infantin"
Bakirova, Elena (Universität St. Petersburg /Graz, Graz, Austria)
12:00 PM - Geisteskrankes Eigentum: Die Plagiatsvorwürfe gegen Heinar Kipphardts "März"
Tashkenov, Sergey (RGGU Moskau, Moskau, Russian Federation)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Plagiat psychique et création
BARON, Christine (Université de Poitiers, POITIERS, France)
9:30 AM - Plagiate fremder Identitäten - skandinavische Autofiktionen der Gegenwart und ihre
Gruenewald, Jennifer (IGK 1956 Kulturtransfer und kulture Identität, Freiburg, Germany)
10:00 AM - Ethique du plagiat dans l'oeuvre de Calixthe Beyala
Sicard-Cowan, Helene (St Leonards School, St Andrews, United Kingdom)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
16658 - Comparative Literature as a Transcultural Discipline
Room: Hs 46
Chair: Coutinho, Eduardo
9:00 AM - Comparativism in Latin America in the XXIst Century.
Coutinho, Eduardo (AC Studies Center, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
9:20 AM - Littératures migrantes ou transnationales: élargissant les frontières des esthétiques
Bernd, Zila (zila bernd, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
9:40 AM - Worlds of difference, worlds of concord: between the Anthropocene and an indigenous
African myth of origin
van Vuuren, Helize (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa)
10:00 AM - Wandering Subjects. Brazilian and Portuguese narrative travels.
Radlwimmer, Romana (Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal)
11:00 AM - Imagology and transnationalism: stereotypes, heteroimagotypes and allophilia in Rhys
Hughes and João de Melo
Simões, Maria João (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal)
11:30 AM - Cultural Territories as Post-Nacional Spaces
Resende, Beatriz (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
12:00 PM - Cosmopolitanism(s) and National Literatures: an Intercultural Dialogue at the
Postnational Cartographies Era.
Gomes, Renato (Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2:00 PM - Minimal Writings: the Traditions of Ernest Hemingway and Dalton Trevisan.
DIAS, ANGELA (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2:20 PM - Black Orpheus. Challenges for Transcultural Comparisons
Kopf, Martina (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:40 PM - Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Mexico, 1651-1695) and Gregório de Matos (Brazil, 1636-1695):
the Ludicrous Machinery of Baroque Irony.
Marinho, Marcelo (Federal University for Latin-American Integration (UNILA), Foz do Iguacu - Parana, Brazil)
3:00 PM - A Geo-Writing by Manoel de Barros
Moraes, Paulo (Paulo Benites, Campo Grande, Brazil)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Comparative Literature, World Literature and Ethical Literary Criticism
Talvet, Jüri (University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia)
9:20 AM - How to Face the Terror of Reason: from Literature to Philosophy.
Krause, Gustavo Bernardo (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
9:40 AM - On Ibsen's Thoughts and the German Culture
Li, Yinbo (College of Arts & Law, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China)
10:00 AM - Comparative Literature and the Challenge of Digital Media.
Zilberman, Regina (Instituto de Letras - UFRGS, Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil)
11:00 AM - Hafez and Emerson: Reception as a Transcultural Interaction
Fomeshi, Behnam (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran)
11:30 AM - Language and Identity in J.M. Coetzee's memoirs: Boyhood, Scenes of Provincial Life I
and II and Summertime
Hanna, Vera (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil)
12:00 PM - The Cultural Polylogue of Milos Crnjanski's 'Roman o Londonu' (A Novel about London)
Krstic, Visnja (University of Warwick / University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Republic Serbien)
Wednesday, July 27th
16661 - The Ineffability of Language and Mystic Utterances
Room: Seminarraum Skandinavistik 1
Chair: Figueira, Dorothy
9:00 AM - De Certeau's heterology: from mysticism to the recognition of the Other
BESSIERE, Jean (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France)
9:20 AM - Modes of Literary Representation of the Ineffable: el Duende and Jibandebata
Bogumil-Notz, Sieghild (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Bochum,
Chanda, Ipshita (Dept. of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
De Angelis, Valerio Massimo (University of Macerata, Department of Humanities, Macerata, Italy)
11:00 AM - Mystical Speech
Figueira, Dorothy (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA)
Gillespie, Gerald (Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
12:00 PM - Universal homes and universal homelessness: The curious Spinozism of Clarice Lispector
and Stefan Zweig
Lally, Katie (University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California, USA)
2:00 PM - The Symbolatry of the Here and Now: Immanence and Unutterable Marvels from
Metamorphoses to Fireworks
Mild, Matthew (The Tapestry, Cambridge, United Kingdom)
2:30 PM - The Need for Apostasy
Millet, Kitty (SF State University, SF, USA)
3:00 PM - Östen Sjöstrand and the Mystery of Poetic Language
Sondrup, Steven (Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, UT, USA)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
16679 - Langues et littératures de jeunesse
Room: Hs 46
Chair: Benert, Britta; CLERMONT, Philippe ; E. O’Sullivan; M. Chmurski; E. Kaess; A. Knauth
9:00 AM - Introduction
9:30 AM - La fable animale, multilingue et métalinguistique
Knauth, Alfons (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Romanisches Seminar, Bochum, Germany)
11:00 AM - Words and Language in Moveable Books and Pop-ups
Schmitz-Emans, Monika (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
11:30 AM - Spielerische Erfahrungen von Mehrsprachigkeit: Der Arche Literatur Kalender (2011ff.)
Bohnengel, Julia (Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilologie, Heidelberg, Germany)
12:00 PM - Pour adultes. Le langage des images dans la littérature pour la jeunesse.
DANGELO, BIAGIO (Universidade de Brasilia - Instituto de Arte, Brasilia, Brazil)
2:00 PM - Philosophie du langage dans Le Hollandais sans peine de M.-A. Murail
Benert, Britta (Université de Strasbourg, STRASBOURG, France)
2:30 PM - Strange signs. Invented languages from alienation to zany
O'Sullivan, Emer (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany)
3:00 PM - A la croisée des langages : création linguistique et interprétation sémiotique dans His Dark
Materials de Philip Pullman
Bazin, Laurent (Université de Versailles, St Germain en Laye, France)
9:00 AM - Les fictions linguistiques dans les Aventures de Tintin : voies et voix du bruxellois
GRUTMAN, Rainier (University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada)Saturday, July 23rd
9:30 AM - Le Bon Gros Géant de Roald Dahl (1982) et ses avatars sur l'exemple de ses traductions
en français, polonais et tchèque
Chmurski, Mateusz (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
11:00 AM - « - Malheur à moi, petit ballon vert... » Le langage poétique dans la littérature de
jeunesse en Union Soviétique
Kaess, Elisabeth (Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:30 AM - Playing in the same language - História de D. Redonda e da sua gente (1942) by
Cortez, Maria Teresa (Universidade de Aveiro /University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
16680 - Mapping Multilingualism in 19th-Century European Literature:…
Room: Hs 24
Chair: Weissmann, Dirk
9:00 AM - Entre rupture et continuité : multilinguisme des auteurs juifs d'Europe Centrale et
Orientale au XIXème siècle. Yiddish, hébreu et langues nationales
Paret Passos, Marie-Hélène (PUCRS/ITEM, Porto Alegre- RS-, Brazil)
9:30 AM - Le plurilinguisme italien du XIXe: le siècle des contraires
Sciarrino, Emile (Paris III, Gentilly, France)
10:00 AM - Écrivains russes du XIX siècle : écrivains plurilingues ?
11:00 AM - Sur les traces du multilinguisme des exilés dans le sud de la France au XIXème siècle.
Kowalska, Magdalena (Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa, Poland)
11:30 AM - Italian Drafts, Greek Verses (?): Aspects of Bi(multi)lingualism in the Poetry of Dionysios
Pavlou, Kostis (External member of the ITEM UMR 8132 CNRS/ENS, Nicosia, Cyprus)
12:00 PM - Multilingualism from Latin America to Europe in the 19th Century
Nissler, Paul (Stanford University, Stanford - Kalifornien, USA)
2:00 PM - Monolingual city, multilingual voices: Polish exile writers in 19th century Paris
Mende, Jana-Katharina (Universität Vechta, Vechta, Germany)
2:30 PM - The Intrinsic Multilingualism of Verse Making: German Lyric Poetry from the 19th Century
Dembeck, Till (Université du Luxembourg, Esch-Belval, Luxemburg)
3:00 PM - Marginal Languages, Multilingual Audiences: The Case of Georg Brandes and the Modern
Allen, Julie (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
4:00 PM - Mehrsprachigkeit in der Literatur des deutschen Vormärz (Heine, Büchner, Börne u.a.)
Weissmann, Dirk (Université Paris-Est Créteil, Créteil, France)
4:30 PM - Jens Baggesen oder der Versuch, Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts auf Europäisch" zu
Tabarasi-Hoffmann, Ana-Stanca (Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark)
5:00 PM - "Wie froh bin ich, dass nunmehr die geliebte Sprache lebendig wird" - Form and Function
of Multilingualism in travel writing 1800-1850
Vlasta, Sandra (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Halle (Saale), Germany)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Mehrsprachigkeit in den Reiseberichten Heinrich Heines und Hermann von PücklerMuskaus
Brückner, Leslie (Université de Lorraine, Metz, Strasbourg, France)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:30 AM - Vielstimmige Weltansichten? Humboldts und Herders Sprachphilosophien als
Wegbereiter moderner Mehrsprachigkeitskonzepte
Kremer, Arndt (University of Cologne, Cologne/ Köln, Germany)
10:00 AM - "Literatur und Mehrsprachigkeit" Das Konzept eines Handbuchs zu einem wachsenden
komparatistischen Forschungsfeld
Parr, Rolf (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften, Essen, Germany); Dembeck, Till (Universität
Monday, July 25th
16691 - Translation as Utopia/Dystopia
Room: Hs 24
Chair: Kothe, Ana; Bernstein, Lisa
2:00 PM - Translating History into Herstories: Utopian Impulses and Dystopian Worlds of Christa
Wolf and Carmen Boullosa
Bernstein, Lisa (University of Maryland University College, USA)
2:20 PM - Utopian horizons: Translating Yarimar Padua's The Witches of Latrop
Kothe, Ana (Humanities Dept. University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico)
2:40 PM - "Let's meet wherever you are @ home": How Utopian is Creating a Global Virtual
Collaborative Learning Environment for Foreign Language Students?
Pillet, Stephane (Humanities Dept. University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico)
3:00 PM - Locating Translation
Huffmaster, Michael (Humanities Dept./University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico)
Monday, July 25th
16692 - Secular Literary Texts and Sacred Exegesis
Room: Hs 16
Chair: Steven, Shankman
4:00 PM - Analysing Shakespearean Tragedy in the Light of Indian Religious Thought
Bhela, Dr. Anita (University of Delhi, New Delhi, India)
4:20 PM - Gitagovinda and Song of Songs: An Interreligious Reading of Erotic Love
Greenberg, Yudit (Rollins College, Winter Park, Uzbekistan)
4:40 PM - Reading Dante. Tom Phillips' "Dante's Inferno" as artistic reflection about exegetic
Schmitz-Emans, Monika (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
5:00 PM - Melanchthon, Aristotle, and Orthotomein, the sacred knife of dialectic
Major, Julia (University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
16711 - The Chinese Scriptworld and World Literature
Room: Hs50 / Audimax
Chair: Sowon Park; Karen Thornber; Jing Tsu; David Damrosch
2:00 PM - The Chinese Scriptworld
Park, Sowon (Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Oford, United Kingdom)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:30 PM - Scriptworlds: From Assyria to East Asia.
Damrosch, David (Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA)
3:00 PM - Heterographics: on Roman Letters and Phonetic Indifference
Lock, Charles (Dept of English, Germanic & Romance Studies / University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark)
4:00 PM - The Chinese Script in the Chinese Scriptworld.
McDonald, Edward (SunYat-Sen University, China)
4:30 PM - Modern Korean Literature and 'Hansh' Translation
Park, Sungchang (Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea)Saturday, July 23rdAudimax
9:00 AM - Translation as a New Tool for Rethinking the Local and the Global in the History of
Revolutions: Luther and Mao
Sinkwan, Cheng (Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Sweden)
9:30 AM - Two Historical Narratives of Japan within Ancient East Asia as the Chinese Script-world
Tokumori, Makoto (Universiry of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
10:00 AM - The Chinese Poetics of Xing-xiang: One of the Earliest Digital Poetics in the World
Zhao, Guangxu (University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada)
11:00 AM - Chinese Script in the Alphabetic Age
Tsu, Jing (Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA)
Friday, July 22nd
17430 - Denkbilder der Übersetzung
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 5
Chair: Eva Matt (Universität München), Ulrich Meurer (Universität Wien / Bochum), Michael Paninski
(Brown University)
9:00 AM - Einleitung zu "Denkbilder der Übersetzung"
Oikonomou, Maria (Universität Wien)
9:30 AM - Multidisziplinäre Übersetzungsparadigmen und synonymische Phänomene vor 1800
Keller, Andreas ((ZfL Berlin))
10:00 AM - Die literarische Darstellung der Übersetzung als Knotenpunkt literaturtheoretischer
Babel, Reinhard ((Universität München / DAAD Bogotá))
11:00 AM - Merci, Mercy. Über die Pflicht und Schuldigkeit des Übersetzens bei Jacques Derrida
Sauter, Caroline ((ZfL Berlin))
11:30 AM - Zwitter/Zwilling: Genetische Bildungen von Übersetzung
Oikonomou, Maria ((Universität Wien))
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
16740 - Translation Within a Single Language
Room: Seminarraum Geschichte 2
Chair: Hayot, Eric; Saussy, Haun
9:00 AM - The Decipherings: The Inter- and Intra-languages of Pound's Asia
Bush, Christopher (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:30 AM - Versification and prosification as translation and literary commonality
COSTE, Didier (Bordeaux-Montaigne University, ESCOURCE, France)
11:00 AM - The Pharisees
Hayot, Eric (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA)
11:30 AM - Interdisciplinarity as Translation
Solovieva, Olga (University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA)
12:00 PM - Translating the Family's Nazy Legacy to Bridge a Floating Gap
Yoeurp, Mélanie (German Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lognes, France)Tuesday, July 26th
2:00 PM - To say it differently
Rath, Brigitte (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
2:30 PM - My Idiolect, If I Have One
Saussy, Haun (University of Chicago, Chicago, USA)
3:00 PM - From English To English: A Polysystems Approach To The Vernacular.
Saxena, Akshya (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
Saturday, July 23rd
16791 - 'Autor', 'Text' und 'Leser' im Kontext. Komparatistik und Sozialwissenschaften.
Room: Hs 27
Chair: Batorova, Maria; Pospisil, Ivo
9:00 AM - Slowakische Literatur der Moderne im Kontext der europäischen Moderne. Komparatistik
und Sozialwissenschaften
Batorova, Maria (Institut für Weltliteratur, Bratislava, Slowakei, Slovakia)
9:30 AM - Comparative Literary Studies and Area Studies: Advantages and Obstacles
Pospisil, Ivo (Faculty of Arts Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
10:00 AM - Der Sammler als Autobiograph
Schmitz-Emans, Monika (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
11:00 AM - The Metafiktion in the postmodern prose
Zilka, Tibor (Institute of Languages and Cultures of Central Europe, Faculty of Central European Studies at Constantine the
Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia)
11:30 AM - The author and metarepresentationality: comparative analysis
Kuzmikova, Jana (Institute of Slovak Literature, Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia)
12:00 PM - Kommunikation und Schweigen in Prosatexten von Arthur Schnitzler und Stefan Zweig
(Kontextualisierung als Weg zur Komparation typologischer Zusammenhänge)
Zechelova, Katarina (Institut für Weltliteratur SAW, Bratislava, Slovakia)
2:00 PM - Péter Esterházy: the Author, the Text, the Reader or All of Them?
Paszmár, Lívia (Institute of World Literature SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia)
2:30 PM - Neo-sincere Theory in Comparative Literature
Anetta, Kristof (Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia)
Saturday, July 23rd
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Room: Hs 31
Chair: Müller-Funk, Wolfgang; Chovanec, Johanna
9:00 AM - (post)kolonial vs. (post)imperial: Grundsätzliches.
Ruthner, Clemens (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland)
9:30 AM - TEIL I: Post-imperiale Melancholie: ein Vergleich zwischen der österreichischen und
türkischen Literatur
Müller-Funk, Wolfgang (Universität Wien, Austria)
10:00 AM - TEIL II: Post-imperiale Melancholie: ein Vergleich zwischen der österreichischen und
türkischen Literatur
Chovanec, Johanna (Universität Wien, Brunn am Gebirge, Austria)
11:00 AM - Fragile Ordnung. Habsburg als Großreich und Großerzählung
Magerski, Christine (Universität Zagreb, Croatia)
11:30 AM - Ein Skandal in der postimperialen Stunde null. Zu Miroslav Krlezas Text Eine trunkene
Novembernacht 1918
Bobinac, Marijan (Universität Zagreb, Croatia)
12:00 PM - Der antihabsburgische Mythos in der kroatischen Literatur: der Roman Republikanci
(1914 - 1916) von Marija Juric Zagorka
Spreicer, Jelena (Universität Zagreb, Croatia)
2:00 PM - Türken, Habsburger, Russen, Araber Wandel der Alteritätsbilder der ungarischen
literarischen und kulturellen Öffentlichkeit vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne
Pesti, Brigitta (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Wien, Austria)
2:30 PM - Die napoleonischen Kriege im kroatischen kulturellen Gedächtnis
Dukic, Davor (Universität Zagreb, Croatia)
3:00 PM - Das Theater im Krieg - die Koexistenz des Nationalen und des Imperialen?
Car, Milka (Universität Zagreb, Croatia)
4:00 PM - Blick und die Reizkultur um 1900 - Zur Genealogie der imperialen Poetik im Jung-Wien
Preljevic, Vahidin (Universität Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegowina)
4:30 PM - Konjunkturen des Imperialen. Zur Transfergeschichte von Hermann Bahrs Dalmatinischer
Vidulic, Svjetlan Lacko (Universität Zagreb, Croatia)
5:00 PM - Psychiatrie und Psychoanalyse in Czernowitz: Robert Flinkers Prosa
Palimariu, Ana-Maria (Alexandru-Ioan-Cuza-Universitaet Jassy, Romania)
6:00 PM - Memoria & Postmemoria Deutsch-Südwestafrikas in der Literatur
Gärtner, Julian (Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany)
6:30 PM - Warten auf die Barbaren: Kafka und Coetzee
Karakassi, Katerina (Kapodistrias Universität Athen, Greece)
7:00 PM - Imperial and Post-imperial References in Ingeborg Bachmann's Gender-Theatre of
Festic, Fatima (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
16829 - Prismatic Translation
Room: Hs 41
Chair: Park, Sowon; Walid Hamarneh; Stefan Willer; Robert Young; Eva Horn; Vladimir Biti; Robert
9:00 AM - Variorum Translations
Reynolds, Matthew (OCCT - Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom)
9:30 AM - Translation through the Lens of Language
Young, Robert (New York University, New York, USA)
Chair: Stefan Willer
10:00 AM - Ideographic Translation
Park, Sowon (Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom)
11:00 AM - Translating Happiness
Howell, Yvonne (University of Richmond, Richmond, USA)
11:30 AM - Translation and the (Un-)making of Meaning Value
Hamarneh, Walid (University of Richmond, Richmond, USA)
Chair: Robert Young
12:00 PM - Translation, Interpretation, Orientation
Chaouli, Michel (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
Chair: Eva Horn
2:00 PM - Language-stretching, parallel aesthetics and poetic equivalence:
Poetic idioms in a multilingual literary culture
Orsini, Fransecsa (SOAS, University of London, London, United Kingdom)
4:00 PM - From Space to Event: The Development of Yuri Lotman's Concept of Translation
Norimatsu, Kyohei (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
4:30 PM - What remains Untranslated in translatio imperii?Translation as Political Operation
Biti, Vladimir (Institut für Slawistik, Wien, Austria)
Chair: Vladimir Biti
5:00 PM - Cultural Translation or the Political Logic of Prismatic Translation
Habjan, Jernej (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Literary Dictionaries as Meta-poetical Projects
Schmitz-Emans, Monika (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
9:30 AM - The (Un-)translatability of 'Welt'
Stockhammer, Robert (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Munich, Germany)
Chair: Robert Stockhammer
10:00 AM - Translation or Itinerary? Tracing the Path of Azerbaijani Literary Terms
Geybullayeva, Rahilya (Baku Slavic University, Baku, Azerbaijan)
11:30 AM - The Hungarian Spectrum of Petronius' Satyricon
Hajdu, Péter (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
12:00 PM - 'Originalmäßig': Goethe/Retranslation/Diderot
Willer, Stefan (Center for Literary and Cultural Research Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th
16832 - Speaking About Small Literatures in Their Own Language
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 3
Chair: Liina Lukas; Katre Talviste; Jeanne E. Glesener; Vanessa Matajc
9:00 AM - How to speak about Small Literatures? Preliminary Reflections on Terminology and
Glesener, Jeanne E. (Université du Luxembourg, Esch-Belval, Luxemburg)
Chair: Katre Talviste
10:00 AM - Ambedkar's Vision of Egalitarianism and Literature
Jahan, Rahmat (Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, Gaya Bihar, India)Saturday, July 23rd
2:00 PM - Le roman de fondation entre littérature politique et symbolique
Le Baillif, Anne-Marie (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Marne-la-Vallée, France)
2:30 PM - Mapping the world literary system and small literatures: the aspect of geo-politics and
geo-political poetics
Matajc, Vanesa (Dep. of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana,
Chair: Jeanne E. Glesener
3:00 PM - Le théâtre luxembourgeois: spécificités et problématiques d'un petit genre
De Toffoli, Ian (Université du Luxembourg, Institut de langue et de littératures luxembourgeoises, Esch-Belval, Luxemburg)
4:00 PM - "Wer hierzulande schreibt, kennt sein Risiko" - Literatursoziologischer Blick auf das
Luxemburger Literatursystem
Gilbertz, Fabienne (University of Luxembourg, Esch-Belval, Luxemburg)
4:20 PM - Literature defined by language?
Kõvamees, Anneli (Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia)
4:40 PM - Contemporary Bilingual Literary Practice in Carinthia
Leben, Andreas (Universität Graz, Graz, Austria)
Chair: Vanessa Matajc
5:00 PM - Moving centres and peripheries in the lives and works of L. Welch and P. Joris
Hansen-Pauly, Marie-Anne (University of Luxembourg, Mersch, Luxemburg)Monday, July 25th
11:00 AM - Die Weltliteratur als Bestandteil kleiner Literatur
Lukas, Liina (Universität Tartu, Tartu, Estonia)
11:30 AM - Small translations of a big text: fragmentary translations of Marcel Proust's "A la
recherche du temps perdu" in Estonian
Kütt, Madli (University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia)
12:00 PM - 0 to 100 in less than 10 Years. A Story of a History of 20th-Century Literature
Talviste, Katre (University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
16881 - New Perspectives on the Paragone
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 2
Chair: Thoss, Jeff; Mathieson, Jolene
9:00 AM - Paragone as an analytical device
Bruhn, Jørgen (Linnæus University, Complit, Växjö, Sweden)
9:30 AM - Der Paragone in mediologischer und kultursoziologischer Perspektive
Wolf, Norbert Christian (Uni Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria)
10:00 AM - Reflections on a myth - reading text and image in a new perspective
Führer, Heidrun (Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund, Sweden)
11:00 AM - "The physiology of the nervous system and the processes of the imagination": ekphrasis
and artful language in William Carlos Williams' Spring and All
Gander, Catherine (Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom)
11:30 AM - Sarah's Silence: The Paragone and Feminist Critique in John Fowles' The French
Lieutenant's Woman
Mathieson, Jolene (Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany)
12:00 PM - Beyond Paragone: Artistic Collaboration in 'Girl with a Pearl Earring'
Gil Curiel, German (UCC, Cork, Ireland)
2:00 PM - Embracing the Rival? Intermediality as a Literary Posture in Austrian Pop Literature
Degner, Uta (Uni Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria)
2:30 PM - Gegen die "digitale Sünde" - Literatur als Reflex auf den Medienumbruch zum digitalen
Zeitalter am Beispiel des Romans "Die Meisen von UUsimaa singen nicht mehr" von Franz Friedrich
Sommerfeld, Beate (Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Posen, Poznan, Poland)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Depicta poesis: intertextual links between Horace's Latin verses and the images of
baroque Portuguese tiles
Araújo, Filipa (University of Coimbra, Sebal, Portugal)
9:30 AM - The Art of Instruction: 17th-Century History Painting and "Advice-to-a-Painter" Poems
Thoss, Jeff (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
10:00 AM - "O, Hogarth, had I thy Pencil!" Henry Fieldings literarische Karikaturen
Faßhauer, Vera (Uni Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
11:00 AM - An Anthropologist's Paragonal Project: Cultural and Artistic Alterity in the Poetic and
Critical Writing of Edward Sapir
Reichel, A. Elisabeth (University of Basel, Department of English, Basel, Switzerland)
11:30 AM - New Perspectives on the Paragone - A Case Study of Jiang Zhaohe's (1904-1986) Figure
Chen, Joan (School of Art, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China)
12:00 PM - Parergon and Paragone
Nagy, Fruzsina (University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary)
2:00 PM - Invisible Texts
Isherwood, Tim (University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom)
2:30 PM - Effects on Text of the Foregrounding and Foreignisation of Typeface
Kendall, Judy (University of Salford UK, Salford, United Kingdom)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
16929 - Languages of the Imaginary: interdisciplinary reflections
Room: Hs 23
Chair: Valenzuela, Sandra Trabucco; Baseio, Maria Auxiliadora ; Cunha, Maria Zilda
11:00 AM - Littérature et Sculputure dans la Poésie Brésilienne Contemporaine
Berwanger da Silva, Maria Luiza (UFRGS ; UNILASALLE, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Carelli, Fabiana (University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
12:00 PM - Of Paint and Pen: Tim Rollins + K.O.S. and the (Dismantled) Literary Text
Haller, Jennifer (The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, USA)
2:00 PM - Die Stimme der Verführung: "Die Sirene" (1980) von Dieter Wellershoff
Carrington, Maria Cristina (University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal)
2:30 PM - Textual Reality to Virtual Reality: Cultural Politics and Representation of Humiliation,
Caste and Social Justice in Amarchitrakatha, Bhimayana and Gardener
Ingole, Prashant (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Ahmadabad, India)
3:00 PM - Once upon a time and so many other times: Hansel and Gretel, from the craft to the
audiovisual narrative
Valenzuela, Sandra Trabucco (Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil); Cunha, Maria Zilda (Universidade de
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil); Baseio, Maria Auxiliadora (Universidade Santo Amaro, São Paulo, Brazil)
4:00 PM - Literary Imagination and Ecological Ideology
SONG, Xuhong (Minzu University of China, Beijing, China)
4:30 PM - Temporality and finitude: the Wolf in João Guimarães Rosa and José Roberto ToreroŽs
Prando, Fabiana (Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)
5:00 PM - La lumière dans les romans arthuriens et le Livre des rois de Ferdowsi
Ringgenberg, Patrick (Universite de Lausanne, Arzier, Switzerland); Abai, Andia (Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Arzier,
Switzerland)Saturday, July 23rd
Gobbi Alves Araujo, Giovanna (University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
11:30 AM - Unveiling the Sorceress: Word and Image Encounters in the Works of Three South
American Women Poets
Puppo, María (Universidad Católica Argentina / CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
12:00 PM - Storytelling in Advertising: "The last wishes of Volkswagen van"
Valenzuela, Sandra Trabucco (Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil); Bonaldo, Luciane Ferreira (Universidade
Nova de Lisboa, São Paulo, Brazil)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17052 - The Text as Being: Ontologies of Redemption and Repair
Room: Hs 42
Chair: Millet, Kitty
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:00 PM - No Regrets: On the Pagan Possibilities of Being in the Americas
Johnson, Dane (San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USA)
2:30 PM - Rahmana: From Text to Maternity On Emmanuel Levinas Talmudic hermeneutics
Dal Bo, Federico (Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICI Berlin), Berlin, Germany)
3:00 PM - Beggars, Runaways and Prodigal Daughters - The Construction of Life Stories and the
Deconstruction of Storytelling in the Prose of Alice Munro and Marie NDiaye
Heimgartner, Stephanie (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
4:00 PM - Violence and the Imagination: An Aesthetics of Contact
Borato, Meryl (York University, Toronto, Canada)
4:20 PM - Reading Elfriede Jelinek for an Ethics of Violence
Lally, Katie (University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California, USA)
4:40 PM - Trauma, emotion and ethics in the narratives of Martin Amis
Constantinescu, Catalin (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany)
5:00 PM - An Ethics for Missing Persons
Millet, Kitty (SF State, SF, USA)Saturday, July 23rd
2:00 PM - Romantic Being in English and Slovak Literature
Pokrivcak, Anton (University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Trnava, Slovakia)
2:30 PM - A Note on Names and Generic Labeling
Weiss, Vered (UIUC, Urbana, USA)
4:00 PM - Kafka's Legacy. Wound, Damage, and Repair in Delay.
Park, Saein (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA)
4:30 PM - Oe Kenzaburo Says Go to Hell
Archambault, Brandon (European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland)
5:00 PM - Extrahuman Transcendence in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray
Fry, Katie (University of Toronto, Centre for Comparative Literature, Toronto, Canada)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17093 - WORKSHOP: Begegnungsorte und -medien. Transfer, Medialität und Situativität jüdischer
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 4
Chair: Terpitz, Olaf; Windsperger, Marianne
9:30 AM - The Honourable Woman': Figuring Israel and Palestine from a British Viewpoint
Vice, Sue (University Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom)
11:30 AM - The Cosmopolitan Survivor
Millet, Kitty (SF State University, SF, USA)
12:00 PM - Narrating the other, discovering the self? Literary recuperations of Yugoslav Jewry
Zivkovic, Yvonne (Cambridge University, Lucy Cavendish College, Stuttgart, Germany)
2:00 PM - Fool and jester. The literary figures of the "Schlemiel", the "Schelm" and the "Don
Quijote" between ambivalence and encounter
Terpitz, Olaf (Institut für Slawistik, Wien, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:30 PM - Nokhem Shtif in Berlin: emigré life through the lens of Yiddish feuilletons
Nath, Holger (University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany)
3:00 PM - Autobiography as a Synthesis of Russian and Yiddish Literature: Osip Dymov's Memories
Mikula, Thomas (Institut für Slawistik, Wien, Austria)Tuesday, July 26th
9:30 AM - Judezmo in Multilingual Literary Texts
Güde, Elisabeth (LMU München, Berlin, Germany)
10:00 AM - Commemoration, Memory and the Literary Construction of the Self in the “Minor
Languages” (Franco) Yiddish and Romanian – A Comparative Approach to Texts by Myriam Anissimov
and Norman Manea
Aistleitner, Judith (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria)
11:00 AM - Versing a “Kulturnation” – Anthologies of Poetry in the National Jewish Discourse in the
Beginning of the Twentieth Century´
Reichert, Carmen (Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Munich, Germany)
11:30 AM - Surfaces of Encounter: The reader of Modern Hebrew Literature during the First decade
of the Twentieth Century
Nethanel, Lilach (Bar-Ilan University, kibutz yakum, Israel)
12:00 PM - In Search of a Lost Shtetl-World? A History of Yiddish Literature in American Culture
Windsperger, Marianne (Institut für Germanistik, Wien, Austria)
2:00 PM - Henriette Herz (1764-1847) as a Cultural Mediator
Conterno, Chiara (Università di Verona, Verona, Italy)
2:30 PM - Isaac Bashevis Singer, an intercultural reading.
Stepien, Aneta (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland)
3:00 PM - Georg Brandes and his Transnational Vision
Blak Hjortshøj, Søren (Department of Culture and Identity,Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark)
Friday, July 22nd
17121 - One theme: different media
Room: Seminarraum Skandinavistik 1
9:00 AM - A Glance at the Attitudes towards Film Adaptation in Iran
Khojastehpour, Adineh (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran)
9:20 AM - Film narration in contemporary literature: an Argentinian example
Mattos, Cristine (Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Jardim da glória, Brazil)
9:40 AM - The Fabulative Function of Magic and Spiritualism in "Eisenheim the Spiritualist"/The
Lin, Wan-shuan (Yuanpei University, Hsinchu City)
10:00 AM - Redeeming Time: The Hollow Crown and Chimes at Midnight and their Transit through
Tavern, Castle, and Battlefield in Henry IV Part 1 & Part 2
Monteiro, Flávia (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Contagem, Brazil)
11:00 AM - Toward a People's Art - A Study of the Odessa Collective and the Third Theatre
Bhowmik, Ranjamrittika (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:30 AM - Literature and the Visual Arts: William BlakeŽs different Tygers
Oliveira, Solange (Federal University of Minas Gerais Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
12:00 PM - Variations on a theme: Kandinsky, Joyce, and Vittorini
Viselli, Antonio (Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada)
2:00 PM - Iconicity, Rebelliousness, and Intermediality in Rock Music Culture
Amancio, Maria Angelica (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), Belo Horizonte, Austria)
2:20 PM - Images from artists' studios
Arbex-Enrico, Márcia (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais -UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil); Baptista do Lago, Izabela
(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
2:40 PM - One term, several meanings: transmedia according to different areas of study
Figueiredo, Camila (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
3:00 PM - Samambaia: a house as poem, novel and film
Vieira, Miriam (ufmg, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Monday, July 25th
17126 - Dans quelle mesure l'effet de vie est-il la condition du langage de l'art ?
Room: Hs 42
Chair: Münch, Marc-Mathieu ; Guiyoba, François; Couto Pereira, Helena Bonito
9:00 AM - "L'effet de vie" de la lecture
Lushenkova, Anna (Université Paris 4-Sorbonne, Villeurbanne, France)
9:30 AM - La Notion d'invariant dans l'œuvre du poète syrien Adonis.
bouderbala, tayeb (University of Batna-Algeria, Batna, Algeria)
10:00 AM - La fraternité des arts à lŽépreuve des adaptations du poème Morte e vida severina, de
João Cabral de Melo Neto
PEREIRA, HELENA (Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
11:00 AM - Multiplicité d'art et de vie dans La piel que habito, de Pedro Almodóvar
RODRIGUES-ALVES, Maria-Cláudia (IBILCE- Universidade Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto - SP, Brazil)
DJOB-LI-KANA, Edouard Christian (Effet de vie, Trondheim, Norway)
12:00 PM - De la lecture intuitive à la lecture critique - Le spectacle de masques dans le roman
d'Abe Kôbô La Face d'un autre
2:00 PM - Fiction et effet de vie, deux faces du même code universel des arts.
Münch, Marc-Mathieu , France
2:30 PM - La fraternité des arts en Afrique
Guiyoba, François (Ecole normale supérieure de Yaoundé, Yaoundé, Cameroon)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday,
July 27th
17218 - (Queer) Relationality: Gender and Queer Comparatists at Work Sponsored by the
Comparative Gender Studies Committee
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Room: Hs 21
Chair: Spurlin, William
11:00 AM - Stein's and Hemingway's Queer Relationality
Coffman, Chris (University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA)
11:30 AM - Between Queers, Queers Between: HIV, Community, and Bi Queer Erasure
Greenblatt, Jordana Marion (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
12:00 PM - Transgender Boom?: (Non)Relativities of Contemporary Transgender Autobiographies in
Transnational context
Mahasupap, Saran (Transgender Boom?: (Non)Relativities of Contemporary Transgender Autobiographies in Transnational
Context, San Francisco, USA)Saturday, July 23rd
11:00 AM - Running against the Limits of Language: Nathanaël's "Paper City" ("Papierstadt")
Tutschek, Elisabeth (Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada)
11:30 AM - Translation and/as Queer Politics in Contemporary Francophone Life Writing from the
Spurlin, William J. (Brunel University London, London, United Kingdom)
12:00 PM - Queering Coetzee: Kristien Hemmerechts' Transwriting of "Disgrace"
Plate, Liedeke (Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands)Monday, July 25th
11:00 AM - Transgressing Translation/Translating Transgression: In Search of Lili Elvenes
Caughie, Pamela (Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA); Meyer, Sabine (Independet Scholar, Berlin, Germany)
12:00 PM - Gendered Violence and the Digital Body?
Zimmerman, Tegan (Okanagan College, Edmonton, Canada)
11:40 AM - Challenging the Centre: Alternative History of 'Deviancy' in the Self-Representations of
Women Sex Workers from India
GUPTA, SEEMANTINI (Independent Scholar, KOLKATA, India)
12:00 PM - Beautiful Boys on the Horizon of Cross-Cultural Spaces
Arvas, Abdulhamit (Michigan State U, LANSING, USA)Tuesday, July 26th
11:00 AM - Frameworks, Rituals, Mirroring Effects. A Queer Reading of the S/M Relationship
Fusillo, MASSIMO (University of L'Aquila, ROMA, Italy)Tuesday, July 26th
11:20 AM - Figures of Maternal Violence: Embodiments of Radical Otherness
Schmidt, Rita Terezinha (Federal University do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
11:40 AM - Voice and Self-Empowerment. On Sexual Violence against Women in 21st-Century
Nenadovic, Ana (University Vienna, University Banja Luka, Vienna, Austria)Wednesday, July 27th
11:00 AM - Die Kryptographie des queren Vertrauens: Subalterne Relationelle Erzählgestalten von
Auf der anderen Seite bis Barbe-Bleue
Mild, Matthew (The Tapestry, Cambridge, United Kingdom)
11:20 AM - Gesturing Toward Queer Temporality: Erotohistoriography in Renee Gladman's "Event
Factory" and Bhanu Kapil's "Incubation"
Dilts, Rebekkah (UC Santa Cruz, Los Gatos, USA)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:40 AM - Identities Performed in Interaction: Queer Literary Theory and Positioning Theory
Dell'Aversano, Carmen (Università di Pisa, PISA-PI, Italy)
Wednesday, July 27th
17220 - ATELIERS : Aspekte der österreichisch-französischen Kulturbeziehungen / aspects des
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 2
Chair: Karl, Zieger; Bachleitner, Norber
2:00 PM - Austrian Periodicals as Media of Cultural Transfer between France and Austria (ca. 1790
to 1848)
Bachleitner, Norbert (Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria); Werner, Juliane (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Austria)
2:30 PM - Degeneration, Masochismus, späte Rezeption Übersetzungen österreichischer Literatur
ins Französische um 1900
Mitterbauer, Helga (Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium)
3:00 PM - L'image de l'Autriche dans quelques revues françaises des années 1920/30: vers une
nouvelle identité culturelle?
Zieger, Karl (Université Lille, Lille, France); Wilker, Jessica (Université Lille, Lille, France)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th
17222 - Island Fictions and Metaphors in Contemporary Literature
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 4
Chair: Schödel, Kathrin ; Dautel, Katrin
11:00 AM - Out of time: literary islands and their distinctive temporalities
Zubarik, Sabine (Universität Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany)
11:30 AM - Sebald on Walser on Kleist, and so on: Sebald's use of the island as a telescopic space
Schwebel, Shoshana (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
12:00 PM - "Only under water things stayed as they were". Narrating the ambivalence of truth in Juli
Zeh's novel Nullzeit
Dautel, Katrin (University of Malta, Naxxar, Malta)
2:00 PM - Klippe, Küste, Insel Grenzerfahrungen und Geographie bei Raoul Schrott
Schällibaum, Oriana (University of Zurich NCCR Mediality, Zürich, Switzerland)
2:30 PM - «Inseln sind Heimat im tieferen Sinne». Sardinien-Deutungen und
Mythostransformationen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Gegenwart
Serra, Valentina (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy)
3:00 PM - "Quête" und "enquête" in Inseltexten von Annette Pehnt und Hubert Damisch
Mattern, Pierre (Freischaffend, Offenburg, Germany)
4:00 PM - Pfaueninsel, Island Narratives around 1800, and Historical Fiction
Williams, Seán (The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom)
4:30 PM - Dreaming of Islands': Evolution and the Individual Utopia in Samuel Butler, Aldous Huxley,
and Michel Houellebecq
Sreenan, Niall (University College London, London, United Kingdom)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
5:00 PM - Man is an Island: On the Herme(neu)tics of Michel Houellebecq's Lanzarote
Arnds, Peter (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland)Saturday, July 23rd
4:00 PM - Die deutsche "Strafexpedition" gegen die Insel Ponape (1910/11) und ihr Echo in der
Schwarz, Thomas (Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan)
4:30 PM - Grönlands Funktion als insularer Raum jenseits der Zivilisation im Werk Libuse Monikovas
Stamm, Ulrike (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
5:00 PM - Inseln der Gewalt
Hoffmann, Sascha (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Metzingen, Germany)Monday, July 25th
4:00 PM - Island Meta-Poiesis in Contemporary Island Fictions
Kinane, Ian (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland)
4:20 PM - Sensing/Thinking Island Spaces
Hartmann, Britta (University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia); Samson, Barney (University of Essex, Colchester, United
4:40 PM - On the Spatial Practice of Island-Making
Graziadei, Daniel (Universität München, München, Germany)
5:00 PM - Beyond Island Conception: Questioning Islandness through Fiction
Riquet, Johannes (University of Zurich, 8032, Switzerland)
Re/conceiving Islands: Media, Perception, and Spatial Practice
Riquet, Johannes (University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland); Kinane, Ian (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland); Hartmann,
Britta (University of Tasmania, Abels Bay, Tasmania, Australia); Samson, Barney (University of Essex, London, United
Kingdom); Graziadei, Daniel (Universität München, München, Germany)
Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday, July 27th
17228 - Indian Theatre, Ritual and Drama: Towards an Intercultural Understanding of the Dramatic
Room: Hs 24
2:00 PM - Versions of History: Girish Karnad's Play The Dreams of Tipu Sultan
Davis, Geoffrey (Institut für Anglistik, Aachen, Germany)
2:20 PM - The Absurd and the Classical Theory of Drama: A comparative study of the plays of Girish
Karnad and Samuel Beckett
Chatterjee, Abhinaba (DPO-1 (G), Air HQ (VB), Delhi, India)
2:40 PM - Twice-born Theatrical Sensibility¿ of east and west in Girish Karnad¿s Hayavadana
Trikha, Manorama (CCS University, Meerut, Meerut, India)
3:00 PM - Hayavadana:-- Interfacing Performance and Philosophy by yoking Epic Theatre and
James, Jancy (CLAI, Trivandrum, India)Monday, July 25th
11:00 AM - Traditional Indian Theatre and Kabuki: A Passage Towards a Total Theatre
Choudhuri, indra Nath (Millennium Trust, Kent, UK, Delhi, India)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:30 AM - The Brechtian Specters of Other Modern Theatres: Comparing Habib Tanvir and Wole
Soyinka's Visions of Dramatic/Theatrical Art
Kumar, S Satish (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA)
12:00 PM - Fear in Indian and Greek Drama
Figueira, Dorothy (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA)Tuesday, July 26th
2:00 PM - Performance in Plays: The Modern Metaphysical Mentality of Indian Playwrights
Singh, Jayshree (Lecturer (Selection Grade) Bhupal Nobles' Post-Graduate College, Rajasthan, India)
2:30 PM - Performance and Literary Studies:Indian Context
Bhowmik, Ranjamrittika (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
3:00 PM - "Staging Coyote's Dream": Reading the performance texts of Budhan Theatre, Gujarat,
India and Native Earth Performing Arts, Canada.
Bhattacharyya, Dheeman (Centre for Comparative Literature, Bhasa Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Birbhum, West Bengal,
India)Wednesday, July 27th
9:00 AM - Ritual as Protest: Street Theatre in Contemporary India
Mukherjee, Tutun (Centre for Comparative Literature, Hyderabad, India)
9:30 AM - Just the King's Postman? Re-Viewing Tagore's English Plays
Ghosh-Schellhorn, Martina (TAS, Saarland U, Saarbrücken, Germany)
10:00 AM - Pava Kathakali : The Puppet Folk Theatre of India Akin to the Classical Kathakali
Bhela, Dr. Anita (University of Delhi, New Delhi, India)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17229 - The Rhetorics of the Anthropocene
Room: Seminarraum Nederlandistik
Chair: Dürbeck, Gabriele
4:00 PM - The Rhetoric of the Anthropocene - Introduction
Dürbeck, Gabriele (Universität Vechta, Vechta, Germany); Nesselhauf, Jonas (Universität Vechta, Vechta, Germany)
4:30 PM - Anthropocene Temporalities
Kost, Kiley (Dept. of German, Scandinavian and Dutch, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
5:00 PM - Performative Aufarbeitung von ökologisch verorteten Weltuntergangszenarien in der
etwas älteren deutschsprachigen Literatur
Ohnesorg, Stefanie (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Eine Poetik für das Anthropozoikum? Naturgewalt, tellurische Macht und anorganische
Materie bei Adalbert Stifter
Schuster, Jana (universität bonn, bonn, Germany)
9:30 AM - Vom Globus und Planeten: Zum Denken des Anthropozäns bei Alexander Kluge, Sebastião
Salgado und Anselm Kiefer
Radisoglou, Alexis (Columbia University, New York, USA)
10:00 AM - "Die Enteisung Grönlands": Vorboten einer Poetik des Anthropozäns in Döblins Berge
Meere und Giganten
Völker, Oliver (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt a/M, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - Anticipating the Anthropocene: "Classical" and "Popular" Science Fiction
Chattopadhyay, Kunal (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
11:30 AM - Der Planet der Affen im Anthropozän
Shah, Mira (Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland)
12:00 PM - Dawn of the Zoocene? Or: Humanity vs. the Rest of the Animal World in Recent SFF Film
& Television
Fuchs, Michael (Uni Graz, Graz, Austria)
Monday, July 25th
17234 - Language Policy and Literary Evolution
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 5
Chair: Wang, Hongzhang; Zhou, Qichao; Chu, Xiaoquan; Wei, Yuqing; Li, Zhen; Wang, Jiaxing; Xia,
Zhongxian; Chen, Tao; Dang, Shengyuan
2:00 PM - Roman Jakobson, J. Mukarzhovsky, Roman Ingarden and ¡°Literariness¡±
2:30 PM - TAO (¡°µÀ¡±) AND CHING (¡°Ÿ³¡±)
3:00 PM - Liu Xie's Conception of Literary Evolution: A Functionalist View
Wang, Hongzhang (College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
4:00 PM - The Production of the Novel Doctor Zhivago and Its Reception in China
5:00 PM - Chung-shu Chien¡¯s Sublimation Theory (¡°»¯Ÿ³Ëµ¡±) From the Perspective of Bakhtin¡¯s
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday,
July 27th
17248 - Embracing the Other
Room: Hs 23
Chair: Kostova, Raina; Schweitzer, Petra
Opening Remarks
Kostova, Raina ; Petra Schweitzer
9:00 AM - EmPlacing the Other
Romm, Stuart (Praxis3 - architecture and multidisciplinary design, Atlanta, USA)
9:30 AM - Expanding Identities: Social and Environmental Justice in Indigenous American Literature
Lobnik, Mirja (Oxford College of Emory University, Oxford, USA)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Mainstreamed and Marginalized: Female Athletes as the "Other" in Sport Media
Daddario, Gina (Shenandoah University, Wiinchester, USA)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:30 AM - Agents, Orcs and Militant Mutants: Sameness as Otherness in Western Popular Culture
Argiro, Thomas (Tunghai U., Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature, Taichung)
Oliveira, Leopoldo (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)Monday, July 25th
9:00 AM - One Between Two: Godard's Goodbye to Language (2014)
Choe, Steve (San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USA)
9:20 AM - Playing Deaf and Dumb: Disability and the Theatre World
DiQuattro, Marianne (Rollins College, Maitland, USA)
9:40 AM - A comparative study of visual representations of the Black Body in Brazilian and British
Caetano, Paulo Henrique (Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei, São João del-Rei, MG, Brazil)
10:00 AM - (Em)bracing Migrant Women as Others in Korean Cinema
Chung, Moonyoung (Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Migrants as Other: Xenophobia and Racism
Schweitzer, Petra (Shenandoah University, Winchester, USA)
9:20 AM - The Moors in George Peele's The Battle of Alcazar
Barbouchi, Limame (Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Oujda, Marocco); El Maghnougi, Naima (Faculty of Letters and
Humanities, Oujda, Marocco)
9:40 AM - Language of Nationalism and Martial Identity in the Muluk of Bir (brave) Gurkhas
Sharma, Priyanka (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
10:00 AM - Jelinek's Vienna: Cultural Elitism and Xenophobia
Kostova, Raina (Jacksonville State University, Powder Springs, Georgia, USA)Wednesday, July 27th
9:00 AM - Embracing the Other: Imaginary Freedom
Brinkley, Tony (University of Maine, Bangor, Maine, USA)
9:30 AM - Afro-Caribbean Womanhood in Literature
Harris, Ashley (Shenandoah University, Winchester, USA)
10:00 AM - Embracing the Black Female Other through Feminine Writing in Toni Morrison's The
Bluest Eye: A Study of Colors, Sounds and Shapes
Hammami, Nodhar (University of kairouan, Tunisia, Kairouan, Tunisia)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17252 - Hybridisierung literarischer Sprachen und Ausdrucksformen als Innovationsmodus
Room: Hs 34
Chair: Hintereder-Emde, Franz
9:00 AM - Ausgangspunkt Robert Walser: das Innovative hybrider Literatur
Hintereder-Emde, Franz (Universität Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi, Japan)
9:30 AM - Darstellung und Zeitlichkeit. Zu Gotthold Ephraim Lessings gattungstheoretischem
Takeda, Arata (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
10:00 AM - Dante-Comics zwischen Kanonischem und Populärkultur: Spielformen der Hybridisierung
und Strategien der Selbstreferenz
Schmitz-Emans, Monika (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
2:00 PM - The Seeds of Young Werther: Japanese and Chinese Translations and Adaptations
Kaminski, Johannes (Academica Sinica, Taipei)
2:30 PM - Goethes "Faust" und seine Hybridisierungen
de Boissieu, Michel (Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan)
3:00 PM - Schulromane von Robert Walser und Soseki Natsume: hybride Darstellungsformen
zwischen "hoch und niedrig"
Wakabayashi, Megumi (Tokyo Gakugei Uni, Tokyo, Japan)
4:00 PM - Parodie als Spiegel ? Zum Umgang mit nicht-literarischen Fach-, Trivial- oder
Modesprachen in einigen Romanen von Erlend Loe.
BOURGUIGNON, Annie (Université de Lorraine, PARIS, France)
4:30 PM - < das junge jakobli läßt den alten jakob grüßen > - Verdoppelung, Verstellung und
Grenzüberschreitung in Friedrich Glausers Kriminalroman Die Fieberkurve
Niimoto, Fuminari (Tsuda College, Tokyo, Japan)
5:00 PM - Grimm 2.0 Die Brüder Grimm in der Postmoderne
Jakli, Timon (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Emanzipation im Abendlicht. Vampirische Textausgeburten und Weiblichkeitsentwürfe in
Elfriede Jelineks „Krankheit oder moderne Frauen‟
Zerovnik, Martina (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria)
9:30 AM - "Gossen-Orpheus" Jean Genet: deutsche Übersetzungs- und Rezeptionsschwierigkeiten
eines poetisch-derben Stils
Gay, Marie-Christine (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense / Universität zu Köln, Berlin, Germany)
10:00 AM - Zur englischsprachigen Sebald-Rezeption in der populären Musik
Schwabel, Friederike (Universität Wien (Dissertandin), 1090, Austria)
Wednesday, July 27th
17254 - Wer spricht im Gedicht?
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 1
Chair: Klimek, Sonja
Übungsraum Germanistik 1
9:00 AM - The Voice in the Poem: Triggering Specificity, Performing Embodiedness
Zettelmann, Eva (Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Wien, Austria)
9:15 AM - Figur und Person in lyrischen Gebilden
Hillebrandt, Claudia (Universität Jena, Jena, Germany)
9:30 AM - Der Publikationskontext in der Lyrikrezeption
Syrovy, Daniel (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Wien, Austria)
9:45 AM - Poet and Object of Poetry: The Voice of Mararetha Susanna von Kuntsch (1654-1717)
Pailer, Gaby (University of British Columbia, Vancouver B.C., Canada)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
10:00 AM - Autorschaft und Peritext - Werkpolitische Lenkung der Sprechinstanzen von IchGedichten
Klimek, Sonja (Universität Freiburg/CH, Freiburg, Switzerland)
Monday, July 25th
17255 - Comparing the arts: art as a universal language
Chair: Oliveira, Solange
Übungsraum Germanistik 5
9:00 AM - Towards the Universal Language of a People's Art : A Study of the Odessa Collective and
the Third Theatre
Bhowmik, Ranjamrittika (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
9:15 AM - Universality in Shakespeare's The Tempest : re-creations
Diniz, Thaïs (ufmg, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
9:30 AM - The exploration of the encyclopaedic desire to absorb all knowledge as a search for
universal knowledge
Veneroso, Maria do Carmo de Freitas (Federal University of Minas Gerais - Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
9:45 AM - Picasso's and Ortiz's Guernica: a study on the archetypal representations of the tragic
Alvarez, Aurora (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17256 - France - Russie: Littératures croisées. Présences et représentations de la langue de l'autre
Room: IOeG
Chair: Stemberger, Martina; Chvedova, Lioudmila
11:00 AM - Introduction
Chvedova, Lioudmila ; Martina Stemberger
11:30 AM - Dialogue interculturel entre la France et la Belgique autour de "l'inconnue russe"
pendant l'entre-deux-guerres
Cecovic, Svetlana (Université catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium)
12:00 PM - Images de la Russie et usages du russe dans Les Jardins de Tauride, une nouvelle inédite
d'Irène Némirovsky
Quaglia, Elena (Università degli Studi di Verona/Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Milano, Italy)
2:00 PM - Marina Tsvetaeva - l'obstination de l'étranger
Leclerc, Natalia (université de Bretagne occidentale, Brest, France)
2:30 PM - Arthur Adamov : à la recherche de l'identité nationale, culturelle, créatrice.
Dubrovina, Svetlana (House of Russian Emigration, Moscow, Russian Federation)
3:00 PM - Les interactions entre le russe et le français : la langue et l'identité dans la nouvelle de
Vladimir Nabokov "Mademoiselle O "
Chvedova, Lioudmila (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
4:00 PM - Traductions de soi-même (plurilinguisme et autotraduction)
Lushenkova, Anna (Université Paris 4-Sorbonne, Villeurbanne, France)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
4:30 PM - Les mots des autres - en d'autres mots. (In)traductibilité, identité et altérité dans le
dialogue franco-russe de l'entre-deux-guerres
Stemberger, Martina (Institut für Romanistik, Wien, Austria)
5:00 PM - La figure de la traductrice comme terme médiateur dans « Malentendu à Moscou » de
Simone de Beauvoir
Landry, Iraïs (Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada); Leguerrier, Louis-Thomas (Université de Montréal,
Montreal, Canada)Tuesday, July 26th
11:00 AM - Transpositions « révolutionnaires » du drame catholique : autour de la tragédie "La Tiare
du siècle" de Paul Claudel et Ivan Axionov
Galtsova, Elena (Gorky Institute of Word literature, Moscow, Russian Federation)
11:30 AM - Les lectures françaises d'Alexandre Schmemann et leur fonction dans l'architecture de
son Journal
Mikhaylov, Kalin (Sofioter Universität "Hl. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria)
12:00 PM - Between Petersburg and Paris: the Russian novel as an alternative model for Brazilian
Gomide, Bruno (Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil)
2:00 PM - Fonction des gallicismes dans la prose de Sacha Tchorny
KHLOPINA, Oxana (Université Paris X - Nanterre, VIROFLAY, France)
2:30 PM - "La langue de l'autre" - L'expérience d'Andreï Makine
Pinot, Anne (ICES (Vendée) and UBO (Laboratoire HCTI), Angers, France)
3:00 PM - « ...que nous quittions la douce violence russe, que tu écrives des livres, des livres et des
livres... » (Mathias Énard) : la matière russe et ses enjeux métalittéraires chez Emmanuel Carrère
Absalyamova, Elina (Université Paris 13 (Pléiade EA 7338), Paris, France)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17257 - Texts with No Words: Communication of Speechlessness
Room: Hs 45
Chair: Knaller, Susanne; Rieger, Rita; Pichler, Doris
9:00 AM - Introduction and Welcome
Knaller, Susanne (Universität Graz)
9:30 AM - "What Speech Conceals and What Silence Reveals": Therapeutic Silence in Theater and
Scheurer, Maren (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
10:00 AM - The 'Sound-Space of Silence' in "Das Schweigen. VOX FEMINARUM" by Elfriede Jelinek,
Ernst M. Binder und Josef Klammer
Fauner, Eva (Universität Graz, Graz, Austria)
11:00 AM - Against Speechlessness!
Talking about Silence and Talking instead of Silence in Elfriede Jelinek’s Das schweigende Mädchen
Brod, Anna (Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
11:30 AM - Hermann Broch's thoughts on "das stumme Unmittelbare"
Doutch, Daniela (Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur I, Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
12:00 PM - ‘Oublier l’usage des mots’. Speech and speechlessness in First World War poetry
Meidl, Martina (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria)
2:00 PM - Visualized Speechlessness in Early Concrete Poetry
Rosenau, Maggie (University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, USA)
2:30 PM - Breath-Writing: Articulating the Unspeakable (Paul Celan and Herta Müller)
Heine, Stefanie (Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland)
3:00 PM - The Media-Specific Language of Wordless Graphic Novels and "Woodcut Novels"
Grammatikopoulos, Damianos (Rutgers University, German Department, Brooklyn, USA)
4:00 PM - When eating leeds to speech(lessness)
Gillhuber, Eva (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaften, Graz, Austria)
4:30 PM - The “truth” about Auschwitz or: the paradox of criminal procedure
Seewald-Juhasz, Christina (Universität Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria)
11:30 AM - So-Called Speechlessness. Deviant Speech in Thomas Bernhard’s "Walking“.
Ketterl, Anja (University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA)Tuesday, July 26th
11:00 AM - How to express ... - Jonathan Safran Foer's punctuation of unspeakable emotions
Grillmayr, Julia (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Austria)
11:30 AM - Autopoietical structures of speechlessness of the dying narrators in Terézia Moras "Das
Ungeheuer" and Franz Kafka's "Ein Traum"
Färber, Christina (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17259 - World fantastic literature: multiple languages, multiple perspectives
Room: Hs 23
Chair: Philippov, Renata; Amaral, Gloria
11:00 AM - An Encounter with the Fantastic-Grotesque: A Persian Case
Shahbazimoghadam, Nahid (University of Semnan, Seman, Iran); Ghaderi, Farah (University of Urmia, Urmia, Iran)
11:30 AM - Orphans of Eldorado (Milton Hatoum), otherness and melancholy
TRUSEN, Sylvia (Universidade Federal do Pará, PA, Brazil)
2:00 PM - All-Time Sinner or National Hero: Language and Politics of the Ukrainian Gothic
Krys, Svitlana (Lana) (MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada)
Colucci, Dr. Luciana (Universities of Surrey, Sao Paulo and Fed. do Triangulo Mineiro/CAPES, Guildford, Austria)
Ghirardi, Jose (FGV Direito SP Brazil, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
4:00 PM - Edgar Allan Poe, Machado de Assis and the dead beloved woman: a critical reading of the
Bellin, Greicy Pinto (Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil)
5:00 PM - Prosper Mérimée: fantastique et couleur locale
Amaral, Gloria (Universidade São Paulo/Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil)Tuesday, July 26th
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - Le paratexte et le texte fantastique
RODRIGUES-ALVES, Maria-Cláudia (IBILCE- Universidade Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto - SP, Brazil)
11:30 AM - Un peaufinage pour le fantastique : la relecture BD
Ramazzina Ghirardi, Ana Luiza (UNIFESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
12:00 PM - Dialogues insolites avec Marco Polo: fiction et histoire
Atik, Maria Luiza (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Prof. Dra. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, São Paulo,
2:00 PM - The multiple meanings of the fantastic in Aura, by Carlos Fuentes
TREVISAN, ANA (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil)
2:30 PM - The fantastic in the post-modern South America: frontiers and dialogues
Silva, Adriana (Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)
3:00 PM - Ethics and Literature in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials
Monteiro, Rosario (CHAM-FCSH-UNL-Ac, Lisboa, Portugal)
Saturday, July 23rd
17261 - Languages of Climate - Comparative Approaches to the Environment
Room: Seminarraum Skandinavistik 1
Chair: Nitzke, Solvejg Elisabeth; Horn, Eva
Seminarraum Skandinavistik 1
9:00 AM - Comparing Climates, Comparing Cultures
Horn, Eva (Institut für Germanistik, Wien, Austria)
9:30 AM - From Acclimatization to Assisted Migration: Sociobiological Metaphors in the Discourse
on Climate Change
Kranz, Isabel (Graduiertenkolleg Funktionen des Literarischen in Prozessen der Globalisierung LMU München, München,
10:00 AM - Closed System and Terraforming. Artificial Climate in Reinhard Jirgls Nichts von Euch auf
Bühler, Benjamin (Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany)
11:00 AM - Émile Zola and the Literary Language of Climate Change
Ungelenk, Johannes (Institut für Romanische Philologie der Universität München, München, Germany)
11:30 AM - Klima(wandel)wissen in den Bildsprachen von Karikatur und Cartoon
Zemanek, Evi (Uni Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany)
12:00 PM - How Not to Speak of Climate: Narrative Gaps in the Dystopian Genre
Fuchs, Susanne (New York University, New York, USA)
2:00 PM - Mit dem Steigen des Meeresspiegels
Stoffel, Patrick (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany)
2:30 PM - Raoul Schrott's Languages of Climate Change and Desertification: Writing and Reading
Climate in the Desert
Küpper, Achim (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
3:00 PM - Climate and Biography - Mountaineering Narratives as Climatological Tales
Nitzke, Solvejg Elisabeth (Institut für Germanistik, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Tuesday, July 26th
17267 - Translingual entanglements - African francophonie and its "others"
Room: Hs 29
Chair: Moji, Polo; Vassilatos, Alexia; Horne, Fiona
11:00 AM - Entangled Tastes: Gastronomy and Francophone Afropean Subjectivity in Leonora
Miano's Soulfood Équitorial (2009)
Moji, Polo (Univerity of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)
11:30 AM - Mapping Francophonie and it "others" in the disciplinary space of French Studies in
South Africa
Horne, Fiona (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)
12:00 PM - Chaka Zulu in Francophone African literature or the transculturation of Thomas Mofolo's
Chaka: from emerging Sotho literature to Negritude
Vassilatos, Alexia (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17268 - Stylistic Phenomena in Multilingual Literature since 1900 (Finno-Ugrian Studies/
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 1
Chair: Wischmann, Antje; Tischmann, Hannah; Wagner, Philipp; Laakso, Johanna
Übungsraum Germanistik 1
9:00 AM - Multilingualism in late modern Finland-Swedish prose
Malmio, Kristina (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)
9:30 AM - "Saatana. Mie se kyllä kiroan". Zur literarischen Funktion finnischer Schimpfwörter in
schwedischer Literatur nach 1970
Wennerscheid, Sophie (Universität Gent, Gent, Belgium)
10:00 AM - Real language, real literature. Problems of authenticity in modern Finnic minority
Laakso, Johanna (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria)
11:00 AM - Das Ende der Mehrsprachigkeit? Sprachbewusstsein in Sami Saids Väldigt sällan fin
(2013) und Neftali Milfuegos Tankar mellan hjärtslag (2015)
Tischmann, Hannah (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Wien, Austria)
11:30 AM - Implizite Mehrsprachigkeit in August Strindbergs "Hemsöborna" (1887) und I
Havsbandet (1890)
Wagner, Philipp (Universität Wien, Mülheim, Germany)Saturday, July 23rd
11:00 AM - Metapragmatische Positionierungen im Revolutionsdiskurs 1917/18
Spitzmüller, Jürgen (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria); Leucht, Robert (Zürich, Switzerland)
11:30 AM - Deutsche Mütter und deren Diskurs in dänischer Gegenwartsliteratur
Schröder, Stephan Michael (Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany)
12:00 PM - Mehrsprachigkeit in Verfilmungen - funktionale und indexikalische Aspekte
Fredsted, Elin (Europa-Universität Flensburg, Flensburg, Germany)
2:00 PM - Von der binationalen Verpflichtung zur offenen Diversität?
Wischmann, Antje (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Wien, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:30 PM - Stylistic aspects of Cia Rinne's multilingual visual poetry
Domokos, Johanna (Universtiy Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany)
3:00 PM - A Screeching of Jackdaws. Sounds, Noises and Incomprehension as Aspects of Literary
Huss, Markus (Södertörn University, Huddinge, Sweden)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday, July 27th
17277 - The Many Languages of Medieval Literature, 4 sessions
Room: Prominentenzimmer
Chair: Matthias Meyer ; Peggy McCracken
11:00 AM - The concept of desire in Ruusbroec's texts and its Latin interpretation
Anokhina, Alexandra (Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Vniissok, Russian Federation)
11:30 AM - Perceval und Parzival: Französischer Esprit und Deutscher Geist
Kragl, Florian (Universität Erlangen, Dep. Germanistik, Erlangen, Germany)
12:00 PM - Träume in der deutschen und chinesischen Dichtung der Vormoderne. Ein
interkultureller Vergleich
Benjamin, van Well (Peking University, Berlin, Germany)Tuesday, July 26th
11:00 AM - Alain de Lille, Nature and Fallen Language
Rollo, David (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
11:30 AM - Languages of the Human, the Animal, and the Divine: Encounters in the Wilderness in
Medieval French Literature
Griffin, Miranda (St Catharine's College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom)
12:00 PM - The Language of Jousting
Hable, Nina (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria)
2:00 PM - Can comparative literature be monolingual? French as a supralocal language in the
Middle Ages
Gaunt, Simon (King’s College London)
2:30 PM - Lyric Alterity: Grammar, Poetics and the Language of Song
Davis, Christopher (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA)
3:00 PM - Singing in (Different) Tongues
Gilbert, Jane (University College London, London, United Kingdom)Wednesday, July 27th
9:00 AM - The Language of Grief: Philomena and the Erotics of Loss in Medieval Affective Culture
Moore, Megan (University of Missouri, Columbia, USA)
9:30 AM - Crusading the Bedroom: Carmina Burana 48 and Otto von Botenlouben's "wie sol ich den
ritter nu gescheiden."
Sager, Alexander (University of Georgia, Athens, USA)
10:00 AM - Languages of Confession
Bowden, Sarah (King's College London, London, United Kingdom)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - The Language of Trauma: The Wounded Landscape in Late Medieval Francophone
McGrady, Deborah (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA)
11:30 AM - Translation as Palimpsest
Ventura, Simone (King's College London, London, United Kingdom)
12:00 PM - Talking Objects and the Scene of Interpretation
Brown, Catherine (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
Friday, July 22nd // Tuesday, July 26th
17278 - Intermedialität: Konzeptionalisierungen und Methoden. ...
Room: Hs 31
Chair: Bosse, Anke; Paul, Claude
9:00 AM - Einführung - Introduction
Bosse, Anke (Universität Klagenfurt)
9:30 AM - Medialität - Intermedialität - Transkriptivität. Bemerkungen zur Operativität der
kulturellen Semantik
Jäger, Ludwig (RWTH Aachen)
10:00 AM - Let's blow up intermediality! Eine mehrsprachige Annäherung an einen verwirrenden
medienwissenschaftlichen Diskurs
Helbig, Joerg (Universität Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria); Angela Fabris
2:00 PM - De l'ntermédialité comme herméneutique des supports
Mechoulan, Eric (Université de montréal, Montreal, Canada)
2:30 PM - Intermedialität im internationalen Wissens- und Kulturtransfer.
Vatter, Christoph (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany)
3:00 PM - Intermediality, Media Networks and Media Histories
Mueller, Juergen E. (Uni Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Médias, Medien, Medium : pour une approche médiale de la fiction
TANE, Benoît (LLA CREATIS, Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, Toulouse, France)
9:30 AM - Le débat théorique dans les "études de cas" de la revue Intermédialités
Froger, Marion (Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada); Caroline Bem
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Wednesday, July 27th
17280 - Comparison and Intermediality: The Gesamtkunstwerk
Room: Hs 46
Chair: Fusillo, MASSIMO; Fischer, Caroline; Grishakova, Marina
4:00 PM - Graphic Divas: Reframing the Gesamtkunstwerk in Contemporary Italian Graphic Novels
Graphic Divas: Reframing the Gesamtkunstwerk in Contemporary Italian Graphic Novels
Seligardi, Beatrice (University of Parma, Parma, Italy)
4:30 PM - Interfaces of the literary: Redefining literariness through contemporary narrative media
Caracciolo, Marco (University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
5:00 PM - Immediacy/immersion. An « Immediate Fiction » ?
TANE, Benoît (LLA CREATIS, Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, Toulouse, France)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - "L'admirable féerie": La notion de féerie comme genre théâtral dans le roman de Marcel
von Hagen, Kirsten (Universität Gießen, Institut für Romanistik, Gießen, Germany)
9:30 AM - Creation as a « perpetuum mobile ». Michel Butor's adventures over the « edges » of
Chiurato, Andrea (Università IULM, Milano, Milano, Italy)
10:00 AM - The Intermedia Writing (and Rewriting) in the Narrative of the Convergence. The Case of
S. by J.J. Abrams and D. Dorst: A Textual Representation for the Partecipatory Culture.
Lino, Mirko (University of L'Aquila, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy)
2:00 PM - Pulitzer's Iconic Language. Pulitzer Prize Winning Photographs as Gesamtkunstwerk: from
Narrative to Visual Mythical Status
Pala, Mauro (University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy)
2:30 PM - Flusser and the city as Gesamtkunstwerk
Seligmann-Silva, Marcio (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas - SP, Brazil)
3:00 PM - Computer Games as Gesamtkunstwerk: The case of Dead Space
Backe, Hans-Joachim (IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark)
4:00 PM - The myth of total cinema: aesthetics of the "direct effect"
Grishakova, Marina (University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia)
4:30 PM - Le «Gesamtkunstwerk» comme encyclopédie et base de données : «The Tulse Luper
Suitcases» de Peter Greenaway et «L'Ouvroir» de Chris Marker
Petricola, Mattia (Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy)
5:00 PM - Merging Cinematographic Narratives in Ziad Doueiri's West Beirut
Schwerter, Stephanie (Université de Valenciennes, Framas, Austria)Monday, July 25th
9:00 AM - From Jane Austen to Downton Abbey: the thousand facets of fanfiction
Bertoni, Clotilde (University of Palermo, Rome, Italy)
9:30 AM - Is there a text in this box set? Dispersion, complexity and totality in contemporary TV
Rossini, Gianluigi (University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy)Wednesday, July 27th
11:00 AM - Video art Facing Wagner
Fusillo, MASSIMO (University of L'Aquila, ROMA, Italy)Wednesday, July 27th
11:30 AM - (De)gendering genres. Androgyny and the Total Work of Art in Matthew Barney's
Cremaster Cycle
Agamennoni, Francesca (Università dell'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy)
12:00 PM - Cross-perceptual Metamorphosis: from Analogue Art to 3D e-Installations
López-Varela, Asun (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
2:00 PM - What cinema does with/to the music of novels
Landerouin, Yves (Université de Pau (Faculté de Bayonne), BAYONNE, France)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:30 PM - Tension and Dialogue between Media in Multimedia Performance
Saro, Anneli (University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia)
3:00 PM - "Virtual Bodies, Actual Performance in Gesamtkunstwerk: 'Biped' by Merce Cunningham
Guedon, Cecile (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17281 - The Languages of Theory
Room: Marietta-Blau-Saal / Hs 7 / Audimax
Chair: Moser, Christian
9:00 AM - Philological Understanding in the Era after Theory
Geisenhanslüke, Achim (Universität Frankfurt a.M., Frankfurt a.M., Germany)
9:45 AM - Philology with a Facelift? The Case of Roland Barthes¿ S/Z
Strätling, Regine (Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany)
11:00 AM - Genealogy and Philology
Winkler, Markus (Université de Genève, Genève, Switzerland)
11:30 AM - Acts of swearing. The language of the oath and its investigation by Agamben and
Simonis, Linda (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
2:00 PM - Deleuze's Le pli and baroque language
Schumm, Johanna (LMU München, München, Germany)
2:30 PM - Auratic Theory: Benjamin
Zanetti, Sandro (University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland)
4:00 PM - Working at the net. Bruno Latour's foundations of discursivity
Eggers, Michael (Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany)
4:30 PM - Variants of Agency: Observations on Myth, Fiction and Narrative in Latour's (Social)
Kramer, Kirsten (Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany)
6:00 PM - Philological Paperwork. The Question of Theory Within a Praxeological Perspective on
Literary Scholarship
Pethes, Nicolas (Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany)Saturday, July 23rdHs 7
9:00 AM - 'Voice' or 'Speech'? Discourses of Migration and Jacques Rancière's Reflections on Human
Rights, Politics and Language
Schödel, Kathrin (University of Malta, Msida, Malta)
9:30 AM - Middle Voice and the Rhetoric of Crisis in present-day Europe
Boletsi, Maria (University of Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands)
11:00 AM - Cultural History and Linguistic Representation of the Bed. Encountering the Philological
Foundations of Culture Theory in Quotidian Culture
Brandes, Peter (Northwestern University, Department of German, Evanston, USA)
11:30 AM - Languages in Theories on the Origin of Culture, 18th century
Moser, Christian (Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:00 PM - Stephen Greenblatt and the Making of a New Philology of Culture
Simonis, Annette (Universität Gießen, Gießen, Germany)
2:30 PM - The Work of Fernando Ortiz and his Impact on Europe
Reichart, Dagmar (University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands)
4:00 PM - Novel Poetics of the Self: Richardson's Pamela
Lüdeke, Roger (Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany)
4:30 PM - Borges: Poetry as Philology
Harst, Joachim (Uni Bonn, 53113, Germany)Audimax
6:00 PM - Theory, World Literature and the Politics of Translation
Damrosch, David (Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA); Emily Apter
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17282 - Pratiques littéraires du plurilinguisme - mondes arabes
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 1
Chair: Picherot, Emilie; Boidin, Carole
2:00 PM - La poésie comme support d'une réflexion sur le lien avec la langue arabe
de Dampierre-Noiray, Eve (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, Pessac, France)
2:30 PM - Repérer les intertextes bibliques chez Oz et Darwich: Enjeux de la lecture en traduction.
Placial, Claire (Université de Lorraine, Metz, France)
3:00 PM - Les Mille et Une Nuits d'une langue à l'autre
François, Cyrille (AGORA Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Annemasse, France)
4:00 PM - De la littérature de terrain à la littérature générale : méthodes et perspectives de
recherche en littératures arabes
Benedicte, Letellier (Université de la Reunion, Saint Denis, Reunion)
4:30 PM - Sabirs du Tunis colonial en Littérature
Dellagi, Chayma (Université de Montpellier, Paris, France)
5:00 PM - Du plurilinguisme linguistique au plurilinguismes littéraire-Le roman algérien moderne
comme un exemple
Boukail, Amina (University of Jijel- General and compare literature -Annaba University, Constantine, Algeria)Saturday,
July 23rd
9:00 AM - At the Crossroads of Global Cultural History: from a 'Far Eastern' Perspective
Yamanaka, Yuriko (National Museum of Ethnology, Suita, Japan)
9:30 AM - Le multilinguisme dans la littérature hispano-maghrébine et la littérature francomaghrébine: une paratopie créatrice à la croisée des cultures
Peñalver Vicea, Maribel (Universidad Alicante, Alicante, Spain)
10:00 AM - Roots/Routes: Rafik Schami, Amin Maalouf et la question de l'identité culturelle
Ali Alhadji, Mahamat (DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1733, LMU München, München, Germany)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17283 - Poetics through time : the comparatist perspective
Room: Hs 26
Chair: HAQUETTE, Jean-Louis
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:00 AM - New historicism and Poetics/New Historicism et poétique
Duprat, Anne (Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, AMIENS, France)
9:30 AM - Fable, Fabula, monde possible : quelle terminologie pour la fiction, entre nominalisme et
anachronisme ?
Lavocat, Francoise (Université Sorbonne nouvelle Paris 3, Paris, France)
10:00 AM - Fantastic before the fantastic: some problems in theory raised by pre-modern mimèsis
CORREARD, Nicolas (Université de Nantes, Nantes, France)
11:00 AM - Invariants et temporalité : réflexions sur les approches génériques des formes littéraires
HAQUETTE, Jean-Louis (Société française de littérature générale et comparée, REIMS, France)
11:30 AM - Lyric Language and Early Modern Encyclopedism
Johnson, Christopher (Warburg Institute / School of Advanced Studies / University of London, London, United Kingdom)
12:00 PM - First-person usage in early modern philosophy, identification, and "genre"
Helgeson, James (University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Historicité, formalisme et généricité, quelques questions soulevées par les réécritures
Schweitzer, Zoé (Université de Saint-Etienne, France, Paris, France)
9:30 AM - Historiciser l'exemple
Zanin, Enrica (Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France)
10:00 AM - Temps et récit : le point de vue de l'anachronie
Garric, Henri (SFLGC, Paris, France)
11:00 AM - De 'concinnitas' à 'justesse' et 'Stimmigkeit'. Quelques réflexions à propos de notions
Schneider, Ulrike (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
11:30 AM - Vraisemblance, Probability, Wahrscheinlichkeit: Some Remarks on the Current
Relevance of a Neoclassical Concept
Kukkonen, Karin (University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17284 - INTERFERENZEN: Dimensionen und Phänomene der Überlagerung in Literatur und Theorie
Room: Hs 34
Chair: Donat, Sebastian; Raic, Monika; Fritz, Martin; Sexl, Martin
9:00 AM - Interferenzen - Überlegungen zur literaturwissenschaftlichen Anschlussfähigkeit eines
physikalischen Begriffs
Donat, Sebastian (Universität Innsbruck, Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Innsbruck, Austria)
9:30 AM - Störfälle oder Verstärkereffekte? Über Interferenzen von Text und Paratext
Wegmann, Thomas (Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
10:00 AM - Fluss-Skripte. Zur Interferenz von Literatur und Topographie
Italiano, Federico (Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW / IKT), Vienna, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - Überlagerung und Überhöhung. Der Orient bei Flaubert und Arlt
Raic, Monika (Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
11:30 AM - Hypertext der Frühen Neuzeit - Lohensteins Anmerkungen zu seinen Römischen und
Afrikanischen Trauerspielen
Worms, Katharina (Universität Trier, Trier, Germany)
12:00 PM - Die deutsche Interferenz im Werk Afanasij Fets
Achilli, Alessandro (Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy)
2:00 PM - Interferenz als Stringenz. Das dramaturgische Superpositionsprinzip Elfriede Jelineks
Felber, Silke (Forschungsplattform Elfriede Jelinek: Texte - Kontexte - Rezeption, Wien, Austria)
2:30 PM - (Post-)Dramatische Überlagerungen. Elfriede Jelineks Konzept des Sekundärdramas
Kovacs, Teresa (Forschungsplattform Elfriede Jelinek: Texte - Kontexte - Rezeption, Wien, Austria)
3:00 PM - Konstruktionen des Faktualen und des Fiktionalen: Intertextualität und Emotionalität in
der 'Ermittlung' und 'Capesius, der Auschwitzapotheker'
Vanassche, Tom (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Aalter, Belgium)
4:00 PM - Autofiktion als Interferenz am Beispiel von Günter Grass' Grimms Wörter
Baier, Christian (Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea)
4:30 PM - Parodie und Posse am Wiener Vorstadttheater - Gattungstypologische Interferenzen und
Übergänge in politischen und ökonomischen Krisenzeiten
Mansky, Matthias (Universität Wien, TFM-Instuitut, Wien, Austria)
6:00 PM - Wie entsteht eine Theorie?
Sexl, Martin (Uni Innsbruck / Vergl. Literaturwissenschaft, Innsbruck, Austria)
6:30 PM - Interferenz: Echokammer interdisziplinärer Stimmen
Prager, Julia (Universität Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Interferenzen zwischen Systemtheorie und Gender Studies
Fritz, Martin (Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
9:30 AM - Der New Historicism als kultureller Text der "68er" - Interferenzen zwischen
Literaturtheorie und zeitgenössischem Schreiben
Clare, Jennifer (Universität Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany)
10:00 AM - Interferenzen der Massenkultur
Kim, Kyunghee (Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea)
11:00 AM - Organismus / Mischsprache. Überlagerungen idealistischer und empiristischer
Sprachtheorie im neunzehnten Jahrhundert
Nebrig, Alexander (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
11:30 AM - Neues von Bild und Schrift: Lektüren in Bilderzählungen
Packard, Stephan (Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany)
2:00 PM - Poetik der Überlagerung und Interferenz: Intertextualität und Interpikturalität als
Gestaltungsprinzipien im Künstlerbuch
Schmitz-Emans, Monika (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany); Donat, Sebastian; Fritz, Martin; Raic, Monika
(Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria); Sexl, Martin (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:30 PM - Intermediale Interferenzen - Literatur und Fernsehen
Neelsen, Sarah (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France)
3:00 PM - Die Überlagerung von Fiktion und Wirklichkeit - Zu Reality-TV in der Literatur
Fischer, Kai (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Essen, Germany)
4:00 PM - Intermediale (Neu-)Übersetzung: Lisa Oppenheims Filminstallation "Cathay"
Telge, Claus (Universität Osaka, Osaka, Austria)
4:30 PM - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Transgression durch Interferenzen im Werk von Kurt
Nantke, Julia (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Köln, Germany)
5:00 PM - Ein Fallbeispiel für die INTERFERENZ
Chon, Young-Ae (Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17285 - Towards a New World Literature
Room: Hs 48
Chair: Gisela Brinker-Gabler; Barbara Agnese
2:00 PM - Weltliteratur im Exil: zur Aktualität transnationaler Entwürfe von Literatur in der
Emigration nach 1933
Bischoff, Doerte (Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany)
2:30 PM - Post-Cold War literature of migration: East-Central European consciousness between exile
and diaspora
Sandru, Cristina (The Literary Encyclopedia, Bristol, United Kingdom)
3:00 PM - Exiled to English: Language, Nation, and Translingual Imagination in Ha Jin's Literature and
Lee, Yoo-Hyeok (Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea)
4:00 PM - Stefan Zweig and (World) Literature in Exile
Hoefle, Arnhilt (Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany)
Chair: Barbara Agnese
4:30 PM - The Clash of Tongue and Nation. Borges, Gombrowisz, Özdamar
Gwozdz, Patricia (University of Potsdam, Berlin, Germany)
2:30 PM - National Literary Canon and the Definition of Minority Literatures
Dettori, Giovanni Maria (Binghamton University, Camillus, Austria)Saturday, July 23rd
2:00 PM - Contemporary African Literature: Local, Global, Post-National, Postcolonial, World
Pucherova, Dobrota (Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences and Institute of African Studies, University of
Vienna, Bratislava, Slovakia)
2:30 PM - World Literature: Global, Democratic and Plurivocal
Fomeshi, Behnam (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran)
3:00 PM - Constellations of the Translocal: Towards a New World Literature
Brinker-Gabler, Gisela (Binghamton University, Binghamton, USA); Brinker, Gisela (Binghamton University, Binghamton,
USA)Monday, July 25th
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:00 PM - Imaginings of Transnational and Gendered Subjects in Turkish German Cinema.
Majer-O'Sickey, Ingeborg (State University of New York, Binghamton, Binghamton, USA)
Chair: Gisela Brinker-Gabler
2:30 PM - The Western Self and the Eastern Other: Adolf Muschg’s Literature on Japan and
Japanese Women
Zhou, Min (Roger Williams University, Bristol, USA)
3:00 PM - Geopoetics and Global Warfare in the 21st Century
Bönisch, Dana (Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany)Tuesday, July 26th
2:00 PM - Okzident and Orient: Poetik der Bewegung im Werk Zafer Senocaks
Segelcke, Elke (Illinois State University, Normal, USA)
Chair: Barbara Agnese
3:00 PM - World Literary Gestures in Kafka Kaikoku
Rotaru, Arina (NYU-Shanghai, Shanghai, China)
5:00 PM - Global Storytelling: Frame Tale Narratives and the Ethics of Cosmopolitanism
Busl, Gretchen (Texas Woman's University, Denton, USA)
Saturday, July 23rd
17286 - The Atlas Project
Room: Hs 29
Chair: Han, Jihee ; Hambuch, Doris; Elis, Toshiko; Bellarsi, Franca; Jenkins, Grant; Hao, Liu; Huh,
Sukyung; Jain, Jasbir
9:00 AM - Breaking the Silence: Revolutionary Poets from the Sub-Continent
Jain, Jasbir (IRIS, Jaipur, India)
9:30 AM - Ecopoetic Elements in the Work of Derek Walcott, Sarah Kirsch, and Ahmed R. Thani
Hambuch, Doris (United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab)
10:00 AM - Experimental Ecopoetics and Experiential Translation: Bringing the Self back from
Experiential Exile?
Bellarsi, Franca (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium)
11:00 AM - Traditions and Novelty in Hu Shih's Early Poems
Liu, Hao (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
11:30 AM - Poetry of "the Humanly Possible"
Han, Jihee (Gyeongsang National University, Jinjushi, South Korea)
12:00 PM - The Sewol-Ferry Disaster and Poetry
Huh, Sukyung (Free, Altenberge, Germany)
Saturday, July 23rd
17287 - Comparing Comparative Literatures: Models and Methods
Room: Hs 16
Chair: MacKenzie, Robin; Chattopadhyay, Suchorita
2:00 PM - Cross-Cultural Collaborations in Comparative Literature: A Survey
Dalvai, Marion (University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:40 PM - Multilingual locals and significant geographies: comparative literature in multilingual
Orsini, Francesca (SOAS, University of London, London, United Kingdom)
3:00 PM - Comparative Orientations in Iranian and Ottoman Literary Criticism
Kahraman, Nefise (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
4:00 PM - Maps and Territories: Survey of UK Comparative Literature since 2010
MacKenzie, Robin (St Andrews University, St Andrews, United Kingdom)
4:20 PM - The role of Translation Studies within the discipline of Comparative Literature in India
Chattopadhyay, Suchorita (JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY, Kolkata, India)
4:40 PM - The World in a State of Similarity': Towards a Benjaminian Comparativism
Papaioannou, Chrysi (University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom)
5:00 PM - Comparative Literature: Framing an ideology of "understanding"
Bhattacharyya, Dheeman (Centre for Comparative Literature, Bhasa Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Birbhum, West Bengal, India)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
Room: Hs 33
Chair: I.N. Choudhuri; Jasbir Jain; Rachel Bari; Manorama Trikha; E.V. Ramakrishnan; Tutun
Mukherjee; Ameena Ansari; K.G. Sharma; Supriya Agarwal
2:00 PM - Dialectics of History: Sub-continental Narratives of Participation in the Empire's Wars
Jain, Jasbir (IRIS, Jaipur, India)
Chair: I.N. Choudhuri
2:30 PM - Daimon, Genius, Duende, Jibandebata - One History or Histories of One's Own?
Bogumil-Notz, Sieghild (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Bochum,
3:00 PM - Religion, ritual, identity: Gender and Power in South Asian Fiction
Velancherry, Ramakrishnan (Comparative Literature Association of India, Gandhinagar, India)
4:00 PM - Rewriting the Nation:India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
Trikha, Manorama (CCS University, Meerut, Meerut, India)
Chair: Jasbir Jain
4:30 PM - Languages of Resistance in Rahman's The Unfinished Memoirs and Bhutto's Daughter of
the East
Talwar, Urmil (BGD Govt. Girls College, Univ. of Rajasthan, Shahpura-Jaipur, India)
5:00 PM - Myths of redemption across Faith and Culture: Sri lanka and Pakistan
Sundaram, Asha (Government College Tonk,Rajasthan,India, Jaipur, India)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Exploring Multiple Realities of South-Asian Life through Cinema
Mukherjee, Tutun (Centre for Comparative Literature, Hyderabad, India)
Chair: Rachel Bari
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:30 AM - Political Rhetoric of Nation(s) before the 'Midnight Hour', August 1947
ANSARI, AMEENA KAZI (Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, New Delhi, India)
10:00 AM - The Culture of Rice in South Asia
Bhowmik, Ranjamrittika (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
11:00 AM - The Confines of Creativity in the Subcontinent: Religion, Culture and Respectability
Chakrabarty, Bandana (Rajasthan School of Art, Jaipur, India)
Chair: Manorama Trikha
11:30 AM - Caught in the crossfire : armed conflicts and women of South - Asia
Rao, Mythili (Jain University, Bangalore, India)
12:00 PM - Aestheticized Politics and Gender in the Memoirs of Sara Suleri and Nayantara Sahagal
Agarwal, Supriya (Central University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India)Monday, July 25th
2:00 PM - Monster in the Pastoral: Reading Eco-Subaltern Narrative in South Asian Literature
Ashraf Uddin, KAZI (Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Chair: E.V. Ramakrishnan
2:30 PM - Positions of "Dissent" in the Tribal Narratives of North Eastern India and the North
Western Pakistan
3:00 PM - The One, the one, the ones: A Critical Comparative Study of South Asian Poetics
Hossain, Mashrur (Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
4:00 PM - Re-Contextualizing Self and Language: Women Poets of South Asia.
Bari, Rachel (Central University of Gujarat,, Gandhinagar, India)
Chair: Tutun Mukherjee
4:30 PM - Resistance and Resilience in the Novels of South Asian Women Writers
NARULA, DEVIKA (Delhi College of Arts & Commerce, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India)
5:00 PM - Comparing Gendered Alterities: Locating the Feminine Post-Colonial Subject in South Asia
and Africa.
Kumar, S Satish (University of Georgia, Athens, USA)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Bulleh Shah and Kabir : Sufi and Bhakti Movements in Socio-historical Contexts
Sharma, Krishna Gopal (University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India)
Chair: Ameena Ansari
chaturvedi, neekee (university of Rajasthan, jaipur, India)
10:00 AM - The Outsider's Eye : The Travelogues of Pietro Della Valle and Mountstuart Elphinstone
Arha, Abhimanyu Singh (University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India)
Chair: K.G. Sharma
11:20 AM - Competing Narratives of Partition: Voices from India and Pakistan
Sharma, Sangeeta (University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:40 AM - Critiques of Nation and Gender in South Asia: Akhtaruzzaman Elias' Khwabnama and
Savitrti Roy's Trisrota and Swaralipi
Marik, Soma (RKSM Vivekananda Vidyabhavan, Kolkata, India)
Chair: Supriya Agarwal
Ganguly, Aratrika (Jadavpur University, kolkata, India)
Monday, July 25th
17289 - Sprache und Liebe
Room: Seminarraum Geschichte 2
Chair: Just, Rainer
2:00 PM - Liebe, Begehren und (Privat-)Besitz. Zur Kodifizierung moderner Subjektkultur in der
spanischen Barockdichtung
Exner, Isabel (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany)
2:30 PM - Love, life and death in Jose Leonilson and Louise Bourgeois.
Beck, Ana Lucia (UFRGS/Brazil; KING'S COLLEGE LONDON, London, British Virgin Island)
3:00 PM - "Aber die Leute werden denken, daá du es bist". Der Alltag der Liebe in
autobiographischen Romanen des 21. Jahrhunderts
Kutzenberger, Stefan (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Austria)
4:00 PM - Subversionen der Sprache/Perversionen der Liebe
Just, Rainer (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Austria)
4:30 PM - Liebe auf Distanz
Veverka, Tanja Maria (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria)
5:00 PM - Liebe, Erotik und Propaganda in Du Bois' "Dark Princess"
Zocco, Gianna (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17290 - Quand le recours aux langues d'origine fait la différence
Room: Hs 27
Chair: Heidmann, Ute
9:00 AM - Archéologie culturelle et intertextualité littéraire du roman et de l'autofiction sénégalais défis et réflexions méthodologiques
Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, Germany)
9:30 AM - La dynamique transculturelle dans le roman francophone : le statut du lecteur.
Kourouma, Chamoiseau, Monénembo
Semujanga, Josias (Faculté des arts et des sciences / Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada)
10:00 AM - Variations interlinguistiques des proverbes créoles dans 'Pluie et vent sur Télumée
Miracle' (Simone Schwarz-Bart)
Lay Brander, Miriam (Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany)
11:00 AM - Recours aux langues et aux textes d'origine : le moment philologique de l'analyse
Adam, Jean-Michel (CLE, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne (Dorigny), Switzerland)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:30 AM - Le fantasme de la langue russe dans l'autobiographie de Vladimir Nabokov
Borutti, Silvana (Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy)
12:00 PM - Trois langues, trois textes, trois cultures: original et traductions face à face
Jaquinta, Carlotta (Université de Lausanne, Köniz, Switzerland)
2:00 PM - L'importance du recours aux langues d'origine pour l'étude des contes
HEIDMANN, Ute (Centre de recherche en Langues et littératures européennes comparées (CLE), Université de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland)
2:30 PM - (Noms de) genres à la croisée des langues
Núñez, Loreto (CLE ¿ Université de Lausanne, Bern, Switzerland)
3:00 PM - Guimarães Rosa and Perrault: language and reconfiguration
Barbosa, Marcio Venicio (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil)
4:00 PM - How the first English translation changed the perception of Perrault's Contes in England.
Angelo, Tiziano , Switzerland
4:30 PM - De "Schneeweisschen" à "Sneewittchen". Germanisation et mythologisation dans les
"Kinder- und Hausmärchen, gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm"
Légeret, Joëlle (Centre de recherche en Langues et Littératures européennes comparées (Université de Lausanne), Crissier,
Switzerland)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Une langue dans la langue:oeuvres francophones de Vassilis Alexakis, Agota Kristof, Akira
Olah, Myriam (CLE, Lausanne, Switzerland)
9:30 AM - La signification du discours identitaire dans l'analyse de la scène symboliste européenne
Mantcheva, Dina (Université de Sofia Saint Cl. d'Ohrid, Sofia, Austria)
11:00 AM - Crucial elements lost in translation: the difficulties for the English-speaking reader of
Rivera's La Vorágine.
Román, Felipe (UNIL Lausanne University, La tour-de-Peilz, Switzerland)
11:30 AM - For a cultural approach of the theatrical discuss: the relation between the concept of
"difference" by Jacques Derrida and the Differential Comparation Theory
CAVALCANTE, Alex Beigui (ICLA, Natal-RN, Brazil)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17292 - A challenge for Comparative Literature: …
Room: Seminarraum Skandinavistik 1
Chair: Eder-Jordan, Beate; Kovacshazy, Cécile; Blandfort, Julia
9:00 AM - Introduction: A challenge for Comparative Literature: The dynamics of Romani literatures
and their many languages
Blandfort, Julia ; Beate Eder-Jordan, Cécile Kovacshazy
9:30 AM - Creating with Brush, Pen, and Voice: Ceija Stojka's Multidimensional Oeuvre as a Model
for Romani Arts, Literatures, and Languages
French, Lorely (Pacific University, Forest Grove, USA)
10:00 AM - The Magnet-Effect of Romani Language
Kovacshazy, Cécile (Cécile Kovacshazy, Limoges, France)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - Romani/Traveller life Story in the UK
Shaw, Martin (Mittuniversitet, Sundsvall, Sweden)
11:30 AM - The Romani "Necessary Fictions" in Central Europe
Kledzik, Emilia (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, Poznan, Poland)
12:00 PM - Recognition as an autonomous literary current: Could Romani literatures become "guest
of honour" at the Frankfurt or Leipzig book fair?
Eder-Jordan, Beate (Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen, Universität Innsbruck,
Innsbruck, Austria)
4:00 PM - Romani identities, texts and languages in the first international journal of comparative
literary studies
T. Szabó, Levente (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania)
4:30 PM - Conceptualising Romany Identity in the Writing of the Roma
Ryvolova, Karolina (Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Romani Studies department, Praha 7, Czech Republic)
5:00 PM - An entanglement of literature and identity politics: common narratives in books for
Romani children:
Zahova, Sofiya (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Identity and voice in some contemporary Roma poets
Singer, Andrew (Penn State University, New York, USA)
9:30 AM - Bildsprache(n) in Lyrik von Roma und Sinti
Bauer, Sidonia (Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany)
10:00 AM - Die Vielfältigkeit der poetischen Sprache(n) des spanischen Roma-Dichters Helios Gómez
Hertrampf, Marina Ortrud (Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany)
11:00 AM - Metamorphosen oder zur Konstruktion von nomadischen Identitäten am Beispiel von
Miguel Halers Conte Fantastique Les mémoires d'un chat de gouttière (2011)
von Hagen, Kirsten (Universität Gießen, Institut für Romanistik, Gießen, Germany)
11:30 AM - "Les nomades de la pensée": Jean-Marie Kerwich and the Poetics of Diaspora
Blandfort, Julia (Jade Hochschule, Wilhelmshaven, Germany)
12:00 PM - Conclusions: Further challenges to Romani Literature and its Reception
Blandfort, Julia ; Beate Eder-Jordan, Cécile Kovacshazy
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17294 - Lektüre und/als Theorie. Zwischen Metasprache und Artefakt
Room: Hs 7
Chair: Bohn, Carolin
11:00 AM - Novelle und Theorie. Goethe/Benjamin und Balzac/Barthes
Bohn, Carolin (Universität Innsbruck / Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen, Innsbruck, Austria)
11:30 AM - Pu'kins Kunsttheorie, der eherne Reiter und das Erdbeben von Lissabon
Koroliov, Sonja (Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
12:00 PM - Theorien des Nichtlesens
Kronshage, Eike (Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:00 PM - Sprachtheorien der Lyrik: Das Symbol bei Goethe
Mergenthaler, May (The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
2:30 PM - The Highest Continuity: Philology and the Concept of Time
Ng, Julia (Goldsmiths, University of London, London, United Kingdom)
3:00 PM - Artifact, text, theory: Hölderlin's political philology
Adler, Anthony (Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea)
4:00 PM - Der Witz und seine Beziehungen zur Narratologie
Boog, Julia (Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany)
4:30 PM - Theorie in Literatur? Theoriegespräche im Universitätsroman
Reiling, Laura Marie (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany)
5:00 PM - Text-Therapie als Theorie: "Angewandte Psychoanalyse" bei Philip Roth, Gladys Schmitt
und Peter Shaffer
Scheurer, Maren (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - Franz Kafka's Freitreppe: A Study in the Topology of Writing
Gölz, Sabine (University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA)
9:30 AM - Proteus festhalten: Zur Poetik der Verwandlung zwischen Epik und Dramatik
Fluhrer, Sandra (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany)
10:00 AM - Die Normativität des Literarischen und des literarischen Wissens. Ein ästhetischer
Gehversuch nach Georges Canguilhem
Ebke, Thomas (Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany)
11:00 AM - In Parentheses: Valéry, Russell, Musil
Hardtmann, Markus (Independent Scholar, London, United Kingdom)
11:30 AM - Theorie des Romans als Praxis der Lektüre
Trüstedt, Katrin (Universität Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany)
12:00 PM - Die unselbstverständliche Lektüre. Hans Blumenbergs Glossen zu Fontane und die
Theorie der Lebenswelt
Waszynski, Alexander (Universität Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany)
2:00 PM - Theoriedichtung und "Ekel am immer Geübten": Robert Musils Die Vereinigungen
Erwig, Andrea (LMU München, Institut für deutsche Philologie, München, Germany)
2:30 PM - Zur Theorie des Literarischen: Pessoas Buch der Unruhe
Sohns, Hanna (Universität Erfurt, München, Germany)
3:00 PM - Die translinguale Neuschreibung des Subjekts. Zur Sprachkritik in Yoko Tawadas
Held, Christoph (University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday, July 27th
17295 - Original / Translation. The implied languages of imagined translations
Room: Skandinavistik Leseraum
Chair: Rath, Brigitte; Vanacker, Beatrijs
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - Pérez de Hita's Civil Wars of Granada: Translating Granada's History on the Verge of its
Méndez-Oliver, Ana (Columbia University, New York, USA)
11:20 AM - The Originals of the Original of Don Quixote
Syrovy, Daniel (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Wien, Austria)
11:40 AM - James Macpherson and the Hospitality ofthe Text
Lemke, Cordula (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
12:00 PM - On the Isle of the Blessed. Fake Translation Anthologies in Bulgarian Literature and the
Formation of the Literary Canon
Schmidt, Henrike (Szondi Institut für AVL, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)Tuesday, July 26th
11:00 AM - Der Ort des Übersetzens. Hans-Ulrich Möhrings Vom Schweigen meines Übersetzers.
Ceuppens, Jan (KU Leuven Campus Brussel, Brussel, Belgium)
11:20 AM - Pseudo-translation and fictitious translation: the fictional nature of translation
Watier, Louis (Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France)
11:40 AM - Film Language as Translation
Quendler, Christian (University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
12:00 PM - Reading a Text as Original Translation
Rath, Brigitte (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)Wednesday, July 27th
11:00 AM - Multilingualism and/in Pseudotranslation
Vanacker, Beatrijs (KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
11:20 AM - Forging Bhakti: The Ezour Vedam as "Pious Fraud"
Menon, Tara (Yale University, New Haven, USA)
11:40 AM - Women's emancipation and pseudotranslation - the case of A mulher em Portugal:
cartas de um estrangeiro by Victor de Moigénie
Cortez, Maria Teresa (University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal)
12:00 PM - The African writer as glocalizing translator: A case study on Mongo Beti and Ferdinand
Deva, El-Shaddai (Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Munich, Germany)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17297 - The Serialization of Literature and the Arts: Comparative Approaches.
Room: Hs 42
Chair: Schleich, Markus; Nesselhauf, Jonas
9:00 AM - »Broken on Purpose« - Intermedial and Supratemporal Perspectives on Serial Narration
Schleich, Markus (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany)
9:30 AM - "A Series of Interesting Choices." Serialization and Computer Games
Backe, Hans-Joachim (IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark)
10:00 AM - Serial Offenders: Sequential Meta-mediality in John Byrne's "She-Hulk" and Brian K.
Vaughan's "Saga"
Bachmann, Christian (Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag, Berlin, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - "To be continued" - Potentiale und Probleme serieller Lücken
Nesselhauf, Jonas (Universität Vechta, Vechta, Germany)
11:30 AM - "We'll just end up back here, anyway": Apocalyptic Circularity, (Digital) Seriality, and the
Mass Effect Franchise
Fuchs, Michael (Uni Graz, Graz, Austria)
12:00 PM - Spatial Seriality - Narrative Potential of Urban Architecture in Weimar
Hahn, Sönke (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - From Coin to Chronophotography - On the Visual Culture of Multiples and Series in the
Lampe, Franziska (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - MPI, Florenz, Italy)
9:30 AM - Salvador Dalís Kunstwerk als erweiterte Serie europäischer Kunstgeschichte
Lambrecht, Gabriella-Maria (Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany)
10:00 AM - (Re)Tracing a Topography of Memory: Painting and Photography in Georges
Rodenbach's Bruges-la-Morte
Haller, Jennifer (The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, USA)
Monday, July 25th
17299 - Modernism and Translation
Room: Hs 24
Chair: Taylor-Batty, Juliette; Roig Sanz, Diana; Meylaerts, Reine
9:00 AM - Translation, symbolism and British romantic modernism
Beasley, Rebecca (University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom)
9:30 AM - Challenging Originality: Jean Rhys and Translational Composition
Taylor-Batty, Juliette (Leeds Trinity University, Leeds, United Kingdom)
10:00 AM - From Sanitarium to Shtetl: Isaac Bashevis Singer Translates Thomas Mann
Price, Joshua (Columbia University, New York, USA)
4:00 PM - Du recyclage à l'auto-traduction : un bref aperçu de l'évolution des stratégies de transfert
en Belgique (1895-1930)
Gonne, Maud (KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
4:20 PM - Self-translation, modernity and the asynchronicity of languages: the example of Vicente
Eymar, Marcos (University of Orléans, Orléans, France)
4:40 PM - The 'Language' of Self-Translation: James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, and Jorge Luis Borges
Grubica, Irena (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, English Department, Rijeka, Croatia)
5:00 PM - Mediating Mu Dan’s Poetry and English Modernism: A Study on Mu Dan’s Self-Translation
Zhu, Wenjun (Fudan University, Guangzhou (Canton), China)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17300 - Translation as a common language / La traduction comme langue commune
Room: Hs 41
Chair: Reynolds, Matthew
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:00 AM - Reading the Translational in Translation: the Case of Francophone and Anglophone
Literatures of the Vietnamese Diaspora
Trevitt, Jessica (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
9:30 AM - Parallel text as language of comparison
Harris, Jennifer (University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom)
11:00 AM - Laughter as a common language ? A historical approach to the translation of humour
Tran-Gervat, Yen-Mai (CERC, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Paris, France)
2:00 PM - Translation as the common language through an analysis of Lewis Carroll's 1871
"Jabberwocky" poem
Sabiron, Céline (Lorraine University/ Oxford University, Nancy, France)
2:30 PM - Aliens & Translators. La traduction comme langue commune dans les fictions de
François, Anne Isabelle (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, Paris, France)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Transreading across Genres and Media: Käthe Kollwitz and Lu Xun
Zhang, Huiwen Helen (The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, USA)
9:30 AM - Translations supplanting the originals?
Zupancic, Metka (University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, USA)
11:00 AM - Translation, Localization and Original Literary Style
ZHANG, Hua (Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China)
Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday, July 27th
17301 - Bilingualism in world poetry: languages and cultural transfer
Room: Hs 45
Chair: Azarova, Natalia
9:00 AM - Contemporary approaches to poetic bilingualism study
Azarova, Natalia (Institute of Linguistics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
9:30 AM - Mapping poetic bilingualism: theoretical and practical issues
Feshchenko, Vladimir (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation)
10:00 AM - Kognitive Folgen der fremdsprachigen Interventionen
Glanc, Tomas (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Zürich, Switzerland)
2:00 PM - Yehuda al-Harizi at the crossroads of Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic poetry
Parizhsky, Simon (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation)
2:30 PM - Bilinguality in Poetry Translation: A Study Based on Tang Poetry in Russian Version
Li, Chunrong (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, China)
3:00 PM - Dormant Language as a Target-language in Literary Translation: Haskalah Poetic
Translations into Hebrew
Polyan, Alexandra (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian
Federation)Wednesday, July 27th
9:00 AM - The Quest for Bilingual Chinese Poetry: Poetic Tradition and Modernity
Dreyzis, Yulia (IAAS MSU, Moscow, Russian Federation)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:30 AM - Bilingualism and multilingual elements in Spanish poetry of Pere Gimferrer
Bochaver, Svetlana (Institute of Linguistics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation)
11:00 AM - Writing poetry in one's other language(s): Underlying culture and language concepts in
contemporary works
Hansen-Pauly, Marie-Anne (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Mersch, Luxemburg)
11:30 AM - Bilingualism and self-translation in Olga Martynova
Dammiano, Enza (University of Naples "L'Orientale", Grazzanise, Italy)
Friday, July 22nd
17303 - Langages, voyages et migrances au féminin
Room: Hs 7
Chair: ALFARO, MARGARITA; Moura, Jean-Marc
2:00 PM - Migation et cosmopolitisme en Méditerrané: les écrivaines de la Diaspora libanaise
Lalagianni, Vassiliki (Université du Péloponnese, Tripolis, Greece)
2:30 PM - Le voyage de la Révolution en Amérique latine: du rêve à la réalité.
Alfaro, Margarita (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
3:00 PM - Des voyages au féminin dans l'Atlantique au XXe siècle
Moura, Jean-Marc (Paris-Ouest, Paris, France)
4:00 PM - Les vies transitoires et les rencontres fortuites: écriture et nomadisme chez Elena
Tirloni, Larissa (Federal University for Latin-American Integration (UNILA), Foz do Iguacu - Parana - Brasil, Brazil)
4:30 PM - Le voyage réel et mythique d' Hélène Zébrowska
Romanova, Olha (Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Cherkassy, Ukraine)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17304 - Old and New Concepts of Comparative Literature in the Globalized World
Room: Seminarraum Geschichte 2
Chair: Gafrik, Robert; Zelenka, Milos; Batorova, Maria
9:00 AM - From Goethe's Weltliteratur to a Globalized World Literature
Fomeshi, Behnam (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran)
9:30 AM - Malowist, Braudel, Wallerstein: Between World History and World Literature
Kola, Adam (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, Torun, Poland)
10:00 AM - Synchronism, Protochronism, and the Romanian Challenge to World Literature
Terian, Andrei (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania)
11:00 AM - Eastern-European Literary Theory: Its Impact on Comparative Literature
Tihanov, Galin (Queen Mary University of London, Woodford Green, United Kingdom)
11:30 AM - The Personalistic Approach as a Bridge
Pospisil, Ivo (Faculty of Arts Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
2:00 PM - Slovak school of Comparative literature studies, its past and future
Vajdova, Libusa (Institute of World Literature SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia)
2:30 PM - Konzepte der tschechischen Komparatistik
Kucera, PhD., Petr (Westböhmische Universität Pilsen (Tschechien), Plzen/Pilsen, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
3:00 PM - Interliteratischer Zentrismus als Form und Funktionsweise der Weltliteratur
Milo¿, Zelenka (University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Education, Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic)
4:00 PM - "Intertextualität" in der Moderne, Malerei und Literatur
Batorova, Maria (Dionýz-Durisin-Kabinett, Forschungsstätte des Instituts für philologische Studien an der Pädagogischen
Fakultät der Comenius-Universität, Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia)
4:30 PM - Die Videos der YouTube-Stars als Aktualisierung traditioneller Textformen. Eine
komparatistische Annäherung
Lackner, Elke (Universität Graz, Graz, Austria)
5:00 PM - Galicia as an ideological concept of selected literatures and comparative literature in EastCentral Europe
Wierzejska, Jagoda (University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Austria)Saturday, July 23rd
4:00 PM - Post-Communist Theory as a New Direction for Comparative Cultural Studies
Pucherova, Dobrota (Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences and Institute of African Studies, University of
Vienna, Bratislava, Slovakia)
4:30 PM - Comprative posts going political - on the contentious relations of postdependence studies
and claims to postcoloniality in Central and Eastern Europe
Kolodziejczyk, Dorota (Institute of English Studies, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland)
5:00 PM - Imagining the Orient in Central Europe
Gafrik, Robert (Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia)
Tuesday, July 26th
17305 - How can Comparative Literature and the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme
Tuesday, July 26th
Chair: Lothar Jordan
1:30 PM - How can Comparative Literature and the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme
Jordan, Lothar (UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, Rietz-Neuendorf, Germany)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17306 - The Many Languages of Communist Cultural Resistance in India
Room: Seminarraum Skandinavistik 1
Chair: Chattopadhyay, Kunal; Marik, Soma
Seminarraum Skandinavistik 1
Chair: Marik, Soma
4:00 PM - Modernism and realism: How do we choose between the two?
Majumder, Auritro (University of Houston, Houston, USA)
4:20 PM - Narrative Fiction in the Progressive Movement and its heirs: Situating the Bangla Debates
over Socialist Realism in an all-India context
Chattopadhyay, Kunal (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
4:40 PM - Ideology, Culture and Poetic Language: The "Art" of Poetry in the Wake of Progressivism
Sarkar, Judhajit (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
5:00 PM - Ramvilas Sharma and `The Evaluation of Tradition`: Literary Historiography in
"Progressive" Times.
Kumar, S Satish (University of Georgia, Athens, USA)Seminarraum Skandinavistik 1
Chair: Chattopadhyay, Kunal
4:00 PM - "Gender" and "Nation" in the Writings of Ismat Chughtai and Sadat Hasan Manto
Mukherjee, Soma (Visva-Bharati University, Kolkata, India)Saturday, July 23rd
4:30 PM - Mapping the Politics of Gender in two Communist Women of Bengal
Marik, Soma (RKSM Vivekananda Vidyabhavan, Kolkata, India)
5:00 PM - Resisting the language of Tradition and bondage: Many Women Characters of Ismat
Begum, Safia (University of Hyderabad, Centre for Folk Culture Studies (CFCS), Hyderabad, India)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17307 - Literature, Philosophy and Intellectual History: The Language of Interdisciplinary Research
Room: Prominentenzimmer
Chair: ZHANG, HUI; Zhang, Chunjie
2:00 PM - Swift and the quarrel between the ancient and the modern
Cheng, Guiming (Institute of Comparative Literiture and Com. Culture, PKU, Beijing, China)
2:20 PM - Emerson: Philosophic Thinking and Poetic Writing
Yu, Jingyuan (Peking University, Beijing, China)
2:40 PM - Finnegans Wake: The Opportunity of Multilingualism
Dai, Congrong (Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
3:00 PM - Beautiful Thinking: Poetic Episteme in European Modernism
Kammer, Stephan (Institut für Deutsche Philologie, LMU, Munich, Germany)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Marxism, Moism, and the philosophical language in Bertolt Brecht's novel Me-ti or the
Book of Transformation
Zhang, Chunjie (University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA)
9:20 AM - Lu Xun's "Tomorrow" (1919): a philosophical fiction
Zhang, Lihua (Peking University, Beijing, China)
9:40 AM - Philosophical Questions in the Contemporary Historical Novel
STAN, Corina (Duke University, / S-Gravenhage, Netherlands)
10:00 AM - Post-Humanity &/vs. “Human” Technologies: Post-postmodern Outlines in the
Contemporary English/British Literature
Drozdovskyi, Dmytro (Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine)
2:00 PM - Encomium or Sarcasm: the Language of Xenophon
Chen, Rongnu (Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China)
2:20 PM - How Does Language Make Sense
ZHANG, Hua (Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China)
2:40 PM - Interdiscipline and the Variation Theory of Comparative Literature
Cao, Shunqing (The Chinese Comparative Literature Association, Chengdu, China)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
3:00 PM - The Reification of Unreason: Transnational Dialogues
Majumder, Auritro (University of Houston, Houston, USA)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17308 - Workshop: Die vielen "Sprachen" der Klassiker. Eine medienorientierte Perspektive
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 2
Chair: Wojcik, Paula; Picard, Sophie
9:00 AM - Der Faust-Stoff und seine populären Medialisierungen um 2000. Film, Comic, Popkultur
Rohde, Carsten (Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Weimar, Austria)
9:30 AM - "... on veut la grande littérature" oder Ein Klassiker im Kino: Zu zwei zeitgenössischen
filmischen Reinterpretationen der "Princesse de Clèves"
Stemberger, Martina (Institut für Romanistik, Wien, Austria)
10:00 AM - "He's not coming ...is he?" - Warten auf Godot in Cartoon und Comic
Koehn, Johanna (Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France)
11:00 AM - Vom Dichter des Dichters zu den Hölderlin-Comics. Intermediale Adaptionen eines
besonderen Klassikers
Castellari, Marco (Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy)
11:30 AM - Goethes Faust als Comic
Heyden, Linda (HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
12:00 PM - Literarische Klassiker im Ballett
Kreuter, Andrea Sibylle (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Austria)
12:00 PM - Ein flämischer Klassiker als Comic: Comicadaptionen von Hendrik Consciences "Der Löwe
von Flandern" (1838) als Aktualisierungen dieses historischen Romans
Hermann, Christine (Universität Wien, EVSL, Wien, Austria)
2:00 PM - Was würde Goethe dazu sagen? Klassikerfeiern im deutschen und französischen
Picard, Sophie (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 07743, Germany)
2:30 PM - Sprachen der "Weimarer Klassiker" im interkulturellen Kontext
Wojcik, Paula (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany)
3:00 PM - Bertolt Brecht 'goes to town'. "Die Moritat von Mackie Messer" als Jazz-Standard
Höfer, Hannes (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany)
4:00 PM - Die Musik nimmt in ihren Meisterwerken mehr und mehr die Meisterwerke der Literatur
auf. Musikalische Klassiker-Aneignung in Franz Liszts Faust- und Dante-Symphonie
Wegner, Sascha (Universität Ber, Bern, Switzerland)
4:00 PM - Weiblichkeit Korpus des Klassischen Goethes Frauen in bildender Kunst und Musik
von Roth, Dominik (Weißenfels, Weißenfels/Weimar, Austria)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - « Vers une définition de la parodie interculturelle »
Filion, Louise-Hélène (Université du Québec à Montréal/Universität des Saarlandes, Montréal (Québec), Canada)
9:30 AM - Bizets Carmen in den Townships von Südafrika
Grossmann, Stephanie (Universität Passau, Passau, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
10:00 AM - Lost in Translation? Stanislaw Wyspianski's Wesele and the Difficulty of a German-Polish
Cultural Transfer
May-Chu, Karolina (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, USA)
11:00 AM - Konkurrenz und Kooperation: Die Neuübersetzung im ambivalenten Prozess der
Franz, Marc (Uni Wien, Münster, Germany)
11:30 AM - Thomas Manns Zauberberg und die "Sprache" des Balletts
Weiher, Frank (Thomas-Mann-Gesellschaft, Düsseldorf, Germany)
Friday, July 22nd
17310 - Die Arena der Stimmen: Intermedialität, Intertextualität und Sprachenvielfalt in Literatur
und Film Lateinamerikas
Room: Sensengasse HS 1
Chair: Sartingen, Kathrin; Reitböck, Petra; Bauer, Verena-Cathrin
11:00 AM - Dekonstruktion der Peripherie: Stereotypen und Rassismus in den Filmen von Lucrecia
Nina, Fernando (Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany)
11:30 AM - Die Vielfalt der Stimmen. Intertextualität und Intermedialität in den Erzählungen von
Rubem Fonseca und im Film 'O Cobrador: In God we trust' von Paul Leduc
Rainsborough, Marita (Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany)
12:00 PM - Narrative Netze, mediale Metafiktionen. Zu zwei filmischen Adaptationen von Clarice
Lispectors "A hora da estrela"
Bauer, Verena-Cathrin (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria)
2:00 PM - Indigenous Testimony in Early 20th Century Argentina and Chile
Foote, Susan (Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile)
2:30 PM - Indigene Stimmen Lateinamerikas - Dialog der Kulturen in polyphonen Texten von
Augusto Roa Bastos und Lucía Puenzo
Reitböck, Petra (Universität Wien, Institut für Romanistik, Wien, Austria)
3:00 PM - Von Acopiya über Oberhausen: die vielsprachige Stimme von Gregorio Condori Mamani
Fernández, Hans (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, graz, Austria)
4:00 PM - »Alles Vergangene verdient es, verschlungen zu werden« Zur Anthropophagie der
Strasser, Melanie (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria)
4:30 PM - Theorie als Übersetzung: das theoretisch-kritische Werk von Haroldo de Campos als
Entwicklung vom transkreativen Denken
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday, July 27th // Wednesday, July 27th
17311 - Brazil-language: toward a multipolar globalization in the field of culture
Room: Hs 42
Chair: Lima, Rachel; Martins, Anderson
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
4:20 PM - Brazilian Modernism and the Other
Cruz, Décio (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil)
Avila, Myriam (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
5:00 PM - Eine deutschsprachige Literatur in Brasilien? Eine Diskussion um die Literatur der
deutschsprachigen Einwanderer in Brasilien
NEUMANN, GERSON (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, PORTO ALEGRE, Austria)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - What language do/will Brazilian Comparative Literatura speak?
Ravetti, Graciela (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
9:20 AM - The salt of Salgado's iconographic language
Boëchat, Melissa (Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina - Minas Gerais, Brazil)
9:40 AM - "Does the other's voice sound without subtitles?": transcultural perspectives
Resende, Maria Ângela (Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei - UFSJ, São João del-Rei -MG, Brazil)
10:00 AM - Reconfiguring the past: transits of language and space
Bittencourt, Rita Lenira (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Austria)
11:00 AM - The world is a stage: contemporary Brazilian literature, literary prizes and mass culture
Martins, Anderson (Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei, Santos Dumont, Brazil)
11:20 AM - Retrospectives on the edge: a comparative reading of M. Gorki's The mother and
Bernardo Carvalho's O filho da mãe (The mother's son)
Lima, Rachel (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador (BA), Brazil)
Cardoso, Marília (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
12:00 PM - Speeches on margins
Ribeiro Neves, Rodrigo Jorge (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)Wednesday, July 27th
9:00 AM - From "formation" to "insertion": reframing Brazilian literature across the globe
Melo, Alfredo (Unicamp, São Paulo, Brazil)
Gomes, Gínia (Gínia Maria de Oliveira Gomes, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
10:00 AM - The cartography of Belle Epoque urban Rio de Janeiro in João do RioŽs crônicas
Hanna, Vera (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil)
Saturday, July 23rd
17312 - Languages of Dwelling, Solidarity and Community: A Comparative Semiotics of Urban and
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 5
Chair: Reisenleitner, Markus
11:00 AM - Translating "Minimal Living:" Housing in Soviet Industrial City
Barykina, Natallia (University of Toronto, Toronto, Austria)
11:20 AM - Walter Benjamin's geography of Berlin
Mergler, Agata (York University, Canada, Toronto, Canada)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:40 AM - Marketing Utopia: Elbert Hubbard and the Roycroft Community
Redding, Arthur (York University, Toronto, Canada)
12:00 PM - Marketing Miu Miu: A Geocritical Assessment of Fashion Advertising
Siemens, Elena (University of Alberta, Canada)
Saturday, July 23rd
17313 - Leftism and Love: The Languages of Anna Lacis's Latvian Legacy
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 5
Chair: Ingram, Susan
2:00 PM - "Lacis in Lettland, Lacis auf deutsch"
Ingram, Susan (York University, Toronto, Canada)
Dwelling on Planet Ottakring: The Geocritical Reimagining of Vienna's Vorstadt
Ingram, Ingram (York University, Toronto, Canada)
2:20 PM - Asja Lacis - das lyrische Subjekt und Objekt des lettischen Schriftstellers Linards Laicens
Kalnina, Ieva (University of Latvia, Department of Latvian and Baltic Studies, Riga, Latvia)
2:40 PM - Der Proletkult als ästhetische Position von Asja Lacis in den Anfängen der bürgerlichen
Republik Lettland
Paskevica, Beata (Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera, Latvia)5
3:00 PM - Anna (Asja) Lacis versus Julijs Lacis: a conversation in the language of irreconcilable
Kalnina, Ieva (Institute of Literature, Folklore and Arts University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia)
4:00 PM - Asja Lacis and Walter Benjamin: Translating Different Cities
Taurens, Janis (Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, Latvia)
4:30 PM - Seeing differently: Laila`s Pakalnina`s film language
Perkone, Inga (Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga, Latvia)
5:00 PM - Riga Dating Agency: Art, Intimacy and Narratives of Female Agency
Untiks, Inga (York University, Toronto, Canada)
Friday, July 22nd
17314 - Eastern European writers into "major" cultures between 1945 and 1989:
Room: Hs 29
Chair: Vranceanu, Alexandra
9:00 AM - The Prestige of Dissidence and Exile: Cold War Paranoia and Eastern European Literature
Lameborshi, Eralda (Texas A&M University, Nacogdoches, USA)
9:20 AM - Literary Market Strategies for Going Global: Orhan Pamuk and Mircea Cartarescu
Ungureanu, Delia (Harvard, Cambridge, USA)
9:40 AM - How to do with "double" literary history in communist Europe: "national" and
"transnational" writers
Vranceanu, Alexandra (University of Bucharest, Bressanone, Italy)
10:00 AM - A Narrative of Exile: Milos Crnjanski's 'Roman o Londonu' (A Novel about London)
Krstic, Visnja (University of Warwick / University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Republic Serbien)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Monday, July 25th
17316 - Fremde Literaturen im Web 3.0?
Room: Hs 21
Chair: Silvia Ulrich
9:00 AM - Digital Literatures circulating in Spanish: the emergence of a field
Sanz, Amelia (Computense University, Spanish Literature, Madrid, Spain, Madrid, Spain); LLamas, Miriam; María,
Goicoechea; Sánchez, Laura (Complutense University (Madrid, Spain), Madrid, Spain)
9:20 AM - Entre linéarité et causalité : les caractéristiques de l'hypertexte de fiction
Marzi, Eleonora (University of Bologna,Comparative Literature, Bologna, Italy, L'Aquila, Italy)
9:40 AM - L'impact des médias numériques dans la littérature catalane
Arnau Segarra, Pilar (Universitat de les Iles Balears - Filologia Catalana, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Palma de Mallorca,
10:00 AM - Social networks: new tools for didactics and academic research?
Ulrich, Silvia (University of Turin, German Literature, Turin, Italy, Turin, Italy)
Chair: Silvia Ulrich
4:00 PM - Franz Marc From the Future to the Present
Carey, Jean Marie (University of Otago, Comparative Literature, Dunedin, New Zealand, Dunedin, New Zealand)
4:30 PM - Literature, land art and the web.
Concilio, Carmen (University of Turin, English and Postcolonial Literature, Turin, Italy, Torino, Italy)
Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday, July 27th
17317 - When narratology does not travel well
Room: Hs 26
Chair: Hajdu, Peter; Qiao, Guo-Qiang
2:00 PM - On the Particularities of Chinese Classical Narrative Poetics
Qiao, Guoqiang (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China); Yu Qin, Jiang (Shanghai International Studies
University, Shanghai, China)
2:30 PM - Free Indirect Discourse in Latin?
Hajdu, Peter (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Humanities, Budapest, Hungary)
3:00 PM - Problems and Solutions: a Literature Review of Feminist Narratology
Yu, Jie (Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China)Wednesday, July 27th
9:00 AM - A Narrative Approach to Understanding the Chinese Poetic Concept of "Yi Jing" in
Traditional Chinese Drama
Zhao, Yongjian (Zhejiang Gongshang University; University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA)
9:30 AM - Chinese Narrative Tradition and Cultural Strategy from the Perspective of Comparative
Qiu, Bei (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China)
10:00 AM - Will Fantasy Alter History
Xue, Chunxia (Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China)
11:00 AM - The Investigation Problems of the Chronicle Narrative
Pospisil, Ivo (Faculty of Arts Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:20 AM - How different is the similar? Hungarian Modernist narrative strategies in comparison,
and narratology's sense of the past
Mekis, János D. (University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, Pécs, Hungary)
11:40 AM - Narrating post-imperial Europe: two irreconcilable politics
Biti, Vladimir (Institut für Slawistik, Wien, Austria)
12:00 PM - Cultural Translation by way of Paratext: On the Function of Italics and Pictures in
Zou, Huiling (Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, China)
Friday, July 22nd
17318 - Comparative Literary Histories of Slavery: Group Session, Section E
Room: Erika-Weinzierl-Saal
Chair: Simonsen, Karen-Margrethe
9:00 AM - Sklaverei und Literatur: Gustave Oelsner Monmerque Roman "Schwarze und Weiße.
Skizzen aus Bourbon" (1848)
Timofte, Alina (Universität Konstanz / Exzellenzcluster 16, Konstanz, Germany)
9:30 AM - The Cult of Sentimentality and Comparative Literary Histories of Slavery
Loh, Lucienne (University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom)
10:00 AM - Danish literary slave representations in a global context
Jensen Smed, Sine (Arts, literature and cultural studies / Graduate School, Arts / Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark)
11:00 AM - Re-writing slavery with a Purpose: a Chunk of Literary History of Slavery
Geerts, Walter (Antwerp University, Schoten, Belgium)
11:30 AM - The Ancient Pedestal and the Modern Veil: an analysis of ancient influences on late
antebellum proslavery literature
Jodoin, Jared (The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
2:00 PM - Slavery in international context
Hart, Jonathan (Western University & Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Canada)
2:30 PM - The Literary Histories of Slavery: A Cuban and Spanish Perspective
Simonsen, Karen-Margrethe Lindskov (Aarhus Universitet, Rønde, Austria)
Friday, July 22nd
17319 (Wissenschafts-)Sprachen an der Grenze: Phänomene der Überforderung im Wissen vom
Menschen um 1800
Room: Skandinavistik Leseraum
Chair: Hamel, Hanna; Assinger, Thomas; Langer, Stephanie
9:00 AM - Naturformation/Kulturformation: Albrecht von Hallers Alpen
Assinger, Thomas (Institut für Germanistik, Wien, Austria)
9:30 AM - Ungereimtheit. Prosa und Poesie um 1750.
Hottner, Wolfgang (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für dt. Literatur, Berlin, Germany)
10:00 AM - Symbolbegriff und reflektierende Urteilskraft bei Kant: Denkfiguren der Überforderung
und produktiven Aneignung der epistemologischen Konstellation um 1800
Lederle, Sebastian (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - Ästhetiken des Erhabenen als Theorien sinnlich-kognitiver Überforderung (Kant, Burke,
Möller, Reinhard M. (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
11:30 AM - "Mancherlei Kräfte". Zu einem organisch-mechanisch-klimatologischen
Erklärungsprinzip bei Herder
Hamel, Hanna (Institut für Germanistik, Wien, Austria)
12:00 PM - "Ansichten" - Raumdarstellungen zwischen Fachwissen und Holismus um 1800
Vangi, Michele (Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum Villa Vigoni, Menaggio, Italy)
2:00 PM - Die Grenze von Leben und Tod. Hufeland, Bichat und Goethe.
Langer, Stephanie (Institut für Germanistik, Wien, Austria)
2:30 PM - Von mythologischen und sprachlichen Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen. "Wollust und
Mordlust" in Gotthilf Heinrich von Schuberts Die Symbolik des Traumes und in Ludolf Wienbargs
Wanderungen durch den Thierkreis
Buehler, Jill (Karlsruher Institut f. Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany)
Tuesday, July 26th
17320 - Comparative Studies in Central European Context
Room: Erika-Weinzierl-Saal
Chair: György C. Kálmán; György Fogarasi; Ana-Maria Codau
Chair: György C. Kálmán
9:00 AM - Networking early comparative literature and the first international journal of comparative
literary studies
T. Szabó, Levente (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania)
9:20 AM - Hungarian-English dialogues. The Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum (18771888) from the perspective of its relations with the English literature
Codau, Ana-Maria (Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
9:40 AM - Imagining comparative literature: Hungarian women writers in the 19th century
Varga, Zsuzsanna (Glasgow University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
10:00 AM - On Idioms and Idiotisms (Theodore Thass-Thienemann: The Interpretation of Language
Fogarasi, György (Department of Comparative Literature, University of Szeged, Hungary, Szeged, Hungary)
11:00 AM - Exile, highbrow, middlebrow Sándor Márai's elitism and popularity
Mekis, János D. (University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, Pécs, Hungary)
11:20 AM - The Pushkin myth and cult in Central European literature
Kalavszky, Zsófia (Institute for Literary Studies, Humanities Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
11:40 AM - Comparative Literature in a Totalitarian Age: the Strange Case of East-Central Europe
Kálmán, György C. (Institute for Literary Studies, Humanities Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
12:00 PM - Comparative Literature at War
Scheibner, Tamás (Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary)
Chair: Ana-Maria Codau
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:00 PM - A gaze from West to the East: Eastern European émigrés' autobiographies
Z. Varga, Zoltán (Institute for Literary Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
2:30 PM - The Art of Imitation: George Mikes' Parable of Migration
Hites, Sandor (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
3:00 PM - Des écoles de littérature comparée au bilinguisme et a la transculturalité poétiques
Szávai, Dorottya (Pannon University, Pannon Egyetem MFTK IKI, Veszprém, Hungary)
Saturday, July 23rd
17322 - The Languages of Immersion
Room: Skandinavistik Leseraum
Chair: Kukkonen, Karin; Hautcoeur, Guiomar
9:00 AM - Resisting immersion in Rabelais and his translators
Helgeson, James (University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom)
9:30 AM - Fictionalized Immersion in Les Mystères de Paris d'Eugène Sue and its imitators
Lavocat, Francoise (Université Sorbonne nouvelle Paris 3, Paris, France)
10:00 AM - The Great Gatsby de F. Scott Fitzgerald, sa traduction française et ses adaptations
cinématographiques : trois langages, trois expériences d'immersion.
Wolkenstein, Julie (Université de Caen Basse Normandie, Caen, France)
11:00 AM - De l'immersion à la performance : remarques sur les enjeux pragmatiques du
storytelling transmédial et de ses détournements artistiques
Perrot-Corpet, Danielle (Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France)
11:30 AM - Roberto Bolaño: immersive complicity
Grzesiak, Zofia (University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland)
2:00 PM - Languages of Immersion in Narratives of Fascination
Baumbach, Sibylle (University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany)
2:30 PM - Embedded Narratives and Immersion in the Eighteenth Century Novel
Kukkonen, Karin (University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway)
3:00 PM - Réflexions sur le « lecteur immergé »
Hautcoeur, Guiomar (Université Paris Diderot Paris 7, Paris, France)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17324 - Cartographie européenne de l'écocritique
Room: Sensengasse SR1
Chair: Hermetet, Anne-Rachel; Guest, Bertrand; Thiltges, Sébastian
2:00 PM - Justice poétique et justice environnementale dans le roman ibérique : mises en scène
polémiques de l'habitabilité
Bonvalot, Anne-Laure (Université d'Angers, Paris, France)
2:30 PM - Du régionalisme littéraire à l'écopoétique : écritures de la nature dans le roman
Thiltges, Sébastian (Université du Maine (EcoLitt) / Universität des Saarlandes, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg)
3:00 PM - Die Ästhetik des hohen Nordens. Eine vergleichende Stilistik des Erhabenen
Wagner, Walter , Austria
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
4:00 PM - Paul Celan and the subversion of racial geology
Giannuzzi, Mariaenrica (Iaph - Italia, Roma, Italy)
4:30 PM - Résister aux monocultures dans Trois femmes puissantes et Ladivine
Jamie, Herd (Université Paris 8, Vaison-la-Romaine, France)
5:00 PM - Espaces gioniens : du régionalisme à l'universalisme
Ladevèze, Charlotte (University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - La steppe, le canal et les cimes (une balade européenne)
Barthelemy, Lambert (Universität Poitiers, Montpellier, France)
9:30 AM - L'écologie littéraire au croisement des discours
Hermetet, Anne-Rachel (université d'Angers, Malakoff, France)
10:00 AM - Literature as Cultural Ecology: Sustainable Texts
Zapf, Hubert (University of Augsburg, Friedberg, Germany)
11:00 AM - Lecture écocritique du mythe de Robinson Crusoé
Bataillé, Mathilde (University of Angers, Angers, France)
11:30 AM - Importations européennes et wilderness avoisinant : Représentations oppositionnelles
de la Nature dans The Orenda de Joseph Boyden
Noël, Martine (Université d'Ottawa, département de Français, Ottawa, Canada)
12:00 PM - Voix planétaires cherchent cosmocritique. Quelques exemples de l'aspiration à une
écocritique transaréale
Guest, Bertrand (Université d'Angers, Caen, France)
Friday, July 22nd
17325 - Variety of texts and languages in Baltic region of early modernity
Room: Skandinavistik Leseraum
Chair: Lams, Ojars; Laizans, Martins; Grudule, Mara
4:00 PM - Basilius Plinius and the verse narrative of scientific treatise
Laizans, Martins (University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia)
4:30 PM - Trilingual textual utopia: a treatise on poetics for a poetry yet to come (J. Wischmann's
"Unteutsche Opitz")
Lams, Ojars (University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia)
5:00 PM - Jesuit contribution to 17th century Latvian poetry
Grudule, Mara (University of Latvia, Jurmala, Latvia)
Wednesday, July 27th
17326 - Poetics of Code
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 4
Chair: Niebisch, Arndt
9:00 AM - Introduction: Code. Writing and Generating Text
Niebisch, Arndt (Universität Wien)
9:20 AM - Decoding Dada: Avant-Garde Poetry in its Cryptographic Context
Beals, Kurt (Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, USA)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:40 AM - SIGNS O' THE TIMES: The Software of Philology and a Philology of Software
Hiller, Moritz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
10:00 AM - Code as Poetic Practice of Information
Pao, Lea (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA)
Friday, July 22nd // Monday, July 25th
17327 - Theory in Love
Room: Seminarraum Nederlandistik
Chair: Wocke, Brendon; Lampropoulos, Apostolos; Manzari, Francesca
9:00 AM - Pour une théorie amoureuse
Manzari, Francesca (Université d'Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, France)
9:30 AM - Il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel, sinon qu'il y a de l'amour : Badiou, lecteur de Lacan
Martins, Luiz Paulo Leitão (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
10:00 AM - La théorie comme acte d'amour: quête de l'Autre et poésie
Michel, Amélie (Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
11:00 AM - Love in Ruins: A Philosophical Critique of Narcissism
Borato, Meryl (York University, Toronto, Canada)
11:30 AM - Crude Derridean Love
Lampropoulos, Apostolos (University Bordeaux Montaigne, Bordeaux, France)
12:00 PM - La théorie d'art comme témoignage d'amour : l'exemple d'André Pieyre de Mandiargues
Sapino, Roberta (Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy)
2:00 PM - Gender and the Built Environment
Christie, Stuart (HK Baptist Univ, Hong Kong, China)
2:30 PM - La « resacralisation » du couple et de l'amour. Plaidoyer pour une réévaluation des
valeurs féminines et pour érotique « unitive » dans l'uvre essaystique de Suzanne Lilar.
Cristea, Carmen (Université de Montréal/Dawson College, Montréal, Canada)
3:00 PM - « Chose à chose et tout avec nous ». Amour et théorie selon Ortega y Gasset
ORTEGA MÁÑEZ, María J. (Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), Petrer (Alicante), France)Monday, July 25th
9:00 AM - Ménage à trois: évolution du "désir mimétique" entre cocu arthurien et triangle
Turcat, Eric (Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA)
9:30 AM - Theories of Love in Seventeenth-Century France
Hoefer, Bernadette (Webster University-Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
10:00 AM - True Love and Self-Love in Kierkegaard's work
Gontier, Elodie Marie (Université Sorbonne, PARIS, France)
11:00 AM - Les figures theoriques de l'amour : metaphore, metonymie, dialectique
Zenkin, Sergey (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation)
11:30 AM - De la rhétorique à la drague
Noghrehchi, Hessam (Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris 3, Paris, France)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
12:00 PM - To be Possessed by Love : Derrida's Amorous Analytics
Brendon, Wocke (University of Perpignan, Perpignan, France)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17328 - Cultural Anxiety as Creative Potency of Cosmopolitan Perspective in Comparative
Room: Skandinavistik Leseraum
Chair: Kim, Choon-Hee
2:00 PM - Cultural Anxiety as Creative/Critical Potency of Cosmopolitan Perspective in Comparative
Kim, Choon-Hee (Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea)
2:20 PM - Genre, affect, and cosmopolitanism in the peripheral Mediterranean
Head, Gretchen (Yale-NUS College, Singapore, Singapore)
2:40 PM - Spatial significations of cultural anxiety in Su Manshu¿s poetic discourse
Tang, Ke (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China)
3:00 PM - When a Moor Must Swear like a Catholic: Don Quixote as an Arabian Text.
Hermes, Nizar (University of Virginia, USA)Tuesday, July 26th
2:00 PM - Anxious Tongues: Cosmopolitan Desperation in Rawi Hage's Cockroach
Norman, Rachel (University of Seville, Seville, Spain)
2:30 PM - BL Novels and Female Space
Liu, Qianyue (Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
Monday, July 25th
17329 - Die vielen Stimmen des Georg Lukács:
Room: Hs 31
Chair: Seidler, Andrea
9:00 AM - Die Kommunistische Internationale und Lukács' Beitrag in den 1920er Jahren
Kókai, Károly (EVSL Finno-Ugristik, Vienna, Austria)
9:30 AM - Die Sprache des Genossen Lukács
Erlinghagen, Erika (Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Austria)
10:00 AM - Das Tagebuch des Georg Lukács (1910-11)
Seidler, Andrea (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Wien, Austria)
11:00 AM - Identität und Alterität bei Georg Lukács
Ponzi, Mauro (Sapienza Unviersità di Roma Letteratura tedesca, Roma, Italy)
11:30 AM - Georg Lukács und Béla Balázs
Schmidt, Matthias (Germanistik, Univ. Wien, Vienna, Austria); Kókai, Károly (EVSL Finno-Ugristik, Vienna, Austria)
12:00 PM - Georg Lukács' Briefwechsel mit Günther Anders und Ernst Fischer
Putz, Kerstin (Literaturarchiv der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Wien, Austria)
Saturday, July 23rd
17331 - IRANIAN COMPARATISM: Recent Challenges and Future Opportunities
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 4
Chair: Bahrevar, Majid
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - Comparative Literature in Iran: Future of a Discipline
Fomeshi, Behnam (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran)
11:30 AM - A comparative study of Haft Peykar and Decameron based on Todorov's narrative theory
Kamali, Mahmoud (Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran)
12:00 PM - The Picture of Iran in Translations of Modern Persian Literature into the Czech Language
Krihova, Zuzana (Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
2:00 PM - Current trends of comparative literature in Iran according to internationals Congress
Boukail, Amina (University of Jijel- General and compare literature -Annaba University, Constantine, Algeria)
2:30 PM - The Universal: Edgar Allan Poe and Sadeq Hedayat
Zarei, Rouhollah (Yasouj University, Shiraz, Iran)
3:00 PM - Mapping Fictional Czech from Persian Readers
Bahrevar, Majid (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic); Krihova, Zuzana (Charles University
in Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic)
Friday, July 22nd
17332 - The Metaphor and languages of the diseases, the healing and the medicine since 20th
Room: Hs 21
Chair: Choi-Hantke, Aryong
2:00 PM - The enduring awe of hands": Al Berto and the writing of fear
Sasaki, Leonardo , Brazil
2:20 PM - Torture and Consumption: Insatiable Appetite in Kim Jee-woon's I Saw the Devil (2010)
Jang, Juyeon (Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea)
2:40 PM - Patients and Healers in "Zaabalawi" by Naguib Mahfouz and A Strangeness In My Mind by
Orhan Pamuk
3:00 PM - Die "blutflüssige" Frau im Neuen Testament aus der Perspektive von koreanischer
feministischer Theologie
Lee, Ji Hye (17332, Bochum, Germany)
4:00 PM - The Elusive 'Mot Juste': The Language of Doctors and Patients
Meirosu, Madalina (University of Massachusetts Amherst, South Hadley, USA)
4:30 PM - A 'Dangerous' Body: The Sexworker and The AIDS debate in India
5:00 PM - Thirsty languages with the Catholics, the Disease, the Medicine in Park Chan-wook's Thirst
Choi-Hantke, Aryong (Institute of Body and Mind, Seoul, South Korea)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17333 - Media, mediation, fiction. Medium as a language?
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 1
Chair: TANE, Benoît; Krzywkowski, Isabelle
2:00 PM - Fiction et médiation
TANE, Benoît (LLA CREATIS, Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, Toulouse, France)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:30 PM - Jacques (Lacan) le fataliste. Ou de l'usage de la lettre pour ceux qui voient
Waelti, Slaven (Universität Basel, Basel, Switzerland)
3:00 PM - Littérature picaresque et témoignage scripturaire : le média insituable comme support de
la fiction
Aubague, Mathilde (CPTC Université de Bourgogne, Chalon sur Saone France, Austria)
4:00 PM - L'oeuvre en morceaux : "Don Juan" au mirroir de l'intermedialite
Wojda, Aleksandra (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Austria)
4:30 PM - Fiction Assaulting the Reader Intermedial References to Music and Violence in Jelinek's
The Piano Player and Burgess's A Clockwork Orange
Schirrmacher, Beate (Linnaeus University/Stockholm University, Växjö, Sweden)
5:00 PM - Luddites et technophiles: les médias électriques dans le roman d'anticipation français
Murvai, Peter (York University, Toronto, Canada); Scheffel-Dunand, Dominique (York University, Toronto,
Canada)Tuesday, July 26th
11:00 AM - Expanding Contemporary Art Through Language and Litera
Chiesa, Laura (University at Buffalo, Buffalo, USA)
11:30 AM - Fictions de louvre d'art chez Ilya et Emilia Kabakov et Edouard Levé
Chassaing, Sylvia (Université Paris-8, Paris, France)
2:00 PM - Le démontage de la fiction par l'exposition du médium au XXe siècle : vers une
fictionnalisation du réel
2:20 PM - The Use of an Emerging Language in Media as a Tool of Resistance to Hegemonic Political
Discourse in Kenya; the Case of Hapa Kule News
Wanjala, Alex (University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya)
2:40 PM - Lire Barbare
AROUIMI, Michel (université du littoral, PARIS, France)
3:00 PM - Usages poétiques du modèle informationnel
Krzywkowski, Isabelle (Litt&Arts-ISA, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France)
Tuesday, July 26th
17334 - Das Werk Heimito von Doderers in Übersetzung - Probleme und Chancen
Room: Hs 27
Chair: Sommer, Gerald
2:00 PM - Das Werk Heimito von Doderers, übersetzt in 30 Sprachen - eine Bilanz
Sommer, Gerald (Heimito von Doderer-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany); Kling, Vincent (La Salle University, Philadelphia,
USA); Lenhart, Johanna (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria); Osmanovic, Erkan (Masaryk-Universität, Brno, Czech Republic)
2:20 PM - One Story, Two Translations
Kling, Vincent (La Salle University, Philadelphia, USA)
2:40 PM - Konkurrierende Übersetzungen im Vergleich - "Léon Pujot" und "Begegnung im
Lenhart, Johanna (Universität Wien, Wien, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
3:00 PM - Übersetzung des Unübersetzbaren. Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung von Heimito von
Doderers Roman "Die erleuchteten Fenster" ins Serbische: "Osvetljeni prozori" (2015)
Osmanovic, Erkan (Masaryk-Universität, Brno, Austria)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday,
July 27th
17335 - Unsettled Narratives: Graphic Novel and Comics Studies in the 21st Century
Room: Hs 21
Chair: Pao, Lea; Mikkonen, Kai; Coughlan, David; Buchenberger, Stefan
9:00 AM - Picture Story, Strip Design and the Order of Sequence - Narrative organization in late
early nineteenth-century British "comic strips"
Mikkonen, Kai (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)
9:30 AM - Wordless. How visual sequence becomes storytelling
Piepoli, Angelo (University of Macerata, London, United Kingdom)
10:00 AM - From Goya's Caprichos to Mahler's Gedichte: What Comics Teach Us about How to Read
a Poem
Pao, Lea (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Marvelous! New Depictions of Heroines in the Comics/Graphic Novel Genre
Lassiter, Tracy (Independent Scholar, Homer City, USA)
9:30 AM - Girls on the Battlefield: from Cross-Dressed to Girly Fighters in Japanese Manga
Hiraishi, Noriko (University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan)
10:00 AM - Gender gaps in the clouds. Conservation and revolution in the Italian comics
Piepoli, Angelo (University of Macerata, London, United Kingdom)Monday, July 25th
2:00 PM - The Quantum Gaze in Twenty-First Century Graphic Novels
DeTora, Lisa (Hofstra University, Hempstead, USA)
2:30 PM - Grant Morrison's Human Animal Man
Coughlan, David (University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland)
3:00 PM - Maxime Miranda in Minimis Reimagining Swarm Consciousness and Planetary
Responsibility through Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Ask Nunes, Denise (Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden); Mahmutovic, AdnanTuesday, July 26th
2:00 PM - Future Imperfect: Dystopia, Time Travel, Absolute Power and the Incredible Hulk.
Buchenberger, Stefan (Kanagawa University, Department of Cross-Cultural Studies, Yokohama, Japan)
2:20 PM - The Myth of the Great War: Hugo Pratt's W.W.I Graphic Novelettes
Rossi, Umberto (independent scholar, Roma, Italy)
2:40 PM - Will Eisner's Spirit's Participation to the Second World War
Paladin, Nicola (Sapienza University of Rome, Treviso, Italy)
3:00 PM - Conflict and Social Control in Shingeki no Kyojin
Ursini, Francesco (Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden)Wednesday, July 27th
2:00 PM - The public uses of comic books and the construction of collective memory
Grüning, Barbara (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:20 PM - Muslim Superheroes in France: reception of Kamala Khan as a case study of an unsettled
LORENZ, Désirée (Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France); Reyns-Chikuma, Chris (MLCS/Arts210A/UofA/, Edmonton,
2:40 PM - Unsettling Narratives of Fear Visually: Illustrating and Adapting Neil Gaiman's The
Graveyard Book
Halsall, Alison (York University, Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
3:00 PM - The Unsettled Medium and Its Unsettling Media
Bachmann, Christian (Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag, Berlin, Germany)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17336 - Engaging Publics In and Through Translation
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 3
Chair: Bermann, Sandra
2:00 PM - The Challanges of Legal Translation in Multicultural Societies
Camps, Assumpta (University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)
2:20 PM - Climate Activism and Translation
Esplin, Marlene (Brigham Young University, Provo, USA)
2:40 PM - The Visible Translator - Engaging the Public at International Book Fairs
Kölling, Angela (University of Gothenburg, Västra Frölunda, Sweden)
3:00 PM - Classical Arabic Literature for a 21st-century English Readership: The Experience of the
Library of Arabic Literature
Rossetti, Chip (Library of Arabic Literature, New York, NY, USA)
4:00 PM - Growing up cosmopolitan. Imagining the world through translation in childhood.
Lopes, Alexandra (Universidade Católica Portuguesa - CECC, Lisboa, Portugal)
4:20 PM - Creating New Reading Publics through Translation
Scoville, Spencer (Brigham Young University, Provo, USA)
4:40 PM - Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and her Reluctant 21st Century Publics: Monolingual, AntiIntellectual, and Performative Readings
Gómez, Isabel (University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA)
5:00 PM - How to reach the public: editorial visions for retranslation projects
Hawkins, Spencer (Bilkent University, Bilkent Ankara, Turkey)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Martí Evermore: José Martí as Reader and Translator of Edgar Allan Poe
Esplin, Emron (Brigham Young University, Provo, USA)
9:20 AM - Translating Silence(s) in Mahashweta Devi's Imaginary Maps translated by Gayatri Spivak
Menon, Nirmala (Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore, India)
9:40 AM - Roberto Bolano and the Precarious Space of Literature
Streip, Katharine (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada)
10:00 AM - Translation: A Social fact and Practice
Singh, Jayshree (Lecturer (Selection Grade) Bhupal Nobles' Post-Graduate College, Rajasthan, India)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Friday, July 22nd / Monday, July 25th
17337 - Emotion Metaphors and Literary Texts
Room: Hs 31
Chair: Bethke, Kathrin
4:00 PM - Networking at the interface between conceptual and linguistic metaphor in comparative
literary texts
TRIM, Richard (Université de Toulon, 83957 La Garde Cedex, France)
4:20 PM - Emotion Metaphors and Literary Texts. The Case of Shakespeare's Sonnets
Bethke, Kathrin (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
4:40 PM - Metaphern gegen den Tod. Friederike Mayröckers ekstatische Trauergedichte
De Felip, Eleonore (Universität Innsbruck, Forschungsinstitut Brenner-Archiv, Innsbruck, Austria)
5:00 PM - Kafkas Sprache der Scham
Tolksdorf, Nina (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)Monday, July 25th
4:00 PM - Emotionsmetaphern aus transkultureller Sicht am Beispiel von Yoko Tawada und Gino
Tahoun, Riham (Universität Helwan, Kairo, Egypt)
4:20 PM - Menschenfleisch-Laokoon. Hans Christoph Buchs poetologische Augenzeugenschaft
Suter, Fermin (Institut für Germanistik, Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland)
4:40 PM - When Bodies Talk: Emotions in Musil's Die Verwirrung des Zöglings Törleß
Hillard, Derek (Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA)
5:00 PM - Music as Emotion Metaphor in Romantic and Contemporary German literature
Baumann, Karoline (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
Monday, July 25th
17338 - Affective language between action and passion
Room: Prominentenzimmer
Chair: Tomáš Jirsa; Josef Šebek; Elizabeth Rush; Andrea Barros
9:00 AM - Introduction
Jirsa, Tomáš (Institute of Czech and Comparative Literature)
9:30 AM - "The gestural", densité, erratic sense
Müller, Richard (Ústav pro ceskou literaturu, AV CR, v.v.i., Praha 1, Czech Republic)
10:00 AM - Animal Play and the Affect of Language
Carsten, Christoph (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany)Marietta-Blau
Chair: Josef Šebek
11:00 AM - Affective Language in Literary Realism
Rossi, Riikka (University of Helsinki, Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies,, Helsinki, Finland)
11:30 AM - Affect and Realism in Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment
Barros, Andrea (Catholic University of Sao Paulo - PUC, Jacareí, Brazil)
Chair: no chair yet
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:00 PM - The Affective Language of Color in Literature and Film
Doran, Sabine (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA)
2:30 PM - The Blurred Space In-Between: Repetition in Fiction and Affectivity
Sebek, Josef (Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Prague 6, Czech Republic)
3:00 PM - Affective language between action and passion
Jirsa, Tomáš ((Charles University in Prague))
Chair: Andrea Barros
4:00 PM - Dispositives of Silence. Affective Injuries, Wounding Attachments, Gender and Czech
Literature 1948-1989
Matonoha, Jan (Ústav pro ceskou literaturu AV CR, vvi, Praha 5, Czech Republic)
4:30 PM - Affective Discourse: Orality, Witnessing, and Nostalgia in Te di la vida entera and
Caramelo: or Puro Cuento
Gibby, Kristina (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA)
Friday, July 22nd
17339 - Do you speak digital? The Past, Present, and Future of Electronic Literatures
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 5
Chair: Backe, Hans-Joachim
2:00 PM - Intro and Moderation
Backe, Hans-Joachim (IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark)
2:30 PM - Hypercolonial Digital Literatures
Sanz, Amelia (Complutense University (Madrid, Spain), Madrid, Spain); Goicoechea, María (Complutense University
(Madrid, Spain), Madrid, Spain)
3:00 PM - The Position of Digital Literature in Cultural Space: the Case of Estonia
Viires, Piret (Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia); Laak, Marin (Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu, Austria)
Saturday, July 23rd
17340 - Disturbing Crossings: Untranslatability and the Languages of Crossing Borders
Room: Hs 29
Chair: Chatta, Rasha; Harrison, Rachel; El-Desouky, Ayman
4:00 PM - The civilized cannibal": Postcolonial Ambivalence and Anxiety in Cannibales by Mahi
Berrada, Taieb (Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA, USA)
4:30 PM - Disambiguating the 'Tricolore': Language, Literature, Nation and the French Global
Chatta, Rasha (SOAS, University of London, London, United Kingdom)
5:00 PM - Theologies of Translatio: On the Hermeneutics of Cultural Untranslatability and Historical
Moments of Urgency
El-Desouky, Ayman (SOAS, Univeristy of London, London, United Kingdom)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17341 - Literature and the Language
Room: Hs 26
Chair: Rao, Mythili
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:00 PM - Voices from the Margins as Destabilizing Forces of Power Centres of Hierarchy: Karnad
and Hariharan
Lall, RamaRani (Department of English, Jaipur, jaipur, India)
2:20 PM - Marginalized Communities - Tribal Narratives of India and Pakistan
Mathur, Vrinda (BBD Post Graduate College, Jaipur, India)
2:40 PM - On Margin, Culture and Identity : The Case of Minority Writings in Canada and India
Firdaus, Zakia (central university of gujrat, gandhinagar, India)
3:00 PM - The Black Feminism And The Dalit Feminism: A Comparative Study of Toni Morison's 'Sula
And Bama's 'Sangathi'.
Anjum, Mahjabeen (Department of English.Magadh University,BodhGaya, Gaya. Bihar, India)
4:00 PM - The Language of Silence in Fiction and Cinema
Chaturvedi, Vinita Gupta (Delhi College of Arts & Commerce,University of Delhi, New Delhi, India)
4:20 PM - Assertion of Identities in the Indigenous Literature of Canada and India: A Comparative
Sethi, Roshi (Amity University, Noida, India)
4:40 PM - (Re) positioning the "Other": A Comparative study of Dalit women writing of Maharashtra
and African American women writing-A feminist standpoint
Lanjewar, Aparna (The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India)
5:00 PM - Speak, Strike, Redress: The shifting position of Language and Literature in India
Riti, Sharma (Viswa Bharati University, West Bengal, India)Saturday, July 23rd
4:00 PM - Dialectics of Oppression, Starvation and Humiliation: An Introspection of Om Prakash
Valmiki's Joothan, Baby Kamble's The Prisons we Broke and Mannu Bhandari's Mahabhoj
Kumar, Neeraj (Magadh University Bodh-Gaya Bihar, Gaya, India)
4:20 PM - The Status of Dalits in Multilingual India: A Question of Retrieval - A Comparative study
Singh, Jayshree (Lecturer (Selection Grade) Bhupal Nobles' Post-Graduate College, Rajasthan, India)
4:40 PM - Writing from the Margins: Re-visioning the (En)gendered self in the intercultural Context
through the Poetry of Adrienne Rich and Kamala Das
Shahnaaz, Tasneem (University Of Delhi, New Delhi, India)
Shukla, Anita (The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, India)
Saturday, July 23rd
17343 - Metaphor and the Conceptualization of Fictionality
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 4
Chair: Trauvitch, Rhona
9:00 AM - Metaphor and Fiction in Artificial Languages
Libert, Alan (University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia)
9:20 AM - Metaphor and Fictionality
Trauvitch, Rhona (Florida International University, Miami, USA)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:40 AM - Fiction for the Sake of Referentiality
Li, Chi-she (National Taiwan University, Taipei)
10:00 AM - Feeling Thought: Vladimir Nabokov and A.S. Byatt's Material Imagination
Rose, Kira (Princeton University, Princeton, USA)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday,
July 27th
17346 - Comparative Literature in India and the Many Languages of Indian Literature
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 5
Chair: Sarkar, Judhajit
4:00 PM - Roots and Evolution of Multilingualism in India
Kruthiventi, Sreeenivasarao (Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, India)
4:30 PM - Travelling tales
Orsini, Francesca (SOAS, University of London, London, United Kingdom)
5:00 PM - Migrant Words: Multilinguality, Translatedness and Comparative Literature in India
Chakravarty, Radha (Ambedkar University, New Delhi, India)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - Arabimalayalam and the Texture of Mappila literature: Paradigm for Plurilinguality
9:30 AM - Territories of Expression and Spaces of Transcendence: On the "Texture" of Modern
Bangla Poetry
Sarkar, Judhajit (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India)
10:00 AM - A case for plurilinguality: Locating nascent Bangla prose
Dutta, Arnab (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany)Monday, July 25th
11:00 AM - Multilingual Reality of Bangla Short Story: An Analysis
Mukherjee, Soma (Visva-Bharati University, Kolkata, India)
11:30 AM - Oral Tradition in the making of Multilingual Culture in India: Contribution of Awadhi
shukla, surya prakash (COMPARATIVE LITERATURE ASSOCIATION OF INDIA, New Delhi, India)
12:00 PM - Assamese novel in the context of comparative Indian language-culture
Buzarboruah, Pallavi D , IndiaTuesday, July 26th
2:00 PM - Kashmiri- A Descendant of Sanskrit: The Genesis of the Indian Multilingual Muse
Sethi Chadha, Monika (University of Jammu, Jammu, India)
2:30 PM - Writing like a musician: Krishna Sobti's conversion of 'dialects' into literary registers
Karnick, Anirudh (Dyal Singh College, Delhi University, New Delhi, India)
3:00 PM - Rishi Tradition in Sufi Kashmir: A Philosophical Inquiry into Poems of Nund Rishi
Shahida, Shahida (National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India)Wednesday, July 27th
9:00 AM - Reading Silence: Reading Violence
Das, Sriparna (University of Hyderabad, India, Hyderabad, India)
9:30 AM - Representation of the colonized through mimesis: Postcolonial Indian English Literature
Chatterjee, Abhinaba (DPO-1 (G), Air HQ (VB), Delhi, India)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
10:00 AM - The Role of Indian Writing in English in the Making of the Multilingual Muse
sharma, vasant (University of Delhi, Delhi, India)
Tuesday, July 26th
17347 - Kulturtransfer in fiktionalen Fernsehserien
Room: Hs 24
Chair: Ackermann-Pojtinger, Kathrin; Poole, Ralph; Laferl, Christopher F
9:00 AM - Vom satirischen Kammerspiel zum Drama der Macht: "House of Cards" (GB 1990) und
"House of Cards" (USA 2013ff.)
Kohns, Oliver (Université du Luxembourg, Esch-Belval, Luxemburg)
9:30 AM - Von spießiger Verzweiflung zur ordinären Travestie: "Desperate Housewives" und
Poole, Ralph (Universität Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria)
10:00 AM - Zur Rezeption von "The Walking Dead" in Europa
Laferl, Christopher F. (Universität Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria)
11:00 AM - Opernhafte Inszenierung vs. Familienidyll: Borgia und The Borgias
Ackermann-Pojtinger, Kathrin (Universität Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria)
11:30 AM - Escobar, der Herr der Narcos: interamerikanische Passagen zwischen Telenovela und
Michael, Joachim (Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany)
Monday, July 25th
17353 - New Man, New Languages
Room: Sensengasse Hs 1
Chair: Budrewicz, Aleksandra
9:00 AM - the linguistic dilemma of R.S. Thomas
Michalski, Przemyslaw (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Cracow, Poland)
9:30 AM - Christian von Ehrenfels und seine Vision der neuen Sozial- und Sexualethik (Christian von
Ehrenfels and His Vision of New Social and Sexual Ethics)
Porebski, Czeslaw (Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)
10:00 AM - Refashioning Letters, Words, and Stories in Margaret Atwood's The MaddAddam Trilogy
Habibzadeh, Hamed (University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran)
11:00 AM - L'homme nouveau dans la pensée et la littérature hispanoaméricaine de la premiere
moitié du XXième siècle
Pluta, Nina (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Cracow, Poland)
11:30 AM - Russian Literature and Art of the First Half of the Twentieth Century in Light of Vladimir
Solovyov's Notion of God-manhood
Kotkiewicz, Aurelia (Pedagogical University, Cracow, Poland)
12:00 PM - Gilbert Durand's "Nouvel Esprit Anthropologique": A Common Ground for the
Jasionowicz, Stanislaw (Pedagogical University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland)
2:00 PM - The "New Man" in the Austro-Marxist aesthetic and pedagogic theory
Perica, Ivana (Universität Graz, Graz, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:30 PM - Carta del Carnaro - the project of a new constitution for a new man
Spinelli, Daniela (UNIFESP, São Paulo, Brazil)
3:00 PM - "Forget six counties overhung with smoke..." "New Man" according to William Morris
Budrewicz, Aleksandra (Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland, Krakow, Poland)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday, July 27th
17354 - Der Süden als Metapher. Komparatistische Annäherungen an eine transkulturelle
Room: Hs 50
Chair: Reichert, Dagmar; Maeder, Costantino C. M.
2:00 PM - Rousseau's Climatic Fate and the Unrest of Culture
Strohmaier, Paul (Universität Trier, Trier, Germany)
2:30 PM - Le Sud méditerranéen en tant que métaphore fluide de la transculturalité et de
l¿existence: exemples croisés dans les littératures italienne et francophones
Geat, Marina (Università Roma Tre, Roma, Italy)
3:00 PM - Une dénonciation ambiguë de l’exploitation.
De la métaphore du Sud, de son paradoxe et de son pouvoir critique
Dehoux, Amaury (Université de Louvain); Maude Havenne
4:00 PM - Tales of Italy by Maxim Gorky: collection of folk tales or exotic clichés?
Litavrina, Marina (Academy for Theatre Arts, Moscwa, Russian Federation)
4:30 PM - Michal Jan Borch und Carl Gotthard Grass: erlebt und beschrieben. Reisende aus dem
Baltikum über Sizilien des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts
Orehovs, Ivars (Universität Riga, Riga, Latvia)
5:00 PM - Nordic Italies: Representations of Italy in Nordic Literatures between the 1830s and the
Carbone, Elettra (University College London, London, United Kingdom)Tuesday, July 26th
11:00 AM - The South: Geography, Intertext, Dream. Examples from Four Texts by Michel del
Lindberg, Svante (Abo Akademi University, Finland)
11:30 AM - Homecoming to the Transit Zone: Anna Seghers’s Transit
Zsadányi, Edit
12:00 PM - Der Süden als künstlerische Heimat und der Gegenpol des bürgerlichen Daseins Transkulturelle Aspekte in Thomas Manns Novelle "Tonio Kröger"
Lin, Chien-Chun (National Taiwan University, DFLL, Taipei)
2:00 PM - Christians and Saracens in the Orlando furioso: Ariosto¿s Renaissance medievalism and its
social logic
Bacchini, Lorenzo Filippo (John Hopkins University, USA)
2:30 PM - Sicily as the space of the Other in Giovanni Verga¿s short stories
Puskas, Istvan (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
3:00 PM - The representation of Africa and Africans in 13 Italian novels and short story cycles, from
1920 to 1930
Delcroix, Stéphanie Anne (Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain, France)Wednesday, July 27th
9:00 AM - Fremde(r) Andere(r). Der extreme Süden Europas im Spiegel südlicher Weiblichkeit
Rösser, Angelika (Universität München, München, Germany)
9:30 AM - La littérature engagée italophone online: le cas du journal El-Ghibli comme laboratoire de
la littérature transculturelle
Kulessa, Rotraud von (Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany)
11:00 AM - Cutting and Pasting The Revolutionary South: Pier Paolo Pasolini¿s Vision of
Transcultural Dialogues in The Black Transatlantic
Marzioli, Sara (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA)
11:30 AM - Das Identitätskonstrukt eines transkulturellen mediterranen Südens in der
süditalienischen (v.a. neapolitanischen) Pop- und Rap-Musik
Fuchs, Gerhild (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
2:00 PM - Metaphors of a life: The global "Sud" of Giuseppe Bonaviri
Tamble, Donato (Centro Studi Internazionale Giuseppe Bonaviri, Italy)
2:30 PM - Naples, Interpreting and Representing a Southern City
Marrone-Publia, Gaetana (Princeton University, USA)
3:00 PM - Sicily and the Mafia Narrative in Coppola's The Godfather Trilogy.
Lauri-Lucente, Gloria (University of Malta, Malta)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
Room: Prominentenzimmer
Chair: Moura, Jean-Marc; Tomiche, Anne
Moura, Jean-Marc (Paris-Ouest, Paris, France); Tomiche, Anne (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France)
4:20 PM - Retour sur la question du cubisme poétique
Krzywkowski, Isabelle (Litt&Arts-ISA, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France)
4:40 PM - Brazilian Modernism & Vanguard (17358)
Oseki, Inês , Aix-en-Provence, France
5:00 PM - Le surréalisme curacien : une construction néerlandaise ?
Andringa, Kim (Université de Liège, Paris, France)Saturday, July 23rd
11:00 AM - L'océan Atlantique de Vladimir Maïakovski
Berezovska Picciocchi, olena (Université de Corse, Porto-Vecchio, France)
Brion, Charles (Université de La Rochelle, la rochelle, France)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
12:00 PM - Anaïs Nin, entre avant-garde et féminisme
Chaudet, Chloé (Université PARIS IV-Sorbonne/ Université de Sarrebruck)
Friday, July 22nd
17370 - Afriphone literature: the contribution of African language literature to a comparative liter
Room: Hs 33
Chair: Bodomo, Adams
9:00 AM - Introduction - Towards an African language literature agenda in the 21st Century
Bodomo, Adams
9:30 AM - Literary and textual practices of the Beti-Fang based on selected works of the
Cameroonian writer Mongo Beti
Bitouh, Daniel Romuald (Institut für Afrikawissenschaften, Austria)
10:00 AM - Crime and Recompense: A comparative assessment of Literatures
Onyeji, Chibo (Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Austria)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17400 - Sprache der Migration. Migration der Sprache. Transkulturelle Literatur im Zeitalter...
Room: Hs 32
Chair: Moraldo, Sandro M. ; Rösch, Gertrud Maria; Kniesche, Thomas; Haase, Michae; Franke,
9:00 AM - Sprache der Migration. Migration der Sprache. Transkulturelle Literatur im Zeitalter der
Globalisierungsprozesse. Eine Einführung in die Sektion
Moraldo, Sandro M. (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy)
9:30 AM - Migration und Kulturtransfer in bildlicher Rede. Formen und Funktionen interkultureller
Schmeling, Manfred (Universität des Saarlandes, Germanistik 4.1, Saarbrücken, Germany)
10:00 AM - Poetiken migranten Schreibens
Zipfel, Frank (Institut für Allgemeine u. Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Mainz, Germany)
11:00 AM - Plädoyer für den Terminus Migrationsliteratur als hate speech?
Blioumi, Aglaia (University Athens, Athens, Greece)
Franke, William (Vanderbilt University, Department of French and Italian, Vanderbilt, USA)
12:00 PM - Migrationsliteratur im Wandel der Zeit
Hagen, Rebecca (Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany)Saturday, July 23rdHs 32
9:00 AM - Interkulturelle Literatur als Provokation der Komparatistik
Joachimsthaler, Jürgen (Uni Marburg, Marburg, Germany)
9:30 AM - Forschungsprojekt und Online-Portal "Polyphonie.
Mehrsprachigkeit_Kreativität_Schreiben" (http://www.polyphonie.at/)
Baumann, Beate (Universität Catania, Catania, Italy); Vlasta, Sandra (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Halle (Saale),
Michaela Bürger-Koftis (Università degli Studi di Genova)
10:00 AM - Une poétique du débris: étrangetés et identifications dans une écriture migrante aux
multiples appartenances
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Vianna, Arnaldo (Une poétique du débris: étrangetés et identifications dans une écriture migrante aux multiples
appartenances, Niterói - RJ, Brazil)
11:00 AM - The importance of embedded language in the work of Emine Sevgi Özdamar
Abramo, Federica Claudia (University of Trento, Trento, Italy)
11:20 AM - "Es gibt keine Rückkehr mehr!": Sprache der Migration und Sprache des Theaters in E. S.
Özdamars Perikizi. Ein Traumspiel.
Palermo, Silvia (Università di Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy)
11:40 AM - Das "undankbare" Schreiben von Irena Brezná als Prozess von cultural translation
Cvikova, Jana (Institut of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovakia)
12:00 PM - Willensliteratur und Deutschwerden bei Zafer Senocak
Faure, Marie Noëlle (CPGE Lycée Henri IV Paris, Paris, France)Monday, July 25thHs 32
9:00 AM - When poetry is a temple: liminarity and poetic creation in Age de Carvalho's work
Guimarães, Mayara (Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil)
9:20 AM - Transcultural identities in (post-) migrant literature and cinema
Soares, Luisa (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas/Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal)
9:40 AM - Keine Sprache der Migration: Wie erklärt sich der Mangel an Mehrsprachigkeit in der
Literatur der Einwanderer nach Österreich?
Sievers, Wiebke (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Austria)
10:00 AM - Bootsreisen in Richtung Festung Europa: Grenzerkundungen in interkulturellen
Gegenwartsschriften von José F.A. Oliver und Caroline Bergvall
McMurtry, Aine (King's College London, London, United Kingdom)
11:00 AM - dahinter schon / das Staunen neuer Wörter: mehrsprachliche Kreativität und
metapoietische Reflexion im lyrischen Werk von Barbara Pumhösel
Moll, Nora (Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno, Roma, Italy)
11:30 AM - La poetica dell'«addizione» linguistico-culturale fra Edouard Glissant, Gabriella Kuruvilla,
Carmine Abate e Gerhard Kofler
Pagliardini, Angelo (Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
12:00 PM - Übersetzung und Versetzung der Subjektivität in der freudschen Psychoanalyse und im
Werk Vilém Flussers
Tavares, Pedro Heliodoro (Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)Tuesday, July 26thHs 32
9:00 AM - Migrationserfahrung in Gegen-Codes bei Dimitré Dinev und Franz Hodjak
Spiridon, Olivia (Institut für donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Tübingen, Germany)
9:30 AM - "Mein fremdes Deutsch": Katja Petrowskajas "Vielleicht Esther. Geschichten"
Vestli, Elin Nesje (Hochschule Oestfold, Halden, Norway)
10:00 AM - La scrittura come ponte: ibridità nell'opera di Marica Bodroic
Vinci, Elisabetta (University of Catania, Melilli, Italy)
11:00 AM - Deutsch als Literaturheimat? Transkulturelle deutschsprachige Literatur interkultureller
Hartmann, Tina (Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:20 AM - In jeder Sprache sitzen andere Augen. Formen der Mehrsprachigkeit in der
transkulturellen deutschsprachigen Literatur
Sgambati, Gabriella (Università degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale, Napoli, Italy)
11:40 AM - Transkulturelle Literatur in Italien auf dem Weg zu hybrider Sprache und Identität
Kleinert, Susanne (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany)
12:00 PM - Wider die Stereotypisierung ethnischer Minoritäten und sozial Marginalisierter Das
sozialkritische Potenzial historischer deutschsprachiger ,Migrationsliteratur' von Autorinnen in
Österreich-Ungarn (1867-1918)
Millner, Alexandra (Institut für Germanistik, Wien, Austria); Teller, Katalin (Institut für Germanistik, Austria)
Saturday, July 23rd
17403 - The Teaching Function of Literature and its Aesthetic: ethical literary criticism
Room: Hs 45
Chair: Songlin, Wang (William)
Chair: 09.00-10.30
Ethical Literary Criticism: Ethical Selection and Teaching Function of Literature
nie, zhenzhao (Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China)
The Narrative of LUNYU and Its Ethical Pluralism
Seokmin, Yoon (The Center for Asia & Diaspora, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea)
Savoir & Jouissance in Teaching Literature: Ethics or Aesthetics
Kim, Youngmin (Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea)
Ethical Naturalization of the Unnatural: Approaching Contemporary Chinese Time Travel Fiction
Shang, Biwu (Shanghai Jiao Tong Uninversity, Shanghai, China)
The Ethics of Radical Re-Writing in J.M. Coetzee's Foe and Ann Carson's Autobiography of Red
Dilts, Rebekkah (UC Santa Cruz, Los Gatos, USA)
An Ethical Literary Interpretation of Lawrence Block's Small Town
Liu, Yuan (Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China)
Thomas Carlyle and Confucian Ethics
Wang, Songlin (Ningbo University, China, Ningbo, China)
Chair: 11.00 - 12.00
Aesthetics, Ethics, and Narrative Medical Ethics
Hudson Jones, Anne (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA)
Sphinx Factor and Ethical Choice: The Ethical Implication of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Zou, Huiling (Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, China)
Reading ethics in contemporary Japanese literature: a comparison of Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki
Shin, Inseop (The Center for Asia & Diaspora, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea)
Ethics of leisure: literature as leisure as represented in modern Japanese literature
Kim, Jooyoung (The Center for Asia & Diaspora, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Existentialist Pedagogy: Sartre and the Ethics of Literature
Doran, Robert (University of Rochester, Rochester, USA)
Acceptance of the social ethics of the Yanagi Muneyoshi's Works in Korea
GIJAE, SEO (The Center for Asia & Diaspora, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea)
Labour, Festival, And The Ethics of Post-utopian Imagination
Lee, Jinhyoung (The Center for Asia & Diaspora, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea)
Chair: 14.00-15.30
Diverging Perspectives of Chinese-American-Ethical Identity and Ethical Selection in Steer Toward
Rock and Mona in the Promised Land
Su, Hui (School of Chinese Language and Literature, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China)
A Critical Study of Contemporary American Women Playwrights from the Perspective of Literary
zhang, shengzhen (Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, China)
The Revival of Western Ethical Criticism and Its Developments in the Twenty-first Century
YANG, GEXIN (Huazhong Agricultural University, wuhan, China)
Ethical Identity and Ethical Selection: Rereading Little Eyolf
huang, hui (Central China Normal University, wuhan, China)
Ethic Power in Poetic Form: Langston Hughes's 1950s Poetry
Luo, Lianggong (Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China)
On Ibsen's Humanology from the Perspective of Ecologic Ethics
li, dingqing (Hu bei univercity of arts and science, xiangyang, China)
Friday, July 22nd
17408 - Die Sprachen der Biographie
Room: Sensengasse SR 3
Chair: Österle, David; Mitterer, Cornelius
9:00 AM - Das Sprechen von sich selbst und die Anrufung des Subjekts. Überlegungen zur
relationalen Dimension narrativer Identität im Anschluss an Charles Taylor, Paul Ric¿ur und Judith
Dikovich, Albert (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Biographie, Wien, Austria)
9:30 AM - Biographie, Autobiographie und Geschichte
Umbach, Rosani (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil)
10:00 AM - (Auto-)Zoographien - Die Sprachen und das Sprechen der Tiere in ihren Biographien
Middelhoff, Frederike (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany)
11:00 AM - Ein Leben wie im Roman - Virginia Woolf als literarische Figur biographischer Romane
Schmitt, Claudia (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Austria)
11:30 AM - Der biographische Nutzwert von Netzwerktheorien. Dargelegt am Beispiel des
Dichternetzwerks von Richard Schaukal
Mitterer, Cornelius (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut, Geschichte und Theorie der Biographie, Wien, Austria)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
12:00 PM - Wer ist hier infam? Das webbasierte Langzeitprojekt "zehn wichtigste Ereignisse meines
Lebens" zwischen mentaliätsgeschichtlicher Chronik und modularer Biographik
Schuelke, Anne (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf, Germany)
2:00 PM - Lebensmomente. Das Biographem in der Biographie
Österle, David (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Biographie, Vienna, Austria)
2:30 PM - Am Ende der Bildung. Biographie und 'Institutionenroman'
Meyzaud, Maud (FernUniversität in Hagen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
3:00 PM - Versagende Biographien
Weinelt, Nora (Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule, FU/HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17416 - The language of satire
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 3
Chair: Nabugodi, Mathelinda
11:00 AM - Magistrates, doctors and monks: satire in the Chinese jestbook Xiaolin Guangji
Leggieri, Antonio (Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China)
11:30 AM - Satire and the Rational Public Sphere
Robertson, Randy (Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, USA)
12:00 PM - Humour as Satire in an Indian Language
Majumdar, Sharmila (University of Kalyani, Kalyani, India)Saturday, July 23rd
11:00 AM - Bakhtin's Carnival as a Theoretical Language in Comparative Satire
Kriza, Elisa (University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany)
11:30 AM - Crossing Cultures in Comedy: Satire and the Grotesque
Gerigk, Anja (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, LMU, München, Germany)
12:00 PM - The satirical tradition of Collodi and the nose of Pinocchio
Panteli, Georgia (University College London, London, United Kingdom)Monday, July 25th
9:00 AM - Attacking the System Sideways: Daniil Kharms' Fragments Inside and Outside the Law
Domina, Natalya (University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada)
9:30 AM - The Sailor's Tracks. "Gulliver's Travels" and Fascism
Fortunato, Elisa (Dip.to LeLiA - Università di Bari, Bari, Italy)
10:00 AM - "Yop la boumski !!" - Terrorism and Satire in contemporary French language literature
Fuchs-Eisner, Laura (Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - From Old Comedy to Modern Satire: Karl Kraus's Wolkenkuckucksheim (1923)
Linden, Ari (University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA)
9:30 AM - Bienveillante cutting edge: Parody, satire and irony in the realm of Auschwitz
Lourenço, Patrícia (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Lisboa, Austria)
10:00 AM - Pallenberg alias Schwejk. Inkonografie der Satire, 1918-1933
van der Steeg, Christian (Deutsches Seminar Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland)
Tuesday, July 26th // Wednesday, July 27th
17417 - Transnational dynamics of global/local literature. A new idea of world literature?
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 5
Chair: De Michele, Fausto; Van Den Bossche, Bart; Rössner, Michael
Chair: Michael Rössner
9:00 AM - Einführung und Begrüßung
De Michele, Fausto ; Michael Rössner
9:30 AM - Les pratiques de collections et les dynamiques littéraires mondiales / locales
Van den Bossche, Bart (KU Leuven, Faculté de Lettres / Faculty of Arts, Leuven, Belgium)
Chair: Fausto De Michele
11:00 AM - Amara Lakhous, Clash of Civilization Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio. A case study.
Sorrentino, Alessandra (University of Munich, Munich, Germany)
11:30 AM - J.M.Coetzee and the Poetics of Planetary Paranoia
mittal, janhavi (king's college london, london, United Kingdom)Wednesday, July 27th
Chair: Bart Van Den Bossche
11:00 AM - Dariush Mehrjui's Screen Adaptations as a Reception of World Literature in Iran
Khojastehpour, Adineh (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran)
11:30 AM - Die Rolle des Kinos in der Konstruktion des Polysystems "Weltliteratur"
De Michele, Fausto (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Austria)
Chair: Alessandra Sorrentino
2:00 PM - Chick Lit - A New World Women's Fiction?
Folie, Sandra (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
2:30 PM - National vs. Transnational Literatures: Lateinamerika als Laboratorium neuer
Rössner, Michael (Institut für Kulturwissenschaften und Theatergeschichte der ÖAW, Vienna, Austria)
3:00 PM - Decentering World Literature: The Ghost Story in Mexican, Turkish and Bengali fiction.
Almond, Ian (Georgetown University - Qatar, Doha, Qatar)
Monday, July 25th
17429 - MUTENESS
Room: Hs 7
Chair: Segal, Naomi
Segal, Naomi (BIrkbeck, London, United Kingdom)
9:00 AM - Silent Encounters: Animal Studies and Comparative Literature
Mussgnug, Florian (UCL, London, United Kingdom)
9:20 AM - Words, bodies & stone
Segal, Naomi (BIrkbeck, London, United Kingdom)
9:40 AM - Mutes, Muting, and Mutations: the Reception of English, Irish and Scottish Writers in
Shaffer, Elinor ((UCL, London, United Kingdom))
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17462 - Global Modernisms and Transvisual Studies
Room: IOeG
Chair: Capeloa Gil, Isabel ; de Medeiros, Paulo
9:00 AM - Dissenting Modernism
de Medeiros, Paulo (Dept. of English & Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick)
9:30 AM - The Orphic Theme in its Modernist Re-Mediations
Bär, Gerald (CECC - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal)
10:00 AM - The Visual Language of Hans Bellmer and Djuna Barnes
Heney, Alison (UC Berkeley Ext., Long Beach, USA)
11:00 AM - Ivan's childhood: the invisibility of war and the visual presence of memory and emotion
Lupi Bello, Maria do Rosário (Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura, Lisbon, Austria)
11:30 AM - Global Modernisms, Street Art and Vhils' Esthetics of Vandalism
Martins, Adriana (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal)
12:00 PM - Re-mediating Luso-Brazilian Modernism: Fernando Pessoa, Mário de Andrade and the
Avant-garde Visual Art
Silva-McNeill, Patricia (Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra & Queen Mary University of London, London, United
Kingdom)Saturday, July 23rd
2:00 PM - Visual Perceptions and Written Impressions of the First World War at the Time of
Portuguese Modernism: Anglo-Portuguese Military Intervention
Terenas, Gabriela (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal)
2:30 PM - Spatial Politics, Marginal Narration and the Imagination of a Modernised China
Zou, Zan (College of Humanities, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, China)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
Room: Hs 16
Chair: Buescu, Helena
9:00 AM - The Varoufakis Effect and the Socratic Predicament
Kadir, Djelal (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA)
9:30 AM - 'Who will make me real?' Framing/Unframing, Resisting. Ways of 'seeing differently'
Macedo, Ana-Gabriela (Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal)
10:00 AM - History as a living present: Greek literature and its complex relationship with European
Pateridou, Georgia (Hellenic Open University, Thessaloniki, Greece)
11:00 AM - Migration, translation, comparative literature
Bermann, Sandra (Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA)
11:30 AM - Recasting Contentious Past, Reorienting Critical Present
Lubkemann Allen, Sharon (State University of New York, Brockport, NY, USA)
12:00 PM - Xenoglossophilia during the 18th century in Portugal: some questions about our time
Malato, Maria-Luisa (Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:00 PM - Siren Songs; The Lure of the South in the European Imagination
DiBattista, Maria (Princeton University, Princeton, USA)
2:30 PM - Voix/Voies du Sud: Littérature et Ex/Inclusion
Coutinho, Ana Paula (Faculdade de Letras - Instituto de Literatura Comparadado Porto, Porto, Portugal)
3:00 PM - When did Romania move to the South? Representations of geocultural identity with 20th
c. Romanianliterary scholars
Fotache Dubalaru, Oana (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania)
4:00 PM - Detecting the South
D'haen, Theo (University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
4:20 PM - North and South: On the Genealogy of the Divide and Its Wider Cultural Significance
Angusheva, Adelina (The University of Manchester, Woodford Green, United Kingdom)
Lovato, Martino (The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA)
5:00 PM - Trading Rationality for Tomatoes: The Consolidation of Anglo-American National
Identities in Popular Literary Representations of Italian Culture
Pierini, Francesca (National Chiao Tung University / KU Leuven)Saturday, July 23rd
9:00 AM - North and South: On the Genealogy of the Divide and Its Wider Cultural Significance
Tihanov, Galin (Queen Mary University)
9:30 AM - Is the South the New West ? Identity and Belonging in 21th century Romanian Migrant
Raduta, Magdalena (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania)
10:00 AM - Fernando Pessoa et Maria Gabriela Llansol: entre "patrie intellectuelle" et
cosmopolitisme littéraire
MENDES-COELHO, Paula (Universidade Aberta, LISBON, Portugal)
Friday, July 22nd
17495 - English language for "Universal Brotherhood"? Trans-national Networks, Appropriations
and C
Room: Sensengasse SR 2
Chair: Hashimoto, Yorimitsu
2:00 PM - A Cultural Dilemma between Silence and Eloquence in Modern East Asian
Hashimoto, Yorimitsu (Osaka University, Toyonaka, Japan)
2:30 PM - Fujiwara Seika as an Enlightenment Thinker
KAMIGAITO, Kenichi (Otusma Women¿s University, Japan)
3:00 PM - English, blessing or curse for Weltliteratur?
SHIN, Jeonghwan (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Global Campus, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea)
4:00 PM - The Theory of Typicality as Cultural Practice in Modern China
Zhou, Xiaoyi (Peking University, Peking, China)
4:30 PM - A literary journey from Khwam Suk Khong Kati ...
SHIN, Keunhye (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hankuk, South Korea)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
5:00 PM - The Scholar¿s Invisibility: Anglophone Monolingualism and East-Asian Comparative
CHO, Sung-Won (Seoul Women's University, Seoul, South Korea)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd // Monday, July 25th
16497 - Comparative Literature: Global Practice
Room: Hs 32
Chair: Eoyang, Eugene; Zhou, Gang
4:00 PM - Teaching Comparative Literature in Soviet and Post-soviet Georgian Universities
Ratiani, Irma (Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia)
4:30 PM - Does Trans-Persian/Arabic-Gulf Comparative Literature Exist? An Exploration of the
Practices of Comparatists in the GCC and Iran
Mahmoud, Alaaeldin (The American College of the Middle East, Kuwait City, Kuwait)
5:00 PM - What Do Comparatists Do? An Answer from Iran
Fomeshi, Behnam (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran)Saturday, July 23rd
2:00 PM - Kia ora begorrah! Amen: Promiscuous Postcolonial Mixing in the Literature of AotearoaNew Zealand
Williams, Mark (Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand)
2:20 PM - Jonathan Hart (Western University & Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Hart, Jonathan , Canada
2:40 PM - Comparative Literature in Japan
Cho, Kyo (Meiji University, Japan)
3:00 PM - Cultural Translation, Modern Poetry, and World Literature
Kim, Youngmin (Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea)Monday, July 25th
2:00 PM - From Francophone to World: Redefining Moroccan World Literature at the Intersection
of Language, Migration and a Comparative Consciousness.
Nakkouch, Touria (Ibn-Zohr University, Agadir, Marocco)
2:30 PM - A Comparative Study between French Comparative Literature Theory and Chinese
Comparative Literature
Junwei, Zhang (Sichuan Universtity, Chengdu, China)
3:00 PM - Comparative Literature in France in 2016
Tomiche, Anne (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France)
Friday, July 22nd
17503 - La « forme pure », « l’art absolu », la « littérarité » : utopie artistique ou essence de la
Room: Hs 27
Chair: Werth , Eva ; Tchougounnikov, Serg
9:00 AM - Die Form des Literarischen: Ornament und Arabeske
Coch, Charlotte (University of Cologne, Cologne, Austria)
9:20 AM - Un "absolu poétique"? Poésie, poétique et autonomie du langage des premiers
romantiques aux dadaïstes vieillissants
Mareuge, Agathe (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Berlin, Germany)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:40 AM - De la "visibilité" à la "littérarité": la métamorphose d'un concept-clé de l'esthétique
Tchougounnikov, Serge (Univeristé de Bourgogne, Dijon, Les Mureaux, France)
Halak, Miroslav (Kunsthistoriker und Kunsttheoretiker – Turčianska galéria v Martine, (Galerie der Moderne in Martin,
Slowakei); Freiberufliche Forschung im Bereich der psychologischen Ästhetik und Bildsemiotik – Wien, Österreich, Martin,
Slowakische Republik)
11:00 AM - La forme pure, l'impasse théorique
Djukic, Marjana (University of Montenegro, Institut of foreign languages, Podgorica, Montenegro)
11:20 AM - Du « régime de littérarité » à « l'artistisation », l'art verbal comme érotique sémiotique
de l''uvre littéraire. (Hommage à Georges Molinié)
Lynda-Nawel, TEBBANI (Passage XX-XXI, Lyon 2- Lumières, CRASC/UCCLLA, Oran, Algérie, Lyon, France)
11:40 AM - L'oeuvre pure au théâtre, de la théorie à la scène
Abdelmajid, Azouine (université Mohammed V, Marrakech, Marocco)
12:00 PM - Lectures contemporaines de Baudelaire : art et théorie chez Christophe Hanna et Nuno
Lemos, Masé (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2:00 PM - L'organisme monocellulaire comme « Urbild » : la poésie pure du vivant
Werth, Eva (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Marne-la-Vallée, France)
2:20 PM - Ascesis and authorship: Flaubert and Kafka
Buch, Robert (Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, Sydney NSW, Australia)
2:40 PM - René Char et Stéphane Mallarmé :la quête de l'absolu et l'atelier du poète
THOMA, FOTEINI (Universite Paul-Valery Montpellier III, ATHENES, Greece)
3:00 PM - Francis Ponge ou la rage de lÕexpression : " la recherche de la Ceformule perléé
Chestier, Aurore (Université de Genève, Puidoux, Switzerland)
4:00 PM - la recherche de la lumière entre peinture et littérature: Pierre Michon et Pablo Montoya
Bejarano, Alberto (caro y cuervo, bogotá, Colombia)
4:30 PM - Images lettrées, livres sans paroles. Le livre d'artiste européen comme synthèse artistique
Martinelli, Hélène (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France), LYON, France)
5:00 PM - « La pensée de la parole et l'épure de la diction chez José Ángel Valente (1929-2000) »
TERRASSON, Claudie (Paris Est University, MARNE LA VALLEE CEDEX 2, France)
6:00 PM - Präsentation des Egon Schiele Jahrbuches (ESJB IV/V)
Friday, July 22nd // Saturday, July 23rd
17619 - Panel der Kommission der OEAW The North Atlantic Triangle
Room: Hs 7
Chair: Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
11:00 AM - Deux Visions en contrepoint des conflits interculturels : François Paré (Québec/Ontario)
et Robert Lafont (Occitanie)
Kirsch, Fritz Peter (Institut für Romanistik, Austria)
11:30 AM - Becoming in / through Language: Migrancy and American Women's Lives
Birkle, Carmen (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany)
12:00 PM - Finding Words for War: Comparative Aspects of the ‘Crisis of Language’ in First World
War Literature
Löschnigg, Martin (University of Graz, Graz, Austria)
The Confluence of Ethnic Voices in Urban America
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
17691 - Cultural Memory: Humanistic and Neuroscientific Perspectives
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 1
Chair: Nalbantian, Suzanne
9:00 AM - Introductory Remarks by Suzanne Nalbantian, Chair of ICLA Research Committee on
Literature and Neuroscience
Nalbantian, Suzanne
9:10 AM - The Social Hippocampus and the Formation of Cultural Memory
Anastasio, Thomas J. (Univ. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA)
9:40 AM - From implicit memory to a revised colonial past: Marguerite Duras rewriting cultural
Knuuttila, Sirkka (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)
10:10 AM - Neural Pluralism and Cultural Memory in The Wasteland and Requiem
Wehrs, Donald (Auburn University, Auburn, USA)
11:00 AM - The Epigenetics of Memory Storage: Culture-Gene Coevolution
Landry, Christopher D. (Columbia University Medical School, New York, USA)
11:30 AM - The "Inheritance" of Memories: Transgenerational Dynamics in Recent German
Literature (Eugen Ruge, In Zeiten des abnehmenden Lichts, 2011, and Verena Boos, Blutorangen,
Erll, Astrid (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt, Germany)
12:00 PM - Plasticity and resilience in brain and culture. A cross-disciplinary approach to memory
Hanenberg, Peter (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal)Tuesday, July 26thÜbungsraum
Germanistik 1
Chair: Nalbantian, Suzanne
9:00 AM - Introductory Remarks by Suzanne Nalbantian, Chair of ICLA Research Committee on
Literature and Neuroscience
Nalbantian, Suzanne
9:10 AM - The Blood Libel in Medieval Europe: The Sites and Fashioning of Cultural Memory
Rose, E.M. (Harvard University)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
9:40 AM - The U. S. Civil War and Cultural Remembering
Reynolds, David S. (CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY, USA)
10:10 AM - How Journalists Employ, Extend, and Reshape Cultural Memory
Schudson, Michael (Columbia Journalism School / Columbia University, New York, USA)
10:40 AM - Concluding Comments by Speakers and Audience
Saturday, July 23rd
19247 - The State of Adaptation Studies Today
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 2
Chair: Le Juez, Brigitte ; Domínguez, César
2:00 PM - Adaptation as Subversion: the Disruption of Analogic Patterns in William S. Burroughs's
Artistic Works
López-Varela, Asun (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
2:20 PM - Semiotics of traditional and new media
Vaupotic, Ales (University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia)
3:00 PM - Trois adaptations cinématographiques de Dracula : Murnau, Browning et Coppola
Franco, Bernard (Paris 4-Sorbonne, Paris, France)
4:00 PM - The Nineteenth Century Novel Revisited with a Transcultural and Transhistorical Lens
Pereira, Margarida (Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal)
4:30 PM - From Cairo to D.F.: Naquib Mahfouz's Midaq Alley (1947) and Jorge Fons El Callejón de los
Milagros (1995)
5:00 PM - Modern Film Adaptations of Fairy Tales: an Examination of Four 2012 Versions of Snow
Le Juez, Brigitte (Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland)
Wednesday, July 27th
19351 - Migrations/Notions/Translations: Concepts of Literature in European Context
Room: Übungsraum Germanistik 3
Chair: Vlasta, Sandra
9:00 AM - "Welt" / "World" / "Monde" - the (un)translatability of a notion in the context of
migration and literature
Geiser, Myriam (ILCEA4, Université Grenoble Alpes, France, Grenoble, France)
9:20 AM - The many names of migration literature
Glesener, Jeanne E. (Université du Luxembourg, Esch-Belval, Luxemburg)
9:40 AM - Inter-/Multi-/Trans, or: Beyond Nation and Culture
Mitterbauer, Helga (Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium)
10:00 AM - The elliptical identity of migrant writers
Vranceanu, Alexandra (University of Bucharest, Bressanone, Italy)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
Monday, July 25th // Tuesday, July 26th
19438 - Historizing the Dream
Room: Hs 16
Chair: Dieterle, Bernard
9:00 AM - The Dream in Sanskrit Poetry
FIGUEIRA, DOROTHY (University of Georgia, Georgia, USA)
9:30 AM - With or without Interpretation? Dream Narratives in Ancient Historiography from
Herodotus to Ammianus Marcellinus
Weber, Gregor (Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany)
10:00 AM - Dreams and Knowledge in Medieval Literature
Karpinski, Agnes (Universität des Saarlandes, Germany)
11:00 AM - De l¿intercesseur au centre d¿intérêt. Sur l¿évolution de la place des rêves dans la
poésie de la Renaissance italienne
Scholler, Dietrich (Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany)
11:30 AM - Dreams of Siege: Vienna 1683
Bähr, Andreas (FU Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
12:00 PM - Dreams in 19th-Century Realist Literature
Engel, Manfred (Universität des Saarlandes, Germany)
2:00 PM - Oneiric Joyce: Dreaming the Mystery in Finnegans Wake
Gillespie, Gerald (University of Stanford, Stanford, United Kingdom)
2:30 PM - Dream Elements in Surrealist Movies
Frank, Caroline (Universität des Saarlandes, Germany)
3:00 PM - Cauchemars d¿après-guerre. Écrire l¿expérience historique à travers le rêve: Approches
d¿une poétique onirique (1953¿1963)
Solte-Gresser, Christiane (Universität des Saarlandes, Germany)Tuesday, July 26th
9:00 AM - The Dream in Contemporary US TV Series
Lucks, Julian (Universität des Saarlandes, Germany)
9:30 AM - Le rêve dans la littérature africaine francophone contemporaine
Shango Lokoho, Tumba Alfred (Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3, France)
10:00 AM - "The place from where I dance is an over place": Dreamworld Epistemologies in
Contemporary Maori Drama
Maufort, Marc (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium)
11:00 AM - Dreaming History in East Asia: Notes on the Evolution of Dreams as Counter-Narratives
Roetz, Heiner (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany); Eggert, Marion (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum,
11:30 AM - Accéder au divin. La représentation du songe de Jacob entre Baroque et Romantisme
Schneider, Marlen (Universität des Saarlandes, Germany)
12:00 PM - Ideal, Conflict, Destruction. Lovers¿ Dreams in the 18th, 19th and 20th century.
Schmidt, Ricarda (University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom)
ICLA 2016 – Panels, July 6th, 2016
2:00 PM - Dreaming the Revolution
Lauterbach, Dorothea (University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom)
2:30 PM - Philosophy in Dreams: Plato and Nietzsche
Ates, Murat (Universität des Saarlandes, Germany)
3:00 PM - Le rêve et les paradis artificiels depuis le Romantisme
Dieterle, Bernard (Université de Haute-Alsace, France)