program poster - Hu
program poster - Hu
/ W N V K RNG2GTURGEVKXGU 3WGUVKQPUQH+FGPVKV[CPF7TDCPKV[KPC6TCPUPCVKQPCN%QPVGZVTF#PPWCN5VWFGPVU%QPHGTGPEG/C[ /WNVKRNG%WNVWTGU (part of the lecture series "Citizenship and Multiculturalism in Canada. Cultural Difference and Identity Construction") Prof. Bob Boyer, Saskatchewan Indian Federated College 7KH+LVWRU\RI$ERULJLQDO$UWDQG+RZLW$IIHFWV%RE%R\HU *XHVW/HFWXUH UL 6, R 2097 5HFHSWLRQ UL 6, R 2004 A Matthias Oppermann .H\QRWH$GGUHVV6WRU\$UFKLYH$SSDUDWXV $PHULFDQ6WXGLHV'HFHQWHUHG 2SHQLQJ$GGUHVVHV 2SHQLQJRIWKH&RQIHUHQFH UL 6, R 3119 6JWTUFC[/C[ With respect to the fact that multiple cultures can only be defined from multiple perspectives, the conference’s title proposes to open up the necessary "spaces of contradiction". What are these spaces, where do we find them - where do cultures take place? As one of the prominent sites of cultural production, the urban space brings forth syntheses of cultures, mixtures and hybrids – it is the primary site of negotiation and also conflict. Furthermore, the multicultural coincides with the multimedial: Does the technological revolution of the information age work to eliminate differences wherever the necessary infrastructure exists, how can we grasp culture when cyberspace assumedly levels national borders? Do multiple cultures spread their influence via the internet, or does a new form of leveling take place, are there new concepts which appear in an environment outside the traditional borderlines? The new concepts and realities of culture – focusing on hybridity, the diaspora and the multiple - leave no room for easy antinomies like "it's them or us". Inevitably addressing the political, the conference will focus on questions like these and others, all relating to the interaction of multiple cultures and identities, and the perspectives arising therefrom. It will also take into account our very own and personal stance and position in a cultural framework which is getting increasingly intertwined, be it in the media, politics, academia or cyberspace. Students of all faculties are invited to present original or seminar papers on the topic, join the discussions or just listen. Chair: Claudia Schwarz Sladja Blazan *HQGHUDQG0LJUDWLRQ LQ&RQWHPSRUDU\6ODYLF$PHULFDQ/LWHUDWXUH Chair: Philipp Kneis Christoph Raetzsch &XOWXUDO+\EULGLW\ Chair: Anne Koch-Rein Alexandra von Barsewisch %RUGHULQJRQ,PDJHV5HIOHFWLRQVRQWKH)LOP The Garden of Eden E\0DULD1RYDUR Eddie Bruce $IUR*HUPDQ,GHQWLW\$'LDVSRULF/LWHUDWXUH 5RXQG8S'LVFXVVLRQ This Conference is sponsored and supported by the American Studies Program at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the Fachschaft of the Institute of English and American Studies Chair: Hannes Schaser &RQFOXGLQJ'LVFXVVLRQ Claudia Schwarz $1X\RULFDQ6WDWHRI0LQG 2Q1X\RULFDQ3RHWU\DQGWKH5HIXVDOWREH&RORQL]HG Manuela Thiel $PHULFDQ,QGLDQVDQG86+LJKHU(GXFDWLRQ Philipp Kneis ³)ULHQGVRI2XUV´6WUDWHJLHVRI0LQRULW\6HOI$VVHUWLRQ DQG6HOI'HILQLWLRQRQ³7KH6RSUDQRV´ Ben Letzler $VOLFHGWRPDWR\RXKDYHPD\EH -HZLVK$PHULFDQ/LWHUDWXUHDQGWKH4XHVWLRQRI)RRG Kim Förster 5HDGLQJ1HZ<RUN&LW\DQG2WKHU&LWLHVLQ1RYHO:D\V 7KH&RQVWUXFWLRQRI1HZ0HDQLQJVRI8UEDQ6SDFHV LQDQGWKURXJK3DXO$XVWHU VNew York Trilogy Beatrice Michaelis, Elahe Haschemi Yekani :KHUHDUHWKH/HVELDQV"7KH7RSRJUDSK\RI/HVELDQ 'HVLUHLQVDQGV$PHULFDLQWKH3XOS1RYHOVRI $QQ%DQQRQ Chair: Susann Neuenfeldt Chair: Simon Strick 6HVVLRQ9, &RIIHH%UHDN 6HVVLRQ,,, &RIIHH%UHDN Michael Funk 6HDUFKLQJIRU5RRPDWWKH,QQ 0LQRULW\&RQVHUYDWLVPDQGWKH&ULWLTXHRI0XOWLFXOWXUDOLVP Steven Corcoran 0XOWLFXOWXUDOLVPDQG8QLYHUVDOLW\ Carsten Junker 2QWKH'LIILFXOW\RI%HLQJ:KLWHDQG1RW5DFLVW Simon Strick (PXODWLRQ'LDORJLFV'LDVSRUD6WUDWHJLHVRI,QWHUFXOWXUDO 7UDQVODWLRQLQ*HUPDQ0LQRULW\5DS 6HVVLRQ9 Chair: Jennifer Evans 6HVVLRQ,, /XQFK%UHDN /XQFK%UHDN Bert Bobock ,GHQWLW\)RUPDWLRQDQGWKH,QWHUQHW Laimas Fergizas 5HIXJHH0LJUDWLRQDV)RXQGLQJ%DVLVRI0XOWLFXOWXUDOLVP 6HVVLRQ,9 6HVVLRQ, UL 6, R 3119 5CVWTFC[/C[ UL 6, R 3119 (TKFC[/C[