This document provides the prices of the ESA
This document provides the prices of the ESA
f T HIRD P ARTY M ISSION P RODUCT P RICES issue/édition revision/révision reference/référence date of issue/date d’édition Document type/type de document a 1 31 TPME-PMAN-EOPG-LI-06-0001 08 August 2013 Policy ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei - Casella Postale 64 - 00044 Frascati (Italy) Tel. (39) 06 941801 - Fax (39) 06 94180 280 f This document provides the prices of the ESA Third Party Mission data products for restrained research and applications development use according to the current ESA Earth Observation data policy (available within ESA Earthnet Online, PI Community web site at For additional information about Third Party Mission (TPM) products (prices, format, dissemination), please contact ESA EOHelp: The product prices assume a nominal data downlink scenario. The following principles apply: The prices are based upon the cost of reproduction, which includes the direct costs associated with the following activities: physical media, human and computer resources for extracting from the archive and copying the required data, and quality control. A number of systematically processed products have been specifically developed (small data volume) for availability on Internet servers. Such products are made available at zero cost; nevertheless access to this data is monitored. The ESA Invoicing Policy: Addressee: invoices are addressed to the Project’s Principal Investigator. A dedicated invoice address will be accepted only if communicated at the time of the first order Institution/Country policy restrictions can be considered upon specific PI’s request at the start of the Project Frequency: invoices are usually issued yearly or at the end of the Project; exceptionally they can be provided on request from the Principal Investigator Methods of Payment: only Bank Transfers are allowed. Details will be provided in the final invoice a ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei - Casella Postale 64 - 00044 Frascati (Italy) Tel. (39) 06 941801 - Fax (39) 06 94180 280 f Historical Third Party Mission archives Missions QSCAT Sensor SeaWinds ALOS (Inzone) PRISM AVNIR-2 PALSAR ALOS (Out-ofZone) PRISM AVNIR-2 PALSAR Products QSCAT.Level 2A QSCAT.Level 2B ALOS.PALSAR.FBD ALOS.PALSAR.PLR ALOS.PALSAR.ScanSAR_ WB1 ALOS.PALSAR.FBS ALOS.AVNIR.2 ALOS.ALOS.PRISM ALOS.PALSAR.FBD ALOS.PALSAR.PLR ALOS.PALSAR.ScanSAR_ WB1 ALOS.PALSAR.FBS ALOS.AVNIR.2 ALOS.ALOS.PRISM a Processing Media/Delivery Options Price systematic ftp Free on internet on-demand ftp 50 Euro per archived scene on-demand ftp 75 Euro per archived scene ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei - Casella Postale 64 - 00044 Frascati (Italy) Tel. (39) 06 941801 - Fax (39) 06 94180 280 f Operational Third Party Mission data (in italic the data collections to be released in the near future) Missions Sensor Products CHRIS PROBA.CHRIS.1A HRC PROBA.HRC.1A Landsat ‘European coverages’ TM LANDSAT.TM.SCPRCC Landsat on-demand TM, ETM Landsat-8 Processing Media/ Delivery Options Price ftp Free on internet ftp Free on internet systematic ftp Free on internet LANDSAT.TM.RAW LANDSAT.TM.SCPRCC LANDSAT.TM.SCPRNN on-demand ftp Free on internet OLI, TIRS LC8.L1T / L1gT systematic ftp Free on internet Landsat-5 TM LS05_TM__GTC_1P LS05_TM__GEC_1P systematic http Free on internet KOMPSAT-1 ‘City dataset’ EOC KOMP.EOC.ECD systematic ftp Free on internet FTS ACE_FTS_L2V1.0 ACE_FTS_L2V2.2 Proba systematic SCISAT-1 Free on internet systematic ftp MAESTRO ACE_MAESTRO_L2V1.1 Terra/Aqua MODIS MODIS.NRT.Level1B systematic ftp Free on internet GRACE SIS KBR BlackJack SCA SuperSTAR Level1B Level2 systematic ftp Free on internet a Free on internet ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei - Casella Postale 64 - 00044 Frascati (Italy) Tel. (39) 06 941801 - Fax (39) 06 94180 280 f Missions Sensor Orbview SeaWifs Products HRPT Level 0 Processing on-demand Media/ Delivery Options Price ftp Free on internet ftp Free on internet Repatriation from archives other than Toulouse, Maspalomas or Kiruna 400 Euro per product *SPOT-1,-2,-3,-4 *SPOT-5 (worldwide) HRV(IR) HRG SPOT.Level1A SPOT.Level1B SPOT.Level2A SPOT online archive (Europe and Africa mainly) HRV(IR) SPOT.Level1A systematic ftp Free on internet *Formosat-2 RSI F2.Level1A F2.Level2A on-demand ftp Free on internet Kompsat-2 (archive) MSC MSC.Level1R MSC.Level1G on-demand ftp Free on Internet IMAGE2006 (two European coverages from SPOT and IRS-P6 satellites orthorectified – 2006 +/- 1 year) SPOT-4/-5 HRVIR/HRG and IRS-P6 LISS-III SPOT.Level3 product IRS-P6.LISS-III. Level3 Product (orthorectified) systematic ftp Free on internet • on-demand Temporarily unavailable a ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei - Casella Postale 64 - 00044 Frascati (Italy) Tel. (39) 06 941801 - Fax (39) 06 94180 280 f Missions Sensor Products Processing Media/ Delivery Options Price ALOS IPY Antarctica coverage PALSAR ALOS.PALSAR.WB1 systematic ftp Free on internet ODIN SMR OSIRIS All validated Level1/Level2 products systematic ftp Free on internet DMC (2007 European coverage) SLIM6 DMC.L1R DMC.L1T systematic ftp Free on Internet GOSAT TANSO-FTS TANSO-CAI Level1B Level2 Level3 Level4A Level4B systematic ftp Free on internet Rapideye REIS Level1B Level3 on-demand ftp Free on internet COSMO-SkyMed SAR-2000 Level1 on-demand ftp Free on internet a ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei - Casella Postale 64 - 00044 Frascati (Italy) Tel. (39) 06 941801 - Fax (39) 06 94180 280 f a ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei - Casella Postale 64 - 00044 Frascati (Italy) Tel. (39) 06 941801 - Fax (39) 06 94180 280