Mentor Counseling Protocol according to PO 2006 of the Master
Mentor Counseling Protocol according to PO 2006 of the Master
Mentor Counseling Protocol according to PO 2006 of the Master-Studies Information Engineering (siehe: between Prof. Dr. Stefan Leue and Last name:_____________________ First name:___________________ Matr. Nr.:_______________ The objective of the mentor-conversation is to provide the student with guidance on his academic studies. This guidance is primarily a recommendation, but we recommend that you discuss all changes regarding the courses belonging to the study topic of your master thesis with your mentor. 1. General Information on Academic Studies. Master Program: Information Engineering Begin of studies : _________________________ Specialization: [ ] Information Science [ ] Computer Science 2. Requirements according to “Prüfungs- und Studienordnung” of the University Konstanz for the master program Information Engineering “Anhang 1: Aufteilung des Master-Studiums” 2.1. Obligatory Part Lectures / Courses Semester SWS Master Thesis with Colloquium in study topic: ECTS-Credits 30 __________________________________ Master Project: __________________________________ In study topic: 4 10 2 4 10 16 __________________________________ Seminar belonging to the same study field as the master project: __________________________________________ Advanced Lectures belonging to the study topic of the master project (According to the agreement with the supervisor): i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ 2.2. Obligatory elective subjects A: Students with a bachelor degree in Information Engineering or a related subject. Lectures / Courses Advanced Lectures of at least two out of the three study topics of Information Engineering, to which the master project does not belong to (at least 9 ECTSCredits each): Grundlagen der Informatik: Semester SWS ECTS-Credits 24 36 Lectures / Courses Semester SWS ECTS-Credits 16 24 i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ Informatik der Systeme: i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ Angewandte Informatik: i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ Informationswissenschaft: i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ Selected modules of other faculties: i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ v. _________________________________ Obligatory elective subjects B: Students without a bachelor degree in Information Engineering or a related subject. 2.3. Lectures / Courses Advanced Lectures of all four study topics of Information Engineering (at least 9 ECTS-Credits each): Grundlagen der Informatik: i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ Semester SWS ECTS-Credits 40 60 Lectures / Courses Semester SWS Informatik der Systeme: i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ Angewandte Informatik: i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ Informationswissenschaft: i. _________________________________ ii. _________________________________ iii. _________________________________ iv. _________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Signature of the Student: _____________________________________ Signature of Prof. Leue: _____________________________________ ECTS-Credits