

Christopher Hutz
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7
64293 Darmstadt
Fon +49 (0) 6151-95787-0
Fax +49 (0) 6151-95787-20
Mail [email protected]
Christopher Hutz studied law at Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main.
During his legal clerkship he worked with the U.S. law firm HBS P. C.
in Atlanta/Georgia. He was admitted to the German Bar in 2011. Before joining UP12 he practiced law for two leading, commercially oriented mid-sized law firms in the Rhine-Main area.
Christopher Hutz has successfully completed his theoretical studies
required to become a Certified Labor/Employment Law Specialist and
is writing his doctoral thesis on a sport law related topic in Zurich/Switzerland. He regularly holds presentations and seminars concerning labor/employment law related topics, in particular for the
“German Institute for Business Management” (Deutsches Institut für
Betriebswirtschaft) in Frankfurt/Main (www.dib.de).
Christopher Hutz primarily advises corporate clients and private individuals in the areas of individual- and collective labor/employment
law as well as in general civil law. Moreover he deals with sports law
related matters on behalf of athletes, clubs and associations.
Fields of activity
Labor/employment law
Civil law
Sports law
Tenancy law
German Bar Association - Sports Law Task Force (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sportrecht des Deutschen Anwaltvereins)
Attorneys and Notaries Association of Wiesbaden
International Network “Internations”