Overview - project for transferring innovation
Overview - project for transferring innovation
A project for transferring innovation: Professional permeability for individual careers in geriatric and health care Permeability in the context of professional and academic training in health care The employment market in health and geriatric care is – as a part of the health and social sector – one of the key employment markets of the European Union. How to give employees in the health care sector long-term prospects and how to guarantee mobility [between professions and between countries] in this sector are therefore very important questions. On these grounds, it is important to develop the employees’ professional skills in the context of lifelong learning. Professional advancement should be facilitated more than at present, based on already acquired competencies: the skills that are the result of vocational training and further education, of university studies and of professional experience. Based on examples from six European coun- cational school can start their training in health care after ten years of general education, whereas in other countries 12 years of school education are necessary before entering a degree course for health care at university. In the framework of PRO CARE CAREER the qualification programs to achieve qualified and executive levels where thus analysed for comparison. Whether they enabled professional advancement from level 4 to 6 of the EQF was in this context disregarded. The result: A growing number of extra-occupational degree courses offer to health The development of competencies care professionals in Germany and Austria in six EU countries the competencies for potential advancement, whereas in Italy, France, Poland and There is already a variety of contents in the Slovakia, there is after the obligatory startoffered courses on a national level, even ing point of a university degree in Nursing more so there are differences in the train- only one way: to continue further university ing for health care between the six Euro- studies for reaching the level 7 of the EQF. pean countries. The reason: there exists no specific “learnIn Germany and Austria, pupils at a vo- ing pathway” of courses in geriatric care. tries, the LEONARDO DA VINCI project for transferring innovations PRO CARE CAREER shows which career prospects are possible and which measures open, hinder or support the access to career advancement. Besides, the project demonstrates how the transnational mobility in this sector could be further facilitated if – in addition to a general recognition of professional degrees – the specific competencies in each national education were acknowledged and compensatory measures offered. Hinweis: Das Projekt „pro-care career“ wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung trägt allein der Verfasser; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben. Berlin, August 2013 Social Law competencies Economic competencies Social Law competencies Economic competencies Care Science Care Management Social Work EQF Level 6 (alle Länder) Medical-therapeutic competencies Psycho-social competencies Physician Assistance Intensive Care Practitioner Cardiology Assistance EQF Level 6 (DE) Professional Qualification Management Qualification EQF Level 5 (DE, AT) Professional Qualification EQF Level 5 (DE, AT) Nursing EQF Level 4 (DE, AT) EQF Level 6 (SK, PL, IT, FR) Geriatric Care Nurse EQF Level 4 (DE, AT) Professional Qualification Therapy-Supporting competencies Social – Care competencies Results: 1 Case descriptions – specific on national conditions – of professional further education in order to attain qualified and executive positions in geriatric and health care (English, German). 2 Competency profiles for selected qualified and executive positions in geriatric and health care (German, English). 3 Information material and awarenessraising seminars to promote a higher trans- parency concerning the opportunities for qualification and professional advancement. 4 Analysis of the educational and professional curricula vitae of 25 professionals from six countries with qualifications in health care (German, English, Polish, Slovakian, Italian, French). 5 An individual procedure to evaluate the professional skills in health and geriatric care (online tool). Projekttitel / Project Title: Individuelle Durchlässigkeitskarrieren im Sektor der Altenpflege und Krankenpflege Projektnummer / Project Number: DE/11/LLPLdV/TOI/147436 Projektdauer / Project Duration: 10/2011 – 09/2013 Vertragnehmer / Contractor: Unique – Gesellschaft für Arbeitsgestaltung, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung mbH Partner / Partners • Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut Medicine and Allied Health (DE) • Europäisches Bildungswerk für Beruf und Gesellschaft gGmbH (DE) • Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi (PL) • Sukromna pedagogicka a socialna akademia Brezno (SK) • Universita del Terzo Settore (IT) • Berufsförderungsinstitut Oberösterreich (AT) • Centre regional pour le Developpement local, la formation et lÌnsertion de Jeunes (FR) • CLIC – Center for Leading Innovation & Cooperation. HHL – Leipzig (DE) • Deutscher Verein (DE) 6 [The recommendation of] compensatory measures to enable professional mobility from health care to geriatric care 7 A “landscape of skills and development of competencies” to achieve higher transparency: a display of the different aspects of professional permeability in six European countries; recognition of professional certificates to enable transnational mobility. Kontakt / Contact Unique – Gesellschaft für Arbeitsgestaltung, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung mbH Dr. Gerda Jasper Großbeerenstraße 89 D-10963 Berlin Telefon: +49 30 25297640 E-Mail:[email protected] Website:www.unique-berlin.de www.pro-care-career.de www.adam-europe.eu