guide for eras mus students
guide for eras mus students
===== GUIDE FOR ERAS MUS STUDENTS 2013 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Índice Index Mensagem de boas-vindas / Welcome message ........................................................... 7 1. Informação sobre o ISCE / Information on the ISCE .................................................. 8 Nome, Endereço e Contactos ..................................................................................... 8 Calendário Académico ................................................................................................ 8 Name, Address and Contacts ..................................................................................... 8 Academic Calendar ..................................................................................................... 8 2 Autoridades Académicas ............................................................................................ 9 Descrição Geral da Instituição .................................................................................... 9 Academic Authorities .................................................................................................. 9 General Description of the Institution .......................................................................... 9 Lista de cursos .......................................................................................................... 11 Requisitos gerais de acesso ..................................................................................... 11 List of programmes offered ....................................................................................... 11 General admission requirements .............................................................................. 11 Procedimento geral para o reconhecimento das aprendizagens já adquiridas (formal, informal e não formal) ............................................................................................... 12 General arrangements for the recognition of prior learning (formal, informal and nonformal) ....................................................................................................................... 12 General registration procedures................................................................................ 12 Procedimento geral de registo .................................................................................. 13 Atribuição de créditos ECTS baseada nas competências mínimas de forma a encontrar aprendizagens externas adequadas ......................................................... 13 ECTS credit allocation based on the student workload needed in order to achieve expected learning outcomes ..................................................................................... 13 Arrangements for academic guidance ...................................................................... 13 Procedimento para a orientação académica............................................................. 14 2. Informação Curricular – Descrição geral / Information on Programmes – General description .................................................................................................................... 15 Qualificação .............................................................................................................. 15 Requisitos específicos de ingresso ........................................................................... 15 Qualification awarded................................................................................................ 15 Specific admission requirements .............................................................................. 15 Requisitos específicos para o reconhecimento das aprendizagens anteriores ........ 16 Regulamento e requisitos de qualificação e avaliação ............................................. 17 Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (formal, non-formal and informal) .................................................................................................................... 17 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Qualification and examination requirements and regulations, assessment and grading ...................................................................................................................... 17 Perfil dos programas ................................................................................................. 19 Aprendizagens obtidas.............................................................................................. 19 Profile of the programme........................................................................................... 19 Key learning outcomes.............................................................................................. 19 Occupational profiles of graduates............................................................................ 21 Saídas profissionais dos graduados ......................................................................... 22 Access to further studies ........................................................................................... 23 3 Acesso a estudos futuros .......................................................................................... 24 Course structure diagram with credits....................................................................... 24 Estrutura de créditos dos cursos............................................................................... 25 Mode of study............................................................................................................ 25 Modelo de estudo...................................................................................................... 26 Programme director .................................................................................................. 26 Coordenadores de curso........................................................................................... 27 3. Informação Curricular – Descrição por unidade curricular / Information on Programmes – Description of individual course units ................................................... 29 Licenciatura em Educação Básica – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, pré-requisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Basic Education – title, type, ECTS number, year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. .................................................. 29 Licenciatura em Educação Básica – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Basic Education – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units. ........ 43 Licenciatura em Animação Sociocultural – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, prérequisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Sociocultural Animation – title, type, ECTS number, year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. ................... 79 Licenciatura em Animação Sociocultural – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Sociocultural Animation – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units........................................................................................................................... 99 Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, prérequisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Physical Education and Sport – title, type, ECTS number, year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. ................. 139 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Physical Education and Sport – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units. .................................................................................................. 148 Licenciatura em Educação Social – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, pré-requisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Social Education – title, type, ECTS number, year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. ................................................ 164 Licenciatura em Educação Social – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Social Education – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units. ...... 174 4 Licenciatura em Turismo – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, pré-requisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Physical Education and Sport – title, type, ECTS number, year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. ................................................ 185 Licenciatura em Turismo – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Social Education – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units. .................................... 200 4. Conhecer Portugal / To know Portugal ................................................................... 232 Enquadramento Geográfico .................................................................................... 233 População ............................................................................................................... 233 História .................................................................................................................... 233 Geographic framework ............................................................................................ 233 Population ............................................................................................................... 233 History ..................................................................................................................... 233 Clima ....................................................................................................................... 234 Climate .................................................................................................................... 234 Religion ................................................................................................................... 235 Religião ................................................................................................................... 236 Língua ..................................................................................................................... 236 Moeda ..................................................................................................................... 236 Language ................................................................................................................ 236 Currency.................................................................................................................. 236 ATMs - Automatic Teller Machines (Multibanco) .................................................... 236 Câmbios .................................................................................................................. 237 Multibanco ............................................................................................................... 237 Cartões de crédito ................................................................................................... 237 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Custo de Vida.......................................................................................................... 237 Economia ................................................................................................................ 237 Credit cards ............................................................................................................. 237 Life Cost .................................................................................................................. 237 Economy ................................................................................................................. 237 Banca e Finanças ................................................................................................... 238 Banking and Finance .............................................................................................. 238 Trade ....................................................................................................................... 238 Comércio ................................................................................................................. 239 5 Transportation ......................................................................................................... 239 Transportes ............................................................................................................. 240 Condução ................................................................................................................ 241 Driving ..................................................................................................................... 241 Facilities for people with disabilities ........................................................................ 247 Shopping timetable ................................................................................................. 247 Condições para pessoas com deficiência ............................................................... 248 Horários de comércio .............................................................................................. 248 Electricity ................................................................................................................. 248 Cuisine .................................................................................................................... 248 Eletricidade ............................................................................................................. 249 Cozinha ................................................................................................................... 249 Eating timetable ...................................................................................................... 250 Tourism film about Portugal .................................................................................... 250 Emergency .............................................................................................................. 250 Horários de refeições .............................................................................................. 251 Filme turístico de Portugal ...................................................................................... 251 Emergências ........................................................................................................... 251 5. Conhecer Odivelas / To know Odivelas.................................................................. 253 Caracterização ........................................................................................................ 254 Characterization ...................................................................................................... 254 Como chegar ao ISCE ............................................................................................ 255 How to arrive to ISCE.............................................................................................. 255 Locais a visitar / To visit .......................................................................................... 257 Mapa / Map ............................................................................................................. 260 Transporte / Transportation..................................................................................... 261 Parceiros ERASMUS / ERASMUS Partners ........................................................... 261 Curso de línguas intensivo para alunos ERASMUS ............................................... 263 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Documentos ERASMUS ......................................................................................... 263 ERASMUS intensive language course .................................................................... 263 ERASMUS Documents ........................................................................................... 263 Anexo 1. Learning Agreement ............................................................................. 264 Anexo 2. Records Form....................................................................................... 267 Anexo 3. Training Agreement .............................................................................. 270 Anexo 4. Students Application Form ................................................................... 275 FAQ to incoming students ....................................................................................... 278 Survival vocabulary in Portuguese ...................................................................... 27880 6 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Mensagem de boas-vindas / Welcome message Bem-vindo ao ISCE Welcome to ISCE Há uma expectativa de que todos os estudantes procurem uma experiência internacional significativa durante o seu tempo no Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas (ISCE). Acreditamos que essa recomendação é baseada no facto de que para os alunos aproveitarem ao máximo as oportunidades disponíveis no mundo globalizado do século XXI, devem desenvolver uma competência global - o conhecimento e a valorização de uma outra cultura, juntamente com a capacidade de trabalhar integrado numa equipa que atravessa as fronteiras culturais. A melhor maneira de desenvolver essa competência global é ter a experiência de viver noutro país. There is an expectation that all students pursue a significant international experience during their time in the Superior Institute of Educative Sciences (ISCE). This recommendation is based on our belief that for students to make the most of the opportunities available in the globalized world of the 21st century, they must develop global competence – knowledge about and an empathetic appreciation of another culture, together with the ability to work as part of a team across cultural boundaries. The best way to develop such global competence is to have firsthand experience living abroad. Os estudantes que viveram estas experiências internacionais relatam que ganham uma maior capacidade relacional, aumento da autoconfiança e uma rede de novos amigos e contactos com o exterior. Eles desenvolvem uma compreensão mais profunda da sua própria sociedade, pois têm novas oportunidades para ver a sua própria cultura a partir de uma nova perspetiva. Muitos descobrem temas de pesquisa interessantes com base no seu conhecimento de um sistema cultural, político e económico diferente. Existem diferentes caminhos para este tipo de experiência, e o ISCE apoia os estudantes que desejam encontrar oportunidades de trabalho, pesquisa, e/ou de estudo. Este guia vai ajudar-vos a conhecer melhor Portugal, Odivelas (Lisboa) e o ISCE e a começar a experiência internacional. 7 Returned students who have lived their international experience report that they gain greater self-reliance, increased selfconfidence and a network of new friends and contact abroad. They develop a deeper understanding of their own society as they have new opportunities to see their own culture from a new perspective. Many discover compelling research topics based on their knowledge of a different cultural, political and economic system. There are different paths to this kind of experience, and ISCE supports students who wish to find opportunities for service, research as well as opportunities for study. This guide will help you learn more about Portugal, Odivelas (Lisbon) and ISCE and get started the international experience. We look forward to welcoming you. Best wishes, Estamos ansiosos para vos receber. Os melhores cumprimentos, Nuno Abranja International Office Coordinator Nuno Abranja Coordenador do Gabinete de Relações Internacionais Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. Informação sobre o ISCE / Information on the ISCE Nome, Endereço e Contactos Name, Address and Contacts Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas - ISCE Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12 - Serra da Amoreira. 2620-379 Ramada Tel.: 219 347 135 * Fax: 219 332 688 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas - ISCE Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12 - Serra da Amoreira. 2620-379 Ramada Tel.: 219 347 135 * Fax: 219 332 688 E-mail: [email protected] URL: GPS: +38° 48' 23.03 N, -9° 11' 30.67 O GPS: +38° 48' 23.03 N, -9° 11' 30.67 O Gabinete de Relações Internacionais [email protected]. International Office [email protected]. Calendário Académico Academic Calendar O ano académico está dividido em dois semestres. A maior parte dos cursos oferece unidades curriculares semestrais. Normalmente, o primeiro semestre inicia em setembro e termina no fim de janeiro. O segundo semestre começa em fevereiro/março e encerra no início de julho. The academic year is divided in two semesters. Most courses offer semester-based subjects. Generally, the winter semester (the first one) starts in September and finishes in the end of January. The spring semester (the second one) starts in February/March and finishes in the beginning of July. A data limite para inscrição de alunos ERASMUS é 15 de julho para o 1º semestre e 15 de novembro para o 2º semestre. O período de avaliação para o 1º semestre decorre habitualmente em fevereiro e para o 2º semestre em julho. Existem também dois períodos de férias durante o ano letivo: um no Natal (segunda metade de dezembro) e o outro é a Páscoa (variável). The Erasmus Application deadline is the 15th of July for the 1st semester and the 15th of November for the 2nd semester. Usually the examination period for the 1st semester occurs in February and in July for the 2nd semester. There are also two vacation periods during the academic year: one at Christmas (2nd half of December) and the other one at Easter (variable). Início do 1º semestre – 9 de setembro 2013 Aniversário do ISCE – 9 de novembro Férias de Natal – 16 de dezembro 2013 a 2 de janeiro 2014 Período de interrupção para avaliação e exames do 1º semestre – 1 a 15 de fevereiro Início do 2º semestre – 24 de fevereiro 2013 8 Beginning of the 1st semester - 9th September 2013 Birthday of ISCE – 9th November Christmas - 16th December 2013 to 2nd January 2014 Continuous and Periodical Final Assessment and Examination Period 1st to 15th February Beginning of the 2st semester - 24th February 2013 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Férias de Carnaval – 3 a 9 de março 2014 Férias da Páscoa – 12 a 20 de abril 2014 Período de interrupção para avaliação e exames do 2º semestre – 1 a 15 de julho Autoridades Académicas Administrador – Prof. Doutor Ricardo Martins Presidente do ISCE – Prof. Doutor Luís Picado Assessora do Presidente – Dra. Isabel Aires Departamento de Desporto – Prof. Doutor Paulo Sousa Departamento de Educação Básica – Dra. Maria dos Anjos Cohen Departamento Social e Cultural – Mestre Fernanda Carvalho. Departamento de Turismo – Prof. Doutor Nuno Abranja Gabinete de Relações Internacionais – Prof. Doutor Nuno Abranja Gabinete de B-Learning – Professora Dra. Mª João Delgado ISCE.Vida.Activa – Dra. Ana Cristina Pereira Descrição Geral da Instituição O Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas – ISCE é uma instituição particular de ensino superior que, reconhecida pelo Decreto-Lei nº 415/88 como Escola Superior, assumiu todo o património científico e pedagógico que vinha a ser construído desde 1984. O ISCE oferece, atualmente, cursos de formação de profissionais na área da educação, cobrindo todo um vasto leque de necessidades do sistema educativo português, e que rompem com as visões redutoras que neste domínio, apesar de tudo, persistem. Carnival – 3th to 9th March 2014 Easter – 12th to 20 April 2014 Continuous and Periodical Final Assessment and Examination Period 1st to 15th July Academic Authorities Administrator – PhD Ricardo Martins President of ISCE – PhD Luís Picado Assessora do Presidente – Dra. Isabel Aires Sport Department – PhD Paulo Sousa Basic Education Department – Dra. Maria dos Anjos Cohen Social and Cultural Department – Mestre Fernanda Carvalho. Tourism Department – PhD Nuno Abranja International Office – PhD Nuno Abranja B-Learning Office – PhD Mª João Delgado ISCE.Vida.Activa – Dra. Ana Cristina Pereira 9 General Description of the Institution The Higher Institute of Educative Sciences - ISCE is a private institution of higher education recognized by Decree-Law no. 415/88 as a superior School, took the entire scientific and educational heritage that came to be built since 1984. The ISCE currently offers courses for professionals in education, covering a whole wide range of needs of the Portuguese educational system, and that break with the visions that reducing this area, though, persist. Childhood Educators, Teachers of Basic Education (1st and 2nd cycles), Social Educators and Cultural Animators, education professions for teachers and staff, all of them have in ISCE a space of dignity and institutional affirmation. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Educadores de Infância, Professores do Ensino Básico (1º e 2º Ciclos), Educadores Sociais e Animadores Culturais, profissões educativas docentes e não docentes, todas elas encontram no ISCE um terreno de dignificação e afirmação institucional. Paralelamente a este campo específico da educação, o ISCE, atento às realidades e à evolução dos domínios do saber, abre portas a outras áreas e outras profissões, optando pela formação nas áreas do Desporto e do Turismo. O Departamento de Desporto, nomeadamente através da Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto, tem como objetivo valorizar a formação que visa o exercício de uma atividade de carácter profissional, relacionada com a dinamização e animação de atividades físicas e desportivas. O Turismo é um eixo central de sustentação do modelo de desenvolvimento económico e social nacional, constituindo-se como um dos clusters com maiores margens de crescimento. Funciona assim, nesta área, um curso que conjuga, pela primeira vez, o domínio amplo do turismo com os vetores estritos da hotelaria e do termalismo. Para além da formação inicial, O ISCE tem desenvolvido uma aposta clara e de qualidade na formação contínua e pós-graduada, contando já com a oferta de um vasto leque de Mestrados nas diferentes áreas. O ISCE acompanha, desta maneira, os seus diplomados durante toda a sua carreira ao mesmo tempo que responde, de uma forma integral e responsável, às solicitações da generalidade dos profissionais e da sociedade no seu conjunto. Atento aos desafios de uma formação integral da pessoa humana, o Alongside this specific field of education, the ISCE, attentive to the realities and the evolution of the fields of knowledge, opens doors to other areas and other professions, opting for training in the areas of Sport and Tourism. The Sports Department, including the first degree of Physical Education and Sport, aims to enhance the training that targets the exercise of their professional activity, related to the promotion and animation of physical and sportive activities. 10 Tourism is a central axis of support of economic and social development national model, establishing itself as one of the clusters with higher growth margins. Works well in this area, a course that combines, for the first time, the broad domain of tourism with strict vectors of hospitality and thermals sciences. Beyond the initial training, the ISCE has developed a clear focus and quality on continuous training and postgraduate, having already an offer of a wide range of Masters in different areas. The ISCE accompanying their graduates throughout their career while reply, in a full and responsible way, to the demands of most professionals and society as a whole. It should be noted finally that, given the challenges of an integral formation of the human person, the ISCE is, as scientific and educational project, with incessant appeal to the promotion of creativity and conviviality and means for the construction of culture and happiness. The sporting and artistic initiatives, exhibitions, leisure time activities, the associations, the academic parties, etc.., are expressions of an authentic vitality. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students ISCE é, enquanto projeto científico e pedagógico, com apelo incessante à promoção da criatividade e da convivialidade e meio para a construção da cultura e da felicidade. As iniciativas desportivas e artísticas, as exposições, as atividades de ocupação dos tempos livres, o associativismo, as festas académicas, etc., são assim expressões de uma vitalidade autêntica. Lista de cursos Licenciatura em Educação Básica Licenciatura em Animação Sociocultural Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto Licenciatura em Educação Social Licenciatura em Turismo Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar Mestrado em Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico Mestrado em Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico Mestrado em Gestão e Administração Escolar Mestrado em Supervisão Pedagógica e Formação de Formadores Mestrado em Educação Especial Domínio Cognitivo e Motor Mestrado em Educação Social Intervenção c/crianças e jovens em risco Mestrado em Educação Social Intervenção Socioeducativa e Gerontologia Mestrado em Desporto: Área de Especialização em Recursos Humanos Requisitos gerais de acesso 1. Regime Geral de Ingresso: a. Concursos Institucionais – Detentores do Ensino Secundário ou equivalente e aprovação, List of programmes offered Degree in Basic Education Degree in Cultural Animation Degree in Physical Education and Sport Degree in Social Education Degree in Tourism Master in Preschool Education Master in Teaching 1st Cycle of Basic Education Master in Teaching 1st and 2nd Cycle of Basic Education Master in Business and Administration of School Masters in Supervision and Training of Teachers Masters in Special Education Cognitive Domain and Motor Master in Social Education Intervention with children and youth at risk Master in Social Education - Socio Intervention and Gerontology Master in Sport: Specialization in Human Resources 11 General admission requirements 1. General Admission Requirements: a. Institutional Contests - Holders of High School Education or equivalent and approval, achieved through national exams of fish school education. b. Study cycle students who hold Portuguese courses not legally equivalent to the Portuguese high school education system, the entry required exams may be substituted for the final exams of those course disciplines under Article 20ºA of Decree-Law no. 296-A/98 updated by DL n. º 90/2008. 2. Entry Special Requirements - DL 393-A/99 and Ordinance no. 854B/99 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students concretizada através de exames nacionais do ensino secundário. b. Estudantes titulares de cursos não portugueses legalmente equivalentes ao ensino secundário português, as provas de ingresso podem ser substituídas por exames finais de disciplinas daqueles cursos, nos termos do disposto no artigo 20.º-A do Decreto-Lei n.º 296-A/98, atualizado pelo D.L n.º 90/2008 2. Regimes Especiais de Ingresso D.L. 393-A/99 e Portaria nº 854-B/99 3. Concursos Especiais - D.L. 393B/99, Portaria nº 854-A/99 a. Concurso Especial para titulares de Cursos Superiores, Cursos Médios ou de um CET b. Maiores de 23 Anos - D.L. nº. 64/2006 4. Regime de reingresso, mudança de curso e transferência - Portaria nº. 401/2007. Procedimento geral para o reconhecimento das aprendizagens já adquiridas (formal, informal e não formal) Como instituição de envio, depois de receber o registo de unidades curriculares concluídas ou o certificado de estágio, o ISCE certifica que os beneficiários cumpriram todos os requisitos estipulados no Protocolo e dentro do período e condições institucionais definidos, de forma a validar todos os ECTS contando para a média do curso do aluno. Além disso o ISCE regista a mobilidade no Suplemento ao Diploma a entregar no fim do curso. O ISCE disponibiliza no seu site um documento de recurso para o aluno utilizar caso a validação dos ECTS da mobilidade esteja incorreta. Como instituição de acolhimento o 3. Special Contests - DL 393-B/99 Ordinance no. 854-A/99 a. Special Contest for holders of Superior Studies, Medium Courses or a CET b. Over 23 Years - D.L. no. 64/2006 4. Re-entry requirements transfer and change of course - Ordinance no. 401/2007. General arrangements for the recognition of prior learning (formal, informal and non-formal) 12 As a sending institution, after receiving the course units completed or the internship certificate, the ISCE certifies that the beneficiaries fulfilled all the requirements of the Protocol and institutional conditions and within the period defined in order to validate all ECTS counting for the average student course. In addition the ISCE notes mobility in Diploma Supplement to be delivered at the end of the course. The institution provides on its website a resource document for the student use case validation of ECTS of mobility is incorrect. As host institution the ISCE ensures the sending of all necessary legal documents. General registration procedures Mobility starts with the establishment of inter-institutional protocols based on broad understanding between partners, compatibility of academic profiles (degrees, courses, units and objectives) or professionals and trust in academic decision making. The choice of partners is also to identify those that meet the needs of beneficiaries. Each institution is responsible for its part of the mobility, assuming the implementation of all aspects included in bilateral Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students ISCE garante o envio de todos os documentos legais necessários. Procedimento geral de registo agreements, providing contacts and the more viable communication ways, safeguarding the interests of the parties involved. A mobilidade inicia com o estabelecimento de protocolos interinstitucionais baseados no amplo entendimento entre parceiros, compatibilidade dos perfis académicos (graus, cursos, UC e objetivos) ou profissionais e relação de confiança na tomada de decisões académicas. The partnership should include quality requirements as selection criteria of students, teachers, language level and dates. In partnerships with countries outside of the ' ERASMUS ' space is signed a protocol that ensures compliance with the principles of the Charter ERASMUS. A escolha dos parceiros passa igualmente por identificar aqueles que vão ao encontro das necessidades dos beneficiários. Cada instituição é responsável pela sua parte da mobilidade, assumindo a implementação de todos os aspetos inseridos nos acordos bilaterais, disponibilizando os contactos e os meios de comunicação mais viáveis, salvaguardando os interesses das partes envolvidas. A parceria deve contemplar requisitos de qualidade como critérios de seleção de estudantes, docentes, nível linguístico e datas. Nas parcerias com países fora do ‘espaço ERASMUS’ é assinado um protocolo que garante o cumprimento dos princípios da Carta ERASMUS. Atribuição de créditos ECTS baseada nas competências mínimas de forma a encontrar aprendizagens externas adequadas O ISCE aplica o sistema de transferência de créditos académicos ECTS para dar transparência ao processo de reconhecimento, assegurando a sua plena implementação como uma ferramenta comum que garante a qualidade das ações de mobilidade e facilita a 13 ECTS credit allocation based on the student workload needed in order to achieve expected learning outcomes ISCE applies the academic credit transfer system-ECTS to give transparency to the recognition process, ensuring its full implementation as a common tool that guarantees the quality of the mobility actions and facilitates the transfer of learning experiences between institutions, greater mobility and more flexible ways to get degrees. A semester is equivalent to 30 ECTS and a full year to 60. To get that, are analyzed the course, the units, its objectives and contents. For the allocation of credits is established a learning contract (for studies and trainings), signed between the ISCE, the host organization and the beneficiary before the mobility; the transcript of records with the number of ECTS obtained and evaluation (for trainings the corresponding document is a training description, obtained skills and a certificate). The beneficiary also receives the Diploma Supplement. Arrangements guidance for academic Before mobility ISCE sets a professor, Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students transferência de experiências de aprendizagem entre instituições, maior mobilidade e formas mais flexíveis para obter graus. Um semestre equivale a 30 ECTS e um ano completo a 60. Para tal são analisados os cursos, as unidades curriculares, os seus objetivos e conteúdos. Para a alocação de créditos estabelece-se um contrato de aprendizagem (para estudos e estágios), assinado entre o ISCE, a entidade de acolhimento e o beneficiário antes da mobilidade; a transcrição de registos com o nº de ECTS obtidos e avaliação (para estágios o documento correspondente é uma descrição do estágio, competências obtidas e um certificado). O beneficiário recebe ainda o Suplemento ao Diploma. Procedimento académica para a usually the course Coordinator, and a Portuguese student as responsible for support beneficiaries in relation to curricular units or training place to choose, administrative information, contacts, logistics aspects, legal documentation, daily life of ISCE and of Portugal, etc. through its needs and objectives. The professor, tutor of the participant, will be a signatory to the Learning Agreement at the beginning of mobility and who will recognize, in the end, the ECTS to be allocated during the study/training fulfilling the aspects already negotiated and concluded in the Agreement and ensuring full transparency in all process. 14 orientação Antes da mobilidade o ISCE define um docente, habitualmente o coordenador do curso, e um aluno português como responsáveis por apoiar os beneficiários em relação às unidades curriculares ou local de estágio a escolher, informação administrativa, contactos, aspetos logísticos, documentação legal, dia-a-dia do ISCE e do país, etc. mediante as suas necessidades e objetivos. O docente, tutor do participante, será signatário do Acordo de Aprendizagem no início da mobilidade e quem reconhecerá, no final, os ECTS a atribuir durante o estudo/estágio cumprindo os aspetos já negociados e celebrados no Acordo e garantindo total transparência no processo de mobilidade. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2. Informação Curricular – Descrição geral / Information on Programmes – General description Qualificação Qualification awarded A qualificação portuguesa clássica consiste na escala de 0 a 20, como se descreve em seguida: The basic Portuguese degree consists on a 0 to 20 scale as described below: 00-09 (F) Reprovado – considera-se que carece de mais trabalho 10-11 (E) Suficiente – performance positiva com critérios mínimos 12-13 (D) Suficiente + - positive mas com algumas deficiências 14-15 (C) Bom – acima da média estandardizada 16-17 (B) Muito Bom – trabalho notável com erros mínimos 19-20 (A) Excelente – acima da média 00-09 (F) Fail – considerable further work is required 10-11 (E) Sufficient - performance meets the minimum criteria 12-13 (D) Satisfactory - fair but with some shortcomings 14-15 (C) Good - above the average standard 16-17 (B) Very Good - notable work with minor errors 19-20 (A) Excellent - outstanding performance Requisitos específicos de ingresso Specific admission requirements No ensino superior em Portugal existe o numerus clausus que condiciona o acesso. O número de vagas por cada curso é afixado anualmente. In the Portuguese higher education system there are numerus clausus, that condition access. The number of vacancies for each degree is fixed annually. O estudante ingressa no ensino superior através da candidatura nacional gerida pelo Ministério da Educação e Ciência. É então colocado no curso consoante as suas preferências e classificação. No concurso nacional cada estudante deve indicar seis instituições/cursos por ordem de preferência. Neste sentido, depois de 12 anos de ensino (9 de ensino básico e 3 de secundário), a condição que torna o candidato elegível é a combinação das classificações obtidas no nível secundário e os resultados conseguidos nos exames nacionais realizados no final do 12º ano, nas disciplinas essenciais de acesso ao 15 Students enter the higher education system by way of a national access candidature that is run by the Ministry of Education and Science. They are then placed in a degree in accordance to their preferences and classifications. In the national access procedure, each student may indicate up to six institutions/degrees by order of preference. In this sense, after 12 years of schooling (9 years of basic education and 3 years of secondary education), the condition that makes the candidate eligible for higher education is the combination of classifications obtained at the secondary level and the grades Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students curso desejado e onde precisam ter nota mínima (exames de entrada). Cada curso pode definir um ou dois exames em que o estudante terá de obter no mínimo 95 em 200 pontos. Vejamos as provas de ingresso por curso: Licenciatura em Animação Sociocultural 09 – Geografia ou 11 – História ou 18 – Português Licenciatura em Educação Básica 04 – Economia ou 09 – Geografia ou 11 – História ou 13 – Inglês ou 17 – Matemática Aplicada às Ciências Sociais ou 18 – Português obtained in the exams undertaken at the end of the 12th year at national level, in the disciplines that are considered to be essential to the higher degree in which the students seek to gain entrance (entry exams). Each higher education degree can demand that a student undertakes one or two entry exams and the student is required to obtain at least 95 points out of 200. The degree entry exams are described below: Degree in Cultural Animation 09 – Geography or 11 – History or 18 – Portuguese Degree in Basic Education 02 – Biologia e Geologia ou 04 – Economy or 09 – Geography or 11 – History or 13 – English or 17 – Mathematics applied to Social Sciences or 18 – Portuguese 17 – Matemática aplicada às Ciências Sociais ou Degree in Physical Education and Sport 18 – Português 02 – Biology e Geology or Licenciatura em Educação Social 17 – Mathematics applied to Social Sciences or Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto 09 – Geografia ou 11 – História ou 18 – Português Licenciatura em Turismo 09 – Geografia ou 11 – História ou 18 – Português Requisitos específicos para o reconhecimento das aprendizagens anteriores 16 18 – Portuguese Degree in Social Education 09 – Geography or 11 – History or 18 – Portuguese Degree in Tourism 09 – Geography or 11 – History or 18 – Portuguese De acordo com o Decreto-Lei 74/2006, a mobilidade dos estudantes entre os Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students estabelecimentos de ensino superior nacionais, do mesmo ou de diferentes subsistemas, bem como entre estabelecimentos de ensino superior nacionais e estrangeiros, é assegurada através do sistema europeu de transferência e acumulação de créditos, com base no princípio do reconhecimento mútuo do valor da formação realizada e das competências adquiridas. Para a obtenção de grau académico ou diploma, os estabelecimentos de ensino superior: i. Creditam nos seus ciclos de estudos a formação realizada no âmbito de outros ciclos de estudos superiores em estabelecimentos de ensino superior nacionais ou estrangeiros, quer a obtida no quadro da organização decorrente do Processo de Bolonha, quer a obtida anteriormente; ii. Creditam nos seus ciclos de estudos a formação realizada no âmbito dos cursos de especialização tecnológica nos termos fixados pelo respetivo diploma; iii. Reconhecem, através da atribuição de créditos, a experiência profissional e a formação póssecundária. A creditação tem em consideração o nível dos créditos e a área científica onde foram obtidos. Os procedimentos a adotar para a creditação são fixados pelos órgãos legal e estatutariamente competentes dos estabelecimentos de ensino superior. Regulamento e requisitos qualificação e avaliação In accordance with Decree-Law 74/2006, student mobility between the national higher education institutions of the same or of different subsystems, as well as between higher education institutions, domestic and foreign, is ensured through the European credit transfer and accumulation system of credits, based on the principle of mutual recognition of the value of the training and skills acquired. 17 To obtain academic degree or diploma, higher education institutions: i. Credit in their cycles of studies the training conducted within other cycles of higher education studies in higher education institutions, national or not, whether obtained in the Bologna process framework, either obtained previously; ii. Credit in their cycles of studies training held under the technological specialization courses under the conditions laid down by the respective diploma; iii. Recognize, through the assignment of credits, the professional experience and the adult educationsecondary. The crediting takes into account the level of credits and the scientific area where they were obtained. The procedures to adopt for the crediting are established by legal and statutorily competents bodies of higher education establishments. de A frequência e avaliação a aplicar aos 1ºs ciclos de estudos dos cursos Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (formal, non-formal and informal) Qualification and examination requirements and regulations, assessment and grading Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students adequados ao Processo de Bolonha estão definidas em Regulamento próprio disponível em .pdf. O sistema de avaliação destes Cursos do ISCE fundamenta-se nos princípios gerais de uma avaliação formativa. A avaliação final de uma unidade curricular é expressa através de uma classificação na escala numérica de 0 a 20 valores, com arredondamento às unidades, considerando como unidade a fração não inferior a cinco décimas. Considera-se Aprovado numa unidade curricular o estudante que nela obtenha uma classificação não inferior a 10; e Reprovado numa unidade curricular o estudante que nela obtenha uma classificação inferior a 10. Para o cálculo da classificação final destes cursos, multiplica-se a classificação de cada unidade curricular pelo número de créditos respetivo e divide-se pelo número total de créditos do curso. Para avaliação dos conhecimentos e competências adquiridas pelos estudantes, devem ser realizadas provas de avaliação, ao longo do semestre, que podem ser tipificadas como: provas escritas, trabalhos ou projetos e provas orais. O registo dos ECTS pelo desempenho do estudante é regulado estatisticamente pela seguinte grade de ordenação e de qualificação: A - corresponde aos melhores 10% dos estudantes aprovados na(s) unidade curricular(s) ou no curso. B - aos seguintes 25%; C - aos seguintes 30%; D - aos seguintes 25%; E - aos seguintes 10%; FX - aos estudantes "não aprovados a que faltou apenas mais algum trabalho para passar"; The frequency and evaluation to be applied to the first study cycles suited to the Bologna process are defined in a specific Regulation available in .pdf. The system of evaluation of these courses is based on the general principles of a formative evaluation. The final assessment of a course unit is expressed through a sorted in numeric scale of 0 to 20, with units rounding, considering as the unit the fraction of no less than five tenths. 18 It is considered Approved in a curriculum unit the students who obtain a rating of not less than 10; and failed in a curricular unit the students who gets a rating of less than 10. For the calculation of the final classification of these courses, you multiply the classification of each curricular unit by the number of respective credits and is divided by the total number of course credits. To evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired by the students, evaluation evidence should be conducted throughout the semester, which can be typified as: written tests, works or projects and oral evidence. The ECTS registration for student performance is adjusted statistically for the following sorting and qualification grade: A - matches the best 10% of the students passed the curricular(s) unit(s) or in the course. B - the following 25%; C - the following 30%; D - the following 25%; E - the following 10%; FX - students "not approved that lacked only a little more work to pass"; Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students F - aos estudantes "não aprovados a que falta ainda muito trabalho para passar". F - students "not approved that lack still a lot of work to pass". Profile of the programme Perfil dos programas O ISCE é uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Politécnico, fundada em 1984, que desenvolve atividades de ensino, investigação e extensão comunitária nas áreas da Educação, do Desporto, do Social e Cultural e do Turismo. Os diversos ciclos de estudo de Licenciatura e Mestrado, as PósGraduações, os Cursos de Especialização e demais ofertas formativas enfatizam a construção da profissionalidade e, igualmente, a preparação dos estudantes para contextos desafiantes e diversificados. Aprendizagens obtidas As aprendizagens obtidas nas diferentes áreas científicas lecionadas no ISCE são múltiplas, atuais e adequadas às necessidades de mercado. Na área da Educação visamse desenvolver conhecimentos, capacidades, atitudes e competências relevantes para um desempenho docente de qualidade, em relação com a comunidade e consonante com as políticas educativas definidas; mobilizar os conhecimentos científicos e as competências didáticas inerentes à prática de um ensino sustentado; conceber, desenvolver e avaliar unidades de ensino e aprendizagem, sustentadas numa postura analítica e crítica; fundamentar as opções pedagógicas em quadros de compreensão do mundo contemporâneo, sustentados pela contextualização cultural, desenvolvida a partir das dimensões ética e cívica; adotar uma atitude investigativa no desempenho profissional, sustentada pela compreensão e análise crítica dos contextos e pela mobilização de conhecimento produzido por ISCE is a polytechnic institution of higher education, founded in 1984, which develops activities of teaching, research and community extension in the areas of Education, Sport, Social and Cultural and Tourism. The various undergraduate and master's degrees, postgraduate, specialization courses and other training offers emphasize the construction of professionality and, also, the preparation of students for challenging and diverse contexts. 19 Key learning outcomes Learning skills obtained in the different scientific areas taught at the ISCE are multiple, current and appropriate to the market needs. In the area of Education aim to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies relevant to teaching quality, performance in relation to the community and in line with the educational policies defined; mobilize scientific knowledge and teaching skills inherent in the practice of a sustained education; design, develop and evaluate teaching and learning units, sustained in an analytical and critical posture; substantiate the educational options in frames of understanding the contemporary world, sustained by cultural contextualization, developed from the ethical and civic dimensions; adopt an investigative attitude in professional performance, underpinned by the understanding and critical analysis of the contexts and the mobilization of knowledge produced by existing research; develop a solid and structured academic training, as a result of the acquisition of knowledge of Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students investigação existente; desenvolver uma formação académica sólida e estruturada, fruto da aquisição de saberes próprios das diversas áreas de conhecimento implicadas no futuro desempenho docente. Na área do Desporto visa-se desenvolver uma formação crítica e reflexiva na área das Ciências do Desporto, orientada pelas tendências internacionais do conhecimento técnico-científico e mediada pela contextualização sociocultural das práticas desportivas; desenvolver competências de autonomia cognitiva, de criatividade e criticidade referentes ao conhecimento e atuação profissional, que se pretende humanizadora e transformadora, visando o conhecimento aprofundado e diversificado das várias práticas desportivas / modalidades, nas suas vertentes técnicas, táticas, fisícas, psicológicas e de quadro competitivo formal, assim como na promoção da saúde, bem-estar e melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações; e valorizar a formação que visa o exercício de uma atividade de carácter profissional, relacionada com a dinamização e animação de atividades físicas e desportivas, assegurando aos estudantes uma componente de aplicação dos conhecimentos e saberes adquiridos às atividades concretas do perfil definido para este ciclo de estudos. Na área do Social e Cultural visa-se aprender a realizar pesquisas de informação, organização dos dados e desenvolvimento de trabalhos de iniciação à investigação; desenvolver competências para o trabalho individual e de grupo; conhecer as principais tendências teóricas e metodológicas no the various areas of involved in future performance. knowledge academic In the area of Sport aims to develop a reflective and critical training in the Sport Sciences area, guided by the international trends of technical and scientific knowledge and socio-cultural context of mediated sporting activities; develop cognitive autonomy skills, creativity and criticality pertaining to knowledge and professional experience, humanizing and transformative, aim to in-depth knowledge of the various and diverse sporting activities/sports, in its techniques, tactics, physical, psychological and formal competitive formal framework aspects, as well as in promoting health, well-being and improving the life quality of the populations; and enhance the training that aims the exercise of an activity of professional nature, related to the promotion and animation of physical and sporting activities, ensuring students a application component of acquired knowledge to the concrete activities of the profile defined for this cycle of study. In the area of Social and Cultural aims to learn to conduct research of information, organization of data and development of initiation into research work; develop skills for individual and group work; meet the main theoretical and methodological trends in social education; acquire basic knowledge for better understand the functioning of the person, groups and collectives which facilitate an act scientifically founded with the various audiences; know the main facts and social phenomena with which we will face in their professional practice; meet the professional spaces of social and the necessary skills to 20 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students âmbito da educação social; adquirir os conhecimentos básicos para melhor compreender o funcionamento da pessoa, grupos e coletivos que facilitem uma atuação cientificamente fundamentada com os diversos públicos; conhecer os principais factos e fenómenos sociais com os quais se irá defrontar no seu exercício profissional; conhecer os espaços profissionais da educação social e as competências necessárias para neles intervir; adquirir um amplo repertório, bem fundamentado, de técnicas e instrumentos de trabalho com grupos; compreender a coordenação entre os sistemas sociais e educativos na atuação profissional; desenvolver uma noção de ética profissional e código deontológico que oriente a intervenção sócio-educativa; adquirir competências técnicas e metodológicas que lhe permitam avaliar a sua atuação enquanto educador social; formar técnicos superiores de Animação Sóciocultural capazes de conceber, planificar e implementar projetos educativos, sociais, artísticos e culturais; formar técnicos que sejam mediadores e dinamizadores de grupos, indivíduos e comunidades e, consequentemente, que sejam profissionais com capacidades de relacionamento significativas, ao mesmo tempo que consubstancie uma atitude que se traduza no empenho, na abertura, na iniciativa, na adaptação, na tolerância, e na capacidade de promoção do desenvolvimento sóciocultural através da participação dos indivíduos, grupos e comunidades. Na área do Turismo visam-se formar quadros superiores de turismo capazes de coordenar, operacionalizar e gerir atividades/operações turísticas em instituições públicas e privadas, com funções de supervisão de operacionais intervene; acquire a wide repertoire, well reasoned, of techniques and instruments to work with groups; understanding the coordination between social and educational systems in professional activity; develop a sense of professional ethics and code of ethics to guide the socioeducational intervention; acquire technical and methodological skills which allow to assess their own performance while social educator; form-cultural animation senior technicians able to conceive, plan and implement educational, social, artistic and cultural projects; train technicians who are mediators and facilitators of groups, individuals and communities and, consequently, with significant relationship capabilities, at the same time achieving an attitude that translates the commitment at the opening, initiative, adaptation, tolerance, and the ability to the cultural development through the participation of individuals, groups and communities. 21 In the area of Tourism concerngraduating senior of tourism able to coordinate, operationalize and manage activities/tourism operations in public and private institutions, with functions of operational supervision and/or responsibility for application and transmission of expert knowledge. In this sense, it is intended to provide the students of solids practical-theoretical concepts to provide them the quality of execution of tasks in tourism, with recourse to systematization of acquired scientific knowledge and professional practice. Occupational profiles of graduates In the area of Education, the degree in Basic Education constitutes, in Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students e/ou responsabilidade pela aplicação e transmissão de um saber pericial. Neste sentido, pretende-se dotar os discentes de sólidos alicerces teóricopráticos suscetíveis de lhes proporcionarem a qualidade de execução das tarefas em turismo, com recurso à sistematização dos conhecimentos científicos adquiridos e da prática profissional. Saídas profissionais dos graduados Na área da Educação, a Licenciatura em Educação Básica constitui-se, de acordo com o disposto no Decreto-Lei nº 43/2007, de 22 de Fevereiro, corno condições de acesso à formação para a docência Educativa de Infância e Professores dos 1º e 2º Ciclos. Com a duração de 6 semestres, visa proporcionar a aquisição de competências académicas, de índole científica, fundamentais e consentâneas com os níveis de docência para os quais os licenciados podem progredir, aquando da seleção da sua área de mestrado: Educação Pré-Escolar; Ensino do 1° Ciclo do Ensino Básico; Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico; Ensino do lº e 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O diplomado pode integrar equipas multidisciplinares com funções educativas de apoio e cooperação dentro e fora do sistema educativo; gizar projetos de educação no âmbito da educação não-formal e participar na sua dinamização em autarquias, campos de férias, bibliotecas, ATL’s, hospitais, museus, parques e jardins, quintas pedagógicas, teatros, associações, fundações e centros culturais e sociais, entre outros; participar na dinamização de projetos de educação dentro do sistema educativo formal e apoiar o desenvolvimento de atividades accordance with the Decree-Law No. 43/2007, of February 22th, as conditions for access to the teaching in the area of Childhood Education and Teachers of the 1st and 2nd cycles. The 6 semesters aims to provide the acquisition of academic skills, of scientific nature, fundamental and in line with the levels of teaching for which graduates may progress, when selecting their master's area: Preschool education; Teaching of 1st cycle of basic education; Preschool education and teaching of the 1st cycle of basic education; Teaching of 1st and 2nd cycle of basic education. The graduate can integrate multidisciplinary teams with educational functions of support and cooperation within and outside the educational system; draw up education projects within the framework of nonformal education and participate in their promotion in municipalities, holiday camps, libraries, free times spaces, hospitals, museums, parks and gardens, educational farms, theatres, associations, foundations and cultural and social centers, among others; participate in the promotion of education projects within the formal education system and to support the development of innovative education activities particularly in nurseries and kindergartens and the 1st and 2nd cycles of basic education: school clubs, monitoring of study visits, study support accompanied, follow-up of curricular extension activities, among others; advising the executive boards of school groups; support the inclusion of children in educational contexts marked by diversity; support the design, production and development of educational resources. 22 In the area of sport, the graduate can engage in coaching roles at all levels of sport practice; exercise prescription for Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students educativas, nomeadamente em creches e jardins de infância e nos 1º e 2º ciclos do ensino básico: clubes escolares, acompanhamento de visitas de estudo, apoio ao estudo acompanhado, acompanhamento das atividades de extensão curricular, entre outros; assessorar os conselhos executivos dos agrupamentos escolares; apoiar a inclusão de crianças em contextos educativos marcados pela diversidade; apoiar a conceção, produção e desenvolvimento de recursos educativos. Na área do Desporto o diplomado pode exercer funções de treinador a todos os níveis de prática desportiva; prescrição do exercício para pessoas aparentemente saudáveis, com condições sub-clínicas ou com deficiência; promotor de atividades de lazer e animação desportiva; exercício físico e controlo de peso; diretor desportivo; técnico de pelouro desportivo de autarquias; diretor de instalações; gestor de eventos desportivos. Na área do Social e Cultural os técnicos superiores em educação social são dependentes em serviços de: ministério da justiça e ministério do trabalho e solidariedade social; autarquias; gabinetes de intervenção local; estabelecimentos prisionais; instituições particulares de solidariedade social, nos seguintes contextos: exclusão e marginalização social; delinquência juvenil e adulta; educação e desenvolvimento comunitário; educação ambiental; familiar; residência para idosos. O curso de animação sociocultural é fundamentalmente vocacionado para a formação de técnicos superiores em animação cultural nas seguintes vertentes: autarquias / juntas de apparently healthy people, with subclinical conditions or with disabilities; promoter of leisure activities and sport animation; exercise and weight control; sport director; sports authorities responsible technician; sports spaces director; manager of sporting events. On Social and Cultural area the senior technicians in social education are dependent on services from: ministry of justice and ministry of labour and social solidarity; local authorities; offices of local intervention; prisons; private social welfare institutions, in the following contexts: exclusion and social marginalization; juvenile and adult delinquency; education and community development; environmental education; familiar; residence for the elderly. The course of socio-cultural animation is fundamentally geared to train senior technicians in cultural animation in the following strands: municipalities/parish councils; free/occupational times spaces; day centres/homes; community centers; schools (first and second cycle); schoolar and municipal libraries; youth club 23 In the area of tourism technicians may exercise functions in: Tourism of Portugal, I.P.; city councils; tourism associations; tourism information; hotel establishments; tourist villages; resorts; rural tourism endeavors; nature tourism ventures; housing tourism institutions; travel agencies; tour operators; airports; airlines; rent-a-car; spas; therms; casinos; theme parks; teaching of tourism; tourism consultancy; tourism planning; tourism research; and entrepreneurship of tourism (selfemployment). Access to further studies In accordance with the legislation, for Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students freguesia; A.T.L/O.T.L.; centros de dia/lares; centros comunitários; escolas (1º e 2º ciclo); bibliotecas escolares e municipais; clube de jovens Na área do Turismo o técnico poderá exercer funções em: Turismo de Portugal, I.P.; Câmaras Municipais; Associações de Turismo; Informação Turística; Estabelecimentos Hoteleiros; Aldeamentos Turísticos; Resorts; Empreendimentos de Turismo em Espaço Rural; Empreendimentos de Turismo de Natureza; Empreendimentos de Turismo de Habitação; Agências de Viagens; Operadores Turísticos; Aeroportos; Companhias Aéreas; Rent-a-Cars; Estâncias Termais; SPA'S; Casinos; Parques Temáticos; Ensino do Turismo; Consultoria Turística; Planeamento Turístico; Investigação Turística; e Empreendedorismo (autoemprego) Turístico. Acesso a estudos futuros De acordo com a legislação em vigor, para o acesso a estudos futuros que atribuem titulação existem determinados requisitos a cumprir. No caso do Mestrado podem candidatar-se ao acesso ao ciclo de estudos: (i) titulares do grau de licenciado ou equivalente legal; (ii) titulares de um grau académico superior estrangeiro conferido na sequência de um 1º ciclo de estudos organizado de acordo com os princípios do Processo de Bolonha por um Estado aderente a este Processo; (iii) titulares de um grau académico superior estrangeiro que seja reconhecido como satisfazendo os objetivos do grau de licenciado pelo órgão científico estatutariamente competente do estabelecimento de ensino superior onde pretendem ser admitidos; (iv) detentores de um currículo escolar, científico ou profissional, que seja reconhecido como atestando capacidade para a access to future studies that assign titration there are certain requirements to fulfill. In the case of master's degree may apply for access to the cycle of study: (i) holders of bachelor's degree or legal equivalent; (ii) holders of foreign high academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna process by an acceding State to this process; (iii) holding a foreign high academic degree that is recognised as meeting the objectives of the bachelor's degree by the statutorily competent scientific board of the high education institution to which they wish to be admitted; (iv) holders of a school curriculum, scientific or professional, that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the statutorily competent scientific board of the higher education institution to which they wish to be admitted. 24 In PhD cases can apply for access to the cycle of study: (i) holders of master’s degree or legal equivalent; (ii) holders of bachelor's degree, in possession of a schoolar or a scientific curriculum particularly relevant that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the legal and statutorily competent scientific board of the University where they wish to be admitted; (iii) in possession of a schoolar, scientifc or professional curriculum, that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the legal and statutorily competent scientific board of the University where they wish to be admitted. Course credits structure diagram with A credit system is based essentially on Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students realização deste ciclo de estudos pelo órgão científico estatutariamente competente do estabelecimento de ensino superior onde pretendem ser admitidos. No caso de Doutoramento podem candidatar-se ao acesso ao ciclo de estudos: (i) os titulares do grau de mestre ou equivalente legal; (ii) titulares de grau de licenciado, detentores de um currículo escolar ou científico especialmente relevante que seja reconhecido como atestando capacidade para a realização deste ciclo de estudos pelo órgão científico legal e estatutariamente competente da universidade onde pretendem ser admitidos; (iii) detentores de um currículo escolar, científico ou profissional que seja reconhecido como atestando capacidade para a realização deste ciclo de estudos pelo órgão científico legal e estatutariamente competente da universidade onde pretendem ser admitidos. Estrutura de créditos dos cursos Um sistema de créditos baseia-se essencialmente na capitalização dos conhecimentos adquiridos pelos estudantes em situação formal de frequência das aulas e contacto com o docente, e em situação informal de estudo e de aprendizagens pessoais, que lhe desenvolvam competências transversais e subsidiárias da sua formação. A adoção de um sistema de créditos facilita a leitura e a comparação dos programas de estudo, incentiva a mobilidade e garante o reconhecimento académico. O crédito é a unidade de medida do trabalho do estudante e capitalisation of knowledge acquired by students in formal situation of classes frequency and contact with the faculty, and in informal situation of study and personal learning, to develop transversal skills and subsidiaries of its formation. The adoption of a credit system facilitates reading and comparison of study programs, encourages mobility and guarantee academic recognition. The credit is the unit of measurement of the student's work and includes all forms of work envisaged, namely the contact hours and the hours dedicated to internships, projects, field work, study and evaluation. To a credit unit correspond approximately 27 hours of student work. 25 The course units will have a weekly workload of 1.30, 2 or 3 hours, depending on whether it curricular units of 3, 6 or 9 ECTS, respectively. The structure of the ISCE courses is divided by semesters, each corresponds to 30 ECTS, i.e. 60 ECTS per year. The course is successfully completed when the student gets the 180 ECTS, in degrees, and 120 ECTS in the masters defrees. Mode of study The frequency model is defined by the fulfilment of all administrative procedures. The courses develop into b-learning scheme. However, at the beginning of each semester, the faculty member may submit, to the organs of the ISCE, for approval, a proposed alternative scheme of frequency of curricular unit who teaches. Studentsworkers have a special regime of fouls, with a reasoned request to that effect, to present to the Presidency, within the Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students inclui todas as formas de trabalho previstas, designadamente as horas de contacto e as horas dedicadas a estágios, projetos, trabalhos no terreno, estudo e avaliação. A uma unidade de crédito correspondem 27 horas, aproximadamente, de trabalho do estudante. time limits established for each academic year. The internships, seminars and other curricular units of same nature must be considered, in all circumstances, whose performance has been fully completed. As unidades curriculares terão uma carga horária semanal de 1h30m, 2 horas ou 3 horas, consoante se trate de unidades curriculares de 3, 6 ou 9 ECTS, respetivamente. Degree in Basic Education - Celeste Rosa [[email protected]] Degree in Cultural Animation - Eva Corrêa [[email protected]] Degree in Physical Education and Sport Paulo Sousa [[email protected]] Degree in Social Education – Ana Paula Leitão [[email protected]] Degree in Tourism - Nuno Abranja [[email protected]] Master in Preschool Education - Eva Corrêa [[email protected]] e Celeste Rosa [[email protected]] Master in Teaching 1st Cycle of Basic Education Paula Farinho [[email protected]] Master in Teaching 1st and 2nd Cycle of Basic Education - Paula Farinho [[email protected]] e Pedro Patacho [[email protected]] Master in Business and Administration of School Paula Farinho [[email protected]] Masters in Supervision and Training of Teachers - Armindo Rodrigues [[email protected]] e Maria dos Anjos Cohen [[email protected]] Masters in Special Education: Cognitive Domain and Motor Armindo Rodrigues [[email protected]] e João Casal [[email protected]] A estrutura dos cursos do ISCE está dividida por semestres, em que cada um corresponde a 30 ECTS, ou seja, 60 ECTS por ano. O curso é completado com sucesso quando o aluno obtém os 180 ECTS, nas licenciaturas, e 120 ECTS nos mestrados. Modelo de estudo O regime de frequência é definido pelo cumprimento de todos os procedimentos administrativos. Os cursos desenvolvem-se em regime blearning. Porém, no início de cada semestre, o docente pode apresentar, aos órgãos próprios do ISCE, para aprovação, uma proposta de regime alternativo de frequência da unidade curricular que leciona. Os estudantestrabalhadores dispõem de um regime especial de faltas, mediante requerimento fundamentado nesse sentido, a apresentar à Presidência, nos prazos estabelecidos, para cada ano letivo. Os estágios, seminários e outras unidades curriculares de natureza equiparada terão de ser, em todas as circunstâncias, integralmente cumpridos. Programme director 26 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Coordenadores de curso Licenciatura em Educação Básica Celeste Rosa [[email protected]] Licenciatura em Animação Sociocultural Eva Corrêa [[email protected]] Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto Paulo Sousa [[email protected]] Licenciatura em Educação Social – Ana Paula Leitão [[email protected]] Licenciatura em Turismo - Nuno Abranja [[email protected]] Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar Eva Corrêa [[email protected]] e Celeste Rosa [[email protected]] Mestrado em Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico - Paula Farinho [[email protected]] Mestrado em Ensino do 1º e do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico - Paula Farinho [[email protected]] e Pedro Patacho [[email protected]] Mestrado em Gestão e Administração Escolar Paula Farinho [[email protected]] Mestrado em Supervisão Pedagógica e Formação de Formadores - Armindo Rodrigues [[email protected]] e Mª dos Anjos Cohen [[email protected]] Mestrado em Educação Especial: Domínio Cognitivo e Motor - Armindo Rodrigues [[email protected]] e João Casal [[email protected]] Mestrado em Educação Social: Intervenção c/crianças e jovens em risco – Luís Picado [[email protected]] e Fernanda Carvalho [[email protected]] Mestrado em Educação Social: Intervenção Socioeducativa e Master in Social Education: Intervention with children and youth at risk – Luís Picado [[email protected]] e Fernanda Carvalho [[email protected]] Master in Social Education: Socio Intervention and Gerontology – Luís Picado [[email protected]] e Fernanda Carvalho [[email protected]] Master in Sport: Specialization in Human Resources - Paulo Sousa [[email protected]] 27 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Gerontologia – Luís Picado [[email protected]] e Fernanda Carvalho [[email protected]] Mestrado em Desporto: Área de Especialização em Recursos Humanos Paulo Sousa [[email protected]] 28 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3. Informação Curricular – Descrição por unidade curricular / Information on Programmes – Description of individual course units Licenciatura em Educação Básica – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, pré-requisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Basic Education – title, type, ECTS number, 29 year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Pedagogia e Modelos de Educação Tipo de UC (/ Type of course unit Compulsory Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS 3 Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Luís Picado Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Understanding the extent of the educational field. Critically analyze the main theories, models, paradigms and philosophies of education Mastering critical concepts, principles, facts and ways of thinking and knowledge relating to pedagogy and education. Implement guidelines pedagogical models to potential situations of formal, non-formal and informal education. Assumption of roles around the potentially emancipatory pedagogical challenges by reference to criteria such as reflexivity, (inter) subjectivity, trading and regulation. Promotion of dialogic communication in educative context, through the intersection of theories and models of education, experience, interests, expectations, needs and languages, and facilitator in an interactive process of social construction of knowledge. Adequate and sustained intervention in open and distance compromised, encouraging the confrontation of perspectives around the pedagogical problems. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e da Aprendizagem Compulsory Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Aplicadas à Educação Compulsory Educação Especial e Inclusão ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory 3 3 3 Patrícia Pacheco Maria Manuel Nunes Identify different descriptive and explanatory models of psychological development, while adopting an integrative and critical perspective. Understand the processes of development of individual, both as unique personality and as member of social and cultural groups. Knowing the main stages of development and learning, focusing particularly on children and adolescents, from the perspective of their physical and biological dimensions to the psychological, socio-cultural and inter-relational, trough cognitive and affective dimensions, in the processes of construction and structuring ok knowledge. Develop personal skills and interpersonal (supported by an attitude of systematic questioning of their capabilities and skills, their attitudes and their values systems). Adopt a reflective and research approach. Understanding the formation and characterization of the universe and the solar system and the Earth's position; Recognize specific units, taking into account the distances of the universe; Identify causes and consequences of the movements of the heavenly bodies; Understand the importance of measurements, ratings and representations as a way of looking at the world before the diversity and complexity; Understanding the changes that contribute to the dynamics of the Earth; Explain some geological phenomena, given the physical processes: Having a general understanding and wider biodiversity on Earth as well as on the evolution and ontogenesis of Man; Use the Portuguese language and scientific terminology appropriately to different knowledge areas covered by this course; Recognize that scientific knowledge is in permanent evolution and knowledge unfinished; Valuing the relational dimensions of learning and ethical principles that govern the relationship with knowledge and with others. Promote the integration and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in initial teacher education and in educational contexts. Understand the importance of learning to learn and promote a methodology of active learning and autonomous in order to meet the challenges of the knowledge society. Acquire communication skills in the field of education, a transversal perspective, critical and diversification in the use of multimedia. Adopt working models supported by tools and dynamic of Web 2.0 Design and evaluate multimedia content using Web 2.0 tools, and others, directed towards children / young people and real integration in educational contexts. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 30 b-learning No Applicable No Applicable b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Técnicas de Expressão e Comunicação em Português Compulsory Fundamentos da Matemática Compulsory 6 Temas Integrados de Ciências ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory 6 6 To acquire an adequate level of proficiency in the Portuguese language, either in the oral and in the written. Component conductive to a quality linguistic input in the verbal and in the conversational interactions. To know the processes and the means to develop the linguistic and communicative competence. To develop the basic and specific linguistic knowledge of oral and written communicative skills, in order to be effective in communication – the ability to speak and to write in various linguistic contexts. To perfect the writing techniques through the use of the adequate procedures and rules. To identify the causes of the most frequent spelling and grammar mistakes and be aware of the useful strategies to avoid them. Develop number sense, with emphasis on mental computation strategies and understanding of properties of operations. Develop understanding of numbers and respective processes of computation as well as the use of such knowledge and skills to solve problems in different contexts. Develop habits of thinking, solving problems, making connections and mathematics communication. Analyze and discuss numbers and operations tasks resolutions of elementary school students as a starting point to understand the importance of the explicit representation of reasoning and mathematical communication. Find episodes and know the history of mathematics related to numbers. Understand the global dynamics of the Earth and Life. Develop a general and widened understanding of the biological diversity in Earth. Know about the importance of the experimental activities in problem solutions. Develop convincing arguments from evidences; Adopt adequate strategies and methodologies in the different areas of scientific, cultural and technological knowing. Give value to the dimensions of the learning and the ethical principles that regulate the relationship with knowing and the others. Recognize that the scientific knowledge is in permanent evolution, being an unfinished knowledge. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 31 b-learning No Applicable No Applicable b-learning No Applicable No Applicable ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Metodologia de Investigação em Educação Tipo de UC (/ Type of course unit Introdução à Linguística Portuguesa Compulsory Geometria Compulsory Compulsory Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS 4 Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit To acquire research methodologies in order to improve observation and interpretation capacities on educational practice; To recognize the need of the emergence of a professional conscience, supported by the construction of a pedagogical sense towards the perception and development of the educational practice;. To develop the critical reflection capacity, considering the school as a reference space of the educational practice and valuing the relationship between school and community. To develops and improve the adequate level of proficiency in Portuguese, both in oral and in written skills. To know the function of the language grammar and being able to distinguishing grammars at different moments and with different aims. To know the grammatical functioning of Portuguese and the critical items of Portuguese grammar, being able to identify usual deviances and questioning about what is wrong and what is adopted by usage. To have fundamental knowledge about the organization of the grammar of the language: vocabulary, syntax, phonology, semantics. To develop knowledge, skills and competence in the Portuguese language at the level of understanding and producing spoken and written language. Develop spatial sense, with emphasis on visualization and understanding of properties of geometric figures in the plane and in space. Develop understanding of geometric and respective processes of measure as well as the use of such knowledge and skills to solve problems in different contexts. Develop an understanding of geometric transformations and the use of such knowledge and skills to solve problems in different contexts. Analyze and discuss geometry tasks resolutions of elementary school students as a starting point to understand the importance of the explicit representation of reasoning and mathematical communication. Find episodes and know the history of mathematics related to geometry. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement 32 b-learning No Applicable No Applicable b-learning No Applicable No Applicable b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Temas Integrados de Ciências II Compulsory História de Portugal ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory Sort materials on Earth, using various criteria; Using symbols and models representation of structures, systems and transformations; Present scientific explanations involving critical thinking; Understanding how science and technology have contributed to improving the quality of life; Analyze, interpret and understand the general physiology of human systems: Recognize interactivity in human--‐environment relationship, and correlate the physiology of human systems in response to an organism to different situations; Use the Portuguese language and scientific terminology appropriately to different knowledge areas covered by this course; Recognize scientific knowledge as unfinished and evolving; Valuing the relational dimensions of learning and ethical principles that govern relationships and knowledge with others. At the end of the unit, students must demonstrate knowledge of the key moments of the history of Portugal until the recent past and understanding its complexity and articulation, by being able to: Collect and process historical information, analyzing different types of primary sources (written documents, iconography, voice recordings, built heritage, etc..) And secondary sources (historiographic texts, graphs and mapping, timelines, etc.). Produce a small historical research; Locate the facts and historical processes in space and time and contextualize them at local, regional, national and international; Recognize and appreciate elements of historical and cultural heritage; Report writing and orally acquired knowledge, serving up a terminology of history and manifesting ability to reason; Produce various representative materials and / or explaining the historical phenomenon such as biographies, historical maps, chronological friezes, genealogies, among others, that can be used as educational resources. Should also recognize history as conditioning elements of present and future and motivating a civic and social intervention Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 33 b-learning No Applicable No Applicable ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 1º sem / 2nd year, 1st semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Desenvolvimento curricular Compulsory Observação em Contextos Educativos Compulsory Língua Portuguesa e Aquisição da Liguagem Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Compulsory Nome Número do de Docente ECTS / / Number Lecturer of ECTS name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit To identify the major trends in curriculum theory, reflecting on some of the paradigms that support current models of education. To develop capacity to manage the national curriculum in an integrated and embodied with the particularities of the local environment and students', understanding the variables inherent in the teaching-learning process, particularly with regard to the actors, relationships and learning mechanisms. To understand planning models in context, to propitiate curricular practices and assessment models in line referenced in the construction of Curriculum and Educational Projects based on the development of cross Citizenship education and critical thinking, with emphasis on strategies of integrating disciplines and not subjects of the curriculum. To reflect on the connections between the theoretical contributions of scientific research and development of educational practices. To develop skills of observation and recording observations in the context of an investigative position in relation to educational settings To understand the importance of categorizing the scope and scale of observation To build simple tools for records of observation To identify, in educational contexts, interaction occurrences, organization of space and time organization To register indicators of events observed in educational settings To identify particular educational settings observed To critically analyze the informational sets obtained from the records of observation performed To recognize similarities and differences in the diversity of educational contexts To identify the specificity of the human language. To know the skills and competences of knowledge of the language. To understand the biological basis of language acquisition. To know theoretical perspectives on acquisition and development of the language. To identify and characterize stages of language acquisition. To know the main stages of language development in children To understand the role of the linguistic settings (family, school, peers) in the mother tongue acquisition process. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Prérequisitos / Prerequisi tes Local de Estágio / Work placement 34 b-learning No No Applicable Applicable Presential No Applicable b-learning No No Applicable Applicable Lisboa area Álgebra ISCE Guide for Foreign Students História Contemporânea Compulsory Expressão musical Compulsory Compulsory Develop the algebraic thinking and proportional reasoning in different context with increasing formalization. Developing mathematical reasoning, specifically, the formulation, testing and demonstration of conjectures, using iconic representations (pictures, graphs and diagrams), numerical and algebraic. Develop habits of thinking, solving problems, making connection, communicating mathematics. Review and discuss resolutions task of students of basic education in the development of algebraic thinking and proportional reasoning, as a starting point to understand the importance of the explicit representation of reasoning and mathematical communication. Find episodes and know the history of mathematics related to algebra. Knowing the great moments of Contemporary History of Portugal, understanding its complexity and interconnection; Recognize some of the political actors of the contemporary Portugal and critically evaluate their action; Submit written and oral knowledge acquired, serving up a terminology of history and expressing ability to reason; Know survey instruments and master research methods diverse information such as written documents and iconographic testimonies or oral literature, which can be used as a teaching resource; Promote historical research and its application in teaching practice; Deepening the critical perspective towards science and historical world today; Stimulate interest in history, as an element determinant of present and future and motivating a civic and social intervention. Understand the importance of the musical phenomenon in the development of the child and its potential in someone´s education; Understand the individuality of the musical phenomenon and its expressive potential; Understand and value of the musical phenomenon as heritage, identity factor, and the social and cultural development; Understand and use the proper musical language; Explore and improvise sonorous and musical materials, with differentiated styles, genres and technologies; Recognize different types of musical instruments and cultures; Identify and recognize the different musical elements and its articulation in different cultures; Be able to apply different and proper strategies in musical activities proposals; Be able to apply some computerized tools in musical activities and creating/adjusting resources; Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] b-learning No No Applicable Applicable 35 b-learning No No Applicable Applicable b-learning No No Applicable Applicable ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Língua e Cultura Portuguesa Didática da Língua Portuguesa Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Nome Número do de Docente ECTS / / Number Lecturer of ECTS name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos Local de Estágio / / Work placement Prerequisites 36 Compulsory Analyze curriculum references for the development of learning of the Portuguese Language in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education; Understand the fundamentals of the progressive development in Portuguese language proficiency in childhood; Understanding the role of educator / teacher in promoting learning in Portuguese native language; Meet today's major trends in the promotion of learning Portuguese native language; Identify concepts underlying didactic proposals enabler learning in Portuguese native language; Produce educational resources from the viewpoint of managing the development of learning Portuguese language. b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Compulsory To understand the relationship between language and culture. To understand different concepts of culture, as well as cultural creations or embodiments of the Portuguese people. To reflect on the question of identity. To identify some of the most important national characteristics, or "traces" of Portuguese nationality. To recognize the Portuguese language as a factor of national cohesion, viewing it in its historical dimension. To embracing the Portuguese language in world culture. To understand the factors of unity and diversity of Portuguese language. To reflect critically on the concept of language policy. To understand the communicational and cultural vocation of popular literature. To know the different genres of popular literature of oral tradition. b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Geografia Humana Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Aplicadas à Educação Expressão Dramática ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Understand Arts Education - and its several languages - as a proposal of development adjusted to provide meaningful forms of learning Understand concepts in the field of Drama in comprehensive education contexts, both formal and informal To develop methodologies, techniques and Drama's own resources, which can constitute themselves in appropriate experience and knowledge to the area of teaching Encourage individual and collective creativity Organize and participate in educational and artistic projects – individually and in group work Be able to provide experiences of artistic appreciation given the cultural and artistic heritage of humanity To assess their own learning by developing critical and reflexive thinking b-learning Compulsory Promote the integration and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in initial teacher education and in educational contexts. Understand the importance of learning to learn and promote a methodology of active learning and autonomous in order to meet the challenges of the knowledge society. Acquire communication skills in the field of education, a transversal perspective, critical and diversification in the use of multimedia. Adopt working models supported by tools and dynamic of Web 2.0 Design and evaluate multimedia content using Web 2.0 tools, and others, directed towards children / young people and real integration in educational contexts. b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Compulsory Knowing the fundamental aspects of human geography of Portugal understanding their interrelationship Understand Portuguese demographics and population working profiles; Recognize the current demographic trends and their implications; Characterize the distribution of economic activities in the country; Identify the major asymmetries and demographic and economic imbalances on the national territory; Know the national urban network, identifying their present characteristics and evolution main characteristics; Provide written and oral knowledge acquired, serving up a terminology of Geography and demonstrating ability to reason; Implement forms of research and exploration based on geographic information technologies available; Deepen the critical perspective towards the geographical science; Assume the geography as part of this condition and the future and a motivator of human sustainable and responsible intervention in the territory. b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Compulsory Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] No Applicable No Applicable 37 Métodos Quantitativo s ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory Provide the students with more advanced mathematical tools and a more theoretical and comprehensive. Develop the ability to use mathematics as a tool for interpretation and intervention in reality. Develop the capacity to formulate and solve problems. Promote the further development of a technical and scientific culture. Develop a positive attitude towards science. b-learning No Applicable 38 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester Ação educativa em Contextos Didática da Matemática Nome da UC / Course unit title Nome Tipo de UC Número do (obrigatória, de Docente opcional / ECTS / / Type of Number Lecturer course unit of ECTS name No Applicable Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos Local de Estágio / / Work placement Prerequisites Compulsory Deepen the mathematical knowledge, teaching in their applications, taking into account the current national and international research in mathematics education and curriculum guidelines used in Portugal. Investigate and analyze professional practices to promote learning in Mathematics. Analyze mathematical tasks, reflecting on them with in a frame of the "consumer" of curriculum materials and mathematically rich, appropriate tasks to the diversity of contexts of learning mathematics. Recognize the role of mathematics in the literacy development of children and adolescents, as reflected in the tools for understanding the world. b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Compulsory Develop skills in observation and understanding of educational contexts and situations. To analyze, from the data collected by use of instruments, educational situations experienced. Outline and plan moments of educational intervention, duly coordinated with the supervisor and with the professional of the educational context. Develop, in an educational context, activities previously planned. Evaluate the intervention, in a prospective formative as regards the environment, the processes adopted, the media and educational resources affected. Presential No Applicable Lisboa area Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Compulsory Understanding the evolution of health Recognize landmarks relevant to health promotion Identify paradigms in health Salutogénese acquire the concepts, and sense of patogénses corerência Recognize and identify the conceptual differences between disease prevention and health promotion. Develop skills of critical analysis of research Understand that the promotion of health of a population through the development of its health Compulsory Understand the historical evolution of the perception of environmental issues; Know the most important concepts and principles that allow the understanding of the major environmental problems; Know argue and debate so reasoned the main implications of the major environmental problems; Recognize the role of man in solving major environmental problems now and in the future; Understanding the multidimensionality of the concept of sustainable development and transdisciplinarity inherent consequences and responses to environmental problems. b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Optional To Identify and classify the creative activators. To master and apply techniques of creative expression. To select and use the best techniques suited to the production of each person. To develop creativity and the possibilities of expression. To develop creative activities for different groups, applying the integrated expressions. To plan innovative activities based on the curriculum guidelines. To create unpublished projects through creative activators Development of critical, reflexive and creative thinking. Development of the autonomy the participation and creativity. Adoption of a methodology of work and creative learning. Search of information for the development of creative projects. Implementation of the facilitation strategies for a creative practice. Use of techniques and tools to develop creativity. Articulation of knowledge of different areas of expression. Design of creative and innovative projects. b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Optional According to the syllabus to develop this UC, students at the end of the semester should be able to: Know the laws of the functioning of groups and the variables that influence group interaction. Mastering some essential technical training and teamwork. Reflect about the role of formal education agents in facilitating integration into groups. Learn different ways of dealing with conflict situations. Articulate knowledge from different disciplinary areas. b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Técnicas de Animação Dinâmica de Grupos Expressões Criativas Integradas Ecologia e Educação Ambiental Educação para a Saúde ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 39 Expressão FísicoMotora ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Motricidade e Desportos Optional Optional Understand the importance of Education and Physical-Motor Expression and the role of the Kindergarten educator/teacher to the global development of the child; Know, in their fundamental components, the areas and domains of the Physical-Motor Expression; Understand the importance of Physical-Motor Expressions as a means of maintenance and improvement of physical condition, health and healthy life styles; Know and understand the several phases of child motor development, characteristics and constrains; Know the fundamental motor abilities and the associated processes to motor learning; Develop the Kindergarten educator/teacher intervention in Physical-Motor Expression regarding the specific context of available space and material resources. b-learning To know the physical activity contributions for human development; To recognize the motor development process and phases; To identify and comprehend the motor virtues and their critical phases; To be acquainted with and perform dissimilar sport games situations as a pedagogic instrument on human development; To deal with pedagogic techniques and instruments; Organize learning situations that allow resilience (Emotional Intelligence), development in collaborative situations, taking into account the individual differences. b-learning No Applicable Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos Local de Estágio / / Work placement Prerequisites Recognizing the goals of science education, Understand the perspective CTS Science-Technology-Society-Environment. Recognize the existence of preconceptions in science; Understand the importance of promoting a school focused on a social and constructivist perspective of learning; Identify the various types of activities in science Understand the curriculum guidelines for the area of the "Knowledge of the World" in Preschool Education and its relations with the curriculum guidelines for basic education, particularly in what concerns the Environmental Studies. Develop capacities to analyze critically and reflectively. b-learning No Applicable No Applicable No Applicable 40 No Applicable 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester Didática do Estudo do Meio Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Compulsory Nome Número do de Docente ECTS / / Number Lecturer of ECTS name Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] No Applicable Didática das Expressões Compulsory Projetos em Contextos Educativos Compulsory Literatura para a Infância ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory Integrate artistic expressions in the educational process Develop the interdisciplinary dimension of expressive practices Contribute to integrated learning Use theoretical - conceptual and creative strategies of action in various contexts. To develop critical, reflexive and creative thinking. To accept diversity To facilitate communication. To adopt a methodology of work and creative learning. To search information for the development of creative projects. To Implement strategies to facilitate a creative practice. To articulate knowledge of different areas of expression. To design creative and innovative projects Developing skills of understanding about the scope and diversity of contexts Education; Encourage the involvement in educational, social and cultural different, favoring the assumption of a formative project supported and involved in the complexity that makes up the ecology and supports the development of children and adolescents; Promote awareness of the conditions of professional help to raise awareness of ethical imperatives, and social ethics which is based on the teaching profession; Deepening the knowledge level of work for projects, catalyst principles and skills essential for life in the knowledge society and uncertainty; Developing skills for participation in the design, implementation and evaluation of projects in various educational contexts. Identify and characterize the literature for children. Know the historical perspective of literature for children. Understand and master the various forms of transmission of literature. Meet the authors of greater importance in the literature for children. Analyze selected texts of major authors. Reflect on the value of fairy tales, traditional and popular or the psychological and social development of children. Know the works conform to the age group. Identify and select a good book. Select the correct text book or the story according to the purpose it is intended Use mechanisms and techniques of creative writing. Use of reading strategies, animation and promotion of literary skills. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 41 Presential No Applicable Lisboa area b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Seminário interdisciplinar Projetos em Educação Matemática ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory Compulsory In assembling projects, responding to issues identified students learn by doing. Through constant monitoring, developing a regulatory evaluation practice, it leads to attitudes of reflection and analysis of the work accomplished in a logical relationship between theory and practice. Whenever possible there will be a strong link with other courses so that there is room for implementing projects in contexts where students develop activities responding to the objectives, a kind of laboratory work in nature. Also, guests can be received that will encourage the practice sessions on topics where they are experts. These themes vary according to design projects, substantiating the goals. The Seminar Interdisciplinary Course is assumed as an open space, generating a connection between theory and practice and an asset to the critical reconstruction of knowledge acquired. Become aware of the complexity of the educational Develop procedural and instrumental capabilities in order to build skills for planning and implementation of educational activities Developing skills for collaborative work Develop skills of critical analysis and reflective. Meet educational resources in various subject areas. Understand the importance of coordination and continuity between the various cycles of education in different educational areas. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 42 Presential No Applicable No Applicable ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Educação Básica – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Basic Education – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units. 43 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester Pedagogia e Modelos de Educação Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents I. Range of educational field II. Theories, models, paradigms and philosophies of education III. Theories and models of education Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Arends, R. (2008). Aprender a ensinar. Instituto Piaget. Lisboa, Mc Graw-Hill. Bertrand Y. (1991). Teorias Contemporâneas da Educação, Lisboa. Instituto Piaget. Bertrand Y. & Valois, P. (1994). Paradigmas Educacionais. Escola e Sociedades. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget. Houssaye, J. (2002). La Pédagogie : une encyclopédie pour aujourd'hui. Paris:ESF Éditeur. Kincheloe, J. (2006). Construtivismo Crítico. Mangualde: Edições Pedago. Marques R. (1999). Modelos Pedagógicos Actuais. Lisboa, Plátano Edições Técnicas. Popkewitz, t. S. & fender, L. (Eds.) (1999). Critical Theories in Education. Changing Terrains of Knowledge and Politics. New York: Routledge. Serralheiro J. P. (Organizador) (2006). O processo de Bolonha e a Formação dos Educadores e Professores Portugueses. Porto, Editora ProfEdições. Emphasis will be teaching methodologies based on guided discovery, Socratic dialogue. Resources are selected and developed diverse historical and educational, research work carried out and presented problem situations as a starting point for the work to develop. Search will also encourage the emergence of educational opportunities for exploration of the interconnections between the concepts and practices. According to the typology of UC, promotes the integration of lectures, most suited for the construction of program content by presenting the issues and integrating them in a context consistent with the theoretical and practical lessons, where students work, fundamentally, the group work which will be presented and discussed throughout the lessons. Work Group (40%). Individual forms (50%) Constructive participation in the critical analysis of texts, projects and / or theme under discussion (10%). Portuguese Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e da Aprendizagem ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Almeida, L. (1988) Teorias da Inteligência (2ª Ed.). Porto: Edições Jornal de psicologia 1. Intelligence: meanings and Davidoff, L. (2000) Introdução à Psicologia. evaluation S. Paulo: Makron Books 2. The cognitive development: Martinot, C.; Troadec, Bertrand. (2009). O Piaget and Kohlberg approaches Desenvolvimento Cognitivo: Teorias actuais 3. The development of do pensamento em contextos. Lisboa: psychosocial identity in Instituo Piaget Childhood, Adolescence and Piaget, J. (1978) Seis estudos de Youth Psicologia. Lisboa: D. Quixote 4. Learning theories Shaffer, H. R. (1999) Desenvolvimento 5. Educational goals and Social da Criança. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget learning: Bloom, Hunt and Hunter Sprinthall, N. & Sprinthall, R (1993) Approaches Psicologia Educational. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill 6. Classroom managing Tavares, L; Pereira, Anabela; Gomes, Alan; 7. Learning and motivation in the Monteiro, Sara; Gomes, Alexandra. (2011). classroom Manual de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem. Porto: Porto Editora In the T-component of the UC, to discuss the program content in a theoretical perspective and formative nature, through the presentation of the issues and their integration into a coherent scientific-pedagogical context. In TP component of UC expounds on the syllabus in a theoretical and practical perspective and formative nature, by conducting case studies, individually and in groups, as a way for students to apply the concepts presented in lectures, promoting the acquisition and development of attitudes of research and reflection, coordination ability and exposure, as well as critical thinking. In the guidelines tutorials monitoring is carried out individually or in small groups of interest, the pedagogic assistance and clarification of doubts. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] - Seminars - Tutoring - E-learning and theoretical and research works 44 Portuguese The final classification (FC) is obtained according to the following formula: FC=50%GW+50%FT Educação Especial e Inclusão ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. Society and Information Technology and Communication: the phenomenon of globalization and its impacts in all activities and areas of knowledge. The school in the information society and knowledge management: challenges in social, cultural and educational. Computers in the classroom and using the Internet. 2. ICT, communication and education: educational communication media. The speeches at the service of multimedia educational communication and teaching. Production of digital media content: rules and procedures. 3. The Web 2.0 tools and their dynamics. The promotion of good practice: collaborative work, communities of practice online. Distributed learning environments: LMS platforms, learning and online tutoring and distance (e-learning/b-learning). Collaborative tools and their application in education. Social networks: social impact and potential. Amante, L. (2007). As TIC na escola e no jardim-de-infância. Lisboa: Sísifo, Revista de ciências da educação (Vol. n.º3, pp. 5164) Anderson, P. ( 2007). What is web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education.Retirado a 3 de março de 2012, disponível em: watch/tsw0701b.pdf Coltman, P, Whitebread, D. (2008). Teaching and Learning in the Early Years. New York: Routledge Conselho Nacional de Educação. (2002). Redes de Aprendizagem, Redes de Conhecimento. Seminários e Colóquios. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação. Dapp. (2002). As TIC e a Qualidade das Aprendizagens. Estudos de caso em Portugal, 1ª ed., Lisboa : Ministério da Educação. Miranda, G., L. (org.) (2009). Ensino Online e Aprendizagem Multimédia. Lisboa: Relógio D’água editores. Paraskeva, J.M.,Oliveira, L.R. (org.). (2006). Currículo e Tecnologia Educativa. Mangualde: Edições Pedago Demonstrative and active method: .Demonstration of how technology can be used in education and teaching and learning, as an auxiliary for transmitting knowledge such as knowhow and learning by doing (practical work to be performed by students). . Promoting dialogue with students, in order to analysis and critical reflection texts, videos, multimedia educational software and websites. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Teamwork: a project that involves the production of a digital educational resource and /or multimedia applicable to a real educational context and a written report about the development of it. (Digital resource: 60%) (Report: 30%) Assiduity and participation in the classroom and distance (10%) 45 Portuguese Técnicas de Expressão e Comunicação em Português ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1.Linguistic Competence 1.1.Grammar and use;norm and deviation 1.2.Language, knowledege of the language and usage of the language. 1.3.Linguistic.variation 1.4.Linguistic normalization. 2.Communicative Competence 2.1.The verbal activity as a form of action: speech acts. 2.2.Use of language and situational context. 2.3.Participants and style: the actors, the register. 2.4.Requested skills in the communiticative competence. 3. The oral language and the written language 3.1.Ranging from the oral language to the written language:spelling. 3.2.Portuguese vocalic and consonant system. Syllabic structure. 3.3.Phonetic, phonological and syntactic specificities of the oral speech. 3.4.Ranging from the oral language to the written language: The punctuation – the logical assimilation of the rules. 3.5.Communication and written expression:The stages of the writing process. 3.6.The mistakes in the oral speech and in the written speech: identification and collection. Bechara, E. (1999). Moderna Gramática Portuguesa. Rio de Janeiro: Lucerna Castro-Pinto, J. M. & Nascimento, Z. (2002). A Dinâmica da Escrita. Como Escrever com Êxito. Lisboa: Plátano Editora. Cintra, L. F. L. (1983). Estudos de Dialectologia Portuguesa. Lisboa: Edições João Sá da Costa. Cunha, C. & Cintra, L. F. L.(1987). Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo. Lisboa: Edições João Sá da Costa. Duarte. I. (2000). Língua Portuguesa. Instrumentos de Análise. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. Faria, I. H. et al (1996). Introdução à Linguística Geral e Portuguesa. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. Fromkin, V. & Rodman, R. (1993). Introdução à Linguagem.Coimbra: Almedina. Mateus, M. H. M. Et al (2003). Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. Moutinho, L. de C. (2000). Uma Introdução ao Estudo da Fonética e Fonologia do Português. Lisboa: Plátano – Edições Técnicas. Peres, J. A. & Móia, T. (1995). Áreas Críticas do Português. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. 46 General principles: -a teaching approach based on the balance between oral exposition and practical work; -permanent incentive on the ative and positive participation of the students. Evaluation: Elaboration and exposition of individual works - 35% - contents supported by the mentioned bibliography Written test - 40% and worked over in the lessons or over the oracle Elaboration, presentation software platform; and discussion of a group -consolidation of the knowledge through systematic research work - 25% questionnaires on taught issues; -problematization and discussion in the lessons of the language; -individual work for class discussion and class presentation; -group works for class presentation with a research component. Procedures: Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Fundamentos da Matemática ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. Teory Sets 1.1. The sets N, Q, Z and R. 1.2. Symbols and concepts 1.3 Representation in diagrams. 2. Teory of Numbers 2.1. The natural numbers 2.1.1. The ordinal and cardinal 2.1.2. Dividers and multiple 2.1.3. Criteria for divisibility 2.1.4. Prime numbers and decomposition of a number of prime factors 2.1.5. The maximum common divisor and minimum common multiple 2.1.6. Operations sense, algorithms and their properties in natural numbers. 2.2. The whole numbers 2.2.1. Operations sense: sum, difference, product and division 2.3. The rational numbers 2.3.1. Operations and their properties: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 2.3.2. Simplification and compare of equivalent fractions 2.3.3. Fractions as ratios 2.3.4. Operations, algorithms and their properties in all the sets of numbers. 2.4. Powers: rules and operations in various collections. APM (1988). A Natureza e Organização das Actividades de Aprendizagem e o Novo Papel do Professor. In: Renovação do Currículo de Matemática. APM Fidalgo, A.; Ponte, J.P. (2004). Conceções, práticas e reflexão de futuros professores do 1º ciclo do ensino básico sobre o ensino da Matemática. Quadrante, 13, 1. Godino,J. (2003). Matemáticas y su didáctica para maestros. Proyecto EdumatMaestros. Ministério da Educação (2007). Programa de Matemática do ensino básico. Lisboa: DGIDC. NCTM (2007). Princípios e Normas para a Matemática Escolar. Lisboa: APM. Palhares, P. (2009). Elementos de Matemática para professores do Ensino Básico. Editora Lindel. Pastor, J.; Calleja, P. & Trejo, C. (1969). Análisis matemático (volume I). Editorial Kapelusz (8ª edição). Buenos Aires. Ponte, J.P. e Serrazina, L. (2001). Didáctica da Matemática do 1º ciclo. Universidade Aberta Skovsmose, O. (2000). Cenários para investigação. Bolema, 14, 66-91 47 •Attendance and participation (20%) Methodology applied is social constructivist in nature, based on an exploratory learning. This was embodied in the activities that are listed below. •Implementation and discussion of tasks that address the issues identified. •Analysis of students resolutions in kindergarten,1st and 2nd cycle on numbers and operations. •Texts critical reading. •Investigations on personalities in the history of mathematics related to geometry. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] •Biography of a mathematician who studied numbers and operations (10%) •Classroom tasks resolutions collected for evaluation (15%) •Text critical reading (15%) •Written test (40%) Portuguese Temas Integrados de Ciências I ISCE Guide for Foreign Students . THE LAND AND THE SPACE 1.Origin of the Universe. 2. Solar system ( Planets, Sun, Meteorites, Asteroids and Comets). 3. Earth, Sun and moon - movements and forces (mass, weigh and magnetism of the earth). 4.The Light. 5.The Sound. 6.The physical states of the substances. II THE EARTH IN TRANSFORMATION A. Geophysical data – 1.Seismology. 2.Types of seismic waves. 3.The registration of the earthquakes. 4.Seismic Intensity and Magnitudes. 5. Distribution of earthquakes the case of Portugal. 6.Earthquakes forecast. 7. Earthquakes prevention. B. Manifestations of the Internal Heat of Earth – 1.volcanic Activity. 2.Theory of the Tectonic Drift and model of the structure of the Earth. III. ORIGIN AND DIVERSITY OF THE ROCKS A. Cycle of the rocks IV. ORIGIN AND DIVERSITY OF LIFE A. The Cell as Basic Unit of the Life – 1.from inorganic precursors to the cell. 2.Cellular organization: procariotic and eucariotic cells. Máximo, F. (2001). O pequeno livro de Astronomia. Lisboa: Bizâncio Carlos e Manuel, F(2006).CFQ-7. Lisboa: Texto Editora Cavaleiro,M e Beleza, M. (2007).Sustentabilidade na Terra. Lisboa:Asa Alberts, B. et al. (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell . 4th ed. NY: Garland Science Taylor & Francis Group Audesirk & Audersirk. (1999). Biology. Life on Earth. 5TH ed. Prentice Hall Bell, F. G. (1998). Environmental Geology. Geology and the human environment. Ed.:John Wiley & Son Brock et al. (1999). Brock biology of microorganisms. Ed.:Prentice Hall, Inc Press, F. & Siever, R. (2000). Understanding Earth. NY: Freeman Ed. Purkes, W. K. et al.(2001). Life, The Science of Biology. NY Freeman Ed. Tarbuck, E.J. & Lutgens, F.K. (1997). Earth Science. Prentice Hall 48 The scientific approach of concepts integrated in the program’s thematic will be made by research, systematization and presentation of information. Student work will include the analysis of scientific papers, opinion and dissemination, as well as other relevant resources. Some experimental planning from the programmatic content will also be done. Students will be asked to carry out a thematic portfolio that will be monitored throughout the semester. Two written tests will be conducted during the semester.his course will have two written stages of evaluation. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Teacher contact (Assiduity and punctuality; Persistence and participation in the proposals of each session; Tutorial orientation) - 15% Autonomous study (Individual/group) Preparation of a learning portfolio - 40% Two summative tests 45% Portuguese ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Metodologia da Investigação em Educação Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods The Educational Research Types of knowledge and scientific methods - scientific knowledge and other types of knowledge; the concept of method, the deductive method, the inductive method, hypothetical-deductive method Types of scientific work and writing Major paradigms of research in education - Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Classification of Research Nature - Basic / Applied Goals - Explanatory / Descriptive / Explanatory Methods / Procedures: Case Study; ethnographic Study; research action; research and experimental Process phases of research in education - Research Plan: a quantitative / qualitative approach Techniques of data collection interview, questionnaires; note Ethical issues in research in education Almeida, L.S., & Freire, T. (2008). Metodologia da Investigação em Psicologia e Educação. Braga: Psiquilibrios. Creswell, J. (2002). Research Design. Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches. (2nd Edition). London: Sage Publications. Denzin, N., & Lincoln, Y. (2006). O Planejamento da Pesquisa Qualitativa: Teorias e Abordagens. S. Paulo: Artmed. Flick, U. (2005). Métodos Qualitativos na Investigação Científica. Lisboa: Monitor. Ghiglione, R., & Matalon, B. (2005). O inquérito: Teoria e Prática. Oeiras: Celta Editora. Gómez, G. R., Flores, G. F., & Jiménez, G. E. (1999). Metodología de la Investigación Cualitativa. Malaga: Ediciones Aljibe. Lakatos, E. M., & Marconi, M.A. (2001). Fundamentos da Metodologia científica. S. Paulo. Atlas. Máximo-Esteves, L. (2008). Visão Panorâmica da Investigação-ação. Porto: Porto Editora. Stake, R. (2007). A Arte da Investigação com Estudos de Caso. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. The presentation and framing of the issues relate to theoretical sessions that develop through the activities of a presentation and the use of technological means, in theory sessions and practical activities that develop in the discussion, which will be based on materials provided by the teacher in order the questioning and reflective analysis and criticism. The aim is also taking place to share ideas and knowledge between students, promoting cooperative learning. The teacher is assumed to mediate the learning of students, answers questions as, for guiding the construction of meanings present in the syllabus of this course. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria The evaluation of this course will be based on the following evaluation tools: Group work - 30% Individual work - 30% Test (s) written - 35% Student Self-assessment 5%. Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Portuguese O professor fala inglês? / The teacher 49 speaks English? Introdução à Linguística portuguesa ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. Grammar 1.1. Different kinds of grammar 1.2. The organization of the grammar 1.3. The role of grammatical discussion on teaching a mother tongue 2. The knowledge of words 2.1. Word and word constituents 2.2. Inflection – number, gender, person and tense 2.3. Processes to form new words – morphological processes, non-morphological processes 2.4. More about meaning 2.4.1. Hyperonymy and hyponymy, synonymy and antonymy, polysemy and homonymy, homophony and homography. 3. The syntactic knowledge 3.1. The structure of word combinations 3.2. Constituent’s typology: syntactic categories 3.3. Grammatical relations and agreement processes 3.4. Word order 3.5. Simple and complex sentences 4. The phonological knowledge 4.1. Description and classification of speech sounds 4.2. Phonological segments 4.3. Phonological processes 4.4. Prosodic aspects 4.5. The role of the syllable in structuring the phonological knowledge Correia, M. & San Payo de L. (2005). Inovação Lexical em Português. Lisboa: Edições Colibri/APP. Duarte. I. (2000). Língua Portuguesa. Instrumentos de Análise. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. Duarte. I. (2008). O Conhecimento da Língua: Desenvolver a Consciência Linguística. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC.. Freitas, M. J. & Santos, A. L. (2001). Contar (histórias de) Sílabas. Lisboa: Edições Colibri/APP. Freitas, M. J., Alves, D. & Costa, T. (2007). O Conhecimento da Língua: Desenvolver a Consciência Fonológica. Gonçalves, F., Guerreiro, P. & Freitas, M. J. (2011). O Conhecimento da Língua: Percursos de Desenvolvimento. Mateus, M. H. M. Et al (2003). Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. Valentim, H. T. Monção, A. & Coutinho, A. (1996). Importa-se de Responder? Exercícios de Introdução aos Estudos Linguísticos. Lisboa: Plátano – Edições Técnicas. Villalva, Alina (2000). Estruturas Morfológicas. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. 50 General principles: - a teaching approach based on the balance between oral exposition and practical work; - permanent incentive on the active and positive participation of the students. Evaluation: Attendance, participation Procedures: in the critical analysis of texts or issues for debate, -contents supported by the mentioned bibliography elaboration and exposition and worked over in the lessons or over the oracle of individual works– 10% software platform; Written tests - 35% (2x) -consolidation of the knowledge through systematic Elaboration, presentation questionnaires on taught issues; and discussion of a group -problematization and discussion in the lessons of research work - 20% the language - grammatical workshops; -individual work for class discussion and class presentation; -group works for class presentation with a research component. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Geometria ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Notations of mathematical geometry. Space Figures: Classification of figures in space Polyedra not polyedra List of planes in space Planning geometric solids Views (representation in terms of three-dimensional figures Plane figures: Plane figures – classification Regular and irregular polygons and not polygons Line, segment line and semirreta Lines on the plane Angles Isometries Symmetry Trims and rosetts Covering plane Measurement: Measure notions Different units of measurement Perimeter, area and volume Congruent, similar and equivalent figures Personalities in the history of mathematics related to geometry Clements, D. H., & Bright, G. (Orgs.) (2003). Learning and teaching measurement (NCTM Yearbook).Reston, VA: NCTM. Jacobs, H. R. (1987). Geometry. Nova Iorque: W. H. Freeman & Company. King, J., & Schattchneider, D. (2003). Geometria dinâmica. Lisboa: APM. NCTM (1993). Geometria a partir de múltiplas perspectivas — Normas profissionais para o ensino da Matemática: Colecção de adendas. Lisboa: APM. Smith, K. (2004). The Nature of Problem Solving in Geometry and Probability – a liberal arts approach. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole – Thomson Learning. Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., & Buys K. (Orgs.) (2001). Young children learn measurement and geometry: A learningteaching trajectory with intermediate attainment targets for calculation with whole numbers in primary school. Utrecht: Freudenthal Institute. Veloso, E., Fonseca, H., Ponte, J. P., & Abrantes, P. (Orgs.) (1999). Ensino da Geometria no virar do milénio. Lisboa: DEFCUL. Methodology applied is social constructivist in nature, based on an exploratory learning. This was embodied in the activities that are listed below. Implementation and discussion of tasks that address the issues identified. Geogebra and apllets exploration with geometric tasks. Texts critical reading. Investigations on personalities in the history of mathematics related to geometry. Attendance and participation (20%) Biography of a mathematician who studied geometry (10%) Classroom tasks resolutions collected for evaluation (15%) Text critical reading (15%) The papers presented will suffer a 1st review which Written test (40%) will provide more meaningful learning, based on a reconstruction process. Only one of the tools evaluators have a summative component. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 51 Portuguese Temas Integrados de Ciências II ISCE Guide for Foreign Students I.TERRA IN TRANSFORMATION Materials Substances and mixtures Mass density Separation components chemical and physical mixtures Transformations Classification of Materials Structure atomic Periodic Table II.BETTER LIVING ON EARTH Electrical Circuits Electricity Components circuit schematics Installation in series and parallel electric Resistance Power Effects electric current Electromagnetism Electromagnetism and electromagnets Production and distribution Of electricity III.ORIGIN AND DIVERSITY OF LIVING BEINGS (HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY) Respiratory and Circulatory System Digestive System Excretory System Neuro--‐Hormonal coordination Abbel, S & Lederman, N. (2007). Handbook of research on science education. Mahwha: LEA. Alonso, M. & Finn, J. (1999). Física. España: Addison--‐Wesley Iberoamericana España, S.A. Audesirk, G., Audesirk, T. & Byers, B.E.(2004). Biology: life on earth (7th ed.). Pearson/Prentice Hall. Cachapuz, A. (2002). Ciência, educação em ciências e ensino das ciências. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação. Cachapuz, A; Praia, J.; & Jorge, M. (2004). Da educação em ciência às orientações para o ensino das ciências: um repensar epistemológico. Ciência & Educação,v. 10, n. 3, p. 363--‐381. Chang R. (1994). Química (5ª Edição). McGraw--‐Hill. Chang R. (2010). Chemistry (10th Edition). McGraw--‐Hill Gilbert, J. & Treagust, D. (2009). Multiple representations en Chemical Education. Mayford: Springer. Seeley, R. R., Stephens, T. D .& Tate, P. (2007). Anatomia & Fisiologia (6ª ed.). Lusociência. Silva, A.A. (1999). Didáctica da física. Perspectivas centradas na natureza da evolução conceptual. Colecção Horizontes da Didáctica. Asa Editores. Simões. J.A.M. (2008). Guia do Laboratório de Química e Bioquímica (2ª Edição). LIDEL Solomon, E., Berg, L. & Martin, D. W. (2004). Biology (7th ed.). Brooks Cole. 52 The approach of the themes include: collection, organization and presentation of information, analysis and discussion of scientific papers, use of multimedia tools and materials laboratory of Biology, Chemistry and Physics; solving and performing other activities of the application of knowledge, and experimental and investigational pathways in some subjects. It is intended that the teaching--‐learning processes incorporating tutoring, allow close monitoring on individual learning and integrated concepts, and in the maturation of social skills. Posture and individual Activities. 15% Evaluation: Of attendance and punctuality; Responsibility and autonomy; Commitment and participation in the proposed activities. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Group Activity: 25% Evaluation of group work, for which will be given relevance: the appropriateness of the strategy used in the preparation and presentation of the work; Portuguese the field and coherence in the organization of content; Applying the correct scientific language. Individual Tests: Evaluation of two written tests: 30%+30% História de Portugal ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Bonifácio, M.F. (2010). A Monarquia Constitucional. 1807--‐1910. Alfragide: Texto Editores. Branco, R.M. (2003). O Mapa de Portugal. Estado, Território e Poder no Portugal de Oitocentos. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte. Carneiro, R. (dir.). (2005 – 2007). Reis de Portugal (34 vols). Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores. Cruz, M.B. & Pinto, A.C. (dir.). (2004). Dicionário Biográfico Parlamentar. 1935--‐ 1974 (2 vols). Lisboa: ICS/Edições Parlamento. Module I – The Iberian Peninsula: Gomes, A. & Castanheira, J.P. (2006). Os the beginning of the occupation dias loucos do PREC. s.l.: of territory Expresso/Público. Module II --‐ The Medieval Mattoso, J. (2001). A Identidade Nacional. Portugal: a State of a Nation Lisboa: Gradiva. Module III - The Portuguese Mónica, M.F. (coord.) (2004--‐2006). Expansion: give new worlds to Dicionário Biográfico Parlamentar. 1834--‐ the world 1910 (3 vols). Lisboa: ICS/Edições Module IV - The Modern Portugal Parlamento. Module V --‐ The Liberal Portugal Ramos, R. (coord.). (2009). História de Module VI --‐ The Republican Portugal. Lisboa: Esfera dos Livros. Portugal Rosas, F. (2004). Portugal século XX (1890Module VII --‐ The Authoritarian -‐1976). Pensamento e acção política: Portugal ensaio histórico. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias. Module VIII --‐ The Revolutionary Rosas, F. (2012). Salazar e o Poder. A arte Portugal de saber durar. Lisboa: Tinta da China. Rosas, F. & Rollo, M.F. (coord.). (2009). História da Primeira República Portuguesa. Lisboa: Tinta da China. Santos, B.S.; Cruzeiro, M.M. & Coimbra, M.N. (2000). O Pulsar da Revolução. Cronologia da Revolução de 25 de Abril (1973--‐1976). s.l.: Edições Afrontamento/Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril. Serrão, J. & Marques, A.H.O. (dir.). (1987--‐ 2004). Nova História de Portugal (12 vols). Lisboa: Editorial Presença. 53 Emphasis will be teaching methodologies based on guided discovery, Socratic dialogue. Resources are selected and developed diverse historical and educational, research work carried out and presented problem situations as a starting point for the work to develop. Search will also encourage the emergence of educational opportunities for exploration of the interconnections between the concepts and practices. According to the typology of UC, promotes the integration of lectures, most suited for the construction of program content by presenting the issues and integrating them in a context consistent with the theoretical and practical lessons, where students work, fundamentally, the group work which will be presented and discussed throughout the lessons. In the OT will be promote personalistic methodologies, conducive to monitoring, care and teaching to clarify doubts of each student Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Work Group (40%). Individual forms (50%) Constructive participation in the critical analysis of texts, projects and / or theme under discussion (10%). Portuguese ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 1º semestre / 2nd year, 1st semester Desenvolvimento Curricular Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents 1. The Theory of the Development Curricular as education science and its importance for the dynamics of the educative processes 2. The Education as communicational and technological system 3. Theories, metatheories and models of organization curricular 3.1. Evolution and diversification of the conceptions of the curriculum 3.2. Social emergence of the concept of Competence 3.3. Curricular Organization as variable of the human development 3.4. Development of cross competences in the curriculum 4. Curriculum and planning 4.1. Project: typologies of the decision and referential systems of the planning in education 4.2. Strategies of curricular development organization 4.3. Soft skills and development of critical thinking 4.4. Types, functions, instruments and techniques of evaluation 5.Contextualize of the problems boarded in the educative Portuguese system Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 54 Coll, C., et al (2001). O Construtivismo na Sala de Aula. Porto: ASA. Enguita, M. (2007). Educação e Transformação Social. Mangualde: Ed Pedago. Frago, A.V. (2007). Sistemas Educativos, Culturas Escolares e Reformas. Mangualde: Ed Pedago. Mesquita, E. (2011). Competências do professor: representações sobre a formação e a profissão. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. Morin, E. (2002). Os sete saberes para a Educação. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget. Paraskeva, J.(org) (2007). Discursos Curriculares Contemporâneos. Mangualde: Ed Pedago. Perrenaud, P. (1999). Construir as Competências desde a Escola. Porto Alegre: Artmed Editora. Roldão, M.C. (2003). Gestão do Currículo e avaliação de competências. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. Rychen, D. & Tiana, A. (2005). Desenvolver competências-chave em educação. Porto: ASA Editores. Simão, A. M.. (2002). Aprendizagem estratégica - uma aposta de auto-regulação. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação. The focus is the ongoing dialogue that allows the detection of previous ideas of students, allowing the occurrence of significant learning, cognitive confrontation motivated by each trainee with the different theoretical positions that are being introduced. Curriculum development occurs by the sequence of learning where learners work texts and produce summaries documentary. It is valued teamwork, conflict of views and joint production. Assessment tools are: Individual portfolio (PI): Records of UC with relevant technical content of reflective analysis, properly articulated, conceptual extension of individual research from the authors of reference. Analysis of the curricular requirements (APC): Working Group of the requirements document analysis of the SEP curriculum. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Tokens task (FT): From the proposals submitted in the online tasks. The final score is calculated from the Portuguese following formula: CF= 60PI% + 30% APC + 10%FT Observação em Contextos Educativos ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. Observation in Educational Contexts 1.1. Types of observation: unstructured / structured, nonparticipant / participant 1.2. Guiding models of observation in educational contexts 2.The field of education as a field of confluence of several variables that constitute the educational context 2.1. Scaled Observation: the categories of space, time and interaction 3.Instruments for registration of observation 3.1. Instruments validated by the scientific community 3.2. Construction of simple instruments for observation record of educational contexts 4.Contexts Observation 4.1. Observation of educational contexts 4.2. Characterization of educational contexts 4.3. Analysis and critical reflection, between pairs, of observed educational settings 4.4. Mobilization of learning derived from observations for the Introduction to Professional Practice Alarcão. (2001).Escola Reflexiva e supervisão. Porto: Porto Editora. Alarcão, I., Leitão, A. e Roldão, M.C. (2009). Prática pedagógica supervisionada e feedback formativo-construtivo. Revista Brasileira de Formação de professores.,1 (3),2-29. [Disponível emíndex.php/forma caodeprofessores/article/view/109/157]. Altet, M. (2000). Análise das práticas dos professores e das situações pedagógicas. Porto: Porto Editora. Bogdan, R.C. e Biklen, S. K (1994). Investigação qualitativa em educação: Uma introdução à teoria e aos métodos. Porto: Porto Editora. Cortesão, L, (2000). Ser Professor: um ofício em risco de extinção? – reflexões sobre práticas educativas face à diversidade, no limiar do século XXI, Porto, Edições Afrontamento Estrela, A. (1994). Teoria e prática de observação de classes. Uma estratégia de formação de professores. Porto: Porto Editora. Gonçalves, F. (2006). A Auto-Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa. Porto: Porto Editora. 55 Are used, in theoretical and practical component, diversified teaching methodologies: exposure, document analysis, group discussions and collaborative work. In practical laboratory component students are guided to observe educational settings, supported by instruments previously constructed and analyzed. The articulation of components is facilitated in tutorial guidance context. The assessment tools are UC: Reports group, systematizing the observations of the Laboratory Practice; individual reflections of the Laboratory Practice, participation in debates and questioning room. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The final grade of UC is obtained by applying the formula given: NC (200) = AP (15) +R1 (15) + R2 (15) + R3 (35) + R4 (60) + RF1 (10) + RF2 (20) + RF3 (30) (NF - Final Note; AP Participation in the dynamics of class, R Reports of Laboratory Practice; RF - Reflections on the individual observations). Portuguese Língua Portuguesa e Aquisição da Linguagem ISCE Guide for Foreign Students I– Communication and Language Specificity of the human language; proprieties and use of the language; linguistic proficiency; knowledge of the language: skills and competences; development and language; language, acquisition and learning. II – Theoretical perspectives on acquisition and development of the language • Acquisition theories according to the empiristic fundamentation • Acquisition theories according to the rationalist fundamentation • The biological aspects in the language acquisition process. III – Language development in children 1. Main stages 1.1. From sounds to words 1.2. The words and the concepts 1.3. From words to sentences IV – Language development and social context • Role of the linguistic settings (family, school, peers) in the mother tongue acquisition process. Castro, S. L. & Gomes, I. (2000). Dificuldades de Aprendizagem da Língua Materna. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. Costa, J. & Santos, A. L. (2003). A Falar como os Bebés. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. Delgado-Martins, R. et al (1992). Para uma Didáctica do Português. Seis Estudos de Linguística. Lisboa: Colibri. Fromkin, V. & Rodman, R. (1993). Introdução à Linguagem. Coimbra: Almedina. Lamprechet, R.R. (1999). Aquisição da Linguagem: Questões e Análises. Porto Alegre: Edpucrs. Martins, M. A. (1996). Pré-história da Aprendizagem da Leitura. Lisboa: ISPA. Pinto, M. da G. (1989). Desenvolvimento e Distúrbios da Linguagem. Porto: Porto Editora. Rigolet, S. (2006). Para uma Aquisição Precoce e Optimizada da Linguagem. Porto: Porto Editora. Sim-Sim, I., Duarte, I. & Ferraz, M. J. (1997). A Língua Materna na Educação Básica. Lisboa: ME/DEB. Sim-Sim, I., (1998). Desenvolvimento da Linguagem. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. The assessment will constitute itself combining a formative and a The work will be developed with a flexible approach summative character: thus enabling different work modalities: formative assessment -theoretical exposition; - participation of the -group project, with a research component, students in the suggested focusing on the analysis and reflection on language activities. data and materials and handouts; -summative assessment Portuguese - individual autonomous work. -Elaboration and exposition of individual We aim to develop in the students the awareness works - 35% to the relevance of the taught issues for their future -Written test - 40% lives, both at the personal and professional levels. - Elaboration, presentation and discussion of a group research work - 25% Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 56 Álgebra ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. Relations 1.1 The relationship of equality and inequality 1.2 Relationship between numbers, expressions, and generalization. 1.3 Properties of operations. 2.Sequences and regularities 2.1 Visual counts 2.2 Repetitive Sequences 2.3 Sequences growing 2.4 Numerical Schemes 3.Symbols and algebraic expressions 3.1 Interpretation of symbols and expressions 3.2 Development of number sense 3.3 Algebraic Expressions 3.4 Notable cases of multiplying binomials 4.Equations, systems of equations, second degree equations and inequalities 4.1 Equations of a degree 4.2 Literal Equations 4.3 Systems of Equations 4.4 Equations of 2st degree 4.5 Inequalities in the 1st degree 5.Functions 5.1 Linear 5.2 Related 5.3 In inverse 5.4 Quadratic Arcavi, A. (2006). El desarrollo y el uso del sentido de los símbolos. In I. Vale, T. Pimentel, A. Barbosa, L. Fonseca, L. Santos & P. Canavarro (Orgs.), Números e Álgebra na aprendizagem da Matemática e na formação de professores (pp. 29-48). Lisboa: SEM-SPCE. Dias Agudo, F. R. (1996). Introdução à algebra linear e geometria analítica. Lisboa. Escolar Editora. Kaput, J. J. (2008). What is algebra? What is algebraic reasoning? In J. J. Kaput, D. W. Carraher & M. L. Blanton (Eds.), Algebra in the early grades (pp. 5-17). New York, NY: Routledge. Jacobson, N.. (1985). Basic Algebra. São Francisco: W H Freeman & Co. Lipschutz, S. (1994). Álgebra linear Teorias e problemas. Markron Books, Sãp Paulo ME-DGIDC (2009). ÁLGEBRA NO ENSINO BÁSICO. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação, Direcção Geral de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Curricular. Valença, M. R. Álgebra Linear, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade do Minho. 57 Methodology applied is social constructivist in nature, based on an exploratory learning. This was embodied in the activities that are listed below. •Implementation and discussion of tasks that address the issues identified. •Texts critical reading. •Investigations on personalities in the history of mathematics related to algebra. •Assessment of students is primarily regulatory in character. The papers presented, along the unit will suffer a first critical analysis that will provide more meaningful learning, based on a reconstruction process. Only one instrument will have a single component evaluators summative Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] •Attendance and participation (20%) •Biography of a mathematician who studied numbers and operations (10%) •Classroom tasks resolutions collected for evaluation (15%) •Text critical reading (15%) •Written test (40%) Portuguese História contemporânea ISCE Guide for Foreign Students I - The Liberal Portugal 1. The background of the liberal revolution 2. The Revolution of 1820 and the Constitution of 1822: a new vision of society and a new political practice 3. The troubled political period nineteenth century: the counterrevolution Regeneration 4. The crisis of the constitutional monarchy II - The Republican Portugal 1. The rise of the republican movement, the regicide and the establishment of the Republic 2. The Constitution of 1911 and the Republican victories 3. Participation in the Great War, and ‘sidonismo’ "new Old Republic" III - The Authoritarian Portugal 1. Of the Military Dictatorship Estado Novo 2. Knowing last: the consolidation of the dictatorship 3. The Colonial War 4. The social protest and political IV - Revolutionary Portugal 1. Finally Freedom: the military coup of April 25, 1974 2. The PREC - Revolutionary Period In Progress 3. A plural country Barreto, A. e Mónica, M. F. (coord.) (1999 e 2000). Dicionário de História de Portugal (vols. VII a IX). 1ª edição, Figueirinhas. Portos. Bonifácio, M.F. (2010). A Monarquia Constitucional. 1807-1910. 1ª edição, Texto Editores. Alfragide. Mattoso, J. (dir.) (1992 e 1993). História de Portugal (Vols. V a VIII). 1ª edição, Círculo de Leitores. Lisboa. Ramos, R. (coord.) (2010). História de Portugal. 4ª edição, Esfera dos Livros. Lisboa. Reis, A. (dir.) (1990). Portugal Contemporâneo (6 vols.). 1ª edição, Publicações Alfa. Lisboa. Rosas, F. e Rollo, M.F. (coord.) (2009). História da Primeira República Portuguesa. 1ª edição, Tinta da China. Lisboa. Santos, B.S., Cruzeiro, M.M.C., Coimbra, M. N. (2000). O Pulsar da Revolução. Cronologia da Revolução de 25 de Abril (1973-1976). Edições Afrontamento/Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril. S.l. Serrão, J. e Oliveira Marques, A.H. (1987 a 2001). Nova História de Portugal (Vols. IX a XII). Editorial Presença. Lisboa. 58 Individual work: Read oriented fiction or historical novel about the First Republic. Group work: Development of a small historical research on a topic of Contemporary History of Individual work - 25% Portugal and later directed the planning of it, Working Group - 35% Preschool, the 1st or 2nd cycle of Basic Education. Test - 40% The planning should not be restricted to the context of the classroom, also including extracurricular activities. Written test. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Expressão Musical ISCE Guide for Foreign Students I – Basic musical elements: sound and characteristics • Timbre • Rhythm • Height • Dynamics • Form II - The voice and the body • The human body as an instrument of communication • Vocal and body sounds III - Instruments • Musical Instruments: classification and working principles • Construction of elementary sound sources IV – informatics’ tools in musical expression • Audio digital edition: edition, recording and mixture V – World Musical Cultures • Identification and exploration of world musical cultures • Organization of exploration activities based in different musical cultures A PAR - Projecto Aprender em Parceria (2007), Cantar Juntos I, Lisboa, Associação Aprender em parceria (livro e CD) Amado, M. (1999), O prazer de ouvir música – Sugestões pedagógicas de audições para crianças, Lisboa, Editoria Caminho Ferrão, A. M. & Rodrigues, P. F. (2008), Sementes de Música para Bebes e Crianças, Lisboa, Editorial Caminho (livro e CD) Fonseca, N. (2007), Introdução à Engenharia de Som, Lisboa, FCA – Editora de Informática Gordon, E. (2005), Teoria da Aprendizagem Musical para Recém-Nascidos e Crianças em Idade Escolar, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Henrique, L. (2002), Acústica Musical, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Mills, J. (2009), Music in the primary school, Oxford, Oxford University Press Sousa, M & Neto, F. (2003), A Educação Intercultural através da Música, Lisboa, Edições Gailivro Santos, M. (2006), Histórias de cantar, Lisboa: Juventude Musical Portuguesa (livro e CD) Storms, J. (2003), 101 Jogos Musicais, Lisboa, Edições ASA. 59 Since this Curricular Unit is both theoretical and practical, the group of practical and theoretical and practical, will involve a diversity of processes, namely: - Active involvement of the students, in big and small groups, in structured activities, based on significant musical examples from different times, styles and traditions; - Analysis of the process in the practical musical activity to the systematization of contents; - Analysis of relevant documentation: - Tutorial support; Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Participation and musical practice 20% Individual Assignments 40% Project, in small groups, with oral exposition 40% Portuguese ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Didática da Língua Portuguesa Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents 1. Analysis of Prescribed 1.1 Curriculum in Preschool 1.2 Education and Elementary Education 2. The Oral Communication 2.1. The principles of development of Orality 2.2. The Oral Communication in Preschool Education 2.3. The Oral Communication in Primary 3. Writing Practices: read and write 3.1. Psycholinguistic aspects of reading 3.2. Emergency Social Reading and Writing 3.3. Contexts that facilitate the emergence of the Reading and Writing in Preschool Education 3.4. Strategies for the Development of Reading in Primary School 3.5. Strategies for the Development of Writing in Primary School 4. The Explicit Knowledge in native language 4.1. Methodological Perspectives of Learning Grammar 5. The native language Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Amor, E. (2004). Littera – Escrita, Reescrita Avaliação: Iniciação da leitura – Reflexões para o 1º ciclo do ensino Básico. Lisboa: F. C. Gulbenkian Barbeiro, L. & Pereira, L. (2007). O ensino da escrita – a dimensão textual. Lisboa: ME-DGIDC Duarte, I. & Morão, P. (2006). Ensino do português para o século XXI. Lisboa: Edições Colibri. Duarte, I. (2008). O conhecimento da Língua: desenvolver a consciência linguística. Lisboa: ME-DGIDC. Freitas, MJ et al (2007). O conhecimento da lingua: desenvolver a consciência fonológica. Lisboa: ME-DGIDC Mata, L. (2008). A descoberta da escrita. Lisboa: ME-DGIDC. Sim-Sim, I. (2006). Ler e ensinar a ler. Porto: Asa. Sim-Sim, I. et al (2008). Linguagem e Comunicação no Jardim de Infância. Lisboa: ME-DGIDC Sim-Sim, I. et al. (2001). A formação para o ensino da Língua Portuguesa na Educação Pré-escolar e no 1º Ciclo do ensino básico. Porto: INAFOP. Porto Editora. Teberosky, A. Colomer,T. (2001). Aprender a ler e a escrever. São Paulo: Artmed. Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 60 The focus is the ongoing dialogue that allows the detection of the students' previous ideas, which might cause significant learning, cognitive confrontation motivated by each trainee with the different references that are introduced. In the theoretical component and practical focus is the analysis of theoretical and legal. In laboratory practice component is valued teamwork, the confrontation of opinions and joint production. There are tools for learning development and evaluation: Reading sheets (FL), Analysis of the curricular normative (SC): Analysis of reports of practice (RP); Essays planning task (P); Work of thematic analysis (TA) Construction of a didactic resource (JOGO); Reflection papers (FR) Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The final score is calculated from the following formula: NF = 40 FL + 50 SC + 30 RP + 80 P + 50 TA + 35 JOGO + 30 FR = 200 Portuguese Língua e CulturaPortuguesa ISCE Guide for Foreign Students I - Language and Culture 1. The language, an instrument of perception of the world, a vehicle and repository of culture. 2. Concepts of Culture: popular/ traditional culture, culture of "mass" / industrial, high culture / elaborate. 2.1. Cultural creations or embodiments of the Portuguese people. 3. The Language as a factor of national cohesion: the origins and evolution of the Portuguese language. 3.1. From the Vulgar Latin to the Galician-Portuguese: effect of substrate and superstrate. 3.2. From the GalicianPortuguese to the Portuguese: historical factors, linguistic changes. 3.3. The Portuguese: periodization; language change directions. II - Unity and Diversity of Language 1. The Portuguese in the world 1.1. The Portuguese in Brazil 1.2. The Portuguese in Africa and Asia 1.3. Factors of unity and diversity 1.4. A policy language to Portuguese III - Language, Culture and Literature 1. Popular literature of oral tradition Baptista, F. P. C. (2003). Tributo à madre Língua. Coimbra: Pé de Página Editores. Cardeira, E. (2006). O Essencial sobre a História do Português. Lisboa: Caminho. Castro, I. (2006). Introdução à História do Português. Lisboa: Edicões Colibri. Cunha, C. (1999). Língua Portuguesa e Realidade Brasileira. Lisboa: Edições João Sá da Costa. Hull, G. (2001). Timor-Leste. Identidade, Língua e Política Educacional. Lisboa: Instituto Camões. Lourenço, E. (2008). “Da Língua como Pátria”. In Conferência Internacional sobre o Ensino do Português. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC. Mateus, M. H. M. (1998). Uma Política de Língua para o Português. Lisboa: Edições Colibri. Mateus, M. H. M. (2002). A Face Exposta da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda. Parafita, A. (1999). A Comunicação e a Literatura Popular. Lisboa: Plátano – Edições Técnicas. Thomaz, L. F. R. (2002). Babel Loro Sa’e. O Problema Linguístico de Timor-Leste. Lisboa: Instituto Camões. 61 General principles: -a teaching approach based on the balance between oral exposition and practical work; -permanent incentive on the active and positive participation of the students. Evaluation: Attendance and participation in the critical Procedures: analysis of texts or issues for debate – 5% -contents supported by the mentioned bibliography Elaboration and exposition and worked over in the lessons or over the of individual works - 30% blackboard software platform; Written test - 40% -consolidation of the knowledge through systematic Elaboration, presentation questionnaires on taught issues; and discussion of a group -problematization and discussion in the lessons of research work - 25% specific themes of the course; -individual work for class discussion and class presentation; -group works for class presentation with a research component. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Métodos Quantitativos ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1: Theory of probability • Randomized spaces and results; • Events and algebra of events; • Definition ‘frequencista’ and Law of Laplace; • counting methods; • Axioms of probability theory and fundamental theorems; • repeated tests: the binomial distribution • Conditional Probability and Independence of events 2: Descriptive statistics • The object of study of statistics; • Organisation and data processing; • Measures of location: fashion, mean, median, quartiles and percentiles; • Measures of dispersion: variance and standard deviation; • The normal distribution. 3: Simple Linear Regression • Nature of the Relationship between Variables • Simple Linear Regression Model Afonso, A. & Nunes, C. (2010). Estatística e Probabilidades – Aplicações e Soluções em SPSS. Lisboa : Escolar Editora. Murteira, B., Ribeiro, C., Silva, J. & Pimenta, C. (2010). Introdução à Estatística. Lisboa : Escolar Editora. Oliveira, C. e Magalhães, F. (2004). Introdução à Análise Combinatória - O Problema da Contagem. Escolar Editora. Pinto, R. (2009). Introdução à Análise de Dados – Com recurso ao SPSS. Lisboa : 1ª Edição, Edições Sílabo. Reis, E. (2010). Estatística Descritiva. Lisboa : 7ª Edição, Edições Sílabo. Santos, C. (2007). Manual de Autoaprendizagem – Estatística Descritiva. Lisboa : 1ª Edição, Edições Sílabo. According to the UC component of TP expounds on the syllabus in a theoretical and practical perspective and formative nature, by conducting case studies, individually and in groups. According to the PL component of UC, the classes will focus on integration of knowledge and know-how through the application of knowledge in laboratory settings. Skills will be practiced in controlled environments, jobs and projects developed in order to encourage students in developing an epistemology of practice and other skills to the application of models, methods, working techniques and analysis of results. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 62 The evaluation will be continuous, composed of a group work in the classroom, with a weighting of 25%, for an individual record, with a weighting of 25% and a final test individual, with a weighting of 40%. Portuguese ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Geografia Humana I – Portuguese Population II – Economic Activities in Portugal III – National Urban System IV – Space Structuring and Integration Section V – Geographical Information Technologies and Land Management DGOTDU (2007). Programa Nacional da Política de Ordenamento do Território. Goodchild, M. (2008). Geographic Information Science: The Grand Challenges, in The Handbook of Geographic Information Science . Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, Reino Unido. Medeiros, C. (dir.) (2000). Geografia de Portugal: O Ambiente Natural e Ocupação Humana. Edição de 2000, Editorial Estampa. Lisboa. Medeiros, C. (dir.) (2005). Geografia de Portugal: O Planeamento e Ordenamento do Território. 1ª edição, Círculo de Leitores. Lisboa. Medeiros, C. (dir.) (2005). Geografia de Portugal: Sociedade, Paisagens e Cidades. 1ª edição, Círculo de Leitores. Lisboa. Medeiros, C. (dir.) (2005). Geografia de Portugal: Atividades Económicas e Espaço Geográfico. 1ª edição, Círculo de Leitores. Lisboa. Petersen, J. (coord) (2012). Physical Geography, International Edition 10e. Edição de 2012, Editor BrooksCole. EUA. Sessions of theoretical framework; Targeted sessions aiming research and analysis of sources and bibliography; Sessions presenting the methodological framework to develop, with accompanying tutorial; Reading of referenced scientific articles that contribute to a deeper understanding of the issues under study; Development of theoretical and practical group works; Theoretical test. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 63 Evaluation parameters: Working Group - 40%; Presentation and progress of group work throughout the semester - 10%; Test - 50%. Portuguese Expressão Dramática ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Aguillar, L. F.(2001).Expressão e Educação Dramática Lisboa:IIE – ME Bosky.(1993). A Relaxação Activa na Escola e em Casa.Lisboa:Piaget Francas, L. (2003) Expressão Dramática e Actividades Teatrais Paulo, 1982. LisboaAPCC Lopes, Mª de são Pedro (2011).Saber Dramático (o): a Construção e a Reflexão.Lisboa:Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Slade, P. (1978).O Jogo Dramático Infantil.S. Paulo:Summus Sousa, Alberto Barros de (2003). Educação pela Arte e Artes na Educação – 1º e 2ºVol.Lisboa:Piaget 1. Integrated Art Education 2. Drama and Theatre 3. Symbolic Play and Dramatic Play - Personnel Game and Projective Play 4. Creative Drama and Improvisation 5. Drama Techniques 6. Drama Methodologies 7.Resources in Drama Education 7.Drama and Creative Drama 8. Pedagogical and Artistic Group Performance Sitografia . _na_Educacao.pdf - Maria de São Pedro Lopes (2010)Teatro e Expressão Dramática: uma discussão de conceitos In the sessions to develop practical work: practical individual and group activities supported theoretically, experience in various activities and techniques of Drama designed to promote openness, creativity and reflexive spirit and communication, performative working groups which aim to coordinate and present practical and theoretical contents seized in class The PL at: Works of individual and group expression and creation ; Construction of dramatic scripts; Going to a show and developing a critical review individual; Research about the contents and research to writing a final individual work; Planning activities, presentation of papers The Tutoring is intended to support individual and group projects, by guiding and developing the various assignments given to students at the Curricular Unit. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 64 Constructive participation in UC dynamics- 10% Performative Working Group - 40% Individual work - 50% Portuguese Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Aplicadas à Educação ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. Society and Information Technology and Communication: the phenomenon of globalization and its impacts in all activities and areas of knowledge. The school in the information society and knowledge management: challenges in social, cultural and educational. Computers in the classroom and using the Internet. 2. ICT, communication and education: educational communication media. The speeches at the service of multimedia educational communication and teaching. Production of digital media content: rules and procedures. 3. The Web 2.0 tools and their dynamics. The promotion of good practice: collaborative work, communities of practice online. Distributed learning environments: LMS platforms, learning and online tutoring and distance (e-learning/b-learning). Collaborative tools and their application in education. Social networks: social impact and potential. Amante, L. (2007). As TIC na escola e no jardim-de-infância. Lisboa: Sísifo, Revista de ciências da educação (Vol. n.º3, pp. 5164) Anderson, P. ( 2007). What is web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education.Retirado a 3 de março de 2012, disponível em: watch/tsw0701b.pdf Coltman, P, Whitebread, D. (2008). Teaching and Learning in the Early Years. New York: Routledge Conselho Nacional de Educação. (2002). Redes de Aprendizagem, Redes de Conhecimento. Seminários e Colóquios. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação. Dapp. (2002). As TIC e a Qualidade das Aprendizagens. Estudos de caso em Portugal, 1ª ed., Lisboa : Ministério da Educação. Miranda, G., L. (org.) (2009). Ensino Online e Aprendizagem Multimédia. Lisboa: Relógio D’água editores. Paraskeva, J.M.,Oliveira, L.R. (org.). (2006). Currículo e Tecnologia Educativa. Mangualde: Edições Pedago. Demonstrative and active method: 65 .Demonstration of how technology can be used in education and teaching and learning, as an auxiliary for transmitting knowledge such as knowhow and learning by doing (practical work to be performed by students). . Promoting dialogue with students, in order to analysis and critical reflection texts, videos, multimedia educational software and websites. Teamwork: a project that involves the production of a digital educational resource and /or multimedia applicable to a real educational context and a written report about the development of it. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Digital resource: 60%) (Report: 30%) Portuguese ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester Didática da Matemática Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Abrantes, P., Serrazina, L. e Oliveira, I. (1999). A Matemática na Educação Básica. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação 1. Promotion practices of learning Boavida, A., Paiva, A., Cebola, G., Vale, I., Mathematics & Pimentel, T. (2008). A experiência 2. Analysis of curriculum matemática no ensino básico: Programa de frameworks for Math Education Formação Contínua em Matemática para 3. Numbers and calculations Professores dos 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Development of number sense; Básico. Lisboa: Direcção-Geral de Inovação The development of mental e de Desenvolvimento Curricular. Ministério calculation; da Educação The algorithms work with Ministério da Educação (2007). Programa integers. de Matemática do ensino básico. Lisboa: 4. Foundations in Algebra DGIDC The development of algebraic NCTM (2007). Princípios e normas para a thinking; Matemática escolar: Lisboa: Associação de Connections between algebra Professores de Matemática and other syllabus issues. Ponte, J. P,& Serrazina, L. (2000). Didática 5. Geometry and Measurement da Matemática do 1º Ciclo. Lisboa: Spatial sense: levels of Van Hile. Universidade Aberta 6. Organization and Data Ponte, J.P, Quaresma, M., Branco, N. Processing (2011).Práticas profissionais dos professores de Matemática. Avances en Investigación en Educación Matemática Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 66 (a) Participation in the activities of the course, within and outside the classroom, including discussions and In this course are using different methodologies of reflections of papers and work, with special emphasis on: themes worked in class (a) Analysis of curriculum documents in force in presencial and at distance Portugal in mathematics in basic education; (25%). (b) Presentation by the teacher and prospective (b) Work in pairs (task teachers of tasks of the 1st cycle, accompanied by analysis in each of the a debate within the group; themes of the (c) Research, discussion and reflection of empirical mathematics program of articles and / or theorical papers related to teaching the basic education) (35% practice in Mathematics; ). (c) Working Group (oral and written presentations of a tasks on a topic of any school year basic education) (40%) Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Ação educativa em Contextos ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. The diversity of educational contexts 1.1 Observation of educational reality 1.2 Scaling of educational contexts: school, class, child, adult 1.3 Perception of the environment as a variable in educational reality 2. The study of validated instruments 2.1 The ECERS and ITERS scales 2.2 The PIPP scale 2.3 The STRS scale 2.4 Techniques for registration of critical incidents 3. The registration of information in real educational settings 3.1 The selection of appropriate instruments 3.2 Application of instruments for registration 3.3 Inferences and decisions 4. Intervention in educational settings 4.1 Planning of small interventions in educational settings 4.2 Conception and use of resources to support intervention 4.3 Implementation of activities 5. Comparative and reflective analysis of interventions in educational settings 5.1 Records of interventions and situational analysis 5.2 Reflection of the shared experiences of implementation of activities Díaz, Amparo, S. (2002). Avaliação da Qualidade das Escolas – modelos de avaliação da qualidade educativa. A eficácia escolar e as propostas de melhoria dos resultados. Porto: Edições ASA. Katz, L.; Chard, S. (2009). A Abordagem de Projecto na Educação de Infância. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Oliveira-Formosinho , J. (Org.) (2007). Modelos Curriculares para a Educação de Infância. Porto: Porto Editora: Roldão, M.C. (2003). Gestão do Currículo e Avaliação de Competências. As Questões dos Professores. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. Siraj-Blatchford. I. (2005 ). Manual de Desenvolvimento Curricular para a Educação de Infância. Lisboa: Texto Editora. Spodek, B. (Org.). (2002). Manual de Investigação em educação de Infância. Lisboa: Fund. Calous. Gulb. Spodek, B., & Saracho, O. (2002). Ensinando Crianças de Três a Oito Anos. Porto Alegre: Artmed. Vasconcelos, T. (2009). Prática Pedagógica Sustentada Cruzamento de saberes e de Competências. Lisboa: Edições Colibri 67 Are used in theoretical and practical component, teaching methodologies diversified exposure, document analysis, group discussions, collaborative work. In practical laboratory component students are action-oriented educational settings, supported by instruments previously studied, planning small units of intervention in an educational context. The articulation of the components is facilitated in the context of tutorial guidance. The evaluation will take formative and summative character: Formative evaluation -Participation of students in educational settings; -Records of occurrences in contexts of teaching practice and relevant technical critical reflection. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Summative assessment -Attendance, intervention 10% weighting -Individual Portfolio weighting 40% Individual report weighting 50% Portuguese Educação para a Saúde ISCE Guide for Foreign Students The historical evolution of the concept of health Landmarks relevant to health promotion The paradigm salutogénico health promotion The concept of salutogénese Components of the model salutogénico The Paradigm pathogenic disease prevention The concept of pathogenesis The model pathogen Conceptual differences between disease prevention and health promotion - the human body, health concept, sort of person you are looking for issues to address, model, focus research and intervention, key stakeholders and expected results The sense of coherence - a concept of the paradigm operacionalizador salutogénico Critical analysis of the concepts of salutogénese and sense of coherence and compare them to other health measures Antonovsky, A. ; Bernstein, J. (1986). Pathogenesis and salutogenesis in war and other crisis: Who studies the successful coper. In Milgram, N, A. (Ed) Stress and coping in time of war: generalizations from the Israeli experience (pp. 52-65) . New York . Antonovsky, A. (1993). Complexity, conflit, chaos, coherence, coercion and civility, Social Science & Medicine, 37, 969-974. O'Donnell, M. P. (1989). Definition of Health Promotion: Part III : Expanding the definition. American Journal of Health Promotion, 3(3). Galvão, J. (2008). Os jovens e o sexo: Valores da sexualidade. (1º edição) Lisboa: Deplano Books. Galvão, J. (2000). Um olhar à sexualidade humana para uma paternidade responsável. LISBOA: Paulinas Multimédia 68 The teaching methodologies that support the lectures will be based on the adoption of strategies of expository themes of UC. The theoreticalpractical classes are developed by analyzing case studies and debates and discussions to the application of educational concepts related to health education strategies and still in critical analysis and discussion of certain clinical situations and their prevention. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The assessment focuses on: - Development of individual or group on issues of UC-50% - Mini tests - 30% - Participation in the activities of debate and discussion - 20%. Portuguese Ecologia e Educação Ambiental ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. Introduction. Definition of Ecology, Environment and Environmental Sciences. The evolution of the approaches to environmental subjects since last decades. Sustainable development. 2. Basic concepts. Earth as a system. The laws of thermodynamics and the limits of science. Resources: ecological/economic; renewables/perpetual/nonrenewable. Pollution. Environmental impacts. 3. Ecology. Levels of organization of matter in nature. Life-support systems. Abiotic factors. Biogeochemical cycles. Energy flows. Ecosystems, niches and biodiversity. Biogeography and terrestrial biodiversity. 4. Global environmental problems. Air pollution. Ozone layer. Greenhouse effect. Climate change. Water pollution. Eutrophication. Biodiversity decrease. Soil degradation and desertification. 5. Environment, economy and society. The UC is developed through lectures and theoretical-practical. Each item starts with a programmatic lecture of the main concepts of Miller, G.T.; Spoolman, S.E. (2011) Living in exposure, after which follow the theoretical and the Environment Belmont, USA: practical application, reflection, discussion and Brooks/Cole debate among students and the professor. At the APA, Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente end of each learning object, as well as at the end of (2010).Relatório do Estado do Ambiente, each lesson classroom theory and practice will be 2009. Lisboa.APA offered to students carrying out an activity / United Nations (2005).Millennium reflection on the themes studied in view of its Ecosystem Assesment.Washington, application to their professional future and that will USA.Island Press be subject to evaluation. Continuous assessment will consist of the development of small jobs and responding to questionnaires to occur after a few lessons. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 69 The summative evaluation component will consist of a written test performance of individual regard to all the contents. The weighting of assessment components in the final classification will be as follows: 40%: Test, 60%: Assignments and quizzes to be held throughout the school. Portuguese Expressões Criativas Integradas ISCE Guide for Foreign Students The Multidimensionality of Creativity - The Creativity and the Expression - The Creative Activity - The Creative Activators: necessary tools to develop creativity - The Creative Method - The Creative Activity in an interdisciplinary perspective The Expressive Languages - Dramatic/Body Movement - Writing / Verbal / Poetic / Non Verbal - Sound / Musical - Plastic / Artistic The integrated artistic expressions - The artistic expressions incorporated in the planning of activities. - The Portfolio of Artistic Education. Charaf, M. (1999) Relajación Creativa:técnicas y esperiências Santiago Compostela.USC Faure, G. & Lascar, S. (1982).O Jogo Dramático na Escola Primária.Lisboa.Editora. Estampa Gardner, H.(1987)Arte, Mente y Cerebro Barcelona.Paidós Gardner, H. (1995).Mentes Creativas.Barcelona.Paidós Gouch, M.(1993)In Touch with Dance.Lancaster. Whitethom Boocks. Melo, M., (2005) A Expressão Dramática à Procura de Percursos.Lisboa.Livros Horizonte Motos, T.(1999) Creatividad Dramática Santiago Compostela.USC Prado, D.(coord.) 1996) Técnicas creativas y lenguaje total. Santiago Compostela.USC Prado, D. (1998) 10 Activadores Creativos. Santiago Compostela.USC Sanz, E. (1999) Tantas formas de llegar, tantas formas de decir.Santiago Compostela USC Torre, S. & Barrios, O. (2000) Estrategias Didácticas innovadoras.Barcelona Octaedro Torre, S. (2002) Educación Emocional [on line] [email protected] The student through experimentation of several activators will be able to develop creative activities for different groups, developing creative techniques. It will be practise the procedures of formative and continuous evaluation. 1. The work developed in contact with teacher: participation; management of creative techniques; ability to propose solutions; group work; assiduity. 30% 2. The group work Creative Project: Research in creativity, expressions and art education; planning of creative activities; oriented readings; autonomic study;; by the assessment of a Portfolio of Creative Intervention, final work of synthesis of knowledge, to present in the last two weeks of the curricular plan: research quality; suitable methodological and creative techniques; innovation and originality; elucidation of evaluation; quality and authenticity of presentation Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 70 The assessment on these parameters corresponds to 50% / Practical Presentation 20% Portuguese Técnicas de Animação e Dinâmicas de Grupo ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. The theoretical currents in social psychology 2. Theoretical approaches to group dynamics. 2.1. Social Psychology of Group Dynamics. 2.2. The Comprehensiveness of Group dynamics: the concept of group dynamics. 3. Kurt Lewin and group dynamics 3.1. Life space or living space. 3.2. The behavior of the individual and his life space 4. Phenomena and group processes. 4.1. Group definition. 4.2. Genesis and development of a group. 4.3. The interactions within the groups. 5. The notion of belonging. 5.1. While individual basic need. 5.2. While factor of group cohesion. 6. Leadership. 7. Communication in groups 7.1. The communication and relationship. 7.2. The nonverbal communication in interpersonal relationships. 8. The group dynamics 8.1. Recreational and educational techniques 8.2. Relationships and communication technique 8.3. Creativity techniques. 8.4. Management techniques and conflict negotiation. Anton, K. (2001). Práctica de la dinámica de grupos. Barcelona: Herder Antunes, C. (2002). Manual de técnicas de dinâmica de grupo de sensibilização de ludopedagogia. Petropólis: Ed. Vozes Fachada, O. (2001).Psicologia das relações interpessoais. Lisboa: Rumo Fritzen, S. J. (1981).Exercícios práticos de dinâmica de grupos. Petropólis: Ed. Vozes Idánez, M. J. A. (2004). Como animar um grupo: princípios básicos e técnicas. Petropólis: Ed. Vozes. Manes, S. (2003) 83 jogos psicológicos para a dinâmica de grupos. São Paulo: Atlas Maisonneuve, J. (2004). A Dinâmica dos Grupos. Lisboa: Ed. Livros do Brasil Myers, D. G.(2005) Psicologia social. México: McGraw-Hill Neto, F.(2000) Psicologia social. Lisboa: Univ. Aberta Watzlawick, P; Bavelas, J.B. & Jackson, D. D. (2002) Teoría de la comunicacion humana. Barcelona: Herder 71 Weighting factors: The classes will be developed through theoretical and practical exhibition of the syllabus, using the potencies of different techniques of group dynamics, which are simulated in different contexts, using the text analysis, discussion and analysis and viewing videos. The PL component is present in the objectives defined in group work and sessions conducted in the laboratory and contact OT correspond to individualized and personalized to the needs of students. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] - Attendance, participation and attitude - 20% - Individual work (platform) - 25% - Portfolio (Individual work) - 35% - Group work (20%): - Stimulation: 10% - Planning and reflection: 10% Portuguese Expressão Físico-Motora 1. The motor and playful activity as a factor of children development 2. Motor development 3. Motor capabilities 4. Motor tasks and the learningteaching process 5. Physical-Motor Expression and the health education 6. Pedagogic Intervention Contents in Physical-Motor Expression 7. Physical-Motor Expression interdisciplinary possibilities in early childhood education/1st Cycle of basic teaching Motricidade e Desportos ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Motor development; Motor qualities and critical phases; Plan session; Physical activity prescription; Sports session efficiency criteria Teaching strategies. Pedagogical intervention techniques; Management; Climate; instruction; Discipline. Araújo, C. (2002). Manual de ajudas em ginástica. Porto Editora. Porto Caillois, R. (1990). O jogo e os homens. Lisboa Godinho, M. (2007). Controlo Motor e Aprendizagem (3ª ed.) FMH Edições. Lisboa Neto, C. (2003). Jogo e desenvolvimento da criança. FMH edições. Lisboa Vasconcelos, O. (1991). Capacidades coordenativas. Vol. 1. FCDEF-UP e CMP. Porto Bento, J. (1998). Planeamento e Avaliação em Educação Física. Lisboa, HorizonteNeto, C. (1983). Motricidade Infantil. Lisboa, ISEF-UTL Neto, C. (1995) Motricidade e Jogo na Infância. Lisboa, Sprint Eckert, H. (1987). Desenvolvimento Motor. S. Paulo Manole Nunes, L. (1999). A prescrição da Actividade Física. Lisboa, Caminho Pieron, M. (1996). Formação de professores. Lisboa, FMH Siedentop, D. (1983). Developing Teaching Skills in PE. Palo Alto, Mayfield Theoretical and practical sessions with support and enrichment to the unit by audiovisual devices, The final grade of the supported by official documents for the intervention course is obtained by of Professor / Educator and b-learning support. applying the given formula: FE (200) = The practical component will take place not only in W1(60) + R1(60) + T1(80) a multisport pavilion, aiming at the integration of the (FE - Final Evaluation; W contents framed within practical situations and – Work; T – Test; R – problem-solving cases, but also in educational Report) contexts in which the student adopts participating observation strategy. Direct instruction; Interactive teaching; Station and circuit teaching; Cooperative learning. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Participation and commitment on practical sessions (10%); Thematic research: Theoretical work (50%); Portuguese Practical development and presentation of the work (40%) 72 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester Didática do Estudo do Meio Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Aikenhead, G. S. (2009). Educação Cientifica para todos. Ramada: Ediçoes 1. The Natural Sciences, the Pedago Environmental Studies and Astolfi, Jean-Pierre et al. (2000). Práticas de "Knowledge of the World". formação em didáctica das ciências. Lisboa: 1.1. Curriculum guidelines and Piaget. requirements for the World Cachapuz, A., Praia, J. & Jorge, M. (2002). Knowledge and Environmental Ciência, Educação em Ciência e Ensino das Studies. Ciências. Lisboa: IIE. 2. The relationship between DGEBS (1991). Programa de Ciências da Science-Technology-SocietyNatureza: EB2º ciclo: Plano de Organização Environment do Ensino – Aprendizagem. ME 2.1. The CTSA educational Martins, I. et al (2009). Despertar para a perspective. ciência: atividades dos 3 aos 6 anos. 2.2. History and Geography, local Lisboa: ME-DGIDC. heritage and citizenship. Martins, I. et al (2006).Educação em 2.3. Skills of scientific literacy and ciências e ensino experimental no 1.º ciclo its relationship with specific EB. ME-DGIDC. expertise in Environmental Me- DEB (1997). Orientações curriculares Studies para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Lisboa: 3. The vision of social and ME_DEB constructivist learning in science ME-DEB (2001). Organização Curricular e 3.1. The previous conceptions. Programas para o 1º CEB. Lisboa: ME3.3. Types of activities: research DEB. activities, experimental teaching; Membiela, P. (Org.) (2001). Ciêncialaboratory work, practical work, Tecnologia-Sociedade. Narcea fieldwork, projects. Reis, P. (2008). A Escola e as 4. Designing activities in Science. Controvérsias Sociocientificas. Escolar Editora Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria This unit assumes both a theoretical, practical and laborite nature, in order to complement theory with opportunities for practice. Teaching methodology will be based on: a) Analysis and discussion of texts, curricular orientations and programs; b) Planning activities and built didactical resources; c) Discussion of teaching/learning proposals conceived by students. The evaluation of this unit should be made as flowing: a) Regular participation in unit activities (interest, assiduity, previous readings and discussions on those readings)- 20%; b) A group work of didactical design based on the Estudo do Meio program contents or in the curriculum gidelines for kindergarten (Conhecimento do Mundo)- 50%. c) An individual work of written critical reflection about a recommended text or a event local, national or international30% Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Portuguese O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 73 Didática das Expressões ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. The Teaching of Expressions in Elementary Education Curricular guidelines and didactic expressions Curricular Organization and Syllabuses - 1st Cycle / The National Curriculum for Basic Education - Essential skills and didactic expressions Creativity and innovation in learning of contents 2. Arts Education in the curriculum areas Using the different expressive languages in educational projects: Dramatic / Body, Writing / Verbal / Poetry / No Verbal; Sound / Music; Plastic / Artistic Literacy in the Arts: specific skills The art curriculum areas: specific skills. 3. Creative Project / Teaching in Elementary Education The interaction of curriculum areas and expressive languages. The Mathematics, Environmental Studies and Portuguese language through the expressive languages The creation of a creative project based on curriculum guidelines and / or National curriculum EB Sousa, F. (1998) A Criatividade como Disciplina Científica Santiago Compostela Serviços P. USC Fontanel, B & Rouquet, A. (1997) A Educação artística na acção educativa Lisboa Texto Editora Leite, E. & Malpique, M. (1986) Espaços de Criatividade Porto Ed. Afrontamento Martins, A.(coord) (2002) Didáctica das Expressões Lisboa Universidade Aberta Melo, M. (2005) A Expressão Dramática à Procura de Percursos. Lisboa Livros Horizonte Prado, D. (1999) Educrea: la creatividad, motor de renovación esencial de la educación. Santiago Compostela Serviços P U.S.C. Santos, A. & Balancho, M. (1993) A Criatividade no Ensino do Português Lisboa Texto Editoa Torre, S. &Barrios, O. (2002) Estrategias didácticas innovadoras Barcelona Ediciones Octaedro Torre, S. (2002) Educación Emocional [on line] [email protected] Torre, S. Aprender com os erros. Brasil. Artmed. The evaluation is based on the following criteria: 1. Oral and written participation in group and individual proposals, that The development of the unit is focused on an active arise during the analysis teaching / learning methodology. of the instruments of the It is used as a classroom strategy for the resolution first content. (20%) of issues that arise during the analysis of the 2. Written group work instruments of the first content and the a) - Preparation of an development of a teaching writing / artistic project educational / artistic with compulsory oral presentation and also a project. (40%) practical presentation. b) - Oral presentation of a This methodology ensures the development of summary of the project creative projects targeted to the 1st cycle of the and practical presentation educational system and to the nursery school. of creative activities of the project (10%) 3. A test based on the developed programme content (30%) Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 74 Portuguese Projetos em Contextos Educativos ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1. Curriculum and project: assumptions that underlie the socio-educational practices in project methodology 1.1 Fundamentals of educational intervention for project methodology 1.2 Autonomy in curriculum management and project design 1.3 Contexts and identification of educational problems as starting points for the project 2. Phases of project working mode 2.1. Actors and stages of project 2.2. Factors that influence the construction, implementation and evaluation of projects 2.3. Procedures for conception, implementation and evaluation of projects 3. Development projects in Educational Contexts 3.1. Implementation strategies in project methodology 3.2. Factors that influence the construction, implementation and evaluation of projects 3.3. Procedures for conception, implementation and evaluation of projects 4. Implementation of projects in Educational Contexts 4.1. Supervised activities in class projects 4.2. Projects development Alonso, L. & Roldão, M. (coord) (2005). Ser professor do 1º Ciclo construindo a profissão. Coimbra. Almedina. Altet, M. (2000). Análise das práticas dos professores e das situações pedagógicas. Lisboa. Texto Editora. Bernardes, C. & Miranda, F. (2003). Portefólio. Uma escola de competências. Porto. Porto Editora. Cardoso, C. (2006). Os professores em contexto de diversidade. Porto. Profedições. Carvalho, A. & Diogo, F. (2001). Projecto Educativo. Colecção Polígono. Porto. Edições Afrontamento. Many, E. & Guimarães, S. (2006). Como abordar… A metodologia de trabalho de projecto. Maia. Areal Editores. Pereira, A.; Santiago, R. (Org.) (2004). Investigação e educação. Abordagens conceptuais e práticas. Porto. Porto Editora. Katz, L.; Chard, S. (2009). A Abordagem de Projecto na Educação de Infância. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Vasconcelos, T. (2009). Prática Pedagógica Sustentada Cruzamento de saberes e de Competências. Lisboa: Edições Colibri. 75 Are used in theoretical and practical component, diversified teaching methodologies: exposure, document analysis, group discussions. In practical laboratory component students are oriented to the implementation of strategies in educational settings, framed in class projects, supported by instruments previously worked, planning intervention of units in the educational context. The articulation of the components is facilitated in the context of tutorial guidance. The evaluation is performed from the working tools for projects: prototype of project design, drafting of the intervention; reflexive portfolio, participation in the dynamics of tutorial guidance, presentation of the products design. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The final grade is found from the assessment tools, by applying the following formula: NF = 50% Portfolio +20% +10% design document document prototype of project dynamic+10% +10% guidance tutorial presentation of the product design Portuguese Literatura para a Infância ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Definition of literature; contextualization of literature for children. Historical perspective; form of transmission of literature, sources of literature for children and youth. Purchase of tools and techniques for use of literature for children. Telling stories, reading stories, drama. The story in literature for children: sources, relevance, timeliness, structure, helping the child to overcome problems of their own psychological evolution. Approach of contemporary literature for children. Analysis of some works according to the following parameters: text, image, material, fitness for every age, fitness for purpose teaching and educational. The poetry in literature for children. Implications of literature for children in skills for reading and writing Proposals, strategies and mechanisms for the development of creative writing. The Comic in Literature for Children. Barreto, H. C. (2000). Dicionário de Literatura Infantil Portuguesa. Porto: Campo das Letras. Bethelheim; B. (1988). Psicanálise dos Contos de Fadas. Lisboa: Bertrand Editora. Costa, I. A.; Baganha, F. (1989). Lutar para dar um Sentido à Vida. Porto: Edições ASA. Costa, M. J. (1992). Um Continente Poético Esquecido. Porto: Porto Editora Diniz, M. A. S. (1993). As fadas não foram à Escola. Porto: Edições Asa. Leao, M.; Filipe, H. (2002). 70+7Ppropostas de Escrita Criativa. Porto: Porto Editora. Marques, A. L ( 2003). Motivar para a Escrita. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. Mesquita, A. (coord.). (2002). Pedagogia do Imaginário. Porto: Edições Asa. Rodari, G (1993). Gramática da Fantasia. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. Traça, M. E. (1998). O Fio da Memória do Conto Popular ao Conto para Crianças. Porto: Porto Editora Viana, F. L.; Teixeira, M. M( 2002). Aprender a Ler da aprendizagem informal à aprendizagem formal. Porto: Edições Asa. 76 The program of the course is based on a continuous evaluation focused on the use of a method of active teaching / learning. Assumes a theoretical-practical. The trainee through practical exercises and selects or constructs or texts and stories appropriate for each age group. Develop techniques of creative expression for use in various educational contexts. The student trains storytelling skills by participating actively in all classes. Analysis will be made of works by several authors in order to find tailor each story or text to teachable moments differentiated according to the pedagogical intentions aesthetic, intellectual, moral, emotional or transmission of values. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Assessment tools: A – Mini sheets evaluation of program content 30% B - Working Group 20% C - Individual Work 20% D - Attendance, 10% intervention E - Participation in practical work 20% Portuguese Projetos em Educação Matemática ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Abrantes, P. (2004). O trabalho de projeto e a relação dos alunos com a matemática. A experiência do projecto MAT789 (tese de doutoramento, Universidade de Lisboa). APM. Alro, H. & Skovsnose, O. (2010). Diálogo e 1. Identification of problems in Aprendizagem em Educação Matemática. mathematics education; Autêntica Editora. 2. Projects in Mathematics Almeida, S. (2008). Formação Inicial de Education Educadores de Infância: competências e - Plan of action and its práticas matemáticas sobre padrões. Tese justification de mestrado, Universidade de Lisboa (em - The stages of project design publicação). - Planning activities for APM (1988). A Natureza e Organização das structuring projects in Actividades de Aprendizagem e o Novo mathematics education Papel do Professor. In: Renovação do - Implementation of a plan of Currículo de Matemática. APM. action Capucha, L.(2008). Planeamento e 3. Construction of teaching avaliação de projectos. DGIDC- ME. materials that support meaningful Fidalgo, A.; Ponte, J.P. (2004). Conceções, activities. práticas e reflexão de futuros professores do 1º ciclo do ensino básico sobre o ensino da Matemática. Quadrante, 13, 1 GTI (2001). A Matemática é de todos. APM. Ponte, J.P. e Serrazina, L. (2001). Didáctica da Matemática do 1º ciclo. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. The methodology develops: a) Through discussions in large group and professionals testimonies of mathematics educators and issues emerging in the field, where students collaborated, make an inventory of projects that students can devise and implement within the mathematics education. b) Monitoring the development and completion of projects (materials construction) c) Presentation of the projects developed and implemented in the project unit in context. Discussion among students in the class about the results or expectations. d) Provide opportunities for reflection on the processes experienced. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Evaluation through: - Participation and attendance (20%) - Achieve a Project in Mathematics Education (40%) - Project Presentation and possible outcomes / expectations (20%) - Critical reflection on (20%): 77 Portuguese Seminário Interdisciplinar ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Seminar contents are those that, for each school year, be considered as an asset in the development of the proposed objectives. Deepening themes in the form of workshops followed by a reflexive analysis and may eventually lead to project work, to be achieved by students. Manipulation and exploitation of educational resources, among other games, thematic areas, to develop manipulative skills, instrumental and procedural skills that leads to the design and implementation of educational activities. The development methodology of the course is organized by the implementation of regular activities in different areas of teaching, preferably carried out by external guests. The thematic diversity calls for building a comprehensive and transdisciplinary vision of educational reality. In each session to discuss the topics in theoretical and practical perspective that aims to show the integration and application of theoretical concepts, and a component of laboratory practice that aims to develop procedural skills, and instrumental analysis and critical reflection. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The assessment will be based on assessment tasks pertaining to each, being the arithmetic mean of individual and collective productions set in each training area. 78 Portuguese ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Animação Sociocultural – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, pré-requisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Sociocultural Animation – title, type, ECTS number, year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. 79 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS 6 Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Patrícia Pacheco Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement(s) Know the main changes of development in children and adolescents, from their physical dimensions and biological dimensions to the psychological, socio-cultural and inter-relational, to the cognitive and affective partner in the processes of construction and structuring of knowledge. Identify the various contexts of development and its impact on the person and in groups. Understand the process of developing the person as a unique personality and as a member of groups or communities socially and culturally heterogeneous. Develop personal skills and interpersonal (supported by an attitude of systematic questioning of his abilities and skills, their attitudes and their value systems). Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Expressão Musical Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Pedro Nunes Expressão Motora ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Diogo Dos Santos Teixeira Develop the student´s musical skills; Understand the musical phenomenon individuality and its expressive potential; Understand and value the musical phenomenon as heritage, identity factor, and social and cultural development; Identify and compare musical styles and genres taking into account its articulation in different cultures; Identify and produce the various aspects that characterize the sounds; Understand and use the proper musical language; Explore and improvise sonorous and musical materials, with differentiated styles, genres and technologies; Recognize and categorize different types of musical instruments; Understand and apply some informatics tools in musical activities and creating/adjusting resources; Understand and apply different and proper strategies in musical activities proposals; Develop critical and reflexive thinking. Develop the student´s musical skills; Understand the musical phenomenon individuality and its expressive potential; Understand and value the musical phenomenon as heritage, identity factor, and social and cultural development; Identify and compare musical styles and genres taking into account its articulation in different cultures; Identify and produce the various aspects that characterize the sounds; Understand and use the proper musical language; Explore and improvise sonorous and musical materials, with differentiated styles, genres and technologies; Recognize and categorize different types of musical instruments; Understand and apply some informatics tools in musical activities and creating/adjusting resources; Understand and apply different and proper strategies in musical activities proposals; Develop critical and reflexive thinking. To know the physical activity contributions for human development; To recognize the motor development process and phases; To identify and comprehend the motor virtues and their critical phases; To be acquainted with and perform dissimilar games situations as a pedagogic instrument on human development; To deal with pedagogic techniques instruments. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 80 Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Sociologia da Educação Obrigatória/ Compulsory Metodologia de Investigação Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Técnicas da Expressão Escrita do Português ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 3 Dominate concepts, methodologies and practices that enable to develop research work independently. Embrace the family, school and community spaces such as inclusive education and sociocultural intervention. Analyze and problematize the contribution of the school institution for the social and cultural reproduction. Ana Isabel do Nascimento Ferreira Understand the pedagogical problems in a social dimension for the Runa study the Sociology of Education. Know what happens in terms of education and cultural in society, family, school, and in the systems of interaction between them. Analyze and problematize the contribution of school Meet, critically, the nature or the fundamentals of Science and characterize scientific knowledge over other kinds of knowledge; Identify and know the main operational methods and research techniques applicable to the area of the course; Knowing how to organize the study and have skills for reading / writing Maria of scientific texts from the perspective of critical thinking and argued; Fernanda Identify and characterize the main types of scientific and scholarly Nunes work; Martins de Plan and implement a Bibliographic Research leading to the Carvalho development of a Research Project / Research. Know the necessary procedures for the operation of any investigation: defining the issues of research, exploration, problem definition, model building analysis, design research, data collection, analysis and discussion of data, presentation of the findings To possess an adequate level of proficiency in the Portuguese language, both in the oral and the written component in order to facilitate the integration of the groups and their communication. To know and master the processes and the means for the development Inês dos of the communicative and linguistic competence. Anjos da To develop basic linguistic and grammar knowledge of the written Silva competence designed to develop culture and social projects. Teixeira To develop the knowledge and the correct use of the procedures of Ribeiros writing in what concerns the word, sentence, and text designed for the articulation of the several curricular fields To identify the causes of the most frequent spelling and grammar mistakes and be aware of the useful strategies to avoid them. To develop the critical and reflexive thought. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning 81 Acção Educativa em Contextos ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa To know the intervention of culture and social Animator in Portugal To know the profile and abilities of the culture and social Animator To know several intervention projects To distinguish the functions of the socio and cultural animator To identify strategies, purposes, objectives and activities in a working plan To use animation techniques in a working plan To draft /project a working plan for a specific problem According to the content to develop in this subject students will acquire, at the end of the semester, the following skills: Conception, dynamics, development and evaluation of culture and social projects Ability to diagnose social and cultural problems, in the context of intervention Capacity of efficient team work Analysis and interpretation of the different cultural and social realities Articulation capability of different curricular areas Characterization of the several social realities Development of critical and reflexive thinking Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 82 Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Psicologia do Adulto e do Idoso Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Expressão Visuo-Plástica Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Pedagogia Social Nome da UC / Course unit title Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Recognize the human development process as a co-extensive with the length of life. Describe the key stages of development, identifying its specific Patrícia characteristics. Pacheco Acquire and develop knowledge about the process of development from adulthood. Think about the complexity of the development process. Create and reinvent new forms, structures and relationships; Read the contents critically plastics formal; Interpreting and enjoy the works of art; Learn express themselves through see, do and understand the images; Analyze the performance plastics and relations of compatibility Maria João between different materials; Bravo Lima Explore the possibilities of plastic materials of drawing and painting; Nunes Systematizing thread and the different techniques; Delgado Design and develop projects of expression plastic; Helping to develop autonomy, participation and creativity; Have critical thinking and reflective; Be able to communicate and act in space environmental and social, on different channels of expression. A framework for the training and practice within the previous major Filipa trends of social pedagogy; Veríssimo Contextualizing social work practice guidelines from the national and Coelhoso European social policy; /Luìs Miguel Develop an understanding of the complexity of the processes of Correia socialization and reintegration and its multiple meanings. Marujo Conceptualizing the socio-educational intervention as a dialectic Picado between social protection and participation. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement(s) Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable 83 Antropologia Social e Cultural Marketing Cultural ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Nuno Alexandre Pereira Abranja Building theoretical foundations that justify the exercise of functions of marketing and sales; Provide an organized and systematic framework of constructive elements of marketing in Animation area; Promote culture as an essential means of dissemination; Develop the articulation and promotion of social and cultural equipment, institutions and services. Awareness for the quality of cultural offer that must reach up; Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Mastering the technical concepts and terminology used in marketing; Develop a communication strategy and to know use it; Building a marketing plan for an organization or event; Using tools to control the results and investment return. Develop a critical spirit on the marketing and its cultural application; This course will cover such topics as research methods and techniques used by anthropology, analyzed particular aspects of the classic areas of the discipline (of kinship and marriage systems, magico-religious systems) and discussed issues of concern in contemporary anthropology, such as Identity and Otherness, Culture, Body and Gender. Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Maria Fernanda Nunes Martins de Carvalho Ability to diagnose problems in social and cultural contexts of intervention Intervention in different contexts Analyze the different social and cultural realities Know the Cultural Heritage and Environmental Characterize the social realities Accept and value diversity Integrate into multidisciplinary working teams Have reflective and critical thinking Being communicative Have an open mind to the myriad of problems of society Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 84 Espanhol Optativa/ Optional Optativa/ Optional Francês Inglês ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Optativa/ Optional 3 Helena Paula de Medeiros Correia Raposo 3 Liesmet Brezhenev Pérez Andrés 3 José António Costa Ideias To reactivate and to consolidate syntactic, morphologic, phonetic and lexical general English competences; To explore contrastive relevant items focusing on cultural and social aspects of the English-speaking countries; To identify contrastive, relevant aspects in different cultural matrices; To stimulate the autonomy in the speech and and naturalness in written and oral productions; To activate general processes of fluency in speech; To stimulate communicative processes, critical reflection and creativity, both in the linguistic approach and in the cultural and communicative component. Know the Spanish language and grammar at the initiation level. Apply and develop the specialized, academic vocabulary. Understand and produce written and oral messages. Recognize and use vocabulary related to the social, cultural, educational and literary language of Cervantes, especially in basic texts. Interpret the global information and the specific oral and written discourse related to the various communication situations the students may encounter in their professional lives. Learn to recognize and distinguish the cognate words of the Spanish and Portuguese language Strengthen the work and the application of functional grammar on the new platform, performing and developing academic activities designed to supplement and support the curriculum. Use and adopt cognitive and metacognitive strategies to increase the effectiveness of the process of learning through experience and reflection. Knowing the French language and grammar to the initiation level, with particular attention focused on those forms of specialized texts in the field of animation, economy, commerce and administration. Learn the vocabulary, including the technical vocabulary related to animation. Understand and produce written and oral messages (basic level). Recognize and use the technical vocabulary related to animation, especially in specialized basic texts. Interpreting the global information and specific oral and written discourse related to the various communication situations with which the student may encounter. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable 85 Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Observação em Contextos ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 9 Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa / Maria Teresa De Carvalho Peral Ribeiro To Develop the capacity of observation. To Develop the capacity of analysis. To Develop the capacity of research. To Project means of action for the different realities a) Local Authorities b) A.T.L. c) Day Care Centers d) Libraries e) Cultural Centers To Evaluate the role of Culture and Social Animator in these realities. To Reflect on the practice developed To Reflect on work topics in Cultural and Social Animation Capacity development and promotion of an action plan Implementation of one creative technique developed in the unit “Action Education in Context” Ability to solve problems; Capacity of develop critical and reflexive evaluation. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Presencial/ Presential Não aplicável/No applicable 86 Lisboa area ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 1º sem / 2nd year, 1st semester Sociologia da Cultura e do Lazer Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory Animação e Criação Musical Nome da UC / Course unit title Obrigatória/ Compulsory Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS 3 3 Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Rui Pedro da Silva Brito Fonseca Pedro Nunes Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit To understand the importance of different ways of explaining the world: from common sense to scientific knowledge; To know the historical evolution of leisure time and the emergency of a society of leisure, contextualizing leisure as culture; To understand the different functions of leisure, in consumption/ hyper consumption contemporary societies; To understand leisure as a way of life and differentiation, in contemporary societies; To know the processes of social inclusion and exclusion focused on leisure. Development of a critical and reflexive thought; Ability to characterize different social realities; Ability to develop team work and networks; Ability to conceive implementation strategies of different types of leisure, as tools of social inclusion; Apply interdisciplinary methodologies in actions in leisure places; Development of analysis and decision skills; Evaluate the meanings of leisure, in different social contexts. Develop the student´s musical skills; Understand and use the proper musical language; Explore and improvise sonorous and musical materials, with differentiated styles, genres and technologies; Design musical recourses, materials and activities, in articulation with other artistic expressions, integrated in an extensive project. Understand and apply different and proper strategies in musical activities proposals; Design, develop, encourage and evaluate musical projects from different themes and intervention contexts. Develop critical and reflexive thinking. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement(s) 87 Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable 3 Modelos de Animação Sociocultural Obrigatória/ Compulsory Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Ética e Deontologia Expressão Corporal e Dramática ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Eunice Sandra Malheiro Gonçalves Duarte Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa/ Maria Teresa de Carvalho Peral Ribeiro Armindo José Rodrigues/ Ana Isabel do Nascimento Ferreira Runa Perceiving the body as the presence of oneself when perceived by others: introduction to “autoscopy” and self-performance The body as an intentional producer of meaning: development of expression skills of body and gesture Promoting new ways of communication: paralanguage and metalanguage Establishing a relation with the other: to learn how to work in a team (to lead and/or to support leadership) Developing body awareness skills Stimulating creative potential: rediscovering the imagination Applying improvisation and creation techniques through dramatic expression Developing methods for teaching and for social assistance to risk groups Using drama as a method for expression intervention among different social groups Promoting disinhibition and easiness when facing an audience Creating short dramatic pieces departing from body composition Developing social and educational projects involving dramatic expression in a team environment 88 Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Understanding of the social, cultural, historical and political factors that influence the different segments of the intervention in Culture and Social Animation; Awareness to the different dimensions of the knowhow used in the intervention of a Social Animator; Understanding of the importance of participation and empowerment as the foundations of Social Animation in the communitarian development, social and cultural change; Sensitization to its role, as a Social Animator, in a process of Animation; Capacity of applying the project methodology based upon the model activities for a methodology of action; Development of a critical and reflexive thought. Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable To apprehend the ethical and deontological beddings of human action. Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação Obrigatória/ Compulsory Ação Educativa Interdisciplinar ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 9 Promote the integration and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the initial formation of sociocultural animators and, consequently, in educational contexts and social and cultural animation. Ana Isabel To reflect upon educative, social, cultural and ethical implications of the do ICT Nascimento Acquire communication skills in the field of education, a transversal Ferreira perspective, critical and diversification in the use of multimedia. Runa Adopt working models supported by tools and dynamic Web 2.0 Design and evaluate multimedia content using Web 2.0 tools and others, targeted to children / young people/seniors and real integration in educational and animation settings To know various projects of Community animation To search and select projects for Community intervention To distinguish the methodologies of animation for the elderly and young Ângela To identify the various areas of intervention for the Culture and Social Maria Animator Patrício To know, foster and assess the various stages of a project Lisboa/ Maria According to the content in the drive to develop curriculum, students Teresa de will acquire by the end of the semester the following skills: Carvalho Formulation of various work plans Peral Capacity of planning and implementing activities to real problems; Ribeiro Ability to assess the work done in groups; Plan and implementation of a project in groups; Capacity of teamwork; Development of a critical and reflexive thinking. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto/blearning Presencial/ Presential Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Lisboa area 89 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Motricidade e Desportos Aventura Metodologia das Atividades Físicas Criação Plástica Aplicada Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory Optativa/ Optional Optativa/ Optional Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit 3 Mário Eduardo Ribeiro Alves Gandra do Amaral/ Maria João Bravo Lima Nunes Delgado Develop the ability to communicate. Explore the ability of expression. Develop a sense of observation and imagination. Develop skills to run creative projects. To know several materials, exploring its possibilities and applications in several fields. Develop the ability to establish a link and to represent in an expressivegraphic way, leading to a strategic selection of techniques and materials. 3 Marco Catarino Espada Estêvão Correia 3 Marco Catarino Espada Estêvão Correia To study the motor-behavior in order to apprehend their diverse variables; To acquire technical competences on planning, organizing and supervising physical activities; To acknowledge the capability of the content and ethic transmission of the games; To study the motor-behavior in order to apprehend their diverse variables; To acquire technical competences on planning, organizing and supervising outdoor activities; To be acquainted with ecological problems and nature preservation; To discern and perform the outdoor sports basic specific techniques; To identify and distinguish, specific equipment and security rules, on each outdoor modality. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement(s) 90 Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Criação Corporal Multiculturalidades e Minorias ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory Optativa/ Optional 3 Maria Fernanda Nunes Martins de Carvalho 3 Eunice Sandra Malheiro Gonçalves Duarte Understand the changes that are occurring in society, framing migrant communities in their historical, social and cultural origin. Understand the relationship between the phenomenon of cultural diversity and inter-ethnic conflict situations. Identify the importance of intercultural education in Portuguese society. The Curricular Unit Multiculturalism and Minorities aims to contribute to the acquisition of skills in the following areas: - Identify social problems - Describe social realities - Facilitate the integration of groups - Managing Conflict - Accept and value diversity - Facilitate communication - Have critical and reflective thinking - Apply strategies facilitating an adequate practice social contexts. Acquire basic techniques from chorographical body movement: Contact-Improvisation, Release Technique, Body-Mind Centering, Feldenkrais, and others Apprehend the fundaments of body awareness: personal research departing from the student's physicality Develop performance creation skills: experimenting with the body Stimulate the creative potential through contemporary dance Develop competences relating to choreography: experimentation with the basic performance element such as rhythm tempo and space. Perceive how chorographical creation can interact with other artistic fields Learn how to transpose sociocultural issues and themes to artistic projects Create a project of sociocultural animation based on work with the community Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable 91 Criação Dramática Optativa/ Optional Organização e Gestão de Eventos ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Eunice Sandra Malheiro Gonçalves Duarte 6 Nuno Alexandre Pereira Abranja Acquire basic dramatic and theatrical techniques: the study of «The Method», bio-mechanics, theatre of «cruelty» physical theatre, the theatre of gesture, the Meinsner technique, and others Apprehend the fundaments of drama: text, characters and stage elements Develop performance creation skills: experimenting with the voice and with the body Develop competences relating to drama: performance research and experimentation on stage Stimulate the creative potential through dramaturgy Perceive how theatre creation can interact with other artistic fields Learn how to transpose sociocultural issues and themes to artistic projects Create a project of sociocultural animation based on work with the community Build a theoretical domain in terms of organization and management of events; Train technicians capable of planning, designing and implementing educational, social, artistic and cultural events; Provide information that will facilitate monitoring and the evaluation of organized events; Analyze and interpret real cases adapting to the reality of each one. Theoretical and technical domains of events language; Ability to distinguish the different types of events; Identify the most important impacts of events in the partners and local communities; Recognize the planning elements and the indicators of management and evaluation; Identify the logistic elements in the events organization; Critical thinking and self-criticism; Leadership, creativity and entrepreneurship. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable 92 Prática em Contextos Métodos Quantitativos Estatística ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Optativa/ Optional Optativa/ Optional Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Elisabete Barata Fernandes/ Ricardo Manuel Viseu Ferreira 3 Elisabete Barata Fernandes/ Ricardo Manuel Viseu Ferreira 9 Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa/ Maria Teresa de Carvalho Peral Ribeiro According to the contents to be developed in the course unit, the main objective is that students will be motivated in order to acquire knowledge and develop skills and attitudes, which enable it in the future, play roles in different types of organizations. Media will be available so that students will have skills to develop thinking skills; making them aware of the extensive field of applications, to limit the problems of research for which the statistic is particularly devoted, to promote the acquisition of knowledge allowing conceptualize, model and evaluate field studies, as well as proper use of mathematical language in the development of calculation techniques, which create or deepen knowledge essential to the continuation of studies in later years. According to the contents to be developed in the course unit, the main objective is that students will be motivated in order to acquire knowledge and develop skills and attitudes, which enable it in the future, to play roles in different types of organizations. Teaching media will be available so that students will have skills to develop thinking skills; making them aware of the extensive field of applications, to limit the problems of research for which the quantitative methods are particularly devoted, to promote the acquisition of knowledge allowing conceptualize, model and evaluate field studies, as well as proper use of mathematical language in the development of calculation techniques, which create or deepen knowledge essential to the continuation of studies in later years. To develop a project, already planned in an institution last year To act as a cultural and social animator through the selected group To apply the creative techniques of social intervention To readjust the project, as a way of solving problems To reevaluate the project in the end of the practice Capacity to implement and develop a project, in a social context already identified Implementation of creative techniques of social intervention, to the stimulating of a specific group Ability to solve problems Capacity of develop critical and reflexive evaluation Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Presencial/ Presential Não aplicável/No applicable Lisboa area 93 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester Psicossociologia das Organizações Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Animação e Intervenção Comunitária Nome da UC / Course unit title Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Able to characterize Social reality Understand the potential of individuals and groups within the Virgílio organizations. Ribeiro do Know the functioning of organizations (equipment, institutions and Amaral/ social services) Ana Paula Intervene in different organizational contexts Marcelino Articulate knowledge in different areas Neto Leitão Have a critical and reflexive thought Integrate in plural disciplinary teams Know the concept of community and of the social phenomena that Ângela identify them; Maria Observe and analyze the social practices in different contexts of Patrício sociocultural animation and intervention; Lisboa/ Know and identify the elements at play in social intervention; Filipa Understand and recognize the importance of empowerment and Veríssimo advocacy in social intervention; Coelhoso Be able to use the interdisciplinary knowledge through the use of assessment instruments and intervention techniques. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement(s) 94 Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Técnicas de Animação e Dinâmicas de Grupo Expressões Criativas Integradas ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 6 Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa Virgílio Ribeiro do Amaral Filipa Veríssimo Coelhoso To Identify and classify the creative activators To master and apply techniques of creative expression To select and use the best techniques suited to the production of each person To develop creativity and the possibilities of expression To develop creative activities for different groups, applying the integrated expressions To plan innovative activities based on the curriculum guidelines To develop creative strategies through creative activators To create unpublished projects through creative activators Development of critical, reflexive and creative thinking Development of the autonomy the participation and creativity Adoption of a work methodology and creative learning Search of information for development of creative projects Implementation of facilitation strategies for a creative practice Use of techniques and tools to develop creativity Articulation of knowledge of different areas of expression Design of creative and innovative projects Identify the theoretical perspectives of social psychology and group dynamics. Understand the importance of living space and its relationship to the behavior of individuals. Know the laws of the functioning of groups and the variables that influence the genesis, development and interactions within the groups. Identify the feeling of belonging as a factor for group cohesion. Understanding the issues of leadership present in both groups. Recognize the importance of communication in groups and their importance in the implementation of techniques of group dynamics. Identify, distinguish and know how to apply the different techniques of group dynamics. Reflect on the role of the educator or teacher in the facilitation of integration into groups. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable 95 Desenho, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de Projetos Obrigatória/ Compulsory Promoção da Saúde ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Optativa/ Optional 6 3 Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa/ Ângela Maria Patrício Lisboa Rui Pedro da Silva Brito Fonseca To understand the importance of planning and management of projects in culture and social animation; To know the phases of a project design and the different types of projects; To know different research methodologies; To understand the inter-connections of the main elements of a project, as well as the strategies and risks of various methods of project management; To know the processes of accomplishing a research project; Design, stimulation, development and evaluation of culture and sociall projects; Capability of carrying through a research project; Ability to diagnose problems in social and cultural contexts of speech; Analyze the different cultural and social realities; Use of methods and techniques of culture and social intervention; Evaluation of the design, development and results of projects; To understand the guidelines of the national health system; To know the profile of health in Portugal, based on a set of statistical indicators To understand the issues of equity, access and citizenship in health; To understand the importance of economic and social support in health and disease, focusing on nowadays; To know the contours conducive to the growing medicalization of everyday life. To develop critical and reflective thinking; To characterize the national health system; To develop the ability to teamwork and networking; To design methods of intervention to promote health; To apply interdisciplinary methodologies for analyzing health settings; To develop ability to analyze and decision making; Assess the constraints and potential for gains in health in different social contexts. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable 96 Educação Ambiental ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Optativa/ Optional 3 Tânia Marisa Rego Magalhães de Almeida Familiarize students with the main environmental problems in Portugal and around the world; Introduce the basic concepts of Ecology and Environmental Sciences; Train critical thinking of the students around the main environmental subjects; Highlight the main challenges of future generations on solving and managing the environmental problems based on the concept of sustainable development. Understand the historical evolution of the perception of environmental issues; Know the most important concepts that allow understanding of the major environmental problems; Know argue and debate so reasoned the main implications of the major environmental problems; Recognize the role of man in solving major environmental problems now and in the future; Understanding the multidimensionality of the concept of sustainable development and transdisciplinarity inherent consequences and responses to environmental problems Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 97 Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester Ação Educativa em Animação Sociocultural Prática em Animação Sociocultural Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory Obrigatória/ Compulsory Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit 21 Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa/ Maria Teresa de Carvalho Peral Ribeiro To Prepare a Creative Intervention project to the practice of 2nd semester. To Develop and Intervention Project / Action. To Act as a Culture and Social Animator with the target population. To (Re) evaluate the design project. To Present (orally) the Intervention Project / Action and its conclusion in the unit of A. E. I. As purpose of practice, it is expected that the Culture and Social Animator develop the following skills: Instrumentals Skills: Analyze the different sociocultural realities. Characterize the different groups. Using methods and techniques of innovative intervention. Articulate knowledge of different curriculum areas. Designing and developing intervention projects. Evaluate the design, development and results of intervention projects. 9 Eva Maria Lino do Patrocínio Santos Lacerda Corrêa/ Ângela Maria Patrício Lisboa Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement(s) 98 Presencial/ Presential Não aplicável/No applicable Lisboa area Misto/blearning Não aplicável/No applicable Não aplicável/No applicable ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Animação Sociocultural – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Sociocultural Animation – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units. 99 Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester 1. Psychology in education and training of social and cultural animators. 2. Child Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, Developmental Psychology. 3. Development in Children and Adolescents. 4. Cognitive development from childhood to adolescence 5. Moral and social development in children 6. Emotional and social development in children. 7. The adolescent psychology 8. Social and emotional development in adolescence. 9. Identity development and contexts of existence. 10. Vocational development in adolescence Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Campos, B.P. (1990). Psicologia do desenvolvimento e educação de jovens. Lisboa: Univ. Aberta. Campos, B.P. (1991). Educação e desenvolvimento pessoal e social. Porto:Afrontamento. Erikson, E. (1976). Infância e Sociedade. Rio de Janeiro:Zahar. Erikson, E. (1976). Identidade, Juventude e Crise. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar. Lourenço, O. (1998). Psicologia do desenvolvimento moral.Coimbra:Almedina. Pinto, J. M. (2003). Adolescência e escolhas: à descoberta da singularidade.Coimbra:Quarteto. Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Curriculum Development Unit will focus on selfeducation and research work individually and in groups. thus: • Exposition of Methods • Guided Study and research • Collaborative learning Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Assessment tools: Class participation and discussion forum platform 10% Work (individual): a critical review of a scientific paper 60% Portuguese Work (group): Choose a The assessment focuses on: topic from the proposed • Develop research skills, selection and analysis of offering and development information of a literature review in • Develop information syntheses order to answer the • Discussion and critical information underlying question. • Sharing of learning and communication Group presentation 30% Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] O professor fala inglês? / Teacher speaks English? Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Expressão Musical I – Basic musical elements: sound and characteristics •Timbre •Rhythm •Pitch •Dynamics •Form II - The voice and the body •The human body as an instrument of communication •Vocal and body sounds III - Instruments •Musical Instruments: classification and working principles •Basic percussion (Orff instruments) and symphonic orchestra IV – Informatics tools in musical animation •Audiodigital edition: edition, recording and mixture A PAR - Projecto Aprender em Parceria (2007). Cantar Juntos I. Lisboa: Associação Aprender em parceria (livro e CD) Amado, M. (1999). O prazer de ouvir música – Sugestões pedagógicas de audições para crianças. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. Ferrão, A. M. & Rodrigues, P. F. (2008). Sementes de Música para Bebes e Crianças. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho (livro e CD). Padovan, M. (2000). A Dança no Ensino Obrigatório. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Rooyackers, P. (1996). Jogos Musicais para crianças. Lyon: Lyon Multimedia Edições. Santos, M. (2006). Histórias de cantar. Lisboa: Juventude Musical Portuguesa (livro e CD). Sousa, M & Neto, F. (2003). A Educação Intercultural através da Música.Lisboa:Edições Gailivro. Storms, J. (2003), 101 Jogos Musicais, Lisboa, Edições ASA Given the nature of theory and practice of this Course, the set of classroom practices and theoretical and practical, involve a variety of processes, including: - Active involvement of students in large group and small groups in structured activities, drawing on examples of significant musical eras, styles and traditions; - Review of the musical practice in the activity for the systematization of content; - Analysis of relevant documentation; - Tutorial Support . Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 100 Attendance 10% Participation 20% Individual work 40% Group,Project with 30% Oral Exposition Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Expressão Motora Bento, J. (1998). Planeamento e avaliação em Ed. Física. Lisboa: Horizonte Neto, C. (2003). Jogo e desenvolvimento da criança. Lisboa: FMH Motor development: Neto, C. (1995). Motricidade e Jogo na Motor behaviour. Growth, maturation, Infância. Sprint. learning, adaptation and Neto, C. (1983). Motricidade Infantil. development. Lisboa: ISEF-UTL Human variables development Nunes, L. (1999). A prescrição da (biological, kinetics, morphologic and actividade física. Lisboa: Caminho cognitive). Pieron, M. (1996). Formação de Phases of human development professores. Lisboa: FMH Motor qualities and critical phases; Siedentop, D. (1983). Devloping Physical activity planing; teaching skills in PE. Palo Alto. Teaching strategies and Sports Mayfield session efficacy criteria’s; Bento, J. (1998). Planeamento e avaliação em Ed. Física. Lisboa: Horizonte Neto, C. (2003). Jogo e desenvolvimento da criança. Lisboa: FMH Direct instruction; Interactive teaching; Situation and circuit teaching; Cooperative learning. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 101 Individual work development: Individual work (50%) Presentation of the individual work (40%) Participation (10%). Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Sociologia da Educação Estanque,E., Mendes, J.M. (1998). Classes e desigualdades sociais em Portugal. Porto:Afrontamento Enguita, M.F. (2007). Educação e Transformação Social. Mangualde: I - The Epistemological Issues. Pedago Sociology as social science: object Giddens, A. (2004). Sociologia. and method of study. The specificity Lisboa:F.C.Gulbenkian of the sociology of education. Haecht, A. V. (2008). Sociologia da II - Social Dimension of Education. Educação.Porto Alegre: Artmed Agents of socialization. The Keller, D. (1995). Media Culture. relationship School - Society: social London: Routledge reproduction Leandro, M. E. (2001) Sociologia da III - Cultural Dimension of Education. Família nas Sociedades The relationship School - Culture (s), Contemporâneas.Lisboa:Univ. Aberta cultural pluralism in schools. Pardal, A. L. (1996). A Educação, A IV - The Family, the Socialization and Escola e a Estratificação Social.Aveiro: Education. Univ. Aveiro Sanches, Mª F. C., (org.) et al. (2009).A Escola como espaço social.Porto: Porto Editora Segalen, M. (1999).Sociologia da Família. Lisboa:Terramar Assiduity and participation in the theoretical lessons, presence and distance in the form of dialogue, critical analysis of texts and / or issues under discussion, online discussion forums. (10%) •Individual and group works (30%) •Written proof assessment of knowledge (60%) Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Assiduity and participation in the theoretical lessons, presence and distance in the form of dialogue, critical analysis of texts and / or issues under Portuguese discussion, online discussion forums. (10%) •Individual and group works (30%) •Written proof assessment of knowledge (60%) 102 Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Metodologia de Investigação Aipelf, E. (1991). A metodologia da Investigação em educação.Lisboa: F.P.C. E. 1. The research component in the Badin, L. (2000). Investigação animators training Qualitativa em Educação.Porto: Porto 1.1.The different types of knowledge Editora. 2. Scientific Method Carmo, H. & Ferreira, M.M. 2.1. Characteristics (1998).Metodologia da 2.2. Types of Research Investigação.Lisboa: U. Aberta 3. Phases of the Research Process Ceia, C. (1995).Normas para 3.1. Choose the Subject / Theme and apresentação de trabalhos científicos. its delimitation Lisboa: Editorial Presença. 3.2. Problem formulation Lakatos, E.M. & Marconi, M.A. (2001). 3.3. Formulation of hypotheses and Fundamentos de Metodologia questions Cientifica.São Paulo: Atlas. 3.4. Delimitation of the study Quivy, R.& Van Campenhoudt, L. population (1992).Manual de Investigação em 3.5. Gathering information Ciências Sociais.Lisboa: Gradiva. 3.6. Technical Data Collection Santos, B. S.(1989). Introdução a uma 4. Scientific Research ciência pós-moderna.Porto: E. 4.1. Structuring and Drafting: Afrontamento. Scientific Papers, Book Review, Silva, A.S. & Pinto, J.M. (1986). Research Report, Monographs; Metodologia das Ciências Project. Sociais.Porto: E. Afrontamento. Tuckham, B.W. (2000).Manual da investigação em Educação. Lisboa: F.C.G. The time allocated school will be by matter associated with the programmatic modules and is designed to provide students with the essential technical and scientific support. It will be complemented by classroom sessions with a practical component through a participatory management that includes observation and discussion of different types of documents, case studies, comments and practical work in order to illustrate and apply the theoretical knowledge acquired. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 103 The assessment will be continuous: - Attendance, attitude 10% - Critical analysis of a text Portuguese - 15% - 3 Research Papers (AO) - 15% each, totaling 45% - Frequency writing - 30% Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Técnicas da Expressão Escrita do Português 1. Linguistic Competence 1.1.Grammar and use; norm and deviation 1.2.Language, knowledge of the language and usage of the language 1.3.Linguistic.variation 1.4.Linguistic normalization 2.Communicative Competence 2.1.The verbal activity as a form of action: speech acts 3.The oral language and the written language 3.1.Ranging from the oral language to the written language: spelling – correspondence between graphism and sound 3.2.Brief history of the spelling of the Portuguese Language. The Orthographic Agreement 3.3.Portuguese vocalic and consonant system 3.4.The accentuation rules 3.5.Ranging from the oral language to the written language 3.6.Communication and written expression 3.7.The most frequent mistakes in the oral speech and in the written speech Bechara, E. (1999). Moderna Gramática Portuguesa. Rio de Janeiro: Lucerna Castro-Pinto, J. M. & Nascimento, Z. (2002). A Dinâmica da Escrita. Como Escrever com Êxito. Lisboa: Plátano Editora Duarte. I. (2000). Língua Portuguesa. Instrumentos de Análise. Lisboa: Un. Aberta Faria, I. H. et al (1996). Introdução à Linguística Geral e Portuguesa. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho Gomes, A. & Cavacas, F. (2005). Escutar. Falar. Oralidade. Lisboas: Clássica Editora Gomes, A. & Cavacas, F. (2005). Escrever Direito. Ortografia. Lisboa: Clássica Editora Mateus, M. H. M. Et al(2003). Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho Valentim, H. T. Monção, A. & Coutinho, A. (1996). Importa-se de Responder? Exercícios de Introdução aos Estudos Linguísticos. Lisboa: Plátano Ed. Técnicas General principles: -a teaching approach based on the balance between oral exposition and practical work; -permanent incentive on the ative and positive participation of the students. Procedures: - contents supported by the mentioned bibliography and worked over in the lessons or over the blackboard software platform; -consolidation of the knowledge through systematic questionnaires on taught issues; -problematization and discussion in the lessons of the language; -individual work for class discussion and class presentation; -group works for class presentation with a research component. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 104 Evaluation: Elaboration and exposition of individual works - 35% Portuguese Written test - 40% Elaboration, presentation and discussion of a group research work - 25% Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Acção Educativa em Contextos The Culture and Social Animator in Portugal: history and social framework: Problem-Solving: -The problem-solving in the Animator’s intervention. -Pedagogy of Project. -The techniques in the creative problem-solving b) The brainstorm in the problemsolving Intervention Projects: Mini-projects development: -Introduction -Theoretical justification / theoretical framework -Targets. -Development process / Plan - action -Conclusion and evaluation The Animator in Educational Practice: -How to develop observation, analysis and research capacities: -How to evaluate an observed reality; -How to elaborate a training report. M. (1998).Como elaborar um Projecto.LIsboa: CPIHTSocial Besnard, P. (1980).Animateur SocioCulturel: Une profession differente? Paris: Editions ESF Cook, C.(2000).La solución creativa de Problemas.Santiago Compostela:S.Publicações USC Cubero, M.V. (1991).La Animación Socio-Cultural: una alternativa para la tercera edad. Madrid: C trabajo social. Serie cuardenos, Siglo XXI, Prado D. (1998):10 Activadores Criativos.Santiago Compostela: S. Publicações USC Quintana, J. (1986): Fundamentos de animación sociocultural. Madrid:Narcea Quintas, S.F. (1995):Para comprender la animación Sociocultural.Navarra:Ed. Verbo Divino, Lopes, M.(2006).Animação Sociocultural em Portugal.Braga:Braga Ed. Trillas, J.(2004):A Animação Sociocultural:Lisboa:Ed. Piaget Contact with the Teacher: Assiduity 10% Participation in the critical analysis of texts, projects and / or topics for Throughout this subject, students will consider and discussion 10% discuss issues and experiences developed for Development of Projects text, images, news or projects submitted in each of (design and organization) a dynamic class. 10% These debates and reflections will base the profile Independent Work: and skills of the Culture and Social Animator as Guided-reading, personal Portuguese well as develop skills at observation and analysis independent study, work level. Thus it is intended that this theoretical and on search 20% practical unit in the curriculum will develop a Preparation of a mini methodology for learning and teaching, in which individual project 20% the learner will be able to research and debate Preparation of a miniissues related to developing the contents. draft group 20% Presentation, implementation and evaluation of projects 10% Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 105 Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 106 Psicologia do Adulto e do Idoso 1. Adulthood: 1.1. The criteria of definition. 1.2. The emergence of the psychology of the adult and the elderly. 1.3. Periods of development in adulthood. Brief reference to some theories. 2. The elderly 2.1. Attitudes, myths and prejudices, preconceived ideas about old age 2.2. Biological aspects of aging: the aging process, aging primary and secondary. 2.3. Psychological and cognitive aspects of aging. 2.4. Social and cultural aspects of aging. Barros de Oliveira, J. (2005). Psicologia do envelhecimento e do idoso. Porto: Legis. Berger, K.S. (2001). O desenvolvimento da pessoa: da infância à terceira idade. Rio de Janeiro: LTC. Fonseca, A. (2005). Desenvolvimento humano e envelhecimento. Lisboa: Climepsi. Marchand, H. (2005). Psicologia do adulto e do idoso. Coimbra: Quarteto. Marchand, H. (2001). Temas de Desenvolvimento Psicológico do Adulto e do Idoso. Coimbra: Quarteto. Schaie, K. W.& Willis, S. L. (2003). Psicología de la edad adulta y la vejez. Madrid: Pearson Educación. In the Course of Psychology of Adult and Elderly refers to a methodology based on active reflection and discussion, critical analysis of texts, work on collecting information related to the themes discussed in class. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The weighting of assessment components in the final classification will be as follows: Portuguese Class participation through discussion and reflection – 10% Test – 50% Work group – 40% Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Expressão Visuo-Plástica Dondis, D. A. (1985) La Sintaxis de la Imagen Barcelona: Ed. G.Gili Expression and Creativity Fabris, S.; Germani, R. (1973).Color Language and Communication Proyecto y Estética en las Artes - Visual language of modern Gráficas.Barcelona:Don Bosco movements Fundação Eugenio Granell. Surrealist - methods and techniques (1995).Colección Eugenio Means of Expression Plastic: Granell.S.Compostela:Consórcio de materials and techniques Santiago Concept of artistic material Read, H. (1982).Educação pela -Origins and evolution of various Arte.Lisboa:Ed. Edições 70 artistic materials Ernst. M. (1987).Livros e obra gráfica – - Properties and applications of Exp.Inst.Relações artistic material Culturais.Lisboa:Fundação Calouste Expressividade of Materials Gulbenkien - Qualities of a material to use in Munari, B. (1987).Fantasia - Invenção, artistic expression Criatividade e Imaginação na Potential and behaviour of materials Comunicação Visual.Lisboa:Ed. The materials "classic" and the other Presença Materials and Techniques Munari, B.(1985).Diseno Drawing - Components of imaging Comunicacion Visual.Barcelona:Ed. - Processes or techniques, materials, G.Gili design and media Kandinsky, W. (1987).Ponto Linha Painting - visual components of Plano:Lisboa:Ed.Edições 70 painting Rodrigues, D. D’Alte (2002).A Infância - Processes or techniques, materials da Arte, a arte da and mediums of painting. infância.Lisboa:Edições ASA Sousa, R. (1980).Desenho: Artes Plásticas.Lisboa:Univ. Aberta. Attendance 5% Commitment and participation in the proposals of each session 5% Research on the concepts that served to support the construction of the images 10% Developing a portfolio of learning consists of: 1. Work on holding plastic of different techniques, focusing on the field and expressive use of technology and critical evaluation of processes and materials used 30% 2. 2. Research and critical analysis on the performance and possibilities of plastic materials used. 10% Carrying out exercises on the assessment of technical, performance and possibilities plastic materials for drawing and painting. 40% Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Attendance 5% Commitment and participation in the proposals of each session 5% Research on the concepts that served to support the construction of the images 10% Developing a portfolio of learning consists of: 1. Work on holding plastic of different techniques 30% 2. 2. Research and critical analysis on the performance and possibilities of plastic materials used. 10% Carrying out exercises on the assessment of technical, performance and possibilities plastic materials for drawing and painting. 40% 107 Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Pedagogia Social 1. The social pedagogy in the context of educational sciences and the humanities in general. Historical Approach. 2. Political and legal assumptions of social action. 3. Assumptions socio-cultural and educational social action. The concepts of marginalization, exclusion and social integration and its factors. The family and other institutions as agents of socialization. The role of local communities. 4. The target groups of social intervention - education: Childhood, adolescence, youth and adulthood problems The family and their existential needs Disabled, sensory and psychic 5. Branches of Social Pedagogy Pedagogy hospital; Pedagogy of inadequacy and marginalization Adult Education Education and Community Education Caride, A. (2005). Las Fronteras de la Pedagogia Social – Perspectivas Científica e Histórica. Barcelona.Gedisa Editoral Carreras, J. S. & Molina, J.G. (2006). Pedagogia Social. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Fermoso, P.(1994). Pedagogia social. Fundamentación científica. Barcelona: Herder. García Garrido, J.L.; Alejos Gray, C.J.; Rodriguez Sedano, A. (2001). Esquemas de Pedagogia Social. Pamplona: Eunsa. Montoya Sáen, J. M., Lebrero Baena, M. P. & Quintana Cabanas, J. M. (2001). Pedagogía Social. Madrid: UNED. Pérez Serrano, G. (2009). Pedagogía Social- Educación Social. Construcción científica e intervención práctica. Madrid: Narcea. 108 In the Social Pedagogy classes will mainly use methodology exhibition, due to its theoretical character. However, student participation in discussions and reflections will be valued. At the end of the semester, students present a group work and carry out an evaluation test of knowledge. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Class participation through discussion and reflection – 10% Test – 50% Work group – 40% Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Marketing Cultural 1. Concepts and contextualization of cultural marketing 1.1 Concept of Culture 1.2 Concept of Marketing 1.3 Concept of Cultural Marketing 2. The evolution of marketing 2.1 The Production optical phase 2.2 The Sales phase 2.3 The Market view phase 2.4 The Integrated Marketing phase 3. Cultural marketing as a management philosophy 3.1 The cultural marketing 3.2 The marketing mix 3.3 The strategic marketing 4. The marketing plan and its strategies of communication 4.1 Diagnosis 4.2 Analysis SWOT 4.3 Objectives of Marketing 4.4 Strategic Marketing 4.5 Definition of the strategy of communication 4.6 Investment and financing Plan 4.7 Control and Update of the plan Costa, I. (2004). Marketing Cultural.São Paulo: Atlas. Reis, A. C. F. (2003.Marketing Cultural e Financiamento da Cultura.São Paulo:Pioneira Thomsom Learning Kotler, P.(1997).Marketing Management – Analysis Planning, Implementation and Control. 9th Edition.Upper Saddle: RiverPrentice Hall. Ashley, Patrícia et al. (2003).Ética e Responsabilidade Social nos Negócios.São Paulo: Saraiva. Lendrevie, Jacques et al (2004).Mercator - Teoria e Prática do Marketing, 8ª Ed.Lisboa:Publicações Dom Quixote. Muylaert, R. (2000).Marketing Cultural & Comunicação Dirigida, 5ª Edição.São Paulo:Editora Globo. Ribeiro, L. M. (2004).Comunicação e Sociedade- Cultura, Informação e Espaço Público. Rio de Janeiro:Epapers. Mendes, J. V. (1991).Marketing, Patrocínio e Mecenato.Lisboa: Texto Editora. 109 Presentation and explanation of content by the teacher; Exercises performed by the student, in groups or individually. Period of mentoring for discussion of contents, preparing work. Analysis and interpretation of various tourist itineraries. Selection of articles or works directly related to the curriculum unit, in order to provide study support. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Autonomous work. Regularity and attitude (10%) Promotional Film (30%) Marketing Plan (40%) Exhibition /Workshop (20%) Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Antropologia Social e Cultural Module I – Anthropology - Anthropology - Purpose and working methods - Branches of Anthropology: Physical, Social and Cultural Module II – Culture - Culture - Otherness - Identity Module III – Theories - Theories of Anthropology Module IV - Social Organization - Relationship - Marriage and matrimonial aliances - Forms of social organization Module V - Symbolic Systems and Practices - The Sacred and the Profane - Magic - The Ritual Module VI - The Body as Symbol - The centrality of body language. - The concepts of the body in contemporary urban culture, gender and embodiment Almeida, M.V. (2004).Outros destinos: Ensaios de Antropologia e Cidadania.Porto:Campo das letras. Almeida, Miguel M. C. V. ed. 1996. Corpo Presente: Treze Reflexões Antropológicas sobre o CorpoOeiras: Celta. Bastos, J. (org.). (2002). Antropologia dos processos identitários.Lisboa:FCSH. Levi-Strauss, C. (1982). As Estruturas do Parentesco.Petrópolis:Vozes. Maalouf, A. (2009).As Identidades Assassinas. Lisboa: Difel. Titiev, M. (1992).Introdução à Antropologia.Lisboa:F.C.G. Malinowski, B. (1988).Magia, Ciência e Religião.Lisboa:Edições 70. Rowland, R. (1987).Antropologia, História e Diferença.Lisboa:Edições 70. Warnier, J.P. (2000).Mundialização da cultura.Lisboa:Edições 70. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 110 - Critical analysis of a texts - 20% - 2 Learning Modules 15% making up 30% - Group work 50% (20% presentation, 30% written work) Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Inglês Linguistic Component: (structural and theme approach) •Description - people, characters, activities and places - habitual and irregular actions , phrasal verb paragraph and punctuation; •The Future - experiences, projections and plans - future tenses, formal and informal register; •Opinion - art, professions and artists, fame and social protagonism – the gerund and the infinitive tenses; •Comparison - similarities and differences, social behaviour of men and women – comparative adjectives and superlatives; •Narrative - memories, stories, tales and facts – past tense and past participle; Cultural Component: Introduction to relevant social, cultural, geographical and historical aspects of the English-speaking countries. Fordham, S. (1997). Portuglish. Lisboa: Plátano Giles, Judy & Middleton, Tim, 2002, Studying Culture, London, Blackwell Haines, S. & Stewart, B. (1995) New First Certificate Masterclass. Oxford:Ox. U. Press Norman, S. & Revell, J.(1997).In Your Hands.London :Saffire Press Quirk & Greenbaum(1995).A University Grammar of English.Essex, Longman Sorry, Mike & Childs, Peter, (Ed.) 2002, British Cultural Identities, London, Routledge Swan, M.(1973).Practical English Usage.Essex, Longman • Written and oral comprehension exercises for practice; • Listening and comprehension exercises; • Pair and group work; • Group or individual roleplaying; • Oral exposition of general information in linguistic and cultural issues; • Games for linguistic or cultural awareness; • Permanent presentations of assignments under the teacher supervision; • An English Project. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Permanent assessment based upon any activity and work done by the students – 30% •Test – 50% •The project of the subject – 20% 111 Portuguese/ English Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Espanhol 1.1.- Morphology: name; articles and contractions and possessive pronouns, adverbs, numerals and verbs The adjective and its degrees, adverbs, prepositions, interrogative pronouns and demonstrative 1.2 Social and cultural topics: - Social, economical, and cultural aspects of the Spanish-American countries 1.3 Team work: Writing of dialogues Amenós, José; Gil-Toresano, Manuela; Soria, Inés (2005). AGENCIA ELE (Manual de lengua castellana adoptado). Alcobendas SGEL Castro Viúdez, F. (2004). Aprende Gramática y Vocabulario (Manual de lengua adoptado – Libro de Ejercicios). Alcobendas SGEL Rubio Moraiz, Paloma; (2006). Verbos Españoles Conjugados. Alcobendas (Madrid). SGEL Larousse Editorial y Porto Editora (Diccionario) (2006). Diccionario Portugués – Español. Español – Portugués; Mallorca y Porto. Vox, Larousse Editorial y Porto Editora (con actividades de práctica de gramática española); (conjugador verbal) (diccionario inverso de español) ; / (La página del idioma español) (web oficial del turismo en España: Videos, rutas, informaciones culturales y turísticas, etc.) The method of evaluation is continuous assessment, which is set as follows: 1.1 One (1) final written test (35%) - To be held to the end of the semester The primary activity of Spanish classes for this course is: "Practice" (communication and a focus on interactive grammar and vocabulary based on the procedure of association and reading). Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 1.2 One (1) work (presentation) oral and oral participation in class (30%) Portuguese/ Spanish 1.3 Continuous assessment / written and oral participation in class (35%) Continuous assessment through exercises in grammar / vocabulary and dialogues, as well as presentation / handing out of work / supplementary sheets proposed by the teacher. 112 Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 1º semestre / 2nd year, 1st semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Sociologia da Cultura e do Lazer Costa, Lamartine P. (1987) A reinvenção da educação física e do 1. Different ways of explaining the desporto segundo paradigmas dos world: from common sense to lazer e da scientific knowledge: recreação Lisboa Ministério da 2. From free times to leisure: Educação e Cultura historical evolution and Coster, Michel de e François Pichault conceptualization: (1985) Le loisir en 4 dimensions Paris 3. Leisure cultural contextualization: Éditions Labor 4. Leisure functions and work/ free Dumazedier, Joffre (1962) Vers une time opposition: civilization du loisir Paris Seuil 5. Rural and urban: a dichotomised Dumazedier, Joffre (1962) Sociologie vision of leisure spaces and forms: empirique du loisir Paris Seuil 6. Leisure in contemporary societies: Lima dos Santos, Maria e José 7. Freedom of choice as leisure Machado Pais (2010) Novos trilhos central condition: culturais – Práticas e políticas Lisboa 8. Leisure and society: ICS 9. Free time institutional Pais, José Machado (2010) Lufa-Lufa organization: quotidiana Lisboa ICS 9.1. Structure and methodology Rosales, Marta Vilar (2009) Cultura characteristics; material e consumo – uma introdução 9.2. Leisure organisms; Lisboa Celta Editora 9.3. School and free-time institutions: Rojek, Chris (2010) The labour of oppositions and complementarities. leisure London Sage 10. Leisure as social pathologies Schwanitz, Dietrich (2010) Cultura – profilaxy and therapeutics: Tudo o que é preciso saber Alfragide D. Quixote Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 113 Contact with the teacher - Assiduity 10% - Participation in the critical analysis of texts and topics for discussion 20% Throughout this curriculum unit, there shall be developed reflexions and debates on the issues on stake, through scientific articles, texts, images and newspaper articles. These tasks will allow the development of knowledge and skills, on the leisure sociology contemporary problematic, providing tools that can enhance the agents’ field action. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Tutorial Orientation - Supervision of activities and projects - Clarification of doubts. Independent Work (Individual / group) - Guided reading and research, oral exposition, individual presentation of work research 30% - Written test 40% Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students I – Basic musical elements: sound and characteristics (review and recovery) Animação e Criação Musical •Timbre •Rhythm •Pitch •Dynamics •Form II – Musical Projects •The human body as an instrument of communication •Creation of musical activities •Planning musical activities •Development of musical expression projects from different subjects: Portuguese Traditional Music, World Music, Urban Music, Instrument Building, Musical Games A PAR - Projecto Aprender em Parceria (2007). Cantar Juntos I. Lisboa: Associação Aprender em parceria (livro e CD). Almeida, J. (1998). Um olhar musical pelos resíduos. Lisboa: Ministério do Ambiente. Amado, M. (1999). O prazer de ouvir música – Sugestões pedagógicas de audições para crianças. Lisboa. Editorial Caminho. Ferrão, A. M. & Rodrigues, P. F. (2008). Sementes de Música para Bebes e Crianças. Lisbo:, Editorial Caminho (livro e CD). Henrique, L. (1998). Instrumentos Musicais. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Padovan, M. (2000). A Dança no Ensino Obrigatório. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Rooyackers, P. (1996). Jogos Musicais para crianças. Lyon: Lyon Multimedia Edições. Santos, M. (2006). Histórias de cantar. Lisboa: Juventude Musical Portuguesa (livro e CD). Sousa, M & Neto. F. (2003). A Educação Intercultural através da Música. Lisboa: Edições Gailivro. Storms, J. (2003). 101 Jogos Musicais. Lisboa: Edições ASA. 114 Once this Curricular Unit is both theoretical and practical, the group of practical and theoreticalpractical classes and will involve a diversity of processes, namely: - Active involvement of the students, in big and small groups, in structured activities, based on significant musical examples from different times, styles and traditions; - Analysis of the process in the practical musical activity to the systematization of contents; - Analysis of relevant documentation; - Autonomous work; - Tutorial support; Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] - Assiduity 10% - Participation 20% - Individuals works 40% - Project, in teamwork, with oral exposition 30% Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Self-presence when facing the others: body posture, alignment and expression Muscles and tense postures of the body Introduction to the expressive movement: composition techniques Relationship between Body/Space and Body/Rythm The self and the other Creativity and movement in teaching and in other social contexts Creative movement methodologies Planning methods for a movementsession Expressão Corporal e Dramática Bateson,G. (1989). Metadiálogos. Lisboa: Gradiva. Brook, P. (2011). O Espaço Vazio. Lisboa: Orfeu Negro. Brook, P. (1993). O Diabo é o Aborrecimento: Conversas sobre Teatro. Lisboa: Asa. Calais-Germain, B. (2007). Anatomy of Movement. s/l: Eastland Press. Courtine, J.&Haroche, C. (s/d). A História do Rosto. Lisboa: Teorema. Goffman, E. (1993). A Apresentação do Eu na Vida de Todos os Dias. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água. Dramatic Expression Laban, R. (1963). Modern Educational Dance. London: MacDonald&Evans, The evolution of dramatic expression Ltd. Voice, text and the actor: discovering Melo, M.C. (2005). A Expressão drama Dramática à Procura de Percursos. Creation of individual and collective Lisboa: Livros Horizonte. characters Ribeiro, A.(1994). Dança “To be in the moment” Temporariamente Contemporânea. Dramatic expression adapted to Lisboa: Vega. different spaces and to different Stanislavski,C. (1994), A preparação social actions do Actor. Rio de Janeiro:Civilização The drama game Brasileira. - Games with rules - Improvisation/devising 115 The teaching methodology to be used in this curricular unit includes practical exposition of the issues of the syllabus and the acquisition of basic techniques, as well as the analysis and the reflection of social and cultural issues through the creation of work, both individual and in group. In the classes are often adopted as method videos and the analysis of texts will be used as teaching procedures. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The evaluation is based on participation and attendance of students in class (20%), on short evaluation exercises (10%), on individual Portuguese work (creation of short dramatic pieces supported by a log book) (40%), on a group work (movement-session planning) (30%). Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Modelos de Animação Sociocultural 1. Dimensions of the know-how in Culture and Social Animation (CSA) 1.1. The concept of CSA 1.1.1. The idea of culture in the CSA 1.1.2. “Cultural democracy” and “democratization of culture” 1.2. Evolution of the CSA in Portugal 2. Theories of the CSA 2.1. Theoretical paradigms 2.1.1. Technological 2.1.2. Interpretative 2.1.3. Dialectic 3. Characteristics of the CSA 3.1. Participation 3.2. Empowerment 3.3. Agent of change 3.4. System of social communication 4. The Animator in action: dimension and extents of acting 4.1. Technical profile and status of the Social Animator 4.2. Social Animation and other phenomena of Culture and Social Animation: differences and compatibility of similar concepts 4.3. Associations and Reference Institutions 5. Methodology of Action and of Project 5.1. Training Activities 5.2. Diffusion Activities 5.3. Artistic activities 5.4. Entertaining activities 5.5. Social activities Ander-Egg, E. (1999).O Léxico do Animador.Amarante: Edições ANASC Ander-Egg, E.(1983).Metodologia y práctica de la Animación Sociocultural.Madrid: Marsiega Ferreira, P. (2001). Guia do animador, uma actividade de formação. Lisboa: Multinova Jardim, J. (2002).O Método da Animação. Manual para o formador.Porto: Ed. Ave Lopes, M. (2006).A Animação Sociocultural em Portugal. Braga: Ed. Autor Quintas, S.; Sánchez, G.(1999).Para comprender La Animación Sociocultural. Navarra: Editorial Verbo Divino Trilla, J. (Coord.)(2004).Animação Sociocultural, Teorias Programas e Âmbitos.Lisboa: Instituto Piaget UNESCO.(1980).Educador e a Abordagem Sistémica. Lisboa: Ed. Estampa 116 Methodology of teaching and learning: a critical analysis of texts and case studies, exercises, analysis and reflection on issues for proposals, methodologies and strategies, problem solving, with previous research on the issues to be addressed, Method for the exhibition presentation of the syllabus of the UC through the presentation of themes, contextualized, and the provision of systematic information of the most relevant issues, participatory methodology, privileging dialogue, exchange experiences and debate ideas, as well as collaborative work, simultaneously developing personal skills such as coordination ability and exposure and critical spirit. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Attendance 10% Participation in reflexive activities under the form of dialogue, critical analysis of texts, projects and / or topics for discussion 20% Design of individual work 30% Design of a working group 30% + presentation 10% Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Ética e Deontologia Baptista, I. (1998). Ética e Educação.Porto.Univ. Potucalense Cunha, P.D’.(1996). Ética e Educação.Lisboa U.C.E 1. Axiology and Ethics: the ethical Dias de Carvalho, A. (org).(2001). stance as a fundamental human Filosofia da Educação. Temas e axiological. Problemas. Porto.Porto Editora Gervilla, E. (1992).El Animador, Perfil 2. Nature and foundations of ethics. Y Opciones.Madrid.Editorial CCS Intent ethics and moral norms. Lopes,M.S..(2006).AnimaçãoSociocult ural em Portugal.Chaves.Intervenção 3. Axiological education: values, Monteiro, A.R.(2004).Educação e ethics and education. Deontologia Lisboa. Escolar Editora Monteiro, A.R.(2008). Qualidade, 4. Ethical dimension of action: Codes Profissionalidade e Deontologia na of Professional Ethics. EducaçãoPorto.Porto Editora Paradigms and problems. Ethical Patrício, M (1993 ). .Lições de responsibilities in the institutions, Axiologia Educacional. Lisboa.Univ.Ab. toward individual, the group and towards the Community. Estatuto do Animador Sociocultural (proposta da ANASC) %20ASC.htm (retirado a 3 de Agosto de 2011) Attendance and spontaneous participation in Methodology using active dialogue with the theoretical sessions in students, discussions and critical analysis of texts the form of dialogue, and / or themes, videos, as well as work on critical analysis of texts collection, individually and in groups, independently and / or issues under and / or directed to relevant information by the discussion (10%) same referring the issues under discussion. -Work group final (40%) - Individual written Reflexion (50%) Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 117 Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação Amante, L. (2007). As TIC na escola e no jardim-de-infância. Lisboa Sísifo, Revista de ciências da 1. Society and Information educação (Vol. n.º3, pp. 51-64) Technology and Communication: the Anderson, P.(2007). What is web 2.0? phenomenon of globalization and its Ideas, technologies and implications impacts in all activities and areas of for knowledge. The school in the society education. of the information and the documents/techwatch/tsw0701b.pdf knowledge.The fight against digital (retirado a 5 de Agosto de 2011) illiteracy, and social exclusion and Anderson,P; Castells,M. (2005).A cultural. Sociedade em Rede. Lisboa: F.C.G. Conselho Nacional de 2. ICT, communication and Educação.(2002).Redes de education: educational Aprendizagem .Lisboa:Ministério da communication media. The speeches Educação at the service of multimedia Dapp (2002).As TIC e a qualidade das educational communication and aprendizagens.Lisboa:Ministério socialcultural animation . Production Educação of digital media content: rules and Gouveia, L.(1997).A Internet, procedures. oportunidade ou ameaça ao professor?.Porto: UFP 3. The Web 2.0 tools and their Miranda,G.(2008).Teorias da dynamics. The promotion of good Aprendizagem e Aplicações practice: collaborative work, Educativas Programáveis. Lisboa communities of practice online, Sísifo, revista Ciências da Educação virtual learning communities. (pp.1-48) Collaborative tools (Webquest, Wikis, Missão para a Sociedade da Blogs). Criteria for evaluating Informação(1997).Livro Verde para a Websites. Sociedade da Informação em Portugal. Lisboa.M.C.T. Sanmya, F.T.(2002).Comunidades Virtuais.S. Paulo:Editora Érica 118 (Digital resource: 50%) (Report: 30%) Teamwork: A project that involves the production of a multimedia resource and /or online directed to an Assiduity and educational context and real intervention, and a Involvement in the written report on its development. classroom and distance (20%) Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Ação Educativa Interdisciplinar 1. Projects of Animation 1.1.Animation Community 1.2.Animation of the Elderly 1.3.Animation of the Schools 1.4.Animation of the Libraries 1.5.Animations of the Youth 1.6.Animation and Entrepreneurship 1.7.Animation and Webmarketing 2. The Animator and the Project 2.1.Planning 2.1.1.The preparation of a working plan 2.1.2.Examples of various types of planning 2.2.The development 2.2.1.Specifics phases of development 2.2.2.Research 2.3.The Action 2.3.1.Presentation of the work 2.3.2.“Learn to be” close to reality 2.3.3.“Learn to act” in front of a specific reality Ander-Egg, Ezequiel (1987). Perfil del animador Socio-Cultural. Alicante: Gráficas dias, SL. Ander-Egg, Ezequiel (1999). Léxico do Animador. Amarante: ANASC Ander-Egg, E e Idáñez M.J.A. (1998). Como elaborar um Projecto. Lisboa: CPIHTSocial Barbier, J.-M. (1993). Elaboração de projectos de Acção e Planificação. Porto: Porto Editora Besnard, Pierre (1980). Animateur Socio-Culturel: Une profession differente?. Paris: Editions ESF Quintana, J. e outros (1986). Fundamentos de animación sociocultural. Madrid: Narcea Sousa Lopes, Marcelino (2006). Animação Sociocultural em Portugal. Amarante: Ed.Intervenção Trillas; Jaume (2004). A Animação Sociocultural. Lisboa: Ed. Piaget Jantsch,J.(2008). MarketingAderente – o guia de marketing para pequenas empresas mais prático do mundo (1ªed). Lisboa: Smartbook Gaspar, F. (2010). O processo Empreendedor e a criação de Empresas de Sucesso 2ªed. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo, Lda Throughout this unit students will consider and discuss issues and experiences developed for text, images, news or projects submitted in each of a dynamic class. These debates and reflections will base the profile and skills of the Culture and Social Animator, as well as developing skills at observation and analysis level. Thus it is intended that this theoretical and practical unit of the curriculum, will develop a methodology for learning and teaching, in which the student will debate issues related to developing the contents. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] - Attendance and participation in laboratory practice 15% - Reflexive participation in the activities in the form of dialogue, critical analysis of texts and/or topics for discussion 15% - Dynamization and implementation of the Animation Projects30% Guided-reading, research and preparation of a new creative Project 20% - Group Work 20% 119 Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Criação Plástica Aplicada The artistic expression •Creative process Materials relevance in the evaluation of plastic quality •Properties and characteristics of representation and expression materials Techniques and materials – 2D •Origami •Chinese Shadows Theater •Poster Techniques and materials – 3D •Modelling on paper collé – conformation structures (wires, nets, boxes, etc) / newsprint, draft, craft, etc. •Modelling in sponge or PVC – plate and block. Recoverings - specific paints, varnishes, glues. Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Calvo, Jorge; Martorrell, Amparo. (1986). El Actor Oculto – mascarassombras-titeres.Madrid:Diputació de Castelló Costa, Isabel Alves; Baganha, Filipa (1989). O Fantoche que Ajuda a Crescer. Porto: Ed. ASA Kleist, Heinrich Von (1988). Sobre el Teatro de Marionetas, y otros ensayos de arte e filosofía. Livros Hiperión Lequeux, Paulette (1977). A criança criadora de espectáculos, jogos de sombras – jogos dramáticos. Família 2000 Munari, Bruno (1987).Fantasia Invenção, Criatividade e Imaginação na Comunicação Visual.Lisboa:Ed. Presença Gonçalves, Eurico(1991). A Arte descobre a criança.Lisboa:Raiz Editora Katz,L; Chard,S. (2009).A Abordagem por Projectos na Educação de Infância.Lisboa:FCG Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 120 The artistic expression •Creative process Materials relevance in the evaluation of plastic quality •Properties and characteristics of representation and expression materials Techniques and materials – 2D •Origami •Chinese Shadows Theater •Poster Techniques and materials – 3D •Modelling on paper collé –conformation structures (wires, nets, boxes, etc) / newsprint, draft, craft, etc. •Modelling in sponge or PVC – plate and block. Recoverings - specific paints, varnishes, glues Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] •Attendance -5% •Preparation of a project - Briefing detected in organizational design, production and exploration of different materials and techniques used - 30% •Creativity and Portuguese expressive use of the technique - 30% •Commitment and participation in the course of the work 10% Research on the concepts that underpinned the project - 25% Yes Metodologia das Atividades Físicas ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Physical activities and teachinglearning relations; Planning; Sporting structures: Events, Tournaments, Sporting Events Management; Physical Activities Prescrition. Barreu, G. (2001). Gestão do Risco na Organização de eventos Desportivos. Seminário Internacional Gestão de Eventos desportivos. Ministério da saúde e do desporto. Centro de Estudos e Formação Desportiva. Lisboa. Brighenti O.; Clivaz, C.; Délétroz, N. e Favre, N. (2005). Sportos Event Network for Tourism and Economic, Development of the Alpine Space, Réseu transfontalier pour le development touristique et économique de LÁrc Alpin au travers d´´evénements Sportifs. Chappelet, Jean-Loup Cerezuela, B. (2003). La información y documentación deportiva y los grandes eventos deportivos. Instituto Andaluz del Deporte Correia, A. (2001). Marketing Estratégico de eventos desportivos. In CorreiaA., Ferrand, A., Monteiro, E., Madail, G., Mata, J. et al. Seminário Internacional: Gestão de eventos desportivos. Lisboa: Cento de Estudos e Formação Desportiva. Poit, D. (2006). Organização de Eventos Desportivos (4º ed.). São Paulo: Phorthe Editora 121 Direct instruction; Interactive teaching; Station and circuit teaching; Cooperative learning. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Participation and commitment on theoretical and practical sessions (10%); Individual work (50%) Presentation of the individual work (30%) Assiduity (10%) Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Motricidade e Desporto Aventura Planning, organization and supervision on outdoor sports; Security on outdoor sports; Outdoor Sports: Orienteering; Climbing; Bow and arrow; Team Building; Surfing. Botelho, M. (2002). Situações de risco nas actividades curriculares e extracurriculares.Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa. Carvalho, A (1985). Corrida de Orientação - Desporto e Aventura na Natureza, Horizonte,1 (5), Jan/Fev 1985, pp. 152-155. Engh, D. (2004). Archery Fundamentals (Sports Fundamentals Series). Human Kinetic Estêvão Correia, M. (2011). Escalada – O Manual de Iniciação. Edições SChallenge.Grândola. Estêvão Correia, M. (2005). Concepções Didácticas e Metodológicas no Ensino do Surf.Tese de Mestrado não Publicada, FMHUTL. Guisado, R. (2003). The Art of Surfing. A training manual for the developing and competitivesurfer. Falcon Guide. Montana. Norman, Bertil; Yngstron, Arne (1991). Orienteering Technique From Start to Finish. The Swedish Orienteering Federation , Sweden. Silva, F. ; Sousa C. ; Lopes, S. ; Lopes, J. (2000). Segurança em actividades de aventura – manobras de cordas para transposição de obstáculos. CEFD. 122 Direct instruction; Participation and commitment on theoretical and practical sessions (10%); Interactive teaching; Individual work (50%) Station and circuit teaching; Cooperative learning. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Presentation of the individual work (30%) Assiduity (10%) Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Module I – Migration - Migration: immigration and emigration -Inter-ethnic relations Multiculturalidades e Minorias Module II – Multiculturalism - Multiculturalism. - Cultural diversity in the Portuguese society - Intercultural Education: Concept and issues - Presentation of cultural practices and materials Module III - Ethnicity and Ethnic Group - Definition of ethnicity and ethnic relations - Concept of group and ethnic group - Social Class: identifier and structuring Module IV - Racism and xenofobia - Ethnocentrism - Racism and xenofobia Module V – Minorities Minorities: Concept and issues - Prejudice - Stereotypes - Ethnicity - Minority Groups Almeida, Miguel M. C. V.. 1995. Senhores de Si: Uma Interpretação Antropológica da Masculinidade. Lisboa: Fim de Século. Almeida, M.V.(2000)Um Mar da Cor da Terra: “Raça”, Cultura e Política de Identidade.Oeiras: Celta. Carmo, H. (2001) (coord). Problemas Sociais Contemporâneos. Lisboa Universidade Aberta. Cashmore,E.(1988). Dictionary of Race and Ethnic Relations. London : Routledge. Giddens, A. (2000). O mundo na era da globalização. Lisboa: Presença. Pires, R. P. (2003). Migrações e Integração: Teorias aplicações à sociedade. Oeiras: Celta. Merton, R.(1968). Sociologia - Teoria e Estrutura. São Paulo : Edições Mestrepon. Pires, R. P. (2003). Migrações e Integração: Teorias aplicações à sociedade. Oeiras: Celta. Rex, J. (1988). Raça e Etnia. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa. Rocha-trindade, Mª B. (1995),Sociologia das Migrações. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. 123 The time allocated school will be by matter associated with the programmatic modules, and is designed to provide students with the essential technical and scientific support. There will be a practical component, through a participatory management, which includes observation and discussion of different types of documents, case studies, reviews and practical work, watching films, the presence of invited experts. These metolodologias aim to illustrate and apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in order to enhance the practical training, integrating them into its own universe of their future profession. Students, through visits and field work (direct observation) Develop communication skills and cooperation with others, as well as an intellectual and conceptual Module VI - Globalization and Human Rights - Citizenship and human rights Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Forum: - Critical analysis of texts (3-15% each) 45% OA: an Exploration Work Portuguese - 15% Working group 40% (30% written work, presentation 10%) Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students The Sensible Body: Introduction to the issues of body and its image in the 20th century Exploring different techniques of body awareness: anatomy and dynamics The tradition of contemporary movement technique: from Graham to Keersmaeker Expressing contemporary movement: dancing the emotion Criação Corporal The Presence of the Body: The perception of body as presence of the self toward others The body as an intentional producer of meaning Sensorial techniques and the rediscovery of imagination Absence/Presence of the voice in choreographical creation The Body in Performance Creating with the body I: Body and space Creating with the body II: Body and time Choreographing the narrative: Body and dramaturgy Improvisation and Devising in choreographical creation The physicality of the character Interaction and experimentation with stage elements: lights, sets and props BrooK,P. (2011). O Espaço Vazio. Lisboa: Orfeu Negro. Cohen, B. (2008). Sensing, Feeling and Action. s/l: Contact Editions. Dowd, I. (1995). Taking Root to Fly: Articles on Functional Anatomy. s/l: Irene Dowd. Foster, S.L.(1996). Choreography & Narrative. Indiana: University Press. Fulkerson, M. (2004). The Language of the Axis. s/l: Arts Documentation Units. Gil,J. (1997). Metamorfoses do corpo. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água. Gil, J. (2001), Movimento Total. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água. Humphery, D. (s/d). The Art of Making Dances. London: Dance Books Ltd. Laban, R. (1963). Modern Educational Dance. London: MacDonald&Evans, Ltd Revista de Comunicação e Linguagem (1998), N.º 10/11 (Corpo, Técnica, Subjectividades). Lisboa: CECL Ribeiro, P. (1994). Dança Temporariamente Contemporânea. Lisboa: Vega. 124 The teaching methodology to be used in this curricular unit includes practical exposition to the issues of the syllabus and the acquisition of basic techniques for theatre creation, as well as the analysis and the reflection of social and cultural issues through the creation of work, both individual and in group. In the classes are often adopted as a method videos and the analisys of texts will be used as teaching procedures. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The evaluation is based on participation and attendance of students in class (20%), on short evaluation exercises (20%) and on the Portuguese presentation of a project of sociocultural animation based on work with the community (60%) . Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Criação Dramática Techniques and Theories Short Introduction to different techniques and theories of theatre in the 20th century Study of «The Method», Artaud’s«Theatre of Cruelty», Brecht’s theory, Brook’s «Empty Space»,Wilson’s technology and Castellucci’s visual theatre From Drama to Performance Drama research: analysis and critique of theatrical text Neutral readings, expressive readings and improvised readings The materiality of drama: performance action composition Characters’ research and creation Dynamic body/ voice Breathe, intonations and pauses Voice articulation technique, inflexions,pace and rhythm The voice,the text and the actor Modulation of voice in the dynamic of the body The language of the stage Creating theatre action through the body Improvisation and devising in drama creation Approaching theatrical text through its physical components: exploring the essential of the performance such as rhythm, space and space Interaction and experimentation with stage elements Adágio - Revista do Centro Dramático de Évora (1998/1999) N.º 21/22 (Colóquio Internacional Bertolt Brecht), Évora, Centrev. Artaud, A. (1996), O Teatro e o seu Duplo, Lisboa, Fenda Brook, P. (2011) O Espaço Vazio, Lisboa, Orfeu Negro Brook,, P. (1993), O Diabo é o Aborrecimento: Conversas sobre Teatro, Lisboa, Asa Boal, A. (1998), Jogos para Actores e Não Actores, Rio de Janeiro, Civiliazação Brasileira GALIZA, L. R. (1996), Os Processos Criativos de Robert Wilson, São Paulo, Perspectivas, S.A. Grotowski, J. (1991), Towards a Poor Theatre, Londres, Methuen Jameson, F. (1999), O Método Brecht, Petrópolis, Editora Vozes Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens (1998), N.º 24 (Dramas), ed. Paulo Filipe Monteiro, Lisboa, Cosmos Schechner, R. (1994), Performance Theory, New York, Routledge Stanislavski, C. (1994), A preparação do Actor, Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira 125 The teaching methodology to be used in this curricular unit includes practical exposure to the issues of the program and the acquisition of basic techniques for theatre creation, as well as the analysis and the reflection of social and cultural issues through the creation of work, both individual and in group In the classes are often adopted as a means of viewing the teaching videos and study of texts in the area of Drama Creation. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The evaluation is based on participation and attendance of students in class (20%), on short evaluation exercises (20%) and on the Portuguese presentation of a project of sociocultural animation based on work with the community (60%) . Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Organização e Gestão de Eventos Module I: 1. Background (Frame) and Introduction a. Concept, characteristics and objectives of the event b. Overall planning of events and its general phases c. Classification criteria of events d. Types of events Module II: 2. Planning, management and evaluation of events a. Planning stages of events b. Resources allocated to events c. Monitoring and Evaluation Module III 3. Case Studies a. Subject of Study b. Methodology c. Analysis and Evaluation d. Conclusions Britto, J. & Fontes, N. (2002). Estratégias para Eventos – Uma ótica do Marketing e do Turismo. São Paulo: Editora Aleph. Campos, L. C. M. (2000). Eventos – Oportunidade de Novos Negócios. SENAC Cardoso, J. (2004). Como Gerir Patrocínios Com Sucesso. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. Canton, A. M. (2002). Eventos – Ferramenta de Sustentação para as Organizações do Terceiro Setor. Editora Roca. Giacaglia, M. (2006). Eventos – Como Criar, Estruturar e Captar Recursos. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning. Neto, F. P. M. (2001). Criatividade em Eventos. Contexto Pinsky Lda. Oliveira, J. B. (2000). Como Promover Eventos – Cerimonial e Protocolo na prática. Madras. Portuguez, A. P. (2001). Consumo e Espaço: Turismo, Lazer e Outros Temas. Roca, 1ª. Edição. - Presentation and explanation of content by the teacher; - Roll playing performed by the student, in groups or individually. - Period of mentoring for discussion of contents or preparing work. - Analysis and interpretation of various tourist itineraries. - Selection of articles or works directly related to the curriculum unit, in order to provide study support. - Autonomous work. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 1.Regularity and attitude 15% 2.Teamwork / Event Part I (Theoretical frame/ Resources inventory) 20% Portuguese Part II (Activities Plan) Plan and program of activities) 20% Part III (Final project) 20% Part IV (Aplicattion) 25% 126 Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Part I -Probabilities 1.1. General Terms and Concepts 1.2. Probability of an Event 1.3. Independent events, incompatible and complementary events 1.4. Properties and Axioms of probability 1.5. Conditional Probability. Total Probability Theorem. Bayes' theorem. Estatística I Ferreira, M. A. e Amaral, I.(1999). Matemática, Álgebra Linear. Volume I .Lisboa:Edições Sílabo. Guimarães, R. e CABRAL, J. A. (1998). Estatística.McGraw-Hill. Johson, R.A. and Wichern, D.W. (2002).Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis.Prentice-Hall. Lipschitz, S. (1972) Teoria dos Conjuntos.Colecção Schaum. São Paulo. McGraw-Hill. Part II - Descriptive Statistics Madala, G. S..(2003).Introdução à Econometria.Livros Técnicos e 2.1. General Terms and Concepts Científicos Editora. 2.2. Frequency Tables and Charts Murteira, B. J. F., Ribeiro, C. S., 2.3. Measures of Location. Measures Pimenta, C. e Silva, J. A. of Central Tendency and not Central. (2001).Introdução à 2.4. Measures of Dispersion or Estatística.McGraw-Hill. Variation Oliveira, A. F. (1996) Lógica e 2.5. Measures of Shape Aritmética – Uma Introdução Informal 2.6. Bivariate Distributions aos Métodos Formais. Gradiva Publicações. Part III - Inferential Statistics Reis, E.(2005).Estatística Descritiva. 6ª edição.LisboaEdições Sílabo 3.1. Definition and Types of Spiegel, Murray e Lindstrom, D. P. Sampling (2000).Statistics.McGraw-Hill 3.2. Confidence Intervals 3.3. Parametric Tests of Hypotheses The sessions of theoretical and practical will be taught through theoretical exposition of the contents, then discussing the covered topics . The practical laboratory sessions will focus on discussion of the topics included in the syllabus and presented illustrative case studies of statistical methodology, intending thereby a greater motivation among students. It also be used tutorial orientation sessions in order to clarify some of the contents that have not been well established by the remaining sections. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The evaluation will be continuous, composed of a group work in the classroom, with a weighting of 25%, for an individual record, with a weighting of 25% and a final test individual, with a weighting of 40%. Attendance and participation will have a weighting of 10%. Any assessment will be carried out in the classroom. 127 Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Part I -Probabilities 1.1. General Terms and Concepts 1.2. Probability of an Event 1.3. Independent events, incompatible and complementary events 1.4. Properties and Axioms of probability 1.5. Conditional Probability. Total Probability Theorem. Bayes' theorem. Métodos Quantitativos Afonso, A. & Nunes, C. (2010). Estatística e Probabilidades – Aplicações e Soluções em SPSS. Lisboa : Escolar Editora. Murteira, B., Ribeiro, C., Silva, J., Pimenta, C. (2010). Introdução à Part II - Descriptive Statistics Estatística. Lisboa : Escolar Editora. Pinto, R. (2009). Introdução à Análise 2.1. General Terms and Concepts de Dados – Com recurso ao SPSS. 2.2. Frequency Tables and Charts Lisboa : 1ª Edição, Edições Sílabo. 2.3. Measures of Location. Measures Reis, E. (2010). Estatística Descritiva. of Central Tendency and not Central. Lisboa : 7ª Edição, Edições Sílabo. 2.4. Measures of Dispersion or Santos, C. (2007). Manual de AutoVariation aprendizagem – Estatística Descritiva. 2.5. Measures of Shape Lisboa : 1ª Edição, Edições Sílabo. 2.6. Bivariate Distributions The evaluation will be continuous, composed of a group work in the classroom, with a weighting of 25%, for an The practical laboratory sessions will focus on individual record, with a discussion of the topics included in the syllabus weighting of 25% and a and illustrative case studies will be presented final test individual, with inherent to statistical methodology, intending a weighting of 40%. thereby to provide a greater motivation among Attendance and students. participation will have a weighting of 10%. Any Tutorial orientation sessions will be used in order to assessment will be clarify some of the contents that have not been well carried out in the established by the remaining sections. classroom. Part III - Inferential Statistics 3.1. Definition and Types of Sampling 3.2. Confidence Intervals 3.3. Parametric Tests of Hypotheses 128 The sessions of theoretical and practical teaching will be taught through theoretical exposition of the contents, then discussing the covered topics. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Prática em Contextos The Programmatic contents of this unit are based on the learning development of the students in the different realities of the current practice and the ability to interconnect the learning in all the units of the plan course The contents to develop along this unit are: - Design a problem - Practice development - Project presentation - Project evaluation - Structuring the practice report - The practice report: written and verbal presentation Ander-Egg, E e Idanez M.J.A. (1998). Como elaborar um Projecto. Lisboa: CPIHTSocial Barbosa de Castro, Lisete e Ricardo, Mª Manuel (1999). Gerir o trabalho de projecto. Manual para professores e formadores. Lisboa: Texto Editora Bernet, Jaume Trilla (1993). Otras educaciones: animación sociocultural, formación de adultos y ciudad educativa. Barcelona: Anthropos Canário B., M. B. (1998). Construir o projecto educativo local: relato de uma experiência. Lisboa: IID ME Cembranos, F. (1992). La animación sociocultural: una propuesta metodológica. Madrid: Popular Cubero, M.V. (1991). La Animación Socio-Cultural: una alternativa para la tercera edad.Madrid: CTSocial Duarte, A. e Gonçalves, L. J. (1999). Clubes na Escola actividades extra curriculares. Lisboa: Texto Editora Trillas; J. (2004). A Animação Sociocultural. Lisboa: Ed. Piaget Peres, A. & Sousa, Marcelino (2007). Animação Sociocultural: Novos Desafios. Amarante: APAP Contact with the Institution: - Stimulating and implementation of a Animation Project 40% - Meetings in the institution for valuation 10% Independent Work (Individual/group) - Guided-reading and research 10% - Design the intervention Project 10% - Developing a personal report of practice 30% Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] - Stimulating and implementation of a Animation Project 40% - Meetings in the institution for valuation 10% Independent Work (Individual/group) - Guided-reading and research 10% - Design the intervention Project 10% - Developing a personal report of practice 30% 129 Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 130 1.Epistemological frame of Psycho sociology 2.The transformation in occidental societies in the end of 19th and 20th centuries. Psicossociologia das Organizações 3.Concept of work and organization 4.Theory perspectives about organizations a . Classic approach b. Human Resources School c. General theory of systems d. Cotangential approach e. Ecological theory and social cognitive f. Neoclassic theory 5.Individuals and groups in the organizations: a.Individuals fitness and motivational theories b.Attitudes and satisfaction at work c.Groups and team work d.Communication and leadership processes e.Decision making Baum, J. A. (2002).The blackwell companion to organizations. Oxford:Blackwell Publishers. Chambel, M. J. & Curral, L. (1995).Psicossociologia das organizações.Lisboa:Texto Editora: Cunha, M. P.; Rego, A.; Cunha, R. C. & Cabral-Cardoso, C..(2003).Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão.Lisboa:RH Editora. Ferreira, J. M.; Neves, J. & Caetano, A. (2001).Psicossociologia das organizações. Amadora:McGraw-Hill. Neves, J. G. (2000).Clima organizacional, cultura organizacional e gestão de recursos humanos.Lisboa:RH Editora Rego, A.(1999).Comunicação nas organizações. Lisboa:Ed. Sílabo. Rego, A. & Cunha, M. P.(2003).A essência da liderança.Lisboa:RH. Editora. Watzlawick, P.; Bavelas, J. B. & Jackson, D. D.(2002).Teoria de la comunicación humana. Barcelona:Herder In this course the teaching methodologies used are as follows: - Theoretical Exposition of the contents; - Class participation through reflection and discussion (10%) - Group works (45%) - Test (45%). 6.Organization and change a. Power, conflict and negotiation Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] The evaluation criteria for this course is weighted as: Participation- 10% Test - 45% Preparation and presentation of group work - 45% Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Animação e Intervenção Comunitária 1. Community, Identity, Participatory Process Concept of Community and Community Identity The Community and the Participatory Process 2. Process of social intervention in communities Elements play in the process of social intervention Sociocultural animator as intervening social 3. Community Animation The Animation community as an intervention strategy Animation as a factor in community development Characteristics and principles of intervention from the Animation: characterization, methodology and practice 4. Organization and Community Development Principles of community development Empowerment and advocacy: integrating two concepts Citizenship and participation The proportion of individual versus community intervention Community Development in Social Education and Socio-cultural 5. Community development and strengthening of civil society Models and methods in community intervention Systemic approach in community work Planning and programming in community development Almeida, V. M. (2010). O Mediador Sócio-cultural em contexto Escolar. Mangualde: Edições Pedago Caride, J. A. (2000). Educación social y politicas culturales. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela/Facultad de Ciências de la Educación Caride, J. A.; Freitas, O.M; Callejas, G. V. (2007). Educação e Desenvolvimento Comunitário Local. Perspectivas Pedagógicas e sociais de sustentabilidade. Porto: Profedições Carmo, H. (2000).Actualidade do Desenvolvimento Comunitário como estratégia de intervenção social. Lisboa:Univ. Aberta Carmo, H. (coordenador) (2001). Problemas Sociais Contemporâneos.Lisboa: Univ. Aberta Carmo, H.(1999). Desenvolvimento Comunitário.Lisboa:Univ. Aberta Trilla, J. (coordenador).2004. Animação Sociocultural, Teorias Programas e Âmbitos.Lisboa:Instituto Piaget 131 The classes will be developed through theoretical and practical exhibition of the syllabus, held through debate, analysis of texts and community intervention projects. The PL component is present in the objectives defined in group work and contact OT correspond to individualized and personalized to the needs of students. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] participation and Attendance - 10% -Individual work - 55% -Group work - 35% Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Expressões Criativas Integradas Arenheim, R. (1986).Arte e Percepção VisuaS.Paulo.Liv.Pioneira Editora Charaf, M. (1999).Relajación Creativa:técnicas y The Multidimensionality of Creativity esperiências.Santiago Compostela USC - the Creativity and the Expression Faure, G. & Lascar, S. (1982).O Jogo - the Creative Activity Dramático na Escola Primária.Lisboa. - the Creative Activators: necessary Edit. Estampa tools To develop Creativity Gardner, H. (1987).Arte, Mente y - the Creative Method Cerebro.Barcelona Paidós - the Creative Activity in an Gardner, H. (1995).Mentes interdisciplinary perspective Creativas.BarcelonaPaidós Gouch, M. (1993).In Touch with The Expressive Languages DanceLancaster.Whitethom Boocks. Melo, M., (2005).A Expressão -Dramatic/Body Movement Dramática à Procura de -Writing / Verbal / Poetic / Non Percursos.Lisboa.Livros Horizonte Verbal Motos, T. (1999).Creatividad -Sound / Musical Dramática.Santiago Compostela.USC -Plastic / Artistic Prado, D. (coord.) (1996).Técnicas creativas y lenguaje total.Santiago The integrated Artistic expressions Compostela USC Prado, D. (1998).10 Activadores - The Artistic expressions Creativos.Santiago Compostela.USC incorporated in the planning of Social Ribeiro, A. 2003).O Corpo que Cultural Animator. Somos.Lisboa Edit. Notícias Sanz, E. (1999).Tantas formas de The Creative Project in Action llegar, tantas formas de decir.Santiago Research. Compostela.USC Torre, S. & Barrios, O. (2000) Estrategias Didácticas innovadoras.Barcelona Octaedro 1. The work developed in contact with teacher: participation; management of creative techniques; ability to propose solutions in Socio-Cultural Animation; group work; assiduity, participation on Tutorial Orientation (attendance, email, and forum). The assessment on these parameters corresponds to 30% It will be practise the procedures of formative and continuous evaluation. 1. The work developed in contact with teacher: participation; management of creative techniques; ability to propose solutions in Socio-Cultural Animation; group work; assiduity, participation on Tutorial Orientation (attendance, email, and forum). The assessment on these parameters corresponds 2. The group work Creative Project: to 30% Research in creativity, 2. The group work Creative Project: Research in creativity, expressions and art education; planning of creative activities; oriented readings; autonomic study;; by the assessment of the Creative Intervention Project in Socio-cultural Animation, final work of synthesis of knowledge, to present in the last two weeks of the curricular plan: research quality; suitable methodological and creative techniques; innovation and originality; elucidation of evaluation; quality and authenticity of presentation. The assessment on these parameters corresponds to 50% / Practical Presentation. 3. Evaluation test 20% expressions and art education; planning of creative activities; oriented readings; autonomic study;; by the assessment of the Creative Intervention Project in Socio-cultural Animation, final work of synthesis of knowledge, to present in the last two weeks of the curricular plan: research quality; suitable methodological and creative techniques; innovation and originality; elucidation of evaluation; quality and authenticity of presentation. The assessment on these parameters corresponds to 50% / Practical Presentation. 3. Evaluation test 20% Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 132 Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Técnicas de Animação e Dinâmica de Grupos 1. The theoretical currents in social psychology 2. Theoretical approaches to group dynamics. 2.1. Social Psychology of Group Dynamics. 2.2. The Comprehensiveness of Group dynamics: the concept of group dynamics. 3. Kurt Lewin and group dynamics 3.1. Life space or living space. 3.2. The behavior of the individual and his life space 4. Phenomena and group processes. 4.1. Group definition. 4.2. Genesis and development of a group. 4.3. The interactions within the groups. 5. The notion of belonging. 5.1. While individual basic need. 5.2. While factor of group cohesion. 6. Leadership. 7. Communication in groups 7.1. The communication and relationship. 7.2. The nonverbal communication in interpersonal relationships. 8. The group dynamics 8.1. Recreational and educational techniques 8.2. Relationships and communication technique 8.3. Creativity techniques. 8.4. Management techniques and conflict negotiation. Anton, K. (2001). Práctica de la dinámica de grupos. Barcelona: Herder Antunes, C. (2002). Manual de técnicas de dinâmica de grupo de sensibilização de ludopedagogia. Petropólis: Ed. Vozes Fachada, O. (2001).Psicologia das relações interpessoais. Lisboa: Rumo Fritzen, S. J. (1981).Exercícios práticos de dinâmica de grupos. Petropólis: Ed. Vozes Idánez, M. J. A. (2004). Como animar um grupo: princípios básicos e técnicas. Petropólis: Ed. Vozes. Manes, S. (2003). 83 jogos psicológicos para a dinâmica de grupos. São Paulo: Atlas Maisonneuve, J. (2004). A Dinâmica dos Grupos. Lisboa: Ed. Livros do Brasil Myers, D. G.(2005) Psicologia social. México: McGraw-Hill Neto, F.(2000) Psicologia social. Lisboa: Univ. Aberta Watzlawick, P; Bavelas, J.B. & Jackson, D. D. (2002) Teoría de la comunicacion humana. Barcelona: Herder 133 The classes will be developed through theoretical and practical exhibition of the syllabus, using the potencies of different techniques of group dynamics, which are simulated in different contexts, using the text analysis, discussion and analysis and viewing videos. The PL component is present in the objectives defined in group work and sessions conducted in the laboratory and contact OT correspond to individualized and personalized to the needs of students. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] -Attendance, participation and attitude - 20% -Individual work - 25% -Portfolio (Individual work) - 35% -Group work - 20% Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Desenho, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de Projetos 1. Introduction to the planning and management of projects 2. The stages and construction of a project. (Steps taken in the 2nd year) 3. Projects Research in Culture and Sociall Animation 3.1 Ranging from the problem to the hypothesis, the problem of research, awareness of a problem 3.2. The route: 3.2.1. Problem-question-hypothesis 3.2.2. Targeted questions 3.2.3. Review of literature 3.3. Strategies for verification 3.3.1. Several strategies for research with existing data: search of opinion, case studies, history of life, 3.4. Preparations for the collection of data: testimonies, questionnaires, interviews, etc.. 3.5. From information to the conclusions 3.6. The search report: written and verbal presentation 3.7. The final plan / final report: Practice and research, ensure the final version of the work 3.7.1. Interpretation and presentation of final data 3.7.2. Drafting of the final work Barbier, J.-M. (1993) Elaboração de projectos de Acção e Planificação. Porto:Porto Editora Bell, J. (2004)Como realizar um projecto de investigação.Viseu:Gradiva. Castro, L. B. & Ricardo, M. M. (1992).Gerir o Trabalho de Projecto. Lisboa:Texto Editora. Erasmine, T. & Lima, L. (1989). Investigação e Projectos de Desenvolvimento em Educação.Braga:Universidade Minho Laville, Christian e Dionne, Jean (1999). A Construção do saber.Porto Alegre:Artmed. Mendonça, M. (2002). Ensinar e aprender por projectos.Porto:Edições ASA. Sousa, M., Lima, J. & Vieites, M. (2007). Animação, Artes e Terapias. Amarante: Ed. Intervenção Trilla, J. (2004). Animação Sociocultural.Lisboa:Ed. Piaget Assiduity 5% Participation in the critical analysis of texts, projects and / or topics for discussion 10% Preparation of projects (design, organization, management and evaluation of projects) 10% Throughout this curriculum unit, students will consider and discuss topics and projects developed through scientific articles, text, images or news. It is intended that this theoretical and practical subject will develop a methodology for teaching and learning, in which the student is able to debate issues related to developing contents. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Independent Work (Individual / group) Guided reading and research, oral exposition, individual presentation of work research 10% Preliminary Design of a single-report of search, related to the practice of 2nd semester 30% Use of activities plan of arts education for preparation of a final group project 10% Presentation of a preliminary project 15% Presentation and evaluation of the group project 10% 134 Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Promoção da Saúde 1.general framework 2.portugal’s health profile’s citizenship 4.equity and fair access to health care 5.quality in health 6.healthy policies 7.gains in health throughout the life cycle 9.economic and social support in health and disease 10. portuguese participation in global health 11.main health indicators 12.cross-cutting issues 13.medicalization of everyday life 14.the death and dying in portugal Altimier L. (2004), “Healing Environments: For Patients and Providers”, Newborn Infant Nurs Rev, 4(2). Araújo E, Costa M, Hogan V, Mota E, Oliveira N, Araujo T. Race/skin color differentials in potential years of life lost due to external causes. Rev Saúde Pública 2009;43(3): 1-7. Donabedian A. The Quality of Care. How Can It Be Assessed? Arch Path Lab Med 1997; 121: 11 Fassbender K. Citizen’s participation: the role of citizens in the management of the health care system and its consequences. In Think Thank Saúdeem-rede, Lisboa, 2009. Fragata J. Gestão do Risco. in Campos L, Borges M, Portugal R (Editores), Governação dos Hospitais, Lisboa: Casa das Letras, Outubro de 2009. Espanha, Rita, Rui Brito Fonseca, Rita Veloso Mendes e Tiago Correia (2012), Os Portugueses, a Saúde e a Internet, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, CIES-IUL, Projecto SER, 85 p. OMS (2008). Cuidados de Saúde Primários Agora Mais do que Nunca. Geneva. 135 Throughout this curriculum unit, there shall be developed reflexions and debates on the issues on stake, through scientific articles, texts, images and newspaper articles. These tasks will allow the development of knowledge and skills, on the health promotion contemporary problematic, providing tools that can enhance the agents’ action. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Assiduity 10% - Participation in the critical analysis of texts and topics for discussion 20% - Guided reading and Portuguese research, oral exposition, individual presentation of work research 30% - Written test 40% Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Educação Ambiental 1. Introduction. Definition of Environment and Environmental Sciences. The evolution of the approaches to environmental subjects since last decades. Sustainable development. 2. Basic concepts. Earth as a system. The laws of thermodynamics and the limits of science. Resources: ecological/economic; renewables/perpetual/nonrenewable. Pollution. Environmental impacts. 3. Ecology. Levels of organization of matter in nature. Life-support systems. Abiotic factors. Biogeochemical cycles. Energy flows. Ecosystems, niches and biodiversity. Biogeography and terrestrial biodiversity. 4. Global environmental problems. Air pollution. Ozone layer. Greenhouse effect. Climate change. Water pollution. Eutrophication. Biodiversity decrease. Soil degradation and desertification. 5. Environment, economy and society. 136 Miller, G.T. & Spoolman, S.E. (2011). Living in the Environment. Belmont: Brooks/Cole . The Environmental Education course is being developed through the teoreticall and practical Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente classes.Each program item will be introduced in a (2009). Relatório do Estado do class in which the main concepts are presented. Ambiente. Lisboa: Agência Portuguesa This class is followed by classes for application, do Ambiente. reflection, discussion and debate among students and with the teacher. At the end of each classes an United Nations (2005). Millennium assignment will be proposed to the students. Ecosystem Assessment. Washigton:Isaland Press. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Evaluation will be weighted as following: 60%: written test. 40%: works, reflections and other activities done at the end of each class. Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Prática em Animação Sociocultural Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents The work topics of this unit are based on the development of the entire learning of the students in different periods of practice (training) course. • Problem and practical development. • Intervention Project / Action. . Action Research project. Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Alvarez, Geraldo Garcia (1990). Interaccion social y animacion juvenil. Madrid Popular Ander-Egg, E e Idanez M.J.A. (1998) Como elaborar um Projecto. Lisboa. CPIHTSocial Ander-Egg (1997). Perfil del Animador Socio-Cultural. Alicante. Gráficas Dias Canário B., Mª Beatriz. (1998). Construir o projecto educativo local: relato de uma experiência Lisboa IID ME Cembranos, Fernando (1992). La animación sociocultural: una propuesta metodológica. Madrid. Popular Cubero, M.V. (1991). La Animación Socio-Cultural: una alternativa para la tercera edad. Madrid CTSocial Freire, Paulo (1996). Educação e participação Comunitária Inovação nº 9 305-312 Peres, A. e Sousa, M. (2007) Animação Sociocultural: Novos Desafios.Amarante. APAP Quintana, J. (1993).Los Âmbitos Profesionales de la Animación. Madrid. Narcea Sousa, M. Lima, José & Vieites, M. (2007). Animação, Artes e Terapias.Amarante. Ed. Intervenção Trillas, J. (2004). A Animação Sociocultural.Lisboa. Ed. Piaget Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 137 Contact with the Institution Ability to observe, analyzes, evaluate and Contact with the Institution reflect on the reality to mediate.10% Ability to observe, analyzes, evaluate and reflect on Stimulating and the reality to mediate.10% implementation of Stimulating and implementation of Creative Project Creative Project 50% 50% Meetings in the Meetings in the institution for valuation 10% institution for valuation Independent Work (Individual/group) 10% Guided-reading and research 10% Independent Work Design a creative intervention Project (research – (Individual/group) action) 10% Guided-reading and Verbal Presentation of the Research Action Project research 10% 10% Design a creative intervention Project (research – action) 10% Verbal Presentation of the Research Action Project 10% Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Ação Educativa em Animação Socio-Cultural I - Intervention Projects: preparation of projects The Practice of planning II – Intervention Projects: the creativity in the animation project The creativity in planning. Creative techniques of animation. Criteria for creativity. Creativity in the evaluation. III - The Animator in Educational Practice Practice Activities of interaction / simulation. Preparation / development / participation in intervention projects. The "Know how" in a work of educational interaction. The self evaluation in the interaction. Bell, J. (2004). Como realizar um projecto de investigação. Viseu: Gradiva. Carvalho, A. & Ramos, M. ( 2000). Dinâmicas da Formação.Lisboa:Asa Cebalos, P. L. de (1991). Formación de Animadores y Dinamicas de la Animación.Madrid: Popular De Cock, C. (2000).La solución creativa de Problemas.Santiago Compostela: USC Laville, C. & Dionne, J. (1999). A Construção do saber.Porto Alegre:Artmed Lobato, C. (1991). El Animador Sociocultural: personalidad, creatividad y valor.GastezVitoria Mendonça, M. (1999).Ensinar e Aprender por projectos.Lisboa:Asa Pereira, A. & Poupa, C. (2003). Como escrever uma Tese, Monografia ou Livro Científico.Porto:Sílabo Torre, S. & Barrios, O. (2000). Estratégias didácticas innovadoras.Barcelona:Octaedro Torremorell, Mª C. (2008). Cultura de Mediação e Mudança Social. Porto:Porto Edito Throughout this unit students will consider and discuss issues and experiences developed for text, images, news or projects submitted in each of a dynamic class. It is intended to stimulate research as validate the practice of Culture and Social Animator. The sessions will be formed by reflections of practices,as well as individual presentations of research developed in a specific area of research. They also analyze works research or projects connected to the practice developed in order to promote the upgrade of practice in Culture and Social Animation research. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Contact with the Teacher Attendance and participation in 80% of laboratory practice 10% Reflexive participation in the activities in the form of dialogue,critical analysis of texts and/or topics for discussion 15% Independent Work (Individual/group) Pre-Draft (Guidedreading, research and preparation of the project) 15% Final Research action Project with public presentation 60% 138 Portuguese Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, pré-requisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Physical Education and Sport – title, type, ECTS number, year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. 139 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement English Language and Culture Compulsory Helena Raposo Fluency in English applied to the context of sport and everyday b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Quantitative Methods 3 Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Compulsory 3 Paulo Sousa Quantitative methods applied to sport sciences investigation b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Soccer Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Compulsory 6 Valter Pinheiro Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of modality and application to the context of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Gymnastics Nome da UC / Course unit title Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Compulsory 6 Clarissa Printes Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of modality and application to the context of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Knowledge of the basic principles of biochemistry applied to sport science Compulsory 9 Carlos Martinho Knowlegde of human body functioning, based in the domain of the anatomy and physiology principles Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name No Applicable b-learning No No Applicable Applicable Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement Compulsory 3 Pedro Sequeira/ Rui Lourenço Domain of software analysis mode; basic knowledge of computer user's perspective and superior technical sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Compulsory 6 Rui Alves/ Pedro Sequeira Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of modality and application to the context of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Compulsory 6 Pedro Pereira Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of several combat modalities b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Anatomy and Physiology Compulsory No Applicable b-learning Applied Computing Joana Silva Handball 3 Combat Sports Biochemistry ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 140 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 6 Hugo Lourenço Dominion of the base technical and tactical concepts of skating b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Motor Learning and Developm ent Compulsory 6 Clarissa Printes/ Armando Costa Knowledge of the stages of growth and maturation of the human being; application to the context of sport b-learning No Applicable No 141 Applicable Antropolog y and body history Compulsory 3 Valter Pinheiro Knowledge of the history of the body, phenomenology of human societies and application and analysis of sporting contexts b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement Development and Learning Psychology Skating ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory 3 Paulo Sousa Knowledge of key moments and phases of development of the human being, analysis of the psychological factors and respective development theories b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Compulsory 2º ano, 1º semestre / 2nd year, 1st semester Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Compulsory 6 José tavares/ Mário Joel Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of modality and application to the context of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 6 Joana Reis Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of modality and application to the context of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Exercise Physiology Compulsory 6 Joana Reis/ Armando Costa Dominion of physiological principles of exercise and sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Sport Sociology 142 Compulsory 3 Paulo Sousa Knowledge of sociological factors and their relationship with the sports scene b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Trauma and aid in Sport Swiming Basquetball ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory 6 Diogo Teixeira Knowlegde and application of regulamented procedures of sports aid's; Knowlegde of sport trauma (etiology and procedures) b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Compulsory Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Nome do Docente / Lecturer name 3 Ricardo viseu Ferreira Knowledge of statistical principles applied to sport science b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Voleyball Compulsory 6 Alcides Costa/ Diogo Teixeira Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of modality and application to the context of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Raquet Sports Compulsory 6 Armando Costa Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of several raquet modalities b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Training Theory 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Compulsory 6 Valter Pinheiro Dominion of theoretical frameworks associated of trainig an training methods b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement Statistics 143 Compulsory Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Psicophysiology ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory 3 Diogo Teixeira Dominion of the functioning of the nervous system and relation to the sport context and human movement b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Sport Psychology 144 Paulo Sousa Compulsory 6 Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name 6 Clarissa Printes/ Pedro Sequeira b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement Dominion of pedagogical and methodological principles in Physical education and sports b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Dominion of psycological factors and determinants related with human sport resources 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester Physical Education and Sport Methodology Nome da UC / Course unit title Compulsory Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Organization and management of physical activities Dominion and knowledge of sport management 6 Nelson Melo Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of modality and application to the context of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Fitness Compulsory Pedro Henriques /Alcides Costa Compulsory 6 Diogo Teixeira/M ireille Verite Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of modality and application to the context of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Biomechanics Compulsory Athletics ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory 3 Diogo Teixeira Dominion and application of based physics principles applied to sports contexts and human movement b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 6 b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 145 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Exercise evaluation and prescription ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory 3 Rodrigo Ruivo Knowledge and application of exercise evaluation and prescription principles and guidelines, based in major world entities recomendations b-learning No Applicable No Applicable 146 Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Compulsory 6 6 Water activities Nome da UC / Course unit title Training methodology 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Compulsory Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement Jorge Castelo Dominion of training methodology principles and application to sport context b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Pedro Henriques / Clarissa Printes Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of the modality and application to the context of the sport, development of strutured classes in water environment b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Nature and adventure sports ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Compulsory 6 Marco Correia Dominion of technical and security concepts of modality and application to the several context of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Adapted sports Compulsory 6 Leila Matos Dominion of technical and tactical concepts of modality and application to the several contexts of the sport b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Health promotion Compulsory 3 Clarissa Printes Health promotion and desease prevention; the participation of the superior sport technique in health promotion b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Sport management Optional 3 Paulo Sousa Dominion of sport management procedures and principles; human, space, financial and material management in the sport context b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Entrepreneurship and marketing in sport 147 Optional 3 Nuno abranja Structure, construction and development of sport related projects and activities; knowledge of marketing strategies and principles applied to sport contexts b-learning No Applicable No Applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Physical Education and Sport – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units. 148 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester English Language and Culture Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Sport and exercise terminology; english language and the scientific writting Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Redmond, Alan & Warren, Sean (2012). English for Football, Oxford University Press, Oxford Dignen, Bob (2012). Communicating Across Cultures, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? Yes Quantitative Methods Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Simplification of the complex structure of the game; ofensive and defensive method of playing Silva, M. (2008). O desenvolvimento do jogar segundo a periodização táctica. Mcsports Castelo, J. (2009). Organização dinâmica do jogo. Edições do autor Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Gimnic elements; technique development of the elements Peixoto, C. (1984). Ginástica Desportiva 1. Lisboa. FMH. Peixoto, C.; Ferreira, V. (1993). A Ajuda Manual – Atitude Corporal Face ao Executante. Lisboa. FMH. Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Gymnastics Elements and characteristics in the scientific method; characteristics of the investigation process Fortin, J. (2009). Fundamentos e etapas do processo de investigação científica. Loures: Lusodidacta. Thomas, J. R. & Nelson, J. K. (1996). Research Methods in Physical Activity. Illinois: Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. Soccer ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. Portuguese II – Avaliação prática, com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação Portuguese prática, com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. Yes 149 Yes Yes Anatomy and Physiology Biochemistry ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Nutrient chemical composition; acid-base balance adn relation with human organism and performance Gleeson, M. e Ronald, J.M (2004). The Biochemical Basis of Sports Performance. Human Kinetics. Poortmans, J. R. (2004). Principles of Exercise Biochemistry (3rd Ed.). Poortmans ED. Human body comprehension; muscle and bone anatomy; criculatory system and functioning Seeley, Stephens & Tate (2003). Anatomia e Fisiologia. McGraw-Hill Companies (6 Ed.) Expository method; Exercises performed Espanha, M.; Silva, P. ; Pascoal, A.; by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Correia, P.. Anatomofisiologia, Tomo Autonomous work I - Sistema osteo-articular. Lisboa: Ed. FMH Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. Portuguese II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Yes 150 Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Applied Computing Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Sport software analysis; Lince program; user Health Club's data base analysis Gabín, B., Camerino, O., Anguera, Mª.T. & Castañer, M. (2012). Lince: Expository method; Exercises performed by multiplatform sport analysis software. student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Procedia - Social and Behavioral Autonomous work Sciences 46. 4692 – 4694. Handball Nome da UC / Course unit title Ofensive and defensive systems; technical development; game organization and development Clanton & Dwight (2008).Team Handball: Steps to success. Human Kinetics. Nem York Ribeiro, M. & Volossovitch, A. (2008). Andebol 1 e 2. Lisboa. FMH Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas Portuguese aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 151 Yes Yes Combat Sports Frederic, L. (2000) Diccionário Ilustrado de las Artes Marciales. Paris. Félin Rosa, V. (2007). Estudo Sociológico sobre as artes marcíais. Lisboa. ISCTE Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work History and development of skating modalities; initiating and developement of skating basic skills Sénica, L. (2004) Formação de professores – Patinagem. Lisboa, FPP. Almeida, A. (1996). A patinagem na escola. Lisboa, FMH. Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Concepts of growing, development and maturation; phases of learning Haywood, K & Getchell, N. (2010). Desenvolvimento Motor ao Longo da Vida. 5ª Edição, RS – Brasil, Artmed Expository method; Exercises performed by Godinho, M.; Mendes, R.; Melo, F. & student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Barreiros, J. (1999). Controlo Motor Autonomous work e Aprendizagem: Fundamentos e aplicações. Lisboa: UTL-FMH Motor Learning and Development History and development of combat sports and martial arts; technique development according with diferent combat modalities Skating ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Yes 152 Yes Yes Antropology and body history ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Olympism; the body in ancient greece; the body in rome Braconnier, A. (2000). Psicologia Dinâmica e Psicanálise. Lisboa. Climepsi. Campos, B. P. (1991). Educação e desenvolvimento pessoal e social. Porto. Afrontamento Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Portuguese Yes 153 2º ano, 1º semestre / 2nd year, 1st semester Development and Learning Psychology Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Theories and models of human development; phases and stages of human development Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Gleitman, H. (1999). Psicologia. Lisboa. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Fonseca, A. M. (2005). Desenvolvimento humano e envelhecimento. Lisboa. Climepsi Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Portuguese O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? Yes Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Swimming Technical development; water adaptation; phases of water adaptation; styles of swimming Alves, F. & Silva, A. & Pessoa, P. (2004). Hidrodinâmica – Análise das técnicas de nado. Lisboa. FPN Carvalho, C. (1994). Natação – Contribuito para o sucesso do ensino-aprendizagem. Edição de Autor Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Energetic sources, human organism and sport performance; system actue and cronic response to exercise Williams & Williams (2000). Guidelines for Exercise Testing. American College of Sports Medicine Expository method; Exercises performed by Wilmore, J.; Costil, D. & Kenney, W. student; Tutorial period; Papers work; (2008). Physiology of Sport and Autonomous work Exercise (4thEdt). Human Kinetics, Illinois Basquetball Technical and tactical development; history of the game; rules of the game ADELINO, J.(1994). As coisas simples do basquetebol. Lisboa. ANTB Bompa, T. (1997). Periodization Training: Theory and Methodology. Human Kinectics Exercise Physiology ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Yes 154 Yes Yes Trauma and aid in Sport Sport Sociology ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Society sport development; mass media; etic and fair play in sport; Human being and the need to recreation Ingham, A.G. & Loy, J.W. (1993). Sport in Social Development, Traditions, Transitions and Transformations. Champaign: Human Kinetics. Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Aid in sport; trauma in sport and injury prevention, fatigue and efficency Walker, B. (2007). The anatomy of sports injuries. Lotus. California EFAM (2011). Manual Europeu de primeiros socorros. Cruz Vermelha. Lisboa Coakley, J. (2001). Sport in Society: issues and controversies. Boston: McGraw•Hill. Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Portuguese Yes Portuguese Yes 155 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Voleyball Statistics Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Descriptive and inferencial statistics; statistic methods and investigation is sport sciences Afonso, A. & Nunes, C. (2010). Estatística e Probabilidades – Aplicações e Soluções em SPSS. Lisboa: Escolar Editora. Reis, E. (2010). Estatística Descritiva. Lisboa : 7ª Edição, Edições Sílabo Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Game systems; ofensive and defensive systems; technical development; rules and their application Gonaçalves, J.( 2009). Voleibol: ensinar jogando. Lisboa, Livros horizonte. Mesquita, I., Guerra, I., & Araújo V. (2002). Processo de formação do jovem jogador de voleibol. Lisboa. Centro de estudos e formação desportiva Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 156 Yes Yes Psicophysiology Training Theory Racket Sports ISCE Guide for Foreign Students History of racket games; badminton technical and tacticl development; rules and their application Grice, T. (2008). Badminton steps to success. Illinois: Human Kinetics. Hernadéz, M. (1995). Manuales para la enseñanza: iniciacion al Badminton. Barcelona, Editorial Gymnos. Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Training principles; training organization and planning Castelo, J. (2002). O Exercício de Treino Desportivo. Edições FMH. UTL. Castelo, J.; Barreto, H.; Alves, F.; Mil-Homens, P.; Carvalho, J.; Vieira, J. (1996). Metodologia do Treino Desportivo. Edições FMH. UTL. Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Nervous system and the human movement Kandel, E., Schwartz, J., & Jessel, T. (2000). Principles of Neural Science (4th Ed.). McGraw-Hill. New York Expository method; Exercises performed by Latash, M. (2008). student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Neurophysiological Basis of Autonomous work Movement. Human Kinetics. Champagne, Il. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com Portuguese ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Yes 157 Yes Yes Sport Psychology ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Tenenbaum, G. & Eklund, R. (Eds.) (2007). Handbook of Sport Psychology at the service of sport Psychology. New Jersey. Jonh Wiley Expository method; Exercises performed by and exercise; lidership processes & Sons. student; Tutorial period; Papers work; in sport; stress and anxiety in Alves, J. & Paula Brito, A. (Eds.) Autonomous work competition (2011). Manual de Psicologia do Desporto para Treinadores. Lisboa: Visão e Contextos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Portuguese Yes 158 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester Physical Education and Sport Methodology Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Castelo, J. (2002). O Exercício de Treino Desportivo. Edições FMH. Class organization and UTL developement; strategies to class Castelo, J.; Barreto, H.; Alves, F.; organization and dynamics Mil-Homens, P.; Carvalho, J.; Vieira, J. (1996). Metodologia do Treino Desportivo. Edições FMH. UTL Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Portuguese O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? Yes Organization and management of physical activities Technical development in the several athletic's modalities; history of the modality and thei actual role in sport contex Abrantes,J. (2006). Quem corre por gosto…. Lisboa. Editora Xistarca. Cunha, L. (2000). Atletismo Propedêutica das actividades desportivas. Lisboa: UTL-FMH Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work exercise applied to the general sport contexts; exercise technical execution; group class organization; error identification and corretion American College of Sports Medicine (2006). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Baltimore: Lippincott Williams &Wilkins. American Council on Exercise. (2000). Group Fitness Instructor Manual. San Diego, CA: American Council on Exercise. Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Fitness Management of sport facilities; organization and promotion of sport events Mintzberg, H. (1992). A Estrutura e a Dinâmica das Organizações. Lisboa: Dom Quixote Expository method; Exercises performed by Cunha, L. (2007). Os Espaços do student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Desporto: Uma gestão para o Autonomous work desenvolvimento humano. Coimbra: Edições Almedina Athletics ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. Yes Yes Yes 159 Exercise evaluation and prescription Biomechanics ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Whiting W. & Zernicke R. (2006). Biomecânica Funcional e das lesões musculo esqueleticas – 2ª Edição. Linear and angular kinetics, linear Guanabara, Brasil. and angular kinematics Palastanga N. (2000). Anatomia e Movimento Humano, Estrutura e Função. Manole, Brasil. Exercise prescription and evaluation guidelines; application of evaluation protocols; studycase prescription ACSMs Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (2009). Eight Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia Heyward, V. (2010). Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription. Sixt Edition, Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work; study-case analysis Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Portuguese Yes Portuguese Yes 160 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester Water activities Training methodology Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Sarmento, P., Rosado, A & Macro and micro cycle; training Expository method; Exercises performed by Rodrigues, J. (2000). A Formação de unit; training development and it's student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Treinadores Desportivos, Edições principles Autonomous work ESDRM, Rio Maior. Water polo aproach, aerobic water activities; Watrer activities applied to sport contexts Bonachela, V. (1994). Manual Básico de Hidroginástica. Rio de Janeiro. Editora Sprint Colorado American College of Sports Medicine (2006). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Baltimore: Lippincott Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 161 Yes Yes Health promotion Adapted sports Nature and adventure sports ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Climbing and rappel development and security issues; surf approach; orienteering introduction and their ramifications Estêvão Correia, M. (2011). Escalada – O Manual de Iniciação. Edições S-Challenge Palmer, P. (1998). The Complete Orienteering Manual. England. Crowood Press. Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Boccia aproach; adapted swimming; basketball in wellchair Pitteti, K. H., Rimmer, J.H., & Fernhall, B. (1993). Physical fitness and adults with mental retardation: An overview of current research and future directions. Sports Medicine, 16: 23-56. Shephard, R. J. (1990). Fitness in special populations. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Expository method; Pratical exercises performed by student in sport context; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Healt promotion models; the population principles and predictors of health and disease; salutogenic Vs patogenic approach Sardinha, L., Matos, M & Loureiro, I. (1999). Promoção da Saúde – modelos e práticas de intervenção nos âmbitos da actividade física, nutrição e tabagismo. FMH Edições, Lisboa Hardman, A.E. & Stensel, D. (2003). Physical Activity and Health. The Evidence Explained. London: Routledge. Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Avaliação prática, com Portuguese ponderação de 50% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo referente a conteúdos programáticos. I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de Portuguese grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. Yes 162 Yes Yes Entrepreneurship and marketing in sport Sport management ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Armstrong, M. (1996). Handbook of Personnel Management Practice (6ª Human Resource Management in Ed.) London, Kogan Pag. Expository method; Exercises performed by Sport; Management of Sports Chelladurai, P. (2006). Human student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Events; Management of Sports Resources Management in Sport Autonomous work Facilities and Recreation (2ª Ed). USA: Human Kinetics. The Importance of Entrepreneurship; Business Creation; The Sports Marketing Bucha, A. I. (2009) Empreendedorismo – Aprender a Saber Ser Empreendedor. Lisboa: Editora RH Dionísio, Pedro (Coord) (2009) Casos de Sucesso em Marketing Desportivo. Lisboa: Livros d’Hoje Publicações Dom Quixote. Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] I – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 60% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nas aulas. II – Trabalho de grupo/investigação, com ponderação de 40% para a nota final do aluno, a incidir na operacionalização de um objetivo dos conteúdos programáticos. I – Regularity II - Ficha teórica com ponderação de 45% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nos conteúdos relacionados com empreendedorismoo Desporto. III – Ficha teórica com ponderação de 45% para a nota final do aluno e abrangendo os conteúdos teóricos abordados nos conteúdos relacionados com Marketing no Desporto. Portuguese Yes Portuguese Yes 163 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Educação Social – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, pré-requisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Social Education – title, type, ECTS number, year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. 164 Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Patricia Pacheco Identify the different contexts of development and its impact on the person and groups; Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable 3 Ângela Lisboa/ Ana Isabel Runa Understand the pedagogical problems in a social dimension in the study of Sociology of Education. Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Sociologia da Educação/Sociology of Education Nome da UC / Course unit title Psicologia da criança e do adolescente/ Psychology of child and adolescent 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester Obrigatória/ Compulsory Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de Pré-requisitos ensino / Mode / of delivery Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement Pedagogia e Modelos de Educação/Pedagogy and education models Obrigatória/ Compulsory Técnicas de Expressão Escrita do Português/Techniques of written expression of the Portuguese Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 António To possess an adequate level of proficiency in the Portuguese language, both in the oral Lavouras/ and the written component in order to facilitate the integration of the groups and their Inês communication. Ribeiros Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Metodologia de Investigação/Research methodology ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Fernanda Carvalho Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable 3 Luís Picado Critically analyze the main theories, models, paradigms and philosophies of education Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable 165 Identify and know the main operational methods and research techniques; Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Educação Social e Contextos de Intervenção/Social education and intervention contexts Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 AnaPaula Leitão/ Filipa Coelhoso Expressão Motora/Motor expression Opção/ optional 3 Pedro Pereira/ Diogo Teixeira Expressão Musical/Musical expression ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opção/ optional 3 Pedro Nunes Understand the fundaments of Social Education as an object of study of Social Pedagogy Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable To recognize the motor development process and phases; Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Understand the musical phenomenon individuality and its expressive potential; Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 166 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de Pré-requisitos ensino / Mode / of delivery Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement Psicologia do Adulto e do Idoso/Adult Psychology and Aging Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Patricia Pacheco Recognizing human development as a process coextensive the length of life Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Expressão VisuoPlástica/ Expression Visuo-Plastic 167 Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Maria João Delgado Create and reinvent new forms, structures and relationships. Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Antropologia Social e Cultural/Social and cultural Anthropology Nome da UC / Course unit title Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Fernanda Carvalho Diagnose and intervening in social and cultural problems in different contexts Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Pedagogia Social/ Social Pedagogy Obrigatória/ Compulsory Política e Legislação Social/Social Policy and Legislation ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Luis Picado/Fili Contextualizing social work practice guidelines from the national and european social policy pa Coelhoso Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable 168 Observação em Contexto (Estágio)/ Training - Contextual Monitoring Obrigatória/ Compulsory 9 Inglês / English 3 Opção/ optional 3 Rogério Canhões Knowing the evolution of social policies in Portugal, and in particular comparative study of different systems that characterize the welfare state and the trend lines relating to social policy in international fora, particularly in the European Union Ana Paula Leitão/ Know different socio educational realities Filipa Coelhoso Helena Raposo To reactivate and to consolidate syntactic, morphologic, phonetic and lexical general english competences Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto/ blearning N/A N/A Presencial/ Presential No Applicable Estágio realizado em instituições de intervenção socioeduca tiva escolhidas pelo ISCE/Traini ng held in different institutions chosen by the ISCE. Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Francês / French ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opção/optio nal 3 António Costa Ideias Know the French language and grammar at the level of initiation Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Espanhol/ Spanish 169 Opção/optio nal 3 Liesmet Perez know the sapnish language and grammar at the level of initiation Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Modo de Pré-requisitos ensino / Mode / of delivery Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement 2º ano, 1º semestre / 2nd year, 1st semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 170 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de Pré-requisitos ensino / Mode / of delivery Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de Pré-requisitos ensino / Mode / of delivery Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement 171 Psicossociologia das Organizações Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Patologias Sociais e do Desenvolvimento Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Ana Moreira Sociologia da Exclusão Social e da Marginalidade Nome da UC / Course unit title Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Fernanda Carvalho Luís Barrosa/ Understand the potential of individuals and groups within the organizations. Ana Paula Leitão Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Difficulties in the definition of the concept and its delimitation from sociological concept of "anomie". Maladjustment, exclusion and social marginalization. Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Identification of the most relevant structure of poverty and exclusion in the Portuguese society with reference to specific differences in the matter regarding the European situation; Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Animação e Intervenção Comunitária ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Angela Lisboa/ Filipa Coelhoso observe and analyze the social pratices in different contexts of sociocultural animation and intervention. Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Desenho, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de Projectos de Intervenção Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Ana Paula Identify the need of intervene in a systemic way, articulating knowledge in different areas Leitão Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Educação de Adultos Opção/ optional 6 Fernanda Carvalho Understanding the centrality of adult education in the face of great current educational issues; Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Promoção da Saúde e do Bem-Estar 172 Opção/ optional 6 Rui Brito Fonseca Understanding the guidelines of the national health system; Misto/ blearning No Applicable No Applicable Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Seminário de Aopio ao Estágio Obrigatória/ Compulsory 9 Provide students the possibility of application of achieved knowledge during training, in order Ana Paula to develop competencies that allow them to intervene properly in the institutions where Leitão they will work. Obrigatória/ Compulsory 21 Ana Paula Design, develop and evaluate projects for socio-educational intervention. Leitão Modo de Pré-requisitos ensino / Mode / of delivery Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement 173 Estágio Nome da UC / Course unit title Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto/blearning No Applicable No Applicable Presencial/Pr esential No Applicable Chosen by students ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Educação Social – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Social Education – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units. 174 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? Psicologia da criança e do adolescente/Psychology of child and adolescent Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Tavares, J., Pereira, A., Gomes, A., Child psychology, Monteiro, S. & Gomes, A. (2007). adolescent psychology, Manual de psicologia do developmental psychology desenvolvimento e aprendizagem. Porto: porto Editora Exposition of methods, self-education, research work, collaborative learning Written test, team and individual work, participation on classes Sociologia da Educação/Sociology of Education Nome da UC / Course unit title Sociology of education, social dimension of education, cultural dimension of education. Discussion and critical analysis of texts and theme, individual work, group work Participatios in lessons, individual and Portuguese Yes group works, critical /English analysis Enguita, M.F. (2007). Educação e transformação social. Mangualde: Edições Pedago. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese Yes /English Pedagogia e Modelos de Educação/Pedagogy and education models Theories, models, paradigms and philosophies of education Serralheiro, J.P. (2006). O processo de Bolonha e a formação dos educadores e professores portugueses. Porto: ProfEdições Guided discovery, socratic dialogue, research work, lectures, work group Técnicas de Expressão Escrita do Português/Techniques of written expression of the Portuguese Linguistic competence, communicative competence, oral language and written language Gomes, A. & cavacas, F. (2005). Escrever direito. Ortografia. Lisboa: Cla´ssica Editora Problamatization and discussion in the lessons, individual work, group work Elaboration and exposition of individual Portuguese Yes works, written test, /English group research work Metodologia de Investigação/Research methodology ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Scientific method, phases of research process, scientific research Tuckman, B.W. (2000). Manual de investigação em educação. Lisboa: FCG Observation and discussion of different types of documents, case studies, pratical work Individuals work, written test Work group, individual forms, critical analisy of texts ou theme Portuguese yes /English 175 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese No Expressão Musical/Musical expression Expressão Motora/Motor expression Educação Social e Contextos de Intervenção/Social education and intervention contexts ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Education and social education, the role of social educator, theoretical approach of social education. Serrano, G.P. (2009). Pedagogia social. Educación social. Construcción cientifica e interveción prática. Madrid: Narcea. Reflections on the topics discussed, individual work, group work. Attitude, group work, individual work Portuguese Yes /English Motor development, movement and behavior, psysical planning of activities Neto, C. (2003). Jogo e desenvolvimento da criança. Lisboa: FMH Direct instrution, interactive teaching, cooperative learning, individual work. Participation in lessons, individual work Portuguese Yes /English Active involvement of students, work group, individual work, analysis of relevant documentation attendance, Portuguese participation, individual Yes /English work, group project Basic musical elements: sound and characteristics, Storms, J. (2003). 1001 jogos the voice and the body, musicais. Lisboa: ASA instruments, informatic tools in musical animation Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 176 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? Psicologia do Adulto e do Idoso/Adult Psychology and Aging Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Adulthood, Periods of development in adulthood. Brief reference to some theories: Erikson, Levinson and Loevinger. The first adulthood, midlife Barros de Oliveira, J. (2005). and late Psicologia do envelhecimento e do adulthood.Periods of idoso. Porto: Legis. development in adulthood. Brief reference to some theories: Erikson, Levinson and Loevinger. The first adulthood, midlife and late adulthood Reflection and discussion, critical analysis of texts, work on collecting information related to the themes discussed in class. Written test, group work Portuguese Yes /English Expressão VisuoPlástica/Expression Visuo-Plastic Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria expression and creativity, language and comminication, materials and techniques Rodrigues, D. (2002). A infancia da arte, a arte da infância. Lisboa: Asa Active involvement of students links the theoretical with the practical issues. Research, developing a portfolio of learning. Portuguese Yes /English Antropologia Social e Cultural/Social and cultural Anthropology Nome da UC / Course unit title Anthropology, culture, theories, social organization, Symbolic Systems and Practices Almeida, M. V. (2004). Outros destinos: ensaios de antropologia e cidadania. Porto: Campo de letras Transmission of knowledge through techniques such as dialogic and interactive lessons. Individual and group work Portuguese No 177 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Perez Serrano, G. (2009). Pedagogía Social- Educación Social. Construcción científica e Exposition of methods, collaborative learning, intervención práctica. Madrid: Narcea. Written test and work group Portuguese Yes /English 178 Política e Legislação Social/Social Policy and Legislation The social pedagogy in the context of educational sciences and the humanities in general. Political and legal assumptions of social action, target groups of social intervention education: Social Policy and Welfare, The Law and Institutions, Legislation of social policy, Study of the Law of Born. M. (2005). Psicologia da Minors, nternational Law delinquencia. Lisboa: Climepsi concerning Families, Children, the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities and Handicaps Participation, involvement in research situations, debates. Written test and work group Portuguese No Observação em Contexto (Estágio)/Training - Contextual Monitoring Pedagogia Social/ Social Pedagogy ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Understand interaction in the local of stage with other partner institutions in the community; Identification of target population; perform a report of the situations lived from the analysis of the same. Integrate students into contact with social institutions have different settings and contexts and through these are able to reflect on the role and intervention of the Technical Higher Social Education Preparation and submission of the report stage Portuguese Yes /English Carreras, J.S. & Molina, J.G. (2006). Padagogia social. Pensar la educación social como professión. Madrid: Alianza editorial. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Oral exposition of general information in linguistic and cultural issues; Permanent presentations of assignments under the teacher supervision Francês / French Application of general and basic Spanish grammar – initiation level Gilder Alfred (1993) Et si on parlait français?, Cherche – Midi Continuous evaluation which includes different papers carried out in teams or small groups (ongoing throughout the semester). Written test, written works: compositions, preparation of specific vocabulary, teamwork, translation Know the Spanish language and grammar at the initiation level; Understand and produce written and oral messages. Amenós, José; Gil-Toresano, Manuela; Soria, Inés ; (2005) AGENCIA ELE (Manual de lengua castellana adoptado); ISBN: 978-849778-402-3 ; Alcobendas SGEL The primary activity of Spanish classes for this course is: "Practice" (communication and a focus on interactive grammar and vocabulary based on the procedure of association and reading). Written test , work (presentation) oral and Portuguese No oral participation in /Spanish class Inglês /English Reactivate and to consolidate syntactic, morphologic, phonetic and Sorry, M. & Childs, P. (2002). British lexical general English Cultural Identities. London: competences; To activate Routledge general processes of fluency in speech; Espanhol/Spanish ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Written and oral comprehension exercises for practice; Pair and group work Portuguese Yes /English 179 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese No /French ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 1º semestre / 2nd year, 1st semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 180 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 181 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? Psicossociologia das Organizações Attitudes and satisfaction at work; groups and team work; communication; lidership; decision making, coflict and negotiation Cunha, M. P.; Rego, A.; Cunha, R. C. & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2003) Manual de comportamento organizacional. Lisboa: RH Patologias Sociais e do Desenvolvimento 182 Patologia e saude mental. A patologia social. A patologia social em portugal. O estigma e a patologização. Ajuriaguerra, J. & marcelli, D. (1986). Exposure theory about the contents; individual Manual de psicopatologia infantil. work; participation in classes Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas. Individual and group work Portuguese Yes /English Sociologia da Exclusão Social e da Marginalidade Nome da UC / Course unit title Exclusão Social – Perspectiva Histórica e Contextual, Anomia; desvio, Estigma, Suicídio, a realidade portuguesa Silva, M. & rasgado, S. (1999). Pobreza e exclusão social. A investigação em Portugal. Lisboa: Cecsis Individual and group work Portuguese Yes /English Exposure theory about the contents; individual work; participation in classes Learning based on learner autonomy Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Individual work, written Portuguese Yes test /English Animação e Intervenção Comunitária Community, Identity, Participatory Process; Process of social intervention in communities; Community animation. Animation Caride Gomez, J.A.; Freitas, O.M.; Callejas, G.V. (2007). Educação e desenvolvimento comunitário local. Perspetivas pedagógicas e sociais de sustentabilidade. Porto: Profedições Desenho, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de Projectos de Intervenção Phases and project building, implementation and project management, evaluation and report. Serrano, G. P. (2010). Elaboração de projetos sociais. Porto: Porto Editora Educação de Adultos ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Adult education, theoretical and historical references, Canário, R. & Belmiro, C. (2005). Educação e formação de adultos: Mutações e convergencias. Lisboa: Educa Exposure theory about the contents; discussion and participation in classes individual and group works Portuguese Yes /English 183 Presentation and reflection on case studies Elaboration of individual works , presentations and evaluation. Portuguese Yes /English Research skills for the student to reflect and transmit content, either individually or in groups. individual and group work Portuguese Yes /English Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Promoção da Saúde e do Bem-Estar ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Portugal´s health profiles, healthy policies, the death and dying in portugal Araujo, E., Costa, M., Hogan, V., Mota, E., Oliveira, N. , Araujo, T. (2009). Race/skin color differentials in potencial years of life lost due the external causes. Revista de saude publica, 43(3), 1-7 Reflexions and debates on the issues discusses in classes written test and gruop work Portuguese Yes /English 184 Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Seminário de Apoio ao Estágio Analysis and reflection of experiences lived by the students, in the context of educational practice Serrano, G. P. (2009). Pedagogia social. Educacion social.Construccion cientifica e intervención practica. Madrid: Narcea Estágio 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester Characterization of the institution / service home of the Stage; Project Development Internship programming of research and intervention Carreras, J.S. & Molina, J.G. (2006). Padagogia social. Pensar la educación social como professión. Madrid: Alianza editorial. Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Reflection in the classroom, individual work Intervention project, paper works Portuguese Yes /English Contact the local stage; Refelction sessions in class Preparation and submission of the stage Portuguese Yes /English Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Turismo – título, tipologia, nº de ECTS, ano, semestre, nome do docente, resultados de aprendizagem, modo de ensino, pré-requisitos e local de estágio de unidades curriculares / Degree in Physical Education and Sport – title, type, ECTS number, year, semester, name of lecturer, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, prerequisites and training places of units. 185 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester Contabilidade Geral/ General Accounting Introdução ao Turismo/ Introduction to Tourism Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory Obrigatória/ Compulsory Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name 6 Professor Doutor Nuno Abranja / Dra. Ana Marques 3 Mestre Especialista Ricardo Viseu Ferreira Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Prérequisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement Domínio da linguagem e do sistema turístico / Mastery of language and of the tourism system Misto / blearning N/A N/A Formação de quadros técnicos de turismo na vertente contabilística, designadamente no que concerne às operações contabilísticas úteis, não só de gestão corrente mas também de tomada de decisões / To train technical tourism staff in the accounting aspect, mainly in what concerns to current accountancy operations regarding current management and decision-making. Misto / blearning N/A N/A Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Estrutura Política e Legislação do Turismo/ Political Structure and Legislation of Tourism Inglês – Língua / English – Language Obrigatória/ Compulsory Obrigatória/ Compulsory Metodologias de Investigação / Research Methodologies Obrigatória/ Compulsory Português – Língua / Portuguese - Language ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 6 3 6 Mestre Especialista António Abrantes Domínio do tipo, natureza e estruturas dos Estados para o desenvolvimento do turismo. Conhecimento dos regimes jurídicos das principais actividades turísticas / Mastery of the type, nature and structures of States to the development of tourism. Knowledge of the legal systems of the main tourist activities Mestre Especialista Introduction to tourism vocabulary Helena Raposo Proficiência em língua portuguesa nas suas vertentes oral e escrita/ Proficiency in the Mestre Inês Portuguese language in their oral and written aspects. Ribeiros Professora Doutora Clara Pereira / Professor Doutor Nuno Abranja Identificar e saber operacionalizar os principais métodos e técnicas de pesquisa aplicáveis ao Turismo, conhecendo os procedimentos necessários para a operacionalização de qualquer investigação / Identify and know the main operational methods and research techniques applicable to Tourism, knowing the procedures necessary for the operation of any investigation Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto / blearning N/A N/A 186 Misto / blearning N/A N/A Misto / blearning N/A N/A Misto / blearning N/A N/A ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Nome do Docente / Lecturer name 6 Mestre Especialista Alexandre Pessoa Reconhecer os principais conceitos das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, utilizando as funcionalidades do Processador de texto, da ferramenta de Apresentações e da Folha de cálculo / Recognize key concepts of IT, using the main features of the Word processor, Presentation softwares and Spreadsheet softwares Misto / blearning N/A N/A Geografia Turística/ Tourism Geography Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 Professora Doutora Noemi Marujo / Mestre Ana Afonso Alcântara Adquirir um conhecimento da evolução do fenómeno turístico no mundo, compreendendo o fenómeno turístico em Portugal nas suas componentes, fluxos, padrões de distribuição e unidades espaciais fundamentais e impactos / Acquire a knowledge of the evolution of world tourism, understanding the tourist phenomenon in Portugal in its components, flows, basic patterns of distribution, space regions and impacts Misto / blearning N/A N/A História Socioeconómica do Turismo/ Socio-Economic History of Tourism 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Obrigatória/ Compulsory 3 Mestre Domínio das prácticas do viajar e da evolução histórica do turismo e das implicações Especialista mútuas nas esferas económica e social / Mastery of practices of travel and the historical António evolution of tourism and the mutual impacts in economic and social areas Abrantes Misto / blearning N/A N/A Informática Aplicada /Applied Informatics Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Prérequisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement 187 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Inglês - Cultura e Língua/ English – Culture and Language Obrigatória/ Compulsory Métodos Quantitativos / Quantitative Methods Obrigatória/ Compulsory Português - Língua e Comunicação / Portuguese Culture and Language ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory Mestre Especialista Acquisition of technical vocabulary in an English Speaking Frame Helena Raposo Misto / blearning N/A 3 Conhecimentos basilares e específicos no domínio das competências de comunicação oral Mestre Inês e escrita/ Basic and specific knowledge and skills to the field of oral and written Ribeiros communication Misto / blearning N/A N/A 6 Professor Doutor Eduardo Moraes Sarmento / Mestre Especialista Ricardo Viseu Ferreira Misto / blearning N/A N/A 6 Discussão de problemáticas de investigação para as quais os Métodos Quantitativos estão particularmente vocacionados e criação de um pensamento estratégico / To review some research issues for which quantitative methods are particularly suited and to create a strategic thinking Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] N/A 188 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 2º ano, 1º semestre / 2nd year, 1st semester Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery Prérequisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement Economia Aplicada/ Applied Economics 189 Obrigatória/ Compulsory Obrigatória/ Compulsory Mercados Turísticos / Tourism Markets Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Inglês - Língua e Comunicação/ English – Language and Communication Nome da UC / Course unit title Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Obrigatória/ Compulsory Fornecer conhecimentos de base na área da ciência económica, dotando os alunos das competências básicas na análise micro e macroeconómica, quer de natureza gráfica quer analítica / To provide a basic knowledge in the area of economic science, providing students with basic skills in micro and macroeconomics both in graphic and analytical terms Misto / blearning N/A N/A 6 Mestre Especialista Consolidation and expansion of technical hotel and tourism vocabulary/communicative skills Helena Raposo Misto / blearning N/A N/A 6 Professora Doutora Noemi Promover a criação de produtos em função dos mercados turísticos internos e externos, Marujo / atuais e futuros / Promote the development of products in terms of tourism markets either Mestre Ana domestic or external,present and future Afonso Alcântara Misto / blearning N/A N/A 3 Professor Doutor Álvaro Matias Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Animação Turística / Tourism Entertainment Obrigatória/ Compulsory Opção Língua: Espanhol/ Language Option: Spanish Obrigatória/ Compulsory Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Relações Públicas em Turismo/ Human Resources Management and Public Relations in Tourism ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opcional/ Optional 6 3 6 Professora Doutora Clara Pereira / Dra. Ana Marques Reconhecer o papel da Animação no sector turístico; Planificar as diversas atividades de animação turística para os diferentes estabelecimentos turísticos existentes / Recognize the role of animation in the tourism sector; Plan several activities for tourist entertainment, applying to different types of tourist establishments and the different types of tourism. N/A N/A 190 Evidenciar a importância do Capital Humano enquanto factor determinante do Mestre desenvolvimento das organizações, caracterizando os principais métodos e técnicas da Especialista Gestão de Recursos Humanos / Put in evidence the importance of Human Capital, as a Luís determinant factor of organizational development, characterizing the main methods and Barrosa techniques of Human Resource Management. Mestre Liesmet Pérez Misto / blearning Conhecer, compreender e interpretar a língua e a gramática espanhola ao nível de iniciação, prestando especial atenção aquelas formas focalizadas nos textos especializado da área do turismo, da economia, comércio e administração / Knowing, understanding and interpretating the Spanish language and grammar to the initiation level, with particular attention focused on those forms of specialized texts in the field of tourism, economy, commerce and administration Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto / blearning N/A N/A Misto / blearning N/A N/A Opção Língua: Mandarim/ Language Option: Mandarin ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Professora Doutora Ana Cristina Alves / Mestre Manuel Lopes Opcional/ Optional Estudar o pinyin e a sua importância na aprendizagem da língua chinesa; Dominar os princípios básicos da escrita dos caracteres chineses, a estrutura básica e os principais elementos da gramática da língua chinesa / Learn the pinyin and its importance in the process of learning Mandarin Chinese; Master the key principles that govern the writing of Chinese characters, the basic structure and the fundamental elements of Chinese grammar Misto / blearning N/A Prérequisitos / Prerequisites Local de Estágio / Work placement N/A 191 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Psicologia e Comportamento do Turista/ Psychology and Behavior of Tourist Economia do Turismo/ Tourism Economics Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory Obrigatória/ Compulsory Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Modo de ensino / Mode of delivery 3 Professor Doutor Álvaro Matias Construir conhecimentos de âmbito turístico numa perspectiva macro e microeconómica; Fornecer metodologias e instrumentos de medição de dados da procura e oferta turística e inerentes à história económica do turismo / To build up touristic knowledge both in a macro and microeconomic perspective; To provide methodologies and instruments of measurement for tourism supply and demand data and regarding the economic history of tourism Misto / blearning N/A N/A 3 Professor Doutor Luís Picado / Dra. Ana Marques Identificar as necessidades do consumidor em turismo e os factores determinantes para o seu comportamento, diagnosticando os elementos presentes no processo de compra / Identify customer needs in tourism and the factors that determine consumer behavior, diagnosing the elements present in the buying process Misto / blearning N/A N/A Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Organização e Gestão de Eventos/ Organization and Management of Events Obrigatória/ Compulsory Inglês - Cultura e Comunicação/ English – Culture and Communication Obrigatória/ Compulsory Sistemas de Informação e Comunicação para Turismo/ Information and Communication Systems for Tourism ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory 6 6 6 Professora Doutora Clara Pereira / Professor Doutor Nuno Abranja Organizar e gerir eventos turísticos lucrativos e atrativos/ Organize and manage profitable and attractive tourist events N/A N/A 192 Mestre Especialista Food, Restauratnts and its specificities Helena Raposo Professor Doutor Nuno Abranja Misto / blearning Conhecer as TIC; Knowing ICT Conhecer GDS; Knowing GDS Domínios do Galileo; Galileo Domains. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Misto / blearning N/A N/A Misto / blearning N/A N/A Opção Cultura e Língua: Mandarim/ Culture and Language Option: Mandarin Opção Cultura e Língua: Espanhol/ Culture and Language Option: Spanish ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opcional/ Optional Mestre Liesmet Pérez Ampliar o vocabulário, nomeadamente o léxico técnico relacionado com o turismo e o mundo dos negócios; Produzir mensagens escritas e orais a nível médio. Neste sentido o aluno apresentará um folheto turístico básico sobre um destino português projectado para o mercado espanhol / Expand vocabulary, and in particular technical vocabulary related to tourism and business; Produce written and oral messages at school. In this sense the student will present a basic tourist brochure about a Portuguese destiny targeted to the Spanish market. Misto / blearning Professora Doutora Ana Cristina Alves / Mestre Manuel Lopes Aprofundar o conhecimento do pinyin; Melhorar a entoação das orações e o domínio das mudanças dos tons; Reforçar a capacidade de reconhecer, ler e escrever um maior número de caracteres / Improve their knowledge of pinyin; Improve their reading and stressing ability as well the nuances of tone changing; Strengthen their ability to recognize, read and write a greater number of characters Misto / blearning N/A N/A 193 6 Opcional/ Optional N/A N/A 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester Itinerários Turísticos/ Tourism Itineraries Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS 3 Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Professora Doutora Clara Criar mecanismos de estudo do território e da avaliação do potencial turístico através da Pereira / construção de itinerários turísticos / Generate study mechanisms of the territory and the Mestre Ana touristic potential evaluation through the creation of touristic routes Afonso Alcântara Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de Préensino / Mode requisitos / of delivery Prerequisites Misto/blearning N/A Local de Estágio / Work placement N/A Opção Gestão: Logística / Management Option: Logistics Seminário/ Seminar Turismo de Saúde e BemEstar / Health Tourism and Wellness Marketing Turístico / Tourism Marketing ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Obrigatória/ Compulsory Obrigatória/ Compulsory Obrigatória/ Compulsory Opcional/ Optional 3 Professor Doutor Eduardo Moraes Sarmento Desenvolver domínios técnicos e tecnológicos de marketing turístico,com vista a estimular a qualidade, inovação e investigação no produto, preço, promoção e distribuição turística / Develop technical and technological fields of tourism marketing in order to stimulate the quality, innovation and research in the product, price, promotion and distribution of tourism. Misto / blearning N/A N/A 194 3 Professor Doutor Eduardo Compreender a problemática do Turismo de Saúde e Bem-Estar e os diferentes produtos Moraes existentes em Portugal / To understand the subject of Health and Wellness Tourism and its Sarmento / different products in Portugal Mestre Ana Afonso Alcântara Misto / blearning N/A N/A 9 Professora Doutora Clara Pereira / Professor Doutor Nuno Abranja / Dra. Ana Marques Domínios de investigação científica; Gerar planos de negócio; Preparação para estágio / Domains of scientific research; building business plans; trainning preparation Misto / blearning N/A N/A 6 Mestre Especialista Alexandre Pessoa Perspectivar elementos críticos do processo de gestão logística e suas inter-relações na cadeia de distribuição turística; Dar ferramentas para reconhecer áreas de desenvolvimento turístico nas quais a logística traz vantagem competitiva / Present critical elements of the logistics management process and their inter-relations in the tourism supply chain; Provide tools to recognize business development in tourism where logistics can be competitive advantage. Misto / blearning N/A N/A Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Opção Gestão: Direito Comercial e do Trabalho / Management Option: Comercial and Work Law Opcional/ Optional Opção Gestão: Direito Comunitário e Turismo / Management Option: Europeen Law and Tourism Opcional/ Optional Opção Língua e Comunicação: Espanhol/ Language and Communication Option: Spanish ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opcional/ Optional 6 Mestre Adquirir conhecimentos relativos ao conjunto de princípios e de normas relacionados com a Especialista situação jurídica laboral / To acquire knowledge related to the set of principles and rules António about legal work Abrantes Misto / blearning Mestre Analisar o conjunto de princípios e de normas que regem, em termos especiais, a situação Especialista jurídica dos países-membros da União Europeia / Understand the set of principles and rules António which govern, in special terms, the juridic situation in the European Union member countries Abrantes Misto / blearning N/A N/A Misto / blearning N/A N/A Mestre Liesmet Pérez Ampliar o vocabulário, nomeadamente o léxico técnico relacionado com o turismo e o mundo dos negócios; Produzir mensagens escritas e orais a nível médio / Expand vocabulary, and in particular technical vocabulary related to tourism and business; Produce written and oral messages at school. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] N/A N/A 195 Opção Língua e Comunicação: Mandarim/ Language and Communication Option: Mandarin ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Professora Doutora Ana Cristina Alves / Mestre Manuel Lopes Opcional/ Optional Aprofundar o conhecimento do pinyin; Melhorar a entoação das orações e dominar estruturas; Conhecer aspectos culturais e obras clássicas / Improve their knowledge of pinyin; Improve their reading and stressing ability and understand correct structures; Know cultural aspects and classic novels. Misto / blearning N/A N/A 196 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester Negociação e ECommerce / Trading and e-Commerce Nome da UC / Course unit title Tipo de UC / Type of course unit Obrigatória/ Compulsory Número de ECTS / Number of ECTS 3 Nome do Docente / Lecturer name Resultados de aprendizagem da UC / Learning outcomes of the unit Proporcionar a visão de banda larga em e-commerce, com enfoque na compreensão do Mestre negócio, saber-fazer epensamento estratégico, na perspectiva do executante, e na Especialista perspectiva do empreendedor / Provide students with a broadband vision of e-commerce, Alexandre with focus on understanding the business, know-how and strategic thinking, both as Pessoa performer and as entrepreneur Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Modo de Préensino / Mode requisitos / of delivery Prerequisites Misto / blearning N/A Local de Estágio / Work placement N/A Antropologia do Turismo/ Anthropology of Tourism Obrigatória/ Compulsory Opção Cultura Geral: História da Arte e do Património Cultural / General Culture Option: History of Art and Cultural Heritage Obrigatória/ Compulsory Teoria das Relações Internacionais/ Theory of International Relations ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opcional/ Optional Professor Doutor Bruno Marques / Mestre Fernanda Carvalho Compreender as origens e os desenvolvimentos do turismo cultural; Estudar a articulação entre turismo, cultura e património cultural / Understanding the origins and development of cultural tourism; Studying the articulation between tourism, culture and cultural heritage Misto / blearning 3 Professor Doutor Rui Brito Fonseca Problematizar a importância das Relações Internacionais para o Turismo; Compreender a integração de Portugal em organizações internacionais, nomeadamente a União Europeia, e as suas implicações para o Turismo / Questioning the importance of International Relations for Tourism; Understanding the integration of Portugal in international organizations, including the European Union, and its implications for tourism Misto / blearning N/A N/A 6 Professor Doutor Bruno Marques Adquirir os conhecimentos básicos das diversas épocas da História da Arte em Portugal; Adquirir competências na análise e identificação de obras de arte; Aplicar conhecimentos de História da Arte no contexto das diversas áreas da cultura / Acquire a basic knowledge of the various epochs of art history in Portugal; Acquire skills in analysis and identification of works of art; Apply knowledge of art history in the context of the various areas of culture Misto / blearning N/A N/A 3 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] N/A N/A 197 Opção Cultura e Comunicação: Espanhol/ Culture and Communication Option: Spanish Opção Cultura Geral: Museologia, Cultura e Civilizações / General Culture Option: Museology, Culture and Civilizations Opção Cultura Geral: Etnologia Portuguesa / General Culture Option: Portuguese Ethnology ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Professor Doutor Bruno Marques Obter uma visão panorâmica da cultura portuguesa com a solidez científica indispensável; Valorizar o estudo das tradições, dos costumes e das crenças do povo português / Obtain a solid scientific panoramic vision of the Portuguese culture; Value the study of tradition, customs and beliefs of the Portuguese people Misto / blearning Opcional/ Optional Professor Doutor Bruno Marques Estudar a dinâmica civilizacional e as respectivas interacções, privilegiando a sua aplicação ao fenómeno turístico; Proporcionar condições de apreciação e trabalho sobre a matéria conservada em museus / Studying the dynamic civilization and their interactions, focusing its application to the tourism phenomenon; Providing conditions of assessment and work on the subject kept in museums Misto / blearning N/A N/A Opcional/ Optional Mestre Liesmet Pérez Ampliar o léxico técnico relacionado com o turismo e o mundo dos negócios; Produzir mensagens escritas e orais a nível superior apresentando um projeto turístico sobre um destino português projetado para o mercado espanhol / Expand the technical vocabulary related to tourism and business; Produce written and oral messages at top featuring a tourism project on a Portuguese destiny targeted to the Spanish market Misto / blearning N/A N/A Opcional/ Optional 6 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] N/A N/A 198 Estágio / Training Opção Cultura e Comunicação Mandarim/ Culture and Communication Option: Mandarin ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opcional/ Optional Professora Doutora Ana Cristina Alves / Mestre Manuel Lopes Dominar regras e aprofundar as competências e técnicas para traduzir textos mais longos; Estudar e dominar o vocabulário necessário para realizar uma viagem turística / Master the rules and Improve their skills and techniques to translate longer texts; Study and master the vocabulary to make a trip Misto / blearning N/A Obrigatória/ Compulsory Professor Doutor Nuno Abranja / Dra. Ana Marques Aplicar noções cruciais do sistema turístico, adquirindo novas metodologias de trabalho, investigação, tecnologia, comunicação, integração em equipa e adaptação à mudança; Fortalecer competências e atitudes para uma boa integração profissional / Apply crucial notions of the tourism system, acquiring new methodologies of work, research, technology, communication, team integration and adaptation to change; Strengthen skills and attitudes for a good professional integration Presencial N/A 9 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] N/A 199 Organizaç ões Turísticas ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Licenciatura em Turismo – title, conteúdos, leituras recomendadas, métodos de ensino, métodos de avaliação e idioma de ensino de unidades curriculares / Degree in Social Education – title, contents, recommended reading, teaching methods, assessment methods and language of instruction of units. 200 Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Introdução ao Turismo/ Introduction to Tourism 1º ano, 1º semestre / 1st year, 1st semester Conceptualização e Enquadramento Teórico do Turismo; A Procura Turística; A Oferta turística; O Sistema Turístico / Tourism Framework; Tourism Demand; Tourism Supply; Tourism System Abranja, N., Alcântara, A. A., Carneiro, I. Coelhoso, F., Ferreira, R. V., Marques, A. P., Pereira, A. C. & Teixeira, D. (Ed.) (2012). Turismo Formação e Inovação. Mangualde: Edições Pedago. Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Método expositivo; exercícios realizados pelo aluno; Período de tutorias; Trabalhos de grupo; Visitas educacionais; Trabalho autónomo / Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Tutorial period; Papers work; Educational visit; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Regularidade e atitude; teste escrito; Trabalho de Investigação; Relatório da visita / Regularity and attitude; Evaluation written test; Research Work; Visit report Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? Yes Contabilidade Geral/ General Accounting ISCE Guide for Foreign Students O Património; O inventário e o balanço; A conta; Métodos de registo contabilístico; Os lançamentos; O Diário e o Razão; Balancetes e Balanços; Vantagens da normalização; Sistema de Normalização Contabilística / The Heritage; The inventory and the balance; Bill; Methods of accounting records; Entries; The Diary and General Ledger; Balance Sheets and Statements; Benefits of standardization; System of Accounting Standards António, C. & Lopes, R. (2011). Consolidação das Contas. 2ª Edição. LIsboa: Edições Sílabo; Borges, A.; Isidro, H.; Macedo, J.; Moreira, A. & Morgado, J. (2011). Práticas de Contabilidade Financeira. 4ª Edição. Lisboa: Áreas Editora; Borges, A.; Rodrigues, A. & Rodrigues, R. (2010). Elementos de Contabilidade Geral. 25ª Edição. Lisboa: Áreas Editora; Borges, A.; Gamelas, E.; Rodrigues, J.; Martins, M.; Magro, N. & Ferreira, P. (2009). SNC – Sistema de Normalização Contabilística – Casos Práticos. Lisboa: Áreas Editora; Rodrigues, J. (2011). Sistema de Normalização Contabilística Explicado. Lisboa: Porto Editora. Exposição teórica dos conteúdos programáticos; discussão dos temas abordados; análise de casos práticos / Theoretical exposition of the contents, discussion of the topics covered; case studies analysis Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Regularidade, atitude e participação em sala; trabalho de grupo; ficha individual; teste final individual / Regularity, attitude and behaviour; group work; individual sheet; individual final test Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English 201 Yes Estrutura Política e Legislação do Turismo/ Political Structure and Legislation of Tourism Intervenção Pública no Turismo; Parcerias Público-Privadas no Turismo; Intervenção Pública no Turismo em Portugal; Organizações Internacionais no Turismo; Organização Institucional do Turismo em Portugal, Legislação Turística Portuguesa / Public Intervention in Tourism; Public-Private Partnerships in Tourism; Tourism Public Intervention in Portugal; International Tourism Organisations; Institutional Organisation of Tourism; Portuguese Tourism Legislation Bramwell, B.; Lane, B. (Editors) (2011), Tourism Governance: Critical Perspectives on Govenance and Sustainability, London; Elliott, J. (2002), Tourism: politics and public sector management, Routledge, Ne w York; Goeldner, C. R.; Ritchie, J.R.B. (2011), Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies, John Wiley & Sons, New York; Hall, C. M. (1999), Tourism and Politics Policy, Power and Place, University of Camberra, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester; Monteiro, J. P. (2011), Regime dos Empreendimentos TurísticosAnotado, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra; OMT Organização Mundial do Turismo (2001), Introducción al Turismo, OMT, Madrid; OMTOrganização Mundial do Turismo (2 001), Cooperación entre Sectores Pú blico y Privado, OMT, Madrid; Quintas, P. (2011), Legislação Turís tica-Anotada, 5.ª Ed.,Livraria Almedina, Coimbra Método Expositivo; Tutoria; Trabalho Grupo; Visitas Educacionais; Trabalho autónomo do aluno / Expository method; Tutorial period; Papers work; Visit report; Educational visit; Autonomous work Atitude e Participação; Testes escritos; Pesquisa e Investigação / Attitude and Behaviour; Evaluation written test; Research Work Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes Inglês – Língua / English – Language ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Types of accommodation, Staffing, Reservations, Harding, Keith & Henderson, Paul High Season Oxford O.U. Press Oral exposition/ group or individual role playing/ conceptual brainstorming Written tests/ reasearch work/ projects Inglês / English Yes 202 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Português – Língua / Portuguese - Language ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Princípios gerais: - ensino baseado num equilíbrio entre a exposição oral e o trabalho prático; - valorização da participação ativa e positiva dos alunos. Procedimentos: - suporte dos conteúdos por bibliografia invocada e trabalhada diretamente na aula e através da plataforma Blackboard; 1. Competência - consolidação de conhecimentos através de Linguística respostas a questões sistemáticas sobre matérias lecionadas; 2.Competência Castro-Pinto, J. M. & Nascimento, Z. - problematização e discussão, na aula, de Comunicativa - o uso da (2002). A Dinâmica da Escrita. Como especificidades da língua; Escrever com Êxito. Lisboa: Plátano - realização e apresentação de trabalhos língua Editora. individuais; 3. O oral e o escrito Gomes, A. & Cavacas, F. (2005). - realização, apresentação e discussão de 1. Linguistic Competence Escutar. Falar. Oralidade. Lisboas: trabalhos de grupo com uma componente de Clássica Editora. investigação. 2.Communicative Gomes, A. & Cavacas, F. (2005). General principles: Escrever Direito. Ortografia. Lisboas: Competence - a teaching approach based on the balance Clássica Editora. between oral exposition and practical work; 3.The oral language and Mateus, M. H. M. Et al (2003). - permanent incentive on the ative and positive Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. the written language participation of the students. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. Procedures: - contents supported by the mentioned bibliography and worked over in the lessons or over the blackboard software platform; consolidation of the knowledge through systematic questionnaires on taught issues; -problematization and discussion in the lessons of the language; -individual work for class discussion and class presentation; -group works for class presentation with a research component. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 203 Elaboração e exposição de trabalhos individuais 35% (5% para participação/assiduidade) Teste escrito - 40% Realização, apresentação e discussão de um Português / trabalho de grupo - 25% Portuguese Elaboration and exposition of individual works - 35% Written test - 40% Elaboration, presentation and discussion of a group research work - 25% Yes Metodologias de Investigação / Research Methodologies ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Aipelf, E. (1991). A metodologia da Investigação em educação. Lisboa: F.P.C.E; Badin, L. (2000). Investigação Qualitativa em Educação. Porto: Porto Editora; Carmo, H. & Ferreira, M.M. (1998). A componente de Metodologia da Investigação. Lisboa: investigação em U. Aberta; Ceia, C. (1995). Normas Turismo; Método para apresentação de trabalhos Científico; Fases do científicos. Lisboa: Editorial Processo de Presença; Lakatos, E.M. ; Marconi, Investigação; M.A. (2001). Fundamentos de Investigação Científica / Metodologia Cientifica. São Paulo: The research component Atlas; Quivy, R.; Van Campenhoudt, in Tourism; Scientific L. (1992). Manual de Investigação Method; Phases of the em Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Research Process; Gradiva; Santos, B. S. (1989). Scientific Research Introdução a uma ciência pósmoderna. Porto: E. Afrontamento; Silva, A. S. & Pinto, J.M. (1986). Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Porto: E. Afrontamento; Tuckham, B.W. (2000). Manual da investigação em Educação. Lisboa: F.C.G Método expositivo; Gestão participada que inclui a observação e a discussão de documentos de diferentes tipos; estudos de caso, comentários e trabalhos práticos com vista a ilustrar e a aplicar os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos / Expository method; Participatory management that includes observation and discussion of different types of documents; case studies, comments and practical work in order to illustrate and apply the theoretical knowledge acquired Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Assiduidade e atitude; Análise crítica de um texto; 3 Trabalhos de Pesquisa; Frequência escrita / Attendance and attitude; Critical analysis of a text; 3 Research Papers; Frequency writing 204 Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1º ano, 2º semestre / 1st year, 2nd semester Informática Aplicada /Applied Informatics Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Conceitos teóricos de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação; Processador de Texto; Apresentações; Folha de Cálculo / Computer Science Theory; Word Processor Software; Presentation Software; Spreadsheet Software Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Sousa, S. e Sousa, M. José (2010). Microsoft Office 2010 – Para Todos Nós, FCA. Lisboa; Marques, P. Capela e Costa, N. (2010). Fundamental do Word 2010, FCA. Lisboa; Sousa, M. José (2010). Fundamental do Excel 2010, FCA. Lisboa; Sousa, M. José e Carocinho, N. (2010). Fundamental do PowerPoint 2010, FCA. Lisboa; Serrano, A. e Fialho, C. (2005). Gestão do Conhecimento, FCA. Lisboa; Silva, F. Oliveira da e Alves, J. Augusto (2001). ERP e CRM, Centro Atlântico. V.N. Famalicão; Oliveira, W. (2011). CRM e e-business, Centro Atlântico. Lisboa/Matosinhos. Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Método Expositivo; Método Demonstrativo; Método Activo; Abordagem Experimental / Expository method; Demonstrative Method; Active Method; Experimental Aproach Assiduidade, Interesse e Participação; Projecto; Teste Teórico e Prático; Teste de Processador de Texto; Teste de Aplicação de Apresentações; Teste de Folha de Cálculo / Attendance, Interest and Participation; Project; Theoretical and Practical Exam; Word Processor Software Test; Presentation Software Test; Spreadsheet Software Test Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 205 Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes Geografia Turística/ Tourism Geography Lazer e Turismo; O Crescimento do Turismo no Mundo; Regiões Turísticas no Mundo; Tipos de Espaços Turísticos; Planeamento Turístico; Cenários Prospectivos / Leisure and Tourism; The Growth of Tourism in the World; Touristic Regions of the World; Types of Touristic Spaces; Tourist Planning; Prospective Scenarios História Socioeconómica do Turismo/ SocioEconomic History of Tourism ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Evolução histórica do turismo mundial; Evolução do turismo em Portugal; Turismo no espaço europeu; Introdução ao estudo da sociologia do turismo; Impactos socioeconómicos do turismo / Historical evolution of world tourism; Development of tourism in Portugal; Tourism in Europe; Introduction to the study of the sociology of tourism; Socio-economic impacts of tourism DGOTDU (2007). Programa Nacional da Política de Ordenamento do Território. ; Balfet, M. (2007) – Management Du Tourisme. 2ª edição. Pearson Education, Paris. França; Giotart, J. (2008) – Géographie do Tourisme. Ed. Masson Géographie, Paris. França; Medeiros, C. (dir.) (2005). Geografia de Portugal: Atividades Económicas e Espaço Geográfico. 1ª edição, Círculo de Leitores. Lisboa; Petersen, J. (coord) (2012). Physical Geography, International Edition 10e. Edição de 2012, Editor BrooksCole. EUA; Williams, S. (2009). Tourism Geography: A New Synthesis. Routledge. London. Boyer, M. ( 2005 ). Histoire Générale du Tourismo: du XVIe au XXIe siècle. Paris: L’Harmattan; Casson, L. ( 1994 ). Travel in the ancient world. Baltimore & London: John Hopkins University Press; Cunha, L. (2012). Turismo em Portugal: Sucessos e Insucessos. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas; Feifer, M. ( 1987 ). Tourism in history: From imperia l Rome to the present. Paris: Hen ry Holt; Pina, P. ( 1988 ). Portugal. O Turismo no século XX. Lisboa: Lucidus; Chareyron, N. ( 2005 ). Pilgrims to Jerusalem in the Middl e Ages. New York: Columbia University Press Sessões de enquadramento teórico, presenciais ou à distância; Sessões orientadas de pesquisa e análise de fontes e bibliografia; Sessões de enquadramento metodológico do trabalho a desenvolver, com acompanhamento tutorial / Sessions of theoretical framework, presential or remote classes; Targeted sessions aiming research and analysis of sources and bibliography; Sessions presenting the methodological framework to develop, with accompanying tutorial Trabalho de Grupo; Apresentação e progresso do trabalho de grupo ao longo do semestre; Teste; Duas Fichas / Working Group; Presentation and progress of group work throughout the semester; Test; two Mini Tests Método Expositivo; Tutoria; Trabalho Grupo; Visitas Educacionais; Trabalho autónomo do aluno / Expository method; Tutorial period; Papers work; Visit report; Educational visit; Autonomous work Atitude e Participação; Testes escritos; Pesquisa e Investigação / Attitude Português / and Behaviour; Evaluation Portuguese written test; Research Work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English 206 Yes No Inglês - Cultura e Língua/ English – Culture and Language ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Money matters/ Complaints/ Offsite services Harding, Keith & Henderson, Paul (1998), Going International, Oxford University Press, Oxford Oral exposition/ group or individual role playing/ conceptual brainstorming Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Written tests/ reasearch work/ projects Inglês / English Yes 207 Português - Língua e Comunicação / Portuguese Culture and Language ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 1.Abordagem ao Fenómeno da Comunicação. 2.Competência Comunicativa e Competência Linguística 3.A Comunicação Escrita 1.Approach to the Communication Phenomena. 2.Communicative Competency and Linguistic Competency The Written 3.Communication Estrela, E., Almira, M. & Leitão, M. J. (2006). Saber Escrever. Uma Tese e Outros Textos. Lisboa: D. Quixote. Gomes, A. & Cavacas, F. (2005). Escutar. Falar. Oralidade. Lisboas: Clássica Editora. Marujo, M. N. (2008). Turismo & Comunicação. Castelo Branco: RVJEditores. Rodrigues, A. D. (2010). Comunicação e Cultura. A Experiência Cultural na Era da Informação. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. Princípios gerais: - ensino baseado num equilíbrio entre a exposição oral e o trabalho prático; - valorização da participação ativa e positiva dos alunos. Procedimentos: - suporte dos conteúdos por bibliografia invocada e trabalhada diretamente na aula e através da plataforma Blackboard; - consolidação de conhecimentos através de respostas a questões sistemáticas sobre matérias lecionadas; - problematização e discussão, na aula, de especificidades da língua; - realização e apresentação de trabalhos individuais; - realização, apresentação e discussão de trabalhos de grupo com uma componente de investigação. General principles: - a teaching approach based on the balance between oral exposition and practical work; - permanent incentive on the ative and positive participation of the students. Procedures: - contents supported by the mentioned bibliography and worked over in the lessons or over the blackboard software platform; consolidation of the knowledge through systematic questionnaires on taught issues; -problematization and discussion in the lessons of the language; -individual work for class discussion and class presentation; -group works for class presentation with a research component. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 208 Elaboração e exposição de trabalhos individuais 35% (5% para participação/assiduidade) Teste escrito - 40% Realização, apresentação e discussão de um Português / trabalho de grupo - 25% Portuguese Elaboration and exposition of individual works - 35% Written test - 40% Elaboration, presentation and discussion of a group research work - 25% Yes Métodos Quantitativos / Quantitative Methods ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Afonso, A. & Nunes, C. (2010). Estatística e Probabilidades – Aplicações e Soluções em SPSS. Lisboa : Escolar; Editora; Murteira, B., Ribeiro, C., Silva, J. & Pimenta, C. Probabilidades; (2010). Introdução à Estatística. Lisboa : Escolar Editora; Pinto, R. Estatística Descritiva; Estatística Inferencial / (2009). Introdução à Análise de Probabilities; Descriptive Dados – Com recurso ao SPSS. Statistics; Inferencial Lisboa : 1ª Edição, Edições Sílabo; Statistics Reis, E. (2010). Estatística Descritiva. Lisboa : 7ª Edição, Edições Sílabo; Santos, C. (2007). Manual de Auto-aprendizagem – Estatística Descritiva. Lisboa : 1ª Edição, Edições Sílabo. Sessões de ensino teórico-prático para exposição teórica dos conteúdos programáticos, discutindo em seguida os temas abordados; Sessões de práticas laboratoriais para discussão dos temas constantes nos conteúdos programáticos, sendo apresentados casos práticos elucidativos da metodologia estatística / Theoretical and practical sessions to theoretical exposition of the contents, then discussing the topics covered; Practical laboratory sessions to discuss the topics included in the syllabus and presented illustrative case studies of statistical methodology Trabalho de Grupo; Ficha Individual; Teste Final Individual; Assiduidade e Participação / Group Work; Individual Sheet; Final Individual Test; Attendance and Participation Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes 209 Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Economia Aplicada/ Applied Economics 2º ano, 1º semestre / 2nd year, 1st semester Princípios fundamentais de Economia; Os elementos fundamentais da oferta e da procura; Moeda e crédito; Macroeconomia e Keynesianismo; Política Económica / Fundamental economic principles; The fundamentals of supply and demand; Money and Credit; Macroeconomics e Keynesianism; Economic Policy César das Neves, João Luís (2011), Introdução à Economia, Editora Verbo; Samuelson, Paul and Nordhaus, William (2005) – Economics, McGraw-Hill, 18ª Edição; Mankiw, N. Gregory (2000), Principles in Economics, SouthWestern College Publishing; 2nd edition; Robert, Frank & Ben Bernanke (2003), Princípios de Economia, McGraw-Hill; Matias, Álvaro (2007) Economia do Turismo: Teoria e Prática. Editora Piaget. Colecção “Sociedade e Organizações” Apresentação e explanação dos conteúdos pelo docente; Exercícios realizados pelo estudante; Sessões de tutoria; Período de trabalho autónomo / Presentation and explanation of content by the teacher; Exercises performed by the student;Tutorial sessions; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Regularidade e atitude (20%); Testes (80%) / Regularity and attitude (20%); Tests (80%) Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? Yes Mercados Turísticos / Tourism Markets Inglês - Língua e Comunicação/ English – Language and Communication ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Types of holiday/ Careers/ Trends Miriam, Jacob & Strutt (1997) English for International Tourism Essex Longman Oral exposition/ group or individual role playing/ conceptual brainstorming Written tests/ reasearch work/ projects English Yes 210 Os mercados e os mercados turísticos; A segmentação dos mercados; Mercado interno; Redes de distribuição: operadores turísticos e retalhistas; Análise da oferta em mercados concorrenciais; Avaliação e caracterização de mercados emissores; Análise dos padrões e tendências de consumo / Markets and tourism markets; The segmentation of markets; Internal market; Distribution channels, tour operators and travel agencies; Analysis of supply in competitive markets; Evaluation and characterization of tourism markets issuers; Analysis of trends and patterns of consumption Abranja, N., Alcântara, A., Braga, C., Marques, A. e Nunes, R. (2012), Gestão de Agências de Viagens e Turismo. Lisboa: Lidel; Buhalis, Dimitrios and Costa, Carlos (2006). Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, Products and Industry. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; Buhalis, D. (2000). Distribution Channels in the Changing Travel Industry. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2, pp. 113-139, Bournemouth University. Apresentação e explanação dos conteúdos pelo docente. Exercícios realizados pelo estudante. Seleção de artigos ou obras relacionadas diretamente com a unidade curricular. Debate. Análise de estudos de caso / Presentation and explanation of content by the teacher. Exercises performed by the student. Selection of articles or works directly related to the curriculum unit. Debate. Case studies analysis. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Regularidade e atitude (10%). Teste de conhecimentos (cultura geral de Turismo) (20%). Relatório de avaliação do potencial turístico de um território (50%). Apresentação pública (20%). / Regularity and Attitude (10%). Knowledge Test (tourism general culture) (20%). Report to assess the tourism potential of a territory (50%). Public Presentation (20%). Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes Animação Turística / Tourism Entertainment ISCE Guide for Foreign Students A Animação Turística: Contextualização; Animação e o Turismo; Técnicas de Administração e Coordenação da Animação; Critérios e métodos para as tarefas de programação e animação; As Empresas de Animação Turística; Aplicação / Tourist Activities: Background; Entertainment and Tourism; Management and Coordination Techniques of Animation; Criteria and methods for programming tasks and animation; The holiday activity companies; Application Ander-Egg, Ezequiel (1989) – La Animación y los Animadores: Pautas de acción y de formación. Madrid: Narcea; Chaves, António & Mesalles, Lluís (2001), El Animador: Como organizar las actividades de los clientes en un hotel divertido, Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Aguazul; Krippendorf, Jost (2002) ;Sociologia do Turismo: para uma nova compreensão do Lazer e das Viagens, editora Aleph; Lopes de Ceballos, Paloma; Salas Larrazábal, Maria (1997) Formación de Animadores y Dinámicas de la Animación. Madrid: Editora Popular; Trilla Bernet, Jaume (Coord.) (2004) – Animación Sociocultural. Teorías, programas y ámbitos.2ª Ed. Barcelona: Ariel Educación; Ucar, Xavier (1992) – La Animación Sociocultural. Barcelona: Ediciones Ceac; Torres, Zilah (2004). Animação Turística. 3.ª ed, Roca. Método expositivo intercalado por períodos de perguntas e respostas, em sala; Trabalho colaborativo em rede; Trabalho autónomo; Trabalho em grupo; Prática em dinâmicas de grupo; Prática de atividades de animação; Acompanhamento tutorial dos alunos ao longo do semestre / Exhibition method interspersed with periods of questions and answers in class; Collaborative work in network; Autonomous work; Teamwork; Practice group dynamics; Practice of planned activities; Students tutorial attendance throughout the semester. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Assiduidade/Participação: 20% (Inclui aulas práticas); Aulas práticas: 20%; Trabalho Prático/Grupo: Proposta de uma empresa de Animação Turística (60%) / Attendance / Participation: 20% (includes practice time); Practical classes: 20%; Practical Work / Group: Animation Tourism Activities Project (60%) 211 Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Relações Públicas em Turismo/ Human Resources Management and Public Relations in Tourism ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Contexto da Gestão de Recursos Humanos e planeamento; Análise e especificações dos postos de trabalho; Recrutamento, selecção e socialização; Formação e desenvolvimento de competências; Avaliação do desempenho e do potencial; Sistemas de compensação e carreiras profissionais; Relações laborais; Comunicação interna; Marketing interno; Comunicação externa; Relações Públicas / Context of the Human Resource Management and planning; Analysis and specifications of work places; Recruitment, selection and socialization; Training and development of competencies; Appraisal and potential evaluation; Compensation and career; Work relations; Internal communication; Internal marketing; External communications; Public Relations. 212 Câmara, Pedro B., Guerra, P., Rodrigues, J. (2007) Novo Humanator – Recursos Humanos & Sucesso Empresarial – 2ª Edição revista e actualizada. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote; Peretti, J. (2011). Recursos Humanos – 3ª Edição, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa; Sebastião P. (2009) – Comunicação Estratégica – As Relações Públicas. Editora: Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais – Selecção Manuais Pedagógicos, Lisboa; Lopes, A., Barrosa, L. (2008). A Comunidade Educativa e a Gestão Escolar: Um Contributo da Gestão Estratégica de Recursos Humanos, Edições Pedago, Mangualde. Teste-50%; Trabalho de grupo ou individual (estudo de caso) -40%; A participação nas aulas terá um peso de 10%. O trabalho individual ou de grupo (teórico-prático) Serão desenvolvidas actividades de natureza incidirá sobre uma expositiva e apresentação de casos para permitir realidade organizacional actividades de discussão em grupo. / Traditional concreta respeitando Português / lessons will be developed with an expositive part critérios base. / Test – Portuguese and other showing cases to allow group discussion 50%; Group or individual activities. work (case study) – 40%; Participation in the classes – 10%. Individual or group work (theoretical and practical) will focus on a specific organizational reality, respecting some of specific criteria. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] No Opção Língua: Espanhol/ Language Option: Spanish ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Conteúdos gramaticais; Morfología; Reglas generales del género y del número; Conjugación verbal; Verbos reflexivos e irregulares; Oraciones simples: Concordancias gramaticales básicas; Marcadores temporales; Lexicologia e Linguística; Temas socioculturais / Grammar contents; Morphology; General rules of gender and number; Verb conjugation; Reflexive and irregular verbs; Simple sentences: basic grammatical matches, Temporal markers; Lexicology and Linguistics; Sociocultural themes Goeded, M. y Varela, R. (2004). Bienvenidos I (Manual de lengua castellana adoptado – Manual del alumno). Madrid: enCLAVE-ELE; Felipe Gallego, J. y Peyrolón Melendo, R. (2004). Diccionario de hostelería. Hotelería y turismo, restaurante y gastronomía, cafetería y bar. Madrid: Thomson Paraninfo; Dorado, J. y Cerra, J. (1996). Manual de recepción y atención al cliente. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. O método de ensino aplicado é a avaliação contínua e são realizados trabalhos em equipa ou em pequenos grupos (contínuo durante todo o semestre) / The teaching method applied is continuous evaluation which includes different papers carried out in teams or small groups (ongoing throughout the semester). Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Teste intercalar escrito (25%); Teste final escrito (30%); Uma ou várias apresentações orais (20%); Entrega de trabalhos escritos: composições, elaboração de léxico específico, trabalho em grupo, tradução (25%) / Written Interim Test (25%); Written Final Test (30%); One or more oral presentations (20%); Delivery of written works: compositions, preparation of specific vocabulary, teamwork, translation (25%) 213 Português, Inglês e Espanhol / Portuguese, English and Spanish Yes Opção Língua: Mandarim/ Language Option: Mandarin ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Pinyin: iniciais, finais, combinações; Os tons do mandarim e as mudanças de tom; Regras e princípios básicos da escrita de caracteres; Os três principais tipos de caracteres: fonosemânticos, ideográficos e pictográficos; Numerais: 0-99; Pronomes pessoais / Pinyin: initial, final, combinations; Mandarin tones and tone changes; Key rules and principles in writing Chinese characters; Main strokes in a Chinese character and their writing order; Three fundamental types of Chinese characters: phonosemantic, ideographic, and pictographic; Numerals: from 0 to 99; Personal pronouns Classificação final calculada de acordo com Pan, W. (Ed.). (2000). A ChineseMetodologia essencialmente participativa, os seguintes elementos: English Dictionary of Chinese Idioms. baseada na exposição dos vários pontos do teste 60%, assiduidade Beijing: Sinolingua; Wang, S., & Lu, programa, seguida de exercícios práticos de 20%, participação nas Y. (2008). Lições de Chinês para conversação com a intenção de transformar cada aulas e desenvolvimento Portugueses. (Livro 1). Lisboa: ponto da lição em diálogos contextualizados. / de trabalhos 20%. / Final Centro Científico e Cultural de Essentially participatory methodology, based on rating is calculated in Macau; Wang, S., & Lu, Y. (2008). the exposure of the various parts of the program, accordance with the Lições de Chinês para Portugueses. followed by practical exercises of conversation with following elements: test (Livro 2). Lisboa: Centro Científico e the intention of transforming each points of each 60%, class attendance Cultural de Macau lesson into contextualized dialogues. 20%, class participation and works undertaken 20%. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 214 Português e Chinês / Portuguese and Chinese No ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Economia do Turismo/ Tourism Economics 2º ano, 2º semestre / 2nd year, 2nd semester Elementos básicos de Teoria Económica aplicada ao Turismo; Introdução à Economia do Turismo; A Procura Turística; A Oferta Turística; O Mercado e a Formação dos Preços em Turismo; Turismo, ambiente, sustentabilidade e política económica / Basic Elements of Economic Theory applied to tourism; Introduction to the economics of tourism; Tourism Demand; Tourism Supply; The market and price formation in Tourism; Tourism, environment, sustainability and economic policy MATIAS, Álvaro (2007) – Economia do Turismo: Teoria e Prática, Editora Piaget, Colecção “Sociedade e Organizações”; M. STABLER, A. Papatheodorou, T. Sinclair (2009) – The Economics of Tourism, Routledge; DWYER, Larry and FORSYTH, Peter (2006, Eds.), International Handbook on the Economics of Tourism, Edward Elgar Pub; TRIBE, John (2004) – The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism, 3rd edition, Elsevier ButterworthHeinemann; TISDELL, Clem (2000) – The Economics of Tourism, Vol. I (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; BULL, Adrian (1998) – The Economics of Travel and Tourism, 2nd edition, Longman; PAGE, Stephen and CONNELL, Joanne (2006) – Tourism: A Modern Synthesis, Second Edition, Thomson. Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 215 Apresentação e explanação dos conteúdos pelo docente; Exercícios realizados pelo estudante, em grupo ou individualmente; Sessões de tutoria; Período de trabalho autónomo. / Presentation and explanation of content by the teacher; Exercises performed by the student, individually or in groups; Tutorial sessions; Autonomous work. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Regularidade e atitude (20%); Tests (80%); / Regularity and attitude (20%); Tests (80%) Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes Psicologia e Comportamento do Turista/ Psychology and Behavior of Tourist Contextualização da Psicologia; O comportamento do consumidor/vendedor de turismo; Os factores explicativos da compra; A dinâmica da compra; Estudos de caso / Contextualization of Psychology; The consumer behavior / Promotor; The explanatory factors of purchase; The dynamics of purchase; Case Studies Butler, Richard e Hall, C. (2006) The influence of fashion and accessibility on destination consumption. Tourism business frontiers: consumers, products and industry, Edição de Buhalis, Dimitrios e Costa, Carlos, ButterworthHeinemann/Elsevier, Burlington; Comissão Europeia (2009) Survey on the attitudes of Europeans towards tourism. Flash Eurobarometer, 258, Março 2009, Bruxelas; Dubois, Bernard (2005) Compreender o Consumidor. 4aEd. Ed. Dom Quixote; Solomon, M. (2002) O comportamento do consumidor: comprando, possuindo e sendo. Porto Alegre: Ed. Bookman. Organização e Gestão de Eventos/ Organization and Management of Events ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Introdução ao Estudo da Organização de Eventos; Comunicação e Marketing de Eventos; Planeamento e Organização de um Evento; Eventos em Turismo; Eventos & Banquetes / Introduction to the Study of the Events Organization; Communication and Marketing of Events; Planning and Organizing an Event; Events in Tourism; Events & Banquets Allen, J., OToole, W., MCDonell, I., Harris, R. (2003). Organização e Gestão de Eventos. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier Editora; Amaral, I. (2000) Imagem e Sucesso, Guia de Protocolo para Empresas. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo; Britto, J., Fontes, N. (2002). Estratégias para Eventos – Uma ótica do Marketing e do Turismo. São Paulo: Editora Aleph; Cardoso, J. (2004). Como Gerir Patrocínios Com Sucesso. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo; Giacaglia, M. (2006). Eventos – Como Criar, Estruturar e Captar Recursos. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning; Watt, D. (2004). Gestão de Eventos em Lazer e Turismo. Porto Alegre: Bookman. Método expositivo intercalado por períodos de perguntas e respostas, em sala; Trabalho colaborativo em rede; Trabalho autónomo; Trabalho em grupo; Debates; Role Play; Acompanhamento tutorial dos alunos ao longo do semestre. / Expositive method with periods of questions and answers in class; Collaborative work in network; Work independently; Teamwork; Debates; Role Play; Tutorial follow-up to the students throughout the semester. Assiduidade/Participação 15%; Trabalhos Individuais 20%; Artigo Científico: 60%; Teste: 15% / Attendance / Participation: 15%, Individual Works: 20%, Scientific Work: 60%, Test: 15% Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes Método expositivo; Workshops; Exercícios realizados pelos alunos; Brainstoriming; Estudos de Caso; Período tutorial; Trabalho autónomo / Expository method; Workshops; Exercises performed by student; Brainstorming; Case studies; Tutorial period; Autonomous work Participação e atitude; organização de um evento em grupo (em 3 fases); realização de um event em grupo / Attendance and attitude; Organization of a group event project (in 3 stages); Realization of a group event Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 216 Sistemas de Informação e Comunicação para Turismo/ Information and Communication Systems for Tourism Inglês - Cultura e Comunicação/ English – Culture and Communication ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Menu planning/F& B services/Catering Services/Cultural Matrices Dignen, Bob (2012) Communicating across Cultures, Business Skills, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Oral exposition/ group or individual role playing/ conceptual brainstorming ITC Framework; ITC in tourism; The internet in tourism; The GDS; The Galileo GDS Abranja, N., Alcântara, A., Braga, C., Marques, A. e Nunes, R. (2012), Gestão de Agências de Viagens e Turismo. Lisboa: Lidel. Buhalis, Dimitrios (2003). eTourism : Information Technology for Strategic Tourism Management. 1ª ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Expository method; Practice in individual Attendance and attitude; computers; Exercises performed by student; digital Practice Tests; digital research techniques; Tutorial period; Autonomous research teamwork work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Written tests/ reasearch work/ projects English Yes 217 Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes Opção Cultura e Língua: Espanhol/ Culture and Language Option: Spanish ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Morfología; Los comparativos; Introducción a la ortografía; Grado superlativo; Marcadores temporales; Temas socioculturais: Relações comerciais e culturais de Espanha. Projeção e debates de filmes; Tratamentos formais e normas de cortesia em instalações hoteleiras; A culinária regional espanhola e latinoamericana / Morphology; The comparative; Introduction to spelling; Superlative; Time markers; Sociocultural themes: trade and cultural relations of Spain. Projection of films and discussions; Treatments and formal standards in hotel facilities; regional Spanish and Latin American cuisine Goeded, M. y Varela, R. (2004). Bienvenidos I (Manual de lengua castellana adoptado – Manual del alumno). Madrid: enCLAVE-ELE; Goeded Castro Viúdez, F. (2004). Aprende Gramática y Vocabulario (Manual de lengua adoptado) Cuaderno de ejercicios. Alcobendas (Madrid): SGEL; Rubio Moraiz, P. (2006). Verbos Españoles Conjugados. Alcobendas (Madrid): SGEL; Larousse Editorial y Porto Editora (2006). Diccionario Portugués – Español ; Español – Portugués; Mallorca, y Porto: Vox, Larousse Editorial y Porto Editora; Felipe Gallego, J. y Peyrolón Melendo, R. (2004). Diccionario de hostelería. Hotelería y turismo, restaurante y gastronomía, cafetería y bar. Madrid: Thomson Paraninfo; Dorado, J. y Cerra, J. (1996). Manual de recepción y atención al cliente. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. Teste intercalar escrito (25%); Teste final escrito (30%); Uma ou várias apresentações orais (20%); Entrega de trab escritos: composições, O método de ensino aplicado é a avaliação elaboração de léxico contínua. Nela são realizados trabalhos em equipa específico, trabalho em ou em pequenos grupos (contínuo durante todo o grupo, tradução (25%) / semestre) / The teaching method applied is Written Interim Test continuous evaluation which includes different (25%); Written Final Test papers carried out in teams or small groups (30%); One or more oral (ongoing throughout the semester). presentations (20%); Delivery of written works: compositions, preparation of specific vocabulary, teamwork, translation (25%) Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 218 Português, Inglês e Espanhol / Portuguese, English and Spanish Yes Opção Cultura e Língua: Mandarim/ Culture and Language Option: Mandarin ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Pinyin; A estrutura dos nomes chineses; Estruturas gramaticais; As principais festividades / Pinyin; Structure of the chinese names; Gramatical structures; Main festivities Pan, W. (Ed.). (2000). A ChineseEnglish Dictionary of Chinese Idioms. Beijing: Sinolingua; Tan, H. P. (1998). What’s in a Chinese Character, Beijing: New World Press; Wang, S., & Lu, Y. (2008). Lições de Chinês para Portugueses. (Livro 1). Lisboa: Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau; Yip, P., & Don, R. (2004). Chinese: A Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge; Yip, P., & Don, R. (2004). Basic Chinese: A Grammar and Workbook. New York: Routledge; Zhu, H., Wu, J., & Xuanzhu. (1991). 100 Ancient Chinese Poems. Beijing: Sinolingua Método expositivo; Exercícios realizados pelos alunos; Período tutorial / Expository method; Exercises performed by student; tutorial period Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Regularidade e atitude; Avaliação escrita e teste oral / Regularity and attitude; Evaluation written and oral test Português e Chinês / Portuguese and Chinese 219 Não/No ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Itinerários Turísticos/ Tourism Itineraries 3º ano, 1º semestre / 3th year, 1st semester 1. Conceptualização e tipologia de itinerários turísticos. 2. A geografia e a sua importância na preparação de itinerários turísticos. 3.avaliação do potencial turístico de uma região. 4.planeamento e concepção de itinerários turísticos. 5. Análise e interpretação de casos práticos. / 1. Conceptualization and typology of touristic itineraries. 2. The geography and its importance in the preparation of touristic itineraries. 3. Evaluation of a region tourism potential. 4. Planning and conception of touristic itineraries. 5. Analysis and interpretation of case studies . Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 220 Cabo Nadal, M. (2004). Asistencia y guía de grupos. Madrid: ThomsonParaninfo. Guichard, François (2000). Itinerarios Transfronterizos en la Península Ibérica. Zamora: Fundación Rei Afonso Henriques. (Monografias y Estudios). Milió Balanza I. (2004). Diseño y comercialización de productos turisticos locales y regionales. Madrid: Paraninfo. Apresentação e explanação dos conteúdos pelo docente. Exercícios realizados pelo estudante. Análise e interpretação de itinerários turísticos variados. / Presentation and explanation of the contents by the professor. Exercises performed by the student. Analysis and interpretation of routes. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Regularidade e Participação. Construção de Itinerários turísticos (3 fases). Spot Publicitário. / Regularity and Participation. Construction of tourist itineraries (3 phases). Spot Advertising. Português e Inglês/ Portuguese and English Yes Marketing Turístico / Tourism Marketing ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Buhalis, Dimitrios and Costa, Carlos (2006). Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, Products and Industry. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; Os Fundamentos do Buhalis, D. (2000a). Distribution Marketing; O Marketing Channels in the Changing Travel como Filosofia de Industry. International Journal of Gestão; O Plano de Tourism Research, 2, pp. 113-139, Marketing e as Bournemouth University; Buhalis, D. Estratégias de (2000b). Marketing the Competitive Comunicação; A Acção Destination of the Future. Tourism do Marketing no Produto Management, (21), pp. 97-116, Turístico / The Groups Oxford: Elsevier Ltd; Cooper, Chris, of Marketing; Marketing Scott, Noel e Kester, John (2006). as a Management New and emerging markets. Ritchie, Philosophy; The J. Brent e Crouch, Geoffrey (2003). Marketing Plan and the The competitive destination: a Communication's sustainable tourism perspective, Strategies; The Wallingford: CABI. Kotler, Philip and Marketing Action in the Keller, Kevin (2008). Marketing Tourism Product Management, 13th ed.. New York: Prentice Hall. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary (2007). Principles of Marketing, 12th Ed. New York: Prentice Hall. Apresentação e explanação dos conteúdos pelo docente; Exercícios realizados pelo estudante; Período de tutoria reservado para discussão de temas abordados nas sessões teóricas, ou na preparação de trabalhos, em aula ou a distância; Período de trabalho autónomo. / Presentation and explanation of content by the teacher; Exercises performed by the student, in groups or individually; Period of mentoring for discussion of contents or preparing work, in class or by distance; Autonomous work. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Regularidade e Atitude (10%); Instrumento promocional tecnológico (40%); Teste (50%) / Regularity and Attitude (10%); Promotional technological tool (40%); Evaluation written Test (50%) 221 Português e Inglês/ Portuguese and English Yes Turismo de Saúde e Bem-Estar / Health Tourism and Wellness 1. Turismo de Saúde e Bem-Estar. 2. A Oferta de TSBE em Portugal. 3. A Procura de TSBE em Portugal. 4. A Oferta Concorrente. 5. O Futuro do TSBE em Portugal. / 1. Health and Wellness Tourism. 2. The Health and Wellness Offer in Portugal. 3. The Health and Wellness Demand in Portugal. 4. The Offering Competitors. 5. The Future of Health and Wellness Tourism in Portugal. Cavaco, C., Medeiros, C. (2008). Turismo de Saúde e Bem-Estar. Termas, Spas Termais e Talassoterapia. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Fernandes, J.V., Fernandes, F.V. (2008). Spas, Centros Talasso e Termas. Turismo de Saúde e BemEstar. Lisboa: Gestãoplus edições. O ensino será amplamente ilustrado através de casos de referência. As sessões tutórias serão utilizadas no suporte de pequenos trabalhos de natureza académica e no desenvolvimento de casos. / The subject will be widely illustrated through reference cases. The tutorial lessons will be used to support small works and to the development of study cases. Seminário/ Seminar ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Scientific research Methods; Business plans Building; Trainning preparation; Tourism law reinforcement; The tourism systema and its operation Bucha, A. I. (2009) Empreendedorismo – Aprender a Saber Ser Empreendedor. Lisboa: Editora RH. Abranja, N., Alcântara, A. A., Carneiro, I. Coelhoso, F., Ferreira, R. V., Marques, A. P., Pereira, A. C. & Teixeira, D. (Ed.) (2012). Turismo Formação e Inovação. Mangualde: Edições Pedago. Regularity and Attitude; Business plan/Scientific Expository method; Workshops; Exercises Article (Part I - theoretical performed by student; Brainstorming; Papers work; frame); Business Case studies; Presentations; Tutorial period; plan/Scientific Article (Part II - Empirical Study); Autonomous work Seminary/Public Presentation Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Dois testes. Elaboração de trabalho de grupo. / Two tests. Written Group Project. Português e Inglês/ Portuguese and English Yes Português e Inglês/ Portuguese and English Yes 222 Opção Gestão: Logística / Management Option: Logistics CARVALHO, J.M. Crespo; 2002; Logística; Lisboa.; Edições Silabo, Lda; Coyle, J.J., E.J. Bardi, and J.C. Langley; 2003; The Management of Business Logistics; South – Western; Fernandez, C; 1990; Produção e Venda de Serviços Turísticos em Agências de Viage; Madrid; Síntesis; A Logística Empresarial; Rushton, A., Phill Croucher; 2006; A Gestão Logística nos The handbook of logistics and Serviços Turísticos / The distribution managemen; ; The Logistics Management; Chartered Institute of Logistics and Logistics Management Transports; SHARMAN, Graham; in Travel Services 1984; The Rediscovery of Logistics; ; Harvard Business Review; Stroh, Michael B. A.; 2006; Practical Guide to Transportation and Logistics; Dumont, NJ; Logistics Network, Inc; Tompkins, J.A. and D.A. Harmelink; 1993; The Distribution Management Handbook; ; McGraw Hill Trabalho individual (60%); Recensão sobre caseMétodo expositivo; Apresentações; Relatórios; study (30%); Trabalhos Estudo de casos práticos; Visitas educacionais e individuais (10%) / participação em workshops. / Expositive method; Individual Work (60%); Presentations; Reports; Case Studies; Educational Case-study analysis trips and Workshops (30%); Individual works (10%) Português e Inglês/ Portuguese and English Yes Opção Língua e Comunicação: Espanhol/ Language and Communication Option: Spanish ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Goeded, M. y Varela, R. (2004). Bienvenidos II (Manual de lengua castellana adoptado – Manual del Verbos; Diferentes tipos alumno). Madrid: enCLAVE-ELE; de oraciones; Signos de Goeded, M. y Varela, R. (2004). puntuación; Marcadores Bienvenidos II (Manual de lengua temporales; Lexicologia adoptado – Cuaderno de ejercicios). e Linguística; Temas Madrid: enCLAVE-ELE; Rubio socioculturais / Verbs; Moraiz, P. (2006). Verbos Españoles Different types of Conjugados. Alcobendas (Madrid): sentences; Punctuation SGEL; Felipe Gallego, J. y Peyrolón marks; Time markers; Melendo, R. (2004). Diccionario de Lexicology and hostelería. Hotelería y turismo, Linguistics; Sociocultural restaurante y gastronomía, cafetería issues y bar. Madrid: Thomson Paraninfo; Dorado, J. y Cerra, J. (1996). Manual de recepción y atención al cliente. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. Teste intercalar escrito (25%); Teste final escrito (30%); Uma ou várias apresentações orais (20%); Entrega de trabalhos escritos: O método de ensino aplicado é a avaliação composições, elaboração contínua. Nela são realizados trabalhos em equipa de léxico específico, trab ou em pequenos grupos (contínuo durante todo o em grupo, tradução (25%) semestre). / The teaching method applied is / Written Interim Test continuous evaluation which includes different (25%); Written Final Test papers carried out in teams or small groups (30%); One or more oral (ongoing throughout the semester). presentations (20%); Delivery of written works: compositions, preparation of specific vocabulary, teamwork, translation (25%) Português, Inglês e Espanhol / Portuguese, English and Spanish Yes Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 223 Opção Língua e Comunicação: Mandarim/ Language and Communication Option: Mandarin ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Pinyin: revisão e conclusão; Verbos; Pronomes, Nomes próprios; A moeda chinesa e os preços; Expressões idiomáticas e provérbios / Pinyin: revision and conclusion; verbs; Pronouns; Names; Chinese currency and prices; Introduction to Chinese idioms and proverbs Pan, W. (Ed.). (2000). A ChineseEnglish Dictionary of Chinese Idioms. Beijing: Sinolingua; Tan, H. P. (1998). What’s in a Chinese Character, Beijing: New World Press; Wang, S., & Lu, Y. (2008). Lições de Chinês para Portugueses. (Livro 1). Lisboa: Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau; Wang, S., & Lu, Y. (2008). Lições de Chinês para Portugueses. (Livro 2). Lisboa: Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau; Yan, M. H. et al. Método expositivo; Exercícios realizados pelos (2002). New Practical Chinese alunos; Período tutorial / Expository method; Reader: Textbook. Beijing: Beijing Exercises performed by student; tutorial period Language University Press; Yip, P., & Don, R. (2004). Chinese: A Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge; Yip, P., & Don, R. (2004). Basic Chinese: A Grammar and Workbook. New York: Routledge; Zhang, P. P. (2001). The Most Common Chinese Radicals. Beijing: Sinolingua; Zhu, H., Wu, J., & Xuanzhu. (1991). 100 Ancient Chinese Poems. Beijing: Sinolingua Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 224 Regularidade e atitude; Avaliação escrita e teste oral / Regularity and attitude; Evaluation written and oral test Português e Chinês / Portuguese and Chinese No ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Nome da UC / Course unit title Conteúdos abreviados / Course contents Negociação e E-Commerce / Trading and e-Commerce 3º ano, 2º semestre / 3th year, 2nd semester • Basics of ecommerce: • Common implementations: Retail, private sales and coupons, emarketplaces and portals; Drop shipment; E-procurement, Egovernment, Auctions, Group Shopping; price Comparators; Online Advertising; SaS; crowdfunding, collaborative commerce, distance learning and other applications of Electronic Commerce • Processes and Technology: o Security, Payment Systems, Content Management, legal, ethical and social Impacts • Customer acquisition: • Sales process: • Electronic Commerce Strategy, analysis of business models and implementation • Launching an online business Leitura recomendada ou exigida / Recommended or required reading Métodos de ensino / Teaching methods Métodos de avaliação e os critérios / Assessment methods and criteria Idioma de ensino / Language of instruction O professor fala inglês? / The teacher speaks English? 225 Turban, E. (2010) Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, 6th. Ed., Nova Iorque, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Laudon, K. & Traver, C. (2008), ECommerce: Business, Technology, Society, 2nd ed., London: PrenticeHall Rodrigues, Dário (2002), E-Business na óptica de marketing, Lisboa: FCAEditora Informática Expository method; Exercises performed by student; Brainstorming; Papers work; Case studies; Presentations; Autonomous work Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Regularity and attitude; Case Studies and Written Exercises; Practical Exeercises; Evaluation written and oral test Portuguese and English Yes Antropologia do Turismo/ Anthropology of Tourism Antropologia; A Organização Social; Padrões de Cultura; O Turismo como Fenómeno Social e Cultural; O Património / Anthropology; Social Organization; Patterns of Culture; Tourism as Social and Cultural phenomenon; The Heritage Teoria das Relações Internacionais/ Theory of International Relations ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Cravinho, João Gomes (2008). Visões do Mundo. As Relações Internacionais e o Mundo Contemporâneo. Lisboa: ICS; Dougherty, James E. e Robert L Introdução; Teorias das Pfaltzgraff Jr.. (2003). Relações Relações Internacionais; Internacionais - As teorias em A Cooperação confronto. Um estudo detalhado. Transnacional e o Lisboa: Gradiva; Fernandes, António Turismo; José (2008). As Relações Internacionalização das Internacionais e Portugal. Da Europa Empresas / Introduction; do Mundo ao Mundo da Europa. Theories of International Lisboa: Prefácio; Lemaire, Jean-Paul Relations; A (1999). Desenvolvimento Transnational Internacional da Empresa. Cooperation and Estratégias de Internacionalização. Tourism; Lisboa: Instituto Piaget; Moreira, Internationalization of Adriano (2008). Teoria das Relações Enterprises Internacionais. Coimbra: Almedina; Nogueira, João Pontes e Nizar Messari (2005). Teoria das Relações Internacionais. Rio de Janeiro (Brasil): CAMPUS. Barreto, M 2002 - Turismo e Legado Cultural. Campinas, Papinus; Castells, M. 2001 - O Poder da Identidade. Lisboa, F.C.G; Friedman, T. 2000 - Compreender a Globalização. Lisboa, Quetzel; Martins, Cl. 2003 - Turismo, Cultura e Identidade. S. Paulo, Roca; Sousa Santos, B. 2001 - Globalização: fatalidade ou utopia? Porto, Afrontamento Método expositivo; observação e discussão de casos; trabalhos práticos / Expositive method; observation and case-studies discussion; practical works Análise crítica de um texto (15%); 2 Trabalhos de Pesquisa (30%); Trabalho Português/ etnográfico (55%) / Critical Portuguese analysis of a text (15%); 2 Research papers (30%); Ethnographic work (55%) No Método expositivo; observação e discussão de casos; trabalhos práticos / Expositive method; observation and case-studies discussion; practical works Participação activa (30%); Trabalho individual I (20%); Trabalho de grupo (20%); Trabalho individual II (30%). / Active participation (30%); Individual work 1 (20%); Group work (20%); Individual work II (30%) Yes Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Português e Inglês / Portuguese and English 226 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opção Cultura Geral: História da Arte e do Património Cultural / General Culture Option: History of Art and Cultural Heritage The program begins by addressing a long cycle of the art in Portugal, located between the prehistory times and the Baroque. Focusing on works of architecture, sculpture and painting of ACCIAIUOLI, Margarida (1998). the periods of Antiquity, Exposições do Estado Novo: 1934of Middle Ages and of 1940. Livros Horizonte. Lisboa. 1998. Modern Age, the first CORREIA, J.E. Horta. (1991). part focuses on some Arquitectura portuguesa, subjects of our art, Renascimento, Maneirismo, Estilo particularly emphasizing chão. Presença. Lisboa. the specificity of the DIAS, Pedro. (2008-2009) Arte de Manueline, the “Chao Portugal no mundo. Público, Lisboa. style”, the gilded FRANÇA, José-Augusto (1990). Arte woodcarvings, the em Portugal no século XIX (2 vols.). parietal tile, the Bertrand. Lisboa. pombaline architecture. FRANÇA, José-Augusto (1991). Arte The second part em Portugal no século XX: 1911proposes a journey 1961. Bertrand. Lisboa. through the history of Theoretical and practical classes with slide MOREIRA, Rafael e CURVELO, Portuguese Art in the projection, complemented whenever possible with Alexandra (1998). “A Circulação das Contemporary Age (from field trips. Debates about suggested readings. Formas. Artes Portáteis, Arquitectura the late e eighteenthcentury to the Urbanismo”. História da Expansão present). The key topics Portuguesa (Vol. 2). Círculo de of discussion and Leitores. Lisboa. analysis are: Pereira, Paulo (dir.) (1995) História Neoclassicism, da Arte Portuguesa (3 vols). Círculo Romanticism and de Leitores, Lisboa. Naturalism (nineteenth RODRIGUES, Dalila (coord.). (2009). century), Modernism Arte portuguesa da pré-história ao and the action of the século XX. Fubu, D. L. Vila Nova de SPN (1910-1945); the Gaia. quarrels between SERRÃO, Vítor. (2003), História da Surrealism and Arte em Portugal. O Barroco. Ed. Neorealism and Presença. Lisboa. between figuration and abstraction (1945-1959), the Neo-avant-garde: object, action and concept (1960-1979), Internacional the "postmodernism" Office and the returns of painting (1980-89). Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 227 Biweekly critical reviews on the references indicated by the professor, listed in the main Portuguese bibliography (70%), followed by oral presentations in class (30%). No ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opção Cultura Geral: Etnologia Portuguesa / General Culture Option: Portuguese Ethnology 1-Introduction Creation of the ethnological field; Portuguese ethnographies 2-The Portuguese national identity National identity; Ethnogenealogic models; Compared mythology; ALMEIDA, Pedro Vieira de (1970). Lusitanic theses; Plural Raul Lino, arquitecto moderno, in ethno-genealogy for the Raul Lino, Exposição Retrospectiva nation; Ethnic da sua Obra (cat. exp.). Lisboa, psychology or the nation Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. as a collective individual; BRITO, J. P.; BAPTISTA, F. O.; Teixeira de Pascoaes; PEREIRA, B.E. (Eds.) (1996). O Voo Jorge Dias; Boaventura do Arado. Museu Nacional de Sousa Santos Etnologia/ Instituto Português de 3-The regional identities Museus/ Ministério da Cultura. in Portugal Lisboa. From the unitary image CUTILEIRO, José (1977). Ricos e to the valorization of Pobres no Alentejo. Sá da Costa. diversity; Rocha Peixoto; Lisboa. Estado Novo(“New DIAS, Jorge. (1990). Os elementos State”); Regional fundamentais da cultura portuguesa. Theoretical and practical classes with slide pluralist In Estudos de Antropologia (vol. I, projection, complemented whenever possible with ethno-genealogy in pp.136-157), Imprensa Nacionalfield trips. Debates about suggested readings. Portugal; Orlando Casa da Moeda. Lisboa. (Original Ribeiro, Jorge Dias and work published 1950) his team; A country LEAL, João (2006). Antropologia em changing – from 1950 to Portugal. Mestres, Percursos, the Tradições. Livros Horizonte. Lisboa. present day LEAL, João (2000), Etnografias 4-Portuguese “popular Portuguesas (1870-1970). Cultura religiosity” popular e identidade Nacional, Dom Religious temporality Quixote, Lisboa. and rural labour; LINO, Raul (1992). Casas Churches and Portuguesas. Cotovia (6.ª edição). Sanctuaries; The OurLisboa. Lady-Mother-nation; The SANTO, Moisés Espírito (1990). A Village and the Religião Popular Portuguesa. Assírio Saint; “Our religion and e Alvim. Lisboa. that of the Priests” 5-Traditional Internacional architecture and Office anthropology Raul Lino and “The Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Portuguese House”; ISA/SNA Inquiries; 228 Biweekly critical reviews on the references indicated by the professor, listed in the main Portuguese bibliography (70%), followed by oral presentations in class (30%). No ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Opção Cultura Geral: Museologia, Cultura e Civilizações / General Culture Option: Museology, Culture and Civilizations 1. THEORY OF CULTURE 1.1. The notion of culture in the social sciences. Nature and Civilization. 1.2. Modernity, anti-modern, post-modernity and late modernity. 2. GREAT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD Cuche, D. (1999). A noção de cultura 2.1. Early Civilizations. nas ciências sociais. Fim de Século. 2.2. The legacy of Lisboa. classical culture in the Elias, N. (1989). O processo definition of the Western civilizacional. Dom Quixote. Lisboa. Steiner, G. (1971). No castelo do World: Art and Philosophy. 3. bárbara azul. Relógio D'água. Lisboa MUSEOLOGY 3.1. (cap. “Pós-cultura”). Lopes, M. H. T. (2003). O Egipto Terminology and concepts - heritage, Faraónico – Guia de Estudo. Edição Associação Portuguesa de museums and Egiptologia. Lisboa. museology. 3.2. History of Pereira, M. H. R. (1990). Estudos de museums. Treasures of História da Cultura Clássica – Cultura Theoretical and practical classes with slide Romana. 2º ed, Fundação Calouste the Renaissance and projection, complemented whenever possible with the cabinets of Gulbenkian, Lisboa. field trips. Debates about suggested readings. curiosities. The social Jaeger, W (s/d.). Paideia. Editorial Aster. Lisboa. function ofmuseums Rocha-Trindade, M. B (1993). between the Enlightenment and the Iniciação à Museologia. Universidade Aberta, Lisboa. French Revolution. National, regional and Fernandéz, L A. (1995). Museologia. Introducción a la Teoria y Práctica del local museums. The Museo. Istmo. Madrid. architecture of Anico, M. (2008). Museus e Pósmuseums. Museology modernidade. Discursos e nineteenth century Performances em Contextos scientific and popular education. 3.3. The "new Museológicos Locais.ISCSP, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, museology". Parks, Lisboa. open-air museums and historic houses. Ecomuseums. 3.4.The scientific potential of museums. Processing, Internacional heritage and education. Office 3.5. The Portuguese Museum Network: Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] typological and regional diversity. Museum tour 229 Theoretical component: biweekly critical reviews on the references indicated by the professor, listed in the main bibliography (30%), followed by oral presentations in class Portuguese (20%). Practical component: a powerpoint presentation as a guided tour of a museum designed by students (25%), followed by the submission of its written script (25%). No Opção Cultura e Comunicação Mandarim/ Culture and Communication Option: Mandarin Opção Cultura e Comunicação: Espanhol/ Culture and Communication Option: Spanish ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Aplicação geral intermédia da gramática espanhola, na qual serão introduzidos conceitos e competências linguísticas específicas importantes para a compreensão e elaboração de textos técnicos e académicos. / General application of intermediate Spanish grammar, in which will be introduced concepts and language skills important for the understanding and development of technical and academic texts. Advérbios de tempo; Vocabulário diverso; Introdução ao vocabulário específico da área do turismo; Expressões idiomáticas, provérbios e poemas em mandarim / Adverbs; General vocabulary; Introduction to the vocabulary specific to the area of tourism; Mandarin Chinese idioms, proverbs and poems Rubio Moraiz, P. (2006). Verbos Españoles Conjugados. Alcobendas (Madrid): SGEL.; Larousse Editorial y Porto Editora (2006). Diccionario Portugués – Español ; Español – Portugués; Mallorca, y Porto: Vox, Larousse Editorial y Porto Editora; Felipe Gallego, J. y Peyrolón Melendo, R. (2004). Diccionario de hostelería. Hotelería y turismo, restaurante y gastronomía, cafetería y bar. Madrid: Thomson Paraninfo; Dorado, J. y Cerra, J. (1996). Manual de recepción y atención al cliente. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. Teste intercalar escrito (25%); Teste final escrito (30%); Uma ou várias O método de ensino aplicado é a avaliação apresentações orais contínua. Nela são realizados trabalhos em equipa (20%); Entrega de ou em pequenos grupos (contínuo durante todo o trabalhos escritos (25%) / semestre). / The teaching method applied is Written Interim Test continuous evaluation which includes different (25%); Written Final Test papers carried out in teams or small groups (30%); One or more oral (ongoing throughout the semester). presentations (20%); Delivery of written works (25%) Português, Inglês e Espanhol / Portuguese, English and Spanish Yes Pan, W. (Ed.). (2000). A ChineseEnglish Dictionary of Chinese Idioms. Beijing: Sinolingua; Tan, H. P. (1998). What’s in a Chinese Character, Beijing: New World Press; Yan, M. H. et al. (2002). New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook. Beijing: Beijing Language University Press; Yip, P., & Don, R. (2004). Chinese: A Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge; Zhang, P. P. (2001). The Most Common Chinese Radicals. Beijing: Sinolingua; Zhu, H., Wu, J., & Xuanzhu. (1991). 100 Ancient Chinese Poems. Beijing: Sinolingua Metodologia participativa, baseada na exposição dos vários pontos do programa, seguida de exercícios práticos de conversação, com a intenção de transformar cada um dos pontos da lição em diálogos contextualizados. / An essentially participatory methodology that favors the expounding of the various parts of the program by the teacher, followed by practical exercises of conversation with the aim of transforming each point of the lesson into dialogues contextualized in real situations. Português, Inglês e Mandarim / Portuguese, English and chinese Yes Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Teste 60%, assiduidade 20%, participação e trabalhos 20%. / Test 60%, class attendance 20%, participation and assignments 20% 230 Estágio/ Training ISCE Guide for Foreign Students The training integration; rules and assessment; preparation, behaviors, attitudes and skills; research, planning and construction of training reports; Trainning in work context; Presentations Bucha, A. I. (2009) Empreendedorismo – Aprender a Saber Ser Empreendedor. Lisboa: Editora RH. Comissão Europeia (2004). A Manual for Evaluating the Quality Performance of Tourist Destinations and Services. Luxemburgo: CE Presentation and explanation of the content by professor. Training (practice). Individual’s presentations. Debate (autonomy assignment). Tutorial period; Autonomous work a. Evaluation survey from the host institution b. Weekly presentations of activities realized at the training c. Visits and consultation of the responsible of curricular unit at the host institution d. Training Report Descrição dos Mestrados em breve. Description of Masters soon. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Português and Inglês / Portuguese and English Yes 231 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 4. Conhecer Portugal / To know Portugal 232 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Enquadramento Geográfico Geographic framework Portugal é um país rico em história, encontrando-se no extremo sudoeste da Europa e inclui os arquipélagos da Madeira e dos Açores no Oceano Atlântico. No continente europeu, o território português ocupa uma área de 88.889 km2 (com 218 km de largura, 561 km de comprimento, 832 km de costa atlântica e 1.215 km de fronteira terrestre com Espanha). Portugal is a country rich in history, lying in the extreme southwest of Europe and includes the archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. In Europe, the Portuguese territory covers an area of 88,889 km2 (with 218 km wide and 561 km long, 832 km of Atlantic coastline and 1215 km land border with Spain). 233 Population População Portugal tem uma população de cerca de 10 milhões de habitantes e os maiores índices de densidade populacional registam-se em Lisboa, a capital do país, e nos seus arredores, onde vivem cerca 1.9 milhões de pessoas. A segunda maior cidade de Portugal é o Porto, localizado no norte do país. De um modo geral, as localidades junto ao litoral têm maior ocupação humana do que o interior do país. História Portugal tornou-se desde há muito aberto ao mundo e à comunicação através das suas imensas viagens, tanto por terra como por mar, mas essencialmente por mar, pela sua fronteira tão extensa com o mesmo. Assim, absorveram-se diversas culturas de variadas origens: Fenícios, Gregos, Cartagineses, Romanos (que nos deixaram a língua que falamos), povos nórdicos e povos da Mauritânia. Apesar de tantas misturas, o nosso País é dos mais antigos da Europa. No séc. XII tornou-se independente dos outros reinos peninsulares graças ao conde Afonso Henriques que foi nosso primeiro rei por sua vontade própria. Um século mais tarde, com a conquista do Algarve, Portugal acabava de desenhar a sua fronteira continental. Portugal has a population of about 10 million, and the greatest population density is in Lisbon, the capital and its suburbs, where about 1.9 million people live. The second largest city in Portugal is Oporto in the north of the country. Generally speaking, there are more people living in the country’s coastal regions than in the inland areas. History Portugal became long been open to the world and communication through their vast travels, both by land and by sea, but mainly by sea, by its border so extensive with it. Thus, we absorbed diverse cultures of different origins: Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans (who left us our language), northern Europeans and peoples from Mauritania. Although these mixtures, our country is among the oldest in Europe. In the XII century became independent of the other Iberian Peninsula kingdoms thanks to Conde Afonso Henriques, who was our first king at his own wish. A century later, with the conquest of the Algarve, Portugal had just draw its continental border. At the end of the XIII century, King D. Dinis founded the University, one of the oldest in Europe, and took her to the Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Em finais do séc. XIII o rei D. Dinis criou a Universidade, uma das mais antigas da Europa, e levou-a para a bela cidade de Coimbra. Nos séc. XIV, XV e XVI os portugueses foram os primeiros europeus a navegar até África, ao longínquo Oriente e às profundezas do continente Sul Americano, donde trouxeram uma montanha de raridades. Ainda antes de prosseguirem pela costa de África, encontraram os arquipélagos dos Açores e da Madeira, que são parte do território no Atlântico. Depois de uma crise dinástica que colocou Portugal sob o trono de Espanha, em 1640 voltámos a ter um rei português porque, embora discretos, temos um grande sentido de independência. No séc. XVIII, D. João V, rei absolutista e amante das artes, mandou construir o imenso palácioconvento de Mafra, e o grande Aqueduto que conduziu a água à cidade de Lisboa. No séc. XIX, lutas partidárias enfraquecem a Monarquia, que acaba por cair em 1910, ano em que se implantou a República. Portugal entrou para a UE desde 1986. Assim, por todas as intervenções que a história portuguesa foi sofrendo ao longo dos séculos, Portugal tornou-se um país rico em património e cultura, onde vale a pena viver e visitar. Clima Portugal continental O clima em Portugal varia significativamente de região para região, e é influenciado pelo relevo, latitude e proximidade do mar, que proporciona Invernos suaves, especialmente no Algarve. Nas áreas do Porto e Norte de Portugal e Beiras, especialmente nas zonas mais beautiful city of Coimbra. In the XIV, XV and XVI century. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to sail to Africa, the Far East and the depths of the South American continent, where they brought a wealth of treasures. Even before continuing along the coast of Africa they found the archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira, which are part of the territory in the Atlantic. After a dynastic crisis that put Portugal under the throne of Spain in 1640 we once again have a Portuguese king because, although discretes, we have a great sense of independence. In the XVIII century D. João V, an absolutist monarch and lover of the arts, built a huge palace and convent of Mafra and the great aqueduct that water to the city of Lisbon. In the XIX century, partisan struggles weaken the monarchy, which eventually falls in 1910, which implemented the Republic. Portugal joined the EU since 1986. 234 Thus, for all interventions that Portuguese history has undergone over the centuries, Portugal became a country rich in culture and heritage, which is worth living and visiting. Climate Mainland Portugal The climate in Portugal varies considerably from one region to another and is influenced by the relief, latitude and proximity to the sea, which offers mild winters, especially in the Algarve. In the Porto and North area and Beiras region, particularly inland, nearer Spain, the winters are colder, although the temperatures are still mild when compared to the rest of Europe. There is some snowfall. It occurs most in the Serra da Estrela mountains, where we Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students próximas de Espanha, os Invernos são mais frios, apesar das temperaturas serem moderadas quando comparadas com o resto da Europa. Regista-se alguma queda de neve, que é mais frequente na Serra da Estrela, onde se situa o ponto mais alto de Portugal continental (1991m) e se podem encontrar condições para a prática de ski. Os verões são quentes e secos sobretudo nas regiões do interior (Nordeste transmontano e Alentejo), e no litoral o calor é moderado pela influência marítima. Durante o outono registam-se frequentemente dias ensolarados com temperaturas amenas, que ao ocorrerem no início de novembro costumam ser popularmente designados por "verão de São Martinho", devido à proximidade da data em que se festeja este Santo (11/11). Açores Influenciado pela latitude e pela ação reguladora da corrente do Golfo, o clima dos Açores é caracterizado por temperaturas amenas ao longo de todo o ano. Estas influências condicionam igualmente a temperatura da água do mar, que se mantém muito agradável tanto no inverno como no verão, possibilitando a prática de diversos desportos marítimos. Madeira Com características subtropicais que se devem à sua posição geográfica e ao relevo montanhoso, o clima no arquipélago da Madeira é excecionalmente ameno, com temperaturas médias do ar que variam entre os 24 °C no verão e os 19 °C no inverno. A água do mar mantém find the highest point in mainland Portugal (1,991 m) and where it is sometimes possible to ski. The summers are hot and dry, especially in the inland areas (Trás-os-Montes in north-eastern and Alentejo) and on the coast the heat is moderated by the maritime influence. There are often warm, sunny days in autumn. Nice weather at There are often warm, sunny days in autumn. Nice weather at the beginning of November is often called "St. Martin’s Summer" as this saint’s day is on 11 November. 235 Azores The climate in the Azores is influenced by the islands’ latitude and by the Gulf Stream, and temperatures are mild there all year round. The same factors also influence the sea temperature, which is very pleasant both in winter and summer and ideal for nautical sports all year round. Madeira The subtropical characteristics of the weather in the Madeira Archipelago can be explained by its geographical position and mountainous relief. The climate in Madeira is exceptionally mild, with average temperatures varying between 24 ºC in summer and 19 ºC in winter. The sea temperature is also very pleasant all year round, thanks to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream. Religion The majority of Portuguese are Catholics, but the Portuguese Constitution guarantees religious freedom and there are a number of different religions in Portugal. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students igualmente uma temperatura muito agradável ao longo de todo o ano devido à influência da corrente quente do Golfo, oscilando entre os 18 °C (inverno) e os 22 °C (verão). Religião O povo português é maioritariamente católico, mas a Constituição portuguesa garante a liberdade religiosa, o que se traduz na presença em Portugal de diversos cultos. Língua De raiz latina, o português é a terceira língua europeia mais falada no mundo, por cerca de 250 milhões de pessoas. Os países de expressão oficial portuguesa espalham-se pelos quatro cantos do mundo. Assim, fala-se português em África (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique e São Tomé e Príncipe) na América do Sul (no Brasil), e na Ásia, em TimorLeste, o mais jovem país do mundo, sendo ainda língua oficial na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau. Em Portugal uma boa parte dos cidadãos tem facilidade de comunicação em inglês, francês e castelhano. Moeda Portugal faz parte do grupo de 17 países da União Europeia, em que o Euro é a moeda oficial e comum a todos. 1 Euro divide-se em 100 Cêntimos. Para as novas moedas definiram-se oito valores faciais: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 e 50 Cêntimos e 1 e 2 Euros. As notas distinguem-se pela sua dimensão e cor e têm os seguintes valores: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 e 500 Euros. As moedas têm numa das faces desenhos comuns (face europeia) enquanto a outra face tem um símbolo nacional, sendo que todas as moedas de Euro podem ser utilizadas em todos os Language One of the Latin languages, Portuguese is the third most spoken European language in the world and the native tongue of about 250 million people. The Portuguese-speaking countries are scattered all over the world. Portuguese is spoken in Africa (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé e Príncipe), in South America (Brazil) and in Asia, (East Timor, the youngest nation in the world), and it is also the official language in Macao Special Administrative Region of China. In Portugal there are lots of people who are able to communicate in English, French and Spanish. 236 Currency Portugal is one of 17 European Union countries whose common official currency is the euro. 1 euro is divided into 100 cents. The coins come in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents, and 1 and 2 euros. The notes are differentiated by their size and colour and come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros. One side of the coins has a common design (the European side), and the other side has a national symbol. All euro coins can be used in any euro-zone country, irrespective of which national symbols they display. ATMs - Automatic Teller Machines (Multibanco) Portugal has a national network of cash machines (ATMs) identified by the symbol MB (Multibanco), from which you can withdraw cash 24 hours a day. Currency Exchange You can exchange money at banks, which are open from 8.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students países aderentes, independentemente da sua face nacional. Câmbios O câmbio da moeda é efetuado nos bancos, que estão abertos ao público das 08h30m às 15h00m, durante os 5 dias úteis da semana, nas casas de câmbio e máquinas automáticas (disponíveis apenas para operações de venda de divisas). Multibanco Existe uma rede nacional de Caixas automáticas, identificada por MB (Multibanco), que permite o levantamento de numerário, 24 horas por dia. Cartões de crédito Em Portugal, os cartões de crédito mais utilizados são: Visa; American Express; Diners Club; Europay/ Mastercard; JCB; Maestro. No caso de extravio ou roubo do seu cartão Visa ou Mastercard, poderá pedir ajuda através dos seguintes telefones: Visa: 800 811 107; Mastercard: 800 811 272. Custo de Vida O custo de vida em Portugal é, em média, mais baixo do que nos restantes países da UE. Os preços são variáveis e dependem dos estabelecimentos selecionados, mas um estudante que pretenda vir para Portugal deve ter em conta que gastará aproximadamente 400€ mensais. Economia five working days a week; at bureaux de change; and at automatic currency exchange machines (these are for currency sale transactions only). Credit cards In Portugal, the most commonly used credit cards are: Visa, American Express, Diners Club, Europay/ MasterCard, JCB and Maestro. If your Visa or MasterCard credit card is lost or stolen, contact the following telephone numbers for assistance: - Visa: Tel. 800 811 107 - MasterCard: Tel. 800 811 272 237 Life Cost The life cost in Portugal is, on average, lower than in the other EU countries. The prices are variable and depend on the selected establishments, but a student that pretends to come to Portugal has to take into account that it will spend approximately 400€. Economy Although a substantial amount of continental Portugal is dedicated to agriculture, exports in farming do not make up the majority of the economy as they once did. Sure, Portugal has always exported its excellent wines, olive oil, fruits (particularly oranges from the Algarve), cherries and pears, but the country has become more focused on commerce in recent years. More than one third of the country is covered by forests and thanks to the abundance of trees Portugal produces half of the world’s cork. It is also home Uma vasta área de Portugal continental continua dedicada à agricultura, embora as exportações de produtos agrícolas já não representem uma parte tão significativa da economia como no passado. O país continua a Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students exportar excelentes vinhos, azeite e frutos (em especial as laranjas do Algarve, as cerejas e as pêras), mas o sector comercial tem vindo a ganhar uma maior importância nos últimos anos. to major companies including a worldrenowned paper company, the world’s largest producer of wood-based panels and the oldest canned fish producer. The fishing industry remains present in Portugal. Mais de um terço de Portugal é composto por florestas, que asseguram cerca de metade da produção mundial de cortiça. Portugal é também sede de grandes indústrias, é o maior produtor mundial de aglomerados de madeira e a mais antiga fábrica de conservas de peixe do mundo. A indústria pesqueira continua bastante ativa em Portugal. Entre as outras indústrias de maior relevo contam-se as refinarias de petróleo, a produção de plásticos, os têxteis, a construção civil, a siderurgia, o calçado e os artigos de couro e, não menos importante, o turismo. Other main industries also include oil refineries, cement production, plastic products, textiles, construction, steel, footwear and leather and of course tourism. Banca e Finanças Em 1975 as principais instituições bancárias e seguradoras foram nacionalizadas, tendo sido privatizadas apenas na década de 80. No início dos anos 90 os bancos portugueses continuavam a deter cerca de 80% do mercado nacional e as seguradoras portuguesas 60%. Em 1986, com a adesão de Portugal à CEE, os mercados financeiros beneficiaram de um grande desenvolvimento no país. Atualmente, existe um elevado número de instituições bancárias espalhadas por todo o país, assim como máquinas automáticas, permitindo levantar dinheiro, fazer pagamentos e compras online, fazer câmbios ou descontar cheques de viagem com muita facilidade. O país está equipado com um dos mais avançados sistemas europeus de ATM, designado de Multibanco, e que liga os 27 bancos que existem em Portugal. 238 Banking and Finance In 1975 the banking and insurance industries in Portugal were nationalised, and subsequently went private in the 1980s. By the early 1990s the national banks and insurance firms continued to account for 80 percent and 60 percent of their markets, respectively. Financial markets have developed since Portugal joined the European Community, in 1986. Actualy, you will be able to find a bank or an ATM to withdraw cash, payments, shopping or change money and traveller’s cheques very easy. Portugal has one of Europe’s leading ATM systems called Multibanco that links 27 banks in Portugal. Trade During the Age of Discovery Portugal was a major force in economic trade, was at the forefront of naval explorations. Due the success of this trips and its large conections, Portugal became the first global empire in history and during the Renaissance one of the world’s leading economic power. The conections created with anouther continents allow the building of a global trade system. But the country’s power took a turn in 1822 when Portugal lost Brazil, its main colony, and other Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Comércio territories in Africa. Durante os Descobrimentos Portugal foi uma das nações mais inovadoras nas explorações marítimas e um grande impulsionador do comércio internacional. Devido ao sucesso destas viagens e às suas ligações com terras distantes, Portugal tornou-se também o primeiro império da história e durante o Renascimento foi uma das maiores potências comerciais do mundo. A criação de laços com outros continentes permitiu-lhe criar um sistema comercial global. Contudo, começa a perder a sua força, por volta de 1822, com a perda do Brasil a sua mais importante colónia e outros territórios africanos. Portugal’s economy was greatly affected with the Estado Novo, in 1933, which manifested following much political unrest. Portugal was ruled by Oliveira Salazar until the late 1960s. An important part of Salazar’s policy was to advocate the retention of Portuguese colonies around the world and strengthen the economy. Then there was another regime change in 1974 after a military coup and Portugal was transformed from dictatorship to democracy. A economia nacional ficou igualmente afetada com a criação do “Estado Novo”, em 1933, após vários anos de instabilidade social. Até ao final dos anos 60, Portugal foi governado por Oliveira Salazar, cuja política se centrou na conservação das colónias portuguesas no mundo e no fortalecimento da economia. Em 1974, após um golpe militar, deu-se uma nova alteração do regime político, sendo a ditadura substituída por um sistema democrático. Em 1986, com a adesão de Portugal à CEE e, em 1999, a adopção do Euro como moeda oficial, deu-se um novo e importante desenvolvimento económico no país, tornando-se novamente dependente do comércio internacional. A balança comercial permanece, porém, algo desequilibrada, com o valor das importações (sobretudo alimentação e bebidas, trigo, petróleo, maquinaria, automóveis e matériasprimas) superando o das exportações (sendo as mais importantes os têxteis, vestuário e calçado, a pasta de 239 A new and an important economic development happened with the CEE entry, in 1986, and the adoption of Euro, in 1999, still has to rely quite heavily on foreign trade. Total imports (primarily food and beverages, wheat, crude oil, machinery, automobiles and raw materials) have been greater than total exports (of which the most important are textiles, clothing, footwear, paper pulp, wine, cork and tomato paste). Transportation Thousands of happy holidaymakers, workers or students make their way through Portugal’s airports every week ready for a fantastic time in this unique European destination. The Portela Airport in Lisbon, an important junction for intercontinental flights, is the base of the Portuguese airline Transportes Aéreos Portugueses (TAP), which provides schedule services. Important secondary airports are located at Porto and Faro. Once you have arrived in Portugal there are several different transport options for getting around. The maritime way is one of the new but important ways to arrive to Portugal. The major seaports are Leixões, Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students celulose, o vinho, a cortiça e a polpa de tomate). Transportes Todas as semanas milhares de visitantes passam pelos aeroportos nacionais, escolhendo Portugal como o país de destino para férias, trabalho ou estudo. O Aeroporto da Portela, em Lisboa, é o principal eixo de voos intercontinentais e serve de base à TAP Portugal – a companhia aérea portuguesa. Os outros dois aeroportos internacionais situados em território continental são os do Porto e de Faro. Após chegar a Portugal, as opções de deslocação são variadas. A via marítima é cada vez mais uma forma de chegar a Portugal. Os principais portos marítimos são os de Leixões, Aveiro, Lisboa, Faro, Figueira da Foz, Sines e Setúbal. Depois dos anos 70, do século passado, a rede de estradas de Portugal beneficiou de grandes melhorias, com a construção de inúmeras autoestradas e itinerários principais e complementares por todo o país. As ligações entre Lisboa e Porto, as duas principais cidades portuguesas, são de elevada qualidade, assim como com a vizinha Espanha. Todas as cidades mais importantes estão unidas por autoestradas ou itinerários, bem como os principais portos e fronteiras. Todas as autoestradas têm no mínimo duas faixas de circulação e são sinalizadas com a letra “A”. As vias secundárias ligam as povoações menores a quase todas as áreas do interior. O percurso de algumas das principais estradas do país remonta a tempos antigos. Uma das melhores formas de explorar as lindas paisagens de Portugal é alugando um automóvel e percorrer o Aveiro, Lisbon, Faro, Figueira da Foz, Sines and Setúbal. As for Portugal’s roads, they have come a long way since the 1970s with major development of motorways and important itineraries around the country. Excelents routes (superhighway) connect Lisbon to Porto, the two mains city of Portugal, and similar routes have been constructed from Portugal to Spain. Highways and fast itineraries connect the largest towns and extend to the border and ports. There are many other highways around Portugal; all roads starting with ‘A’ (autoestrada) have two lanes, at least. Secondary roads link the towns with almost every part of the interior and several of the country's main roads date back to ancient times. A great way to explore the charming offerings of Portugal is by hiring a car. 240 If you would like someone else to take the strain of driving, finding a taxi is easy in Portugal. Look out for cabs that are usually all over the place. They are normally cream in colour or the more traditional taxis are painted black with a green roof. The fare is displayed on the taximeter which increases as the journey continues. You can always ask the driver for an approximate price for a particular journey beforehand to get an idea of how much it will cost. An additional fee is added when you telephone for a taxi in advance, and luggage (regardless of size and weight) carries an extra price as well. The national railway service is CP – Comboios de Portugal (Trains of Portugal). There is a considerable network covering the mainland as well as international trains travelling to Madrid, Vigo and Paris. Different types of trains travel to different areas with all major cities and towns being connected. They are a fast, Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students país sem horários. Em Portugal é fácil de encontrar um táxi em todas as cidades e vilas. Em geral, são de cor creme, mas os mais tradicionais continuam a ser pretos com tejadilho verde. A tarifa é exibida no taxímetro e vai aumentando ao longo do percurso. Antes de iniciar a viagem, pode pedir ao taxista que lhe dê uma estimativa do preço final da viagem. Terá de pagar uma sobretaxa se chamar um táxi por telefone, tal como pelo transporte de qualquer bagagem. A empresa nacional de transportes ferroviários é a CP – Comboios de Portugal . O país possui uma boa rede de caminhos-de-ferro, com ligações internacionais para Madrid, Vigo e Paris. Há diferentes tipos de serviços ferroviários unindo as diferentes regiões do país e assegurando a ligação entre as localidades principais. Os comboios são rápidos, pontuais e um meio relativamente económico de viajar. Os autocarros são um meio de transporte económico e muito cómodo. Em todas as principais localidades existem estações de camionetas. Muitos visitantes preferem viajar de autocarro porque o preço dos bilhetes é muito mais baixo. Além da rede ferroviária, as cidades de Lisboa e Porto possuem serviços de metro que funcionam entre as 6h e a 1h da manhã. O Metropolitano de Lisboa serve grande parte da cidade e é muito prático para explorar a capital do país. Algumas das suas estações estão decoradas com bonitos painéis de azulejos, que as transformam em autênticas obras de arte. Condução comfortable, punctual and a relatively cheap way of travelling. Taking a bus can be a cost-effective and convenient way to get around. You will see bus stops all over the major towns and cities of Portugal. Many visitors like to experience this way of travelling and take advantage of inexpensive tickets. In addition to the rail network above ground there is an underground network that operates in Lisbon and Porto between 06.00 hrs and 01.00 hrs. The capital’s network spreads out across the city and is a great way to explore Lisbon. Some of the stations are decorated with colourful painted tiles that transform them into works of art. 241 Driving Driving in Portugal can be a nervewracking affair, but is a great way to see the country. Pay attention to the traffic around you because some locals tend to drive very fast and often fail to indicate. A few informations you should know. Drive on the right side of the road. Safety belts are compulsory for drivers and passengers. The speed limit is 50 km/h (30 mph) in most urban areas, 90 km/h (54 mph) on rural roads and up to 120 km/h (72 mph) on motorways (autoestradas). The maximum blood alcohol level is restricted to 0.05% and penalties for drink driving can be high. Toll roads are common on motorways connecting major areas. Nationals of EU countries only require their home driving licences to drive in Portugal. Others should consider getting an International Conduzir em Portugal nas vias mais Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students movimentadas pode ser algo difícil, mas é sempre uma excelente forma de conhecer o país. Esteja atento ao trânsito à sua volta, pois os portugueses tendem a conduzir com alguma velocidade, por vezes esquecendo-se de sinalizar as manobras. Algumas informações úteis: O trânsito processa-se pelo lado direito da estrada Os cintos de segurança são obrigatórios para todos os ocupantes. O limite de velocidade é de 50 km/h na maioria das áreas urbanas, 90 km/h nas vias secundárias e até 120 km/h nas auto-estradas. O nível máximo de álcool no sangue é de 0,05%, e as coimas para os condutores que conduzam sob o efeito do álcool são muito elevadas. As auto-estradas que ligam as principais cidades do país estão sujeitas a portagens. Os cidadãos da UE necessitam apenas da sua carta de condução nacional para poderem conduzir em Portugal. Os restantes deverão trazer uma Carta de Condução Internacional. As bombas de gasolina costumam abrir às 7h e fechar às 22h, mas existem inúmeras estações de serviço abertas 24 horas por dia. Se o seu carro sofrer uma avaria, deve sair do veículo com um colete reflector e deve colocar um triângulo de sinalização a uma distância de segurança na parte traseira do veículo, por forma a alertar os outros condutores. Existem algumas autoestradas em Portugal em que o sistema de cobrança é exclusivamente eletrónico, isto é não existem cabines de portagem e a passagem dos veículos é detetada Driving Permit as well. Petrol stations are usually open from 7:00 to 22:00, but there are a number of 24-hour service stations. Unleaded petrol is called ‘gasolina sem chumbo’ and has an octane rating of 95 or 98. Diesel is called ‘gasóleo’. LPG is called ‘GPL’ or ‘gás líquido’. If your car breaks down, do not exit the vehicle without first putting on a reflective safety vest and put a reflective warning triangle at a safe distance from the rear of the vehicle to alert other drivers. 242 There are some highways in Portugal on which the tolls are electronic only. It means that there are no cabins and the passing of vehicles is detected by devices placed at the beginning of those highways. The highways are identified at the beginning with: "Electronic toll only". The highways concerned: Norte Litoral (Littoral North-highway) - A27/IP9: Viana do Castelo - Ponte de Lima - A28/IC1: Viana do Castelo - Porto AE Transmontana - A4: Variante Sul de Bragança Interior Norte - A24/IP3: Vila Verde da Raia (border) Viseu Grande Porto - A4: Matosinhos - Águas Santas - A41/IC24: Perafita/Freixieiro - Sêroa (Oeste) - A42/IC25: Sêroa (Oeste) - Lousada Centro (Costa de Prata) - A17/IC1: Estádio de Aveiro - Mira – Autoestrada do Litoral Centro (entre Mira e Aveiro) - A25/IP5: Albergaria-a-velha (A1/IP1) Vilar Formoso (fronteira) - A29/IC1: Miramar - Angeja Centro (Beira Interior) - A23/IP6: Torres Novas - Guarda Lisboa Region (Pinhal Interior) - A13/IC3: Atalaia - Tomar Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students através dos pórticos existentes no início dessas vias, que estão identificadas no seu início com a referência “Electronic toll only”. As vias abrangidas são: Norte Litoral - A27/IP9: Viana do Castelo - Ponte de Lima - A28/IC1: Viana do Castelo - Porto AE Transmontana - A4: Variante Sul de Bragança Interior Norte - A24/IP3: Vila Verde da Raia (fronteira) Viseu Grande Porto - A4: Matosinhos - Águas Santas - A41/IC24: Perafita/Freixieiro - Sêroa (Oeste) - A42/IC25: Sêroa (Oeste) - Lousada Centro (Costa de Prata) - A17/IC1: Estádio de Aveiro - Mira – Autoestrada do Litoral Centro (entre Mira e Aveiro) - A25/IP5: Albergaria-a-velha (A1/IP1) Vilar Formoso (fronteira) - A29/IC1: Miramar - Angeja Centro (Beira Interior) - A23/IP6: Torres Novas - Guarda Lisboa Região (Pinhal Interior) - A13/IC3: Atalaia - Tomar Lisboa Região (Litoral oeste) - A8/IC36: Variante Sul de Leiria - A19/IC2: Variante da Batalha Baixo Tejo - A33 - Belverde - Coina Algarve (Via do Infante) - A22: Lagos - Castro Marim Para VEÍCULOS DE MATRÍCULA ESTRANGEIRA (consultar existe o Toll card, que é um cartão associado à matrícula da viatura e pré-carregado com valores de 5, 10, 20 ou 40 euros, que são consumidos em função da utilização nas portagens exclusivamente eletrónicas. Os locais para aquisição são: presencialmente nos Welcome points da Easy Toll (nos postos fronteiriços em EN 13 – Vila Lisboa Região (west littoral) - A8/IC36: Variante Sul de Leiria - A19/IC2: Variante da Batalha Baixo Tejo - A33 - Belverde - Coina Algarve (Via do Infante) - A22: Lagos - Castro Marim For FOREIGN LICENSE PLATE VEHICLES ( there is the Toll card, a pre-loaded card with a fixed amount of 5, 10, 20 or 40 € to be consumed depending on circulation in electronic only tolls. This solution allows payment in cash or with bankcard. You can buy in the Easy Toll’s Welcome Points, at CTT, offices or, service areas in Portugal and Spain, member Hotel Units and tourist offices. After purchasing the card, the driver shall proceed to its activation by sending an SMS by mobile phone with the code printed on the card and the license plate of the vehicle (instructions on the card), so that it is associated with the license plate of the vehicle. You can activate more than one card, with the accumulation of balances. The validity: one year or until spending the amount loaded. 243 The Toll service is a prepaid ticket for light vehicles, ready to use, with a fixed charge of €20, with unlimited use for 3 days or a pre-paid tickets with previously defined journeys (journey from Spain - Porto Airport, via A28 or A41 (round trip) or journey from Spain Faro Airport via A22 (round trip). You can buy in / http://www.portugaltolls.p t, Easy Toll's Welcome Points on border posts located at: EN13 – Vila Nova de Cerveira, A24 Chaves, A25 – Vilar Formoso and A22 – Vila Real de Santo António, Porto Airport and Faro Airport), Matosinhos IKEA, Service Areas (A28 – Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Nova de Cerveira, A24 – Chaves, A25 – Vilar Formoso e A22 – Vila Real de Santo António), Estações dos CTT, Áreas de serviço em Portugal e Espanha, Unidades hoteleiras aderentes, Postos de Turismo e na internet em e Após aquisição do cartão deverá ativálo através de SMS por telemóvel com o código impresso no cartão e a matrícula da viatura para que o mesmo seja associado ao veículo. A validade é de 1 ano ou até esgotar o saldo. O Toll service é um título pré-pago para veículos ligeiros pronto a utilizar com um custo fixo de 20 euros e utilização ilimitada durante 3 dias ou um título pré-pago e com viagem previamente definida para os trajetos Espanha-Aeroporto do Porto via A28 ou A41 (ida e volta), ou EspanhaAeroporto de Faro, via A22 (ida e volta). Os locais para a sua aquisição são: presencialmente nos Welcome points da Easy Toll (nos postos fronteiriços na EN 13 – Vila Nova de Cerveira, Aeroporto do Porto, Aeroporto de Faro, A24 – Chaves, A25 – Vilar Formoso e A22 – Vila Real de Santo António), Estações dos CTT, Áreas de serviço e na internet em e O Easy toll é o pagamento automático das portagens eletrónicas associando um cartão de crédito (Mastercard ou Visa) à matrícula do veículo. Os locais de adesão são: presencialmente nos Welcome Points nos postos fronteiriços em EN13 – Vila Nova de Cerveira, A24Chaves, A25 – Vilar Formoso e A22 – Vila Real de Santo António. Para aderir o condutor insere o cartão bancário no terminal de pagamento e o sistema associa automaticamente a Viana and Modivas, A25 – Celorico da Beira, A23 – Abrantes, A22 – Olhão, A24 – Vidago) and Post-offices. The Easy Toll is an automatic payment of electronic tolls, with the association of a credit card (Mastercard and Visa) to the license plate of the vehicle. You can access in the welcome points located at the border posts at the following locations EN13 – Vila Nova de Cerveira, A24-Chaves, A25 – Vilar Formoso and A22 – Vila Real de Santo António. The driver, not having to leave the vehicle, enters the credit card in the payment terminal and the system automatically associates the vehicle's license plate to the bankcard. The tolls rates owed are directly debited to the account associated with the card. Concerning the validity, at the time of accession, valid for 30 days, a ticket is issued as proof and must be kept. The driver is always able to change license plates or cancel the membership, through the Call Center 707 500 501 (National) or 00 351 212 879 555 (from abroad) or 244 Concerning the Via Verde Visitors driver may rent a Temporary ‘Via Verde Visitors' Device to be consumed depending on circulation that has the advantage of being also used also on traditional tolls. The cost of rental is €6 in the first week, and 1.50 € for each week after that; initial deposit € 27.50 (value refunded upon return of the device). The validity is 90 days, extendable and you can rent in, via verde stores or service areas. The PORTUGUESE LICENSE PLATE VEHICLES, when hiring a car please ask the hire company how payment is to be made regarding electronic tolls. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students matrícula do veículo a esse cartão, sendo as portagens eletrónicas debitadas diretamente na conta bancária. Tem a validade de 30 dias a contar da data de adesão, momento em que é emitido um talão comprovativo que deverá ser conservado. O condutor pode alterar matrículas ou cancelar a adesão através do call center 707 500 501 (Portugal), +351 212 879 555 (a partir do estrangeiro) ou em O Via Verde Visitors é um dispositivo eletrónico para aluguer temporário com consumo em função da utilização, que tem a vantagem de poder ser utilizado não só nas portagens eletrónicas como também nas autoestradas com portagens tradicionais. O dispositivo é associado a uma conta bancária, na qual são debitados automaticamente os custos de cada passagem. O custo é de 6€ de aluguer na primeira semana e 1,50€ por cada semana seguinte + 27,50€ de caução (que serão reembolsados no momento de devolução do dispositivo, em boas condições). A validade é de 90 dias, prorrogável. Pode alugar em, lojas via verde e áreas de serviço. Os VEÍCULOS DE MATRÍCULA PORTUGUESA, se forem veículos em regime de aluguer sem condutor, ao alugar um automóvel informe-se junto da empresa quanto à forma de pagamento das portagens eletrónicas, uma vez que algumas empresas de aluguer de veículos sem condutor, para comodidade dos seus clientes, instalaram dispositivos eletrónicos para pagamento de portagens nas suas viaturas, repercutindo esses custos nos valores a cobrar. For their customer’s convenience, some car hiring companies have already installed devices on their vehicles and the costs of using the tolls are added at the client’s bill. If the vehicles are not equipped with electronic devices, the payment of electronic tolls is normally done by the customers at Post Offices. Payment after having circulated at the roads concerned (only available for vehicles with a Portuguese license plate). 245 If a vehicle does not have an electronic device when circulating at the highways concerned, a photo of the license plate will be made and saved until the payment is made. Term for payment: the payment can be made at the second day after having circulated at the roads mentioned above and for a period of five weekdays, at the post office or at one of the shops signalized as “Payshop”. Costs: normal toll costs + administrative costs (an amount €0,25 for every time the roads were used with a maximum of €2 for each payment made) Note: when a payment term has passed, the driver is in violation of the rules, and fines will be added to the administrative costs. If a vehicle does have an electronic device in order to use the above mentioned highways, they should have an electronic device, which must be bought or hired beforehand at a Service Area (Área de Serviço) alongside the highways or at a post office (CTT/Correios). There are three types of electronic devices: The Electronic License Plate Device (Dispositivo electrónico de matrícula - DEM) is the device linked to the vehicle's license plate and cannot be transmitted to other cars. Obtaining: at the highway service areas Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Os veículos sem dispositivo eletrónico instalado são normalmente os clientes a efetuar o pós-pagamento nas Estações de Correio. Quando circular sob o pórtico de cobrança, a imagem da matrícula desse veículo será recolhida e ficará armazenada, até que o pagamento da portagem seja efectuado a partir do 2º dia após a passagem na portagem e durante um período de 5 dias úteis nos balcões dos CTT ou das lojas pertencentes à rede payshop. Os custos são: valor da portagem mais custos administrativos (no valor de 25 cêntimos por cada taxa de portagem em dívida, até um limite máximo de 2 euros por cada ato de pagamento). Depois de terminado o prazo de pagamento, o condutor incorrerá numa situação de infração e ser-lhe-ão debitadas coimas acrescidas de custos administrativos. Para que os veículos possam circular nas vias acima referidas com dispositivo eletrónico, deverá ser previamente adquirido ou alugado numa área de serviço na autoestrada ou numa estação de correios. A cobrança das portagens pode ser efetuada através dos seguintes dispositivos: O Dispositivo Eletrónico de Matrícula (DEM) está associado à matrícula do veículo e não pode ser transmitido de veículo para veículo. Pode adquiril-o nas áreas de serviço das autoestradas ou em outros locais como as estações de correios e as lojas da via verde Portugal e tem um custos de aquisição de 27,50 euros mais carregamento mínimo de 10 euros para veículos ligeiros e de 20 euros para veículos pesados. Tem uma validade de 90 dias a contar da data em que foi efetuado o último carregamento. Após esse período o or other locations like the post offices and the Via Verde Portugal-shops. Costs: €27,50 to purchase + preloading a minimum €10 for light vehicles and €20 for heavy vehicles. The validity is for 90 days as from the date of the last preload. After this period the remaining balance will be lost and the device will be deactivated. To reactivate the device it will be necessary to re-charge it with a minimum of €10. 246 The Temporary Device (Dispositivo temporário - DT) is the best solution for a short stay, and as a result for vehicles with a foreign license plate; the license plate is not linked to the device, therefore, anonymity is guaranteed. Obtaining: it is necessary to establish a lease contract with the responsible entities, at the highway service areas or other locations like the post offices and the Via Verde Portugal-shops. Costs: deposit of €27,50 (that will be given back to the driver when the device is returned in good condition within a period of 30 days) + preloading a minimum of €10 for light vehicles and €20 for heavy vehicles. The lease has a cost of 6 euros on the first week, and at the following weeks the cost is about 1,50 euros per week. The validity is for 90 days as from the date of the last preload. After this period the remaining balance will be lost and the device will be deactivated. To reactivate the device it will be necessary to re-charge it with a minimum of €10. The Devices From a Toll Entity (Dispositivo de uma entidade de cobrança de Portagens - DECP) like via verde are also accepted on these highways. Although the license plate is not linked to the device, it is necessary to establish a contract with a toll entity. This can be used by vehicles with a foreign license plate that stay in Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students saldo restante será perdido e o dispositivo fica desativado. Para voltar a ativar o dispositivo será necessário efetuar um carregamento no valor mínimo de 10 euros. O Dispositivo Temporário (DT) é o mais indicado para estadias curtas, e consequentemente para veículos de matrícula estrangeira; como não está associado à matrícula garante o anonimato do utilizador. Para obter tem de fazer um contrato de locação com as entidades de cobrança de portagens nas áreas de serviço das autoestradas ou em outros locais como as estações de correios e as lojas da via verde Portugal. Tem uma caução de 27,50 euros (que será devolvida aquando da entrega do dispositivo em boas condições, dentro de um prazo máximo de 30 dias) mais carregamento mínimo de 10 euros para veículos ligeiros e 20 euros para veículos pesados. O aluguer tem um custo de 6 euros na primeira semana, e nas semanas seguintes de 1,50 euros por semana. O dispositivo tem uma validade de 90 dias a contar da data em que foi efetuado o último carregamento. Após esse período o saldo restante será perdido e o dispositivo fica desativado. Para voltar a ativar o dispositivo será necessário efetuar um carregamento no valor mínimo de 10 euros. O Dispositivo de uma Entidade de Cobrança de Portagens (DECP), como por exemplo da Via Verde, também é aceite nestas vias. Embora não estando associado à matrícula do veículo, é necessário estabelecer um contrato formal com uma entidade de cobrança de portagens e pode ser usado por veículos com matrícula estrangeira em caso de estadia longa em Portugal. Pode obter nas lojas da via verde Portugal (, por um custo de 27,50 euros mais Portugal for a longer period of time. You can obtain it in via verde-shops (, with the costs: €27,50 more direct debit from bank account every time the device is used. The validity is until the cancelation of the contract. More information: CTT - Tel: (+351) 707 26 26 26 or Estradas de Portugal: ensestrangeiros 247 Facilities for people with disabilities There are a large number in Portugal of accessible organizations for people with reduced mobility. Lisbon’s Metro has specially reserved seats for people with disabilities, but not all areas of the network are accessible. At the main railway stations, there are lifts from platforms to ground level, as well as moving walkways. A dial-a-ride bus service for people with disabilities is available in Lisbon (217 585 676) and Porto (226 006 353). Taxis adapted for people with disabilities can be found in Braga (253 684 081) and Coimbra (239 484 522). The Accessible Portugal offers tours and equipment rental for people with disabilities, which include wheelchair-friendly transport. There are a number of accessible beaches with ramps and support facilities for people with reduced mobility. Shopping timetable Shopping is a unique experience in Portugal by the diversity of options. The street shops are usually open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00; someones closing for lunch between 13:00 and 15:00. On Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students débito directo em conta bancária do valor de cada portagem utilizada pelo veículo. Tem a validade até ao cancelamento do contrato. Mais informações: CTT - Tel: (+351) 707 26 26 26 ou SIEV - Estradas de Portugal Condições deficiência para pessoas com Existem já em Portugal inúmeras instalações adaptadas a pessoas com mobilidade reduzida. O Metro de Lisboa possui lugares especialmente reservados a pessoas com mobilidade reduzida, mas nem todas as zonas da rede são acessíveis. Nas principais estações ferroviárias existem tapetes rolantes, bem como elevadores que ligam os pisos térreos às plataformas. Existe um serviço de autocarros portaa-porta para pessoas com mobilidade reduzida nas cidades de Lisboa (217 585 676) e Porto (226 006 353). Também poderá encontrar táxis adaptados em Braga (253 684 081) e Coimbra (239 484 522). A Accessible Portugal oferece excursões e disponibiliza serviços de aluguer de equipamento para pessoas com mobilidade reduzida, incluindo transportes adaptados a cadeiras de rodas. As praias acessíveis têm rampas e instalações de apoio a pessoas com mobilidade reduzida Horários de comércio As compras podem ser uma experiência única em Portugal pela diversidade de opções. As lojas de rua costumam abrir de 2ª a 6ª-feira, das 9h Saturdays, shops close at 13:00 but in larger cities are open until 19:00. A large number of shopping centres throughout the country are open every day of the year (except January 1st and December 25th) from 10:00 until 23:00. Banks are generally open from 8:30 to 15:00, from Monday to Friday. Museums are usually open from 10:00 to 17:00 and closed on Mondays. Electricity 248 The local current in Portugal is 220 volts AC with a two-round-pin plug. Cuisine Contemporary cuisine Portugal has developed its own cuisine, one that is different from traditional recipes and that brings surprise and delight to all those who visit Portugal. Alongside this marvellous tradition the country now has an elite group of chefs that work in our new kitchens, fusing classic flavours with new trends. Flexibly prepared and presented dishes are the order of the day for these state of the art professionals who over the last decade have affirmed their place as Master Chefs. Often anchored in the country’s culinary tradition, using new techniques to achieve new effects with authentic recipes, their culinary creativity and experimentation has given rise to a new era, in which the chef has become the author. Preparing dishes like never before, true creativity has become the essence of this cuisine. In Portugal there are numerous restaurants that have appropriated this new mindset, serving unique dishes designed by the house chef. Some Portuguese dishes go back way before this concept emerged, taking on the name of its creator and propagator; as is the case with the dishes Eggs Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students às 19h, e algumas encerram para almoço entre as 13h e as 15h. Aos sábados as lojas encerram às 13h, embora nas grandes cidades fiquem abertas até às 19h. Os inúmeros centros comerciais espalhados por todo o país estão abertos todos os dias do ano (exceto a 1 de janeiro e 25 de dezembro), das 10h às 23h. Os bancos abrem geralmente de 2ª a 6ªfeira, entre as 8h30 e as 15h. Os museus estão geralmente abertos de 3ª-feira a domingo, entre as 10h e as 17h, encerrando normalmente às 2ªfeiras. Eletricidade A corrente eléctrica em Portugal é de 220 Volts AC, com uma tomada redonda de dois pinos. Cozinha Cozinha contemporânea Portugal desenvolveu uma cozinha própria, distinta, com receitas tradicionais que espelham uma cultura e que evidenciam as melhores matérias-primas. A cozinha contemporânea portuguesa caracteriza-se, precisamente, pelo respeito a este vasto património, evidenciando a qualidade dos produtos através das mais sofisticadas técnicas da cozinha moderna. A inovação assenta na técnica, nos pormenores que realçam os sabores. O extenso património gastronómico é uma herança brilhante que os nossos Chefs acarinham, inovando-a com arte e respeito. Trata-se de uma cozinha moderna praticada por Chefs de uma nova geração com profundos conhecimentos técnicos, oriundos das mais prestigiadas escolas, que todos os dias se aplicam em pratos cheios de bom gosto, elevando a Culinária Portuguesa aos scrambled with dried salt cod, onions and potatoes (Bacalhau à Brás ) and Casserole of salt cod, potatoes and onions (Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá). Regional cuisine Portuguese Gastronomy is as rich and varied as our country's climatic and geographic variations. Aside from the strong Mediterranean influence, still noticeable in our culture, our country also has a wide shore where the rich currents from the North Atlantic flow. The ocean's influence predominates in our gastronomy, in the best fruits the sea can offer, and in the warmer climate all along the coast. Not surprisingly, the wines are other perfect examples of men's symbiotic intervention on the soil and climate – since they also reflect the influence of the sun, the sea, the soil and the climate variations with which we've been blessed. The combination of these multiple elements originates our own gastronomic and oenological diversity. 249 Mediterranean diet Portugal main geographic influences are the Mediterranean climate on the southern mainland and coast, and the occidental oceanic coast. This constant Mediterranean influence reflects itself on the reputed quality of every agricultural product cultivated in our territory. Our vineyards, our olive groves, our horticultural products and the golden pastures on our southern regions are perfect examples. This Mediterranean diet and its agricultural techniques, which preserve the most delicate flavours dressed with the finest olive oils, as well as the best fruits from our rich Atlantic shores – the best fish in the world – characterise our gastronomy. The North-American Ancel Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students píncaros da nova gastronomia de vanguarda. A gastronomia contemporânea portuguesa é arrojada, sã como os ingredientes que compõem, criativa como as mãos que a trabalham e exemplarmente respeitadora do património e dos produtos que lhe deram fama. Cozinha regional A gastronomia Portuguesa é tão rica e variada quanto as especificidades climáticas e geográficas do nosso país. A somar às fortes influências mediterrânicas, patentes também na cultura, o nosso país também é banhado pelas mais ricas correntes do Atlântico norte. Esta influência oceânica está patente na nossa gastronomia, nos melhores produtos que o mar oferece e no clima das regiões costeiras. Naturalmente, também os vinhos, não fossem eles um exemplar perfeito da simbiose da intervenção do homem, dos solos e do clima, são espelho dos reflexos do sol, do mar, da terra, das variedades climáticas com que fomos regalados. É desta multiplicidade de factores que resultam as melhores diversidades gastronómicas e vínicas. Dieta mediterrãnica Portugal encontra-se sob influência de um clima misto, de cariz mediterrânico, no interior e litoral sul, e oceânico, na costa ocidental. Esta influência claramente mediterrânica é evidenciada pelos produtos agrícolas, de enorme qualidade, cultivados em todo o território. Os vinhedos, os olivais, os produtos hortícolas e as paisagens douradas a sul do território são disso exemplo. É esta dieta mediterrânica, as suas técnicas agrícolas, a preservação dos mais delicados sabores temperados pelos Keys, the world's leading authority in cholesterol, describes the Mediterranean diet as the healthiest of all diets – and, amongst all of these, presents Portuguese gastronomy as is major example. Eating timetable There are a numerous pastelarias (cafés or pastry shops), which are open all day and serve a selection of sweet and savoury pastries and a great and strong coffee. Portuguese restaurants are usually open for lunch from 12:00 to 15:00 and for dinner is served between 19:30 and 23:00 although there are always a few restaurants that are open until 02:00. 250 Tourism film about Portugal See the film of Portugal and discover the beauty of simplicity in an authentic country, surprising and seductive, where life is enjoyed every moment. Preserved landscapes, vibrant cities full of animation, a rich historical and monumental heritage, or a variety unmatched cuisine, in which stands out the best fish in the world, are some of the ingredients that certainly will arouse the desire to visit us. PORTUGAL // The Beauty of Simplicity Emergency National Emergency Number (Fire, Police and Ambulance): 112. Law enforcement in Portugal is the responsibility of three bodies: (i) PSP (Polícia de Segurança Pública) – the civilian police force that works in urban areas; (ii) GNR (Guarda Nacional Republicana) – the national highway patrol that also works in rural areas; (iii) Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students melhores azeites e o convívio à mesa que, aliados aos melhores produtos provenientes das mais ricas águas costeiras do Atlântico Norte, o melhor peixe do mundo, caracterizam a nossa gastronomia. O Norte Americano Ancel Keys, o mais renomeado estudioso do colesterol, descreve a dieta mediterrânica como a mais saudável e, por entre estas, a Portuguesa como o ex-libris. Horários de refeições PJ (Polícia Judiciária) – overseen by the Ministry of Justice to investigate criminal cases. If you lose your passport, contact your local Consulate or Embassy. Information taken from: ges/Homepage.aspx;;; 251 Há inúmeros cafés ou pastelarias que se encontram abertos durante todo o dia e servem uma grande diversidade de bolos e salgados e um habitual café forte. Os restaurantes portugueses costumam abrir para o almoço entre as 12h e as 15h e para o jantar entre as 19h30 e as 23h, embora alguns restaurantes fiquem abertos até mais tarde. Filme turístico de Portugal Veja o filme de Portugal e descubra a beleza da simplicidade num país autêntico, surpreendente e sedutor, onde a vida é saboreada a cada momento. Paisagens preservadas, cidades vibrantes cheias de animação, um rico património histórico e monumental, ou a gastronomia de uma variedade incomparável, em que se destaca o melhor peixe do mundo, são alguns dos ingredientes que certamente lhe vão despertar o desejo de nos visitar. PORTUGAL // The Beauty of Simplicity Emergências Número Nacional de Emergência (Bombeiros, Polícia e Ambulâncias): 112. As forças policiais em Portugal Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students são da responsabilidade de três entidades: (i) PSP (Polícia de Segurança Pública) – Força policial que patrulha as zonas urbanas; (ii) GNR (Guarda Nacional Republicana) – Guarda nacional que também trabalha nas zonas rurais; (iii) PJ (Polícia Judiciária) – Está integrada no Ministério da Justiça e investiga os casos criminais. 252 Se perder o seu passaporte, entre em contacto com o seu Consulado ou Embaixada. Informação retirada de: ges/Homepage.aspx;;; Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 5. Conhecer Odivelas / To know Odivelas 253 Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Caracterização Characterization O Concelho de Odivelas é um dos mais novos concelhos de Portugal. Está situado no distrito de Lisboa, Região da Estremadura. É composto por sete freguesias: Caneças, Famões, Odivelas, Olival Basto, Pontinha, Póvoa de Santo Adrião e Ramada, distribuídas numa área de 26,6 km2, e com uma população de 133.847 habitantes, (segundo os censos de 2001). Integrado na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, o Concelho de Odivelas faz fronteira com os Concelhos de Loures, Sintra, Amadora e Lisboa. The municipality of Odivelas is one of the newest municipalities of Portugal. Is situated in the district of Lisbon, Estremadura Region. It is composed of seven villages: Caneças, Famões, Odivelas, Olival Basto, Pontinha, Póvoa de Santo Adrião and Ramada, distributed on an area of 26.6 km2, and with a population of 133.847 inhabitants (according to the Census of 2001). Integrated in the Lisbon Metropolitan area, the municipality of Odivelas is bordered by the municipalities of Loures, Amadora, Sintra and Lisbon. O concelho é formado por uma extensa várzea que se estende desde a Freguesia da Pontinha até à Freguesia da Póvoa de Santo Adrião, passando pelas Freguesias de Odivelas e Olival Basto. O restante território é formado por colinas, a que os habitantes chamam serras, e que se separam entre si por vales. Aqui e ali, vislumbram-se ainda alguns pinhais e pequenas hortas, um ou outro rebanho de ovelhas. Os agricultores desta terra dedicam-se ao cultivo em estufas ou viveiros, principalmente de flores e plantas ornamentais. The municipality is formed by an extensive lowland extending from Pontinha to Póvoa de Santo Adrião, passing by Odivelas and Olival Basto. The remaining territory consists of hills, which the inhabitants call it saws, and that separate each other by valleys. Here and there, there are still some pine trees and small vegetable gardens, one or another flock of sheep. Farmers of the land dedicated to the cultivation in greenhouses or nurseries, especially of flowers and ornamental plants. A localização geográfica do Concelho de Odivelas, na sua condição de território periférico da capital, influenciou durante muitos anos, a evolução do sector empresarial. O território de Odivelas era reconhecido por muitos como um "dormitório". Notase no entanto, nos últimos anos, uma tendência positiva na evolução do crescimento económico do concelho. Com o aparecimento de grandes infraestruturas viárias na região, como a CRIL e a CREL e, em parte, o Eixo Norte/Sul, reforçadas por outras obras, algumas de investimento municipal, como as rotundas e os nós da Ramada 254 The geographic location of the municipality of Odivelas, in its condition of peripheral territory of capital, influenced for many years, the evolution of the business sector. The territory of Odivelas was recognized by many as a "dorm" place. Note however, in recent years, a positive trend in the evolution of the economic growth of the municipality. With the emergence of major road infrastructures in the region, as the CRIL and the CREL and, partly, the North/South Axis, reinforced by other works, some municipal investment, such as roundabouts and the Ramada and the Patameiras, began to be corrected some of the Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students e das Patameiras, começaram a ser corrigidos alguns dos problemas de acessibilidade. Esta nova realidade veio dar outro sentido à ligação da malha viária nacional e regional, quebrando assim o seu isolamento e proporcionando melhores condições para criação de novas empresas. O sector terciário é de longe o que mais predomina no concelho, seguindo-se o sector secundário e depois o sector primário. As actividades mais representadas no concelho são por ordem decrescente: o comércio (comércio a retalho e comércio por grosso) a hotelaria e restauração, a indústria transformadora (indústria de papel, artes gráficas e edição, indústria metalúrgica e metalomecânica, indústria de máquinas e electrónica) e a construção civil. Com um passado profundamente rural e caracterizado por uma concentração habitacional dispersa, é hoje em dia um território que apresenta uma densidade populacional cerca de 46 vezes superior à do Continente e 11 vezes mais que a Área Metropolitana de Lisboa. Estes números traduzem-se num concelho eminentemente urbano, apesar de duas das suas freguesias (Caneças e Famões) terem traços rurais, cujo movimento de ocupação surgiu duma forma mais expressiva a partir da década de 50 do Século XX. Conheça mais sobre Odivelas em: problems of accessibility. This new reality came to give another meaning to national and regional road network connection, thus breaking his isolation and providing better conditions for creation of new enterprises. The tertiary sector is by far the most predominant in the municipality, followed by the secondary and the primary sector in the end. The more represented activities in the municipality are in descending order: commerce (retail and wholesale) the hotel and restaurant industry, manufacturing industry (paper industry, graphic arts and publishing, metallurgical industry and metalworking, machine industry and electronics) and civil construction. 255 With a past deeply marked by rural life and characterized by a housing dispersed concentration, is nowadays a territory that has a population density of about 46 times greater than continent and 11 times more than the metropolitan area of Lisbon. These numbers translate into an eminently urban council, although two of its regions (Caneças and Famões) having rural traits, whose occupation movement emerged in an expressive way from the 50 of the twentieth century. Learn more about Odivelas in: How to arrive to ISCE From North Northern Highway (A1) towards Lisbon, Como chegar ao ISCE Do Norte: Autoestrada do norte (A1) em direção a Lisboa, antes de Alverca saída para a CREL no sentido Loures/Cascais. Terceira saída, no sentido Odivelas. Após a portagem siga no sentido Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Odivelas/Lisboa e sai em Odivelas Norte. Na bifurcação siga no sentido Ramada, até à rotunda. Na rotunda, sai na segunda saída, seguindo pelo lado esquerdo na bifurcação. Após 500mts, no entroncamento vira à direita em direção ao ISCE. De Lisboa: Descendo pela Calçada de Carriche segue em direção à IC 22 Odivelas Norte. Na bifurcação siga no sentido Ramada, até à rotunda. Na rotunda, sai na segunda saída, seguindo pelo lado esquerdo na bifurcação. Após 500mts, no entroncamento vira à direita em direção ao ISCE. De Metro/Autocarro: Linha Amarela - Saída “Senhor Roubado”: autocarros 001 e 003 ou - Saída “Odivelas”: autocarros 228 e 211 Do Aeroporto: Apanhar o metro no sentido Saldanha. No Saldanha seguir no sentido Senhor Roubado ou Odivelas. Se optar por sair no Senhor Roubado deve depois apanhar os autocarros 001 ou 003, se optar por seguir até à estação de Odivelas deve apanhar os autocarros 228 ou 211. before Alverca exit to the CREL towards Loures/Cascais. Third exit, towards Odivelas. After the tollbooth follow towards Odivelas/Lisbon and get out in Odivelas Norte. At the fork, follow towards Ramada, until the roundabout. At the roundabout, get off at the second exit, walking on the left at the fork. After 500mts, at the t-junction turn right towards the ISCE. From Lisbon: 256 Down the Sidewalk (Calçada) of Carriche follows towards the IC22 Odivelas North. At the fork, follow towards Ramada, until the roundabout. At the roundabout, get off at the second exit, walking on the left at the fork. After 500mts, at the t-junction turn right towards the ISCE. By Metro/bus: Yellow Line - Station “Senhor Roubado”: Bus 001 and 003 - Station “Odivelas”: Bus 228 and 211 From Airport: Take the metro towards “Saldanha”. In “Saldanha” change to the yellow line towards “Odivelas”. You can opt out in “Senhor Roubado” Station or “Odivelas” Station and get the bus. Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Locais a visitar / To visit Anta de Pedras Grandes Aquedutos 257 Biblioteca Municipal D. Dinis Centro Cultural Malaposta Centro de Exposições de Odivelas Chafariz D'El Rei Estação Arqueológica da Serra da Amoreira Edifício "Velho Mirante" Fonte dos Castanheiros Fonte das Fontainhas Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Fonte das Piçarras Fonte dos Passarinhos 258 Igreja Matriz da Póvoa de Santo Adrião Fonte de Castelo de Vide Igreja Matriz de Odivelas Igreja Matriz de Caneças Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Jardim do Largo D. Dinis Memorial 259 Mosteiro de S. Dinis Moinho das Covas Padrão do Senhor Roubado Palacete do séc. XVIII Quinta da Memória Posto de Comando do MFA Quinta das Águas Férreas Moinho da Laureana Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Mapa / Map 260 cias+Educativas,+Ramada&daddr=&hl=pt‐ PT&geocode=&aq=0&oq=Instituto+Superior+de+Ci%C3%AAncias+Edu&sll=38.792577,‐ 9.202187&sspn=0.011456,0.022724&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&ll=38.805737,‐ 9.19341&spn=0.006295,0.008078&t=m Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Transporte / Transportation Toda a informação em / All information in‐ Parceiros ERASMUS / ERASMUS Partners Alemanha Universität Koblenz-Landau Mobilidade de Estudantes e Docentes EFH-Evangelischen Fachhochschule Darmstadt Mobilidade de Estudantes e Docentes 261 Organização de Master Europeu no âmbito da rede EURODIR Bélgica KATHO - Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-WestVlaanderen Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais Una - Universidade de Negócios e Administração Unimonte Universidade de Cabo de Verde Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Dinamarca LFD Landsforeningen af Forsorgsledere (Denmark) EURODIR Espanha ALCEI 6 EURODIR INEFC - Instituto Nacional de Educação Física da Catalunha Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Instituto Gereontológico y de Gestion Cooperação na área da Gerontologia Universidad de Alicante Mobilidade de Estudantes e Docentes Universidad de Cádiz Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Universidad Complutense de Madrid Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Universidad da Corunha Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Universidad de Granada Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas Brasil Cabo Verde Mobilidade de Estudantes e Docentes Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students as áreas comuns Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Universidad Miguel Hernadez de Helch Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Universidad del País Vasco ( San Sebastián) Mobilidade de Estudantes e Docentes Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Universidad de Salamanca Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Guiné Universidade de Colinas de Boé Cooperação académica, científica e tecnológica em todas as áreas comuns Itália Università degli Studi di Genova Mobilidade de Estudantes e Docentes Finlândia Arcada Polytechnic University Mobilidade de Estudantes e Docentes França ENSP École Nationale de la Santé Publique (France) Organização de Master Europeu no âmbito da rede EURODIR GreatBritain University of Derby (GreatBritain) Organização de Master Europeu no âmbito da rede EURODIR Holanda Hogeschool Gent Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen Mobilidade de Estudantes e Docentes Hungria ELTE-TA´TK Eötvös Loránd University - Faculty of Social Sciences, Departement of Social Work (Hungary) NCSSZI – CWT Training Centre of the National Institute For Family and Social Policy (Hungary) RO - Ressurssenter for omstilling i kommunene (Norway) Gdansk Management College Organização de Master Europeu no âmbito da rede EURODIR NKB Nauczycielski Kolegium w Bialymstoku Rewalidacji, Resocjalizacji i Wychowania Fizycznego (Poland) FIPCF Fondation internationale pour l’Enfance et la Famille (Romania) Organização de Master Europeu no âmbito da rede EURODIR Norway Polónia Romania Universidad de Lleida 262 Organização de Master Europeu no âmbito da rede EURODIR Mobilidade de Estudantes e Docentes Organização de Master Europeu no âmbito da rede EURODIR Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Switzerland Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca Facultatea de Istroie ssI Filosofie Catedra de Asistenttã (Romania) Tertianum ZfP (Switzerland) Organização de Master Europeu no âmbito da rede EURODIR Organização de Master Europeu no âmbito da rede EURODIR Curso de línguas intensivo para alunos ERASMUS ERASMUS course intensive language Os alunos Erasmus têm a oportunidade de estudar a língua portuguesa no ISCE em cada verão. O curso tem lugar na última semana de setembro ou na primeira semana de outubro. The Erasmus students have the opportunity to study the Portuguese language at the ISCE every summer. The course takes place in September, last week, or October, first week. O objetivo do curso é oferecer aos alunos um conhecimento básico da língua portuguesa, a fim de os ajudar a lidar com situações quotidianas. O curso centra-se na leitura e habilidades de escuta, bem como na expressão oral e escrita. Os estudantes serão introduzidos nos vários aspectos da vida e cultura portuguesas. The aim of the course is to offer the students a basic knowledge of the Portuguese language in order to help them cope with everyday situations. 263 Each course focuses on reading and listening skills, as well as on oral and written expression. Students will be introduced to various aspects of Portuguese life, and culture as well. Documentos ERASMUS Don’t forget to bring with you if you are incoming student a) A valid national card or passport; b) 2 photographs; c) A certificate from your university stating which kind of grant you have been awarded and its duration; d) The European Health Insurance Card if you are a EU citizen (except if you are from UK) or a health insurance if you are from a country outside the EU; e) The Learning Agreement. ERASMUS Documents Internacional Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Anexo 1. Learning Agreement LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME/ ERASMUS – ECTS 264 LEARNING AGREEMENT ACADEMIC YEAR: 20 FIELD OF STUDY: Name of student: Student’s e‐mail address: Sending Institution: / 20 STUDY PERIOD: From to Country: DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME ABROAD/LEARNING AGREEMENT Receiving Institution: Country: Course unit code (if any) and page no. of the information package Course unit title (as indicated in the course catalogue) Semester Number of (autumn/spring) ECTS credits Total: International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Student’s signature ……………………………….. Date: ………………………………… SENDING INSTITUTION We confirm that the learning agreement is accepted. Departmental coordinator’s signature Institutional coordinator’s signature ……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………………….. RECEIVING INSTITUTION We confirm that the learning agreement is accepted. Departmental coordinator’s signature Institutional coordinator’s signature ……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………………….. Name of student: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Sending Institution: ………………………………………………………..……… Country:………………….. CHANGES TO ORIGINAL LEARNING AGREEMENT (to be filled in ONLY if appropriate) Course unit code and page no. of the course catalogue Course unit (as indicated in the course catalogue) Deleted course unit …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ….. ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Added cours e unit Number of ECTS credits ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 265 …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… ISCE Guide for Foreign Students ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… If necessary, continue this list on a separate sheet Student’s signature ……………………………….. Date: ………………………………… SENDING INSTITUTION We confirm that the above‐listed changes to the initially accepted learning agreement are approved. Departmental coordinator’s signature Institutional coordinator’s signature ……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………………….. RECEIVING INSTITUTION We confirm that the above‐listed changes to the initially accepted learning agreement are approved. Departmental coordinator’s signature Institutional coordinator’s signature ……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………… Date: …………………………………………………….. International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 266 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Anexo 2. Records Form LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME / ERASMUS – ECTS 267 TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS ACADEMIC YEAR: 20 / 20 FIELD OF STUDY: NAME OF SENDING INSTITUTION: Faculty/Department: ECTS Departmental Coordinator: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: NAME OF STUDENT: First Name: Date and place of birth: Sex: Male Matriculation date: Female Matriculation number: Tel.(Home): Cellphone: E-mail: NAME OF RECEIVING INSTITUTION: Faculty/Department: ECTS Departmental Coordinator: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Course Unit Code (1)* Title of the course unit Duration of course unit (2)* Timetable (day and hour) ECTS credits Professor Name Professor Signature 268 * (1) Course unit code: Refer to the ECTS Course catalogue * (2) Duration of course unit: (Y = 1 academic year; 1S = 1 semester; 2S = 2 Semesters; 1T = 1 term/trimester; 2T=2 terms/trimesters) * (3) Grading: a) Description of the institutional grading system; b) Grading distribution in the department or programme (please specify) (For this section please refer to ECTS Users’ Guide, Annex 3) International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Course Unit Code (1)* Title of the course unit Duration of Local ECTS course unit (2)* grade (3)* credits (4)* 269 Total: * (1) Course unit code: Refer to the ECTS Course catalogue * (2) Duration of course unit: (Y = 1 academic year; 1S = 1 semester; 2S = 2 Semesters; 1T = 1 term/trimester; 2T=2 terms/trimesters) * (3) Grading: a) Description of the institutional grading system; b) Grading distribution in the department or programme (please specify) (For this section please refer to ECTS Users’ Guide, Annex 3) * (4) ECTS credits: (1 academic year = 60 credits; 1 semester = 30 credits; 1 term/trimester = 20 credits) Date: institution Signature of registrar/dean/administration officer: Stamp of NB : This document is not valid without the signature of the registrar /dean/administration officer and the official stamp of the institution International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620-379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Anexo 3. Training Agreement ERASMUS PROGRAMME TRAINING AGREEMENT and QUALITY COMMITMENT 270 I. DETAILS OF THE STUDENT Name of the student: Subject area: Academic year : Degree : Sending institution: II. DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED TRAINING PROGRAMME ABROAD Host organisation: Planned dates of start and end of the placement period: from till that is months Knowledge, skills and competence to be acquired: International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Detailed programme of the training period: Tasks of the trainee: 271 Monitoring and evaluation plan: International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students III. INFORMATION on THE PARTNER HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION in the HOST COUNTRY (OPTIONAL) Whilst keeping full responsibility for the placement and for any modification to this agreement, the sending institution has a local partnership with (to be filled in with the name of the partner higher education institution) in view of helping with the monitoring of the mobility abroad. All parties will keep the sending institution informed of their exchanges. The contact person in the partner institution is: Name: Function: 272 Phone number: e‐mail: Address: IV. COMMITMENT OF THE THREE PARTIES By signing this document the student, the sending institution and the host organisation confirm that they will abide by the principles of the Quality Commitment for Erasmus student placements set out in the document below. The student Student’s signature __________________________________________ Date: The sending institution We confirm that this proposed training programme agreement is approved. The placement is part of the curricula? Yes No (*) On satisfactory completion of the training programme the institution will award ECTS credits: Yes No (*) If Yes, pleased indicate number of ECTS credits: record the training period in the student's Transcript of Records: Yes No (*) In addition , the mobility period will documented in the Europass Mobility Document: Yes No (*) (*): Please indicate appropriate answer: Coordinator’s name and function Date: Coordinator’s signature _______________________________________________ International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students The host organisation The student will receive a financial support for his/her placement Yes No (*) The student will receive a contribution in kind for his/her placement Yes No (*) We confirm that this proposed training programme is approved. On completion of the training programme the organisation will issue a Certificate to the student. Coordinator’s name and function Date: 273 Coordinator’s signature _______________________________________________ International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students QUALITY COMMITMENT For Erasmus student placements This Quality Commitment replicates the principles of the European Quality Charter for Mobility THE SENDING HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION* UNDERTAKES TO: Define the learning outcomes of the placement in terms of the knowledge, skills and competencies to be acquired Assist the student in choosing the appropriate host organisation, project duration and placement content to achieve these learning outcomes Select students on the basis of clearly defined and transparent criteria and procedures and sign a placement contract with the selected students. Prepare students for the practical, professional and cultural life of the host country, in particular through language training tailored to meet their occupational needs Provide logistical support to students concerning travel arrangements, visa, accommodation, residence or work permits and social security cover and insurance Give full recognition to the student for satisfactory completed activities specified in the Training Agreement Evaluate with each student the personal and professional development achieved through participation in the Erasmus programme THE SENDING INSTITUTION* AND HOST ORGANISATION JOINTLY UNDERTAKE TO: Negotiate and agree a tailor‐made Training Agreement (including the programme of the placement and the recognition arrangements) for each student and the adequate mentoring arrangements Monitor the progress of the placement and take appropriate action if required THE HOST ORGANISATION UNDERTAKES TO: Assign to students tasks and responsibilities (as stipulated in the Training Agreement) to match their knowledge, skills, competencies and training objectives and ensure that appropriate equipment and support is available Draw a contract or equivalent document for the placement in accordance with the requirements of the national legislation Appoint a mentor to advise students, help them with their integration in the host environment and monitor their training progress Provide practical support if required, check appropriate insurance cover and facilitate understanding of the culture of the host country THE STUDENT UNDERTAKES TO: Comply with all arrangements negotiated for his/her placement and to do his/her best to make the placement a success Abide by the rules and regulations of the host organisation, its normal working hours, code of conduct and rules of confidentiality Communicate with the sending institution about any problem or changes regarding the placement Submit a report in the specified format and any required supporting documents at the end of the placement * In the event that the higher education institution is integrated in a consortium, its commitments may be shared with the co‐ordinating organisation of the consortium International Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] 274 ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Anexo 4. Students Application Form LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME / ERASMUS – ECTS 275 STUDENT APPLICATION FORM (Photograph) ACADEMIC YEAR: 20 / 20 FIELD OF STUDY: This application should be completed in BLACK and BLOCK letters in order to be easily copied and/or telefaxed. SENDING INSTITUTION: NAME OF SENDING INSTITUTION: Full address: Faculty/Department: Departmental Coordinator - name, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail: Institutional Coordinator - name, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail: STUDENT’S PERSONAL DATA (To be completed by the student applying) Family name: First Name: Date and place of birth: Sex: Male Nationality: Tel.(Home): Current address: Passport/Citizen Card nº.: Cellphone: International Office E-mail: Valid until: Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620‐379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] Female ISCE Guide for Foreign Students LIST OF INSTITUTIONS WHICH WILL RECEIVE THIS APPLICATION FORM (In order of preference): Institution Country Period of study From 1.……………………………….………….…. Briefly state the reasons why you wish to study year: 2. ………………………………………….…. Briefly state the reasons why you wish to study year: 3. ………………………………………….…. Briefly state the reasons why you wish to study year: To Duration of stay (months) No. of expected ECTS credits ……… ………. ……….. ……………… ………… ………………………………………………………………………... ..……. ……….. ……….. ………… ……………… ………………………………………………………………………... 276 ……… ……….. ……….. ………… ……………… ………………………………………………………………………... Briefly state the reasons why you wish to study abroad: LANGUAGE COMPETENCE Note: A proof of knowledge of the receiving institution’s language of instruction should be submitted Mother tongue: Language of instruction at home institution (if different): I have sufficient knowledge to follow lectures Other languages YES NO I need some extra preparation YES NO WORK EXPERIENCE RELATED TO CURRENT STUDY (if relevant) Internacional Relations Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620-379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Work experience / position Firm /organization Dates Country PREVIOUS AND CURRENT STUDY 277 Diploma/degree for which you are currently studying: Number of higher education study years prior to departure abroad: No: Have you already been studying abroad? Yes. Yes. At which When? institution? The attached Transcript of records includes full details of previous and current higher education study. Details not known at the time of application will be provided at a later stage. Student’s signature ____________________________________________ Date: RECEIVING INSTITUTION We hereby acknowledge receipt of the application, the proposed learning agreement and the candidate’s Transcript of records. The above-mentioned student is: provisionally accepted at our institution not accepted at our institution Departmental coordinator’s signature Institutional coordinator’s signature ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Date: Date: Internacional Relations Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620-379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students FAQ to incoming students 1. Who can I contact? The International Office at the ISCE. This Office provides information and assistance on scholarships and application procedures and will help you in matters related to your stay in Odivelas. Our Office, or your course coordinator, will help you with anything to do with the classes and with any practical, administrative and accommodation problems you may have while you are in Portugal. In our Office you can also communicate with your home university regarding your stay in Portugal. 2. How do i apply for a period of study? 278 You have to prepare thoroughly before living home because study in a different country means that there are many things to think about. Start reading this e-book. Every student should fill in the Application Forms below (Learning Agreement and Student Application Form) 3. What official documents do i need? If you are an EU (European Union) or EEA/EFTA (European Economic Area/European Free Trade Association) citizen you do not need a visa or a residence permit to study in Portugal. However, if you are from a non EU country you should provide for a visa. The application for the permit should be submitted to the Portuguese Diplomatic Mission in the student’s country of origin. To obtain this document the applicant must fulfil the following conditions: (i) be at least 18 years old; (ii) have received the acceptance letter issued by the ISCE; (iii) prove that you have sufficient funds to cover the expenses for the study period in Portugal. 4. Will I get an official transcript of records? Each student is entitled to an official Transcript of Records after finishing their study period in ISCE. However, the document will be sent directly by our International Office to the International Office of the home institution. 5. When should I arrive? If you are coming for the winter semester you should arrive in the beginning of September, because normally students have a Portuguese course for international students during the month. If you are coming for the spring semester, you should arrive in the middle of February. When students arrive they should go to the International Office at the ISCE. 6. What is the language of instruction? The language of instruction at the ISCE is normaly the Portuguese. However, you don't need to be worried because most of the teachers and students in our Institute have a good knowledge of English. Internacional Relations Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620-379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students 7. What about students health care and insurance? If you are from an EU or EEA/EFTA country, you will have to bring the European Health Insurance Card, except if you are from the United Kingdom which has a special agreement with Portugal and don’t need this document. The European Health Insurance Card enables you to receive the necessary medical assistance, analyses and examinations in any public hospital. You can buy medicines only in pharmacies. Some medicines can be sold without a prescription, but for stronger medication you must need a doctor’s prescription. Most pharmacies display a notice giving the address of the nearest pharmacy on night duty. 279 In case of an emergency the national emergency telephone number is 112. 8. What about students with special needs? In case you need a special assistance while studying in ISCE, please contact the International Office. 9. Is there anyone that promotes students activities? The student’s events are promoted by the Students' Association - [email protected], and offers a wide range of fun and lively entertainment to suit all tastes during all year. You have also the ‘Tuna’, a traditional university musical group composed of students), that have an important role: they are well known among all the Universities and Polytechnics and every year they participate in several national and international competitions. You’ll find a fitness center inside of ISCE campus and a lot of spaces to lazer and the Institute has teams for several sports. Internacional Relations Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620-379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected] ISCE Guide for Foreign Students Survival vocabulary in Portuguese Portuguese Bem-vindo (to a boy) Bem-vinda (to a girl) Olá Bom dia Boa tarde Boa noite Boa noite Por favor Por favor Eu não entendo português Sim Não Por favor, fale mais devagar Fala inglês? Como estás? Tudo bem. E você Obrigado (if you are a boy) Obrigada (if you are a girl) De nada / Não tem de quê Muito prazer Desculpe Restaurante Curso Exame Como te chamas? Chamo-me … Correios Farmácia Hospital Comboio Autocarro Avião Voo Até breve Até logo Até amanhã Adeus Tenha um bom dia Dia Semana Mês Ano English Welcome Welcome Hello! / Hi! Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night Please Excuse-me I don’t understand Portuguese Yes No Say it again, please Do you speake English How are you? I´m fine. And you? Thank you Thank you You´re welcome Pleased to meet you Sorry Restaurant Course Exam What's your name? My name is … Post office Pharmacy Hospital Train Bus Airplane / Airline Flight See you soon! Goodbye Until tomorrow Goodbye Have a nice day Day Week Month Year 280 Internacional Relations Office Rua Bento de Jesus Caraça, 12. Serra da Amoreira, 2620-379 Ramada – Odivelas – Portugal * Tel: 219 347 135, Ext. 1017 * Fax: 219 332 688 * [email protected]