. - Cinec


. - Cinec
Sunday, 21 Sept 2014
MOC, Room K1
Perils in everyday production
Moderator: Gert Zimmermann, filmtoolsConsult
Panel discussion:
Pit Janzen, Scenography
Johannes Kirchlechner BVK
NN Bundesverband Filmschaffende
Robert Hoffmeister, VFX Supervisor, Milkroom Studios
Raffael Pollak, Dedo Weigert GmbH
Florian Rettich, DoP, FKTG
Moderator: Horst Przybyla, IT Consultant
Color Rendition of LED Fixtures with Digital Cameras
Regine Krämer, ARRI
PP – Presentation in English
Results of a Survey on Lenses for Film and Television
Katrin Richthofer, Study Center for Film Technology (SFT)
HFF Munich
Aesthetics of High Dynamic Range Cinematography - The
Imagequality of the Future?
Presentation of HDR-Sequences
Prof. Stefan Grandinetti, Cinematographer, BVK
Stuttgart Media University
A number of film sequences were produced in a studio and with available light as an
approach to the aesthetics of HDR motion pictures with a naturalistic and cinematic
look. The footage was created to evaluate diverse aspects of lighting and color
rendering concerning tone mapping operators and HDR-displays and is displayed on
a HDR-display with 600nits (DOLBY PRM-4220). The content was produced with two
ALEXA-M cameras in a mirror rig with zero pallax and an offset in the exposure. The
two streams were put together in postproduction to create images with a contrast
range of up to 18 stops. They show extraodenary color saturation in highlights and
very low noise in the lowlights at the same time.
Dolby Atmos
Christian Lerch - Senior Sound Consultant, Content Services, Central
3D-Audio – a way to High Fidelity
Dr. Günter Theile, Verband Deutscher Tonmeister VDT
CineCongress 2014
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Demo: Aesthetics of High Dynamic Range Cinematography - The
Imagequality of the Future?
Presentation of HDR-Sequences
Prof. Stefan Grandinetti, Cinematographer BVK
Stuttgart Media University
Monday, 22 Sept 2014
MOC, Room K1
Workshop Program
Moderator: Dr. Johannes Steurer (ARRI)
10.00 – 11.00
Thomas Hach (ARRI):
The RGB+Z Motion SCENE Camera
Ralf Tanger (Fraunhofer HHI):
Trifocal Capture – A New Way towards S3D Content Production
Frederik Zilly (Fraunhofer IIS):
Depth, Stereo and Focus with Light-Field Cameras
Coffee break / Demos
11.30 – 12.30
Post production tools and results
Sammy Rogmans (IMinds):
SCENE Tools for Next Generation Post Production
Wolf Bosse (Arri Film + TV):
Selective Colour Grading With a Depth Channel
Wolfgang Lempp (FilmLight):
From Pre Production to Post production
Coffee break / Demos
15.00 – 16.00
Thorsten Herfet (IVCI):
The SCENE Representation Architecture
Howard Lukk:
The Integration of Computational Cinematography into the Workflow
Jens Tukiendorf (UFA Serial Drama):
Complex Situations Easy - The Opportunities of Daily Drama
Lunch break / Demos
13.30 – 14.30
Camera Technology
Use Cases – the Film Maker’s View
Jan Stoltz (TRIXTER Film):
Integration of Digital Assets like Computer Animated Elements into Life
Action Footage
Rajat Roy (Prime Focus World):
2D-to-3D Conversion Supported by Depth Maps
Javier Montesa (Brainstorm Multimedia):
Use Of Real Time RGB+Z Capture in Broadcast Virtual Sets
16.00 – 17.00
CineCongress 2014
Concluding Panel Discussion
Seite: 2/6
Gert Zimmermann (filmtoolsConsult)
Adrian Hilton (Professor at University of Surrey,
Technical Coordinator SCENE project)
Several speakers of the workshop
CineCongress 2014
Seite: 3/6
… presented in the Conference Room K1 during Coffee and Lunch Breaks.
Live Demo of the RGB+Z Camera
The Motion SCENE Camera is on display. The depth information is streamed simultaneously
together with the RGB output as a second HD channel. Both signals can be viewed during live
Virtual Studio Use Case
The depth channel of the RGB+Z camera provides augmented capabilities in the Virtual
Studio mixing process. Several video clips illustrate the results, achieved during the use case
production in July 2014.
Digital Cinema Post Production Methods
This “behind-the-scene” demo illustrates and explains various novel post production tools.
Selected video clips are used to explain the underlying methods, show the processing steps,
and present the final results. The tools include:
Retexturing and shape editing effects
Object insertion into SRA based content
Interactive content selection based on SuperPixel
Clothing exchange
Virtual camera position for free viewpoint video
Relighting demo
Synthetic depth of field effects
Digital Cinema Use Case: Short Film and Making-of
A young man buys a fancy touch screen device which takes him to a hallucinating world. The
short film integrates novel special effects, which were developed within SCENE. The
Making-of gives you an idea how much fun this project was.
From 7 p.m.
CineCongress 2014
cinecAwards Ceremony
Kaisersaal in Munich’s Residence
(Special invitation)
Seite: 4/6
Tuesday, 23.Sept 2014
MOC, Room K1
Quality in processing, distribution and rendition
Moderator: Jürgen Burghardt, Geschäftsführer FKTG
Dr. Rainer Schäfer, Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT)
4k/UHD Postproduktion
Michael Gamböck , Adobe Systems
Workflow: Serie, Drama, Event
Moderator: Jürgen Burghardt, FKTG
Panel discussion:
Professor Franz Kraus , Managing Director ARRI
Ernst Feiler, Head of Technology UFA Serial Drama
Gerd Alfons, Technischer Direktor Bregenzer Festspiele
New network infrastructures for studios / production
Markus Berg, Head of Network Technologies IRT
UHD in an IP based broadcasting environment
Ulrich Grönewald, Solutions Architect Video Distribution at Cisco
Film archives in the digital age
Dr. Siegfried Fößel, Fraunhofer IIS
The operation of film archives is subject to a dramatic change. Today movies are
delivered as digital copy and they have to be stored digitally. This calls for new
workflows and methods within the archives. But what formats are available and
qualified for long-terms storage and can this formats be made compliant for general
exchange? In addition archives are no longer responsible only for preservation; they
shall be integrated also into the business models of media distribution. The
presentation provides an overview of the challenges and possible solutions, archives
are working on.
16: 00
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CineCongress 2014
Seite: 6/6