jan-werner müller - Princeton University


jan-werner müller - Princeton University
-Christian Democracy: A New Intellectual History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
-Furcht und Freiheit: Ein anderer Liberalismus (Berlin: Suhrkamp, forthcoming)
-Wo Europa endet: Ungarn, Brüssel und das Schicksal der liberalen Demokratie (Berlin:
Suhrkamp, 2013)
-Contesting Democracy: Political Ideas in Twentieth-Century Europe (New Haven and London:
Yale University Press, 2011)
(Reviews [including of translations] in Financial Times, New Statesman, Standpoint, History of European
Ideas, European Review of History, H-Soz-Kult, History Workshop Journal, American Historical Review,
Renewal, Foreign Affairs, International Affairs, Political Quarterly, Society, German Politics and Society,
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Welt, Das Parlament, Dresdner Nachrichten, Schwäbisches Tageblatt, Syker
Zeitung, Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandradio, Deutschlandradio Kultur, WDR 3 [Germany], Neue Zürcher
Zeitung [Switzerland], Historisk Tidsskrift,Weekendavisen [Denmark], Ricerche di Storia Politica, Il Sole 24
Ore [Italy], Svenska Dagbladet [Sweden])
German edition: Suhrkamp
French edition: Alma
Italian edition: Einaudi
Swedish edition: Daidalos
Russian edition: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy
Polish edition: Krytyka Polityczna
Serbian edition: Fabrika Knijga
Chinese edition: Sanhui
-Constitutional Patriotism (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007)
(Reviews [including of translations]in Perspectives on Politics, Ethics, Review of Politics, European Journal
of Political Theory, Nations and Nationalism, Foreign Affairs, The American Prospect, Political Studies
Review, opendemocracy, Persona y Derecho [Spain], Public Reason [Romania], Süddeutsche Zeitung,
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Rheinischer Merkur [all Germany], Neue Zürcher Zeitung [Switzerland])
German (expanded and revised) edition: Suhrkamp
Korean edition: Greenbee
Chinese edition: San Hui Culture Enterprise
Japanese edition: Hosei University Press
Serbian edition: Fabrika knjiga
Greek edition: Papazissis
Turkish edition: Dost Kitabevi Yayinlari
-A Dangerous Mind: Carl Schmitt in Post-War European Thought (New Haven and London: Yale
University Press, 2003)
(Reviews[including of translations] in Times Literary Supplement, Political Theory, Political Studies
Review, European Journal of Political Theory, The American Historical Review, Central European History,
Choice, German Politics and Society, German Studies Review, German History, H-Net Reviews, Neue
Zürcher Zeitung [Switzerland], Commentaire [France], Critique [France], Sociétal [France], Mouvements
[France], Raison Publique [France], Revista de Libros [Spain], R&R: Nederlands tijdschrift voor
Rechtsfilosofie en Rechtstheorie [Netherlands] Het Financieele Dagblad [Netherlands], De Groene
Amsterdammer [Netherlands], NZZ am Sontag [Switzerland], Idei in Dialog [Romania], Der Staat,
Frankfurter Rundschau, literaturkritik.de, Der Staat, Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung, Literaturen, Jahrbuch
Extremismus und Demokratie, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Historische Zeitschrift,
Zeitschrift für Politk [all Germany] )
Chosen as a ‘legal studies book of the year’ by Neue Juristische Wochenschrift [Germany]
German edition: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, with a preface by Michael Stolleis
French edition: Armand Colin
Chinese edition: San Hui Culture Enterprise
Japanese edition: Minerva Shobo
Greek edition: Polis
-Another Country: German Intellectuals, Unification and National Identity (New Haven and
London: Yale University Press, 2000)
(Reviews in Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Review of Books, Chronicle of Higher
Education, Washington Times, Choice, The American Historical Review, Political Studies, German Studies
Review, German Politics and Society, German History, Bulletin of the German Historical Institute London,
Nations and Nationalism, Modern Language Notes, Neue Zürcher Zeitung [Switzerland])
Chinese edition: San Hui Culture Enterprise
Edited Volumes:
-(ed.) German Ideologies since 1945: Studies in the Political Thought and Culture of the Bonn
Republic (New York: Palgrave, 2003)
(contributions by Alfons Söllner, Anson Rabinbach, John P. McCormick, Julia S. Angster, Dirk van Laak,
Jerry Z. Muller, Dagmar Herzog, Rainer Forst, William A. Barbieri, Jr.)
-(ed.) Memory and Power in Post-War Europe: Studies in the Presence of the Past (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2002)
(contributions by Timothy Snyder, Robert Gildea, Thomas U. Berger, Anne Deighton, Iver Neumann,
Monroe E. Price, Tony Judt, Jeffrey Herf, Ilana R. Bet-El, Ilaria Poggiolini, Daniel Levy, Julian B. Dierkes,
Timothy Garton Ash)
Guest-edited Journals:
-Special section on Militant Democracy, Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and
Democratic Theory, vol. 19 (2012)
-(ed. with Kim Lane Scheppele), Special Issue on Constitutional Patriotism, I-CON: International
Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 6 (2008)
-(ed. with Andreas Kalyvas), Special Issue on Carl Schmitt, Cardozo Law Review, vol. 21 (2000)
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (Selection):
-‘Germany’s Two Processes of Coming to Terms with the Past: Failures, after all?’, in: Vladimir
Tismaneanu (ed.), Remembrance, History, and Justice (CEU Press, forthcoming)
-‘Fear, Favor, and Freedom: Judith Shklar’s Liberalism Revisited’, in: András Sajó and Renata
Uitz (eds.), The Tragedy of Liberty (Eleven, forthcoming)
-‘A Certain Idea of Democracy, or: Was Hayek Really a Cold War Liberal?’, in: Jeremy Shearmur
(ed.), Friedrich von Hayek’s Cold War Liberalism (forthcoming)
-‘Calming the Ideological Storms? Reflections on Cold War Liberalism’, in: Vladimir
Tismaneanu (ed.), Ideological Storms: Intellectuals and the Totalitarian Temptation (CEU Press,
-‘The Contours of Cold War liberalism (Berlin’s in particular), in: Jan-Werner Müller (ed.),
Isaiah Berlin’s Cold Warm Liberalism (forthcoming)
-‘Who Should be the Guardian of Europe’s Constitutional Order?
The EU as a Militant Democracy’, in: Revista de Estudios Políticos [Spain]
- ‘An Association for Amiable Adventurers: On Oakeshott’s Peculiar Constitutionalism’, in: Terry
Nardin (ed.), Michael Oakeshott’s Cold War Liberalism (Institute, forthcoming)
-‘Has the EU prevented the worst – or made Viktor Orbán more powerful – or both? The
challenge for democracy-protection by Brussels revisited’, in: Aspen Review
-‘What, if anything, is wrong with Hayek’s Model Constitution?’, in: David Dyzenhaus and
Thomas Poole (eds.), Law, Liberty and State: Oakeshott, Hayek and Schmitt on the Rule of Law
(Cambridge UP, forthcoming)
-‘The Place of Liberal Thought and Liberal Practice in Post-War European Politics’, in: Niklas
Olsen and Hagen Schulz-Forberg (eds.), Transnational Reconstructions of Liberalism in Europe
after 1945 (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2014)
-‘Who is the European Prince? A More or less Machiavellian Meditation on the European Union’,
in: Social Research, vol. 81 (2014)
-‘On Conceptual History’, in: Darrin McMahon and Samuel Moyn (eds.), Modern Intellectual
History: Reappraisals and New Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century (Oxford UP, 2014)
‘Defending Democracy Within the EU’, in: Journal of Democracy, vol. 24 (2013)
‘Brussels as a Supranational Guardian of Democracy’, in: Seyla Benhabib et al., The Democratic
Disconnect (Washington, DC: Transatlantic Academy, 2013)
-‘The Paradoxes of Post-War Italian Political Thought’, in: History of European Ideas, special
issue on The Impact of Positivism on Post-War European Political Thought, ed. Edmund Neill,
vol. 39 (2013)
‘Safeguarding Democracy Inside the EU: Brussels and the Future of Liberal Order’, Transatlantic
Academy Paper, February 2013
-an earlier version appeared as ‘Lehetséges- diktatúrát működetni az EU-ban, avagy tehet-e
valamit Brüsszel a tagállami demokráciák védelmében?’ in: Fundamentum, no. 3 (2012
-‘A “Practical Dilemma Which Philosophy Alone Cannot Resolve”? Rethinking Militant
Democracy: An Introduction’, in: Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and
Democratic Theory, vol. 39 (2012)
- Constitutional Patriotism beyond the Nation-State: Human Rights, Constitutional Necessity, and
the Limits of Pluralism’, in: Cardozo Law Review, symposium on Michel Rosenfeld, The Identity
of the Constitutional Subject (2012)
-‘Democracy, Delegation, and the EU’s Double Crisis: On Perry Anderson’s New Old World’, in:
New Left Review, symposium on Anderson, New Old World (2012)
-‘Towards a Political Theory of Populism’, in: Notizie di Politeia, no. 107 (2012)
-‘Value Pluralism in Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Thought‘, in: Mark Bevir (ed.), Modern
Pluralism: Anglo-American Debates since 1880 (Cambridge UP, 2012)
-‘Militant Democracy’, in: Michel Rosenfeld and András Sajó (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of
Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford UP, 2012)
-‘The Promise of Demoi-cracy: Diversity and Domination in the European Public Order’, in:
Jürgen Neyer and Antje Wiener (eds.), The Political Theory of the European Union (Oxford UP,
-‘European Intellectual History as Contemporary History’, in: Journal of Contemporary History,
vol. 46 (2011)
-‘Three Constitutionalist Responses to Globalization’, in: Stephen Macedo and Jeffrey Tullis
(eds.), The Limits of Constitutional Democracy (Princeton UP, 2010)
-‘In the Shadow of Statism: The Peculiarities of the German Europe Debate’, in: Kalypso
Nicolaïdis and Justine Lacroix (eds.), European Stories: How National Intellectuals Debate
Europe (Oxford UP, 2010)
-‘On Europe’, in: Peter Hayes and John Roth (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Holocaust Studies
(Oxford UP, 2010)
-‘What Did They Think They Were Doing? The Political Thought of the West European ‘68’, in:
Vladimir Tismaneanu (ed.), Promises of 1968: Crisis, Illusion, and Utopia (Central European
University Press, 2010)
-‘Verfassungspatriotismus: Eine systematische Verteidigung’, in: vorgänge: Zeitschrift für
Bürgerrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik, vol. 49, no. 3 (2010)
-‘Re-Imagining Leviathan: Schmitt and Oakeshott on Hobbes and the Nature of Political Order’,
in: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, special issue on Hobbes and
Schmitt, ed. Johan Tralau, vol. 13 (2010)
-‘The Cold War and the Intellectual History of the Late Twentieth Century’, in: The Cambridge
History of the Cold War, Vol. 3: Endings 1975-1991 (Cambridge UP, 2010)
-‘On “European Memory”. Some conceptual and normative remarks’, in: Małgorzata Pakier and
Bo Stråth (eds.) A European Memory? Contested Histories and Politics of Remembrance
(Berghahn, 2010)
-‘Seven Ways to Misunderstand Constitutional Patriotism’, in: Notizie di Politeia, vol. 25 (2009)
-‘Just another Vergangenheitsbewältigung? The Process of Coming to Terms with the East German
Past Revisited’, in: Oxford German Studies, December 2009; shorter version in Res Publica, 2009
-‘The Triumph of What (if anything)? Political Ideologies and Political Institutions in TwentiethCentury Europe’, in: Journal of Political Ideologies, vol.14 (2009)
-‘Nation, Verfassungspatriotismus, Leitkultur: Integrationsversuche vor und nach 1989’, in: Jens
Hacke and Herfried Münkler (ed.), Wege in die neue Bundesrepublik: Politische Mythen und
kollektive Selbstbilder nach 1989 (Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2009)
-‘A “Thick” Constitutional Patriotism for Europe? On Morality, Memory and Militancy’, in: Erik
O. Eriksen, Christian Joerges and Florian Rödl (eds.), Law, Democracy, and Solidarity in
Europe’s Post-National Constellation (London: Routledge, 2008)
-‘Die eigentlich katholische Entschärfung? Jacques Maritain und die Fluchtwege aus dem
Zeitalter der Extreme’, in: Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte, vol. 2, no. 3 (2008)
‘A European Constitutional Patriotism? The Case Restated’, in: European Law Journal, vol. 14
-‘Nations without Qualities? Towards a General Theory of Constitutional Patriotism’, in: I-CON:
International Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 6 (2008)
-‘Our Philadelphia? Understanding the (Apparent) Failure of the European Constitution’, in:
Journal of Modern European History, special issue on ‘European Constitutions, Civility, and
Violence (18th century to the present)’, eds. José Harris and Robert Gerwarth, vol. 6, no. 1 (2008)
-‘Thomas Manns Albtraum? Potential und Paradoxe europäischer Erinnerungspolitik’, in:
Christian Joerges, Matthias Mahlmann and Ulrich K. Preuß (eds.), ‘Schmerzliche Erfahrungen’
der Vergangenheit und der Prozess der Konstitutionalisierung Europas (Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, 2008)
-‘Fear and Freedom: On “Cold War Liberalism”’, in: European Journal of Political Theory,
special issue on ‘Twentieth-Century European Liberalism’, ed. Michael Freeden, vol. 7 (2008)
-‘Is Europe Converging on Constitutional Patriotism? (And if so: Is it Justified?)’, in: Critical
Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, vol. 10 (2007)
-‘Three Objections to Constitutional Patriotism’, in: Constellations: An International Journal of
Critical and Democratic Theory, vol. 14 (2007)
-‘Mit Schmitt gegen Schmitt, und gegen die liberale Weltordnung: Zur transatlantischen Debatte
um Globalisierung, Empire und Pax Americana’, in: Rüdiger Voigt (ed.), Der Staat des
Dezisionismus (Nomos, 2007)
-‘Verfassungspatriotismus: Ein deutscher Mythos?’, in: vorgänge: Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechte
und Gesellschaftspolitik, no. 1 (2007)
-‘Comprehending Conservatism: A New Framework for Analysis’, in: Journal of Political
Ideologies, vol. 11 (2006)
-‘Rawls, Historian: Remarks on Political Liberalism’s “Historicism”’, in: Revue Internationale de
Philosophie, vol. 60 (2006)
-‘Die Dauerkrise des amerikanischen Konservatismus’, in: Walter Reese-Schäfer and Harald
Bluhm (eds.), Die Intellektuellen und der Weltlauf: Schöpfer und Missionare politischer Ideen in
den USA, Asien und Europa nach 1945 (Nomos, 2006); a shorter version was published in
Ricerche di Storia Politica
-‘An “Irregularity that cannot be regulated”: Carl Schmitt and the War on Terror’, in: Notizie di
Politeia: Rivista di Etica e Scelte Pubbliche, vol. 22 (2006)
-‘On the Origins of Constitutional Patriotism’, in: Contemporary Political Theory, vol. 5, no. 3
-to be reprinted in: Klaus Günther, Christian Joerges and Camil Ungureanu (eds.), Jürgen
Habermas’ Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy: From the Nation-State to Europe
and the Postnational Constellation (Ashgate, 2011)
-reprinted in: Alexander Pavkovic and Igor Primoratz (eds.), Patriotism: Philosophical
and Political Perspectives (Ashgate, 2008)
-‘Theorie und Temperament: Was bleibt vom politischen Denken Isaiah Berlins?’, in: Jahrbuch
Politisches Denken 2005 (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2006)
-‘Julien Benda’s antipassionate Europe’, in: European Journal of Political Theory, no. 2, vol. 5
(2006); also as ‘L’Europe dépassionnée de Julien Benda’ in: Commentaire (forthcoming)
-‘Visioner om global orden: Schmitt, Aron og verdensåndens embedsmand’, in: Slagmark, no. 43,
2005 [Denmark; translation of chapter ‘Visions of Global Order’ in A Dangerous Mind]
-‘Verfassungspatriotismus revisited’, in: Daniel Morat and Undine Ruge (eds.), Deutschland
denken: Beiträge für die reflektierte Republik (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005)
-‘Visioni di un ordine globale nell’”età post-europea”: Carl Schmitt, Raymond Aron e il
funzionario dello Spirito del mondo’, in: Ricerche di Storia Politica, no. 2 (August 2004) [a
significantly expanded version of the chapter ‘Visions of Global Order’ in A Dangerous Mind]
-‘Myth, Law and Order: Schmitt and Benjamin read “Reflections on Violence”’, in: History of
European Ideas, vol. 29 (2003)
-‘Rawls and German Political Thought’, in: European Journal of Political Theory, vol. 1 (2002)
-‘1968 as Event, Milieu and Ideology’, in: Journal of Political Ideologies, vol. 7 (2002), also in:
German Ideologies since 1945 (Palgrave, 2003)
-‘Introduction: The Power of Memory, the Memory of Power and the Power over Memory’, in:
Memory and Power in Post-War Europe (Cambridge UP, 2002)
-‘The Soul in the Age of Society and Technology: Helmuth Plessner’s Defensive Liberalism’, in:
John P. McCormick (ed.), Confronting Mass Democracy and Industrial Technology: Political and
Social Theory from Nietzsche to Habermas (Duke UP, 2002)
-‘Compromised Republicans: The Fate of the Vernunftrepublikaner and the Transformation of
Liberal Thought from Weimar to the Federal Republic’, in: Jonathan Wright and Henning Tewes
(eds.), Antisemitism, Liberalism and Democracy: Essays in Honour of Peter Pulzer (Oxford UP,
-‘The Transition in East Germany: Incorporation, Tainted Truth and the Double Division’, in:
Paloma Aguilar, Alexandra Barahona de Brito and Carmen Gonzalez (eds.), The Politics of
Memory: Three Decades of Truth and Justice in Transition (Oxford UP, 2001) [editions in
Spanish and Portuguese]
-‘Carl Schmitt and the Constitution of Europe’, in: Cardozo Law Review, vol. 21 (2000)
-‘Karl Heinz Bohrer on German National Identity: Recovering Romanticism and Aestheticizing
the State’, in: German Studies Review, vol. 23 (May 2000)
-‘From National Identity to National Interest: The Rise (and Fall) of Germany’s New Right’, in:
German Politics, vol. 8, no. 3 (1999), also in: German Ideologies since 1945.
-‘Carl Schmitt’s Method: Between Ideology, Demonology and Myth’, in: Journal of Political
Ideologies, vol. 4 (1999)
-‘Liberale Neutralität: Pluralismus, Perfektionismus oder Heuchelei?’, in: Birgit Schwelling and
Peter Krause (eds.), Gleichgültigkeit und Gesellschaft , with a preface by Gesine Schwan (Berlin
Verlag Arno Spitz, 1998)
-(with Michael W. Doyle) ‘Anatomie eines Erfolgs: Die UN-Mission in Ostslawonien’, in:
Internationale Politik, vol. 53, no. 6 (1998)
-‘Preparing for the Political: German Intellectuals confront the “Berlin Republic”’, in: New
German Critique (Fall 1997), also in: Howard Williams, Colin Wight and Norbert Kapferer (eds.),
Political Thought and German Reunification: The New German Ideology? (Macmillan, 2000)
-‘Carl Schmitt – an Occasional Nationalist?’, in: History of European Ideas, vol. 23 (1997)
Essays and Public Affairs Commentary (Selection):
-‘Erdogan and the Paradox of Populism’, Project Syndicate, July 2014
-‘Moscow’s Trojan Horse’, Foreign Affairs (web), August 2014
-‘The End of Christian Democracy’, Foreign Affairs (web), July 2014
-‘The party’s over’, in: London Review of Books, 5 June 2014
-‘Eastern Europe goes South’, in: Foreign Affairs, March 2014
-‘Should Extremist Parties be banned?’, Project Syndicate, November 2013
-‘The Sleepwalking Giant’, in: Foreign Affairs (web), September 2013
-‘Populism without the People’, Project Syndicate, April 2013
-‘Europe’s Political Stress Tests’, Project Syndicate, April 2013
-‘Hungary’s Power-Grab Should Make the EU Rethink Its Role’, in: The Guardian, 11 March
-‘Das Unbehagen an der Demokratie‘, in: Der Tagesspiegel, 13 January 2013
-‘Europe’s Perfect Storm: The Political and Economic Consequences of the Eurocrisis’, in:
Dissent, Fall 2012
-‘Die EU als Politische Union‘, in: Europäische Rundschau, no. 4 (2012)
‘Der Preis einer “Politischen Union“’, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 10 November 2012
-‘Postdemokratie: Karriere und Gehalt eines problematischen Schlagwortes’, in: Neue Zürcher
Zeitung, 10 November 2012
-‘Ressourcen der Macht’, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 12 November 2012
-‘Die EU als wehrhafte Demokratie?’, in: Europäische Rundschau, no. 3 (2012)
-‘On European Political Union’, in: The Guardian, 7 August 2012
-‘Wer ist der Hüter der europäischen Demokratie?‘, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 25th July 2012
-‘Europe’s democracy dilemma’, in: The Guardian, 19 July 2012
-‘Longing for Greater Hungary’, in: London Review of Books, 20 June 2012
-‘The False Promises of Populism’, in: The Guardian, 5 May 2012
-‘Wir! Sind! Das! Volk!’, in: Die Zeit, 19 April, 2012
-‘The Failure of European Intellectuals?’, in: Eurozine, 11 April 2012
German translation: Wespennest
French translation: Sens Public
Italian translation: Lettera Internazionale
Greek translation: ISTAME
Spanish translation: Letra Internacional
Slovenian translation: Sodobnost
Chinese translation: Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology
-‘Satan kam doch nicht bis Washington’, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2 April 2012
-‘Liberaler Populismus?’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16 March 2012
-‘Erklären ist doch eine schöne Aufgabe’, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 18 February 2012:
-‘What do Germans think about when they think about Europe?’, in: London Review of Books, 9th
February 2012
-Hungarian translation: Ketezer
-‘Nachhilfestunden in Demokratie: Wie die EU mit Ungarn umgehen sollte - und wie nicht‘, in:
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 26 January 2012
-‘Wege aus der Verfassungsfalle’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 3 January 2012
-‘The Forgotten Twentieth Century’, Project Syndicate, November 2011
-‘What Does Germany Want?’, Project Syndicate, November 2011
-‘Liberalismus heute: Gesicherte Freiheit statt Markt mit Mitgefühl’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 20
October 2011
-‘The Language of Global Protest’, Project Syndicate, October 2011
-‘Lehren aus Vichy und Weimar’, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 4 October 2011
-‘Kampf um die Demokratie: Wie last sich das zwanzigste Jahrhundert begreifen?’, in: Neue
Zürcher Zeitung, 1 October 2011
-‘Schlimmer als Haider’, in: Die Zeit, 31 December 2010
-‘Making Muslim Democracies’, Boston Review, November/December 2010
-‘Der liberale Utopist: Friedrich von Hayek Revisited’, in: Transit: Europäische Revue, no. 4
(Winter 2010)
-‘Ohne letzte Wahrheiten zusammenleben: Überlegungen zu einer selbstkritischen Konzeption
von Verfassungspatriotismus’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 12 June 2010
-‘The Ethics of Citizenship Tests’, Project Syndicate, April 2010
-‘The Return of Religion?’, Project Syndicate, July 2009
-‘Die Krise als Stunde der Legislative’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 9 July 2009
-‘Isaiah Berlin als Ideenhistoriker mit Sinn für Zerrissenheit’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 6 June 2009
-‘Christdemokratie als Modell “Muslimischer Demokratie”?’, in: Transit: Europäische Revue, no.
37 (Summer 2009)
-‘Methodologie statt Ideologie’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 4 May 2009
-‘Am Ende einer Erfolgsgeschichte? Über die europäische Christdemokratie’, in: Merkur:
Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, May 2009
-‘From Christian Democracy to Muslim Democracy?’, Project Syndicate, October 2008
-‘Patriotyzm konstytucyjny jako forma politycznej lojalności pomiędzy państwami narodowymi a
Unią Europejską?’, in: Res Publica (Winter 2008)
-Glücklicher Konservatismus: Der politische Philosoph Michael Oakeshott’, in: Mekur: Deutsche
Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, October 2007
-‘Europäische Erinnerungspolitik Revisited’, in: Transit: Europäische Revue, no. 33 (2007);
Romanian translation in Lettre Internationale
-‘Europe needs to make up its mind’, Project Syndicate, March 2007
-‘Die Zivilisierung des Krieges’, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 17th January 2007
-‘Merken, nicht ableiten: Zum Liberalismus der Ritter-Schule’, in: Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift
für europäisches Denken, February 2007
-‘Die Schwierigkeiten des Erinnerns’, in: die tageszeitung, 20th November 2006; also as
‘Complexités de la mémoire’ in Commentaire, no. 117, Spring 2007
-‘Die Offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde neu gelesen: Karl Poppers Liberalismus der Furcht und
die totalitäre Herausforderung’, in: Transit: Europäische Revue, no. 30 (Winter 2005/2006)
-‘Bekennende Linksliberale’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 17th November 2006
-‘Liebe, Scham und Disziplin: Eine kurze Geschichte des mitfühlenden Konservatismus’, in:
Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, August 2006
-‘Konservative als Fusionskünstler: Zur produktiven Dauerkrise der amerikanischen Rechten’, in:
Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, June 2006
-‘The End of Denial? Diversity, Solidarity and Constitutional Patriotism in Germany’, in: Dissent,
Summer 2006
-‘A szendvedélyes és a szenvedélymentes Európa“, in: Ketezer [Hungary], May 2006
-„Selbstkritik und Selbstbehauptung als Bürgertugenden: Eine Verteidigung des
Verfassungspatriotismus“, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 29th April 2006
-‘Fin de la constitution, fin du patriotisme constitutionnel? Repenser l’Europe pendant “la
pause”’, in: Esprit, February 2006
-‘L’Allemagne entre patriotisme constitutionnel et Leitkultur’, in: La Vie des Idées, February 2006
-‘After the Double No: The EU’s Best Hope’, in: Boston Review, November/December 2005
-‘Mobilisierende Gewalt: In der Verständnisfalle -- Terrorismus als “dritter Totalitarismus”’, in:
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 21st September, 2005; reprinted in Commentaire, no. 113
(Spring 2006)
-‘Joschka’s Journey’, in: Prospect, September 2005; a longer version ‘L’ordre mondial selon
Joschka Fischer’ appeared in Commentaire, no. 112 (Winter 2005-2006)
-‘Kurze Geschichte eines Schimpfwortes: “Liberalismus” diesseits und jenseits des Atlantiks’, in:
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 4th June 2005; reprinted in: Gerhard Schwarz and Uwe Justus Wenzel
(eds.), Lust und Last des Liberalismus: Philosophische und ökonomische Perspektiven (Zürich:
Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2006).
-‘Am liebsten eine Republik ohne Nation’, in: Blätter des deutschen Theaters, no. 1 (2005)
-‘Verfassungspatriotismus: Eine europäische Verbindlichkeit?’, in: Transit: Europäische Revue,
no. 28 (Winter 2004/2005)
-‘Supranational und ohne Leidenschaften’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16th October, 2004
-‘Europa als liberales Projekt’, in: Die Welt, 6th August, 2004
-‘Is Euro-Patriotism Possible?’, in: Dissent (Spring 2004); also as ‘Le pouvoir des sentiments:
l’euro-patriotisme en question’, in: La Vie des Idées, April/May 2004
-‘Freiheit, Furcht und “German Angst”: Zum Gefühlsleben eines neuen Liberalismus’, in:
Christina Knüllig (ed.), Aufwärts, bitte! Zehn Beiträge gegen Deutschlands freien Fall (Hamburg:
Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 2004)
-‘Für Brüssel sterben? Europa und der Verfassungspatriotismus’, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 5th
November, 2003
-‘Europe’s intellectuals need to quit playing the “identity game”’, in: European Voice, 10th July,
-‘The Crisis of the German Right: Markets, Morality and Migration’, in Foreign Service Journal,
September 2001
-‘German Intellectuals and Democracy: The End of an Era?’, in: Partisan Review, Fall 2001
-‘Jürgen Habermas: An Intellectual Portrait’, in: Prospect (London), March 2001
-‘Mr Heilbrunn’s Fictions: On Intellectuals and Democracy in Germany’, in: The National
Interest, Winter 2001
-‘After Fascism, Ideological Waste Disposal – Now What?’, in: Times Higher Education
Supplement, August 2000
-(with Michael W. Doyle)‘Lessons of a Past Reconstruction Effort in the Balkans’, in:
International Herald Tribune, 1st July 1999.