Space Station Design Workshop 2006 - IRS
Space Station Design Workshop 2006 - IRS
Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme Space Station Design Workshop 2006 International and Interdisciplinary Student Education at the IRS Institute of Space Systems (IRS) Universität Stuttgart, Germany © Oktober 2006 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 SSDW 2006 PEOPLE Staff Prof. Dr. Ernst Messerschmid Jürgen Schlutz Florian Renk Britta Ganzer Marcel Düring Ilse Müllner-Korell Jochen Noll Kornelia Stubicar Invited Guests Dr. Rudolf Benz (EADS Astrium) Dr. Reinhold Bertrand (ESA/ESOC) Jason Held (ACFR, University of Sydney) Prof. Dr. Gerhard Krülle (IRS, Universität Stuttgart) Philippe Schoonejans (ESA/ESTEC) Dr. Ulrich Schöttle (IRS, Universität Stuttgart) Prof. Dr. Werner Sobek (ILEK, Universität Stuttgart) Participants Team Green Laura Anselmi (ITA) Christian Eger (GER) Thalia Flessa (GRE) Olivier Helbig (GER) Nico Hübel (GER) Matthias Lau (GER) Nicholas Lawrance (AUS) Christian Messe (GER) Bastian Olberts (GER) Lucas Rye (AUS) Fabian Schmid (GER) Tony Schönherr (GER) Ilya Sentchenkov (RUS) Antoine Triboulet (FRA) Team Blue Matthäus Alberding (GER) Philipp Altenhöfer (GER) Stefan Belz (GER) Coralie Buccianti (ITA) Stefanie Fingerloos (GER) Ebrahim Haririan (IRA) Kai Hoffmann (GER) Calvin Hung (NZ) Jan Lehmann (GER) Campbell Pegg (AUS) Thibault Sandre (FRA) Marcus Schwab (GER) Sascha Tietz (GER) Supporters Institute of Space Systems (IRS), Universitaet Stuttgart Institute of Lightweight Structures (ILEK), Universitaet Stuttgart Institute of Aerodynamics and Gasdynamics (IAG), Universitaet Stuttgart Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart & Planetarium Stuttgart Maxon Computer GmbH SMART Technologies (Germany) GmbH Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg 2 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart FOREWORD Future space programmes involving astronauts and targeting destinations beyond the International Space Station require new technologies and new approaches in coping with the requirements given by the space agencies. The various groups of people involved for such endeavours formulate these requirements often in the form of rather vague scientific, economic or political objectives which enter normally into a programme or mission statement. The systems architect or systems engineer tasked with a conceptual design of the spaceflight mission has to translate such a mission statement into objectives by defining technological requirements together with the nontechnical constraints of an international and multidisciplinary programme. This requires well-trained systems engineers who are familiar with modern tools and methodologies and have gained sufficient hands-on experience at the universities or in their first years of professional preoccupation. Since many years lectures on space stations and its utilisation have been given at the Institute of Space Systems at the Universitaet Stuttgart. This was done long before the International Space Station become an international project with European countries involved. When it became clear in 1995 that many European countries would join such a project, the space station lectures were extended and supplemented by the so-called Space Station Design Workshop or “SSDW”. Here students learn, as part of their regular studies, in a hands-on, interactive, team-centred environment to perform conceptual design studies of a complex human spaceflight system. They are supported by a concise methodology and by customised software tools that were developed and are constantly improved at the IRS in the frame of research projects mainly carried out by PhD students. By doing so, we also react on the recent plans and concepts towards sustainable human exploration beyond low Earth orbit. Normally many disciplines other than engineering are to be involved in SSDW activities. It involves students from partner universities and consequently is conducted with English as the working language. In many instances, the SSDW was also held at the partner universities’ sites, e.g. in Toulouse, at the International Space University and at ESTEC in the Netherlands. Now, the latest SSDW 2006 was hosted again as an international, interdisciplinary and intense one week event at the Institute of Space Systems. It was a pleasure for me to see the fresh design ideas, the enthusiasm emerging from working together with student teams and supported by equally motivated university staff. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of the participants, including the students and the instructors for their contributions to making this Space Station Design Workshop 2006 such a valuable experience for all of us. October 2006 Ernst Messerschmid 3 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 WHEN DID YOU DESIGN YOUR LAST SPACE STATION? Team Red IRS 1998 “The opportunity to meet and work with students from all over Europe and beyond was invaluable ...” Team Green IRS 2005 Team Blue IRS 1997 Team Yellow ISU 2003 Team Blue IRS 2001 “A fantastic experience: well organized and well supervised.” Team Blue ESTEC 2002 “The best chance to get really involved in space station topics I have ever had.” Team Blue IRS 2005 4 Team Green IRS 2001 Team Green ISU 2001 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction .............................................................................. 6 2 Space Station Design Workshop ................................................ 7 2.1 The Conceptual Design Problem ............................................ 7 2.2 SSDW Methodology ............................................................. 8 2.3 2.2.1 Design Team Composition and Collaboration .................. 9 2.2.2 Principles of the Design Process ................................... 9 2.2.3 Principles of the Design ............................................... 10 2.2.4 Integrating the Knowledge: Heuristics of Human Aspects . 10 SSDW Tools ........................................................................ 11 2.4 2.3.1 Software Tools ........................................................... 11 2.3.2 COMET – Space Station Configuration Modelling Software 12 2.3.4 IRIS++ – Spaceflight Simulation Software ..................... 13 2.3.4 ELISSA – Subsystem Simulation Software ...................... 14 2.3.5 Supporting Software ................................................... 15 International Design Workshops ............................................ 15 2.4.1 Approach and Objectives ............................................. 16 2.4.2 Design Team Composition and Room Set-up ................... 17 3 4 SSDW 2006 at the IRS ............................................................... 18 3.1 Organisation ....................................................................... 18 3.2 Mission Statement ............................................................... 19 3.3 3.2.1 Situation ................................................................... 19 3.2.2 Task Description ......................................................... 20 3.2.3 Background Information on Libration Points ................... 20 Design Results .................................................................... 21 3.4 3.3.1 Team Blue ................................................................. 22 3.3.2 Team Green ............................................................... 24 Design Evaluation ................................................................ 27 3.5 3.4.1 Evaluation Task .......................................................... 27 3.4.2 Evaluation Findings .................................................... 27 Feedback ........................................................................... 30 Conclusions ............................................................................... 31 5 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 1 INTRODUCTION The conceptual design of a manned space system is one of the most challenging tasks in aerospace engineering. The history of space station Mir and the still ongoing assembly and redesign of the International Space Station demonstrate that even within the assembly phase quick solutions have to be found to cope with budget and technical problems or changing objectives. However, with appropriate methodology and tools, a space station can be conceptualised within a timeframe as short as one week, and by a design team consisting of no more than 15 dedicated engineers, architects and scientists. Since 1996 the “Space Station Design Workshop” took place as an international student challenge annually at various locations in Europe. It proved that designing a space station is a formidable educational activity and can be done in a truly international, multidisciplinary environment with small design teams: Two to four competing design teams composed of highly qualified graduate students, selected by local and SSDW staff from a large applicant pool, can be tasked with challenging design problems within realistic boundary conditions in order to achieve overall design goals such as science return maximisation and lowering cost. The latest design workshop SSDW 2006 was hosted from 23 July to 29 July 2006 at the Institute of Space Systems (Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme, IRS), Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany. It demonstrated once again the potential of such a design workshop within student education. The participants worked for one intensive week in a hands-on, interactive, team-centred environment and were tasked to design a manned transfer and exploration vehicle for missions in cis- and translunar space. It focused on satellite and telescope servicing and rescue missions in a programmatic context of space exploration beyond low Earth orbit (LEO). The teams were supported by a concise, yet flexible methodology incorporating elements from systems engineering as well as from other disciplines, and by customised, intuitive, rapid-turnaround software tools enabling them to successfully tackle the complex problem of conceptual design of crewed space systems. Due to the design task, a strong emphasis was put on the mission analysis and vehicle configuration, as they are the major contributors to mission success. This report will first document the methodology and tools that together make up the Space Station Design Workshop (SSDW) approach and then describe in detail how this approach was implemented during the SSDW 2006. The design results produced by both teams are presented as well as the feedback gathered from the participants after the workshop. The conclusion summarises the findings and lessons learned of this unique opportunity for the students and points out future SSDW activities. 6 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart 2 SPACE STATION DESIGN WORKSHOP A CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ENVIRONMENT 2.1 The Conceptual Design Problem In the beginning of designing a space mission or system stands a mission statement describing the objectives of the customer. Customers like politicians, economists or scientists have their specific needs and expectations in formulating these objectives that have to be understood and verified for project success. Therefore, from the engineering point of view, the given mission and system requirements are rather vague and have to be translated into primary and secondary objectives, defining technological requirements and technological as well as political and economical constraints. This early phase of a space project is referred to as the conceptual design phase. Figure 2.1: Mission and system element interactions As illustrated in Figure 2.1 all mission and system elements are strongly interdependent. Changes to one element impose direct or indirect changes to largely every other element with more or less significant consequences to the 7 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 whole system. Within this early project phase of conceptual design, every one of its elements must be considered simultaneously while major decisions have to be made in terms of project complexity, applied technologies and cost elements. Conflicting requirements must be dispelled and fundamental mission and system parameters have to be concretised, optimised and fixed in a baseline concept following an iterative process. The designers of complex space systems are faced with a set of challenges stemming in part from the general “wickedness” of the design problem, which make it impossible to apply linear, “scientific” approaches to their solution, and in part from the special environment of space and the boundary conditions which it imposes. These include: • Fuzzy problem formulation: Objectives and boundary conditions are initially vague. The mission and the space system must be developed together. • Strong interdependencies between system elements: A methodological approach is required that enables the designers to deal with the space system as a whole due to the complex network of links among its elements. • Adverse relationship between available information and consequences of conceptual design decisions: System elements are defined and central decisions about mission performance, system architecture, technical risk, developmental effort, cost, and organisational structure are made, usually despite the availability of sufficient information. Subsequent design phases provide more information, but the new decisions have to stay within the envelope defined during the conceptual phase and are thus limited in their mitigative potential. • Extreme boundary conditions: Compared to other systems of comparable technological complexity, space systems are subject to much tighter boundary conditions due to the harsh space environment (temperature, vacuum, radiation, µ-gravity, debris), the high g-loads during launch, lightweight design and maintainability under difficult access conditions. Designing a crewed space station adds the complications of life support requirements, increases demands on safety and reliability, crew integration, as well as the degree of public scrutiny, and all this in a highly politicised design environment. 2.2 SSDW Methodology In order to tackle the conceptual design challenges, an interdisciplinary methodology for the conceptual design of inhabited space systems has been developed and extended to mission design beyond LEO at the Institute of Space Systems of the Universitaet Stuttgart. It emphasizes the most efficient integration of the crew into a space system as one solution to this conceptual design problem, given that, “the main system driver is human presence itself since it largely determines overall design and cost by technical and safety requirements.” Thus, the space engineers shall not treat human-rated space structures as “machinery-with-attached-crew”, but primarily as habitats. The approach is based on space systems engineering methodology with elements from terrestrial architectural practice. It also integrates specially developed software tools for the modelling, assessment and dynamic simulation of the space system configuration, for the analysis of life support systems, and for the assessment of other key subsystems during the early phase of conceptual design. Systems engineering is referring to the complete space system design process as 8 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart part of the space mission – not only in the conceptual design phase. It includes the science, technical and business issues involved within the task to be performed. These issues range from creating a system architecture and coming-up with creative solutions to the use of mathematics, constructing physical models and simulating systems and subsystems to evaluate their properties, performance, mission utility and cost. 2.2.1 Design Team Composition and Collaboration The design teams often consist of people of different cultural backgrounds and various disciplines, mirroring the heterogeneous environment of space business. The first central element is the composition of the design teams and their mode of collaboration. The following ground rules should be adhered to as much as possible: • All members of the design team see themselves as cooperation-oriented experts in their respective fields, not as isolated subsystem specialists. • Design team members come from different fields and backgrounds but develop a common language. This suggests that they share joint experience in designing gained through participation in previous design projects, or in hands-on training workshops such as SSDWs. • Design team members look for solutions based on their disciplinary experience, but their ideas are triggered by interdisciplinary face-to-face interaction and by the unexpected brought out by it. • Designers are aware of the design process also being a two-tiered learning process: the process allows them to learn about the problem itself and also to increase their own knowledge from the design experience. • Design team leaders, by personality, are eager for face-to-face communication and learning experiences, and can deal with and accept imperfections during the search for solutions (but not in the final result). They integrate team members’ contributions and have the strength to push logically-derived solutions to group acceptance. • Designers are on the lookout for the usual hazards of requirements creep, fuzziness, disciplinary infighting, and marginal performers. From the perspective of participants, the workshop is goal-oriented to maximise output with a focus on a proper and feasible manned space system design concept, but it is also highly process-oriented. Team building, getting acquainted with the problem, identifying the team members’ know-how and coordinating process flow and last but not least reviewing the design during evaluation are the processes to be coped with. 2.2.2 Principles of the Design Process The interdisciplinary design process is outlined in Table 2.1. Design team preparation and background research prior to launching the design itself, as well as thorough documentation afterwards, are emphasized due to their importance for a quality design. The workflow is further guided by the following design process principles: • The early phase of the design effort is crucial and should therefore extend far into the design process. This is aided by the use of accumulated, easily accessible knowledge in the form of design heuristics. • Alternatives not selected are not discarded, but kept for future reference as sources of ideas or as fallback options. 9 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 • Important details (e.g. staging locations, crew size) are identified and developed as soon as the task is properly understood and the relevant boundary conditions have sufficiently evolved. From the beginning, they help to provide focus and continuity for the designers’ intent. Task Step Details 0. Design work preparation and monitoring • assemble team, allocate responsibilities • verify consistency throughout the team • perform information retrieval & analysis A. Objectives definition • review mission statement • identify objectives, requirements & constraints B. Mission and system characterisation • develop alternative concepts and architectures • characterise elements • identify design drivers & technical requirements C. Concepts assessment • prepare & evaluate system & subsystem budgets • select baseline scenario D. Requirements verification • review concept & refine mission & elements • allocate requirements on system & subsystem level E. Results documentation • conserve baseline concept and rationales • conserve alternatives for later reference Table 2.1: SSDW process of conceptual design 2.2.3 Principles of the Design The addressing of human-specific aspects by the design team is emphasized. For each step of the design process, the designers are encouraged to adhere to the following conventions: • The “human element”, i.e. the crew, is not treated as a subsystem among many, but is emphasized as the overall design driver; the design objective is the creation of a habitat that optimises crew efficiency. • Human possibilities and limitations determine the types of modules to be used and their internal layout, as well as the dynamic linking of these modules within the overall habitat. • The influence of the human presence on all sub-systems, ranging from maintenance options to ECLSS demands to zero-g disturbances, is taken into account. On a cautionary note, however, the design team should realise that this humancentred paradigm of inhabited space systems conceptual design must be seen in the context of overall design limitations. While the methodology emphasizes optimisation with respect to habitability (and thus crew efficiency), history shows that expedition participants have frequently been able to withstand extreme levels of discomfort, although this significantly reduced their operational efficiency. Exaggerated fear of the “Human Factors Dragon” carries the risk of jeopardising overall mission feasibility. 2.2.4 Integrating the Knowledge: Heuristics of Human Aspects The vast body of knowledge related to optimising human integration and human performance that has been assembled during the past decades represents a crucial resource to the designers of inhabited space systems and must be reviewed in depth during the background research phase of the design process. This adds 10 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart important information to the engineering knowledge already provided by the traditional design approach. However, these insights are usually spread out over a large number of publications. In order to efficiently support the design team with more of the information it needs, an additional collection of the most significant findings and rules for manned space systems design is provided as part of the SSDW methodology. The form chosen for this compilation is that of tables of design heuristics. Heuristics (comparable to “rules of thumb”) are an important element of the conceptual designer’s tool kit. They are especially suited for subjects which cannot be expressed or optimised using only equations and numerical simulation, and are thus ideal for addressing most human-related aspects of spaceflight during the conceptual design phase. 2.3 SSDW Tools To make the conceptual design of a complex technical system feasible, tools supporting design and analysis are crucial. Table 2.2 gives an overview of different types of tools principally used within conceptual design. Often these tools combine implementations in software, manual form or other. Tool Type Tool Details Formal tools • management & documentation tools • creativity & communication tools Field S/M Procedural tools • recipes (step-by-step procedures, approximations) • interference matrix, parameter tables S/M S Analytical tools • mission design calculation schemes • budgeting and parametric system engineering tools M S Numerical tools • Modelling & dynamic simulation software • trajectory generation & optimisation • data analysis & visualisation software S/M M S/M Table 2.2: Types of tools for conceptual design (S,M: system/mission design) 2.3.1 Software Tools Software programmes are indispensable for a rapid and efficient conceptual design process, especially if several iteration loops – and thus repetitive execution of numerical analysis tasks – are required. Besides the modelling and simulations, visualisation of data and design concepts are important tasks. Because the SSDW is so design-intensive and because of the short timeframe, the tools to be used during the workshop must meet certain prerequisites: • Easy to learn and intuitive user interface • User friendly and reliable operation • Fast calculation and appropriated output for analysis and visualisation • Configurable to adapt to various design problems • Compatibility with a common operating system • Modular software design to ensure easy further development and software maintenance The package of software tools currently in use consists of custom-developed software dedicated specifically to the conceptual design of space stations as well as commercially available general-purpose software. Figure 2.2 gives an overview 11 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 of the design tools and illustrates how these tools are embedded in the design process. The major software programmes developed at IRS are COMET, ELISSA and IRIS++. This exclusive software package is described in more detail in the following sections. Figure 2.2: SSDW tools within the conceptual design process 2.3.2 COMET – Space Station Configuration Modelling Software COMET stands for „Configuration Modelling and Editing Tool“. It is a proprietary add-on to the commercially available 3D graphics software Cinema4D and it was developed to model and edit space station modules and configurations. It provides an intuitive graphical user interface for generating and managing space station objects and a convenient output filter to export space station configurations as IRIS++ compatible model files for orbit simulations and analysis. This enables quick-turnaround space station design iterations. Figure 2.3: Main user interface of the COMET software 12 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart COMET is object-oriented software using three hierarchically ordered types of object classes (“Spacecraft”, “Module” and “Primitive”): Primitives make up modules, and modules make up a spacecraft or station. Every object can be saved separately to an object library, in which predefined modules and other elements of the International Space Station (ISS) are also readily accessible. Figure 2.3 gives an impression of the COMET user interface. In addition to the principal user interface provided by Cinema4D, the modelling software COMET extends the software with its following components: • COMET object class structure • Object generator for creating various space station elements • Docking assistant for convenient object positioning and alignment • Object library containing main elements of the ISS and transfer vehicles • Output filter to export space station configurations as IRIS++ model files • Data container for geometric, mass and functional properties • Event-triggered update functions for convenient user-object interaction • Tracking preview and verification routine 2.3.4 IRIS++ – Spaceflight Simulation Software IRIS++ is the spacecraft simulation programme developed for the analysis of dynamic space systems. Inputs are the geometry and mass distribution of a space station or platform (provided by COMET), and the simulation commands defining the simulated mission specification. Figure 2.4 illustrates the workflow when using IRIS++. Outputs are stored in data files for post-processing in spreadsheet applications and 3D visualisation. Because IRIS++ is used for educational purposes (i.e. SSDW) and space systems research, it emphasizes generic applicability to a wide range of spaceflight missions. Although emphasis lies on space station applications, IRIS++ provides a generic multi-spacecraft and multi-mission simulation environment. Today simulation scenarios dealt with include Earth, Moon and Mars orbital missions and cis-lunar as well as interplanetary transfer missions. Figure 2.4: IRIS++ program flow and features 13 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 The following features are currently provided: • Command interface to specify mission, attitude control and orbital operations • Attitude dynamics (6D-Euler equations of motion) and attitude control • Orbital dynamics (cartesian and equinoctial parameters) and orbit control • Various numerical integration methods • Perturbations (gravity field, atmosphere, third-body forces, solar radiation pressure, user-defined forces) • Dynamic motion model of the solar system • 3D surface model and shadowing algorithm • Simulation of structural dynamics (i.e. tracking of panels) • Top-level simulation of the AOCS, EPS and TCS subsystems • Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) output file In addition to the state variables, perturbations and model information, specific output data include: • Microgravity levels at user-specified locations within the spacecraft • Shadowed ratio of solar/radiator panel active areas • Accumulated momentum stored in momentum wheels • Propellant consumption due to attitude or orbit control thruster operations 2.3.4 ELISSA – Subsystem Simulation Software ELISSA stands for „Environment for Life-Support Systems Simulation and Analysis“. It is a support tool for the design of subsystems. A powerful, intuitive graphical user interface provides convenient simulation features and easy customisation and extension. The environment is based on the commercially available software „LabVIEW“, providing the graphical programming language „G“. Predefined component libraries exist for the life support system as well as for the power supply and attitude/orbit control subsystems. Using drag-and-drop techniques, the user models the subsystem to be analysed before starting simulation runs, as depicted below. Interactive simulation control allows analysis of dynamic problems. Figure 2.5: ELISSA user interface 14 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart 2.3.5 Supporting Software The Microsoft Office package and other software is used within the SSDW methodology in various fields to support the overall design process: • Spreadsheet application for quick budgeting, estimations, accounting, generation of system balances and graphing of simulation results, • Presentation software to support lectures, communication within the design teams and presentation of design results, • Text editor for reports, handouts and other workshop documents, • VRML software for visualisation and verification of the configuration. Figure 2.6: Examples of supporting software application within the SSDW 2.4 International Design Workshops The methodology and tools described above have been and are continuously used in a complete design environment for annual student workshops on human space mission design. These workshops have been established at various European locations, each time focusing on a challenging space station scenario, namely at: • the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure d‘Aéronautique et de l‘Espace“ (SUPAERO) in Toulouse, France, in 1996, • the International Space University (ISU) in Strasbourg, France, annually between 1997 and 2001 and in 2003, • the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the Universität Stuttgart, Germany, annually between 1997 and 2001, 2005 and 2006, • ESA’s European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, in 2002. The primary objective of the workshops is to give students the opportunity to learn and practice systems engineering on a space-related subject, to provide hands-on experience on the application of knowledge acquired during academic lectures, and to participate in a competitive, international, multidisciplinary team-based design project. At the same time, the workshops help to test and validate the developed methodology and tools, and allow the collection of direct feedback from the participants regarding functionality and usability improvements. The participants come from a variety of fields and backgrounds, but all share a common interest and knowledge about space stations or related topics. They are 15 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 expected to fully commit themselves to their task throughout the workshop in order to play a valuable role in their respective design teams, and to be open-minded towards other cultures and personalities, as social skills become as important as knowledge of technical issues. 2.4.1 Approach and Objectives Within the short timeframe of a SSDW, the participants are confronted with the challenge of space systems engineering, team building and customer presentations. The workshops are usually carried out in the form of an intensive one week programme to enable and facilitate international participation. They generally comprise two parts, focusing on the system design followed by a system evaluation. To ensure a comparable level of background information and familiarisation with methodology, technology and terminology, the SSDW begins with lectures on relevant system and subsystem topics, partly given by selected experts from agencies and industry. The hands-on design teamwork is started as early as possible in the timeline and continues to grow in importance throughout the workshop. The workshop task of the design part is formulated as a Mission Statement including general objectives of the projected human space mission. It can refer to different space station scenarios, e.g. current problems of ISS or other stations in LEO, or future human spaceflight missions beyond Earth orbit such as outposts and infrastructure for Moon and Mars. A virtual customer presents the Mission Statement to the participants that play the role of competing industries in terms of two or more design teams. Subsequent to this kick-off meeting, the workshop follows a typical early project development timeline with its different phases and milestones (Figure 2.7). Preliminary Requirements Review (PRR) Initial Systems Engineering (II) Develop alternatives & the baseline concept incl. budgets System Concept Review (SCR) Systems & Subsystems Engineering (III) Simulations & analysis of the selected concept(s) Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Design Evaluation (IV) SYSTEM DESIGN EVALUATION Final Design Presentation Requirements Engineering (I) Identify project objectives, requirements & constraints Reflect, compare & analyse the differences of the designs Figure 2.7: General SSDW process breakdown The design team members are guided through the steps of the design process by means of handouts with step-by-step instructions and recommendations, socalled “Recipes”. These handouts include information about process milestones and associated deadlines, but they also cover various aspects of space systems development, background information and software tools. Experienced student assistants and the workshop organisers are always on call in case of questions, and proactively observe the design teams to ensure a smooth process flow. The second part of the workshop is the design evaluation of the teams’ findings. The previous design teams are broken up and the participants form several evaluation 16 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart committees, mostly related to sub-systems design. From the educational point of view this part of the workshop emphasizes reviewing the design work and all the decisions made on the way to the final design by reflecting, comparing and analysing the differences of the design results based on the presentation and documentation of all previous work. Hence the students have to develop and to apply special evaluation criteria which allow for a comparison of different design proposal with respect to the initial Mission Statement. From the participants’ perspective the workshop is both goal-oriented and highly process-oriented. The exceptional team challenge includes familiarisation with the problem and the fellow team members, coordination of the process flow, as well as technical design work for a true hands-on systems engineering experience. The evaluation ensures that the students are reflecting their approach and solutions. Task Step Details Management, cost • cost analysis and management • utilisation and future potential Configuration • overall system architecture • assembly strategy and planning AOCS • mission analysis • attitude and orbit control strategy EPS & TCS • electrical power system • thermal control system ECLSS • life support system • synergy analysis Human Factors • habitability and ergonomics PR, marketing • marketing strategy and outreach • documentation and presentation Robotics • robotics design and autonomy Table 2.3: SSDW subteams at the SSDW 2006 2.4.2 Design Team Composition and Room Set-up A typical number of team members in each design team is ten to fifteen, but well-elaborated design results have been achieved with a group size as low as five to eight participants. The various backgrounds, cultural environments and specialisation fields of the team members reflect the multidisciplinary tasks to be solved during the workshop. The team itself nominates a team leader and forms several sub-teams according to specific mission tasks as indicated in Table 2.3. The team leader takes responsibility for proper communication and information flow, organisation of regular team meetings, and the time- and goal-oriented design progress. Analogue to the sub-teams the team’s design room set-up should reflect the particular tasks. This means that similar to ESA’s Concurrent Design Facility (CDF), the room includes networked PC workstations with general and sub-team specific software as well as general presentation, discussion and meeting hardware. Thus, the design teams shall be provided with individual workstations for the sub-teams while at the same time fostering the multidisciplinary direct team interaction which is vitally important for the conceptual design approach. 17 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 3 SSDW 2006 AT THE IRS Prompted by the success of previous Space Station Design Workshops, the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the Universitaet Stuttgart decided to host another workshop within its local facilities in summer 2006. In line with current exploration strategies, the SSDW 2006 tasked with a human mission beyond low Earth orbit in preparation of a sustainable architecture and permanent human presence in cisand translunar space. 3.1 Organisation The SSDW 2006 continued the history of truly international, interdisciplinary and intense workshops. It was hosted and organised by the staff from the IRS with the support of other university institutes and external sponsors. Participants for this workshop were selected after call for applications at the SSDW website, direct mailings to European partner universities and local announcements. 28 participants were chosen from the pool of applicants based on such criteria as educational background, professional experience, English skills and motivation. The team members thus originated from nine different countries, including Australia, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, New Zealand, Russia and the USA, with backgrounds in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, technical cybernetics, architecture and information science. They were assigned to two competing design teams, tagged “Blue” and “Green”, with 14 members each. Each team had a fully equipped design room, including seven laptop computers, a beamer, an interactive pen-display and whiteboard, and a group meeting table. The PCs were set up with general software as well as SSDW specific tools and connected via a local area network and with a printer for each team. Figure 3.1 gives an impression of the intense one-week program of the SSDW 2006. The workshop started Sunday with introductory lectures by SSDW staff and invited guests to ensure a common basic knowledge of systems engineering and space systems design for all participants. On Monday morning, Prof. Messerschmid presented the “Mission Statement” to the students. While the rest of Monday morning and Tuesday morning saw further preparatory lectures, the afternoons were already dedicated to the actual design work, concluding with the requirements review and the system concept review at the end of the respective days. The participants also visited the Institute of Lightweight Construction and Conceptual Design (ILEK) to get some additional inspiration from advanced architecture approaches. The following two days were fully devoted to design team work, where the participants followed the handout guidelines and extensively used the SSDW software tools to detail and analyse their system and subsystem design. The Preliminary Design Review (PDR) on Thursday night concluded the team design phase of the workshop, with the teams finishing their documentation throughout the night. On Friday morning the participants were assigned to evaluation commitees to reflect and analyse the two designs. The day and the workshop culminated in the public presentation of the workshop design and evaluation results to an audience of SSDW and university staff and students. On this occasion, each participant was also awarded a certificate documenting the successful participation in the SSDW 2006. A reception followed and provided possibility for technical and personal 18 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart conversation among participants, staff and visitors. The last day was then used for a short workshop wrap-up and feedback. Time Sun, 23.07. Mon, 24.07. Topic Introduction and Lectures Lectures and Requirements Eng. 08:30 Mission Statement 08:45 and Task Intro 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 Lecture 4: B. Ganzer (IRS) 10:45 F. Renk (IRS) ECLSS Lecture 5: AOCS 11:00 11:15 11:30 Coffee Break Tue, 25.07. Lectures and Systems Engineering Lecture 7: EPS & TCS J. Schlutz (IRS) Lecture 8: Human Factors Wed, 26.07. Thu, 27.07. Systems and Subsystems Eng. Subsystems Eng., Documentation Workshop Workshop Session III: Session III (cont.): Systems and Systems and Subsystems Subsystems Engineering Engineering Coffee Break Coffee Break Messerschmid (IRS) Coffee Break Fri, 28.07. Evaluation and Sat, 29.07. Workshop Final Presentation Introduction to Wrap-Up Session IV: Finalisation of Design Results Documentation Evaluation (if necessary) Coffee Break Coffee Break PRR: Lessons Learned Visit of Workshop Workshop Workshop Robotics Session III (cont.) Session III (cont.) Session IV (cont.) 12:00 Schoonejans (ESA) ILEK Lecture 10: (V27.01) Teamwork Lightweight 12:30 12:45 Initiation W. Sobek (ILEK) 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 IRS Presentation 14:00 Schlutz (IRS) 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 Lecture 1: 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 Snack / Coffee Workshop Wrap-Up Messerschmid (IRS) 12:15 Lunch 12:45 Lunch 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 Lunch Session III (cont.): Session I: Systems and Engineering SSDW Introduction Workshop Subsystems Session II: Engineering Initial Systems Renk (IRS) Lecture 2: Coffee Break Engineering 14:00 Design Results 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 Evaluation (cont.) Documentation and Preparation of Design Team Presentations Coffee Break and Preparation of Evaluation Team 15:30 Presentations 15:45 16:00 16:15 Systems Engineering R. Benz (EADS) Coffee Break Lecture 3: Workshop Session I (cont.) 17:15 Configuration Team Blue 17:30 and SSDW Process System Concept Rev. 17:45 R. Bertrand (ESA) Team Green 18:00 Preliminary Require- 18:30 ments Review (PRR) 16:30 Workshop Coffee Break System Concept Rev. Introduction to SSDW Tools 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 Sofie’s Brauhaus Social Event (Welcome Dinner) Beergarden ... Stuttgart Stuttgart 11:45 12:00 12:30 Lunch Workshop Requirements 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 and Workshop History, ISS & Plans 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 Feedback Structures Welcome Lunch 08:45 Workshop Lecture 6: 12:15 08:30 Evaluation 11:45 Time Topic Session III (cont.) Coffee Break 16:45 17:00 Public Presentations and Graduation Preliminary Design 17:15 (V27.02) 17:30 Review (PDR) 17:45 18:00 Social Event Planetarium Stuttgart Reception 18:30 (V27.02 Foyer) 19:00 19:30 Social Event Lectures Locations Groupwork Main Room Team Design Rooms Other Figure 3.1: Timeline of SSDW 2006 at IRS 3.2 Mission Statement 3.2.1 Situation July 2008. The assembly of the International Space Station (ISS) is well underway to its planned completion. International exploration plans for the post-ISS assembly era, under the leadership of NASA, call for concepts for the next steps of space exploration, including astronaut-piloted missions to destinations in cis- and translunar space. A European-Russian lead project to install a Lunar Space Station (LSS) at the Earth-Moon libration point 1 (EML1) has been studied and ratified by the international partners; and the design and construction of its elements has begun. This space station will be assembled in the timeframe 2015-2018 and in the following serve as a gateway to and from the surface of the Moon and other destinations in near-interplanetary space. ESA and Roskosmos reached an agreement to undertake a demonstration and validation project of the LSS infrastructure in which a new transportation vehicle dubbed Geospace Exploration Vehicle (GEV) is studied which reaches – from low Earth orbit (e.g. assembly at ISS) – not only the LSS station but also destinations such as Sun-Earth libration points (SEL1 & SEL2) and Near Earth Objects (NEOs), with a high degree of re-usability. 19 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 You are a group of space architects and design engineers in the virtual “European Manned Spaceflight Industries (EMSI)”. ESA and Roskosmos jointly invite you to tender for a design study on a human-tended Geospace Exploration Vehicle focusing on maintenance and repair of the LSS and space telescopes stationed on (Halo) orbits around the Sun-Earth libration points. After completion of the design study, ESA will review the competing proposals. 3.2.2 Task Description The primary objective of the conceptual study is to define a transportation vehicle named Geospace Exploration Vehicle, capable of shuttling from LEO to cis- and trans-lunar destinations and back. In particular, the GEV shall: • accommodate a permanent crew of 3 astronauts for servicing missions of satellites at the Sun-Earth libration points of duration of up to 50 days, or 6 astronauts (in “taxi” or rescue mode) for missions of up to 20 days duration; • support mission to the LSS stationed at the Earth-Moon libration point 1 and missions to low Lunar orbit (LLO) to assist in lunar exploration projects; • return the astronauts back to Earth in a re-entry vehicle; • allow for repair, maintenance and other life extension actions of telescopes and infrastructures in trans-lunar space; and • support long-term preparations for mankind’s next steps in space, human expeditions to the Moon and Mars The GEV shall be available at “LSS core complete” which is expected for year 2017. 3.2.3 Background Information on Libration Points The libration points, often also referred to as Lagrange Points, mentioned in the mission statement exist in every system of two bodies orbiting each other. They are five points, where the gravitational and the rotational forces on a third mass, which has to be negligible compared to the two other bodies, are balanced. Three of the points are on the axis connecting the two central bodies and the other two points form an equilateral triangle with these bodies. An example for the libration points of the Earth-Moon system is given in Figure 3.2. Theoretically, L4 and L5 are stable, but with perturbations of the real space environment being present, all five points are unstable. However, orbits about the libration points exist, that require almost no station keeping effort. The collinear points L1 and L2 of the EarthMoon system provide a good staging location on the way to and from the Moon and they also provide good access to the Sun-Earth libration points, which are on almost the same energetic level. The environment of the Sun-Earth libration points is very benign for large space observatories. Dependant on the orbit there are no eclipses or years between two eclipses, providing a stable thermal environment and constant power supply. Furthermore, astronomical observations can be performed uninterrupted from SEL2, since Sun, Figure 3.2: Libration points in the Earth-Moon system Earth and Moon remain close together. 20 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart 3.3 Design Results The difficulty of the above task was to design a human-tended Geospace Exploration Vehicle (GEV) capable of performing two different missions: while for the repair mission to SEL2 a huge payload capability and a robotic arm are required, the rescue and support missions need a life support system suitable for up to six astronauts. Both teams suceeded in fulfilling the requirements given in the mission statement and came up with elaborated GEV designs using the SSDW methodology and software tools as well as the support of the staff from the IRS. This section provides a closer look at the design and simulation results of both teams. Since the GEV development shall be inline and also support the Lunar Space Station (LSS), both teams utilise similar transportation hardware developments such as modified Soyuz crew transfer vehicles, reconfigured ATV elements and modules with ISS heritage. Considering also the political constraints, implicitly given in the mission statement, only the future European Ariane 5-27 and the Russian Soyuz and Angara launchers were used. It is remarkable that, starting from the same mission statement, the two teams developed very different approaches in terms of mission analysis and architecture. Each of these designs shows specific advantages and constraints, providing a perfect starting point for extended design work by merging the strengths of the two concepts. Mission Staging SEL2 mission LLO mission Crew (nominal) Technical data In-orbit mass Departure mass Propulsion EPS (solar) TCS Robotics Team Blue Team Green GEV in LEO (ISS ?) GEV in EML1 (LSS ?) ∆V = 4000 m/s, 76 days ∆V = 4980 m/s, 20 days 3 (4-6 for short duration) ∆V = 1000 m/s, 64 days ∆V = 1400 m/s, 6 days 3 (4-6 for short duration) 25.4 t 95 – 100 t LH2/LOX, MMH/N2O4; Aerobraking 20 kWel (BOL), 12 kWel (EOL) 24.5 kWth (body-mounted) 1 advanced SRMS, Eurobot 21.0 t 26 – 34 t CH4, LOX 10 kWel (BOL), 8 kWel (EOL) 15 kWth (deployable) 1-2 advanced ERA, Eurobot Logistics Assembly 2 Ariane 5 (EOR) Mission/Resupply 2 Ariane 5, 1 Angara (1 Soyuz) 3 Ariane 5 (EOR) 3 Ariane 5, 1 Soyuz (-2 Ariane 5) Table 3.1: Overview and comparison of the SSDW 2006 design results Figure 3.3: Mission analysis and ∆V requirements for SSDW 2006 designs 21 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 3.3.1 Team Blue Due to the different mission scenarios, the GEV design of team blue is planned to be very modular. Configuration and Assembly Basically, the Geospace Exploration Vehicle consists of two different parts: the reusable part with the crew and service modules and the non-reusable part including both crew transport vehicles and the propulsion modules. The reusable part of the GEV contains several modules for the different aspects of the mission: • The Crew and Command Module (CCM, mass 12t, cylindrical 6m x Ø4.5m, based on European COF) includes living quarters, part of the life support system, the control unit for the spacecraft, two large solar panels and body-mounted radiators. The interior is designed with respect to the latest recommendations regarding human factors for long term space missions, i.e. seperated areas for work, living and recreation, private areas for crew, inner dimensions, colouring, etc. • The Service Module (SM, mass 5.45t, cylindrical 4m x Ø4.5m) houses the rest of the life support system, the thermal control system, the main computers, the batteries and the fuel tanks of the attitude control system. It is not pressurized. • The Maintenance and Repair Module (MRM, mass 5.45t, cylindrical 4m x Ø4.5m) is especially designed for the servicing mission to SEL2 and includes all the subsystems required to repair the telescopes: airlock with suits for EVAs, a robotic arm and the Eurobot. There is a payload capacity of approximately 2 tons for spare parts. • The Docking Node System (DNS, mass 3t, spherical Ø3m) is the central connecting element between the modules of the GEV. The complete reusable core structure of the GEV stays in orbit once assembled using two Ariane 5 launches from Kourou, with the CCM and the SM in the first and the DNS, MRM and ATV-Logistic in the second launch. The ATV-Logistic is used for the reorganisation and assembly of the modules after launch. The total in-orbit mass is about 25.4t after both launches. The non-reusable part has to be replaced for each mission. For these high ∆Vs, a Figure 3.4: GEV configuration at LEO staged propulsion system has to be used departure to SEL2, Team Blue to minimize the required propellant. The non-reusable section comprises: • The modified Russian Soyuz vehicle with an improved heat shield for direct reentry from the moon or SEL2. • The ATV Heavy Duty (ATV-HD) as the main booster from LEO to the transfer trajectories. It has a cryogenic VINCI engine (180kN, Isp 467s) and contains around 22t of LH2/LOX, resulting in the total mass of 27t (maximum payload capacity of enhanced Ariane 5-27). • The Large External Tank Module (LETM, based on ATV) extends the tank for LH2/LOX by about 24t. 22 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart • The ATV Low Duty (ATV-LD) uses the RD-72 engine (55.4kN, Isp 340s) with storable propellants (MMH/N2O4) and performs minor orbit manoeuvres. With this modular configuration as shown in Figure 3.4, the GEV is able to perform both missions, which will be described in more detail in the next section. Mission Design and Orbit Control The major design drivers for the mission design were identified to be safety and effectiveness in terms of propellant consumption and ∆V requirements. To fulfil all safety requirements LEO was chosen as the staging location due to its closeness and the possibility to use the ISS as a safe haven. For a SEL2 repair mission the existing reusable part of the GEV is extended with the propulsion elements which are launched with an Ariane 5 each. The crew launches with a Soyuz spacecraft and docks to the GEV in LEO. After checkouts the ATV-HD provides the neccessary ∆V of 3200m/s for the transfer injection to SEL2, followed by jettison of the now empty ATV-HD and LETM. The transfer time to SEL2 strongly depends on that first ∆V, with 3200m/s the transfer time is around 34 days. The ATV-LD is used for orbit insertion (340m/s) into the Halo orbit about SEL2, rendezvous with the target for a staytime of about 8 days, and transfer injection to Earth (340m/s). While the Soyuz with the astronauts separates from the main vehicle for a direct reentry, the GEV uses a complicated aerobraking manoeuvre to reach LEO again. All this results in a large total ∆V of about 4000m/s, where a higher ∆V capability could reduce the mission time to 48 days instead of 76. The general setup for a LLO rescue mission is the same, with the MRM being left behind in LEO (possibly at the ISS). Then the ATV-HD provides the transfer injection with a ∆V of 3150m/s (5 days transfer time). The ATV-LD can provide the ∆V for LLO insertion, rendezvous and docking, and trans-lunar injection. Again the Soyuz returns directly to Earth and the GEV uses aerobraking. The total ∆V is 4980m/s for this mission. A major disadvantage of the design is that the timing is very important because the transfer to the moon is only possible once about every 11 days. Keeping the idea of a Russian-European cooperation in mind, both Russian and European launchers are used. While the Ariane 5 launches only from Kourou, the Soyuz and Angara rockets are launched from Baikonur. Naturally the support of the International Space Station (ISS) and Lunar Space Station (LSS) is also possible using these launch sites. The most interesting part of the mission design is the aerobraking manoeuvre for LEO recapture. Using only small ∆Vs from the ATV-LD for orbit corrections, the GEV reaches its final circular orbit after about 95 to 100 days and enters the atmosphere repeatedly down to 105110km (Figure 3.5). This aerobraking manoeuvre reduces the total ∆V for both missions significantly, while still allowing up to two missions per year. The Figure 3.5: Altitude developing during aerobraking as well as the orbit control aerobraking, Team Blue requirements in the parking orbit were calculated using the IRIS++ software provided by the SSDW. 23 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 Subsystems Most of the subsystems are based on current systems and technologies. The attitude control system uses bipropellant hydrazine thrusters. The electrical power system consists of two solar panels with an overall surface area of 100m² providing up to 20kW (BOL) in travel-mode. The energy is stored using four battery sets with Li-Ion cells. Around 75m² of radiator surface are body mounted on the modules, which can also be used as shield against micro-meteroids and debris. A robotic arm, based on the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS) and capable of lifting up to 30t, is mounted to the MRM. Additionaly one Eurobot, also stored in the MRM, can be used to support the astronauts during EVAs. The life support system ensures a habitable environment and consists of the following subsystems: atmosphere management, water management, food management, waste management, and radiation protection. For the atmosphere management and the water recycling a (semi-)regenerative system is provided, while food, waste and water pollutants are stored (Figure 3.6). Figure 3.6: Sketch of the GEV-ECLSS, Team Blue 3.3.2 Team Green The GEV designed by Team Green is based on a linear and modular structure. As shown in Figure 3.7 large free space is provided for maintenance activities. The main difference of this GEV approach is its localisation at the Lunar Space Station (LSS) in the Earth-Moon libration point 1 (EML1). This significantly reduces vehicle mass and ∆V requirements, however, it comes with a more complicated logistics need. Assembly and Configuration The reusable GEV itself comprises three modules: • The Habitation Module (HM, mass 12t, cylindrical 8m x Ø4.15m) offers the complete life support system with radiation shielding, habitation volume, and the thermal control system. Extensive work has been done concerning the human aspects and particularly the interior design of this module. It 24 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart is divided into three parts, dedicated to private and common activities and the operation interface respectively. • The Mission Module (MM, mass 2.5-5t, cylindrical 2.5m x Ø4.5m) has three docking ports and one airlock. Two lightweight truss elements on both sides are used to store the maintenance payload and robotics. • The Service and Propulsion Module (SPM, mass 21t, cylindrical 9m x Ø4.5m) contains the fuel tanks, the fuel cells for the ECLSS, the solar arrays as well as thrusters and gyros for attitude control. Its CH4/LOX main engine (30kN, Isp 360s) boosts the spacecraft during the mission. The GEV is assembled in LEO within one year and transferred to EML1 using the ATV-HD transfer vehicle with two additional external tanks. This mission scenario requires only a single boost to EML1, where the GEV is docked to the LSS. It results in a total, reusable in-orbit dry mass of about 21t. Basically the already developed transport elements for the LSS are used to provide crew exchange and resupply flights for GEV mission preparation. A Soyuz Crew Transfer Vehicle (S-CTV) brings the astronauts to EML1, while an ATV-derived cargo vehicle carries fuel, pressurized and unpressurized cargo. Each of them needs an ATV-HD kick stage for transfer injection, resulting in two launches each for crew and supply flights. Due to the large size of the SPM, two missions can be flown with one tank refill from Earth, possibly reducing the necessary number of launches for GEV operations. Figure 3.7: The reusable GEV configuration, Team Green Mission Design The GEV is stationed in EML1 where the crew and the supply modules joining it for a mission. These modules are left behind while the GEV (HM, MM, SPM) travels to SEL2 or LLO. Due to the staging in EML1, the ∆V for the actual missions is drastically reduced, being about 1000m/s as a very conservative round-trip estimate to SEL2 and about 1400m/s for the round-trip to LLO. This can easily be handled by the SPM without any need for further propulsion modules. After the mission the GEV returns to the LSS and the astronauts use the S-CTV for the flight back to Earth. This configuration allows transferring only the required mass from and back to Earth. Also it makes complicated and costly manoeuvres for Earth recapture unneccessary since only the crew vehicle returns using a direct reentry. Docked to the LSS the GEV can stay in standby mode or be used as temporary extension of the station capabilities. Subsystems and Simulation Results Some new technologies have been used like ultra-thin GaAs solar cells (46m2, 4kg/ kW) and advanced carbon-carbon heatpipe radiators (15.6m2, 2.11kg/m2). For the repair mission a single manipulator arm derived from the European ERA (DS-ERA) and a compact multi arm robot (Eurorobot) are used. If necessary, the LSS robotic arm could be taken for further support to astronauts and maintenance tasks. 25 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 The life support system is based on a partially regenerative physiochemical system optimized for serving three astronauts for about 70 days with a margin of 14 days. It supports long standby periods and easy starts. Water and oxygen cycles (Figure 3.8) have been designed as regenerative systems while food shall be supplied and solid waste will be discarded. Based on an Electrochemical Depolarized Concentrator (EDC) for CO2 removal, a Sabatier reactor (SR, H20 recovery), a Vapour Phase Catalytic Ammonia Removal (VPCAR, H20 processing) and Multifiltration units (waste water processing) the ECLSS ensures redundancy. A synergy with the radiation protection is identified since the water tanks protect the crew. For safety reasons, the control devices are disposed all along the Habitation Module and each compartment is autonomous in terms of atmosphere management. A Salad Machine is used for experimentation with respect to future exploration. Figure 3.8: Air (left) and water (right) management in the ECLSS, Team Green Several system failures such as damaged CO2 filtration, oxygen tank leakage and complete system failure have been simulated using the ELISSA software and showed sufficient safety factors for the crew. In case of a complete failure of the atmosphere management, a number of non-renewable elements such as oxygen candles and CO2 absorption pads can be used. Table 3.2 exemplarily presents the survival time in case of oxygen tank damage, which shows to be long enough for a three astronaut crew to return from SEL2 to the LSS if half of the oxygen is lost. The cost of development and 10 missions operations has been estimated at about 8.5 billion €. As future options some alternative launchers could be used and inflatable structures could improve usable volume. Since the GEV is a modular structure it is easily upgraded and new missions could become possible by variation of the configuration and modules. Crew Loss of 1/2 O2 tanks Total loss of O2 tanks 3 32.00 days 13.03 days 6 16.00 days 6.65 days Table 3.2: Survival days (non-toxic) with oxygen tank loss, simulated by Team Green 26 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart 3.4 Design Evaluation 3.4.1 Evaluation Task After the designs of the space stations were completed and the results presented, the teams were disbanded. With respect to their task during the conceptual design phase the former team members were now reassigned to one of seven evaluation committees (see below). Each committee focuses on different evaluation criteria regarding the accomplishment of the objectives, the requirements and the constraints specified in the mission statement: • Committee 1 : Utilization and Programmatics a) Utilization potential according to customer’s demands b) International cooperation c) Costs • Committee 2 : Overall Configuration a) Minimum configuration and growth scenarios b) Overall mass and size comparison c) Pressurized module and external facility configuration d) Rendezvous and docking • Committee 3 : Mission Design a) Mission/Systems hardware concept b) Assembly strategy c) Operations strategy • Committee 4 : Attitude and Orbit Control Issues a) Orbit control and trajectories b) Attitude stability and controllability • Committee 5 : Subsystem Issues a) Power generation b) Thermal Control c) Propulsion d) Synergetic Issues • Committee 6 : Human Aspects a) Environmental Control and Life Support System b) Radiation protection c) Human Factors • Committee 7 : Operations and Servicing a) Operations b) Robotics c) Extravehicular activities 3.4.2 Evaluation Findings Each committee examined and analysed the designs of Team Blue and Team Green in detail. This section summarises the results of three exemplary committees – Committee 2, Committee 5, and Committee 6 – and shows how the members of both teams reflected their own designs and evaluated the different solutions. 27 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 Committee 2: Overall Configuration To evaluate the space station configuration the committee compared general configuration issues like mass, hardware concept, and crew safety. Both teams presented a successful configuration without any major flaws or conceptual mistakes. a) Minimum configuration and growth scenarios Both GEVs are quite well balanced. Team Blue offers better expansion capabilities by two free docking ports and four reusable modules whereas Team Green provides one docking port and three reusable modules. Team Blue has to consider the balance issue when docking only one additional module at the DNS. b) Overall mass and size comparison Parking the space station at the LSS, size and weight of the GEV of Team Green are smaller than for the vehicle of Team Blue parking the GEV in LEO: Team Green installs a total mass of 37t in space in contrast to 100t of Team Blue. But consequently the re-supply mass of Team Green is much higher. Comparing the power budgets Team Blue demands 50% more power than Team Green, resulting in a bigger EPS. c) Pressurized module and external facility configuration None of both teams appoints a defined crew orientation. Both teams provide redundant access and no dual egress. Team Blue permanently offers the Soyuz vehicle as escape vehicle while Team Green’s escape vehicle is left at the LSS. d) Rendezvous and docking For rendezvous and docking manoeuvres Team Blue provides better redundancy than Team Green. There is no special flight mode needed in both vehicle designs. Committee 5: Subsystem Issues The task of Committee 5 was the analysis of the design strategy. The type, the technology and the amount of subsystem elements and their synergetic relations are compared. a) Power generation Both teams provide a combination of solar arrays for power generation and lithiumion batteries for energy storage, thus no future technologies like solar dynamic generators or regenerative fuel cells are considered. Team Green calculated a maximum of 8kW based on calculations of each subsystem whereas Team Blue assumed a maximum power of 12kW by an extrapolation of existing space stations. Team Green installed solar arrays of ultra-thin-film GaAs cells, a future technology available at 2015 with higher efficiency. The area of the panels is calculated to 46m². Team Blue resorted to conventional GaAs cells with an area for the panels of 100m². The Li-Ion batteries of Team Blue are a new generation and supply 8.8kWh fully charged and are used for shadow phases, Team Green installed a battery supply of 35.6kWh absorbing power peaks or emergencies of the system and forfeits the mass advantage by the solar panels. b) Thermal Control The thermal control system of Team Green consists of a 33kg light carbon-carbon heat pipe radiator rejecting a heat of 12kW. It outmatches the conventional bodymounted radiator with a mass of 750kg at 23kW used by Team Blue. 28 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart c) Propulsion Both teams developed propulsion systems for the main propulsion and the AOCS. Team Blue elaborated a more detailed concept for the main propulsion system consisting of an ATV-HD equipped with a VINCI engine using LH2/LOX as propellant, an ATV-LD equipped with a RS 72 engine using MMH/N2O4 as propellant and a Large External Tank Module (LETM) carrying 17.8 t of propellant for the ATV-HD. The maximum propellant mass is 20 t. The AOCS provides two sets of 16 thrusters: one set for AOCS during assembly and assisting the GEV, another set is scattered over the complete GEV structure. Team Green uses 40 thrusters and four CMG systems with three CMGs per system. They are placed on the SPM, HM, and MM. The main propulsion is a 30 kN engine running on CH4/LOX as propellant but not specified in detail. The maximum propellant mass is 25 t. Differences to Team Blue result from the different mission concept. d) Synergetic Issues Both teams integrate synergetic effects. Docking the GEV to the LSS, Team Green identified synergisms like additional living room capacity, robotic support and AOCS capability. 1.5 t of re-supply mass can be provided for the LSS. The GEV can be used as a rescue module for the LSS crew in case of emergency. Solar arrays and radiator panels support the AOCS. Team Blue combined the solar arrays with aero braking manoeuvres and calculated the saved propellant. The body mounted radiators also serve as a protection shield against debris and meteoroid impacts. Committee 6: Human Aspects Committee 6 analyzed the elements and the performance of the ECLSS. The criteria base on rateable facts written in the final report and the final presentation of each team. The radiation protection is evaluated by comparison of mass and GEV position. Evaluating the Human Factors the committee refers to detailed ideas of each team. a) Environmental Control and Life Support System The ECLSS of both teams differ scarcely. The main difference occurs at the failure management in the atmosphere system. Team Green uses oxygen candles and CO2 absorption pads whereas Team Blue provides redundant second devices. Considering gas losses through leakage both teams designed a widely closed atmosphere system consisting of an EDC, Sabatier Reactor, SWFE, TCCS, and CHX. The water system is half-closed and arranged by multifiltration and urine filtration. Open loops are applied for food (re-supply) and waste (return) management. Studies at biological systems for closing the carbon loop are offered by a photobioreactor (Team Blue) and a salad machine (Team Green). The ECLSS of Team Green is capable of performing a mission of 70 days with three persons, Team Blue regarded a mission of 80 days with three persons and a mission of 30 days with six persons. Team Blue calculated a higher total mass for its ECLSS than Team Green. b) Radiation protection Radiation protection against solar flares, the most minatory radiation source in terms of the mission statement, is adequately considered by both teams. The equivalent masses for both shelters result from a combined structure of the water tank and an aluminium structure. The shelters have to be positioned perpendicularly to the Sun during relevant solar activities. c) Human Factors Human Factors contain many different aspects like zoning, interior design, 29 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 ergonomics, scheduling, operation responsibilities, social organisation, and psychological support. Team Green designed a very detailed concept of the interior design of the HM incorporating many human factors aspects. Three zones are created for privacy, working and social activities with appropriate lighting, colours and window locations. A detailed division for the crew and the ground support were elaborated depending on the mission mode. The daily schedule was composed in terms of a regular operation mode. Team Blue provides also three zones, a schedule, and a social structure but not in the same detail as Team Green. 3.5 Feedback To provide feedback the participants were ask to fill in questionnaires concerning the tools, methodology and the SSDW in general. Many participants returned the completed forms with valuable information to improve the workshop. The outcome is very encouraging as indicated in the figures below. The diagrams show the most relevant results, based on 18 questionnaires. The participants regarded the task as very challenging. Yet they greatly enjoyed and appreciated the workshop, as also reflected by the quotes and comments below. “... good opportunity to train team working and also project management ...” “The workshop made clear that we need more of these to prepare students for their life after university ...” “... it was nice to meet so many people from many different countries, exchange ideas, design together ...” “Experience, knowledge, fun and friends - what do you want more?” “Excellent, well worth the effort to come. The task was very interesting and I learned a lot new things. The atmosphere was very good and the organizers were helpful and friendly ...” “Great social events...“ “I was expecting to put the theoretical work we learn in university into practical use, and it turned out pretty well. ... It is a really valuable experience that I can recommend to other people.” “It was a really good experience. It enabled me to learn a lot about project designing, space engineering and team working. I want to thank all persons who worked out to make this great event happen and also all the participants for having such a good time together.” 30 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart 4 CONCLUSIONS The Space Station Design Workshop 2006 at the Institute of Space Systems in Stuttgart was yet another very successful and intensive event. With 27 truly motivated participants from all over the world, it demonstrated the demand and the potential of such interdisciplinary workshopon human space missions and systems engineering in general. Reacting to the current and future human exploration strategies to Moon and Mars, the SSDW environment has been extended within the last years and the students were tasked with a transportation scenario within the framework of a sustainable exploration architecture. The Geospace Exploration Vehicle (GEV) is a versatile space systems, capable of travelling to numerous destinations in cis- and translunar space. Its primary task are servicing missions to multi-billion-dollar hardware installed at SEL2, but it can also support lunar exploration as a transfer or rescue vehicle. Supported by a concise, yet flexible methodology, by customised, intuitive, rapidturnaround software tools and by experienced scientific staff the students and young professionals successfully tackled this complex design problem. Both designs, although very different in their implementation, show a high level of detail and fulfil the objectives and requirements of the Mission Statement. Therefore, the SSDW 2006 once again tested and verified its developing methodology and tools. Future workshops will benefit from its findings, seeing also further expansion of the tool capabilities to speed up the design process through integration of analysis and simulation tools with various levels of detail. More exploration mission scenarios towards Moon, Mars, and other interplanetary destinations within our solar system will provide a great range of Mission Statements for upcoming workshops, creating a design environment and educating capable system engineers for our future in space. We want to thank all guests, supporters and participants for their commitment and contributions that made this SSDW such a success and valuable experience for all of us. 31 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 32 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart 33 Space Station Design Workshop 2006 34 Institute of Space Systems, Universitaet Stuttgart 35 Contact Information Space Station Design Workshop (SSDW) Team Institute of Space Systems (Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme, IRS) Universität Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 31 70569 Stuttgart Germany Phone: +49 - 711 - 685 62375 Fax: +49 - 711 - 685 63596 Mail: [email protected]