Project List, Huaian, Jiangsu Province


Project List, Huaian, Jiangsu Province
Stadt Huaian liegt im Norden des Yangtze-Deltas und ist eine bezirksfreie Stadt mit 5,43
Millionen Einwohnern in der Provinz Jiangsu. Die Fläche umfasst 10.100 km2. Die wichtigsten
Industriezweige sind Chemie, Maschinenbau, Lebensmittelindustrie und Landwirtschaft. Huaian
hat reiche nichtmetallische, mineralische Rohstoffvorkommen. Das nachgewiesene
Steinsalzvorkommen beträgt 130 Milliarden Tonnen, was weltweit den ersten Platz unter den
Lagerstätten bedeutet. Die Reserve an Glaubersalz beträgt 3,5 Milliarden Tonnen und die von
Attapulgit beläuft sich auf 500 Millionen Tonnen. Dies entspricht einem Anteil von 70% in China.
Seit fast 20 Jahren weist Huaian jährlich zweistellige Wachstumsraten der Wirtschaft auf. Im Jahr
2012 lag das BIP in Huaian bei etwa 32 Milliarden US-Dollar und das Pro-Kopf-BIP bei etwa
6.000 US-Dollar. Produktion und Dienstleistung sind die wichtigsten Wirtschaftszweige
Huainans geworden.
Huaian hat ein gut ausgebautes Verkehrsnetz, das Autobahnen, Wasserstraßen und Luftverkehr
flexibel miteinander verbindet. Der Flughafen Huaian bietet 14 regelmäßige Linienflüge nach
Peking, Hong Kong und andere Städte.
Es gibt in Huaian insgesamt 7 Universitäten und Hochschulen, 43 berufsbildende Schulen und
mehr als 192.000 eingeschriebene Studenten. Diese sorgen für ausreichend qualifiziertes
fachliches und technisches Personal für die weitere wirtschaftliche Entwicklung.
Offenes Denken, günstige Investitionspolitik, gute Infrastruktur, Rohstoffreichtum und zahlreich
vorhandenes technisches Personal ziehen immer mehr ausländische Investoren und Partner nach
Huaian. Derzeit haben schon 16 deutsche Unternehmen in Huaian investiert.
Project List, Huaian, Jiangsu Province
1. Production of new chemical function materials of polyether polyol,portfolio
polyethepolyol,benzophenone,lubricating oil with polyether,new functional materials of
polyurethane,polyurethane elastomer,polyurethane fiber and liquid crystal intermediates
2. Production of the products of vehicle transmission system
3. An annual capacity of 30 thousand tons of forging machines
4. An annual capacity of 200 thousand pieces of automobile hubs
5. An annual capacity of 400 thousand tons of polyester chips
6. An annual capacity of 1 million tons or more of sodium carbonate,vacuum salt
production,compound fertilizer,sodium silicate,synthetic detergents, glass fabric,daily glass
products and so on
7. An annual capacity of 500 thousand tons or more of ionic membrane caustic
soda,hydrochloric acid,hydrogen peroxide,PVC,epoxy silane chloride knob and so on
8. An annual capacity of 200 thousand tons of ethylene
9. The projects of caprolactam,nylon 66,melt spinning spandex resin,1, 3-propanediol,viscose
10. The projects of TDI (toluene diisocynate),MDI (Diphenylmethane diisocyanate).
11. Chlorinated polymer:chlorinated polyvinyl chloride,chlorinated rubber, chlorinated
polypropylene,chlorinated paraffin,chlorinated polyether, chlorinated polyethylene,CEVA
12. Agricultural chemicals: pesticide、herbicide、bactericide、growth regulator and pesticide
13. Auto parts processing
14. Production of petroleum machinery equipment
15. Production of coal mine machinery equipment
16. Automatic control instrument and cable
Huaian Entrepreneurs and Company Profiles
1. Mr. Wang Zhong,President of Jiangsu Jinhu Euro Land Motor Co., Ltd. The company is
located in Jinhu County and was established in June 2011, with a total investment of RMB2.5 billion.
After completion of the e construction, the company can produce 125,000 super new energy vehicles
per year.
Purpose of the visit: Looking for partners in developing and producing new energy vehicles.
Website: E-mail: [email protected],
2. Mr. Liu Renguang, President of Jiangsu Hongguang Instrument Co., Ltd. The company is
engaged in industrial automation control equipments, industrial automation instrumentation, industrial
wireless control system and wireless sensors and other products. The company has 420 staff, including
137 engineers and technical persons. The company has 60 independent intellectual property rights,
and 23 items of China and Jiangsu science and technology projects. 8 products were identified as
"high-tech products in Jiangsu province".
Purpose of the visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
Website:, E-mail:[email protected]
3. Mr. Tang Xuegeng,, General manager of Jiangsu Jinshi Machinery Group Co., Ltd. The
company is the largest professional enterprise of R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of high
pressure oil&gas wellhead equipments in China. 70% of the products are exported to over 30
countries in Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia. Jinshi Group is a supplier of equipment and
services in energy industry and committed to supplying innovative and customized quality products,
technological services and customer-prioritized project solutions in oil/gas industry for the long-term
benefit of customers and to meet requirement of energy industry for safety and environment.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
E-mail: [email protected], Web:
4. Mr. Liang Guihua, President of Cepal Group Co., Ltd. Cepal Group is engaged mainly in
producing pressure instruments, valves and machineries for petro-industries.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
5. Mr. Liu Cheng, President of Jiangsu Yingheng Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. The company is
located in Jiangsu Huai’an Saline-alkali Sci-Tech Industrial Park. mainly produces
MDI new functional materials, MDI polyurethane elastomer, MDI polyurethane fiber and liquid
crystal intermediates.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
Website: , Email: [email protected]
6. Mr. Wu Yaojun, President of Huaian Guorui Chemical Co., Ltd. The company mainly
manufactures crop protection products of high effectiveness, low mammalian toxicity and low residue,
and the main products are 8 new pesticides and intermediates including new fluorine-containing
pesticide and intermediates, cyproconazole-new green effective fungicide and oxime strain lipid TC
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
Website: , Email: [email protected]
7. Mr. Zhou Xiaoyun, President of Jiangsu Jiangsu New Dongfeng Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.
The company is located in Jiangsu Huai'an Saline-alkali Sci-Tech Industrial Park. The main products
are acrylate, adhesives series and tetrachlorobenzoquinone, which are widely used in many industries
of paint, textile, synthetic fiber, healthcare, etc and are rated as high-tech products
by Jiangsu provincial Science & Technology Department.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
8. Mr. Ji Yuxiang, President of Jiangsu Anpon Electrochemical Co., Ltd. The company is a
engaged in production of chlor-alkali, fine chemicals and pesticides. Founded in 1958, it is directly
under ChemChina China National Agrochemical Corporation. It has its own thermal power plant with
an installed capacity of 40,000 kilowatts. It has a number of proprietary technologies in the field of
chemical manufacturing. The production process of ethephon, brine denitrification, caustic soda
through the brine and more have respectively obtained the Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology
Progress Award. Anpon’s export products include Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, N-Butylisocyanate,
Ethephon, Etc. The main export area include USA, Europe, Australia and South-East Asia.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets, E-mail:yaojuan
9.MINTH Group Ltd. was established in 1992, MINTH Auto Parts Company is in the field of
exterior auto-parts of passenger vehicle in Mainland China. On 1 December 2005, MINTH Group was
listed in Hongkong Stock Exchange (stock code: 0425). MINTH has now expanded to become a
leading supplier in design, manufacturing and sales of body structural parts, trims and decorative parts
of passenger vehicles. It is constantly increasing its export sales globally and enhancing its R&D
capabilities, with a team of 600 specialists. Sales and Design Centers were established in international
auto markets like Tokyo, Munich, and Detroit. Production facilities were established in the US,
Thailand, and Mexico. Looking at the future, MINTH will expand into emerging markets, such as
India, Brazil and Russia.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
Website:, Email:[email protected]
10. Mr.Wu Jiaxiang, President of Jiangsu Tianhuai Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. The company’s main
products are large diameter seamless steel pipe, especially line pipe, chemical pipe, boiler tube and
other products which with special request, with an annual capacity of 1 million tons large diameter
seamless steel pipe.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
E-mail:[email protected]
11. Charles Holdings Ltd. The company is engaged in the production of system shock equipment and
isolation equipment manufacturer. Our products are viscosity damper, beam system diagonal
brace, system shock wall lamp and so on.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
12. Mr. Zhang Lei, President of Huaian Jinding Tool Co., Ltd The company is mainly engaged in
the manufacture and sale of drill and hardware tools. The products are mainly exported to Europe, the
United States, Hongkong, Taiwan and other countries and regions.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
13. Mr.Jiang Bo, President of Jiangsu Minkang Grease Co., Ltd. The company produces edible
soybean oil, and first standard level, second level of soybean meal and whole bulking large soybean
meal with high value-added.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
Website:, E-mail: [email protected]
14. Mr. Chen Yinping, President of Jiangsu Zhonglifang Industrial Co., Ltd. The company’s
production equipment includes 4 electrical membrane, a coating film and two Packaging films, which
can produce electrical film of 8000 tons every year. It is one of the biggest producers of biaxially
oriented film in China.
Purpose of visit: Looking for partners, technology and markets
Website:, E-mail: [email protected]