German language skills


German language skills
Course Outline
ISU Frankfurt
ISU Frankfurt 2016
Table of content
German Beginner 1............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Lecturer: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Course description .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Course objectives & content of the classes ..................................................................................................... 3
German Beginner 2............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Lecturer: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Course description & objectives .......................................................................................................................... 5
German Intermediate ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Lecturer: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Course description & objectives .......................................................................................................................... 6
German Advanced - Business ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Course description & objectives .......................................................................................................................... 6
General Information about the language course .................................................................................................... 7
Contact hours .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Course materials ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Assessment .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
E-mail and Moodle e-learning platform ............................................................................................................ 7
Academic standards ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Exams ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Professionalism & class participation ............................................................................................................... 7
Missed classes ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Academic honesty...................................................................................................................................................... 8
a joint program of
ISU Frankfurt 2016
German Beginner 1
Annette Lavrut
Course description
In our German lessons you will learn some basic structures and vocabulary in order to communicate during your
stay in Francfort. Besides that, pronunciation training and information about everyday life, culture and history
are always a part of the language training.
The method is highly interactive, using movement and rhythm as well as elements from the „discovery
learning“. I know, German is not considered an easy language, but which language is, when you start? It will be a
new experience and you will learn a pleasant way to approach a language.
Course objectives & content of the classes
All class materials are designed and prepared by the lecturer, Annette Lavrut, based on years of experience of
teaching German for absolute beginners.
to present yourself:
Ich heiße...
Ich wohne in...
Ich komme aus...
Ich studiere...
Ich liebe....
(My name is...)
(I live in...)
(I come from...)
( I study...)
(I love...)
the personal pronouns
ich – du – er/sie/es – wir – ihr – Sie/sie
the German „Sie and sie“ (formel/informel)
How to conjugate a regular verb
er, sie, es
Sie, sie
the alphabet (with a song)
some pronounciation rules:
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ISU Frankfurt 2016
„d“ at the end is always pronounced „t“
„er“ at the end is always pronounced „a“
the „ch“ in „ich“ und „nicht“
Some idioms and how to give a small feedback
„Wie gehts“ - „Entschuldigung“
„Kein Problem“ „Bis bald“ „Schönes Wochenende“ „Ebenso“
interessant / schön / genau / wirklich?
How to conjugate and use the irregular verbs „to be“ and „to have“ in the present tense
and past tense
ich bin /war
du bist /warst
er,sie,ist / war
wir sind /waren
ihr seid /wart
Sie, sie sind/waren
ich habe/hatte
du hast /hattest
er, sie, es hat /hatte
wir haben /hattet
ihr habt /hattet
Sie, sie haben /hatten
To be able to express some feelings
„Ich bin glücklich. Und du?“
„Ich bin auch glücklich“
„Ich bin nicht glücklich“
„Ich bin glücklich und entspannt“
„Ich bin glücklich aber müde“
How to make questions
Wo (where)? Woher (where from)?
Wie (how)?
Was (what)?
Wie viel (how much)? Wie spät (how late)?
Um wie viel Uhr (at what time)?
Dialogues and written exercise
the numbers up to 20
memorizing the numbers
How to ask for a telefonnumber and to be able to give your telefonnumber
the time
Entschuldigung, wie spät ist es?
Dialogues and dictation
30 verbs and to say what you would like to do
Ich möchte schlafen.
Ich möchte ins Kino gehen.
a joint program of
ISU Frankfurt 2016
Ich möchte Musik hören.
„möchte“ is the verb you have to conjugate, the second verb always comes at the end of the sentence in 5
the infinitiv.
To say what you like and dislike to do
„Ich schwimme (auch/nicht)gern“
„Ich flirte gern“
„Ich spiele (auch/nicht)gern Basketball“
„Ich gehe gern ins Restaurant“
(learning and memorizing verbs with gests).
some adjectivs
interessant / modern / lebendig / langweilig / grün / jung / groß / chaotisch
How was Berlin?
How is Francfort?
How is your hometown?
a small text
making questions and banana dictation
German Beginner 2
Kerstin Sharaka
Course description & objectives
In this course you will learn to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most
immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
You will learn to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information
on familiar and routine matters. You also can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background,
immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
German Intermediate
Günter Schäfer
a joint program of
ISU Frankfurt 2016
Course description & objectives
In this course you will learn to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly
encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. You will learn to deal with most situations likely to arise while
travelling in an area where the language is spoken. You will learn to produce simple connected text on topics
that are familiar or of personal interest. You also can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and
ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
German Advanced - Business
Thomas Amos
Course description & objectives
The course covers German economy. We will take a look at famous companies such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz
and/or others as well as on their methods. The idea is combining facts about German companies, interesting
information about Germany as a country and useful expressions to describe business matters in German.
a joint program of
ISU Frankfurt 2016
General Information about the language course
Contact hours
40 contact hours
Course materials
All course material will be provided free of charge – both online (e-learning platform) and as hard copy.
Participants are expected to attend class regularly and to actively engage in discussions. There will be an exam
at the end of the program.
E-mail and Moodle e-learning platform
We strongly encourage you to use our e-Learning Platform Moodle! It will enable you to get the latest
information about your seminars, get in touch with the program administration, our lecturers and your fellow
students. It is also assumed that you check your emails on a regular basis.
Academic standards
Your final grade for the ISU Frankfurt German Class will be set by the lecturer of your class and measured
through two elements:
Oral performance: general participation in classes
Written performance at the final exam
There will be a final written exam scheduled on August 6th, 2014 from 10.45 am to 12.1 pm.
The only materials that may be brought into a test are pencils, pens, and a basic calculator.
No books, cell phones, computers, translators, or programmable calculators will be permitted.
Students will not be permitted to leave the classroom once a test has begun. Please plan accordingly.
Professionalism & class participation
Class participation is considered a prerequisite of the successful completion of the ISU program. We will issue an
attendance list for each class.
Your questions, answers, comments, and insights over the course will not only profit to the whole class. It will
also ensure you a better understanding of the class material and therefore contribute to your success.
Should it be necessary please read the assigned material prior to the class for which it is assigned.
a joint program of
ISU Frankfurt 2016
Thorough preparation will enable you to answer questions and join in class discussions.
Negative contributions to the class will have an adverse effect on your participation grade. Any behaviors that
disrupt the learning environment will be considered negative contributions. Please avoid to be late for class, not
turning off your cell phone before class, leaving class before the end of it, talking while someone else (either the
professor or one of your fellow students) is talking, and any other unprofessional conduct.
Missed classes
We strongly suggest that you come to class. Attendance is your responsibility, and you must accept the risks
with missed classes. If you do miss a class, you should (a) do the reading, (b) get copies of someone’s notes, and
(c) talk to your classmates about what was covered.
Academic honesty
Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will fail, at our discretion, either the assignment in question or the
entire ISU Program.
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