Relationship Management
Relationship Management
Relationship Management: Joint Fundraising – Successful Fundraising! Relationship Management KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association KIT-Relationship Management RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT CareerService 2 22.07.2011 Foundations & Awards Alumni Sponsoring Fundraising Relationship Management The perfect fundraising cycle „Friendraising“ Fundraising Patron „Friendraising“ 3 22.07.2011 Student Alumni „Friendraising“ Relationship Management KIT-CareerService contact for an interface between KIT, students and companies places students in the professional world and supports with applications, internships and jobs is financed by cooperation contracts with companies 4 22.07.2011 Relationship Management KIT-CareerService: Portfolio CareerService Events CareerDays CareerCoaching Cooperations with companies DiversityEvents 5 22.07.2011 Excursions -Fotoshooting -Proof-Read CV Website & Online Job Portal Relationship Management KIT-Foundations & Awards • 6 Handling of different award and scholarship programs, e.g. the alumni scholarship program Bureau takes care of internal and external foundations; integration of new foundations, extending existing foundations Consults internal organizations and students for scholarships, awards, etc. 22.07.2011 Relationship Management Award ceremonies Die Preisträger der 28. Ausschreibung des Umweltpreises der Sparkasse Der stellvertretende SüdwestmetallVorsitzende Dr. Rainer Dulger bei seiner Ansprache 7 22.07.2011 Die Preisträger der 29. Ausschreibung des Umweltpreises der Sparkasse Die Preisträger des SüdwestmetallFörderpreises 2008 Herr Huber Vorsitzender der Sparkasse Karlsruhe Der Vorsitzende der S&G AG Herr Ritz mit der Preisträgerin des 1. Preises Relationship Management KIT-Alumni Founded with 300 alumni in 1996 as „AlumniKaTH“; today 17.500 Alumni in total Nearly 2.000 Alumni live in 100 countries and are organized into 17 international KIT-Alumniclubs Who is an alumni? Graduates, students spending some time at KIT, former colleagues, emeriti Goal By keeping the bonds to our alumni (care, information, etc.) we create a strong commitment to KIT… …commited alumni may be interested in KIT´s future and may be ready to give financial support 8 22.07.2011 Relationship Management KIT-Alumni: Portfolio publications International reunions Third party funds, donations Trips and events 17 international clubs Data care and requests Website and online portal Monthly newsletter 9 22.07.2011 Relationship Management Masterfolie (über: Ansicht – Master – Folienmaster) Die Masterfolie wird genutzt, um grundlegende Elemente der Präsentation festzulegen und ggf. zu ändern. Folgende Elemente können Sie in der Normalansicht individuell eintragen: Inhaltsbereich: Präsentationsüberschrift Unterüberschrift Fakultätsbezeichnung Bildaustausch (graue Lasche am rechten Folienrand – zum leichteren Austausch) Fußzeile (über: Ansicht – Kopf- und Fußzeile) 10 22.07.2011 Relationship Management KIT-Sponsoring Selling of the „brand“ KIT to companies „Image transfer“ Development of sponsoring concepts and tools Agreement negotiations Customer Care 11 22.07.2011 Relationship Management Sponsoring-Portfolio Sponsoring for real estate Sponsoring for lecture halls Projects Backpack for first semester students KIT-Card Internal consulting Sponsoring for events 12 22.07.2011 Relationship Management KIT-Fundraising Our aim is to raise additional funds by relationship management Two approaches: Philanthropic Fundraising (classical) and Sponsoring (business relationship) 13 22.07.2011 Relationship Management Portfolio Fundraising Development of large projects KIT-Foundation Deutschlandstipendium 14 22.07.2011 VIP-programs Events Internal consulting Relationship Management Relationship Management (RSM) contact details Bureaus at Vincenz-Prießnitz-Str. 1 (Campus East) Dr. Dennis Nitsche Head of Relationship Management Email: [email protected] Tel: 0721-608 42037 Diana Knoch Head of CareerService E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: 0721-608 5665 Birgit Schabert Head of Foundations & Awards E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: 0721-608 5462 Claudia Reichert Head of KIT-Alumni E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: 0721-608 6999 Website: (RSM) Julia Nowack Head of Sponsoring E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: 0721-608 6987 15 22.07.2011 Relationship Management