R$ Million - Bradesco RI
R$ Million - Bradesco RI
MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK: GOOD PROSPECTS FOR THE BRAZILIAN ECONOMY EVEN AGAINST A CHALLENGING GLOBAL BACKDROP. Robson Rodrigues Pereira Senior Economist Bradesco Macroeconomic Research Department - DEPEC 5 mar/99 jun/99 set/99 dez/99 mar/00 jun/00 set/00 dez/00 mar/01 jun/01 set/01 dez/01 mar/02 jun/02 set/02 dez/02 mar/03 jun/03 set/03 dez/03 mar/04 jun/04 set/04 dez/04 mar/05 jun/05 set/05 dez/05 mar/06 jun/06 set/06 dez/06 mar/07 jun/07 set/07 dez/07 mar/08 jun/08 set/08 dez/08 mar/09 jun/09 set/09 dez/09 mar/10 jun/10 set/10 dez/10 mar/11 jun/11 set/11 dez/11 mar/12 PMI GLOBAL DEPEC-BRADESCO DO SETOR MANUFATUREIRO DEPEC-BRADESCOÍNDICE GLOBAL PMI INDEX OF FONTE: BLOOMBERG, ECOWIN E CEIC THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR 58 42 6 57.6 56.6 55.2 54 53.9 51.7 50.5 50 46 SOURCE: BLOOMBERG PRODUCTION: BRADESCO 54.4 56.2 52.9 53.2 52.8 47.6 57.0 53.9 53.0 54.0 52.1 51.0 51.5 50.0 47.7 47.4 43.5 38 36.4 34 GROWTH RATE OF WORLD GDP TAXA DE CRESCIMENTO DO PIB DO MUNDO (SOMA DOS PIBs OBTIDA PELA PARIDADE DO PODER DE COMPRA) 1993 - 2012. Fonte: FMI/WEO. Elaboração: Bradesco 6,0 5,2 5,0 5,4 5,0 4,9 4,8 4,6 4,3 4,0 3,8 3,4 3.5 3,5 3,8 3,6 3,3 3,3 2,9 3,0 2,9 2,6 2,3 2,1 2,0 1,0 0,0 2012* 2010 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 2011* SOURCE: IMF/WEO PRODUCTION: BRADESCO 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 7 2009 -0,5 -1,0 MAIN CONSEQUENCES OF THE GLOBAL OUTLOOK FOR THE BRAZILIAN ECONOMY International outlook is deflationary for Brazil (lower world growth and lack of pressure on commodity prices, with some exceptions, as a result of problems with supply); Move towards currency appreciation (plentiful liquidity and growth differential favor Brazil) despite the worsening in the terms of trade; Lower trade balance, due to: 1) World economic slowdown; and 2) High manufacturing idleness in the main economies (increasing competition on the domestic market and preventing a faster response from industry); 8 Impact on investments. business expectations, postponing productive Índice de termos de troca (1996 = 100). Preço das exportações / preço das importações. Fonte: Termos de Troca Funcex. 1999-2007 TERMS OF TRADE INDEX (RATIO BETWEEN EXPORT AND IMPORT PRICES) 130 129.0 1996 = 100 125.6 125 123.2 120 117.8 118.6 115 108.4 110 105 100 101.8 95.1 99.2 96.0 95 90 102.7 98.1 96.0 110.0 96.8 94.4 90.7 86.9 88.0 fev-00 mai-00 ago-00 nov-00 fev-01 mai-01 ago-01 nov-01 fev-02 mai-02 ago-02 nov-02 fev-03 mai-03 ago-03 nov-03 fev-04 mai-04 ago-04 nov-04 fev-05 mai-05 ago-05 nov-05 fev-06 mai-06 ago-06 nov-06 fev-07 mai-07 ago-07 nov-07 fev-08 mai-08 ago-08 nov-08 fev-09 mai-09 ago-09 nov-09 fev-10 mai-10 ago-10 nov-10 fev-11 mai-11 ago-11 nov-11 fev-12 85 93.6 9 SOURCE: FUNCEX PRODUCTION: BRADESCO 07/07/08 04/08/08 01/09/08 29/09/08 27/10/08 24/11/08 22/12/08 19/01/09 16/02/09 16/03/09 13/04/09 11/05/09 08/06/09 06/07/09 03/08/09 31/08/09 28/09/09 26/10/09 23/11/09 21/12/09 18/01/10 15/02/10 15/03/10 12/04/10 10/05/10 07/06/10 05/07/10 02/08/10 30/08/10 27/09/10 25/10/10 22/11/10 20/12/10 17/01/11 14/02/11 14/03/11 11/04/11 09/05/11 06/06/11 04/07/11 01/08/11 29/08/11 26/09/11 24/10/11 21/11/11 19/12/11 16/01/12 13/02/12 12/03/12 09/04/12 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXCHANGE RATE R$/US$ R$/ US$ 2,600 2,504 2,400 2,315 2,231 2,200 1,600 1,562 10 SOURCE: BLOOMBERG PRODUCTION: BRADESCO DECEMBER 2007 R$ 1,77 / US$ DECEMBER 2008 R$ 2,34 / US$ DECEMBER 2009 R$ 1,74 / US$ 1,886 DECEMBER 2010 R$ 1,67 / US$ DECEMBER 2011 R$ 1,88 / US$ DECEMBER 2012 R$ 1,75 / US$ 2,000 1,996 1,860 1,906 1,701 1,653 1,589 1,898 1,800 1,828 1,677 1,693 1,695 1,569 1,400 CURRENT ACCOUNT DEFICIT US$ Billion 11.679 13.000 13.985 13.643 4.177 1.551 4.000 -5.000 -1.811 -7.637 -14.000 -18.384 -23.502 -23.000 -32.000 -25.335 -30.452 -33.416 -41.000 -24.225-23.215 -24.302 -28.192 -50.000 -47.365 -2,3% -52.612 -59.000 PIB -2,1% PIB -68.000 -63.112 -2,5% PIB -77.000 -86.000 11 SOURCE: BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK PRODUCTION AND ESTIMATE : BRADESCO 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 -95.000 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT US$ MILLION 72,000 66,660 63,000 55,000 54,000 48,438 45,058 45,000 36,000 34,585 32,779 28,856 28,578 25,949 27,000 22,457 10.144 18,146 16,590 18,000 15,066 10,144 9,000 12 SOURCE: BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK PRODUCTION AND ESTIMATE: BRADESCO 2012* 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 0 AVERAGE GROWTH OF HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION Crescimento médio do CONSUMO das famílias por períodos em % - Fonte: IBGE AND GDP OVER CERTAIN PERIODS 5,00 Average growth GDP 4,48 4,50 Household consumption 4,09 4,06 4,00 3,60 3,50 3,16 3,00 2,73 2,65 2,50 2,31 2,00 1,50 1,00 0,50 0,00 FHC (1995-2002) 13 SOURCE: IBGE PRODUCTION: BRADESCO Lula (2003 - 2010) Dilma (2011) 17 years (1995 - 2010) AVERAGE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IN BRAZIL´S 6 MAIN METROPOLITAN REGIONS (*) -REGIÕES % TAXA MÉDIA DE DESEMPREGO APURADA PELA PME NAS 6 PRINCIPAIS Fonte: IBGE Elaboração Bradesco METROPOLITANAS DO PAÍS - % 12.3 12.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 10.5 9.9 10.0 9.3 9.5 8.5 7.9 8.1 7.5 6.7 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.5 4.5 2002 14 2003 2004 SOURCE: IBGE (PME) PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (*) São Paulo, Rio, BH, Porto Alegre, Recife and Salvador 2010 2011 2012 NET GENERATION OF FORMAL EMPLOYMENT SEASONALLY-ADJUSTED FIGURES 3-MONTH Geração líquida de emprego formal dessazonalizada - – Média Móvel 3 meses Fonte: Caged Elaboração: Bradesco MOVING AVERAGE Média do Caged em períodos de redução da taxa de juros (80 mil) Média do Caged em INDIVIDUAL JOBS 250.000 213.631 204.686 199.911 200.000 180.813 169.190 149.153 150.000 150.417 157.692 131.814 151.060 124.767 100.000 74.792 98.778 71.463 91.239 79.119 50.000 40.040 39.379 22.456 0 -50.000 fev/12 out/11 jun/11 fev/11 out/10 jun/10 fev/10 out/09 jun/09 fev/09 jun/08 fev/08 out/07 jun/07 fev/07 out/06 jun/06 fev/06 out/05 jun/05 fev/05 out/04 jun/04 fev/04 out/03 jun/03 fev/03 out/02 jun/02 fev/02 out/01 jun/01 fev/01 15 Source: MTE-Caged Production: Bradesco out/08 -82.687 -100.000 acumulado no ano - 1996 - 2009 NET GENERATIONSaldoOF FORMAL EMPLOYMENT Em postos de trabalho ´000 INDIVIDUAL JOBS 2.500 2.137 2.000 1.704 1.617 1.523 1.566 1.452 1.500 1.565 1.254 1.229 995 1.000 658 762 645 591 500 0 -36 -500 -196 -271 -582 -1.000 1996 16 1997 1998 1999 SOURCE: MTE PRODUCTION: BRADESCO 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012* 2013* AVERAGE ANNUAL VARIATION OF SALARY INCREASES BETWEEN 2007 AND 2011 Construction 28,1% Extraction industry 23,3% Domestic services 22,7% Other activities 15,3% Public administration, defense, social security, education, health and social services 12,5% Other services 12,2% Retail, repair of autos, personal and domestic appliances, and retail fuel sales 11,4% Manufacturing industry 9,9% Financial intermediation and real estate activities, rents and services provided to companies 6,5% Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 0,0% SOURCE: PME/IBGE 17 PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 3,3% 5,0% 10,0% 15,0% 20,0% 25,0% 30,0% NOMINAL GROWTH OF TOTAL BANK CREDIT NOMINAL EM 12 MESES DO ESTOQUE TOTAL DE CRÉDITO 2004 - 2017 STOCKCRESCIMENTO IN BRAZIL Fonte: Bacen e (*) 35.0% 31.1% 30.0% 27.8% 25.0% 21.7% 20.0% 20.7% 20.6% 19.2% 19.0% 15.8% 15.2% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 2004 18 2005 2006 SOURCE: BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012* dez/01 fev/02 abr/02 jun/02 ago/02 out/02 dez/02 fev/03 abr/03 jun/03 ago/03 out/03 dez/03 fev/04 abr/04 jun/04 ago/04 out/04 dez/04 fev/05 abr/05 jun/05 ago/05 out/05 dez/05 fev/06 abr/06 jun/06 ago/06 out/06 dez/06 fev/07 abr/07 jun/07 ago/07 out/07 dez/07 fev/08 abr/08 jun/08 ago/08 out/08 dez/08 fev/09 abr/09 jun/09 ago/09 out/09 dez/09 fev/10 abr/10 jun/10 ago/10 out/10 dez/10 fev/11 abr/11 jun/11 ago/11 out/11 dez/11 fev/12 DEFAULT BY INDIVIDUALS (SEASONALLY ADJUSTED) – FIGURES FROM THE NATIONAL Inadimplência pf - dessaz FINANCIAL SYSTEM - SFN 8,6 8,4 19 Over 90 days 7,8 7,3 7,0 7,1 6,8 6,2 6,4 5,4 SOURCE: BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 6,4 6,50 Fonte: BC 15 to 90 days 8,5 7,9 7,7 7,4 7,7 7,1 7,0 6,8 6,5 6,4 5,9 5,7 5,57 4,6 DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD INDEBTNESS Evolução do endividamento e do comprometimento de renda das famílias AND INCOME COMMITMENT IN % 45,0 Indebtedness 42,7 Commitment 40,0 39,2 35,0 32,9 32,2 30,0 24,9 25,0 22,4 22,2 19,6 20,0 18,3 18,3 19,9 18,9 15,0 20 SOURCE: BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK PRODUCTION : BRADESCO jan/12 nov/11 set/11 jul/11 mai/11 mar/11 jan/11 nov/10 set/10 jul/10 mai/10 mar/10 jan/10 nov/09 set/09 jul/09 mai/09 mar/09 jan/09 nov/08 set/08 jul/08 mai/08 mar/08 jan/08 nov/07 set/07 jul/07 mai/07 mar/07 jan/07 nov/06 set/06 jul/06 mai/06 mar/06 jan/06 nov/05 set/05 jul/05 10,0 DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL DEFAULT AND AVERAGE EVOLUÇÃO DA INADIMPLÊNCIA DE PESSOA FÍSICA ACIMA DE 90 OF DIAS ETHE DO CRESCIMENTO MÉDIO DEOF 12 GROWTH OVER 12 MONTHS NUMBER MESES DOS EMPREGADOS FORMAIS DESLIGADOS INVOLUNTARIAMENTE INVOLUNTARY FORMAL JOB LOSSES Periods of high default rates 9,00 20,0% Default rates 8,50 Job losses 8,00 7,90 16,7% 8,50 15,0% 14,1% 7,70 7,70 10,4% 7,50 7,60 10,0% 8,2% 7,00 6,80 6,7% 4,6% 6,00 5,0% 5,1% 6,50 2,2% 1,3% 0,0% 5,87 0,1% 5,70 5,50 -1,8% 21 Source: MTE-Caged and Brazilian Central Bank Production : Bradesco fev/12 nov/11 ago/11 mai/11 fev/11 nov/10 ago/10 mai/10 fev/10 nov/09 ago/09 mai/09 fev/09 nov/08 ago/08 mai/08 fev/08 nov/07 ago/07 mai/07 fev/07 nov/06 ago/06 mai/06 fev/06 nov/05 ago/05 mai/05 fev/05 nov/04 ago/04 mai/04 fev/04 nov/03 ago/03 mai/03 -5,0% fev/03 5,00 INDIVIDUAL DEFAULT IN THE NATIONAL Inadimplência Pessoa Fisíca - Acima de 90 dias RESOURCES) – FINANCIAL SYSTEM - SFN (FREE OVER 90 DAYS Fonte: Bacen e (*) projeções: Bradesco 8,5% 7,90% 8,0% 7,70% 7,60% 7,40% 7,5% 7,00% 7,0% 6,80% 6,74% 6,5% 6,0% 5,70% 5,5% 22 SOURCE: BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 2012* 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 5,0% CORPORATE DEFAULT IN THE NATIONAL FINANCIAL Inadimplência Pessoa Jurídica - Acima de 90 dias SYSTEM - SFN (FREE RESOURCES) – OVER 90 DAYS Fonte: Bacen e (*) projeções: Bradesco 4,0% 3,9% 3,8% 3,5% 3,5% 3,3% 2,7% 2,6% 2,0% 2,0% 1,9% 1,8% 23 SOURCE: BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK PRODUCTION: BRADESCO 2012* 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 1,2% LIKELIHOOD OF EMPLOYED PERSON IN OCT/04 AND OCT/10 LOSING JOB 1 YEAR AHEAD BY LEVEL OF SCHOOLING 7.0% out/04 5.80% 6.0% out/10 5.0% 4.60% 4.20% 4.0% 3.3% 3.5% 3.0% 2.2% 2.0% 1.47% 1.3% 1.0% 0.0% sem instrução e ensino fundamental incompleto SOURCE: PME/IBGE 24 PRODUCTION: BRADESCO ensino fundamental completo e ensino médio incompleto ensino médio completo e superior incompleto superior completo VOLUME DE VENDAS NO COMÉRCIO VAREJISTA AMPLIADO E PRODUÇÃO INDUSTRIAL - MÉDIA MÓVEL TRIMESTRAL DAS SÉRIES DESSAZONALIZADAS AMPLIFIED RETAIL SALES AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION VOLUME – THREE-MONTH AVERAGE OF SEASONALLY-ADJUSTED SERIES Fonte: IBGE Elaboração: Bradesco Janeiro 2003 = 100 January 2003 = 100 205 Retail sales 200,5 195,2 195 Industrial production 203,9 198,0 183,8 185 182,2 173,6 175 161,4 165 155 170,6 149,9 149,2 145 131,0 135 131,9 130,7 126,2 125 116,7 121,4 122,8 118,0 132,2 130,4 127,9 115 105111,6 112,9 108,2 jan/05 mar/05 mai/05 jul/05 set/05 nov/05 jan/06 mar/06 mai/06 jul/06 set/06 nov/06 jan/07 mar/07 mai/07 jul/07 set/07 nov/07 jan/08 mar/08 mai/08 jul/08 set/08 nov/08 jan/09 mar/09 mai/09 jul/09 set/09 nov/09 jan/10 mar/10 mai/10 jul/10 set/10 nov/10 jan/11 mar/11 mai/11 jul/11 set/11 nov/11 jan/12 95 25 SOURCE: IBGE PRODUCTION : BRADESCO EXPORT AND IMPORT COEFFICIENT OF COEFICIENTES DE EXPORTAÇÃO E DE IMPORTAÇÃO DA INDÚSTRIA BRASILEIRA (*) BRAZILIAN INDUSTRY Fonte: FIESP Elaboração: Bradesco 25,0% Coefficient of exports = Exports/Production Coefficient of imports = Imports/(Production – Exports + Imports) 24,0% 23,0% 24,0% 22,7% 22,3% 23,4% 22,0% 21,0% 20,8% 20,9% 21,6% 20,5% 20,2% 19,9% 20,0% 19,4% 19,0% 19,2% 19,8% 18,7% 17,8% 18,0% 18,5% 17,5% 16,9% 17,0% 17,1% 17,1% 16,9% 16,0%15,5% Exports 15,0% Import 15,1% 26 SOURCE: FIESP PRODUCTION: BRADESCO 2011q04 2011q03 2011q02 2011q01 2010q04 2010q03 2010q02 2010q01 2009q04 2009q03 2009q02 2009q01 2008q04 2008q03 2008q02 2008q01 2007q04 2007q03 2007q02 2007q01 2006q04 2006q03 2006q02 2006q01 14,0% nov/05 dez/05 jan/06 fev/06 mar/06 abr/06 mai/06 jun/06 jul/06 ago/06 set/06 out/06 nov/06 dez/06 jan/07 fev/07 mar/07 abr/07 mai/07 jun/07 jul/07 ago/07 set/07 out/07 nov/07 dez/07 jan/08 fev/08 mar/08 abr/08 mai/08 jun/08 jul/08 ago/08 set/08 out/08 nov/08 dez/08 jan/09 fev/09 mar/09 abr/09 mai/09 jun/09 jul/09 ago/09 set/09 out/09 nov/09 dez/09 jan/10 fev/10 mar/10 abr/10 mai/10 jun/10 jul/10 ago/10 set/10 out/10 nov/10 dez/10 jan/11 fev/11 mar/11 abr/11 mai/11 jun/11 jul/11 ago/11 set/11 out/11 nov/11 dez/11 jan/12 fev/12 mar/12 A previsão para a margemMARGIN de lucro de sua empresa INDICATOR OF THE PROFIT OF INDUSTRY (NUMBERS ABOVE 50 POINT TO GROWTH AT THE MARGIN IN THE MONTH AND BELOW THIS LEVEL TO REDUCTION) M argem D essazonali zada 53,0 52,0 50,0 49,0 27 51,8 52,5 51,4 51,0 51,6 51,4 50,0 46,0 44,0 SOURCE AND PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 50,7 50,9 50,3 49,8 49,6 48,0 51,0 51,0 50,6 49,5 49,2 48,4 48,29 47,0 46,8 45,7 45,0 44,6 43,0 PERCENTAGE OFATUAL INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES WHICH COMO EXCESSIVO (DADOS COM AJUSTE SAZONAL) Elaboração: Bradesco REGARD THEIR CURRENT INVENTORIES AS EXCESSIVE (SEASONALLY ADJUSTED FIGURES) PERCENTUAL DE EMPRESAS INDUSTRIAIS QUE CONSIDERAMO ESTOQUE Fonte: FGV 21,30 22,0 17,30 17,0 13,30 12,0 11,60 10,20 9,70 8,30 8,30 9,10 7,50 7,30 7,0 6,50 7,20 10,20 6,30 5,30 5,30 5,20 4,40 4,20 4,20 4,40 mar/12 jan/12 nov/11 set/11 jul/11 mai/11 mar/11 jan/11 nov/10 set/10 jul/10 mai/10 jan/10 nov/09 set/09 jul/09 mai/09 mar/09 jan/09 nov/08 set/08 jul/08 mai/08 mar/08 jan/08 nov/07 set/07 jul/07 mai/07 mar/07 jan/07 set/06 jul/06 mai/06 mar/06 nov/06 SOURCE: FGV PRODUCTION: BRADESCO mar/10 3,10 2,0 28 4,20 GROWTH IN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Fonte: IBGE Elaboração e (p) projeção: Bradesco PRODUÇÃO INDUSTRIAL - CRESCIMENTO PERCENTUAL ANUAL 2001 - 2012 10,5% 11,0% 8,3% 6,0% 6,0% 3,1% 2,7% 3,1% 2,8% 2,0% 1,6% 1,0% 0,3% 0,1% -4,0% -7,4% 29 SOURCE: IBGE/PIM PRODUCTION: BRADESCO 2012* 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 -9,0% Crescimento anual do PIB brasileiro Fonte: IBGE e IPEA GDP GROWTH 8.00 7.5 7.00 6.1 6.00 5.2 5.00 4.7 4.3 4.0 4.00 3.00 2.00 3.7 3.6 2.7 2.5 1.7 1.00 0.00 -0.3 30 SOURCE: IBGE, BRADESCO 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2011-2020 2001-2010 1991-2000 1981-1990 -1.00 DEVELOPMENT OF IPCA INDEX OVER 12 MONTHS 8.5% 8.07% 7.60% 7.5% 7.23% 7.18% 6.87% 6.36% 6.5% 6.41% 6.50% 5.90% 6.06% 6.02% 5.70% 5.29% 5.22% 5.5% 5.21% 4.73% 4.5% 4.18% 4.03% 5.40% 4.84% 4.17% 3.5% SOURCE: FONTE:IBGE IBGE PRODUCTION AND BRADESCO ESTIMATES : BRADESCO ELABORAÇÃO: dez/12 set/12 jun/12 mar/12 dez/11 set/11 jun/11 mar/11 dez/10 set/10 jun/10 mar/10 dez/09 set/09 jun/09 mar/09 dez/08 set/08 jun/08 mar/08 dez/07 set/07 jun/07 mar/07 set/06 jun/06 mar/06 dez/05 set/05 jun/05 mar/05 dez/04 set/04 jun/04 31 dez/06 2.96% 2.5% jan-08 fev-08 mar-08 abr-08 mai-08 jun-08 jul-08 ago-08 set-08 out-08 nov-08 dez-08 jan-09 fev-09 mar-09 abr-09 mai-09 jun-09 jul-09 ago-09 set-09 out-09 nov-09 dez-09 jan-10 fev-10 mar-10 abr-10 mai-10 jun-10 jul-10 ago-10 set-10 out-10 nov-10 dez-10 jan-11 fev-11 mar-11 abr-11 mai-11 jun-11 jul-11 ago-11 set-11 out-11 nov-11 dez-11 jan-12 fev-12 mar-12 abr-12 mai-12 jun-12 jul-12 ago-12 set-12 out-12 nov-12 dez-12 jan-13 fev-13 mar-13 abr-13 mai-13 jun-13 jul-13 ago-13 set-13 out-13 nov-13 dez-13 Cenário básico para a taxa de juros - Selic NOMINAL INTEREST RATES (SELIC) 15.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 9.00% 32 13.75% 13.00% 13.00% 12.75% 12.00% 11.25% 12.50% 11.75% 11.25% 11.25% 11.00% 10.75% 10.25% 9.50% 11.50% 10.50% 10.25% 9.75% 8.75% 8.75% SOURCE: BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK, BRADESCO 9.00% 9.75% 9.50% 9.25% 10.00% 8.00% 7.00% FONTE: BACEN PROJEÇÕES: BRADESCO NET DEBT/GDP RATIO (END OF PERIOD) %GDP 65.0 60.4 60.0 54.8 55.0 52.0 50.6 50.0 48.4 47.3 45.5 45.0 42.1 36.4 36.5 2012* 39.1 38.5 2011 40.0 35.0 33 SOURCE: BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK PRODUCTION AND ESTIMATES : BRADESCO 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 30.0 FAVORABLE LONGTERM OUTLOOK REMAINS. 34 Bonus demográfico (65 anos ou mais + 0 a 14 anos)/(0-65) e Razão de dependência (65 anos ou mais + 0 a 14 anos)/(15-65 anos) CRIANÇAS DEMOGRAPHIC BONUS IN BRAZIL Fonte: IBGE IDOSOS 45,0% %%Children Crianças 40,0% 38,2% 35,7% 35,0% 30,9% 30,0% 25,6% 25,0% BEGINNING INÍCIO BÔNUSOF DEMOGRAPHIC DEMOGRÁFICO: BONUS: 1999 1999 20,0% 22,7% 20,1% 17,0% 17,5% 15,0% 13,1% % Older % Idosos people 12,0% SOURCE: IBGE PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 2050 2048 2046 2044 2042 2040 2038 2036 2034 2032 2026 2024 2022 2020 2018 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1990 1988 1986 1984 4,0% 1982 1980 35 4,5% 1992 4,0% TERMINA BÔNUS DEMOGRAPHIC DEMOGRÁFICO BONUS: 20342034 2030 5,7% 0,0% END OF 7,8% 2028 5,0% 2016 10,0% DEVELOPMENT OF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE FROM THE Em milhões Fonte: IBGE Elaboração: A, B Bradesco AND C INCOME CLASSES IN THE BRAZILIAN POPULATION –12-MONTH MOVING AVERAGE 121,102,291 121,000,000 117,933,943 115,000,000 111,965,788 109,000,000 106,272,871 103,000,000 97,148,698 97,000,000 88,213,993 91,000,000 100,073,160 MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME (Amounts from February 2012) 85,000,000 79,000,000 77,276,507 82,938,042 74,336,800 A CLASS R$ 7,715 OR MORE B CLASS FROM R$ 5,104 TO R$ 7,715 C CLASS FROM R$ 1,276 TO R$ 5,104 D CLASS FROM R$ 771 TO R$ 1,276 E CLASS UP TO R$ 771 fev/04 abr/04 jun/04 ago/04 out/04 dez/04 fev/05 abr/05 jun/05 ago/05 out/05 dez/05 fev/06 abr/06 jun/06 ago/06 out/06 dez/06 fev/07 abr/07 jun/07 ago/07 out/07 dez/07 fev/08 abr/08 jun/08 ago/08 out/08 dez/08 fev/09 abr/09 jun/09 ago/09 out/09 dez/09 fev/10 abr/10 jun/10 ago/10 out/10 dez/10 fev/11 abr/11 jun/11 ago/11 out/11 dez/11 fev/12 73,000,000 36 SOURCE: PME AND PNAD/IBGE PRODUCTION : BRADESCO INVESTMENT PLANS IN BRAZIL Fonte: BNDES Elaboração: Planos de investimento no Brasil - 2011 - 2014 R$ billion 2.000 1.900,9 TOTAL R$ 3.348 TRILLION BRAZIL GDP 2011: R$ 4.15 TRILLION 1.500 1.000 1.046,7 500 400,7 0 Other sectors SOURCE: BNDES PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 37 Industry Infrastructure FONTE: Imprensa Número de empresas que divulgaram investimentos - 2007 a 2011 NUMBER OF INVESTMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS – ACCUMULATED OVER 12 MONTHS NUMBER OF COMPANIES 1,650 1,642 1,639 1,618 1,544 1,425 1,250 1,561 1,494 1,151 1,102 974 850 924 940 806 691 626 646 578 mar/12 jan/12 nov/11 set/11 jul/11 mai/11 mar/11 jan/11 nov/10 set/10 jul/10 mai/10 mar/10 jan/10 nov/09 jul/09 mai/09 mar/09 jan/09 nov/08 set/08 jul/08 mai/08 mar/08 jan/08 nov/07 set/07 jul/07 mai/07 mar/07 SOURCE: PRESS 38 PRODUCTION: BRADESCO set/09 534 450 INVESTMENT RATE IN BRAZIL (GROSS FORMATION OF FIXED CAPITAL AS A PROPORTION OF GDP AT FONTE: IBGE FORMAÇÃO BRUTA DE CAPITAL FIXO COMO PROPORÇÃO DO PIB (VALORES CORRENTES) CURRENT PRICES) ELABORAÇÃO: % 26.00 25.09 24.64 24.20 23.78 24.00 23.37 22.49 22.00 21.63 20.80 20.01 20.00 19.48 19.30 19.13 18.09 18.00 17.46 17.40 16.99 16.91 16.87 17.07 16.45 16.40 16.10 15.95 15.69 16.00 15.31 39 SOURCE: IBGE PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 14.00 BRAZIL: FORMAL EDUCATION IN YEARS OF THE POPULATION AGED OVER 25 7,6 7,4 7,4 7,2 7,2 7,1 7,0 6,9 6,8 6,7 6,6 6,5 6,4 6,4 6,3 40 SOURCE: IBGE PRODUCTION : BRADESCO 2010* 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 6,2 DEPEC-BRADESCO: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK (2008-2020) 5,2 5,9 9,8 13,75% 3,1% 7,9 1,83 2,34 197,9 173,0 24,9 -28,2 -1,7% 206,8 45,1 365,1 97,7 2,1 38,5 31,1 -0,3 4,3 -1,7 8,75% -7,4% 8,1 2,00 1,74 153,0 127,6 25,4 -24,3 -1,6% 239,1 25,9 246,0 61,9 3,4 42,1 15,2 7,5 5,9 11,3 10,75% 10,5% 6,7 1,76 1,67 201,9 181,7 20,2 -47,4 -2,3% 288,6 48,5 279,5 79,6 2,5 39,1 20,6 2,7 6,5 5,1 11,00% 0,3% 6,0 1,67 1,88 256,0 226,2 29,8 -52,6 -2,1% 352,0 66,7 334,1 111,1 2,6 36,4 19,0 3,7 5,4 4,6 9,00% 2,0% 5,5 1,75 1,65 268,8 247,4 21,5 -63,1 -2,5% 384,8 55,0 320,5 117,7 1,9 36,5 15,8 2013-2020 (average) 4,6 4,6 4,5 8,4% 3,6% 4,7 1,97 1,99 398,7 362,2 36,4 -98,8 -2,6% 490,3 73,5 n/a n/a 1,1 29,1 11,2 8,0% 1,8% 7,7% 3,8% 5,7% 3,5% 7,3% 3,9% 6,8% 3,5% 5,8% 2,3% 2008 GDP% CPI (IPCA) % WPI (IGP-M) % Nominal rates (Selic) Industrial Production % Unemployment rate % BRL (R/US$) average BRL (R/US$) eop Exports (US$ Bn) Imports (US$ Bn) Trade balance (US$ Bn) Current account (US$ Bn) Current account % of GDP International Reserves (US$ Bn) FDI (US$ Bn) CRB (Average) Crude Oil (Brent US$/b) - Average Fiscal deficit % of GDP Net Public debt % of GDP Credit outstanding %YoY Non-performing loans Individuals Companies 41 2009 2010 2011 2012 Praça Panamericana branch Presence in All Brazilian Municipalities A B C D E 03 Organic Growth of the Distribution Channels 4,634 3,160 3,359 2007 2008 3,454 3,628 2009 2010 2011 47,827(*) 44,318 34,839 26,104 37,421 20,200 32,412 16,061 11,539 2007 26,084 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 Source: Financial Statements. (1) Includes Branches (in the country and overseas), and ATMs. (*) This figure does not include Banco Posta . 04 2008 2009 2010 2011 Mobility and Other Service Channels 1,296 1,549 2,983 2,399 1,846 99.1 3.5 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 4,480 32.5 4.2 5.5 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 4,429 46,971 43,072 4,112 3,738 37,957 34,524 2,776 2007 29,913 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 Source: Financial Statements (1) in million - (2) Include shared network. 05 05 2008 2009 2010 2011 Distribution Network in Brazil 1,009 New Branches in 2011 Northeast North 28.4% 26.0% 21.7% 21.4% Midwest Southeast 19.1% South 65.1 Million Customers Total service points: 47,827 (1) (1) Includes Market Share (Branches) % 06 Branches (in the country and overseas), and ATMs. Client Segmentation Companies Individuals Minimum investment of R$3 million. Annual revenue over R$250 million. Monthly income starting at R$7,000 or Investment starting at R$80,000. Annual revenue from R$30 million to R$250 million. Monthly income from R$3,000 to R$6,999.99 or Investments starting at R$30,000. Exclusive Small Business Monthly income Individuals up to R$2,999.99. Bradesco Expresso and PAA 07 Annual revenue up to R$30 million. Investments in Infrastructure, IT and Telecommunications R$ Million Investment (2007 to 2011): R$ 16.5 billion 3,457 2,670 2,099 630 3,920 1,087 716 667 478 1,621 2,003 2007 2008 2,827 2009 IT/Telecommunication 4,328 3,204 2010 3,241 2011 Infrastructure Cidade de Deus - IT Building Source: Financial Statements. 08 Strategic Positioning in Sustainability I Floating Bradesco Branch Signatory to the Equator Principles GRI Sustainability Report Financial Education Program Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory 09 Eco-Efficiency Master Plan Banking Inclusion Banking Business Opportunities Payroll - Deductible Loans Investment Banking • Increased investments in Brazil • Access to Bradesco’s relationship network • Target the 7MM pensioners receiving pensions through Bradesco • Target new INSS beneficiaries (190,000 per month) • Leverage origination of private and public agreements • Low Mortgage/GDP ratio • Housing Deficit of over 7.5 million • Long-term relationship with clients Retail Bradesco Empresas • Formalization of the economy • Broader access to banking services • Increased salary and continued social mobility • Synergy with other areas of the Bank • Further segmentation • Consolidation of diverse sectors of the economy Credit Cards • Substitution of payment methods • Social ascension • Broader access to banking services Mortgages Vehicle Financing Corporate • Monitor demand and business opportunities in infrastructure, consumption, oil, gas and energy • Support /explore growing investments by foreign companies in Brazil 10 • High inhabitant/ automobile ratio • Long-term relationship with clients • Opportunity for cross-selling Insurance Business Opportunities(1) USA GDP (2) CHINA 1st PREMIUMS JAPAN 3rd 2nd 1st % PREMIUMS/GDP 6th 8.0% GERMANY 3.8% 4th 2nd 6th 5th 4th 5th 7.2% 10.1% 7th 3rd 3.1% 12.4% 8.1% Health Plans Cover 24% of the population Insured Vehicles: 30% (1) 11 8th 7th 10.5% 10% Source: Swiss RE ITALY 15th Insured Homes: 1.48% of Global Market UK BRAZIL FRANCE 8% of the population has dental insurance Does not include Savings Bonds. (2) IMF Estimates. Branch in the Rocinha Community Corporate Governance 1997: Level 1 ADRs Preferred 2001: Level 2 ADRs Preferred and Latibex 2001: Joined BM&F BOVESPA S.A.’s Corp. Gov. Level 1 2012: Level 2 ADRs Common Rating AA+ (Excellent Corporate Governance Practices) from Austin Rating Voluntary signatory to ABRASCA’s Code of Best Practices and SelfRegulation of Publicly-Held Companies 1946: Listed its shares on the Brazilian stock exchange just three years after it was founded The Board of Directors is assisted by five statutory committees and 43 executive committees In accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, internal controls and information disclosure processes were improved 13 100% Tag Along rights for common shares and 80% for preferred shares Integrated Risk Management 14 Investor Relations Shareholder, analyst and investor services Activity “Best APIMEC Meeting São Paulo” Award Meetings with investors Conference calls Events in Brazil Events abroad Apimec/ INI Meetings Chats/Videochats “Best APIMEC Meeting Northeast” Award “Best APIMEC Meeting Federal District” Award “Best Publicly Held Company 2010” Award – NATIONAL APIMEC Total 2009 2010 2011 160 59 16 18 18 4 130 77 17 24 19 4 168 210 24 29 19 4 275 271 454 “Assiduidade ExpoMoney” Award 65.1% 15 Employees Training - R$ Million 161 75 2007 94 87 2008 2009 107 2010 2011 Work Environment Survey* Turnover (%) 9.0 2007 82 10.8 2008 81 81 80 9.1 2009 8.9 2010 7.8 78 2007 2011 2008 2009 2010 2011 * Refers to the “100 Best Companies to Work” published by Época magazine 16 Supplier Management 2006 Bradesco Suppliers Meeting 2008 Supplier Relationship Program CDP Supply Chain 2009 Supplier Engagement Program (SA8000) 2010 Program for the Socio-Environmental Evaluation and Monitoring of Suppliers 2011 Expansion of the Program for the SocioEnvironmental Evaluation and Monitoring of Suppliers. Of the 21 strategic suppliers, 9 companies were engaged 17 Headquarters - Red Building - Cidade de Deus Adjusted Net Income R$ Million 11,198 2,771 9,804 7,210 7,625 7,586 2,684 2007 2008 2009 2011 2010 19 4Q10 4Q11 Net Income Breakdown Fees 25 Insurance 29 Funding 7 % Funding 6 Securities 8 2011 Fees 26 Insurance 30 % 2010 Banking 70 Securities 9 Loans 30 R$ 9,804 million +14.2% 20 Banking 71 Loans 30 R$ 11,198 million Unrealized Gains R$ Million Variation % Securities – Fixed Income Securities - Equities Loan Operations Investments (1) Others Total Dec 11 Sep 11 Dec 10 Q-o-Q Y-o-Y 4,613 4,195 5,014 10.0 (8.0) (1,504) (1,600) (382) (6.0) - (70) (431) 54 8,356 7,801 6,735 7.1 24.1 (777) (908) (864) (14.4) (10.1) 10,618 9,057 10,556 17.2 0.6 Obs.: Excluding the unrecorded goodwill from real estate for own use in the amount of R$ 2,978 million. (1) Includes, basically, the goodwill of interest in Cielo, Odontoprev, BM&Fbovespa, Fleury and Cetip. 21 - - NII – Interest / Trading Gains R$ Million 10,230 , 10.258 9,018 7,492 7,689 348 283 8,047 384 8,302 9,471 513 304 561 273 398 7,144 7,406 7,663 7,904 4Q09 1Q10 2Q 465 9,362 8,553 8,849 9,985 9,167 9,669 4Q 1Q11 2Q 3Q Interest 22 3Q 4Q Trading Gains Core NIM & NII R$ Million 10.5% 8.7% 7.8% 10.9% 8.6% 7.8% 11.9% 9.4% 7.8% 11.3% 10.5% 7.6% 7,144 7,406 7,663 7,904 4Q09 1Q10 2Q 3Q 12.0% 10.2% 7.8% 12.3% 11.2% 7.8% 12.6% 12.1% 11.9% 10.4% 7.6% 8,553 8,849 9,167 4Q 1Q11 2Q 23 7.6% 11.3% 10.0% 7.6% 9,669 9,985 3Q 4Q Credit NII R$ Million 50.2 38.9 37.5 35.3 37.4 38.2 37.2 40.1 37.2 7,162 6,928 5,373 5,630 5,757 5,833 6,143 6,180 6,548 2,661 2,779 2,695 2,678 2,188 3,442 2,161 2,059 3,596 3,774 2,295 3,848 2,360 3,820 09 (1) Including loan discounts granted, credit recovery, earnings from properties sold, among others. 24 2,437 4,111 4,149 4,501 Fee Income % Technical Analysis Underwriting Custody / Brokerage 2 Consortium Tax Payments Collection 2 3 3 Others 6 % 2010 2011 Technical Analysis Others Underwriting 2 5 Custody / Brokerage 3 Consortium Tax Payments 2 3 Cards 31 Collection 8 Cards 33 8 13 Asset Management Asset Management 14 13 18 Checking Accounts Credit Operations R$ 13,372 million +13.8% 25 13 Credit Operations 18 Checking Accounts R$ 15,223 million Operating Expenses R$ Million Variation % 4Q11 3Q11 Q-o-Q Y-o-Y Structural Non - Structural 2,415 725 2,288 592 8,798 2,263 7,517 1,785 5.6 22.5 17.0 26.8 Personnel 3,140 2,880 11,061 9,302 9.0 18.9 Administrative 3,682 3,405 13,406 11,532 8.1 16.3 Total 6,822 6,285 24,467 20,834 8.5 17.4 Op. Expenses (1) / Total Assets 3.2% 3.2% (1) Accumulated over 12 months. 26 12M11 12M10 3.2% 3.3% - (0.1) p.p. Organic Growth a) Operating Expenses - R$ Million Variation % 4Q11 3Q11 12M11 12M10 Q-o-Q Y-o-Y Administrative and Personnel Expenses 6,822 6,285 24,467 20,834 8.5 17.4 Organic Growth (695) (554) (2,104) (1,254) 25.5 67.8 Administrative and Personnel Expenses 6,127 5,731 22,363 19,580 6.9 14.2 b) Distribution Network and Employees Variation% 4Q11 3Q11 12M11 12M10 Q-o-Q Y-o-Y Branches (1) Others (2) 4,634 55,077 3,945 51,877 4,634 55,077 3,628 45,053 17.5 6.2 27.7 22.2 Distribution Network 59,711 55,822 59,711 48,681 7.0 22.7 104,684 101,334 104,684 95,248 3.3 9.9 Employees (1) In 2011, 1,009 agencies were opened; and (2) Basically includes: (i) Bradesco Expresso, (ii) ATM Terminals in the Shared Network, (iii) External Bradesco ATM Terminals, and (iv) PAB, PAE, PAA. 27 Efficiency Ratio % 55.9 55.4 54.6 53.3 52.4 52.1 52.2 52.4 53.0 40.5 41.2 42.0 42.5 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 43.0 43.7 4Q09 41.9 1Q10 41.5 2Q 43.0 3Q 44.0 42.0 42.0 42.9 4Q 1Q11 2Q 3Q 12 – Month Efficiency Ratio 12 – Month Efficiency Ratio Adjusted to Risk (1) Efficiency Ratio - Quarterly (1) Includes PLL adjusted by discounts granted, by credit recovery, by income from the sale of foreclosed assets, among others. 28 45.1 4Q Expanded Loan Portfolio R$ Million Variation % Dec11 Sep11 110,430 106,955 93,446 3.2 18.2 22,395 21,929 18,561 2.1 20.7 132,825 128,883 112,007 3.1 18.6 102,826 97,192 84,180 5.8 22.2 1,402 871 767 61.0 82.8 SMEs - Total 104,228 98,063 84,947 6.3 22.7 INDIVIDUALS 108,671 105,389 98,243 3.1 10.6 345,724 332,335 295,197 4.0 17.1 Large Corporates (1) Other Loan Risk – Commercial Portfolio LARGE CORPORATES - TOTAL SMEs (1) Other Loan Risk – Commercial Portfolio Expanded Loan Portfolio - Total (2) Dec10 Q-o-Q Y-o-Y (1) Includes debentures and promissory notes operations; and (2) Includes sureties and guarantees, letters of credit, anticipation of credit card receivables, debentures, promissory notes, credit assignment with recourse (FIDC Receivables Securitization Fund and CRI - Real Estate Receivables Certificate), and Rural credit. Further information can be found on page 38 of the Report on Economic and Financial Analysis 29 (1) Delinquency Ratio > 90 days (1) % 7.6 7.5 7.1 7.4 6.7 6.1 6.3 5.9 5.1 4.2 3.4 4.9 4.6 4.5 5.0 4.8 3.6 4.4 4.4 5.0 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.7 2.7 0.5 Dec 0.8 Mar09 0.5 Jun 0.9 Sep 0.9 Dec Individuals 0.6 Mar10 0.5 Jun 0.6 Sep 5.5 4.7 3.6 3.4 0.4 Dec 5.5 4.5 3.6 3.5 0.5 Mar11 Individuals excluding Cards SMEs Large Corporates (1) See the Report on Economic and Financial Analysis 30 5.7 4.6 3.7 3.6 0.4 Jun Total 6.0 4.7 3.8 3.7 0.4 Sep 6.1 4.9 3.9 3.9 0.4 Dec Allowance for Loan Losses, Overdue Credits and Coverage Ratio R$ Million 19,540 19,091 16,313 15,836 10,978 9,344 Dec 15,782 10,465 8,760 Mar10 16,019 10,132 8,371 Jun 16,290 9,886 8,351 Sep 16,740 9,973 8,243 Dec 17,365 10,520 8,648 Mar11 11,272 9,172 Jun 11,963 9,839 Sep Allowance for Loan Losses (1) Coverage Ratio > 60 Days (1/2) Loan Portfolio Overdue > 60 Days (2) Coverage Ratio > 90 Days (1/3) Loan Portfolio Overdue > 90 Days (3) 31 12,870 10,598 Dec Total Assets and Shareholders’ Equity R$ Million R$ Million Total Assets 1.7% 1.7% Shareholders’ Equity 1.6% 22.4% 22.2% 55,582 761,533 53,742 722,289 48,043 637,485 Dec10 21,3% Sep11 Dec11 Dec10 ROAA (1) Total Assets Dec11 Sep11 Shareholders’ Equity Basel Ratio - BIS II % Dec10 Sep11 Dec11 13.1 12.2 12.4 Tier I Tier II Deductions 1.7 2.5 2.7 (0.1) - - BIS 14.7 14.7 (1) Accumulated Adjusted Net Income for the period; and (2) Excludes mark-to-market effects of available-for-sale securities registered under Shareholders’ Equity. 32 15.1 ROAE (1) (2) Revenues From Written Premiums, Pension Plan Contributions and Savings Bonds R$ Million Variation % 4Q11 3Q11 12M11 12M10 Q-o-Q Y-o-Y 6,886 4,708 21,146 17,081 46.3 23.8 2,386 2,348 9,119 7,477 1.6 22.0 Auto and P&C 983 1,042 3,957 3,693 (5.7) 7.1 Savings Bonds 798 849 3,047 2,484 (6.0) 22.7 80 102 424 343 (21.6) 23.6 Total 11,133 9,049 37,693 31,078 23.0 21.3 Shareholders’ Equity 13,728 12,581 13,728 11,913 9.1 15.2 860 780 3,201 2,904 10.3 10.2 30.7% 28.2% 26.0% 26.0% Life and Pension Plans Health (1) Other Lines Net Income ROAE (1) For management purposes, we consider total revenues. As of January 2010, as required by RN 206/09 (ANS) revenues from premiums started to be accounted for “pro-rata temporis” (results), and PPNG (Unearned Premiums Provision) was no longer accounted for. This accounting change did not affect earned premiums. The effects on accounted written premiums were R$57 million. 33 Combined Ratio and Other Information (1) R$ Billion Technical Provisions Combined Ratio % (2) 85.3 85.1 86.1 85.8 Health Pension Plans and Life / VGBL 86.2 91.0 83.6 4,0 4.0 91,0 3.5 84.8 76.3 3Q10 4Q 1Q11 Financial Assets 2Q 3Q 4Q Dec10 97.1 3.9 87.2 96.5 Sep11 Dec11 Savings Bonds Auto and P&C 103.7 107.2 Dec10 Technical Provisions Technical Provisions 113.0 Dec11 Sep11 4.6 3.9 4.3 3.6 91,0 91,0 3.7 Dec10 Sep11 Dec11 Dec10 Sep11 Dec11 Dec10 (1) Financial Assets and Technical Provisions; and (2) Excluding Additional Provisions. 34 Sep11 Dec11 Dec10 Sep11 Dec11 2012 Guidance 18 to 22% Loan Portfolio (1) 16 to 20% Individuals Corporates 18 to 22 % 23 to 27 % 13 to 17 % SMEs Large Corporates Products Vehicles Cards (2) Mortgages (origination) Payroll-Deductible Loans Net Interest Income 4 to 8 % 13 to 17 % R$ 11.4 bn 26 to 30 % (3) 10 to 14 % Fee Income Operating Expenses (4) Insurance Premiums 8 to 12 % 8 to 12 % 13 to 16 % (1) Expanded Loan Portfolio; (2) Does not include the “BNDES Cards” and “Discounts on Advances of Receivables” portfolios; (3) Under current criterion, Guidance for Financial Margin; and (4) Administrative and Personnel Expenses. 35 BM&F Bovespa Market Capitalization R$ Million 109,463 103,192 109,759 106,971 84,801 16,546 15,167 2001 2002 22,699 2003 65,354 a 64,733 28,750 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 3.6x 1.9x 2.5x 2.3x 2011 P/BV 1.7x 1.4x 1.7x 1.9x 3.3x 3.4x 37 1.9x Dividends % Dividends Distributed: Over R$ 23.8 billion 61.5 49.3 45.6 41.2 52.3 35.3 41.9 38.7 35.9 35.3 34.4 31.5 31.5 31.5 37.2 35.7 35.4 35.7 33.1 31.5 31.5 31.5 3,740 3,369 R$ Million 1,881 1,347 849 2001 2,823 2,692 2,718 2007 2008 2009 2,160 1,325 947 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Net Pay Out (*) Dividends (*) Accumulated 12 months. 38 Gross Pay Out(*) 2010 2011 Stock Evolution (*) Accumulated 686% 686% 272% % 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Common -5 Preferred Ibovespa -1 50 36 133 34 25 -38 -6 -10 56 35 118 33 33 -11 -17 97 18 28 33 44 * Adjusted by dividends Source: Economatica 39 2008 2009 2010 2011 55 7 2 -37 66 12 -2 -41 83 1 -18 Reasons to Invest in Bradesco National Coverage Synergy Bank / Insurance Solid Bank Segmented Structure Strong State-of-the-Art Organizational Technology Structure 40 Upcoming Events