Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T023A01 Development of an Aircraft-based Laser Ablation Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (ALABAMA) M. Brands1,2, M. Kamphus1,3, J. Schneider2, C. Voigt4, F. Drewnick2 and S. Borrmann1,2 1 2 Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany Particle Chemistry Department, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany 3 now at: EMERSON Process Management, Hasselroth, Germany 4 Institute of Atmospheric Physics, German Aerospace Center, Wessling, Germany Keywords: Aerosol mass spectrometry, Single particle analysis, Laser ablation, Aircraft measurements. We present here the development of a novel Aircraft-based single particle Laser ABlation timeof-flight MAss spectrometer (ALABAMA), which is capable of measuring the chemical composition and size of ambient aerosol particles in the size range between 200 and 900 nm. The aerosol particles are sampled from ambient air through a pressure-regulated Liu type aerodynamic lens system and focused to a narrow beam into the vacuum of a sizing chamber. By travelling through two orthogonally aligned 532 nm continuous wave laser beams, particles generate scattered light that is focused onto photomultipliers by means of two elliptical mirrors. After deriving the aerodynamic size of the particles from their individual flight time, a 266 nm Nd:YAG laser (τ = 5 ns, E = 8 mJ/pulse) is triggered to vaporize and ionize the particles in the extraction region of the mass spectrometer. The bi-polar Z-shaped time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFWERK AG, Thun, Switzerland) generates a complete mass spectrum with a resolution of m/∆m ~450 in the m/z range from 10-300. All components fit in a 19’’ aircraft-compatible rack of approximately 1,60m height, not exceeding a total weight of 150kg. The instrument will be suitable and certified for the new german HALO high altitude and long range research aircraft. Extensive lab characterizations have been performed, providing detailed information on the instruments performance and limitations. The lower detection limit is given by the amount of light scattered by the particles and the upper detection limit by the transmission properties of the inlet system. Detection and ablation efficiencies for polystyrene latex (PSL) monospheres as a function of particle size are shown in Figure 1. Measurements for different particle shapes and sizes show a decrease in detection efficiency by ~85% for NaCl and even >95% for soot particles, due to a widening and misalignment of the particle beam as well as different optical properties of the particles. Ablation efficiency varies strongly (up to -60% for mineral dust) due to changes in absorption- and ionization properties for different particle types, as well as decreasing hitrate due to the widening and misalignment of the particle beam. Figure 1. Detection and ablation efficiency of PSL microspheres as a function of size. Furthermore ALABAMA has been deployed during a four week measurement campaign at the AIDA chamber (Aerosol and Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Atmosphere) at the Research Center in Karlsruhe/Germany. This project focused on ice nuclei and ice formation efficiencies of different particle types and atmospheric conditions and offered excellent opportunity to test the instrument under atmospheric conditions. Additionally an intercomparison with instruments operating on similar methodologies has been performed. In summer 2009 ALABAMA will be operated on a research aircraft during the MEGAPOLI campaign to perform measurements on urban pollution aerosols within and above the boundary layer above and downwind of large metropolitan areas. Results on the instruments performance under various pressure and ambient conditions, as well as single particle composition data of the field and laboratory measurements will be presented. This work is financed by the State Excellence Cluster “Geocycles” of Rheinland Pfalz, the Priority Program 1294 “Atmospheric and earth system research with the ‘High Altitude Long Research Aircraft’ (HALO)” of the German Science Foundation (DFG), the Collaborative Research Center 641 (SFB 641) “The Tropospheric Ice Phase – TROPEIS” and internal funding of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T023A02 Performance comparison of two different Laser Ablation Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometers T. Klimach2, M. Brands1,2, F. Drewnick2, J. Schneider2, M. Kamphus1, and S. Borrmann1,2 1 Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany Particle Chemistry Department, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany 2 Keywords: Aerosol mass spectrometry, Single particle analysis, Laser ablation We present extensive intercomparison measurements between two different single particle laser ablation time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometers utilizing similar working principles with differences in the inlet and particle detection design and in the ablation laser wavelength: the Single Particle Laser Ablation Time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (SPLAT, Kamphus et al., 2008) and the Aircraft-based Laser Ablation Aerosol Mass spectrometer (ALABAMA). The general setup of both instruments is as follows. Ambient aerosol is focused by an aerodynamic lens system to a narrow beam. Two orthogonal CW laser beams are used to determine the aerodynamic diameter of the aerosol particles and to trigger the ablation laser. The ablation, which vaporizes and ionizes the particles, takes place in the extraction region of a bi-polar time-offlight mass spectrometer, resulting in detailed information on the chemical composition of the individual particles. For comparison of the inlet and particle detection systems of the two instruments detection and ablation efficiencies for different types of aerosol particles, namely PSL (Fig. 1) and glass spheres, broken glass, soot and PAH, were determined as a function of particle size, SPLAT was operated with both, a Schreiner type aerodynamic lens (Schreiner, 1999) focusing particles in a size range between 0.2 and 3 μm and with a Liu type lens with a size range from 50 to 800 nm detecting the forward scattered light with an optical lens assembly and a photomultiplier. ALABAMA was operated with the Liu type aerodynamic lens only, using elliptical mirrors to collect the scattered light. Due to its elliptical mirrors ALABAMA is able to detect smaller particles than SPLAT, which on the other hand detects larger particles more efficiently. For investigation of the influence of the ablation laser wavelength onto the ion fragmentation a variety of identical aerosol particles has been measured with the two instruments. SPLAT uses an excimer laser for particle ablation, which can be operated at 193 nm and 308 nm, depending on the laser gas; ALABAMA uses a frequency quadrupled Nd:YAG laser, operating at 266 nm. The higher energy of the 193 nm ablation laser is supposed to result in a stronger fragmentation of the vaporized molecules. This was also observed in the mass spectra of Arizona Test Dust particles (Fig. 2). Figure 2: Averaged mass spectra of Arizona Test Dust obtained with SPLAT and ALABAMA. Further experiments with different mineral dusts and organic substances are conducted to investigate the influence of the ablation wavelength on single-particle mass spectra and to get a better understanding of the underlying laser desorption and ionisation effects. Kamphus M., et al. (2008), Aerosol Science and Technology, 42:11, pp.970-980 Schreiner J., et al. (1999), Aerosol Science and Technology, 31, pp. 373-382 Liu P., et al (1995), Aerosol Science and Technology, 22, pp. 314-324 Figure 1: PSL Detection efficiencies of SPLAT and ALABAMA. Both devices equipped with a Liu type lens. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A01 Efficient Sampling and Collection of Atmospheric Aerosols with a Novel Particle Concentrator – Electrostatic Precipitator System B. Han1, N. Hudda2, Z. Ning2, Y. J. Kim1, C. Sioutas2 1 Eco-machinery Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon 305-343, South Korea 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA Keywords: Charging, Concentrator, Ambient aerosol, Electrostatic Precipitator(ESP), Ozone, VACES A novel particle sampling methodology, combining a versatile aerosol concentrator enrichment system (VACES) and carbon fiber charger developed by our lab (Han et al. 2008) was extended to develop prototype electrostatic precipitators (ESP) for the collection of particles on substrate (Particulate Matter-ESP) and direct cell exposure (Cell-ESP) for toxicological analysis. In our system, particles grown to supermicron droplets via condensation of ultrapure deionized water were concentrated by virtual impaction in VACES and then droplets were charged in a carbon fiber charger with negligible ozone generation, and subsequently diffusion-dried to their original particle size, while preserving the acquired charges. The charged particles were then collected on suitable substrates in two different ESP prototypes for chemical and toxicological analysis. To minimize possible chemical reactions between sampled particles and ions or negligible amount of ozone generated in the corona region, our previous carbon fiber charger was modified, by separating the charging zone from the ionization zone. Number of charges per particle was about 50 per particle, which was higher than comparative studies (Biskos et al, 2005). These charged particles had removal efficiencies (the fraction of particles not penetrating the ESP of the total incoming; based on particle number concentration before and after ESP) greater than 90% for particle sizes smaller than 200 nm, and about 80-90% for particles larger than 200 nm in the PM-ESP at 3 l/min, whereas more than 95% removal was achieved for particles smaller than 200 nm in CellESP at 1.5 l/min. These results imply that ultrafine particles (smaller than 100 nm), which have been traditionally difficult to charge by means of conventional charging techniques, can be effectively charged and removed in both concentrator-ESP systems. ESPs were further investigated to establish the collection efficiency, i.e., fraction of particles deposited on the target surface from that removed in ESP. Difference between removal and collection efficiency represent losses to tubing and the insulating parts of ESP. Based on the test done on lab generated PSL particles of 100 nm, NaCl and atmospheric aerosol the gravimetric agreement between the parallel filter line and ESP collection substrate was about 80%. Field test were also conducted to establish the performance of the PM-ESP prototype by comparing the mass and chemical compositions to a filter in a parallel reference line. Samples were composited and offline chemical analyses on the filters/substrates included ion chromatography (IC) for the analysis of inorganic ions (chloride, nitrate, phosphate, ammonium and sulfate), selected trace elements measured via inductively coupled plasmamass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), and water soluble organic carbon (WSOC). These test results had a concentration agreement for various elements (0.81) and inorganic ions (0.83) similar to the gravimetric agreement or the collection efficiency. The consistent agreement across a variety of PM species indicates that the particle concentratorelectrostatic precipitator system is efficient in collecting ambient aerosols while preserving their chemical composition. This work was supported in part by the Southern California Particle Center (SCPC), funded by EPA under the STAR program through Grant RD-8324- 1301-0 and BasicResearch Fund (NK134B) of the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials and the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD)"(KRF-2007-611-D00003). Biskos G., Reavell, K., and Collings, N. (2005). Unipolar Diffusion Charging of Aerosol Particles in the Transition Regime. J. Aerosol Sci., 36:247265. Han, B., Hudda, N., Ning, Z., and Sioutas, C. (2008a) Enhanced Unipolar Charging of Concentration-Enriched Particles using Waterbased Condensation Growth. J. Aerosol Sci., 39:770-784. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A02 Concentrated atmospheric nanoparticle beams in vacuum for X-ray and optical spectroscopy. J. Meinen1,2, S. Khasminskaya1 and T. Leisner1,2 1 Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Aerosols and Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Atmosphere (IMK-AAF), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany 2 Institute for Environmental Physics (IUP), Atmosphere and Remote Sensing, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany Keywords: Atmospheric Nanoparticles, Charge Reversal Spectroscopy, Aerodynamic Lens The IPCC AR4 points out the important role of aerosol in the radiation budget of the earth. In the model prediction, direct and indirect contribution of the atmospheric aerosol causes a net cooling of the earth. Understanding the fundamental physical and chemical processes of heterogeneous nucleation of water on nanoparticles could help improving the models. On our poster we present the first stage of the TRAPS apparatus (Trapped Reactive Atmospheric Particle Spectrometer). The apparatus comprises as nanoparticle sources atomizers, electrospray and plasma reactors in order to produce nanoparticle sizes from 20-50nm, 10-20nm and 5-10nm respectively. The nanoparticles are dispersed in helium as carrier gas at high pressure. After passing a critical orifice into rough vacuum a tuneable aerodynamic lens is used to focus the particles into a differential pumping stage. We put high effort in optimizing the aerodynamic lens for particle beams close to the diffusion limit by CFD calculations. Downstream the differential pumping the particle beam is used to continuously refill a linear ion trap. For the trapping of particles in the size range of several kDa to MDa, a radio frequency from 10-150 kHz is. In contrast to the work of other groups, which are using digital ion traps, we developed an amplifier capable to provide an appropriate sinusoidal voltage with amplitude up to 3kV. This assembly is capable to inject nanoparticles into vacuum chambers in a highly efficient way. The dilution of the particle number concentration arising from the gas expansion from room pressure into vacuum is compensated by concentrating the particles in a small cylindrical volume by electrodynamic trapping. The enlargement of the target density compared to a free molecular beam provides a tool for various techniques of spectroscopy used on smaller ions by routine. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A03 In-situ Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) Characterization of SiO2 Nanoparticles Synthesized in a Microwave-Plasma Reactor V. Goertz1, A. Abdali2, H. Wiggers2, C. Schulz2 and H. Nirschl1 1 Institut f. Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik u. Mechanik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany 2 Institut f. Verbrennung u. Gasdynamik, Universität Duisburg-Essen and CeNIDE, Center for NanoIntegration Duisburg-Essen, 47057 Duisburg, Germany Keywords: In-situ measurements, Microwave-plasma reactor, Nanoparticle characterization, SiO2, SAXS Optical, mechanical, thermal or handling properties of coatings as well as bulk materials can be improved by using nanomaterials and nanocomposites containing nanoparticles. Depending on the application, specific properties of the nanomaterials are required. For example if a high transparency of coatings with high mechanical and chemical resistance is demanded, SiO2 nanoparticles with a specific size, morphology and surface coating are particularly suitable. Thus, a detailed characterization of the nanoparticles and also an exact knowledge concerning the particle formation and particle growth is indispensable. An adequate measuring method is the smallangle X-ray scattering (SAXS), which can be used for in-situ measurements of aerosols as well as suspensions. The technique can determine the particle size and size distribution, the specific surface area, the fractal dimension and the aggregate number within one measurement (Beaucage et al., 2004). Besides the multiplicity of particle describing parameters within a single measurement, the technique offers the opportunity to measure in-situ. However, laboratory X-ray scattering equipment like Kratky and pinhole cameras has a low scattering intensity and as a consequence, the measurement takes several hours (8h+). To overcome this constraint a Kratky compact camera was modified using a multilayer X-ray mirror (Göbel mirror). The mirror converts a divergent, incoming X-ray beam into a parallel one and was established inside the camera. Additionally, a two-dimensional imaging plate detector replaced the one-dimensional, gas-filled detector. Owing to these changes, intensity and image quality are increased and the required measurement time is decreased by a factor of 20. Due to this, the camera can be used now for in-situ measurements during particle formation. In order to validate the in-situ measurement technique the synthesis of SiO2 nanoparticles in a microwave-plasma reactor is observed. Inside the plasma a gas mixture including TEOS vapour, oxygen, argon, and nitrogen is decomposed within a few microseconds followed by the formation of silica nanoparticles. With respect to the reactor design, the SAXS camera body is split in two parts to integrate the reaction chamber into the measurement section and to operate the camera in the particle formation zone. In Figure 1 the in-situ measurement setup is represented. Figure 1. Schematic representation of the in-situ SAXS measurement setup The in-situ SAXS results are compared with online particle mass spectrometry and TEM measurements (Janzen et al., 2001). For the TEM measurements, particles collected from the PMS molecular beam and through thermophoretic sampling of nanoparticles from the reaction chamber were investigated. The results show a good match between the different measurement techniques and qualify the SAXS method as a non-intrusive possibility for the in-situ characterization of nanoparticle properties. This work is supported by the German Research Foundation under grant PAK 75/2 “Gasdynamically induced nanoparticle synthesis”. Beaucage G., Kammler H.K., Mueller R., Strobler R., Agashe N., Pratsinis S.E., Narayanan T. (2004). Nat. Mater., 6, 370-374. Beaucage G., Kammler H.K., Pratsinis S.E. (2004). J. Appl. Cryst., 37, 523-535. Janzen C., Wiggers H., Knipping J., Roth P. (2001). J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 1, 221-225. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A04 Source apportionment of particle number and PM10 concentration E. Cuccia1, F. Mazzei1, V. Bernardoni2, P. Prati1, G. Valli2, R. Vecchi2 1 Department of Physics, University of Genova and I.N.F.N., Via Dodecaneso 33, 16146, Genova, Italy 2 Department of Physics, University of Milano and I.N.F.N.,Via Celoria 16, 20133, Milano, Italy Keywords: optical counter, PMF, ED-XRF, size-segregated source apportionment, urban aerosol number in several size classes by receptor models (Gordon, 1988) fed with high time resolution series of elemental concentration values. In this work the same approach is tested on a set of PM10 daily samples collected in the city of Genoa, during a campaign carried out in the harbour area. Elemental concentrations from Na to Pb were obtained through Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF), and the contribution of specific sources to particulate matter (PM) concentration were apportioned by Positive Matrix Factorization, PMF (Paatero and Tapper, 1994). During the PM10 sampling, size segregated particles number distribution was measured by a Grimm 1.108 optical counter (OPC). This device counts atmospheric particles, with diameter, Dp, between 0.25 µm and 32 µm, in 31 size bins. The number of particles in each size bin was apportioned versus the time trends of PM10 sources resolved by PMF, using a multi-linear regression. The result is shown in Figure 1. On average, an absolute uncertainty of ± 5%, must be added to each value reported in Figure 1. As expected, natural sources as “sea salt” and “resuspended soil” show larger contributions in the coarse fraction, unlike “secondary” compounds that are mainly concentrated in the fine fraction. Traffic emissions contribute to all size bins even if with a smaller contributions between 0.6 µm and 2 µm. Heavy oil combustion shows a flat distribution up to 3 µm but it should be reminded that very fine particles (i.e. with Dp < 0.25µm) are not detected by the OPC. Finally, we could identify a “local source”, concentrated in particles with Dp > 0.5 µm, which, according to its profile, looks linked to harbour activities. The apportionment in Figure 1 can be partially tested assuming all particles with the same density and deducing, for each size bin, the corresponding mass concentration apportionment. Summing on all the size bins, a new apportionment of PM10 can be obtained and compared with the standard result based on daily elemental concentration values. Results are presented in Figure 2 where the good agreement of the two methods can be appreciated. This study shows that the contemporary use of daily PM samplers and OPC can give the apportionment of both PM and size-segregated number of particles, provided that the elemental/chemical composition of PM samples is deduced by proper laboratory analysis and used as input of a receptor model as PMF. Oil combustion Traffic Secondary Re‐suspended soil Sea salt Local source 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0. 25 ‐ 0. 0.2 28 8 ‐ 0. 0.3 30 0 ‐ 0. 0.3 35 5 ‐ 0. 0.4 40 0 ‐ 0. 0.4 45 5 ‐ 0. 0.5 50 0 ‐ 0. 0.5 58 8 ‐ 0. 0.6 65 5 ‐ 0. 0.7 70 0 ‐ 0. 8 0. 0 80 ‐ 1 1 ‐ 1 1. .3 3 ‐ 1 .6 1. 6 ‐ 2 2 ‐ 2 .5 2. 5 ‐ 3 3 ‐ 3 .5 3. 5 ‐ 4 4 ‐ 5 5 ‐ 6 6. .5 5 ‐ 7 7. .5 5 ‐ 8 . 8. 5 5 ‐ 1 0 In a previous work (Mazzei et al., 2007), we described a methodology to apportion particles dimensional classes (µm) Figure 1: Apportionment of particles number in each size bin versus the PM sources identified by PMF 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Oil combustion Traffic Secondary Re‐suspended soil Sea salt Local source Sources Figure 2: Comparison between “standard” apportionment of PM10 obtained by time series of elemental concentration values measured on daily basis plus PMF analysis (black bars) and the PM10 apportionment deduced with the methodology proposed in this work (white bars) This work has been partly supported by Amministrazione Provinciale di Genova, we acknowledge Dr. E. Daminelli for his precious collaboration. Mazzei, F., Lucarelli, F., Nava, S., Prati, P., Valli, G., Vecchi, R. (2007). Atmos. Environ., 41, 5525-5535. Gordon, GE., (1988). Environ. Sci. Technol., 22, 1132–1142. Paatero, P, Tapper, U., (1994). Environmetrics, 5, 11–126. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A05 A new calibration method for optical particle counters in the size range of 0.2 to 8 m M. Weiß, L. Mölter1 1 Palas GmbH, 76229, Karlsruhe, Germany Keywords: optical aerosol spectrometer, calibration, size resolution, monodisperse aerosol generator. Several papers about the calibration of lightscattering aerosol spectrometers (e.g. Friehmelt, 2000, Heim et al., 2008) already exist. However, the calibration of the Optical Aerosol Spectrometers (OAS) is still extensively discussed and issue of standardization committees (e.g. ISO/FDIS 21501-1). There are three significant reasons for this: 1.) An OAS has to be calibrated with respect to its counting efficiency and its size resolution. 2.) There is still no unique procedure available to calibrate optical particle counters in an expanded size range. A calibration related to the counting efficiency is often limited to a maximum size range of about 800 nm, the maximum mobility diameter that can be classified by commonly used Different Mobility Analysers (DMA). 3.) The effort which is necessary in order to calibrate OAS is large and time-consuming and therefore routinely not applicable for a quality control standard. For this reason a calibration method has been developed that can be used to calibrate OAS with respect to the counting efficiency and the size resolution (see Fig. 1). The method is based on an improved aerosol generator for DEHS (MAG 3000) which produces monodisperse droplets in the size range of 0.2 to 8 m. Additionally, the generator is able to keep the concentration constant which makes it suitable for reliable and reproducible measurements. In order to calibrate OAS, the aerosol of the generator is diluted into a channel with clean air to reduce the concentration, to avoid coincidence problems and to enable isokinetic sampling for the OAS. In contrast to a calibration procedure with a DMA as classifier for a monodisperse aerosol (Heim et al, 2008), the method with the MAG 3000 as a constantly producing monodisperse aerosol generator makes the calibration of OAS possible up to 8 m. Moreover, this method is much cheaper in terms of technical requirements and less time-consuming which makes it applicable for quality standard controls. The procedures to evaluate the measured distributions in order to characterize the size resolution and to measure the counting efficiency with a reference device are discussed. It is also shown that the described method is suitable for the calibration of OAS and the results are comparable to a calibration method with a DMA as a classifier for a monodisperse aerosol. The above-described method has been used to characterize the size resolution and to measure the counting efficiency of the newly developed white light aerosol spectrometer welas® digital 2000 in the size range of 0.2 to 8 m. In contrast to the predecessor welas® 2000 the welas® digital 2000 has a digital signal processing and a logarithmic A/Dconverter (the former welas® had an analog signal processing and a linear A/D-converter). This improvement enhances the counting efficiency of the welas® digital and improves the size resolution for particles smaller than 1 m. Additionally, the method has also been used to characterize the LAS-X II® (PMS) and to compare its size resolution and the counting efficiency with the welas® digital 2000. As the welas® digital 2000 can be equipped with five different sensors for concentrations from 1 P/cm³ to 106 P/cm³, it is further shown that all sensors can be calibrated with the described procedure. Since this calibration method is an accurate and cost-efficient method to calibrate OAS, it is now used as a quality control for all welas® digital systems. Figure 1. Set-up to calibrate light scattering aerosol spectrometers with a constantly producing monodisperse aerosol generator (MAG 3000). Different OAS are measured consecutively. Friehmelt, R. (2000). Aerosol-Meßsysteme, Vergleichbarkeit und Kombination ausgewählter oline Verfahren, Universität Kaiserslautern, ISBN 3925178-47-3 Heim M., Mullins, B.J. Umhauer, H., Kasper, G. (2008). J. Aerosol Science, 39, 1019-1031 Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A06 Fluorescent test particles for the determination of protection factor of safety work benches S. Opiolka1, A. Bankodad1, S. Haep1, M. Abele2 and L. Mölter2 1 Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnk e.V., Bliersheimer Strasse 60, 47229, Duisburg, Germany 2 Palas GmbH, Greschbachstrasse 3b, 76229, Karlsruhe, Germany Keywords: fluorescence particle generation, fluorescence particle detection. For the handling of dangerous materials in micro-biological and biotechnological laboratories as well as in medical institutions, safety work benches according to EN 12469 and cytostatics work benches according to DIN 12980 are used for the personal, product and diversion protection. In order to guarantee these security functions officially prescribed tests are described in the mentioned standards. From point of view of the personal protection the examination of the protection factor on the working aperture of the safety work bench is of particular importance. Objective of the test is the evaluation of the number of test particles which enter the work bench’ location under overcoming of the air flow on the working aperture. In addition to the test particles released during the examination, there are also other, naturally existing particles like e. g. dust, abrasion from clothes and devices, danders, etc., within the safety work bench’ location. The number of the naturally existing particles in the ambient air normally exceeds the number of the test particles released. A nonselective proof of the test particles by, e. g. optical particle counters supplies, in this case, a number concentration from the sum of the naturally existing particles and the test particles in the ambient air. Thus, the evaluation of the measuring result for the calculation of the protection factor of the work bench is not possible. For this reason, time-consuming micro-biological and chemical procedures with principal disadvantages are currently used for the test described to get the selective proof of the test particles. New verification procedures for the determination of the protection factor on the working aperture of the safety work benches should comply with particular requirements (EN 12469). The number of released test particles N should not be smaller than 3 x 108 and the suction rate s not smaller than 20 l/min. The number of detected test particles n should not be higher than 4. A protection factor Apf of at least 1,5 x 105 can be verified with these values. Thereby, the protection factor is calculated with: Apf = (N x s) / (104 x n) A new verification procedure which complies with these conditions uses fluorescent test particles. These are released within the safety work bench and collected out of the work bench with impactors used as samplers. The plates of the impactors are evaluated under a fluorescence microscope after the test. In the dark field mode all particles collected are visible, in the fluorescence mode exclusively the fluorescent test particles. Figure 1. Microscope in the dark field mode (left) and fluorescent mode (right). Another new verification procedure uses also fluorescent test particles. These are directly detected by an optical particle counter. Exclusive the fluorescence light of the test particles is detected by the selection of suitable light sources, optical filters and photomultipliers. All other particles existing in the ambient air are faded out. A functional prototype of the new particle monitor for fluorescent test particles is introduced. This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economy and Technology. Parts of the work were accomplished in co-operation with the company Palas® GmbH, Karlsruhe. DIN 12980 Laboratory furniture - Cabinets for handling cytotoxic drugs - Requirements, testing. EN 12469 Biotechnology - Performance criteria for microbiological safety cabinets. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A07 New data of dry deposition velocity of sub-micron aerosol on several rural substrates and comparison with models. P. E. Damay1, D. Maro1, A. Coppalle2, E. Lamaud3, O. Connan1, D. Hébert1 and M. Talbaut2 1 2 Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, DEI/SECRE/LRC, 50130 Cherbourg Octeville, France COmplexe de Recherche Interprofessionnel en Aérothermochimie, 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France 3 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 33883 Villenave d’Ornon, France Key words: Dry deposition, ELPI, Atmospheric aerosols 10 1 Vd/U * INTRODUCTION Dry deposition flux is the quantity of particles deposited per unit surface and time. The dry deposition velocity is obtained by dividing the deposit flux by the aerosol concentration measured in the air. The lack of experimental data on dry deposition velocities of sub-micron aerosols in a prairie creates uncertainties larger than one order of magnitude for operational models. In this work we present the new results on several substrates and quantified them as a function of aerosol sizes and atmospheric turbulence parameters. MATERIAL AND METHODS Dry deposition flux can be calculated from the covariance between fluctuations of the vertical wind velocity and fluctuations of the atmospheric aerosol concentration. The aerosol concentration was measured with an Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI, Dekati, Inc.) and the wind by an ultrasonic anemometer for 30 minutes at high frequency. The vertical calibration of parameters to validate measurements (stationarity, integral characteristic of turbulence, Foken & Wichura, 1996), then spectral analysis and the calculation of fluxes were done. Three experimental campaigns were conducted in southwestern France in order to carry out the methodology on several substrates (maize, grass and bare soil). RESULTS Measurement provided values of dry deposition velocities (Vd) of sub-micron aerosols. The friction velocity (U*) and the heat sensible flux (H) have simultaneous effect on the deposit phenomena, because they influence the atmospheric turbulence These effects can be taken into account simultaneously by parameterizing Vd/U* as a function of the inverse of Monin-Obukov length (Wesely, 1985). For neutral and stable atmospheric conditions, the dry deposition velocities are shown on the figure1. Vd is plotted as a function of the aerosol size and normalized by U*. Operational models (Slinn 1982, and Zhang et al. 2002) are also plotted on the same graph. Vd/U* results are very close for every substrates. Furthermore, a discrepancy between models and measurements is observed for aerosol greater than 0.5 µm. Slinn Maize Slinn Bare soil Slinn Grass Zhang et al. Maïze Zhange et al. Grass Zhang et al. Bare soil Maize Grass Bare soil 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Aerodynamic Diameter of aerosol (µm) Figure 2. Dry deposition velocity measurements and models on different rural canopies CONCLUSION We present our results: discuss the impact of micrometeorological parameters and particle size on the dry deposition velocity. The perspective of work is to apply this method on other substrates: urban, forest or other rural substrates. Foken Th., & Wichura, B. (1996). Tools for Quality assessment of surface-based flux measurement. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 78, 83-105 Kaimal J. C. & Finnigan J. J. (1994). Spectra and cospectra over flat uniform terrain. In: Oxford University Press (Eds), Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows, New York, pp. 32-66. Wesely, M. L., Cook, D. R. et Hart, R. L. (1985) Measurements and parameterization of particulate sulfur dry deposition over grass. Journal of. Geophysical Research 90, 2131-2143. Slinn W. G. N. (1982). Prediction for particle deposition to vegetative canopies. Atmospheric Environment 16, 1785-1794. Zhang L., Gong S., Padro J., Barrie L. (2001). A size-segregated particle dry deposition scheme for an atmospheric aerosol module. Atmospheric Environment 35, 549-560. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A09 Measurement of Nanoparticle Agglomerates by Combined Measurement of Electrical Mobility and Charging Properties D.Y.H. Pui1, H. Fissan2, J. Wang1, W.G. Shin1, M. Mertler3 and B. Sachweh3 1 Particle Technology Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 55455 2 Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology e. V. (IUTA), Bhersheimer Strasse 60, 47229, Duisburg, Germany 3 BASF SE, Fine Particle Technology and Particle Characterization, GCT/P - L540, 67056, Ludwigshafen, Germany Keywords: agglomerates, measurements, instrument development, NSAM. surface area and electrical capacitance of particle are two important parameters to determine mean charge of non-spherical particles. Our analysis shows that the electrical capacitance of loose agglomerates is larger than that of spherical particles with the same mobility. Therefore loose agglomerates can gain more charges in a charger, which in turn gives rise to higher values of UNPA sensitivity. 0.06 Room Temperature 200 C 0.05 600 C 3 UNPA sensitivityS (fA cm ) Nanoparticle agglomerates are pervasive in atmospheric sciences, air pollution, and material manufacturing. Combustion processes are used to manufacture a variety of materials in agglomerate form including fumed silica, titanium dioxide, and carbon black. Measurement of agglomerates is of great importance to many applications. Agglomerates may possess complicated structures, which makes measurement of them a difficult task. One of the most common methods for agglomerate measurement is electron micrograph, which can provide direct measurement of the structural properties (Shin et al. 2009). However, taking electrical micrographs and performing image analysis can be time consuming and expensive. In addition, interpretation of the 2D images for 3D results may rely on assumptions and cause inaccuracy. Fast and online measurement for agglomerates is required in many scenarios including measuring fast changing agglomerates, quality control for material manufacturing, monitoring toxic air-borne agglomerates, etc. Most of the current aerosol instruments are designed for spherical particles. Therefore, there is a need for instruments capable of fast and online measurement of gas-borne nanoparticle agglomerates. We have developed an instrument, Universal NanoParticle Analyzer (UNPA), for online measurement of gas-borne nanoparticle agglomerates. UNPA utilizes Differential Mobility Analyzer (DMA), Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) and Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor (NSAM) to characterize airborne nanoparticle morphology and measure the number, surface area and volume distributions of airborne nanoparticles. The key parameter measured is the UNPA sensitivity, which is defined as the current (fA) measured by the NSAM divided by the number concentration measured (#/cm3) S = I/N (fA cm3). Experimental data (Figure 1) have shown that the UNPA sensitivity S depends on the particle morphology. S is larger for loose agglomerates than for spheres at a fixed mobility diameter. Charging theories of Chang (1981) for aerosol particles of arbitrary shape indicates that geometric S = 9E-05d m 0.04 S = 1E-04d m 1.1915 2 1.2085 R = 0.9974 2 R = 0.9908 0.03 S = 0.0001d m 0.02 1.0815 2 R = 0.9961 0.01 0 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 d m (nm) Figure 1. UNPA sensitivity as a function of the mobility size for particles of different morphologies. UNPA measures the sensitivity S at a specified mobility size, compares it to the values of the loose agglomerates and spheres from calibration to determine the morphology. Agglomerates are modeled as clusters of spherical primary particles. From UNPA sensitivities, the primary particle size is determined using a fitting procedure. Using the models of Lall and Friedlander (2006) for loose agglomerates, the number of primary particles in agglomerates can be computed. Then the surface area and volume of agglomerates can be obtained. Operated under the scanning mode, UNPA can provide the number, surface area and volume distributions of loose agglomerates in the range of 50 – 800 nm in several minutes. Shin, W-G, Wang, J., Mertler, M., Sachweh, B., Fissan, H., Pui, D.Y.H. (2009), J. Nanoparticle Research. 11, 163 – 173. Chang, J.-S. (1981). J. Aerosol Science, 12, 19-26. Lall, A. A. & Friedlander, S. K. (2006) J. Aerosol Science. 37, 260-271. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A10 Experimental study on collision efficiency for aerosol particles scavenged by cloud drops L. Ladino1, O. Stetzer1, U. Lohmann1 and B. Hattendorf2 1 Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zürich, 8092, Zürich, Switzerland 2 Department of Chemistry, ETH Zürich, 8093, Zürich, Switzerland Keywords: Brownian Diffusion, Collection efficiency, Inertial Impaction, Thermophoresis Cloud formation is an important issue in atmospheric and climate science. For example the impact of the anthropogenic aerosols on clouds it is still unknown. Aerosol particles can activate as cloud condensation and ice nuclei. In addition, aerosol particles colliding with droplets can be removed from the atmosphere by wet deposition. Collisions below 0°C can initiate freezing of droplets by contact freezing. Therefore, this process can influence cold clouds and hence the global radiation budget and the hydrological cycle. There are some instruments available to measure the collision efficiency between droplets and aerosol particles. In most of them is not possible to work with small drops. Only few experimental data are available on collision efficiencies and the majority of all experiments were done with particles smaller than 0.4 m and raindrops (Dd>100 m). In figure 1 we can see that all previous experiments were done mainly for rain drops (> 100 m) with a constant particle diameter and changing drop sizes. Collision efficiencies for varying particle sizes are not well known. In this study, collision efficiencies are measured with a new experimental setup. Aerosol particles of a known size and concentration can interact with small droplets produced with a piezo droplet generator in a chamber of variable length. The droplets are then collected with a cup impactor. The collected solution is then analyzed for the scavenged aerosol mass by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). From this data, collision efficiencies can be derived. We report the first results with particles of LiBO2 (with diameters between 0.4 μm and 0.6 μm) and droplets with a diameter of 32 μm. Our data is then compared to theoretical model calculations (Park et al. (2005) and Tinsley et al. (2006)) and literature data. The forces included in our calculation are Brownian diffusion, interception, inertial impaction and thermophoresis. Figure 1. Comparison of theoretical collision efficiencies with experimental data from the literature and with our laboratory experiments. The theoretical results show that by increasing the droplet diameter the collision efficiency decreases (confirmed experimentally by Vohl et al. (2001)). If the model is right previous experimental data drastically overestimate the collision efficieny. Our data also differ from theory but lie in the range of other experimental data. With some modifications to the experimental setup we expect to get better results in future. This work was supported by the Swiss National Foundation Project 200021-107663/1. Tinsley B.; Zhou L.; Plemmons A. (2006) “Changes in scavenging of particles by droplets due to weak electrification in clouds”. Atmos. Res., 79, 266-295. Park S.; Jung C.; Jung K.; Lee B.; Lee k. (2005) “Wet scrubbing of polydisperse aerosols by freely falling droplets”. Aerosol Sci. 36, 1444–1458. Vohl O.; Mitra S.; Diehl K.;Huber G.; Wurzler S.; Kratz K.; Pruppacher H. (2001) “A wind tunnel of turbulence effect on the scavenging of aersolos particles by water drops”. J. Atmos. Sci. 58, 30643072. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A11 Evaporation kinetics of a non-spherical, levitated aerosol particle using optical resonance spectroscopy for precision sizing Ulrich K. Krieger1, and Alessandro A. Zardini2 1 Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Keywords: Aerosol Spectrometry, Single Particle Analysis, Size Measurement, Vapour Pressure. In atmospheric and climate science there is considerable interest in understanding the partitioning between gas and particle phase of chemical species. In particular, for semi-volatile substances like ammonium nitrate or certain organic species, the partitioning will strongly influence the particulate matter burden in the troposphere, the radiative properties of the aerosol, the cloud processing and the heterogeneous chemistry. In order to predict this partitioning, it is crucial to know the vapour pressure of the compounds under ambient conditions, whereas most established methods rely on high temperatures to achieve detectable vapour pressures. In the present work we use optical resonance spectroscopy (Zardini et al., 2006) to size solid, non-spherical particles during evaporation with a precision superior to direct imaging and mass change monitoring. tensity). The intensity of each spectrum is normalized to the same maxima and minima in panel (b). In panel (c) the data of panel (b) are normalized with the mean spectrum of the complete time series. Panel (d) show the radius deduced from panel (c). A linear fit to the data yields: dr/dt = −1.9×10−6 μm/s at T = 283 K. In contrast to evaporating liquid particles, raw resonance spectra do not allow easily to discern a shift in the resonance position, which is related to a size change. To make the size change of an evaporating, non-spherical particle visible in its resonance spectra we proceed as shown in Fig. 1. Panel (a) shows the times series of raw spectra (grey scale coded intensity). Each single spectrum is separately normalized to its own maximum and minimum and the result is plotted in panel (b). The most prominent features here are intensity extrema at certain wavelength (roughly regularly spaced) which are not time dependent and originate from etaloning of the CCD. Therefore, further normalization is performed in panel (c) by dividing each spectrum of panel (b) by the mean spectrum of the complete times series. The non time dependent features are suppressed and optical resonances shifting with time become visible, although not nearly as distinct as in the case of an evaporating liquid, i.e. spherical particle. To deduce quantitative information about the radius change with time, we associate one of the optical resonances with a specific size parameter x0 =2π·r0/λ0. If we know the initial radius, r0, we may follow its temporal evolution by measuring the wavelength, λ(t), of the time shifting resonance through r(t) = x0·λ(t)/2π. For retrieval of the particle radius from the resonance spectra shift of Fig. 1(c) we use visual inspection, i.e. a prominent resonance feature is tracked down as indicated by the black dots. If it leaves the wavelength domain or becomes less distinct with time, we switch to another resonance feature as illustrated in Fig. 1(c) at t ≈ 40000 s. The vapour pressures deduced from these experiments compare favourably with high temperature effusion measurements of ammonium nitrate. Figure 1. Panel (a) shows the raw spectra of an evaporating ammonium nitrate solid particle versus time (wavelength on vertical axis, colour coded in- Zardini, A. A., Krieger, U. K., and Marcolli, C. (2006), Opt. Express, 14, 6951–6962. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A12 Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for on-line measurements of particle composition C. Fricke-Begemann1, N. Strauß2 and R. Noll1 1 Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik, Aachen, Germany Chair for Laser Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany 2 Keywords: chemical analysis, elemental composition, on-line measurements, optical instrumentation, DMA. For the analysis of particle composition, a measurement technique has been developed using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). It offers favourable characteristics for applications from emission monitoring to industrial process control. LIBS is a measurement technology for chemical analysis which uses a focussed pulsed laser beam that evaporates and thermally excites a small portion of material. The radiation emitted from the excited material is measured with a spectrometer and because of the characteristic spectral lines of the elements, the signal allows to determine the composition of the material under investigation. The concentrations of practically all elements can be determined. LIBS can directly be applied to solids, liquids and gases, and is used today in a wide range of applications. In industrial applications LIBS measurement systems have been proven to be suited for routine automated analytical purposes. For the analysis of aerosol, this technique has been applied before for the elemental analysis of particles deposited on filter substrates with size-classification (Kuhlen et al., 2008). When applied to an aerosol stream, LIBS can be used to measure the composition of particles in a large size-range from a few nanometers up to the upper micrometer range. Due to the complete dissociation of chemical compounds, the technique can be applied to all types of particles including industrial nanoparticles of metallic oxides. To measure the composition of particles using LIBS, we demonstrate the realisation of a measurement which transfers an aerosol containing gas stream into a measurement chamber where the particles are evaporated into a laser-induced plasma. The system is characterised and calibration examples are given for some elements. The short response time of the instrument allows measurements with a time resolution below one second. Direct data processing immediately provides analytical results as required for online applications. Into the measurement system a DMA has been included. When the aerosol gas stream is previously guided through the electrostatic classifier, the particle composition can be determined with respect to the particle size. Kuhlen, T., Fricke-Begemann C., Strauss N., Noll R. (2008), Analysis of size-classified fine and ultrafine particulate matter on substrates with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 63, 1171–1176 Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A13 A Synchronized Hybrid Real-Time Particulate Monitor K.J. Goohs1, P. Lilienfeld1, and J. Wilbertz2 1 Department of Research, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, 27 Forge Parkway, 02038, Franklin, USA 2 Engineering Department, Thermo Electron GmbH, Frauenauracher Strasse 96, 91056 Erlangen, Germany Keywords: Aerosol Instrumentation, Light Scattering, Beta Attenuation, Hybrid Methodology The SHARP monitor incorporates a “dynamic heater” system designed to maintain the relative humidity of the air passing through the filter tape of the radiometric stage well below the point at which the collected particles accrete and retain liquid water. This heating system minimizes the internal temperature rise ensuring negligible loss of semivolatiles from the collected sample. The SHARP monitor is operable at ambient temperatures and features an adjustable filter change cycle and relative humidity set point to mitigate aerosol artifacts or more closely match the measurements of gravimetric reference methods. Transformed field test data from four test sites with varied season, geography and chemical composition indicate that the SHARP monitor provides PM short-term, i.e., one hour-resolved measurements with a precision of better than ±1.0 μg/m3. Yearlong field tests indicate acceptable daily accuracy (1.0 + 0.1) and correlation > 0.97 compared against PM2.5 reference samplers. Hourly Collocated SHARP PM2.5 - St. Louis Supersite April 23, 2005 through January 29, 2006 300 40.0 SHARP 1 250 SHARP 2 Stdev (ug/m3) Targeted Precision 91% of the hourly values meet the precision target of 2 μg/m 3 86% of the hourly values have a precision of 1 μg/m 3 30.0 20.0 10.0 150 0.0 -10.0 100 -20.0 50 -30.0 -40.0 5/ 6/ 20 05 5/ 20 /2 00 5 6/ 3/ 20 0 6/ 17 5 /2 00 5 7/ 1/ 20 05 7/ 15 /2 00 7/ 5 29 /2 00 8/ 5 12 /2 00 8/ 5 26 /2 00 5 9/ 9/ 20 05 9/ 23 /2 00 10 5 /7 /2 00 10 5 /2 1/ 20 05 11 /4 /2 00 11 5 /1 8/ 20 05 12 /2 /2 0 12 05 /1 6/ 20 12 05 /3 0/ 20 05 1/ 13 /2 00 1/ 6 27 /2 00 6 4/ 22 /2 00 5 0 Sample Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Figure 1. Collocated precision field data Precision (μg/m3) PM2.5 SHARP Conc. (ug/m3) 200 SHARP @ 35% RH Control vs. USEPA Reference Method Integrated Results From Four Monitoring Locations 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 SHARP A hybrid nephelometric/radiometric particulate mass monitor capable of providing realtime measurements is described. The SHARP (Synchronized Hybrid Ambient Real-time Particulate) monitor incorporates a light scattering photometer whose output signal is continuously referenced to the time-averaged measurements of an integral beta attenuation mass sensor. This system achieves improved short-term precision and accuracy of both PM10 and PM2.5 determinations. The SHARP monitor incorporates advanced firmware to optimize the continuous mass calibration of the nephelometric signal, ensuring that the measured mass concentration remains independent of changes in the particle population being sampled. 40.0 y = 1.005x + 0.321 R2 = 0.973 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 PM2.5 FRM (μg/m3) SHARP Linear (SHARP) Figure 2. Scatter plot of SHARP Monitor data versus EPA reference method. Data is integrated across four regional monitoring locations of varied chemical composition that include winter and summer testing periods. Babich, P., Wang, P.-Y., Allen, G., Sioutas, C., Koutrakis, P. (2000). Development and evaluation of a continuous ambient PM2.5 mass monitor. Aerosol Science and Technology 32, 309-324. Chang, C. T. and Tsai, C. J. (2003). A model for the relative humidity effect on the readings of the PM10 beta-gauge monitor. Journal of Aerosol Science 34, 1685-1698. Charron, A., Harrison, R. M., Moorcroft, S., Booker, J. (2004). Quantitative interpretation of divergence between PM10 and PM2.5 mass measurements by TEOM and gravimetric (Partisol) instruments. Atmospheric Environment 38, 415-423. Chung, A., Chang, D. P. Y., Kleeman, M. J., Perry, K. D., Cahill, T. A., Dutcher, D., McDougall, E. M., Stroud, K. (2001). Comparison of realtime instruments used to monitor airborne particulate matter. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 51, 109-120. Dresia, H., Fischotter, P., Felden, G. (1964). Kontinuierliches Messen des Staubgehaltes in Luft und Abgasen mit Betastrahlen (Continuous measurement of the dust concentration in air and in exhausts by means of beta radiation). VDI-Z. 106, 1191-1195. Gebhart, J. (2001). Optical direct-reading techniques. Aerosol Measurement, 2nd edition, Baron, P. A., Willeke, K., editors. (Wiley- Interscience). Chapter 15. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A14 miniDiSC for personal monitoring and high-resolution monitoring networks M. Fierz, P. Steigmeier, C. Houle and H. Burtscher University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, 5210 Windisch, Switzerland Keywords: ambient air pollution, diffusion battery, field measurements, instrumentation, personal sampling. Current aerosol instruments capable of measuring ultrafine particles are mostly large, heavy, expensive, which complicates many applications of these instruments. Recently, we introduced the diffusion size classifier (DiSC, Fierz et al., 2007) as a simple instrument capable of simultaneously measuring particle number concentration and mean particle diameter with a time resolution of one second. Since the DiSC is based on a unipolar diffusion charger followed by current detection in two electrometers, it can also measure the total aerosol length or the lung-deposited surface area like the TSI NSAM (Fissan et al., 2006) – a parameter that is likely to be health relevant. We have now developed a miniaturized version of the DiSC (see Figure 1), which is nearly ten times smaller and lighter than the original instrument – it is truly handheld and weighs less than 1 kg. The entire instrument was also optimized to reduce the number of necessary parts to lower the instrument cost. Another potential area of application for the new instrument is in monitoring networks. Currently, most monitoring networks consist of a limited number of stations containing bulky and expensive instruments. An alternative approach is to use a much larger number of inexpensive instruments which operate autonomously over extended periods of time, and which transmit their measurements and the instrument status over wireless communications networks. This type of measurement network can be set up with minimal effort on either a very local scale (e.g. to measure transport properties close to an aerosol source) or on a slightly larger scale, e.g. to monitor the temporal and spatial variation of air pollution in a city with very high resolution. Since the miniDiSC is inexpensive and requires very little maintenance, we are working on this type of monitoring network, and the direct integration of results in Google Earth (Figure 2). Figure 2. Integration of monitoring network data into Google Earth. Figure 1: an image of the miniaturized diffusion size classifier (miniDiSC) compared to a CPC. It has often been suggested that particulate mass (proportional to diameter d3) may not be the most health relevant parameter to measure (e.g. Maynard 2007), and that particle surface area (~d2) or number (~d0) might be just as relevant. The miniDiSC is small and simple enough to allow personal exposure monitoring. It will allow studies linking particle number concentration and lungdeposited surface area to acute health effects to test the hypothesis that these parameters are highly health-relevant. Fierz M., Burtscher H., Steigmeier P. and Kasper M. 2007. Field measurement of particle size and number concentration with the Diffusion Size Classifier (DiSC), SAE 08PFL-484 Fissan H., Neumann S., Trampe A., Pui D.Y.H. and Shin W.G. 2006. Rationale and principle of an instrument measuring lung deposited nanoparticle surface area. J. Nanoparticle Research 9:53-59. Maynard A.D. 2007. Nanotechnology: The Next Big Thing, or Much Ado about Nothing? Ann. Occup. Hyg. 51:1-12. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A15 Probing Nanoparticles Deposited on Flat Surfaces by X-ray Spectrometry at Grazing Incidence Falk Reinhardt1, Burkhard Beckhoff1, Harald Bresch2 und Stefan Seeger2 1 2 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Abbestr. 2-12, 10587 Berlin Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Unter den Eichen 87, IV.24, 12205 Berlin Keywords: Aerosol characterization, Cascade impactor, Elemental composition, Particle size distribution, XRF The strive for advancement in quantitative and qualitative nanoparticle analysis is motivated by multiple questions about potential risks caused by handling of or exposition to nanoscaled particles (interaction with the environment). Among those questions the verification and quantification of the dose-response relationship is a prominent one. Furthermore, improved knowledge of the interactions of nanoparticles with all kind of material surfaces is necessary for evaluating the use of the particle’s properties. To answer those questions analysis of nanoparticles has to be developed further with respect to both sampling procedures and analytic techniques aiming on elemental compositions. The further development of analytic techniques also involves the examination of deposited nanoparticles with synchrotron radiation. Depending on the particle number concentration, size-preselected nanoparticles were sampled on clean and flat silicon wafers either by use of a cascade impactor or by use of an electrostatic sampler. The deposition density on the wafer was approximately 105 particles/mm2 or less. Deposition with the electrostatic sampler led to an approximately evenly distributed deposition. PTB employs monochromatized synchrotron radiation of well-characterized beamlines, reliable Xray spectrometry (XRS) instrumentation and absolutely calibrated X-ray detectors for the nondestructive investigation of bulk and layered samples in its laboratory at BESSY II (Beckhoff, 2008). surfaces with respect to elemental compositions, and potentially even depth profiles. Based on totalreflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF), which offers lower levels of detection in the pg to fg range, in GIXRF the incident angle of the excitation radiation is tuned between 0° and about threefold the critical angle of total-reflection. Therewith the intensity of the X-ray standing wave field (XSW) at a given height above the surface is modified. A particle of a given diameter deposited on the flat surface will be affected by the intensity of excitation radiation varying with the angle of incidence and hence yields a correspondingly varying X-ray fluorescence signal. Thus, in addition to information on the elementary composition of the particles, which is inherent to XRF, information on the deposited size fraction can be obtained (Fig. 2). Figure 2: Angular dependence of detected fluorescence radiation dependent on incident angle. Different specimens were prepared by depositing Zn compounds and NaCl particles with size fractions down to 10 nm on silicon wafer substrates by use of a differential mobility analyzer (DMA). Those particles serve as model systems for current and future reference-free quantitative analysis of size fractioned aerosol particles. Figure 1: Sketch of grazing incidence XRS beam geometry Grazing incidence X-ray fluorescence analysis (GIXRF) has the potential to effectively contribute to the characterization of nanoparticles deposited on flat The financial support of this research activity within the frame of the ProFiT project “Nanoparticle X-ray Analysis” supported by the Investitionsbank Berlin is gratefully acknowledged. Beckhoff, B. (2008). J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 23, 845. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A16 Quantification of carbonate carbon in atmospheric aerosol by means of ATR (Attenuated Total Reflection) spectroscopy and a multivariate calibration method P. Fermo1 , A. Piazzalunga1,* F. Tuccillo1, L. Brambilla1 , F. Mazzei2, P. Prati2 1 Dep. Inorganic, Metallorganic and Analytical Chem., University of Milan, Via Venezian 21, 20133, Milan, Italy * Now: Dep. of Environmental Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 1, 20126, Milan, Italy 2 Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN, University of Genova, via Dodecaneso 33, 16146, Genova, ITaly Key words: particulate matter, carbonate, FT-IR, ATR, XRF Particulate matter (PM) carbonaceous fraction contains organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) as well as carbonate carbon (CC). The contribution of inorganic carbon is often neglected because its concentration is generally low and, moreover, there is not a reference analytical method for its quantification. Nevertheless in same cases, where a specific source of carbonate is present (mineral dust, street dust re-suspension, concrete plant, etc.), this fraction must be determined (Jankowski et al., 2008). PM10 atmospheric aerosol samples came from Massa Carrara, one of the most famous place in Italy where marble is quarried. The samples were collected on a daily basis (24 hours) along the road followed by the trucks transporting marble rocks form the pit to the sea. PTFE filters were used and characterized for their elemental composition by means of ED-XRF. PM10 concentration on average was 34.6 µg/m3 and calcium showed quite high values being on average 17.3 µg/m3 . Therefore a contribution of the marble pit and/or marble transportation as significant PM sources cannot be ruled out. In this work CaCO3 was determined by infrared spectroscopy in ATR (Attenuated Total Reflection) mode. This approach, more effective than IR spectroscopy in transmission mode, has already been used in the literature for the quantification of PM organic fraction (Ghauch et al., 2006). In order to quantify CaCO3 amount by ATR technique, a multivariate calibration method has been employed. For this purpose the program TQ ANALYST 8.0 by Thermo Fisher Scientific was employed. The regression algorithm is PLS (Partial Least Square). The use of chemometric techniques for quantification of some species in PM samples by IR spectroscopy has been already used (Coury et al., 2008) but not for the determination of carbonate content since CaCO3 infrared most intense absorption (at about 1420 cm-1 and due to CO32- stretching mode) is interfered by the presence of both ammonium sulphate and nitrate. Because of this superposition we investigated only the region center at 871 cm-1 which correspond to CO32- bending. Suitable standards were prepared mixing known quantities of calcium carbonate with nujol, which is normally used as a diluting matrix when IR spectra are acquired. In order to obtain for the standard mixtures ATR spectra comparable with those registered for PM samples, the standards were deposited on the diamond crystal, covered with a PTFE filter and then pressurized and scanned as for the ambient samples. The calibration curve, obtained analyzing 15 standards, has a fit of R2=0.99 and a RMSEC (root mean square error of calibration) of 0.69. Since the model efficiency is based on its performance in prediction (in this case the ability to estimate unknown CaCO3 concentrations in aerosol samples), a validation procedure was applied giving a model Performance Index of 91.3%. In order to validate the method based on ATR-FTIR, portions of the same PM10 samples have been analyzed by means of IC (Ion Chromatography) following a procedure recently suggested in the literature (Jankowski et al., 2008). A very good agreement between the two methods has been obtained. Furthermore it has been demonstrated that there is a contribution to PM due to the marble caves even if calcium is not present only as calcium carbonate (on average 50% of Ca is in the form of CaCO3). This evidence has been confirmed also by SEM-EDX (Scanning Electon Microscopy – Energy Dispersion X-ray spectroscopy) analyses carried out on some of the filters where the presence of calcium carbonate together with calcium silicates and calcium sulphate has been pointed out. In conclusion the method here proposed is an alternative to IC analysis and offers an advantage since it allows to analyze directly carbonate content which is not indirectly derived from the ions balance. Jankowski, N., Schmidl, C., Marr, I. L., Bauer, H., Puxbaum, H., (2008). Atmos. Env., 42, 8055 – 8064. Ghauch, A., Deveau, P.A., Jacob, V., Baussand, P. (2006). Talanta, 68, 1294 – 1302. Coury, C., Dillner, A. M., (2008). Atmos. Env., 42, 5923 – 5932. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A17 A Miniature Collector for the Concentrated Collection of Fine Airborne Particles S. V. Hering1 and G. S. Lewis1 1 Aerosol Dynamics Inc., 935 Grayson Street, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA Keywords: water-condensation particle counter, PM2.5 sampling find that the water coating eliminates particle rebound, and indeed tests with 1.4 µm PSL showed that it is possible to form a “stack” of particles twice as high as it is wide. Ambient particles can also be collected into <80 µL volume of water. Size dependent collection efficiencies are shown in Figure 3 for two types of aerosols, ammonium sulfate and oleic acid. We find high collection efficiency for all particles at sizes above 10 nm in diameter. This was found for both hygroscopic and hydrophilic particles. The efficiency was also tested as a function of particle concentrations. For this system, which was explicitly designed to minimize concentration effects, the collection efficiency remained high at the highest concentration tested of 105cm-3. 8 OUTPUT DROPLET SIZE Output Output Output Output Output INPUT PARITCLE SIZE dN/dLogDp 6 for 30nm, Eff=96% for 70nm, Eff=86% for 100nm. Eff=100% for 120nm, Eff=100% for 200nm, Eff=99% 4 2 0 0.1 1 Diameter (µm) 10 Figure 2. Size distribution of droplets formed for varying input particle sizes. 1.0 Collection Efficiency Over the last decade several types of real-time instruments have evolved that provide in-situ chemical characterization of ambient aerosols, yet because of their cost and operational demands, these instruments have not replaced the filter sampling for routine monitoring. Measurements in multiple locations, especially in remote regions, require small, low-cost, low-power instruments. Similarly microenvironmental and personal sampling demand small, light-weight, low-cost monitors. We seek here to develop a method that provides a concentrated, ready-to-analyze aerosol sample that takes advantage of low detection limits of many analytical methods, and yet has few operational demands. As a first step in the development of such a monitor, we present here a miniature collector that provides a concentrated particulate sample. As in the water-based condensation particle counters (Hering and Stolzenburg, 2005), ambient particles are enlarged through water condensation using a laminar, thermally diffusive flow. Once enlarged the droplets are collected by impaction onto a solid surface, or into a small water reservoir. This miniature collector, shown in Figure 1, utilizes a single, wet-walled tube, 4 mm ID, with an active length of 120mm. An annular thermal electric device mounted between the preconditioner and condenser acts as a heat pump to create a region of supersaturation for condensational growth. Cooling fins equipped with small fans are used to regulate the temperature of the condenser region. Typically, the system is operated with a preconditioner temperature of 5°-10°C, a condenser temperature of 30°-37°C and an air sampling rate of 0.4 L/min. The droplets formed from this system are uniformly sized at approximately 2 µm in diameter, independent of the input particle size, as shown by measurements with an aerodynamic particle sizer in Figure 2. Once enlarged, the particles are deposited within a 300-µm spot by means of impaction. We 0.8 0.6 Personal Sampler 400 cm3/min, 0.6 mm Nozzle 0.4 o T = 25 C Amonium Sulfate Oleic Acid 0.2 0.0 4 5 6 7 2 10 3 4 5 6 7 2 100 Dp (nm) 3 4 5 6 7 2 1000 Figure 3. Size-dependent collection efficiency. 120 mm This work was supported by the National Institute for Environmental Health under SBIR grant R44 ES014997 Figure 1. Miniature particle collector Hering, S. V., Stolzenburg, M. R. (2005), Aerosol Science and Technology, 39: 428-436 3 Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A18 Retrieval of Aerosol Profiles using Multi Axis Differential Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) S. Yilmaz1, U. Frieß1, A. Apituley2, G. de Leeuw3,4,5 and U. Platt1 1 2 Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands 3 Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland 4 Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland 5 TNO, Utrecht, The Netherlands Keywords: Remote sensing, atmospheric aerosols, optical properties, instrument development. Multi Axis Differential Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) is a well established measurement technique to derive atmospheric trace gas profiles by collecting scattered light spectra at different elevation angles and subsequent inverse modelling of the radiative transfer (Hönninger et al., 2004). Since aerosol particles are significantly involved in the scattering of the detected light, information about their distribution in the atmosphere is vitally important for the modelling procedure. Through MAX-DOAS measurements of trace gases with an already known vertical distribution, like the oxygen dimer O4, it is possible to retrieve information on atmospheric aerosols (Wagner et al., 2004). Based on the optimal estimation method, we have developed an algorithm (Frieß et al., 2006) which fits simultaneously measured O4 optical densities at several wavelengths and elevation angles to values simulated by a radiative transfer model. Retrieval parameters are aerosol extinction profile and optical properties like single scattering albedo, phase function and Angström exponent. In May 2008, an intercomparison campaign with established aerosol measurement techniques took place in Cabauw/Netherlands, where simultaneous DOAS, Lidar, Sun photometer and Nephelometer measurements were performed. We present first results of selected days from this period (Figure 2). The optical properties of aerosols retrieved by the DOAS technique show qualitative agreement with the established measurement techniques demonstrating the progress towards our goal of establishing the MAX-DOAS technique for retrieving optical properties of atmospheric aerosols. Quantitative comparison is ongoing. Figure 2. Profiles of aerosol optical properties retrieved from an intercomparison performed in Cabauw/Netherlands on 09.05.2008. Top: range corrected lidar signal. Bottom: aerosol extinction from MAX-DOAS. Figure 1. MAX-DOAS instrument with spectrometer (left) and telescope unit (right) In the scope of a joint research activity of the EU funded project EUSAAR (European Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research) we have developed a new type of DOAS instrument, which uses three miniature spectrometers to cover the near ultraviolet to visible wavelength range (290–790nm), enabling to capture all absorption bands of the oxygen-dimer O4. Additionally, it is possible to point to any direction in the sky with a 2D telescope unit which is connected to the spectrometers via fibre optics (Figure 1). This work was supported by the EU Research Infrastructures Project I3 EUSAAR (contract 026140). Hönninger, G., v. Friedburg, C., & Platt, U. (2004). Multi Axis Differential Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4(231-254). Wagner, T., Dix, B., v. Friedeburg, C., Frieß, U., Sanghavi, S., Sinreich, R., & Platt, U. (2004). MAX-DOAS O4 measurements: A new technique to derive information on atmospheric aerosols - Principles and information content. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(D22205) (doi:10.1029/2004JD004904). Frieß, U., Monks, P.S., Remedios, J.J., Rozanov, A., Sinreich, R., Wagner, T., & Platt, U. (2006). MAX-DOAS O4 measurements: A new technique to derive information on atmospheric aerosols. (II) Modelling studies. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(D14203) (doi:10.1029/2005JD006618). Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A19 NanoCheck, a Valuable Tool for Size Range Expansions of Optical Particle Counters for Environmental Applications Markus Pesch, Hans Grimm, Roland Hagler and Xiaoai Guo GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Dorfstrasse 9, D-83404 Ainring, Bayern, Germany Email: [email protected] Keywords: Aerosol instrumentation, Nanoparticles, Number concentration, Optical particle counter, PM measurements A series of GRIMM optical particle counters can be used for continuous measurement of aerosol particles, which can be reported for the various particle size channels down to sub-micron range in various modes, like particle counts in [#/liter] and environmental dust mass distribution in [µg/m³]. These environmental instruments work using the principle of light scattering technology, as shown in Fig.1. A semiconductor laser serves as light source. The signal scattered from the particle passing the laser beam is collected at ca. 90° by a mirror and transferred to a recipient-diode. The signal of the diode passes a multichannel size classifier after a corresponding amplification. A pulse height analyzer then classifies the signal transmitted in each channel. These counts can be converted to a mass distribution from which different PM values derive. 1 shows that on Friday afternoon more people go back home by car and hold a dinner party or celebration nearby and the high peak is due to the fog and drizzle. Peak 2 and 3 result from traffic on Saturday and house heating by burning wood, respectively. On Sunday people go to church and then in about 1 hour they go back home, as illustrated in Peak 4. Thus, by monitoring PM values one can indentify and study the aerosol sources resulting from human activities, nearby traffic, meteorological effect like fog and drizzle, and so on. A comparison of the outdoor aerosol number concentrations measured with NanoCheck 1320 and EDM 365 is made in Fig.3b. The difference between two measurements gives the particle number concentration in the size range of 25nm-0.25µm. EDM365 data multiplied by a factor fit well to Nanocheck data and the trend of both measurements seems to be the same. It shows that NanoCheck 1320 is a valuable addition to EDM 365, greatly expanding the size range of optical particle counters. 110 100 GRIMM EDM 365 Fig.2 GRIMM NanoCheck 1.320 Sensor. 80 100 PM-10 1 [µg/m³] 50 80 PM-1.0 70 Temp.:(°C) 70 Humidity(%rH) 60 2 60 3 4 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 0 0 07 .1 07 1.2 .1 0 07 1.2 08 .1 0 16 07 1.2 08 :37 .1 0 18 07 1.2 08 :22 .1 0 20 08 1.2 08 :07 .1 0 21 08 1.2 08 :52 .1 0 23 08 1.2 08 :37 .1 0 01 08 1.2 08 :22 .1 0 03 08 1.2 08 :07 .1 0 04 08 1.2 08 :52 .1 0 06 08 1.2 08 :37 .1 0 08 08 1.2 08 :22 .1 0 10 08 1.2 08 :07 .1 0 11 08 1.2 08 :52 .1 0 13 08 1.2 08 :37 .1 0 15 08 1.2 08 :22 .1 0 17 08 1.2 08 :07 .1 0 18 09 1.2 08 :52 .1 0 20 09 1.2 08 :37 .1 0 22 09 1.2 08 :22 .1 0 00 09 1.2 08 :07 .1 0 01 09 1.2 08 :52 .1 0 03 09 1.2 08 :37 .1 0 05 09 1.2 08 :22 .1 0 07 09 1.2 08 :07 .1 0 08 09 1.2 08 :52 .1 0 10 09 1.2 08 :37 .1 00 12 1. 8 :2 20 1 2 08 4:0 15 7 :5 2 10 100000 b) 10000 Number Concentration [#/cm³] Since the intensity of the scattered light decreases with the sixth power of the particle size, optical light scattering systems can’t detect particles below about 0.1µm. As displayed in Fig.2, a GRIMM patented portable NanoCheckTM 1.320 sensor, which combines a unipolar diffusion charger, a time multiplexed electrical conductivity measurement and an aerosol faraday cup electrometer, can measure the total number concentration in the range of about 30nm to 400nm and the mean diameter of the aerosol number distribution in real time and continuously. This new portable NanoCheckTM 1.320 Sensor can work with any GRIMM aerosol spectrometer, getting the sample directly from the spectrometer. In this way the combination of both instruments makes it possible to monitor the full aerosol size range from a few nanometers up to 30µm in different size channels. This compactly designed detector can be used as an exposure monitor for indoor and outdoor aerosol nanoparticles. In this work, by using a GRIMM environmental dust monitor (EDM 365) and a NanoCheckTM 1.320 Sensor, various measurements were carried out in a resident’s garden in Ainring in Germany and in a traffic measuring station in Salzburg in Austria. EDM 365 reports PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, particle counts as well as meteorological parameters such as temperature and relative humidity. Fig.3a illustrates the measured PM values of outdoor aerosols in a resident’s garden in Ainring in Germany. There appear some peaks in the PM curves. Peak 90 PM-2.5 Temperature [°C] and Humidity [%rH] a) Fig.1 Measurement Principle of GRIMM Spectrometer. 90 1000 100 10 EDM 365 Counts Size range: 0.25-0.40µm NanoCheck1320 N-AVG Size range:0.025-0.40µm EDM 365 Counts*factor 1 23.12.2008 24.12.2008 24.12.2008 24.12.2008 24.12.2008 24.12.2008 25.12.2008 25.12.2008 19:12 00:00 04:48 09:36 14:24 19:12 00:00 04:48 Fig.3 a) Results measured by GRIMM EDM 365; b) Comparison of the outdoor aerosol number concentrations measured with EDM 365 and NanoCheck. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A20 Application of Computer Software for Airborne Particles Counting B. Trivuncevic1, G. Jereb1,4, B. Poljšak1, M. Bizjak1,2 and S. A. Katz3,4 1 University of Ljubljana, College of Health Studies, Poljanska 26 a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Vojkova 1b, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Rutgers University, Department of Chemistry, Camden, NJ 08102-1411, USA 4 University of Nova Gorica, School of Environmental Sciences, Vipavska 13, Nova Gorica, Slovenia 2 Keywords: air pollution, TSP, alternative deposition method, particle counting Dust emissions from various anthropogenic sources such us ore depots, coal pits or even quarries represent nuisance sources in residential areas. The inhabitants of the residential area Rožnik and Ankaran city are located near the Port of Koper have complained for several years now about dust emissions, which they observe in their living environment, on the vegetables, fruits, etc. and attribute to some of the activities at the port. Particulate matter deposition is usually a complex mixture of particles of different origin, size and chemical composition. Sources of particles can vary; some of anthropogenic and some of terrestrial origin. For that reason simple alternative measurement device for quick estimation of direction and quantity of particulate matter, based on deposition and/or adhesion was developed (1). Two types of sampling devices were constructed. Both of them collect particulate matter from air on adhesive material (medical Vaseline) and enable collection in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Plastic ball of 20 cm diameter, covered with Vaseline was used for sampling device 1. For sampling device 2 specially designed octagonal prisms in which nine glass plates covered with Vaseline were assembled in a way that collects particles coming from different directions on the adhesive surface (Figure 1). Sampling devices were located around the coal and iron ore depot in Port of Koper (Slovenia). devices, especially the cost of type 1, is relatively low, many such devices could be used for quick screening of environment in order to find the most representative locations for later placement of more sophisticated, accurate and expensive devices for air monitoring. Since both methods are not sensitive enough for quantification of particulate mass by gravimetrical analysis counting of particles was used as an alternative method. Samples were analyzed using two different approaches: I) Particles were counted manually by visual approach using magnifying lens. On each side of the ball particles were counted according to template model on total surface of 5 cm2 (Figure 2). II) From each ball or plate from octagonal sampler digital pictures were made and on them particles on 5 cm2 surface were analyzed and counted by use of computer software. Figure 2. Appearance of template model for particles counting Figure 3. Sampling device 1 after 1 month exposure The aim of this experiment was to compare visual counting with computer counting in order to evaluate the ease and accuracy with which the particles on the sampling device could be determined. In future we will try to correlate number of particles on surface with other standard methods (VDI, 1996) in order to extrapolate data collected in this manner with regulatory limits. Figure 1. Appearance of sampling device 1 and 2 References Previous study (Goličnik et al., 2008) already revealed that these new sampling devices are suitable for rapidly estimating the flow direction of major particulate matter sources. Particulate matter samples, collected in this way could also be analyzed qualitatively. Since the cost of both sampling Goličnik B., Jereb G, Poljšak B, Planinšek A., Katz S.A. and Bizjak M. Alternative method for quick estimation of direction and quantity of particulate matter by its deposition. EAC 2008, Thessaloniki. VDI und DIN Guideline VDI 2119 part 2 (1996) - Measurement of Particulate Precipitations – Determination of dust precipitation with collecting pots made of glass. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A21 Program controlled gear complex for aerosol monitoring T. E. Ovchinnikova1, A. M. Baklanov2, S. N. Dubtsov2, I. V. Melekhov2 1 Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, Morskoy pr. 2, IWEP, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RAS, Institutskaya, 3, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia Keywords: atmospheric aerosols, diffusion battery, optical particle counter, particle size distribution A complex of two devices for atmospheric aerosol monitoring was developed in the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion. First of them is the diffusion spectrometer of aerosol DSA, or diffusion battery created in the institute. It was used for a long time for the analysis of concentrations and particle size distributions. The other one is optical particle counter AZ6. DSA is meant for the analysis of aerosol structure with particle sizes in the range from 3 to 200 nm, and AZ6 is used for aerosols with particle sizes from 200 to 1200 nm. A specially developed computer program DSA09 controls the complex (separately or together). The program allows to set up measurements regimes, to accept and process data and to save them as files. Diffusion battery penetration data are obtained as m measured concentration values ci (m is the total concentration, (left upper widow); a dashed line represents data reconstructed from calculated distribution; calculated particle size distribution (left lower window). Data obtained with AZ6 include: time of measurement beginning, mean values, total concentration, (right upper widow); particle concentrations diagram (right lower window). A panel View Progress is assigned for measurements review (subsequently or in random order). The data represented on the figure are the result of laboratory experiment. number of battery ports) To obtain particle size distribution f(r) one needs to solve the set of integral equations ci + ei = r max ∫ f (r ) pi (r ) dr , r min i = 1...m , where ci is measured concentration value, ei is unknown measurement error and p i ( r ) is the penetration function for i-th port of a battery. The method of use is based on the idea that as set of solutions is convex and error distribution is known, resulting solution may be represented as approximate sum of all possible solutions multiplied by their statistical weights. (Ovchinnikova et all, 2006). As the data error is estimated during measurements particle size distribution can be obtained even under sharp fluctuations of aerosol concentrations resulting to nonmonotonic data. Graphic interface lets to watch concentrations and structure of aerosol dynamics. On the Fig. 1 the main window of the program of data view and process with the data of one measurements is shown. Data obtained with DSA include: counts values (panel "Counts"); graph of measured counts, time of measurement beginning, mean values, error assessment, total Figure 1. Laboratory experiment data. Ovchinnikova, Т. Е., Eremenko, S .I. & Baklanov, A.M (2006). in Proc. 7th Int. Aerosol Conf. St.Paul, Minnesota, 497-498. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A22 Validation of a new Atmospheric Pressure Interface Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer (API-TOF) to measure the composition of sub-2 nm aerosol particles M. Ehn1, H. Junninen1, K. Neitola1, M. Sipilä1, H. Manninen1, T. Petäjä1, K. Fuhrer2, M. Gonin2, U. Rohner2, S. Graf2, M. Kulmala1, and D.R. Worsnop1,3 1 Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, P.O.Box 64, 00014, Helsinki, Finland 2 Tofwerk AG, Switzerland 3 Aerodyne Research Inc., Billerica, MA, USA Keywords: Cluster ions, mass spectrometry, ion mobility, instrumentation The lower size limit for aerosol particle detection has long been 3 nm. During recent years, new methods of detection and, also indirect composition measurements, have been presented (e.g. Kulmala et al., 2007). Now, a new Atmospheric Pressure Interface Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer (API-TOF) is being developed at Tofwerk AG, Thun, Switzerland. This instrument will give new insight into particle chemical composition in the range 03000 Da, which corresponds roughly to a particle size range up to 2.5 nm in diameter. These are the sizes where atmospheric nucleation takes place, and is therefore of great interest. The API-TOF is currently being tested in the laboratory at the department of physics at University of Helsinki, through comparison with a high resolution Herrmann differential mobility analyzer (HDMA, Herrmann et al., 2000) and a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer (NAIS). The API-TOF samples 0.9 L/min of air (through a 300 µm orifice), directly from ambient pressure. Two quadrupoles then guide ions as the gas is pumped away. Finally, an ion lens focuses the ions into the TOFMS extraction region. The TOFMS operates in two modes, V or W, where the letter signifies the flight path of the ions in the TOFMS; i.e. there are one or two reflections in the V and W modes, typical m/Q resolving power of roughly 3000 or 5000, respectively. The NAIS and HDMA both measure cluster ion mobility. The relationship between ion mobility and mass are somewhat uncertain. Here we have used the empirical fit described in Mäkelä et al, 1996. Both the NAIS and HDMA measure the distributions at ambient pressure whereas the API-TOF pressure is reduced to 10-6 mbar. Therefore the cluster distribution can be perturbed both due to evaporation at low pressure, and fragmentation in the quadrupole ion guides. One of the first experiments generated ions by passing laboratory air through a corona charger, measuring the output with all three instruments in parallel. Preliminary results are plotted in Fig. 1. The top panel shows the cluster distribution as measured by the NAIS and HDMA. It is evident that the HDMA has superior resolution compared to the NAIS, but nevertheless, there is an agreement between the instruments. The bottom graph shows an average mass spectrum measured simultaneously by the API-TOF. The pattern of peaks at higher masses, the largest at 610 Th (~1.6 nm), result from a short piece of conductive silicone tubing in the inlet, showing how sensitive the system is to contamination. The mobility spectra and the mass spectrum are not an exact match, but as mentioned, this was not expected. High resolution analysis of the mass scale and isotope patterns should allow for identification of more peaks in Fig. 1. The detailed analysis of the spectra obtained so far has only begun, and more experiments will be performed during a 3 week intensive. The goal is to use API-TOF to measure aerosol clusters in ambient air, at orders of magnitude lower concentrations. Figure 1. Size distributions of positive ions produced by a corona charger, measured with three different instruments. Herrmann,W., Eichler, T., Bernardo, N., and Fernandez de la Mora, J. (2000). Abstract to the annual conference of the AAAR, St. Louis, MO. Kulmala, M., Riipinen, I., Sipilä, M., Manninen, H. Petäjä, T., Junninen, H., Dal Maso, M., Mordas, G. Mirme, A., Vana, M., Hirsikko, A., Laakso, L., Harrison, R., Hanson, I., Leung, C., Lehtinen, K., Kerminen, V-M. (2007). Science, Vol. 318. No. 5847, pp. 89 - 92. Mäkelä, J., Jokinen, V., Mattila, T., Ukkonen, A. and Keskinen, J. (1996). J. Aerosol Sci., Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 175 - 190. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A23 Parallel-DMA (PDMA) – a tool for characterization and enrichment of aerosol nanoparticles Anne Maißer1, Günter Allmaier2 and Wladyslaw W. Szymanski1 1 2 Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, 1090, Vienna, Austria Institute of Chemical Technology and Analytics, Vienna University of Technology, 1060, Vienna, Austria Keywords: nanoparticles, bioaerosols, collection efficiency, characterization Electrostatic methods provide numerous options for the characterization and investigation of aerosol nanoparticles. Differential mobility analysis (DMA) has proven its ability to characterize according to size and separate inorganic particles as well as aerosol particles of biological origin such as proteins or viruses. Because it operates under atmospheric pressure it offers an opportunity also to utilize this technique for micro-preparative applications. For that reason a parallel-DMA (PDMA) system was constructed and has proven its feasibility to simultaneously monitor the size distribution of aerosolized nanoparticles and to select one specific fraction particle size fraction (Allmaier et al. 2008). PDMA contains of two identical DMAs working in parallel. The scanning nano-DMA1 delivers the complete size spectrum of the aerosolized particles. The nanoDMA1 is combined with an electrical aerosol detection device working on the Faraday cup principle. An identical separation unit – the nano-DMA2 - running parallel with the nano-DMA1 operates at one given voltage setting (separation) and can be used for sampling or enrichment (collection) of the one selected size class of nanoparticles.. For further physical or chemical investigation of this specific classified size fraction it is necessary to remove the nanoparticles from the gas phase after nano-DMA2 separation. Thus the PDMA was used in combination with an electrostatic nano-sampler (ENS). The ENS was designed specifically for the usage on bionanoaerosol particles but it works equally well for inorganic particles. It uses electrostatic force to collect charged particles exiting the nanoDMA2. The ENS is a kind of an impinger using a liquid as collecting media to provide “soft landing” to the particles. Between the nozzle outlet and the liquid surface an electrostatic field is applied. The appropriate choice of liquid offers both the conductivity and if needed an appropriate environment to preserve biological activity of particles impacted and captured on its surface. Several proteins, dendrimers and silica particles covering equivalent mobility diameters from 5 to 30 nm were chosen to evaluate the collection efficiency of the ENS. It was shown that the appropriate voltage applied to the liquid could increase the collection efficiency of the ENS up to 100 % for all investigated particles. The ultimate verification of the feasibility of the PDMA-ENS system is to prove the presence and, in the case of bioaerosols, the biological viability of the size-selected nanoparticles in the ENS liquid. Various nanoparticles were classified and sampled on liquid surface in the ENS over periods of up to 50 hours. The sample was consequently reinjected to the Electrospray Aerosol Generator (Mod. 3480, TSI, Inc.) and again analyzed with the PDMA. Fig.1 shows the size distributions for HS-30 silica particles (Sigma Aldrich). The exactly same location of measured peaks for the stock suspension and in the liquid sampled silica particles proves the feasibility of the approach. Figure 1. PDMA size distributions of silica particles. An enzyme activity of the sampled enzyme was tested to answer the question on the preservation of the biological function after the aerosolization, charging, separation and sampling step. The bioactivity of the enzyme β-galactosidase (equivalent mobility diameter 8 nm) was measured before and after the sampling process. The enzyme activity test revealed the existence of activity in the enzyme after the sampling process. This is an evidence for a successful effort combining electrospraying and DMA-technique with “soft landing” collection and enrichment of biological nanoparticles. This work was supported in part by a grant of the Austrian Science Foundation (Project P16185-N02). Allmaier, G. et al. (2008), Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry 19, 1062-1068. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A24 Diffusion based nanoparticle monitor using QCM-technology J. Leskinen1, J. Joutsensaari3, A. Jakorinne4, M. Laasanen4, J. Jokiniemi1,2 1 Univ. of Kuopio, Department of Environmental Science, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland. 2 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O. Box 1602, 02044 VTT, Espoo, Finland 3 Univ. of Kuopio, Department of physics, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland. 4 Savonia Univ. of Appl. Sci., Information Technology R&D Unit, P.O. Box 6, FI 70201 Kuopio, Finland Keywords: Diffusion, Deposition, Nanoparticles, Indoor air quality, Real-time detection The aerosol flow rate can be varied from 0 to around 1.5 lpm. Calculations using particle diffusion equations (Hinds, 1999) predict that the greater the flow rate, the more mass will be deposited on the crystals. The 0.2 mm spacing is quite narrow and turbulence would not increase the deposition rate. A sample aerosol was produced using a constant output atomizer (TSI) with ammonium sulfate-water-solution and was diluted with dry pressured air. The particle distribution was measured by SMPS at the beginning of the test period to get number concentration around 106 #/cm3 and the mode around 50 nm. The sample aerosol guided to the nanoparticle monitor was dried to remove moisture from the particles. A preimpactor was used to remove large particles. Particle exposure gave a clear response when the impactor’s cut 50 % diameter was as low as 355 nm. 70 60 Deposited mass (ng) The use of nanoparticles has increased rapidly over the past decade. Therefore health effects of these ultra fine particles are of public concern and it has become important to monitor concentrations of nanoparticles in the air at workplaces where nanoparticles are handled. We have developed an inexpensive method and device called nanoparticle monitor to monitor nanoparticle concentrations in the air surrounding employees. At the moment we are in a testing phase, a prototype has been constructed and the device gives a response for high nanoparticle concentrations. The device is based on two vibrating quartz crystals (QCM) which detect particle mass deposited on them (Ho, 1984). In our current prototype, characteristic frequency of the crystals is around 5 MHz and the frequency change, caused by the deposited mass is detected with a precision of 0.1 Hz. This enables a theoretical mass sensing limit of around 2.2 ng. The crystals are placed between two polyoxymethylene-plastic blocks. The blocks are put together, with the crystals facing each other (fig1). The crystals are separated from each other with a spacer plate. The plate is hollow in the middle and the distance between the crystals can be changed by using spacers with demanded thickness. In the present study, a 0.2 mm foil was used as a spacer. The sample aerosol flows through the device and a fraction of the particles is deposited on the crystals via diffusion. 50 40 30 Crystal 0 20 Crystal 1 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 Time (s) Figure 2. Nanoparticle mass deposited on the crystals with flow rate 1.5 lpm and preimpactor cut 50 % diameter 355 nm. The nanoparticle monitor will be further developed to enhance the particle deposition. In addition different methods will be tested to prevent larger particles from depositing on the crystal surfaces. This work is supported by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, Sachtleben Pigments Oy, Beneq Oy (fin), Amroy and Teknologiateollisuus ry. Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the prototype. 1) spacer plate, 2) plastic block, 3) aerosol in, 4) aerosol out and 5) crystal holder. M. H. Ho (1984). Application of Quartz Microbalances in Aerosol Mass Measurements. Application of Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Microbalances, Elsevier Science Publishers. Hinds W. C. (1999). Aerosol technology. A Wiley-interscience publication. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A25 Determination of particulate ammonium (NH4+) by thermal dissociation and detection of the generated gaseous ammonia 1 Ch. Hueglin1, H. Burtscher2, P. Graf1, C. Houle2, D. Meier2 and E. Rochat3 Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, 8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland 2 University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, 5210 Windisch, Switzerland 3 Omnisens SA, 1110 Morges, Switzerland Keywords: Ammonia, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, inorganics, thermal decomposition. 200 200 A prototype sampler and thermal dissociation unit was built and tests of the thermal dissociation of ammonium salt test aerosols (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and ammonium bisulfate) and ambient aerosols were performed. We found that the used technique is feasible for automated semicontinuous determination of NH4+. A major problem was the high adsorptivity and reactivity of NH3. This requires a very careful selection of materials which are in contact with ammonia. In addition, a trap for acids (i.e. nitric acid and sulfuric acid), which are formed during the dissociation, had to be installed. Otherwise, the formed acids may deposit on available surfaces and act as a sink for NH3. Some other technical problems still have to be solved. Figure 1 shows results for a laboratory sample (left) and a sample from outdoor aerosol. In both cases the sulfate and the nitrate peak can clearly be resolved. 0 100 300 500 700 Time (sec) 900 1100 140 100 80 20 0 0 0 20 40 40 50 60 Temperature (°C) 100 100 80 50 60 NH3 (ppb) 140 150 NH3 Temp measured Temp setpoint Temperature (°C) 100 NH3 (ppb) 150 NH3 Temp measured Temp setpoint 0 In the continental boundary layer, inorganic salts are main constituents of the atmospheric aerosol. They mainly consist of ammonium (NH4+), sulfate (SO42-), nitrate (NO3-) and small amounts of sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) (Putaud et al., 2004). NH4+ exists preferably as ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) and semi-volatile ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). Because ammonium is of considerable environmental importance, a variety of measurement techniques have been developed during the past. These include filter-based methods, continuous particle collection systems with subsequent analysis by ion chromatography (IC), as well as aerosol mass spectrometry. However, simple and reliable techniques for time-resolved long-term measurement of ammonium are not readily available. As mentioned above, NH4NO3 is semivolatile and easily dissociates at ambient conditions, contributing to the well known volatilisation losses often encountered in measurements of ambient particulate matter (PM). In contrast, (NH4)2SO4 is non-volatile at atmospheric conditions. To our knowledge, there is no conclusive information about the thermal decomposition mechanism available in the literature. Halstead (1970) studied the thermal dissociation of ammonium sulfate at 400°C and found that volatilisation occurs in two distinct sets of reactions. First, ammonium pyrosulfate (NH4)2S2O7 and NH3 is formed, in a second stage ammonium pyrosulfate is decomposed forming NH3, SO2 and N2. Kiyoura & Urano (1970) proposed a more complex thermal dissociation process involving ammonium triammonium sulfate bisulfate (NH4HSO4), ((NH4)3HSO4)2), ammonium pyrosulfate and sulfamic acid (NH2SO3H) as intermediates. In this study, we investigate the potential of a novel approach for quantitative determination of NH4+ based on thermal dissociation of ammonium compounds. Our technique is conceptually similar to methods developed for analysis of nitrate in aerosol particles (Yamamoto & Kosaka, 1994). It is based on the collection of dried ambient aerosols on a cold sampling filter maintained at 4°C, followed by controlled thermal dissociation of the collected ammonium compounds and finally, by time resolved detection of gaseous ammonia that results from thermal dissociation. 0 100 300 500 700 900 1100 Time (sec) Figure 1. Thermal dissociation of mixed NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 aerosols generated by atomising an aqueous solution of the two salts (left). Right graph: NH3 signal from thermal dissociation of ambient aerosol particles collected during 2.5h on a summer afternoon with obviously low NH4NO3 concentration (July 24 2008, outdoor temperature = 24°C). This work was supported by the technology promotion fund of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). Halstead, W.D. (1970). J. appl. Chem., 20, 129-132. Kiyoura R., Urano K. (1970). Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Develop., 9, 489-494. Putaud, J.P. et al. (2004). Atmos. Environ., 38, 25792595. Yamamoto, M., Kosaka, H. (1994). Anal. Chem., 66, 362-367. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A26 Characterization of the Hermann and Attoui DMA in the super 3 nm range. M. ATTOUI Physical Department, University Paris XII France Keywords: DMA, mobility, transfer function, nano particles. The particles leaving the atomizer at 3 lmin-1 are dried in diffusion dryer and neutralized in Kr 85 TSI neutralizer before their introduction in the first DMA. The particles produced with the wire generator are not neutralized since they are self singly charged. A home-made Faraday cup electrometer (FCE) or CPC is used as a detector for the monodisperse aerosol. The sheath flow rate in the both DMAs is measured with TSI mass flowmeters. The both DMAs run in open loop. The first one runs over pressure by pushing clean air with a blower through a TSI mass flowmeter. The second DMA runs underpressure by sucking with a second blower and second TSI mass flowmeter. A laminar flowmeter is used in the aerosol flow between the two DMAs. The polydisperse aerosol is introduced at 3 lmin in the first DMA. The monodisperse aerosols is sucked at 3 lmin. Fig 1 gives the results for the ADMA running at different flowrates from 80 to 800 l min-1. 0,28 200 lmin EM Signal Juan Fernandez de la Mora with various collaborators and colleagues at Yale University (CT. USA) introduced last few decades high resolution DMAs (Hermann, Rosser, Attoui DMAs) for ions and particles in the sub 3 nm range. These DMAs work at high sheath flowrates (around 1000 lmin-1 for the HDMA and 4 000 lmin-1 for the ADMA for example) to minimize diffusion losses and increase the resolution in terms of mobility diameters. All these DMAs have been tested with standard positive ions (tetraalkyl ammonium halides) in the sub 3 nm range, produced with electrospray method. This paper presents experimental measurement results of the transfer function of the HDMA and ADMA running at sheath flowrates ranging from 50 to 1 000 l min-1 with particles larger than 3 nm. The super 3 nm particles are produced with a hot wire generator and/or atomizer. A hot wire generator is used for the production of singly charged particles from 3 to 20 nm. Two identical ADMA are used in serial to measure the transfer function with ‘large’ particles. Unfortunately it was not possible to loan a second HDMA for this study. An ADMA is used as a generator for the HDMA transfer function measurement. Atomizer (for deionised and tape water, polystyrene spheres in clean water and diethyl sebacate in ethanol) is used for particles larger than 20 nm. The first DMA (Attoui type) is used as a generator of monomobile particles at a constant voltage while the voltage of the second (tested) DMA is scanned from 0 to 6 kV. 0,23 100 lmin 80 lmin 0,18 0,13 0,08 0,03 0 2 4 Vdma 6 Fig 1 Transfer functionoftheADMAat 3 sheath air flowrates. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A28 Challenges and Barriers for the Development of SiC Nanoparticle Measurement Technology in Laser Pyrolysis Reactors A. Asimakopoulou1, M. Kostoglou1,2 and A.G. Konstandopoulos1,3 1 Aerosol & Particle Technology Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI, P.O. Box 60361, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece 2 Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University, Univ. Box 116, 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece. 3 Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University, PO. Box 1517, 54006, Thessaloniki, Greece Keywords: silicon carbide, laser pyrolysis, fractal aggregates, on-line measurements, nanoparticles. The on-line monitoring of aerosol size distribution has proven to be a valuable tool in various applications concerning atmospheric pollution, health effects or industrial nanoparticles production. For the last case, an on-line monitoring system could greatly enhance the process optimization, the constant product quality and the achievement of safe operational conditions. However, several issues must be addressed regarding the aerosol sample handling, the design and location of sampling ports, etc. The aim of the present study is to deal with the challenges that appear during on-line measurements (such as the level and the kind of dilution, particle losses, etc.) in order to proceed with in-situ measurements during the synthesis of SiC nanoparticles by laser pyrolysis. Proper aerosol sampling procedures presented in the literature (e.g. Burtscher, 2001), alert to the challenges that must be addressed in order not to affect the resulting particle size distribution. Particle losses may occur in the sampling path due to diffusion, impaction, thermophoresis, or even internally in the monitoring instrument. Among them, diffusion losses are more prevalent for smaller particles and, thus, it is important to quantify accurately the nanoparticle losses when sizing aerosol particles on-line. For high concentration aerosols (the case of laser pyrolysis nanoparticle production), care must be taken to properly dilute the sample to minimize any effects of condensible species and coagulation and to effectively “freeze” the size distribution as it is in the process stream. All these factors must be examined before building up an on-line aerosol sampling and measuring system. In order to study where and how to place sampling ports in a SiC laser pyrolysis reactor, it is necessary to understand the transformations of the particle size distribution caused by the physical and chemical phenomena that occur inside the reactor. For this reason, a theoretical consideration of the laser pyrolysis process is performed. The key feature of the process is the excitation of silane by a CO2 laser. The resulting species are very reactive and produce solid silica on which acetylene reacts leading to aggregate generation with primary particles consisting of Si and SiC. The above phenomena occur very fast (along few mm of the reactor). In the rest of the reactor only coagulation takes place (irreversibly due to the partial sintering at the necks between the primary particles). A fractal aggregation model is developed to describe the particle dynamics in the second part of the reactor in order to understand better the measured aggregate size distributions. Apart from the theoretical approach, the aforementioned barriers in on-line aerosol sampling and measuring are examined here, also, in practice. Therefore, for the development of appropriate SiC aggregate nanoparticle measurement methods, an experimental set-up for ex-situ measurements has been created. In this set-up, an aerosol stream of SiC nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysis is generated and, afterwards, properly diluted. An SMPS (TSI Inc. SMPS 3936) is recording several nanoparticle size distributions and useful information is obtained regarding the type of size distribution (unimodal or multimodal), the mean diameter and the standard deviation of each peak. Results obtained with the SMPS are compared with ex-situ characterization techniques (BET, XRD, SEM, TEM). The above set-up forms the basis for a monitoring system (see Figure 1) which will allow the on-line qualitative and quantitative analysis of crucial characteristics of silicon carbide nanoparticles in a laser pyrolysis reactor process. Production Process Sampling System Sampling System Process step Characterization instruments Characterization instruments Sampling System Characterization instruments …. Process product step Process monitoring and simulation Off-line characterization Figure 1. Lay out for SiC nanoparticles measurement. This work was partially funded by the European Commission within the Project SAPHIR (NMP3-CT2006-026666-2). We would like to thank Mr. Tsakis and Mr. Daskalos for their assistance in the tests. Burtscher, H., Measurement March 2001. 2001., Report for Particle Programme, BUWAL/GRPE, Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A29 Thermal desorption/laser photo-ionisation aerosol mass spectrometry for on-line monitoring of molecular organic compounds from individual aerosol particles M.Bente1,2, M.Sklorz1,2, T.Streibel1,2 and R.Zimmermann1,2,3 1 Institute of Ecological Chemistry, Helmholtz Zentrum München, D-85764, Oberschleißheim, Germany 2 Chair of Analytical Chemistry, University of Rostock, D- 18051, Rostock, Germany 3 bifa-Umweltinstitut, D-86167, Augsburg, Germany Keywords: Aerosol mass spectrometry, Single particle analysis, Polycyclic aromatic compounds, Source identification Within the last decade, aerosol mass spectrometry has evolved to a versatile tool for applied and fundamental aerosol research. Up to now, however, the detection of molecular organic species by aerosol mass spectrometry is very difficult. Recently a new single particle laser ionisation mass spectrometer, using a two-step laser-desorption photo-ionization approach for detection of aromatic molecular compounds on individual particles was developed and successfully tested (Bente 08). Tracked and sized individual single particles (SP) herein firstly are laser desorbed (LD) on the fly within the ion source of the mass spectrometer by a IR-laser pulse (CO2-laser, 10.2 µm). After some microseconds the released aromatic molecules are selectively ionized by an intense UV-laser pulse (ArF excimer, 248 nm) in a resonance enhanced multiphoton ionisation process (REMPI). The ions are detected in a time of flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS). With this setup (i.e. laser desorption –REMPI-ionisation – single particle – Time-of-flight mass spectrometry or LD-REMPISP-TOFMS) it is possible to detect profiles of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and their derivatives which are predominantly bound to the ambient fine particulate matter (PM). It could be shown, that source specific molecular indicators for diesel car emissions, gasoline car emissions as well as for biomass burning (soft/hard wood) are detectable. As PAH and their derivatives may show both, chronic toxicity (i.e. many PAH are potent carcinogens) as well as acute toxicity (i.e. inflammatory effects due to oxidative stress) and are discussed to be relevant for the observed health effects of ambient PM, a better understanding of the occurrence, dynamics and particle size dependence of particle bound-PAH is of particular interest. In this context it was decided to make the LD-REMPI-SPTOFMS aerosol mass spectrometric technology for organic monitoring more suited for field measurements. For this purpose the laser desorption step (LD) is substituted by a thermal desorption (TD) step, similar as in case of the Aerodyne AMS technology (Bente 2009). However, due to the features of the pulsed REMPI photo-ionisation a single particle detection of molecular organic compounds remains possible. With the current aerosol inlet system particles from about 400 nm to 10 µm are accessible. The novel thermal desorption – REMPI-ionisation – single particle – Time-of-flight mass spectrometry approach (TD-REMPI-SPTOFMS) was tested with standard aerosol in the laboratory (re-dispersed wood ash). Furthermore real-world combustion aerosols were investigated (diesel/gasoline car emissions). Finally ambient measurements were performed using a virtual impactor enrichment unit to increase the detection frequency of ambient particles in the covered size range. It was possible to find distinct differences in the pattern of PAH and PAH derivatives in the single particle mass spectra from different sources (e.g. gasoline, wood combustion and diesel emissions). In Figure 1 a TD-REMPI-SP-TOFMS mass spectrum from ambient air (winter) is shown. Figure 1: TD-REMPI-SP-TOFMS mass spectrum from ambient air in winter 2008 (50 single particle mass spectra averaged, Oberschleißheim, Germany). Beside several prominent PAH masses, the peak at 234 m/z can be assigned to retene, a wood combustion tracer. The results obtained with the novel on-line thermal desorption method are comparable to the ones obtained by the earlier, more sophisticated two lasertechnology. In conclusion, on-line thermal desorption laser photo-ionization single particle mass spectrometry (TD-RTEMPI-SP-TOFMS) represents a promising technology for field measurements and source apportionment studies based on single particle organic analysis. It is planned to apply the technology at the Augsburg aerosol monitoring super-site of the Helmholtz-Zentrum München. Bente, M., Sklorz, M., Streibel, T., Zimmermann, R. Anal. Chem. 80 (2008) 8991–9004 Bente, M., Sklorz, M., Streibel, T., Zimmermann, R. Anal. Chem. 81 (2009) in press Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A30 Monitoring of growth of cloud droplets ensembles with soot and salt condensation nuclei L. Vámos, P. Jani Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Konkoly-Thege str. 29-33. H-1121. Budapest, Hungary Keywords: optical instrumentation, condensation monitoring, particle growth, Mie scattering In a simple experiment the scattered intensity of an ensemble of particles is easily collected during an appropriately short time of the condensation process. While the steady state is reached according to the thermo dynamical conditions the scattered data can be collected in a few milliseconds. This gives an adequately accurate estimate for the mean intensity and the variance intensity. In an earlier work (Jani et al, 2002) we have shown that the ratio of the mean intensity, I , to its standard deviation, σ I , on the particle ensemble is a constant, depending on the number of the scattering particles: I I1 , (1) = N 2 σI 2 σ I1 + I 1 where 200nm and the relative coat radius up to three times of the core. Ensemble data were generated from 1000 particle in average by Monte Carlo method according to the Poissonian distribution. The lognormal drop size distribution was generated for fixed 200nm salt and soot core size. The illumination pulse train consists of 1000 pulses at 1064nm. As the monodispersity is assumed the I / σ ratio gives directly the square root of the average particle diameter independent of the size and material (refractive index) of the particle or the illumination wavelength. I 1 the mean value and σ I1 is the standard deviation of intensity scattered on single particles. If we assume that the number of particles in a sensing volume changes according to the Poissonian statistics with constant mean number and deviation, then the change of the scattered intensity can be directly attributed to the condensation/evaporation of the coated water layer. The purpose of this paper is to extract the scattering data from ensemble of particles which can be attributed to the change of the particle radius. We now consider the scattering properties of single coated soot (n=1.96+i0.66) and salt (n=1.54) particles by Mie computation based on our earlier study in [Jani, P. & Vámos, L., 2006]. The scattered intensity ratio relative to homogenous water droplets is shown in Figure 1. The core size was varied up to Figure 2. Average scattered intensity for cloud droplets with soot and salt nuclei (top) and the ratio of the average scattered intensity to its standard deviation as a function of the relative radius. The average scattered intensity has a dynamic range of three orders of magnitude meanwhile the average particle number and so the I / σ doesn’t change. The result gives the possibility of a simple measurement of the layer thickness from the statistics of the scattered intensities. By the way the constant I / σ ratio gives the average particle number in the sensing volume for monodisperse particles. A nonintrusive optical method was suggested for the online monitoring of the condensation process. The authors thankfully acknowledge the financial support of MAG Zrt. under the grant KMOP-1.1.107/1-2008-0056. Figure 1. Scattered intensity of cloud droplets with salt nuclei relative to pure water droplets as a function of the core radius and the relative water layer thickness radius. Jani P. et al (2002), J. Aerosol Science, 33, 694-707. Jani, P. & Vámos, L. (2006), in Proc. 7th International Aerosol Conference IAC2006 St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 10-15 Sept., 490p. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A31 Application of on-line time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometry for the determination of molecular iodine M. Kundel, M. Schott, M. Ries and T. Hoffmann 1 Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Duesbergweg 10-14, 55128, Mainz, Germany Keywords: aerosol mass spectrometry, on-line measurements, molecular iodine, MBL In the last few years, there has been increasing evidence that iodine species do have an important influence on the marine atmospheric chemistry. Recent studies show that iodine species are involved in the tropospheric ozone depletion, the formation of new particles in the marine boundary layer (MBL) and the enrichment of iodine in the marine aerosol. Numerous laboratory and tropospheric field measurements show that molecular iodine (I2) and biogenic volatile organoiodine compounds (e.g. CH3I, CH2I2), which are released into marine atmosphere by algae and phytoplankton, are suggested to be the most important precursors for reactive iodine in the MBL (O´Dowd & Hoffmann 2005). During daylight these compounds are rapidly photolyzed to I atoms because of their photochemical instability. Their major fate is the reaction with ozone forming the iodine monoxide radical (IO). Further reactions of IO lead to the formation of higher iodine oxides (Hoffmann et al. 2001), which finally nucleate and form new particles. Natural new particle conversion via gas-to-particle is an important process determining the concentration of atmospheric aerosols. In their evolution aerosols can act as cloud condensation nuclei. Thus aerosols have an indirect effect on the Earth´s radiative budget and consequently on the Earth´s climate. However, the identification and quantification of reactive iodine containing compounds is still an analytical challenge. This work presents the development of an on-line method for the determination of molecular I2 using time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometry (ToF-AMS). Aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) provides a real-time analysis of the particle size, the particle mass and the chemical composition of non-refractory aerosols. A direct measurement of gaseous I2 by ToFAMS is not possible. Therefore molecular iodine has to be transferred from the gas phase to the particle phase before entering the ToF-AMS. For this purpose -cyclodextrin was used as a derivatization agent. cyclodextrin molecules consist of a hydrophilic surface and a hydrophobic cavity. Due to its hollow cone structure -cyclodextrin is capable of forming an inclusion complex with I2. The derivatization reaction was carried out in a 10L reaction chamber made of glass. A fine spray of -cyclodextrin, which had been generated by an atomizer, was continuously introduced into the reaction chamber. Gaseous I2 was added into chamber by using a temperature controlled and nitrogen flushed test gas source, which was based on an open tube diffusion technique. After exiting the reaction chamber, the aerosol was analysed by ToFAMS. This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) within the graduate program 826 “Trace Analysis of Elemental Species: Development of Methods and Applications”. Hoffmann, T., et al. (2001). Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 1949-1952. O´Dowd, C.D., & Hoffmann, T. (2005). Environmental Chemistry, 2, 245-255 Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T091A32 Preview on Nanoparticle Monitors A. Dahl, A. Gudmundsson and M. Bohgard Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, Lund University, SE-22100, Lund, Sweden Keywords: MiniDiSC, NanoCheck, NanoTracer, Indoor Air Quality MiniDiSC (University of Applied Sciences, Windisch, CH), NanoCheck (Grimm Aerosol) and NanoTracer (Philips Research) are new, light weight, battery powered aerosol instruments that are based on electrical measurement techniques. The MiniDiSC is a handheld version of the DiSC (Fierz et al. 2007). The handheld NanoTracer (Marra 2008) and the portable NanoCheck (Schneider 2009) are based on similar measuring principle. These instruments are developed for measuring nanoparticles and are able give fair estimates on number concentration and particle mean diameter. In this study the instruments were tested on candle smoke. The NanoTracer and the MiniDiSC was at the time of the study in the final stages of development. The results are, therefore, not necessary representative for the final products. The three instruments were calibrated by the manufacturers with salt aerosols. During the tests the instruments where run in parallel with a uCPC (model 3025, TSI) and an SMPS-system consisting of a Vienna DMA and a 3760A CPC (TSI). The candle smoke was generated by ten candles and the smoke was then led to a 22m3 chamber were the instruments were placed. After reaching a mass concentration of 200µg/m3 the candles were extinguished. The chamber was continuously ventilated with particle free at an air exchange ratio of 5h-1. less than 2%, while NanoTracer and the MiniDiSC overestimated the number concentration by an average of 34% and 45% respectively. Neither of the instruments was calibrated for the aerosol used in this study and errors are expected and since the errors show fairly monotonic relationship, proper calibration would suppress these errors. Figure 2. Concentration correlation between uCPC and the studied instruments. 60s average. (At 400 000 #/cm3 the SMPS was used as reference.) The SMPS system is the most frequently used instrument for nanoparticles, but the complexity makes field work challenging. Although the instruments in this study provide less accurate data, the simplicity and the battery powered design give them potential to be used extensively in field work. Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF) and The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS). Special thanks to: Martin Fierz, Grimm Aerosol and Philips Aerasense Figure 1. Diameter correlation between SMPS system and the studied instruments. 60s average. As shown in figure 1, the NanoTracer correlates well with the particle diameter as measured with SMPS (average of 2.5% error). The MiniDiSC and the NanoCheck underestimated the diameter with an average of 19% and 25% respectively. On the other hand as indicated in figure 2, the average error in the NanoCheck particle number concentration is Fierz M., Burtscher H., Steigmeier P. and Kasper M. (2007). Field measurement of particle size and number concentration with the Diffusion Size Classifier (DiSC). /SAE 2007-08PFL-484/ Marra J. (2008). Ultra-fine particle sensors for indoor air pollution monitoring and control. Proc., Indoor Air, Copenhagen, Denmark. Schneider F. (2009). New insights in aerosol particle Detection - NanoCheck and Wide Range Aerosol Spectrometer. Proc. 18th Symposium of the NVvA, Zeist, Netherlands. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A01 Nanoparticles Sampling Techniques for an Aerosol- / Particle Mass Spectrometer J. Meinen1,2, W. Baumann3, H.-R. Paur3 and T. Leisner1,2 1 Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Aerosols and Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Atmosphere (IMK-AAF), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany 2 Institute for Environmental Physics (IUP), Atmosphere and Remote Sensing, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany 3 Institute for Technical Chemistry, Thermal Waste Treatment (ITC-TAB), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany Keywords: Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, Aerodynamic Lens, Microwave Plasma Reactor, CFD For the measurement of the particle formation kinetics in technical processes, the Research Centre in Karlsruhe developed a particle mass spectrometer (PMS) specifically for the measurement of the size distribution of primary particles in the flames and plasmas with very high concentrations of particle numbers in the range of 108 to 1012 cm-3. Therefore, an intact sampling technique is needed which is suitable for particles in the size range of a few nm. The particle mass spectrometer uses a classic molecular beam sampling technique with an inlet nozzle and a second nozzle as a skimmer. The system has been tested successfully covering different nanoparticle sources, such as microwave plasma synthesis, a low-pressure flame and a spark generator. These particles sources are characterized by very small primary particles of a size range from 3 to 10 nm and they generate a very high number concentration, which is difficult to measure online with other measurement methods. The molecular beam technique, as a sampling method, offers the following advantage: Due to the supercritical expansion, the incoming gas is frozen very quickly; furthermore, all interactions between the particles or interactions between particles and gas molecules are blocked within the shortest possible time (ms). On the other hand the disadvantages of this sampling technique are bad particle transmission into the measurement chamber and a very high pumping capacity, which has to be provided for supercritical expansion into the molecular range. For sampling purpose other Aerosol- / Particle Mass Spectrometers use almost exclusively an aerodynamic lens. The first generation of these lenses was designed for a minimum particle size of 300 nm and a second generation of commercially designed lenses are now available down to 30 nm, which are used in the AMS (Aerodyne) and the ATOFMS (TSI). McMurry has designed and tested an aerodynamic lens for particles smaller then 10 nm. An optimized aerodynamic lens system arisen from CFD-Simulations combines the advantage of a supercritical expansion through a critical nozzle and forms a well-defined beam through a multilevel aerodynamic lens, especially for nanoparticles. The measurement principle of PMS is based on the deflection of a charged nanoparticle beam by a homogeneous field of a capacitor. The deflection capacitor separates the incoming particles according to their polarity in a negative and a positive charged fraction. The deflection voltage is proportional to the ratio of the kinetic particle energy to its charge (U ~ ½ m v² / z). By varying the deflection voltage, particles of different energy-to-charge ratio are collected at the faraday cups, which are located symmetrically to the left and right of the centre line at the end of the detection chamber. The current generated at the faraday cup is proportional to the incoming number of particles times their total charge and it is measured with a highly sensitive amplifier. The amplification is 1010 V/A with an ultra-low-noise 3-dB bandwidth of 7 kHz. The results can be translated to retrieve the ratio of the kinetic particle energy to the number of charges (½ m v² / z). To convert this energy spectrum into the particle size distribution, the number of charges (z), the particle velocity and the material density must be known. For an accurate measurement, detailed knowledge of the molecular beam and of the particles included is necessary. Furthermore, the particle speed in the molecular beam, the charge number per particle and the ratio of charged to uncharged particles is also needed. The quality and the particles transfer of the molecular beam sampling technique were measured with SiO2 - nanoparticles from the microwave plasma synthesis; and the absolute particle mass was detected with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) installed in the molecular beam. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A02 Design and performance of an automatic regenerating adsorption aerosol dryer for continuous operation at monitoring sites Th. M. Tuch, A. Haudek, Th. Müller, A. Nowak, H. Wex, A. Wiedensohler Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany Keywords: Aerosol instrumentation, Monitoring. Physical and optical properties of aerosol particles depend on the relative humidity of their carrier gas. To achieve comparability of measurements from different aerosol monitoring sites, networks usually require that the aerosol is dried to a relative humidity below 50% r.H.. Commercially available aerosol dryers are often not suitable for remote monitoring sites. Diffusion dryers need to be regenerated frequently, Nafion dryers are not designed for high aerosol flow rates. We have developed automatic regenerating adsorption aerosol dryers for a design flow rate of 1 m³/h (figure 1). Particle transmission efficiency has been measured during a 3 weeks experiment. The lower 50% transmission efficiency was found to be below 3 nm at this flow rate. Operated at the design flow rate, the aerosol transmission efficiency exceeds 92% in the size range from 10 nm to 800 nm. Measured transmission efficiencies (dots) are in good agreement with theoretical calculations line (figure 2.). 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 transmission 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 experimental data calculated transmission 0.1 0.0 1 10 diameter [nm] 100 1000 Figure 2: Size dependent transmission of the aerosol dryer (measured and calculated) at 16.7 l/min. So far seven dryers have been deployed worldwide. The most challenging site for such a dryer is located in the rainforest of the Amazonas river basin about 50 km off the city of Manaus. Monthly average temperatures at this site range from 24 to 33 deg. C with a daily average humidity of up to 90% r.H.. From February 2008 through August 2008 we measured an average ambient temperature of 30.3 +/- 2.3 deg. C with a relative humidity of 78.5 +/- 3.9%. During the experiment average relative humidity of the dried aerosol was 27.1 +/- 7.5 % r.H. Figure 1: Schematic view of the aerosol dryer We demonstrated that the new automatic regenerating aerosol dryer performs well under adverse environmental conditions. Relative humidity of the aerosol at the most challenging site never exceeded design values. Operational parameters of the system need, however, to be set according to site requirements. Routine maintenance of the system did require little effort which makes these dryers suitable to be operated at remote continuous monitoring sites. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A03 A new personal thermophoretic sampler with simplified analysis routines for nanoparticle exposure studies Nkwenti Azong-Wara1, Christof Asbach1, Burkhard Stahlmecke1, Heinz Fissan1, Heinz Kaminski1, Sabine Plitzko2, Thomas A.J. Kuhlbusch1 1 Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology (IUTA), Air Quality & Sustainable Nanotechnology Unit, Bliersheimer Str. 60, Duisburg, Germany 2 Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Nölderstrasse 40-42, Berlin, Germany Keywords: thermophoresis, CFD, modelling, nanoparticles, personal sampling. deviation of the orientation-dependent deposition rates. 6 % total number of particles deposited per mm Assessing the exposure to airborne nanoparticles, e.g. at workplaces during nanoparticle production, is an important step towards a sustainable nanotechnology. Personal exposure assessments of fine and coarse particles have been predominantly carried out by the use of mass based personal particle samplers. Most common versions of these personal particle samplers consist of a miniaturized impactor with a defined cut off size followed by a filter (e.g. Sioutas et al., 1999). This approach is undesirable for assessing the exposure of nanoparticles where the mass is not a very prominent factor. One suitable way of sampling nanoparticles is by employing the principle of thermophoresis defined as the directed thermal diffusion of aerosol particles that occurs when a temperature gradient is established in the gas. A new thermophoretic personal sampler, also known as Thermal Precipitator (TP), was developed with the objective to uniformly deposit particles on a substrate, in order to simplify the microscopic analysis e.g. by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The development builds on an old TP developed by the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). The nonuniform deposition pattern of this old TP was found to be due to its non-uniform temperature gradient caused by two centrally placed tiny heating coils in the middle of the TP. A uniform temperature gradient is created in the new TP by introducing two plates with different but uniform temperatures with the colder plate acting as the substrate for particle deposition. Analytical calculations were done, considering the interaction and effectiveness of the various forces acting on particles in the TP, assuming a plug flow velocity of 5.5 mm/s (inlet velocity in old TP) and a substrate length of 20 mm. The calculations showed an optimum at a gap distance of 1 mm and temperature gradient of 15 K/mm in order to achieve a uniform deposition of particles. These results set the basis for more complex numerical simulations. The simulations were carried out with the CFD software FLUENT in connection with the Fine Particle Model (FPM). Fig. 1 illustrates the homogeneous particle deposition as a function of particle size for three typical orientations of the TP between 1.5 mm and 8 mm from the start of the substrate. The deposition is fairly homogeneous up to a particle size limit of about 300 nm independent of the orientation. Above 300 nm, gravity causes a 4 2 Default vertical orientation Horizontal orientation; substrate at the bottom Horizontal orientation; substrate on top 0 10 100 1000 Particle size (nm) Fig. 1 Particle deposition for three orientation cases of the TP with a temperature gradient of 15 K/mm The modelling results affirmed that during an eight hour sampling period (standard working shift) sufficient particles will be deposited for SEM analysis. The new TP was designed based on the modelling results and a first prototype built. Peltier elements were employed on both plates in the TP to create a temperature gradient which is kept constant by a temperature regulation element. The new TP has the dimensions of 4.1 x 4.5 x 9.7 cm³ and weighs approximately 130 grams, and can therefore be comfortably carried by a worker. Fig 2 shows the design of the first prototype. Modelling results and the design of the new TP will be presented. Body Warmer Plate Substrate Substrate insertion unit with inlet slit. Peltier elements Fan Heat sinks Fig. 2 Design of the new Thermal Precipitator Reference: Sioutas et al. J. Aerosol Sci. 6: 693-707, 1999 Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A04 A miniature impactor for aerosol collection with emphasis on single particle analysis K. Kandler1 1 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Universität Mainz; now at: Angewandte Geowissenschaften, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Keywords: aerosol sampling, impactor, SEM/EDX, single particle analysis The collection of samples for individual particle analysis differs from those of for example bulk-chemical methods. The particles need to be isolated on the substrate, which should provide as much (chemical or morphological) contrast to the particles as possible. In this work, a micro inertial impactor (MINI) is described, a cascade impactor with single round nozzles designed for a versatile operation for the collection of single particle analysis. Most attention was paid to the small instrument size, ease of use, interchangeability of different substrates, and a collection size range suitable for electron-microscopic particle analysis. The MINI follows the design of Mercer et al. (1970), but for ease of use each single stage is split into a nozzle and a substrate holder. The MINI outer shell consists of a tube with interior and exterior diameters of 10 mm and 18 mm, respectively and an inner length of 40 mm. It features o-ring fittings at the top and bottom to seal the threads. Construction material is stainless steel. The split design of the single stages (see Fig. 1) allows the use of nozzles and substrate holders in any combination. O-rings around the nozzles ensure the sealing of the single stages and hold the stages in position through friction. Nozzles from 0.2 to 1.5 mm were constructed with a small interval. The nozzle construction followed the design criteria given by Newton et al. (1977). The flow rate is usually set by keeping one of the nozzles in critical condition. When the 0.25 mm nozzle is used as critical orifice, a flow of approximately 0.5 l/min is reached. Nozzle diameters and the corresponding approximate cut-off sizes for this case can easily be calculated (e. g., Raabe et al., 1988). Alternatively, the MINI can be used in lowpressure mode. Behind a drop in the pressure on the critical nozzle of significantly more than half of the inlet pressure, particles smaller than 30 nm can be collected. However, the maintenance of the necessary vacuum (typically 50 to 100 hPa at a strongly increased air volume flow) on the impactor outlet requires rather large vacuum pumps. For each type of substrate the substrate holder needs to be adapted to place the surface of the sampling substrate at the reference height h0 (Fig. 1) with exactness better than the nozzle diameter w to yield the target cut-off size. The substrate holders can feature magnets to securely hold substrates like transmission electron microscopy grids or nickel plates commonly used in electron microscopy. The criter. s/w l/w ws/s α Dt Ds Df Dc fd fh O-ring value 1.3 1 for w > 0.5 mm, else 0.5 mm 3 for w > 0.5 mm, else 1.5 mm 45° 10.0 mm 9.95 mm 7.0 mm 4.0 mm 0.9 mm 1.2 mm 8 mm x 1 mm fd fh ws α w l s h0 Fig. 1 (right): Design criteria, measures, and schematic drawing Dc Df Ds Dt Fig. 2 (below): Substrate holders for 3.05 mm diameter TEM grids with edge to prevent slipping (left), for 4 mm diameter metal discs with or without coating (center), and for 5 mm square silicon plates (right) maximum usable substrate size is about 5 mm in square (see Fig 2 for examples). To facilitate the assembly of the MINI it is recommended to create a rod with two different tips from a softer material (e. g., PTFE) to push the stages in and out. As the nozzles are susceptible to mechanical damage, an annular tip should be used with an outer diameter of 6.5 mm and an inner diameter of 4.5 mm. The other tip used for pushing into the inlet cone of the nozzles should be spherical or tapered. A cap should be built which holds the stages safely while pushing them out of the impactor tube with an inner diameter of 11 mm and a length of 40 mm. An end-to-end slot in the cap facilitates taking out the nozzles and substrate holders with tweezers. Mercer, T. T., Tillery, M. I., Newton, G. J. (1970). J. Aerosol Sci., 1, 15. Newton, G. J., Raabe, O. G., Mokler, B. V. (1977). J. Aerosol Sci., 8, 339-347. Raabe, O. G., Braaten, D. A., Axelbaum, R. L., Teague, S. V., Cahill, T. A. (1988). J. Aerosol Sci., 19, 183-195. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A05 Development of new instrumentation for aerosol angular light scattering and spectral absorption measurements G. Dolgos1, J.V. Martins1,2, L.A. Remer2 and A.L. Correia2 1 Dep. of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, 21250, Baltimore MD, USA 2 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 613.2, 20771, Greenbelt MD, USA Keywords: Light absorption, Chemical composition, Scattering matrix, Hygroscopicity. In order to quantify the effects of aerosols on the atmospheric radiation budget, absorption and scattering properties of many different aerosol types have to be mapped with considerable accuracy. Remote sensing of aerosol properties from space with current satellite sensors requires knowledge of aerosol optical properties, including phase function (the directional distribution of scattered light), in order to quantify aerosol loading (Mishchenko et al., 2004). Black carbon is the main anthropogenic absorber; its warming effect can be comparable to that of carbon dioxide (Ramanathan & Carmichael, 2008). Other absorbers (mainly organic materials and dust) are also important, and have distinct spectral dependence over the solar spectrum. We designed, built and calibrated a novel device for aerosol phase function measurements. This device is an imaging nephelometer called I-Neph that is capable of measuring the phase function close to the extreme directions, i.e. from 1.5° to 178.5° in the present configuration. The broad range is crucial for particle size retrievals. The current resolution is less than 1° near the extreme directions, and the angular range and resolution can be improved. next effort to improve the I-Neph. Aerosol phase functions can be measured already as a function of humidity. The I-Neph has no moving parts, measures in a few seconds and is suitable for the laboratory and the field. We will upgrade the I-Neph to measure polarization and the full phase matrix. Our goal has been to measure the absorption spectra of black carbon and other aerosols from 200 nm to 2500 nm, using sampled filters. Although the deep UV measurements are not important for the atmospheric radiative balance, they contain important information about the chemical composition of the sample. Measuring the decrease in filter reflectance permits the calculation of spectral absorption cross section of the aerosol particles. We implement multiple ways to measure reflectance (including a stable novel integrating sphere) in order to eliminate systematic errors due to its directional distribution. Preliminary results of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) are shown in Figure 2, mass measurements will be carried out in the upcoming months in order to obtain mass absorption coefficient. Figure 2. Relative spectral mass absorption coefficient of various aerosols. Figure 1. Raw data of direct measurements at 532 nm with the current I-Neph prototype at UMBC. Pure N2 and CO2 data are compared with their corresponding theoretical calculations and ambient aerosol data. The aerosol phase function in Figure 1 has not been corrected for the Rayleigh contribution from air. The angle dependent sensitivity of the system causes the small discrepancy between raw data and Rayleigh theory. We located the cause of the current high frequency noise and it will be eliminated during our This research was supported in part by the NASA Atmospheric Composition program (grant number NNX07AT47G), and by the NASA Interdisciplinary Science Program (grant number NNX07AI49G). Mishchenko, M., B. Cairns, J. E. Hansen, L. D. Travis, R. Burg, Y. J. Kaufman, J. V. Martins, E. P. Shettle (2004), JQSRT, 88, 149–161 Ramanathan, V. and G. Carmichael (2008), nature geoscience, 1, 221-227 Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A06 Response of the DustTrak DRX to Aerosols of Different Materials X. L. Wang, A. Hase, G. Olson, A. Sreenath, J. Agarwal TSI Inc., St Paul, MN 55126, USA Keywords: PM Measurement, Aerosol Photometer Method, Mass Concentration, Optical Instrumentation, Mie Scattering measure very low concentrations (<0.1 µg/m3), it suffered coincidence losses at relatively low concentrations (~10 µg/m3). On the other hand, the DRX was not so accurate at very low concentrations (<1 µg/m3) due to low signal-to-noise ratio, it can measure high concentrations without coincidence losses. Therefore the DRX is suitable for dusty environments. In summary, we measured the DustTrak DRX response to different aerosols. It is shown that the DRX could not accurately measure mass concentration if the aerosol of interest is different from the calibration aerosol. However, once calibrated with the measurement aerosol, the DRX can measure size segregated mass concentrations quite accurately. Comparing to a simple photometer, the DRX not only provides particle size information, but also is more accurate for PM10 measurement and less sensitive to particle size distribution shift. Comparing an OPC, the DRX can measure higher concentrations, and is more suitable to dusty environment. 18 3 Petroleum Coke Concentration (mg/m ) The DustTrak DRX is a real-time monitor for size segregated aerosol mass concentrations. It combines photometry with single particle sizing to measure PM1, PM2.5, PM4 and PM10. Since this instrument works on the principle of light scattering, its response depends on aerosol properties, such as particle shape, refractive index, size distribution and density. In this paper, we report the results from four sets of experiments using the DRX to measure different aerosols. Its comparison with a photometer and an optical particle counter (OPC) will be discussed, and its advantages and limitations will be addressed. The first experiment investigates the DRX photometric response to different aerosols. The DRX was challenged with ultrafine Arizona Road Dust (A1 dust), ammonium sulfate, sodium chloride and Emery oil. The result showed that the DRX photometric response for unit aerosol mass is approximately inversely proportional to the particle density for the aerosols investigated. The second experiment uses the DRX to measure four different aerosols: ultrafine Arizona Road Dust, coarse Arizona Road Dust (A4 dust), hematite and petroleum coke. The result showed that when the aerosol under measurement is different from the calibration aerosol, the DRX could not predict mass concentrations accurately. This experiment also showed that once calibrated with the aerosol of interest, the DRX can measure mass concentrations quite accurately. An example comparison between the DRX and the Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) for measuring the light absorbing petroleum coke is shown in Figure 1. The third experiment compares the DRX with a simple photometer, the TSI DustTrak 8520, for their sensitivities to size distribution change. Both instruments were calibrated with A1 dust. Then they were used to measure A4 dusts. It was shown that the DRX underestimated PM10 concentration by 7%, while the DustTrak 8520 underestimated 31%. Therefore the DRX PM10 measurement is less sensitive to size distribution change than a photometer due to its single particle measurement feature. The forth experiment compares the DRX with the TSI 8220 OPC for measuring monodisperse Emery oil particles at various concentrations. The result showed that while the OPC can accurately 16 PM 10 TEOM DRX 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 15:53 15:56 15:59 16:01 16:04 16:07 16:10 16:13 16:16 Time Figure 1. PM10 mass concentrations of petroleum coke dust measured by TEOM and DRX. The TEOM had a PM10 impactor on it inlet, while the DRX did not have an impactor. The DRX simultaneously measured PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10 and TPM. Only PM10 is plotted for the sake of clarity. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A07 Development of an optical particle counter for in-situ detection of single ice particles in LACIS T. Clauß, A. Kiselev, D. Niedermeier, S. Hartmann, H. Wex and F. Stratmann Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research, 04318 Leipzig, Germany Keywords: Depolarization, Instrumentation/physical char., Instrument development, Optical counter Ice particles influence radiation properties and precipitation mechanisms in atmospheric clouds. Therefore the investigation of the freezing behaviour of different aerosol particles which act as ice nuclei (IN) is important and still poses unresolved questions. The Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS, Stratmann et al., 2004) is used to investigate the IN activity of different natural and artificial aerosol particles, and to learn more about homogenous and different heterogeneous freezing processes. To support these measurements, a particle detection method able to differentiate between ice particles and droplets in LACIS is needed. The main goal is to determine the fraction of frozen and unfrozen particles in mixed water and ice aerosol systems under different thermodynamic conditions. An Optical Particle Counter (OPC) was built to detect single particles downstream of the LACIS tube to measure not only a size distribution but also the rotation of the main polarization plane of the backscattered light. The principle is based on the difference in depolarization of particles with different shape. Figure 1. Optical layout of the OPC for the detection of ice particles (top view). The configuration of the OPC is shown in Figure 1. The vertically polarized laser light at 532 nm is focused on the measuring volume situated downstream of the LACIS tube. The light scattered by a single particle crossing the measuring volume into the near forward direction is detected by two photomultiplier tubes (PMT) "A" and "B". The detected signal of PMT "A" is then used to determine the particle size, whereas the signal of PMT "B" is used to ensure that the particle is crossing the measuring volume exactly in the focal point of the illuminating optics. The backscattered light is filtered by a polarizer and detected by PMT "C". By rotating the polarizer, it is possible to distinguish between different polarization states. In case of spherical particles, the polarization state of the scattered light can be analytically described by Lorenz-Mie theory. Figure 2 shows an example of a backward scattering pattern for a 5 µm water droplet. It can be clearly seen, that there exist special angular ranges where the parallel polarization component dominates. Figure 2. The parallel (a) and perpendicular (b) polarization components normalized to the total scattering intensity and mapped onto the backward scattering detector plane. The zero of the XYcoordinate frame corresponds to the 180° scattering direction. The scattering pattern is calculated by Lorenz-Mie theory for a 5 µm spherical water droplet. In general, ice particles are not spherical, so that the backscattering patterns of both polarization components are much more complicated. With a mask installed in the backscattering channel it is possible to limit the field of view of the PMT "C", so that the perpendicular component of light scattered by a spherical particle almost vanishes. Thus it is possible to exclude spherical particle from registration. The appearance of this mask is defined by the calculations. First test measurements of immersion freezing on Arizona Test Dust particles (ATD) were performed with the new OPC. In these experiments it was shown for the first time that an in-situ discrimination of single frozen and unfrozen water droplets is possible. Stratmann, F. et al. (2004). J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 21, 876-887. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A08 Novel Photoacoustic Aerosol Monitor for Optical Absorption Coefficient Determination. Laboratory and Field Test. T.Ajtai1, M. Schnaiter2, C. Linke2, M. Vragel2, Á. Filep1, L. Födi1, G. Motika 4, Z. Bozóki3, G. Szabó1 1 Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics, University of Szeged, Hungary Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 3 Research Group on Laser Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Science, University of Szeged, Hungary 4 Lower Tisza Valley Environmental Inspectorate, Szeged, Hungary. 2 Keywords: Absorption coefficients, Aerosol instrumentation, Absorption, Aerosol characterisation, Carbonasceous aerosol. Table 1. Wasul-MuWaPaS system performance Wavelength (nm) 1064 532 355 266 Power (mW) 360 90 12 6 MDOA (Mm-1) 0,6 1,2 9,6 9,5 The spectral PA response of different type of artificially generated soot and dusts were measured. As a reference the extinction spectrometer and TSI; 3653 Nephelometer was used. From the extinction and scattering measurement the absorption coefficient can be calculated. Good agreement was found between the PA and the reference response. Figure 1. The WaSul-MuWaPas was deployed at the EMEPGAW regional station of JRC Ispra and operated parallel with the instrumentation used at the site photoacoustic babs 532nm 1/m including Nephelometer, DMPS. Aethalometer, MAAP, 0.0030 soot mini-cast C/O 0.29 slope 1.07 ±0.01 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030 Reference method babs 532nm550nm 1/m Figure 1: Correlation between the PA and the reference spectral response of CAST soot at 532nm wavelength. Despite the low EBC mass concentration (below 1μg/m3) occurred at the field station during the experiments excellent agreement was found between the PA and the corrected aethalometer response. PA response @ 532 nm [nV] There is an increasing concern for novel methods to determine the optical absorption coefficients of atmospheric aerosol. The available online instruments like MAAP (Multi Angle Absorption Photometer) and PS2 (Single Particle Soot Photometer) has weakness of spectral resolution or the sampling artifact of filter matrix. These methods neither suitable for direct determination of light absorption by aerosol nor dispose the capability of the source apportionment. Photoacoustic measurement technique is one of the highly promising method for analysis of aerosols, as it can determine directly the amount of light absorption by aerosols while being largely insensitive to uncharacteristic light scattering. The Multi Wavelength Photoacoustic System (WaSul-MuWaPas) operating at four different wavelength in wide wavelength range (266nm, 355nm, 532nm, 1064nm) for optical characterisation of artificially generated and atmospheric aerosol was developed. The system characteristic performances are shown at table 1. (MDOA: Minimum Detectable Optical Absorption Coefficient) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.0 -6 5.0x10 -5 1.0x10 -5 1.5x10 -5 2.0x10 -5 2.5x10 Aethalometer data [1/m] Figure 2. Correlation between the PA response These researchesaethalometer were funded data by Hungarian and the corrigated at 532nm wavelength during the one week measurement period. The research were founded by Ministry of Economy and Transport NKFP_07_A4_AEROS_EU. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A09 Monitoring of indoor air quality and workplace aerosols - one compact portable system for dust mass, number concentration and Nano particles F. Schneider, R. Hagler and H. Grimm Grimm Aerosol Technik GmbH, 83404 Ainring, Germany Keywords: indoor air quality, Nanoparticles characterization, occupational health, mass concentration, aerosol measurement, aerosol size distribution, Laser aerosol spectrometry is a well-proofed techniques for online particle monitoring with very good time and size resolution. Battery powered systems even are suitable portable measurements. One limitation of optical light scattering technique is the limit of particle size detection, due to the strong decrease of scattering intensity with decreasing particle size. A new sensor attachment now enables to measure down to 25nm with high time resolution, and displaying particle concentration and mean particle diameter of Nano sized aerosol particles and keeping all the advantages of laser aerosol spectrometer. Portable Nano attachment NanoCheck 1320 with adapter 1320-HLX and laser aerosol spectrometer The sensor attachment exists of a faraday cup electrometer, combined with a charger and a time multiplexed electrode for conductivity measurement. This unique patent pending setup is sensitive to about 10fA, which correlates to an minimum concentration of 5000 particles/ccm and can measure up to about 5 * 10^6 particles/ccm. In addition one can determine the mean particle diameter also and the active surface area of the measured nano sized aerosol. Indoor air quality and workplace monitoring are historically based on measurements of particles mass fractions according to their penetration depth into the lung. So this system keeps the link to the past, by data output according to the European standard EN 481. Particle mass only has limited significance characterizing health effects due to inhaled particles emitted e.g. by combustion, Nano particle processing or welding. This setup is unique for monitoring the risk potential of aerosol particles and nano particles in particular, which will become more and more important for indoor air quality and the monitoring of workplace aerosols. The compact and lightweight design of this new device will enable necessary mobile measurements for work place monitoring, inhalation studies, occupational health studies and production inspection. This contribution reports on a new technique for determination of particle number concentration and mean particle diameter in a size range 25nm up to 300nm in combination with complete characterization number, size can mass distribution of the aerosol particles up to 32µm. Examples of measurements at different indoor environments will be presented in detail, also the possibility to comparisons of indoor and outdoor measurements, e.g. for the fast determination of background concentrations levels. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A10 First Steps Towards a Photophoretic Mobility Analyzer C. Haisch, L. Opilik, M. Oster, and R. Niessner Chair for Analytical Chemistry, Technische Universität München, D-81377, Munich, Germany Keywords: photophoresis, optical properties, particle characterization, separation. Photophoresis (PP), or more precisely photothermophoresis (PTP), occurs when an aerosol particle is illuminated by a strong light from one side, which leads to locally inhomogeneous warming. The heat is transferred to the surrounding gas atmosphere, which gets heated as well. In consequence, the collision rate of the gas molecules with the particle increases, which results in a net force acting on the particle. It reaches an equilibrium velocity, governed by the PP force on the one hand and the Stoke’s flow resistance on the other. For semitransparent particles, the PTP force can even act towards the light source, if the light gets focused behind the particle, leading to local warming on the particle’s backside. The PTP force depends on the light intensity, on thermal properties of the gas medium and on the geometrical, optical and thermal properties of the particle. As we presented, the evaluation of the PP velocities of different particles can reveal information on their optical and thermal properties, when the gas’s properties are known (Haisch et al., 2008). Additionally, direct PP forces act on the particles, which are caused by the momentum transfer of photons being scattered on the particle. Generally, these forces are considered negligible compared to the PTP force, but for certain, highly scattering particles this may not hold true. We are designing an instrument which employs PTP and PP forces for aerosol characterization and fractionation. As the fundamental operating is similar to the one of a Differential Mobility Analyzer, we chose the name PP Mobility Analyzer for the new instrument. Two similar designs are currently under comparison. Both are based on two coaxial gas flows, the inner one (diameter ~100 µm) containing the particles, the outer one acting as sheath air. Both laminar flows are adjusted to the same flow velocity of few 100 µm s-1. Without the influence of the PP force, particles move with the flow trajectories. Opposite to the aerosol inlet, there is either a narrow wall, splitting the flow into two separate channels. Depending on the flows in these two channels, which are maintained by pumps, the flow trajectories in before the wall are influenced in a way that all particles end in one of the two channels (see Fig. 1). The PP force pushes particles with high PP efficiency into other flow trajectories. If the PP force is sufficiently strong, they end up in the other channel, where they can be counted. Depending on the flow ratio of the two channels, more or less PP force is necessary to push particles into the second channel. As alternative configuration we replaced the separation wall by a second capillary, which is experimentally simpler, but not suitable for the separation of particles exhibiting negative PP. Figure 1 Principle of the PP Mobility Analyzer. The proposed PPMA system will reveal new information on optical and thermodynamic properties of aerosol particles and will find its way to routine application. The PP velocimetric measurements carried out in parallel indicate, that the PP effect allows distinguishing between particles of identical chemical composition, but different microstructure. One example are the significantly different velocities of NaCl particles generated either by condensation from the gas phase or by drying of nebulised salt solution. We present results of our optimized PP velocimetry setup, which now allows online data evaluation, which means that a continuous monitoring of PP properties is possible. All PP systems presented here are now coupled to the outlet of a Differential Mobility Analyzer in order to distinguish between the influence of particle’s size and opto-thermal properties on the PP force. The PP measurements are carried out only on a limited size fraction of the particles, which can be varied stepwise. Haisch, C., Kykal, C., & Niessner, R. (2008), Anal. Chem. 80, 1546-1551. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T092A11 Measurement of the wavelength dependence of the extinction coefficient for studying the aerosol contamination of the atmosphere A. Czitrovszky, A. Nagy, A. Kerekes Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Konkoly Thege Miklós st. 29-33. 1121 Budapest, Hungary Envi-Tech Ltd., , Konkoly Thege M. st. 29-33., 1121 Budapest, Hungary Keywords: remote sensing, radiation measurement, radiometry, size distribution, extinction coefficient Remote sensing of aerosols, retrieval of optical depth and aerosol size distribution in the atmosphere by means of sun photometry has long history and is in the focus of the scientific interest continuously. The relationship between the aerosol contamination of the atmosphere and wavelength dependence of the extinction coefficient has been studied theoretically than experimentally by a number of groups (King et al. 1978, Liu et al. 1999, Schmid et al. 1997 etc.). From spectral attenuation measurements the size distribution and the concentration of aerosol can be determined. Our aim was to develop a multi channel radiometer for the measurement of the extinction coefficient at different wavelengths. The system consists of a three channel detection system with wide spectral range (from UV to IR) in which the selection of the wavelengths can be made using narrow band filters. The central wavelength of the filters was fitted to the characteristic spectral lines corresponding to certain materials. The system has three detection channels. Two of them has narrow band interference filter holder, for selecting the proper wavelengths. In the third detection channel the incoming light is reflecting from four mirrors which have high reflectivity only in a narrow band around a certain UV line. This four mirror increases the wavelength selectivity by four orders of magnitudes. So this device combines the benefits of the UV radiometer and a wide range spectrometer for the determination of the wavelength dependence of the extinction coefficient. In addition to the commonly used data retrieval process for the determination the size distribution and concentration of atmospheric aerosols (Liu et al. 1999, Schmid et al. 1997, King et al. 1978, Pearson et al. 2007, etc.), an evaluation method based on the ratio of the signals obtained in different channels is introduced. This method is independent of the absolute intensity which is varying with the cloud density or meteorological conditions. After the calibration of the device we made several measurement campaigns at different optical conditions. The measurement results are under evaluation. Figure 1. The multichannel radiometer device This work was supported by the GVOP TST Programme under grant No 0119/2005. King M.D., Byrne D.M., Herman B.M., Reagan J.A., (1978) Aerosol size distributions obtained by inversion of spectral optical depth measurements, J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 2153-2167. Liu Y, Arnott W.P., Hallett H., (1999) Particle size distribution retrieval from multispectral optical depth: influences of particle non-sphericity and refractive index, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 3175331762. Schmid, B., Matzler, C., Heimo, A., Kampfer, N., (1997) Retrieval of optical depth and particle size distribution of tropospheric and stratospheric aerosols by means of Sun photometry, Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Volume 35, Issue 1, 172 – 182. Pearson R., Fitzgerald R.M., Polanco J., (2007) An inverse reconstruction model to retrieve aerosol size distribution from optical depth data, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 56-59. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T093A01 Dependence of the performance of condensation particle counter (CPC) on particle number concentration Z.Z. Zhang Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, 100084, Beijing, P.R.China Keywords: CPC, counting efficiency, number concentration, particle growth. The condensation particle counter (CPC) is a widely used instrument for measuring the number concentration of submicrometer and nanometer airborne particles. The instrument operates by producing a supersaturated vapour in the saturator and then condensing on the particles to grow them to a large, detectable size. The simulated condenser in this paper is that of TSI model 3020 CPC, the length of condenser is 8cm and the diameter is 4mm, the working fluid is nbutyl alcohol, the saturator and condenser temperatures are 35 ℃ and 10 ℃ separately, the sample flow rate is 5cm3/s (Zhang & Liu, 1990). The equations of continuity, momentum, particle diffusion, heat and mass transfer are used. Especially, the heat and mass source terms are considered based on the heat release of vapor condensation and the vapor depletion (Barret & Baldwin, 2000; Varghese & Gangamma, 2007). ⎡ ∂ 2T 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞⎤ ∂T ⎞ ⎛ ∂T + C ρ⎜u +v ⎜r ⎟⎥ + Lm& ⎟ = k⎢ p ⎝ ∂x ∂r ⎠ ⎢⎣ ∂x 2 r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠⎥⎦ u 0.5μm, and the photodector of CPC cannot detect any particles. The results above are also applicable to the particles whose diameter is different from 100nm. Figure 1. Particle diameter along the condenser axis at different number concentrations. ⎡ ∂ 2 n 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂n ⎞⎤ ∂n ∂n +v = D⎢ 2 + ⎜ r ⎟ − m& ∂x ∂r r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠⎥⎦ ⎣ ∂x In this paper, the simulated particles are of 100nm diameter and the number concentrations are from 10#/cm3 to 107#/cm3. As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, when the number concentrations are smaller than 104#/cm3, the particles growth would be not affected by the particle concentrations. But for the concentration of about 105#/cm3, the growth has a litter different. Because the photodetector of CPC can detect the particles larger than 0.5μm by counting method, the counting efficiency would be equal to that of concentrations smaller than 104#/cm3. For the concentration of about 106#/cm3, the vapor in the tube isn’t enough to grow all of the particles freely following the particle growth law. At the outside of the condenser, the particle size would be smaller than 0.5μm near the condenser wall, so the CPC counting efficiency would be smaller than 100%. For the concentration of about 107#/cm3, the vapor is so little that the particles wouldn’t grow to Figure 2. Size distribution of particles at the outside of the condenser at different number concentrations. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50608044). Barrett, J. C., & Baldwin, T. J. (2000). Journal of Aerosol Science, 31, 633-650. Varghese, S. K., & Gangamma, S. (2007). Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 7, 46-66. Zhang, Z. Q., & Liu, B. Y. H. (1990). Aerosol Science and Technology, 13, 493-504. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T093A02 Method for the characterization of nanoparticle release from surface coatings M. Vorbau, L. Hillemann, D. Göhler, M. Stintz Institute of Process Engineering and Environmental Technology, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany Keywords: abrasion, particle release, surface coating Surface coatings are widely used in industry as well as domestically. Nanoparticles are considered to enhance substantially certain properties of such coatings, e.g. its resistance to mechanical stress or UV-light. Thus they are increasingly employed as additives. The usage of these coatings is subject to investigations regarding the release of nanoparticles into air, which may cause adverse health effects / have an impact on human health. However, suitable methods for the quantification of nanoparticle release have not been established yet. Investigations in the field of wear resistance were normally made in the area of material science either in dry and in wet environments. One of the most common tests for simulating the abrasive damage during the service life of components is the so called Taber test (see Figure 1). microscopic analysis. The mass loss resulting of the abrasion process is determined gravimetrically. Figure 2. Schematic test rig with aerosol generation (Taber Abraser) and measurement setup (CPC, SMPS and ESP). Figure 1. Abrasion scheme of a Taber Abraser with test piece (sample), abraded area, abrasion wheels and the direction of rotation (marked with arrows) The stress of the Taber test corresponds to the typical stress applied to surface coatings in a domestic scenario, e.g. when walking with sandy shoes on a floor surface coating. With this method an area of 30 cm2 per revolution is stressed with both wheels. The parameters which have to be specified for the testing method are the material of the abrasion wheels, the normal force and the number of abrasive cycles (number of turntable revolutions). The Taber test ensures a reproducible and standardized stress of the sample which is important for reproducible measurement results. The employed test rig bases on an abrasion section and a measurement section. The released particle concentration of the aerosol, generated by the Taber Abraser, is determined by CPC. Also the particle size distribution of the aerosol is measured by SMPS. An Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is used for deposition of nanoparticles for subsequent In preliminary tests the optimal adjustments of the abrasion tool were determined. The measured data delivers the mass loss of the sample and the size distribution of the released particles. This enables the specification of the number concentration of the released particles in defined size fractions (< 100 nm, < 625 nm and total) per mass unit of the coating material. The contribution will explain the developed method in detail and present first data for different coating types. More information are given in Vorbau et al., 2008. M. Vorbau, L. Hillemann, M. Stintz. Method for the characterization of the abrasion induced nanoparticle release into air from surface coatings. J Aerosol Science, (2008), doi: 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2008.10.006 Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T093A03 Characterization of a Newly Developed Particle Detector, NanoCheck 1320 Jaejung Seo1, Hagler Roland2, Myungjoon Kim1 and Taesung Kim1 1 SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology (SAINT), Sungkyunkwan Universiry, Cheoncheon-dong, 440746, Suwon, Korea 2 Grimm Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG, DorfstraBe 9 D-83404, Ainring, Germany Keywords: nanoparticle, calibration, particle detector Since the scatter intensity decreases with the sixth power of the particle size, it is difficult for an optical light scattering system to detect particles below about 0.1 μm. For this reason, developing the nanoparticle instrumentation with various methods has been attempted for many years. Recently, Grimm Aerosol Technik developed a new particle detector for aerosol exposure monitoring, which covers nanoparticles and the dust in one portable unit. This particle detector is composed of a unipolar diffusion charger, a new conductivity measurement tool and an aerosol electrometer. The use of an ion attachment by diffusion from an electrical charger with the detection of the total charge is a well known technique for measuring the so-called active surface area. The current is nearly proportional to the particle concentration and mean diameter. In addition, a new method of conductivity measurement is implemented in the sensor. Conductivity measurement combined with the diffusion charging, the current of the aerosol electrometer and calibration factors enable obtaining the total number concentration in the range of 20nm~400nm and the mean diameter of the aerosol number distribution function in real time. mean particle diameter Dp and the Dp with the measured current Itot is used to calculate the particle number concentration. Hence, by knowing the efficiency curve of the diffusion charger and the particle diameter, the particle concentration can be determined. However, due to the different charging characteristics of particles, the detector response might be different where different correction factor has to be incorporated in the particle detector. In this study, characterization of NanoCheck was performed with a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), which consists of differential mobility analyzer (DMA) and condensation particle counter (CPC). To obtain the optimum setup for a new particle detector, we first characterized the NaCl particles along with different types of DMA and flow rate were carried out. From this experiment, we found out that the best results were obtained with 1.5l/min of sample flow along with middle DMA for 5lpm of sheath air flow. In addition, different types of aerosols such as indoor and outdoor aerosols were also used for further verification. The routine Itot was measured and knowing the flow rate and the particle concentration measured by a CPC to determine the elementary charge per particle size. In conclusion, a new particle detector, NanoCheck developed by GRIMM Aerosol Technik showed that the measurement performed in the range of 20nm~ 400nm with correction factor of 1.1 for NaCl, 1.7 for indoor and 1.9 for outdoor aerosol. This work was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation and German Academic Exchange Service. Jan DL, Sharpiro AH, Kamm R. (1989). Journal of Applied Physics, 67, 147-159. W.G. Shin, D.Y.H.Pui, H. Fissan, S. Neumann and A. Trampe. (2006). Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 9, 61-69. Figure 1. Comparison of experimental results with the ideal The detector measures two currents Itot and IwE sequentially, from which ∆I = Itot – IwE can be calculated. These raw data are used to determine a Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T094A01 DMA-FMPS aerosol spectrometers laboratory intercomparison F.Belosi1, V. Poluzzi3, S. Ferrari3, G. Santachiara1, F. Scotto3, A. Trentini3, F. Prodi1,2 1 Institute ISAC-CNR, Bologna, Italy Physics Department, University of Ferrara, Italy 3 Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment (ARPA), Bologna Department, Italy 2 Keywords: ultrafine particles, DMA, FMPS. dN/dLn(dp), #/cm-3 120000 2500 Fe2O3 H2OM-Q Indoor 80000 2000 1500 1000 40000 500 0 10 0 1000 100 Indoor dN/dLn(dp), #/cm-3 100% and tend to increase with aerosol size (dp > 100 nm). Further research on the performance of the new FMPS against the traditional sampler should be encouraged in order to better understand eventual behaviour differences. Diameter, nm Figure 1. Grimm-DMA aerosol size distribution 60000 1600 Fe2O3 dN/dln(Dp), #/cm3 1200 Indoor 40000 1000 800 600 20000 400 200 0 10 0 1000 100 Diameter, nm Figure 2. TSI-FMPS aerosol size distribution TSI-Grimm Comparison 150 100 50 0 -50 10 100 1000 -100 H2OM-Q Fe2O3 Indoor -150 -200 -250 Diameter (nm) Figure 3. Relative difference results Indoor, dN/dln(Dp) #/cm3 1400 H2OM-Q (Grimm-TSI)/Grimm Ultrafine particles could have a strong impact on human health, as several works show. Therefore the need to characterize the aerosol size distribution up to a few nanometers, also in air quality studies, has increased considerable increased over recent years. The most common sampling technique is based on a DMA column coupled with a CPC. The Differential Mobility Analyzer (DMA) technique requires radioactive sources to bring the sampled particles to the Boltzmann equilibrium charge condition. Current regulations, at least in European countries, pose restrictions on the transport and detection of radioactive materials (European Directive 1493/93) even for sealed radionuclide sources, making difficult to perform field DMA measurements or ultrafine primary aerosol emission characterisation at chimneys. TSI has developed a Fast Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer (FMPS) whose measurement principle is based on a particle unipolar charger and an electrometer analyzer consisting of a series of electrometers thus avoiding a radioactive source and shortening the sampling time. This study will present the results of a laboratory comparison between a DMA system (Grimm, DMA Mod. 5.500 and CPC Mod. 5.403) and a FMPS (TSI, Model 3091). The Grimm DMA column is capable of measuring aerosol size distribution in the range from 11 nm up to 1000 nm, while the FMPSS works in the range from 5.6 nm to 560 nm. Therefore, a wide size spectrum overlaps between the instruments. The exercise consists of a simultaneous sampling by the two devices of three different kinds of aerosols generated in the laboratory: Milli-Q water and a Fe2O3 colloidal solution, both nebulized in a Collison type atomizer, and indoor particles. Fig. 1 and 2 show respectively the size distribution obtained with the Grimm-DMA and TSIFMPS of the three tested aerosols: the Milli-Q water has the lowest particle size distribution (which can not be resolved by DMA ), the Fe2O3 particles have a maximum at about 30 nm, and indoor particles at about 100 nm. Each aerosol type test consists of 3 replicas of simultaneous samplings (DMA was run in fast mode so that both instruments almost the same sampling time). Fig. 3 shows the relative difference between Grimm and TSI, against the particle diameter. Relative differences are of the order of Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T094A02 Intercomparison of two types of portable optical particle counters (Grimm model 1.109 and 1.108) at an urban aerosol measurement station J. Burkart1, H. Moshammer2, M. Neuberger2, G. Steiner1, G. Reischl1 and R. Hitzenberger1 1 University of Vienna Faculty of Physics, Aerosol, Bio- and Environmental Physics, Boltzmanng. 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 2 Medical University of Vienna Institute of Environmental Health, Kinderspitalgasse 15, A-1090 Vienna, Austria Keywords: optical particle counter, urban aerosol In Figure 1 the total particle concentration as obtained by integration over the whole DMA size distribution is plotted as well. It can be seen that the total particle concentration can be over 20 times larger than the particle concentration obtained by the OPCs. (Please note that there is a factor of ten between the scale on the left y-axis and the scale on the right y-axis. Only total particle concentration (DMA) refers to the left axis.) The total particle concentration does not even follow the pattern of the particle concentrations received by OPC1 and OPC2 and the factor of difference is not constant. Our comparison shows that using OPCs for estimating particle number concentration can be very misleading and in general underestimates particle number concentration quite severely. Even a slight difference in the lower cut-off diameter can lead to considerable differences in measured particle concentrations. Comparison of the total particle concentration measured by a DMA and two optical particle counters (OPC 1, OPC 2) 7,00E+05 DMA-total DMA->300nm DMA->250nm OPC 2->300nm OPC 1->250nm 6,00E+06 6,00E+05 5,00E+06 5,00E+05 4,00E+06 4,00E+05 3,00E+06 3,00E+05 2,00E+06 2,00E+05 1,00E+06 1,00E+05 0,00E+00 04:48:00 06:00:00 07:12:00 08:24:00 09:36:00 10:48:00 total particle concentration measured by OPC 1 and OPC 2 and DMA fraction [1/liter] 7,00E+06 total particle concentration (DMA) [1/liter] Optical particle counters (OPC) are used frequently as online instruments in order to get a quick overview of aerosol parameters such as mass concentration (e.g. PM10 or PM2.5) or number concentration. In our study the focus was on testing the performance of two different types of optical particle counters when measuring particle number concentration and number size distribution of atmospheric urban aerosols. Optical particle counters measure the intensity of the light scattered by single particles passing a laser beam. The resulting electrical signal is analysed and particles are classified into different size channels according to the height of the electrical impulse, and a number size distribution is obtained. Scattered light intensity is assumed to be a monotonic function of particle size. Both OPCs used in this study are produced by Grimm, Ainring, Germany. Model 1.108 (OPC2) has 15 size channels and a lower and upper cut-off diameter of 0.3 and 20µm, respectively. Model 1.109 (OPC1) has 31 size channels and a lower and upper cut-off diameter of 0.25 and 32µm, respectively. The OPCs were connected with a Y-piece to the same inlet tube and sampled atmospheric aerosol with a flowrate of 1.2 L/min. In addition to the OPCs a Vienna type DMA and a TSI CPC were operated to obtain information on the number size distribution in the size range from 10 to 1000nm (DMA) and the total particle concentration (CPC). The measurements were performed at the urban aerosol measurement station at the roof laboratory of the University of Vienna in December 2007 and January 2008. When comparing total particle concentration measured by OPC1 and OPC2, an average difference of a factor of 2.5 can be found. In all the cases OPC1 could detect more particles than OPC2. A comparison with the DMA data confirms that this is due to the slight difference in the lower cut-off diameter of the two instruments. As illustrated in Figure 1 the concentrations obtained by integration of the DMA size distribution from the upper cut-off diameter to 250 and 300nm agree within 15% to the concentrations measured with the OPCs. 0,00E+00 12:00:00 time [10 minutes] Figure 1 Comparison of the total particle concentration measured by a DMA and two different optical particle counters This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under grant P19515-N20 and the Clean Air Commission of the Austrian Academy of the Sciences (ÖAW). Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T094A03 Mass concentration of PM2.5, nitrate and sulfate measured by automatic instruments and manual sampler during various meteorological conditions J.H. Tsai1, C.H. Lin1, C.C. Liu2, W.F. Lai1 and Y.C. Yao1 Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, 701, Taiwan, Republic of China 2 Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, Taipei, 100, Taiwan, Republic of China Keywords: fine particulate matter, nitrate, sulfate, TEOM, MOUDI. In order to characterize of fine particulate matter, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) has established an air quality monitoring network (aka supersite) in southern Taiwan. Those particulate concentrations are measured by analyzers automatically and continuously in stations, as said TEOM method. This study was undertaken to evaluate the data difference between the automatic monitoring instrument and manual sampler under various meteorological conditions, i.e. temperature and relative humidity, and to understand the accuracy of the automatic monitoring instrument. The instruments are presented in Table 1. Table1. The sampling instrument of ambient fine PM used at this study. Automatic Item PM2.5 mass concentration particulate nitrate in PM2.5 particulate sulfate in PM2.5 Instrument R&P 1400 R&P 8400N R&P 8400S manual Data collection period Instrument Data collection period 10 min MOUDI 24 hour 30 min MOUDI 24 hour 30 min MOUDI 24 hour The airborne particulate matter and their precursor gases were collected by MOUDI samplers at an air quality monitoring station located near the supersite during October 2005 to December 2007. This station was one of the stations with highly frequent occurrences of poor air quality days in Taiwan. The NO3- and SO42- contained in PM2.5 particulate were detected by ion chromatography. Totally were 23 sets of daily concentration data measured by manually MOUDI samples, and by automatically measurements (R&P analyzers). In general, the result of whole data shows that the PM2.5 mass concentration by MOUDI sampler is larger than that by R&P automatic analyzers significantly (p value < 0.05 by t-test); the mean concentrations are 53.6 and 38.6 μg/m3, respectively. Moreover, the R&P 1400 data were related to MOUDI data with a high correlation coefficient (r = 0.89). The NO3- in PM2.5 by MOUDI sampler is larger than that by R&P 8400N, however, without statistical significance. The correlation result shows a medium correlation between the data measured by R&P 8400N and MOUDI. The SO42- in PM2.5 by MOUDI sampler is close to that by R&P automatic analyzers. The correlation coefficient is 0.73. At ambient temperature lower than 25 oC, the mean PM2.5 mass concentration by MOUDI sampler (79.4 μg/m3) is larger than that by R&P automatic analyzers (52.7 μg/m3) significantly (p<0.05), however, the mean value are close at temperature higher than 25 oC (25.4 μg/m3 for MOUDI and 23.3 μg/m3 for R&P 1400). In contrast, the PM2.5 mass concentrations by MOUDI were larger than that by R&P 1400 significantly (p<0.05) regardless of RH condition (lower or higher than 70%). The result also indicated that the R&P 1400 data were related to MOUDI data with a high correlation coefficient, the r value is 0.97 (RH<70%), and 0.82 (RH>70%). Figure 1 illustrated the relative of PM2.5 mass concentration measured by automatic instruments and manual sampler at different RH condition. PM2 5 by automatic R&P 1400 (μg/m3) 1 PM2.5 by manual MOUDI (μg/m3) Figure 1. The relative of automatic instruments and manual sampler at different RH condition ( at RH < 70%, at RH > 70%). In brief, the study showed that the automatic instruments and manual sampler instruments for fine particulate measurement shall have different result, to some extent. The study would be helpful to develop or evaluated the fine particulate monitoring instrument or method. This work was supported by the National Science Council and the Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan, Republic of China under grant NSC95-2221-E-006 -287. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T094A04 Performance of a New Condensation Particle Counter Hojoong Kim1, Juergen Spielvogel2, Soohyun Ha1, and Taesung Kim1 1 SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology (SAINT), Sungkyunkwan Universiry, Cheoncheon-dong, 440746, Suwon, Korea 2 Grimm Aerosol Technik, Dorfstrasse 9, D-83404, Ainring, Germany Keywords: CPC, aerosol instrumentation, nanoparticles, measurements With the increase of submicron or ultrafine particle researches on either atmospheric or nanoscience field, the scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) which mainly consists of differential mobility analyzer (DMA) and condensation particle counter (CPC), is one of the most commonly used instruments. As the particle number concentration in a unit aerosol volume is counted by the CPC, its counting efficiency determines overall performance of the SMPS instrument. From the invention of continuous-flow CPC, a number of CPC measurement methods characterizing performance of the CPC have been carried out, such as the work of Wiedensohler et al. (1997) or S Mertes et al. (1995). Although, there are a lot of studies related to the CPC measurements, new studies are still performed due to its importance in ultrafine particle research. Grimm Aerosol Technik, an aerosol instrumentation company in Germany, has recently developed new CPC instrument which has improved performance compared to previously developed CPCs of the company. The instrument has smaller optical volume than that of previous instruments so that higher limit of single particle count per time can be achieved due to less coincidence effect. Larger The experimental setup was composed of new CPC, Grimm 5.403 CPC, and faraday cup electrometer (FCE) unit. The FCE unit was considered as a reference to calibrate the prototype and Grimm 5.403 CPCs. Linearity and square wave input measurements were performed to confirm calibration status of 2 CPCs used in this study. Figure 1 shows the result of linearity measurement of the CPCs. For counting efficiency measurements, we used different conditions of atmospheric pressure, low pressure down to 800 mbar, different ΔT, and particles made of different materials. The experimental results of efficiency measurement showed that new CPC has smaller d50 and higher counting efficiency for ultrafine particles than Grimm 5.403 CPC. Similarly, other experimental results also showed better results than those of Grimm 5.403 CPC. In conclusion, new CPC showed that it has improved performance than the previously developed CPC. temperature difference (ΔT) between condenser and saturator, and internal coincidence effect correction function also contribute to the improved performance. In this study, calibration and characterization were performed with a prototype model of new CPC. List of the measurements is shown in Table 1. Table 1. List of the measurements. Name of measurement Used instruments Linearity New CPC, Grimm 5.403, FCE Square wave input response New CPC , Grimm 5.403, FCE Ramp input response New CPC , Grimm 5.403 Counting efficiency New CPC , Grimm 5.403 Figure 1. The result from linearity measurement Wiedensohlet, A., Orsini, D., Covert, D. S., Coffmann, D., Cantrell, W., Havlicek, M., Brechtel, F. J., Russell, L. M., Weber, R. J., Gras, J., Hudson, J. G., & Litchy, M. (1997). Aerosol Science and Technology, 27, 224-242. Mertes, S., Schroder, F., & Wiedensohler, A. (1995). Aerosol Science and Technology, 23, 257-261. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T094A05 Comparison of the Thermo Scientific TEOM 1405-DF monitor to Reference Method Sampling Results for the Measurement of PM2.5 J.L. Ambs1 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Franklin, Massachusetts, 02038, United States of America Keywords: TEOM, FDMS, PM2.5, Ambient PM Thermo Scientific recently conducted PM2.5 equivalency testing on the new TEOM 1405-DF Dichotomous Ambient Particulate Monitor with FDMS (TEOM 1405-DF) The TEOM 1405-DF was compared to the US EPA PM2.5 reference method and the European reference methods at locations in both the US and Europe. The TEOM 1405-DF is a dichotomous sampler configured as a dual filter sampler for the simultaneous measurement of both fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10-2.5) particles in PM10. A virtual impactor is used to separate the fine and coarse PM into two samples for collection and measurement on two sample filters in the TEOM 1405-DF. The two samples pass through two FDMS modules before being captured and measured by the two inertial micro-balances in the TEOM mass sensor. The FDMS was designed to take advantage of the TEOM real-time mass measurement system to address these issues by characterizing the semivolatile and non-volatile portions of ambient PM2.5 as present in the atmosphere at the time of collection. When sampling ambient aerosol, the sample filter in the TEOM monitor collects the incoming ambient aerosol, which includes both the non-volatile as well as semi-volatile material. Because of the selfreferencing nature of the FDMS equipped TEOM monitors, the FDMS equipped TEOM monitors are able to measure and correct for the presence of semivolatile material present in the collected sample. for these switch periods at the end of each successive measurement. The reference mass concentration is then subtracted from the base mass concentration to determine the near real-time ambient mass concentration. In this way the FDMS system determines the total atmospheric aerosol mass concentration including volatile and semi-volatile components as they exist in the atmosphere at the time of collection. The system then subtracts the calculated reference concentration from the calculated base mass concentration giving a net ambient aerosol mass concentration which represents the mass concentration of ambient aerosol as it exists at the time of sample collection. During this sample study, multiple reference samplers and multiple TEOM 1405-DF monitors were operated simultaneously at each of the sampling locations. The reference sampler filters were sampled for 23-hour periods and collected daily. The test program provided for a wide range of sampling conditions over multiple seasons of the year, and widely varying environmental conditions. The results presented in Figure 1 are representative of the results obtained over the test program. 80 70 TEOM 1405-DF MC ug/m3 60 During operation, the FDMS equipped TEOM monitors alternately sample ambient aerosol and then sample through a chilled reference filter for equal time periods. During normal sampling, or the base period, the TEOM sample filter is measuring mass increase from the ambient aerosol as well as any mass changes of collected the semi-volatile material. During the reference period of sampling, the sampled ambient aerosol is filtered in the chilled filter conditioner and no incoming ambient aerosol is measured by the mass sensor and only changes to the amounts of semi-volatile material previously collected on the sample filter are measured. The switch between the base and reference measurement periods occurs every six minutes and the monitor calculates the base and reference mass concentrations 23-Hour Samples PM-2.5 50 y = 1.004x + 1.464 2 R = 0.991 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Reference Method MC ug/m3 Figure 1. Comparison between the TEOM 1405-DF Dichotomous Ambient Particulate Monitor with FDMS and Reference Method samplers in multiple locations and multiple seasons. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T094A06 Comparison of the performance of the Thermo Scientific TEOM 1400a with 8500C FDMS and the TEOM 1400a with 8500B FDMS monitors for the measurement of PM2.5 J.L. Ambs1 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Franklin, Massachusetts, 02038, United States Of America Keywords: TEOM, FDMS, PM2.5, Ambient PM PM2.5 is a complex mixture of chemical species in a range of physical sizes that varies significantly with season and location and can include both non-volatile and semi-volatile materials. Ammonium nitrate, semi-volatile organic material, and water are semi-volatile materials, while other components are non-volatile in the context of ambient PM measurements. Many studies show that there is a loss of semi-volatile material from the collected samples using some continuous monitors as well single event filter samples, including the US EPA PM2.5 reference method. The FDMS was designed to take advantage of the TEOM real-time mass measurement system to address these issues by characterizing the semivolatile and non-volatile portions of ambient PM2.5 as present in the atmosphere at the time of collection. When sampling ambient aerosol, the sample filter in the TEOM monitor collects the incoming ambient aerosol, which includes both the non-volatile as well as semi-volatile material. Because of the self-referencing nature of the FDMS equipped TEOM monitors, the monitors are able to measure and correct for the presence of semi-volatile material present in the collected sample. During operation, the FDMS equipped TEOM monitors alternately sample ambient aerosol and then sample through a chilled reference filter for equal time periods. During normal sampling, or the base period, the TEOM sample filter is measuring mass increase from the ambient aerosol as well as any mass changes of collected the semi-volatile material. During the reference period of sampling, the sampled ambient aerosol is filtered in the chilled filter conditioner and no incoming ambient aerosol is measured by the mass sensor and only changes to the amounts of semi-volatile material previously collected on the sample filter are measured. The switch between the base and reference measurement periods occurs every six minutes and the monitor calculates the base and reference mass concentrations for these switch periods at the end of each successive measurement. The reference mass concentration is then subtracted from the base mass concentration to determine the near real-time ambient mass concentration. In this way the FDMS system determines the total atmospheric aerosol mass concentration including volatile and semi-volatile components as they exist in the atmosphere at the time of collection. The system then subtracts the calculated reference concentration from the calculated base mass concentration giving a net ambient aerosol mass concentration which represents the mass concentration of ambient aerosol as it exists at the time of sample collection. Field comparisons of the two FDMS systems were performed in multiple locations and over multiple seasons to evaluate the effect of the improved dryer on the performance of the FDMS equipped TEOM monitors. Collocated monitors were compared over 24 hour test periods and compared to the results collected from collocated reference samplers. Comparative results from the collocated FDMS equipped TEOM monitors are presented in Figure 1. 80 FDMS 8500B vs FDMS 8500C Regression Statistics y = 0.975x + 1.197 2 R = 0.998 70 8500B FDMS Mass Concentration (ug/m3) Thermo Scientific released the first Filter Dynamics Measurement System (FDMS) for the TEOM monitor in 2002. The Thermo Scientific TEOM 1400a with 8500C FDMS (8500C FDMS) is the current version of the 8500 FDMS equipped line of TEOM 1400a ambient PM monitors. The “C” version of the FDMS utilizes a more efficient dryer for better performance. This work explored the performance differences between, TEOM monitors using the current version of the dryer with older dryers. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 8500C FDMS Mass Concentration (ug/m3) Figure 1. Comparison of FDMS systems with the “B” and “C” types of dryers installed. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T094A07 Integrated water vapor (IWV) climatology with RIMA-AERONET sunphotometers, GPS and Radiosondes in the Southwestern of Spain B. Torres1, V. E. Cachorro1, C. Toledano1, J. P. Ortiz de Galisteo2, A. Berjón1, A. M. de Frutos1 1 2 Group of Atmospheric Optics, University of Valladolid, Spain. Spanish Meteorology Agency (AEMET), Delegación Territoral de Castilla y León, Spain Keywords: Precipitable water vapor, Sun-Photometer, GPS, Radiosonde, RIMA-AERONET. Abstract Column integrated water vapor (IWV) data in the Southwestern of Spain are analyzed during 2001 to 2005 with two aims: 1) to establish the climatology over this area using three different techniques, such as Sun-Photometer (SP), Global Position System (GPS) and Radiosondes, and 2) to take advantage of this comparative process to assess the quality of radiometric IWV data collected at the RIMAAERONET station. The 5 years of climatological series gives a mean value of about 2 cm (STD=0.72) and a clear seasonal behavior as a general feature, with the highest values in summer and the lowest in winter. In the multi-annual monthly means basis, the highest values are reached in August-September, with a mean value of 2.5-2.6 cm, whereas the lowest are obtained in January-February, with an average of 1.4-1.5. However the most relevant results for this area is the observed local minimum in July, occurring during the maximum of desert dust intrusions in the southern Iberian Peninsula. varies from summer with 2% to winter with -8% and between SP and GPS values from 3% in summer to –14% in winter. a) SP#45 b) SP#114 Figure 2. Relative bias values between SPGPS and the regression line of tendency for a) SP #114 (bad behavior) and b) SP #45(good behavior). Figure 1. The time series of monthly means of IWV during 2001-2005, for data collected by GPS, SP and Radiosondes. Arrows indicate a change of SP. A comparison process allows us to evaluate the agreement of IWV data sets between these three different techniques at different temporal scales because of different time sampling. On a daily basis and taking GPS as the reference value (Bokoye et al., 2006) we have a bias or difference between Radiosonde and GPS measurements for the entire data base of 0.07 cm (relative bias of 3%) and RMSE of 0.33. For SP-GPS we have a bias of 0.14 cm (about 7%) and RMSE of 0.37. On a monthly basis the differences between Radiosonde and GPS values The observed bias between GPS and SP varies during each SP operational period, with lower values at the beginning of the measurements and increasing until the end of its measurement term and with the bias values being quite dependent on each individual SP. The observed differences highlight the importance of drift in each Sun-Photometer, because of filter aging or other calibration problems. Hence the comparison with GPS appears to be a powerful tool to asses the quality of Sun-Photometer for IWV retrieval. Boyoke, A.I., Royer, A., Cliche, P., & O’Neill, N. (2006). Calibration of Sun Radiometer-Based Atmospheric Water Vapor Retrievals Using GPS Meteorology. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 24, 964-979. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T095A01 Ion-induced solvation and nucleation studies in a sonic DMA M. Attoui1 J. Fernandez de la Mora2 1 Physic Department, Paris XII University France 2Mechanical Department Yale University USA Key words: DMA, Mobility, ion induced nucleation measure the mobility of these ions as a function of vapour concentration and Mach number. In preliminary experiments with no vapour addition we confirm that sonic conditions are achieved by observing that, above a critical pump power, further increases in power lead to no increase in the voltage VDMA at which the peak of the (dry) ion appears. Figure 1 shows the evolution of VDMA as the methanol concentration is changed at M = 1. The shift in voltage (inverse mobility) is due in part to the increased ion drag associated to the change in composition of the gas, and in part also to growth of the ion by solvation. Only the latter effect provides information on IISN. We plan to isolate the first effect in experiments at low M and higher temperature, to then study quantitatively the second in sonic experiments at lower temperatures. 800 700 600 S=0% EM signal Fernandez de la Mora has recently introduced the HalfMini DMA, a miniature high resolution DMA reaching sonic conditions (Mach number = M = 1) at a flow rate of sheath gas of only Q~740 lit/min. Due to an efficient diffuser and a negligible flow resistance at the DMA outlet, sonic flow is readily achieved with one or two conventional vacuum cleaner pumps. Our goal is to study ion induced solvation and nucleation (IISN) by running this DMA sonically with a gas containing a vapour. The vapour is below saturation conditions at stagnation conditions, but substantial supersaturation is achieved in the sonic working section by expansion cooling. In order to control gas composition without consuming 750 lpm of purified gas, we operate the sheath flow under closed loop, so that its composition is that of the inlet aerosol. Since the pumps introduce ~ 1 kW into the gas, the main challenge is to cool the circuit such as to achieve a steady state operation with a temperature as uniform as possible (to avoid condensation on cold circuit parts) and as low as possible (to favour IISN over homogeneous nucleation). This we have achieved by closing the flow circuit with a long line of corrugated SS tubing immersed in a slightly cooled water bath at 10°C witch gives sheath air temperature between 18 to 22 °C. The working gas is typically CO2 into which controlled quantities of alcohol are added continuously at the aerosol inlet, with a syringe pump and in a heated loop, ensuring complete vaporization of the alcohol. This vapour-laden gas is then introduced into an electrospray chamber where tetraheptyl ammonium (THA+) ions are added, and then enters the DMA. We S=11% S=16% S=22% 500 400 300 200 100 0 1.38 1.58 1.78 Dp(nm) 1.98 Figure 1 : THA+ size distribution of THABr at different supersaturation with methanol. The second peak is the dimer ion (THA+Br-)THA+ Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T095A02 Construction of a Biofluorescence Optical Particle Counter Russell Greaney1, Oliver Ryan1, S. Gerard Jennings,1 Colin D. O’Dowd,1 1 School of Physics & Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies, Environmental Change Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland. Keywords: Fluorescence, Optical particle counter, Primary marine aerosols, Real time detection, Size-segregated aerosols. O’Dowd et al. (2004) found that submicrometer marine spray aerosol contained a significant fraction of organic matter and is associated with the seasonality of plankton biological activity as determined from satellite ocean-colour products. Laser induced fluorescence will probe the organic content of marine aerosols through excitation of fluorescence of chlorophyll-a contained in the phytoplankton. The fluorescence quantum yield is very low for chlorophyll-a in phytoplankton, ranging from 2% to 7% (Lizotte & Priscu, 1994). The fluorescence signature also has a very short lifetime on the order of nanoseconds making the fluorescence output almost simultaneous to the elastic scattered light signal. This necessitates the use of highly sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to maximise data signal-to-noise. wavelength of 500 nm, passing the scattered light to photodiodes, and the weaker fluorescent emission to highly sensitive Hamamatsu PMTs. Calibration and testing of the instrument is currently underway and is producing both sizing and fluorescence measurements. The LIF-OPC has sized particles (ammonium sulphate) as low as 167 nm in diameter and also detected fluorescence from 3 µm PSL spheres (Green 510 from Duke Scientific). Chlorophyll-a powder will be used with the aerosol generator (TSI atomizer and classifier) to produce chlorophyll particles of known diameter to calibrate the PMT fluorescence signal output. A phytoplankton breeding tank will be created to allow in-house measurements of bubble mediated aerosol from seawater enriched with phytoplankton cultures. After validation the instrument will be brought for flux measurements and bioaerosol chlorophyll detection trials on the Atlantic coast at the Mace Head atmospheric research station. Thanks to Paul Kaye for his help with the nozzle cap design and very helpful discussions. This project (05/RF/GEO009) is funded through the Research Frontiers Programme of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). Figure 1: A schematic layout of the instrument. Figure 1 depicts the layout of the laser induced fluorescence optical particle counter (LIF-OPC) instrument. All flow rates in and out of the chamber are balanced to allow a smooth non-turbulent hydrodynamically focused air flow. The ellipsoid reflector has a protected silver coating to maximize collection of the scattered 405 nm laser light as well as having high collection efficiency for the chlorophyll-a fluorescence. High efficiency dichroic (long pass) mirrors split the collimated beam at an edge C.D. O’Dowd, M.C. Facchini, F. Cavalli, D. Ceburnis, M. Mircea, S. Decesari, S. Fuzzi, Y.J. Yoon, and J-P. Putaud, “Biogenically-driven organic contribution to marine aerosol”, Nature 431, 676-680, 2004. M.P. Lizotte, and J.C. Priscu, “Natural fluorescence and quantum yields in vertically stationary phytoplankton from perennially ice-covered lakes, Limno”. Oceanogr. 39(6), 1399-1410, 1994. P. H. Kaye, J. E. Barton, E. Hirst, and J. M. Clark, “Simultaneous light scattering and intrinsic fluorescence measurement for the classification of airborne particles”, Applied Optics, 39, 3738-3745, 2000. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T095A03 Design and Characterization of the Screw-Assisted Rotary Feeder with Ultra Low Feeding Rate K.S. Lee1, J.H. Jung1 and S.S. Kim1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea Keywords: O2/CO2 combustion, In-furnace desulfurization, Feeder, Number concentration, Rotation speed. Recently, as the regulation about the emission of the GHG (Green House Gas), such as CO2 or CH4, has become more severe, the O2/CO2 combustion system, which enables the easy CO2 recovery from the high concentration of the CO2 in combustion chamber by the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation), was introduced as one of the promising combustion systems. Furthermore, In-furnace desulfurization technique, which need not additional chamber for the desulfurization, can be applied to the O2/CO2 combustion system despite of its low desulfurization efficiency. The O2/CO2 combustion system is able to store the exhaust gas using the storage facilities instead of emitting it to the atmosphere. This process is conducted using calcium carbonate (CaCO3) sorbent particles which have wide size range. In previous studies, various feeding methods, such as rotary feeder, screw feeder, vibration feeder, and turntable feeder, have been used to transport the sorbent particles into the combustion chamber. However, most of these feeders have several drawbacks, such as high feeding rate and the usage of high carrier gas volume rate, when they are applied to the lab-scale researches (Reist et al., 2000; Gundogdu, 2004). In this study, we investigated the screw-assisted rotary feeder which enables transport small quantity of sorbent. The generation characteristics, such as uniformity and stability, were verified using CPC (Condensation Particle Counter 3022A, TSI Inc., USA), APS (Aerodynamic Particle Sizer 3321, TSI Inc., USA), and SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer, TSI Inc., USA) systems. Two rotors which have different number of groove (4- and 12- grooved rotors) were constructed and examined in various rotation speeds (3, 6, 9, 18, and 27 rpm) with constant air flow rate (23 L/min). Figure 1 shows the variance of the particle number concentration of 4-grooved rotor at the experimental conditions from 3 to 27 rpm of rotation speed. From real-time method using CPC, the screw-assisted rotary feeder has the pulse-shaped particle generation characteristics repeating on-off operations periodically. As the rotation speed increased, the frequency of discharging sorbent particles increased. At the same time, the amplitudes of the number concentration data decreased. Table 1. Mean number concentrations (#/cm3) and COVs of two different grooved rotors in various rotation speeds 4-grooved rotor 12-grooved rotor Mean COV Mean COV 3 rpm 0.13E6 0.358 0.29E6 0.127 9 rpm 1.1E6 0.127 0.61E6 0.075 27 rpm 1.6E6 0.082 0.39E6 0.312 Table 1 shows the mean of number concentrations and the COVs (Coefficient of Variance) of two different grooved rotors in various rotation speed conditions. For the 4-grooved rotor, both number concentration and COV decreased with increased rotation speed. For 12-grooved rotor, however, they decreased with variance of rotation speed from 9 to 27 rpm. We think that this variance of mean and COV may be caused of the lack of filling time of sorbent particles into the groove. From this study, the particle generation condition with high uniformity and stability can be established from the screw-assisted rotary feeder. Also, we can control the feeding rates of sorbent particles by adjusting the rotation speeds of the grooved rotor. This work was supported by Energy Resources Technology Development Project of the Korea Energy Management Corporation (2007-C-CD27-P02-1-000) and by BK21 Program of the South Korea Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. Reist, P. C., & Taylor, L. (2000). Powder Technol., 107, 36-42. Gundogdu, M. Y. (2004). Powder Technol., 139, 7680. Figure 1. Number concentration of 4-grooved rotor in rotation speeds from 3 to 27 rpm in real time. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T095A04 Density analyzing method of atmospheric particles: reliability and limitations using a new ELPI stage J. Kannosto, J. Yli-Ojanperä, M. Marjamäki, A. Virtanen, J. Keskinen Aerosol Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Tampere University of Technology, P. O. Box 692, FIN33101 Tampere, Finland Keywords: particle density, nanoparticles composition, nucleation mode, atmospheric aerosols, ELPI. The assessment of climatic and health effects of atmospheric aerosol particles requires detailed information on the particle properties. In addition, the particle chemical composition and other chemical and physical properties carry information concerning sources and formation mechanisms of the particles. Nucleation bursts observed in different environments are producing nucleation mode particles in the atmosphere. There have been intensive and successful efforts to identify different nucleation mechanisms. Regardless of the progress, there are still gaps in the general understanding of the new particle formation. Our method is based on a simultaneous (“parallel”) distribution measurement with an ELPI and a SMPS/DMPS and, further, on the relationship between the aerodynamic size, the mobility size and the effective density of the particles (Ristimäki et al. 2002). We have studied density of boreal forest particles and found the density values for nucleation, Aitken and accumulation modes (Kannosto et al. 2008). Measurements in Kannosto et al. 2008 have been made using normal ELPI impactor with the filter stage. After these measurements, we have developed a new ELPI stage with a lower cut point (Yli-Ojanperä et al. 2009). And we have performed calibration measurements in the laboratory and simulations to clarify the lowest size limits and reliability of the density analyzing method using the old and the new ELPI impactors. We simulated particle distribution modes with different GMD, GSD and concentration. ELPI currents were calculated using the simulated modes and specific density values. 5% random error was added to these ELPI currents. Density value of each mode was calculated 50 times. Laboratory tests of the density analyzing method were taken using di-octyl sebacate (DOS, density 0.912 g/cm3) and evaporation-condensation generator to produce polydisperse aerosol distribution. Geometric mean diameter of the particles size distribution varied between 8 nm – 40 nm and the distributions were very narrow. Results of the reliability simulations show differences between the new and the old impactor setup. The density analyzing method produces densities close to the initial value at high GMD values. With smaller GMD than 15 nm, the density analyses resulted in different values depending on the impactor type. Density values under 15 nm analyzed using the old impactor increases as GMD decreases and variation is very high. Between 8 nm – 15 nm the new impactor setup gives the density values very close to the initial values, indicating lower size limit for density analysis. Also, the variation of the density values was much smaller with the new impactor. Lowest detection limit for the new impactor setup is about 10 nm and for the old setup about 15 nm. These limits are in aerodynamic diameters and they are affected by the particle density. Results of the laboratory test agree with the results of simulations. The density value of DOS particle distributions calculated with the density analyzing method is very close to bulk density of DOS. The new impactor setup produces the correct result down to about 10 nm when the old impactor setup reaches 15 nm. Kannosto J., Virtanen A., Lemmetty M., Mäkelä J.M., Keskinen J., Junninen H., Hussein T., Aalto P., Kulmala M. (2008), Mode resolved density of atmospheric aerosol particle, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8, 5327-5337 Ristimäki, J., Virtanen, A., Marjamäki, M., Rostedt, A., Keskinen J. (2002): On-line measurement of size distribution and effective density of submicron aerosol particles. J. Aerosol Sci., 33, 1541-1557 Yli-Ojanperä J., Kannosto J., Marjamäki M. Keskinen J. (2009), Improving the nanoparticle resolution of the ELPI, Manuscript in preparation/submitted Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T095A05 First tests of thermophoretic trap in short duration microgravity conditions A.A. Vedernikov1, A.M. Markovich1, A.V. Kokoreva1, N. Bastin1, P. Queeckers1, N.V. Kozlov2, J. Blum3, I. von Borstel3, R. Schräpler3 1 Microgravity Research Centre, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 50, av. F.D. Roosevelt, 1050, Brussels, Belgium 2 Perm State Pedagogical University, Perm, 614990, Russia 3 Institut für Geophysik und Extraterrestrische Physik, Technische Universität zu Braunschweig, 38106, Germany Keywords: aerosol dynamics, cloud dust, dynamic balancing, instrument development, microgravity electrodynamic balancing. Mean particle velocity in a thermophoretic trap is convenient to express as 2 ⎡ vref Cz Pref ωref Tac (ωref ) ⎤ vsq = vT t = − ⎢ ⎥ z 1 + (ωτ p )2 ⎢⎣ ω ⋅ (∇T )ref ⋅ P ⎥⎦ where τp particle relaxation time; ω angular frequency (2-10 Hz); νref is the value of the particle 2τ p thermophoretic velocity at known temperature gradient (ΔT)ref and reference pressure Pref; Cz proportionality coefficient in the temperature profile fit T=T0+Cz*T2 around equilibrium trap point; Tac is the temperature variation amplitude on heaters at reference frequency ωref (Tac was 4.2 K for 10 Hz); z mean particle axial coordinate. First tests in microgravity conditions of the Bremen drop tower (microgravity duration 4.7 s) were performed in a prototype chamber of the ICAPS project that imposed certain geometrical limitations on the trap (two coils, diameter 62 mm separated by 10 mm). Measured motion parameters were in agreement with the theoretical model. 254 axial coordinate Z, pixel The European Space Agency’s scientific program Interactions in Cosmic and Atmospheric Particle Systems (ICAPS) is aimed at increasing our knowledge about dust agglomeration in astrophysical processes mostly related to proto-planetary matter formation (Blum et al., 2008). Microgravity conditions are needed to suppress sedimentation, which in the laboratory considerably reduces the experimentation time, thus Brownian motion driven agglomeration can be performed over a muchextended period of time. However, grain diffusion to the walls (at which all dust grains inevitably stick) and residual forces, like e.g. thermophoresis, impose limits to the maximum achievable agglomerate size and the agglomeration rate. The reduction of these adverse effects demands an efficient trapping mechanism for dust ensembles with the following requirements: particle sizes – from monomers of ~1μm to agglomerates of up to ~1mm; particle concentration up to 106-107 cm-3; fixed pressure in the range 0.1 -10 mbar; room temperature (about 300K); cloud volume in the ‘area of interest” – 1 to 40 cm3; total chamber volume about 1 liter. Prevention of grain diffusion or drift to the walls of the experiment chamber allows long-duration agglomeration studies for the investigation of aggregate morphologies, aggregation rate, aggregate mass distribution, and temporal behavior of the mean aggregate mass for a variety of grain sizes, shapes, compositions and gas pressures. To meet the requirements of the project, the experimental instrumentation should provide 1) squeezing of such a dense cloud (mostly to compensate particle number lowering due to Brownian agglomeration) and 2) counterbalancing external cloud perturbations. Traditional approach would be using electrodynamic balancing (EDB or Paul trap) taking into account the fact that particles are naturally charged by cog wheel injection. However, this technique has principal disadvantages coming from presence of opposite charges on the particles. Among other drawbacks it leads to quick reduction of the total charge-to-mass ratio of growing agglomerates, lowering of the ‘trapping strength’ followed by loosing the agglomerates - the most interesting objects of investigation. The use of the thermophoretic force (Vedernikov et al., 2007) should remove most disadvantages of the 252 250 248 traj_119, drop702 246 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 time, s Figure 1. Typical particle trajectory. The tests allowed identifying 1) necessary modifications in the trap’s geometry and heater’s functioning to visualize squeezing effect of the dust cloud in short duration experiments and 2) potentials of laboratory use of the thermophoretic trap. ESA PRODEX program and the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office are greatly acknowledged. Blum, J. et al. (2008). Europhysicsnews, 39/3, 27-29. Vedernikov, A. A., Markovich, A. V., & Blum, J. (2007). In European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg (Austria), Abstracts, LP35. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T096A01 ISO 15900 – A new international standard for differential electrical mobility analysis H.-G. Horn, K. Ehara, N. Fukushima, K. Ichijo, I. Marshal, Y. Otani, M. Owen, C. Peters, P. Quincey, H. Sakurai, J. Schlatter, G.J. Sem, J. Spielvogel, C. Tsunoda, J. Vasiliou ISO TC 24/SC 4/WG 12 Keywords: Aerosol measurement, Measurement errors, SMPS, DMPS, Electrical Mobility. Differential electrical mobility analysis is a well established and widely used tool to measure submicrometer particle size distributions. Measurements are made with quite a variety of electrical mobility spectrometers, ranging from several commercial systems and their multiple variations to self built equipment. A new International Standard ISO/DIS 15900 (2008) covers measurements with such devices. All electrical mobility spectrometers are based on the measurement of particle migration in a gas due to an external electrical force and due to the drag force. Data inversion routines are necessary to convert the raw data (either particle count versus differential electrical mobility classifier voltage or particle count versus time) into particle number as a function of particle size. Several parameters influence the precision of the measurement and of the data inversion; most important are: - Applied particle charge distribution model - Applied transfer function model - Slip correction coefficients - Correction of particle losses and detector efficiency - Precision of operating parameters like flow rates, voltages etc. - Data inversion algorithms Thus, the comparison of results obtained from measurements with different spectrometers may become less simple than originally expected. For example, recent comparison measurements of electrical mobility spectrometers by Helsper et al. (2008) have shown that the number concentration - integrated from 40 nm to 350 nm obtained from measurements with five systems (four commercial systems from two manufacturers and a self built system by IfT Leipzig) agreed within 12%. In the size range from 20 nm to 200 nm, all number size distributions compared within 20%. However, deviations increase below and above these size ranges. The authors conclude that the reasons for these differences might be uncertainties from correction functions for particle losses, counting statistics, bipolar charge distributions used in the individual inversion routines, and the size dependent particle losses of the different sampling inlets. Much higher transparency, especially of the parameters and algorithms used for data inversion, would have been necessary to allow in depth analysis of the reasons for the deviations in the above mentioned study. ISO 15900 intends to deliver such transparency: For example, standardized common values and calculation algorithms are provided for slip correction and for particle size-dependent equilibrium charge distributions. Use of different values and algorithms is - of course - allowed, but must be reported together with the results to make a measurement ISO compliant. The key purpose of ISO 15900 is to provide user guidance and thus to improve measurement quality and comparability. The standard does not address the specific instrument design, or the specific requirements of particle size distribution measurement for different applications, but includes the calculation method of uncertainty, in accordance with the guideline given in the ISO/IEC Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. To support the user and to further improve comparability and quality of results, ISO 15900 offers a general description of electrical mobility spectrometry and the underlying physical principles. It also describes proven measurement procedures, and recommends periodic test procedures and calibrations. Annexes add information about particle chargers and charge distributions, particle detectors, the slip correction factor, data inversion, systems with cylindrical differential electrical mobility classifier, calibration with particle size standards, uncertainty of measurement, and a detailed bibliography. The new standard ISO 15900 is actually available as Draft International Standard (DIS). It will very soon be published as Final Draft International Standard (FDIS). ISO/DIS 15900 (2008), Determination of particle size distribution – Differential electrical mobility analysis for aerosol particles. ISO/TC 24/SC 4/WG12 (Beuth, Berlin) Helsper, C., Horn, H.-G., Schneider, F., Wehner, B. & Wiedensohler, A. (2008). Intercomparison of five mobility size spectrometers for measureing atmospheric submicrometer aerosol particles. Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 68(2008) Nr. 11/12 (Springer-VDI, Düsseldorf), 475-481. ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008-09. Uncertainty of Measurement – Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM). (Beuth, Berlin) Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T096A02 Distortions of the DMA transfer function due to geometrical and flow pattern nonideality and gravity E. Tamm and J. Uin Laboratory of Environmental Physics, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Ülikooli 18, 50090, Tartu, Estonia Keywords: Aerosol instrumentation, DMA, Instrument development, Modelling, Transfer function. The aim of this work was to investigate the influences of non-ideal properties of the DMA and also gravity on the transfer function (TF) of a DMA. The probability for these effects occurring and the magnitude of their influence increase with the increasing dimensions of the DMA and thus particle size being used. The main motivation for this work comes because of the very long DMA (active length > 1m) that was built by this workgroup. With such dimensions any non-idealities of the construction are more clearly visible. To investigate the possible effects that the non-ideal geometrical properties of the DMA construction may have on the DMA TF, a series of computer simulations was conducted. As a base model, the above-mentioned very long DMA was used with specific construction and working parameters (i.e. flow rates, voltage etc.). Mainly two problems were investigated – first, the effect of shift between the axes of the cylindrical DMA electrodes and second, the effect of non-uniformly distributed aerosol flow along the perimeter of the DMA inlet. Uniformity of the sheath air along the perimeter is better guaranteed by the construction. To calculate the DMA TF, the space between the electrodes was divided into vertical sections so that the cross section of the outer was comprised of sectors with equal central angles. The overall TF was calculated as an average of TFs of individual sections. The limiting mobilities and TFs were calculated according to Tammet (1970) and Stolzenburg (1988). This was possible because according to Tammet, the general theory developed for cylindrical aspiration capacitor is applicable to the sector of the cylindrical capacitor as well as to the parallel-plate capacitor. The flow rates in the section were taken to be proportional to the area of its cross section. For finding the capacitance of the section, the corresponding parts of the inner and outer electrode were taken to form a parallel-plate capacitor. The nonuniform aerosol flow was roughly simulated by using 3 periods of a sine function (the DMA has 3 inlets for aerosol flow). The results of the calculations show that the shift between the DMA cylinders has the effect of widening and lowering the TF (Fig. 1). It can be seen that the TF is already significantly lower with shifts below 0.5 mm. With the increasing shift, the TF deteriorates even further with a second peak appearing around 0.8 mm. The effect of the non-uniform aerosol flow is also to “soften” the TF, especially the edges of the function while the peak area remains practically unchanged. In such a case where both of described non-idealities are present their effects would combine, with the second one being much less pronounced. Figure 1. DMA transfer functions in case of different shifts Δr = 0, 0.2, …, 1.4 mm between the axes of the DMA cylindrical electrodes. The calculations on the effects of gravity show that in case of big particles (d ≥ 1 μm), when particle settling velocity due to gravity is comparable with its drift velocity in the electric field of the capacitor, the gravity causes shift of the TF in direction of the bigger mobilities (smaller particles) conserving its general shape (triangle). In case of the mentioned very long DMA, the peak mobility of the TF will be shifted up to 20% for particles with d = 10 μm. This work was supported by Estonian Science Foundation grant No. 6988 and by the Estonian Research Council Targeted Financing Project SF0180043s08. Stolzenburg, M.R. (1988). An ultrafine aerosol size distribution measuring system. PhD Thesis, University of Minnesota. Tammet, H.(1970). The aspiration method for the determination of atmospheric ion-spectra. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T096A03 Best practices in European aerosol monitoring: the EUSAAR ground-based observation network P. Laj (1), S. Philippin (1), A. Wiedensohler (2), U. Baltensperger (3), G. de Leeuw (4, 5), J.-P. Putaud (6), A.M. Fjaeraa (7), M. Fiebig (7), U. Platt (8) (1) Laboratoire de Météorologie Physique, Université Blaise Pascal, FR-63177 Clermont-Ferrand, France (2) Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, DE-04318 Leipzig, Germany (3) Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, CH-5232 Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland (4) Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, NL-2597 Den Haag, The Netherlands (5) Finnish Meteorological Institute, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finnland (6) Climate Change Unit, Joint Research Centre, IT-21020 Ispra, Italy (7) Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NO-2027Kjeller, Norway 8) University of Heidelberg, DE-69120 Heidelberg, Germany Keywords: In-situ measurements, Air quality network, Monitoring standard The EU-funded project EUSAAR (EUropean Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research) aims at integrating measurements of atmospheric aerosol properties from a distributed network of 20 high-quality European ground-based stations. The objective is to ensure harmonization, validation and data diffusion of current measurements of physical, chemical, and optical properties being critical for quantifying the key processes and the impact of aerosols on climate and air quality. The achievements within the researchbased EUSAAR permit to improve the comparability of measurements for data users and to adopt best practices in aerosol monitoring procedures. evaluation, and quality control (Wiedensohler et al., 2009); (2) HTDMAs (Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analysers) coupled with a standardized inversion scheme to ensure qualityassured measurements of water uptake of aerosol particles (Duplissy et al., 2008 Gysel et al., 2009); (3) Three different commercially available integrating nephelometers with improved correction mechanisms to account for the non-ideal illumination due to truncation of the sensing volumes and for non-Lambertian illumination from the light sources (Müller et al., 2008); and (4) Standardized procedures for improved thermaloptical discrimination between organic and elemental carbon and for assessing and mitigating major positive and negative biases of different types of carbonaceous particulate matter encountered across Europe (Putaud et al., 2008). With an increasing number of measurement sites and institutions involved in measuring aerosol parameters, the need for technical standardization and data harmonization of atmospheric aerosols has become a key issue. We acknowledge the support of the EC under Contract N° RII3-CT-2006-026140. Duplissy, J. et al. (2008). Intercomparison study of six HTDMAs: results and general recommendations for HTDMA operation, Atm. Meas. Tech. Disc., 1, 1-507. Gysel, M. et al. (2009). Inversion of tandem differential mobility analyser (TDMA) measurements, J. Figure 1. Map of Europe with the distribution of all EUSAAR ground-based stations. Within the network, initiatives were taken to publish recommendations for long-term and routine measurements, operational data analysis, and data structure for the newly developed aerosol observation database EBAS related to the following instruments / techniques: (1) Standard particle mobility size spectrometers (commercially available and custom-made SMPS, DMPS), still associated with large uncertainties due to lack of generally accepted technical standards with respect to instrumental set-up, measurement mode, data Atm. Sci., 40, 2, 134-151. Müller, T. et al. (2008). Performance Characteristics of three Different Integrating Nephelo-meters: Angular Illumination, Empirical and Size-Based Corrections, Atm. Sci. Tech., submitted. Putaud, J.-P. et al. (2008). Toward a standardized thermal-optical protocol for measuring atmospheric organic and elemental carbon: The EUSAAR protocol, Env. Sci. Tech., submitted. Wiedensohler, A. et al. (2009). Particle Mobility Size Spectrometers: Harmonization of Technical Standards and Data Structure to Facilitate High Quality Long-term Observations of Atmospheric Particle Size Distributions, Atm. Meas. Tech., submitted. Cite abstract as Author(s) (2009), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Abstract T096A04 Effect of size dispersion on the lattice parameters of two-dimensional particle arrays: A possible uncertainty source in AFM size measurement of monodisperse particles Katsuhiro Shirono and Kensei Ehara National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8563, Japan Keywords: size measurement, particle size, measurement errors, atomic force microscopy. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a possible candidate for an accurate method of sizing monodisperse particles for developing nanoparticle size standards (APEC ISTWG Project, 2006). In the AFM method, monodisperse particles such as polystyrene latex spheres are arranged in a twodimensional closed pack array on a solid surface, and the average particle diameter is determined by measuring the lattice parameter. A systematic bias in the measurement may occur due to the size dispersion of the particles, but this effect has not been studied in detail so far. In the present study, a theoretical simulation of particle arrangement in a two dimensional array was carried out to investigate this effect. In the simulation, seventy-two particles sampled randomly from a normal size distribution with mean diameter 100 nm and a standard deviation σ were placed onto a 2000 nm × 2000 nm area. The values of σ were set at 0, 2, 4, and 8 nm. The Markov chain Monte Carlo method was employed to determine possible arrangements of the particles, with assuming that the interparticle potential is given by the sum of van der Waals potential and a hard core repulsive potential. Simulation was carried out more than five times for a specified value of σ. Examples of particle arrangement obtained in this way are shown in Figure 1. The ideal closed packing is realized for σ = 0 nm, while a regular periodic structure is barely discernible for σ = 8 nm. In the intermediate cases of σ = 2 nm, and 4 nm, it is seen that a local regularity is retained. For each pair of two adjacent particles i and j, the gap was calculated from (1) g ij = lij − ( Di + D j ) 2 , where lij is the distance between the centre of the particles, and Di and Dj are the particle diameters. It is found that except for the case of σ = 0 nm, particles in approximately 75 to 80 % pairs are in direct contact (i.e., gij = 0) irrespective of the value of σ. Considering the finite resolution of AFM images, we may assume that in practical AFM measurements the mean particle diameter is determined from D= l ij 1, (2) ∑ ( g ij ≤ g ) ∑ ( g ij ≤ g ) where g represents a threshold gap indicating that pairs with gij > g are excluded from measurement. Figure 2 shows D as a function of g. Even for g = 0, a bias in D is observed. This occurs because larger particles have higher probability of having adjacent particles in direct contact than smaller particles. Because a sizing error in the order of 0.5 % is considered not negligible in developing particle size standards, the result shown in Figure 2 indicates that the size dispersion can be a nonnegligible uncertainty source in particle sizing by AFM. (a) σ = 0 nm (b) σ = 2 nm (c) σ = 4 nm (d) σ = 8 nm Figure 1. Typical two dimensional arrangements of 100 nm nearly-monodisperse particles with (a) σ = 0 nm, (b) 2 nm, (c) 4 nm, and (d) 8 nm. Figure 2. Average diameter D as a function of the resolution limit g. APEC ISTWG Project (2006), Interlaboratory Comparison on Nanoparticle Size Characterization, Report on measurement results.