Let`s do good things and talk about it
Let`s do good things and talk about it
Seite 1 von 2 Let’s do good things and talk about it It’s already a tradition to help by playing handball together: Since 7 years the “Handball Marathon”, organised by Bank Austria, especially by Ulf Arlati (currently working for Bank Austria Finance Service) and the HSC Graz takes place. Altogether this cooperation collected more than 121.000 EUR for families with needs until now. This amazing amount is the result of the active engagement of 500 teams with 6.300 players and the enthusiasm of 8.000 visitors. This year it will be possible for employees of the UniCredit in Central and Eastern-Europe to take part at the „Handball Marathon 2014“. WELCOME TO SEIERSBERG – WELCOME TO GRAZ! All visitor teams from CEE will be offered an attractive social program surrounding the Handball Marathon” including a sight-seeing-tour as well as a visit to the Styrian headquarter of Bank Austria. Beyond that we will support you with the reservation of your accommodation. Already save the date now and look forward to an exciting weekend in Graz- the „Handball Marathon” will take place from the 16th to the 17th of May 2014. Framework program Beside the „Handball Marathon” and an organised sight-seeing-tour there will be an impressive concert by EGON 7 (www.egon7.com). The popular Austrian Cover-Band will play actual top-hits as well as highlights of the last years. The concert will start on Saturday, 17th of May 2014 at 8 pm. OUR AID PROJECTS 2014: The following charity projects are going to be supported by the benefits of the „Handball Marathon 2014“ Help for a family with six persons, whose mother suffers from multiple sclerosis. Support for a 7 year old blind girl, caused by an eye tumor. At least 500 EUR are devoted to a widow from Kenya and her eight half-orphans. Seite 2 von 2 Further information. A detailed program including all dates and highlights will be provided on time. In case you already want to receive more information right now please directly contact Ulf Arlati: [email protected]. Find more information around the „Handball Marathon” on http://www.handballmarathonhscgraz.at/ or on facebook (handballmarathon HSC Graz). Sportler mit Herz. In the year 2013 Sporthilfe Österreich (Sports Aid Austria) chose the “Sportler mit Herz” for the first time. This award should honor athletes who socially engage themselves. This award, endowed with 5,000 EUR was granted to the initiator and longtime organiser of the Handball Marathon – Ulf Arlati. Left to right: Head of Branch Graz Herrengasse Mag. Helmut Birringer, Organizer and prizewinner Ulf Arlati, Head of XXXXXXXXBernd Meister Ulf Arlati has also been chosen as “Grazer of the year” in the category “social conscience” by the local newspaper “Kleine Zeitung Graz”. Graduation project of the HAK Grazbachgasse! As part of their graduation project the students of the HAK Grazbachgasse will translate the whole communication and correspondence into English.