Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise
Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise
Bi.bliggraphische und dokumentanische H*nweise VOLKERRECHT Aintliche Verbffentlichungen Vereinte Nationen Documents, OffiCtal Records, Publications Cultural Heritage: Contribution of the UN System Organizations to the Conservation and Management of Cultural and Natural Heritage in Africa, note by the S-G, [contains JIU/ REP/85/5, prep. by Salah E. I b r a h i m], E/I 986/6, Nov.27,1985, [1],11, 28 S. Disarmament: The United Nations and Disarmament: 1945-1985. New York, 1985. X, 166 S. (UN Sales Publ.:,1985.IX.6). [Doc.] DPI/864. Economic and Social Council: Official Records: Resolutions and decisions of the ECOSOC, 2nd regular session of 1985, Geneva, 3-26 July 1985, E/1985/85/Add.1, Sept.1985. 111, 39 S. (ESCOR 1985 Suppl.1 A). Environment: Radiation. Doses, effects, risks. UNEP, Nairobi, 1985. 64 S. Report on New Projects 1985. UNEP, Nairobi, o.J. [1985]. [VIII], 86 S. General Assembly: Offizielles Protokoll: Resolutionen und Beschlüsse der Generalver- sammlung, 39.Tagung, 18.9.-18.12.1984 (GA/OR/39, Suppl.51). und 9-12.4.1985, A/39/51, Sept.1985. [III], 404 S. International Law Commission: Yearbook of the ILC 1984. Vol. I: Summary records of the meetings of the 36th session, 7 May-27 July 1984. New York, 1985. XV, 356 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1985.V.6). [Doc.] A/CN.4/SER.A/1984. idem, Vol.II, part 2: Report of the Commission to the General Assembly on the work.of its 36th session. New York, 1985. 111, 112 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1985N.7 (Part 11)). [Doc.] A/CN.4/SER.A/1984/ Add. 1 (Part 2). - Latin America: Trade Relations between Brazil and the United States. Santiago, Chile, 1985. 154 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1985.Il. G. 15). (Estudios e Informes de la CEPAL 52). Law of the Sea: Master File Containing References to Official Documents of the 3rd UN the Law of the Sea. Office of the Special Representative of the S-G for the Law of the Sea. New York, 1985. XIII, 176 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1985.V.9). idem, Conference on - * In dieser Abteilung wird auf eine unter sachlichen Gesichtspunkten getroffene Auswahl Neuerscheinungen hingewiesen, die im Institut vorhanden sind. Besprechung der hier angezeigten Veröffentlichungen bleibt vorbehalten. von © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Literatur 626 Multilateral treaties relevant to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. New York, 1985. IX, 108 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1985.V.1 1). idem, Pollution by dumping, legislative,history of articles 1 para.1 (5), 210 and 216 of the UN Convention on the, Law of the Sea. New York, - V, 77 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1985.V. 12). Development: Measurement and Analysis of Socio-economic Development, an enquiry into international indicators of development and quantitative interrelations of social and 1985. Social economic components of development. Donald M c G r a n a h a n, Eduardo P 1 z a r r o, Claude Richard. UNRISD, Geneva, 1985. XX,504S.(UNRISDReportNo.85.5). Technical Assistance: Science and Technology in. the. Transformation of the World.. Ed. by Anouar A b d e I M a I e k, Gregory B I u e, Miroslav P e c u j I i c. I st International Semi- the Transformation of the World, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Oct.1979. UNU, Tokyo, 1982. [V], 498 S. (UNU Pub].: HSDCP-2/UNUP-339). Transnational Corporations: Solutions to Principal Outstanding Issues in the Draft Code of nar on on Transnational Corporations, report of the S-G, E/C.10/1986/S/2, Dec.11, 1985, 19 S. Reference Book on Maj or Transnational Corporations Operating in Namibia, behalf of the UN-Council for Namibia. New prep. by the UN Commission for Namibia on York, 1985. IX, 201 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1985.1l.A.5). Treaties: A Select Bibliography on the Law of Treaties' between States and International Conduct - Organizations or between International Organizations, ST/LIB/SER.B/36, Dec.9, 1985,111, 33 S., A/Ch/E/F/R/S. Cour Internationale dejustice 69] Affaire du diff6rend frontalier FasolMoli). Demandes en'.indicationconservatoires, ordonnance du 10 janv.1986. U:Haye, 1986. 12,1,2 S., E.F. (N'd.v. 518). [Folio N' 68] Affaire du Plateau continental (Tunisie1janiabiriya arabe libyenne).. M6moires, plaidoiries et documents. Vol. IV. La Hayel 1985. XXIII, 620 S. (N' d.v. 492). [Folio N' 71] Demande en revision et en interpr6tation de Parr& du,24 f6vr.1982 en I'affaire [Folio de N' mesures du Plateau continental Haye, 1985. 64, 64 S., (Tunisie1jamabiriya arabe libyenne), art-ft du 10 d6c.1985. La E, F. (N' d.v. 517). Sonderorganisationen der Vereinten Nationen : Food and Agriculture- OrganizatiOn Committee on Forest Development in the Trop ics, tropical forest action plan. Rome, 1985. VII, 159 S. The Critical Situation in Africa. Rome, Nov. 1985,15 S. ([Doc.] C 85/20). The Fisheries: Resources of the Mediterranean, part 2: Black Sea, by L. I v a n o v -with the collaboration of R.J. H. B e v e r t o n. Rome, 1985. vi, 135, VII S., E/F. (GFCM- Studies and Reviews 60). Food Aid and Food Security, past performance and future potential. Rome, 1985. V, 55 S. (FAO Economic and Social Development Paper 55). Impact of National Grain Policies on World Gram Supplies and Prices. Rome, 1985. 111, 37 S. (FAO Economic and Social Development Paper 56). © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht ' - 627 Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesti Rome, Nov. 1985, 17 S. ([Doc.] C 85/25-Rev.1). Legislation Controlling the international (FAO Legislative Study 36). Beef and Veal TTade. Rome, 1985. XI, 131 S. Legislation on Productivity in Agriculture, (FAO Legislative Study 33). a comparative outline. Rome, 1985. VI, 74 S. Manual of Pest Control for Food Security Reserve Grain Stocks. Rome, 1985. [VII], 200 S. (FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 63). Multifarin Use of Agricultural Machinery. Rome, 1985. VIII, 63 S. (FAO Agricultural Series 17). Preparing Agricultural Projects. Rome, Paper.1). Investment Investment Centre Technical 1985. [IV], 50 S. & Annex. (FAO o - Report of the Council of FAO, 88th session, Rome, 4-7 Nov.1985. Rome, 1985. IX, 24 S. & App. A-E. ([Doc.] CL 88/REP). 7 idem, 8.9th session, Rome, 28 Nov.1985. Rome, 1985.111, 5 S. & App. A-D. ([Doc.] CL 89/REP). Report of the 8th Session of the Indian Ocean Fishery Commission, Bangkok, 2-6 July 1985. Rome, 1985. V, 24 S. (FAO Fisheries Report 341). Report of the 11 th Session of the Advisory Committee. of Experts on Marine Resources Research, Rome,.21-24 May 1985. Rome; 1985. V, 20 S. (FAO Fisheries Report 338). Report of the 16th Session of the Committee on Fisheries, Rome, 12 April 1985. Rome, 1985. X, 46 S. (FAO Fisheries Report 339). Report of the 47th Session of the Committee on Constitutional. and Legal Matters. Rome, Nov.1985,6 S. ([Doc.] CL 88/5). The Role of Legislation in Land Use Planning for Developing Countries, by Gregory K. W i I k i n s o n. Rome, 1985. 111, 160 S. (FACI Legislative Study 3 1). Sand Dune Stabilization, Shelterbelts and Afforestation in Dry Zones. Rome, 1985. XV, 232 S. (FAO Conservation Guide 10).. World Food Programme, report of the 20th session of the UN/FAO Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes, Rome, 30 Se pt.-10 Oct.1985. Rome, Oct.28, 1985, 79 S. ([Doc.] WFC/CFA: 20/20). World List of Institutions Engaged in Forestry and Forest Products Research. Rome, 1985. V, 166 S., E/F/S. (FAO Forestry Paper 62). General Agreement The on Tariffs and Trade Adjustment Problem. Paper by I. G. P a t e 1. GATT, o. 0. [Geneva], o.J. [1986].12 S. Pairy Arrangement, 6th annual report; The world market for dairy products International 1985. GATT, Geneva, Nov. 1985. 76 S. The International Markets for Meat 1985. GATT, Geneva, Jan. 1986. 82 S. International Trade 1984/85. GATT, Geneva, 1985. [IX], 200 S. & 40 Taf. (GATT/1985-4). The Legal Framework for International'Trade. Paper by Guy de Lacharri GATT, 0. [Geneva], o.J. [1986]. 28 S. Scope,, Limits and Functions of the GATT Legal System. Paper by Frieder R o e s s I e r. GATT, o. 0. [Geneva], o.J. [1986]. 17 S. The Settlement of Disputes between Contracting Parties to the General Agreement. Paper by Guy d e L a c h a r r i 6 r e. GATT, o. 0. [Geneva], o.J. [1986], 21 S. Trade, Debt and Protectionism the Brazilian Case. Paper by Mario Henrique S i in o n s e n. GATT, o. 0. [Geneva], o.J. [1986], 5. S. o. The - - © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 628 Literatur Trade Policies for a Better, Future. Proposals for action' GATT, Geneva, March 1985. S. (GATT/1985-1). International Atom ic E,hergy South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone INFCIRC/331). The Text of the Agreement of Agency Treaty. Vienna, Febr.1986. 1, Ann. 1- 4. ([Doc.] 6 S. & 21 Febr.1985 between the USSR and the Application of Safeguards in the USSR. Vienna, July 1985. 31 S. Agency for the ([Doc.] INFORC/327). International Bank for.RecQnstruqion. and Development International Development Association International Finance Corporation Index of Decisions of International Administrative Tribunals. 2nd ecl_ Dec.3 1, 1985. C. F. Amerasinghe, D. Bellinger. World Bank Administrative Tribuna,l,'Qffice. of the Executive Secretary, Washington,"D.C., 1985. VI,` 149 S. Decisions of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal. 2nd ed., Dec.1-98-5. C. F.Amerasingh'e, D. B'elling WBAT,.Office of the Executive Secretary, Washing- Index to ton, D.C., VII, 32 S. of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal. Vol. 11:. 190-198.5. Amerasinghe, D. Bellingei. WBAT, Office of the Executive Secretary, Washington, D.C., 1985. 111, 33 S. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agenc y. Convention establi sh in g the MIPA.and commentary on the Convention, submitted to'.6overnments: by the Board of Governors of the I,BRD. Washington, D.C., Oct. 11, 1985.:Get.r.pAg. [73 World BankAdministrative Tribunal Report 1985. Decisions 18-2z WBAT, Office of the Executive Secretary, Washington, D.C., Nov.1985. Getr.pag..[164 Bl.]. The World Bank Annual Report 1985. Washington, D.C., 1985. 242:S. Main Points in Decisions C.F. * International Centre for Settlement ofInvestment Disputes ICSID 1985'Annual Report, [I 9th]. Washington, D.C., 1985. 23 S, International Civil Aviation-Organization Action of the Council, 114th' session, Montreal, 24 jan.-29 March 1985; Extraordinary session, Montreal, 22-2.3 April 1985. Montrea,l, Oct.1985. V, 32 S. ([Doc.] 9462-C/ 1088). ICAO Lexicon. Vol. 11: E/F/S/R. Definitions, 5th-'ed., .198-5. Montreal, Nov.1985. Getr.pag. f481 S.], QM6.] 9294, Vol.fl). Index of,ICAO Publications, cumulated edition 19$4. Montreal, Jan-.1986. V, 33 S. ([Doc.] 9469). Third Air Trarlsport Conference, Montreal, 71 ([Doc.] 9470, AT Conf/-3). 22 Oct.'-7 Nov.1985, report. Montreal, Jan. 1986. IV, © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 1 629 : Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise 1 International Maritime Organization to the Convention and,.to the Operating Agreement on the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT). London, 1986. V, 25 S., E/F/R/S. (Sales No.: 934 86.03). Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods, .1985 editiom Group emergency schedules (EmS), procedures to be, followed incase of incidents involving dangerous substances. London, 1985.132 S.,(SalesNo.:254 85..19).; International Convention for the Safety ofLife, at:Sea. Consolidated: text of the 1974. SOLAS Convention, the 1978 SOLAS Proto col, the 1981 and 1983,.SOLA5 Amendments. London,. 1986. VII, 439 S. (Sales, No.: 110 86.02). Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary, incorporating. all. amendments adopted by the Maritime Safety and including those adopted at its 51st session (May 1985). London, 1985. 51 S. (Sales No.: 985 85.20). Status of Multilateral Conventions and Instruments in Respect of 'which the IMO. or its Secretary-General Performs Depository or other, Func.tiOnsas at 31 De London, o.J. [1986], 383 S. 1985 Amendments International Monetary Fund Fund-supported Adjustment Programs and Economic Growt4, by Mohsin S. Khan and Malcolm D. K n i g h t. Washington, D.C., Nov. 1985. V, D S. (IMF Occasional Paper 41). Washington, D.C., 1985. 926 S. international Capital Markets, developments and prospects, by Maxwell Wa t son, Donald Mathieson, Russell Kincaid, and Eliot Kilter. Washington, D.C., Febr.1986. IX, 125 S. (IMF Occasional Paper 43). A Manual on Government Finance Statistics. Washington, D.C., 1986. IX, 373 S. Government Finance Statistics Yearbook. Vol. IX, 1985. Recent Developments in External Debt Wa t s o n, G. Russell K i n c a Restructuring, by K. Burke D i I I o n, C. Maxwell Chanpen P u c k a h t i k o in. Washington, D.C., i d and Oct. 1985. VIL 68 S. (IMF Occasional Paper 40). World Economic Outlook, Oct.1985, revised projections ton, D.C., 1985. VII, 109 S. - idem, April 1986, economic and financial surveys. a Washington, D.C., by survey the staff of the IMF. by the Washing- stiff of the IMF. World 1986.. IX, 268 S. Organisation Internationale du Travail Commission consultative des employ6s et des travailleurs intellectuels, ge session, Gen avril 1985, note sur les travaux. Gen 1985. Getr.pag. [157 S.]. (CCETI/9/19). Commission du p6trole, 10' session, Gen&e, 1986. Rapport I: Rapport g6n6ral. Gen&e, 1985. VIII 203 S.; Rapport II: La s6curit6 et Phygi du travail et le milieu de travail dans Pindustrie du pkrole. Gen&e, 1985. IV, 57 S.; Rapport III: La planification et la mise en valcur de ]a main-d'ecuvre dans I'mdustrie du p6trole. Gen6ve, 1985. IV, 75 S. Conf6rence internationale du Travail, 7V session, Gen 7-.27 juin 1985, compte rendu des e Gen6ve, 198,6. XCVIII S., getr.pag. [1307 S.I. idem, 72 session, Gen Rapport 1, partie 1: Le monde du travail change: Les probl6mes de dernain, rapport Directeur g6n6ral, Gen 1986. VIII, 71 S.; partie 2: Activit6S de POIT 1985, travaux. - 1986: du © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Literatur 630 1, 2 et rapport du Directeur g6n6ral. Gen6ve, 1986...X, 86 S. 7 idem, rapport 111, 3): R6sum6 des rappOrts (Articles 19, 22 et 35. de la Constitution). Gen 1986. [111], 41 S.; partie 4A: Rapport de la Commission.d experts recommandations, rapport g6n6ral et obs 1 pour Papplication des conventions certains pays (Articles 19, 22 et 35 de la 'Constitution). Gen6ve, 1986. XVI, 391 S.; partie 5: Liste des ratificaidem, rapport IV (2): tions de conventions (au 31 d6cembre 1985-). Gen&e, 1986. 102 S. et concernant - La s6curit6 dans Putilisation de Pamiante. Gen6ve,, 1986. Promotion des petites [111], 1195. - idem, rapport VI: IV, 119 S. Conventions et 'recommandations inte rnia&nales du travail 1919-1984, pr6sent6es par mati6re. Gen&e, 1985. Vol-1, XXXVIII, 591 S.; Vol. II, XV, S.593-1338 (Loseblattauset moyennes entreprises. Gen6ve, 1986. I gabe). Crisis del empleo (D(icumentos en de el Grupo.Aridino. PREALC, Santiago, Chile, Oct. de 1985.- [VII], 37 S. trkajo*271). en Am6rica Latina. Rafael,,Echeverria.. PREALC, Santiago, Chile, sobre empleo 26). 1985.'[VIII], 107 S. Emploi, potentialit6s et Oriorif8s. au Mali. PECTA, Addis Abeba,'mai 1984. XIX, 266 S. Enfoques alternativos sobre el Mercado del trabajo: un examen de Jos modelos neoclisico, keynesiano,meomarxista y de segmentaci6n..PREALC, Santiago, Chile, nov. de 1985. [IX], 57 S. (Documentos de trabajo 272). Governing Body: Minutes of the 230th session, Geneva, June 3 and 4 and 28j 1985. Geneva, 1985. Getr.pag, [101. S.] (GB.230/PV. (Rev.)). idem, 231st session, Geneva, 11-15 Nov.1985. Geneva, o.J. Getr.p4g. [1575.]. (GB.231/PV.(Rev.)). ILO Thesaurus, labour, ernployment and training tIerminology. 3rd ed., Geneva, 1985. XXVII,463 S., E/F/S. Empleo p6blico - sur 1'emploi et la main-d'ceuyre dans les pays en d6veloppment, formation. -Gen 1986. X, 190 S. L'Inspection du travail, *Manuel d'6ducation ouvri Gen 1986. X, 102 S. Introduction a la s6curit6 sociale. 3' 6dition. Gen 1986. XII, 181 S. Information guide de jugements du Tribunal administratif de POIT iendus lors de la 57' session, ordinaire (oct.-nov.1985). Gen 1985. Getr.pag.. [Z02 S.l."(Nos. 683-720). Mis alli de la cri§is, tr4bajos presentados a Ja IV'Conferencia Regional de Responsables de la Planificaci6n del Empleo en Am6rica Latina y el Caribe, San Jos6, Costa Rica, 22 al 25 de Oct. de 1984. PRtALC, Santiago, Chile, 19_85. V111, 484'S. Les partenaires sociaux f4ce,,au changement techpologi que, 1982-1985. Gen 1986. [111], 420S. participation dans 1'entreprise, 1981-1995.. Gen 1986. [111], 306 S. Population et emploi dans les pays en d6veloppement, par Ghazi M. F a r o o q. Gen 1986. VII, 80 S., (Formation en mati de population, ressources humaines et d6veloppe- La ment 1). Vhygi dans les pratiques du BIT). La s6curit6 et directives mines de charbon. Gen&e, 1986. XV, 190 S. (Recueil de Twelfth Conference of American States Memb,ers.of the International Labour Organization, Montreal, March 19%. Report 1: Report of the Director-General. Geneva, 1985. IV, 95 S.; Report I!': Rural development taking into account the problems of the indigenous populations as well as the drift Of the rural population to the cities and its integration in the urban informal sector. Geneva, 19 VII, 98.S.; Report III: Labour relations and development iri the'Americas. Geneva, 1985. IV,, 74 S. © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Bibliographische unddokumentarische Hinweise 631 Union Internationale des T616communications Rapport sur 1'4ctivit6 de WIT pour l'ann6e 1984. Gen6ve, 1985. 1, 237 S. Union Postale Unizierselle Documents du Congr de Rio de Janeiro 1979. Tome 11, Vol.l: Documentation diverse. Berne, 1981. 1124 S.; Vol.2: D61ib6rations, table de concordance concernant la num6ration des articles dans les projets d'actes et dans les actes d6finitifs. Berne, 1981. S6 1125-1877 Documents du Congr6s de Hamburg 1984. Tome III: Textes d6ftnitifs des actes sign6s constitution de lUPU modifi6e par les.protocoles additionnels,de Tokyo 1969,- de Lausanne 1974 et de Hamburg 1984, d6cisions autres que celles modifiant les actes. Beme, 1985. 1004 S. Hamburg et United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Approved Programme and Budget for 1986-19.8Z Paris, Jan.1986. XVII, 658 S. & 1 Kt. ([Doc.] 23 C/5 Approved). idem, adjustments fohowing the withdrawal of 2 Member States from the Organization. Paris, 11 April 1986. 8 S. & Annex. ([Doc.] 124 EX/5). A Chronology of Unesco 1945-1985. Facts and events in Unesco's history arranged by dates .with reference to documentary sources in the Unesco archives and supplementary infor- mation in the ann. 1-15. Paris, Oct. 1985. 69 S. ([Doc.] LAD. 85/WS/4). Conference of Ministers Responsible for the Application of Science and Technology to Development In Latin America and the Caribbean, CASTALAC II, Brasilia, Brazil, 20-26 Aug. 1985, final report. Paris, 1985. 96 S. ([Doc.] SC/MD/81). Education in Africa in the Light of the Harare Conference (1982), by Samba Yacine C Paris, 1986. 35 S. ([Publ.] ED.85/Y-XIV.50). i s s e. The Education Process and Historiography in Africa, final report and papers of the symposium organized by Unesco in Dakar (Senegal), 25-29 Jan.1982. Paris, 1985. 152 S. ([Publ.] CLT.84/III.I.9). Education and Rural Development: Issues for planning and research, IIEP research project, ed. by D. B erstecher with contributions from M. B alaghatullah, Fassfl G. Kiros, S.A. Qadir, A.S. Seetharamu, Pans, 1985.233S. The Executive Board of Unesco, 1986 edition. Paris, 1986. 98 S. Forecasting Skilled Manpower Needs: The experience of 11 countries, ed. and K. H i n c h I i f f e. Unesco, IIEP, Paris, 1985. 259 S. by R. V. Yo u di The History of Education Today. Antonio L 6 on. Prep. for the IBE. Paris, 1985. 117 S. (Educational Sciences [4]). Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, report of governing and major subsidiary bodies, 13th session of the Assembly, Paris, 12-28 March 1985. Paris, 17 June 1985. 118 S. & Ann. I-VIII. ([Doc.] SC/MD/79, SC-85/WS/64). International Yearbook of Education. Vol. XXXVII-1985. Prep. for the IBE by Edmund K in g. Paris, 1986. 366 S. Introduction to the Educational Sciences. G. M i a I a r e t. Prep. for the IBE with the collaboration of P. C I e r c et al. Paris, 1985. 106 S. (Educational Sciences [5]). The Language Sciences: An educational challenge? J. P. B r o n c k a r t. Prep. for the IBE. Paris, 1985. 42 105 S. (Educational Sciences [6]). Za6RV 46/3 © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Literatur 632 Manual of the General Conference, 19% edition, including texts and amendments adopted by the General Conference at its 23rd session (Sofia, .1985). Paris, 1986. 169.S. Mass Communication and the Advertising industry, by Graham Murdock. and Noreene J a n u s with contributions by N. N.. -P i I I a i, V. P. S h e s t a k o v, P. P. d. e W i n., Paris, 1985. 70 S. ([Publ.],CC.84/XVIII.97). Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights, prep. by Unesco and the International Insti-. 1986. 340 S. ([Publ.] tute of Philosophy with an introduction by Paul R i c o e u r. Paris, SS.84/D.184). Recent Dec*is ions and Activities -of the Organizations of the UN System of Relevance to the Work of Unesco. Paris, 28 March 1986. 112 S. ([Doc.] 1-24 EX/28)., Records of the General,Conference, 23rd session, Sofia, 8 Oct.-9 Nov.1985. V61.1: Resolutions. Paris, 1986.143-S. Reflections.on the Future Development of Education. Paris,, 985. 291 S. ([PuK] ED.85/. DA46). Specificity and Dynamics of African Negro Cultures. Paris, 1985. 184 S. ([Publj CLT.84/ XXXII.6). and Use of, Scientific and on the Language Barrier in the Production, Dissemination Technical Information with Special Reference to.the Problems of Developing Countries, 'General Information Programme and'UNISIST, Paris, prep. by Birnalendu Study [VI], 66 S. ([Doc.] PGI-85/WS/34). Trangnatio,nal corporations and cultural identities. Franqois Ascher. Paris, 1985.10.3 S. ([Publ.] SS.85/D.158). Unesco and Education throughoutthe world. Paris, 1985. U.S. Unesco on the Eve of its 40th Anniversary, prep. under the direction of Mr. Amadoy-' MaliW MB ow,.Director-General of Unesco. Paris, 1985,217 S. Universities and Environmental Education. Unesco, and the International As,sociatio .n: of Universities, Paris, 19 86. 127 S. ([Publ.] ED. 85/XVII. 15). Water and Energy: Demand and effects, prep-.jor the International Hydrological ProScientific Hydrology. George H,. D a v.i s gramme by the U.S.- National Committee on Paris, 1985. [VIII], 131 S..([Publ.] SC.85/XX,42). Women in Rural. Production Systems: Problems and policies., Deniz K a n d,i,.y o t i,' Paris,'Dec. 1985. Tourism: 1985. 119 S. ([Publ.] SS.84/XXIX.6). on Youth, Barcelona, Spain, ([Doc.] SHS/MD/36). World Congress 133 S. World Healtb 8-45 July 1985, final report. -Parisi Jan.1986. Organization Age-related Factors in Carcinogenesis, proceedings of symposium organized by the,IARC. N.N. Petrov Research Institute of.Oncology, Leningrad, 7-9 Dec.1983. Editors: Likhachev, V. AniSiMov, R. Montesano. IARC, Lyon,'1985. [IV], 288 S. and the A. (IARC Scientific Publ-.58). Annual Report 1985, for the period 1 July 1984-30 June 1985. IARC, 20th -anniversary, 1965-1985. IARC, Lyon, 1985. X, 240-S..([DocjSC/22/2, GC/27/2). Approaches to Planning and Design of Health Care Facilities in Developing Areas. VoL.5: Cross-national: analysis of case studies, ed'by B'.M.. Kleczkowski, C.!MontoIyaAgu i I ar, N. 0.,-M I s s o n-. Geneva, 1985. [111]1106 S. (WHO Offset Publ.91). Basic Documents, 36th edition. Geneva, 1986., IV; 176 S. Community Prevention and Control. of Cardiovascular Diseases, report of a WHO Expert Committee. Geneva, 1986. VIII, 62 S. (Technical Report Ser.732). © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise 633 Energy and Protein Requirements, report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultatiori. Geneva, 1985.. 206 S. (Technical Report Ser.724). Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants, 29th report of the joint FAO/ WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. Geneva, 1986. 59 (Technical Report Ser.733). Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. V61.3: Dripking-water quality. in smallcommunity supplies. Geneva, 1985. VIII, 121 S. Having a Baby in Europe, report on a study. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 1985. VII, 157 S. (Public Health in Europe 26). Health and the Environment, report on a WHO meeting, Vienna, 12-16 Dec. 1983.. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 1986. IV, 54 S. (EURO Reports and Studies 100). Health Policy, Ethnics and Human Values, an international dialogue, proceedings of the 18th CIOMS Round Table Conference, Athens, Qreece,.29 Oct.-2 Nov.1984. Ed. by Z. B ankowski andJ.H. Bryant. CIOMS, Geneva, 1985. X,336 S. Health Policy Implications of Unemployment, ed. by G.We s,t c o. t t, P.-G. S v.e n.-s s ci n, H. F. K. Z 6 11 n e r. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 1985. VIf, 409 S; Interpretation of Negative Epidemiological Evidence for Carcinogenicity, proceedina of a symp Iosium, Oxford, 4-6 July 1983. Editors,: N.J*. Wald, R. 'Doll.." IARC, Lyon, 1985. VII, 232 S. (IARC Scientific Publ.65). Leadership for Primary Health Care, levels, functions, and requirements based on 12 case studies. Daniel Flahault, Milton 1. Roemer. Geneva, 1986. VII, 72 S. Health Paper 82). Planning and Management for Health, report. on a European conference, The Hague, -27 Aug-tSept.1984. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 1986. [111], 65 S. (EURO Reports and Studies 102). Planning Principles for Accelerated Immunization Activities, a joint WHO/UNICEF statement, expanded programme on immunization. Geneva, 1985. 24 S. Recommended Health-based Limits in Occupational Exposure to Selected Mineral Dusts (silica, coal). Geneva, 1986. 82 S. (Technical Report Ser.734). Registry in Cancer Control. Editors: D. M. P a r k i n, G. Wa g n e r, C. S. M u ir. IARC, Lyon, 1985. 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S in c h e z R o d r i g u e z, Luis Ignacio: El proceso de celebraci6n de los tratados internacion;ales y su eficacia interna en el sistema constitucional espafiol. (Teoria y prictica). (Madrid:) International Law Association. Secci6n espafiola (1984). 225 S. (ILA. Secci6n espaiiola.,Monografias. 4). z e, Dorothee: Die Restitution von Kunstwerken. Zur völkerrechtlichen Dimension der Restitutionsresc der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen. Bremen: Schu1 Selbstverl. des Übersee-Museums 1983. 229 S. (Veröffentlichungen aus dem Übersee- Museum Bremen. Reihe D. Bd.12). S i e g h a r t, Paul: The lawful rights of mankind: an introduction to the international legal code of human rights. Oxford [u. a.]: Oxford Univ. Pr. 1985. XVIII, 252 S. S I I v a,, Agustinho Fernandes Dias da: A imunidade internacional de jurisdiqlo perante o direito constitucional brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro, Slo Paulo: Freitas Bastos (1984). 126 S. S i z o o, Jan: CSCE Decision-Making. The Madrid experience. By Jan Sizoo and Rudolf Th. Jurrjens. The Hague, Boston, Lancaster: Nijhoff 1984. 348 S., I Falttab. S k u I I y, Michael T.: ASEAN Financial Co-operation. Developments in banking, finance and insurance. (London, Basingstoke:) Macmillan (1985). XIII, 269 S. Soares, Guido Fernando Silva: Das imunidades de jurisdiqio e de execuqio. Rio de Janeiro: Forense 1984. X, 264 S. S o m e r s, Eddy: Inleiding tot het internationaal zeerecht. Antwerpen: Kluwer (1984). XVI, 442S. Ste rn b e r g e r, Dolf : Über die verschiedenen Wiesbaden 1984. 53 S. Begriffe des Friedens. Stuttgart: Steiner Verl. der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Goethe-Universitit Frankfurt a. M. Bd.2 1,1). (Sitzungsberichte an der Johann Wolfgang S t o n e, Julius: Visions of World Order. Between state power and human justice. Baltimore, London: The Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr. (1984). XXVIII, 246 S. Ta y I o r, Phillip: Nonstate Actors in International Politics. From transregional to substate organizations. Boulder, London: Westview Pr. (1984). XVII, 247 S. Terrorism, Political Violence and World Order. Ed. by Henry Hyunwook Han. Lanham, New Theutenbe r York, London: Univ. Pr. of America (1984). XXII, 767 S. Johnson: The Evolution of the Law of the Sea. A study of g, Bo resources and strategy with special regard to the polar regions. Dublin: Tycooly International Publ. (1984). VIII, 261 S. (Natural Resources and the Environment Series. 17). Thom a s 1985. I Caroline: New states, sovereignty and intervention. Aldershot, Hants: Gower X, 177 S. n a I europeo- de derechos humanos. 25 aftos de jurisprudencia 1959-1983. Secretaria general del Congreso de los diputados) o.J. LV, 1019 S. Tr i b u (Madrid: © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Literatur 640 Danilo: Na6elo neintervencije v mednarodnih odnosih in v mednarodnem pravu. r k, [Mit engi. Zusammenfassung]. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga 1984. 352 S. 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ZoII e r, Elisabeth: Peacetime Unilateral Remedies. An -Ferry, N.Y.: Transnational Publ. (1984). XVIII, analysis of countermeasures. Dobbs 196 S. ALLGEMEINE RECHTSLEHRE f ii h r u n g in Rechtsphilosophie und Rechtstheorie der Gegenwart. Hrsg. von Arthur Kaufmann und Winfried Hassemer-Mit Beitr. von 4., v6llig nqubearb. und erw. Aufl. Heidelberg: C. F. Millier (1985.). XXVI, 445 S. (Uni-TaschenbUcher. 593). G e d d e r t, Heinrich: Recht und Moral. ZuM Sinn eines alten Problems. Berlin: Duncker & Ei n H a r Humblot t, (Schriften zur Rechtstheorie. H. 111). Tony H o n o r 6: Causation in the Law. 2nd 339 S. (1984). H. L. A. - ed. Oxford: Clarendon Pr. 1985. LXXXI, 516 S. Hirsch,- Ernst Eduard: Rechtssoziologie ffir Juristen. Eine Aufsatzsammlurig Berlin: Duncker & Humblot (1984). 252 S. (Schriftenreihe zur Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstat- sachenforschung. Bd.57). Niklas: Soziale Systeme. Grundrig einer allgemeinen Theori6. (Frankfurt m a n n, M.:) Suhrkamp (1984). 674 S. M a c C o r rn i c k, Donald.Neil Ota We i n b e r g e r: Grundlagen des institutionalistischen R&htspositivismus.- Berlin: Duncker & Humblot (1985). 274 S. (ScIviften zur Rechtstheorie. H.113). Macfarlane, L.J.: The Theory .and'Practice of Human Rights. London: Maurice Temple Smith (1985). 193 S. L u h a. - M e y e r, Ernst: GrundzUge einer systemorientierten Wertungsjurisprudenz. Tiibingen: Mohr 1984. XV, 142 S.-(Juristische Studien. Bd.75). M ii I I e r, Friedrich: Entfremdung. Folgeprobleme der Staatstheorie bei Marx. 2., bearb. und stark erw.* Aufl. anthropologischen Begriindung der Wilhelm Friedrich) Hegel, (Karl) Berlin: Duncker W Humblot (1985). 234 S. (Schrif- (Jean-Jacques) Rousseau, (Georg ten zur Rechtstheorie. H.22). S e i d I e r GrzegOrz Leopold: Rechtssystern und Gesellschaft. Frankfurt a. M., Bern, New (BeitrHge zur'allgemeinen Rechts- und Staatslehre. Bd.3). Das s o g e n a n n t e Rechtsgefiihl. Hrsg. von Ernst. Joachim Lampe. (Opladen:) Westdeutscher Verl. (1985). 339 S. (Jahrbuch fiir Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie. Bd.10). York: P. Lang (1985). 153 S. © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht I Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise 641 LANDESRECHT Rechtsvergleichung B u r n s, Yvonne Marie: Freedom of the Press. A comparative legal survey. (Pretoria:), 1984. XIII, 611 S. Pretoria, Univ. of South Africa, Diss. C h e r o t, jean:-Yves: Le comportement parle mentaire. Pr6f. de Charles Paris: (Ed.) Economical%*.236S. C o u n t r y Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1983. Report submitted to the -Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate by the Department of State. Washington: U.S. Government Print.. Office, 1984. IX, 1485 S. (98th Congress. 2d Session. joint Committee Print). The Politics of Constitutional Change in Industrial Nations. Redesigning the state. Ed. by Keith G. Banting and.-Richard Simeon. (London, Basingstoke:) Macmillan (1985). -XII, 25 7 S. R ei Hans: Das Lebensrecht des s Mohr 1984., XXIII, 241 S. ungeborenen Kindes als Verfassungsproblem. Tübingen: Deutschland Der B vn d Klein fi n a n e s schrift für Hugo z h o f und von Wallis seine zum Rechtsprechung: Grundfragen Grundlagen. FestGeburtstag am 12.April 1985. Hrsg. von Franz - 75. Bonn: Stollfuss 1985. XIV, 612 S. he Frage und europäisches Gleichgewicht. Festschrift für Andreas Hillgruber zum Köln [u. a.]: Böhlau 1985. IX, 332 S. Geburtstag. Hrsg. von Klaus Hildebrand G u s y, Christoph: Parlamentarischer Gesetzgeber und Bundesverfassungsgericht. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot (1985). 278 S. (Schriften zum öffentlichen Recht. Bd.482). Zugl. D e u ts c 60. H Hag Rechtswiss. Habil.-Schr. h r a t h n e r, Uwe J.: Anwendungsbereich und Grenzen rechts nach dem Bonner Grundgesetz. Frankfurt a. M., Bern, o c XLVII, 262 S. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 2: des Parlamentsauflösungs- New York: P. Lang (1985). Rechtswissenschaft. Bd.462). K i p k e, Rüdiger: Die Untersuchungsausschüsse des Deutschen Bundestages. Praxis und parlamentarischen Enqu8te. (Berlin:) Berlin-Verl. (1985). 248 S. (Politologische Studien. Bd.30). Zugl. Siegen, Habil.-Schr. N e t z 1 e r, Andreas: Soziale Gerechtigkeit durch Famdienlastenausgleich. Eine normative Analyse, unter bes. Berücks. der Rechtsphilosophie von Leonard Nelson. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1985. 221 S. (Sozialpolitische Schriften. 53). P e i n e, Franz-Joseph: Systemgerechtigkeit. Die Selbstbmidung des Gesetzgebers als Maß stab der Normenkontrolle. Baden-Baden: Nörnos Verlagsges. (1985). 335 S. (Studien und Materialien zur Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit. Bd.27). Zugl. Bielefeld, Rechtswiss. Reform der Habil.-Schr. R e c h t, Justiz, Kritik. Hans-Ernst Böttcher (Hrsg.). Festschrift für Richard Schmid zum 85. Geburtstag. Mit einem Vorw. von Wifly Brand und Beitr. von Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges. (1985). 474 S. © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Literatur 642 Schlaich, Klaus: Das Bundesverfassungsgericht. Stellung, Verfahren, Entscheidungen. (Kurzlehrbücher für das juristische Ein Studienbuch. München: Beck 1985. XIV, 260 S. Studium). Lateinamerikanische Staaten Acosta Romero, Genaro Miguel- de los Estados unidos tica la§. Incluye reformas David G6ngora Pimentel: Constituc16n poli- mexicanos. constitucionales y Legislacion, Jurisprudencia, doctrina. 2a ed. legales hasta el 7 de febrero de 1984. M6xico: Porr-6a 1984. XV, 53 5 S. B e r 11 Va I e n z u e I a, Francisco: Teoria y praxis M6xico: Porrila 1983. 299 S. n P6rez BI politica Prol. de Jos6 Rivera Campos. i u m e n w t z, Bruggendieck Dieter: La Constituci6n de la Repdbllca de Chile. Trad.: Martin Ed. Andres Bello, Pontificia Universidad Cat6lica de Chile nueva Santiago: M. 1983-96S. B o n, a v 1 d e Paulo: Politica s, e Constitulgio. Os caminhos da democracia. Rio de Janeiro: Forense 1985. 524 S. poder legislativo no Brasil. 1969-1974: a Companhia brasileira de artes grificas 1984. 308 S. C a n t i z a n o Dagoberto Liberato: 0 processo legislativo nas Constituiqaes brasileiras e no direito comparad.o. Rio de Janeiro: Forense 1985. X, 290 S. Cavalcanti, .Amaro: Regime federatiyo e a repdblica brasileira. Brasilia: Ed. Univ. de Brasilia 1983. 414 S. (Colegio Tomas brasileiros, 48). C h i r i n o s S o t o, Enrique: La nueva Constituci6n y los partidos. Lima: Centro documenBritto, Alvaro de: A favour do,Congresso. (0 transiqio). Rio de Janeiro: taci6n andina 1984. 219 S. C ifuente Fe s r n in d e z, Maria Pia: derechol Universidad de Chile Ley de extranjeria. Santiago de Chile: t i t u c i 6 n politica de Colombia. Concordancias, compilaci6n. Jaime Castro. Bogoti: Ed. Oveja negra Cons Ferreira Luis Pinto: Facultad de 1983. 185 S. referencias hist6ricas, indices y 539 S. Constituiqio federal.* Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Rio 1983. 406 S. (1000 perguntas; 22). F e r r e i r a, Manoel GonqalVes filho: Comentarios i Constituiqio brasileira. (tmenda constitucional n.1, de 17-10-1969, com as alteraqoes introduzidas pelas emendas constituciOnais at6 a de n.24, de l'-12-1983). 5a ed., revista e atualizada. Sio Paulo: Saralva 1984. XVI, 756 S. Lei n.6.815, de 19.08.1980, g a, Mirt6: 0 novo, Estatuto do estrangeiro. Comentado. alterada pela lei n.6.964, de 09.12.1981. Rio de Janeiro: Forense 1985. XIII, 796 S. F r a n c o S o b r 1 n h o, Maiioel de Oliveira: Regimes politicos. Subsiaios para processo de reorganizaqio, politica nacional. Uman Constituiqio palra 'o Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: F r a Forense 1984. 181 S. Freire, Felisbello: Hist6ria constitucional da Rep6blica dos EstadoS UnIdos de Brasil. Vol.43). [New ed.]. T. 1- Brasilia: Ed. Univ. de Brasilia 1983- 1. (198 367 S. (Tema's L a R o c h e, Humberto J.: Instituciones constitucionales del Estado venezolano. 9a ed., corregida y reactualizada. [Nebst] Addendum. Maracaibo: Ed. Metas 1.984'. 777 S. L i in a, Antonio Sebastilo de: Poder constituinte e ConstituiqIao. Rio de Janeiro: Plurarte 1983.128S. L i in a, Wanderley Andrade da Costa: Brasilianisches und deutsches atomrechtliches Geund vergleichende Aspekt.e. o. 0., nehmigungsverfahren. Rechtslage, Verwaltungspraxis 1984. XIX, 153 S. Mbrister, Rechtswiss. Diss. © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise 643 L6pez Bourasseau, Enrique: jurisprudencia constitucional 1950-1979. Santiago de Chile: Ed. juridica de Chile 1984. 281 S. M a d r i d H u r t a d o, Miguel de la: Elementos de derecho constitucional. M6xico: Instituto de capacitaci 16n politica 1982. XXIII, 680 S. 1 I I M a r t i n e z d e I a S e r n a, Juan Ant6nio: Derecho constituclonal mexicano. M6xico: Porrfia 1983. XIX, 447 S. M e d e 1 r o s, Ant6nio Paulo Cachapuz de: 0 poder legislativo e os tratados internacionais. Alegre: L & PM; Instituto dos advogados do Rio Grande do Sul 1983. 203 S. Porto Nu-evo derecho constitucional mexicano. Jos6 Francisco Ruiz Massieu y Diego Valades coordinadores. M6xico: Porr6a. 1983. XIII, 626 S. R o c h a, Roberto Paraiso: Constitulqio do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (23 de julho de 1975). Texto anotado com as alteraq6es decorrentes de emendas constitucionais e de declaraqoes de inconstitucionalidade pelo Supremo tribunal federal. Rio dejaneiro: Ed. Liber juris 1984.255S. Rub C i o o r r e a, Marcial: Para conocer la Constituci6n peruana. Lima: Mesa re4onda ed. 1983.224S. S i c h i c a, Luis Carlos: Reforma constitucional y justicia 1982. X, 240 S. SaIdanh a, constituyente. Bogoti: Ed. El Foro de la Nelson: Formaqio da teoria constitucional. Rio de Janeiro: Forense 1983. 203S. Paulo Lopo: Garantia constitucional dos direitos socials no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Forense 1983. XI, 108 S. S 1 d o u, J. M. Othon: -Habeas corpus-, mandado de seguranqa, aqIo popular. As garantias ativas dos direitos coletivos. 2a ed. (completamente atualizada). Rio de Janeiro: Forense S a r a i v a, 1983. VI, 499 S. d e I Va I I e, Moises: Las Constituciones del Pend. La Constitucl6n. de 1979. Ta m b i n i (Analizada, comentada, concordada, las novisimas con disposiciones legales vigentes). Lima: Editora atlantida 1981. 331 S. To v a r Ta in a y o, Orlando: La 1983. 149 S. jurisdicci6n constitucional. Caracas: Academia de clenclas politicas y sociales Skandinavische Staaten Andenxs, Mads Toennesson Ingeborg Wilberg: Grunriloven. Kommentarutgave. Oslo [u.a.]: Universitetsforl. 1983. 185 S. (Kommentarutgave-serien, 1). [Norw.] - Grundgesetze. rt e Kommentar. David: The Nordic Parliaments. A r, comparative analysis. London: Hurst 1984. X, 421S. moeta ubitshotet. UbItskrinkningarria och svensk sakerhetspolitik. Betitrikande av ubitsskyddskommissionen. Stockholm: Liber F&I. 1983. 89 S. (Statens offentliga utredningar. 1983: 13. F6rsvarsdepartementet). [Schwed.] Um der U-Boots-Drohung zu begegnen. Hoheitsverletzungen durch U-Boote und schwedische Sicherheitspolitik. Peter D ano w s ky: Pressen inf6r ritta. Tryckfrihetspraxis 1970-1981. C ars, Thorsten Stockholm: Norstedt 1982. 302 S. [Schwed.] Die Presse vor Gericht. Praxis der Pressett - freiheit 1970-1981. S k ri fte r tillxgnade Gustaf Petr6n. Stockholm: Norstedt 1984. 291 S. (Skrifter utgivna av offentlig och internationell ritt, 57). S t e r z e 1, Frederik: Parlarnentarismen i f6rfattningen. Stockholm: Norstedt 1983. 216 S. Institutet f6r © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Literatur 644 f6r (Institutet rittsvetenskaplig forskning, 117). [Schwed.] Parlamentarismus der Ver- in fassung. Jacob. W. F.: Human Rights in Sweden. The annual reports 1982-1984 from Correspondent for Sweden to the Documentation Center for Human Rigl at the'Directorate for Human Rights, Council of Europe. Stockholm: Inst. f6r offentlig och internationell rHtt 1985. 118 S. (Skrifter utglvna av Institutet f6r offentlig och inter- Sundb e r g, the National nationell ritt, 60). Svensk sydafrikapolitik. Betankande 1984. 246 Schwedische Sbdafrikapolitik. r e s t o, sydaf*rikakommitt6n. Stockholm: Liber,F6rl. 52: Utrikesdepartementet). [Schwed.]. Gutachten des Siidafrikaaus schusses. Vereinigte Ag av S.(Statens offentliga utredningar, 1984; John: The Supreme Staaten Amerika von Court and Constitutional London: Democracy. Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Pr. 1984. 182 S. B a r b e r, Sotirios A.: On what the Constitution Means. Baltimore [u. a.]: The Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr. 1984. VIII, 24.5 S. B e r r i o s M a r t i n e.z, Rub6n: La independencia de Puerto Rico. Raz6n y lucha. (M6xico:) I Ed. Linea 1983. 479 S. Rhoda Lois: Civil Blumberg, Rights. Twayne Publ. 1984. XXIII, 209 S. Brigham, John: Civil Liberties and The 1960s freedom American Democracy. Washington, D.C.: CQ Pr. XIII, 300 S. 1984. Comprehensive Bibliography of American By Kermit L. Hall. Millwood, N.Y.: A struggle. (Boston, Mass.:) 1896-1979.. 1-16774; 2. 51681 - Entry nos. Constitutional and Legal History, Entry nos. 35149-51680; 4. Entry nos. Kraus 1984. Vols.1-5. 1. 16775-35148; 3. Entry nos. 68 063; 5. Indexes. J o n a s, Manfred: The United States and Germany. Cornell Univ. Pr. 1984. 335 S. Lenaerts, Koenraad: Constitutie en A diplomatic history. Ithaca, rechter. De rechtspraak van London: het Amerikaanse Opperste Gerechtshof, het Europese Hof van justitie en het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de.-Mens. Antwerpen: Kluwer rechtswetenschappen 1983. XXI, 610 S. (Verzamelingen [Publikaties] van het Interuniversitair Centrum voor Staatsrecht. Proefschriften en verhandelingen, 9). M e n e z, Joseph F.: Decision Making in the Supreme Court of the United States. A political and behavioral view. Lanham [u. a.]: Univ. Pr. of America 1984. VIII, 137 S. M i I I g r a in in, Karl Heinz: Separate Opinion und Sondervotum in der Rechtsprechung des Supreme Court of the United States und des Bundesverfassungsgerichts. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1985. 242 S. (Schriften zurn internationalen Recht, 34). N a t u r a I Right and Political Right. Essays in honor of Harry V. Jaffa. Ed. by Thomas B. Silver, Peter W. Schramm. Durham, N.C.: Carolina, Academic Pr. 1984. VI, 4*37 S. Ralph.A. G. Alan Tar r: American Constitutional Law. Cases and. interpretation. New York: St. Martin's Pr. 1983. XVII, 782 S. Schmidhauser, John Richard: Constitutional Law in American Politics. Monterey, Ro S c s s u in, Calif.: Brooks/Cole Publ. Co. 1984. XXV, 639 S. r a g, Philip G.: Behind the Scenes. The politics of h ington, S o - koI D.C.: e w i c z, a constitutional convention. Wash- Georgetown Univ. Pr. 1985. IX, 297 S. Wojciech Jerzy Wr 6 b I e w s k i: Komunizm - 1 -nowa lewica, - © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht krytyka 645 Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise systemu amerykafiskiego. [Mit russ. u. engl. Zsfassung.]. Warszawa: PaiistWOwe *yd-wo naukowe 1984. 210 S. [Poln.] Der Kommunismus und der neue linke Flügel Kritik am - amerikanischen System. Ta t a I o v i c h, Raymond Byron - To n i a t t I I Roberto: a y n e s : Presidential Power in the United States. Co. 1984. XVII, 426 S. W. D Monterey, Calif.: Brooks/Cole Publ. Costituzione e direzione della politica estera negh Stan uniti d'America. Milano: Giuffr6 1983. XIX, 546 S. (Seminario giuridico della Universi6 di Bologna, 99). Va n A I s t y n e, William W.: Interpretations of the First Amendment. Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ..Pr. 1984. X, 136.S. NACHSCHLAGEWERKE, BIBLIOGRAPHIEN B i o graphic a I of Internationalists. Ed. Dictionary - by Warren F. Kuehl. Westport, Conn., London:'Greenwood Pr. (1983). XVI, 934 S. Buttress, Frederick Arthur: World Guide to Abbreviations of Organizations. 7th ed. (London:) Hill (1984). 731 S. Gerichte, juristische Bibliotheken und juristische Information in einer. Sich änderndenWelt. 25.Jahrestag der IALL. Freiburg, 15.- 1984. (Obers. Karin Steffens.) Courts, Law Libraries and Legal Information in 25th IALL Anniversary o. 0. IALL Bettina Exner'und a Changing Society. [1984].187,184 S. Giannantonio, Ettore: Italian Legal Information Retrieval. A handbook. Milano: Giuffr6 (1984). XII, 181 S. (Informatica e ordinamento giuridico. Ser. -Internazionale-. 1). Internationale Organisationen. Bezeichnungen, Abkürzungen, Akronyme. Zsgest. Sprachendienst des Ausw Amtes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. International Organizations Organisations internationales Organizaciones Internacionales Internationale organisaties Organizzazioni internazionali Meidunarodnye Berlin, New York: de Gruyter 1985. XI, 640 S. (Terminologische Schriforganizacii vom tenreihe. Bd.2). Tr u h a r t, Peter: Regents of Nations. Systematic chronology of states and their political representatives in past and present. A biographical reference book. Regenten der Nationen. Systematische Chronologie der Staaten und ihrer politischen Repräsentanten in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Ein biographisches Nach*schlagewerk. München [usw.]: 1. Africa/America Saur. - Afrika/Amerika. 1984. XXX, 980 S. 2. Asia/Australia- Oceania. 1985. XVI S., S.981-227Z ZEITSCHRIFTEN UND Administrative Law Reports. Carswell 1984 Anuario Ed. David J. MuNan Vol. 1 - Toronto: - de filosofia Secci6n Teoria (1982). (Annotated.) JAHRBUCHER juridica general. (Dir.: 302 S. 2. 1982. (1983). y social. Asociacion argentina de derecho comparado. Martin Laclau). Buenos Aires: Abeledo-Perrbt. 1. 1981. 323 S. Canadian Human Rights Yearbook. Annuaire canadien des drolts de la personne R6dacteurs/ed. jean-Denis Aschambault Toronto: Carswell. 1983. XIII, 343 S. 1984-85.1985. XIV, 435 S. © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Literatur 646 Rights Reporter. Ed. Clayton Ruby, Marlys Edwardh. Vols.1-14. (Scarborough, Ontario:) Butterworth (1982)-(1985). D e b ate s of the Constituent Assembly. 1st Assembly 1st Session. Vols.1-6. [Windhoek: Government Print. Off.] 1978 -1979. 1st Session. V61.1 Debates of the National Assembly. ist-Assembly [Windhoek: Government Print. Off.] 1979 D e u t s c h e Rechtsbibliographie. Gesellschaft fdr Reclitsvergleichung Hrsg.). Bearb. von K. Menzinger. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges. 1982. (1984). 449 S. Documents juridiques internationaux. (D.'J. 1. Publication p6riodique de la Soci6t6 qu6b6coise de droit international). Vol. I Cowansville (Qu6bec): Blais 1982 F a x u e yanjiu. 1 [Chin.:] Juristische (Beijing [: Chines. Verl. fUr Sozialwiss.]) 1983 Forschungen. F a x u e-zazhi. 1 [Chines.:] juristische (Beijing [: Verl. der Jurist. 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(Publ. en arabe, en fran et events. libanais de documentation et de recherches 1983P o I i t i q u e Africaine. La politique Constantin). [Ann6e] (Paris: Ed.) Karthala Sovi e t 1 - en Afrique noire: le haut 1981 et le bas. (Dir.: Franqois - Yearbook of Maritime Law. Moscow: V/0 -Mo,rtekhinforinreklama-. 1. 1984. 150S. Xi Beijing [: Institut [Chin.:] Die gegen wdrtigen internationalen Beziehungen. Aufsatzsammlung., [Mit* engl. InhaltsSW angabe]. a n fdr d a i guoji guanxi (16ncong). Contemporary gegenw internationale Beziehungen]. International Relations. 1. 1981. 64 S. 4. 1983. 65 S. © 1986, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht