BMBF – AgroClustEr: WeGa – Kompetenznetz Gartenbau
BMBF – AgroClustEr: WeGa – Kompetenznetz Gartenbau
Wissen schafft Innovationen BMBF – AgroClustEr: WeGa – Kompetenznetz Gartenbau 1. WEGA-Workshop 21.2. – 22.2.2011 Hannover Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote AP3.9: Bewertung von Zertifizierungsmaßnahmen auf Betriebs- und Handelsebene bei Gartenbauprodukten (Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote) Projektpartner: IUW Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote Dr. Rattiya Suddeephong Lippe Dr. Pradyot Ranjan Jena Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade Königsworther Platz 1 30161 Hannover Tel: (0049) 5117624186 Fax: (0049) 5117622667 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Kampanat Vijitsrikamol Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart Universtiy, Thailand 50 Ngan Wong Wan Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand Tel: (0066) 29428649 Fax: (0066) 29428047 Email: [email protected] Dr. Kristian Möller GLOBALG.A.P Secretariat, c/o FoodPLUS GmbH Spichernstaße 55 50672 Cologne Germany Tel: (0049) 2215799325 Fax: (0049) 2215799389 Email: [email protected] 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 2 AP 3.9: Background of the study Import value of Germany for fresh fruits and vegetables Source: FAOSTAT, 2011 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 3 AP 3.9: Background of the study Import value of top 20 countries for live trees, plants and cut flowers, 2009 Source: UNCOMTRADE 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 4 AP 3.9: Background of the study Export value of live trees, cut flowers and ornamentals from Thailand to Germany, 2000-2010 Export value (Thousand USD) 3.000,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 1.500,00 1.000,00 500,00 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year Source: ICT Center in Cooperation with the Customs Department, Thailand 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 5 AP 3.9: Case study-Floriculture in Thailand Value of Thai floriculture export, 2009 Items Value (USD) Value share % Orchid Flowers 69,016,782 66.3 Live Plants 13,054,819 12.5 Orchid Plants 10,819,492 10.4 Dried Flowers 5,880,299 5.6 Dried Foliage 2,011,380 1.9 Cut Foliage 865,070 0.8 Other cut flowers 859,086 0.8 Bulbs 842,636 0.8 Flower Seeds 784,478 0.8 Moss & Lichen 12,974 0 Total 104,147,016 Source: Lekawatana 2010. 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 6 AP 3.9: Certification Labels in Thailand Benchmarking 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 7 AP 3.9: Objectives o To compare certified and non-certified value chains for selected horticultural and/or floricultural products in Thailand o To identify the determinants of adopting certification programs by producers in Thailand o To measure the welfare impact of certification on producers in Thailand 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 8 AP 3.9: Case study-Thailand Orchid production areas, 2008 (in ha) Source: Lekawatana 2010. 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 9 AP 3.9: Data collection and methodology Data collection: Trade level: expert interviews of wholesalers and retailers Producer level: 300 certified and non-certified farmers Data analysis: Value chain analysis: Mapping, instrumental and functional analysis, financial analysis (evaluation of trade margin) Adoption decision and welfare impact: Multivariate analysis methods (Logit model, Instrumental variable model; Heckman selection model) 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 10 AP 3.9: Research plan Project duration: 3 years Project start: 01.02.2011 Field research in Thailand: Orientation phase: September 2011 Field survey: Spring 2012 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 11 Kontakt WeGa – Kompetenznetz Gartenbau Geschäftsstelle Herrenhäuser Str. 2 30419 Hannover Tel.: +49 511.762-2646 Fax: +49 511.762-2649 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 12 Die Förderung erfolgt aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und aus Mitteln der Landesministerien: unterstützt durch: Unternehmen des Gartenbaus sowie der vor- und nachgelagerten Industrie 1. WEGA Workshop Prof. Dr. U. Grote 13