economy - fosbosenglisch
economy - fosbosenglisch ECONOMY ____________________________________ konkurrieren um The companies are competing for market shares. Gehalt, Besoldung During the economic downturn salaries stagnated. Währung All prices are in the local currency. Planwirtschaft In a centrally planned economy a nation’s economy is planned by the government. finanziell, Geld- The Bank of England’s main purpose is monetary stability. Streik An airline strike of British Airways will only help its competitors. Zinssatz Interest rates receive a lot of interest in the media. Schulden He was knee-deep in debt. Arbeitgeber The government offers employers incentives to employ people with disabilities. Umsatz Turnover refers to the sales volume for a certain period of time. Girokonto To apply for a current account, you'll need to speak to a customer adviser. Kaufkraft Finally women are beginning to understand their purchasing power. Stellenstreichung Due to the recession, massive job cuts are announced. Handwerk In our village you will find old country crafts. Angebot und Nachfrage Supply and demand are two of the most basic terms in economics. Konsumgesellschaft Renewable energy cannot sustain a consumer society. Bruttosozialprodukt The gross domestic product (GDP) measures the economic performance of a country. Unterschied in der Bezahlung von Frauen und Männern Across Europe the gender pay gap is increasing with growing age. Inlands- Obama is focusing on domestic economy. Unternehmen How to set up a new venture / enterprise? Arbeitskräfte, Erwerbstätige People who are either working or looking for a job are the labour force / work force. Konkurrenz, Wettbewerb Competition for China’s auto market is heating up. um Lohnkosten High labour costs are a prominent feature of Europe’s economy.. Verkäuferin She is China’s miss car saleswoman of the year. verdienen Female managers are still earning less than their male counterparts. Gewinn/Verlust machen The firm made a profit / loss of several million euros last year. Bankrott machen Going bankrupt isn't the end of the world. einer Berufstätigkeit nachgehen Many women don’t pursue their career after their first child. Ruhestandszahlungen, Renten What retirement benefits can you count on? DurchschnittseinkommenThe average income of the poorest rose last year. Gewerkschaft A trade union is an organization of employees formed to regulate relations between employers and employees. Einzelhandels- Learn more about careers in retail on our job website. Ware Grain and potatoes are agricultural commodities. Anreiz Is this an incentive for private travel to the moon? Einkünfte, Bezüge Average earnings increased last year. Nettopreis What does gross price and net price mean? Lohn The minimum wages are ranging from €8.00 to €9.80 an hour. Bankrott, Konkurs Bankruptcy is not a good way of getting out of debt. Haushaltskürzungen Budget cutbacks have to be faced in all areas. pendeln Commuting to work is stressful. Einrichtung, Freizeitanlage Our local amenities include a swimming pool and a cinema. arbeitslos sein Evidence shows that being out of work damages your health. / Minorities are most likely to be unemployed. / Can I be made redundant on sick leave? / These days many young people are highly skilled and out of work. / The art of survival while being jobless and poor. Belegschaft, Personal British Airways staff threaten to go on strike. Arbeitskräfte The company is expected to reduce its manpower. Fördergeld, Darlehen The local council might help with a grant or a loan. Aussperrung A lockout is a work stoppage in which an employer prevents his workers from working. (selbst) kündigen Don’t hand in your notice until you’ve got a new job. / This woman was forced to resign from her job. Wettbewerbsfähigkeit He founded an institute for competitiveness. freie Marktwirtschaft Free enterprise economy is another term for capitalism. Arbeitsplatz This is a survey about gender equality in the corporate workplace. Sporteinrichtung Who constructed the village sports facility? lebensnotwendige Güter The group helps in supplying refugees with necessities. Rechnung What information must a tax invoice show? Firmenimage This company was affected by corporate identity theft. Grundeigentum Local property is getting too expensive. fallen, stürzen Advertisers complain about plummeting revenues. Großhandel Wholesale prices for everybody! längere Arbeitszeiten Extended working hours are not populat among workers. jemandem kündigen, jemanden entlassen Lohn- und Preisspirale He dismissed the worker on the grounds of gross misconduct. / The firm will lay off nearly half of its staff. / I was given notice by my employer. The crisis resulted in a wage and price spiral that hit the entire economy. Konkurrent China is a competitor for America, not a friend. in die Höhe schnellen Soaring prices could trigger social conflict. aufbessern, ergänzen He supplemented his income by writing books. Arbeitnehmer The insurance provides benefits to employees in case of sickness, maternity and employment injury. Abstimmung The staff are holding a ballot on whether to strike. Buchhalter He was the firm’s chief accountant. Kostenvoranschlag We'll send you a detailed estimate of costs for your treatment.