Schaubild 2: Regelung des "Handelns auf Befehl" (Superior Order


Schaubild 2: Regelung des "Handelns auf Befehl" (Superior Order
Schaubild 2: Regelung des "Handelns auf Befehl" (Superior Order) in völkerstrafrechtlichen Quellen
Quelle (Datum der
als Strafausschluß
als Strafmilderung
der/des Vorgesetzten
A. Internationale Instrumente
I. Verträge
Convention against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment
Nein (Art. 2 Abs. 3: "... order
... may not be invoked ...")
nicht geregelt
nicht geregelt
Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Nein (Art. 5: "... nor may any law
Officials (Resol. 34/169 vom
enforcement official invoke superior
order ..." bezüglich Mißhandlungen)
nicht geregelt
nicht geregelt
Declaration on the Protection of all
Persons from Enforced
Disappearances (Resol. 47/133 vom
nicht geregelt
nicht geregelt
II. Soft Law
1. GV-Resolutionen
Nein (Art. 6 Abs. 1: "No order or
instruction ... may be invoked ...")
2. Andere Resolutionen,
Erklärungen oder Quellen
Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal
Nein (Art. 8: "The fact that the defend- Ja (Art. 8: "... may be considered in
ant acted pursuant to order ... shall not mitigation of punishment if justice so
free him from responsibility ...")
Principles of International Law recog- Nein (Princ. IV: "The fact that a
Ja (Princ. IV: "... in mitigation of
nized in the Charter and the Judgement person acted pursuant to order, ... does punishment if justice so requires")
of the Nuremberg Tribunal ILC
not free him from responsibility ...")
(2. Sitzung 1950)
Principles on the Effective Prevention
and Investigation of Extra-legal,
Arbitrary and Summary Executions
(ECOSOC-Resol. 1989/65 vom
Nein (Princ. 19: "... may not be invoked
as a justification")
nicht geregelt
Grundsätzlich ja, da "official position"
kein Strafausschließungs- oder
Strafmilderungsgrund (Art. 7)
nicht geregelt
Grundsätzlich ja ("... may be held
responsible ..."), falls "... they had a
reasonable opportunity to prevent such
acts" (Princ. 19)
Basic Principles on the Use of Force
and Firearms by Law Enforcement
Officials (Resol. des "8. UN-Congress
on the Prevention of Crime and the
Treatment of Offenders",
Grundsätzlich nein (Princ. 26:"... shall
be no defence ..."), falls "... law officials knew that an order ... was manifestly unlawful and had a reasonable
opportunity to refuse to follow it"
Grundsätzlich ja: "In any case,
responsibility also rests on the superiors
who gave the unlawful orders."
(Princ. 26)
nicht geregelt
Draft Code of Crimes against the
Peace and Security of Mankind of the
ILC (in der auf der 48. Sitzung
angenommenen Fassung,
Nein (Art. 5: "The fact that an individual ... acted pursuant to an order ...
does not relieve him of criminal
responsibility ...")
Grundsätzlich ja (Art. 5: "may be
considered in mutigation of punishment
if justice so requires")
Grundsätzlich ja ("... does not relieve
his superiors of criminal responsibility..."), falls "they knew or had
reason to know ... that the subordinate
was committing ... such a crime and if
they did not take all feasible measures
... to prevent ... the crime" (Art. 12)
Sicherheitsratsbeschluß zur Errichtung
eines ad hoc-Tribunals für das ehem.
Jugoslawien (Resol. 827 vom
Nein (Art. 7 Abs. 4: "The fact that a
person acted pursuant to an order ...
shall not relieve him of criminal
Ja (Art. 7 Abs. 4: "... but may be
considered in mitigation of punishment
if the International Tribunal determines
that justice so requires".)
Grundsätzlich ja ("... does not relieve
his superior of criminal responsibility
..."), falls "he knew ...that the subordinate was about to commit such acts ...
and failed to prevent such acts ..."
(Art. 7 Abs. 3)
Sicherheitsratsbeschluß zur Errichtung
eines ad hoc-Tribunals für Ruanda
(Resol. 955 vom 8.11.1994)
Nein (Art. 6 Abs. 4: "The fact that a
person acted pursuant to an order ...
shall not relieve him of criminal
Ja (Art. 6 Abs. 4: "... but may be
considered in mitigation of punishment
if ... justice so requires".)
Grundsätzlich ja ("... does not relieve
his superior of criminal responsibility
..."), falls "he knew ...that the subordinate was about to commit such acts ...
and failed to prevent such acts ..."
(Art. 6 Abs. 3)
B. Regionale Instrumente
I. Organisation amerikanischer
Inter-American Convention to Prevent
and Punish Torture
Nein (Art. 4: "The fact of having acted
under orders of a superior shall not
provide exemption from the
corresponding criminal liability.")
nicht geregelt
Inter-American Convention on the
Forced Disappearance of Persons
Nein (Art. VIII: "The defense of due
obedience to superior orders ... shall
not be admitted.")
nicht geregelt
Ja (Art. 3a: "A public servant ... who
... orders ... or who, being able to
prevent it, fails to do so, shall be held
nicht geregelt
* In anderen regionalen Instrumenten findet sich, soweit ersichtlich, keine Regelung der "superior order".