book section - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association


book section - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
hi. D.
HE h i A m PART of
Sigmund Freud's library is preserved at the
home of his daughter, Anna Freud, in London. When Freud
left Vienna in June, 1938 in the face of the German occupation, he was permitted to take his personal effects, including his
collection of antiquities and books. The Nazis initially threatened
to confiscate the library, relenting only upon being paid over $800
in ransom money (Jones, 1957). During the last few weeks in Vienna, while awaiting permission to leave, Freud went through his
library, selected those books he wished to take to London, and
disposed of the others. This last group-described below-was
eventually acquired by the New York State Psychiatric Institute.
The library in London provides a valuable key to the range of
Freud's reading. It includes source material not available in present bibliographies of Freud's published writings, and thus it provides evidence for Freud's familiarity with heretofore presumptive
or unsuspected antecedents. In addition, the present composition
of the library is a product of Freud's judgment in his later years
of books he thought useful or worthy of preservation.
From the time Freud became a student he had a passion for
collecting and owning books. He alludes to the sources of this passion in his analysis of the dream of the botanical monograph
T h e authors would like to express their appreciation to Anna Freud for putting the full
resources of the Freud Library at their disposal; to Gertrud D m ,Librarian, €Impstead
Child-Therapy Clinic, for verifying doubtful items in the catalogue; to James W. hlontgomery, Associate Librarian, New York State Psychiatric Institute, for helping with the Freud
Library in New York; to Howard \V. Winger, of the Graduate Library School, University of
Chicago, for many helpful suggestions; Gloria Simmons for several proofreadings and corrections; and to Paula Fichtl, the Freud housekeeper, who reconciled the senior author to
his labors with delicious English tea and Viennese pastry.
(Freud, 1900). When he was 17 his passion for collecting and owning books led him to nin up a large account at his booksellers, nor
was his father mollified that his impulses might have chosen worse
outlets. Books continued to be a favorite hobby, and throughout
his life he remained a confirmed bibliophile, although he collected
primarily for the content rather than the rarity of the edition, or
the beauty of the binding or printing.
The accompanying catalogue does not include the entire collection of the books in Freud’s library. Because the authors’ intent
in studying his library was to learn about influences on Freud,
books written by him, his collaborators, students, or other psychoanalysts were omitted. The catalogue is therefore complete
only for the nonpsychoanalytic books in the library.
The catalogue was prepared in three separate steps. Initially
each book was examined, the title, author, and date of publication-if available-were recorded. Signature, bookplate, marginal
markings, and annotations were also noted. Secondly, each item
was checked against a standard bibliographic reference, and additional material was included. Thus each item is listed as follows:
main entry (usually author), title, place of publication, publisher,
date of publication, number of pages, number of volumes, symbol
for bibliographic reference work, date of Freud‘s copy, signature,
markings, and annotations (see Table 1 for Symbols for Bibliographic Reference Works). Finally, the 701 titles were divided
into 12 categories, following the system instituted by Dewey
because of its suitability to small libraries (see Table 2 for Subject Headings).
“Biblio,” catalogue des otivrages parus on langue frunipise duns Ie monde
entier, Ocfobre 1933-. Paris: Service Bibliogaphique des hlessageries
Hachette. 1933-.
BF Bibliographic d e la France; journal g h h d de I’imprimerie et de la librairie. Paris: Cercle de la Librairie, 1811-.
BN Bibliothsque National. Catalogue gbnbral dcs licrcs iniprirnb: aufnirs.
Paris: Imp. Nationale, 1000-1970.
Bhl British Museum. General cnfnloguc of printed books. London: Trustees,
Cumdotice Book Index. New York: Wilson, 1898-.
Detrtsches Bficlicrccrzeichnis; 1911-. Leipzig: Verlag fiir Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 1915-.
G Georg, Karl. SclilagiLlort-iiotcilog Vorzcichnis dcr Bficher und Lnndkarten
in snchlicl~crAtiordnrrng. 1813-1912. Hannover: 188$-1913.
I; Kayser. Christian Gottlob. VolLstrindigesBfichcr-Lcdkon, 1750-1910. Leipzig:
Tauchnitz. 1834-1911.
L F Lilmiric franqaise. Lcs liores de l’annte, 1933-1938, 1916/48-. Paris:
Cercle de la Librairie, 1933.
LC U.S. Library of Congress. A cntalog of books reprcscnfed b y Library of
Congress printed cnrds issued to July 31, 1942. Ann Arbor: Edwards, 1942C
SG U.S. National Library of hledicine. Ititla-catalogue of the library of the
Surgeon CencraI’s Ofice. United States A m y (Army h i d i c a l Library),
authors nnd subjects. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1880-1955.
U Unverified in bibliographic source because of poor transcription. incomplete information, no bibliographic listing, etc.
W Wliitakcr’s cuniulafice book list, 1924-. London: Whitaker, 1924-.
Psych ol ogy
Social Sciences
Pure Science
hledical Sciences
The authors considered whether to publish the list of books in
strictly alphabetical order according to author or whether to make
use of the subject headings. The advantage of the former is that
the reader can more readily establish the presence or absence of a
book by simply matching the book he is interested in against the
published list. However, the method we have chosen-the breakdown according to subject headings-offers particular advantages.
Should a reader be interested in all the books Freud owned in
a particular field, e.g., religion or archeology, he can quickly
discover this without having to go through the entire list. The
researcher who wishes to discover whether Freud owned a particular book may simply have to check two or three categories in
order to exhaust the possibilities. For example, a reader who looks
unsuccessfully for hlontaigne under French Literature may be
rewarded if he moves on to Philosophy. Particular ingenuity may
be required, however, to discover whether Freud considered worthy of retention any of the writings of Franz Brentano.
Fifty-five items could not be confirmed in standard bibliographic reference works. Some of these were guidebooks to
museums and art galleries, atlases, and individual maps, and had
no bibliographic reference. Other items could not be verified because of faulty transcription; either the author’s name or title became garbled in recording or there was insufficient material to
fully identify the work. Of the latter group, 12 of the 55, are included in our list and are identified by the symbol “(U)” for
“unverified in bibliographic source because of incomplete information due to poor transcription, incomplete information, no bibliographic listing, etc.” (see Table 1). Thus there are 689 entries for
which bibliographic references were found and 12 more which
were univerified but included because the designation, although
incomplete for a particular edition, was sufficient to identify the
book. The total number of 701 titles represent 1,110 volumes.
In examining the entire collection, several observations are in
order. There are 116 entries for Psychology, 34 for Medical Sciences, and 44 for Pure Science, which include works in the biological sciences, chemistry, physics, and the philosophy of science.
One hundred and ninety-five books are devoted to science and are
the remnant of a larger scientific collection, some of which is now
in the New York State Psychiatric Institute. The nonscientific
works number W. The collection as it now stands is thus about
two-thirds arts and humanities to one-third science. IVere one to
include the works written by Freud and collaborators, which deal
with psychoanalysis (approximately 250), then the entire collection
would be about equally divided between the humanities and the
sciences, a corroboration of Strachey’s statement that “Freud was
a striking example of a man equally at home in both of what have
been called the ‘two cultures’ ” (Freud, 1886-1899, p. xvi).
Many of the books reflect Freud’s interest in cultural history
and archeology, the beginnings of civilization, the ancient cultures
of the Near East, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The Renaissance is
well represented, although there are few works on modern history.
The largest group of books, some 140 titles (or 330 volumes) are in
the field of literature, predominantly German, English, and
French. A sizeable number of titles (15)deal with the controversy
over the authorship of the Shakespearean plays. Although Freud
had expressed much interest in this issue for the last 15 years of
his life, long before he arrived in London, it is likely that many in
this group of books were presented to him by adherents of the
Earl of Oxford as the rightful author when they visited their &stinguished supporter during his final year (Trosman, 1965). Of the
701 titles in the collection, 455 are in German, 149 are in EngIish,
86 are in French, and several more are in Spanish and Italian, thus
a third of the books are in a foreign language.
Table 3 depicts the distribution of pubIication dates of the
books according to subject. It is to be noted that, although Freud
maintained a passion for books and a love for antiquities, he was
not particularly interested in old books. Also, it appears that during the last decades of his life he acquired fewer books on science
and psychology and more on the arts and literature.
There are a number of books we expected to find and did not.
Jones informs us that when Freud was 35 he was presented with a
copy of the family bible by his father (Jones, 1953). The copy of
the Philippson Bible in the library is not the same one and lacks
the Hebrew inscription mentioned in the biography. The family
bible was in the home of Freud’s son, Ernst, and not at Anna
Freud’s in 1969 when the books were examined. In 1870, when he
was 14, Freud was presented with a copy of the works of Ludwig
BGrne, which he read avidly. Although in 1920 he was still able to
find the book in his library when he looked for it (Freud 1920), by
1969 the book was no longer present. There are of course many
Distribution of Publication Dates
by Decade According to Subject
Social Science
Pure Science
The Arts
up to
1859 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930
1 1 0
31 28
8 1 3
7 1 1
5 1 1
13 25
14 24
8 20
13 41
4 1 5
12 20
books mentioned by Freud in his writings which are not in the library. Some he may never have owned-they might have come
from public libraries-some were borrowed or given away, some
are in the New York collection, and others simply fell to the ravages of time.
It is of interest that markings in the books are few and annotations are almost absent. Although the 1826 edition of Dante’s
Dioine Comedy in Italian has many German words written in the
margin, it is not possible to determine whether these are in
Freud’s handwriting and thus indicative of an early attempt at
learning Italian. The early publication date may signify that the
book is a used copy. Freud rarely wrote in the margins or underlined. Occasionally he drew a vertical line with a green or brown
colored pencil beside a passage which he wished to stress or later
quote. One of the most heavily marked books with this characteristic vertical line is Karl Pearson’s The Grmimnr of Science. The
book, interestingly enough, is not mentioned in any bibliography
of Freud’s nor does he ever refer to the author in any of his writings or published correspondence.
The remnants of Freud’s library, left behind in Vienna, were
acquired by a Viennese bookdealer, who added a number of other
books on neurology and psychiatry and sent out the following
advertisement to a nuniber of librarians in July 1939:
Books and Pamphlets on
and allied Branches of Science
This collection brought together in nearly fifty years by
a famous Viennese scientific explorer, is very apt to constitute the nucleus of a library of neurology and psychiatry, therefore we have the intention to find a buyer for
the whole collection.
Jacob Shatzly, the librarian of the New York State Psychiatric Institute at that time, examined the enclosed catalogue, concluded this was Freud’s private library, and purchased the entire
collection for the Institute. There were 814 titles, of which 54
were either signed by Freud or bore his bookplate (Lewis & Landis, 1957).
Since the acquisition of the collection, several attempts have
been made to differentiate the books which belonged to Freud and
those which were added later. These attempts, however, have not
been successful, and, aside from the 54 which have signatures or
bookplates, there is no certainty about the others.
A recent publication by Harms (1971) draws inferences about
Freud’s debt to Ziehen, Griesinger, Wundt, and Kahlbaum from
annotations in their books in the New York collection. No point is
made about the uncertainty of attribution because of the addition
froin other sources. Shakow and Rapaport (1964) are also inclined
to accept the annotated volumes by Ziehen and Romanes as belonging to Freud, although they consider that the attribution
could be unjustified. *
1 By 1969 the signatures on many of the volumes had been cut off by autograph collectors, and a prerttmptive sign of authenticity was a scissored deletion on the right upper
comer of a flyleaf or offprint.
*They write, “Even the part of Freud’s library which ended up at the New York State
Psychiatric Institute-md we are cicccpfing here h i t this i s indeed mtitcritdfroin his librciry,
the main part of which, we understand, is in London-contains many volumes on general
and experimental psychology . .*’ (p. 4311; italics added).
Thus, the New York collection continues to be questionable
and provides no solid basis for believing that a particular work
was part of Freud’s collection, unless the work in question was
one of the original 54 volumes which were signed or contained
Freud’s bookplate. In any case, the entire collection contains no
imaginative literature, no works on history, literature, or art. The
authentic 54 are all works on neurology, psychiatry, and psycholOW.
The Freud Library in London contains much else aside from
the books we have catalogued. hlany of Freud‘s original manuscripts, furnishings, desk, couch, pictures, and his impressive collection of antiquities are also in the London house. There are several Rembrandt etchings, Durer prints, numerous small Egyptian,
Greek, and Roman terra cotta figures and bronzes as well as several from the Orient. There are two large Roman heads, many
Greek vases, photographs of Helmholtz and Charcot, several
humorous drawings by Wilhelni Busch, Egyptian bas-reliefs and
wooden tomb-figures, a copy of the Gradiva relief, and a large
print of the temple at Abu Simbel. All in all, the art collection,
consisting of hundreds of items, deserves a catalogue of its own.
Freud remarked to a colleague who was about to categorize
and index a glossary of psychoanalytic terms that it was a long
way from A to 2. The authors of this contribution are also aware
of the length and pitfalls of their journey. Doubtless some will disagree with the groupings we have arrived at. For example, the
fact that Brentano’s book of riddles dealt with a folk pastime may
not seem sufficient reason to justify a listing under Social Sciences.
Nor may it seem appropriate to include a book with a publication
date subsequent to Freud’s death. The work of categorization
could be compared to a peculiar surgical operation to which all
the members of the family have been invited. Those “who stick
their noses into the field of operation and exclaim aloud at every
incision” may contribute to subsequent refinement and revision of
the operation (Freud, 1916-1917, p. 450).
Pliilosoph y
1. Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Allmis. hloral and economical essays. Warwick: \Vardlock. 1879. (BSl) Signed by Freud, 1810.
2. Breasted, James Henry. The dawn of conscience. London: Scribner, 1 9 3
[1934]. 431 p. (BM)
3. Capelle, Wilhelm. Die Vorsokratiker. Leipzig: 1935.501 p. (Bhl)
4. Challaye, FClicien. Nietuche. Paris: Chiiteauroux, 1933. 255 p. (BF) Gift
of author. Uncut.
5. Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard Nikolaus. Los vom hiaterialismus! Wien: PanEuropa, 1930. 235 p. (D) Gift of author, 1930.
6. Driesch, Hans. Der Vitalismus als Geschichte und als Lehre. Leipzig:
J. A. Barth, 1905. 246 p. (K)
7.Fischer. Kuno. Spinozas Leben. Werke und Lehre. Vol. I1 of Geschichte
der neueren Philosophic. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1897 [1898]. 573 p. (K)
8. Gomperz. Theodor. Griechische Denker. Eine Geschichte der antiken Philosophie. Leipzig: Veit, 1895-1909.3 vols. (K) Vol. I dated 1896 and bookplate. Vol. I1 dated 1802. Vol. 111 uncut.
9. Gomperz, Theodor. Theodor Gompen; Briefe und Aufzeichnungen, ausgewiihlt, erliiutert und zu einer Darstellung seines Lebens verknfipft von
Heinrich Gomperz. Wien: Gerold, 1936. (LC)
10. Hume, David. Essays, literary, moral, and political. London: Ward, Lock &
Tyler, 1875. 589 p. (LC) Signed by Freud, December 27, 1879,
11. Jiidisches Lexikon. Ein Enzyklopiidisches Handbuch des jfidischen Wissens.
Edited by Georg Herlitz and Bruno Erschner. Berlin: Jodischer Verlag,
1927-1930. 4 vds. (D)
12. Kant, Irnmanuel. Kleine Schriften zur Naturphilosophie. Leipzig: Koschny,
1870-1876. 2 VOIS. ( K )
13. Kant, Immanuel. Kritik der Reinen Vernunft. Berlin: Heirnann, 1870. 720 p.
(K) Signed by Freud, 1882. Some marginal markings.
14. Langc. Friedrich Albert. Geschichte des hlaterialismus und Kritik seiner
Bedeutung in der Gegenwart. 2nd ed. Iserlohn: Baedeker, 1875. 2 vols. (K)
15. Laplace, Pierre Simon de. Essai philosophique sur les probabilitih. 6th
ed. Paris: V. Courcier. 1840. 274 p. (BN)
16, Lichtigfeld, Adolf. Twenty centuries of Jewish thought. London: Jewish
Historical Society of England, 1938. 168 p. (Bhl) Gift of Jewish Historical
Society of England.
17. Lipps, Theodor. Gnindzlige der Logik. Hamburg: L. Voss, 1893. 233 p. (I<)
18. Locke, John. Essay on human understanding. London: 1875. (BhI) Signed by
Freud, 1883.
19. hleyer, Richard hioritz. Nietzsche. Sein Leben und seine Werke. hlfinchen:
C. H. Becksche, 1913. 702 p. (D) Gift of Lou Andreas-SalomB.
20. hlill, John Stuart. An examination of Sir William Hamilton’s philosophy
and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writings. 6th
ed. London: Longmans, Green, 1889. 650 p. (Bhl)
21. hlontaigne, hlichel de. hiontaigne. Oeuvres choisies, disposCes d’aprhs l’ordre
chronologique par RenC Radouant. Paris: Hatier, 1914. 461 p. (BN) Marginal markings.
22. hlorgenstem, Laure. EsthCtiques d’orient et d‘occident. Paris: Leroux, 1937.
282 p. (B) Uncut.
23. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. The antichrist of Nietzsche. Translated by
P. R. Stephenson. London: Fanfolico, 1928. 39 p. (LC)
24. Nietzsche. Friedrich Wilhelm. Gcsammelte Werke. hi ilnchen: hitsarion.
1922-1929. 23 vols. (D)
25. Ostwald, Wilhelm. Die Philosophie der Werte. Leipzig: A. Krener, 1913.
347 p. (D)
26. Plato. Gastmahl. Translated by F. Kobler and E. hlliller. IVien: Satum, 1932.
99 P. (D)
27. Popper-Lynkeus. Josef. Das Recht zii leben und die Pflicht zu sterben.
3rd ed. Dresden: C. Reissner. 1905. 215 p. (K)
28. Russell, Bertrand Ai$hur William Russell, Third Earl. The analysis of
matter. London: Kegan Paul, 1927.408 p. (B51) Gift of author, September 4,
29. Schopenhauer, Arthur. Uber die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde. 4th ed. Leipzig: Brockhaus. 1875. 160 p, (K) Uncut.
30. Vischer, Friedrich Theodor von. Ueber das Erhabene und Komische, ein
Beitrag zu der Philosophie des Schbnen. Stuttgart: Imle & Krauss, 1837.
230 p. (LC)
31. Volkelt, Johannes. System der Aesthetik. hliinchen: C. H. Beck. 1905592 p.
32. Artemidonis BUS Daldis. Synibolik der Trlume. Translated by F. S. Krauss.
IVien: Hartleben. 1881. 333 p. (K)
33. Bloch, Iwan. Die Prostitution. Vol I of Handbuch der gesamten Sexualwissenschaft in Einzeldarstellungen. Berlin: L. hiarcus, 1912. 870 p. (K)
34. Bloch, Iwan. Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modemen Kultur. Berlin: L. hiarcus, 1909. 850 p. (K)
35. Bblsche, Wilhelm. Das Liebesleben in der Natur. Eine Entwicklungsgeschichte der Liebe. Leipzig: E. Diederichs, 1900. (K)
36. Bouveret. Lkon. La neurasthhie, kpuisement nerveux. Paris: J.-B. Baillihe,
1890. 220 p. (BN)
37.Braid, J. Der Hypnotismus. Berlin: Paetel, 1882. 287 p. (G) Translated
from the English.
38.Ellis. Henry Havelock. Studies in the psychology of sex. Philadelphia: F.
A. Davis, 1910, 1905-1938. 7 vols. (Bhl) Gift of author.
39. Ellis, Henry Havelock. The world of dreams. London: Constable, 1911.
288 p. (Bhl)
40. Fechner. Gustav Theodor. Die drei Motive und Griinde des Glaubens.
Leipzig: Breitkopf & H5rte1, 1863. 256 p. (K)
41. Fechner, Gustav Theodor. Elemente der Psychophysik. 2nd ed. Leipzig:
Breitkopf & Hiirtel, 1889. 2 vols. (K)
42. Fechner, Gustav Theodor. Revision der Hauptpunkt der Psychophysik. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hiirtel, 1882. 427 p. (K)
43. Fechner, Gustav Theodor. Die Tagesansicht gegenliber der Nachtansicht.
Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hiirtel, 1879. 274 p. (K)
44. Fechner. Gustav Theodor. Vorschule der Aesthetik. 2nd ed. Leipzig: Breit.
kopf & Hsrtel, 1876-1892. 2 vols. (I;)
45. Ferrero, Guglielmo. Les lois psychologiques du symbolisme. Paris: F. Alcon,
1895. 251 p. (BN) Translated from the Italian. Some marginal markings.
46. Fischer. Kuno. Ueber den Witz. Vol I1 of Kleine Schriften. 2nd ed. Heidelberg:
S. iVinter, 1889. 150 p. (K) Few markings.
47. Forel, August. Der Hypnotismus, seine Bedeutung und seine Handhabung.
Stuttgart: Enke, 1889. 88 p. (K)
48. Forel, August. Die sexuelle Frage. Miinchen: E. Reinhardt, 1905. 587 p. (K)
49. Gilles de La Tourette, Georgcs. Les Btats neurasthhiques, formes clinique~,
diagnostic, traitement. Paris: J.-B. BailliCre, 1898, 92 p. (BN)
50. Gilles de La Tourette, Georges. Trait6 clinique et therapeutique de l’hysterie, d’apres I’enseignement de la saIpEtri6re. Paris: E. Plon, Noumt. 18911895. 3 vols. (BN)
51. Gosse, Sir Edmund William. Father and son: a study of two temperanients.
London: W.Heinemann. 1912. 373 p. (Bhl)
52. Hale, William Bayard. The story of a style. New York: B. W. Huebsch,
1920. 303 p. (LC) Signed by Freud.
53. Hartenberg, Paul. Nouvelles observations de nivroses d’angoisse. Paris:
Hdrissey, 1893 [1902]. 11 p. (BF) Gift of author.
54. Henry, Victor. Le language martien, Ctude analytiquc de la genbe d’une
langue dans un cas de glossoldie somnambulique. Paris: J. hlaisonneuve,
19001. 152 p. (BN)
55. Hildebrant, F. W. Der Traum und seine Venverthung fir’s Leben. Eine psychologische St1idi.e. Leipzig: Schloemp, 1875. 60 p. (K) Several marginal
56. Hirschfeld, hlagnus. Naturgesetze der Liebe. 2nd ed. Berlin: M. Spohr,
1912. 281 p. (D)
57. Janet, Pierre hl. F. NCvroses et idCes fixes. Paris: F. Alcan, 1898. 2 vols. (BN)
58. Jerusalem, W h e l m . Die Urtheilsfunction. IVien: W. Braumiiller, 1895.
269 p. (K)
59. Jodl. Friedrich. Lehrbuch der Psychologie. 3rd ed. Stuttgart: J. G . Cotta,
1908. 2 vols. (K)
60. Kleinpaul, Rudolph. hlodernes Hexenwesen. Spiritistische und antispiritistische Plaudereien. Leipzig: C . G. Naumann, 1900. 238 p. (K)
61. Krafft-Ebing, R. F. von. Lehrbuch der gerichtlichen Psychopathologie. 3rd
ed. Stuttgart: Enke. 1892. 488 p. (I<)
62. Krafft-Ebing, R. F. von. Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie. 4th ed. Stuttgart: Enke,
1890. 738 p. (K)
63. Krafft-Ebing, R. F. von. Psychopathia sexualis mit besonderem Beriicksichtigen der contriiren Sexualempfindung. 6th ed. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1891
[1893]. 328 p. (K)
64. Kraepelin, Emil. Psychintrie. Ein Lehrbuch fcr Studierende und Arzte.
8th ed. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1909. 3 vols. ( K )
65. Lasswitz, Kurd. Gustav Theodor Fechner. Stuttgart: F. Frommann, 1896.
207 p. (K)
66. Le Bon, Gustave. ‘Psychologie der hlassen. Translated by Rudolph Eisler.
2nd ed. Leipzig: A. Krbner, 1912. 157 p. (D) Signed by Freud, hlay 19,
1912. hiany markings.
67. LiCgeois, Jules. D e la suggestion et du somnambulisme dans leurs rapports
avec la jurisprudence et la mCdecine 1Cgale. Paris: 0. Doin, 1889.758 p. (BN)
68. Lincoln, Jackson Steward. The dream in primitive cultures. London: Cresset, 1935. 358 p. (Bhl)
69. Lipps, Theodor. Einheiten und Relationen. Eine Skizze zur Psychologie
der Apperzeption. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1902. 106 p. (K)
70. Lipps, Theodor. Grundthatsachen des Seelenlebens. Bonn: Cohen, 1883.
709 p. (K) hlarginal markings.
71. Lipps, Theodor. Psychologische Studien. Heidelberg: Weiss, 1885. 161 p. (K)
72. Lipps, Theodor. Vom Fiihlen, Wollen und Denken. Eine psychologische
Skizze. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1902. 196 p. (K)
73. Lbwenfeld, Leopold. Die modeme behandlung der Nervenschwzche (Neurasthenie), der Hysterie und vervandter Leiden. Wiesbaden: Bergmann,
1887. 117 p. (K)
74. LBwenfeld, Leopold. Die nervosen Stciningen sexuellen Ursprungs. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1891. 169 p. (K)
75. LWenfeld, Leopold. Die objectiven Zeichen der Neurasthenie. hitinchen: J.
F. Lehmann, 1892. 55 p. (K)
76. Lbwenfeld, Leopold. Pathologie und Therapie der Neurasthenie und Hysterie. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1893-1894. 2 vols. (K) Heavily marked
with marginal notes.
77. Uwenfeld, Leopold. Die psychischen Zwangserscheinungen. Wiesbaden:
J. F. Bergmann, 1901. 568 p. (K)
78. Uwenfeld, Leopold. Sexualleben und Nervenleiden. 5th ed. Wiesbaden:
J. F. Bergmann, 1914. 503 p. (D)
79. Liiwenfeld, Leopold. n e r der Krankenpflege hysterischer Personen. Berlin: Fischer, 1896. 16 p. (K)
80. Lotze, Rudolph Herman. hledizinische Psychologie oder Physiologie der
Seele. Leipzig: Weidmann, 1852. 632 p. (K)
81. Lupium, Jacob. Traum-Buch. Leipzig: hi. Russworn, 1627. (U)
82. hlcDougall, IVilliam. The group mind. A sketch of the principles of collective psychology, with some attempt to apply them to the interpretation
of national life and character. Cambridge: University Press, 1920. 301 p.
(Bhl) hlany markings.
83. hlcDougall, William. Outline of abnormal psychology. New York: Scribner’s,
1926. 572 p. (LC)
84. hfach, Emst. Die Analyse der Empfindungen und das Verhsltniss des Physischen zum Psychischen. Jena: G. Fischer, 1900. 244 p. (K)
85. Mach, Ernst. Beitrzge zur Analyse der Empfindungen. Jena: Fischer, 1886.
168 p. (K)
86. hlagnan, Valentin. Psychiatrische Vorlesungen. Translated by P. J. hlebius.
Leipzig: G. Thieme, 1891-91. 6 vols. (K)
87. hlagnan, Valentin and Legrain, XI. Les d6g6n6r6.s (6tat mental et Syndomes
Cpisodiques). Paris: Rueff, 1893. 2,333 p. (SG)
88. hlarcuse, hlax, ed. Handwdrterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft. Enzyklopsdie
der natur- und kultunvissensch~~tlichenSexualkunde des hlenschen. 2nd
ed. Bonn: A. hlarcm & E. IVeber, 1923 [1926]. 822 p. (D)
89. hlartin, Everett Dean. The behavior of crowds. A psychological study.
New York: Harper, 1910. 311 p. (BM)
90. hlayer, C. E. Louis. Die Beziehungen der krankhaften Zustiinde und Vor.
gange in den Sexual-Organen des IVeibes zu Geistesstdmngen. Berlin: A.
Hirschwald, 1870. 163 p. (K)
91. hleyer. Julius. Ueber Psychosen in folge von hlasturbation. Strassburg: A.
Dusch, 1890. 96 p. (SG)
92. hleynert, Theodor. Die acuten (hallucinatorischen) Formen des Wahnsinm
und ihr Verlauf. Wien: Toeplitz & Deuticke, 1881. 16 p. (K) Signed by
Freud, 1884.
93. hleynert. Theodor. Klinische Vorlesungen iiber Psychiatrie auf wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen. W e n : Brauiniiller, 1690. 301 p. (K)
94. hleynert, Theodor. Skizzen iiber Um fang und wissenschaftliche Anorhung
der klinischen Psychiatrie. Wien: Brauiniiller, 1876. 38 p. (K)
95. hlitchell, Samuel Weir. Fat and blood: an essay on the treatment of certain forms of neurasthenia and hysteria. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippinwtt.
1887. 166 p. (SG)
96. hldbius, Paul Julius. Beitrage zii Lehre von den Geschlechts-Unterschieden.
2nd ed. Halle: C. hlarhold, 1907. 44 p. (K)
97. hloll, Albert. Das Sexualleben des Kindes. Leipzig: F. C. W.Vogel, 1909.
313 p. (K) Several markings.
98. hloll, Albert. Untersuchungen iiber die Libido sexualis. Berlin: Fischer, 1898.
872 p. (K)
99. hlorel, Benedict Auguste. Trait6 des maladies mentales. Paris: V. hlasson,
1859. 866 p. (BN)
100. hlorgan. C. Lloyd. Instinkt und Gewohnheit. Translated by hlaria Semon.
Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1909. 396 p. (K)
101. hliiller, Franz Karl, ed. Handbuch der Neurasthenic. Leipzig: F. C. W.
Vogel, 1893. 611 p. (K)
102. Murchison, Carl, ed. Psychologies of 1925. Powell lectures in psychological
theory. 2nd ed. Worcester, hlass: Clark University Press, 1927. 412 p. (BM)
103. Oppenheim, H. Die traumatischen Neurosen. Berlin: IIirschwald, 1889.
146 P. (K)
104.Osbom. R. Freud and hlarx. A dialectical study. London: V. Gollancz,
1937. 285 p. (Bhl) hlany markings in beginning of book.
305. Pilcz, Alex. Lehrbuch der speziellen Psychiatrie f i r Studierende und Aerzte.
Wien: F. Deuticke, 1904. 249 p. (K)
106. Pitres, Jean-Albert. Lecons cliniques sur I’hystCrie et I’hypnotisme. Paris:
0. Doin, 1891. 2 vols. (SG)
107. Politzer, George. Critiques des fondements de psychologie. Paris: F. Rieder,
1928. 272 p. (LF) Gift of author, 1928.
08. Preyer. W. Die Seele des Kindes. 2nd ed. Leipzig: T. Grieben, 1884.487 p. (K)
09. Pudor, Heinrich. Bisexualitiit iiber die allgemeine Doppelgeschlechtlichkeit
der hlenschen. Berlin: Steglitz. 1906. 56 p. (K) Signed by Freud in Berlin,
10. Raimann, Emil. Die hysterischen Geistesstarungen. W e n : F. Deuticke,
1901.395 p. (K)
ll.Ribot, ThCodule. Les maladies de la mCmoire. Paris: G . BailliBre, 1881.
169 p. (BN) Largely uncut.
12. Richer, Paul. Etudes cliniques sur I’hystCro-Cpilepsie ou grande hysthrie.
2nd ed. Paris: A. Delahaye & E. Lecrosnier, 1885. 975 p. (BN)
13. Richer, Paul. Paralysis et contractures hystCriques. Paris: 0. Doin, 1892.
223 p. (SG)
14. Roback, Abraham Aaron. Self-consciousness and its treatment. Cambridge.
hlass.: Sci-art, 1933. 122 p. (LC) Inscribed to Pierre Janet by author.
15. Robert, W. Der Traum, als Natumothwendigkeit erkliirt. 2nd ed. Hamburg:
Seippel, 1886.53 p. (K) Signed by Freud in Hamburg, 1886. Heavily marked.
16. Rohleder, Herman. Die hlasturbation. Berlin: Fischer, 1902. 336 p. (K)
17. Saenger, Alfred. Die Beurtheilung der Nervenerkrankungen .nach Unfall.
Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1896. 90 p. (K)
18.Scherner. Karl Albert. Das Leben des Traums. Entdechngen auf dem
Gebiete der Seele. Berlin: Schindler, 1861. 374 p. (K)
19. Schneider, Karl Camillo. Tierpsychologisches Praktikum in Dialogform.
Leipzig: Veit, 1912. 719 p. (D)
20. Schubert, G. Heinrich von. Die Symbolik des Traumes. 4th ed. Leipzig:
Brockhaus, 1862. 242 p. (K)
21. Schultze, Fritz. Psychologie der Naturvdker. Leipzig: Veit, 1902.392 p. (K)
22. Schwerdtner, Hugo. Die stumme Seele. Ein hllrchen aus der Innenwelt.
Wien: W. Braumiiller, 1901. 67 p. (K)
23. Sclare, Isaac hleshulam. hlental nursing in observation wards. Edinburgh:
E. & S. Livingstone, 1938. 258 p. (Bhi) Gift of author, June 1938.
24.Seguin, E. C. Vorlesungen tiber einige Fragen in der Behandlung von
Neurosen. Translated by E. Wallach. Leipzig: G. Thieme, 1892. 81 p. (K)
Signed by Freud. Largely uncut.
25. Semon, Richard. Die hlneme. 3rd ed. Leipzig: IV. Engelmann, 1911.420 p.
26. Soldan, Wilhelm Gottlieb and Heppe, Heinrich. Gschichte der Hexenprozesse. hlbchen: G. hliiller, 1912. 2 vols. (D)
27. Sollier, Paul. Genese et nature de l’hysterie, recherches cliniques et experimentales de psychophysiologie. Pans: F. Alcan. 1897. 2 vols. (BN)
28. Sollier, Paul. Le probleme de la mCmoire, essai de psychomCcanique. Paris:
F. Alcan, 1900. 219 p. (BN)
29. Spitta, Heinrich. Die Schlaf- und Traumzusttinde der menschlichen Seele
mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihres Verhiiltnisses zu den psychischen
Alienationen. 2nd ed. Freiberg: J. C. B. hlohr, 1892. 420 p. (K)
30. Sprenger, Jakob and Institoris, Heinrich. hlalleus hlaleficarum. Der Hexen-
hammer. Translated by J. W. R. Schmidt. Berlin: H. Barsdorf, 1906.3 ~01s.
131. Steinbacher, J. Die mhnliche Impotenz und deren radikale Heilung durch
ein rationellkombiniertes Naturheilverfahren. Vol. I of Naturheilverfahren.
4th ed. Mhchen: T. Ackermann, 1887. 315 p. (K)
132. Strohmayer. Wilhelm. Vorlesungen fiber die Psychopathologie des Kindes.
alters. Tfibingen: H. Laupp. 1910. 303 p. (K)
133. Striimpell, Ludwig. Die pndagogische Pathologie oder die Lehre von den
Fehlem der Kinder. 3rd ed. Leipzig: E. Ungleich, 1899. 556 p. (K)
134. Taine, Hyppolyte A. De l’intelligence. Paris: Hachette, 1870. 2 vols. (BN)
Marginal markings.
135. Taruffi, C. Hermaphroditismus und Zeupngsunfiihigkeit. Translated by R.
Teuschner. Berlin: H. Barsdorf, 1903. 417 p. (K)
13G.Tobolowska, Justine. Etude sur les illusions du temps dans les r6ves du
sommeil normal. Paris: G. Carrk & C. Naud, 1900. 111 p. (BN)
137. Toulouse, Edouard Gaston Dominique. Les causes de la folie, prophylaxie
et assistance. Paris: SociktC dEditions Scientifiques, 1896. 449 p. (BN)
138. Viereck, George Sylvester. The strangest friendship in history. Woodrow
Wilson and Colonel House. London: Duckworth, 1933. 375 p. (Bhl)
139. Volkelt, Johannes. Die Traum-Phantasie. Stuttgart: hleyer & Zeller, 1875.
208 P. (K)
140. Watson, John Broadus. Psychology from the standpoint of a behaviorist.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1919. 429 p. (BM)
141. Wernicke, Carl. Grundriss der Psychiatrie in klinischen Vorlesungen. Leip
zig: G. Thieme. 1900. 576 p. (K) Several markings.
142. Wernicke, Carl. Krankenvorstellungen aus der psychiatrischen Klinik in
Breslau. Breslau: Schletter, 1900. 111 p. (K)
143. Wemicke. Carl. fjber die Klassifikation der Psychosen. Breslau: Schletter,
1899. 16 p. (K)
144. Westermarck, Eduard. Sexualfragen. Translated by Leopold Katscher. Leipzig: W. Klinkhardt. 1909. 146 p. (K)
145. Wichmann, Ralf. Der Werth der Symptome der sogenannten traumatischen
Neurose und Anleitung zur Beurtheilung der Simulation von Unfall-Nervenkrankheiten. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg, 1892. 103 p. (SG) Uncut.
146. Wittmaack, Theodor. Die Hypochondrie in pathologischer und therapeutischer Beziehung nebst einigen vorggngigen Bemerkungen iiber die Bedeutung
der psychischen Heilmittel. Leipzig: Schsfer, 1857. 66 p. (K)
147. Wulffen, Erich. Der Sexualverbrecher. Gross-Lichterfelde-Ost: P. Langenscheidt, 1910. 727 p. (K)
148. Zweig, Stefan. Die Heilung durch den Geist. hiesmer, hlary Baker-Eddy,
Freud. Wien: Reichner, 1931. 446 p. (D)
149. Die babylonische Talmud. Translated by Lazarus Goldschmidt. Berlin:
Jfidische Verlag, 1929. 12 vols. (D)
150. Die Bibel. Im Auftrage der deutschen evangelischen Kirchenkonferenzdurchgesehen. 17th ed. Halle: Canstein, 1904. 3 vols. (K)
151.The book of the dead. An English translation of the chapters, hymns of
the Theban Recension, with introduction, notes by E. A. Wallis Budge.
London: K. Paul, 1901. 3 vols. (BXI)
152.Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. Egyptian ideas of the future
life. London: K. Paul, 1899. 198 p. (Bhl)
153. Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. Egyptian magic. London: K.
Paul, 1899. 2.34 p. (Bhl)
154.Budge. Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. Osiris and the Egyptian ressurrection. London: P. L. Warner, 1911. 2 vols. (BM)
155. Constans, Uopold. La LCgende d'Oedipe Ctudike dans l'antiquitk,
au moyen 2ge et dans les temps modernes, en particulier dans le Roman de
ThBbes, texte francais du XIIe si6cle. Paris: hlaisonneuve, 1881.392 p. (BN)
Heavily marked.
156. Creuzer, G. Friedrich. Symbolik und hlythologie der alten Mlker. Leipzig:
1810-1823. 6 VOIS. (K)
157. Cumont. Franz. Die orientalischen Religionen im r6manischen Heidentum.
Translated by Georg Gehrich. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1910, 344 p. (K)
158. Curtis, Samuel Ives. Ursemitische Religion im Volksleben des heutigen
. Orients. Forschungen und Funde aus Syrien und Palbtina. Leipzig: J. C.
Hinrichs, 1903. 378 p. (K)
159. Dieterich, Albert. Mutter Erde. Ein Versuch iiber Volksreligion. 2nd ed.
Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1913. 138 p. (D)
160.Dulaure. Jacques A. Des divinitCs gCnCratrices, ou du culte du phallus
chez les anciens et Ias modernes. Paris: I. Liseux. 1885. 422 p. (BN)
161. Erman, Adolf. Die iigyptische Religion. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1905. 261 p. (K)
162.Evans, R. C. T. hian: what? whence? whither? or the faith that is in me.
4th ed. Chatham: Parret & Neves, 1928. 230 p. (W)
163. Feuerbach, Ludwig. Das Wesen des Christentums. Leipzig: Reclam, 1923.
524 p. (D)
161. Feuerbach, Ludwig. Das Wesen der Religion. Leipzig: A. Krdner, 1923.
341 p. (D)
165. Fleg. Edmond. hloses. Translated by Alexander Benzion. Miinchen: R. Piper.
1929. 271 p. (K)
166. Frazer, Sir James George. The golden bough, a study in magic and religion.
3rd ed. London: hlacmillan, 1907-1915. 12 vols. (BM)
167.Golding. Louis. In the steps of Moses the conqueror. London: Rich &
Cowan, 1938. 426 p. (BM)
168. Gressman, Hugo. Die Lade Jahves und das Allerheiligste des Salomonischen
Tempels. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1920. 72 p. (D)
169. Inman, Thomas. Ancient pagan and modern Christian symbolism. 2nd ed.
New York: P. Eckler, 1874. 147 p. (LC)
170. Die israelitische Bibel. Edited by Ludwig Philippson. Leipzig: Baumgatner,
1859-1860. 8 vols. (K) hlarkings in Vol. 111.
171. Jennings, Hargrave. Die Rosenkreuzer. lhre GebrLuche und hlysterien.
Translated by Antonius von den Linden. Berlin: H. Barsdorf, 1912.2 vols. (D)
172. Jeremias, Alfred. Allgemeine Religions-Geschichte. hliinchen: R. Piper, 1918.
259 p. (D) Uncut.
173. King, Leonard William. Babylonian religion and mythology. London: K.
Paul. 1899. 220 p. (BXI)
174. Neinpaul, Rridolph. Die Leliendigen und die Toten in Volksglauben, Religionen und Sage. Leipzig: B. Behr, 1898. 293 p. (K)
175. Knight, Richard Payne. Le culte de Priape et ses rapports avec la thhlogie
mystique des anciens, suivi d'un essai sur le culte des pouvoirs gCnCrateurs
durant le moyen dge. Bruxelles: J. J. Gray, 1883. 200 p. (BN)
176. Lang, Andrew. hlyth, ritual and religion. London: Longmans, 1887 [1!906].
2 vols. (Bhl)
177. Laistner, L. Das Rltsel der Sphinx. Grundzijge einer hlythengeschichte.
Berlin: Hertz, 1889. 2 vols. (K) hfany markings.
178. Layclerc, H. W. The unveiling. Apocalypse of St. John the divine, Chapter
X. The angel of the reformation. London: Hulbert, 1929 [1936]. 657 p. (Bhl)
179. Lehmann, Alfred. Aberglaube und Zauberei von den Atesten Zeiten an bis
in die Gegenwart. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1898. 556 p. (K)
180. Levy-Bruhl, Lucien. La mythologie primitive. Le monde mythique des
Australiens et des Papous. Paris: Alcan, 1935. 336 p. (B) Gift of author,
1935. Uncut.
181. Mijhlenbrink. Kurt. Die Entstehung des Judentums. Hamburg: Hanseat,
1936. 66 p. (D)
182. Miller, David Heinrich. Die Gesetze Hammurabis und ihr Verhtiltnis zur
mosaischen Gesetzgebung sowie zu den X I . Tafeln. Text in Umschrift,
deutsche und hebrzsche Uebersetzung, Erltiuterung und vergleichbare Analyse. Wien: A. Hiilder, 1903. 286 p. (K)Contains notes by Freud on Hammurabi and the Talion principle on a separate sheet of his stationery.
183. hlyer, Issac. Scarabs. The history, manufacture and religious symbolism of
the scarabaeus in ancient Egypt, Phoenicia. Sardinia, Etruria. Leipzig: 0.
Harrassowitz, 1894. 177 p. (Bhl)
184. Nork, F. Andeutungen eines Systems der hlythologie, entwickelt aus der
priesterlichen hlysteriosophie und Hierologie des alten Orients. Leipzig:
Dyk, 1850. 330 p. (K)
185.Nork, F. Der Mystagog, oder Deutung der Geheimlehren, Symbole und
Feste der christlichen Kirche. Leipzig: Kfinzel, 1838. (K)
186. Nyberg, Henrik Samuel. Die Religionen des alten Iran. Translated by H. H.
Schaeder. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1938. 506 p. (D) Uncut.
187. Perzynski, F. Von Chinas Gijttem. hliinchen: K. Wolff, 1920. 261 p. (D)
188. Popper-Lynkeus, Josef. tfber Religion. Edited by hlargit Omstein. Wien:
R. Ldwit, 1924. 231 p. (D)
189. Reinach, Saloman. Cultes, mythes et religions. Paris: Leroux, 1905-1912.
4 vols. (BN) Some markings.
190.Reinach, Saloman. Orpheus; histoire g6nCrale des religions. Paris: A. Picard,
1909. 627 p. (BN)
191. Rohde, Envin. Psyche. Seelencult und Unsterblichkeitsglaube der Griechen.
3rd ed. Tabingen: J. C. B. hlohr, 1903. 2 vols. (K)
192. Rosmarin, Aaron. hloses irn Lichte der Agada New York: Goldblatt, 1932.
157 p. (LC)
193. Saurat, Denis. Histoire des religions. Paris: DenoEl & Steele. 1933.413 p. (BN)
191. Schder, Heinrich. Umarna in Religion und Kunst. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1931.
70 P. (D)
195. Schlesinger, hlax. Geschichte des Symbols. Berlin: L. Simion, 1912.474 p. (D)
196. S e l i p a n n , S. Der biise Blick und Venvandtes. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte
des Aberglaubms aller Zeit und Viilker. Berlin: H. Barsdorf, 1910.2 vols. (K)
197.Smith, \Villiam Robertson. Lectures on the religion of the Semites. First
series. The fundamental institutions. London: A. & C. Black, 1894 [1907].
507 p. (Bhl)
198. Strauss, David Friedrich. Das Leben Jesu, far das deutsche Volk bearbeitet.
8th ed. Bonn: E. Strauss, 1895. 403, 296 p. (K)
199. Stucken, Eduard. Astralmythen der Hebraeer, Babylonier und Aegrpter.
Religionsgeschichte Untersuchungen. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1896-1907. 5
vols. (K)
200. Usener, Hermann. Gbtternamen. 2nd ed. Bonn: F. Cohen, 1929. 391 p. (D)
201. Usener, Hermann. VortrPge und Aufsitze. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1907.
259 p. (K)
202. Werner. hlan Das Christentum und die monistische Religion. Berlin: K.
Curtius, 1W8. 202 p. (K)
203. Westermarck, Eduard. Ursprung und Entwickelung der hloralbegriffe.
Translated by Leopold Katscher. Leipzig: W. Klinkhardt, 1907. 2 vols. (K)
201. Wilamowitz-hloellendorff, Ulrich. Der Glaube der Hellenen. Berlin:
Weidmann, 1932. 2 vols. (D) Uncut.
205. Yahuda, Abraham Shalom. The accuracy of the Bible. The stories of Joseph,
the exodus and genesis confirmed and illustrated by Egyptian monuments and
language. London: W. Heinemann, 1934. 226 p. (Bhl)
The Social Sciences
206.Bachofen. J. J. Das hlutterrecht. 2nd ed. Basel: B. Schwabe, 1897. 440 p.
(K) Several markings.
207. Bourke, John Gregory. Scatologic rites of all nations. IVashington, D.C.:
W. H. Lowdermilk, 1891. 496 p. (LC)
208. Brentano, Franz. Neue Rgthsel von Aenigmatias. W e n : Gerold, 1879. 192
P. (K)
209. Coudenhove-Kalergi, Heinrich. Das Wesen des Antisemitismus. Wien: PanEuropa. 1932. 281 p. (D)
210. Crawley, Alfred Ernest. The mystic rose. A study of primitive marriage.
London: hlacmillan, 1902. 492 p. (Bhl) hlany markings.
211. D u Bois-Reymond, Emil. u b e r die Uebung. Berlin: Hirschwald. 1881. 51 p.
212. Feuerbach, Ludwig. Die Unsterblichkeitsfrage vom Standpunkt der Anthrs
pologie. Leipzig: A. Kriiner, 192.3. 155 p. (D)
213.Frazer, Sir James George. Totemism and exogamy. A treatise on certain
early forms of superstition and society. London: hlacmillan, 1910. 4 vols.
(BXI) Several markings.
214. Gol’denveizer. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. Early civilisation. An introduction
to anthropology. London: G. G. Harrap, 102.3. 428 p. (Bhf) Gift of H. W.
215. Hartland, Edwin Sidney. Primitive paternity: the myth of supernatural birth
in relation to the history of the family. London: D. Nutt, 1909. 2 vols.
(Bhl) Uncut.
216. Hebrew University. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem; its history and development. Tel-Aviv: Haaretz, 1939. 135 p. (LC)
217. Henle, J. Anthropologische Vortriige. Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1876. 130 p.
(K) Some marginal markings.
218. Lang, Andrew. The secret of the totem. London: Longmans, 1905.215 p. (BM)
219. L a g e r . Felix. Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion: Rassenhass und Rassenhetze. Wien: Saturn, 1934. 44 p. (LC)
220. Lipperheide, Franz F. von. Spruchwtirterbuch. Berlin: F. Bruckmann. 1907.
1069 p. (K)
221. Lubbock, John, Baron Avebury. Addresses, political and educational. London:
hlacrnillan, 1879. 209 p. (BXI) Signed by Freud, 1882.
222. hlalinowski, Bronislaw. The sexual life of savages in northwestern hlelanesia. London: G. Routledge, 1929. 505 p. (Bhl)
223. Notor, Gabriel de. La femme dans l’antiquitk grecque. Paris: H. Laurens,
1901. 280 p. (BN)
224. Nover, J. and WPgner, J. Gerrnanische Volkssagen. 2nd ed. Leipzig: D.
Sparner, 1N7. 348 p. (K)
225. Popper-Lynkeus, Josef. Die allgerneine Niihrpflicht als Ldsung der sozialen
Frage. Dresden-Blasewitz: C. Reissner, 1912. 813 p. (D)
226. Popper-Lynkeus, Josef. Die allgerneine Nghrpflicht als Lijsung der sozialen
Frage. Edited by hlargit Ornstein. 2nd ed. Wien: Rikola, 19.23. 396 p. (D)
227. Popper-Lynkeus, Josef. Das Individuum und die Bewertung menschlicher
Existenzen. Dresden: C. Reissner. 1910. 223 p. (K)
228. Popper-Lynkeus, Josef. Krieg, Wehrpflicht und Staatsverfassung. Wien: Rikola,
1921. 388 p. (D)
229. Popper-Lynkeus, Josef. Philosophie des Strafrechts. Wien: R. LBwit, 1924.
112 p. (D)
230. Ploss, H. Das Weib in der Natur- und Vdkerkunde. Anthropologische Studien.
3rd ed. Leipzig: T. Grieben, 1891. 2 vols. (K)
231. Rbheim, GCza. Australian totemism. A psychoanalytic study in anthropology.
London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1925. 487 p. (Bhl)
232. Smith, Sydney. Essays, social and political. London: Ward, Lock, 1886.
539 p. (LC) Signed by Freud, 1897.
233. Smith, William Robertson. Kinship and marriage in early Arabia. London:
A. & C. Black, 1903. 324 p. (BM)
2.3231. Stratz. C. H. \Vas sind Juden? Eine ethnographisch-anthropologischeStudie.
IVien: F. Tempsky, 1903, 30 p. (K)
235.Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett. Primitive culture. 4th ed. London: J. hlurray,
1903. 2 vols. (Bhl)
236. Vischer, Friedrich Theodor. hlode und Eynismis. BeitrPge zur Kenntniss
unserer Culturformen und Sittenbegriffe. Stuttgart: Wittwer, 1879. 108 p. (K)
237. Zollschan, Ignaz. Das Rassenproblem. 3rd ed. Wien: W. Braurnfiller, 1912.
512 p. (D) Gift of author.
238.Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. Easy lessons in Egyptian
hieroglyphics. London: K. Paul, 1899. 246 p. (Bhf)
239. Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. An E,wtian reading book for
beginners. London: K. Paul, 1896. 592 p. (Bhl) Bookplate. Some markings.
Partially uncut.
240. Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. First steps in Egyptian. London:
K. Paul, 1895. 321 p. (Bhl) Bookplate.
241. Erman, Adolf. Agyptisches Glossar. Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1904.
160 p. (K)
242. Erman, Adolf. Die Hieroglyphen. Berlin: S. J. Gijschen, 1912. 91 p. (D)
243. King, Leonard William, Assyrian language. Easy lessons in the cuneiform
inscriptions. London: K. Paul, 1899. 216 p. (Bhl)
244. Rosenthal, Franz Die Sprache der palmyrenischen Inschriften und ihre Stellung innerhalb des Aramgischen. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1936. 114 p. (D) Uncut.
245. Sanders, Daniel. Handwiirterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 6th ed. Leipzig:
D. Wigand, 1900. 1071 p. (K)
246. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Sign talk; a universal signal code. Garden City,
N.Y.: Doubleday. Page, 1918. 237 p. (LC)
247. Yahuda, Abraham Shalom. The language of the Pentateuch in its relation
to Egyptian. London: Oxford University Press, 1933. (Bhl)
Pure Sciences
248. Arrhenius, Svante. Das Werden der Welten. Alte und neue Folge. Translated by L. Bamberger. Leipzig: Akademische Verlag, 1908. 208 p. (K)
249. Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans. Francisi Baconi
. Novum organum
scientiarum. IVirceburgi: Stahel, 1759. 3S6 p. (Bhl)
250. Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Allians. Neiies Organ der Wissenschaft. 1830.
Few markings. “Anna Lieben,” not in Freud’s writing. (U)
251. Burl)ank, Luther. An architect of nature. Being an autobiography of
Luther Burbank. London: Watts, 1939. 139 p. (Bhl)
252. Darwin, Charles Robert. The effectsof cross and self fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. London: J. hlurray, 1876. 482 p. (BM)
253. Danvin, Charles Robert. Gesammelte Werke. Translated by J. V. Carus.
Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 1874-1876. 7 vols. (K) Signed by Freud, November
2, 1881.
251. Danvin, Charles Robert. Insectivorous plants. London: J. hlurray, 1875..
462 p. (Bhl)
255. Danvin, Charles Robert. Variation of animals and plants under domestication.
London: J. hlurray, 1876. 2 vols. (Bhl)
256. Diels, Ludwig. Die Orchideen. Osterwieck: A. W.Zickfeldt, 1908. 107 p.
257. DolLin, Benedikt F. Hunde. Berlin: H. Stuffer, 1928. 115 p. (D)
238. Du Bois-Reymond, Emil. Voltaire in seiner Beziehung zur Natunvissenschaft.
Berlin: Dtimmler, 1868. 30 p. (K)
259. Du Bois-Reymond, P. Uber die Grundlagen der Erkenntnis in den exacten
Wissenschaften. Tilbingen: Laupp, 1890. 130 p. (K) Uncut.
260. Einstein, Albert. hlein Weltbild. Amsterdam: Querido, 1934. 269 p. (D)
Gift of author.
261. Euclid. The elements of Euclid. London: hlacmillan, 1862 [1874]. 384 p,
(Bhl) Signed by Freud, 1875.
262. Flies, IVilhelm. Der Ablauf des Lekns. Grundlegung zur exakten Biologie.
Wien: F. Deuticke, 1906. 584 p. (K)
263. Geddes, Sir Patrick and Thomson, John Arthur. Evolution. London: Butterworth, 1911. 256 p. (Bhl)
264. Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson. Possible worlds, and other essays. London:
Chatto & Windus, 1927. 312 p. (Bhl)
265. Hehn, Viktor. Kulturpflanzsn and Hausthiere in ihrem h e r g a n g aus Asien
nach Griechenland und Italien, sowie in das iibrige Europa. 6th ed. Berlin:
Borntreger, 1891. 625 p. (K)
266. Helmholtz, Hermann. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Leipzig: Barth,
1882. 2 vols. (K)
267. Jeans, Sir James Hopwood. Eos, or the wider aspects of cosmogony. London: K. Paul, 1928. 88 p. (BXI)
268. Kapp, Ernst. Gnindlinien einer Philosophie der Technik. Braunschweig:
Westermann, 1877. 360 p. (K)
269. Kropotkin, Petr Aleksyeevich, Prince. hlutual aid. A factor of evolution.
London: W. Heinemann, 1902-1904. 348 p. (Bhl)
270. Lamarck, Jean. Zoologische Philosophie. Translated by H. Schmidt. Leipzig:
A. Krber, 1909. 118 p. (K)
271. Lotze, Herman. Grundzilge der Naturphilosophie. Leipzig: Hirzel, 1889.98 p.
(I;)Signed by Freud, 1889. Uncut.
272. Lubbock, Sir John. Urspning und hletamorphosen der Insect en. Translated
by W. Schl6ffer. 2nd ed. Jena: Costenoble, 1876. 112 p. (K)
273. hlach, Ernst. Popiil~nvissenscliilftlicheVorleaingen. 2nd ed. Leipzig: J. A.
Barth, 1897. 314 p. (K)
274. hlaxwell, James Clerk. hlatter and motion. London: Christian Knowledge
Society, 1873. 163 p. (Bhl) Signed by Freud, July 31, 1877 or 1879.
275. hlayer, J. R. Die hlechanik der \V;irme in gesammelten Schriften. Stuttgart:
Cotta, 1867 [1870]. 294 p. (K) Signed by Freud, 1881.
276. hlendelejeff, D. Gnindlagen der Chemie. Translated by L. Jawein and A.
Thillot. St. Petersburg: C. Ricker, 1891. 1125 p. (K)
177. hieyer, Lothar. Die inodernen Theorien der Cheinie nnd ihre Bedeutung
f i r die chemische hlechanik. 4th ed. Breslau: hlaruschke & Berendt, 1883.
607 p. (K)
278. hleynert, Theodor. Sainmlung von popul~r-wissenschaftlichenVortriigen
Cher den Bau und die Leistungen
des Gehirns. Wien: \V. Braumiiller, 1891.
255 p. (K)
279. hl6bius, Paul Julius. Ueber die Anlage zur hlathematik. Vol. VIII of Ausgewiihlte Werke. 2nd ed. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1907. 264 p. (K)
280. hliiller, Iwan von, ed. Handlnich der klassischen Altertiuns-\Vissenscliaft.
hliinchen: Beck, 1887-1890. 9 vols. (K)
281. hliiller, Robert. Sex-~iiill)iologie.Vergleichend-entwickelnngsjieschiclitli~he
Studien iiber das Geschlechtsleben des hlenschen und der h6heren Tiere.
Berlin: L. hfarcus, 1907. 393 p. (K)
282. Ostwald, \Vilhelm. Die Fordening des Tages. Leipzig: Akademische Verlag,
1910. 603 p. (K)
283. Ostwald, IVilhelm. Grosse hliinner. Leipzig: Akademische Verlag, 1909.
424 p. (K)
284. Ostwald, iVilhelin. Vorlesungen iiber Naturphilosophie. 2nd ed. Leipzig:
Veit, 1902. 457 p. (K)
-785. Pearson, Karl. The grammar of science. 3rd ed. London: A. & C. Black.
1911. 391 p. (Bhl) Heavily marked.
286. Plate, Ludwig Hermann. Vererbungslehre, mit besonderer Beficksichtigung
des hlenschen. Leipzig: \V. Engelmann, 1913. 519 p. (LC)
287. PoincarC, Leon. La valeiir de la science. Paris: E. Flammarion, 1906.
278 p. (BN)
288. Royal Society. The record of the Royal Society of London. 3rd ed. London:
1912. 483 p. (BXl) Presented to Freud at time of his signing the charterbook.
289. Royal Society. The signatures in the first journal-book and the charterbook of the Royal Society. Being a facsimile of the Society from the year
1660 down to the present time. 2nd ed. London: 1936. 50 p. (Bhl) Presented
to Freud at his signing, June 23, 1938.
290. Swoboda, IIermann. Die gemeinniitzige Forschungcn und der eigenniltzige
Forscher. \Vien: 1V. Braumiiller, 1906. 55 p. (K)
281. Tyndall, John. The forms of water in clouds, rivers, ice and glaciers. 5th ed.
London: K. Paul, 1873 [1876]. 192 p. (Bhl) S i p e d by Freud, August 24,
292. Weismann. August. Die Bedeutung der sexuellen Fortpflanzung fiir die Selektions-Theorie. Jena: Fischer, 1886. 128 p. (K)
Medical Science
293. Bloch, Iwan. Das erste Auftreten der Syphilis (Lusteuche) in europsische
Kulturwelt. Jena: C. Fischer, 1904. 35 p. (K)
294. Bnicke, Emst. Gnindzfige der Physiologie und Systematik der Sprachlaute.
IVien: Gerold's, 1876. 172 p. (K) Signed by Freud.
295. Bnicke, Ernst. Die Physiologie der Farben. Leipzig: Hirzel, 1866. 298 p. (q
296. Briicke, Ernst Theodor. Emst Briicke. IVien: J. Springer, 1928 (19291.
196 p. (D)
297. Eitzen, IVilhelm. Der Irrgarten der Sprachen. Geffirliche Fremdwarter,
hlissversthdnisse und Entgleisungen. Berlin: F. Dhnmler, 1929. 239 p. (D)
298. Flechsig, Paul. Die Leitungsbahnen im Gehim und Riickenmark des Menschen. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1876. 382 p. (K)
299. Floumoy, Theodore. From India to the planet hlars: a study of a case of
somnambulism with glossolalia. Translated by Daniel Vermilye. London:
Harper, 1900. 446 p. (LC)
300. Gegenbaur, Carl. Grundriss der vergleichenden Anatomic. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1874. 660 p. (K)
301. Geiger, L. Der Ursprung der Sprache. 2nd ed. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1878. 190 p.
302. Golgi, Camillo. Sculla fina anatomia degli organi centrali del sistema nervoso. hlilano: U. Hoepli, 1886. 215 p. (BN)
303. Handw6rterbuch der gesaininten hledizin. Stuttgart: Enke, 1891. 2 vols. (K)
304. Henle, J. Handbuch der systematischen Anatomie des hlenschen. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg, 1871-1875. 5 vols. (K)
305. Huxley, Thomas. Grundziige der Physiologie in allgemeinverstlndliche Vorlesungen. Leipzig: Voss, 1871. 326 p. (K) Translated from the EnEIish.
306. Kleinpaul, Rudolph. Sprache ohne Worte. Idee einer allgemeinen Wissenschaft der Sprache. Leipzig: Friedrich, 1890. 456 p. (K)
307. Kleinpaul, Rudolph. Das'Stromgebiet der Sprache. Ursprung, Entwiekelung
und Physiologie. Leipzig: W. Friedrich, 1892. 527 p. (K)
308. Lipschiitz, Alexander. Die Pubertiitsdrtise und ihre Wirkungen. Berlin: E.
Bircher, 1919. 456 p. (D)
309. hlarxow, Ernst Fleischl von. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Leipzig: 1893.
548 p. (BM) Signed by Freud.
310. hleringer, Rudolf. Aus dem Leben der Sprache. Versprechen. Kindersprache.
Berlin: Zehlendorf, 1908. 244 p. (K)
31 1. hleynert, Theodor. Zur hlechanik des Gehirnbaues. Wien: Braumiiller,
1874. 20 p. (K)
312. hldbius. Paul Julius. Ubcr das Pathologische bei Goethe. Leipzig: J. A.
Barth, 1898. 208 p. (K)
313. hlBbius, Paul Julius. Uber den physiologischen Schwaclisinn des Weibes.
Halle: C. hlarhold, 1901. 33 p. ( K )
314. hliiller, Johannes. Handbuch der Physiologie des hfenschen. Coblenz: J.
Hiilscher. 1874. (SG) Signed by Freud, August 5, 1880. hlany notes and
315. Obstetrical Society of London. Transactions. 1871. Vol. 111. (BXI)
316. Peyer, Alexander. Die chronische nerviise oder relcctorische Diarrhoe. Basel:
B. Schwabe, 1884. 38 p. (SG)
317. Peyer, Alexander. Die reizbare Blase oder idiopathische Blasenreizung.
Stuttgart: Enke, 1888. 81 p. (K)
318. Rambn y Cajal, Santiago. Nuevo concept0 de la histologia de 10s centros
nerviosos. Barcelona: Henrich, 1893. 68 p. (SG)
319. Rosenbaum, Alfred. m e r Agoraphobie. Berlin: 1886. (u)
320. Sewell, Alfred Joseph, The dog’s medical dictionary. London: G. Routledge,
1907. 348 p. (BM)
321. Sigerist, Henry E. Einfiihrung in die hledizin. Leipzig: G. Thieme, 1931.
403 p. (LC)
322. Stilling, B. Ueber die hiedulla oblongata Erlangen: Enke, 1833. (K)
323. Tiirck, Ludwig. Abhandlung iiber das Riickenmark. Leipzig: 1850. ( K )
324. Wagner, Rudolf. Handwhterbuch der Physiologie, mit Riicksicht auf physiologische Pathologie. Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1842. 2 vols. (K) Signed by
Freud, hlarch 21. 1891.
325.Weismann, August. Uber die Dauer des Lebens. Jena: Fischer, 1882. 94 p.
(K) Signed by Freud, 1882.
326. Weismann, August. Das Keimplasma. Eine Theorie der Vererbung. Jena: G.
Fischer. 1892. 628 p. (K)
The Arts
327. Adams, Henry. hlont-Saint-hlichel and Chartres. Boston: Houghton hlifflin,
1936.397 p. (LC)
328.Ahrem, hlaximilian. Das Weib in der antiken Kunst. Jena: E. Diederichs,
1914. 320 p. (D)
329. Amelung. Walther. Die Antiken-Sammlungen. Stuttgart: Union, 1904. Bound
with Heinrich Holtzinger’s Antike Kunst. (K)
330. Die Antike; zeitschrift h r Kunst und Kultur des klassischen Altertums. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1929-1938. Vols. V-XIV, No. 2. (LC)
331. Bachhofer, Ludwig. Chinesische Kunst. Breslau: F. Hirt, 1923. 80 p. (D)
332. Bode, Wilhelm von. Die italienische Plastik. Berlin: W. Spemann, 1891
[1893]. 190 p. (K)
333.Bode. Wilhelm von. Rembrandt und seine Zeitgenossen. Leipzig: E. A.
Seemann, 1906. 289 p. (K)
334. Bode, Wilhelm von. Studien iiber Leonard0 da’Vinci. Berlin: C. Grotesche,
1921. 149 p. (D)
335. Bossert, Helmut Theodor. Altkreta. Kunst und Handwerk in Griechenland,
Kreta und Kykladen wiihrend den Bronzezeit. 2nd ed. Berlin: E. \Vsmuth,
1921. 2 vols. (D)
336. Brauchitsch. Georg yon. Die panathentiischen Preisamphoren. Berlin: B. G.
Teubner, 1910. 180 p. (K)
337. Brunn. Heinrich; Bruckmann, F. and Amdt, Paul. Denkmder griechischer
und rrjmischer Sculptur. hifinchen: F. Bruchmann, 1903-1906. 26 p. (K)
338. Brunswick, Franz. Heilige und ihre Symbole in der darstellenden Kunst.
Rom: 0. Dittmann, 1914. 150 p. (D)
339. Buberl, Paul. Die griechisch-iigyptischen hlumienbildnisse der Sammlung
Th. Graf. Wien: Krystallverlag, 1922. 63 p. (D)
340. Burckhardt, Jacob. Der Cicerone. Eine Anleitung zurn Genuss der Kunstwerke Italiens. 7th ed. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1898. 4 vols. (K)
311. Burclihardt, Jacob. Geschichte der Renaissance in Italien. Vol. I of Geschichte
der neueren Baukunst. Edited by Jacob Burclihardt, IVilhelm Ltibke and
Cornelius Gurlitt. 3rd ed. Stuttgart: Ebner & Seubert, 1891. 404 p. (K)
342. Busch, Wilhelrn. Die Haarbeutel. hliinchen: F. Bassermann, 1923.66 p. (D)
343. Busch, Wilhelrn. Hernach. hliinchen: L. Joachim, 1908. 62 p. (K)
344. Callari, Luigi. I1 Palazze di Roma e le Case di Pregio Storico e Artistico.
Roma: Albright, Segati. ,355 p. (LJ)
345. Capart, Jean. Cart Cgyptien. Paris: Vromant, 1909. 67 p. (BM)
346.Capart, Jean. Les debuts de l’art en Egypte. Bruxelles: Vromant, 1901.
316 p. (Bhl)
347. Claretie, LCo. Les jouets, histoire, fabrication. Paris: Librairies Irnprirneries
RBunies, 1893. 324 p. (BN)
348. Dieulafoy, hlarcel. Espagne et Portugal. Paris: Hachette, 1913. 415 p. (LF)
349. Duchenne, Guillaume Benjamin Armand. hiicanisrne de la physionomie
humaine, ou analyse Clectrophysiologique de l’expression des passions applicable il la pratique des arts plastiques. Paris: V. J. Renorlard, 1862 [1879].
. 99 p. (BN)
.SO.Eckstein, Friederich. “Alte unnennlme Tage!” Erinnenungen BUS 70 Lchrund Wanderjahre. Wien: Reichner, 1936. 300 p. (D)
351. Eichler, Fritz and Kris, Emst. Die Kameen in kunsthistorischen hluseum.
Wien: A. Schroll, 1927. 246 p. (D) Gift of Ernst Kris, 1927.
352. Einstein, Carl. Negerplastik. Leipzig: Verlag der weissen Bficher. 1915.
111 p. (K)
353. Erman, Adolf and Krebs, Fritz. Aus den Papyrus der k6niglichen hluseen
zu Berlin. Berlin: \V. Spemann, 1899. 291 p. (K)
354. Fechheimer, Hedwig. Kleinplastik der Agypter. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 19-73.
36 P* (D)
355. Fechheimer, Hedwig. Die Plastik der Agypter. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 19-72
[1923]. 58 p. (D)
356. Feldhaus, Franz hlaria. Leonardo, der Techniker und Erfinder. Jena: E.
Diederichs, 1922. 170 p. (D)
357. Grimrn, Hermann. Leben hlichel,angelo’s. Berlin: W. Spemann, 1900.
439 p. (K)
358. Grosse, Ernst. Die Anfinge der Kunst. Freiberg: J. C. B. hlohr, 1691. 301 p.
(K) hlany markings.
359.Guilbert, Yvette. L‘art de chanter une chanson. 2nd cd. Paris: B. Grasset,
1928. 159 p. (BF)
360. Guilbert, Yvette. La chanson de ma vie. hies mkmoires. Paris: B. Grasset,
1927. 320 p. (BXI)
361. Hagen, Oskar,ed. hlatthias Grfmewald’s Isenheimer Altar in 49 Aufnahmen.
hifinchen: R. Piper, 1919. 53 p. (D)
362. Hamann, Richard. Rembrandts Radierungen. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1906.
329 p. (K)
363. Han&uch des Nationalmuseums zu Neapel. Neapel: Buchdruckerei. 184 p.
361. Hamack, Otto. Neure Kunst seit Beginn der Renaissance. Stuttgart: Union,
1903. 260 p. ( K )
165.Hirn, YrjB. Der Urspning der Kunst. Translated by hi. Barth. Leipzig:
J. A. Barth, 1901. 338 p. (K)
166. Hoeb-er, Fritz. Griechische Vasen. hifinchen: R. Piper, 1909. 140 p. (K)
167. Hoernes, hl. Urgeschichte der bilden Kunst in Europa von den Anf5ngen
Lis um 500 vor Christ. \Vien: A. Holzhausen, 1898. 709 p. (K)
68. Holtzinger, Heinrich. Antike Kunst. Die Ruinen Roms. Stuttgart: Union,
1904. 901 p. (K)
69. Imhoof-Blumer, F. Portrjtkdpfe auf rdmischen hlfinzen der Republik und
der Kaiserzeit. Leipzig: Teubner, 1879. 16 p. (K)
;70. ?%a, Anton C. Dlls G I s im Altertmn. Leipzig: K. W. Hierseinmn, 1908.
3 vols. (K)
;71. Kollmann, Julius. Plastische Anatomie des menschlichen Kdrpers f i r Kfinstler und Freunde der Kunst. 2nd ed. Leipzig: Veit. 1901. 576 p. (K) Uncut.
72. Kris, Ernst. Die Charakterkepfe des Franz Xaver hlesserschmidt. Versuch
einer historischen und psychologischen Deutung. \Vien: Schroll, 1932.
228 p. (D)
73.Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci. der Denker, Forscher und Poet.
Nach den ver6ffentlichen Handschriften. Translated and edited by hlarie
Herzfeld. 2nd ed. Jena: E. Diederichs, 1906. 316 p. (K)
74. Leonardo da Vinci. Traktat von der hlalerei. Translated by Heinrich Ludwig.
Edited by hlarie Herzfeld. Jena: E. Diederichs, 1909.438 p. (K) Few markings.
75. Lipps, Theodor. Asthetische Faktoren der Raumanschauung. Hamburg: L.
Voss, 1691. 91 p. (K)
76. Lipps, Theodor. Raumzsthetic und geometrischoptische Tiiuschungen. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1897. 424 p. (K) Signed by Freud, Octoher 6, 1807.
Largely uncut.
77. Lloyd, William Watkiss. The hloses of hlichelangelo: a study of art, history
and legend. London: 1863. (BXl) Signed by Freud, October 25, 1912. hlany
78. Lbvy, E. La statua de Anzio. Bergamo: Instituto Italian0 D’Arti Grafiche,
1907. I9 p. Pamphlet. (U)
379. Gwy, Emanuel. Der Beginn der rotfigurigen Vasenmderei. Berlin: 1938.
103 p. (Bht)
380. Lbwy, Emanuel. Die griechische Plastik. 3rd ed. Leipzig: Klinkhardt &
Biermann, 1920. 154 p. (K)
381. LSwy, Emanuel. Lysipp und seine Stellung in der griechischen Plastik.
Hamburg: Verlaganstalt & Druckerei. 1891. 35 p. (R) Signed by Freud.
382. Uwy, Emanuel. Neuattische Kunst. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1922. 12 p. (K)
383. Uwy, Emanuel. Polygnot. Ein Buch von griechischer hlalerei. Wien: A.
Schroll, 1929. 2 vols. (K) Gift of author.
384. London: National Gallery. htore details from pictures in the National Gallery. London: Printed for the Trustees of the National Gallery, 1941. 102 p.
385. Loon, Hendrik Willem van. Der fhenvirkliche. Zeitbild um Rembrandt
van Rijn. Translated by G. Schultze-Buchwald. Berlin: Buch- und Tiefclruck,
1931. 351 p. (D)
386.hlartha, Jules. L’art Ctrusque. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1889. 643 p. (BF)
387. Maspero. Gaston. Histoire gCn6rale d e I’art. L’figypte. 2nd ed. Paris: Hachette, 1919. 326 p. (BN)
388. hleissner. Bruno. Grundztige der babylonisch-assyrischen Plastik. Leipzig:
J. C. Hinrichs, 1915. 156 p. (D)
389. hleltrovii., Ivan. hteftrovit. Plates, with a preface by the sculptor and with
a biographical note by E. H. R. Collings. Zagreb: Nova Europa, 1933.
15 p. (BM)
390. hlorelli. Giovanni. Della pittura italiana. Studii storico-critici. hlilano: 1897.
340 p. (BXI) Signed by Freud in hlilan, September 14, ?
391. hltiller, Valentin. Friihe Plastik in Griechenland und Vorderasien. Augsburg:
B. Filser, 1929. 248 p. (D)
392. hltiller. Walter A. Nackheit und Entblbssung in der altorientalischen und
ilteren griechischen Kunst. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1906. 178 p. (K)
393. hluther, Richard. Die Kunst von Leonard0 da Vinci. Berlin: hlarquardt,
1903. 59 p. (K)
394. Neugebauer, Karl Anton. Antike Bronzestatuetten. Berlin: H. Schoetz, 1921.
132 p. (D)
395. PCladan. JosCphin. La philosophie de LConard da Vinci d’aprhs ses manuscripts. Paris: F. Alcan, 1910. 192 p. (BN) Uncut.
396. Perrot, Ceorges and Chipiez, Charles. Histoire de lhrt dans I’antiquitC
Paris: Hachette, 1882-1914. 10 vols. (BN) hlarkings in some volumes.
397. Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. Les arts et mCtiers de I’ancienne Egypte.
Translated by Jean Capart. Bruxelles: Vrornant. 1912. 188 p. (BN)
398. Pfuhl, Emst. htalerei und Zeichnung der Griechen. hltinchen: F. Bruclimann, 1923.3 vols. (D)
399. Pinder, \Vilhelm. Der Bamberger Dom undseine Bildwerke. Berlin: Deutscher
Kunstverlag, 1927 [1929]. 89 p. (D)
400. Le Poitevin. Les diableries erotiques. 16 drawings. (U)
401. Renger-Patzsch, Albert. Norddeutsche Backsteindome. Berlin: Deutscher
Kunstverlag, 1930. 48 p. (D) Dated 1934.
402. Rodenwaldt, Gerhardt. Die Kunst der Antike (Hellas und Rom). Berlin:
Propyllen, 1927. 712 p. (D)
403. Rosenberg, Adolf. Leonardo da Vinci. Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1898.
i 136 p. (K)
401. Riicklin, R. Das Schmuckbuch. Leipzig: E. A. Scemann, 1901. 264 p. (K)
403. Sallet, Alfred von. hliinzen und hfedaillen. Berlin: W. Spemann. 1898.
224 p. (K)
'406. Saloman. Geskel. Erkliirungen antiker Kunstwerke. Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1902.31 p. (K)
1407. Sauerlandt, hfax. Michelangelo. Diisseldorf: Kijnigstein. 1911. 96 p. (D)
/408.Schser, Heinrich. Von iigyptischer Kunst. 3rd ed. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
1930. 424 p. (D)
409. Scheffer, Thassilo von. Die Umgebung. Stuttgart: Union, 1903. 159 p. (K)
410. Schottmiiller, Frida. Bronze-Statuetten und Gerlte. Berlin: R. C. Schmidt,
1918. 432 p, (D)
411. Schrader, Hans. Phidias, propyleen Kunstgeschichte. Frankfurt Am hlain:
Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt, 1924. 386 p. (D)
412. Solmi, Edmondo. Leonardo da Vinci. Translated by Emmi Hirschberg into
German. Berlin: E. Hofmann, 1908. 291 p. (K) Few marking.
413. Solmi, Edmondo, ed. Leonardo da Vinci. Conferenze Fiorentine. hlilano:
F. Treves, 1910. 326 p. (Bhl)
414. Spiegelberg. Wilhelm. Geschichte der iigyptischen Kunst bis zum Hellenismus.
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1903. 88 p. (K)
415. Stadler, Franz. Hans von Kulmbach. Wien: A. Schroll, 1936. 146 p. (D)
416. Steindorff, Georg. Die Kunst der Agypter. Bauten, Plastik, Kunstgewerbe.
Leipzig: Insel, 1928. 329 p. (D)
117. Steinmann, Emst. hfichelangelo im Spiegel seiner Zeit. Leipzig: H. Keller,
1930. 115 p. (D) Gift of author, 1931.
118. Thode. Henry. hfichelangelo. Kritische Untersuchungen fiber seine Werke.
Berlin: G. Grote, 1908. 2 vols. (K) Uncut.
119.Vasari, Giorgio. Leonardo da Vinci. Firenze: L. Pampaloni, 1919. 63 p.
(LC) Gift of hlarie Bonaparte.
120. With, Karl. Java. Brahmanische, buddhistische und eigenlebige Architektur
und Plastik auf Java. Hagen: Folkwang, 1920. 168 p. (D)
121. Worringer. Wilhelm. Formprobleme der Gotik. Mlinchen: R. Piper, 1911.
127 p. (D)
122. IVorringer, Wilhelm. Griechentum und Gotik. Vom Weltreich des Hellenism u . hliinchen: R. Piper, 1928. 112 p. (D)
123. Doolittle, Hilda. The hedgehog. London: Brendin, 1936. 77 p. (C)
124. Doolittle, Hilda. Palimpsest. Boston: Houghton hlifflin, 1926. 338 p. (C)
425. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The autocrat of the breakfast-table. Edinburgh:
W. Paterson, 1883 [1$58]. 271 p. (Bhl)
426. Knight, Joseph. Pipe and pouch. The smoker’s own book of poetry. Boston:
J. Knight. 1895. 182 p. (Bhl)
427,Lewisohn, Ludwig. The case of hlr. Crump. Paris: E. W. Titus, 1917.
435 p. (Bhl) Gift of author, 1927.
428. Lewisohn, Ludwig. hlid-channel. New York: Harper, 1929. 310 p. (Bbl)
429. hloore, Merrill. hl; one thousand autobiographical sonnets. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1938. 939 p. (LC) Gift of author, 1939.
430. hloore, hierrill. Six sides to a man; new sonnets. New York: Harcourt,
Brace, 1935. 135 p. (LC) Gift of author, 1936.
431. hlorris, Lloyd R. The rebellious puritan: portrait of hir. Hawthorne; New
York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. 369 p. (LC)
432. Allen, Percy. Anne Cecil, Elizabeth and Oxford. A study of the relations
between these three. London: D. Archer, 1934. 268 p. (Bhl)
433.Allen. Percy. The case for Edward de Vere, seventeenth Earl of Oxford,
as “William Shakespeare.” London: C. Palmer, 1930. 400 p. (Bhl)
434. Allen, Percy. The life story of Edward de Vere as “William Shakespeare.”
London: C. Palmer, 1932. 386 p. (Bhl) Gift of author, December 27, 1935.
435. Allen Percy. The Oxford-Shakespearecase corroborated. London: C. Palmer,
1931. 341 p. (Bhl) ’
436. Allen, Percy and Allen, Ernest. Lord Oxford and “Shakespeare.” A reply
to John Drinkwater. London: D. Archer. 1933. 69 p. (Bhl)
437. Boole, hlary Everest. Collected works. Edited by E. M. Cobham. London:
C. W. Daniel, 1931. 4 vols. (BXI)
438. Brands, Georg. IVilliam Shakespeare. hlfinchen: A. Langen, 1895-1896.
1007 P. (K)
439.Bransom. James S. H. The tragedy of King Lear. Oxford: B. Blackwen,
1934. 227 p. (Bbl) Gift of author, hlarch 7, 1934.
440. Clark, Eva Lee Turner. Hidden allusions in Shakespeare’s plays; a study of
the Oxford theory based on the records of early court revels and personalities
of the times. New York: IV. F. Payson, 1931. 693 p. (LC) Gift of hlargaret
and Smiley Blanton, 1931.
441. Clark, Eva Lee Turner. The man who was Shakespeare. New York: R. R.
Smith, 1937. 319 p. (LC) Gift of hlargaret and Smiley Blanton.
442: Clark, Eva Lee Turner. The satirical comedy, “Love’s labor’s lost.” New
York: IV. F. Payson, 1933. 188 p. (LC) Gift of the author.
443. De Chambrun, Clara Longworth. Shakespeare rediscovered by means of
public records, secret reports and private correspondence newly set forth
as evidence on his life and work. New York: C. Scribner, 1938. 323 p. (LC)
Gift of Smiley Blanton.
444. Holland, Hubert Henry. Shakespeare, Oxford, and Elizabethan times. London: D. Archer, 1933. 240 p. (Bhl)
445. Junius. Junius: including letters by the same written under other signatures.
London: IVoodfall, 1875. (BM)
446. Lawrence, Sir Edwin Durning. Bacon is Shakespeare. London: Gay & Hancock, 1910. 286 p. (Bhl)
447. Looney. J. Thomas. “Shakespeare” identified in Edward d e Vere, the seventeenth Earl of Oxford. London: C. Palmer, 1920.551 p. (BM) Given to Freud,
May 6, 1928.
418. Macarilay, Thomas Babington. Lays of ancient Rome. London: Longmans,
1881. 144 p. (BN)
449. hlurry. John Xliddleton. Shakespeare. London: J. Cape. 1936. 418 p. (BXl)
Gift of Smiley Blanton.
450. Rendall, Gerald Henry. Shakespeare sonnets and Edward de Vere. London:
J. hlurray, 1930. 305 p. (Bhl)
451. Shakcspeare, IVilliam. Drainatische Werke. Translated by August Wilhelm
Schlegel and Ludwig Tieck. Berlin: S. Reimer, 1867. 10 vols. (K)
452. Shakespeare, \Villiain. hlacbeth. Paris: 1887. (Bhl) hlarkings.
453. Shakespeare, William. Quellen zu K6nig Lear. Originalsprache und Deutsch.
Edited and translated by Rudolf Fischer. Bonn: A. hlarcus & E. Weber,
1914. 185 p. (D)
454. Shakespeare, William. Quellen zu Romeo und Julia. Originalsprache und
Deutsch. Translated by Riidolf Fischer. Bonn: A. hlarcus & E. Weber, 1922.
251 p. (D)
455. Shakespeare. IVilliam. The works of William Shakespeare. Revised by Rev.
A. Dyce. London: 1891. 10 vols. (Bhl) Portions uncut.
456. Slater, Gilbert. Seven Shakespeares. A discussion of the evidence for various
theories with regard to Shakespeare’s identity. London: C. Palmer, 1931.
316 p. (Bhl)
457. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island. London: C,well. 1925.389 p. (Bhl)
458. Strachey, G i l a Lytton. Elizabeth and Essex. London: Chatto & Windus.
1928. 241 p. (BM) Gift of author.
459. Viereck. George Sylvester and Eldridge, Paul. hly first two thousand years.
The autobiography of the wandering Jew. London: Duckworth. 1929. 468 p.
460. Viereck, George Sylvester and Eldridge. Paul. Salome the wandering Jewess.
London: Duckworth, 1930. 461 p. (Bhl) Gift of author.
461. Ward, Bernard hlordaunt. The seventeenth Earl of Oxford, 1550-1601, from
contemporary documents. London: J. hlurray, 19% 408 p. (BhI)
462. Andreas-SalomC, Lou. Fenitschka. Eine Ausschweifung. Stuttgart: J. C. Cotta,
1898. 178 p. (Bhl)
463. Brandes, Georg. hloderne Geister. Literarische Bildnisse aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am hlain: Literarische Anstalt. 1882. 436 p. (K) Presented
by Freud to hlartha, October 1883.
463. Braun, Otto. Aus den nachgelassenen Schriften eines Frtihvollendeten. Edited
by Julie Vogelstein. Berlin-Gninewald: H. Klemm, 1922. 301 p. (K)
465. Brunngraber. Rudolf. Karl und das 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt: SocietltsVerlag, 1933 [1936]. 289 p. (D)
466. Busch, IVilhelm. Eduard’s Traum. hliinchen: Bassermann, 1931. 95 p. (D)
467. Dekker, Eduard Douwcs. hlultatuli. Halle: D. Hendel, 1900-1902.6 vols. (K)
468. Dekker, Eduard Douwes. hlultatuli-Briefe. Edited by Wilhelm Spohr. Frankfurt am hlain: Literarische Anstalt, 1906. 2 vols. (K) Some hlarkings.
469. D u Bois-Rcymond, Emil. Gcdiichtnissrede auf Johannes hliiller. Berlin:
Diimmler, 1860. 167 p. (K) Largely uncut.
470. Frey, Adolf. Conrad Ferdinand hleyer. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Stuttgart: J. C. Cotta. 1900. 384 p. (K) Signed by Freud, January 20, 1900.
471. Goethe, Johann \Volfgang von. Faust. hliinchen: Stoefer, 1877. 159 p. (K)
472. Goethe, Johann \Volfgang von. Goethes Werkc. Edited by Sophie von
Sachsen. Weimar: H. BBhlau, 1887-1919. 126 ~01s.(BN)
473. Grossmann, Leonid. Die Beichte eines Juden (Abraham Urijabeziehungsweise
Albert Ko\vner) in Briefen an Dostojewski. Edited by Rent5 Fuliip-hliller
and Friedrich Eckstein. hlirnchen: R. Fiper. 1927. 237 p. (D)
474. Hamsun, Knut. Das letzte Kapitel. Translated by Envin hlapus. Leipzig:
Grethlein. 1924. 310 p. (D)
475. Hehn, Victor. Gedanken fiber Goethe. Berlin: G. Bomtraeger. 1909. 447 p.
476. Heine, Heinrich. Heinrich Heine’s Briefwechsel. Edited by F. Hirth. Berlin:
Propyllen, 1914-1920. 3 vols. (D)
477. Heine. Heinrich. S h t l i c h e Werke. Berlin: A. Weichert, 1911. 12 vols. (D)
478. Jelusich, hlirko. Cromwell. Roman. W e n : Speidel, 1936. 489 p. (D)
479. Kriegsbriefe gefallener deutscher Juden. Edited by H. Kling. Stuttgart;
Belser, 1934-1935. 7 vols. (D)
480. Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph. George Christoph Lichtenberg’s vermischte
Schriften. Giittingen: Dieterich, 1844-1867. 8 vols. (K)
481. Lieben, Anna von. Gedichte. IVien: Gedruckt als hlanuscript, 1901. 157 p.
482. Lipps, Theodor. Der Streit fiber die Trag6die. Vol. I of Beitrfige zur
Aesthetik. Edited by T. L. Werner and R. hlaria Werner. Hamburg: L. VOSS,
1891. 2 vols. (K) Signed by Freud.
483. hlann. Thomas. Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull. Berlin: Deutsche
Verlag, 1924. 97 p. (D) Gift of author.
484. hlann, Thomas. Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen. Berlin: C. Fischer, 1918.
611 p. (D)
485. hiann, Thomas. Buddenbrooks. Verfall einer Familie. 2nd ed. Berlin: S.
Fischer, 1905. 566, 539 p. (K)
486. hlann, Thomas. Die Forderung des Tages. Reden und Aufsstze am den Jahren
1925-1929. Berlin: C. Fischer, 1930. 421 p. (D)
487. hlann, Thomas. Herr und Hund. Gesang vom Kindchen. Berlin: C. Fischer,
1919. 190 p. (D)
488. hlann, Thomas. Joseph in Agypten. Vol. 111 of Joseph und seine Briider.
Wien: Bermann-Fischer, 1936. 752 p. (D)
489. hlann, Thomas. Der junge Joseph. Vol. I1 of Joseph und seine Rriider. Wien:
Bermann-Fischer, 1934. 337 p. (D)
490. hlann, Thomas, Unordnung und friihes Leid. Berlin: S. Fischer, 1926.
127 p. (D)
491. hiann, Thomas. Der Zauberberg. Berlin: S. Fischer, 1925. 2 vols. (D) Gift
of author.
492. hlises. Kleine Schriften. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hatel, 1875. 560 p. (K)
493. Nestroy, Johannes. Siiintliche \Verke. Edited by Fritz Brukner and Otto
Rommel. \Ken: A. Schroll, 1924-1930. 15 vols. (D)
191. Ndldecke, Hennann; Ndldecke, Adolf; and Ndldecke, Otto. IVilhelm Busch.
hliinchen: L. Joachim, 1009. 227 p. (9
495. Popper-Lynkeus, Josef. Gespriiche. Edited by hlargit Ornstein and Heinrich
Ldwy. Wien: R. L6wit. 1925. 84 p. (D) Gift of hlargit Ornstein.
496. Popper-Lynkeus, Josef. Phantasien eines Realisten. Dresden: C. Reissner,
1909. 2 vols. (K)
497. Popper-Lynkeus, Josef. Selbstbiographie. Leipzig: Unesma. 1917. 143 p. (D)
498. Schaeffer, Albrecht. Das Gitter. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlag, 192.3. 66 p. (D)
499. Schaeffer, Albrecht. Josef hlontfort. Leipzig: Insel, 1927. 454 p. (D)
500. Schweitzer, Albert. hlitteilungen aus Lambarene. hliinchen: C. H. Becksche,
1929. 3 vols. (D)
501. Volkelt, Johannes. Aesthetik des Tragischen. 2nd ed; hliinchen: C. H. Beck,
1906. 488 p. (K)
502. Waldinger, Ernst. Die Kuppel, Gedichte. W e n : Saturn, 1934. 120 p. (LC)
503. Weber, Otto. Die Literatur der Babylonier und Assyrer. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1907. 312 p. (K)
504.Zweig, Arnold. hliidchen und Frauen. Berlin: G. Kiepenheuer, 1931.
406 p. (LC)
505. Zweig, Arnold. Die Novellen um Claudia. Berlin: G. Kiepenheuer, 1930
295 p. (D)
506.Zweig, Arnold. Pont und Anna. Berlin: G. Kiepenheuer. 1928. 211 p. (D)
Gift of author, 1929.
507. Zweig, Arnold. Die Streit um den Sergeanten Grischa. Berlin: G. Kiepenheuer,
1927. 556 p. (D) Gift of author, 1927.
508. Zweig, Amold. Der Umkehr. Berlin: G. Kiepenheuer, 1927. 88 p. (D) Gift
of author.
509. Zweig, Amold. Versunkene Tage. Roman aus dem Jahre 1908. New York:
Longmans, Green, 1938. 222 p. (LC)
510. Zweig, Stefan. Die Kette. 2. Ring. Amok. Leipzig: Insel, 1924 [1925].
297 p. (D)
511. Zweig, Stefan. Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam. Leipzig:
IV. Reichner, 1934. 228 p. (D)
512. Zweig, Stefan. The world of yesterday. An autobiography. London: Cassell,
1943. 339 p. (BM)
513. Balzac, Honor6 de. La com6die humaine. Edited by hlarcel Bouteron and
Henri Longnan. Paris: L. Conard, 1913. 20 vols. (BF) Uncut.
514. Bonaparte, hlarie. Le printemps sur mon jardin. Paris: E. Flainmarion, 19%.
226 p. (LC) Gift of author, December 1925.
515. Bonaparte, hlarie. Topsy, chowchow au pail d’or. Paris: Denod et Steele,
1937. 131 p. (BF)
516. Bourget, Pad. Le disciple. Paris: A. Lemerre, 1889. 364 p. (BN)
517. Bourget, Paul. Nouveaux pastels (dix portraits d’homme). Paris: A. Lemerre,
1891. 497 p. (BN)
518. La chanson de Roland. PubliCe d’apr&s le manuscrit d’Oxford. Translated
by Joseph BCdier. Paris: H.Piazza, 1922. 2 vols. (Bhl)
519. Celos, Georges. Le pain briC en Venitie. Paris: Jouve, 1912. 128 p. (BF)
520. Chrdtien de Troyes. Eric et Enide, roman d’aventures du XIIe sihcle. Paris:
E. de Boccard, 1924. li5 p. (LC)
521. Cohen, Gustave. Une grand romancier d’amour et d’aventure au XIIe sibcle.
ChrCtien de Troyes et son oeuvre. Paris: Boivin, 1931. 515 p. (BF)
522. Contes du jongleur. Edited by Albert Pauphilet. Paris: €1. Piazza, 1932.
176 p. (BN)
S23. Devens, AndrC. Le roman de ]‘Emir Seuif, d’apres les anciens textes orientaux.
Paris: H.Piazza, 1925. 235 p. (BF)
5.21. Flaul)ert, Gustave. Oeuvres complEtes. Paris: L. Conard, 1910. 18 vols. (BN)
525. France, Anatole. Oeuvres ramplhtes illustr6es. Edited by GCrard Le Prat.
Paris: P. Brodard, 1925-1931. 21 vols. (Bhl)
526. Frejlich, HClbne. Flaubert d’aprhs sa correspondance. Paris: 1033. 500 p.
(Bhl) Uncut.
527. Josephson, hlatthew. Zola and his time. London: V. Gollancz, 1929. 573 p.
528. Jouve, Pierre Jean. Histoire sanglantes. 2nd ed. Paris: G a l h a r d , 1932.
193 p. (Bhf) Gift of author.
529. Jouve, Pierre Jean. Vagadu. Paris: Gallimard, 1931. 311 p. (BF) Gift of
author, 1931.
530. Le Clay, hlaurice. Badda, fille bebhre et autres rCcits marocains. Paris:
Plon-Nourrit, 1921. 279 p. (BF)
531. Liber amicorum Romain Rolland. Edited by hlaxim Gorki, Georges Duhamel,
and Stefan Zweig. Zurich: Rotapfel, 1926. 406 p. (BM)
532. hlarie de France. Les lais de hlarie de France, transposCs en franqais moderne
par Paul Tuffrau. Paris: H.Piazza, 1923. 183 p. (BN) Uncut.
533. hlartin Du Card, Roger. Les thibault. Paris: Editions de la Nouvelle Revue
Franqaise, 1922. 8 vols. (LC)
531. hlaupassant, Guy de. Oeuvres coinplhtes. Paris: L. Conard, 1008-1910.
29 vols. (BN)
535. Rabelais, Franqois. Rabelais e t l’oeuvre de Jules Gamier. Paris: E. Bernard,
1897-1899. 2 vols. (BhI)
536. Rolland, Romain. Les 1Conides. Paris: Sablier, 1928. 205 p. (Bhl)
537. Rolland, Romain. Liluli. GenBvc: Ollendorf, 1919. 149 p. (BXI)
538.Le roman de Tristan e t Iseult. Translated by Joseph BCdier. Paris: H.
Piazza, 1900. (BN)
539.Villiers de 1'Isle-Adam,Jean hlarie. Die gesammeltcn \Verke. Translated by
Hanns Heinz Ewers. hliinchen: G. Xlilller, 1909-1912. 2 vols. (D)
540.Vizetelly, Ernst Alfred. Eniil Zola. Sein Leben und seine IVerke. Translated
by Hedda hldler-Bruck. Berlin: E. Fleischel. 1905.378 p. (K)
511.Willemsc, A. Paul Verlainc vu par un [email protected]: Alberts, 1938.
122 p. (LF)
542.Zola, Emile. L'attaque du hloulin. (U)
543.Dante Alighieri. La divina commedia. Edited by G. Biagioli. 2nd ed. hlilano:
Biblioteca Scelta, 1829.3 vols. (Bhl) Signed by Freud, 1876.hlany markings.
514.Dante Alighieri. Gottliche Com6dic. Translated 1)y Philalethes (Kbnig JOhann von Sachsen). Leipzig: Teubner, 1877.3 vols. (K) Given to Freud, 1938.
515.hlanzoni. Alessandro. I promessi sposi: storia milanese del secolo XVII.
2nd ed. hlilano: Dase. 1869.240 p. (I;)Signed by Freud, 1875. Some underlinings. Earliest dated signature.
546.Tasso, Torquato. Befreites Jerusalem. Leipzig: Philipp Reclam. 430 p.
Translated from the Italian by J. D. Gries. (U)
547.Tasso, Torquato. La Gerusalemma liberata. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1871.411 p.
(K) Signed by Freud.
Classical Greek
5.18.Aristophanis Archamenses. Lustspiele. Translated by J. J. C. Donner. Leipzig: C. F. Winter, 1861-1862.3 vols. (K)
549.Aristoteles. Aristoteles' Poetik. Ubersetzt von Theodor Gompcrz. hlit einer
Abhandlung: Wahrhcit und Irrtum in der €Catharsis-Theoriedes Aristoteles
von Alfred F. von Berger. Leipzig: Veit, 1897. 128 p. (K)
550.Aristoteles. Poetik. Translation by Georg Brandes. (U)
551.Euripides. Ion. Translated by Hilda Doolittle. London: Chatto, 1937. 132 p.
552.Sophokles. Sophoclis. Translated by J. J. C. Donner. 6th ed. Leipzig: C. F.
Winter, 1868. 585 p. (K)
553.Dostojewski, Fedor hlichailovi& Briefe. Translated by A. Eliasberg. hi iinchen:
R. Piper, 1914. 304 p. (D) Gift of hlax Eitington. 1926.
551.Dostojewski, Fedor hlichailovii.. Die Briider Karamasoff. Translated by
E. I;. Rahsin. hliinchen: R. Piper, 1908.2 vols. (K)
555.Dostojewski, Fedor hlichailovif. Dostojewski am Roulette. Die Briefe Dostojewvskis. Edited by R e d Fiiliip-hliller and Friedrich Eckstein. Translated by
Vera hlitrofanoff-Demeli;. hliinchen: R. Piper, 1 9 s . 267 p. (D) Given to
Freud, September 1926.
556. Dostojewski,Fedor hlichailoviE. SiimtlicheWerke. hliinchen: R. Piper, 19081910. 21 vols. (K) Gift of hlax Eitington, February 1910.
557. Dostojewski, Fedor hlichailovi;. Der unbekannte Dostojewski. Edited by
R e d Fulup-Miller and Friedrich Eckstein. Translated by Vera hlitrofanoffDemeliE. hliinchen: R. Piper, 1926. 538 p. (D)
558. Gogol, Nikolai W. Szmtliche Werke. Edited by Otto Buek. Berlin: Propylzen,
1923. 5 vols. (D)
559. hlereschkowski, Dimitri Sergejewitsch. Alexander I. Translated by A. Eliasberg. 3rd ed. hlunchen: R. Piper, 1913. 535 p. (D)
560. Mereschkowski,Dimitri Sergejewitsch.Die Geheimnissedes Ostens.Translated
by A. Eliasberg. Berlin: Welt. 1924. 266 p. (D)
561. hlereschkowski, Dimitri Sergejewitsch. Julian Apostata, der letzte Hellene
auf dem Throne der CHsaren. Translated by Carl von Gutschow. Leipzig:
Schulze, 1903. 325 p. (K)
562. hlereschkowski, Dimitri Sergejewitsch. Leonard0 da Vinci. Translated by
Carl von Giitschow. 2nd ed. Leipzig; Schulze, 1906.629p. (K) Some markings.
563. hlereschkowski, Dimitri Sergejewitsch. Der hlessias. Translated by Johannes
von Guenther. Leipzig: Grethlein, 1927. 422 p. (D)
564. hlereschkowski, Dimitri Sergejewitsch. Peter der Grosse und sein Sohn
Alexei. Translated by Carl von Giitschow. Leipzig: Schulze, 1905. 512 p. (K)
565. hlereschkowski, Dimitri Sergejewitsch.Tolstoi und Dostojewskials hlenschen
und a l s Kiinstler. Eine kritische Wurdigung ihres Lebens und Schaffens.
Translated by Carl von Giitschow. Leipzig: Schulze, 1903. 391 p. (K)
566. Fujiwara, hlurasaki. The tale of Genji. Translated by Arthur Waley. London:
G. Allen & Unwin, 1925-1933. 6 vols. (Bhl)
567. Altmann, Walter. Die ramischen Grabaltiire der Kaiserzeit. Berlin: \Veidmann, 1905. 306 p. (K)
568. Angkor. Paris: Les Editions “Tel,” 1931. 42 p. (Bhl)
569. Borsari, Luigi. The Roman Forum in the light of recent discoveries. Rome:
Officina Poligafica Romana, 1901. 55 p. (LC)
570. Boetticher, Adolph. Die Akropolis von Athen. Berlin: Springer, 1888, 295 p.
571. Bourget, Emile. Les mines de Delphes. Paris: Fontemoing, 1914.359 p. (BF)
572. British School of Archaeology. The annual of the British School at Athens.
London: 1899-1900 (Bhl) Signed by Freud, 1902.
573. Burrows, Ronald hlontagu. The discoveries in Crete and their bearing on
the history of ancient civilisation. 2nd ed. London: J. hiurray, 1907 [1908].
252 p. (Bhl) Some markings.
574. Capart, Jean. Abydos: le temple d e SCti Ier. Brwelles: Rossignol & Van
den Bril. 1912. 39 p. (Bhl)
575.Carter, Howard and hlace, Arthur Cruttenden. The tomb of Tut. ankh.
Amen. London: Cassell, 1923-1933. 3 vols. (Bhl)
576. Collignon, hiadme. Handbuch der griechischen Archtiologie. Translated by
J. Friesenhahn. hlagdeburg: W. Niemann, 1893. 312 p. (K)
577. Ddrpfeld, Wilhelm. Troja und Ilion. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabung in den vorhistorischen und historischen Schichten von Ilion 1870-1894. Athen: Beck &
Barth, 1902. 652 p. (K)
578. Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen zu Pergammon. Vorltiufiger Bericht von A.
1 Conze, C. Humann, R. Bohn, H. Stiller, G. Lolling und 0. Raschdorff.
Berlin: IVeidmann, 1880. 120 p. (K)
579. Evans, Sir Arthur John. The palace of hlinos. London: hlacmillan, 19211936. 4 vols. (Bhl)
580. Handcock, Percy Stuart Peache. hlesopotamian archeology. London: hlacmillan, 1912. 423 p. (Bhl)
581. Haupvitz, Eberhard. Der Palatin, seine Geschichte und seine Ruinen. Rom:
Loescher, 1902. 182 p. (K)
582. Hoellriegel, Amold. Zarzura, die Oase der kleinen Vdgel. Ziirich: 0. Ftissli,
1938. 216 p. (Bhl)
583. Huelsen, Christian. Das Forum Romanum. seine Geschichte und seine
Denkmtiler. Rom: Loescher, 1904. 219 p. (6)
584. Kaufmann, Karl hlaria. Handbuch der christlichen Archtiologie. Paderborn:
F. Schhingh, 1905. 632 p. (K)
585. Lanciani. Rodolfo Amedeo. The destruction of ancient Rome. A sketch of
the history of the monuments. London: Macmillan, 1896 [1901]. 279 p. (BM)
586. Layard, Sir Austen Henry. Nineveh and its remains. 6th ed. London: J.
hlurray, 1854. 4 vols. (Bhl) Given to Freud, Christmas 1919.
587. London. British hluseum. A guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian antiquities.
London: 1900. 203 p. (Bhl)
588. London. British hluseum. A guide to the first and second Egyptian rooms.
2nd ed. London: 1904. 156 p. (Bhl)
589. London. British hluseum. A guide t o the third and fourth Egyptian rooms.
London: 1904. 304 p. (Bhl)
590. Luckenbach, H. Die Akropolis von Athen. 2nd ed. hltinchen: R. Oldenbourg,
1905. 53 p. (K) Signed by Freud, October 1905.
591. hlaspero, Gaston. Ruines et paysages d’ggypte. Paris: E. Guilmoto, 1910.
327 p. (BN)
592. hlau, August. Pompeji in Leben und Kunst. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1900.
506 p. (6)
593. hlichaelis, Adolf. Die archiiologischen Entdecliungen des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1906. 325 p. (K)
591. Noack. Ferdinand. Homerische Palbte. Eine Studie zu den Denkmiilem und
zum Epos. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1903. 103 p. (K)
593. Overbeck, Johannes. Pompeji, in seinen Gebhden, Alterthfimern und Kunst.
werken dargestellt. 4th ed. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1884. 676 p. (K)
596. Petrie, Sir IVilliam hlatthew Flinders. Amulets. London: Constable, 1914.
58 p. (BXI)
597. Reinisch, S. Die sgyptischen Denkmder in hliramar. IVien: Braumfiller. 1865.
320 p. (K)
598. Schliemann, Henri. Ilios, Stadt und Land der Trojaner. Leipzig: Brockhaus,
1881. 880 p. (K)Bookplate.
599. Schliemann, Henri. hlykenae, Bericht fiber meine Forschungen und Entdeckungen in hlykenac und Tiryns. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1878. 447 p. (K)
Bookplate and signed by Freud, September 13, 1909.
600. Schliemann, Henri. Tiryns. Der priihistorische Palast der K6nige von Tiryns.
Leipzig: Brocfiaus, 1886 (18881. 487 p. (C) Bookplate.
601. Sellin, Emst. Tell Ta'annek. Wien:'A. HBlder. 1904. 123 p. (K)
602. Watzinger, Karl. Denkmller Paltistinas. Einftihrung in die Archiiologie des
heiligen Landes. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1933. 117 p. (D)
603. Weichardt, Carl. Pompeji vor der Zerstorung. Leipzig: 1897. 128 p, (K)
604. Woolley, Sir Charles Leonard. The royal cemetery. A report on the predynastic and Sargonid graves excavated between 1926 and 1931. Vol. I1 of
Ur excavations. London: K. Paul for the British hfuseum, 1934. 2 vols. (W)
605. Bucovich, Mario. Paris: H.JonquiZres, 1928. 256 p. (LC)
606. Cruickshank, J. W. and Cruickshank, A.hI. Christian Rome. London: E. G.
Richards, 1906. 374 p. (Bhl) Bought in Rome, April, 1911.
607. Gerstfeldt, Olga von. Umbrische Stldte, Orvieto, Nami und Spoleto. Leipzig:
Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1909. 132 p. (I()
608. Coessler, P. Leukas-Ithaka, die Heimat des Odysseus. Stuttgart: J. B. hletzler,
1904. 80 p. (K)
609. Goethe. Johann Wolfgang von. Italienische Reise. hlit den Zeichnungen
Goethes, seiner Freunde und Kunstgenossen. Leipzig: Insel, 1912.357 p. (D)
610. Gonzenbach, S. von. Nilfahrt. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 18W.
212 p. (K)
611. Gregorovius, Ferdinand. ivanderjahre in Italien. Dresden: W. Jess, 19%.
1186 p. (D)
612. Guilbert, Yvette. La passante emerveillke. (hles voyages.) Paris: B. Grasset,
1929. 334 p. (BM)
613. Huelsen, Christian. Die neuesten Ausgrabungen auf dem Forum Romanum.
2nd ed. Rom: Loescher, 1905 [1907]. 30 p. (K)Signed by Freud, September
18, 1907.
614. Jensen, Johanncs, Das verlorene Land. Translated by Julia Koppel. Berlin:
C. Fischer, 1920. 194 p. (D)
615. Ludwig, Salvator. Paxos und Antipaxos. Wiirzburg: Woerl, 1887. 480 p. (K)
616. Roma Sacra. Ein Bilderzylclus in 152 Farbenfotographen. Wien: Uvachrom,
1925. 49 p. (D)
617. Ungarn. Edited by Albert Kain. Budapest: EndClyi. 1909. 400 p. (I;)
618. Wolff, Paul. Alt-Frankfurt. Text von Friedrich Liibbecke. Frankfurt am
hlain: Englert & Schlosser, 1924. 51 p. (D)
619. Adler, hlichael. Jews of medieval England. London: Goldston, 1939. ( I )
620. Anthes, Rudolf. Lebensregeln und Lebensweisheit der alten Agypter. Leipzig:
J. C. Hinrichs, 1933. 40 p. (D)
621. Auerbach, Elias. Wiiste und Gelobtes Lande. Geschichte Israels von den
Anfiingen bis zu Tode Salomons. Berlin: K. Wolf€, 1932 [1936]. 307 p. (D)
622. Baker, George Philip. Hannibal. London: E. Nash & Grayson, 1930. 332 p.
623. Bayer, Josef. Der hfensch im Eiszeitalter. Wien: F. Deuticke, 1927.452 p. (D)
624. Bohl, Franz hi. T. Das Zeitalter Abraham. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1930.
56 P- (D)
625. Boetticher. Adolf. Olympia, das Fest und seine StPtte. 2nd ed. Berlin:
Springer, 1886. 420 p. (K)
626. Brandes, Georg. Cajus Julius Caesar. Translated by E. hlagnus. Berlin: E.
Reiss, 1918. 2 vols. (D)
627. Breasted, James Henry. A history of Egypt from the earliest times to the
Persian conquest. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1906. 634 p. (Bhl) Several
628. Breysig, Kurt. Die Vdker der ewigen Urzeit. Die Amerikaner des Nordwestens und des Nordens. Vol. I of Die Geschichte der hlenschheit. Berlin:
G. Bondi, 1907. 563 p. (K) Signed by Freud, June 11, 1907.
629. Brugsch, Heinrich Karl. Die Aegyptologie. Abriss der Entzifferungen und
Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der aegyptischen Schrift, Sprache und Alterthumskunde. Leipzig: A. Heitz, 1897. 535 p. (LC)
530. Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. A history of Egypt from the
end of the neolithic period to the death of Cleopatra VII, B.C. 30. London: K. Paul, 1902. 8 vols. (Bhl)
331. Burckhardt, Jacob. Griechische Kulturgeschichte. Berlin: W. Spemann, 18981902. 4 vols. (Iq
532. Burckhardt, Jacob. Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien. 5th ed. Leipzig:
E. A.-Seemann. 1896. 2 ~01s.(K) Signed by Freud and a bookplate.
633. Burckhardt, Jacob. Vortriige 1844-1887. 2nd ed. Basel: B. Schwabe, 1918.
485 p. (D)
534. Burckhardt, Jacob. Die Zeit Constantin’s des Grossen. 2nd ed. Leipzig:
E. A. Seemann, 1880. 456 p.
- (I;)
. .
535. Buttles, Janet R. The queens of Egypt. London: A. Constable, 1908. 250 p.
636. The Cambridge ancient history. Edited by J. B. Bury and others. Cambridge:
The University Press, 19B-1939. 12 vols. (LC)
637. The Cambridge medieval history, planned by J. B. Bury. Edited by H. hi.
Gwatkin and J. P. Whitney. Cambridge: The University Press, 1924-1936.
8 vols. (LC)
638. Creel. Herrlee Glessner. The birth of China; a survey of the formative period
of Chinese civilization. London: J. Cape, 1936. 395 p. (LC)
639. Cybulski, Stephan. Die Kultur der Griechen und R6mer. dargestellt an der
Hand ihrer Gebrauchsgegenstiinde und Bauten. Leipzig: K. F. Koehler,
1w5. 39 p. (K)
640.Dussaud, Renb. Les civilisations prbhellbniques dans le bassin de la mer
Ggke. 2nd ed. Paris: P. Geuthner, 1914. 482 p. (BM) Signed by Freud.
641. Eilers, Wilhelin. Die Gesetzesstelle Chamurabis. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
1932. 83 p. (D)
642. Ferrero, Guglielmo. Gr6sse und Niedergang Roms. Stuttgart: J. Hoffman,
1908-1910. 6 vols. (K)
643. Ferrero, Guglielmo. The women of the Caesars. London: T. F. Unwin, 1911.
337 p. (BM) Translated from the Italian. Signedby Freud in Rome, September
25, 1912.
644. Festschrift fiir Otto Benndorf. Wien: A. Hdder, 1898. 320 p. (G)
645. Freeman, Edward A. Geschichte Siciliens. Translated by B. Lupus. Leipzig:
B. G. Teubner, 1895-1901. 3 vols. (K)
646. Friedrich, Johannes. Ras Schamra tfberblick fiber Funde und Forschungen.
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1933. 38 p. (D)
647. Geiger, Abrahams. Das Judenthum und seine Geschichte bis zur Zerst6hng
des zweiten Tempels. 2nd ed. Breslau: Schletter, 1865. 188 p. (K)
648. Grabbe, Christolph Dietrich. Napoleon, oder die hundert Tage. Vol. 11
of Srimmtliche Werke. Leipzig: Reclam, 1870. 2 vols. (K)
649. Hartleben, H. Champollion. Sein Leben und sein Werk. Berlin: Weidmann,
1906. 2 vols. (K)
650. Hempel, Johannes. Politische Absicht und politische Wirkung im Bibel
Schrifttum. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1938, 48 p. (D)
651. Hommel, Fritz. Grundriss der Geographie und Geschichte des alten Orients.
2nd ed. Mirnchen: C. H. Beck, 1904.400 p. (R)Signed by Freud, hlay 27, ?
652. Jeremias, Alfred. Der Kosmos von Sumer. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1932. 28 p. (D)
653. Jones, Sir Henry Stuart. Classical Rome. London: G. Richards, 1911. 372 p.
654. Jones, Sir Henry Stuart. Companion to Roman history. Oxford: Clarendon,
1912. 472 p. (BM)
655. Josephus Judaeus, Flavius. Jfidische Altertiimer. Translated by Heinrich
Clementz. Berlin: B. Hartz, 1929-1930. 2 vols. (D)
656. Kastein, Josef. Eine Geschichte der Juden. Berlin: Rowohlt, 1931 [1933].
633 P. (D)
657.Kaulen, Franz. Assyrien und Babylonien nach den neuesten Entdeckungen.
5th ed. Freiberg: Herder, 1899. 318 p. (K)
658. Kobert, Rudolph. Ein Edelstein derVorzeit undseine kulturhistorische Bedeutung. Stuttgart: F. Enke. 1910. 45 p. (K)
659. Koldewey, Robert. Das wiedererstehende Ballylon. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs.
1914. 328 p. (D)
660. Kraus, Fritz Rudolf. Die physiognomischen Omina der Babylonier. Leipzig:
Hinrichs. 1935. 106 p. (D) Uncut.
661. Lange, Ludwig. Rbmische Altertcmer. Berlin: Weidman, 1856-1871. 3
vols. (K)
662. Lee, J. FitzGerald. The great migration. The origin of the Jewish people
and materials towards the solution of a world problem. London: Skeffington,
1932 [1933]. 266 p. (Bhl)
663. Lods, Adolphe. Isra&l, des origines aux milieu du VIIIe siecle. Paris: A.
hlichel, 1930. 603 p. (LF)
664. hlann, Heinrich. Die Jugend des KBnigs Henri quatre. Amsterdam: Querido,
1935. 624 p. (D)
665. Maspero, Gaston. Histoire ancienne des peuples de I'orient classique.
Paris: Hachette, 1895-1908. 3 vols. (BN)
666.hleyer, Eduard. Aegypten zur &it der Pyramidenerbauer. 4th ed. Leipzig:
J. C. Hinrichs, 1908. 43 p. (K)
667. hleyer. Eduard. Geschichte des Altertums. 2nd ed. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta,
1907-1915. 4 VOlS. (LC)
668. Meyer, Eduard. Die Israeliten und ihre Nachbarsthme. Halle: M. Niemeyer, 1906. 576 p. (K)
669. Mommsen, Theodor. Rljmische Geschichte. Wien: Phaidon, 1932.983 p. (D)
670. hlommsen, Theodor. Das Weltreich der Caesaren. Wen: Phaidon, 1933.
820 p. (D)
671. hloret, Alexander. Le Nil et a1 civilisation Egyptien. Paris: A. Michel, 1926
(19371. 572 p. (LF)
672. hloret, Alexander and Davy. G. Des clans aux empire. Paris: La Renaissance du Livre, 1922 [1923]. 400 p. (LF)
673. hlorley, John. Oliver Cromwell. London: Macmillan, 1900. 486 p. (BM)
674. hlotley, John Lothrop. The rise of the Dutch Republic. London: J. M. Dent,
1906. 3 vols (Bhl)
675. Ohnefalsch-Richter, hlax. Kypros. Die Bibel und Homer. Beitrlge z w
Cultur-. Kunst- und Religionsgeschichte des Orients im Alterthume. Berlin:
A. Asher, 1893. 535 p. (K)
676. Olmstead, Albert Ten Eyck. History of hsyria. New York: Scribner, 1923.
695 p. (LC)
677. Pauphilet, Albert. La roue des fortunes royales, ou la gloire &Artus, Empereur
de Bretagne. Paris: H. Piazza, 1925. 133 p. (BN) Uncut.
678. Petersen, Eugene Adolf Herman. Ara pacis Augustae. Wien: A. Hblder, 1902.
201 p. (K) Bookplate.
679. Peterson, Eugene Adolf Herman. Vom alten Rom. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann,
1898. 142 p. (K)
680. Petrie, Sir William hlatthew Flinders. A history of Egypt from the 1st to
the XVIth dynasties. Vol. I of A history of Egypt. London: hlethuen, 1894
[1899]. 6 vols. (BXI)
681. Petrie, Sir William hlatthew Flinders. The revolutions of civilization.
New York: Harper, 1911 [1922]. 135 p. (Bhl)
682. Pieper, hlax. Das iigyptische hisrehen. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1935. 89 p. (D)
683. Piur, Paul. Cola di Rienzo. Darstellen seines Lebens und seines Geistes.
Wien: L. W. Seidel. 1931. 239 p. (D)
684. Reumont, Alfred yon. Lorenzo de hledici il hlagnifico. Leipzig: Duncker &
Humblot, 1874. 2 vols. (K)
685. Roth, Cecil. The Jewish contribution to civilisation. London: hfacmillan,
1938. 357 p. (Bhl) Gift of author.
686. Roth, Cecil. hlagna bibliotheca anglo-judaica; a bibliogaphical guide to
Anglo-Jewish history. London: The Jewish Historical Society of England,
1937. 464 p. (LC)
687. Rudeck, Wilhelrn. Geschichte der Bffentlichen Sittlichkeit in Deutschland.
Jena: H. Costenoble, 1897. 447 p. (K)
688. Scherr, Johannes. Germania. Zwei Jahrtamende deutschen Lebens. 5th ed.
Stuttgart: Union, 1885. 372 p. (K) Gift of Matilda Schleister, June, 1889.
689. Schneider, Herman, Kultur und Denken der Babylonier und Juden. Vol. I1
of Entwicklungsgeschichte der hlenschheit. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1909.
665 p. (K)
690. Spinner, Saloman. Herhnft, Entstehung und antike Umwelt des hebriiischen
Volkes. Wicn: A. Tabor, 1933. 539 p. (D)
691. Steindorff, Georg. Die Bliitezeit des Pharaonenreichs. Bielefeld: Velhagen &
Klasing, 1900. 170 p. (K)
692. Steinmann, Ernst. Rom in der Rcnaissance von Nicolaus V. his auf Julius
11. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann. 1898 [1899]. 172 p. (K)
693. Theodor Herz! Jahrbuch. Edited by Tulo Nussenblatt. IVien: 1937 (U)
694. These eventful years: the twentieth century in the making, as told by many
of its makers. London: The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1924. 2 vols. (LC)
695. Thomsen, Peter. Pallstina und seine Kultur im 5. Jahrtausend. Leipzig:
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Submitted January 1. 1973
Department of Psychiotry
Untwrsity of Chicago
950 E. 59th Street
Chicago, Illinois 6 W 7